MlMr= BY TELEGRA.PB. From Washington. WASiIINGTON, March 24.—Tno Pest 01:8c3 De Joatmeal has beenl officially Informek h tht oe anuary Ist the distance betwoterminin of the Ctntral and Union Pacific Railroads was 319 miles. One Of these termini was 995 miles west of Omaha, and the other at Carlo, 445 miles east of Sacramento. On the Ist of 'February. thy Control road had been extended to Elko, 23 miles cast of Carlin; oh the 25th of February extended to Wells, 55 miles east of Elko; on the 24th of March, the Union Pacific has been extended to Ogden, west of Evanston, 85 miles, and the Cen tral to Lucca, east of We 115,74 miles thus leaving a gap of only 82 miles to be filled in order to mile the two Pacific roads. From Aspinwall. NEW YORE, March 24.—The steamship Ocean Queen, from Aspinwall the 19th, has arrived,with $lOB,OOO in treasure from California. There is no news of importance from the Isthmus, except that the 'President of Panama offers for sale the exclusive right to sell ice on the Isthmus. The gunboat Nipsic had sailed for Carthagons. SARATOGA, March 24.—A fire which occurred here last night invo'ved a loss of $BO,OOO. The chiet losers are O'Neill & Tighe, velocipede rink; First National Bank, P. Durkee & Sons, books and stationery, and Van Densen Brothers, dry goods. The insurance covers two-thirds of the loss. Marine Inteilagrenee, raw Venn, March 24.—Arrived, steamship Minne sota, from Liverpool. Sex Faknoiseo, March 211.—Arrived, ship Macedon, from Manilla; sailed, ship Free Trade. for Baker's Island via Honolulu. The Prince of Wales sailed from Victoria, March 19,h, for London. March 23,—Arrived, eh'', Lady Heathcote, from Liverpool ; sailed, ships Edith for Liverpool, and In trepid for Calla?. olnarkable Result of a Trial for Murder in Maryland. ' (From the Baltimore American, March 23.1 On Christmas Eve last, at Cumberland, Md., a gang of ruffians broke into the Colored Meth odist Church in that city, where a fair was being held by the members of the congregation, and, without any _provocation, murdered a colored man named Wesley Ross, who was attending the fair with his wife and child. The assassins and their accomplices, "ultra nigger-haters" and ac tive Democratic partisans, wore arrested, taken before a magistrate, and during their examination deliberately walked oil of the Magistrate's office. The State's Attorney had them again taken into custody, and George W. Sills and John McGirr were indicted by the Grand Jury of Allegany county for murder, and another of the gang, Thomas Sammons, was tried there on the charge of assault with intent to kill, but was acquitted. With this fact be fore him, and it being evident that justice would not be awarded the alleged murderers, and a fair trial had in Allegany, the State's Attorney had the cases of McGirr and Sills removed to the Circatt Court of Washington county, whore the trial, if such it can be called, took place last week. The witnesses for the prosecution were nearly all colored per sons, but they had been eyewitnesses to the tragedy. One testified to having seen Sills and McGirr enter the church - on the night of the murder—Sills with a knife in his hand, and McGirr with a razor. This testimony was cor roborated by several persons. Three witnesses, who were standing in the immediate vicinity of the murdered man, testified to having seen "Sills cut Ross," and to McGirr striking him immedi ately afterward, and jumping upon and tramp ling his body when be fell to the floor from loss of blood. Upon this indisputable testimony the State rested its case. The evidence for the pri soners was that principally of the parties who were engaged in the outrage. They testified that "a strange man" entered the church with them, and they saw him leave after the murder was ac complished. Of course they did net know who the "stzange man' was. It will hardly be be lieved, in the face of positive testimony as to the guiltof the prisoners, that a Washington county jury, after thirty minutes' deliberation, rendered a verdict of "not guilty," and let these ruffixas again Those upon society. rPtiwo rtn w 4141 DEATH OF A Pitomisterrr Crrizur.—We regret to record the death of Mr. Alexander IL Wentz ehaw, which occurred at hie residence, this morn ing. Mr. Walkinahaw has been in for several years past, bat his death was very un expected, as he was engaged in his regular business as recently as last Monday evening. Mr. Walkinshaw has been widely-known in Philadelphia ever since the organization of roe Republican party, as one of Its most active and useful members. He was closely Identified with the "workingmen" among ice Republicans .f Philadelphia. He has occupied many positions of importance and mponsloidity among which was the Deputy Collectorship of the port, under Col. Wm. B. Thomas. He was one of the secretaries of the National Union Club, and also in several campaigns of the City Executive Committee. Since the last general election, he . has been earnestly engaged in the prosecution of the contested election cases, and has rendered important services in that relation. Mr. Walkinshaw was a gentleman who won strong friends, on all sideaby his quiet, pleasant, but earnest manners, and his devoted adherence to the principles which ho adopted at his en trance upon manhood. His sudden death will be deeply regretted by a very large circle of perso nal friends And political associates. SUCCESSFUL SWINDLING OPERATIONS.—SamueI Wattson was arrested yesterday, at Ninth and Green streets, by Policeman Dunlap, of the Eighth District, upon the charge of of obtaining money and goods under false representations. He seems to have been operating quite exten sively. Hie plan has been to make purchases, and direct the articles to be sent to certain places. Upon the arrival of the goods he would tell the messenger that he would have to return to the store and get the change to make the diffrirence between the amount of the bill and a *2O note. When the change was brought, Wattson would take it, pretend to go into the office to get hie greenback, and then disappear, leaving the messenger minus his money. Ho never took the articles purchased. At the hear ing before Ald. Massey several charges were pre ferred against him. From F. C. Hamill, No. 900 Spring Garden street, ho purchased a trunk and pocketed $l4 50; from Wilhelm Schneider, dealer to woodenware, No. 723 North 'Second street, ho got $l6 07; from J. G. Kohler, dealer in wooden ware, No. 511 North Second street, $l6 75; from Thomas Brothers, hardware store, Ridge avenue and Green streets, $l6 75; from John Att. Melloy, tinsmith, 723 Market street, $l7, and from George Fries, tinsmith, No. 814 FtWeri,Bl.reet, $2O. Mr. Frter3's messenger bad the full amount of change, and passed it to Wattson, expecting that his bill would be paid out of it. The accueed was held in $4,000 bail to answer al court. A DESPERATE FELLow.—Johnson Kelley, who frequently gets into the hands of the police on different charges, amused himself last evening by assaulting nearly every person who passed along Locust street between Eighth and Ninth. One old, infirm colored man was struck in the back and was severely Injured. In 60010 instances the assault was returned, and Kelley got his,tioad pretty well punched two or three times. He was finally arrested by two policemen, but he made a desperate resistance, and it required the greatest exertions of the officers and two citizens to get him to the Station-House. On the way Mr. John Bumm, one of the citizens, was pretty roughly handled by the prisoner. Kelley will have a hearing at the Central Station this afternoon. iticrrot a COMM( 'T.—Dennis Mead, Philip Thomas, Charles Alexander and John Alexander were before Ald. Kerr last evening, upon the char e of breach id the peace. It seems that they went into the saloon of Mr. Philip J. Lauber, on fifth Street, above Chestnut, and indulged in re eral glasses of beer. They were about leaving thout settling the bill, and Mr. Lauber remon t3i ated. Thir led to a disturbance, and Thomas k ocked a hole through the large and valuable OEB in the door of the house. Reserve Of iker and Rollings were rent for and arrested the party. The prisoners were held in $5OO bail. FtounsmY.—The house of Patrick Finley, No. 700 Pine street, Was entered last evening, as is euppmed, through a front second-story window, which was reached by climbing up the awning post on the sidewalk. The• drawers of the bureaus were ransacked, and tr o m one in the third-B'ou , a gold watch and 6152 were stolen. Stairway Roantsny.--John Quinn and.Charies /ham were arrested yesterday on'Fitler street, below Second, upon the charge of highway rob bery. It is alleged that on Sunday morning they attacked a gentleman who was walking with a child along Second street, near Berke, knocked him down and robbed him of his watch and At a hearing this morning before Alder man Heins, the prisoners were fully identified as the robbers, and were committed for trial. °minus WANTED.—The Fifth District Police desire an owner for a horse-blanket found at Broad and Spruce streets. At the Second Dis trict Station House there is a firkin of butter. which is supposed to have been stolen, and was found in an alley on Monroe street, near Second. TAB LINCOLN INSTITIITION.—President Grant has paid the Lincoln Institution of this city the compliment of appointing its Captain. _Joanna Kendall Dexter, a midshipman "at large" of the United States Navy. Tim ITALIAN OPERA SEASON—OLARA LOUISE KELLOGG AND MAD. LA GRANGE.-..The brief sea son of opera commencing on the 31st proximo promises to be one of the most brilliant upon re cord, and will doubtless be a notable one, from the fact that the very limited period of nine nights will witness the farewell operatic repre sentation of two of the greatest luminaries of the lyric stage. Miss Clara Louise Kellogg, America's gifted bird of song, whose warblings have both entranced the admirers of music in this land and the old world, will once more charm ns by her rendition of the 7 61 e of "Marguerite," in Gounod's Faust; will again fascinate the lovers of the di vine art by her arch personation of "Zorlina," in Don Giovanni; will once more lead us captive when she gives us "Annetta" in Crispin() ala Ca maro, and then she will leave us for other climes, where she will find, doubtless, admirers true, but none more warm-hearted or generous than those of her own native laud. Another fact that will make this too brief sea son ono to be remembered, will be, that Madathe Anna De La Grange. who has proved herself to be a marvel of vocal power and histrionic talent, will make her final appearance on the operatic boards in this city (she will leave New York on the 16th of April); it therefore behooVes every admirer of artists of the calibre of La Grange to embrace the last opportunity which will be afforded them of seeing this eminent prima donna in her greatest ride, th at of "Fides," in La Prophile, which will be given in Philadelphia for the drat time in many years. This operatic revival, La Prophete, promises to be very brilliant, as we are informed that the same care and elaboratenas which characterized its representation east will mark its reproduction here. Other novelties are promised; among them, Belisario and La Gaze•J Lodra. The subscription for the nine opera nights opens to-morrow (Thursday). MAKE yourself perfectly at home to-morrow at Oak Hall. Walk right in as if you belonged there, and roam all over the building at your pleasure. Examine everything you want to,and see the good clothes that the r es t of the people of Philadelphia are going to wear, even U you are not. The sslesmen in attendance will answer any questions you may put to them as to prize. materials, &e., but you will not be asked or ex pected to make any purchase. TEE SECOND REFORMED CHERCII. - Res. Robert A. Browne, recently of Hams.lawn. Maryland, and formerly of Chicsgo, h.a.s bees ce copying the pulpit of the fit-cmd. Churcb, on Wedrcsdav evenings, s!lace the re signation of Rev. Mr_ Talmage. As s Bitat ex pounder, Mr. Browne ranks Li h. zrk'rne. of scripture being clear and ccosr:—... s recent revival in New Jersey, this ctrl was *iv/mental in bringing into Vas eanrcla large number of periceiis. —Not lotz ago. it toy= t-x house, Ute ireekre-m , are I shesm. board, La trim vet !- f,:, - zad. a “.w.. -72q cd tax: motes ard j•eare-Ir tz deed pourts. It Is team!! =az"tits L. , tittits lad cot Ledree eft= :Ix. Lint ,rem•-•*. —Wt.:4s. 'ace Strf. Ina.l ise Thru. - Tr - TTEsiStterria r - , c" Sksts itslesn bts.atfk+f fait raw !magmas" - bali-inc.rt, Smite ins 'h"diUnt g rem t ergs c , , Pwrt as Elust atunt via ), rest2A2 ertar..-aanta Zro Lam --Trie pry. 4 Ez t irai Rim i tt 4invitt Gi i Y :V O"TCE . 'eta AacaTr .sins lcr z. mr - Z1 tee . a :tat Mt moans sit 'Arra liMlll=3 it :11,- .1.7.111C.Leu pitefile 6:r Cie nm me st xualiti,f lautu, ro=tiic assn, 1 cauft [ring teroli , q.riee than :hem 'a , raz . .. 4:fr.2c fo. ,^ 2r airreir• T e ed: a :a4Tr.. var CUE lit pc= c+ g. No elta ae * Saud aaza ite Azzatc.,s, ot Plinidt,t - Als.. ti "zew•ei rat ss cox — StorA -- y rs ti.a. a: sfYe rer7 t • if i: trettts om pi.2l TaL7 CP.EPPEZi & NEADDC— No. 11.5 Satth vele beicrw Chemt Etre. et, arto:esale ar.o3 fa =l.-' l 'y grocers, have i'.:2l!". !sal in a fine stock c freak grc..- cert, eumpriving all the he:cm-gin . iv to the trade, which they are offering at dersb'.y reit , :ed prices. Their stock of foreign cheese is nanstaLty first. New crop green and black teas of the choicest guaLty ; good plain Oolong tea as low as .S 5 cents per lb., tru„, cured hams, dried beef and tongoet of the tines; brands; W. G. family floor (the finest in tin country) always on hand; New 'folic Goshen tratter in small tubs; Bethlehem and New York buckwheat meal; sardines, peas, mushrooms, corn, peaches, toma toes, asparagus, beans, and all kinds of canned vege tables and fruits, warranted the best in the market. All goods sold at wholesale prices, when taken in un broken p ckagee, and delivered free of charge to any part of the city. We would advise our trleads to give ;hem a call. GENERAL USE.—Colgate's Toilet Soap Is found in more families than any other soap. Sold by all drug gista.—Pattsburgh Presbyterian Banner. GREAT BARGAINS IN FINE BOOTS AND GAITERS. --Ma. Cneumss Eioum., the Fashionable Bootmaker, N 0.1504 North Eightn street, above Buttonwood, has a small stock of elegantly made Boots and Gaiters, dif fering slightly from the present style, which he is offering at a great reduction. Call and see them, as be intends to close them out immediately. HOT-ootisit Strawberries and hot-house Grapes ere among the latest attractions at Mr. A. L. Van -mire, the fashionable confectioner of our city, at Ninth and Chestnut. NOT on Thursday only, but every day, the ,übllc will be shown through the immense anti well elected stock of SPIIING CLOTHING at CH MILER STOKER & CO.'S ly polite and gentlemanly salesmen, who give every atero ion to gentlemen, whether they wish to purchase to examine and compare our stock with others in tn.. city. A cordial invitation is extended to all. CHOCOLATE EASTIM EGGS, Chocolate Wafers, Chocolate Caramels, and all Choco late preparations manufactured by Whitman & Co., Chestnut street. WIC ABE now closing out our winter stock, prior togetling our large spring stock. Those in ,int of bargains. notice. Charles Oakford & Sons, under the Continental. HOT CROM BUNS, treeh every day through Lent. Morten, 902 and 904 Arch street. QUIET and soothe the pain of children teething . — Ure bower's Infant Clordial. Sold by all Drugglata. CORNS, Bunions, Inverted Nails, skillfully rested by Dr. J. Davidson ,No. 916 Chestnut street. 'barges moderate. Wu ARR now closing oat our winter stock, prior to getting our large spring stock. Those In want of bargains, notice. Charlea Oakford & Sons, under the Continental. DEAFNESS, BLINDNESS NiA CATARRH. J. tames M. D.. Professor of the Eye and Ear treats all diseases appertaining to the above members with the utmost success. Testimonialefrom the most reliable sources in the city can be seen at this office, No. 1306 Arch street. The medical faculty are invited to accompany their pattents,as he has no secrets In his practice. Artificial eyes inserted. No charge made for examination. BURGIOAL INBTRUIIIKNTB and druggists' etkn driea. SNOWDEN & BRoTtraa, 23 South Blehth strPet. 1911AB1NE BIJUIXTIN. PORT OF PHILADELPHIA—MAuou 24 os - Bee Marine Bulletin en Inside Pao% ARRIVED THIS DAY. Steamer Richard Willing, Cundlit 18 hours from Balt!. more, with mdse to A. Groves, Jr. Bohr W B Morgan, Low, 6 days from Seaford, Dol. with lumber to Collins & Co. Bohr It J Capron. Cooley. 6 days from Salitbdry, Md. with lumber to Collins di Co. Bch, ttobt Franicilm Glovor,lo days from Norfolk, with ►umber to Collins & Cu. TUE DAILY EVENOI4.BtLLETIN-PHILADFALi*IA,-*..EpNip4:# Behr Vandalia: Canipbtll. '3 days from Letosic. Del. with grain to Joe E Palmer. Behr Peas I. Brown. Belem. " Behr J Moore. iiichersen. Boston: Behr Clio. Drano o. ESllivdle two IN itham gi James. Outten. Seaford. DeL Behr Geo raleAid , tio..Pro p x rid us u e i noe.' curautz OA x: Brig hi E Pennell. Eaton' Savannah. , Scott. Walter Sr Co. Behr Agnes Rops Her. McFadden:him wich, do Behr Irdw Ewing, Modilinden., do do Behr T W White, Smith. Belem' do Behr .11 11 Wilson. Llama. © y n ale J Rommol . Jr. dc Bro Bohr 11 i.radey.idehlonagle,New Haven, Preston Coal Co. BchrjameeH Moore, ilSickmeolL Boston, Caatner. clack. 32431 Ji Wellington. schr CIL . Brannin, Street & Co. MEMORAND.II. Ship Grey Eagle. Coffin, sailed from Rio Janeiro 17th nit for itattinmre. Ship Stratton Audley (Br). Smith. from Calcutta 9th Dec.'-at New York yesterday, with linseed. (km ; Ship Criterion, Sheldon, from Boston for San Francisco. sailed from Rio Janeiro illat ult. to resume her voyage. The C bad twice put back to itio Janeiro. Ship Record (Br). Calhoun. cleared at New Orleans 19th inst. for Liverpool. with 8127 bales cotton and 8000 staves Steamer Prometheus. Gray hence at Charleston yea today. Pteamer City of Port an Prince. Jackson. cleared at N York vesteraay for Port au Prince. Steamer Bienville. Baker. cleared at New Orleans 19th inst. for New York via Havana. Bark,Union, Skinner, from New,York which put into Rio Janeiro with rudoer damaged. repaired and sailed for Sao Francisco9th ult. Bark eon Elizabeth. Norgrave. hence at Barbados 87th ult. d Palled 10th inst. for N/Waesih Bark John Boulton (Br). Lindsey. called from Rio Ja- neiro 210 ult. for Baltimore. • Bark Montego. BO days from Rio Janeiro, was going up to New Orleans 19th inst. Bark Washington Butcher. Nickerson. at Rio Janeiro Bid ult. for New York, with old iron. Bark Leah (Br), Jacques. for Oda port, remained at Buenos Ayres 10th ult Bark Wmnefred, McLeod. for Baltimort, pat back to Rio Janeiro Ilth ult. Barks Damon. Wilkins. and Isabel. Moody. cleared at Buenos Ayres 10th ult. for New York. Brig Torrent. Gould. at Buenos Ayres 10th nit for Bam pton Roads. Bohr Trade Wind, for Wilmington. DeL sailed from Charleston yesterday. Bohr Lottio Beard. Perry. hence at I ighton 31st inst. Bohr Addle M Chad. ielt. Coati. sailed from Providence 82d lust . for Ivigtut. Green land. UNION PACIFIC It R. FIRST MORTGAGE 30-TEAR WX PER CENT. For Ws at Po and Aoarued burnt DEPEN&BRO. Dealers in Goseammarit &nunlass, Gold. &a, NO. 49 SOUTH THIRD STREET. ~:~~, s rpoo., 000 E.MI FEB GENT. GOLD BONDS, The hair. Sagstraibr and Mississippi Rawiread Company. They axe &Finn ISseftsger tinklng Fund Bond evitintmilig 4upy„illi I 1113 CI OM UM, And by the Railroad. Ha Rolihnt Stock and the Fran. chisel of the Company. A Doable Reentity and First Clan Investment PRESENT PRICE, PAR AND ACCRUED INTEREST Gold. Government Bonds and other Stocks received in payment at their highest market price. Pamphlets and full information given on application to E. W. CLARK & CO., No. 35 South Third Street, Pfecal A Genie of the Lake Superior and MiBBiBBtlMi River Rained company. mb 10 60trp• siffljtoL , Important Annonmement. NEW CARRIAGES! At 712 Samara Street, Philadelphia MeLEAR SHIsIDALL Will keep a splendid assortment of good, strong and well, finished CARRIAGE 3 always on hand, to which they invite the attention of all desiring to purchwo. Call at 712 BANl3olslstreet before purchasing elsewhere. ml4O s w 28trp3 T°wriPTERB OF FICTION .— A FIRBT-UL ABS BEN• entional &Serial Story, upon an American subject, to wanted. Addreee, by letter, P. & D., EvEartrio RU LEVI( Unice. mh24.3trp• EUGENE DE KIEFFEIVB RIDING BOROOD. Dugan street. below Spruce. between Fifteenth and Sixteenth etreete, will be reopenNl on Mon day. Beptember 21et.,1868. nih2o4m.rp4 REMOVAL. ADDISON DUTTON, AROIIITEOT, HAS REMOVED FROM (12 b UtiTil SEVENTH 13T, TO CM WALN UT STEP, k.T, mhb•f•w-6trp Third Floor, Philadelphia. MAGAZIN DEB BIODEB ISAAU NATIIANS. AIIO lONEER, N. E. CORNER Third and Spruce streets. only one square below the Exchange. $260,0te totem]. In large °remelt amounts. on diamonds. sliver plate, watches, owetry, and all Rondo of vatue. Office hours from 8A.M.t07 1' M. 110" . Estab. Ilehed for the hot forty years Advances made in large amounts at the lowest market rates, lab tiro IMPERIAL FRENOR PRUNEB.—M) CARES IN: TIN cannisters and fancy boxes. Imported bad (or Isle by JOB. b. BOSSIER & CO.. 108 Boath Delawaro Aveuuo. =MIZE= CFOEIk Et4DNEOS, Thirty Vanes to Ran, 2115 - 113=0 MS Fme cf E=Eth:xl 51.6; Tax. In erer9 nNreCt. yielding in Currency nearly Ten Per Cent. Per Annum. JAY COOHE & CO.. No. 114 South Third Street. CALEILRIAGISS. wAlwro. RIDING SCHOOL. HEIROV A I. 1014 WALNUT STREET MRS. PROCTOR. Cloaks, Walking Suite, Bilks, Drams Goode, Taco Shawls, Ladies` Undorclothing and Ladles' Furs. Dresses mode to moaeure in Twenty-four Hours. B lla • H II: [Prom Diete.neatory of the United Ottawa BIOSMA CRENATA-BUORII LEAVES PROPERTIES.—Their odor is strong, diffustvo and ecinewt a: tromatie, their taste bitterish and mato gotta to mint. MEDICAL PROPERTIES AND USES.—Bacha leaves are gently stimulant, will a pectittar cencieney to the Urinary Organ, They are given in complaints of the Urinary Organs; snob ea Gravel, Chronic Catarrh of the Bladder, Mor- bid Irritation of the Bladder and ifrotha, Disease of the Prostrate Gland. and Retention or Incontinence of Urine. from a loss of tone In the parts concerned a Its evacuation. The remedy has also been recom- mended in Dyspepsia, Chronic Rheumatism, Cutano- se A Itecti( n and Dropsy. DISEASES OF THE BLADDER, KIDNEYS, DRAW L AND DROPSMAL SWELLINGS.—Tbis medicine it creases the power of Digestion, and ex c tes the Absorbents Into healthy action, by which he Watery or Calcareous depositions!, and all Unna oral Enlailements are reduced as well as Pain and I n flammation. 1333,LMBOLD'S EXTRACT 81101111 has cared every ease of Diabetes in whteh It has been give,. frets- doe of the Neck of the Bladder, and Inflammation o the Kidneys, Ulceration of the Kidneys and Bladder Retention of the Urine, Diseases of the Prostrate Gland, Stone in the Bladder, CaJanine, Gravel, Brick Dust Deposit, and MUMS or Milky Discharges. and for enfeebled and delicate constitutions, of both sexes, attended with the following symptoms: Indisposition to Exertion, Loss of Power, Lose of Memory, Difil culty of Breathing, Weak Nerves, Trembling Horror of Disease, Wakefulness, Dimness of Vision Pain in the back, Hot Hands, )71nshing of the Body Drynees of the Skin, Eruption on the Face, Pallid Countenance, Universal Lassitude of the Mnacular System, &C. 13 - I MBOLD'S EXTRACT SUCIIU to Diuretic and Blood Purifying, and ours ill Diaoiu3es arising from ha' its of dladpation, ox , A saes and Imprudences in Ile, impurities of the Blooe, licc. Bold by all Dru ;gists and Dealers everywhere Beware of counterfeits. Aek for Helmbold's. Take no other. PRICE-$t 26 per bottle, or 6 bottles for $6 60. Delivered to any address. D3seribe symptoms In all communications, Address, H. T. HELMBOLDi 594 BROADWAY, N. it. And MN 104 Routh Tenth Street. PHILADELPHIA. . cm — NONE ARE GENUINE UNLESS DONE r/P IN steel -engraved wrapper, tviihfao-sitnfle of my Chemi- cal Warehouse, and signed ROH 24.1869. GRAND DISPLAY OF S'TRIPE I , PLAIN AND MIXED POPLINS , FOB BORING • At A. & B. ISARTEIO.I4OII , IEVII'S , • . One-Price Dry . Goods and Notioa•House. No: 23 North 'Eighth Street, ti m .m een t i s,, Plaid Matins. Rare f:311-111„ 85 cents: - , Camistiss and Jaeonets. titripe F opllns. 88 cents, ' • Hosiery. Unenlidkrs „ corts Towels, Napkins, Gloves. . r i kti P pe e pe oP p l up in t w 44 . Jonvin's iota Nid,Gloves—new shades, 1 1 1 Setin St& ipe Poplins, s_l. 00; Chestnut street prim% el 25. •• u 2 1 4 , Ono ease iaorded and Istri_pod Yiques (pew styles.) , One j"eP ost h se Corded and One ease Pihite Figured Pistils. I& 111. STK 45 . GO in Neu. • mhlB sin wU RICKEY, SHARP Sz CO. DRY Gr- CD CO ro Ss, Their stook is the most extensive and varied in ois market, and will be daiiy replenished with the cheapest end choicest offerings of this and other markets. mb24 4trp • MOURNING GOODS, Every variety for Spring. We make- this clam of Goole A ISPEOIALTY: PERKINS & CO., 9 SOUTH NINTH STREET. mhfi f m w Bm4PO 1869. CENTRAL 1869. CLOTH EMPORIUM. MEN•B COATINGB. FANCY CABBIMEREB. BLACK CLOTHS. BLACK DOESKINe. BOYS• GOODS. STRAWBRIDGE &CLOTHIER respeethdlY announce that during the season now opening.they Provost') to offer the largest stock and moat attractive assortment of all amds of Cloths that they have ever offered. Being de• termined to make our house the Central Emporium for this description of goods, we have collected for the pre. sent season every desirable style and make of Cloths that the market presents for Our Stock of Ladies• Cloaxings in Particular la very extensive. and bought at the manufactorerot lowest cash rates. It will be to the interest of all who intend to buy this kind ef goods during the coming season to call on us. as we offer by far the largest assortment to be found, and at prices that cannot be surpassed anywhere. We invite dealers. both city and country. to examine our stock, as our prices are as low as the same goods can be sold In whole packages by any wholesale house. while we offer many !tyke that are confined exclusively to ourselves. STRAWBRIDGE &CLOTHIER COMER EIGHTH IND PURIM STREET/. K .4 1 t LINEN STORE, IP SaS A rch Streent, NEW LINEN DRESSES' New and Belutifrd PRINTED LINEN CAMBRICS Received by lad Reamer from Europe. AND EFUSE-FIF , NISHING DRY GOOlB. Persons preparing to furnish, as well as those about to renew their supply of LINENS and other BOUSE•FURNISHING DRY GOODS, are particularly invited to call and inspect our stock We do not confine our trade to LINEN or COTTON GOODS exclusively, but embrace in R every variety of textile fabric required for do mestic tise in a well-ordered howehold, from a COOK'S TOWEL to a DR WING-ROOM CURTAIN. The convenience and advantage to a purchaser of finding under ono roof every article they re quire, selected by those whose life-long expe rience qualifies them to judge, bought on tho most favorable terms, and sold at a. fair, moderate price, fixed anuniforsit to oZ, is so obvious as to need no comW"ent. Sheppard, Van Harlingen & Arrison, U. T. lIEIJU?OLD 727 CHESTNUT STREET-. Ire offering great bargains In Embracing the latest ne►eitles In DRESS GOODS. LADIES' CLOAKING'S. MIXED CLO rag, PLAIN CLOTEIS, FANCY CLOTHS. OPERA CLOTH& SPRING WEIGHT vmverszNe. BUYER QUALITY Ladles, Noire and Boy ems. Central Cloth Emporium. LINENS A CARD. Na. 1008 QUEST NUT street. naafi:a w tarp BLACK SILKS ,BLACK BILKS! e MARKET a ----AO * NINTH. NtP 4 6 • IP * & r Gros Grain. Drap do Lyons. Lyons Taffetas. Drap do Prance. -Cachmere do Franco. Amorioan Grim Grain. American Poniard. An eh sant lino of BICH BLACK BILIES. from 51 00 to ef. OS, 1 ought at Auction. and of Importers direct. Prices aro much under the average. 8 1 , Fourth and Arch._ C. KEEP A STOOK OF DRY GOODS ADAPTED TO THE DAILY WANTS OP FAADLIES. FULL STOCK OP FRENCH GOODS. FULL STOCK OP BRITISH GOOD& STOOK OP AMERICAN GOOD% smAWLS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL.. BLACK SILKS 0F THE MT GRADES IMPORTED. cr•tt THE HAMPDEN MILLS Would call the atter.tkne of buyer, to theft ariston Ginghams, The Flneß, Beet Perfect, Beet lrintithett, • Beet Folded, BIM lIIIDE IN ANINIIICA• Alto. to that omortatent of HEAVY AND LIGHT COT'TONADES AND TICKING% . t 1, FROT HINGHAM & WELLS, 6tO CHESTNUT STREET. Pi I IL&DELPIIIIL CLDTEILMOI JONES' 00NM-PRICE CLOTHING HOUSE, 004. MARKET STREET, PHJLADELFHIA. First Class Ready-Made Clothing, Ride able for all Seasons, constantly on hand. Also, a Handsome Line of Piece Goods for Custom Work GEO. W. NIEidANN, Proprietor. CARD.—Raving sold to Mr. GEO. W. ME MANN the Stock, Good-Will and Fixtures of No. 604 Market street, he will hereafter conduct tho business on his own account. As ho has managed the establishment for the past five years, I am fully warranted In commending the competency , of Mr. Nlemann, and trust ho will receive a liberal share of the public patronage. JNO. WANAMAKEE. ELASTW P I ONGE. Pennsylvania Elastic Sponirc 00. 1 Chestnut Street, Philadelphla , ELASTICSPONGE,_ A SUBSTITUTE FOR CURLED HAIR FOR ALL UPHOLSTERY PURPOSES CHEAPER THAN TRI FEAHERS OR HALE . AND FAR SUPER. ,_PleLithtekt , Softest and most Elastic and Durable ravels a a , PILLOI . O_AF, CARRIAGE AND CHAIR C autusa is enure" indestructih perfectly clean and Dee from duet. IT DOES NOT PACE AT ALL Is always free from Insect Wet la • perfecto healthy. and for the mien Is unequaled. If soiled in any way; can be renovated quicker and sealer Wan any other Mattress. 13pe.attetion aaven to • • FURNISHING CHURCHES, HALLS. &e. Railroad a men are especially invited to examine the Cushion EInEN SATISFACTION GUA teTEED. THE TRADE SUP? O. m w f CARPETIntiS, &c. SPRING. 1869. LEEDOM' & SHAW, 910 ARCH STREET. We are now receiving a very large stock of new goods for SPRING SALES, • Embracing all the new styles of OABFETINGO, • FLOOR OIL CLOTS% MATTING% &o. mhs gin re§ ISEWING INAOMPIEtb. . Saddlers, itorsiess-Blhikers, tumors of Ciothilig, Boots, Shoot*. 4! c Will find it to their interest to use our UNRIVILLAD MACHINE TWIST and the "Milford Linen Th oat," Manotactured expressly , for ue from Abe boot atonal and warranted a superior article. THE lIHIGEK HOU , ACTIHNIVG CORP Manufactures and Pronrietore of the BINGES SEWINGI MACHINE, NO. 1 100 OHLS is ire Street. wya lyre - WM. E. COOPER,' Agent. XFABKING WITH INDELIBLE INK, ERLltturn 1 'in lug, Braiding. btamping, dr,c. M. A. TORRY. Filbort otroet.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers