THE APRIL MAGAZINES. The Galaxy . .—No magazine conldbe nom= I Monplace which embodied so vigorous a noyel as Charles Reade's new story; 'Tut ;Yourself in His Place," is proving to be. Flung, like most of - - Reade's magnificent , ' invectives, at one of the crying scandals of the'day, the protest in the new romance is as superior, in realistic and condensed power, to most of his old philippics, as the mob-despotism of the British trades-unions is more odious than the WorSt - abuses of legitimate authority. The present chapter containing a situation illus. trifefivirof s bur opinion, we will quote the catastrophe; the hero, Henry Little, is Reade's old hero,, eternally museular, resourceful and gymnastics]: ' THE AMEN/TIES OF THE TRADES•UNIONS Henry found, one morning, two huh panes of glass broken in his window. In these hardware works the windows seldom or never open ; air is procured in all the rooms by the primitive method of breaking a pane here, and a pane there; and the general effect is as un sightly as a human mouth where teeth and holes alternate. The incident, therefore, was nothing, If it had occurred in any other room ; but it was not a thing to pass over in this room, secured by a Bratuah lock, the key of which was In Henry's pocket; the panes must have been broken from .the outside. lt occurred to him directly that a stone bad been thrown Lu 'With another threaten log scrawl. But, casting his eye all round, he saw nothing of the kind about. Tlaen, for a moment, a graver suspicion crossed his mind , ';' might not some detonating substanca, 'et re 'nature to explode when trodden upon, have been flufig in ? 'Hillsborough excelled in devil -Wee nithiti Henry thought of his mother, and would not treat the matter lightly or unsuspiclonsly. Be 'stood edit till he had lighted a lucifer match, at d _examined the floor of hie room. Nothing. Be lighted a candle and examined all the . premises,. Nothing. But, when he brought his candle to the win " , ddw, he made a discovery; the window had two vertical iron uprights, about three-quarters of an inch in circumference.; and one of these revealed to tits quick eye a bright horizontal line. It had been sawed with a fine saw. APparently en attempt had been made to enter blares:sm trom outside. The next question was, had that attempt sue - :teeded ?' Me tried the bar; it was quite cut through. He locked the forge up directly, and went to hie handling room. There he remained till Mr. ; Cheetham entered the works; then he went to him, and begged him to visit his forgo. Cheotbam came direetly,and examined the place carefully. He negatived, at once, the notion that any Hillsborough band bad been noble to saw through ,a bar of that moderate thickness. "No," said he, "they were disturbed, or else some other idea struck them all of a sudden; or else they 'hadn't given themselves time, and are coming `again to-morrow.' hope they are. By six -o'clock' to-night, I'll have a common wooden 'shutter hting with six good hinges on each side, - easy to open at the centre; only, across the con. Ire, fix a Waterloo cracker inside." "A Waterloo cracker!" • ."Ay,' but such a one as you never saw. I shall make it myself. It shall be only four in ches long, but as broad as my hand, anti enough oletonating powder in it to blow the shutter fifty to the airone and, if there should be of fee t b ` - b ehind the shutter at the time,why J e'li obson's huts learn and naught to pay for wings.' the man's death!" "Why, sir. you are "And what is he planning ? Light your forgo, and leave the job to me. I'm Hillsborough too; and thev've put my blood up at last." :orge, Mr. Cheatham whipped out a rule and measured the window exactly. 'This done, he went down the Stahl, and croSerd the yard to go to his office. But. More he could enter it, a horrible thine occurred in the room he had just left; so horri ble, it made him, brave tie he was, turn and scream like a woman. Home miscreant, by a simple but ingenious means, which afterward transpired, had mixed a quantity of gunpowder with the smithy-slack or line cinders of Henry's forge. The moment the 'forge was hot, the powder ignited with a tre mendope thud, a huge mass of flame rushed out, driving the coals with it like shot from a gun; Henry, scorched, blackened, and blinded, was swept, as by a flaming wind, against the oppo 'site wall; then, yelling, and stark mad with fright (for nothing drives men cut of their wits like an explosion in a narrow space). he sprang at the window, bead foremost, and with such velocity, that the sawed iron snapt like a stick of barley sugar, and out he went head foremost; and this it was made Cheetham scream, to see him head downwards, and the paving-stones. below. But the. aperture was narrow;., his body Went flying througtivtint his right arts,went 'Mend the unbroken upright, and caught "It in the bend of the elbow. Then Cheetham roared, on, Little ! Bold on, I tell goal" The scared brain of a man accustomed to obey received the command almost without the mind: and the grinders and forgers, running wildly into the yard, saw the obnoxious workman, black as a cinder, from head to foot, bleeding at the face from broken glass, hanging up there by one hand, moaning with terror, and looking down with dilating eye, while thick white smoke rushed curling out, as if his body was burning. Death by suffocation was at his back, and broken bones awaited him below. Charles Reade, however, is not alone in his fictive glory. Mrs. Edwards's delightful story, "Susan Fielding," continues, and the immense following of Mrs. Southworth ("un doubtedly the best female novelist," &c., as we have BO often tried to convince the public) Will have found a romance after their own heart, and quite obliterative of Mr. Reade, in Mrs. Austin's tale "Cipher," which sets stormily in the supplement to the April number. To a better purpose is the plain prose of Dr. Draper,who advises that class of the carnivore named homo what quality of his fellow-animals he had better select to prey on. The Doctor's counsel on fish and flesh-eating is partly to the following effect : POISONOUS ANIMAL FOOD - - _ The food that is most liable to produce syrup. toms of poisoning, even though it may seem to be good, is shellfish. They occasionally cause great distress, attended by cramps and an erup tion on the skin resembling nettle rash. Such symptoms supervene in from ten minutes to twenty hon after eating the articles in question, and are atcompanied frequently by great eans tion and debility. Death has occurred in bort i:v i a tame us three hours If the vomiting is It the Offerer penally recovers. In some instances Where shell-Sell have been taken from docks or ship's bottoms, it has been suspected that they have been contaminated with copper or arsenic derived from the sheathing or paint on the ves sels. In some instances copper has boon found, but It is nevertheless probable that in the ma jority. if not in all the cases, the evil effects had been due to the presence of an animal poison. If healthy flesh that is undergoing putrefaction Is used aslood, it is liable to produse very serious symptoms resembling those of typhus fever, in which them is considerable braie trouble. This, however, is not common, the usual result being the ejection of the offensive material. The system can even become accustomed to the intro duction of such vile articles as decayed Ash, which it is said the Siamese and Burmese use as a con diment. Gamgee estimates that about one-Afth of the meat sold in the markets is obtained from animals that have died, or trom those that have been killed while suffering from 'some complaint. , When the creature hae been killed suddenly by an accident, the flesh is good but if death has been the result of over-driving, it contains a poison that produces an eruption on the skin of those who handle it, and though many persons may eat snob flesh with impunity, some are not *a fortunate; from which we may conclude that mal she act of poisons. digestion does not always destroy ani- oegi mueb to the point, may-be, is the next following article, In which Mr. O. Wyllya Elliott describes the dairies of Orange county, MMTEM N. Y., and finds a paragraph to spare for,the definition of" " i 7 VIE MODEM 7411.01-00 W. ! ' What do our milkmen look for in eelectang milk-giving code? - ,.. . , • The first appearance , to a judge, will contrey, , an linpression as to the health or constitution of the cow.- He yill ask.,- also,-.a bony frame, one_ • that deers not steal the fat , from the milk; he will feel the Elio, tb find it flexible and covered with close, sottish hair; he will ask for good lung room, a capacious belly, a wide rump and a well developed bagccovered with soft hair. Extend ing from this bag forward he will be desirous to see prominent the two great veins which lose themselves in the belly; and on the back of the udder be will look for many well-defined branch ing veins. Then comes (iuenon's "milk-mirror," which is a broad strip ol hair running up from the udder to the vulva, which he considered the one thing needful; but which has not, in this country, been found an infallible test, though it is a good one. If, in addition, the cow Is gentle, good-tempered, you ore almost sure of a milk 'maker. Look for that kind. —Mr. E. Darwin Smith, in a paper worth reading, considers the reasonable and loyal part of the State-Rights claims, and pleads, with the warning example of certain Euro - peen polities, against the reaction towards ii) centralization which he finds visib e in American progress.- -Frank Norton's p per on the Astor Library, with a pregnant su lept) is comparatively disappointing and empiy The rest of the articles are mildly wise or funny. The Galaxy's various departments of miscellanies are growing more plethoric than ever, and sweep up now a good deal of duet with the gold-particles. They have crowded out Mr. Richard Grant White's usual contribution on philology, which will appear in May, with the stimulating caption of "A Desultory Denunciation of English Diction aries." There are those who, like Napoleon, can fight actively from their graves. The strategy of "Father Front" (Francis Mahoney), whote clever paraphrases drove Moore half wild,and temporarily upset the whole credit of English poetry, is, it seems, effective yet. A victim in the April Putnam's Magazine, who has seen Front's wonderful hoaxes copied into the Leipzig Europa and into "Lady Tollen - dal's Memoirs" (they were copied when fresh all over Europe), gravely takes them at their word, and expands his "discovery" into an article called "A Curiosity of Literature." His instance is Wolfe's noble elegy, "The Bu rial of Sir John Moore," which he quotes first in English, and afterwards in (Front's) Ger man and French translations, without seeing anything strange in the fact that there should exist parallel Frene4 and German ori ginals for Wolfe to copy from. Then, hay ing shown simplicity, he shows unfaithful ness, cooping the verses so carelessly as to spoil the fine peroratitih. The hest editions make Wolfe's poem conclude, majestm;,'.% ll Y , "But we left him alone with his glory:" Th 3 maga zinist, following a frequent error, reduces the line to commonplace by saying "in his glory." Father Front, who was a poet, was such a lapsus, and in the con clusion of his own powerful translation even develops the beauty of the idea : "Et dans sa fosse alnrs le mimes lentement— es du champ oit sa gloire a dt6 consommee; Ne mimes it Pendroit pierre ni monumept, Le laissant seul d seut avec sa renemmh?" —Professor Schele de Vere contfibutes a second paper on the "Wonders of the Deep," in which he treats of the "Kraken and Sea serpent." His obligation to the Monstres Marini; of Hachette's inibriaky of Wonders is not atknowledged.—Mr. Shanks, whom we recollect as a cleVer Herald reporter during the wit, contributes "A Political Romance," being a contrast between the records of An drew Johnson and Governor Parson Brown lo'w, whom he thinks underestimated.—Mr. 'G. M. Towle has improved his residence at Brsdford, England, by studying out the char acter of John Bright, and writing a very rea sonable and un-radical eulogy of the states man.—John S. C. Abbott stirs up "The Eastern Question" with a mild horror at the indifference of England and France. The above are the more striking papers, besides the fiction, of a fair to middling number. The chapters of scraps are arranged with usual skill by the four poet-editors.—Sold by Tur ner Brothers. The Eclectic, after a poor copy of Dubuffe and Bonheur's picture of Rosa Bonheur, stitches together some of the best articles which have latterly appeared in the British Reviews and magazines, the most elevated of which is probably Matthew Arnold's Inau gural speech at Oriel College; Oxford, on the modern element in classic literature—lately for the first time made public. There is not a paper of the eighteen comprising the num ber which is not seriously worth reaaing; we only hope the suNcribers will not find some thing a little heavy in such an avalanche o sense. The Eclectic is published by Pelton, N. Y., and sold here by Turner Bros. Of a lighter character is the _New Eclectic, published by Turnbull & Murdoch, Balti - more. The difference between this compila tion and the last mentioned (besides the politics) may be pretty accurately shaded for our renders by saying that the first represents the essence of the quarterly, and the latter of weekly, literature. The running serials in the Nov Eclectic are A. Trollope's "Phineas Finn," and Auerbach'e elegant prose pastoral entitled "Little Barefoot." The paragraphs packed into the latter part of this - magazine are always glittering and pointed. The New Eclectic has been consolidated with Lana li'e Love. Sloan's Architectural Review and American Builders' Journal is out for April, with description and perßpective view of the Pennsylvania Hospital for the Insane, and a liberal variety of ‘other architectural matter. The place of the Review in the good- will of our builders and architects, both amateur and professional, is now an assured one. Published by Claxton, Remsen Sc Haffelfinger. The Lady's Friend, Mrs. Peterson's Fashions-Monthly, is gay, variegated and springlike for April. There is a steel-engrav ing from a favorite painting, "The Fortune 'Men" four enchanting steel T plate dames in a row, attired in light colors and husband ruining richness; and then a quantity of amusement and instruction for the boudoir. Published by Deacon & Peterson, 319 Walnut street. Our ,Schoolday Visitonalways examined with pleasure, is received from Danghaday Becker. It gathers, in the April num r EVENLNG BULLETIN—PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 24, 1869. mumemmirrit, ber, a great mass of spicy, adventurous read ing for boys and girls, and adds, as a tonic' for the mental digestion, a variety of stimu lating puzzles and problems. In the last century la 41 131ougere" was in great favor. Little bylittle we have lost sight of it. It no longer figures among culinary indispensablts, and only grandmothers re member to regale the on their, birth-day. They will thank me for this recipe. Gouge au Fromage.—Put in a sauce pan 4 4 of a glass of-water,a quarter of a pound of fresh butter and a little salt. 'When the water boils mix in half .a .pound of flour, stirring it with a woodei spoon until com pletely cooked. Then take the saucepan from the fire and add to the batter, beating in carefully, the yolks of four eggs, their whites whipped very light,and at least a quarter of a pound of Gruyere cheese cut in little pieces. The mixture being thoroughly incorporated, dispose the paste like a crown on a thin iron plate; place on top some tA i• slices of the cheese, gild with the yolk . a, egg, put it in the same oven with bread :nd et it bake just -ml7- five minutes. Thiele one of the hes "E• that I know in the wholb,noueehol• ze iles. Petit Journal. A. S. ROBINSON, No. 910 CHESTNUT STREET, Has mast received exquiiite specimen of Fine Dresden 44 Ennipels " on Porcelain, In great variety. SPLENDID PAINTED PIIO TOG RAP fitS, Including a number of choice gems. A Superb Line of Ob.romos. A large assortment of NEW ENGRAVINGS. &e. ALSO. RICH STYLE FRAMES of elegant new patterns. iTranslated for tillPlilladelplita Evoiang Bulletin.] .111011119EBLOLD iszinum. BY BMION imam. THZ FINE ARTS. AGIIIVULTIIItAIs. For Lawns. Gardens, Green-Houses and FarmS. BA U GA'S RAW. BONE ROPER PHOSPHITE OF LIMB Will be found a powerful MANURE. It is prompt in its action; it,contains the seeds of no pestli crow weeds, and will produce luxuriant growth of Gre es. Flowers, Strawberries, and all' Garden Vegetables and Plants. Dealers supplied by the cargo, direct from the wharf or the mann( beery, on liberal terms. Bend your address and procure free, "Journal of the Farm." BAIIGU dr. SONS, No. 90 South DELAWARE Avenue. This Fertilliter can be had of all Agricultural Dealers In city or country. mhlo w f m groin PAPER lIANI4II.IIOS. PAPER HANGINGS Wholesale and Retail. NAGLE, COOKE 41 EWING Late with HOWELL BILOVIERN, NO. 1338 CHESTNUT STREET. Track 31:anufacturers' prices. to w s2rn6 LBEIBEB. MAULS, BROTHER & ,00:, 2500 South Street 869 PATTERN MAKERS. 1869 CHOICE SELECTION OE MICHIGAN COR RNK PINE FOR PAIN ES. 1869. SPEUCEE AND HE EM OC C K 1869 • LARGE STOUR 1869. , FLORIDA FLOORING. FLORIDA FIAiORINO. CAROLINA , FLOORING , VIRGI lAELOURIN G. DELAWARE FLOORING. ASH FLOORING. WALNUT FLOORD G FLORIt)A STEP BOARDS. 186) FLORIDA STEP BOARDS. RAIL PLANK. RAIL PLANK. 1869. 1869. Riggf lialltrat7ll.l±A:lB69 WALNUT BOARDS. WALNUT PLANE. AIB FOR ORTED CABINET MABERB, BUILDERS. &C. 1869 UNDERTARERS' LUMBER . UNDERTAKERS , LUMBER' 1869. CAIDAE. WALNUT AND PINE, 1869. SEASONED POPLAA. efEABONED CHERRy. 1869 ASH WHITE OAR PLANK AND BOARDS. HICKORY. CAROLINA SCANTLING. OL H I 18a NARWAYSCATTLILG. 0V 1869. CEDAR SHINGLES. CEDAR SHINGLES. CYPRESS Is HINGLES. LARGE ASSORTMENT FOR SALE, LOW. 1869. PLASTERING LATH. PLASTERING LATH. 186' LATH. HAULE BROTHER & CO., 2500 SOUTH S TREET 1869. TO BUILDERS AND LONTRACTORS. We are prepared to furnish English Imported A phonic Roofing Belt in quantities to suit. CIIA ttNT & CO., 617 and 519 Minor Bt. intag-ImIS THOMAS & POHL, LUMBER MERCHANTS. NO. 1011 B. Fourth strect. At their yard will be found Walnut, Ab te Poplar, Cherry , Pine , LiemloOt , &c. , at Era eonab sve them a call. MARTIN THOMAS ELLAB POHL. h17.6m . rpu Uo)mAurOßß, LUMBERMEN ANL) S(I1' • 1 buildor..—We are now prepared to execute prom ptY3 - ordern for Southern Yellow Pil3o' Timber, Shipstuff awl Lumber. COCHRAN. RUSSELL & CO., 22 North r'rcuc street. mh24tf _ N. 7 ELLOW YINE LUMBER—ORDERS FOR CARGO E of every deccription Sawed Lumber executed c short notiq_uslity Bubject to impection. Apply t EDW. . ROWLEY. 16 South Whorver. foG arimaiLi. mormiuzo. stir CITY TREASURER'S OFFICE, PIIILADEI.I . III A, March 23, 18139. City warrants registered daring the year 1868 paid a Presentation. Interest ceasing from d‘te. JOSEPH N. PEIRSOL City I redeliver. mh23.Bt§ OFFICE OF THE WESTMORELAND U )AL CORNE ge r C R O ,MF WI PANY, LL No. NG'S ALL E 230 SOUTH THIRD - STREET. IY. Pnll.&/,E1.1.1.11 A. March 22, FM. The annual meeting of the Stockuoldera of the W. 411. morels/id Coal Company will be held at their Office on WEDNESDAY, April 7th. 1869, at 12 o'clock, M., when an election will be held for eleven L I reetoni to ferve'for the ensuing year. F. 11. .1 ACED /N. rain OHM Secretary. war 324 W O FFALICENUT GIRAR MINING COMPANY, NV iSTR D EET. PRILADELPIIIa, March 3. ffial• Notice te hereby giro that all stock of tho "Girard Mining Company of Michigan," on which Inetalmente are due a d unpaid. ban beeu forfeited, and will be gold a public auction on MONDAY , April 6th, 1669, at La titcloc• noon, at the Office of the Secretary of the Corporation ( the Charter and liy-Lawe).unless previously redeemed. The Company claims the right to oid on gold stock. BY order of the Direct( ro. B. A. HOOPES, Soatetary and Treasurer. mht t apig TX A PRIVATE FAMILY, ON WALNUT BTREET,. fw o communicating rooms, Second story, and one lard story front, with Board. Reforencee exchanged. Address:Borne," Wi et Phtladelyhia r O. mb2.3 St* • THREE HANDSOME COMMUNICATING SECOND floor 1001.138. with board, and another vacantly at 2`28 South Broad. mh2B6t,' LABOR. PLEASANT TRIRD-STORY ROOM Awith lookout on Locwit ntreet, for rent, with'boord at VA South Breed Mira mit'aet. 11011INEAPPLE WIBESE.NORTOii`B BREBRATBD 1 Brand on consignment and tor sale by VW. D. BUS. 13IDR & U0..108 South Delaware avenue. r 1869 IIQAIiIING• IN PRESS: 01aiton, Remsen &'Haffelfinter Have In Frees and will ehortlrp t ublisll I. REMARKABLE FACTS. Illustrative and Confirmatory of Different Portions of Holy Scripture. By the Rev. J. Leitchild. D. D. With a Preface by his Son. One IL Vol. 12mo. SOIMBME. A:Story of a Wilful Life. One Vol. 16mo. HORSE AND MAN. A Treatise on Riding and Handling the Horse. By C. S, ...idarchrhilliPt a—Om tblL_ I . omo. rete22-3to - - BOXES OF FRENCH NOTE PAPER. ENVELOPES TO MATCH. LANDSCAPE INITIALS, BRIGHT COLORS. STAMPED • STAMPED WITHOUT EXTRA CHARGE. ONE QUIRE, 22c. FIVE QUIRES; $1 CSI, STAMPED PAPER ALWAYS ON ,HAND. OR STAMPED AT ONCE TO ORDER. MAKING A SPECIALTY OF STAMPED PAPER, Buying in large quantities, and having my own DESIGNERS, ENGRAVERS AND STAMPER& I can do work cheaper, give better paper, and dellve promptly all orders. WEDDING, VISITING and BUSINESS OA printed in latest styles CV" Plate engraved, and two packs of cards, $4. Without a plate, $2 for two packs. MONOGRAMS. CRESTS, LANDSCAPE. Initials en graved and PRINTED IN COL.ORS. ALL RINDS OF STATIONERY AS LOW, IF NOT LOWER THAN ELSEWHERE. CHALLEN, Fashionable Stationer, No, MS Chestnut street. - 13111L0f3OFRY OF MARRIAGE.—A NEW COURSE .1. of Lectures, as delivered at the New York Museum of Anatomy; embracing the subjects: How to Live and what to Live for; Youth. Maturity and Old Age; Man hood generally reviewed; the Cause of Indigestion, Flat ulence and Nervous Diseases accounted for ; Marriage Philosophically Considered. to.. &c. Pocket volumes containing these Lectures will be forwarded, post paid,on receipt of ;lb cents. by addressing W. A. Leary, Jr South east corner of - Fifth and Walnut streets, Philadel. phis. 1e26.13,0 eIIOVEISIES• LIQUORS, alb. FRESH FRUIT IN CANS. Peaches, Pine Apples, &0., Green Corn, Tomatoes, French Peas Mushrooms, Asparagus, &0., &c. ALBERT C. ROBERTS, Dystrat IN FINE GROCERIES. Corner 'Eleventh and Vine Streets .ADY APPLES WHITE GRAPES HAVANA LI Oranges—New Paper Shell Almonde—Flneet Doha. eta Italians, at . COUSTY'S V41.13t. End Grocery. No. 118 South Second street _ . gENRISIS PATTE DE FOI GRAS—TRUFFLES French Pens and Muehrooma, alweye on band at CuUBTY , B Eaet End Grocery. No. 118 Scmith Second erect QCOTCH ALE ',AND - BROWN STOUT, YOUNGER & 1,3 C.o.'s Scotch Ale and Brownlltont—the genuine article s at $2 60per dozen, at COUSTY'S EseM2d Gnxery, No 118 South Second /treat. QUERRY WINE-CHOICE SHERRY WINE AT fa EAST VlVlDl*GbitOZlArtillafetnegkagElr.' UEEN - OLIVES—EOO GALLONS CHOICE QUEst). Olives by the barrel or gallon. at VOUirrY' 'E'EAST F q li D GROCERY. No. 118 South Second street. FINE DRESS SHIRT 4:. GENTS' NOVELTIES. J. W. SCOTT & CO., 814 Chestnut Street, PhiladelPhib Four doors below Continental Hotel. w PATENT SHOULDER SEAM SHE MANUFACTORY. 'Merl [or these wish= I n trirta supplied nostuflia Ilentlemen's Furnishing Goods, Of late styles m full varlet,. WINCHESTER & CO.. yoe CHESTNUT. ie&m.w.f.o GENT'S PATENT SPRING AND BUT 117' toned Over Gaiters.Cloth,Leather,white and • ' brown Linen; Children's Cloth and VOW Le_gAnss ; also made to order Fer-GENT'S FURNISHING GOODR. of every detseription, very low, 912 Chestnut -- street, corner of Ninth. The best }rid Wove , for ladled and gents, dt RIOPIELDERFEIPS BAZAAR, ne l4- ttli OPEN TN THE EVENING. NEDICIA/o FRENCH MEDICINES PILEPAREP BY GRIMAULT dt CO.. 011EISIBTB TO 11. I. EL MINOR 111..POLSON, 45 Euz DE RICIIELLED. PARIS. INTERNAL OR LOCAL NEW CURATIVE AGENT, MATICO. GISIMAULT & CO.. PATO& This new remedy is prepared from the leaves of a Pe ruvian pepper shrub, called Matta°, and "cures promptly and infailibly."without any tear of inflammatory recoils. The great majority of physicians in Parls.Rusala. Germa ny and New York now use no other remedy. Full direr lions accomp nv each bottle and packet. Agents in Philadelphia. FRENCH, RICHARDS & CO., der': gm N. W. Cor. TENTH and MARKET streets. %PAL DENTALLINA.—A SUPERIOR a ARTICLE PO N.J cleaning the Teeth. destroying animlcule, which h feet them. giving tone to the gums, and leaving a feerin. of fragrance and perfect cleanliness in the mouM. It an be need daily, and will be found to strengthen weak an( bleeding gum, while the aroma, and detersiveness recommend it to every one. Being composed with tin assistance of the Dentist, Physicians and Microscopist, 1 , le confidently offered as B reliable substitute for the up certain washes formerly in vogue. Eminent Dentists, acquainted with the constituents 0. the Dentallina, advocate its lulu it contains nothing t prevent its unrestrained employthent. Made only by JAMES T. 911 INN, apothecarY. lroad and Spruce streets. i. and Roberttackhouse, C. Davis, (leo. C. Bower, Chas. Shivers, S. M. McColin. B. C. Bunting. Chas. H. Eberle. James N. Alaska, E. Bringhurst & Co.. Dyott & Co., Blair's! Bons. Wyeth & Bro. For sale by Druggists gener Fred. Browne, ' Hansard & Co..' C. R. Humpy. Isaac B. Kay. C. H. Needles, T. J. livaband, Ambrose smith, Edward Parrish, 'W m. B. Webb. James L. Bispbam. Hughes & Combo, Benry A. Bower. SA BELLA. MARIANNO, M. D., 2213 N. TWELFT street. Coneultatione free. ' my 9 F. 50 STRICTLY RNDUCTION BUSINESS PRIVATE.—Bu pecanen wanting to save money and time may obtain ' any number of. Bac- Similes of a Circular. Price. Current, Letter ortany Docu ment or Drawing at the following extraordinary cheap ices viz.: 100 copies, exact Fac.Sia flies, $2 00; boo copies. $6 00; 1.000 copies, $8 00, and for each additional I.oot cops. s. $7 00. or 50 PER CENT. REDUCTION noon . the above prices may he saved by using MAUttICE'S PATENT AUTOuRAPHIO PRESS for Offices, $BO 00. This pleas is so simple and the work is so easy that any Perron. oven a young boy. can use It with the greatest. facility. (Circular. Drawing and Specimens tire sent on application.) MAURICE'S Patent Autographic Writing and PriuthigEstabliehment.lo North William street, N.Y. All kinds of Lithographic work are done with the greatest care atthe lowest lutes. Notice to Business Men.-711.8.11 RICE'S State !fights are for sale at very moderato prices and easy terms. iSee Price List.) Now 'York State Right is for sale at $6,000. 18294 m w 8.8 t) ISB. H. N. KELLPGO. TEACHER OF DRAW! and Paintifig, 1537 Cbeetnut S. m633•mw19 - A HORES plopV. T. HANLON, PENNINGTON, N. J. lor Caue of Pennington Seminary. A first-ciao Hoarding School for both sexes—Within three miles o Philadelpins. Ref mence—Bishop Simpson. udolU lm BELLEVUE INSTITUTE FOB YOUNG LADIES. Attleboro, Pa. The spring fourteen -es Third Mo. (March) 2lld. and con. times weett.s. Address, tubd.s. wstr W. T. BEAL. Principal. - - 11 , OVAL.—THE LONQ ESTABLISHED DEPOT for the purchase and sale of second band doors. .wind owe, store fixtures, dm.. from Seventh street to Sixth street; above Oxford, where such articles are for sale iii great variety. . Also new d o ors, sa shes, ebuttertY aro. .1a13.3m NATHAN W. =le. I ;ill wit3a..l EDUCATION. lIEDIOVAL.' • -'.• •.:'7' , .. -(.'.'.', • , ,;T:::'i tk...-.-'; - . .. . 10 .4,. : 0.::-i.; . M:1 Ii - :--r5..,, NOW 001VIESTE. ibF UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD. The Company will have the entire line finhhed through to . California, and ready for tide stawnerl,travel. WE ARE NOW BELLING The First Mortgage Gold Interest Bonds PAR AND INTEREST, UNTIL FURTHER Pil OTIO Fr Government Otenrltleeiaken In eaeltange at full market rates. WM. PAINTER & CO., Bankers and Dealers in Govern ment Securities, No 36 SOUTH THIRD STREET, PHILADELPHIA. STERLING dr WILDMAN, BANKERS AND BROKE S. No. 110 booth Third Street, Philadelphia, Special Agent' for the sale of Danville, Hazelton & Willieobarre B. R. FIRST MORTGAGE BONDS, Dated jBB7, due in 1687. Interest Seven Per Cent, pay. able ball yearly, on the tint Of April and first of October, .clear of State and tinned States taws. At present those Bonus are offered at the low use of 80 and accrued in. Wrest, They are in. denominati of 8200,11500 and Pamphlet/4 containing blapsr - fte ports and full informs lion on band for distribution. and will be sent by mail on application. Gcrverronent Bonds and other Securities taken in es• change at market rates Dealers in Stocks. Bonds, Loans. Gold. &c. Jan 3m§ • BANKING-HOUSE • PAYCCO agE, ).12 and 114 So. THIRD ST. PHILAIYA DEALERS IN ALL GOVERNMENT SECURITIES We will receive applications for Pollcles of Lift Insurance in the new- National-Life insurance Company of the United states. Full information given at our office. v • all 9 .fiANDoLpIIB, • P I I Dealers In V. S. Bonds andMenibers of Stock and Gold Exchange, receive accounts of Banks and Banker• On lib eral terms, issue Bills of Exchange on C. J Hambro & Son, London. B. Metzler, S. Sohn & rankfort James W. Tucker & Co., Co.. Paris, And other principal cities, and Letters of Credit available throughout Barope B. W. corner Third and Chestnut Streets WE OFFER THE $4,500,00 0 SEVEN PER OENT% GOLD BONDS Thirty years to run. ISSUED BY The Lake Superior and Mississippi River Railroad Company At Par and Accrued Interest. Will take in Exchange any Market. able Securities at Market Prices. These Bonds are a FIRST-CLASS investment, being FREE from United States tan*, and a FIRST MORT• GAGE on the road. and the immensely valuable lands (1,638A0 acres) belonging to the Company. All information given at the office of O. T, YERKES, Jr" & 00 Dealers in all kinds of Marketable Semliki, Gold, &e., No, 20 SOUTH THIRD STREET, PHILADELPHIA. inhi2 6to n $4.000, S3.OOO.—SEVERAL FIRST.CLABS 5.0015. rtp f the abo o amounts for sale J. 3t. duIABY &130ligt3, 133 Walnut Bt.. 4111PAA AND ,WOOD'. OROBEI CREEK LEHIGH COAL. WAISTED & MoCOLLIN. _ No. WM CHESTNUT Street, West Philadelphia. Sole Retail Agents for Cora Brothers & Co.'s celebrated Cr oss rek Lehigh Coal. from the B mak ing ountaha Vein. This () Co e al is particularly adapted for Steam for Sugar and Malt Houses. Breweries, Ac. It is also unser• passed as a Family Coal. Orders left at the office of the Miners. No. 841 WALNUT Street (let floor), will receive our prompt attention. Liberal arrangements made with manufacturers using are • ar . nautili. iyitl tt 113F,UBEN HAAB, A. C. FETTER. 1111 1322 JEFFER SON ST, 1344 N. TWELFTH BT. HAAB & FETTER. COAL DEALERS. N. W. GOR. NINTH AND JEFFERSON STREETS. PHILADELPHIA. Keep on hand a constant supply of Lehigh and Schuyi . trill coals, from the beet mines, for Family, Factory and Steam Purposes. Kept Dry, under Cover, well Cleaned. Weight Guar • anteed, and sold at the 6 0:117-if LOWEST OASII PRICES. . a. MASON nittnNy JOITIC V. BILEXIM, THE U 471) ()NED INVITE ATTENTION TO their stock of 6 Mountain. Lehigh and Locust Mountain Coal, which, with the preparation given by us. wo think can not be excelled by spy ate . Office, Franklin ftstitute Blaine& N 0.115 B. Seventh stree Duval do eIIEAFF. ' lOWt. Arch street wharf. Schuylkill. IPRESERVED TAMARINDS.SOKEGEIMARTINQIJE 1 Tamarinds In sugar, landing and far sale by J. BBlErt & 00..108 iionth Delaware ' avenue. MARVIN'S ';••,, : j , -': i ,;: , ..;-':::.4I.BAIiLINT • . Alunt'& --- Dry'Plaster - - FIRE :.PROOF ACES Are most desirable for.quality; finish and'price MARVIN'S SPHERICAL BURGLAR ~.. AFE S . t Cannot be Kedged! Cannot be Wedgedl Cannot be Drilled° BANK VAULTS, VAULT DOORS, EXPRESS BOXES, FAMILY PLATE SAFES,A . COMBINATION LOCKS - Plca3;43 smut for a catalogue to zvz.aßvrN eco., 721 Chestnut Street 9. ("114110510 HALO rtinadaphia, 265 81106LD WAY', NEW YORK, lOS BANK ST., CLi3VSLAND,- OHIO. Second-Hand Safes of all makes for eale low. SAFES AND MACHINERY . MOVEN mh24 w la 13m POOIiE unooas, Pocket Books. WOrteMOTIIIIES, aglll CSIMS, Portfolios, Dressing CaMt Bankers' Casco. 45 1 At 0-4,47 Ladles' & Gents' gateteLs and Travelling Bags. In all styles. Rosewood Mahogany Writing Nz Desks. 1,J11101:•1'4.if in kit?, F ..-- ' ----t;EVIIS LADOMUS & c 0 \ DIAMOND DEALERS & JEWELER& I WATIIIM JEVIELUV h SLY un **um f , ~WATDEEI3 and JEWELRY REPAIRED.' 802 Chestnut Stl____Phils• Witches of the Finest Makers. Diamond and Other JewelrY. Of the West etylee. Solid Silver and Plated Ware, Etc.. Etc. SEALS, STUDS WOE EYELET HOLES A large assortment just received. with variety settings. WM. B. WARNE & Cleo Wholesale Deaden in WATCHES AND JEWELTaRY. O. S. corner toeventh and Chestnut Streets* And in of No. 85 Booth Third street. 1e3137 CORSETS• 1111ISOELLANSOIIM. CUTLER'S PATENT, SEPT. 8 18814 Delleioue for the Lenten Season. DESICCATED CODFISH. The cheapest arti ol cafe relleh, WW i v oL foo e t a l t ga R geom. further. tastes bettor ONE pound equal to F izt em k , s o ip o ti r o din t , 00 . o , ll%A . L l t a y ' ;Irina Manufactured by the Beaten and Philadelphia Bali Fish Compann, No. 521 COLUMBIA Avenue, Philadelphia. For sale by all good Grocers. ono genuine unless bearing our trade mark as above,. Parties offering-any other will on summarily pnrseentedU nole oom aro* ODGERS' AND WOSTE.NBOLMS POCKET D lINIVES,_ , PEARL and STAG HANDLES of beam. Will fi nish. RODGERS' and WADE & and the , CELEBRATED LECOULTRE RA7A)B. SCISSORS IN CASES of tho finest quality Razors. 1 Knives, Scissors and Table Cutlery, Ground and . Polished. EAR INSTRUMENTS of . the mott_approved construction; to assist th e hearirg. at P. MADEIRA'S, Cutler and Sur-j gieal Instrument' alter. 118 Tenth street. Itelow Chest-r nat. , t 0 O 41.$ • daunts , Dressing pesos BR®WN'~3 Wholesale and Retail CORSET STORES 329 and 819 Aroh St., Where the Merchants and Ladies will find an extensive assortment nfactured Cornell:rand HOOP Skirts• ittADt VUTLERtY. stINITEMIULV. A surtMented - Rirsb hanged bit:6Bolf In taft Jewlabtlynegogne; at Saltimerei yeaterdiy. • Tun Corps Legislatif has voted In, favor of the • army contingent of 100,000 men asked for by the government. _ 4 Tins strike of the cotten'enbarters, ,, Whieti corn- Imenced at Preston_, spreading rapidly to other parts of Great Britain. Two hundred women, on Monday, marched in procession to the SnanisliContes, and 'presented a petition against tbelpilitary'contickipilon— _ Tun lee on the Missouri river has begun to anove, and an early opening Of navigation Is ex pected. Tun Alexandria,. Iktidon, and ,liarepshire Railroad, In Virginia, has contracted for the completion of its line to Winchester this year. A ;firma' snow storm prevailed yesterday at Concord, N. H. Seven inches have fallen at Con cord, and foUtteett at,,White River Junction. Tun Prench-andikiglan_journals publish the prellmlnark3a of a proposed conference between the two countries to harmonize their mutual commercial interest& , • , Anarninc section of twenty miles of the Cen tral Pacific Railroad was completed yesterday, snaking five hundred and ninety miles of track cast of ,Baeramepto. True residence of Mr. Stevens, at Eugene City, Oregon, was burned March 18, and Mrs. Stevens and three children perished in the flames. GE:s. SCHOFIELD and staffs left Bt. Louis for Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, yesterday, at which point the General will establish temporary head quarters. TwitaxY of Brigham Young's wives arrived at Council Bluffs , lowa, yesterday, on a 'visit to their friends in that city and Omaha, and will: continuo the journey to Washington. Gus. Nicnoi.s has received advises that on the oth of March Gen. Custer and hie command were on the North Fork of Red River, near the base of the Washita Mountains, getting along finely. A nr.t.soarios • composed of prominent citizens Of this city are in Washington to confer with the President, Secretary , of the Interior and Congree atonal committees on the future policy of the government In Indian affairs. A SrECIAL despatch from Des Moines, lowa, rays it 600,000 of the first mortgage bonds of the lowa and State Line Railroad Company will soon be issued by that company, with J. Edgar Thom son, of the Pennsylvania Central Railroad, as trustee. Lars Alaska advises state that business is dull. The Indians are quiet. Heavy shocks of earth quake have been telt at Chonmangen Island and at Northeast Harbor. Rich gold diggings have been discovered eighty miles from Cartoon, in British Columbia, and the government contem plates sending an exploring party as soon as the season permits. A Novell' usr is on foot to call an Irish National Convention of delegates from the Irish religious and benevolentroeletiesin the United States, the object being to form a central bureau in New York, with auxiliary societies in all the States, for the purpose of furnishing aid and Information to Irishmen to regard to price of land. labor,etc., and to render any other assistance necessary to secure benefits to Irish emigrants. Tua Legislative Committee engaged in trying the contested election case of Thayer vs. Green bank, agreed yesterday to report that Tha yer is entitled to the judgeship. Toe Committee reject the voteaof duie Repubi can and six Dem erotic precincts in the•Fltst,Third, Fourth;Seven nth, t\ s„ Idinementh and Twenty-fifth Wards, and give Mr. Thayer .a majority of 1750 vote s. One Re publican, Mr. 'Robinson, voted in favor of Mr. 4ireenbank. Taut following appointments at large have beotr made by the President to the' Naval Academy : John Marshall Robinson, son of Brevet Major- General J. C. Robinson; J. Kendall Dexter, of Philadelphia; Edmund B. Underwood, of New York; Frederick, Yen Vliet, son of Brigadlerr •Central Stewart Van Vilet, of Illinois; Thomas Benton Howard, of Illinois; James Duane, son of Brigadler-General Duane; Frank Jenkins, son of Commodore Thornton A. Jenkins; J. Btockett Jouett, son of Commander J. E. Jonett; Charles J. Badger. son of Commander Badger, Augustus L. Case, Jr., son of Conamodore A. L. Case. BEvEner. cars were thrown from the track of the Toledo, Peoria and W irsaw Railroad, near Washington, 111., yesterday, and from thirty to forty passengers were injured. Ex-Governor Seymour, of New York, was in one of the ears, but escaped with a few scratches. Mr. Scott, of Pennsylvania, was badly injured In the back. Mr. Guthrie, of Columbus, Ohio, slight tai rice on head and back. James Woolly. at Latirdne; Massachusetts, cut in temple. Edward Kelly, of Lawrooce,rigkit arm broken. Mary Setineticy,of Woodbury, N. J., hurt in knee; D. C. Coppiek, boy, head cut; Emanuel Taylor, of Ohio, severely cut in head; William Hurst, of Westfield, N. J., cut on head; L H. Mayer, of Chicago, cut in head. !BORE NIABILIS B OEM. tcorreareasenee et the rb.U.adelehla Evening Etaltetin.l Banutssono, March 23, 1869.—80th Senate and )Bosse to-day considered two lengthy private caL cndars, passing, of course, with lightning speed, a large number of hills, many of which doubtless will be found hereafter to have, been passed with out duo consideration. Among those in the Sen ate wee one repealing the first section of the set of 1867, an act providing for the better regula tion of placesOf amusement, so far as relates to Carncross Dixers. The section thus repealed provides that it shell be unlawful for the owners or lessees of any public hall or place of amuse ment to obstruct any of the aisles or passage ways by placing therein any benches, chairs, stools, or other articles that may prevent free egress or ingress during the hours the place may be open to the public. Why an exception is suede for Carncross et Dixey in this important particular I cannot see. Also, one of tour sections relating to St. James's Churcb,on Seventh street,above Market. The first section empowers the rector, church wardens and_vestrymen to sell at public or pri vate sale their real estate where the church build ing now stands for such price as shall be satisfac tory to them, and apply tue money obtained to the erection of a new edifice in a more conveni ent situation. The second authorizes them to convey to the purchaser a good title in fee with out any liability on their part to see to the appli cation of the purchase money. The third gives them power to purchaie another lot for their church edifice and school houae either in foe son pie or on ground rent; and the fourth provides tbht every holder of a pow or sitting who has been such for a year, and is not in arrears, shall have a vote for vestrymen. The action of the Senate in passing the bill pro hibiting the sale of meats. fish and farm or gar den produce, by wagon or otherwise, in any street or on any fobtway north of. Chestnut street or south of Girard avenue, has created no little com ment, as it was generally supposed that 11 could not possibly pass. Senator Nagle opposed it, and Mr. Ilenszey favored it, and Messrs. Connell and McCandless were both absent. For several winters a bill somewhat similar to this has been before the Legislature, and whatever may have been done this session, at previous sessions money has certainly been brought here to insure its successybut the present enactment goes much further than its predecessors, the latter having contemplated"Only' the reMOVal of the wagons from Second street, and the forcing of the venders Into a particular market-house. There Is not at present much probability of it passing the House, but If it does the Governor would have to strain a point to sign It. The Cuban Revolution. HAVANA, March 23. —Ad vices from dar.tiago to the 18th instant represtnt that the insurzente are massing their forers on the south side of the )stand. The inhabitants in that quarter demand more troops for their protection. The Havana journals are all silent in regard to the movements of government troops and of the Insurgent forces. Nothing has been made known for some days of the operations of • Count "Valmased and Colonel. Lono, or of the rebel Generals Quesada and Marmot. The Diario to day, in a leading article praises the Jesuits, and deeply •'regrets that that society was not es tablished on the island twenty years ago. All the journals except the Voz de Cuba are reticent; as usual, in their • accounts of, and comments on the late exciting occurrences. HAVANA, March 28, Evening.—Captain-General Dulco held a grand review of all the regu lar and Volunteer forces in Havana. Deice was enthusiastically cheered by the volunteers as he passed slowly along their lines, Troops continue do leave fpr the Interior The Nassau Herald reports the capture of the American "brig Mary Lowell, at Ragged bland. .by,./he Bpanish,men•of•war Andshula. The brig at the time of ''capture was In the hands of the Brltlah Custom Roup pincers, on the charge of, carrying tame and supplies to the insurgents in Cuba. The British war steamer Cherub has sailed from Nassau for Ragged'lsland, to inveitigate the - The Havana Government is fully advised' or the conduct of the Andalusia. The Peruvian monitors remained at Ragged Island During their •voyage• ono . of the rams broke loose and ran Into the steamship Rattans, _and sunk her. Bevep of the crow the Mayans were drowned. Anniversarir of Wiitnington Confer ence Illiesionary Society. The first anniversary of the Missionary Society of the Wilmington Conference, was held on Monday evening, in Institute flail, Wilming ton. The spacious hall was crowded to its utmost, and the deepest interest pervaded all the services. Hon. D. M. Bates, Chancellor of Delaware, presided. The cause of Missions was presented in eloquent pathos by HOY. C;W.l3ltoy, of Wilmington Conference; B. M. Herrington, of Wilmington, Delaware; Rev. , J. T. Grimy, His sionary to India, and Rev. Dr. Durbin, Corresponding Secretary of Missionary Society of the M. E. Church. The Treasurer's report ,bowed that $10,600 had been raised within the bounds of the Conference during the year for the Missionary cause, an advance over last year in said territory of $936. Thus favorably has the Mis sionary movement been Inaugurated in thisnew Conference. —A policeman In Memphis received a challenge last week trona a' man whom he had arrested for being drunk and disorderly. , ••• —Miss Braddon appears to have many legal , till:Scold& She has'now shad a, French trans lator of ono of her arid the latter, warns her that if she persists in carrying the' case into conic he will prove that she has taken rhoet of her plots and characters from old French novels. —The Central Pacific Railroad cannot carry all those who ' are desirous of emigrating to the White Pine mining district. In a few months it will have as much difficulty in transporting back to California -those who will then be anxious to return. , —A new journal has been . started in Warren ton, North Carolina, with the name of the Living Present. The-design at the bead of its columns is a death's bead and,cross bones, which gives a critical contereporary an opportunity to suggest . that it ought to be called the Dead Part. —The Jews of London are celebrated through out the world not only kir the great wealth of their rich , men, but for , the, judielout, and thorough means provided by-them for the relief of their poor,—all the more striking because it is brought into comparison ‘witit , the confessed failure of the English poor-laws in London. —A correspondent of the Yarmouth Register says Cape Cud la washing away. Eie says that "thirty years ago the salt mills along our shores were where salt 'water did not come. Within that time they have' been moved up on shore onee or twice, and now at high tide the water is around them, or what is left of them. We find stumps of trees, and underneath peat, or what was once a regular mud swamp, ono-fourth of a mile down our fiats." —The authorities of Vienna were petitioned by a married ladg,residlng at Pesth,to be all Owed to return from Roman Catholicism to Judaism, in which she was born. ' Permission, however, was refused, on the ground that Roman law does not extend to persons only temporarily staying In the capital. Upon this the lady appealed to the Ministry. when thedesired authority for the change of religion was 'forthwith granted her. LEGAL NoirivEß. 7 N ThE Oltrt , ANS' COURT FOR Vie, CITY AND County cif Thiladelphla,—lindate of JOHN CASSIS. deceased.--,Notice la hereby igtren that LIANNAII•CAII NIN, widow of the said decedent. has Iliad her - poUtiott In toe office of the Clerk of said Court, with an appraiee ment of pertain.* property elected to be retained by her under the act of susembiy of lath April. 1651. and Its ellSk plementa,_ and that the same a ill be approved by the Court on BAT 1:11DAY, 3d of April, ISW. unless exceptions are Wed thereto. CLAY. Witt Attorney for Petitioner. T 1 COUNTY OR P P LI H AN A DELH OR . T In the matter of the iartition ed the Real Estate of W PATNICK MeHOW ecessed. 'To WILLIAM McGO AN AND ELLEN KING: Please Woe nod , * that in pursuance of a writ of Par tition leaned out of said Court, an inquest will be held by tbe Sheriff 1110.,13 the plaint ea in Raid Writ described. to wit A lot of ground and store mem/maga in Manayunk. Twenty.fitst Ward of Philadelphia. on the southwast. side of Cresson street 104 feet northwest of Grape street. 16 feet front and i ten deep—tor the btWPose of making mull ion or valuation of the mune. and that the Inquest will meet at the Wetherill Home, No. 61,3 Sanborn street. Philadelphia, cn the Snd of April, 18114. at OA. M.. alien end where you are notifi to attend. PETER LYLE. Sheriff. JOHN DOLMAN, Solicitor. Sumniv's Orytor, March W. l&N. mh2o- 0 m IN TOE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE CITY AND 1 County of Philadelphia.—Estate of EDWARD A. BENNETT. decessed.--The Auditor appointed by the Court to audit, settle and adjest the fire account of MARY L. G BENNETT and WILLI AB EL BENNETT, Administrators of EDWARD A. BENNETT. deceased. and to report distribution of the balance in the hands of the accountant, will meet the parties interested for the Dur Pore of hie appointment, on THURSDAY. April let 1889. at 4 o'clock P. K. at his office, No, TM Walnut street in the city of Philadelphia. J. GRANVILLE LEACH, Auditor. mb194.m,at.5t4 1h THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE CITY AND County of Philadelphia —Mete of HANNAH FOX. deceased.—The Auditor appointed by the Court to audt4 settle and adjust the first and final account of ELIAS S IHMARDS. Administrator of HANNAH FOX. deceased. .and to report distribution of the. bal ance in the hands of the accountant, will meet the parties Interkated, for the purpose of his appointment on TUESDAY. March 30,h. 1881 at 4 o'clock Y. 111 at his office, No. 423 Walnut street, in the city of Philadelphia. J. AUSTLN SPENCER, Auditor. mhl94 m wbt4 THE. ORPHANS' COURT FOR TIIHOTTY AND i Cm of Philadelphia.—Estate of JAMES Me. tiCTCHLON. decd.-7 'd. he Auditor appointed by the Court to audit. settle and adjust the second and final account of CHAS Itioßß, A dm`r. &c, of the said dec'd. and to report distribution of Vile balifnce in the hands of the accountant, will meet the parties interested for the purpose of hts appointment. on TL ESDAY, March 30th. A. 11,1865, at 4 o'clock P. M., at his office, South. east corner of Sixth and Walnut streets. second story, in the City of Philadelphia. OEO. JUNKIN, nihl7 w.f.mst. Auditor. INTHE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE CITY AND County , of Philadelphia.—Trost Estates of THOMAS MELLON'd CHILDNEN. Th.. Auditor appointed by the Court to audit. settle and adjust the third account of JAMES E. OOWEN at d RAM ile.ll,llooD,Estis,Trustees tinder the of 'I HUMAS MELLON, deo'd „ for his children, and to report distribution of the bal ance in the hands of the at countants. will meet the MONDAY', ogled. for the purpose of his appointment, on . March 'al. Wel at r 4 P. Ai.. at We Office. South. east corner of Sixth and Walnut streets, second story, in the City of flitladelphia. GEO. JUNKIN, no , lb. ni Auditor. 1 N kik.. ORl'llAb 13' COURT FOR Tlll4 CITY AND County of Philadelehia.—k.state of MARTA NIXON.— The Auditor appointed ny the Court to audit, settle and adjust the account of WILLIAM F Ji DBON, Adminis trator d. b n. c.t, a. and Trustee under tile will of MARIA NI k ON. deed.. and.[ teport diatributiorof the b.lenee in the hands of the ccouritant, will meet the parties in tcrested for th e purpose of his appointmenton biONDAY„ Match Wt.?. 11369, at four o'clock P. M. at his office, No. 271 South I if th street, in the City of Philadelphia. hth-111 w f eti) JOSEPH. A. CLAY, Auditor. b: THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR TILE are AND I County of Philadelphia.—Estate of GEORGE W. STRIUR F.R. deceased. Notice is hereby given that SARAH E. STRICKER. widow of the said decedent, has tiled her petition in the office of the clerk of the said Court. with an appraisement of personal property elected to be retained by her, under the.act of Assembly of 14th April. 18fil. and its supplements; and that the same will b' approved by the Court on SATURDAY, 97th March, 18694unlesa exceptions are filed thereto. CLAY. ru hl7.w dif 414 Attorney for Petitioner. INDi TUE DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED J. States for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania. oICUARD MOFFETT, of Philadelphia. bankrupt• hay. lug petitioned for his discharge, a meeting of creditors wilt be held on the sixth day of April. MR at 3 o'clock P. M.. before Regteter WILLIAM MoMICII.A.Efi, Esq., N at o. 130 WAL .•• FT street, in t o city of Philadelphia, that the examination of the bankrupt may be finished Nr d at y buiinees of meetings required by sections 117 or fiß of the act of Congress transacted. The Remoter will certify whether the bankrupt has conformed to his duty. A bearing will also. be had on WEDNESDAY, the twenty-first day of April. Ito 9, before the Court at Philadelphia, at 10 o'clock A.,M., wren par. 't fee intereetsd may show cause agaidst the discharge. A. tested by tho'Clerk and Itegbter, in the name of the Judge, ruder the seal of the Court. anhlo w 3t' N.TBEDISTRICT COURT OF THE U.S. FOR THE EASTERN DISTRICT OF PENNSYLVANIA.—In Bankrtiptcy.—At Philadelphia, March flth, P 1139 —The un-. dereigned hereby gives noti• o of his appointment as aeabruee of S 4 /4 UDI, Gr lIERTOLET, of Philadelphi , , In the county of Philadelphia,and State of Pennsylvania. within t aid Dist• ict. s ho hat been adjudged a Bankrupt upon his own petition by the District Court of said Die. tricti O. iRVINP Na DUERR CI, Assignee. No. 615 . Walnut etreet,Phiroielphts. To the creditorti of said Bankrupt. rahle w Bt4 EBTATE OF J. EDWARDP LEE, M. D., DEOD.—Let- Miters of administration upon the estate of J. Edwards Leerdeesased. having been duly grantedto the under signed. all perks:La indebted to said estate are requested to make payment, and those having claims or demands against it, to 'present them without delay to. fIe.RRIET LANDON' Lis E,' administratrix. at the Pennsylvania Hospital fOt tholusano. Philadelphia: fe2t ;I,AV. CANNED FRUIT, VEGETABLES, &0.-1.000 CABBB fresh Canned Peaches", LOO eases fresh Canned Pine Apples 200 eases fresh Pine Apples, in glass; t,OOO cu p s Green Corn and Green Peas; 500 eases fresh Plume, in calm; 500 cases fresh Green Gages; 500 casee.Cberries,,in yrUll ; 500 Imes Blackberries, in amp ; 500 eases Straw berries, in syrup; 500 cane , fresh .Poars, in syrup; 2.000 rases Canned Tomatoes; 500 cases Oysters. Lobsterd and Clams , 500 eases Roast Beef. Mutton, Veal. Hoops. &o. For ears by JOEIBPMB: BUBBLER & C0.,08 South Bela , ware avenue. r , THE DAILY EVENMG BULLETIN--PHILADELPIIIA, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 24, 1869. FOR TH NATIONAL LIFE INSURANCE ON#ANY Off 'MEI U TED STATES OF ANEBBIOA, Washington, D. v. Chartered by Opedal'let of (oogreU, proved July 25, 1868. Cash Capital. ;:t1,000,000 Paid in Full. BRANCH OFFICE: FIRST NATIONAL BANK BUILDING PHILAIDELPIIIA. Where all correspondence .houjd be addressed. DIRECTORS; CLARENCE EL CLARK. JAY COOKE • , JOHN W. ELLIB. W. G. MOONTE4M. GEORGE F. TYLER. J. HINCKLEY LIARS. OFFICERS: CLABENCE IL CLAM Philadelphia. President JAY COOKE. Chairman Finance and Executive Com mittee. HENRY D. COOKE. Wealth:emu Vice President. EMERSON W. PEET. Mimiclade. Sec'y and Actuary E. S. TURNER. Waehington. Asalatent Secretary. FRANCIS G. SMITH. bi. D., Medical Director. J. ENV/N(I=AM M. D.. Assistant Medical Director. This Company. National in its character. offers, by retwonof its Large Capital. Low Bates of Premium. and New Tables. the, most desirable means of Insuring We yet presented to'the public. Circulars. Pamphlets, and full particulars given on ap plication to the Branch Office of the Company or to its General Agents. General Agents of the Company. JAY COOKE a CO., New York, for New York State and Northern New Jewel , . JAY COOKE & CO.. Wastdngtom. D. C.. for Delawar Virginia. Diatrict of Columbia and Weet E. W. CLARK & CO.. for Pennzylvania and Eolith= New Jamey. B B. Ruaar.i.i, Barrieburg„ Manager for Central and Western Pennsylvania. J. ALDER ELIJR & CO.. Chicago, forlinois, Wisconsin and lowa. Ram STEPHEN MILLER. St Paul. for Minnesota and N. W. Wiaconzin. JOHN W. FI.I.TR & CO.. Cincinnati. for Ohio and Cen L tral and Southern Indiana. T. B. EDGAR, St. 1.01112, for Missouri and Kansas. B. A. KEAN da CO., Detroit, for Michigan and Northern Indiana. A. M. MOTHERSH ED, Omaha. for Nebraska. JOHNSTON BROTHERS & CO.. Baltimore, for Mary land. New England he Ge Directio neral A ot gency under tn E. A. ROLLING and Of the Board of Directors. W C W. E. RANSPLER. J. P. TUCKER, fdattar awn. 2 Merchants' Exchange, State street, riELAW ARE MUTUAL SAFETY INS [TRANCE COM PAN Y . Incorporated by the Legislature of Pennsylvania. 1835. Office A. E. corner of THIRD and WALNUT Streets. Philadelphia- MARINE INSURANCES On Venclil, Cargo and Frelzot to all marts of the world. INLAND INBURANCF.B On goods by river, canal. lake and land carriage to ail Darts of the Union. FLEE INSURANCES On Merchandise generally; on Stored, Dwe ll ings. biousr. &c. ASSETS OF THE COMPANY, November 1. tSR. S20:4000 United Eltatee•Five Per Cent. Loan, 10-40's . .. • . . s2oapo 00 120.000 trnitedStaiiilair Pertea 1831 . . . . : - 126.80) 00 604100 United Sitiiaa eZii. Load, (for Pacific Railroad). 50,000 00 200,000 State of Pennsylvania Six Per SRL= 03 i 175,000,003 City o Ce f n Phil adelph ia Biz . Per Cent. Loan (exempt from Tax) 123,594 03 0 50.000 State of New Jersey Biz Per Cent. L0an............ 51.500 00.. 20.000 Pennsylva nia R a ilroad Six Per Cent. BOndl. 20.230 00 ort -2E4000 Pencurylvania Railroad Second Mortgage Six Per Cent Bonds &LOX 00 MAO Western Pennsylvania Railroad Mortgage Biz Per Cent. Ronda (Penna. RR. guarantee). 03.626 00 30,000 State of Tellltet,B43o Five Per Cast. Loan ... . 21.000 00 7.000 State of frim'Aii Fir Cent Loan.. . . • • 5031 26 15.030 Germantosi4l - dianai), • pal and interest guaranteed by the City of Philadelphia. 800 shares stock. . . . 1 15,000 00 10,0 X) Pennsylvaniastock.. Company.Company.shares 11.300 00 6.000 North Penrurylvania Railroad COM onny. tau &area stock 3.500 03 20,000 Philadelphia and southern Mail Steamship Company, 80 ehares stock - 15,003 00 207.800 Loa on Bond and Mo . rtgage..first Hein on City Properties ..... 207.800 00 Par. Market Value. $ 25 Coat. 5L093.6A Real E5tate..... . . . Bids Receival for Insurances made 332.486 84 Balances due at Agen;:iitis—Pre. miums on Marine Policlea—Ac. trued Interest and other debts due the C0mpany.......40.178 88 Stock and Scrip of sundry_Corper's. Bons. $3,156 001 Eeboaated value 00 Cub in Cash in Drawer.......... 413 65 116,563 73 $l.l‘EL'Ol DIRE)CTORS; Thomas C. Hand. Jamea B. McFarland, Edward Darlington, William C. imdwig. Joseph H. Seal. Jacob P. Jones, Edmund A. Smiler. Joshua P. Byre. Theophilus Paulding William G. Bouillon. Hugh Craig. lienry_C. Da'lett. Jr.. John C. Davis, John D. Talley, __ _ James C. Hand. Edward LaMirekde. John B. Penrose, Jacob Riegel. H. Jones Brooke. George W. Bernadou. Spencer M'llvaine, Wm. C. Houston, Henry Sloan,D. T. Morgan, Pittsburgh, Samuel E. Stokes, ' John B. Semple, do., THOMAS James Traquair, A. C. HAND. B. Berger President. do. JOHN C. DAVIS. Vice President. N BENRYLYLBURN. Ate H...Rli BALL. Amin Secretary -------- putENix INSURANCE COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA. INCORPORATED 1004—CHARTER PERTETUAL. No. 224 WALNUT Street, opposite the Exchange. This Company Insure froIREm losses or damage by . . on liberal terms on buildings, merchandise, furniture, ,to., for limited periods , and permanently on buildings by deposit or premium. The Company has been in active operation for more than sixty_ years, during which all loisses have been promptly adjusted and puld. • DIRECTORS: John L. Hodge, David Lewis, M. B. Mahon, Benjamin Etting, John T. Les, Thos. 11. Powers,Wm. ti.' Grant, A. It. McHenry. Robert W. Looming. Edmond Cast s D. Clark Wharton, Samuel Wilcox. Lawrence Lewis, Jr.. Louis 0, Norris, JOHN R. WUCHEREI4, President, Baur= WiLoox. Secretor!, 'GUM INSURANCE EXCLUSIVELY.—THE PENN- I' sylvtuila Fire Insurance Company—lncorporated lie t—Charter Perpetual—No. 510 Walnut street, opposite In dependence Square. This t, ompany, favorably known to the community for over forty years. continues to insure agahult loss or dam age by fire, on Public or Private Buildings, either perma nently or for a limited time. Also. on Furniture. Stocks of Goode and Merchan Rae generally, on liberal terms. Their Capital. together with a large Surplus Fund, is investedmost careful manner. which enables case ofoffer to the insured an undoubted securitoiln the case of loss. DIRECTORS. Daniel Smith. Jr.. John Devereux, , Alexander Benson, Thomas Smith. Isaac Ilazlehurst, Henry Lewis, Thomas Robins, J. Gillingham Fell. Daniel Haddock, Jr. DANIEL SAUTE, Jr., President. Wn.tuts G. Caowitts. Secretari, UNITEILADD FI I BN 3 EI 'INSURANCE COMPANY OF wi Th hs a C f o t p a n nd k nnes i k ts a b t u sine ow e e x st c l r u a si e e l c Y o te nt FIRE INSURANCE IN p TITE CITY OF PUILADELr OFFICE—No. MS Arch street. Fourth National Bank Building. DIREITORS. . . Thomas J. Martin. - Charles &Smith. John Hirst, Albertus King. Wm. A, Rolla. Rena Ikimin• James Mongan. James Wood. William GlOllll., John Shalloross. James Selmer. . . J. Sony Askin. Alexander T. Monom ial ! , Ella Dualig Albert O. ROberhir Ph p_Fitcp:Aok eION )3. ANDREffa, President. WM. A. Boum Treas. Wu. 11. Faun. 80cl. 1829. ` PERPE7TAL OF PIEULADELPIIKA. • °MOO- -.435 and 437 Chestnut Street. A ra l %I 43 1n115 93,711 126 1210021 E FOR 1269. L 06860.000 . 1111100 Paid Since 1829 Over 1/1145,500„000. - Capital . • • *tented scamp Per ains] utd Temporary Policies on Liberal Terms. The Company also issues Policies upon the Rents of all kinds of Buildings, Ground Rents and Mortgages E. A. ROLLS 8. BENBY D. COOED. JOHN D. DEFEEES. EDWABD DODGE. IL O. FAHNEBTOOS. . 1 647,30 di IssVß*Na.. Equ...A.maranT FIRE , INSURANCE COMPANY Assets on Isnuary 1,1888, *L2,4377,372 13. DIRECTOR& Alfred s Thoma S pa te. Win. 8. Grant. . Thomas B. Erna Gusts:nu S. Benson. BAKER, President. 8. Vico President. lecretary. scretari. Alfred G. Baker. asmuel Grant, G lii eo. e WLea.. Blertexds, Geo,,Ealeik ALFRED b. GEO. FAL .7AI3. W. MoALLISTER, a WhL GREEN, Azatetaut Be TiCOUNTY FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY—OF. tI LE lm), No. 110 South Fourth street, below Chestnut. 'The Fire Insurance Company of the County of Plats. delphia." Incorporated by the Legislature of Pennsidva nta in ISM, for Indemnity against lose or damage by fire. eirliusively4 CHARTER PERPETUAL, This old and reliable inelltution,with ameh3 capital and contingent fund carefully invest ed . Contin.. - i to insure buildings. furniture, merchandise, dre., either permanent ly or fora limited time,against loss or damage by llre, at the lowest rates consistent with the absolute safety of Us customers. Loess,e all iusted and paid with all possible despatch. DIRECTORS: Chas. J. Better. Andrew IL Miller, lienrLßudd. James N. Stone, John Milli Edwin L. Reakirt, Joseph Moore, Robert V. Massey. Jr.. George Mecke Mark Devine. ,j, BUTTER, President. HENRY BUDD, Vice Preaident. BENJAMIN F. HOESKLEY, Secretary and Treasurer FIRE ASSOCIATION OF FHB...WEL. 'phis, Incorporated March 97, IE3O. Office, No. 84 North Fifth street. Insure Buildings. . _ , Household Furniture and Menhir" "" 4- i^^ generally, from Low by Fire. Asiets Jan. 1. 1869.... William li. Hamilton, Samuel Bparhawk. Pete Heiser.. Charlee.P. Bower. John Ca r row, Jesse LiAhtfoot. Geoige Vann& Robert 8110MaXa • . Joao R. I..yn Levi P. Coats. der Armbrimter. Dickinson. Peter Wi a.•• • 11. • WM. B. HAMILTON. Preside t, SAMIIFL SPARHAWS. Vice President. WM. T. BUTLER. Serxetarv. E cl -E k=l.--01ReeM U24 tio C rtg Fifth tA Y n OF Market street incorporated by the Legislature of Peniqvania. Char ter perpetual . Capital and duets Me. Make lam. ranee against boa or damage by Fire on Pu lic or Private Buildings. Furniture, Stocks. Goods and Merchandise, on favorable terms. DIRECTORS. Wm. McDaniel. Edward P. Moyer, lerael Peterson: ' Frederick Ladner. John F. SelaterUng. Adam J. Maar, Henry Troemner, Heariplany. Jacob Schandein. John onott. Frederick Doll. Christian D. Frick , Samuel Miner. George E. Fort, William D. Gardner. WILLIAM McDANIEL. President. ISRAEL PETERSON, Vice President. POMP E.' Corium% Secretary and Treasurer. etkaili:A Ls PIKE Ir.OURANCh COktPANY. Dieoß. Aporated IBlo.—Charter perpetnaL No. 810 WALNUT street, above Third,PhiLadelphia. Having a large paid-up Capital Steak and Surplus in vested in somid and available Securities,. continue to in sure on dwellings, stores, furniture, mmehaise, veasels Allrt, and their carper, and other personal property. :sees liberally and promptly adjusted. DIRECTORS. Thomas B. Marls. Edmund G. Dutillu John Welsh. harles W. PoultnoY. Patrick Brady, lame! Ho John T. Lewis. John P. Anwill. William. PauL THOMAS B. MARI% President. Armors C. Citawrogn. Secretary TFAME INSURANCE COMPANY. 0 VICE NO 406 CHESTNU PHILADELPHIA. FIRE INSURANCE EXCLUSIVELY. DIRECTORS. ao. Richardson. Robert Pearca L Ch Wm. B. Shawn. John Kessler, Jr Francis N. Buck. • John W. Everran. Henry LevriA Edward B. Orne. Geo. A. Wed. Char. Stokes. Nathan 1311 ter bium Mordecai RI ELARDSON. - PrAdent. WE. It. RHAWN. Vice• President. WILLTAMB I. EttaIIIMIAILD. Secretary ,avorion 11111.1LIESS. MeaRTIN BROTHERS, AUCTIONEERS. (Lately Salesmen for M. Thomas & Bona.) Na. MS CHESTNUT o. street. re Vine ar entr street. ance from Minor. Sale N 5334 HANDSOME WALNUT FURNITURE, FINE FRENCH PLATE MIRROR, FINE BRUSSELS AND INGRAIN CARPETS, ON dm. THURSDAY MORNING. March 15. at 10 o'clock. at No. 2034 Vine street, by cata logue, handsome Walnut and Hair Cloth Parlor Furni ture. handsome Walnut Chamber Furniture Cottage Chamber Suit,nuperior Dining Room and Sitting Room Furniture, fine French Plate Mantel Mirror. handsomely framed', fine Brussel!, Venetian and Ingrain Carpets, 3 line Spring Matreasea. 011 PaintingcCooking Utens il s. 41,c. May be seen early on the mortar's of sale. Sale B. E. corner Main and Herman streets, Germantown. SUPERIOR HOUSEHOLD FURNITUREs HANDSOME ROSEWOOD PIANO FORTE, VELNET AND IN GRAIN CARPETS. dm. ON MONDAY MORNING. March 29. at 11 o'clock, at the S. E. corner of Main and Herman streets, Germantown. by catalogue, superior Walnut and Hair Cloth Parlor Furniture, sup rriot' Chant. ber Furniture. Extension Table. handsome Rosewood Piano Forte. Hair Matreeses, Bedding, Velvet and Ingrain Carpets. Cooking Utensils. May be sew early on the morning of sale. Cars leave depot, Ninth and Green st, eats, every hour. BALE OF MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS. ON MONDAY EVENING. Marsh V. at 7,36 o'clock, at the auction rooms, No. 519 Chestnut etreetiby catalogue, Miscellaneous Books from Libraries. Sale No. 24 North Fortieth Bt.. West Philadelphia. HAN ['SOME WALNUT FURNITURE. ELEGANT SLHOMACRER PIANO FuRTE. HANDSOME VELr VET AND ENGLISH BRUScEi. CARPETS, SUP& RIOR SEWING MACHINE. ON THURSDAY M®RNING. April 1, at 10 o'clock.. at No. 33 North Fortieth at West Philp delphie, by catalogue, handsome Walnut and Bro. critCle Parlor Furniture. Etagere and Centre Table to niatcb ; superior Chestnut Chamber Suit, elegant Rose. u red Schomacker Piano Forte. very superior Howe Sew. mg Machine, handsome English Brussels and Velvet Car. pets. Brussels Hall and Stair Carpets , handsome French China Tea and Coffee Sets, Kitchen Utensils. Oil Cloths, im • & r. May be seen early on the morning of Bale. DAVIS & HARVEY. AUCTIONEERS. Late with M. Thomas & Sons. Store Nos. 48 and 50 North SIXTH street Receivers' Peremptory Sale to Close the Partnership Concern ot the Firm FACT O RYa Watson. AT THE Haveland street, Back of No. 848 North Eight', street, below Vine street, VALUABLE MACHINERY. DRILL PRESSES. PLAN ING IiIAUHLNE, 13Ut,ERIOR LATHES, SHAFTING, WROUGHT PATTERN d. TOOLS. CASTINGS, AND CAST IRON, SCALES. FORGE. &o. ON THURSDAY MORNING. March Z. includiug—Drill Presses, Upright Drills, Plan ing Machine, superior Lathes. pair of heavy Shears, Screw Cutting_Machine. Portable Forge. Shafting, with Puleys and Hauge a, Belting, 27 Vises, 9 Anvils, large Grindstone, Clayroill and Crushers Buffing Machine, I pair Platform Scales. steam Hoisting Machine. Black smiths'. Locksmiths' and Machinists' Tools, valuable ratterns. Bar, Angle and Scrap Iron, Bar Cast Steel. Iron Safe. four Cabinet Makers' Banchoe, quantity of Ashes &.e. May be examined the day preceding each sale. Sale 1605 South Second street. STOCK OF A CHINA STORE. ON SATIMDAY MORNING. March 27. at 10 o'clock. at No. 1605 South Second street, stock of hips and Glassware, Lampe, 'Toys. quautlty nr•osrhold Furniture. Shelving, Cooking and ligliridtir Stoves. &o. Sale No. 8!7 worth Eighth street. SUPERIOR FURNITURE. FINE TAPESTRY CARPETS, dm. ON MONDAY MuItNINO. March 24. at 10 o'clock, at No. 857 North Eighth street, above Percieb street the Household and Kitchen Furni ture of a gentleman declining housekeeping. comprising mperior Walnut Parlor Suit, two largo Centre Tables, ( balm ber Furniture, Bede. Stoves, fine Tapestry Carpets. Ac., &c. T A. MoCLELLAND. AUCTIONEER. Igici CHESTNUT atreet. CONCERT HALL AUCTION ROOMS. Rear Entrance on Clover etreet Household Furniture and Merchaudise of every de. acriptien received on consignment. Sales of Furniture at du , (Mingo attended to on reaaonable terms. ELEGANT WALNUT PARLOR _CHAMBER AND DINING ROOM FURNITURE, HANDSOME BuORCASEB, WARDROBES. &c. ' ON FRIDAY MORNING. March 26. at 10 o'clock, at Concert Hall Auction Rooms, No. 1010 Chestnut street, by catalogue. including Handsome Brocatelle, Green Reps, Hair Cloth covered Rosewood and Walnut Parlor Suite. elegant oiled and varnished Chamber Furniture, Etageres, Bookcases. wal• nut Wardrobes , Extension Tables, marble top Parlor and Centre 1 ables,- tildeboards,. Cottage Chamber Suite, Spring, Hair . and Husk Matreeses, Lounges, &a. Also, Table Cutlery, Casten, Spoona and Forks. Also a quantity of Secondhand Furniture, Carpet/Lac C. D. 6100=0 & CO luerthruisam No. 608 MARKET street. ROOT AND MOE ALE EVERY MONDAY AMR THURSDAY. JAMES A. FREEMAN, AOCTIONEER, No 422 WALNUT' street Peremptory_ _Sale No. 1,31.1 Chestnut street. . LEASE. STOCK. 000EWILL AND FLXTURES OF A' FiNHGROCERY STORE. • ON THURSDAY MORNING. " At 10 o'clock. will be sold at auction, without r serve., the Lease, Goodwill and Fixturel of a lino Grocerv e St re; Abo, by_catelogue, the entire Stock. incleding Seim Coffees, Tes/l. "SPines, Wine% canned Fruit,.Pickles: Sauces. Cheeses. ac. Fate on the Prembee. Germantown. STONE DWELLING AND LOT, MAIN STREET. OPPOSITE CARPENTER. ON TIIURSD AY AFTERNOON, March %, at 8 o'clock, will be sold on the premises—A stone dwelling and lot, opPosite the large and elegant property of the late George W. Carpenter. deceased.being 57M feet front on Main street by about 260 feet deep. Half ma y temaln. Plan at the store. 5 - 100 to be paid at the time of sale. Sale No. =South Twenty•first street. HANDSOME HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE TAPESTRY. INGRAIN AND IMPERIAL CARPE d, h(:). ON MONDAY MORNING, At 10 o'clock, will be gold without reserve. the entire Furniture. comprising Suite of Oil Walnut. Parlor and Chimber Furniture. Secretary. Tapestry and Furniture pets; Oas Chandeliers, Oak Dining-room Kitchen Ilfensils. Oil.Olotb. Thefurniture is nearly new, hitting been iteetbut a algal time. Peremptory Sale on the Premises. VALUABLE PROPERTY, 20 ACRES,_ WITH IM PROVEMENTS, WISSAHICKON STATION. NORTH PRNIVA R. R. ON TUESDAY MORNING. March 80, at 11 o'clock, will be sold without reserve on the premises. a valuable prow tv. directly at the station. Thegrouttd is elevated. common - dime a beantiful prospect of Chestnut Hill and the adjacent country. and is a choice location for a country residence Plan at the store. BALZ Pr REV Proll.Y. $260 to be paid at time of sale. NURSERY, STOOK TREES, IMPLEMENTS, HORSE. arc. Also, immediately afterwards the entire nursery stock (as the owner, Mr. Thomas Meehan, intends hereafter to carry on only the Nursery at Oermantowns la which will be fruit, evergreen and ornamental trees of every variety. for, which these nurseries have been well known. Also. Horse, Farming Utensils, drc. Oa — Catalogue ready In a few days. Or - BALE. PEBE3rProny. tell tde3l VALUABLE EIGHTH STREET PROPERTY AT PRIVATE SALE. The valuable CHURCH 'PROPERTY. on EIGHT El at.. above Race. suitable for a large wholesale or retail store; could readily be altered. Could be adapted to a musk hall Or manufactory, the walla being of unusual strenipb... Will be sold with or without the parsonage, as may be desired. Plans at the store: Terms easy. Le la c•TING. DURBOROw lit CO. AUCTIONEERS, Noe. Td2 and W. 4 MARKET street, corner of Bank at. Successere to JotiN 8.. MY RS dr CO. • LARGE SALE OF FOREIGN AND DO6I2ESPIC DRY GOODS. ON THURSDAY MORNING, DO March 2.5. at 10 o'clock. on fouMESTIC months' credit, yix — S Bales bleached and brown Muslim and Drilla. do all wool Domet, Canton and Merino Flannels. • Cases Checks Stripes, Ticks, Denims. Cottonados. do Madder Prints, Kentucky and Corset Jeans. \S wane. do Ginghame, Cambrian Jaccmets,Sileciaa,Paddirtga do l;aaeimerea, Satinets. Tweeds. Waterproofs, &c. LINEN GOODS. Cases 4-7 Irish Shirting Linens, pucks, Drills, Sheetingn do Spanish. Bley and Blouse Linens. Holland* Diaper. do Loom Lice, Towels, rations, Burlaps, Crash, &a. do Bleached Table Damasks and Clothe. do Pillow Case Linens and Woven Shirt Fronts. WOO DOZEN i INEN CAMBRIC MMUS. Full lines 6-8 and 34 Linen Cambric Hdkfs. Full lines 3.8 and 8.4 Hemstitched do. Full lines 3 4 Hemmed at d Printed do. 2000 PIECES WHITE Goons. Js canals, Cambrim, Swiss Mulls. Victoria` atone. Bishop's Lawns, Tape Checks. Naineooks, Tape Strives NOTICE TO CARRIAGE MANUFACTURERS. 10 pieces Indigo Blue Cambs. for conch Linings. MERCHANT TAILORS' 0001/8. Pieces Belgian, English and Saxony Black and Blue Clctbe do French Fancy Cassimeren and Coatings, Drap d'Ete. do Aix la Chapelle Doeskinn, Tricots. Meltone. do Blk and Colored Italian Cloths. Satin de Chines. DRESS GOODS, SILKS AND SHAWLS. Pieces London black and colored Mohairs and Alpacas. do Delaines. Bateass, Silk and Wool Poplins. do Mozambique& Lenos, Lawns, Grenadines. do Black and Colored Silks, Satins, Shawls. Cloaks. 42c. $1.406,0% 08 —ALSO— French White Piques. Ladies' and ?Mises. Balmoral and Hoop Skirts.. Traveling and tinder Shirts, Suspen ders. Silk Ties Hobiery and Gloves. Umbre ll as; Linen and Cotton lidr,fs , !A dm LARGE SALE OF CARPETINOS. OIL CLOTHS. CANTON MATTING& di 0. ON FRIDAY MORNING. March 26, at 11 o'clock, on four months' credit, about 200 pieces Ingrain, Y. netisn. List. Hemp, Cottage and Bar Carpetings, Floor Oil Cloths, Matti.", dm. LARGE SALE OF FRENCH AND OTHER EUROPEAN DRY GOODS. dm. . ON MONDAY MORNING. March M, at 10 o'clock. on four months' credit. including AN ETNA LARGE AND ATTRACTIVE SALE UL 600 CARTONS RICH PARIS RIBBONS. Just landed. by order of Mears. RUTTER, LUC KEMEYER di CO. —ALSO— Patina, Gros de Naples, Ma Mee, Crepes and other Milli. nery Goode. BALE OF 2000 CABEB BOOM SHOEB. TRA VELING BAGS, km ON TUESDAY MORNING. March 30 at 10 o'clock. on tour months' credit. ESTATE OF IN JO BAN HN KRUPTCY. rt. STEVENSON. JE.., Sale by order of Age/owes through BUrsTiNG, DURBOKOW dr cO., ON FRIDAY MORNING. April 2. 1869, commencing at it/ o'clock. by catalogne.for cash, comprising in part about 2000 pieces Printed Floor OIL CLOTH. various widths. A large lot of sized and unsized BURLAPS. Pieces Carriage Oil Cloths and Printed Car Lining. Pieces Brown Mullins and heavy Bagging. THOMAS BIRCH & SON. AUCTIONEERS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS. No. 1110 CHESTNUT street Rear Entrance N 0.1107 Barroom street. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE OF EVERY DEf3ORIP TION RECEIVED ON CONSIGNMENT, Sales of Fu rn itare at Dwellings attended to on the most aaonable terms. SALE OF A SUPERIOR ASSOR'I I MENT OF SILVER Plated Ware and Cutlery. Italian Marble, Groups. Vases aura Urns, Bohemian Glassware. &c. THIS bVENING. At 7k o'clock. at Ithe auction store. No. 1110 Chestnut street, will be Bold, a large assortment of English Silver Plated Ware and Cutlery consisting of Tea and Coffee Fervicee, with Urns and Trays to match; Ice Pitchers; Gobi eta ; Dinner and. Breakfast Castors. with Cut Cruets ; Pocket and Table Cutlery, with pearl and ivory handles; Fri lur and uncoils of various designs. &c. A leo, a large invoice of Italian Marble Statuettes, Vases; Urns and Ornaments Bohemian Glassware, Arc. Sale at No. 1110 Chestnut street. FUI'ERIOR 110 i SErIOLD FURNITURE , , PIANO ORT}Ii. LARGE MIRRORS, SILVER PLATED WAI , E, CANTON CHINA, CARPETS, SEWING MACHINES. &c. ON FRIDAY MORNING At 9 o'clock. at th e Auction Store, No. 1110 Chestnut street, will be sold—A large stock of emierior New and Secondhand Hour chef d Furniture, comprising—Rich Parlor Suite, of various patterns, in plush. reps and hair cloth; Walnut Chamber Suits, of new and elegant •pat • terns Wardrobes, Library Suite, Sideboards, Elegant Library and Office Bookcases and Writing Tables, Exton. sion pining Tables. finisseb, Ingrain and Venetian Car. pets, Hair Diatreeses, Feather Beds. Library Seat Dining French elate Mantel and Pier Mirrors, Cane Seat Dining Boom and Chr.mber Chairs Sewing Machines. China and Glassware, Bagatelle Table. Kitchen Furniture, gic. PIANu FORTES. Also. for Rosewood and Mahogany Piano Fortes. SILVER PLATED WARE. Also. an assortment ! U of richS ICAL Silv ßU er X Plated Ware. Ono superior DENTAL F URNACE. B. d 4 tunes. DE si NTAL FURNACE. &c. One large Dental Furnace, new Moulds, Mettler, Slider, Bench ana Vise Tools. AUCTION SA Pu LE OF GOVERN BENT PROPERTY. Daccyr (Karat:lll.6'oM% OFFICE, t , Pa. March 17, 18W. Will be sold at Public Auction, at Schuylkill Arsenal, Philadelphia, Pa.. at 10 o'clock A M., on TRUBSDA.Y, APRIL 1, 1669. the following Articles of Clothing NEW, but rated tumult able for issue to troops , viz.: 3.147 pairs Pegged Boots. 19.616 do do Bootees. 25 700 Gray Flannel Shirts. And the following Articles of Clothing and Equipago unserviceable: 4,550 Blankets. 852 Coats, privates. 31 Great Coats, lined. 1,246 Sack Coats, lined. 48 " "' unlined. fel Canteens, complete. 254 Jackets. privates. ns Flannel and Knit Shirts. 081 Pair Stockings. 3,701 Pair Trowsena, mounted. 2.127 Pair Trowsers, foot. Also, at the came time and place, a large quantity of old Rope. Tent Cuttings. Burlaps, Petroleum Paper. Cotton Cuttings. old Packing Boxes, and other articles of Cloth. in and Equipage. Terms—Caeh, in Government funds. Cash at time of purchase for all liaise below $25. A deposit of 25 per cont. will be required on all sums above that amount. Catalogues of the property to be sold will ho furnished upon.application to this °nice. H. M. ENOS, Bvt. Colonel and A. Q. M. U. 13. Army, mlllB WM Depot Quartermaster. B' . 80071 . AUCTIONEER. IJ. BCOTTII ART GALLERY 1020 CHESTNUT street. Philadelphia. CARD—The undersigned will give particular attention to Bales at Dwellings of parties removing. Having no place for etorago of furniture, it will be to my interest to make clean males. Other consignments of merchar else respectfully solicited. SPECIAL - RALE OF AMERICAN PICTURES. ON TIIURSDAY EVENING, Marcb 96, at Bcott'm Art Uallery. 1020 tdreetnet 'trod. at Ball-past .even o'clock, will be Fold without reserve, a collection of American Plenum all by Artists of reran- ROIL commiaing Landscapes, River and Mountain Saw nery, &c. All elegantly mounted in flue gold leaf frames. IMMENSE SPECIAL BALE OF BEST QUALIT Y TRIPLE SILVER PLATED WAttE. (All guaranteed.> Being the stock of 'one of the celebrated Chestnut street Manufacturers. ON TUESDAY MORNING. March M. at to 31 o'clock at Scott's Art Gallery IMO Chatting Btreet: will be sold at. puetio sale, ono of the largeot and fullest - assortment of Eptra Quality Triple Silver Plated Ware that has ever boon offered in Una city. MI the wares guaranteed. The entLre catalogue will be sold without thq toast In ouye.. .Partfoulars hereafter T , I. Asa=Das, 004 1 t ki r u Cil t g t ir. EA% r II t 1 &lICITION SALEIN AII3CrTION SALLE& M.'THOMAS , 130bell t 6Al/gIIOIIEMS, Nor. is* swa to Sou th Fourth isteest. ' • SALES OF . eat)(2l4 , AND BaaI, ESTATE. !Dior Public pales ftt rhilaikilphisiCxclume lava= TUESDAY at 12 o'clock. - • acr - Fanatura .salae at .the Auction. Wore Bales atltoeidencee recetve ant dal ittention. soE OF OIL PAINTiNGI3,..... - • Comprising Important parts of TWO . PRIVATE 00E« LECTFONS. to be sold at.No 1231 Chestnut strlnit, istat, MONDAY and TUESDAY EVENINGS. 'March 29 mg . .. 80. On Free Exhibition-from. Wednesday. the Pennsylvania Academy off Pine Arts. _ , Works of the following eminent artists are Inel W. Silage% Sr.. . Boutelle, _ Ramses..__ Jacobsen, Woodwall. r Bellow% . De Bout Nicholson. I P alrmarks • Neches, Hamilton. Bre'roOrte Marto, , Botchard. T. Moran. W. T Itlehards, Lambdiu. P. Kermit Paul Weber. Ruche , 'Joseph John. Yemen, Peons,' . .Wm. Sart • ' J. D. Smiths. Barland. Inners. , , • G. H. Smillie, Patrols, filignot, Bristol. • - De Dreux. E.D. Lewis. Parton. Hilverdink, Stab:deka, Young, Sontag, T. Henry Idelittir; Bisham. Nehlig, De Brackelear. E. Moran, Sully, _Van CHOICE ENGLISH AND - A2l -- 117101(86 --- _, ON TUESDAY.. WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY and EA. ~ TURDAY AFTERNOONS. March 23. 24."05 , end S 7 ' At 4 o'clock.including—British Poets. 130 vole., half cant: Waverley Novels, 60 vole.; i.dekenrs Works. 91 volt: Bulwer's Novels. 20 vole ; Marryatt's Novels; . jameson'a Works; Imperial Dictionary, 6 vols.; Dorb's Tenalson: Don Quixote;'La Fontaine ; Froissart's ChronrcLes.:With mumirotions, 2 vole ; flue editions of Shakeepeare: Poets; Theologies', dm Extensive Sale at s tl i llii h A;i o c t h r o t n t, Rooms. Nos,lalland HANDSOME HOUSEHO LD FURNITURE; PIANOS. • le IBRORS, SILVER PL.ATE. FINE GUNS. bIA BrES AND BEDDING. OFFICE FURNITUR ' 'HANDSOME VELVET. BRUSSELS AND 0 CARPETS, ho. ON THURSDAY MORNING. March 25,at 9.o'clock, at the auction rooms, bY a large assortment or superior Household Furniturai, comprising—Elegant Walnut Drawing Room Snit, as. vered with fine. Green plush; two handsome: Walnut Parlor Suits, covered with figured brocatelle ; 8 Walnut ., , Chamber Suite, Cottage Chamber Furniture, 2 superior rosewood Piano Fortes, 4 flue French Plate Mantel and Pier Mirrors. handsome Walnut Etagere. superior WM. nut Secretary and Bookcase. Walnut Sideboards.-Extelr eion, Centre and Bouquet Tables, 2 fine 011,Paintings. "Fruit and Flowers," by Rosen; fine Plated Ware, China and Glassware. fine Hair Matresses, fine Feather Beds.' Bolsters and Pillows. superior Office Furniture. Cabinet. makers' Bench, Turning Lathe, Gee-consuming and Cook ing Stoves. 2 bronze six light Chandeliers &fa hngrair7 lugs, handeome Velvet. Bruss eAlsols, and other Carpets. &c. • • SILVER PLATE, BY ORDER OF EXECUTORS. At 1 o'clock. by order of Execntors. Silver Cake Basket. Sauce Pont Castor, Muse, Napkin hinge Fish Knife. Better Relives, Soo' no. he, May be examined on the morn...ingot' Baia.. Also, POSTY/Y e. SALE OF SUPERIOR GUNS. Superior double, barreled Gun, made by John Xrider. coat *3OO. Superior double barreled Gun. made by J. E. Evans. coat $240 , • Superior Rifle and Apparatus, in (Ma. ELEGANT DIAMONDS: - Also, set Diamond Ear Rings and Brooch. 49 Brilliants. Pair Solitaire Diamond Ear Rings. Elegant ei ollratre Diamond Stud.-weighs 8122 k. Gent's solitaire Diamond Pin. Superior Double Barrel Gun and APpittataL gaily case, made by Constable. - Administrator's Sale At the Auction Rooms. 139 and 141 South Fourth et. 'HANDSOME HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, FINE PLATED WARE, CARFE rS, &c. , ON THURSDAY MORNING: - March 25 by order of Administrator. a largo quantity' of superior Household Furniture, comorishig, taro Walnut Parlor Suits, covered with damask; Chamber and Dining Room urniture, fine Plated Ware.Chinis and Glassware. Carpets. ha. Sale on the Promisee No. 816 South Tenth street. HANDSOME REeIDENCE. SUPERIOR WALNUT PARLOR, CHAMBER AND DINING ROOM FURS,- IoRE. MIRRORo. FINE BRUSSELS AND O'ra.P.R+ CARPETS, &c On MONDAY MORNING.. - March 29. at 10 o'clock, by catalogue , the entire House* bold Furniture. comprising handsome Walnut. Parlor , Suit. covered with reps; 3 elegant Oiled Walnut Chamber belts. Cottage chamber Salts. 2 elegant Walnut Ward. rote a. superior Dining Room Furniture, five Hair and Spring Matreeres, fine Feather 'Beds.. Bolsters and Pill+ lows. handsome Centre Table. marble top• China and Glassy. are, Kitchen Utensils. fine English Brussels and other Carpets. & c. HANDSOME MODERN RE4IDENCE. Sale on on the Premises. , Previous to the sale of Furniture will bo sold. the.yery handsome Modern Threestory Brick Residence. w ith French roof. Has all the modern convenienees. and is well and substantially built. Let .11 by eet. Sale No. 616 Fmnklin stree • HANDSOME FU NE TRURE.ETS ItoSEW D PIANO. FINE CAP, &c. ON FRIDAY MORNING April 2 at 10 o'clock. at No. 616 Franglin street, above Green street, by catalogue. the entire Furniture, corn- Prising suit of walnut and ebony Drawing Room Foirni- , lure, covered with Bismarck terry. and made to order by Allen ; fine tone Rosewood Piano. 7-octave made by Soho mscker; Oak Dining Room Furniture; Ch ina and Glass ware ; handsome Walnut Library ' ratite ;Walnut Lounge; fine English Brussels Parlor and Chamber Carpets; Brus sels ball and stair Care eta; handsome Cottage Chamber Furniture; fine Hair Mattresses; Kitchen Utensils; Re frigerator ; Stoves, &c. The furniture was made to order and is equal to now. THE BEJECIPAL MONEY BESTABLIBH?dENr.s. 13; E. corner of BIXTH and RACE streets. Money advancedon Merchandise generally—Weld/0k Jewelry, 1 Jemmies. Gold and Silver Plate, and on an sulkies of value, for any length of time weed on. WATCHES AND JELBY AT PRIVATE BALE. Fine Gold Hunting Case ,Double Bottom and - Oman:MS English. American and Swiss Patent Lever Watches& Fine Gold Hunting Cue and Open Face Lepine Watchest Finn Gold Duplex and other Watches; Fine Silver Hunt ing Case and Open Face English, American and Bwl Patent Lever and Lephie Watches; Double Case English QuarUer and other Watches ._• Ladles" Fancy Watches% Diamond Breastpins ; Finger Binge; Ear Bingo; Flais *o.; Fine Gold Chains LBledallions; Bracelets; llns ;Breastpins; FhigerßJnics ;Pencil Cases and Jewelry generally. FOB SALM—A large and valuable Fireproof MOIL suitable for a Jeweler ; cost 5660. Also. several Lots in South CamdemFifth and Chestnut streets. SAILIWIT & CO., AUCTIONEERS. CABH AUCTION BA Po. XBO istmarrr otreet. comer of BANl l3 nott. Cob advanced on coolant:twenty without extra charge. CLOTHS, CASSIJIEBEB, &e. JAMES & LEE RAVING MADE EXTENSIVE Alt.. rangements for all the novelties in Woolen Goode that come to the country. invite the attention of their friends find others to their large and choice assortmentor Spring Goode, specially adapted to mon and boys' wear. consisting in part of COATING GOODS. Super. Blk. French Cloths. Brown, Blue and Green do. Colored Coatings, all grades. Black and• Colored Habits. Superior Silk Mixed coatings. Tweeds. all eh B dee and qualities. PANTALOON SruFFa Black French Doeskins. Black French Caaeimerea. Single Milled Caeeimeree. new styles. New Styles Plaid Caseimeree. Mixed Caeeimeree and Doeekine. Cords. Satinatts, Beaverteens. At wholesale or retail. uaeuels, • 1111 i • • . Di: I : • : .116 • •II :1 White Lead, Zinc, White and Colored Paints of o own manufacture, of undoubted purity, in quantities • euit pc rchaeare. ROBERT SHOEMAKER dc CO.. De In "'tante and Varnishes, N. E. corner Fourth and • streets. n 02742 - ROHL BABB ROOT, OF RECENT IMPORTATION AND I_l very superior quality ; White Gum Arable, East In dia Castor Oil, White and hiottled Castile dos p. Olive Oil. of 'various brands. For salo by ROBERT SHOEMAKER dr, CO.. Druggists. Northeast corner Fourth , and; Raw streets. , n 02741 DRUGGISTS` SUNDRIES.—GRADUATES, MORTAL% PM Tiles, Combs, Brushes, Mirrors. Tweezers Boxes, HOrp Scoops. Surgical instruments. Trusses, Hard and Soft Rubber Goods, Vial Cases . ' Glass and Metal Syringes, dm,„ all at "First Hands" prices. SNOWDEN dc'BROTHER, AO, tt 28 South Eighth street. - DOSERT SHOEMAKER & CO.. WHOLESALE Druggiete, Northeast corner Fourth and Raee &recta, invite the attention of the Trade to their large etook or Fine Druge and Chemicals, Essential Oils. Spong es, Corks. Ato. noo7 tf Ir.) 10 1411117 I:4 I TO S BOYD. IU. Window Shades. Beds, Mattresses Carpets and Curtains, No. 136 North Ninth streot, Philadelphia. al ways on h.nd. Furniture rot aired and varnished. JA*D3 A. WITIGHT. THORNTON PIKE. CLAMANT A. causocol. TURODORIS WILIGHT. LIIANIi T SMALL. PETER W tG & SONS. Importei aof earthenware Shipping and Commission hierchante. N 0.115 Walnut stmt. Philadelphia. (107 1 ON SAIL DUCK wide,Kl( WIDII,FIIO6i A.:3 1 " inch to 76 inches all numbers. Tent and Awning Duck, papor.maker , . ettf rig, Bail Twine, dm. JO tiN W. EVERNA.N, No. 103 Church drool. City Stoma y - 11.1VY WELLS—OVVNERB OF P cl ROPERTY—TEM only place to get privy wells eansed and dish'. fected, at very low prices. A. PEYSSON. Hanulacturer of Pondrette. Goldsmith's FratlrLibrarY street NOTIQER• arrapp. TILE PHILADELPHIA, GERMANTOWN AND, NORRISTOWN RAILROAD COMPANY, Magna It; ISMS. The Board of Managers have this diy declared u OW; dend of Five Per Cent. on the Capital Stock of the Corn., pa', payable. clear of taaree, on and after the met of April next. rho transfer hooka will be closed on the I.9th'fnetl. eiritt remain closed until Aprillat. • A.E.DOUGUERTY - 'phut ni,w,taalf Treasurer. I P71 . 1:11 - V_C% *LC uptii FA A 8 FIXTURE G.—Nillar4 & TIIACKARA_, No. 718 Cho/dart street, insinasetarern of Gam Miura& LAMM ac. &a, would cell the attentlas of the pobilo to their large and elegant small:mew of (i.e Chandellens, Pendants. Brackett 84. , They elsOintroduok gas pipes into dwellings and Dublin buildings; 'and attend to extending. altering and urgaiiiini gas Apm. All work warranted TIORDEWS; BEEP :TEA. UAW.. AN OUNCE .0? .1-2 this extract Win make a pint of excollont Boot Tea itt &few niinutes, Atom, on hand and for sato by JOBEPP, B. BtlasiEna C 0.0.08 south Delaware avenue. JAMES & LEE. No. 11 North Second street. Sign of tho (rOldert Lamb. mltt7-3m
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers