COTT 13111LIXTIN. Tim RUSH FOR OFFICR.-TRO late trotinto in the pollee force, and the resignation of the mon in the Tenth and Eighteenth Districts,has started up the office seekers again, and for the past three days the Mayor's office has been crowded with the hungry horde of applicants for police honors. If the Mayor happened to pop his head out of his private office, there was an immediate scram ble of about a dozen men who just wanted to s•ak a word with htm. The Mayor has been greatly harassed by these men. This morning the crowd was larger than it has been for weeks. When the Mayor made his appearance in order to receive the reports of the Lieutenants of Police, there was a rush to wards him. Mr. Fox surveyed the scene for a few eeconds, and then made a little speech,whlch could not have been very gratifying to those who had been his friends in the last political canvass, and therefore claim the right to receive better treatment. lie said that he would not have his office crowded every day with applicants, and -those , who expected appointments to be made offic e ennce of their personal attendance in the would be very much mistaken. Any applicant who loitered in the room would have his chances for success greatly diminished. These remarks acted like a bombshell upon the assem bled forces of the Democracy, and in less than three minutes but live or six persons, out of nearly a hundred, remained in the office. Some of the fellows, who, no doubt, expected to walk put of the office with a badge en their coats, lingered upon the staircase, but the Mayor called up the policeman who is sta tioned at the door, and instructed him to keep the passage-Way clear. Notwithstanding the nu merous vacancies, the Mayor does not hurry up things at 3 fast _as the "unterrified" desire, and only one appointment was made this morning. RueXirrs imam Texes.—The books of Mr. John, M. Me.. the Receiver of Taxes, were , opened thie year on the 15th of February, and . .. . since that.time a large amount of money has been received. 'Last year the hooks were opened on the 10th or February. The, followlng state ment shows the amount received for city taxes on each of the Ord fifteen days on which the books were ppm In 1868 and 18.69: ,_1868.:1869. Feb'.'lo 5232,518 83 $255,257 91 ":11...... 178,130 Ob " 16 151,426 79 "12...... 127,704 47 "17 185,108 55 " 13.181,564 49 " 18 140,571 07 14.-- 124,817 68 "19 116,704 13 " 15 177,106 58 " 20 93,601 97 " V . : ..• .. 1 8 18,407 70 ." 23 122638 11 41 is 8,515 75 "24 130 ,767:'.78 "19 98,037 95 "25 183,585"03 ... . 90.592 81 " 2 135611 80 " 21. , ..... : . 100,997 96 " 27 6 141,536 09 "24 ' 79,583 43 Web 1 178,101 10 SI 25 78,937 97 " 2 109,324 88 ".26 72.400 191 " 8 148,578 26 " 27 83,663 70 " 4 85,597 86 T0ta1...131,777,474 56 Increase In 1869 YouTuti ON A Spnirs.-George Pope is the name of a youth, aged 13 years, who resides with his parents on'North Sixth street. Ho has a bad disposition and has caused much trouble to his relatives. A few days ago he disappeared from home, paiil about the same time a box containing $75 An Moneysnd . some valuable papers, belong lug to-ble• brother-in-law, --was missing. Last alight,Geprge turned up again. - He °Alio iviedged lurving stolen-the box. He said that •he had thrown it into a well in a graveyard in the vicid itY of 811th and Noble streets, and it was found there, The money bad all been expended. Young Pope snd a companion of about the same age went to . New York where they disposed of the funds In "seeing sights." George was ar rested last night.' This Morning he was com mitted by Aid. Toland for a further bearing. , . Oen Mnrrerty.—Among the military which took part, in the inauguration ceremonies at Washington were the Washington Grays, under command of Captain Ward, the Vire Zouaves, under the command of General Baxter, and the National Guards under the command of Colonel Neff. The Washington Grays attracted particular attention from their precise marching and the admirable manner in which they exe cuted every command. They were accompanied by McClurg'e Liberty Band, the music of which was superior to anything heard in the immense line of the procession. The Grays returned to our city last evening, and were received at the depot, Broad and Prime streets, by Company D, of the Grey Reserves, who escorted them to their .uarters. A Ftwow-filToum.—Soon after midnight snow commenced falling, and the flakes continued to come down until about eight o'clock this morn ing. During that time the ground became covered to the depth of nearly two inches. About ten o'clock the wind shifted and the sun came out. For a couple of hours the snow melted quite rapidly. but shortly after noon the sky be came overcast again, and since that time there has been several spits of snow. Razuremo.—The military organizations of this city which visited Washington to participate in the inaugural ceremonies, returned home last evening. The Good Will Fire Company reached here also last evening. The Taylor Rose Com pany and Republican Invincibles got home at an early hour this Morning. The Harmony •Fire Company is expected to arrive this evening. Pommutturr FOUND AGLEEP.—High Constable Curley, acting Lieutenant of the Fifth Police Dis trict, entered a lottery-policy shop on a small alley, on Locust street above Ninth, this morn ing, and there found two policemen asleep. These men were awakened and requested to hand over their badges. STABLE ROBBED.—The stable of James Magee, on Cherry ,street, above Eleventh, was entered last night by prying open a back window. A set of silver-mounted double harness, a saddle and bridle, a coachman's overcoat, a pair of seal skin gloves, and a wheelbarrow, were stolen. LARCENY.—Edward Dunham, el:barged with the lareetly of several weights from a store at Dela ware avenue and Vine street, was before Alder man Hurley yesterday, and waa held in 813500 bail In answer at Court. VIOLATING AN 01IDINANCE.-0 WON Thompson and Terrence McShea were before Alderman Pan coast yesterday for violating an ordinance by dumping ashes on the sidewalk, on Eighteenth street, above Buttonwood. They were fined. ALLEGED WIFX BEATER.—Hugh McDevitt, re siding at Twenty-eighth and Park streets, was arrested y esterday upon the charge of beating his wife. Re was committed by Ald. Dallas. FATAL ACCIDENT.—Edward Pembroke, meld fog at No. 2108 Coates street, fell from the roo ofAyers's lamp-black factory, near Frankford this morning, and was instantly killed. Moan RISBIGNATiONS.—Five policemen of the Fifth District presented their resignations this morning. larronThur ItssioveL.—We take pleasure in an nouncing the removal of Messrs. Bowan, BARNas & Parrs the renowned booksellers, publishers and stationers. This enterprising firm are the publishers of the best and most popular school books in the United States, and their valuable educational works are used in our public schools and private seminaries from Maine to California. Messrs. Bower, Barnes & Potts have removed from No. 37 North Third street to No. 530 Market street, and No. 523 Minor street. Their new, capacious and elegant edifice extends from Mar ket street to Minor street. and is one of the most attractive stores in Philadelphia. Their extensive salesrooms are judiciously arranged for transacting business in an expedi tious and satisfactory manner. Their immense stoek comprises a full line of educational, scien tific and miscellaneous works, published by them selves and other first-class houses, together with Brari.n. and Liam- 8.1 ATION KAY, and a splendid And _varied assortment of Curtain and Wall Papers of the latest and most elegant styles. BLANK Boons of the most superior quality con stitute a prominent feature of their business. OPENING OF SKATING RINK.—The weather having MEW up the skating In a respectable man ie the Chestnut Street Rink will b I opened thle evening In splendid style, with music, etc. SKATING.—The Skaters are rejoicing again. They now have another opportunity of enjoy ing . their fayor*, s a tMammoth ,port. The ice the , Skating Rink, at Twentrfirst and Race streets, is now in excellent condition, and last evening there was a lively scene within the building. As additional attractions to thd establiehment, velo cipede races and exhibitions have been intro duce& With both skates and velocipedes, visi tors cannot fail to be interested. THE REPUBLICAN Isymuntmcs of Philadelphia arrived In this city fronkNashington, this morn lug, at 1 o'clock. While on their way home they serenaded Mr. Boris, at, his residence, Spruce street above Tenth. The Invincibles express themselves highly.pleased with their visit. Every arrangement of the Committee was carried out to the entire satisfaction of all concerned. Commnsrarrrarty BENErrr.--012' next Monday afternoon and evening Mr. James Pilgrim, the well-known manager, actor and author, will have complimentary benefits in the Academy of Music. A miscellaneous bill has been prepared, and a number of popular actors will appear in it. . MR. JOHN TRRNWITH, of No. 614 Chestnut street, under the German Democrat dike, and nearly opposite our own, has a large variety of periodicals, from among which he obligingly kends us Harper's Weekly,Franh Leslie's Pictorial, Hearth and Ilome, The New World, Harper's Bazar and a:mixture of comic and serio-comic sensational literature. • To the Editor of the E'vensng Bulletin :—Suortly after 11 o'clock yesterday, I got into car No. 48, on Vine street, at Tenth street. It had gone but a short distance when the car stopped and waited for a man who was so drunk that he, could not walk without assistance. Ms companion dragged him into the car. I protested that the conductor had no right to take such persons in the car, and that I know it was contrary to the rules of the Company. At Twentieth street I got out. The two men then got Out also, when the drunken one felt' fiat in the street, and it was with muck difficulty that his friend got him on the sidewalk, where they waited for the next car, No. 49. On ; the front plat form of this car stood a policeman; the car stopped and the companion with the conductor together put the • - drunken man into the car, while the policeman seemed to think it a very prod joke, judging from the mirth manifested. As Ido not live, on Vine street I ace very little of these cars, but s am told by ladies who do that on account of such things being constantly precticed they are forced to use other;lines. A LADY. Total... $2,075,405 33 1,777,474 56 6297,930.77 Drunken Alen in Street Care. CITY NOTICES. Ax OnnantrALPHonunrlON.-Among other things exclusively the property of the American Eagle are clams, cranberries and crackers. Mr. Ball may brag of hie Abernethy blscuita and his Banbury cakes, the Frenchman may go his length on biscuits and buns, but, as an accompaniment to a lunch, a picnic, or a re freshment table.. there is nothing in the whole range of the art of baking that can light a bigger candle than the American "cracker." Time was that Boston and Albany challenged the world to equal the product of their bakeries. Up to three years ago the challenge was unanswered. At thepresent writing, Pearce's Philadelphia crackers are sold not only by all the leading grocers of the "Hub." but by those of all the principal cities of the- Union. Mr, Pearce took a philosophical view of the cracker subject, and made up hie mind to crack every preten sion that setup superiority over Philadelphia in the production of crack crach ere . first step was to get up a bakery on philosophical prindiples. To do this be spared neither expense nor trouble. Ills next step was to secure the necessary and constant supply of the particular flour that he required. What oMr. Pearce . doesn't know about the farina of the various cereals isn't worthgoing to school to learn. Orange county dairies supply all the butter, and he is now supplying the market with an article of such excel lence that Pearce's Philadelphia crackers are adver tised as a leading article in all the cities of the south and west, as they are to the eastward. Mr. Pearce is one of that class of citizens who don't Co things by halves. He gets up butter crackers, soda crackers, wine crackers, milk crackers, picnic and biscuits of appearance and taste so decidedly in viting that people paifukc of other things purely for the asks Of the crackers that accompany theta. They are packed in neat tin boxes and will keep, providing they ain't eaten, in any climate whore the boys don't bt ask open the packages, People who believe in the advancement of home industry, when they ask their grocer for Pearce's crackers will save the additional satisfaction of eating an article tnat cannot be excelled in any quarter of the universe. We have witnessed the process of making these things. Mr. Pearce is as neat as an old maid, and his bakery would do credit in point of sweetness to any parlor in Amsterdam. His corps of operatives, in tneir snow-white caps and uni forms. take to water like Mohammedans. We have an immense opinion, after our visit to Mr. Pearce's establishment, of the immaculate purity of the process of making his crackers. Crackers con talk for themselves.—From Philadelphia North American and United States Gazette. _ PErrou Soncoorra.—d very superior English Breakfast Tea. On sale by Fairthorne dr. Co., 1036 Market street and 205 Nor' h Ninth. BUMMER AND 'IN LNTFLIt. COLGAG3 & Co.'s TOM= SOAPS we have used for years, and found them always softening to the skin in winter, and so pleasant in summer, that we could not do without them.—Re/fgious Telescope. Buns Drum Coxre are the order of the day fu evening drew. A full aseortment at °MOWN STOKES & 00.'8. THOSE who intend participating in the in auguration of General Grant, and those who don't also, can be supplied with the latest style hat or cap at Oakfords', Continental Hotel. Quurr and soothe the pal of children teething— Use Bower's Infant Cordial. Sold by all Druggists. No INAUGURATION ever equalled the inaugura tion of Chas. Oakford & Sens', the great hatters, 834 and 886 Chestnut street. Conus, Bunions, Inverted Nails, skillfully treated by Dr. J. Davidson ,No. 915 Chestnut street Ukurrges moderate. HOT °Ross BUNS, fresh every day through Lent. Money, 902 and 904 Arch street. DEAFNESS BLINDNESB AND CATARRH. J. Isaacs, M. D., Professor of the Eye and Bar treats all diseases appertaining to the above members with the utmost success. Testimonials from the most reliable sources in the city can be seen at this office, No. 805 Arch street. The medical faculty are invited to accompany their patienta,as ho has no secrets In his practice. Artificial eyes inserted. No .charge made for examination. SURGICAL Isernumorrs and druggists' sun dries. Srtowraut & Bucyruna, 28 South 'Eighth street. NEW JERSEY lIMITERB. NEWTON TOWNSHIP.—There is trouble In the camp of the Democracy in Newton township. A manifest disposition to bolt the ticket is exhibited, and the probability is that a split will take place. It is asserted by some of the dissenters that if seventy Democratic voters can be taken away from the regular ticket, the bolters can carry the day, and efforts are being made to et cure those seventy votes. It is a sort of Kilkenny Cat tight, which is rapidly increasing in interest. PRIBONERS.—Twenty - four prisoners aro now confined in the Camden county jail, on various of fenced. The quiet in police business to Camden city and county to ascribed to the near approach of the spring municipal and township elections, at which MI the voters that can De mustered are needed. ELECTION Idsrcans.,—The Democrats in the various yards of Camden have completed their ward tickets and are prepaying for an active canvass. The election °mare on Tuesday next. the polls opening at even o'clock in the morning and closing at seven in the evening. CAMDEN CITY ASSESSOBIL—The labor' of as sessing properly the various taxable property in Cam den Is very arduous, and the compensation is far too little. An effort is to be made to the incoming Coun cil to Increase the salaries allowed to Aftersore. MILLVILLIC.—PoIItIes kerns to create conside rable excitement in Mill villa. There are three candi dates for the mayoralty—Democratic, Republican and lndepindent. FICHEIIOLDERS.—The last regular meeting of the pr , sent Board of Chosen Freeholders of Camden county. will be hold in the Court House, on Monday nelrt. The new Board will not organize until May. OPENING OF NAVIGATION.—The Delaware and Raritan Canal will be open for navigation on the 10th that. ti ttlj /I POltrAN Pki[U4IDELPIILi-MABOU Buatfra en lnetdm raga ARRIVED TlllB DAY. Steamer Florence Franklin, Plotion. ID hours from Bal thuoro, with lud.a to A Gres. Jr. CLEARED ov Tat DAY F Steamer Fanita . Freeman. Now York, John Old. Correepondence of the Philadelphia Exchange LE WEB. DEL. March 4-6 PM. Behr Minnie Repplier, from Zana, for ordure, arrived at the greakwator to-day. Bohm J Rich. front Philadelphia THE DAILY EVENING BULLETIN-PHILADELPHIA, SATURDAY MARtIII 6, 1869. AIIIIIIIMENIIIII/111 for flarblebeads J V Wellington. do for Boston; Helen Mar. from Boston for Georgetown. DO. mid John - ditto - man are detained at the Breakwater by head wind. • Yours. ao. , JOBW/I. LAMY r g Ship Tyro (Br), 'Baker,was loading at Leith 19th uIL for this port. , •., • • _ Steamer Villa de Paris (Fr). Surmont. cleared it 'New York yesterday for Havre. , Steamer Volunteer. Jouce. hone° 'at NeW'YOrk Tester. • - da irteamer Baena (Br), Pinkhinn, cleared at LWOW York yesterday for Landon. Steamer Saadi (NG). Schweers, from Bremen Jan. 11 and Gravesend 27th. with 185 passengers, at. Now York yesterday, Had heavy N and' NW, gales the maim Pas sage. and heavy cram sea; was - obliged to heave to several times; Feb 16. tat 46 7; lon 88. experienced a severe hurl. • cane, which commenced from NW and hauled around to SW. with heavy cross sea, the sea .breaking half way up the mast; shipped 9. large Quantity ofwater,which washed the bridge overboard and ailed the second cabin and en. ' gine room half full of water ; lost dock stores and every. thing roovable about deck; the paseengers suffered greatly. , Bai k Evelina Schrudder (NG). Prentz. was loading at Greenock Nth alt. for this port. Bark Blair Athol (Br), Haynes, at Newport. Eng. 19th ult. for this port, _ Bark Yonovdeu, Bur g ess . from New.Crleana' far Lie Janeiro. w spoken lat 25 63, lon 79 56—nO date. , Bark Jam B Ward. Landerkin, from , Palermo 24th Nov. via Gibraltar Jan 2. at New x ork yesterdav Behr Albion. Shaw. from Rockland, for this port. sailed from Newport 8d lost. . • _ Bahr 6lorclight. Bradford. from Caleb] for this port, at Now York yesterday. Schr Ida L. Burgess, from Boston for this port, at Now York yesterday. • Schr Freeman. Brown;at Providence 4th ,Instant from New Castle. DeL - '• Bchr Ann E Martin. Buell. from Jacksonville, which put into Wilmington. NC. Jauntily 80th,"11; distress, sailed yesterday for .riew Haven. Bark Wm El Jenkins (Br),_ Lemma. from Ardroman. via Faye' Jan M N . arrived at eW York yesterday. willmers Walrus and Nautilus, new sidewhoel yes. sells, leave New York on Monday next for China. CHAMPION SAFES rutrADELpniA, Jaiinary . 18,:1869. Messrs. FARREL, HERRING & No. 699 CaEBTKPF,Btre9t. Gasman= : On the night of ,the 13th instant as is well known to the citizeeeof•:Philadelphia, our large and extensive store 'and valuable stock of merchandbe, No. 902 Chestnut et , -- 'was burned. The fire was one of the most Ostensive and de structive that has visited our cityformany,years, the beat being so intense that' even:' the marble cornice was almost oblitenkted. We had, as you are aware, two'bf your vain able and well-known CHAMPION FIRE-PROOF SAFES; and nobly have they vindicated your well known reputation as manufacturers of FIRE-PROOF SAFES, if any further proof had been required. They were , subjected to the moat intense heat, and it affords us much pleasure to inform you that after recovering them from the rains, we found, upon examination, that our books, papers and other valuables were all in perfect condition. Yours, very respectfully, JAB. E. CALDWELL & CO. P. S.-THE ONLY SAFES THAT WERE EX POSED TO THE FIRE IN CALDWELL'S STORE WERE FARREL, HERRING & CO.'S MAKE. PHILADELPHIA, January 18, 1869 Messrs. FARREL, HERRING & CO., GENTLEMEN : On the night of the lath instant our large store, S. W. corner of Ninth and Chest nut streets, was, together with our heavy stock of wall papers, entirely destroyed by are. We had cue of your PATENT CHAMPION FIRE-PROOSAFES, which contained our prin cipal books and papers, and although it was ex posed to the most intense heat for over 60 hours, we are happy to say it proved itself worthy of oar recommendation. Our books and papers were all preserved. We cheerfully tender our testi monial to the many already published, in giving the HERRING SAFE the credit and confidence it justly merits. Yours, very respectfully, HOWELL & BROTHERS. PHILADELPHIA, January 19, 1869 Wears. FARREL, HERRING & CO„ GENTLEMEN: I had one of your make of safes in the basement of J. E. Caldwell & Co.'s store, at the time of the great fire on the night of the 13th inst. It was removed from the ruins to-day, and on opening it found all my books, papers, greenbacks, watches, and watch materials, &c., all preserved. I feel glad that I had one of your truly valuable safes, and shall want another of your make when I get located. Yours, very respectfully, F. L. KIRKPATRICK, with J. E. Caldwell & Co., 819 CHESTNUT Street. HERRING'S PATENT CHAMPION SAFES, "THE MOST RELIABLE SECURITY FROM FIRE NOW KNOWN." Manufactured and sold by FARREL, HERRING & CO., Philadelphia. HERRING, FARREL & SHERMAN, No. 251 Broadway, New York. HERRING & CO., Chicago. HERRING, FARREL & SHERMAN, N. 0. tea to too ticS EIILEARIZOOF SAVO!). No. 629 CHESTNUT Street. STILL ANOTHER 629 CHESTNUT Street. r I 111 11 , :4 1•0 See Mirth Pao for Additional Amtmements SPLENDID SKATING AT 110110TH SIGH, TWENTY•FIRST.AND FINEST ICE OF THE BEASUN. Also, a fine exhibition of VELOCIPEDE RIDING. OPEN DAY AND EVENING. Agency for the sale of all styles of Velocipede de s. J. . POST mh6 filll AMERICAN ACADEMY OF MUSIC. GERMAN DRA M A. FOR SIX NIGHTS. FANNY JANA USCEIEK. QUEEN OF TDB GERMAN STAGE, Assisted by a Oompany of first-clam Artiste. engaged by her in Europe., will give BEFREWENTATIONS OP GERMAN DRAMA, Commencing MONDAY EVENING. March 16, MARIA STUART. TUESDAY EVENING. March 16, UATUARINE THE SWORD, WEDNESDAY EVENING. March 17. MARIANNA. PRICES, _ Admiasion on filar No Extra Charge for Rceorved Sea le. Family Circle ... . ................. . . ....... .50 cents Gallery 25 cents The sale of Reserved Seats will commence on Thure. day Morning,March 11. at E. WITTIG'S Music Store. No. len Chestnut street,and at the Academy. mheot.f6 CAISRIALGEN6 14:7 D. M. LANE, int. Bander of Flrat-slam Light and Heavy CARRIAGES, Respectfully invites attention to his large stock of finished Carriages. Also orders taken for Carriages of every do. scription. at MINIDEIOTORY AM) W&RE2003111, 3432, 3434 and 3436 MARKET STREET, Three squares west est P P hilad eon enns elphia. ylvania Railroad Depot, W leltu-th.edmrs. FOR BALI.. ECOUNTRY BEAT AND FARM FOR BALE.-12 60 or 100 eeree,l3rielol Pike.above 7th mile Mono, " and neer Tawny. Manelon houeo end dwelll”ge to let Apply on the promisee, or to R. WHIT reicKFIR. No. 610 Locuet etreet mhtS At• et COUNTRY RESIDENCE, FOR SALE Ott RENT, within three minutes' Walk of a station on North MI rsaiuylvania Railroad. Good [livid house, with stable and carriagerhouao,throo acres of lawn, and GlOnti of shade. Address Itucixr C in k tiai l o . o. inhi-rn wars:lVO MORTON'S PINE APPLE CHEESE. —Ieu BOXES ON 13 Consignment. Lauding and for sale by JOS. 11. BURBLER d< CO.. Agents for Norton di Elmer. 108 South nelawant Avenue. NEW CROP ARABIAN DATICS.-100 DA FINE quality, lauding and tar gala by JOB. B. DUBAI= 19. CO.. 108 i3outh Delaware avenue. CULI• 1,040 MILES OFT UNION PACIFIC EtA.IILfft.O.A.EI ARE NOW COMPLETED As 800 milarof the western portion of the line, begin: , sing at Sacramento, are alio done, but 200 MILES REMAIN To be Pin.ished, to Open the Grand Through. Line to the Paoifto. This Opening will certainly tske 'place early this season. Besides a donation from the GovernMent of ABM sores of land per mile, the Company la entitled to, a tubdflY' In U. 8. Bonds on its line aa completed, mid accePtedi at GM average rate of about ,111*6l00 per nlne., according ;t o; the difilonities encountered , for which the Government takes a second lien aa aeourlo.' - Whether Mitteldiee lam given to any other companies or not, the Government will com ply with all its contracts with the o#64eacitio Railroad Company. Nearly the whole amount of bonds to whish tbeCompanYwili bo entitledhave &heady been delivered. FIRST MORTGAGE BONDS AT g' AR AND ACCRUED INTEREST. Rifts charter. the CoraPluly is permitted to Issue it own FIRST MORTGAGE BONDS to the tame amount as the Government Bonds, and nd more. These Bonds are a First Mortgage upon the entire road and all its equip. menta. THEY HAVE THIRTY YEARS TO RUN, AT SIX PER CENT., and both PRINCIPAL AND INTEREST PAYABLE• IN GOLD. Such securities are generally valuable In proportion to the length of time they have to run. Tho longest six per cent. gold interest bonds of the U. S. (the "81.0) will be due in 12 years, and they are worth 112. If they had BO years to run, they would stand at not loss than 125. A perfectly safe First Mortgage Bond like the Union Pacific should approach this rate. The demand for European invest went le already considerable. and on the completion of the work will doubtless carry tho price to a large pre mium. SECURITY OF THE BONDS. It reeds no argument to show that a First Mortgage of $28„600 per mile upen what for a long time must be the only railroad connecting the Atlantic riad Pacifio States ie runintans grown. The entire amount of the more gage will be about $80.000,000, and the interest $1.800,000 Per annum in gold. The present currency coat of this in• tercet is lees than $2.500,000 per annum, while the gross earnings for the year IBM FROM WAY BUSINESS only, on AN AVERAGE OF LESS THAN 700 MILES OF ROAD IN OPERATION, WERE MORE THAN FIVE MILLION DOLLARS The details of which are as follows From Pareengers -Freight... " Express. ..... ......... " Ma 115.... ........ •' Miscellaneous Government troops.. freight " Contractors' men " .. material This large amount is only an indication of the immense traffic that must go over the through line in a few months. when the great tide of Yuen', coast travel and trade wil begin. It is estimated that this business must make the earnings of the road from FIFO= TO TWENTY MILLIONI3 A YEAR. AB the supply of tbeee Bonds will soon cease. patios who desire to invest fn them wfil find It for their interest to do eo at once. The price for the proeent is per and so. coned interest from Jan. 1, in currency. A NEW PAMPHLET AND MAP WAS DISHED OCT. Ist, containing a report of the progress of the work to that date, and a more complete statement in relation to the value of the bonds can bo given in an advertisement which will be cent free on application. Dealers in Government -13eourities, No. 40 4t4., 'Third St., rIULADELJPEILIAs $1,924,405 97 . 2,040,28319 . 51.428 88 . 188,835 IQ . 91.628 27 . 104.977 77 . 449,440 83 . 201,179 09 . 988,430 82 616066.661 61 Gold, &0., -LiT;;Faxfty,:;,..,.A.A.o.v.Nqg.i MESSRS. P ORTER & - ,COATES‘ Will-Open their New and Elegant B9olt. Store IN THE' SPACIOUS MAID LE - BUILDING; sea Chestnut Street s (Adjoining the Continental Hotel, fe•imerly• occupied by J. l lC.Ca!dwell & 0o.,) ON WEDNESDAY. MARCH 19th, w. With an eatfrely flew end Wretbi Lack • *ENGLISH AND AMERICAN - BOOKS As every book will be sold at retail at WHOLESALE-PRICES, book buyers will have an Oppor tunity to buy NEW goods as CHEAP , as OlXtstoekeitribiretTerodit;as the whole stock HAS "JUST , BEEN BURCHASED FOR CASH at the very lowest possible , price4tand WliVbe sold at'small advances. WILLIS.P. HAZARD will be happy to see all his friends and former:, customers et tbe , new establishment. NV; • BUT 6001)8. J. M. HAFLEIGH 012 011)1014 CHESTNUT STREET, WILL OPEN MONDAY, MARCH Bth. SPRING AND ' SUMMER DRESS GOODS, Embracing all the Choice Styles and Fabrics imported title Season. ALFA). Laces, Embroideries,White Goo ds, Tr hg-3.4 ,pRYCE & WOOD, N. W. corner Eighth and Filbert, Have it et received from Nt.w York Auction and other sources: 5 000 yards White Pignee. at 3739 c., same goods as have been telling at 95 and 50 cent Cordt d Piques. 8734. 45. 50. 623 G. 76 end 88c. White Brilliantee fine qualities, 25 81. 873Gc. India Twilled Long Cloth', 25, 31. 3719 e. Plaid and Striped N aintiooks, very cheap. Plaid and Plain °manatee. Bargains in mit finish Cambrice, Jaconets, Nainsooks, Victoria Lawns, Swiss Mueline. Table Linens, Napkins and Towels. Birder a Linen. far Aprons. Scott h Diaper, by the piece, cheap. Best makediShlrting Linens. Marseilles, Honeycomb and Lancaster Quilts. Best makes Bleached and Brown Muslillf. Pillow Care and Sheeting Muslin'. Bargains in All wool and, Domet Flannels. Just received. 10.0 W yards Hamburg Edgings and 'mule tinge. teat are very cheap.. 'Amity Bands, Daisy Trimniines„ Marseilles Roffilnett, Magic it billings, Coventry Ruillings, Sandringham Ref. flings. Registered Edgings and insartings, Tape Trim. minge. hal gains in Ladies' and Genie' Hosiery. Ladies' Linen Ildkfe, 10, 1834. 18.18, 20. 22, 26, 28 and 81 cents Ladies' and Gents' Hemstitch Hdkfe. Silkrg assortment of Silk trans. Yana, Gilt Sticks, &c., &c. PRICE & WOOD, N. W. corner Eighth and Filbert. N. B.—Just received, 10,000 Yards BPcisg Calicoes, Faet Colon. t 2 Cent!. LC 11. STIEVL. & SON, Nos, 713 and 715 N. Tenth St, Will open to-day a Job lot of the fittesttimported RICH PRINTED FRENCH PIQUES, AT 763. Plain, White. Pink and Buff French Piques. WHITE PIQUES. 250. to $1 25. HANDSOME STYLES OF FRENCH PERWALEf3. French Percale Shirting., at PM. New styles American Percales, at SlNic. BILK AND WOOL POPLIN FOR SUITS, PLAIN AND MOTTLED, $1 25 to $2. POPLIN DRESS STUFFS FOR SUITS. PLAIN, MOTTLED AND STRIPED. 25c. TO $L Black Alpaca Poplins, all qualities. BLACK FdENCEI A,LPAC&B. $2 BLACK GRO GRAIN BILKS, 251N011 WIDE BLACK GRO GRAINS IN LOW, MEDIUM AND FINEST QUALITIES. AT MODERATE PRICES. Colored Dress Silks, in great variety, at low prices. BILK AND LINEN POPLINETTES. PLAIN, STRIPES AND PLAIDS. It _ Zcz 1-44.0v - k , Fourth and Are& KEEP A STOOK OF DRY GOODS ADAPTED TO THE DAILY WANTS OF FAMILIES FULL STOCK OF FRENCH GOODS. FULL STOOK OF BRITISH GOODS. FULL STOCK OF AMERICAN GOODS. SHAWLS. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL BLACK SILKS OF THE BEST GRADES IMPORTED wr.•4l, XI NW AI NASURG EIRAINUIS, /NSERTINGS AND F LO UN CIN US. Just opened, every large quantity and variety, some of which are job Iota; among these are some at 40 cents for which the Importer's gold price is 51 cents. The largest as so-Vment at the lowest prices, HEMBTITODIED HDKVS., for Ladles. Just received. a job lot of 285 dozen, one inch hem, which measures full 18 inches, at 25c. each; a finer quality at 83 a dozen—a bargam EMBROIDERED COLLARS. Will open t6day a Job lot 1,158 Cellars, for 25 chi im. porters' i rioter price has ranged from 49 to fpk. for this lot. Actually thrown away. REAL CLUE Y CnLL ARB Will offer to-day a lit of Real Cluney Collars for Mc., about one.fourth recent price, PLAID AND STRIPED NAINSOOK. Will open on Monday a few hundred pieces under reg. ular ices, which Meant cheap. CRO. MET TIDIER. Real Mph hand Crochet. Just received, another lot of 34 dozen. 17 different pattorns,only Si 50—same goods are Felling at NOTTINGHAM CURTAINS AND CURTAIN LACE. Will open early next week a cart load, by the pair and by the yard. very cheap goods. at WORN VS Lace and l r”b••ebiery Stare. No. 38 Nnrth Eigh'h street. 1t liploVAU6Li ed, 114 nt.B.aII ( E A I LVENTEI STREET. Will own at the above addrosa, oa Monday, Math 8114 1880, with a fug line of WILITE GonDs. • LINENS and MUSLIMS, LACE GuODB and EMBROIDERIES. RUFFLINGS, and FANuY ARTICLES. Bought for Caob; and will bo eold at Bo lowoet &Strp• mark et mh - 1 4 ,9111.11/INES.-1 00 CASES. HALF QTARTER BOXL.S. 13 landing and for eale by JOB. 13. DuBBLIOII. 108 Beath Delaware avenue. maw Oecomilh CENTRAL 1869. ct . oiii : . - g*.p : ci4:0 : 5 .1. ..:7 HEN'S COATINGS, LADIES' CLOAKING& FANCY CASIIIVERES, MIXED " BLACK CLOTHS. • • PIAINDLOTILS‘ , " +a;•• ,:23 BLACK DOESKINS, FANCY CLOTHS.. ' BOYS*. GOODS. OBER& CLOTHE. • ).2 r SPRING wzican VELVETEENS.; SUPER QUALITY: , • •• • "' pay STEAWBEW GE a CLOTHIER reavectfullyruiliounee that during the season now evening their iroposa to,offer':' the largest dock, and most attractive assortment'Pf" en , kinds of Cloths that they hove ever offered: Being de* termined to make our house the Central Emporinur. IT this desrilptipn of goods, we hair, collected for , "the :pre.; sent seaport every'desirable style and brake of Cloths Utak the market aresents 'for • ' 0) , Ladles', lien's and .Boysi , Vrear.. • Ora . Stock of 'Liaise' 0101k11101 in particular 10,4pir, eatensive.and bought at the manufacturers' toivest cash' rates. It will bo to GM interest of all'who lutentlte t ba this kind 'of goads during the cowing as 'Wail ;0 eat on as we offer by far the largest assortment tp beienna; and at prices tbat cannot be surpassed We ithlte'dealers, both city and , &Matey. to 'errata:al our stock, as our, prices are aglow as the same ;Mode can be sold In whole packages by isev whotesale house. - WU* we offer many stylus that are confined 'excluilvidY , fa ourselves. • • ", ,•2' STRAWBItIDGE'B/bitfAiliti Central Cloth Emporium:, cORMEI EIGHTH AND ninny BTEIVETi; EDWARD FERRIS, No. 807 OHESTNIIT STREET, IMPORTER or WHITE GOODS, LACES and To TLLF TRADE. icier Piques. a:tl and Striped fialnieoiss. New Guipure and Vatendennes Laces. New White Coods of all hinds. desired. for Spring trade. Just opened and (or ego at a Email advance eel cott of impodation. EDWARD FERRIS, No. 807 CHESTNUT STREET. WU= twi Plit YNG 0-000 OR . JUST OPENEDi A Large liasortment at Reduced Prices. NEW WHITE GOODS, BOTH PLAIN AND CHECK. Cambric% Jaconet% Nainsooks. Swiss. Book and Mull Muslin. Cambric Dimities, Bair Cord Muslin% India TWill. Striped and Plato." Soft Finished Cambrio,trillttridt4s, Organdies and,Tarictans. for (wooing dresses. Victoria and Bishop's Lawn. French Dimity. Cambric Long Cloth. CORDED AND FIGURED PIQUET% Printed Linens and Pantiles. Linen Cambria Handkerohiefe, Ands variety of STAPLE EMBROIDERIES. N. B.—The beet makes of Domestic Mien* in all widths, at the lowest Cash Priem Sheppard, Van Harlingen & Anisonf Curtains, Linens and Honsekosping Dry Goods,,, 1008 OHESTNUT STREET. 20 tn th 10trvii TO RENT. 9rop THE OFFICES' . IN THE NEW BUILD/NG OF THE "Philadelphia Chamber of Commereeif Applications will bo received by the understood from 12 MI to 11?, M. doily. SABILVEL L. Winn, Treasurer, Og l e" No. 10 Boom:id Mimi. mbl3 TOP R. Va N r r On March lst,' The Room occupied by the late John M. Harper. Importer at Watches and Watch Materlali, :No, 308 Chestnut Street (2d ator). tEx i d rp, cAnnow, TIII111&1:114T & 41:10. ,macTO BENT. " 1811 BROWN STREET.—ALL UK lb good ) J d . grd. er• IYA VL N kr. 11 TIY , MB • immediate pottemion. Kel 'a...A north Broad street. mhB3t6 - , TO RENT—A HANDSOMELY FURNISHED rHouse, in a faebionable quarter. Rant. 55.704,10 ',tt mall family without children. Addareasr. "T. J. W,, iivizasur Office. , .. fa litif.rof, gAxiaO. wince T, imororrorr mix OLIMIEtrit 1. OM/SCION 7FTETMIti r e grai ll 5 1. ) . 17. "1" Importers of ,Earthenware and iltdpping and Commission Blereharni. N 0.116 Walnut street, Ptilladeloba. EMBROIDERIES;
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