is+m ,k. :trc LETTJEIt FitittBIIIPAWIS. Worrerrozatnee of (ha ruliadeiebia Evenisx naPa tin-1 PAIIIP, Friday, Feb. 191110860.—T0 begin' with a French phrase, k dart:See:AO ist Banat-stheirest * Word has been at kisgth spoken about this we Turco-Greek I:medusas; though there have been so many "last words" respecting it that fitiblltitati Welly Me yet believe that they ,arehardly,quit,of Jt. However,, diplomatically aprekligstbereis really; an end of tbe -question. Waleweki reached Paris on his return from his mission ,just about the hour at which I was mail ing my letter to you on Tuesday .Iliet, and his , first- visit was, of course, to ,the Jilinistry of Foreign Affairs. Still, the official rikirtitel did not, even mention his arrival next inOrning, and it began to be thought for a moment that there was some hitch in the business after all. • Bu t li the following day, yesterday, the Conference was officially announced to meet. .Slt , did so; avd eparated, after a cornParatively short sitting; and now, this morning. the new At unit( ur closes the transaction by informing us that, after hearing the reply of the Greek Government to the declaration of the 20th of Jaenary, the Conference " officially certified ibo adhesion 'of the cabinet Of Athens to the principles enunciated in that document." It alio at 14C.811.11 1 0 time declared "diplomatic rola liens to be ipso facto re-established between Tur key and Gretets", and charged its President with the Oily of "thanking both governments for the deferencethey hied shown to its advice." Finally, • the Conference pronounced its own diasolutiou I have frequently remarked that the solution 'itiltiVelertived at is regarded by no ono as being • lid 2a. ;' very Stable or solid nature. Still sD '.'would 'be incorrect not to admit that the precedent thug established may have iniportant infinence the future conduct of European affairs. A sort of Court of Appeal has indubittibly spa. and,artiVed. at a conclusion which /PM Inca ciccePted eitspny rate pro tem.; and the sitinntegnence willbe that the next tune such a meet inglithes place,Sit will do so with considerably siglealerauthOrity and better chance of success. riNtiotarshoweveri "great," powers would accept antitajurisdiedon and yield obedience to its etn,s:inity perhaps be, doubtful, when we see -with:show. much difficulty the assent even of "small" ones has been attest obtained. A grand diplomatic dinner was given yesterday s intiono'r of the arida event - by the Turkish Ann baseador with ,a reception In the evening, at which 11i. Rangahe Was present, so that the nom inal reconciliation Is domplete. The semi-official and ultra-imperialist journals rhaveheen doing their very beet to blow up a neiv,qUarrel between France and Belgium, on the inbjeet Of„a railway transaction which was medi tated in the lattcr country by a French company. - Of totteseethere could hardly be any danger of a serious conflict between France and Belgium. But the danger in this case was that stitiblic opinion in France was being aroused and excited by representing Belgium as acting under Vituislan lefinenee and pressure; and that was a stispicion which would soon have brought French *teimperaintiet rep to boiling noint. The French Eiisternor Strasbourg Railway Company has a line to the frontiers of Belgium, and desired, as they say, on purely financial and economical grounds, to become also the proprietors of the connecting Belgium line on to Brussels; and the r,elgian company, the owners of the latter line, were, favorable to the transfer. But the Belgian Cubiget took alarm at see leg a. foreign, ' and, that a French company, ArLla emo, , too, whose line falls ultimately into the hands of the imperial government—taking pos. Onion of a route which leads direct to the capi tal, and thence again to Antwerp, the main cite 4'del and stronghold of the country. As it now atipeare, by a tote just published in the Me tioriai Diplantatique, the Belgian Minister of For eign Affairs objected weeks ago, and when he bed Bret heard of it,to anysuch arrangement,and ' declared his inability to assent to it. Bat finding that the negotiations wore still going on strul like ly to be concluded, and beteg doubtfai s , Whether his present powers marled him to arre,st them, Le applied to, the Chambers for, a law -making the assent of the government necessary for any such concession or transfer as that con. tempt:did; and this law has been pulsed with an eagerness and avidity which has given offeoct here. It has been instigated, says the Pays, the Potpie, and even the Constitutionnel itself, by Pres ' sin, and is a proof that Belgium is violating her neutrality and siding with our enemies. The accusation is preposterous, and can be answered in two words. For the new law cute both ways and it it hinders Fran'ce fom pushing her rail ways through Belgium, it equally prohibits Prus ale from continuing her lines to the French trou t/errs ,But the noise which has been made shoes what passions slumber beneath the surface, and how little would still suffice to blow them ihto a game. I omitted to mention thit Captain Dachesne, the gallant commander of the Pereire, had been promoted to the rank of officer of the .Legion of Honor, as a reward for his conduct during th late terrible accident to the above vessel. I ought also to add, after the remarks I allowed myself to make on the occasion, and in justice to Captain Duehesne, that I have been since assured that the Pereire was in fact hove-to at the time she was struck, and was not therefore being driven ahead easiest the storm. A friend of great experience has since told me that he bad been consulted respecting the accident by the Prince de Joinville, who is always inter ested in naval questions; and that,uot trusting to Disown judgment,he had had a meeting with two Of the ablest commanders of the French Marine, ..Adniirals Cecile and Boest-Guillanmiz, along with Captain Duchesne himself, when he found that all the three latter were quite tillable to ac count [or such su incident occurring, and fo• such a stupendous volume of water having beet) shipped by any vessel under such circumstances •, as those in which the Pereire was then placed' Being In perfect order, under complete com- Mend, and lying to with her head to the wind, she ought to have ridden over any seas which she met. In ' stead of which she shipped a mountain of water. T 4 incident is regarded as almoSt-suoique be such high naval authorities as those abeNes me te toned, who give the. highest credit to Captsie Duebesne for the presence of mind with w el c h he met so unprecedented an ocecurrence. Since the cessation of our abort-lived frost, we have continued to enjoy the same remarkable weather which has distinguished the present Beu.- Eon. The temperature is so Met, and the BVring apparently so completely se. in, that already the green-house shrubs and phi ts are being drawn from their win ter retreats In the municipal conservatoriss and Wane their places again in our squares and public gardens. The celebrated horse-cbestuut of the Tuileries, known as the tree 01 Le Vingt Muse, nub this year quite out-done its reputation, and is airesdi in f tl (doom. The fineness of the weather see sus to ' Ir. bit z Pt to the gaieties of the st ason, and rteectionB and concerts, the bite? general! NM a dance, bid defiled.; to the probibitiel,F t to et and the old fasblane d observances t f hf,•. p sr i s A ltips j oohed 1., titer thi,u at tile present p iu i ' o r the rend, xv,,u,3 of the latent, rot More c•otiii,ktly • VOltilltB of ph:mute Item all q u ar t ers o f the OnuwFsa C. Horde~, with emir zz'ing fhe furl& of the fr01e.,,, At 3 pcirdoncd )t:eterdtly 1.11 rrchidco, •Julludou. •--"''''; : r.......,,,,' P ... - - • ' ~ ' THE DAILY jAtfNGIrttETN-41ADELPHIA 'FRIDAYAO....._:„SRVO .. .8 . 69e • r Ron Tilkstriros. f• • Wavy aielibey*egititatarp. leihTervoi.ati_ce of ..tile 4 l•l3l3edelptilsOrmailrig Bultatla.l Tfuist.roic . ` MarellA the Senate to-day Hopper intrOducid a sUbstituto for the `rlpaiisu bill, in the form of an act tb increase the revenues of the State, in reference to licenses and grants of ltutda,lying.under water in Hudson River and- New Yollt'Bay. - Providing that such grants shall hereafter be granted only by three Commissioners appointed by the State. In the Rouse a large number of small bills were passed to-day, and also the bill to organiz , 3 a State National Guard. Both houses stand ad journed until Monday evening next at 8 o'clock As many of the members are anxious for an eatly,elose of the tteesion, and the business ou the desks of the presiding officers having target) ateemulated, they will undoubtedly be necessi tated to frequently hold evening , sessions. Forty-first Congress. Hones.—Pm anent to the cducurrent resolution passed Emile weeks ago, fixing the !four of the meeting of the House for three o'clock to-day, the florin was at that hour called to order by Mr. lYlePlatrson, Clerk of the last House, who proceeded to call the roll of the members elect to the Forty-first Congress. The following named members answered : From Iriaine—Messrs. Lynch, Morrill, Blaine, Peters and Hale. Fn m Vermont—Mesers. Willard, Poland and Sot h. From Massachusetts—Messrs. Buffington, Ames, Twichell, Hooper, Butler, Banks, Bout well, Hoar, Washburn and Dawes. FlOlll litiode Island Messrs. Jenckes and Dixon. Ft om New York—Messrs. Reeves, Schumaker, Slocum, Fox, Morrissey, Calkin, Brooks, Wood, Greene, Ketchum, Griswold, Mayhem, Tanner, Ferries, Wheeler, bantered, Lenin, Bailey, Mc Carthy, Churchill, Cowles, Kelsey, Hotchkiss, Ward, Davis, Fisher, Bennett and Sheldon. From New Jersey—Messrs. Moore, Haight, Bird. Hill and Cleveland. From Pennsylvania—Messrs. Randall, O'Neill, Moffett, Reading, Stiles, Townsend, Getz,Dickey, Coke, Van Aitken, Mercur, Packer, Haldeman, Cessna, Morrell, Armstrong, Scofield, Gilfillan, Negley,• Phelps and Donnelly. From Delaware—Mr. Biggs. From Maryland—Messrs. Hambleton, Archer, Stvann, Hamill and Stone. From North Carolina—Messrs. Heaton, Dock ery, Deweeee, Lash, Shober, and Jones. From South Carolina—Messrs: Whittemore and Bowen. From Ohio—Messrs. Strader, Stevenson, Schenck, Lawrence, Mungen, Smith, Winans, Beatty, Dickinson, Hoag, Wilson, Van Tramp, Welker, Moore, Bingham, Ambler, Upson and Garfield. From Kentucky—Messrs. Trimble, Sweeny, Golladay, Knott, Winchester, Jones, Beck, Adonis - and Rice. From Tennessee—Messrs. Butler, Maynard, Stokes, Tillman, Prosser, Arnett, Hawkins and Smith.' From Indiana—Messrs. Niblack, Kerr. Holman, Julian, Coburn, Voorhees, Orth, Tyner, Shanks, Williams and Packard. From Illinois—Messrs. Judd, Farnsworth, Wilehburne. Hawley, Ingersoll, Cook, Moore Cullom, McNeely, Burr, Marshall, Ray, Creb and Logan. ' • From Bilesouri—Messrs. Wells, Finkeleburg, McCormick, Boyd, Burdett, Van Rory, Asper, Benjamin and Dyer. From Arkansas—Messrs. Roots, Rogers and Boles. From Michigan—Messrs. Beaman, Stoughton, Blair, Berry, Conger and Strickland. From lowa—Messrs. McCrary, Smyth, Allison, Loughridge, Palmer and Pomeroy. From Wisconsin—Messrs. Paine, Hopkins, Cobb, Eldridge, Sawyer and Washburn. From Coillornia---lidessrs. Axtell, Sargeant and Johnson. From-Minnesota—Messrs. Wilkinson and Wil son. From Oregon—Mr. Smith. From Kansas—Mr. Clark. From West Virginia—Messrs. Duval, McGrew, and Witcher. From Nevada—Mr. Fitch. From Nebraska—Mr. Trifle. The absentees were Messrs. Cox (N. Y.), Kelley (Pa.); Morgan (Ohio) and Hamilton (Fla ). The following States were unrepresented: New Hamp shire, Connecticut, Virginia, Georgia, Alabama, Mieeiseippi,Lonisiana and Texas,the Twenty-first District of Pennsylvania (Covode's), and the Third UT d Fourth Districts of South Carolina. Mr. We oodward offered a resolution that the returns of the election in the Twenty-first as trici of Pennsylvania be referred to the Commit tee on Elections, with instructions to report at as curly a day as practicable which of the claim ants to aEt at has the prima facie right thereto. Mr. Scofield made tee point of order that in the organization of the House the Clerk could rot entertain a motion of reference to a commit tee. The clerk sustained the point of order. Mr. Woodward then submitted the resolution to amend the roll or members by adding to it the name of Henry D. Foster, as Representative from the Twenty-first District of Peunsylvani i. Mr. Wastiburne (Ill.) rose to a mo.ion which be said would take precedence of the motion sub mitted by Mr. Woodward, and that was that the House do now proceed to the election of Speak , r The Clerk entertained the motion of Mr Washburne, and it was agreed to—yeas, 134; nos, fri3. Mr. Brooks made the point of order that the Reading Clerk had not called the names of the members elect from Georgia and Louisiana. The Clerk overruled the point of order. Mr. Brooks appealed from the 'ruling of the Clef k. She Clerk refused to entertain the appeal, and then commenced a scene of noise, uproar and excitement, which, for a time, threatened to re sult in a general row. Mr. Brooks, at the top of hie voice, asserted his right to appeal from the tyranny of the Clerk. Mr. Washburn° (Ill.) demanded that the Clerk should go on and call the roll. The Clerk was proceeding to do so, but Mr. Brooks seemed determined not to be put down in that way, and shouted—"l am a member of the House, and I have a right to appeal from the tyranny of the Clerk." The Clerk mildly directed that the gentleman from New York should take his seat. Mr. Brooker defiantly declared that the gentle man from New York would not take his seat on the under of the Clerk. The Clerk reminded Mr. Brooks that the Clerk was acting under the authority of the law. Mr. Brooks was not to be appeased in that manner, and declared that the Clerk was not acting under authority of law, bat in violation of all low. MLoud calls to order and great confusion. I r. Worthburne (III) demanded that the Clerk should put the question on nominations for Speaker, and he nominated James G. Blaine, of Maine. Mr. Brooks insisted on his right of appeal, and tried to make himself heard, but his voice, though raised to the highest pitch, was drowned in shouts of ' Call the roll." 'ILe Clerk once more directed Mr. Brooke to take hie seat. Mr. Brooks utterly refused to do so, and as serted that he was a member of the House, while ti e person undertaking to dictate to him was a ere, k 'of the House. The Clerk retorted that ho was not a member of the House, but only a member elect. Mr. Brooks—Mid the Clerk Is not the Clerk of the House, nor even the Clerk elect. The Clerk replied that the gentleman was mis token. By the law the Clerk of the last House was Clerk of this body. Mr. Brooks—The Clerk is bound by the law and the rules, and the rule is that "Pending the elect tion of a Speaker the Clerk shall preserve order ood decorum, iald shall decide all etreetions of order that may arise, subject to appeal to the flume," The Clerk, interrupting Mr. Brooks, said: IL is a very unpleasant ditty for the Clerk— Mr. Brooks. interrupting-1 know it is, but the Clerk is bound by the law, and is bound to hear the law. - • The Clerk—The Clerk is enforcing the law. Mr. le write— TI e. Civil( la not eufircing the but is %Mating the law. [Great collusion and excitement I Mr. Wustihurrie (Ili )—Tue me. utn,r from N ter Tu,k should be put under toteet by the &spatter.- at-.A repo, At this time almost all the members w. re on their lee 1, the publicalle cn Beg to order, and I NAL, erirt , r Int raining the. position taken by Ott hi 044 , b, tr d the • Nei., meet was Intense on tl.,nr at (1 in t h e lite. Mu. Elfilidlo; requited, us a question of order, EIMI=I , bat rules the Clerk WAS 11/Warned. BY the inks of the House or by fibs aW;of the 'hue? Clerk-replied thattMwaasoverned l'by the law of the land and by thierukarot the Bongo. - Mr. Eldridge—lt is the larti - of the land'whleti the gentleman from Neilorkeneiss to have en forced, and the Clerk reltises to , entertain an ap peal. Ido not believe that:the minority here to day would deny the right of appeal to a member of the,House. -4 ,, v 7- • Loud shouts of "Call the roll."' I he Clot k, in the midst of the -now increasing contusion, inquired whether Were were any other nominations to the office ..of. Speaker. Mr. Eldridge, hoWever,, ,peraisted in keeping the floor and in trying to,•miike, himself heard. He would not say that the Clerk was not right• but he would say that the right' of appeal was allowed to members of Congress,, and he de watidt d that right now. , :1 . /applause and encour age went from the Democratic side. I Mr. Jon( s (Ky.) addressed the Cletk, but was met with veciferous shouts of "Call the roll." Mr. Eldridge put it to the 'other Bide of the House whether, when an appeal was taken in respe elfin language, it should be denied. Mr. Brooks—lt never has been dented. Mr. Eldridge—lt never would be denied but (bat we are all slaves. I appeal to the sense of justice of the men who hold the power of the majority here. Mr. Jones (Ky.)—l desire to make a point of order, and I risk to have the rule read which se cures the right of appeal. air. Logan—l appeal to the Clerk to keep order It gentlemen are determined to make displays of this kind, I ask that the Clerk shall have them arrested by the Sergeant-at-Arms. The supra scion was received with a salvo of clap. ping (I hands on the Republican side 01 me Chamber and in the galleries. Mr. Brooks defied the gentleman from Illinois to muke any arrests. ' The Clerk again inquired 'whether there wore any other nominations for Speaker. Mr Eldridge persisted in appealing to the sense of justice of the majority. • Cries of "Call the roll." Mr. Brooke—l insist on my right of appeal. The Clerk called upon Messrs. Cullom, Kelsey, Woodward end Voorhees` to : act 'as tellers in counting the vote for Speaker. • • Mr. Eldridge—l ask the gentlemen if they will not allow us to appeal to them from the arbitrary act of the Clerk. (Calls to older.) Mr. Logan—l insist that the Sergeant-at-Arms beOrdered to arrest these mon. lApplause and great excitement. I Mr. Brooks—There is'no Sergeant-at-Arms. Mr. Logan—We will do it ourselves. [Ap plause and encouragement on the Repunitean aide, met by laughter and defiance on the Demo cratic side. I Mr. Logan (menacingly)—lf I Were Sergeant at-Arms I would do it very quick—be assured of that. Mr. Stokes at the same time was vociferating in an excited manner, and threatening some sort of vengeance on the Demodrate; but the only words that tbe.reporter distinguished were to the effect that the Democratic mendbere were worse than rebels. To this Mr. Eldridge replied something which seemed to be an invitation to Mr. Stokes to send on his rebel soldiers. The Clerk called upon Messrs. Woodward and Voorhees to take their places as tellers at desk, where the other teliera were already seated. Mr. Woodward complied with the summons, but Mr. Voorhees seemed reluctant to do so, and then Mr. Woodward returned to his seat and made some conciliatory remarks as to Mr. Brooke having a right•to appeal, and suggested that the appeal be entertained and deeided by the House. The Olerk stated that he bad no desire whais ever to make a decision that would do violence to the feelings of any member, or to do anything that would throw the tiody into confusion. but that he was obliged to administer the law so as to effect the prime duty of organizing the House. He regretted that any decision of 'his should be regarded by any gentleman as an invaslos of Ws personal rights, for It was not so intended, and he appealed to the telierslei take their places Mr. Brooks, satisfied with the remarks of the Clerk, withdrew his appeal, but without acquteac tag in the decision, and the tellers took their places. The storm which had looked so porten tous passed away, and all was apparently serene again. Mr. Randall nominated Mr. Kerr (Ind.) for Speaker. The vote was taken, and resulted for James G. Blaine (Me ), ldG; for Michael C. Kerr (Ind.), 57; and tbe Clerk thereupon announced that Mr. Sluice was duly elected Speaker of the House of Representatives for the Forty-first Congress, and ;ippon, tee Messrs. Dawes and Kerr to conduct hiM to the Speaker's chair. The ceremony having been performed amid general Laub itestations of satisfaction, the Speaker elect (Hive red his opening address, saying : Gentlemen of the House of Representatives : I thank Sou profeffindly 'Wile great honor which your voles have just conferred upon me. TEM gratification which this signal mark of your con. fideiree Wives to me, finds its only drawback in the diffidence with which I assume the weighty duties devolved upon me. Succeeding to a Onuir made illustrious ey the services of such eminent state smen end skilled parliamentarians as Clay, and Stevenson, and Polk, and Winthrop, and Banks,and Grow, and Colfax, I may well distrust my ability to meet thejast expectations of those who have shown me twee marked partiality; but relying. gentlemen, on my honest purpose to perform all my duties faithfully and fearlessly, and trusting in a large measure to the indulgence which I am sure you will always extend to me, I shall hope to retain, as I have secured,your con fidence, your kindly and your generous support. The Forty-first Congress assembles at an aus picious hour in the history of our government. The splendid and impressive ceremonial which we have just witnessed in another part of the Capitol appropriately symbolizes the triumphs of the past and the hopes of the future. A great chieftain, whose sword, at the head of gallant and victoriuue armies, saved the Republtc from dismemberment and ruin, has been fitly called to the highest civic honor which a grateful people can bestow, sustained by a Congress that so ably represents the loyalty, the patriotism, and the personal worth of the nation. The President this day inaugurated will assure to the country an administration of purity, fidelity and pros perity; an era of liberty regulated by law, and of law thoroughly inspired with liberty. Congrata latieg you, gentlemen, on the happy auguries of the day, and invoking the gracious blessing o! Almighty God on the arduous and responsible labors before you, I am now ready to take the oath of o ff ice and enter upon the discharge of the duties to which you have called me. The oath of office was then solemnly adminis tered to the Speaker elect by Mr. Washburni (lll.), the senior member of the House, when the ceremony of swearing the members commenced. They were called up in batches of twenties or thirtit s at a time, and ranged themselves in the area in front of the-Speaker's chair, and took the oath with uplifted haude. When the New York members were about to take the oath, Mr. Sebenek called attention to the case of ,Mi. Reyes, from the First District, who had been represented to him as having given aid and c..untenance and encouragement to rebels While editing, the Greenport Watchman. ngThe Speaker asked Mr. Schenck whether he submitted any motion.on the subject? Mr. SchenCk said be did not, and thereupon the New York members, Including Mr. Reeves, were sworn. Objection was made by Mr. Butler to Mt.' Hamill (Md.), by Mr. Schenck to Mr. Winchester end Mr. Rice (Ky.), and by Mr. !hooks to Mr. Van Horn and Mr. Dyer (Missouri), and theeie gentlemen stepped aside and did not take the oath. Mr. Lawrence (Ohio) objected to Mr. Rogers (Ark.), and offered a resolution on the, subject, but the resolution was laid on the t tbltV atm Mr. Rogers sworn. All the membursovith these exceptions, and delegates having been thu-' sw ore, the House at ball-past five adjourned, de announcement of n Republican caucus for to morrow morning at half-past ten being made by the Clerk. Accident. Lo General Grantypi FaLikOi!. rit eideot Brunet; father met with a severe ae - old( lit 3 euterday. Be become eepurated from the riaentie party While Ou tbe pi Laurin after the intiugnration,and eeetceiluv Mr. Dr iggic, ex•merit• bur of CtillglCSF front Miehigon, naked him to ecucluet trim mil of the CulAild, PuyilL)ll that WWII. he tent hi d the ground all would ou right. Mr. igg e ry pill d that be would oecomp toy him, mild precut dud to conduct burn out of lite rotuuda t ood thmugh n private 11001 on the east shin of 1;opitol. Approaching the st,irr , Mr. ()rout with t Ui I ruin I blit of Mr. Dride.B4 amt 1. bel)«1 14)101 11e it to guide. Lime, by Um 44410 11 it 4! vii,ll down Ole Entire. dust al 1131.4 11(1.10 hi* Iliflde a inkstirp, at .41 44elovard (lowa tigt.t or lof of Ow stone oleo, otrililog ills bead 'rig' OW, tlibett dud k badly injuring '' his - riglit3 , hip 'autl 0410114 m MOO damage, pat breillfarno bones Argeueral Inquiry *as made as Wito The elderly lieutitman woe; Bnd When , the tntinte 'Grant was Mentioned, it was wildcat 'that:addl..: tional intereat was excited his behalf . Mr: Nine, with atalstanee, carried him to a private room, and procured atlmulanta, which were ad minhtered to the auffacr, and then conveyed him inn carriage to General Grant's private resi dence. Be rrived the re 'ore tire. G and her children a returned from bef the Capitol.rant They somehowßald, looked all around for Mr. Grant, but ln' the crowd missed him. OBITUARY. Vtiteount Gough. , Cable desplitehiti%nohnees tho death of, Right Hon. Hugb Goimhtlt. P.. C. B. Nlscount Oougn Was aFitid Marshal of the British artily and had' won +great honors ih the service; >He was born Limerick, Ireland, , Nov. , 3, 1779, and entered theihroy in 17911 in the following year be par ticipated in , the capture of the Cape of Good Hope, the Dutch fleetin flaldanhis Bay. He next, Rived in the West 'lndies, was present at the attack on Porto Rico and at the capture of Surinam. 1n4809 be 'went to She Peninsula and commanded the Eighty-seventh Infantry at the battles of Talavera, Barosea, Vittoria and Neva% for which he' received a cross. He els, took en active part in the sieges of Cadiz and Tatiffa, and was severely wounded in the head. It was his regiment that at the bat tle of Barossa captured the eagle of the Eighth French regiment, and at Vittoria tie secured the baton of the French Marshal Jourdan. He was severely wounded a second time at Nevelt°. In 1841-2 be commanded the land forces in China, and for the gallant manner in which be made the attack on Canton he was made aG. C. B , and when the campaign was concluded he was made a baronet. He was next despatched to India, where, on the 29th of Dec., , 1843, with the right wing of the army of the °Waller le , a M fore° at M rajpore slid Cap defeated tured flftyah-sixratta guns. In I&lahe -5-6 , he gained sethiral Important victories over the Sheik army, for which services he received the thank° , of both Homes of Parliament iutd was' raised to the peerage. He hied •ednducted the campaigns of 1848--9zgainst . the Sheiks in their last desperate struggle, finally subduing his de termined ereetny, , but at a great 'iteteriflce Of life. His skill and enceesswon for himadditional rank in the Peerage, while the East India Company granted lint an annual pension of £2,000 year. Parliament granted a similar pension to him and his next two sticcessore in the Vie countey. Lord George was Colonel of the Royal Horse Guards, Colonel-in-chief of the Sixtieth Royal Rifles, Colonel of the London Irish Vol unteer Wilma Knight of St. Patrick, of the Star of India. and of Sr. Charles of Spain, and a Privy Councillor.—N. Y. Times. The ChineseHab ran eas Corpus o Causes In Bun F cisc. [From the San Frinehee Bulletin. Feb. 1.1 The Courts have much trouble at the present time in adjusting the relations between some of the two hundred and' fifty Chian women who arrived on the steamer from Hong Kong and their countrymen in this city. The Chinese have on exalted Idea of the efficacy of the writ of habeas corpus, find attachment on civil process; Just now they employ the former. On Saturday, at 4 o'clock I°. M., two women appeared before the Fourth District Court, who were claimed by four husbands. Two of the latter were recant arrivals from' China, and the other two live here. It appeared in evidencelhat the women had been abducted and sold to purchasers, who went, tin. mediately before Judge Female and were married according to the "'denten" style. The women were sworn, and when one of them was asked bleb husband she would go with, she answered oath. The interpreter explained to hey. that that would be bigamy, a thing which the Qourt would not sanction. Bite Must choose only one. Her first love seemed most enduring, and she tried to fall into the arms of her "precedent lord;" at all events, she chore him. The next woman ab• ducted voanifeeted a desire to go with both hat bands, but finding that impossible, she preferred the old ono. The parties were then Mortised. Similar writs have been sued out by husbands and other relatives of more women from the same recent invoice, and they will probably be per mitted to designate the persons with whom tut 5 prefer to live, or who have the best prior right to their custody. The GreelßM Bill°bitty. • - - An Athens letter in the Debuts describes Oat difficulties which stood in the way of the form t itian of a new Gieek Ministry. The King, who bad resolved to accept the decision of the Coo ference, could and no ministry willing to sign what the people called the dishonor of Greec t. As soon as any statesman was summoned to the Palace twenty anonymous letters threatened him with immediate assassination if he accepted office. This lasted for three days—the eutrinces to the Palace and the Legations being carefully watched. Even the King himself and his young Queen were threatened with assassination, 11.13.:1 it was frayed lest his Majesty Phoald abdicate and a revolution be the consequence. To bring about these results was said, in tact, to be the desire of certain statesmen, in order that a Re• eocy might be formed, of which they would have the direction until the majority of the King's son, who is only six months old. The people. however, refused to be led away; paid no heed to the incendiary placards whicb were issued, but listened to the advice c f the L - gations that pointed out the misfortunes which must arise from a Turkish invasion which could not be repelled. Rut the Greek*,adds the corres pondent of the Dilates, do not consider them selves in the wrong. They yield because they are the weakest and are not supported by any European Power, and bide their time. 10111411.16 'IAD 111 00110. OBOES CREEK LEHIGH COAL. PLAISTED b IdotiOLLIN, No. 8083 CHESTNUT Street, West Philadelphia. Bole Retail Agents for (Imre Brothers & Co.'s celebrateC Cross Creek Lehigh Coal, from the Buck Mountain Vein This Coal isparticularly adapted for mating Steam fcr M Sugar and alt House!. Breweries, die. It is also union pureed as a - Family Cost Orders left at the o ffi ce of the Miners. No. 841 WALNUT Street (Ist floor), will rocei v , our trompt attention, Moral arrangements made witi mannfacturers minx' rfuruilsr Quantity. jylt3 B..LIABOS Blrin,_ .101121 W. dfIILAYT E IrbiIIgEBJONED wart ATTENTION T( T- their stock or . lk ring Mountain. Lehigh and Locust Mountain Coal Ishii la, whir the preparationtiven by us. we think can not be excelled by wy other oal. Off ce.Framiklin Uotitute uildbrig. No. 16 8. &vend. street. HINES & BB ZAPF, ialudif , , Arch street wharf. tichu.vlkill IRON , The undersigneo ate preParetl execute orders to; • EIiGLIBB, 111PN , CE, of tbe beet intake: , 'The attention of owners of Countn create is eepecialLy t aelted to dna as at moo the moat sightly the most datable, and the moat economical fence that nu be taped. • _ bpeClmea "Lehi in" , be irt e lt i N a it a r ra' LA 418 death Delaware avenue. M.Ektai"' IINNTAitit • 430. WASHlBMNAvenne,Philadelphis. FACTURE STEAM ENGINES—IIigh and Low Pressure, Horizonte Vertical. Beam. 9 ,001 4 111 0 Y B.iaat and C0n?1,14 Punt .1381RIlli-ylinder. hue. Tahnicir. &c. STEAM BiAlasklßßS—Ncuonyth and Day). 'Wes. and o all sizes. GASTINGS-Apans, Pry and Gretna Sand, Bran, SOOFS—Iron Frames. for cofbring with Sand. Iron. TANKS—Olean .Or Wrought s. Iron. for refineries. wale, oIL &c. GAS MACRINEIIit--finch pa Retorts. Bench Cason Holden and Frames. Purifiers, Coke and Charcoal Bs: rowaNahleskgoverners. &c. SUGAR, MALWINBRY-Buch as Vacmun PLUM ?props, Defecators,_Botio Black Filters, Bu , 'ners, Wet era'and Elevatorst Bag Fitton,. Sugar 'and Bone BlaT Solo ruanufsetniers of tho following speci4ties: i r o PhiladelPhla sad vicinity; of Witham Patei, Variable Cutoff Steam Engin. ' Wr ight's ' in'PennOlvania; of Shaw & Justice's Patent Dead.Stroa Poser Balmer. „ 'in the United States, or 'Weston'e Natant Self.centerib and Self -balancing Centrifugal Sugar.drainmAkinchlu , Glass & Barters illaprOlietriallt on Aspinwall & Woolsey' Centrifugal. Bartel's Patent Wroughtiron /tetort Lid. Eltrahau's grill OrindWg Bost. Oontractors for the'deslgn, erection, and fitting up of fineries for working Sugar or Molasses. fIOPPER AND YELLOW infra... 1311EA'PaiNt , Brazier's Copper Nalle,Dolte and , InKot Copper, co, otartly on band and for sale by HENRY WINSOR OM. No.. tra isouth Whia.rmr. • oio I ItUN —TO ARRIVE, NO, t SCOTCH eirs in ,N- Oltugarnoch and Colt bine brands. For ante to lots u nth by PL TEN W RION rAr. bONti. 115 Wolnut stroot thtla ia• • not tf . G Aft 1.11%:111 1 / 1 14 ES. i‘A tt 1 , lAI' U It K.S.—MIBKgY, M MUM!, i ut TilAcKAlta:bo .718 lilwatuut once*, manufacturer A ne r t name& Lam , r, Se.. Am, would call the attentim 4 the I) bile toilwit ante and elegant neeartment of Oa ebandulicre, Per dant , ItracketeAtc. . They eke introdut4 tat Wee into dwellit And public bitilAtutte, and attune. to extending, alter and repAring goo piper. All work warranted ~_w , l ~: ~ .w: ~~~ ~ r ~ . BANIMG NOUzir -• • •' • . , • • 1 2417 0 i°- " 414 S ti r" 812 and 114 So. THIRD ST. PEIMAUY.L. DEALERS IN:ALL GOVERNMENT SECURITIES We will receive applications for Policies of Life . Insurance in the now Vational Life Insurance Company of the United biota& Pull information given at our °Dice. ITHIANDOIPIF .11/0-• oR K . • J Dealers' In IL 8. Bandit and illeralbein or P tucK and Gold ilxchange, receive accounts of Banks and Bunkum on lib. oral tern's, Irmo Bills of &nettling° On C. J. Hornig° & Soli, L'andori. B. Meizler, S. Sohn & Co., Frankfort. James' W. Tooker '& Co., Paris, A tC W r o ed th it e available t hrougho ut i L g e a t r t O e p r e Si e s corner Third and Chestnut Street, 1040 MILES UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD, The Company will bare the entire lino Mashed through to California, and ready for this surauter's fwd. The First Mortgage Gold Interes PAR AND INTEREST, Government lecurftlee taken In exeltage at WM. PAINTER & CO. Hankers--and-Dealers in Govern 110 36 SOUTH THIRD STREET fclA Rmi STERLING & WILDMAN, BANKERS AIND BROKERS. Re. 110 ioutb•Tbird . Bireet, Philadelphia, Special Agents for the sale of Dangle, ilazelton &ðane IR FIRST MORTGAGE BONDS, Dated 1867, due In IEB7. Interest Seven Per Cant, pay able hail Yearly, on the Ant of Apra and Ant of October. clear of State and r rated ttatee taxes. At present these Bouts are offered at the low price of 80 and accrued In tercet Tta y are In denomination', of tO2Xt 4600 informs Pamphlets containing Many. Reports and fail tion on hand for diatribution. and will be soot by mail on application. Government Sonde and other Securities taken In art change at market rates Dealers In Stocks. Bonds, Loans. Gold. ite. laZi2mo. me. 0 - OLLA T. 81.0°Q atnOUlbt!;fo_rja v y ahme et rn 1.6 2 0 at , 1.• $3 7 000 TO LOAN, ON FIRST MORTGAGE OF Glty Ptoperty. JOHN IL coLtuAN. mita yr t m ho. 624 Walnut street. k s7soo — ,Arambottt,i';ur f 2, 2 L l: 3 M EZ py lt leVola BONd Ys oven tits, valued at nar/Att J. 21.1. 31..ibtaiLtY & BONO. 783 Walnut smut. NOWOOOPLITEO OF Tifil WE ASE NOW BELLING Bonds lIXTIL FITUTIBIEU lItOIIVEs fall market rates. merit Seellritif3B, PULLADELPIII.9.. LVIRIBEIEt. MAULE, BROTHER & 2500 South Street 869 1:1111.113 tilling: 1869 0110 ICE BELECTION OE MICEJIGAAT` EkiNI3RK PINE. KR I It 69 13Pli UUE AND 'HEMLOCK 1869 . RPM; G AND 1044.L0UK LARGE STOUR FLORIDA FLOORING. IRIDA FLOORING.' CAROLINA .FLOURING. V AWARE FLOOKING ABll , FLOORI, WALN LT b Lomb G 1869. XORIDA STEP BOARDS. 1869 FLORIDAL STEP DX WARM. RAIL P L LA. PLANK. 186 U. • 1069. PAN'III: WALK Vlel U ti T ff BsO ARDS. IIII R1RE1969 • WALNUT PLANK. AbBORTED FUR CABINET MAKERS. uunsorato, aco. 1.8t9 UNDERTAKERS* LUMBER. 1869 . UNDERTAKERS, LUMBER RED cEpis.E. WALNUT AND PINE, 1869. tlf28118(fRfluill: 1869 • ABU WILLTK OAK pLANK AND BOADDS. DDJKORY. CAROLINA SCANTLING. CAROLINAbILLU. NORWAY SCANTLING. 1.8b9. CEDAR SHINGLES., _cjEDAtt SHINGLE+ 4 . M(PRES4 b9INGLES. LARGE ABbOtto MENT. FOR BALE LOW. 1869. PLP BTERING LATH. 1869. PLABTEIiD.O LATH. JEMIVLE 11311.0 TITER 1t CO" 2500 soma BTREHT. ELLOAV VINE LUMBER.-01WEHd FORII6 O Ei lof e , cry deem44lov Sawed Lumber executed at plant settee—quality, eubh-ct toopection. APPIY eu 11 , W. H. In OW LEI . 16 south INlOarvec. l 1E69. U EItI awn t. enth I{ Ii°1:I;Im fi MVO stare EPO r doors, wine O. stare xtures. dm ~ from Sev sireetto utxth Weer. whew , Oxford, where suchMtieles ere for sale in great vaOM y. Afro new doors, sashes, shutters, &c. la Mani • 14AElfAN W. ELLIS, EW CROP ARABIAN DATEB.-100 ,MATTei FINS N. quality, landing and for sale by 400. B. BUBBIER e BA:. las Onnth DAtawsarnavenne. DINE APPLE eIIEESEL—NOfIO'S CELEBRATED 1 Brand an oonelanment and far sale biFJOR , B 'Wei BLEU & VI. ireadath DialbWaro avenue A. &ROBINSON, No. 910 CHESTNUT STREETS Hap just received exquisite uPerimewi of Fine Dresden Enamels on Poreebdur In great vartati. SPLENDID PAINTED PIIOTOGRAPUSi. In'eluding s number of chola , sewn. A superb Line of Ohroinoe. A large assortment of NEW ENGILAVINGS.Acc. Also. RICH. STYLE FRAMES of elegant new patterns. WATOUZio ininalkaare 7.— L e f:WIS LADOMUS & Cirl DIAMOND DEALERS & JEWEL/Si. I wan"' RS, IP.ITELIfI /6 SILVER MAUL ~WATORE£II and JEWELRY. REPAIIIEIVA 802 Chestnut Rt., Thilt Watches of the Finest Maker. Diamond and Other Jewelry. Of the latest style& Solid Silver sad Plated Ware, Eta. Eta. MILLI. STUDS FOR EYELET HOLES A large amortreent but received. with varlets &Whip. Be WARNE & CU., Wholesale Males In WATCHES AND JEWELRY. I. UMW Seventh and Chestaut filretts, And late at tica IWO Tiatra atm& Id Is FRESH FRUIT IN CANS. Peaches, Pine Apples, &0., Green Corn, Tomatoes, French Peas 'Mushrooms, Asparagus, &0., &o. ALBERT C. ROBERTS. DEALER IN VINE OIMIEMS. Oorner Eleventh and Vine Street& LADY APPLES WHITE GRAPES— SWAM& Orsnets—Ncsr_puker Shell Alatoads—Pinest_.,Dehe. Its Itatains. at COUdTIOS East End GroeerE, Ha South Second street. ENRIB.I3 PATTE DE POI GRAS—TRUFFLES— PrarAti Pew and Mushrooms. alwAys as sa CC t ÜbTIPS. East WI (imam No. 118 Dmtn Dam& street QOOIUII ALE AND MOWN STOUT. YOUNGER & t.. 7 Co.'s Scotch Ale and Illowtittont—tho maize turtle-1a at $2 te per dozen. as UOUt3TY'S Etat End atoeloy. Nob 118 South Second street. CHERRY VirMR- (111010 E MERRY WINE &Dn. ;0 per gallon. try the reek ott2jfi itontino , et COLN" EA oT END GEOCERY. Na un &nth Second street RLEEN (AWLS—XS GALLONS CHOICE WES Mere by the barrel or folks. at GOUSTWS D GI:Ot No.llAbouth Second street t • ' ATV ; ; ; [llO ,j2ll FINE DRESS SHIRTS AIM GENTS' NOVELTIES. J. W. SCOTT & CO.„ 814 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Four doors below Continental Hotel. l4 mb as w SS PATENT SHOULDER SEAM PUT MANUFACTORY. Mari fax Um° ecialwifed =Om Maim rasmilefl reoutr427 brief Gentlemen's Funiabing Gob, Of WA style. In son Inisfea. WIDICHES'fER & CO.. ,w.f goe CHESTNUT. GENTS PATENT SPRING AND BUT - 4 toned Over Oalteratoloth,Lotatbar.white Ate +..: • chndreo. Cloth and Valve! ie Lt igr i tgli a rati ma IrNIBI T AIIG worm •-*. - of every deesitptlett, verjkr P 33 Chestnut etreet. corner et Muth. Th e beet KM Gloves for bales And gents. at RIOUVOEIREE_R•E BAZAAR. note tn OPEN IN TILE EvEItLNO. POCKET' BOOK &c. . ~ w.• liosowood Mahogany Writing Dciikn. Rip ,PIIIBLIIDATIONIS. BOXER or FRENCH NOTE PAPER. ENVELOPES TO JRATCII. LANDSCAPE IN BRIGHT COLORS. , STAMPED WII UOUT EXTRA MUDGE. ONE QUIRE, 26c. FIVE QUIRES, BI 00. STAMPED PAPER ALWAYS ON HAND, OR STAMPED AT ONCE TO ORDER. MAKING A SPECIALTY OF STAMPED PAPER, Buying in largo quantitier, and haying my own DESIGNERS. ENGRAVERS AND STAMPER% I can do work cheaper, give better paper. and dative promptly all Ind.:Aß. EDDI N G, VISITING and BUSINESS CARDS printed in latert styles fir Plate engraved. and two packs of garde, 6.4. Without a plate. $2 for two packs. MONOGRAMS. CRESTS. LANDSCAPE, Initials en graved and PRINTED IN CO1.01:5. ALL If I6DS OF STATIONERY AS LOW, IF NOT LOWER TITAN ELREW li ERE. CIIALLEIN, Fash No ionable Stationer. . 1318 Chestnut street. 1869. 1869 1)1111.4.4'01.11Y UP lirtaltillAfrE NEW COURSE. ••ott. aturec en delivered at tho Netv York MiteetLa of nurolny ; vnibrnelug the eubjecte: It rw to Livo a n d ti lint to Live for; ,Yoiltb. Maturity end old age; &I AD bond peverally vviewed ; the Callao of ludlaostioti. Flat " Er , "d von , Ittkilieee ueenuuted for; !tiara ogo bile of Woolly Cooridered. Ate.. Ate. Pocket vollintiro oonfitipine there Lei tome will be forwarded. poet iettdrom lei Opt if 25 yet, te by eddy. ',dog W. A. Leary. Jr.. with. viltt COTlltr of 'HIM end Wuluut streea, Phoir tiro. fea il ti an .lvb lU. A'. RON OINELLA. 'MAU i I Elt OF SINGING. PRI -1..7vat0 lawns and ilasaca Roddonco, d. Thlrtoontlr treat. auali6 CORSEM 133ELCDVVN 9 e 4 Wholesale and Retail CORSET STORES, 329 and 819 Arch St. Where the Merchants an 4 Ladies will find an extensive assortment faetured Corsets and noon Skirts. o lia'lC4,, :4 ,f,V)ri.'C o" [:o " rte k tonnies.: Cigar Cases, Dressing Cam, Bankers" Cases. LaiHee # Gent& Saadi , and Travelling Bags, In all titglea. ladled and Gents Dressing Oases. UN I CAII.. ICEJWICOBAJE'IIIII] 111,411111D1111:0,,, AT fit, Hyaclnthei Caltinlir,4rte, .BT)!lr,ts ten foot A BOSTON intrgb,r tulWtila oltradition in Montreal. • INAUGURATION salutes were fired yesterday in .a number of cities and towns. Tun raw duties on experts from Cuba produce an increase of the revenue of $3,000 daily. A rerrrros is bring signed in Havana, for pres 'entutiOn'tol3enrclairlieward; ;asking Ate ireten tiern-nf 11.'0. Hallow CrrnsullGenertrt to that port. Tun steamer Agnes was snagged and Runk at Viurrenton, Miss., -on Wednesday. No lives were loot. Tun Maine House of Representatives, by a vote of 95 to O. yesterday, rejected a bill abolishing espital punletunnat. AT Concord, New Hampshire, yesterday, Frank P. Hardy, 15 years old, was mortally wounded during the tiring of a salute in honor of the Inau guration of Grant. A PASSENGER train was thrown from the Hon zntonfc Railroad by the breaking of a rail, near Lennox. Mass , 3 esterday, and all the passengers were injured, twelve of them seriously. 13.asmarA, Minister of the Interior of tipain, has mad 6a statement In regard to the recent, di-or ders In Barcelona, and charged that they were le 'tailgated by members of thu Iteputtheau party. Asioac the bills -pocketed" by President John- GOD, and which have Weir tore fdkd to hecoute law., are the bills reorganizing the Judichl sys tem and "to strengthen the public credit." All the appropriation bills, except the Indian, were signed. HON. BETH PAromeono, of Providence, Rhode lelard, has been nominee d by the Republican@ for Governor of that State, General Burnside de clining to allow the nee of his name for another term of office. , liz Tun Constituent Cortee of Spain yesterday, a commission of; fifteen members vim nominated to prepare the draft of a coned (talon, define the fights and liberties of the citizens/ and: dubmit a' form of sovernment. fa THE House of COMIJIMIN kat night Sfr. Gre ed:len, President of the Poor Liw Board, advo cated the removal of the reotrictions on emigra tion, and thought it advisable to give facilities Sor,and otherwise to-eqcourage Mao emigration of pauper* to America. . • NEW ' 'ln Alt ilea& • Tnoourss eir -Trestiqtruirces.—Tbe temperance rmalletnent In the - First Congressional district sp iv** to be rapidly on the increase. A few days since the.Pottrth District convention of Indepen dent Order 'or, Good Templet's was held,at weed; Atlantic - taw; and was very largely, air tended. 'After transacting' the ordinary business of the Convention, the following are a few of the Teaolutions adopted: Ittrolved, That memeers of this Order use their [n th:Lento in tie Convention of both parties to have nominated for (Mice only sound temperance men, pledged to temperance measures. Resoftial, Teat we rihy on the efforts of the Com mittee to procure Lecturers, and time upon them the necessity of agitating the matter and carrying It to a successful cmtclnri.rn. ffrsolord, That the members of this Order be urged to ate all honorable means towards the pro ecru! , n nud punishment of violations of the present license law. liviolcerd. That it in the duty of el nal Templare to patronize such stores as are kept on' temperance dtrcrimmating, against t.hoe dealers who trans in liquors. Iteshived,, Vast the Couveivion earnestly call upon all Good Templar' in aeo every effort to secure the nomination of decided temperance men frr piratic of doe by their respective purties, and tailing In this, to support the parry which g sea ae temperauce candi dates. with a view to obtain the ptesahe of a prohibi tory law by, our Legislature. • BECAME/ CONVlCr.RE,ArttliteraD —Br00:11,WhO had been arrested and , convicted of a number of !eremite and burglaries in Burlington comity, 6001.43 time ago, and • who bad escaped from the Btaufa prison, has been re-arrested sud again committed to the Mount Holly jail. Ho had again commenced his thieving opt-rations. lie was recognized in a store at D lane.), and imine di..tely ran to the itancocas creek, into cubic t ti_ plunged and swam to a little island, on which he was arrested.' BARN BUBNED.—A few afternoons since the barn of John Needles, Esq., on the Slooreetown turnpike, a few mate from Camden, together with Its &Altera", was totally deairoyod by fire. At loot ten tone of hay were also destroyed, and o her artlelee. fsiaps.—lt is said that a concerted start if making among farmers at ,d o.herd to adopt mea sures for the protection of Girth', by preventing boys and others from shooting, stoning or other wise molesting them. If they would enforce the laws already in existence, the remedy would FOOD be complete. Clock-Wats Passing Over SIX Thou sand Miles of 'Ecleurampla—Time copied by Electric signals iu Pass ing from San leratecisco to Boston and Itach. The particulars of an interesting telegraphic experiment are given by the Buffalo Courier as follows. "For the purpose of arriving at the rilfferenee In mean time between San Francisco and Brist , ka, the wires of the Western Union Telegraph Com pany have nightly been counected fur nearly a month past from our side of the continent to the other, and the ticking of a chronometer In Cam bridge University has been observed and recorded in San Francisco with a must remarkable degree of accuracy. This Is done by connecting the pendulum of the chronometer at Cambridge with the wire in each a manner that the main circuit is broken, and instantly closed again at every beat or tick of the timepiece. "At any time during an evening of the past month a visitor to the operatiug rooms of the Western Union Telegraph office to thia city might have heard one of the little iustrumenta hurting the measured time of the sixtieth part of a :ulu late, with the monotony and regularity of a chro nometer itself. Tit k ! tick ! tick ! • One. two, three, font . , five minutes elapse,aud then the little monitor ceases. Back comes the answer from San Francisco to Bostor: right; your signals came good, and have be u recorded for eve minutes. Go ahead five minutes morel' Again, tick ! tick ! tick ! for five minutes, and then Ban Francisco says again: 'AI right. Are you ready to take my signalr?' And the answer from Boston is: 'Tee; go ahead !' Tick ! tick ! tick ! says Ban Francisco fur the allotted five minutes, and Boston says, in his turn. 'All righ'! "But notwithstanding the speed with which there pulsations of a clock liv from one aide of our continent to the other, It is known there is a loss of time in the transmission. How to arrive at this loss and measure is the next question. Nothing easier; a second wire is bw I Weed into place. a re p orter ' added at Boston, and, presto 'Lis done. Now the clock-ticks made at San Francisco rush on the wings of light over the three thousand miles of wire to Boston, and back again to San Francisco over , the second wire, and record themselves at the point of starting, in something less than arty seconds of time, having, in the interval, traversed six thousand miles. Last night (February 28) witnessed the successful • completion of this last experiment, and the flight of electricity was actually measured, so to speak, as easily as one measures a, yard of "Never before in the world's history has such a wonderful feat been .attempted., and that this has been brought to a successful conclusion, Is due entirely to the beautiful' working of the 'Western Union Company's wires, together with the assiduous attention and supetior ability of its employee. Trace the route on the •map, and mark the immense distances so lightly glided over by the subtle fluid. "The route is from Boston, through Albany, Buffalo, Detroit. Chicago. Omaha, Cheyenne, Salt Lake Caty,and Virginia City to San Frauclaco,and this route is of course doubled, forming for all practical purposes but a single circuit. The places in italics indicate where repeaters aroused to lona the double circuit" Marriage of a Boston Lady la Paris. A Ppccial despatch recolvod in tide city yester day (according to the Traveller) states that Mrs. Annie Parker, daughter-in-law -of Harvey D. Parker, of this city, was married iu Paris, on Monday, according to the rites of the Catholic Church, to Mr. E. DeChamps, ono of the &era taries of the Chinese Embassy. Eamassador Burlingame, the Talons, uud the entire etuh.sq, witneened the ceremonies., After the marriage, Mr. Parker gave a wedding breakfast at the flotA -de Louvre. The couple are to spend a two weeks' honey moon in 1 ttily.—Bastua Traveller. The Carnival at Rome• The Itnitun . papt is state that tilt) eArtdval in Home has been a complete failure this year. Many foreigners bud arrived to witness it, but after the first day or two they went elsewhere. Titt..lo was nothlng to , complain of witif regard to*the waither; blitthenontari petiplaltaa deteritined that they would rfOlcnnike Marty, and they effec tually carried cut - their reeoluthtru. - snow rellockattee Efikorward—AL flail. road 'train tdrour-bound. A letter to the Boston Journal from Concord, N. H., gives the following accounts of the mis haps of a parsengcr train which left Portsmouth last Friday afternoon for Concord : "The train made pretty fair time as far as Ray mond, where the increasing snow began seriously to blockade the track. After leaving the above place it was soon found difficult to get the train along fasfer.tban a Man &laid vialk. , -The storm was at ita height, and the wind drifted:lhp snow terribly. There was no plough On the engine and the train men took shovels , and Went ahead digging out the h , .. , ,viest drifts., Jo 'this way the train was worked a. Aug for about five'miles, or to within W Mile of Uttuditt, than hour . tirid 'half. Those having matters In charge then. consulted together, and came to the conch:WOW that it was impossible to go much ferther, , ,and that the OWL course was to return to Portsmouth. The train was started back, but it was found abotit'as cult to go one way as the other. The track, which only a short time before had been dug out, bad become worse than ever. The snow was piled up in frightful drifts,which were constantly nereasirg. "Immediate action was the only course to par sue, and the already fatigued train men again commenced clearing re , ut the heaviest blockades slot g the track. The passengers offer. d their servals and every shovel on the cars was in con stant use. The train could at best be got along only a few rods at a time. For four long, weary hours, in the most dismal snow storm of the season, did strong men keep at,their work, while the engine was put . to, Pa utmost , strength in attempting to force tin waty; It was after midnight when the train got back again to Raymond, ,and, it. was 'found useless to attempt to 'go any further in either direction. The cars were kept well warmed and most of the passengers spent the re.malnder of the night on the train. Next morning it was found that nothing could be done In the way of running the train without a snow plough, and those on board waited patiently for, sector ,either . from Portsmouth or Matfebeater. Meantime an engine and plough hod been started from Manchester, but it Woe half-Malt One In the ;afternoon' - beforo the show-bound train at Itayinond could be reached, and its passengers again started on their journey. A train was probably never attempted to be run on that road before under more _dis couraging eireumittatieMo lV e T 9MaiVa NB l34Lett ( P immortal or the e &Mut n. MESSINA—Brig Ellen P Stewart, Holland—WA can ters brimstone 4879 boxes oranges &Ki do itIIIOIIII N ant lino It liro 11,11(BSINA—Schr Marjory (Bel.' Allardice—MO eau. tars brim, tone 334 boxes lemon* SW 40 oranges I Jeans.] .Co. trIOFF.FLENTe OF OVARRIVE Ell3l. ISTEAALEIM TO . awn "mom • • 01Po'n1 1111.11 ..Leada.,New York. Feb. l7 Peruvian ............Ltverpool..Portland_ F 1.9 low Hiargow..New,York«.... ..... Fab. He llo:ra.ts Havre. :New York ..........Feb. 20 Nrw York_ Boulhamstott..biew York. . Feb. 23 I rtpoli ........ ...... Liverpool..... -New York. Feb. 23 Manhattan . . ...LtverpooLNew ...Feb. ri t :it y of BrooklYD...Liverpool..NowYork...........Feb , raw. ..... —.Liverpool.. vew York ..........Feb. 24 Rorrua.... Llverpool..New York.... -....reb' 27 ..... „-flavre..New .York. Feb. 27 TO DEPART. taryorntra .Thflstlelphia..Bavaanab. ...... „March 6 Ville de Paria......New...... March 6 Denmark.— ...... New York..LiverPool March 8 Cit• of LotAlon....New York.. Liverpool ........March 6 tortes. ..... New York. .New Orleans March 6 Caledouts... .....New York..olerscrw ...... ....March t*, rity of Wath'n_ -New York.. Liverpool arch 9 Java ........:....New York..l.lverpool .......:itt arch He tt.ns.el* Havana.. _ . March lb .... New Ypric..6ls YeraVruk.. lit a.-eti It eft, el Manehet.t..New S ork..Liverpoolvi a EL.:.Uarch It A artralatiar....._ ..New York ..Liverpool.........Mareh 10 .... New Yort-LiverpooL..... „March lb 1 f . ... New York..L.layrnool_,. ... 11 Al ........ It • Rale. ............New York..flavana ..... It ..New York..Glaelsow March 18 BOARD OF JosEPri C. (7 h. A. tOl. Dllit. I 151 - ZBY, MaNTME A T C°ll2drrrga UEOEGF. 14. ALLEN nA..tu.N — k - ita.il4lL.El`llqi. PORT OF PHELADELPHI9-MAzal 5. ve Rms. 627 1 BIM Bata 67 6, HIGH WAVICII.. 7 60 "ARMED vEsTERDe Y. Bteamer Fanita-Preeman. BO hours from New York.with Wig Elba P Stewart. Holland. f:d days from Heroine. h hot and brimstone to N A Bro. Behr kiwi (Kr), ollardtve, 67 d.ys from Manilla. , t h trod to lease Jeanee A Co. &rot I ) it 1 KtU,. Belly. from Balton, with linseed to Pro. Rehr T Hubbard. Lovelace. from New York. still mate to cantata. dc-Or Alt Whetmore. Bogart. from New York. with to Chrhtirri A Co. tSchr t-laytontb Lowber. Jackson, I day from BmYroa. a Ith grain to Jan L Bewley Co. any A W mtes% Klng. from Dorton CLEARED If ESTERO/IV. Steamer Prometheus. Gray. Charieeton. E A Sonde- Co. Steamer Pioneer. Cathartoe. AVErobsaton. eatadet phis and Southern Mall Sr Co. _ dirautcr Diamond State. Web'. Baltimore, A Groves. Jr. et hr fit ury Minn. Totem. savannah, Lattibnry. Wick ef ham CO. ' ' issmo RAMA. I,hlp Queen Victoria, - sailed from Liverpool 19th ult for mu port ship Germania. Event; hence for Bremen. which Plt tom Halifax Jan 24. has cam clered her repair,. and in again afloat; she cease out of the marine slip 26th lilt Chip clumsier. Keene, galled from fit Marys, Ga. 26th ult for Montevideo. Sltto Teemtweh. Peterson. from New Yerk 22.3 Oct. at Sap FTIMICIFCO 3d inst. ste. mer (0.0). Oterendorp, cleared at New York yearn rdav for Firemen. Reamer Columbia. Van Slee. cleared at New York yes scree, for Havana. Steamer J W Everman. Snyder. sailed from daraxteSton verterday for thin port stn. rimer Brits n nia.Don aldson„ sailed from Glasgow 19th ult for hew York. Steamer Celia. Gleadell, cleared at Liverpool 17th ult. (or New York +reamer Euterpe. Gates, at Galveston 24th ult. from New York Steamer Miliville. Renear, cleared at New York 33 inst. for thin tort Steanrer Mauritius, Corry. sailed from Liverpool 113th nit. for Mobile . Reamer Perit. Gardiner. from Galveston 30th tilt via Kt y N cot 26th. at New York yesterday. steamer James Green, Vance. hours at Richmond Ist instant Bork Memories enteral' out at Liverpool 19th ult for fhb. port. Bark Trovert-e, illaneh •rd, from Messina for 808011, was vanred 28th ult. let 4905 ton 5912. Bark Lord Baltimore (Br). Larkfare,,sailod from En. Marys. Gn. 24th lilt for Montevideo. Brig Sep W Welch. Watnon. henna at Trieste 19th ult. Brig Maria Wheeler. W heeler, trom New York via As• at Trinidad 20th 'alt. Behr J W Vanneman. Sharp. at Boston yesterday from Ci nfuegos. t•chr M E Coyne. Freeman. cleared at N York yesterday for this oort. •. Saes Ho wdoin. Randall. and Rate Carlton (BM Lamb. elSehdr f T ro mCa z r dSen omase rid ul Ce t a . rfeodr aa pWilmington, Hatteras. NC. Ist inst. for New York. Behr American Earle.Rameel. hence atNorfo.k let inst. ache L q C Wistiart, Mason, at Wilmtngton. NO. ad Waitron) New York. chr M H Stocknam. Cordery. cleared at Wilmington. NC at i • Pt. for New York. Behr Wm Carrot. Magee , at Richmond ad inst. . ' MARINE wascini-amr. Eicbr John Johnson. Mcßride. from Boston for Havana. which was towed into Newvort - Jan al, dikmasted. has completed repairs. and will proceed on her voyage the firet favorable wind • Bask Hale Frank, of Boston, from Portland for Buenos Ayres. before ,reported abandoned. arrived at Boston yesterday, Bark Stella (NG). Steengrafe. frown Coruna to 8t Ches. collided Bth nit with a steamer. lat 44. lon 9W, and Penh. The captaln.hts wife and child, also the crew were saved in the ebip's boat and picked un by the bark Pales. tine, from Taganrog. and arrived at -Falmouth. Bug. 12th Cant Maguire, of ship Chieftain, which arrived at New York on Tuesday from Calcutta. was taken sick when five weeks out and the ship was brought tome by his • rte. The New York Commercial states that Min has sailed with' her 'husband - for twenty , . years, •• and' lertows every rope and spar aboard ship.. Capt. NI and his cre w were taken sick several year. , ago" when in command of a bile. nod his wife navigated the vessel to port with scarcely any assistance. , • 4 ' NOTICE TO MARINERS. Two spar haw, painted with white and black perpen dicAcr have been placed to mark the channel of the b+r one outside of the bar and the other Inside) at The entrance to Rockaway lulet; but the buoy. must not aiWEISO he railed upon by persons bound acres* the bar. for the channel la subject to ehangaa by gales, and none but those experienced in its elating character should at temt.t to use it. . PAPER HAAiGINGS. PAPER HANGINGS Wholesale. and Retail. NAGLE, COOKE & EWING Late with 110WEL6 & BROTH/ 11,1, NO. 1398 CHESTNUT STREET. Trade supplied at Afanufacturers' pnices. t 3 / 4 22mw esalo (OE DAILY EVENING BULLETIN-PIIILADELPIIIA, FRIDAY, MARCH $ 1869. -.55. : :—.. : - ",k, . • '-- ~.., ~ ~': , 41 ,00 84i It s , ti . ;‘ , I ! ‘ ,-;.,_ ~, E„,. ' ', , ' -,P .r: ,-, '-' .) : • ', : g4RATOGA ' NEW YORK .. ... l i ke anal?sis,., nroves that the Wateello4 the: 1 c; . . SARATOGA 'STAR' SPRINGS hive a much larger amount of solid 'tantalite. richer in medical ingredients than any other .epring in Barato4 and shows what the taste indicates—namely. thatitls BTRO NGitIST WATER: • • aboutlt aho demonstrates that the STAR WATER contains - . .• , . i , , , 100 Cable Itohea Moro of Gas , In a gallon tbssiany other sprMg. It is thh extra amount of gas that imparts to this water its peculiarly spars/tug rrnrall.::tri=mg:a:Alltrigableertlltee water taste when bottled, and causes it to uncork with at. etr.rm: ... 4 Aim. tt equal to Champagne., , . . Sold by the kadiny Druggists and Hotel, through out the country. . . • JOHN WYETH & BRO.!, 1412 Walnut :Street, Philada. Wholesale Ageints. Also for ealo by J. F. Ifeathcote. 8.30 Market street. Wert Phliadel.pla :. Fred. bra 'on, Fifth 'midi Chest:nal LJ. Grahatne. lwellth and Filbert; IL B Lippincott. recut' th and t,betry ; Peelt A Co.. I.lcohestnut; gstrel o.,Bnntir g... Tenth and lipreice: .A. U. Tadlor. 1016 ghost. nut: Y. O. Oliver. Etahteenth and Eilmicele.Jacoby. Jr., 817 Vbeelnut.;,Geo, - 0, Bowel, 81.1. h. and Vines James 'EI ghinn; Broad'and S pruce ; *Danfel'l3. Jones : Twelfth and gimmo; W. ft, ,Webb. Tenth and coring Garden.. th s IYrno IaTUALIIFE , :INSURANO.y . , .. ;.., ..! :COMEAN7L. --- ' ' NEW YORK: PUNT fltigigfalf, Proadent. , I,ostria ANDREWS,' t ugef.Pregra• MO. HULDRIOERGiIi) HMI C. "WM lieerelarllf G as h Asaets. sl,2OOboors • . olionarl' ZED; ' I IJ NEy • , • • . . . • ALL POLICIES NON-PORFIDT. PEEKILIdELPAYABLII IN CASH. LOBBD6. . PAID IN DASH. It liteatlves No Nita and , eves Nona. By the 'monotone of it. charter the entire , menplt r u mb:twat° imiley holier% mud must be mild to them b dividends. or reserved for their greater security, Muds are made on the contribution plan. end Mid alum ally. commencing two years from the dated the ponfot a him already made two divider:de amounting to f 102,000., an amount never bef ore n equaled during the Ms+ three run of any company: PERMITS TO TRAVEL` GRANTED OUT EXTRA CHARGE." NO POLICY PEI , -REQUIRED. FEMALE RIBKB TAKEN AT *THE USUAL PRINTED RATES, NO EXTRA F2EMIUM' BEING DEMANDED. Applications for all kinds of polidee. We, ten-year Lift entlownicat., tea= or children's endowment tahni, tam all tnformsOnn cheerfully offorded at tho • BUSCH OFFICI OF nis CONPINT, NO. 4108 WALNU C STREET Eastern Dopartmetit of tho State of Penni,tomato. Particular attention even to FIRE AND MARINE ftl Which. in all la 'sn , ^'.' will be t.laced it i F i tratelass Con anise of gl i tz V an es Togo of known standing b Ne . 4 i(;C w ID 43 ENTIIL R in KS. AND aIdm INEILPILAN re. CE ON LII7) STOK. -aref oily attended to. in leading Companies of that kind By /tie personal attention to. and prompt duvet* o' :mai entrusted to my _tare. I hope to merit and Iv =Me a full share of Public patronage. • • X. M BASSES. ' No. SOB Walnut Street tuhL3l w FIELAWRE A MUTUAL SAFETY LISITRANCE COM Pith Y Mcoroorated by the !Legislator° of Pennsylvania. 1E26 Otbee .S. E. comer of THIRD *ad WALNUT Streeta. Philadelphia. MARINE INSIDIA NOES On Veneta Cargo and Freight to all parts of the world. INLAND INSURANCES On goods by river. canal, lake and land carriage to eil parts of the Union. FINE INSURANCES On Merchandise Amnes ia/oues. w Jim Store. . Dwellings. Mc. ASSETS OF THE COMPANY. November 1. 1869. SBOO,OlOO United States Five Per tient Loan. I°4°'s. • 13208.500 Ot 1211.000 United S taten 1881 . .. 136.800 Ot 60 , ,000 United States Six Per Cent. Loan - (for Pacific Railroad) . mow a• 530.000 State of Pennsylvania Six" Per Cent, L0an...........211.875 OD 126.000 (Sty of Philadeia Brix * Per Cent. Loan ( exem ptfrom Tax) 139.694 OD 50.000 State of New Jereey Six Per Coot. Loan . 61 .500 80,000 Pennsylvania itiaT gage Six Per Cent Bonds 01100 0 86.000 Pennsylvania Railroad Second Mortgage Six Per . Cent Bonds.. 24.000 OD 0.000 Western Pennolvania haltroad Mortgage Six Per Cent. Bonds (Penna. RE. guarantee). . MOM OD MOO) State of lennessee Five Per Cent. Loan .. . . . 21.000 OD LOOO State of feinirri . tiii - gi Cent Loan. ...... . 16,000 Germantown 46 - bo"mFani; 6431 21' pal aod interest stu_arsudeed by the t,ity of Philadelphia, OW shy es et0e1r...... . 'MOOD OD 10.000 Pemaylvanta Railroad * Company. 200 abates flask. . . 11.300 00 6.000 North Pennsylvania, Railroad 'Coin. Roy. Nu abates stock &Re OD 83.000 au . ct Southern Mail Steamship Company. SO shares stock. . . . 15.000 Ot gu7.900 Loan OD lie s ns on City Properties 5t.159.900 Par. DIRECTORS; Thomas C. Hand. James a 'McFarland. Edward Darlington. William C. Ludwig. Joeeph H. Seal. Jacob P. Jones. Edirnaud A. bonder. Joshua P. Erre. Theophilm Paulding Vitillam G. Bonitos'. lingh thisig. Denryil Dallett. Jr.. John C. Davis. John . Taylor. James C. Hand. Edward Laionrcade. John R. Penrose. Jacob RINel. IL Jones Brooke. George W Bernadou. Spcnoer isPlivaine. Wm. C. Houston. Beery Sloan. TX T. Morgan. Pittsburgh. Samuel E. Stokes. John B. Semple, do.. James Traquair. A. B. Berger, do. THOMAS C. HAND. President JOHN C. DAVLS. Vice President. HENRY LYLBURN, Secretary. HENRY BALL. Ase.t. tiocretArY DR RRLIANCE INSURANCE COMPANY OF PHIL T ADELPHIA. Inoornorated in. 1841. Charter Perpetual Office. No. 806 Walnut street. • CAPITAL *MAO. Insures against lose or damage by FIRE. on BOUM Stores and other Buildings. limited or perpetual. and on Furniture. Goode. Waren and Meschandiso in town or country. LOnSES PROMPTLY ADJUSTED AND PAID . Amnia .......... Invested in the following Bectuitiee. via.: First Mortgagee on City Property,well eocured.Blol. 6oo 00 United b tater Government L0an5............. .. 117.000 00 Philadelphia City 6 per cent. Loans ........ 75,000 00 FtilllSAVattill. 0011,000 6 per oent. L0an........ istkooo 0' Fenneylvania Railroad Ronda, Brat Mortgage_ Wu 00 Usrodenend Amboy Railroad Company's 6 per Cent. Loan. —. t .• ••.. • ..... 6,000 00 I.oaue en Collider:as .. . . 500 00 IluntingOon and Broad Von ... per 'ant.. .BfOrt. gage Honda-- . ... . , ... ... 416 V OJ °linty Piro insurance C o mpany ' s ........ LOW 00 Mecbanice , Bank Stork— 4.000 00 xffinnerc Bank of Pennsylvania Stock 10.000 00 Union Mutual insurance Cornpany . a Stock . . 080 00 Belianoo insurance Company of Philadelphia Stock. .. . ... ...... ............ 8.2i0 Ot cad' in ilaidi on ...... ....... 11258 3: Worth at Par, - ........ ...... $437,W 1 8, 82 Worth thin date at market Priced $451.3 , 33 DIRECITORB. Thoman IL Moore. Samuel CaKtuor. Janice T. Voting. home N. Uskor. Christi - nu J. notTirlit— , - Samuel Thomas. d Biter. Tostu.sty. president. l'Eumia rt nr. Secrete - VIILLADELP/LLA. bocomber. ~~11 CV 3E4 0 13 IC PHILADEUSI4. M. M BARKER, Manager. Mullet Value. 51.11 41 225 a Cost. 81.093.604 20 Real Fatale BUR Receivable for Insurances made. • • • • • -• . name 84 Dalaucce d ue at mlums on Marine Policies—Ac crued interest and other debts due the (lotions/ay— . 10.178 8` Stock and Scrip of sundry Corpora dons. 188 • 156 00. Estimated value.. ........... 1.812 IX , Cash in 08 tech in Drawer. . ........ 412 65 114.563 nem. rringten Wu,untaq, Ban mei oir on am. ti. L. Oman." • WM. Stevenson, Benj. W. Tingley. 188& - Jal•ta th a tt NATIONAL' . LIFE' INSURANCE COMPAXIT, =HIM MUD 'STATES OF AtkaMA; • Washington, -3D, 0. Cluatered,bY, 'Pedal Are of (488r2111, AP proved July 26,.1868. Cash Capital. :::1,000,000 BRANCH orrioz: FIRST NATIONAL BANK BUILDING PMUIDELPHLI. Where en *ern:looEoonee should be addressed. DIRECTORS.' CLARENCE H. CLARK. IL A. ROLLING. JAY COOKE JOHN W. run. W. 0 ., MOORHEAD. GEOROE F. TYLER. J. HENLILLEY CLARK. OFFICERS: CLARENCE H. CLARK, Philadelphia. President JAY o*-)OE.E. Chairman Flnasic.e and ExecuthPe Cons HENRY a COOKE. Washington. Vice President. EMERbON W. PLET. Philadelphia. Seel and Actuary WILVUEtHER, Weihinatort. 'Atertereant Secretor,: ERAM/18 G. SMITH. as. D.. Medical Director. .1. AWING MEA/Id. M. D» tocistaut Modica Director. TM"! Com Dom. National fa its character.. offer'. bl reason of ha Large Capital. Low Rates of PreMIUM. and New Tables. the most deldrabts means of Insuring Life yet trrted . to the public. Circular% Pamphleta. and full particulars given on at. pLlcation to the Branch Office of the'Comtasifii or to its General itgents. General Agents of _the Company• JAY:come dr CO, New York. far New York Meta &a Northern New Jersey. iAY WOKE & CO., Washington: a C.. for DebiWoz .13itirtet of Columbia and Weet Virginia. B. W. CLARK 4 (X).„ for Pennsylvania and Southern New Jersey B 8. Rosen 4 liarrieburg. Manager f or Central and Western Pennsylvania J. ALM It ELLIS & CO., Chicago, Inc Blinnla. Wisconsin and lowa. Hon, STEPHEN BULLER, et. Pool. for labonimota and N. W. Wisconsin. JOHN W. ELIAS 6s CO„ Cinch:multi, for Ohio said Geri - tral and Southern Indiana. I'. D. EDGAR. Bt. Louie, for bileeouri and Sans d. A. REAN &DO.. Detroit. for Michigan and Northern Indiana. A. M. ISIOTiriERSITED,Omiha. for Nebraska. JOHNSTON BROTHERS & CO.. Baltimore. for Mary New England General Agency under the Direction of E, A. ROLLINS al Of the Board of Directors. W. E. CHANDLER. J. P. TUCK E hi Merchants' Ezt.ttause, ousts tstreet.umnon. 1420. CHARTER PERPETUAL. FRANKLIN FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA. Office---435 and 437 Chestnut Street Assets OIL Jmusry 1,1889, 02,077,37 , 2 13. 43400,000 Ou .1083.1613 71: .11,193.643 43 INCOME FOS 1889. $330.000. Losses Paid Since 1529 Over Accrued SurFlue...-. • • UNSETTLED CLAIN% WES 12. 05,500,000. Peraataal and Temporary Policia, on liberal Term. 'PlitEkil ORR. Gustav:to 8. Beason, Alfred Fitter, eamuct Grant. Thouma Bearaa. Geo. W. Ricaarda. Wm. d. Grant. lasso La. A tired G. Bala:. Om Fales. Therese B. Mlle. ALFRED tl. BALEEN. Prerideat. GEO. FALES. Vice Itteldeut. JAB. W. MeALLYSTER. &meta:7. WM. GREIS.N: Aseistant demetary. I'IIILADE frICITED FIREMEN'S INSURANCE COMPANY OF LF/ILL Tills Company takes ricks at the loweet nitee consistent A ordetY. and 00118137310 int bushman exclusively to FIRE INSHEAELM IN THE PULA. CITY OF PILILLOEL. OFFICE—No. 723 Arch street, Fourth National Bank Building. DIRECTORS. Tillman J. Martin. Charlea S. Smith. John Hirst. Albertan King. Wm. A, Eolln. Henry Bum= James. Diongan. James Wood, William Glenn. John dhalicroac Ja aloe Jenner, _ j. Henry Mkt% Alexander T. Dielmon. Hugh Mulligan. Albert C.Roberta, Philip Fitzpatrick. WM. A. Bor. m. Tre CO LL NEAD B. A:sill:Elia. rrosi , lent. Wm. IL FAGIDI. Seey. 287,900 OU VIRE INSURANCE F.XCLUSIVELY.—THE PENN. 12 eylvaMa Ftre 'neurone° Company—lncorporated lif9F -Ch.rter Perpetual—No. WOWalnut street. opposite iependenre Square. Tins ...ompany. favorably known to the community for over forty year... combines to (more against lose or dam age by fire. on Public or Private Buildings. either Palma neatly or fora limited time. Also, uu Furniture, Stock. of Goode and Merchandise generally. on liberal terms. Their I.:mital, together with a large Surplus Fund, is invested in a moat careful manner, which enables there to offer to the insured an undoubted security in the case of Was. DMA:TOW& Daniel 13mith.,Yr.. ,JohnDev_ereux• A Alexander Benson. 'Thomas emu.. Isaac lianieburst. Henry Lewl.. Thomas Hobbs% J. Gillingham Fell. . • ,Daniel haddock. Jr. DANIEL 1:154.1Ta, 'Jr.. President. elionnmz. Beeretary E1L1347.30 Kft, EFFERBON FIRE IbISURANCE COMPANY OF klo. 24 North Fifth street, near Ni art et Iratee.incorPord by the Legielatnre of Penns_ylvania. Char ter Perpetual. capitaland Assets, Slalom. Make luau ranee against Lou or damage by Fire on Public or Private Buildings, Furniture. Stocks. Goods and Merchandise, or intorable terms. S DIREC TORS. m. McDaniel. Edward P. Moyer. lerael Peterson, ck Ladner. John F. tielsterling. Foam). Glasz, Henry Tromuner. ileuryDelany, Jacob Eichandeirk John Elliott, Frederick Doll. Christian D. Frick. Samuel Miller. George E. Fort. • William D. the deer. Wii,LIAM MoDAN lEL. President. ISRAEL PE 'LEMON. Vice President. Prams B. Comenars, Secretary and Treasurer. rrliE MI-NW FIRE INOURANGBCOMPANY. -- OF . tire, No. lie South Fourth street, below Chestnut. The Fife Insurance Company of the County of Phil. delphia," Luccrnorated by the legielature of Penney Iva- Dill in Vat ter indemnity against loss or damage by fire. exelueively. • CHARTER PERPICTUAL.• This old and reliable Institut ion,with amnia capital and contingent fund carefully inveeted, conduct.. 'a to insure buildings. furniture, merchandise , either permanent is or for a limited time,againet loee or damage by tire. at the lowest rates corudetent with the absolute eafety of Its cuetomere. Losses adjusted asid_paid with all possible despatch. DIRECTORS: Chas. J. Sutter. Andrew IL Miller. Henry Rudd. I JBlllO5 N. ?Kona, Jolic Deno, Edwin L. Reakirt. Joiseph Moore, Hobert V. Massey, Jr., George Bieck% Mark Devine. CHART, S J. buTrp.R. Pronident HIthRV BUDD, Vice Presideut. BENJAMIN F. HOECKLEY, Secretary and 'Preasurer NTIIRACITE INSURANCR COMPANY .— GUAR. A TER PE.RPE'rUAL. ()Mee, No. W ALN UT street, above Third, Phila. Will insure against to or Damage by Fire nn Reiter liner. either perpetually or for a Ranted time. Household Furniture and Merehandlae generally. Alto. Marine' insurauee on Vessels.. Chirgoes and Freights. Inland lepuranee to ell parte of the Ueloa. • -• DIttECTORe. , • • Feber„, Lewis kuleuried. I). I.llther; ' 'John Ketcham. . I, lin - 11. Illaklajen. J. FL agate, Win. Ir. Deltu. -Jnhn B. ileyt Peter r. teger,. marnitel tl itothermel. 113111e,R. Preeldent, F. 1)1111.N. Vito Preidnt, Isilt-tu.tttott Was. Pd. 13xnu. Bocrotaxv. OP THE Paid in Fix/le HENRY D. WO= W. E. CHANDLER. JOHN D. DEFREF4 EDWARD DODGE. H. C. FAHNERTOCK. . -,-AitvsVßAtiOr• N - .INEIVRANOR 00114 - PA.NY. . OW POILADRIaIita. • INCOIIII/P.A4VD 1804— C HART ER •PERTETUAL No. WAWALNET Strett. , opposite OW Exchange. ./ hie Company insures from wow or damage • - . • „ FiltE ' Bharat term ' buildings. inercittiMillie. timsttri_±. do for limited reriods. and permanently en. NW- I =w hy_deneelt or premium. . The Company tuts been in retire opiiatlon for More than eixty,,yeares during which all Woes have bee? PronlPtly adinated•and mud. - • : ; • • MEC:TOES: John•L. fledge. Devitt/ Lewis.' El. B. Dation Benjamin , ' John T: Lew is : Thos. U. Powers. ,Wm. 8- Brant. A. R. McHenry; ' Robert W. Learning. Edmond Basilian. D. Clark 'Wharton, Samuel Wilcox. Lawrence Lewis, Jr._ Louie C. Norris. .108 N R. wuuniaza, President. navtm. wur.oox. Secrets:T. F/ItE ASSOCIATION OF PHILAD.* Incorporated March M. 1890. Odice. No. 84 North Fifth street. Insure Banding!. Household Furniture sad Merchandise generally. from Loss by Fire. Assets Jan. I. 1849 . . • ..411,408.0% 08 TRUSTP.EII. William IL Hamilton. hamlet Spartmork. Peter A. Keyser. Charles P. Homer. John Carrow. Jesse Lightfoot. Georre 1. 1 oung. Raton Sboemater. Joseph P. Lyndal. Peter Armbruster. Levi P. Coats. Peter WI Haman M. H. Dtckindon. n. WM. H. HAMILTON. Preside — t. SAM U N L SPAHR/LW& Vice Preddent WM. T. BUTLER. Secretary. AMERICAN FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, INCOIL porated Mo.—Charter perPetaal. No. ale WALNUT rtreet, above Thini,Pldladelphia. Having a large paid-up Capital Stash and Surplus in vested in eound aud available Securities. continue to in. sure on du cilium!. stores, furniture, merchandise, vessels in pert. and their cargoes, and other personal property. All lossea liberally And promptly adjusted. , DIRELT.ORS. Thomas It. Maris. Edmund G. Dutilh, John Welsh, Charles W. PoulLney, Patrick Brady. Israel Morris, John T. Lewis. John P. Writhed& William. Paul LIOMAS R. HARM. President &mars C. CIIAWFORD. Secretary trim FAME INSURANCE COMPANY, U EWE NO I 406 CEESTNU7 STREET. • PRILADELPHIA. FIRE INSURA DIREVTORSNCE EXCLUSIVELY. Mee. Richardson, Win. H. Itbawn, Joiriie ° Mr.. Francis h. Huck. John W. Everman, Henry Lewis, Edward ILOrne. Geo. 4. West. Chan. Stokes, Nathan Ililiec bmt Mordecai Ruzlby. • A. 111 RARDSON. Preeitiont RHAWN. Vioe•President. Wruzsaia I. Rzasonazn. Secretary • U MOHAIR Qi BONS, AUCTIONEERS. J.U.. Nat. 129 and 141 South Fourth street SALES OF STOUIIII3 AND Stab ESTATE. VIO" Public sales at the Philadelphht Exchange EVER) TUESD AY at IS o'clock. fer Furniture, Sales at the &lotion Store EVERY THURSDAY. - • • Mr Bales at Realthmceo receive especial attention. STOUR% LOANS. ft ON :TUESDAY. MARCH At 12 o'clock noon. at the Philadelphia Radiators. Admintstrators'Eale—Estate.or WIPED= Lmsen dec'd. 20 shares etank North.' n Liberties tO shares Kenstagton National hank. For a..ther Accounts -44 ehaieS Gerulantown and Peridomen Turnpike. 210 shares American Buttonhole 11 4`achine Co. $llOO Steubenville and Indiana Railroad let mortgage. a chores Girard National Bank. . 341 .hares National Sank Commerce. 15 shares Farman.' and Mechanics' Ns' tonal Rank. 25 Yharee Camden and Atlantic Railroad Co. (old.) awes Seyenth National Bank. Executors Sale. I Abu° Academy 01 !dude. BEAL ESTATE d BALE. de MARCH. 9. Win fei Matter's Sale-2' VALUABLE 1,078 OF GROUND. rioting atreet. between Thlity•nintn and Fortieth ate.. Twrnt v•fourtti Ward. V Ati.l.,efiLE tilibltißlll3 LOCIATION—LARGE and VALU ABLE Ml.'. Noe. 507.509 sod 611 Arch street. 64 by ao wet. LARGE and VALUABLE LOT, Green street s north wart at Notion. Genuantown. 186 feet front. 199 feet does. , creuiptory BaIe—MODE.RN THREE-STORY BLOCK. DW t LL LING. No. 1509 Med st. LARjE and 9MO ERN THREE-STORY BRICK fiNVI LI INGB. Nos. 1129 and 1131 Catharine street, corner of 'rice ifth. VEhY DESIRABLE TWO-STORY BRICK STABLY And LO CU UUU6Er, No. 21/25 Locust street. 32 lent I, cut. CO fart derv. V ER! VALOAMLI6 Smarm Brartn—THREHSTORY PNESti BRILK BUILDING. 6n' pn as dotes, coiner of Front and Harrison strerta, °pewit° the New ot 6 6 oilman Depot. N inrteenth Ward. TWO.4e7i tRY BRICK &WEE and DWELLING. No. till booth Third street, below South arroet. U LARGE and VALABLE CLAY Lot It3l ACRE'', l'hitadt It-his and Trunvoi Railroad. above Bridge @tract. Brideshorg. To enty third Ward. t toilet: l ts Nate—MODERN FIRER STORY BRICK RI SIDENCE. No. 536 Notth Bizreenth street, below Omer,. Mi ;DERN THYME-STORY BRICK DWELLING, No 93t'l Brown, at. Jahr ediate possestion AiLDFR.• TilltEY-eTORA BRICK DWHLLIVG. Ernet aid greet, minty. Dauphin street. Nineteenth Ward. Acroluts,ratei'a SAle--Fonate of Albert Herignua, decd. —Half Interest to the Confectionery Business, No. 1134 Celunibut avenue. SIi&LUABLE MISCELLANEO BRM:AUS BOOKS FROM A. ON FRIDAY AFTERNOON. March 5. at 4 o'clock. pale for Account of Whom It map Concern. WATEHHI;ItY GAS LIGHT STOCK. 'ILE , DAs MARCH 23 At 19 o'clock noon. at t.,.e Philadelphia Exchange -70,1 shares Watt:a bury Gas Light Co. Administrator's Eate—Estate of C. Weldon. d"c'd ließef S. CARRIAGES, HEARSE SLEIGHS, HAR -110b11_,.. MONDAYTABLE FILTUktEI3. ctc. ON MORNING. March 8. at 10 o'clock, at the N. E. corner Seventeenth and Vise streets. the entire stock. cotrecriethei--13 Horses. 3 hencrome close Caniaget, llennahtown WaEona. 1 hat dscme Eienreo Oilers), 3 Bleighe -Leigh Bolls, Robes. Blanketa, 4 Bete Double Harness, Stable 31.3.tures. dm. ASSIONEF.'S SALE. VAJUABLE REAL ESTATE, MALIAINERIf. TOOLS AND PERSONAL PIoPEKTY OF "THE NA, TI NAL IRON ARMOR AND SHIP BULLDINki ICAIOUN'S N J. ON 'IVESDAY giORNIND. March 9, 1869. n ill be sold at public sale, on the pre. Mitt!. In the South Ward of Camden. N. J., by order of the United States District t *ows for thy District of New Jersey. all the valuable Real Estate Wharve, Marine Chinßathe ay. Buifilltife, Immovemenie, Ma c hineryer. Ma. Tools. l• xtnres. n ek e d Bolero, Timber. Scrap Iron, ecotone' Promrty and Assets of the National 11 on Armor anti Ship Building I lompenv. bank. Dept. Cull t.articulare in catalogues and handMlL. fell tdell Sale No 119 North Nineteenth street. IiANDEOItOILE Li We LN UT PARL. R, DINING RODM, LIBRARY AND CHAMBER FURNITURE,. Rosewood Moo. French Hata Pier Mirrors. Fine Oil Paintinga, Curtiuna. Bruesela, Ingrain and Cu Car eta, ,hc On MONDAY MORNING. March lb, at le o'clock, by catalogue. at No 119 North Is Montt': it ruse', above Arch. the entire itousehonl for biome. romp' ming handrotne Oiled Walnut P arl tr, Oiling Form and Library and Chamber Fttroltaro; Bu fht Sideboard. Book care Rosewood Piano. made by Eche', t Fit nee Plate 'ler Mit roes. Fine Oil Painting+, curtainr, Epring Mattresses, Br oracle, Ingrain and other Cartete„ dm. dm. May be examined en the morning.of tale at 8 o'clock. SECOND l BALE Ow Re ANT ELEG CABINET F RNITL TO CLOSE A PAkTNEkBIIIP ACCOUNT. ON FRIDAY HOBNOB". Marsh 19. at 10 o'clock. will be acid at public sale, in Mu lat ge second rtory warereeme, a lthuut reeerve, by mato. ' o gee, a large and extensive assortment of Elegan • liabi n uruttvre. including Rosewood, Walnut and Ebony tailor. the latest style coverings and marblesall - glade by tbe celebrated manufacturers. Gee. J. Ilenkals and Lacy & Cc., and comprising a choice selection, wramoted every reagent well northY the attention of peraous fur oi biog. MARTIN BROTHERS. AUCTIONEERS. (Lately Salesmen tor M. Thomas & Sons.). No. 62) OBESTNUT street. rear entrance from Minor. ILarge Sale at the Auction Rooms FIANESOME WA LNUT HOUBEHOGO FURNITURE, MIRRORS. FINE CARPETS, STEAM ENGINE. 811 PENIOR HARNESS. FINE CHINA AND GLASS. WARE, &ct ON WEDNESDAY MORNING. March 10, Pt 10 o'clock. at Nhe auction rooms. No. 53 tbeettint st . by catalogue, the usual large and excellent alhettment of Superior If'uralture. SAT T OF THE VALUABLE. PUBLIC IkTIONS OF THE LATh Ric.V. ISAAC LEESE& DEG D. Jewhh Ilihlea Daily and Holiday Prayer Books, Dlac^nti'e and other Works. 4.N MONDAY EVENING. March 15.'at 73e; o'clock. at the auction store. Particuliun hereafter. T 'LELLAND, AUCTIONEER, 1219 CHESTNUT street CONCERT If ALL ACC (lON itOOMB. Rear Entrance on Glover street Household Porniture and Merchandise of every de. ptiou received on consignment Saha o dwellings attended to on reasonable terms. f Furniture al ON TXESDAY MORNING. MARCH 16, We wilt hold our Emit Largo'Trade Sale of Llu an t at inet Furniture, on account of .nianof a :torero. MBE PRINCIPAL MONEY ESTABLISIINCENTI '1 •Et F. corner of SIXTH and RAGE streets. • honey advanced on Merchandise generallY—Watebelh Jea elry. 1 honours, Gold and Sliver Plate. and on all aril( les Of value, for any length of ttmeagreed on. W ATCH ES AND JEW ELRY AT PRIVATE SALE. Fire Gold Hunting Case Double Bottom and Open Face irnaliolt American and Swiss Patent Lever W atches; Pine Go ld Hunting (lace and _Open Face Lenin° Watches; Fine Geld Duplex and other Watches; Fine Silver Hunt Ms Case and Open Face Fnolish, American and swim Patent Lever and Lepine Watches; Double Case Foglia Quertier and other Watchte.,_Ladies , Fancy Watches I tharrend Breastpins ; ,Finger Hinge; Ear Kingsi Studs; 'Rte.; Fne Gold Chainek Medallions; Bracelets' Scar( ,; los t Breastpins; Finger RiugatKucll Canoe and JewolrY severally. , FOR SA LF.—A large and valuable Fireproof Ghost. mil able for a Jewalor; cost 5650 Also several Lots in South Camden.Flfth and Chestnut '"on,-.: • 01, BAttlillV & CU., A ll.f11()NEE118. • .1.).. . . l'Affil AUC,TioN llOUdit, No. a ll MARKET effect, c ,rner of DANK Ithroet, Cocli ralvorred OD conelirnmentr without och.o charan- iv L, ablibitilm E a rr N Ebate. _ No. 605 MartELET street. above sfutts. ALIIVTION A 1130 7 .10 A 1 MALE*. ".ii4P s 4"e: FBEEIBAII. AucfrtoNnyt , _ _• _ • • Net 40wetwitvr sallow ELL , Izteerzi BALK 'Mattel( 19. MIL Tbb aalesola WHDNEBDIIYst 12 - eoelool4 - trombetilibt ExcbBhiPt 144419 1, 0 8 the feutm.loll. ishires'llbicantite Ltbraryz - • BUILDING LOT—S. W. cornet; Hancock and Bandhtek ate..2BOIHVOB feet re fetethorp at, Orpftema. Ordart - &,* —befelf, It• P. King deed . _ • A perx brt*etor'y brick awelititi. "mom Hoot* FL lot, i 5 by 54 feet. Orpftans , Coast, 410.16-7/13Mte of Eintrecbler. deed.' • bIiUKTII ST-2 desirable .building lots, abllVeGeer 818 et.. each 20 by 100 seer NO. 249 SOUTH SIXTH STREgT.=-Three-eterfr Mick Residence, with 2 briek homes la the rear; fot2lttl 1.11 feet. Half may - rem/do. Sale 1-Yerentptory , -: • 2211 FRANK OHO 14011.0.--Two.atory ilricic Stores and Dwelling: lot 18 by 80 feet. Slibject to 450 grOmitt rent per annum. 'Orronerna' CMS hde—H tab of, a. LAW, deed. (II HARD AVENUE.—Ten threeatory Brick 'beret NA Dwellings, at the center. of. Hanover atreet, each 184 hi . BU leer. 23,000 may remain' . on each. (Ileac of bratais bronco. T itENION AVENUE-L 2 Building Lots, above Cleat field arreet. 25th Ward. Bach 18 feet frock -- and"ezternt jog In e Oh to Witte st.ect. Sate absolute. • . 4.0 Oftr.Elt. ith EX—Tbree.etoty .firimit'..444, Lt by 54 feet. lath Ward. Otphlat . Court 5411—latii R 1 John Lackey. d , ceasect., • -". It 924 ER al RE ET— Three.etory Briar fLatio.anct Lot 16 b 3 54 feet. Saane Jertate. • _• 604 AND 504 o'l 15 dTREET-2 Threestory • stick Dwr 'lined and Frame ebop. above Anth er 01.1.144. Ward. Lot 35 by 100 feet Same Estate. • • 008 fAI3, sTio , I;'l'.—Three story brick Bakery.' sad. Dwelling; lot 1714 by 100 tier name estate.., 111 P1...11 AN bIitEKT. —2 Building Lota,_ above Otia street. e inetectob Ward; each id by 52 feet. dame ee. ULITAI.OGUES READY Oa SATUttDAT., - .• • ' , VALUABLE Elnirrli B rRETVr PROPER T Y AT PRIVATE: +[.E. The valuable CU tr kte! 1 PRO 'Ett.TV; on EEGS - ICU al.f. above hare. suitable for a large whobtenle or rdtall otOral, could readily be alto , td. Could be adopted rcreentivis bat' or manufactory. the walla being o. emulous' Weimar. Will be sold with or without the eareonage. as any ba desired. Plans at she store. Terms easy. I[11," TING. DURBORO 9II & t 0.. AuorioNsmlt,, Li NO6. 24 and 234 'MARKET street. corner of Boast. nuccee. , ri. to N B. MYESSI & CJ. LARGE EALB OF FRENCH AND OTHER EUkiAN I EAN I•RY GOODS &c. • ON MONDAY MOItNIN _ March f , at 10 o'clock on four months' credit: , DRESS ' Pieces Paris Plain and Favor Popelines and 1701afries: t do London c lack and Colored liohairs end Alpo° s. do Mozombiones. Limos. Grenadines. Bangor.' 4 " 2 cases Frtnch W bite Woven Piques. , • 2 do London new Antler shaden Alpaese. ACCuUNP OP UNDERWRITES& = • 2 cases Phytes. do Osaka EPrlped Poplin. _ I care olor•d Chambray 0. ' Bennet &mired on voyage per steamer City 01 New Y.:sir-to be sold on four rootlike eredit.4 SHAWLS, CLOAKS: - - Brodie Cuhrnere aid Mocha Border Bhawls and /31rrfs. Plain and Fancy Long and Square Wool Shorn% C.oakt. SATINS Pieces Lynne Black and Cc:lored Poult de ikkiediarde Grains, do do 'Taffetas and Cashmere di, Sole. do Fancy Dre•n Bilge, &a. do block and Colored IS4tiria, ,Verrets..V•Wrin Crepe .&a BONKLT AND TRIMSFIIiG Full Hoes Et. tieDne and Baste Ritilions,Yelvdt do &d i p ROLDLRII.I3 AND DitAPEnIES. An invoice of rich Embroideries and, P lll llerF Full lines Paris Dress and Cloak Trimmtrigeclliittlsotto. Full lines White Goods. Fiduis i Shirt Fronts.' Um brFull ellse. andn Skirts Tlet.4laFlui. lines Balmoral Hoop Notions. BALE OF 2000 OASES HOOT& EMOEff.' VEI.ING BAGA L ,ne- ON TUESDAY MORNING: , ' March 9 at 10 o'clock, on four.monthecredie. • LARGE BPECIA L IMLE.OF RE, CLOTHING, • • ' ON ViTEDN ESDAY MORNING.: March March 10. at 10 o'clock. on four month' c-oft'amtorsab. km full lines of, fasbionnbl... Drip% atileci or the WA* known and favorite manufacture of Meson DEVLIN & CO., of NeveYoilc. , Particulars nareafter. „ , , LARGE BAI E OF BRITISH. FRENCH. GERMAN AND DOMESTIC DRY GoODS. ON THURSDAY MORNINu. March 11. at 10 0 , c10ck...a2 four month/0 credit ' DAVIS di HARVEY. AUCTIO M NEER .Tho S. Late with S. 411 Soak Store Noe 48 ant fie North BIXTII street _ NOTICE TO THE THIS DA' We have B ectiree n - L0N4171.13,E in consequcnce of I CRE,II SI ' 4 ; . G BUSINESS. DOUBLET/ OUR PADILITIIIS." Now oceuey tug ihe Immenue I.4.RtaT ANU SECIONIP Olio. each I'U feet by 42 feet. MAKING 'IDE EINEOTEALES - 11001t-INTUR 01. TX. 11112 will rnable to• to effect oPECIAL SALEti of FURNITURE. • BoOßtl. PAINTING'S. • ALE tiIatANDII3E. 84. Large and Attractive gale at the Auction and 60 North Sixth etreet. '_ ' li /o'l/SOME FURNITURE. SUPERIOR 13G018.10.8R4 FINE TAPLSIEY AND ETHER. CARFETn. MAX RESSEn. BEDS. dm.. UN TLEBDAV MORNING.'' A t the auction dote. Boa. 48 and 60 tiorth , Biethetre6B. below Arch etrett, im.ludtt.g superior Walnut Yoder Suits in hair cloth end terry: elegant Oiled Walnut Chmubt r Suite. nnely finished Handsome Etagere 814 beanie. Library 'fables, very ettperior ar 4111 and maroon. tiny Lounger. stmertir Wa: &oboe. Extension • Tables. , totteu. t and C. ntre Tablets, Walnut and Oak Dieing Room Chairs. Secretary Bookeeses, Office 'Tables mind De.ks. Cottage butte. 26 Cottage, French Redetsade, tfrie and Hunk lawn-nice. Feather Beds. I:tinsel - Id GiassWafilin lat. e quantity of Kitchen Lteneila. itandeoutn,Taptstrir tind other Carpets. Matting, 'Jill Clothe. SALE FOR CASH ON AMOUNT OF LINDER WRITERS ON TUESDAY. March 9. 18f9, at 10 o'clock. for cash 3 cases White Piques. 1 cave Linen Di Ws. I ease red Mohaini Ds maned on voyage per steamer City of New York., Also, ICISEe gergiwon'e getatine K. black /Medals. Sate No. POI North Third street. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. ' BAR AND FlXTtinisive FEN. HER BEDS. &a. , • • , • ON WEDNESDAY MORNING. At 10 o'clock, at No. 507 North Third street; theittOo. irony Parlor, and Chamber P 'unhurt). Hue FeO tter RAN. Ingrain Carnets. Mahogany Sideboard. t,'ookieg teettfr tinder Stove', Chios and Gl.setvare I:onking Uteuaild&e. BAR AND BAR 1100.11 FIXTURES,. • Afro the Bar and Bar rootrf F4xturea, Ana male% Pm tures, tur•room btove. ' • • - 1 1 12 SCOTT. Jar AITCTIONtER. BUM'S ART GALLERY 102 Q GIIEkTNUT street. Philadelonta. CARD —The undersigned will give P-irtfutifar sneak* tv Miles at Dwellinge of parties removing. baying place for storage of furniture, It will tui to nil intateat to make clean sales. Other consignments of mgroluicalaii respectfully solicit , d. SPECIAL SALE OF MODERN PAINTINGS/ ON (FPIDA • ) EVE'NiNfI. At 7ki o'clock, at ecott , e Art Gallery. IWO Chaired= street. u ill. been Id without reeercc. a numb of. Athol*. o.n Poititiogp, all by native artists of varied and plate/km subjects, comprising LAke.'itiver and MoUntain.VlOSPlp /Marines, .t . allelegentlr framed t:NRuM• 43. ENGRAVING& df ' Also. a nurolair of Framed French Chrop4o3,EngraT. Inge, Lithographs. dm. SPECIAL PA LE OF EXTRA Q UALITY _Tk V.' SILVER. PLATED. WAKE. , ON MONDAY IuORNIts.IO, • ' March 8. at to 34 olrlock' at bootee Art (ilullerf,llo2oo Cheetnut strect. a li ,be eold. a full assortmeut of best quality Triple liver Plated Ware, floraprielna fall Tea. e'e Coffee Urns. Ice eitchine, Trays, Cobleta. Outer'. Balvera. Butters, Cake and Fruit Disheit, all warranted's( represented or no vale, THOMAS 'BIRCH a< SON, AUCTIONEERS :AND COMMISSION MEROHANTS. No. 1110 CtLESTNIIT street., 7 Rear Entrance N 0.1107 flansom street: HOUSEHOLD FUhNITURE OF EVERY DESCRIP. 'IION RECEIVED ON CONSIGNMENT, Sale* of Furnitttre at Dwellings attended to On tha aunt ennoble forms IMPORTANT PEREMPTORY SALE ,• I" HIGH CLASS OIL PAINTINGS, The Private Collection of It. 11. Gawrz, Mr. GRATZ, being about to Europe has instructed. us to cell at petite rale his entire collection of Paintiogs. by distinguished European. and American aviary. 1 he sale will take place ON Titille.SDAY EVENWG, March 11, at 734 o'clock. at • No. 1431 CHESTNUT Week Catalogues will be ready, and the Paintings open l et exhibition. on Monday. the Bth I ,, st Iv r. GRATZ'S REEPOENuE. No. 1108 Walnut street. Also. elegant COUNTRY RESIDENCE, at Chestnut Hill, together with the elegant Forniture,,wlll also be sold, of which due notice will be given. D. ideCLENS 4.X.1 larcriorn6=3. tfo. WI MARKET stroet. WIT AND SHOE THU NAL.F.S RSDA EVER,Y MONDAY AND Y. IIIiVIIIIMESS VARLIPIa , .: 1 . ~',k,,f,.,i,. SUMS watorre. irnontacus BIZI. aduclont 4le SWOON Euzooood ormouvk rtrroo . ,; PETER WRIOHT A lONO. • ImPoriers of garthouscCare • and ebtvgdrog and Commission Meretipap...:• , N 0.116 Walnut .treat. Phlladendasie- (10T" ON SAIL DUCK OF EVERY WIDTH. PWI _3t a inch to 78 inches wide. atl numbers.— Vent , i3a3l d.willug Duck, Paper.makeee INtltlagi Sail arie.e.itic, JO UN W' EVICICIA 4 , Jii2e3 No. 108 Church etreeN 41133931431430 pItINY WELLS—OWNERS OF VSO,Psvwi x-,,Tfus. tray place to get privy was cleansed and dint*. Carted, at very low prices,* A. PEY434ot4 t ,,mourictuxo or Poodrote, Ooldernltles Hal. Lamar"' street. • Ita miming:mit ore. 11OR9ENIANSWIP eetwiTtploatxr ...\ltaught 'lt the Indbu Ridinggehool. %bort% 'i ntrk•et above Vine: - The home are quint Rua .titor'Fhty Iroho , cl For bire. Gadd% Itereem,', Abu:pear: iaget , at all tilliee for weddinoe. oortioe...Op!ro. funeral*, o.• Home trained to tho rattileq • ' •-• •• - THOMAS tIRAInr .41.149'4, . hl - ORTnt‘ll3 PINE , ArPr...E OttEEdll.—tou 130 VIIS ()PI Jv Carananmont. Landing 'and rot' gala by JOS. a. 111.1551. ER es• CO4Agouto for 'Norton di. Elmer. Elms* no/aware Avenue. quispeg a sag
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers