COLTS BUILLNI42I. • The tralversity. or Pennsylvania — Co m inencoment of the Medical LOoptars meat. , Thss commencement exercises of the Medical Department of the University of Pennsylvania were held thia afternoon at the Academy of . w Mu sic. The attendance as large, the greater por tion of the athllOnee being ladles. Tito Germania Orchestra, Wm. G. Dietrich, Conductor, was present ad performed some excellent selections of mus previous to and during the exercises. The Trustees, Faculty and Graduates formed in procession at the College Building, on Ninth street, above Chestnut street, and marched to the Academy of Music , where they took seats upon the stage. ' The exercises were opened with prayer. Charles J. BUBO, L.L. D., Provost, then con ferred the degree of Doctor of Medicine upon the following graduates : Allinder, Daniel G., Pa Longstretb. Morris, Pa. Aileen. Robert IL. Pa, MclObben, Wm L.. Pa.t. Allison, John M, Po. McPherson, Hugh, N. id. Amadeo,Antonio J.. P. Ries. Malone. Daniel (.).. Pa. Angle, Henry F. bid. Martin, George 111. Pa. Applegate, Asher T„ N. J. Martin, Harry M., Pa. Armitage. Austin •1\ .. Pa. Mathewson. John H.. N.C. Aem , osid . Albert 8.,Jr., Pa. Mathias, Andrew M„Pa. Askerr, Abner H., N.C. Menai% Remain G.. Pa. Atkinion. Gordon 'l' . Md. Miller, Elbert B. Jr., Tenn. Ayres. Jervie C., Pa.. Mills. Charles K.. Pa. Beekerr ilia. John R, Va. Mine. &dine C., N. _,C It Belt, James R. F., Pa. Milner, Oriel R. (M. D.) La. Bennett, Wm. 11. Pa. Mintie, Alex. R. hone. dlidlack. J. 8.W., Pa. Mitchell, Ed. D. , Miss. islackwelL E.T.(M. D.),N.J. Moore, Andrew K. Tenn. Wiwi:bill , Jor., Pa. Moody , Geo W. . Tenn. Brakeley. Peter W. N. .1. Moore, John Petrie . Pa. Brehman, Geo. E., Pa. Moore, Jae W. , Pa. Brum. John .J. , Tam Moore, ThnLW.. Texas. Back,Wm. Penn, Pa„, Munnikhuyeen , W. is., Md. Burne,Wm. A., Pa. Murrell, Ed. 11.. Va. Calvin, Chas. L. Pa. Nancrode, Chas. IL , Pa. Ouse, Robert i f., N. Y. NOW8)111.M. Stanley P. , CaL Christman. Calvin K., Pa. s. utt :Geo. D •N J .. . . Clerk. David. Mass. O'Farrel. John, W. V. Collins, Edwin, DeL Ott, Isaac . Pa Colton. John J.. Pa. Paul, Comegys, N. J. Cooley, Orrin, Mane. Paum, Amos BMass. Comma. Frank F., N. J. Paxson, Jos. A.. . Pa. Dutton. tieo. W.. Cal. Paxson, John, Pa. Eldred, JohnE„ Pa. Perkins, E. Stanley Pa. Elite. Alfred; Brazil. Perkins. W. (3 (bi.D.), M d Elmer, Henry W.. N J. Pet, ie. R. Maitland, N. J . Everett, Geo. IL, Ohio.. Platt. Lucian T. Conn. Farnimm_. Edwin, Pa. Porter P. 8., Del. Faestti, Theo., Pa. Price, blordecal, Md. Foulke: Richard C., Pa. Probasco. John B , N. J. kos;Georgp_lienry, N. V. Quinn, Charles A. Pa. Franklin, EdWftra N., Tenn. Reed, George M., Pa Gerhard. Frank Itelser„-Pa. Rinker, James J., Tenn. Giddinv. Nathaniel C., Pa. Salt:imp, P.. 1.• Porto Rico Grey. _mantel A.,`enn. Sam.on. Goo. C.. Dist CoL Griilitli RobartW, Pa. Schafer, Herman, N. J. Gruver, Samuel J., I's. Seip, Aaron K., Pa. Haberacker..E G. M., Pa. Severs, Isaac M., N. J. Bogner. Charles E. Dhs.(lo l . ehakespeare. E. e).. DeL lia.rria,Richard Ei..Va. Shelton. Pryor Lealilise. Hayes, David D.. Pa. Shortlidge. Evan G.. Pa. Hazel, Fronk B. Del. Stewart, Robert. , a. IleYl. Theodore C.,Pa. Stokes. lfred t.) C.N. J. Himmelbe.rger, H. w.. Pa.. Stoops, Alex. B. AY. Houston, James P. 13..F1a , Stretch, Richard G ,br. J. Hunter. Alexander,Ky. Thom John G.,Pa. Hyde, James N..,Conn. %Vibe%F .i W .P. Ingraham. .Edward P., Ga. Van Dyke ß. .Jas. M. Pa. Keith. James,Ky . viol Rensselaer, L. N. J. Bo Jolevh L. N..C. Waters. Taleot P.,1 , 7. J. a. hi, Samuel R.,Pa. Weil, John F. X-Pa. ir ar k _ _John F.. Pa. Weston. Jabez G.N. C. Kurtz, Edwin A.,11L Whitehead Jos. 13,Va. Kurz. C. E..0h10. Wilson. Stacy M.. N. J. Leslie, James A.. N.C. Witherspoon W. 151.,Pa. Le.ssing,Ferdinand.Minn. I Zerbe, Thos. Z. T.. Pa. The dcgree of Bachelor of Laws was conferred ppon William Woodrow Montgomery and Alfred moor°. At the public commencement held June 26, 1868, the degree of Doctor of Medicine was con tained upon the following gentlemen: Hays, Isaac Winis,Penna. Price, AbelF., Penna. Of the graduates there were from 8r.5tL.,..........1 Louisiana 1\0hi0.... 2 California ........ 2 .....2Maryland 6 Pennsylvania —5B vonseauctit 3 Massachusetts.. 3 Porto Rico 2 Dehmaro.. -., . 4 Minnesota 1 Tennessee. 7 Distal Coluinbia,2.Mhailialnni 2 Texa5..... ... . ... 1 Florida .... 1 New Jerecy....l6 Virginia. 4 Ge0rgia............1 Now Y0rk ..... 2 West Virginia.. 1 Illinoie' 1 North Carolina, 6 Kentucky 3 Nova Scotia.... 1 TotaL .... . ..180 Prof.. Alfred Balla, M. D., then.. delivered the takdietory address to the graduates. ;Bouquets sent to the graduates by their friends were then distributed. " A ben fiction was then pronounced and the audience dispersed. INDEPENDENCE EIALL.—The apartment in the State Honse known as Independence Hall, which is visited with eo much interest by strangers who come, to the city, has recently undergone a com plete renovation,under the direction of Mr. Jona than Pugh, the Commissioner of City Property The floor has been laid with English tiles and the room has been repainted and the furni ture revarnished. The frames of the pictures have all been regilt, and by a peculiar procesa, portions of many of the pictures which bad almost faded from existence have been completely restored. The numerous portraits of the distinguished patriots and states men of the Revolutionary War all present a new and bright appearance. The pedestal upon which the old Independence bell stands has boon painted, and the emblems, comprising the coat of arms of the city, &c., and the scroll work con taining the names of the signers of the Declara tion of Independence, which have heretofore been scarcely distinguishable have been gilt, and now stand out boldly in view. The flag surmount ing the pedestal has also been painted in bright colors. The whole is surrounded by a neat gilt railing. The large and elegantly carved marble blOck. intended as the contribution of the city to the Washington monument, has been covered with glass to preserve it against injury, and is also surrounded by a railing. There has been no disarrangement of any of the relics in the ball,but the renovation has given the apartment a new, handsome and much-im Proved appearance. While the work has been in progress the hall has necessarily been closed to visitors, but it will be reopened to the public on Monday morning next. AR WEST OE SUPPOSED STORE ROBBERS.-Thi morning, about 3 o'clock, Lieutenant Bowers. o the Fourth district police, instructed his men to watch a certain tavern in the vicinity of Sixth and Arch streets, which had been kept open be yond the usual hour and is suspected of being a rendezvous for thieves. About that time Police man Anne observed four men at Sixth and Arch streets. Two started down Sixth street and the other two down Arch. Subsequently the offi cer met two of the men going up Arch street. Anne continued on down Arch street and met Of ficer Frank Wilson. The two went on to Fourth street, and there found the suspicious looking men, whom they arrested. The prisoners were taken to the station house and gave their names as James Watson and William Dean. One hails from Reading and the other from New York. Dean wore a ring . containing a stone used to cut glass. In his pocket was found a letter which ho had written to a prisoner in Sing Sing Prison,say ing that the ring,he had sent was answering ad mirably. Alter the arrest of these men, it was discovered that the French plate glass in the window of the fur store of A. Schwartz, No. 506 Arch street, had been broken in, and four muffs and a cape valued at $llO had been stolen. Inside of the door a piece of barrel hoop, with a nail so ar ranged as to form a hook, was found. It is sup posed that the prisoners wore concerned in the robbery. They will have a hearing at the Central Station this atternoon. TEMPERANCE MEETING.—An interesting moo ing was held at Dr. Shepherd's Church, Button wood street, below Sixth, to promote the canal of temperance. The audience was a very large one. Mr. Hiram. Waco, who presided, made an interesting statement of the effects of intoxicating drinks upon the the system, and to illustrate his subject, exhibited a number of diagrams showing the condition of the human stomach after the use of alcohol. Mr. Thomas M. Coleman made an eloquent ap peal in favor of total abstinence, and dwelt with much force upon the power of the church In the land, and the necessity of exerting that power in behalf of ,so good , a;cause.. He `.said-the adult male members of the Protestant Church In the United States represented labout one-half of the Noting population, , anti therefore,.,lf united upon reform, great Moral refor, suceeis - would be certain. Rev. Dr. Cole made a short and powerful address, when the, meeting adjourned. , TUFT. WRITER REFEL , Foxe.-- .We make the following acknowledgments of contributions to the fund for the relief of the family of James Winter: Amount previounly IH. C. Selby...—. . 209 50 1 (.1aah. 6 .0 LeuhrD. Baugh . . 600 Wm. Beekworth.... 6 110 J. B. Cum:IMT.. ... 10 (211..1. ti. Carman 200 Warner. --• .. le to (irail &Co 600 junta Ryan. - • . to 00 \Wm. T. Lafferty... 200 Robert Fog. , ... .. . 600 John Atkinaon 200 B. II Itichtu : deou.... 10U John Fulmer 100 Jas. 8.7 homer 2 00 , Brook & Pugh 600 Thomas Reed- .. 2 CO\Henry B. Co: 5,00 It B . Winter 2 00 Cash UU hire. 5 h0me11........ 500 Balance of Fund Janma Patt0n.. ..... 2 010 Per U11101:1 League 900 4 liri topber D err... 2 001 _ Aid. Fraucin Devitt lOUI Total amount....ailaii 60 BADLY BEAnar.—John Hyland and John Bean were before Ald. rHood this morning upon the charge of assault and battery on Thomas Kearns. Tee latter la, proprietOr of :'a tavern at , Beventh'z and Jefferson strode. - The defendants were try the house yesterday, and got into a quarrel with Kearns, who was so , badly beaten that he was.unable to appear at ihe hearing this morn ing. The accused were committed for a farther hearing. RESCLIIID FROM DROWNING.—JOBOIIII Costello, of•Catuden, walked into the Delaware at Mead street wharf early yesterday morning. He was rescued fromProwning by Harbor Policeman Lea and Philfp Mullen, a private watchman. , Charles Ellis was about to walk overboard near Vine street this morning, when he was stopped by Officer Lex, of the Harbor Police. ASSAULT WITH A HAMMER.- William McColgan residing on Hirst street, near Sixth and. Lombard streets, got into a quarrel with a man lasttnighb and, it Is alleged, beat him on the head with a hammer. McColgan was arrested and this morn ing was sent to prison by Alderman Carpenter. STORM RoBBERY.—A. liquor store, at Frankford road ana Sergeant street, was entered last night, and was robbed of $250 and _a gold cross. G. A. R. —A select entertainment, under t auspices of Post No. 8, Grand Army of the Re public, will be given at the new hail, •No. 809 Chestnut street, on Tuesday evening peat. The programme consists of songs. readings, and an address by General Joshua T. Owen, BereOr Vice Commander-in-Chief of the G. A. R. %, CITY NOTICES FANCY DECORATED CHAMBER WARE, AT KERB'S CUtNA HALL. • OVER 100 DIYFERENT PATTERNS. Just received, per ship Westmoreland, of entirely new styles, richly Decorated Chamber Sets, consisting of over 100 different patterns, making the finest assort ment. ever imported to this city, and prices to suit all, varying from $6 to $lOO a set,to which we Invite the at tention of those In want of fancy Chamber Ware. Being imported direct from the manufacturers, we are enabled to offer them to the public retail at the lowest wholesale importers' prices, and to correspond with the present low price of gold. Jia.mEs K. Kann & China Hall, 1218 Chestnut street. NRw GOODS At Kerr's China Ball, 1218 Chestnut street. Now openinz per ship Westmoreland, a fine assortment of ftmcv arti:les in Majolica, consisting of Garden Seats, Ale Pitchers, Fruit Baskets, Egg Dishes, Flour Pots, &c., &c., all entirely new goods. KERB'S Furnishing'Chinaand Glass establishment, China Hall, 121 b chestnut street. Families in want of any article in China, Glass or Stone Ware, will find at this establishment the largest stock in the city, from com mon red Earthenware, for the kitchen, to the finest China and Glass made. WHITE STONE CHINA, • AT KERB% Chola BALL, 1218 0117.8TNOT STREET, We are now opening, per ship Westmoreland, our Spring supply of Fine White Stone China Dinner, Tea, and Chamber Ware. This Stoneware has been made expressly for our house, by the best Manufacturer in the Potteries, and approaches nearer the French China in body and color than any other ware made. Fami lies aboutgoing to housekeeping, or replenishing, will find it to their advantage to call and examine oar assortment after looking elsewhere. JAMES K. Kline & RllO , China Hall, 1218 Chestnut street. WHITE STONE CHINA CHAMBER SETS, Ten Pieces complete only $8 N. These.sete are equal to any $5 Ni Seta n the market. Jem IRB K. KlLkli & 800., China Hall, 1218 Chestnut street. CHINA DINNER SEM Best quality White French China Dinner. Breakfast Dessert and Tea Sets, combine ,containing 180 pieces for 05 60, at Hasn'e China Rail, 11118 Chestnut street. WHITE STONE CHINA DINNER SETS, 62 pieces, $l5, at KILER'Ii China H all, 1218 Cheetnat street. 4...- WHITE FRENCH CHINA DINNER BET, 142 pieces, $BB, at KEas.'s China Hall, 1218 Chestnut atm) No MAN WITH A DEPENDENT FA➢IILY IS FREE from reproach if his life is not insured, unless, indeed, ho is utterly unable to pay the premiums of a poll") , of life insurance. And there are thousands of men in Philadelphia who are excusing themselires on this plea of inability, who, nevertheless, spend uselessly, every year, three times the amount that a policy for live or ten thousand dollars would cost them Such men ought to see how very little it does coat to be insured, and bow easily they might make sure provision for the 'r families by taking out a policy wi' h the Ameri can Die Insurance Company of Philadelphia. PEKOE Soncnorna.—A very superior English Breakfast Tea. On sale by Fairthorne Co., 1036 Markt t street and 205 North Ninth. BUMMER AND 'W INTER. COLO AGE & CO.'s TOILET SoAps we WAVE] used for years, and found them always softening to the skin in winter, and so pleasant in summer, that we could not do without them.—lteligious Telescope. PHOLSTRRING.—Carpots, Matting and Oi Cloth, titled and laid. Window Shades and Cornices Fur/More Slips and covers cat and made at Cusarass L lIALa s, 831 Arch street. A .NiosT striking ;;roof of the progressive spirit of the times may be seen in the marvelous perfection of that rematimble invention, the AMERICAN BUTTON 1301,E AND SL.WING MACHINE, when compared with any of the old mechanisms in this line. The rapid development of improvement as seen in this new and splendid machine, and the astounding degree of ex cellence attained, are, indeed, almost incredible. And what is most gratifying in this connestion is the fac. that this is altogether a Philadelphia institution, the Company bemg located here, with their factory at Twentieth and Washington avenue, and SALESROOM.; S. W. Con OF ELEVENTH AND CHEST:4IIT BTS. We commend this extraordinary machine to the notice of all who are interested in such mailers, and to those who design purchasing family machines we say, by all means examine the American. SPEINO GOODS NOW OPEN. CIIAIII.IIS STOEZS & CO„ Clothiere, No. 824 Chestnut etree Wx ARE now closing out our winter stock, prior to getting our large spring stock. Those in want of bargains, notice. Charles .oaktord & Sons, under the Continental. THE BURGLAR-Al.AltErt TICLEC4BAPII ,will pro tect your house or store from robbers. Office, 1111 Chestnut street. ---....-- QUIET and soothe the pain of children teething- Use Bower's Infant Cordial. Sold by all Druggists. CORNS, Bunions, Inverted Nails, skillfully treated by Dr. J. Davidson ,No. 916 Chestnut street Charges moderate. HOT HILOBS Burrs, fresh every day throug' Lent. MORSE, 902 and 904 Arch street. Wx enx now closing oat our winter stock, prior to getting our large spring stock. Those h want of bargains, notice. Charles Oakford S, Sons under the Continental. _ DEAFNESS, BLINDNESS AND CATARRH.J. saacs, D.. Professor of the Eye and Em treats all du3eases appertaining to the above member , with the utmost success. Testimonials from the mos reliable sources in the city can benieen at this °ince. No. 800 Arch street. The medical faculty are Inviter to accompany their patients, as he has no secrets in hi practice. Artificial eyes inserted. No, harge mad for examination. e SURGICAL IRBTRUMENTB and druggists' IRO dries. 13nocrom & Bucrruna, 23 Soutti Elehth street. a CHESTNUT BILL. ELEGANT COUNTRY SEAT The Stone Villa Residence on Birch Lane and Mon.. gomery Avenue la offered for sale, with or without fund. ture. It is ebout five acre s of minutes' walk from the Dego'. and contains five acres of land, with otaole., do. The place is high and beautifully situated, with a fine view of the Wissahickon Valley. and is one of the most attractive in the vicinity of Philadelphia. Apply to lt• d m FARM AT ABINGTON BrATION, Ma NORTH PRNNBYINANIA RAILROAD. 6:Maiming 43 Acres of _Land, well situated for handsome Build — trig Site& On the place is a good old-fashioned Stone House, Barn, and Out building_,• • several springs good water. woods, arc.; situate on Willow Grove and Germantown Turn pike; extending through to Mill Road; three minute.' walk from Station. For sale by mink 7t. F. A. TREGIO. 519 Walnut street To BENT. WITH' FIRST-CLASS htuadacmo communicating rooms. with privatebati room attached. Apply at 1833 Bpruce street.. mhl3'i-6t. BORDEN'S BEEF TEA.—HALF AN OUNCE OF Tata attract will make a pint of • excellent Beef Tea in 11 few minutes.. COe on ba and for Gala b asOSEPL IL BONIER & CO. Ell :oa thWaware twert THE p.44.14y::4y:•.4riiv.q.:.purt,j...,t;r.ripi,H.1.3.1-i1LA.p..,413,..i.t1A.;.,A.Tvi..p.Ay .44,,t,;..(3,ni...,.13...186p.., FOR SALE. BEDLOCK Et PASCUALL. 715 Walnut 'street. To [TENT. poikp.D r CARPETINGS! - CARPETS ! M'OALLIIM I -CREASE , SLO AN, No-. 509 CHESTNUT BEET, Opposite Independence Hell, Philadelphia. . , Spring Impor t atio n ` . of Cametings. JUST ARRIVED. AND, IN STORE. French Chenille, Axminster and Royal Wilton. CROSSLEY'S VELVETS AND TAPESTRIES, Newest Designs, 6-4 and wide. ENOLTSH BRUSSELS of all tho hest makes; also, with Border to match, for Hely and Stairs. THREEIPLIES AND INGRAINS. VENETIANS, for Halls and Stairs; DRUGGETS. RUGS. dm. COCOA tuAgrWINGS, Fresh Canton. Mattings, ALL WIDTHS. ENGLISH AND MERMAN OIL CLOTHS. M'CALLUM, CREASE & SLOAN, No. 509 Chestnut Street, Philada., Opposite Independence Hall. to Bmrp SPRING. 1869. LEEDOM & SHAW, 910 ARCH STREET.. We are now receiving a very large stock of now goods for SPRING SALES, Embracing all the new styles of CARPETINGB, FLOOR OIL CLOT HB, MATTING% &a mbs 3m rlgi r Dii Zid 1 1 : 117 :4 , 141 01 ::411 PUBLIC SALE. ESTATE OF BENEDICT rKahnweßer,deceased.—ThoMse & Bons,Auodoneers. a —Two Mortgagee, each SB,IAXI.—On Tuesday, April 6th.1869. at 12 o'clo&, noon:will be sold at public sale, at the Philadelphia Exchange, the following descrioed Mortgages. viz.: No. I—A certain mortgage of $3,000. dated the 20th day of March, 1868 (Payable 2 years after date). executed by Richard M. Shoemaker to Benedict Bahnweilor. and recorded•on the 20th of March, IMO, in Mortgage Book J. T. 0.. No. 62, page 380, &c.. on premises No. 555 North Sixth street, south of Green street, Phila. dolphin; containing in breadth= Sixth street 18 feet, and in the rear 25 feet 54 inches. and in length on the south side thereof w i th the and on the north de thereof 90 ft. 3., inches, with the use and privilegoo fa 3.feet wide alley. and 11. feet 9 inches wide court, and of a water-course over and along the same. No. 2. A certain mortgage of $B,OOO. dated 20th of March. 1868,_(a able in 8 years after date), executed also by hichard 115 Shoemaker to Benedict Kahnweller, and recorded on the 20th of March, 186E4 in Mortgage Book J. T. 0., No. 62,_page 886„ &c., premises No. 555 North Sixth street. Philadelphia, as above described. Note—Both of above mortgagee are of the same date. and were recorded at the same time, and are both upon the crane premises, as berelnbefore described—the one being payable in 2, and the other in 3 years. M. THOMAS & SONS. Auctioneers, mhl3 20 ap3 139 and 141 South Fourth street iIIREAL ESTATE. THOMAS & aUNts' 69 LE.— Modern three-story Brick Residence No 409 Pine street, west of Fourth street. t n Tuesday, April 13th, 1869. at 19 o'clock noon, will be sold at public sale, at pressPhadelphia Exchange, all two- s to ry odern three-steer brick front masking°, with back building, and lot of ground, situate on the containing Pine street west of - Fourth street. No. 409 ; in front on Pine street 19 feet. and extending in depth 81 feet, then narrowing to 0 feet, and then extending north 19 feet, making the entire depth 100 feet, together with the privi. lege of a 9 feet wide alley. The hen .e is in good rep kir neatly painted and papered; large saloon parlor, diniuc room and kitchen on the first floor; two chambers. dittos room. library, bath and water closet on the second floor gas throughout (with fixtures, which are Included to the sale free of charge), hot and cold water, furnace, cooking rapirgpa;eant, wash pave, &c. i tearoaiucee. Terms—Halt cash. Immediate posseesion. May be examined any day pre. erases to sale, M. THOMAS az SINS, Auctioneer% 139 and 141 South Fourth street. mhl3 27ap10 PEREMPTORY SALE. THEM A• 4 As SUNS, AU". tioneers.-3 three story Brick Dwellings. Not 830. 832 and 834 Almond street, east of ode street Eighteenth Ward.—lin Tuesday. March 23d,1860, at 12 o'clock, noon. will be Fold at public sale, without reserve, at the Philadelphia• Exchange, all those 3 thres.etory brick InFseuages and contiguous lots of ground thereunto belonging, situate on the southerly Fide of Almond street. oust of Otis 'treat, Not. 830.842 and 834; cacti containing in front on Almond street 19 feet, and extending in depth 4r; feet to a 4 feet wide ado', and communicating with two other 3 feet wide alleys, with the privilege thereof. Terms—A mortgage of 91,200 upon each house may re• me in. Immediate possession. Keys at the office of Messrs. Lukens A; Montgomery, No. 1035 Beach street. Sale absolute. M. THOMAS & SONS. Auctioneers, 139 and 141 S. Fourth street. REAL ESTATE—THOMAS & SONS' SALE.— Modern Three•etory . Mick Reatdence, with side " ya d, no. 1492 North Seventh street, balowJetTereon street. On Tuesday, March .40. 1869, at 14 o'clock, noon. will be sold at public sale, at the rhiladelpliia Exchange all that modern three-story brick melsuage, with three. tOI V double back buildings, press brick, and lot of ground, situate on the west side of Seventh street. below Jefferson street. No. 1492: the lot containing In front on Seventh str. et 22 feet 6 inches, and extending in depth 89 feet The house has been recently put in excellent order: has 2 kitchens, gas throughout, bath. hot and cold water, permanent washstand, furnace 2 cooking ranges, &c. Subject to a yearly ground rent of 572. Immediate possession. May he examined any day pre. Moue to sale. M. THOMAS & SONS, Auctioneers. 15.9 and 141 South Fourth street. utlilB 20 27 EXECUTOR'S PEREMPTORY SALE.—ESTA'PE of Julia A. Wilson, deceased.— Thomas & sone, A uctioneers.—Wsll.secured irredeemable Ground Rent, 5249 a wear, lawful silver money. On TuesdaY. March 28d. 1869, at 12 o'clock, noon. will be sold at pub. lie sale, without reserve, at the Philadelphia Exchang all that certain yearly_ ground rent or sum of 19240, lawful silver money of the United States, clear of taxes. paya ble in equal quarter yearly payments, on the first day of February. May, August and November, issuing . out of all those brick measueges and lots of ground. situate on the northeast corner of Chestnut and Seventeenth streets', containing in front on Cheetnut street 86 feet 6 Inches. and extending in depth on Seventeenth street 79 teat. JOEIIv T. SHARPLESS, Executor. 1,1 THOMAS & SONS. Auctioneers. , 139 and 1418. Pourth street. EREAL ESTATE.—THOMAS & SONS' 8/M.D.— Valuable Business , Local ion, Noe. 503 and 505 South Front street. with two Brick Dwellings, in the rear on Penn street. 40 front. 120 feet deep; 2 fronts. On Tined ay, March 30th. 1869 at 12 o'clock, noon. will be sold at public sale, at the Philadelphia Exchange, all that valuable business location, situate on the east side of Front street. below Lombard street; containing in front on Front street 40 feet, and extending in depth 130 feet to Penn street-2 t, outs. The hnpros,monte are 2 three story brick dwellings. Nos. 603 and 005 8. Front street. and brick dwellings In the rear on Penn street, one three and the other two stories high, hos. 502 and 501. Dwelling No. 503 Front street is subject to an redeemable ground mit of 1353 33 M. THOMAS & SONS. Auctioneers. 189 and 141 South Fourth street. mbl3 VJ 27 REAL ESTATE.—THOM A 8 & SONS' BALE.— Large and Valuable Lot, Chestnut street, west d Fortieth street, be feet front, 920 feet deep to Stinson) greet two fronts. On Tuesday, March V, 1869, at 19 o'clook. noon. will be eold at public sate, at the Pidladef phin xchange. all that largo and valuable lot,of ground. nitwits on the south side of Chestnut street, 300 feet west f Fortieth etreet containing in front on Cho tnut street 50 feet, and extending in depth 220 feet to Bannom street, two fronte. It is nearly opposite the Borean Baptist Church Or Clear of all incumbrance. Ter the —Cash, inREAL ESTATE.—THOMAS dt, SUNS' Three thremetory brick dwellings, Nos. 2166, 2110 and 2112 llatherine street, west of Twenty-first street. On Tuesday, March 30, 1869, at 12 o'clock, noon. will 1 e sold at public sale, at the Philadelphia Ex. change, ell t ose three three-atone brick dwellings and lots of around, situate on the south side of Catharine street, west of Twenty .first street, Noe. 2108. 2110 and 2112; each containing in front 16 feet, and extending in de, pth 67 feet 3 inches to Webster street. They each con. Min 6 rooms have gas. &c. Each subject to a yearly ground rent of $B2, and a mortgage of $6 000 Kaye at No. 182 South Seventeenth street M. THOM AS & SONS, Auctioneers. 189 and 141 South Fourth street. mh18,91,27 REAL ESTATE—THOMAS Az SONS' BALE.— Two-story Thick and One4tory Back Building, N. E corner of Second and Diam. nd garcon% %by 109 feet to Palothorp atreet.—On Tuesday, March 23d, 1869 at . 12 o'clock, noon aril' be sold at public sale, at the Phila-7 delphia Ex,-hauge. all those brick mess eager% and the lot CI ground therounto belonging, situate at the northeast corner of Second and , Diamond streets; containing in front on Becond atroot 90 feet. and extending in, depth along Diamond street 109 feet to ealethorp etreet-Aitree fronts, 4he improvements are a two-story brick build. lug frontit g ou the corner of Second and Diamond streets., 111 by 90 fact, and a oneetcry brick building, cotter of Diamond and Pelethorp streets. suitable for a hotel or antsfactnriog purposes. Terms—Half Gash. Possession 10th of May next. M, THOMAS & ItP )Nd Auctionoors, _ Nos. 139 and 141 S. Fourth street. PEREMPTORY BALE. THOMAS A. BONS. Auctioneers. 234atory Brick - dwelling. No, 126' Bread IU - cot, between Arch and-Race and Second and Third etreete.—On Tuesday March 23 1660. at - 12 o'clock,noon. will be raid at Public sale, without reserve. at the Philadelphia .Exellange, all that 034 story brick d svoillug and lot of ground, situate on the west side of Bread street, above Arch street. Na. no,• continuing in front on Broad street about 12 feet 6 or 8 Welted, and ex tending in depth about 75 teat. Sale abec lute M. THOMAS N. SONS. Aliatinneers, 139 and 141 South Fourth street. wit 13 GO M: THOMAS & SONS, Auet're, UP and 141 South Fourth etreet lIIIAL 1168 TATE SALES. TRrirrEEM PEREMPTORY SALE.—THOMAS E. Sons, A uctioneers.--Lec d and , tasting.. Colorado. l a " Purulent to a decree obtained in the litineeme COnrt for the k astern District of Pennsylvania, in Beat .*. againet the Pioneer Mining Company . Of . Colorado, w I be sold et public salt...wit/iota risseree. on Tuesday . A 1 6th, 1869, at 12 o'clock. noon. at the. Philadelphia, x.-', change, the following _claims and premises of the *041.1 Company. in Montgomery Consolidated Mining District. in the county•of Park a nd sTrrito m i nisolorado. to-wit: All the Rands Of land lode •cutinis. grantod by George II Fryer to the Pioneer Mining Company of Colorado. by deed of April Bth.. 1884, recorded - in said county of Park, in book o.r. pogo tB3, eta. ' Also, the diecoYery claim on the, Partionsge lode Claim, No. 1, south front tbe discovery clim on said lode, con• veye to tho Company by Charles Yond, by deed of Juno 3d. 18f recorded In said Park County. in book 0.. pago bob, eta Also. a those certain lota or lode mining claims. No. 2 and 3. per on the Parsonage lode. conveyed to the Coin. vany. by d d from J. "Lifter,' and wife. of data of April 17th, l&iii, an corded in Park County, in book U.. page 608, etc. Also, the nort elf of the discovery claim. claim No. 1. not tbeast from the ciscovery claim on the Parsonage lode, conveyed to the Company by James P. Hunter. by deed of M. y 22d,1865, recorded in maid County, in batik C., page 607, etc. Also. ten hundred lineal fret on a certain gold.boaring quartz lode. deergoated by the name of the Andes Lode, eituate In the said mining dirtriet ; the discovery claim of said lode being described as follows: Commencing nt a the eouthwesticorner of block N 0.24 of the town o Montgomery City, and running thence north 32 54 100 dog.. f west 6 40 , 100 feet to the discovery stake; said claim ex. tending I rom the discovery stake MO feet southerly, and 700 northerly on the vein of the said quarts lode, con. Toyed to the Company by the Montgomery Mining Stock Company, by deed of October net, 1860, recorded in said county. In book D., page tes, and all the improvements, furnaces. fixtures, engines and machinery. and buildings et ec, ed thereon and appurtenant to the premises above described. 2be terms of rale will bo as follows: 65001 n cult when the bid Is accepted, and the nalanc.e of the purchase money to be paid In cash on delivery , of the dood to the purchaser. CHARLE B O NS . EED Treats°. M. THOMAS & Auctioneers. 199 and 141 South Fourth street. mh132.0 Bra icREAL ESTATE—THOMAS & SONS' BALE.— Valuable Prooerty. Largo Throe-story Brisk Residence, No. 260 South Fifth street. 27 feet 8,t6. inches front, lad feet deep, and befog 42 feet 2 inches wide on the rear and of lot. On Tileaday. March Philadelphia 'clock, noon,will be sold at public sale, at th Exchange, all that large and commodious three-etory brick measaago, with double three-story back building and lot of groind,situte on the west side of Filth street, north of Spruce stied. No. 260; the lot containing in front on Fifth street 97 feet 8,10 inches, including a 8 feet wide 'alley, and extending in depth 89 feet 716 inchea ; then widening to the width of 4236 feet; then extending still further In depth of that width II feet 415 inches, the entire depth befog 193 feet, and 42 feet 2 inches wide on the rear end; together with the privilege of a 10 feet wide passage-way leading into Miller's court, which leads into Sixth Street, of which it also has the free rise and privilege forever. The house is in good order throughout; has the gee intro duced (gas fixtures included in the sale free of charge), bath, bet and cold water cooking-range. furnace, which beats the whole of the main building. &c.; parlors 42 feet deep. The large lot and garden back affords ample room for the erection of a large factory, which could have light on four sides of the ',eliding. there being a ten feet alley from Millet's court for cartway, makes it desirable for factory - purposes; or the purchaser might open it for a hotel, with a large stuumer garden, or, at a small expense, could be altered into a store or offices. Ma be examined any day previous tosale. Clear of all incumbrance. Terum---810.000 may remain on the property secured by bond and mortgage. FE" - Plan may be seen at. Auction Store. POUCH/li= within 80 days. . M. THOMAS & SONS, Auctioneers, 139 and 141 El. Fourth street. rabl3 2G 27 ginPEREMPTORY SALE—THOMAS at SUNS, ACC tioneere—Three well-secured ground rents. $l2O a year.—On Tuesday. March En, 18$3, at 12 o'clock noon, will be sold at public sale, without reserve, at the Philadelphia Exchange, the following described Ground Rents, viz: No. 1. AU that yearly ground rent of $l2O. clear of taxes. payable Ist of May and November of each year, secured by all that lot of ground. situate on the northeast corner of Sixth and York streeta; containing in front on Sixth street 16 feet 8 inches, and extending in depth 100 feet. A policy of insurance for $1 000. in the Enterprise In surance Company. will accompany the deed. No. 2. AU that yearly ground rent of slakclear of taxes. by let of May and November of 'each year. secured by all that lot of ground, situate on the east side of sixth street, 66 feet 8 Inches from the northeast corner of Sixth and York strewn, No. 8409; containing iq Front on Sixth street 16 feet 8 inches. and extending in depth 136 feet leh inches to Fair Hill street. A policy of insurance for $l.OOO, in the Enterprise Insu rance Company will accompany the deed. No. 3. All that yearly ground rent of sl2e. clear of taxes, payable let of May and NOVOIL her of each year. secured by all that lot of ground. situate on the east Bide of Sixth street. 83feet 4 inches from the northeast corner of Sixth and York streets, N 0.2411; containing in front on Sixth street 16 feet 8 inches. and extending in depth 136 feet It 3 inches to Fair Hill street. A policy of insurance for 51.000. in the Enterprise In. senesce Company. will accompany the deed. M. THOMAS 6t SONo, Auctioneers. 139 and 141 South Fotuthsstreet. mh13.20.27 IDREAL EBTATE.—THOHAS SONS' SALM. —Handsome modern four-story brick and m arbi front Residence, No. 1723 Vine street, east of Men tecnth street, nearly opposite Logan Square. On Tues day. April 6, PM at 12 o'clock. noon. will no sold at public sale, at the Philadelphia Exchange. all that handsome modern and well-built four story residence, (firat story bine marble. upper stories pressed brick.) with drub three story back buildings and lot of ground,eitnate on the north side of Vine street, east of Eighteenth street No. 1725, nearly opposite Logan Square; containing in front on Vine street 20 feet, and extending in depth 125 feet to a2O feet wide street. It has saloon -parlor, dining room and kitchen on first floor; 2 chambers, with bath room and water-closet adjoining, and eittiug-ro"m, witn butler's pantry, and hot and cold water on second floor chambers,, with water-closet adjoining, sad nursery on thii o floor, and 2 chambers on fourth floor It has gas, two bath-rooms two water , el - nsets. range, fur. mace. low-down Frato to sitting room, fire board stove in dining room, wine-cellar, speaklng.tubes, and every modern convenience, and in first-rate order; all surf ace roof, Withstand water closets empty in the sewer. (la- fixtures included in the sale free o' charge. Terms half-cash. Immediate possession. Ur' Clear of al. incumbrance. 91. THOMAS dt SONS, Auctioneers, 139 and 191 South Fourth street. rohl3;boriPa REAL ESTATE,—THOMAS & SONS' SALE.— Very elegant fouretory brick residence, northwest corner of Seventeenth and Summer streets. near Logan Square. 36 feet front. ill fort deep to Winter street. On Tuesday, April 6. 1863. at 11 o'clock, noon. will be sold at public sale, at the Phila. story brick all that very elegant double four. story brick mensuage, with three-stor ,, back building acid lot of ground, situate at the northwest corner of 8.35011 teenth and Summer streets; the lot containing in front nn Summe street thirty six feet, and extending in depth 117 feet to Winter street. The house has hall in centre; Falcon parlor,recePtion room breakfast room and kitchen on the first floor; large dining room, store room and smoking room on second floor, and ten chambers on second, third and fourth stories; 3 bath rooms, hot and cold water, water closet, permanent washstand, furnace cooking range. permanent washtubs. paved cellar. &c.: large yard, with grape arbor, fruit trees, shrubbery an 1 fountain. Terms-3112,060 may remain on mortgage if desired. May be examined any day previous to sale. OrFor further particulars, apply to Clark & Etting, N o. 711 Walnut street. M. THOMAS & SONS Auctioneers. 139 & 141 t oath 'Fourth street. mh 18 20 ap 3 PUBLIC SALE.—THOMAS & SONS. ACC- E1i0.... Very Elegant Country heat and ble/Mon " known as "Silver Pine," 81.4 acres, River Delaware. at Tammy. Pennsylvania. Eight miles from Philadelphia, 9 squerea from the Railroad tstation, and tisquare from the Steamboat Landing, late the residence of Edmund Green. decid. 900 feet on the River Delaware, Twenty. third Ward. On Tuesday. April 113th, 1869, at 12 d'elock. noon. will be, sold at public sale, at the- Philadelphia Exchange. all that very elegant country seat, comprising Btacres 24 7-10 perches. situa River Tawas , . Twenty-third Ward pbaving a front on the Delaware of about fue feet, end extending In depth (crossing Tacony street) aboutl.6oo test to the Philadelphia and Trenton R4ll. 'road. 00 which it has a front of about 1 EAU feet. The ins. -provementa are a large stone mansion, atone barn, wash., bout-house, carriage-house, chicken house. state of farm.hons c. The grounds are fn a high state of cultivation ;on theriver front a grove of large shade trees. It is convenient' of access by steam boat, railroad,lturnpike and summer road. rffr See elan at the Auction Rooms. T arms— Half Cash. M. THOMAS It SONS, Auctioneers, mhla 20 ap3 10 139 and 141 Beath Fourth street. fiSEAL ESTATE .—TI3OIIAS & SONS'S &VI —TWO two story brick dwellings. Nos 430 and 433 Borden street, below Wharton and east of Fifth street. On Tuesday, M arch 30, 1869 at 1.2 o'clock. noon, will be sold as public sale,. at the Philadelphia Exchange. the follow ing described properties, viz: No. I.—Ali that lot of ground, with the two-story brick messuage thereon erected, situate on the south side of Borden street, No 430: containing in front on Borden street 14 feet. and In depth southward on the east lino thereof 40 feet 7 inches, more or Ices. and n the west line thereof 43 test 214: inches k more or leas, to the rear end . where it contains in breadth 13 feet 8M inches, niece or less. Subject to a ground rent of $25 89 a year. No. 2. Alt that lot of around, with the two story brick n3eesuage thereon orec ed. situate on the south bide of Borden street, No. 432: containing in front 12 feet inches', and in depth southward on the east 800 thereof 40 feet 83d Inches more or less, and on the west line 40 feet BM inches. n.ore or less, to the rear end,wliere it contains in breadth 12 feet 35.4 inches, more or less. Subject to a di °nu d rent of $25 89 a year. M. THOMAti & SONS. Auctioneers, roh 13 20 27 189 and 141 S. Fourth street. rpEIgEMPTORY SALE.—TIIOSIAB & BONS, AM.,- tieneers.—Neat Modern Two-story Brick Residence. with French Roof, IN.E. °or. Forty-ninth street and Bi'verton .venue, Twenty-fourth w ard, West Philadel phia.- On Tuesday, March 80. 18ti9. at 12 o'clock, noon. will be sold at public sale. without reserve. at the Phila delphia Exchange. all that modern two story brick mos. euage. with French roof, and lot of ground, situate at the Northeact corner of bi , verton avenue and Forty ninth tMeets in the Twenty-fourth Ward ; the lot containing in front on Bilverton avenue 75 feet; and extending in depth not thward along Fortyninth street 150- feet to a new street 30feet wide. laid out and opened, extending from Forty-eighth. to.. Forty-ninth sheets, „The house is of modern build ; containing wne large rooms. bath and More room, two bay - windows. and all the modern conve riercee. and within one square of Market Street -"assert ger Railway: • , . 3W" Clear of all ineumbrance. Terme-50,000 can remain. Immediate VIORSOPOIOII. M. THOMAB MONS; Auctioneers, Nos. 129 and 141 B. Fourth street. rrphla 20 27 'art REAL 'ESTATE.—THOMAS di BONS" SALE.— Large and valuable residence. N. W . corn-r of Nia *Seventh and Vine moots, 25 feet front. 130 feet deer'. opposite Franklin Square. On Tuesday, April 20. MN at 12 o'clock. noon. will bo sold at public sale, at the rbiladelrbia Exchange,all that largo and valuable three story brick meebuago, with four-story back building and lotet ground, situate at the northwest corner of Eleventh and Vine et, sets; containing in front on Vino street 25 feet, and extending in depth 180 feet. The ilOlll3O is Well and substantially built has parlors. dining room and i kitchens on the first f loor; 4 chambers. 2 water closets and bath on the second floor ; 5 chambere, email room and bath on the third floor ; 8 chambers on fourth floor b sok building, and 4 attics; hue gas, hot and cold water, fur nace. a cooking ranges, dao. • itao-Prweeeeion let of Juno. May be examined any day previous to sale. 1110 MAS & rsONS. Auctioneers. 189 and 141 South Fourth s trod. mbi3AP3.l 7 i1. :#.'P,.:X.' . .4'..,..,,..:..'.:', : ;,.:-.:.....9.-9!' , .4.!:A...:..p.:,.A..:.T.,..,'.:,.. - :••..4..•: . ..::,.::,,,..q .. ,....:!,........... , - 1 MOURNING DEPARTMENT Includes every variety of 'Textures for persons wearing Black, from the deepest mourning to Black Goods used for Walling Drosses. BLACK GRENADINE. BAREGES, all width. . , BLACK CAMEL'S HAIR ' do, BLACK HERNANI BLACK TAMISE. BLACK BATTISTE LAINE. .‘ BLACK MOHAIR TAMISE, a new article. ' 430 BLACK RAY D ST. CYR, And a variety of other articles huitable for the present season All these moods have been selected with the greatest care from the most celebrated end reliable makers, and we have marked them at the LOWEST REMUNERATIVE PRICES. Nos. 1412 and 1414 CHESTNUT Street, DRESS GOODS. THE LARGEST IMPORTATION ALL THE NOVELTIFS FOR THE SEASON. The Finest Textures produced by the best Looms In'Earope, down to oods for the Popular Trade, IET LAR FRH C S HOMER, COLLADAY & CO., CHESTNUT STREET, ABOVE BROAD. SPRING OPENING OF DRESS GOODS ON MONDAY, MULBCM 13. AT A. 45.1 J. B. BARTHOLOMEW'S One-Price Dry Goods and Notion House, No; 23 North Eighth Street 60 elope New Drees Goode. 25 to IL go pieces New Dress Goode , at 35. 100 • " ALS% worth 60. 50 . ' • " at 56. worth S. 100 dozen Shirt Fronts, made expressly for un all linen. 31, 35. 40. 45, 50. 65. 60 to 75. 200 dozen Linen lidids , 7. 9, 10. 12%, 20 25 to 76e. 50 dozen Linen Towels, 1254, 15. 20.16 to 75c. each—great barcainz 50 dozen Dice Towela, at 31; cost 43 to import. Jouvin's Kid Gloves. $1 75. "Joseo" Kid Gloves, SI 20--our own importation. mbl3s ist_w EDWARD FERRIS, No; 807 ORESTNIIT STREET IMPORTER OF WHITE GOODS, LACES and EMBROIDERIES, OFFERS TO THE TRADE. 200 Pieces Choice Piques. 400 Pieces Plaid and Striped Na!nooks. New Hamburg.. New Guipure and Valenciennes Laces. New White Goods of all kinds, desirable for Spring trade. Just opened and for sale at a small advance on cost of ltuportatim EDWARD FERRIS, No. 807 CHESTNUT STREET. LA a 1869. CENTRAL 1869. CLOTH EMPORIUM: MEWS . COATINGS. LADIES' CLOAKING 3. FANCY CASSIMERES. BLACK CLOTHS, BLACK DOESKINS. BOYS' GOODS, SPRING WEIGHT VELVETEENS. SUPER QUALITY STRAWBRIDGE & CLOTHIER respectfully announce that during the season now opening they propose to offer the largest stock and most attractive assortment of an kinds of Cloths that they have ever offered. Being de. termined to make our home the Central Emporium for this description of goods. we have collected for the pre. sent season every desirable style and make of Cloths that the market preeents for Ladles', Ben's and Boys' Wear. Our Stock of Ladies. Oloakings in particular is vex' , extensive. and bought at the manufacturers' lowest Cash rates. It will bo to the interest of all who intend to buy thin kind of goods during the coming season to call on us, 1 an we offer by far the larg t assortment to bo found. and at prices that cannot be a used 'anywhere. Wo invite dealers, both o y and country, to examine our stock, as our prices are low as the same weeds can be cold in whole packages b any wholesale house, while we offer many styles that are confined exclusively to ourselves. STRAWBRIDGE & CLOTHIER Central Cloth Emporium, COMER EIfOII7I , AND SWIM STREETS. ,A 1 • Fourth and ArCha DRY - . GOODS • ADAPTED TO THE DAILY WANTS OF. FAMILIES FULL STOCK OF FRENCH GOODS: - FULL STOCK OF BRITISH GOODS. FULL STOOK OF . AMERICAN GOODS. I SHAWLS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. BLACK SILKS OF THE BEST GRADES IMPORTED m w at/ , , ABOVE BROAD. We now offer We have over made, and embracing MIXED CLOras. PLAIN CLOTHE, FANCY CLOTHS. OPERA CLOTHS. KEEP A STOCK OF AND AT a- GOO OS. JUST OPENED. A Large Assottment at Bedacid Prices. NEW WHITE GOODS, BOTli PLAIN AND CHECK. Cambrics. Jaconets„ Naltusoo Swiss. Book and Mull Muslims. Cambric Dimities, Hair Cord Muslim. India Twill. Striped and Soft Finished Cambric:illy:l(lth, Organdies and Tarietans, for evening dresses. Victoria and Bishop's Lawn. French Dimity, Cambric Long Cloth. CORDED AND FIGURED PIQUETS. Printed Linens and.Pereales, Linen Cambric Handkerchiefs, And a variety of STAPLE EMBROIDERIES. N. B.—The beet makes of Domestic btusline. In all widths, at the lowest Cacti Prices. Sheppard, Van Harlingen Anisonf Curtain, Linens Rxid ticturekeeptsig Dry Goods. 1008 OIRESTNUT STREET. feW a to th lOtti4 $4,500;04:30 SEVEN PER OE NT, GOLD BONDS, Thirty Tears to Bun, ISSUED DV The Lake Superior and kliseisalppi .River Railroad Company. They are &lint ffortgage linking Fund Bond Free of United Stales Tax. SIWITSED BE ONE MILLION 81X UNWED ANDIBIBMTWO THOUSAND ACRIS OD CHOICE LANDS, And by the Railroad, its Rolling Stock and the Fran. chimes of the Company. A Double legality and First Clan Investment In every respect, yielding in Currency nearly • Ten Per Cent, Per Am:awn: PRESENT PRICE. NINETY.FIVE AND, INTEREST. Gold, Government Bonds and, other Stocks received In payment at their highest market Price. Pamphlets and full Information given on application,to JAY COOIKE'Ba N0.,114 South Third Street. E. W. CLAlll.,t4c CO., ,1 No. 35 South Third Stront; fisciti Agents at' •Laks SUperfer and. Atississiniri conPanv. mhie Miro' ' Binder of Flvet-elall'i.lLlght and Heavy CARRIAGES R es pectfully invites attention to his large stock of firdshr Carriages. Also orders taken for Carriages of every 0. seription, at , BIANDF&OTORILANDHAJanIioons 3430, 3434 and 3436 DIMER.ET STREET, Three squares west of Pennsylvania Railroad Depot West Philadelphia. snl 13 Strpo EIMIILMICI&JUR
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers