CLEVER EPIGRAM ON VECCE BOMQ.”,v Mr. Philip Hale prints In Good Worth the to} >OWlDg*.' • Ms “Whilst differing critics stB?o to f|nd g The object in the antbor’s-m|na, 1 *, ; i,: The book Inversely works. Charmed by the beauty of the face, The sceptic feels the heavenly grace Behind the veil that larks. But adoration cannot brook One leaeteclipse of-that swoet iookr Devotion takes alarm : . > Ana thtis, hoWever nnderstpod. No bad book ever did such good, No good one o’er such harm. LITERARY ITEMS. COTJIfT UE GOBINEAtJ, Thename of this French writer and dis tinguished gentleman is , not as well known, WA believe, bb it deserves to be. in Our coun try. ' Hence we. were gratified to bear it whispered in Jiterajy circles, that the vener" able Doctor Meigs, of this city, is about to publish, after the French, a recent and very interesjiiijg wdri of hjifi friend the Count We bow learn that such a volume is nearly ready, from the presß of Messri. Claxton; Remsen & Baffelfinger, and feel sure it will be read with the greater pleasure; on account of the two eminent uames through which it come 6 to the American-public; they are good guar rantee of the value of the booh. It is not theleaht interesting fact, in this connection, that Doctor Meigs bringsout the work In English, -as an act o£ disinterested admiration for the author, with 1 whom he is only acquainted through hifl works and as a correspondent, The above-named firm send ns Sloan’s Architectural Jieview and American JBuitders' journal for March, filled with architectural ‘ infonnation, and withprojec tio’ns, mostly of actual buildings by architects .of talent W G observe among these a careful engraving of the new building on Washington Eqnare erected, by Mr. Addison Hutton, a rising architect of the most reliable character, for the time-honored Philadelphia Saving’s Fund Society. The Builder’s matter,of which the above is a specimen, is arranged for the mffgazlne by its editor with an eye to variety, and With conscientious care. The Jieview is not only an important organ in its own speciality, but is a literary journal oi univer sal interest. ART ITEMS. We call attention to the advertisement of Messrs. Eirle & Sons relative to the ap proaching withdrawal of Church’s Niagara. The painting is accurate, strange and beauti ful; thebest artists aTe charmed with its most important feature, the rendering of the vast bed of mist or spray. It should be seen by •11 who have visited, and above all by all who have not visited the peerless original of the portrait; the class excluded from these two categories will not, perhaps, affect Messrs. Earle's receipts much if they do stay away. The Evening Post metes out justice to a collector of the most faultless taste in the fol lowing terms: An- Attbaotive Gaulekv.— -All true lovers of art know how much its enjoyment is en hanced by quiet, order and comparative soli tude. It is impossible to contemplate a pic ture satisfactorily in the midßt of a orowded gallery, or when the attention is distracted by the variety and bustle of a shop. We realized this lately during a visit to the resi dence of Mr 14. P. Avery,at No £8 jn. i ., tor he has a private house the repository oihls many choice pictures, where his friends and the public are welcome at ail times, and especially on Monday evenings. Whoever wish to examine, buy or sell a work of art to advantage, we commend to this attractive gallery. The pietures are ar ranged with excellilht taste, the furniture is qu&t and apppropriate; the courteous pro prietor is always present to watch over the precionß works intrusted to him, and en lighten artists and amateurs disposed to ex hibit or select pictures. His large experi ence, artistic knowledge and extensive ac quaintance with artists enable him to act as their agent with singular benefit to all con cerned. Besides some exquisite works of the French school, purchased by Mr. Avery abroad, be has one of Kensett's best land scapes, a fine study by Durand, an ad mirable head of ‘Elliot by Quy, and beautiful water-color and oil landscapes by Oslmau, Bhattuck and others; a fine piece of Italian statuary, and many charming paintings, both native and foreign. FBOn DELAWARE, [Correspondence of the Phils. Eventnr Bulletin. ] Doybb, Del., Feb. 24tb, 1869.—Great anxiety is expressed here in reference to the peach crop. The mild weather which has prevailed for several weeks past has started vegetation, and the peach Irece are beginning to show signs of an early bloom. A sadden cold spell of weather, especially H accompanied with rain and sleet, must prove disastrous to the peach crop in Its present ad vanced state. The peach crop of tho Peninsula has assumed •neb importance that not only does It affect those engaged tn Us culture, but also those who have been dependen t upon this great peach-grow ing community tor a liberal supply of this most fieuclous fruit. Thus far the prospect of an un precedented crop is very flattering, but a sudden tpell of cold, freezing weather would not oaly destroy every prospect of a crop, but spread financial embarrassment throughout the whole Peninsula. The question of a nnlon of the Peninsula Into •ae State is being agitated by the press of the Xaetern Shore as well us that of Delaware, and Is ■seating with general favor from the people themselves. An address has been delivered in the Honse of Bepresentativcs by Geo. W. 8. Nicholson a brother of the Hon. John A. Nicholson, onr pre sent Representative In Congress, in favor of a ■nion of Delaware, the Eastern Shore of Mary land, and the two conn Lies of Virginia lyl D g on (he extreme southern end of the Peninsula. A resolution will soon be offered In the Legislature lo appoint commissioners to confer with similar j aommlssloners from other parts of the Peninsula i interested, and report some plan of action | whereby a union may be accomplished. The feeling 1 against the Philadelphia, Wilming ton and Baltimore Railroad Company, at first so prevalent In the Legislature, has considerably subsided. The threatened bill, of which nodes was given in the early part of the session, for a revocation of the charter of the road, has never been introduced, but a resolution iublead has been adopted by both Houses to authorize the Slate Treasurer to employ counsel and commence suit against the Company for the recovery ol the ten-cent transit tsx, which the Company have refused to psy on account of its allied unconstitutional! ty, i Catholic Bchool question,of which I spoke sVKiSi't Ji'sterday in the Senate by a defeat of the bill allowing them a pro rata Both Houses met In joint meeting on Mnndav SKiMA."" reported' from the Commlttuo on Wavs and Means. This wlll be the most Important bill of the eeeslos, as it provides for a sweeping direct WE DAILY EYEMTOBITLIiETIN—PHILADELPHIA?. THURSDAY, FEBRUiitY’26, 1869. .tax, which will bo awle visry odious.,to the pea--, i pile, fromribe fact of- thoir having heretofore been, t comfiaftruvely, exempt fro'ih'oppressive, taxation. , i.T, -Delawake. • - ''l tß<tril HSKHnSBIIHO. rue Stnte limitary Miistory—Tito insti tution o* tlie Blind—The Mctropoli tan Police BUI, &e., Ac* (Correspondence of the Philadclbhia E vert in r Bulletin.] Harjusbuhg, Feb. .24,-1869.—The Military His tory of Pennsylvania, compiled by Mr. Bates,and about which so much has been said daring the present session, is at last acquiring some sort of a status; or rather the expense incident to the publication thereof, and the authority by which such an unexpected expense is to be incurred by the State, are now about as well ascertained as they, will he nhlil the entire cost is discovered by the large hole In the Treasury after the entire amount has been paid.. The report of mitiee on Public Printing, to,whom was referred the joint resolution relative to the work, gives the following fuctevTbatthecompllatibn or the history was first authorized by the act of May 4, 1864, which gave the Governor authority to appoint a competent person to prepare such a work, and who should be paid $2,51)0 lor such service. (I would say here, that when this act was passed it was sappoffeiUhose figures would cover the whole expense. j-Nothlng Was done with the enactment until 1867, when the Legislature gave directions as to the method and contents of the compilation, and appro priated $3,000, to be drawn from time to time as the work ■ progressed. In 1868, the work still being unfinished, $6,600 wero appropriated, with the understanding that the money waß not to be paid nnless the work was finished and the whole thing completed within one year from the ’pas sage of the act The money was expended, but the work has really only commenced, but'One volume having been published; and we noW find that in the general appropriation bill for this year is an item oi $6,700} making in all, for compilation, $18,700. (This does not include the money paid year alter year to clerks in -thd 1 Ad jutant-General’s Department and employes In tbe-Arsenal, detailed to aestet in getting out' this B The Committee report that no legislative action was ever taken with regard to the publication of the history, with the exception of the act of 1867, directing the method of compilation. The publication was began by the State- Printer in 1868, nnder the orders of the Governor, he pre scribing all the details 'ns to the quality of paper, length aDd width of pages, - general appearance, size of type and binding. He also ordered tho pages to be stereotyped, and to substantiate this the Committee give the copy of a note addressed by Goyornor Geary to the State Printer, on the loarth ot the prcstnt.monlb, in which be says: •‘During the Summer of lastyear I'ordered the printing and binding of five thousand copies of the History of the Pennsylvania ‘Volunteers that served in the recent war, to be executed tn the manner and style of the copies that have been laid before both branches of the Legislative As sembly.” The committee also state that ,the printer In forms them the cost to the State will be $6 80 per volume, or, in round numbers, $7; and if the en tire work is completed in fonr volames, the total cost will be for compilation, $20,001); ior 6,000 sets of four volumes each, $140,000; express charges for delivery, $lO,OO0 —a total of si7u,ooo; or should the work extend to five volumes, whicb is not unlikely, a total cost of $207,600. The Btate printer claims that tbiß job does not come nnder the provisions of the act of April 9, 1866, and is not therefore subject to be paid for at the rates fixed bv his contract of January 28,1868. In April, 1864, an act was passed directing who should give orders for work not provided for by the aet of 1866, and bow they should be given, and it is “nnder this act that authority is claimed to order the execution of this Military History in a style and on material different from that pre scribed in the act of 1866; and consequently the contractor lor State printing claims that os the work was ordered to be printed on stereotypo plates, a method not contemplated by any act of Assembly, on wider and larger pages, in a differ ent type and In a better style than the act of 1856 prescribed, and was ordered to be bound in Turkey morocco binding, with marbled edges, a style of binding not mentioned in that act, his charges for the same are to be settled at the ordi nary rates for such printing and binding In other similar offices, and not by the terms Of this »•'•«- tract These -»« a— oi the case as we have bwu aDle to gather them. We do not feel called upon to give any opinion npon them, and there fore simply submit them to the Senate with the remark that the State printer having been ordered by the Governor to do this work in the particular ; manner In wbleb it has been executed, had no alternative but to comply with the order.” A resolution was passed in the House this morning giving the use of the ball to the Duptis of tbe Institution for the Blind on Friday even ing, but aB tbe Legislature will have adjourned bv that time tbe resolution will be modified so as to make it tbe evening of the 11th of March. The officers of tbe Institution, by the way, have Bent a memorial here asking a supplement to their charter, sl owing tbe establishment and manage ment of an Industrial Home for the Blind, and asking tbe appropriation of $lOO,OOO for purchas ing grounds and erecting suitable building there on, on condition that $60,000 are raised by pri vate subscriptions. A bill for tbe purpose has been offered,and every humanitarian in tbe Legis lature should vote for it, saving, as It will, by its provisions so many worthy blind persons from tbe sufferings incident to pauperism commoted with the deprivation of sight. Considerable filibustering has been going on the last two days In tbe Benate to prevent action being taken on the Metropolitan Police bill. There appears to be no reason to believe that it will pass, as there are evidently sufficient Repub licans wbo will vote with the Democrats,or dodge tbe unestion, to insure its deteat, and the vote thereupon might as well be taken early as late. Mr.Errett has presented a bill having for its object tbe reduction of Ibe expenditure for postage, by having the Legislative Record sent out prepaid at the same rates as would be charged by tbe quarter for daily newspapers, if the require ments of the bill conld be carried ont, it would be a great Improvement on the present mode of pay ing two emts on each Record; bnt I question if the postal laws can be so construed as to make that official report of proceedings come nnder tbe same bead as daily newspapers. Senator Henszey has reported from the com mittee, with a negative recommendation, the bill to Incorporate the Philadelphia Commercial Weighing Company. JLBTTER mom TRENTON. New Jersey I eglslntnre—<7. B. District Court—Governor’s message* iComepondesco of the Phil&delphls Evening Bulletin. J Thkktom, Feb. 24.—1 n the Senate no bills of any importance have been acted upon,they being mostly of a local character, relating to town ships, conntles, school districts, Ac. In the House, tho bill to establish an Insurance Department in this State was taken np on its final passage. This Is to create In New Jersey what has existed In New York for several years—to appoint a person to enforce all lavrß In relation to insurance companies, examine their condition, and see that they are not bogns, to examine the securities, and collect the moneys from foreign Insurance companies. Tho expenses of this de partment are limited to $5,000, and with an of ficer who will strictly enforce the law, the Bum received by the Btate, It is estimated, will be $30,- 000, instead ol $7,000, the receipts of last year The bill was warmly advocated by Mr. Abott (Speaker), who clearly defined the merits of the bill iu a forcible and eloquent speech. The bill vr&B pawed by a vote of 30 to 24. V. 6. DIBTIUCT COUUT. At the opening of the Court this morning, Leon Abett, Esq., moved for a postponement of the caßts of Valentine Poster and Album Zanklor In dicted for perjury, In swearing falsely lo natural isation nopera. Mr. Abett said the ease was one of jurisdiction between the State Courts and the Courts of tbe Uni led Btates; that these parties are charged with making a false oath la a State . Court on a matter delegated to the Siate Courts by tbe United States, and he did not think the United States conld exercise jurisdiction. The , motion to postpone was granted. | Mr. JW. Seudder made a motion for arrest of ] Judgment in the case of Thoodore Tuppen, con victed lust week of passing counterfeit national currency. Granted. March 9th set for arguing tbe question in the case. OOVEUNOII's MEBSAOIt. The Governor to-dav sent to the Legislature a I message recommending tho enactment of a law, upon the acceptance ol which by the com- sp&jeiesjlnpw5p&jeiesjlnpw paying tranßltdoties, all *.paymenfa | ' by them of such dntles, whether npon passengers, or freight? shall cease; aitd-jvfo Adequately pro vide for nit Income to the 8m ejpjal to: that ob i talneddfrom corporations.tpfovision should be -made for tbe establishment ota jost and uniform rate of 'taxation npon all;krauroad And c anal companies. Provision ehofiktbe'mado, however, for.tbc payment of an amqunt -per annum, by existing corporations, cqual td.ibnt paid by them to tho State for the year passed. He says the probable effcot of-tbeprovlsionß.he recommends would be to make, for tho time being, a some what unequal assessment ot\‘exlstlng corpora tions. He urges that great care should be taken In Qte establishment' ot the new system that no real injustice may be done tho corporations, whose, interests pro to bo . affectedi'by; ills -provisions; also adds that be Is convinced tbe present mode of obtaining reventte.'by the Imposition of tran sit duties, is inconsisten t with the spirit oi our people, and is either persistently misunderstood or wilfully misinterpreted'fiy ,citizens of other States; and closes by saying that the enactment of a law, containing the-genbral principle be re commends, would leava tho State free to pnrsue the most liberal policy, as to: pnblic Improve ments, and finally lend .to tarn,. the current of legislation; as regards taxation, toward a system morejnstin Its provisions; ahaequitable in Its operations, than our tax laws of late years have eetmed to be. ' - -aus'tf- • Bartara FrHchlc-leltcr from lobn 6* WhltiMr. The Washington Star has the following: Re cently a communichtion - appeared In the Star, claiming for Mrs. M. A: Quantrill that she is en titled to (be honors given., to {Barbara Frltchie (Immortalized In' ’Whittier’s" stirring .verse) for displaying the Stare arid"’ Stripeswhlle the rebel troops were passing through Frederick. We have now from-Mr. WhlttieV'the following letter, in which be holds to'his fdith in Barbara, and gives good.yea'sorifoi 1 66’ doing! ! As there is no doubt, fromthe’testlm'bnj Of‘St -legst four wit nesses, that Mrs. 1 -Quadtrill's’'claim Is well founded, there seems tnbe’ '.considerable mystifi cation in the matter.; Probablythe tree smntlon is ibat both these brave Union women displayed their patriotism and their conrage in the same way on the same occasion: ~ I have received d copy of ‘thy paper, containing a letter from a lady who claimstoi nave been the hero ine of the flag at Frederick.' ,T;have sever heard of her before, and, of coarse; know.: nothing Of her ve racity or loyalty. I mnsteay. however,. In jnstlco to myeelf, that Ihave fall confidence in the truth of the original statement fhrhiBhedine, by a' dietinenlrhed literary lady or Washlngtoh ids' reapecte Barbara •Fritehle-ta statement soon after confirmed by Doro thea Din, who vititedFrcdertck and made hereell ac quainted with many.interertlngipartlchlars of the life and character of that remarkable woman. Very truly tby .friend, , . . , - .1. John G. Whittikb, Amesbniy, loth, 2d mb., 1£69. Passage Bill by tbe , Houte. Washington, Tob. 24.—The House has passed Mr. Scheuck’sflnancobillbya vote of 119 to 61. The first sectlonsea(9,res,ln favor of on early re sumption of epeclepaymonts, and that all gov ernment obligatibne.which are not otherwise specified, shall he paid in coin after the green backs are made eqnal to coin. This section was retained by a strong vote of 129 to 54. The second section of the bill legalizes gold contracts. From Washington, Washington, Feb. 20.— The Senate has passed the joint Vesolntion authorizing the Committee on Public Printing to conclude a satisfactory contract with Rives & Bally for reporting and publishing the debates lor the nest two years. From St. Fouls. St. Louis, Feb. 24 At a late hour last nigbt> the following challenge woe sent to Gallagher, the winner of the prize light yesterday: Bx. liOuis, Feb. 23 X hereby challenge Mr. Charles C. Gallagher to fight me a fair stand-up fight, according to the new rules of the London prize-ring, in one week from to-day, for $l,OOO a side. $250 are left by me this day at Isaac Campbell’s saloon, corner of Fifth and Green Btreets, as a first deposit on the match, and I hope Mr. Gallagher or his friends will have game enough to cover it. [Signed | Thomas Allen. The tobacco factory of John W. Wray & Co., in Alton, Illinois. burned >«at night, and me adjoining block seriously injured. The loss is not known. SARATOGA WATER. k STAR SPRING, SARATOGA, NEW YORK. The analyst! proves that the watera of the SARATOGA STAR SPRINGS have a much larger amount of solid substance, richer in medical Ingredients than any other ppring in Saratoga, and shows what the taste indicates—namely, that it is the BTRONGEBT WATER. It aleo demonstrates that the STAR WATER contains about 100 Cubic Inches More of Gas in a gallon than any other spring. It is this extra amount of gas that imparts to this water Its peculiarly sparkling appearance, and rendere it so very agreeable to the taste* It also tends to preserve the delicious flavor of the water when bottled, and causes it to uncork with an eServes ence almost equal to Champagne, Sold by the leading Druggists and Hotels through* out the country, JOHN WYETH &BRO-, 1412 Walnut Street, Philada. 'Wholesale Agents, Also for sale by J. F. Heatheote, 8318 Market street, West Philadelphia; Fred, brown. Fifth and Chestnut; 1. J. Gr&hame, Twelfth and Filbert; H. B. Lippincott, Twentieth and Cherry ; Peck & Co.. U2B Chestnut; Sam’l 8. Buntlrg,Tenth and Spruce; A. 8.-Taylor. 1016Cheat nut ;P. G. Oliver, Eighteenth and Spruce; F. Jacoby, Jr., 917 Chestnut: Geo. C. Bower, Bixth and vine; James T. Shinn, Broad and Spruce; I/anUlB. Jonos, Twelfth and Spruce; W. B. WebD, Tenth and Spring Garden, del-tu tb a lyrpS LUHBEB. MAULE. BROTHER &.CO:, 13500 South Street IQ£Q PATTERN MAKERS. IQOQ 100(7 PATTERN MAKERS. 100(7 CHOICE SELECTION MICHIGANCORK PINE FOR PATTERNS. IQoQ SPRUCE AND HEMLOCK IQOQ 100(7. SPRUCE AND HEMLOCK 100(7. LARGE STOCK ~ FLORIDA FLOORING. FLORIDA FLOORING. CAROLINA FLOORING. VIRGINIA FLOORING. DELAWARE FLOORING. ASH FLOORING. 1869. WALNUT FLOORING FLORIDA STEP BOARDS. I QOQ FLORIDA STEP BOARDS. 100(7. KAIL PLANK KAIL PLANK 1869. 1 KAO WALNUT BOARDS AND PLANK. 1 QOQ 100(7. WALNUT BOARDS AND PLANK 100(7. WALNUT BOARDS. WALNUT PLANK ASSORTED FOR CABINET MAKERS, BUILDERS. AC. IPAQ UNDERTAKERS* LUMBER. "IQOQ 100(7. UNDERTAKERS’ LUMBER - 100(7. RED CEDAR. WALNUT AND PINE, IRAQ SEASONED POPLAR. IQAQ 100(7. BEASONKD CHERRY. 100(7. ASH WHITE OAK PLANK AND BOARDS. HICKORY. 1869. CAROLINA SCANTLING. 1 QOQ CAROLINA H. T. SILLS. l0U(7. NORWAY SCANTLING. CEDAR BHINGLEB. CEDAR SHINGLES. CYPRESS SHINGLES. LARGE ASSORTMENT. FOR SALE LOW. 1869. 1869: PLASTERING LATH. 1 QOQ PLASTERING LATH. Io0(7. LATH. DAULE BROTHER A CO.j 2WO SOUTH STREET. YELLOW PINE LUMBER'.-ORDERS FOR CARGOES J of every description Sawed Lumber executed at ibort notice—quality subject to inspection. Apply to EDW. 11, ROWLEY. It South Wharves. hi TT Ay E-E B ip \--l ■ V;/ ;\/i ■ f-M $ C tf * t :»EW- SPRK;ij < f * '■’ \ *--d, i. I 'v; ./•*" 'l-.f -v. ' —...- O' \ ‘ jBTAV® J VST POBtISBED: William Hepworth Dixon. HER MAJESTY’S TOWER. Historic Studio* in the Tower of London. • With Frontispieco Plan of the .Tower, 12mQt ClQth* 60 cents. Anthony Trollope.... , ; ~ eIE KNEW IIE.WAS RIQHT. Beautifully Illustrated, Fait 1. Byo, Paper, 30 cent,. Charles Be ado. ,: HARD CASH. A Matter of-Fart Romance. By Cn\e. ' Peai>k, Author of "Love mo . Little. Love me. Long, “Nrvi r too Late toMcnd." he. With Illustrations. New Edition, bvo. Paper, 36 cents: Miles O’Beilly. THE POETICAL WORKS OF CHARLES PINE (Milsb U’Kkili.t). Consisting ot Odes. l ooms. Sennets. Epics and Lyrical Effusions which have not , heretofore pcf.ncollectrd together. With* Biographi cal Sketch end Explanatory Notes. Edited tv HonanT B. RoosEVELT.'Fcrttalt cn Steel. Crowu 8 vo, Cloth, $2 60. P. Whymper. (TRAVEL AND ADVENTURE IN THE TERRITORY OF ALASKA, fermerty Russian Ameriea-now Cedod ,to the United States-end In various other ports of tho North Pacific. By Fbkdxiuok YVbvmke. With Map and Illustrations. Crown Bvo, Cloth, $2 60. Sir Samuel W. Baker. CAST UP BY THE BEA; or. Tho Adventure, of Ned Grey. llv Sir Samuel W.Bakxb, M. A., F. R. CL 8.. Author of “Tho Albert ct'Yanzaj Great Basin of the Nile.” “The Ntlo Tributaries of Abyesinia,V , Un abridged. With Tonltlustratlonsby lluard. 12mo, Cloth, 76 cents. ■■■ Tfcoßev. Johnlr, Nevius. ~*BINA:AjS’DItHK:ceINI!SS: a General DMrrlptlon of theCuuntry And : fto Ua: uloo and Form if GovernmantiiisßeligiousandßocUlln stHutioub; its lotcrccnrsowiih'other Notions, and Its Present Condition end Prospect*. By the Rov. Joww L. Nrvirs, Ten Years a Missionary in. China. With a Map audlllustratioDfl. 12oio, Cloth, 81 76. The Bev. Isyman Abbott. JESUS OF NAZARETH': Hi. Life, end Teachings: Founded on tho Four Gospel?, and Illustrated by Re ference to the Manners. Customs, Religious Beliefs, sod Political Institutions of_hls 'limes. By Lvm.h AnnoTT. With Deslsns by' Dol'd, Do Laroche Feun, and others. Crown Bvo, Cloth,Hoveled Edges, 83 60. The Author of "Bachel’s Seoret.” h’ATYRL’B NOBLEMAN. A Novel/ By the Author of **Kachel’B Secret” flvo, Paper, 60 cfcnt). The Bev. Dr. Bellows, THE OLD WORLD IN ITS NEW FACE: Impressions of Europe in lßti7-U6B By Hvmiy W. Bellows. 3 volo.. i2mo. Cloth, S 3 60. VoL 11. just ready. C. W. Dilke. GREATER BRITAIN, a Record of Travel in English speaking Ocunti les during 136 d and IBt7. By CtiAßi.ce WEMwoain Lilke. With Maps and Illustrations. 12mo, Cloth, 81 Or. Paul du Chaillu. WILD LIFE UNDER THE EQUATOR. Narrated for Young People, By Paul B. Do Ciiaillu, Author of • DlseovoMes in Equatorial Africa,' 1 "Ashanjt, Land," -StoricßOf the Gorilla Country," &c. With numerous Engravings. 12mo, Cloth, 81 76. Bobs Browne. ADVENTURES IN THE APACHE COUNTRY: a Tour through Arizona and Ronora, with Note, on the Silver Regions of Nevada. ByJ. Ross Bnowrre, U. 8. Mini ter to China, Author of “lusof," “Crusoe’s Island." "An American FamUy in Germany," ‘ rite Land of Thor." bo. With Illustrations, l2mo, Cloth, Beveled, 83 00. Prof. Dalton. M D., Profewerof Pbyeiolqgy fn tb'* College of Phj -Bicianfc*fra Surgeons. New York. With Illustrations. 12mo£Clotb or Half Leather, 81 60. J&r HARPER <I‘BROTHERS icill sand any of the abovetrorks by mail, postage -prepaid, tv any part of ttu s Vnxted HtaUs,onr«ce%pt of ihe price. fe24-3t{ JUST PUBLISHED BvD. APPLETON & CO., 90, 92, 94 Grand Street, New York, LETTERS OF A Sentimental Idler, - From Greece, Turley, Egypt, Nubia and the Holy Land, Bp HARRY ISAfIEWOOD LEECH. With a portrait of the Author. engraving* of Oriental Lift), die., Ac. There letters are fresh, delightful and poetic pic'urea of. travel in the Orient The Author, in wandering through Greece. Turkey, Egypt Nubia and Syria ex. plored each storied «pot with the interest of an anti* quartan, and traced with the pen of a true poet tho indo. lent iuxuiy of boat-life on the Nile and the adventures and romance of deeeittravcl, in all of which he mloglea a vein of sweet and philosophic thought. FOR SALE BY ASHMEAD, 724 CHESTNUT STBEET, AND ALL BOOKSELLERS. Sent fret by mail to any address In the United Btatea on receipt ol ptice. 1 voL 12mo, 473 p. p. Cloth. Single copies $2 60. , _ ... fe!9 fm theta TJOXEB or FRENCH NOTE PAPER. ENVELOPES TO MATCH. LANDSCAPE INITIALS. IN BRIGHT COLORS. STAMPED WITHOUT EXTRA CHARGE. ONE QUIRE, 26a. FIVE QUIRES, 81 00. STAMPED PAPER ALWAYS ON HAND, OR STAMPED AT ONCE TO ORDER. MAKING A SPECIALTY OF STAMPED PAPER. Buying in large quantities, and having my awn DESIGNERS, ENGRAVERS AND STAMPERS. I can do work cheaper, give better paper, and delive promptly all ciders. WEDDING, VISITING and BUSINESS CARDS printed In latest atylee gpr” piato-engraved. and two packß of cards, $4. Without a plate, 82 tor two packs. MONOGRAMS. CRESTS, LANDSCAPE, Initial* en graved and PRINTED IN COLORS. ALL KINDS OF STATIONERY AS LOW. IF NOT LOWER THAN ELSEWHERE. CHALLBN, Faehionablo Stationer, fell tfj No, 1308 Ohestnut etreet 1869, Choice books on natural history. Ju«t received, from a Private Library, a very cbolco collection of bookelon Natural Hietory, many very Boarce and desirable. Priced Cataloguee tent to any address on *^n i glleh° l EYench and German Booka Imported weekly, to order. V. J. PKll/M, Importer of Foreign Book*, feS3 6ts Bansorn street r BOOK-BINDERS. . , . . . Binding Boaidß for Bale, very low, todoeeetook, au Dl f<°]2T2t« WM. H. ELLET. No. 833 Harmony street. _ W A B niNGTGNHOUB /upEM Remains open during the Winter. Goeda«emmodaaona. AKBi fe4 lmo* Proprietor. PANE CHAIRS REPAIRED AT THE JWSTITimuN L for tbe Blind, Twentieth and Race Btreeta. Store. No 11S. EIGHTH atVcet feS-tutasM _ 1869. CANNED FRUIT, VEGETABLES. CASES freah Canned 600 eases frMhOannefl Hne Applee: 300 eaie> fresh Pine Applet,lnglaajll,j}" «**«» eases Canned Tomatoest Lobsters and wan avenue. HOTELS. PERSONAL. WIS tApOMU|J^^V DIAMOND DKAIEKS & JKWISLEBS) WiTCHKH, JErfClTtV'a BILTBH WABE. r OffATOHES REPAIBEDjJ §O2 (jtngttfnt St., Wafohes of the Finest Maker** Diamond and Other Jewelry* Of the latest stylos. Solid Silver end Plated Ware, .... • • ■ • Etc. SHAIib BTEDS FOB E YEUETHOEES i 4 large ouortnest Juafc received* trith variety eetUogß, fik wmt. 11. WABNE Be CO* JSkA Wholaale Dealeri In _ Twatohes and JKWELRY, |,lt corner leventh and Ctrataat Ibteaa, | And late of No. 88 Bonth Third street ltd If OBOOEBIEI* MgiJOß«t **• FRESH FRUIT IN CANS. Peaches, Pino Apples, &o„ Green Corn. Tomatoes, ' French Peas. Tffushrooms, Asparagus, &o„ &o. ALBERT C. ROBERTB. DEALER'IN FINE GROCERIES, Corner Eleventh and Vine Streets, T ADV APPLES WHITE GRAPES—HAVANA SouthSecondetreet. , Tl ENRIB'B PATTE DE FOI jQRAB-TRUFFLES- JtL French Pen* and MtafiroonS). alwtqa on hand at Cl- U&TY'B Eaet End Grocery. No. IMBouth Bocond street. ; , . ...... (SCOTCH ALE AND BROWN STOUT. YOUNGER & OCo.’B Scotch Alo and Brown Btput-the genuine article, at S 3 goner dozens at COUBTVB Eazt End Grocery. No. 118 South Becond itrect. ‘ ' SHERRY WINE- CHOICE SHERRY WINE AT S 3 TO per gallon, by the caek of I2)C gallon* at COUBTY*S EAST END GROCERY. No. 118 South Becond etreot /ALYEN OLIVES-a» GALLONS CHOICE QUEEN w Olive, bv the barrel or gallon, at COUBTY'S EAST EnDG ROCERY. N O.UB boath Becond ztreet, financial. Dealers lu (3. 8. Bonds and members of Stock and Hold Kichougc, recetvo accounts of Banks and Bankers on lib eral terms, issne Bills of Exchange on C. J. Hambro & Son, London. B. Meizler, S. Bohn A Co., Frankfort. James W, Tucker & Co., Paris, And ottier principal cities* and Letten of credit available Uuoaglioal Boro pc S. W. corner Ttird and Chestnut Street. 104 0 MILES NOW COMPLETED OF THE UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD. The Company win have the estfre Doe flolitied through to California, and ready for tbit anmmer’a travel. WE ABE NOW SELLING The First Mortgage Geld Interest Bonds PAR AND INTEREST, lIHTIL FIIUTHEK fiOIIOE. flovernment B« cnrltlea taken In exchange at fail market rates. WM. PAINTER & CO., Bankers and Dealers in Govern ment Securities, Ifo 36 SOUTH THIRD STREET, PHILADELPHIA. 0 fe!9 3m6 STERLING A WILDMAN, BANKERS AND BROKERS, R«. 110 loath Third Slreet, Philadelphia, Special Agent, for the .ale of Danville, Hazelton & Wllkesbaire R.R. FIRST MORTGAGE BONDS. Dated 1867, due In 1887. Internet Seven Pot eetitj W able half yearly, on the first of April and tatof October, dear of Slate and United Stat« Uses. At present Dumb Bond, are oflered at the low price of “ «St tereit They vein deno® inauona of sBoo* BBW ana SIjOOO. Pamphlets eontaimng Hap*, Reports and full Informa tion on band for distribution, and will bo sent by mail on BP <?overnment Bonds and other Beonrltlee taken in ox change at market rates. _ .. . Dealers to Stocks, Bond., Loans, Gold, &c. jl2lamJ BANKING HOUSE OB' f JirCooKß&Gk US and 114 So. THIRD ST. FHZLAD'A DEALERS IN ALL GOVERNMENT SECURITIES We will receive applications for Policies of Life Insurance In the new National Life Insurance Company of the United States. Full Information given at our office. dhO nnn T086.000.-WANTED, a KpLIABLE MAN 3PZ.UUU to conduot a business najln* .®S'*SdroeS ver.r. Call between 4 nnd 9 o'clock, P. M., or aaareeo "Burnctt.” No. 409 Arch etreet. Philadelphia. . u $75007& B o^.ms .SnS Vroiwtl**, valued at 826.K0. J. M, JUMMLY li SONS. 733 Walnut aueet. 'U .% ■m- ,j HNANCIAI. , l’o4o MILES '' )■ '£ ■ 0,.-- ;, i * f | ; ABE NOW COMPLETED As 600 miles of the western portion of the line, begin. Ding at Sacramento, are also done,'but To bo Finished, to Open the Grand Through Line to the Faoiflo. This Opening will certainly take plaoe early this season. Beside* a donation from the Government of 13,800 acres oat It tod to a snbridyiij C. 8. Bonds on iUline as completed and accepted, atthej aversge rate ol about 838,000 per mtte, according to tha difficulties encountered, for which the Government takes a second lien aa security. Whether subsidies are giro. to any other companies or not! Ibe Government will com ply with all its contracts with tbo Union IP aeifle Railroad Company. Neatly the whole amount of bonds to which the Company w ill bo entitled have already been delivered. By its charter, the Company la permitted to issue it own FIRST MORTGAGE BONDB to tho same amount as the Government Bonds, and no mere. These Bonds are a First Mortgage upon the entire road and all its equip, ments. THEY DAVE THIRTY YEARS TO RUN. AT BIX FEB CENT., and both Such reeuritlrs are generally valuable In proportion to the length of time tbey have to run. The longest six per cent, gold Interest bond* of tbe U. 8. (the *81*8) will be don in 12 year*, and they are worth 112. If they bad $) yean to run, they would stand at not less than 12S. A perfectly safe Flrat Mortgage Bond like tho Union Pacific should approach this rate. The demand for European invest ment Is already considerable, atd on tbe completion of tbe work will doubtless carry the prlco to a large pro* rolnm. ««?*?;? T,?-■«><! “S' ** t l , U-,v i i .i*. ’ OKTHB UNION PACIFIC BAILROAD 200 MILES REMAIN FIRST MORTGAGE BONDS AT PAR AND ACCEDED INTEREST. PRINCIPAL AND INTEREST PAYABLE IN GOLD. BECUBITY OF THE BONDS. It needs no argument to show that a First Mortgage of $26,£60 per mile ui on what for a lccg time must be the only railroad connecting the Atlantic and Pacific State* is phbveoilt begi'bk. Tbe entire amount of the mort gage will be about $£0,000,000. and tbe interest $1,600,000 per annum in gold. The present currency cost of this in terest 1b less than 82.C00.000 per annum, while tbe gros* earnings for the year I£6S» FROM WAY BUSINESS only, en AN AVERAGB OF LESS TUAN 700 MILES OF ROAD IN OPERATION. WERE MORE THAN FIVE MILLION DOLLARS, The details of which are ai follows From Passengers. M Freight. ... " E.v press, - Mails... M Miscellaneous *• Government troop*.. •* *• freight. " Contractors* men * •• material. This large amount 1b only an indication of tbe Immense:, traffic that must go over tbe through line in a few months, when tbe great tide of Pacific coast travel and trade wil begin. It is estimated that ibis business mustmake tho earnings of the road from FIFTEEN TO TWENTY MILLIONS A YEAR. As the supply of these Bond* will soon cease, portico who desire to invest in them will find it for their interest 1 to do so at once. The price for the present is par. and ao» l clued interest from Jan. 1, in currency. { A NEW PAMPHLET AND MAP WAS ISSUED OCT. Ist, containing a report of the progress of tbe work to that date, and A more complete statement in relation to tho value of tbe bonds can be given in an advertisement» which will be lent free on application. DE®m&BRo. Dealers in Government Gold, &o„ Ptfo. 40 Hn ThLircl St,, PHILABBI.PHIS. .81,061,005 97* . 3,040,433 19 61,423 08 . 13M135 69 . 91j636 47 . 1W.C77 77 . .449,440 83 . 401,179 09- . 868.430 34 56086.661 61 TKIiECWAFHIO SllßUiaß** Dor Hamlin, one of the r flrtt settlers or Au gusta, Me., died last evening, aged 86. Baltimorb Is preparing liberally for the re ception of ex-Presldent Andreyv Jobnson.. Jab. Mac Williams, a farmer, committed sul elde, yesterday, In Orange oounty, N, Y. A woman, named Welch, killed a man, named Devine, at Alton, 111., on Monday night. r He had attempted anlaggrayatedassatlU upon her./ Tint Heath House and two stores, in Now Orleans, were burned yesterday morning. The loss Is over $lOO,OOO The Grand Jnry of tho District of .Columbia lias indlcted-eoventeeu perfona for Illegal regis tration at tho late municipal election.' General Baasloff, the Danish Minister of War, urges his government to sell its West India possessions to Unele Sam. . . ' , ;|j ; A DKSFATCii from St. - Johns, N. 8., says the Canadian fishers complain that the American fishermen are crowdlog them out of their fish eries inthpßay of Fundy. f. ; , Two men were frOzen to death while walking across tho prairie, near Carroll Station, lowa, yesterday morning. A third was so badly frozen that bis feet pnd hands must be amputated. . The Supreme Court of Louisiana has decided In favor or tho constitutionality of the one-per cent. tax of that State, and dissolved injunctions Tub UousoCommittee on Post Offices and Post Bonds have rendered an adversu report of great length upon the several schemes of Mr. E. B. Woshbnmo. Mr. G. G. Hubbard, and Mr. James V. Hall for tho ‘establishment of Borne system of postal telegraphs. £5 The canons of both thb Bepnbllcan and Demo cratic Bepresentatives hit' Congress will bo held about Tuesday next, March second, r.All new members of the’ Hbose are, expected and urged to bo 'hi Washington as early aaMonday, the first ef'MWiaUTimi rC. ■ •; is Tun Fourth National Bink of-Philadelphia, woundup Its affairs as a depository - of Govern ment tnndaAmUie 23d of September, and every? thing relating thereto ' was satlafactorily settled. The Cofnptrollerof tho Currency has Instructed special agent Henry Callender, of New York, to exomlne.and report all the. facts relating to the alleged defalcation. 1 • " Taw Tennessee River Convention, composed of 176 delegatee from Kentucky, Tennessee, Alaba marOeorgla. met at Chattanooga yesterday. A permanent organization was effectcdi wlth Governor' Bal lock, -of Georgia, aa President. Resolutions were adopted nrging the Improvement of the Tennes see river, and a was appointed to me moriaUzO COngTess upon the subject. I*ia not believed at the office of Internal Revenue that the Intention of Congress was to prohibit the sale by retail of snuff from bladders or jars. Stamped:-according to law. The office will oppose no objection to dealers retailing ennff from such stamped packages. Coal, tar and coke are regarded as manufactures, the sales of which are taxable under section fourth of the act ol Maroh 31,1868. PmsstDEßT Johnson yesterday gave an order to Lewis Bchado, E?q., lor the remains of Cap tain Henry Wlrz, who waa executed in the Old Capitol Prison, November, 1865, having been convicted by a military commission of conspiracy and murder while in command of the Confeder ate prison at Ahdersonville, and buried alongside of the conspirators In the Arsenal grounds, and yesterday afternoon the body was removed by an nndertaker. PcnnsylvunliL Legiaiatnre. | CLOSE OF YESTERDAY'S P ROCKED Of 03. ] Senate.— Mr. Connell introdneed a. bill to enable building and' loan associations tb collect debts after tbe expiration of their charters. Also, odo authorizlng the Institution for the-Blind to have connecting therewith, a home and work tbbpSj andapproprlatibg $lOO,OOO therefor. Also, one authorizing the Governor 1 , Auditor-General and Slato Treasurer to receive the conpon bonds of the Slate, and isajie therefor registered bonds payable at ffipsame; tfipe. and bearing the same rate of interat as the conpon bonds thus re el ived. Mr. Wallace, ono extending the provisions of the act of March 30,1865, relating to the payment of bounties to volunteers, to all contracts made before-tho date of said act, for the payment of bounties to drafted men by the authorities therein named, and legalizing and making valid all such contract o . Mr.SllGsonjono extending the fee bill for Alder men and Constables In Philadelphia to Delaware county. Also, one Axing the pay of Associate Judges of this State, making the pay, $3O per ■week, provided that no Jai'ge shall receive per annum less than $250 or more than $4OO. Also, one exempting the Lollur Academy, In Mont gomery county, from taxation. Mr. Wallace, one to incorporate the State Dental Society of Pennsylvania. Tho Committee on Printing reported in refer ence to the publication of Bates' Military His tory, that if there were four volumes in all ihe entire cost will be about $170,000, as follows: For compilation, $20,000; printing, binding, &z., $140,000; expressage $lO,OOO. If five volumes in all, about $207,000. The committee report, that having been ordered Dy the Governor, the legislature would hare to comply with that order. Mr. Davis read a resolution proposing an amendment to tho Coneiitutlon, providing that in every year that a Presiden t Is to bo elected there shall be no election held in October, bat on the dav of the Presidential election. Mr. Connell read a bill In reference to the set tlement of public accounts. A resolution was adopted providing that, If tho Honse concur, the Legislature, when it adjourns on Friday ne.\t, will adjourn to meet on Monday evening’March 8, at 7 o’clock. Adjourned to 3 P. M. The afternoon session was spent in tho con sideration of the Revised Tax code, which passed finally. It makes no material change in tho tax 1-ws.— The following bills were pas’aed and sent to tbs Senate: Requiring ail ownere of real estate in Philadel phia to register their property, after one mouth's notice in three daily papers, and a written or printed notice served on the owners Incorporating the Philadelphia Oystermen's Associoiif'- Mr. Hong asked permission to Introduce an act for tho better regulation of the police force in Philadelphia. fThls bill authorizes the Governor to appoint one Commissioner, each of the three Courts one Commissioner, and the Mayor to be the President of the Board. | The House refused to give permission. The House refused to agree to the Benato reso lution to adjourn over for one week. The following is tho bill authorizing the Schuylkill River Railway Company to carry freight: IPflemrs; An Act of Assembly, approved 23d March; 186 ff, authorizes, empowers and requires the city of, Philadelphia to remove all railway tracks or other obstructions on -Broad streot (ex cept such tracks as cross said street), within three years from the passage of said act; and Whereas, Great Inconvenience will arise for want of the necessary railway facilities for the delivery and transportation of freight to and from the various forwarding and shippiug ware houses, coal and lumber yards, &c,, in Philadel phia, by reason thereof; therefore. tie it enacted, etc., That the Schuylkill River Passenger Railway Company bo, and they are hereby authorised to convert their road wholly or in part into a freight railroad; to transport freight as well as passengers thereon, to chango such porticos of their route as may bo deemed most advisable, nnd also to connect with any other * railroads along their route, provided that Said road shall be in close proximity to tho Schuylkill river, and shall not extend at any point cast of Twenty-second street; and provided, also, that any such chango oflocition 6ball be made under the direction and supervision of the Chief Engi neer and Surveyor of the city. A( the evening session the Houso bill,authoriz ing the Governor to appoint as ruauy notaries public as ho deems proper, passed. The House bill, providing an additional low Judge for tho Tenth District, was passed. The House bill,: authorizing parties to make special contracts for Interest, at a highor rate than 6 per cept., was debated, but not finally dis posed of at the time of adjournment. Tlultod States Supreme Court. Washington, Feb. 24 —The following cases were considered to-day: ,„No.: 198. The United States, appellant, vs. Benjamin Argdon. Appeal from* the Court of Claims. "On motion of Mr. Assistant Attorney- General Dlckey. lt was ordered by the Court that this appeal be dismissed. ; No. 406. The 'United' States, appellant,-ys. paninel .R-Brady. ..Appejal from tho Court of iClalms.-'. On inotjon.of Mr. A^siptafit. Attorney- General Dickey, ordered by the Court that the decree of the said Court in this cause be reversed, and the cause remanded to the Court of Claims,: with directions: to enter /judgment per stipula tion of counsel. No. 72.:The Justlco of the Supremo Cottrt 'of New York,plaintiff In error,vs. the United States' cl al. Robert Murray. .This cause was arguod by Mr. Amafcd J: Parker, .of counsel for the plain tiff In error, and submitted on printed argument by Mr. Attorney-General Evarbs, for the defend ant in irroiv . .. ,t 1 No. 98. William N. Whiteloy et ai,, appellant, vs. William A. Kirby et al. . The argument of this cause was commenced by Mr. 8. S.' Fisher,of counsel for appellants. / AUairs fit Cuba. >•: ! Havana, Feb. 24.— The navalexpedition to La Gnanapa was completely succcastul. The fortifi cations erected there by the insurgents wefe first bombarded by the fleet, troops lauded, and the works carried by assault. . The rebels withdrew imd retreated Into tho country. A permanent garrleon .bf regulars whS left inCtho town: On Sunday, two battalions of , troops marched from La Gnanapa to the rellef of Puerto Principe. ■ Captaln-General Dplco yesterday addressed the sergeants and corporals of the volunteer forces, exhorting them to maintain.iprder aad obedience, and discountenance all dangtfroos'agitation. ; A large number pf prisoners have been brought to this city, and morearoexpected.; i Sugar manufactnrers demahd, relief from bur dens of taxation and protectionforthelr products, Which they complain have 'decreased one-third. The Prenbai advocates the: fe-estAbilsifment Of expdrtduties.’ •* s Havana, Feb. 24, Evening.—Accounts from Santiago are The cholera does not abate,, and. tho,. Insurgents, are plundering and destroying, plantatlons ln ‘the vicinity. * *' - - The revolutionary General Fignerado has Is sued strict orders to his subordinates to respect all property and estates owned by French citi zens. - i 4 ■ I' i 'f ; L Cane-grlndlngbas commenced on a felv plan tations In Santiago district, bat It Is not expected that more than a half , crop can be realized this season.: American provisions are Wantedlon the plantations in the provinces of Nnevitos, Glbara and Mazatlan, wherecana-grindinghaa not com- The Captain-General has Issued u proclamation Imposing additional export And import duties,, a list of which was given in a previous despatch. aOVKOEOTB or OCEAN S' i . rJCO AgBIVE. . tea* , non * ram nan Bellena. .London. .New York. Jen. 80 Virginia Liverpool. .New York Feb. 3 Baltimore Southampton. Feb. 4 India. ...Glasgow..New York. Fell. & Tarifa Liverpool. .Boeton&N York....Fab. S Colorado .Liverpool.. New York Feb. 9 Denmark .Liverpool. .New York Feb. ID Moravian. Liverpool.. Portland .Feb. 11 Java. Liverpool.. New York. Feb. IB Cityoi Mmncbeeter..Liverpool. .New York via HaL.FeD. 13 Germania Southampton. .New York.. Feb. 13 Villa de Perl, Breet. .New York Feb. 13 ■ TO OEPAin. Bellona .New York. .London : .Feb 77 India, New. York..Glae«ow .Feh. 77 Cltv ol Antwerp.. New York. -Liverpool.. .Feb. 77 lowa. New York..(>la*Kow....„. Feb. 37 Geo Washington. .New York. .New Orleans Feb. 37 Tonawanda Philadelphia. .Savannah Feb. 37 Hammonla New Yolk.. Hamburg March 3 Java New York. .Liverpool March 8 Juniata. Philadelphia..N Orb via Hav..March 8 Colorado. New York.. Liverpool March 3 Columbia..... New York.. Havana March 4 Tarifa. .........New York.. Liverpool... March 4 Pioneer..! Philadelphia..Wflmingtou Mar. D Vllle do Parle New York. .Havre March 6 Stan and Stripe*.., jPhllad’a..Havana March 10 JfciOiLYiU OF TRADE. •JOSEPH C. GBCBB. 1 GEOB B GELBI'ZBY. \ MontultCoiootteb. GEOKGE N. ALLEN. .! MARlfili BDIiLUIIB. FORT OF PHILADELPHIA— Fr.rmuABT 25. 0U» Buoo, bcDiaUß BSTB. 5 HIOZr WiTD, 1 10 ARRIVED YESTERDAY. Bcbr Ettle HftlL Muon, l day irom frederick, Del. with grain toJa« L Bewley tbCo. . ? Bchr Kuby. . 2 days from Luwca, Del, with wood to Cc-D-iuest & Lowbcx. bchr John B Conner. Bloxon, 1 day from Mngnoil&, DeL with to Ja« L liowley 6 ( o. Sciir Clayton k Lowber. Jackson, 1 day from Bmyras, DeL with prain to Jhb L lietvloy Co. bchr Aurora, Artis, 1 day from Frederica, Del. with grain to <lu L Bewiey &. Co. Srhr Four tiiitere. Laws. 1 dny from Milford, Del, w Ith bark to Ju L Bewley di Co. CLEARED YESTERDAY. Steruner J S Sbrivcr, Dennis. Baltimore, A Groves, Jr. Bark Treat, Mataazas, Wamn & Greer. Brig C V WilliMDis. T komptOD, Zaza, B & W Wolsh. Bchr ito'h H Baker. MaLanzad, Wuritn A, Gregg. Bchr ti T Hedges, Franklin, C&ib&ricu. do MKMOKAWTIA Ship Cicero (Br). Massey, Bailed from Calcutta 4tb in*t. for New York. Shir Freeman Clark. Small, from Rangoon for England, w&j off St. Helena Irt nit. SbipJemea Chetton. Swain, from Callao for Rotter dam. at Deal eth inet ttbip Lawrence brown. Pierce, from Bw*nfea 20th June for ohobama, was epoken 28th Nov in Gillolo Pa-eace. Ship Btlvidere, Uowet, from Sew York for Yokohama, was spoken Jan 23 lat 2d N, long 40 W. Ship Bengal, We*L from New > ork 4th. July for Shang hae. arrived atGiilolo Parage 6tb Dec Ship Louies (Br) JLanedowne, called from Uong Kong 29th Dec for New York. hbip Sorrtderen (Norw), Ptderara. cleared at New Orleans 19th Inst, for Liverpool, with L3t>B bales cotton and 2 4Qf' Ship Andrew Jackcon, Field, from Calcatta for Boston, with a general cargo, grounded near Budge Bridge but after floating the master telegraphed that she was per fcctlv tight and in his opinion received no injury, and she proceeded Jan 14th- Ship Surprise, KanletL from Foochoofoo for New York, with tea, was three day# on chore at Hong Kong—chip and cargo badly damaged. Ship VVennington. Tidmareh, from Calcutta for N York, was tpohen 24tb ult lat 3 N. lons 32 d W. Ship Cleopatra, Doane. from New York for Ban Fran cbco, was spoken 4th ult lat 7S, long 31. bhip Formosa, Paulsen, called from Amoy Dec 10 for Ni oik. Ship Sir William Wallace (Br), Taylor, sailed from Shanghai 18th Dec lor New Yora. Steamer Prometheus, Gray, sailed from Charleston yesterday for this port. Steamer Norfolk. Platt hence at Richmond 23d inst Steamer brunette. Howe, henco at Now York yesterday. Steamer Virginia tßr), Forboa,at Now York from Laver pool Feb 5 and Queenstown 6tb. has 147 passengers. Ex perienced heavy westerly gales the entire passage. Steamer City of Baltimore, Deiamotte, at Queenstown £3d inst from New York. Ctcauier Hibernia, Smith, at London 24th inst, from Baltimore, Voeckler, from Bremen Ist and Southampton 6th. at Baltimore aid lout. Steamer Cub% Duke hart, sailed from New Orleans 20th inct for Havana and Baltimore, via Key "V\ c?t. Steamer Crepctnt New Orleans 21st Inst from New York. Steamer Persia, frem LiverpooLatNew York yesterday. Steamer Cuba (Br), Moodie, cleared at New York yes terday for LiverpooL _ . _ . Steamer Henry cbatmcey, Conner, cleared at Now York vesterday for Liverpool. , a bteamor Colorado (Br), Cutting, from Liverpool, atNew York yesterday. t _ Steamer Fah-kec, 6 teele, at New Y ork yesterday from B Bark < YVaep. Brady, from Messina for this ton >. passed Gibraltar 28th ult. Berk Sea Eagle. Coete, from New Orleans via,Kqy west, at New York23d Inst. , BarkKato Young. Young, from New YorklOth Jnty for Shanghae. was spoken 6th Dec In Qillolo va*Bage. ', • \ Bark Sterling, Harding.oailed from Hong Kong 2Mb Dee for New York. . in'4m* 1 Brig Romance, Duncan, from Navassa for .Baltimore; was spoken 12th Inst off Inaguo. Would pnt into lnagua f °Bchr Mary E Rankln,HalLwaB loadingat Richmond 23d‘ chr* Annfo^May, May, from Portsmouth, NEf*for this port, sailed from Holmes* Hole 21st inet. ~ Schr BOWI ilden. Robertson, hence for Boston, eailed from Holmes* Bole 20th inet - „ . , Schr Rough Diamond, Wbelpley, from 8t John, NB, for this port sailed from Holmes* Bole 21st inst. Scbr J li Perry.Keliy.sailed from New Bedford 23d last, for this port, and put in at Bouth Dartmouth. Schr H M Wright, Fisher; cleared at Baltimore 23d Almfra°Wooley, King, cleared at Boston 23d lnat. f °Schr J P £<mder,Jr,Springer. from Wareham for this pork sailed from New Bedford 2Bd ioat * j _ _ Scbr E D Endicott, Endicott cleared at New York yes terday for this port = • :; , . Schr H L Slaighthonce for Boston,at N London22d inst NOTICE .TO MARINERS. / WILMINGTON. NC, BAR.—It Is stated for tho bonefit of masters of vessels bound to Wilmington, NC, that chore are 83$ feet at low water on tho New Inlet bar, and 7 feet 4 Inches on tho north bar. OIKW7TB’ ft’SHSI’HOMBN® SOOOO. ivy- GKNT»B PATENT SPRING AND BUT toned Over GaitenMJloth,Leather,whitG and JY $ brown Linon; Children’s Cloth and Velvet cjr Leggings; also made to order ctfQf Mi Ur-GEfcT’S FURNISHING GOODS, of every description, vory low, 803 Cheatnat street, corner of Ninth. The best Kid Glove, fnr ladiei and gente. at - ‘ - ’ RIOHELDERFER'S BAZAAR. FnoHtfi OPEN IN THE EVENING. CUTIERY. ■DODGERS’ AND WOSTENUOLM’S POCKET rt KNIVES. PEARL and STAG HANDLEB. of bona, tifnl finish. RODGERS’ nnd WADE <& BUTOHEIt'3, and the CELEbRATED LECOULTRE RAZOR SCISSORS IN GABEB of the finest quality. Razors, Knives Scissors and Table Cutlory. Ground ana Polished. EAR INSTRUMENTS of the most approved construction to' assist tho hearing, at P. MADEIRA’S, Oatler and Bar gical Instrument Maker. US Tenth street, below Chest nnt. ■ myl-tf White oastilei soap.-ioo boxes genuine White Castile Boap. landing from brig Pennsylvania, from Genoa, and for ,ale br JOS* & BUSSIEB & CO., ID South Delaware avenue. THE DAILY EVENING BULLETIN—PHILADELPHIA* THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 25,1869. •i r : , S •' -• r - -SJ- / r -t- •» -,-r.'3 £ .>1 .t?’. I*.'^! Id ':1 :JLJ .< .V r.J'» ' v - A J ' *.' 'Y.. -A.. 1 :, L > • F .. i.- -' '1 *1829 P^?BTUAL ' j jf'jrAnkil.iiy j fire insurance company OF PaiA.AOEI.FHIA. Office---435 and 437 Chcitnut Streets ’ Aseete on January 1,1869, • Capital.....ii:.,v.C .... A..jMim.oog 00 Accruedßurpln*.,...... ......... 70 IJNfIETTLifcD CLAIMS; “T". - H ZHCOUEIFbB i 869. [ .. ssr $360,000. ~ - Loßßes Sino© 1829 Over I j ..11 - Perpetual and Temporary Poildee on Liberal Terma. ! IHEELIOBB. . . ( Chaa. N. Bancker, Alfred Fltler. Samnel Grant, Thomaa Sparka, ' Geo. W. Hichardf, Wm. S. Grant, i L»aac Lea, Alfred G. Baker, Geo. Pales, Thomas 8. EUifl. i CHABLEB N. BANCKEK, President GEO. FALEB, Vice President ; JAB. W. MoALLIBTER, Secretary pro tem. ? WM. GREEN, Aealstant Secretary. , a, « j fell tdeSl MUTUAL SAFETY INSURANCE COM U PAJNY. - • Incorporated by the Leguuatare of Pennsylvania, I^6, ! ’ mabuSelnsuuancbs . „ p n 1118 woru - On good, by river, canah lakp aodlatid cirriago to ah part, of the Union. FILE INSURANCES „ OnMerehondiia generally!onStofe^rDwellings , r.;i-V - f - ; ASSETS OF THE COMPANY. November L 1860. 120.000 United State. But Per Cent Loan, ju 136,800 00 KWOO United Stale* Six .Per Cent Loan Cofot Padfie-Kai&oad) ... .... 60,000 00 ; 300.000 State of Pemuvlrania Six Per _ ; cent L0an...... ............ 21L375 00 1 Loan (exempt irom Tai). .7Tr. 158A94 00 j 60,000 State Jeney Six Ppr -Cent, ... . - Fenmylvauia Kaifrokd Firit Moiu gage Six Per Uent80nd....... 20300 0 86.000 Pennwteaala Bailroad 1 'Second' Mortgage Six Percent Bonds.. 34,000 00 25,000 Western Pennsylvania Railroad Mortgsge BLxPer Cent Bonds (Penna. RR- gnscantee) 20,625 00 80,000 State of Tcame»ee Five Per Cent ' _ 21,000 00 7.000 State of Tennessee Six Per Cent. ■ _ Loan?. ,6»03J.i8 15,000 Germantown Gas Company, princi pal and interest 1 guaranteed by the City of Philadelphia, 800 ■h&iesstock 15,000 00 10.000 Pennsylvania Rsllib&d Cotnpany, . 200 shares stQck. 11,30000 6,000 North Pennsylvania Raflroad Com ' pany, 100 shares stock; A5OO W 2£UXW Philadelphia and Southern .Mail ! Steamship Company, 80 shares 1 stock 15,000 00 207,900 Loans on Bond and Mortgage, first <- - liens on City Properties 207,900 00 Market Value, S 1*130.825 25 Cost. 8L093.604 V Beal Estate... 38,000 Bills Receivable for Insurances made - 322,486 94 Balances duo at Agencies—Pre miums on Maxine Policies—Ac crued Interest and other debts due the Company. 40J73 88 Stock and Scrip of sundry Corpora tions, 83,156 00. Estimated value I*Bl3 00 Cash in Bank 8116,150 03 . Cash in Drawer. " 413 65' 116,563 73 81,190,900 Par. DIRECTORS; Thomas C. Hand, James B. McFarland* Edward Darlington* .William C. iiudmg, Joseph H. Seal, Jacob P. Jones, Edmund A-Souder. Joshua! P. Kyra, Tbcophilua Paulding, William G. Boulton* , Hugh Craig. nenrVC. D&Uett, Jr., John Cw Davia* JqhnD. Taylor, . jtmea C. Hand, Edward Uatourcade* John R. Penrose,' Jacob Rlagel* EL Jones Brooke, George YV. Bernadou* Sptncer M’llF&ino, Wm: C. Houston, Henry Bloan* ‘ : DrX. Morgan, Pittsburgh, Samuel E. Stokes, John B. Semple, do.* James Traquair, A. B. Berger, do. THOMAS G. HAND. President JOHN C DAVIS, Vico President. HENRY LYLBURN, Secretary. HF.NRY BALL. Ass’t Secretary mHE RELIANCE'INSURANCE COMPANY OF PHIL. I ADELFHIA. _ „ Incorporated in 1841. Charter Perpetual, office, Na 308 Walnut Btreet. CAPITAL 53U0.000. Insures against loss or damage by FIRE, on Houses, Stores and o'faer buildings, limited or peipetual, and on Furniture. Goods, Wares and Mesehandise In town or PROMPTLY ADJUSTED AND PAID. Aaecta 8437.698 32 Invested in the following Securities, viz.: First Mortgages on City i*rqperty,well secured.sl6B,6oo oo United fa tales Government Loans 117,000 uo Philadelphia City 6per cent Loans 75,000 00 Pennsylvania $3,000,000 6 per cent. Loan. BO.OOU Oj Pennsylvania Railroad Bonds, first Mortgage.. 5,000 00 Caznden pnd Amboy Kailroad Company's 0 per Cent. Loan Loans c-n Collaterals Huntingdon and Broad Too 7 per Cent Mort gage Honda-.. .............. 4.660 00 County Fire Insurance Company’s 5t0ck....... 1,030 00 Mechanics' Bank Stock. 4.000 00 Commercial Bank of Pennsylvania Stock 10.0 U) 00 Union Mutual Insurance Company’s Stock &0 00 Be liance iiu ure-nce Company of Philadelphia Stock a,250 00 Cash in Bank and on hand 12.258 32 Worth at Par. Worth this date at market prices DIRECTORS. Clem. Tingley, Thomas H. Moore, Wm. Musser, Bamael Caste or, Samuel Biepnam, James T. Young, H. L. Careon, Isaac F. Baker. Wm. Stevenson. Christian J. Hoffman, Benj. W. Tingley. „ I - JBamnel B. Thomas, Edward Bitier. CLRAL TTNGDEY, President. Thomab C. B ill. Secretary. /• Philadelphia, December 1,1066. FHCENIX INBUBANGE COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA. INCORPORATED 1804-CHARTER PERTETUAL. No. 234 WALNUT Street, opposite the Exchange. This Company insures from losses or damage by FIRE on liberal terms on buildings, merchandise, furniture, &c,,for limited periods, and permanently on buildings by deposit or premium. The Company has been in active operation for more than sixty years, during which all losses have been promptly adfurtrf »*£**„,„ _ John L Hodge, David IjQwin, M. B.' Mahon?. Benjamin Etting, Jolin T. Lewis, Thoa. H. Powers. Wm. B- Grant, A. K. McHenry, Robert W.'Lcamlng, Edmond Uastillon, D. Clark Wharton, Bamnel Wilcox, ! Lawrence Low fe R. WL%™.°P&ldent. Samuel Wilcox, Secretary. ‘ " Tj>lßEi INSURANCE EXCLUSIVELY.—THE PENN- Jj sylvania Fire Insurance Company—lncorporated 1825 —Charter Perpetual—No. 510 Walnut street, opposite In <s'fhlßCon)epany 1 0 favorably known to the community for over forty years, continues to insure against loss or dam age by fire, on Public or Private Buildings, either perma nently or for a limited time. Also, on Furniture, Stock* of Goods and Merchandise generally, on liberal terms. Their Capital, together mth a large sSnrptusv Fond, is invested In a most careful manner, which enables them to offer to the insured an undoubted security in the case of loss. DIRECTORS. Daniel Smith, Jr.V John Deyereux. i Alexander Benson, Thomas Smith, Isaac Hazlehurat, Henry,Lewis, Thomas Robins, ~ „ ,J. GtiUngham Fell, * Jr., President. WiuiAif G. Cbowell, Secretary JEFFERSON FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY OF Philadelphia.—Office, No. 24 North Fifth street, near Market street. , _ Incorporated by the Legislature of Pennsylvania. Char ter perpetual. Capitol and . Assets, $166,000. Made© insu rance against Loss or damage by Fire on Public or Private Buildings, Furniture; Stocks, Goods and,Merchandise, on favorable terms. ’ i DIRECTORS. Wm. McDaniel, Edward P. Moyer, Israel Peterson, Frederick Ladner, John F. Beletorling,, Adam J. Glaaz, Henry Trocmner, Henry Ddlahy, Jacob Behan dein, JobnEUiott, Frederick Doll, Christian D. Frick, Bamnel MiHer, • George E. Fort, L .William D.Gordnor. ■ ■ WJELUAM MoDANIEL. President IBRAEL PETERSON, Vice President lip E. Colemah, Secretary and Treasurer,, ( THE. OOUNTY FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY—OF iI fice, No. 110 Bonth Fourth streeVbelow Chestnut f*The Fire Insurance Company of the County of Phila delphia,” Incorporated by thoLegislatUre of Pennsylva nia in 1889, for indemnity against loss or damage by fire, T . , CHARTER PERPETUAL. This old and reliable institutiomwith amnio capital and contingent fund carefully invested, to insure buildings, furniture, merchandise, &c., either permanent ly; or for a limited time,againat loss or damage by fire, at tub lowest rates consistent with the absolute safety of Its customers. v r, . Cb adjusted J. Butter, 1 Andrew H. Miller, Henryßudd, James N. Stone, John. Horn, EdwinLßealdrt, Joseph Moore, BdbortV. Massey, Jr., , feorgeMecko, . Mark Devine.' ■ . . CHARLES J. BUCTBR, President, 1 /-.HENRY BUDDryice President BENJAMIN F, HQECKLEY. Secretary and i O&oe, No, BDWAENCT (treeta *boT*TyrS,.PhO»._ ! WUimrora aialnst host or Damage ByF&gßn Bond ing either perpetnuUyor. for a Umlt&timeeHPiiMhabt Furnitpre and Merchandise generally. _ < Al«o, Marfnelnaurance on Vessel*, Cargo** and Freight*. -Inlandlnsurance to aUparteol tho UiUon. I . DIUEOTOHS. •' : ■" Wm. E«ber, Xewl* Audeuriea, ■ p. Luther. . . JobnKetcham, ‘ John K. Blakiston, ... J. E.Banm, . Wm. F. Dean, , Joimß.HeyL. . Peter Bieger. Saniuel H. Rothermel EBHEB. President. „ F. DEAN, Vico President. Jaa3-to,th,*,tf Wm. M. Surra. Betotaryf | JBITED-CTKEMEN’B jnsueanoe company op t This Company takes risks at theloweat ratoa consistent With eafoty, and confines its business exclusively to FIBE INSURANCE IN THE CITY, OF PHILADELi j v ■ phia. - ■ I OFFICE—No. 723 Arch street; Fourth National Bank Building.r ... ' OSoitiM J.MarUn, DIEECT BbwIoa BlßmUh. i John Hirst Albertus King. ) Wio;' At £oiiQt ' Bumm* •' < Janes Uod{&o« James Wood* • < William Glenn* John Bhallcros*. : « Jame* Jenner. ■ J, Henry Alikin, Alexander Ti Dickson, HaghMaUigan; } t Wm. A. Bolik,Treas. ~, Fagim. Boc’y.' J Ojga FIRE ASSOCIATION OF PHILADfiI* S' SHBIiS' t>^*< March . 27, ISKt Olfice, <—Reg. Mo - 8* North Fifth street. Insure Buildings. iMBHBjea -Household Furniture and . Merchandise generally, from Lose bV Fire. AssetsJan.l,lBB3. .U....8W06.055 08 i - . . , TRUSTEES. , william H. Hamilton. ■ Samuel Bparhawk,' yPeter Charles F. Bower. ' John Carrow, Jesse Llghtfoot, j Georgel. Young. Robert Shoemaker, , Joseph K. Lyndall, Peter Armbruster, ; lisn P. .Coats,; . /H. H. DicUnson. ; . ; Peter William bo n. “ 1 < i ii WM.B. HAMlLTON.Preside, fer :.r ■ i „ . BAMUBLBPARHAWK. Vice President ■ WM. T. BUTLER, Secretary.: ■’ 1 . , A MEBICA N FIBB, INBUKANCB COMPANY. IN COB id. porated 1810.—Charter perpetnaL ; No, OO WAINDT street above TUrAPhlladelphla. i Having a large paid-up Capital. Stock and Surplus ln>, geeted in sound and available Securities, continue to ln- : sure on dwellings, stores, furniture, merchandise, vessels In port and their cargoes, and other personal property. All lessee liberally and yrom gated. ■ Thomasß. Marls, lEdmUnd O. Dutilh,, .John Welsh, Charles W. Poultney. Patrick Brady, Israel Morris, JobnT.liwU. [John P. Wetherilt s William w. Ban], , 1 _ THOMAS K. MABIB, President Amn* CrClßwvoitij.Bwiretary - r ; The fame insurance company, u fiob no 406 CHESTNUT BTBEET. PHTt.anF.r.PTTTA. FIBE INSURANCE EXCLUSIVELY. dibeutobb: Chas. Richardson, Robert Pearce. Wel H. Ithawn, John Kessler. Jr., Francis N. Buck, ; John W. Everman. , Henry Lewis, Edward B. Ome, : Goo. A- West Chaa/Btokes, Nathan HUles, Mordecal Busby, CHAB RICHARDSON, President „ WE H. KHAWN. Vice-President ■ Wn.niAMß L Blabohabd. Becretarr' fIAOHIREBIi IRON, *«• JEON FENCE- Tho undersigned arc prepared to execute orders (or | . ENGLIBH IRON FENCE, of the best make. The attention of owners of Country Scats Is especially asked to this as at once the most sightly, tbe most durable, and the most economical fence that can be used. Specimen panels may be eeen at our office. YARNALL, to TRIMBLE, •418 South Delaware avenue. M SOUTHWARK FOUNDRY, 430 WASHINGTON Avenue. Philadelphia. MANUFACTURE STEAM ENGINES—High and Low Freranre, Horizontal I Vertical, Beam, OiciilatinK. Blait and Comiah Pump- BOulEßS—Cylinder, Fine, Tubular, Ac, STEAM HAMMERS—Naamyth and Davy itylea, and at tali alzea*'' , CASTINGS—Loam, Dry and Green Sand, Brass, Ac. ROOFS—Iron Framea. for cohering withrSlate or Iron. TANKS—Of Cast or Wrought' Iron, for refineries, water. GA£? MACHINERY—Such ai Retorts, Bench Castings, i Holders and-Frames, Purifiers, Coke and Charcoal Bar. >rowß, Valves, Governors, Ac. . , SUGAR MACHINERY—Such as Vacuum Fans and Pumr»> Defecators, Bone Black EUtera, Burners, Wash [ers and Elevators; Bag Filters, Sugar and Bone Black sCars, 6c. Solemanofactnrersol the following specialties: ' In Philadelphia &ad vicinity, of Wiluoxn Wright’s Patent Variable Cutoff Bteam Engine. • • ' In Pennsylvania, of Shaw Patent Dead-Stroks .Power Hammer. In the United States, of Weston*s Patent Self-centering -and Self-balancing Centrifugal Sugar-dromingMachina, Glass 6 Bartol’s improvement on Aspinwall 6 woolseofi {Centrifugal. Bartol’s Patent Wrought-Iron Retort Lid. Btrahan*s Drill Grinding Rest Contractors for the design, erection, and fitting up of BA fineries for working Sugar or Molasses. 11,647^780 COPPER AND YELLOW METAL SHEATHING, Brazier*! Copper Nails, Bolts and Ingot Copper, con* ctantiy on liana and for sale by HENRY WTNSOB6 CO M No. 833 South Wharves. PIG IRON.-TO ARRIVE, NO. 1 SCOTCH PIG IRON— Glengarnock andCambroe brands. For sale in lott to suit by PETER WRIGHT & SONS, 115 Walnut street, Philadelphia. nolOtf PURE PAINTS.—WE OFFER TO THE TRADE PURE White Lead, Zinc, White and Colored Paints of our own manufacture, of undoubted purity, in ouantitles to suit purchasers. ROBERT SHOEMAKER & CO., Dealen in Paints and Varnishes, N. E. comer Fourth and Race streets. n027-tf RHL BARB BOOT, OF RECENT IMPORTATION AND very superior quality; White Gum Arabic, East In dia Castor Oil, White and Mottled Castile Soap, Olive Oil, of various brands. For sale by ROBERT SHOEMAKER & CO., Druggists, Northeast corner Fourth and Race streets. n027-tf T\RUGGIBTBV SUNDRIES.- GRADUATES, MORTAR. JL/ Pill Tiles, Combe, Brushes, Mirrors, Tweezers, Pun Boxes, Horn Scoops. Burgical Instruments, Trusses, Hard and Soft Rubber Goodß, Vial Cases, Glass and Metal Syringes, all at M Firet Honda 1 * prices. SNOWDEN <fc BROTHER, apa. tf 23 South Eighth street. 32 .$454.381 32 pOBERT SHOEMAKER & CO., WHOLESALE XL Druggists, Northeast comer Fourth and Race streets, invite the attention of the Trade to their large stock of Fine Drugs and Chemicals, Essential Oils, Sponges, Corks, &c« n 037 tf OliOTßli gA«BRm«KKB. CLOTH STORE—JAMES & LEE, No. U NORTH SECOND street, have now on band a large and choice assortment of Fall and Winter Gpods, particularly ad apted to the Merchant Tailor Trade, comprising in part, French, Belgian and American Cloths of every descrip tion, / / OVERCOATINGS. Black. French Castor Beavers. Colored French Castor Beavers. London Bine Pilot Cloths. Black and Colored Chinchillas. Blues, Black and Dahlia Moscow*. STUFFS. Black French Cassimeres. Do.’ do.. Doeskins. Fancy Cassimeres new styles. Steel Mixed Doeskins. Cassimeres for suits, new styles. 8-4 and 6-4 Doeskins, beat makes. _ . Velvet Cords, Beaverteens, Italian Cloths. Canvas, with every variety of other trimmings, adapted to Men's and Boys' wear, to which we invite the alien tionof Merest Tallow and ofhe^whotage wid ; No.ll North Second etreet aulOtf , Sfcn of the Golden Lamb. The best makes of black and colored BILKS. " Fancy Bilks. Fashionable Drees Goods, ; Lyons Silk Velvets. ; Beet Velvet Clothk ; Fine Astrachan Cloths. Desirable Cloaking*. * Broche and Blanket Shawls. Silk Plushes and Velveteens. _ „ Fine Blankets, Ac, Fancy Dress Goods closing out cheap. _ „ EDWIN HALL & CO„ • , 28 South Second street ■OSIIIEIS CUUtDB. lAioca A. wkiout, vhobhtoh Rxx.OLiaaan a.qbdooii tnnoiiom wbioht. nmg e. mma. PETEEWBIGHT A SONS, Importer* of Earthenware ■ -.p and Bhipplnc and Commission Merchants* No. 115 Walnut street* Philadelphia, CIOT-1 ON BAIL DUCK OP EVERY WIDTH, PROM ) 29inchto Iti Inches wide, all number,'. Tent and Aiming Duck, Fnpor.niaker'u Foiling, Bail Twine, die. i . .-I JOHNW. EVERMAN, Ja36 No. 103 Church atreot. City Stores. PRIVY WELLB—OWNERS OF PROPERTY—THE 1 only placo te get privy wells cleansed and disin fected, atvory low Vrioea.. A. PEYBBON, Manufacturer Ponflretfcm flnldumith’s Hall, Library street GAS FIX TUB E 8.-MIBKEY, MERRILL A THAGKARA, wo. 718 Chestnut street, manufacturers of Gaa Fixtures, Lamps, Ac., Ac., would call the attention of the public to their targe and elegant assortment of Gas Chandeliers; PendantA Brackets, Ac. They also introduce gas pipes into dwellings and public buildings, and attend to extending, altering* and repairing gas pipes. All work warranted nOB S EMAN SHIP SOIENTIFICAUjF TEST* taught atthePhlladelphia Biding School, Fourth street above Vine. The horees are quiet and thoroughly trained. For hire, saddle horses.' Also car* risgee at au times for weddings, parties, opera, funerals, Aq. Bones trained to the saddle. • _ , ’> THOMAS CBAIOTS A PON. riANTON PBEBERVED GINGER. - PRESERVED \JGlngerwinsyrup, of the oelebrated Chyloongbrahdi »v|noo, , i; : - ■' ■■ jnmißuuKn. DBDBR. DRY eOODB. OABH'I XTtJHES. ipuryttpcxioau ~ Axronoit ajuJBB, FURNITURE. ; ;>: ■ L*®“TheBtoikl>f Elegant Furniture manu'»ctur<Jd bjr OEO. J, HENR.EXB and LACY A Co„ to bo Mid attha auction rooiUß, on FRIDAY," NEXT, la now ananffod for examination! vc ,- r uv t. yvu; ■ ■' : • BTOCKSjLOANB.frc. > : -'" . ..ON,TUEUDAYi MARCHS. At 13 o'clock noon.ntthe Pniladelohia Excnan**, r. -iExecutors Sale. v-' i •-? -» ■ 8760 XT. S. Fivd-tweu'tles, coupons January and Jily. > ,- T ;For utfaer Accounted ; 50 shares National BankoEtho Republic. .. *v . 860iO 2d mortgage bond* West Chester and Philadelphia , . Railroad Co. , 1 share Phiftdelphlalifbrary. *• i 4 6 share® Bank of North America, „ '8 shares Penn’s Wood Prtiervlng Co.; par 856. 26 shares Camden, and Atlantic RailroadUo,Cold.) 60 Shares Richmond Granite Go., par $lOO. .200 shares American Buttonhole Machine Co. BEAD ESTATE SALE, MARCH 2. < Wht inclcde , Orphans’ Court Sale—Estate-'of’ C. Weldon.• LARGE AND. VALUABLE STABLE,-BRIG* DWBV LING and LAhGB LOT, N. Eieorner of Seventeenth and Vine ate., 125 feet on Seventeenth atreet. 83 feet on Vino slrect. and 7ufe«t on Fearlttreet—3 fronts. It is an old. well-established butinet* stand. < ' •• .-t / / 1 Orphans* Court Sate—Estate of Elizabeth M. Wood, deo*d -O',WO-STOKY FRAME DWELLING, NO; 3307 Market st; . . ! Hams Ketits~-3.FRA.UE DWELLINGS,Laheaater turn piko road, nbrthweat of Crammond at. . , .. orphaia’ 'Court Bale—Estate or Marik Lew'lijdec’d. MODERN THREE STOR* BRICK DWELLING. No. 1681 South Fiithstreet. north of Worth 'And'below Dick* erson tf H?flt..W,ard. . , , peremptory TWOBTORYFRAME DWEL* LINOS.-Front street, south ofMoorev First Ward; > • ! TEGtEESTORY' BRICK DWELLING, No. Frank* tin street, above Diamond. v - ••• ->( THfiE&BTOEY RHICK DWELLING, No. 1816 Chris* fianet. .- ,i-, n... .. . VERY BRICK ftESl*' DENCE. No. 1320 Spring Garden stieet—22 feet front. : Vebt Vatuable BcsrNEaa STAwii—THRKE STORY PRICE SIcRE, No. 9% Market street—29 feet front, 120 feet deep. ' Vest Valuable BuetNSsd Stand—THREEOTORY BRI‘ K S jORE. NO: 9 North .Fourth street, above Market —24 feet 2 Inches fropt. ~ LOT, Vanhorn street, hetwtfen Sophia and Bites' et&« ? Busntzaa : Stand-THREE-STORY BRICK BTORR ano DWELLING, No. 921 Marketetreet 21M feet front, 200 feet deep to Farquhar street—2 fronts. Ano, a brick triable inthe rear qn Farquhar sti __ VALUABLBBUBtNE6BFnOPEBTT—FOUR STORY BRICK FACTORY, N 0414 Locuat;atreet; with* Threo-atory Brick Factory Building in tbe rear. THfiEE-SioßV* BRICK DWELLING, No.»116 South Twelfth street, below. Chestnut. - . _ MODERN THREE-STORY BRICK DWELLING, No 1844 Master at . , .. ,i .? .. . THKEEBTOBY BRICK DWELLING, No. 92J Barta(n BlrceLaouth of Glrud avesue. h,tween Eleventh’and Twelfth - - -t , THREE-STORY BBICK DWELLING. No. S6l LeMch avenue, Nineteenth W ard Atjrclniitxalor’fl Peremptofr tbe Will of Israel B.. Elliott, dec’d—BßlCK DWELLING. Penn «t„ FfanYf6WE^ea«^hlltt‘Wtt'a. r " T VALUABLE MILL PROPERTY, flonUmldo of Taster street, cut of Eighth «L • ■ ' ’ ■ BALE 3 0F STOCK B AND REAL ESTATE. Exchanco EVEBk ■JBr Furniture Sale, at the Auction Store EYEBY THURSDAY. Sale, at Beddencea recetre eniecikl attention. _« BALE OF CHOICE AND ELEGANT BOOKS! ON TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY AF ‘ TERNOONB. Feh. 23. S 4 and as, At 4 o*rl° c k. at the auction store, a fine collechonof English Books, comprising the beat authors, in all de partments of literature and Fine Arts. Catalogues now ready. Sale No. 189 and 141 Eiouth Fourth street. EXTENtIVE SALE OF ELEGANT CABINET Ft RNITURE, . _ TO CLOSE A PARTNERSHIP ACCOUNT, , ON FRIDAY MORNING. Feb. 26. at 16 o’clock, will be sold at public sale, in our Urge second story warerooma, without reserve, by cata logue, a large and exteußive assortment of Eleganc Cabi net Furniture, including Rosewood. Walnut and Ebony Parlor. Chamber and Dining Room Furniture, finished in the latest style coverings and marblevall made by the celebrated manufacturers. Geo. J. Henkels. Lacy A Co., and comprising a choice selection; warranted in every respect well worthy the attention of persons fur ui'bing. May be examined three days previous to sale,with catalogues. PUBLIC* BALE. horses, cowa., wagon,. bl,eigh..harness, &a ON “fiONDAV'kFTEKNO'O N March 1, at 2 o’clock, at the Farm of James M. BuDoek, Eeq , Church lane. Darby, Delaware county, without re* Berve, 11 superior Milch Cows* half breed Alderney Balt Gray Marc, Grain Wagon, Sleigh, Plow, Double and Sin* gle Harness Collars, Halters, <sic. tST Bale positive.; Terms cash. ABSIONEE’SSALE. VALUABLE REAL ESTATE, MAO iINERY, TOOLB AND PERSONAL PROPERTY OF “THE . NA TL NAL IRON ARMOR AND SHIP BUILDING COMPANY, 1 ’ KAIGHN’S POINT, N. J. i ON TUESDAY MORNING. March 9, 1869, will bo sold at publio sale, on the pro misee, in the South Ward of Camdec, N. J., by order of the United States District Court’ for the District of New Jersey, all the valuable Real Estate Wharvee. Marine Railway. Buildingr. Improvements. Motive Power. Ma chinery, Tools, Fixtures, Unfinished Machinery, Boilers, Timber. Scrap Iron, Personal Property and Assets of the National iron Armor and. Ship Building Company, bank rupt- Full t articularß In catalogues and handbills. Davis a babvey. alctioneerb. Late with M. Thomas A Bona. Store Nos. 48 ard 50 North SlXTHstreet Large and Attractive Hale at the Auction Store, Nos. 48 and 50 North Bixth street. ELEGANT FURNITURE, ROSEWOOD PIANO, BuO-ECAaES. Fine CARPETe, Ao. ON TUESDAY MORNING. At 10 o'clock, at the auction store. Noa. 48and60 North Sixth stroet, below Arch s reef, a splendid assortment of well made Cabinet Furniture, iicluding—Parlor Suits, rerv elegant Oilrd Walnut Chamber Suits, newest styles; Oak »nd Walnut Bookcases, Handsome Etagere Side boards. Handsome Oiled Wardrobes, Lauhges, Cottage Suits, Oak and Walnut Extension Tables, 29 Centre and Pouquet Tables* fine toue Rosewood Piano Forte, fine Tapestry. Brussels, Ingrain and Venetian Carpets, very superior Srring and Hair Ua'resses, 23 Straw Palliasses and Matxeesce, tine Feather Beds and Bedding, China and Glassware. Cooking Utensils.&e. ELEGANT LIBRARY BOOKCASE. Ac. Also, very eli eant Urge size Walnut Bookooso. with three French Plate Glass doors, made by Moore A Cam* pion; cost $345; *uperior Walnut Secretary, with secret drawers; elegant large size Wardrobe, and Dressing Bu reaus, &C. , BTOCK OF A FURNITURE STORE. AUo, by order of Executor, the entire stock of a New and becondba< d Furniture Store, including Cottage Bed steads ond Bureaus, Lounges, Bofas, Chairs, China. Blankets, Ac. 3 B SCOTT, Jb., AUCTIONEER. . SCOTT'S ART GALLERY 1020 CHESTNUT street. Philadelphia IMPORTANT SPECIAL SALE OF HIGHEST CLASS MODERN PAINTINGS. The Private Collection of C. w. F Calvert, Esq., 1517 North Broad street B. SCOTT, Jr., is instructed by Mr C. W. F. CALVERT to announce for public sale his entire private collection of Modern Paintings,previous to his departure for Europe. The sale will take place at Scott’s Art Gallery, lOfiu Chestnut street. ON THURSDAY.EVENING. Feb. 25, at 7% o’clock. Among the Artists represented are— Carl Boker, Nordenburg, De Heuvol, B. Savry, liulek, Van-dor-bin, Verwee, Sondcrmann, Stroebei, Dp Muldu, huyten, W. Koekkoek. G; Engelhardt, Van der WsardonF Kruseman, F WelechelbHnck, Chs. Leickert. H. Weiner, Emerick. Thoa. Sully, E. 1). Lewie. Jaa Hamilton, G. W. Nicholson. A. Van Willis, Bonfield, Laurent de Beal, Von Sebin, F, Musin, Van Beverndonck,Jacobsen, J. F. Herring, Raoux, Litachauer, Loemans, M A. Koekkoek W. Angus, L. Smets, A. Maes, and others. Open for inspection on Monday. Bale positively without the least reserve. Aif ARTIN BROTHERS, AUCTIONEERS, ill (Lately Salesmen for M. Thomas A Sons.) No. 629 CHEhTNUT street, rear entrance from Minor. Sale at No, 241 bouth Fifth street VERY SUPERIOR HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, FINE BRUSSELS i JARPET®. dec. ON FRIDAY ‘MORNING, Feb. 26. at 10 o'clock, at No. 941 South Fifth street, the Household Furniture. Including— I Two imts handsome Walnut Chamber Furniture, superior Walnut Dining Room Furniture, Walnut Sideboard. Cottage Chamber Furniture, fine Brussels Carpets. Oil Cloth, ingrain Car* pets. Kitchen Furniture, utensils, Ac. May be seen early on the morning of sale. Safe at No. 1841 Chestnut street. BUFERJOR HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE,. ELEGANT ROSEWOOD CHICKbRING PIANO, BOOKCASE, COTTAGE SUITS,i FINE. BRUSSELS AND OTHER CARrETS, Ac.' ‘ ON SATURDAY MORNING, j Feb. 27, at 10 o’clock, at No. 1841 Chestnut street, by catalogae, the., entire Household Furniture, Including— Elegant Rosewood Plano Forte, by Chickering ; superior Walnut Secretary and Bookcase, Cottage Chamber Suite. Matreeses, Bedding, fine Brussels and Ingrain Carpote, Oil Cloth, China and Glass, Kltcbon Utensils, Ao. May be examined on the morning of sale, at 8 o'clock. BY BABBITT A CO,, AUCTIONJEEM. - ( ; CASH AUCTION HOUSE, ; No. 230 MARKET street, comer of .BANK street Cash advanced'on consignments without extra charge. Peremptory Sato; 10C0 LOTS MISCELLANEOUS GOODS, ON: FRIDAY MORNING. Feb. 26. commencing at 10 o’clock, comprising— -3 u lots assorted Staple and-Fancy Dry Goods. . 150 lots White and Fancy Dress and Under Shirts. I£s lots Ready-made Clothing, OvoraUs,Bhirte,Drawers, &0., &C. r- •' 600 lots Hosiery. Notions, Suspenders, Fanct Goods,Ac. BOOTS, SHOES AND BROGANS. At 11 o’clock, 160'Casesond cartons Boots, Shoes, Bro gans. Balmorals; Goiters Ac. Also, several stocks frbm retail stores,. Alio, 6Q cases Umbrellas. >i; n : - mHB PRINCIPAL .MONEY 1 ESTABLISHMENT— A S; E. corner of SIXTH and RACE streets. Money, advanced on • Merchandise, generally—Watches, Jewelry. Diamonds, Gold, and SUvor Plate, and on all articles of value, ftir any length of time agreed on.' WATCHES AND JEWELRY AT PRIVATE SALE, pine Gold Hunting Caee.Douhlo B6ttom and Open Faco English. American and; Swiss Patent Lever Watchosi Fine Gold Hnntinß Case and QuonFace Lopine Watches i Fine Gold Duplex and:other Watches; Fine Silver Hunt* lng Case and Open Face English, American and Swiss Patent Lever ana Lepine Watchoa; Doable Case English Quartier and other Watches: Ladies’ Fancy Watchosi Diamond; Brcastirihss Finger Kings;Ear> Rings; Studs; Awa; Fine Gold ChainsTMedaliions: Bracelrtaj Scarf I’ifisi Breastpin*; Finger Rlogrt Pencil Cases and Jewelry 8e large and valuable Fireproof Chest, street*. - a.. <... . !'■ >.». :i Ci * * “iCOTONBEEB. BOOT AND BHOE B a^^gVERY , &IONDAV AND s - ACOTIOH BAMjms (HOUBEHOLD FU>. NITUKE OF < ! „ .L, TION.KEOEIVEI) ON CONBIOMSeH^^T' > 8»le» of Fnmltmsp ntDweUinja .Wended to oil theaMt’ U ’'■•■•*<•• '*■ >BalertNA; 1110<aortSntlrtteet>' ? HANDSOME ; HOLBEJOLU FCKmrURBL ROB* ■ WOOD PIANOFORTES* VELVET AND BRUSSELS * : CARPETS. FRENCH PLATE MANTEL MUKOKSL * j cuxna \ At 9 o’clock, at the Auction Store, No lUOCheifMft' street, will be sold—A large' assortment of superior Neir and Secondhand farary BuKsin plosh. tops sndhair cloth; Dlnlug-BoOlt * Furn. ture, in Oak aud walnut; Chamber Suits, finished in v oil and varnibh, wUh'Wardrobes” tutnateiU fAreoaiid Small Bookcaeea, OffideTables and’Eeukc rflVerM- lkr*# ? £ ante! and Pier Rosewood Piano; Velvet; Bros** sela and Ingrain Cafee* fc/Bcdfr and Bedding China and .*, Glassware, Stoves end KitcbenFunoiture; Ac. -.*- 1 SILVER PLATED WARE. • • > Also, an invoice of Superior Plated Ware, ! • SECONDHAND FURNITURE AND WATCHES, by order of Administrator. AUo, a lot of: Secondhand /, lumKure and 20 Watches. • - j * v 1;- 111 ' r 4ir •* i; - GLADIOLI FLOWER BOOTS. * • 1 i l , AI*»o, at one o’clock will be sold/one case of aborted; ;: LL dloli Flower Hoots, from HoUand.’ V ; ‘V "..J T A. MCCLELLAND, AUCTIONEER; > ry - • .1219 CHESTNTOetreefci CONCERT HALL AUCTION JSOOMB. : .* • '•* Rear Entrance on Clover street j t* f >••£ Household Furniture and M&cbatidlse of’.every’tfoJ lenption received on consignment; vSales of JTnrniture at™ dwellings attended to on reasonable terms.' ;.* i j + i-isi 8 4.^^,rr^P A Y.^ M0KN Wg. FEbl 26; ATI2T# G CHEBTNUT S'JJKEET, OF APiD 8EOON». > i Jf . ON FRIDAY MORNING- .ft _ f ..v Feb. 28, at 10 o’clock, wilt bo fold by catalogue »t TiJ* Cbeßtnut Bt, a larso aaiortmentol superior Now and B*- eondbaud Household Furniture,, Carpets. Matreraesw- B 1 jpkctß, Bilrer Plated War A 3 So. cToncb QlltSfiSS;f Oiara Vayß, Table Cutlery, an Invoice of JaptanaS Toilet Bets, Ac* , *■ .• */' . ■ •. .—•> * ON TUESDAY MORNING. MARCH 16. We will hold at our store; 1219 Cbeatnut street, our First Spring Trade Bale of NeW.Cftbinet Furniture, in part aa follows: 150 Chamber Suits,’ 100 Parlor and Tote Suits, fid CottageSuita, Ac. TAMS iL EREEMANi AUCTIONEER, . < . . ON .FRIDAY MORNING, . : LJT At 10 o’clock, will :be sold, on account of; wham it m*y concern—Woo shales, sfock.OU Run Petroleum Co/; > t A, E DIAMOND BAR BINGS. ; *\ '* • Also, by order of Administrator, a pair of Cluster Dla* * mond Ear Rings i Also, by order of Executor, several Engravings "anA * Paintings. :* /:v , w :, THBEE ACREB t AND EfflTL^: * Al 4 o’clock, will be sold on the premises, Tweuty-third Ward, three Acres, with Improvements; Buatleton Turn pike. The property is opposite the Lagrange Works, and witbinaqua ter of a mile of the Holmesborg and Bustle* ton Railway, now being built. Orphanf Court Bate— Estate of John Hatcher x da?<L , = . . " j VALUABLE EIGHTH SI'REET PROPERTY AT t PRIVATE SaLE. /v ,- M | The valuable CHURCH* PROPERTY; on EIGHTH at* above Race, suitable for a large wholesale or retail store; could readily be altered. Could be adapt od to a music hall orjnsnulactoxy, tfae walls being dt unuaual strongdu Will be sold with or without the parsonage, as may be desired./ Plana at,the store. Ternm easy; . n BUNTING; DURBOROW * CO„ AUCTTONEERaL / Nos. 283 and 234 MARKET street, comer of Baas at. Buccessors to J9DN B.MYER3 A CO/ :-i. - LARGE BALE CF CARPETINGS, OIL CLOTHS, A«. ON FRIDAY MORNING. ; ‘ { Feb. 26, at 11 o’clock, on four months* credit, about 80S pieces Ingrain, Venetian, List, ;Hemp, Cottage and Rdgr Carpetingß, Floor Oil Cloths, Ac. j .r, (1 ,, : LARGE SALE OF FRENCH: OTHEREURG. PEAN DRY GOODS Ac. ON MONDAY MORNING. March 1, at 10 o’clock, on four months’credit BALE OF 2000 CASeFbOOTS, SHOEB. TRA VELING I ON •. ; » ... r, March 2 at lO o’clock •on four months’ credit;' *■’ - ;5 ■ ■' ; s; TL. ASHBR2DGB ACO , AUCTIONEERS, i . . No, 606, MARKET street above Fifth. SUM? JP£KS> «BI D£. For Boston^—Steamshio Lina Diraoi SAILING FROM EACH PORT EVERY FIVE: DAYS.. FROM PINE STREET. PHILADELPHIA, AND LONG ; j WHARF, BOSTON,*S^: ! , • This line is composed'of 7 the firiLelasv Stcamahipa, . . . ROIUANy 1,458 tons, Captain O; Baker, BAXOI%* T,250 tons, CaptainS. N, Wiley, ROitßkAW* 1,293t0p5. Captain Crawcli. The SAXiON, 1 from PhUa, Saturday, Feb, 87. at dP; M. The HUMAN, from Boston^on Satarday.FQb.27. at 3 P.M* 'l beee btesmahipe Sail punctually; ana Freight will bo received every day,a.Steamer being always on tho berth. , Frcightfov pointe beyond Boston cent With despatch. Freight taken for all points in New England and for* warded as directed. Insurance % per cent, at the ofticeu For Freight or Passage (superior accommodations! apply to HENRY WINBOR ACO,", • tti\3l 388 South Delaware avenue. - FOR C. dggßfiS&fr THE SOUTH AND SOUTHWEST gWgWfiWh FAST FREIGHT LINE. • EVERY THURSDAY. The Steamships PROMETHEUS. Captain Gray, J. W. EVERMAN, Captain Vance, Will form a regular weekly line. .. ,? : r J ho Steamship J. W. EVERMAW will flail on TfiURS- DaY, February 26th, at 4 P. M. r » 'I hrough bills of lading given in connection with the South Carolina Kailroaa to points in the South-, Anril Southwest Insurance at lowest rates. Hates of freights guaranteed as low as by any other route, t or Freight, apply to PHILADELPHIA A ND SOUTHERN MAH. SBBfljgfr 81E AMS HIP COMPANY’S REGULAR STREET WHARF/ ' The JUNIATA will sail for NEW ORLEANS," Vin HAVANA, on Wednesday. March 3, at 8 o’clock A. 5L The YAZOO will sail from NEW ORLEANS, via HA VANA, , March -. _ The TONAWANDA will sail for SAVANNAH on S*» turday, February 27, atB o'clock A.U. ; ... ahe WYOMING' wRI sail from SAVANNAH on Sa turday, February 27. w The PIONEER wiU sail for WILMINGTON, N. C., on Friday, March 5, at 8 A. M. Through bills of lading signed, and passage tickets sold to all points South and West. BILLS OF LADING SIGNED at QUEEN ST. WHARF* For freight or paseajrc, apply to WILLIAM L. JAMES, General Agent, 130 south Third street. . PHILADELPHIA, RICHMOND AND NOR FOLK STEAMSHIP LINE. awyfflß THROUGH FREIGHT air line to THE SOUTH AND WEST. . * EVERY SATURDAY. At Noon, from FIRST WHARF above MARKET ctreet- TBRObGU RATES and THROUGH RECEIPTS to oil . points in North and South Carolina via Line Railroad, connecting at Portsmouth, and to Lynchs burg, Va.. Tennessee and the West via Virginia and Tennessee Air-Lino and Richmond and Danville Railroad. Freight HANDLED BUT ONCE, ahdtakta at LOWfift- 1 RATES THAN ANY OIHER LINE.: The regularity,’safety and cheapness or thla route c6nt> mend it to tbe public as the most desirable medium? for carrying every description of freight No charge for commission, drayage, or any expense for transfer, * . Steamships insure at lowest rates. Freight received DaILY, TVM. Pi CLYDE * CO.* , .14 North and South. Wharves* VWP.PORTER, Agentat 'Richmond and City Point T. P. CROWELL & at Norfolk < r _ HAVANA. STEAMERS. ; SAILING EVERY 91 DAYS. These steamers will leave this port for Ha vana every third Wednesday, at 8 o’clock A. &L Thd steamship STARS ANDJJTRiPEST Captain Holmes, will sail (or Havana on Wednesday morning. March 10,at8o’clock. . \ ■■■:> Passage, $4O currency. Paesengeiß must be provided'with pasßportit Mo freight received after Monday. Reduced rates of'freight 2 ,i ■■ l * THOMAS WATTSON St 80RS, 140 North Delaware avenue. NEW EXPRESS LINE TO ALEXANDRIA* Georgetown and Washington, D. 0., via mßßSammm Chesapeake and Delaware Canal, with con nections at Alexandria from the most, direct route foe Lynchburg,Bristol,,Knoxville, Nashville, Dalton and the Southwest ■ '\f ■ \ Steamers leave regularly from the first wharf above Market street overy. Saturday at ugon. Freight,received daily. • *, - .* w ” WM. 1 P. CLYDE * CO.. , 14 North and South Wharves. J. B. DAVIDSON, Agent at Georgetown . - . , U, ELDiRIDGE <fc Qa,;Agenta at Alexandria, Virginia. rfSßfifcy 7 NOTICE- Fojjjjjjw- YORK. ; ' ‘; 1 * tMitiiMfli ; Via Delaware and Haritan Can&L ' EXPRESS STEAMBOAT CQMPANY. , The Steam Propellore of the JLlne leave Daily from first < wharf below Market street. _ . .'THROUGH IN, 34 HOUBB. Goods forwarded by all the owt6f MOW' York—ls orttuEaot and West-free ot Gommualoiu •* .■ - Freight received at our usual low P , CLYEEL; 14 South Wharves,' Philadelphia*; . » > JAB. HANP. Agent, r 0 ' " ‘ V 119 Wall street, cor. of South, New York., • NOTICE.—FOK NEW YORK. , ; r. „,{ f raMKag - -0 ANDJtA-MTAN CANAIk The buainwa of theao lines wUI ba resujned. on.ana after the 19th of March. For froinht,whlch wiUbatakna c on accommodating terma.^i9 Bij . „ i; No. l3a Bouth ,< . __ DELAWARE! AND OHE3AFBAKB , r* - Jit K> Steam Tow Boat Compan;,.— Barges > towed botweenThiladelpliiav Baltimore; UN* Bup’t Office*.l4 Boutlx wharyeg^rhiladolphliv, » .. v i . . NOTIOE—EOB • .NEW YORK. VIA m JhDolawaro atid Raritan Canal—3mfta*ra Cooipaqyr^Deapatch»and i gwlitijuro Lines.—The business by those Lines will be nK turned on and aJUrthe. :19th o?> March; 'tfor Erei*hV which wi 1 be taken on&ccommodatlng terms, apply to YWL Ma BAIRD & C(X. 182 Botttft.W&amg.. v : Js»; VOft FBEIOHT OR CBAXtrEH, BRIO ABBrK jgss§&C. Tlteombp, 376 tons register, . Apply to W(>RK~ , *** i t ! E. A: BOUDBR & COi, Dock atroct wharf.;
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