DISASTERS. THE 6ALBS aitv THE ATLANTIC. Stormy Passage of the Cltf o* iliaitl .:<■■■■■ more. ' ■ The winter season of 1888-9,. though ® Ud ®P°“ shore, boa been an unusually tempestuous one at eea; Vessels crossing the ocean hare bcon de layed by stronir head winds, and galea and horrlr canes hare beenfrequeut. fate LVverDoffi of Baltimore, of the Inman line, left Liverpool on the 201 b Of January, touched atQaeonßtown on tho 21st, and a day out P,° B rl^ countered one Of the most terrible Rales evor knowntobavo been cxpcnonctil. which con tinued for twelve days- A heavy sea on iho star board bow carried away the bowsprit, and the of the blast split tho calls and carried away the topsail yards and mlrzeo gaff. Being out pf #£*i thh ahiD put in:o Halifax, and rescued hero veStcWay morning. The passengers pnbUsh the cabin passengers of the steamship City of Baltimore, on her recent pas sage ftom Mverpool to this port, desire to ex t^n^ffissass^isa&si untiring exertions of her commander, Oapt. Dels Motto, under the blosslng of Providence,lu guid ing her Bafely to her dcstlnation. Slnce leaving Queenstown wohavo encountered terrific heal gales for 12 dajs, during which lime oar Captain and the officers under his command have been unceasing In their vlgilanoe and untiring In their watch, having scarcely a moment's repose lor days together. Tbfcir cooduet hes Inspired, ns with a thorough confidence In them,and we hope it p<«y nnrgood fortune to meet, in onr future travelß, with captains and offleoraas com petent in their professsloni and as attentive to the comfort andsatety of their passengers.” ACtJIisWWJC ' ON- rite Pit HIVDLE V , '• BOAS, A Freiabt Train 1 , locomotlva Buns Into a Slooplngr Coaeli on a Poaaoa scrTrtatir. The Cincinnati Gazette of yesterday morning has thd following i The train whlchvuelt New York at five o’clock Friday night for Cincinnati, was, on Saturday noOn, run into by a freight train On "the Pan Handle Road, about thirty five, miles.-this side of Pittsburgh. Some acci dent- duid happened to the locomotive, on account of which the train hftd stopped at a place where there wasa donblocurveof the traok. The contactor sent a flagman back to warn the freight train which was kuown.to be behind. The Injury to the locomotiTe was repaired, and the trein-wady for starting, when the conductor gave the signal for the flagman to return. He had just got in when the whistle of lha train ap proaching around the curve was The flag man was .despatched again in haste, and the passenger train started. It proved, however, to be Impossible to get the one train suffl oently under way, or |tha other Snfficiently slackened to avoid a eolli sion The locomotive ot the freight train atraca the sleeping car of the passenger train, smashed it upbady, and became entangled with It in such a way that the two clang together, while the re mainder of the passenger train went ahead with accelerated sped. A new train was made up at Steubenville, and the passengers.arrived in Cin cinnati only an hour or two behind time. The enly porson much injured was Mr. .George B. Wright, of this city, who sprained an ankle by jumping off before the collision It la said that on the arrival of the train at Steubenville the conductor waa immediately dis charged: j Accident on Use Pacific Ballroad. This Bt. LaUlaDemocrat ot Monday says: On Saturday evening, about nine o’clock, the train comlfig east from Leavenworth, on the Pacific Railroad, was thrown from the track at Smithton, eight miles below Sedalia, caused by a misplaced switch. The locomotive No. 60 was thrown over, and, together with the tender, turned bottom side up. The engineer, Charles Brownell, was severely, and supposed fatally scalded. The fireman, Jack Bookhouse, was also scalded. It is thought he wiU re cover,- The baggage and smoking cars were also thrown Off the track, but no other persons were injured. The passengers arrived in this city nine hours behind time. The accident was caused by the Conductor of a Wood train that had previous ly passed over the track, who neglected to ad just toe switch before leaving the station. A later report states that both engineer and fireman were killed. CRIME. Tragedy in Indiana, A despatch from Warsaw, Indiana, on the Bth 3sst.> eaye: A horrible tragedy was unearthed here last night. Last April John W. Vanuatu, of Fort Wayne,lud-, secured the affections of Miss Horn, of this place, and married her in opposition t» the wishes of her parents and relatives. On the wedding night, nearly all the guests, thirty in number, were token slek with every appearance of paisonhogby arsenic, and a slater of Miss Horn died from its effects. It has been found that he hod proposed on elopement with a young lady named Bennett within the last few days, and in his letter to her he gives a full history of the poisoning, acknowledging that he had pat a large quantity of arsenic In the water from which the ooffee wss prepared, and that he did It in revenge for the manner in which the family had treated him. Ho was orreßted on Friday and after ex amlhatlon was committed to jail in default of ball to the amount of $59,000. Great excltemen t ex ists in this comnttrolly Inconsequence of this wholesale attempt at poisoning. All the parties concerned are among the most respectable in this plaoe. Burder in Jamestown, Pm The Pittsburgh Gazette of yesterday says: A murder wamcQnamlttcd in Jamestown, Mer cer county, about on Bnnday morn ing, under the folio wlngcircumstancea: Martin Moon, a silk peddler, and eeveral companions, accompanied by the wife of one of the parties, left tins city on Saturday morning, arriving at Jamestown the same evening. They put ap at a hotel, and after sapper the men went oat to a drinking saloon, where they remained until a late hour, drinking, playing cards, &c. The woman, who had been left alone at the hotel, after waiting eome time for her husband to return, became uneasy and started out In search of him. After a short search the found him with the rest of the party In the saloon. The entire party were intoxicated, and the woman fearing her husband might get Into trouble, endeavored to persuade hltn to acoom- Dany hor to the hotel. His companions objected to him leaving, bat after considerable persuasion he was Induced to go with her. His companions still protested against his leaving * them, and followed him and his wife with the intention of persuading him to return to the ealoon. Moon it appears wss acting as leader of the party, and in order to prevent the man from going with his wife took bold of his coat and insisted upon him returning to the ealoon. The woman remonstrated with thorn for some time, bat finding it oi no avail, plckod np aclnb and struck Moon over the head, killing him instantly. Justice Troupe held an inquest on the body, bat the investigation had not been concluded. The entire party were arrested and are now con fined In the Mercer county jail, awiting the re sult of the investigation. THE COURTS. District Court —Jodgo Stroud.—Wright, &c. ve. Beatty, &c. This case, Involving the viola tion of the Act of Assembly In regard to placing chain -In the passage-way of places of amuso ment, was with the jury yesterday until near three o'clock, when, tor the second time, they came into court and announced that it was Im possible to agree. The jury were then discharged. Martin Hayward vs. Henry T. Childs. An ac- Uon on two notes. Verdict for plaintiff for <51,083 12. Peirce Nefhart vs. William Frew, who was sued, with Charles W. Lockhart and John Gracy, ae Lockhart. Frew & Co., butas to whom the Sheriff of Philadelphia county returned the writ ufnrf haunt. An action to recover for an al leged breach of contract for the delivery of oU. On trial. * District. Court— Judge Hare— The Derrv National Bank vs. Alfred Gilmore. An action on tt draft. Defence eot up want of conelderutlon OfttruL - MlBl Paros—Justice Read—Walter Lackey vs Joseph Brady. An action to recover damages lor Snafieged assault and battery. The plaintiff U one Of the conductors on the Baltimore Railroad and Hit alleged that on the night of the 17 th o'f Julv last the defendant; With two friends, waa on the’lrain. and hot only acted disorderly, bat made an assault open the plaintiff. . .. . “ The'defence set rip that the defendant and his friends were not revesting any disorder, but .be cause they declined to take sleep! n g bertha they got the ill-will of the railroad officials, and throe of them ihhde an assault .upon'Mr. Bradys Un Quarter BBseioNfr-JudgG Peirce.-A disorderly house cose claimed the attention of the court all the morning, one Philip Fitzpatrick being tho defendant. ... . CITY BULLETIN. Lent. —To-day begins the season of Lent, and is called .Ash Wednesday,, deriving the name from the custom of sprinkling the hair and gar ments with ashes as a symbol of grief for the sor rows of Our Saviour, and also as a method ot performing psnance lor the trangresslons of the past year. The custom of sprinkling the ashes on the garments Is not now observed, but is commemorated by making a orops on the fore head with ashes, blessed by the priest at the mass of the .day. The ashes used are obtained by; bnrnlng the parttclcsof altar linen, blesaed wood or other furniture of tho church which baa beon damaged or broken during the. year, - and the portions of blessed palm remaining since the previous Palm Banday. 'Phe.ceramony of distributing the ashes la performed by the offi ciating clergyman. The faithful approach the; altar rails, and, reverently kneeling, are marked, with the sign of the cross, tho officiating clergy man meanwhile reciting the Boffimn, remem brancer,' “-Memento, homo, quod **,. *•*•* pwfofrem rerer/era" (remember, man, thott.art dußt. and unto dust tUou sUatt returß). .... Ih the Epißcopal Chnrch thense ofaahea tenot recognized, and the r day Is celebrated; with the reading of the appropriate .psalmß, lemons and anthems, tho-slnging of hymns and prqoopnclug the maledictions against impenitent winners, at the endof each'of which the congregation answer (t A fUfttl.** ’ i The season of Lent is one of fasting and tag, ordained to commemorate “Jf.iihtv “Jff® fast of onr Saviour In the wilderness. The Church lays aside Its emblems of grandeur and glorification,'and,robed In the habtllmentt of sor row, aocompanlea Its divine Founder sympaihikea with Him in His humiliation and tribulation, and shows by all exterior means the mental anguish'which is felt for the Bufferings borne by, and the disgraces inflicted on-the Boa ot God. Inteeeotdso to Manofactubbbs or Tobacco akd Cigabs.— D. P. Southwortb, Esq.,Supervisor of Internal Revenue In this city, has received the following from the Department at Washington : “Trkasdey Dkpartukot,Office oplkteenal Revenue, Washington, February 3d, 1869. —Sir:— ln reply to your letter of Jan uary 30th, In relation to putting the pro prietor's, instead of the manufacturer’s name on packages of tobacco, I have to eay that sections 62 and 68 of the Act of Jnlv 20,1868. provide for putting the proprietor's name, if desired. Instead of the manufacturer’s name,upon packagesof to bacco. When the proprietor’s name.however.ls put upon packages of tobacco, It should not appear os the manufacturer’s, but as the proprietor s ' name. That IS, the tobacco should not be marked or labeled as having been manufactured by, but for the proprietor. ‘•The mannfaCtnrer's name In all cases must be put upon cigars. [Signed | “Very respectfully, “Thomas Hari.and, “Deputy Commissioner." Missing.— Henry A. Hildebrand, aged twenty five years, left Camden on the evening of Feb ruary Ist. for bis home in this city, and has been missing since. Some time previous he hod been robbed of $BOO, and. it is Bald, he had succeeded in Retting a pretty good cine to the robbers. For that reason, it is supposed, that he has been foully dealt with. Mr. Hildebrand is five feet ten inches in height, and has black whiskers and moustache. At the time of his disappearance ho wore a Greclan-bend hat, black overcoat, dark brown walking-coat, black vest, and dark mixed pacts. Largest by a Domestic. —Ellen Norman has been employed as a servant in the house of James Robb, on Market street, above Tenth. Last night she decamped with a coat and two pairs of panta loons. She left the stolen clothing at a house at Sixteenth and Filbert streets, and then secured lodgings in the Sixth District Police Station House. This morning tho police were notified of the laroeny. Ellen had left the station-house then, but she was afterwards captured at Tenth and Market streets. Alderman Jones committed her for trial. Playing Constable— John E. Mann was be fore Aid. Hutchinson yesterday. There had been a difficulty botween a man and wife residing In the neighborhood of Nineteenth and Gallowhill streets. ManD, it Is alleged, went to the woman, representing himself as a constable, and got some money trom heron condition that he would not arrcßt her. He made a second effort to get money, and then the woman had him arrested. He was committed in default of $BOO ball. Chargb or Larceny. —Henry Helmbold was before Alderman Manll.yesterday, upon the oharge of the larceny of $9O. It seems that a stranger was taken sick at the Washington House, in Wost Philadelphia. Tho landlord had $OO be longing to him. It is alleged that Helmbold in duced Ihe eick man to let him have the money to deposit in bank, and has since refused to refund the money. He was held to bail to answer. An Impudent Thief.—A negro, named Wm. Hall, went Into a confectionery store, on Chest nut street, above Thirty fourth, yesterday after noon. Ho selected a lot of candy, which was tied np and banded to him bv the woman la at tendance. Hall romarked, “1 don’t pay for any thing,” and left, taking the package with him. He was subsequently arrested, and after a hear ing before Alderman Hand, was sent to prison. Attempted Robbeby This morning, about three o’clock, an attempt was made to break Into the store of Isaac Rosenbaum, on Eighth street, above Race A jimmy was need upon a rear door, bnt before on entrance had been effected, the thieves were frightentd off by the Sixth Dls -11 let Police. Receiving Stolen Goods— Jas. Kano, whose establishment Is on Bixth street, below Fitzwater, has been arrested upon the charge of receiving stolen goods, vis., a box of tobacco, a chest of tea and a roll ol carpet. He will have a hearing tniß afternoon, at the Central Station. Bebiobb Charge James Hines has been sent to prison by Alderman Pancoast to answer the charge of committing an Indecent assault upon a little girl, twelve years of age. Hines boarded with the parents of the child, who reside in the neighborhood of Sixteenth and Poplar streets. North Broad Street— The Mayor has di rected that a detail of policemen, under charge of Day Sergennt Adam Reese, shall be stationed along North Broad street, on Bunday alternoons, to prevent fast driving, which has been greatly indulged In heretofore. Press Club— An adjonrned buelness mooting of the Press Club of Philadelphia will be held this afternoon at the rooms, No. CO7 Walnut street. The new by-laws prepared by the Board of Directors will be presented. Gkn. Grant— Gen. Grant has glvon his con sent to be present at the Lyle MonnmentFnnd ball to-night. Firk—About 4 o’clock this morning, tho match factory of Conrad Shaffer, No. 10K) Otsego Btreet, was damaged by fire to the extent of $5O. Public Temperance Meeting in the North Broad Street Presbyterian Church, corner Broad and Green streets, this (Wednesday) evenlDg, at o’clock. Addresses by Major-General E. M. Gregory, J. R. Bypher, Esq., of the Now York Tribune, and Rev. Dr. Stryker, Pastor ot the church. All are invited. The Firemen's Ball.—The ball of the Fire Department, In aid of tho Lyle Monument Fund, will take place this evening at the Acadomy of Music, and bids fair to be a grand spectacle. The decorations by the various fire companies will bo very elaborate. Everything to make the affair brilliant" or attractive has been done by the committee on arrangements!' t m oaii.y EYEHISG WBbNBBPAY FEBRUARY 10,1869» Tun Mammoth Botk.—Tßh ica in tho Mam with Skating Rink, Tweety-first and Raw, keeps in good condition, notwithstanding tha mildnees of the weather. - Bolag. very solid, vf the finest quality, snd elght .lndie8 i thick, wo doubt not that there will bo skating in this rink for ■weeks to ctose.’ Tho Dlrectore givoagraod carnival on the 20th tort .Which, will doubtless bo a brilliant uffatr. Those In fancy costume only will be pllowed.to, use the lea brt .aon skaters and non-costumers: will bo admitted on spectator’s tickets. An immense concourse win probably be present on the occasion. Tot Advanckmbsx or Education—A public meeting of the cltizons of the First Ward, called by| the Board of School Directors of the Ward, will be held to-morrow evening, in tho lecturo fodm of Scott M. E. Church, Eighth street above Tasker,for the purpose of advancing the ictereaH of the public schools, and petitioning City Couc vCllS to appropriate sufficient sums to erect a Grammar School on the southeast corner of 'Seventh and Dickerson- streets. The school houses in this section are said to bo in a very di lapidated condition. The extraordinary art salo of American oil paintings and crystal medallions, being the pol lcctien from the American Art Gal!o.ry, Now ' York, commences this evening jit Seott’6 Art Gallery. 1020 Cheethut street. The catalogue numbers 260 gems, all handsomely framed m fine gold .leaf. This ia a most worthy object, as the plctnrea are sold for the benefit of the artists. Those, wishing to purchase really works of art should attend. Will bo to-morrow and Friday evening. - r THB~FEHAi.u"Aim-SriAVEaT— Sooibty.—The Philadelphia Female Anti-Slavery Society holds : Its thirty-fifth annual meeting to-morrow (Thurs day) afternoon, at hair-past three o'clook, at tho : Assembly Buildings. The annual-report of the doings of the Society will be read, and there will probably besoms addressee by prominent lights of the anti-slavery movement. Tho public gen erally are lnvijed to be present. . ,; Clark's Gold Medal Rteon is univer sally conceded to be the best and most , economical Range In the market. It will heat three rooms com fortably, is a splendid baker,comramee very little fael, and Is easily managed and cleaned out. Do not rail to examine this Range before purchasing. Sold wholesale and retail by Jonw 8. Oaabk, Manufacturer. 1008 Market street. Sole agent and manufacturer of the celebrated Bal timore Improved Fire-place Heater. A World of Thanks ibduß - - To the botanist who first discovered the virtues or the QuiUaya Sovanaria, or Soap Tree of ChilL The wonderful demining and purifying property of its bare gives to the fragrant Soxodont much of its unrivalled efficacy as a preservative toi the teeth. A. L. Vansant, Ninth and Chestnut, manufac turer of French Confections; also Jordan-roa«ted Almonds, Caiamelß,choice Almorla Grapes, superior Drinking Chocolate. Quiet and sootho the pain of children teething— Dee Bower’s Infant Cordial. Sold by all Druggists. Cuktains, Window-Shades, Uphplstery and Bedding- Houses fiued out ertire by practical work men. No delay, no disappointment, at Patten’s, HOS Chestnut street. . Have your Upholstering done at Patten’s, 1408 Cbesinnt street He is always ready .prompt, charges moderately, and gives entire satisfaction'. To tub Ladies. ' , We now have a splendid and large Stock of Ladies’ and Misses’ Hats, which cannot be excelled for dura bility and make. Oakfobpb’, Continental Hotel. Conns, Bunions, Inverted .Nalls, skillfully treated by Dr. J; Davidson, No. 915 Chestnut street Charges moderate. Furniture Mended, Varnished and ,-made to look equal to new, Work done -at house or 1 taken away, at Patten’s, 1408. Chesmut street. Deafness, Blindness and Catarrh. J. Isaacs. M. D., Professor or the. Eye and Bar treats all diseases appertaining to the above members with the atmoet success.. Testimonials from the most reliable sources in the city can be seen at this office. No. 80S Arch Street The medical faculty are invited to accompany their patlents,as he has nu secretß in his practice. Artificial eyes inserted. No,.charge made for examination. %. Gents’ Hats —Gents Hats, - Of the latest and most fashionable Btyle. At the lowest price. Oakvobpb’. 834 and 656 Chestnut street. No Humbug.— CurtaSrand Shades selling at a great reduction. No pretence, but real bofia fide bar gains, at Patten’s. 1408 Chestnut street. Reduction in Peiceb, To close off Winter Stock, Charles Stokes & Co., Clothiers. No. 824 Chestnut street. Surgical Instruments and druggists’ sun dries. - _ __ Snowden & Brother, 23 South Eighth street. trace Marine Bulletin en inside Page. ABBIYED THIS DAE. . Steamer Tonawanda, Jenninaa. TO hours from Savan nah. with cotton, lx. to Philadelphia and Southern Mail Steamer 0 L Gaw, Her. 18 hours from Baltimore, with mdse to A Grov*. - Bohr Julia E Gamaite. Sweeny, Now York. D Cooper. Scbr Annie Barton. Frink, Charleston, Penn Gaa Co. Comopondence of tha PMladetnhla Exchange. UEWEB.DJX.Feb. B—6 PM. BchrMary E Graham. from Baltimore for New York: P L Whiton. do for Saugoe; M Hand, do for Providence, and Borah, from Ghlncoteague for New York. A bark, supposed the L T Stocker, from Matanzaa, paused In to day. Winds. Youre, Ac. ifTCMORANPA. Bhip Groen Jacket, Brough, from Calcutta, at Boston 7 Steamer Russia (Br), Cook, cleared at Hew York yes terday lor Liverpool, _ _ . _ . _ Steamer Morro Castle, Adams, at Havana yesterday fr ßerk^Abordeen. Treat, sailed from Cardenas 23th alt for this port „ , _ __ , 4 Brig Levi Stevens, Stevens, from Ban Franchco. at (Br). McKenzie, from Liverpool, with an assorted caargo, before reported at Nassau 27tb uH. in distress. Is bound to Philadelphia. She pat In on the 14th with loss of Boils land leaking. Brig Frontier, Skinner, sailed from Cardenas 29th ult. for a port north of Hatteras. Brig Alice (Hr). Simpson, sailed from Havana Sdlnst for Delaware Breakwater. v Scbr Emily A Bartle. Smith, fconce at Cardenas 29th ult and sailed for Caibarlen. Scbr T Mattbews,Chee6eman, sailed from Cardenas 29th uli B'chrDaTid°FmMt. Balled from Cienfuegoa 28th nit. tor Bchr JUiUcardo Jova.H«Tiß,.ailed from Clenfnegoa 28th ill for this port. Bchr Charlotte, Btraoham. Bailed from Malaga 80th alt r °Bchr l Albert Mason, Kobo, from Portland for this port at baloney, from Providence for Hiker’s Island, to load fish guano for Charleston, at Near York das S Shlndler, Lee, and Mary E Somert, Somers, at Boßton yesterday from Mobile, Bear John Johnson, Mcßride, from Boston for Havana, remained at Newport Bth inst Scbr Jonathan May (8 masted), Neal, from Bagaala Grande, with sugar and molasses for this port put into Cbaile&ton 6th inst as before reported, loaky and other* wise damaged, having on the Ist and 2d lnstanU,o£f Capes Florida and Canaveral experienced heavy gales from SB, *°Bchr Emma Bacon. Bearse, at Portland 6th Inst, from Boston, to load for this port. Schr Mary E Vancleaf, McCobh, from Georgetown, SC. for Portland, at Holmes 1 Hole 7th inst. Scbr Ruth II Shaw, Shaw, sailed from Cardonas 29th ult. for New Orleans.; „ . . . Brig Colorado (Br), from Clenfuegos for New York, at Key weßt In distressed discharged cargo and was wait* ins orders Feb. t. „ _ , Scbr Cbiloe, Hatch, from Boston for Georgetown, SO, which put into Nassau Dec 29 with lossot malnboom, sailed 9th ult to reaume her voyage. MTO KEN'torilOliSE AND B I'uRE NO. 236 CHEST nut etiectv,S Apply to J. BEBGEANT PRICE, No. bll Arch street. M MODERN RESIDENCE WANTED-ON WEST CbcetDUt,,Wolnat or Bpruco Htrceta. Price from SEO.OOU to $85,000. . TN TUB ORPHANS' COURT FOR TUB CITY AND 1 County of PhUadelphia.—!Ketato of JAMBS HON STEAD, dcceaeed. and SARAH BONSTEa ".deceased The Auditor appointed by the Court to audit, settle Bud adjust .the accounts of JOHN BONSTEAD, Executor of the Estates of J*ME3 BONSTEAD, deceased, and &A RAb BONSTEaD, dcooaeed, and to report dl.tribution or tbo balance In tuo hands of the accountant, trill moot the parties interested for the purpoeocf hla appointment; on TUESDAY, February 33. 18&. at 4 o'clock t. Mh at Lis office. No. 134 South Sixth street. In the City of Phila delphia. felO w.f.ra MS WM, M, BULL. Auditor. KEM6IVAB-J. M. OUMMEY & SONS, REAL ESTATE Broken. hare removed to No. 733 Walnut street. CITY notices. W A RINB BPLLBTIH. POET OP PHILADELPHIA- Fehruaky 10. TO KENT. WANTS* fiEOAh NOTICES. SrefltrtA fupe for AdctjMooal MAM MO T H SKA TIN G hIN K 'lwrcniy-Flr»tn.nd Koce S troets, . . Open Daily.. FonttoUA,fi.»ndBfc>B andTM to HIP. U. : FOR BKATEHB AND THBPDBUC6 IC OBt'B t'C-K, INTRODUCED AT A COST OF $B,OBl. THE MEAGHEB BBOTHBBS . Perform every evciitae.-'lßiMhe.pubHcCan nso tie Ice uninterruptedly .duriaSthsirexhtbltioiu. Admlsflon Durlog the Day..... .SB cents laino Avcnlne ............SO centi Coupon Tickets (twenty admissions), admitting day or evening, 85,.. N.B.—Preparations are being made for,a GRIND FANtiY JDRKBB SKATING AND PRO » BNAD a. OAK. NIVAL, under the auspices of tho-MEAiHIBK- BRO THKItS. on the 9llth lost. Of t your Co.tumo# ready. frlO-tf ■■■ CLOTHING HOUSE, MARKET STREET, 1-IUI.AIPKI.VHJA. -gf- ----- - First Glass Ready-Made Clothing, BuU csblc for all Seasons, constantly on hand. Also, a Handsome Line of Piece Qoodqfor Custom Work. WATCBEB, IBIHaJtTV *W ENGAGEMENT AND WEDDING KIN OS. A Urge assortment of Coin and 18 karat always on hand. LEWIS LADOMUS & CO . Jewelers, 802 CHESTNUT STREET. f efl rptffr fPBWITPBE. ACe GEO. J. HENKELS, CABINET MAKER, 1301 and 1303 CHESTNUT STREET. fel 3mrp4 : _gAljlg__ : MACUIiIEGI. ~~ PRICES BEDUO ED. Sbaw & Juitke’s Hertnry Bteam and Teil flanges are entirety reliable, indicating by the absolute weight of Mercury the exact pressure -Upon the Boilere* Manufao* taxed by PHILIP 8. JXISIICE, 14 North FIFTH Btreet, Philadelphia. : Bhope- Seventeenth and Coatee Btreeta, Philadelphia. Infallible tow-Water Signal, Always Indicating by the melting of Resin In the bowl at the Steam Whittle and Bounding the alarm, when there is a dangerously tow stage of water in th© Boiler. Mann, facturedby PHILIP 8, JCSrillE, 14 North FIFTH Street, Philadelphia, Bhope—Seventeenth and Coatee Btreeta, Philadelphia. Hydraulio Jacks and Testing Maohinea ot all elzea from 4 to 100 tone lifting power. Manufao tUredb7 PHILIP 8. JUSTICE, 14 North FIFTH Street, Philadelphia. Bbope—Seventeenth and Coatee Btreeta, Philadelphia. _la4_mw_f3m£P4_ — —■ MISCKIiMHEOPB. ONLY 2,000 LEFT OF THE NEW MUSIC ALBUMS, Haidsomtly bound is Leather and Rich Gliding, eostunog FIFO of the Newest. Pieces of Hdaig foe Fine, both Vocal and Instrumental. Beal Valne $25, and Bold for Only $2 50. AT J. E. GUILD'S PIAHO WAREROOMS, 923 CHESTNUT STREET. butler, WEAVER & GO. NEW CORDAGE FACTORY HOW IN FULL GFKBATXOH. Ho. UN. WATER and OH. DEL. a*« gEWIHfI MACHINES. Saddlers, Harness-ill alters. nanafac* turers ol ilothing. Boots, BUoes,dc<^, Will And It to their Interest tonae our UNRIVALLED MACHINE TWIST and the "Milford Linen Tore ad." Manufactured ezpreaely for ua from the boat material, and warranted a superior article. THE BIRfIEB BAJIBFACTIIBIHfI COnPUlf Mazxnfaetnrera and SINGER BEWINQ ,-ogg- 1108 HOOP BKill 18. 1115 wmTtThopkinb. 1115 Manufacturer of the Celebrated Champion Hoop shirts, has removed to hla xiew and coun modloua building. No. 1118 Chestnut street. (Girard RowJ where ho has opened for Inspection the uu-geat assort ment of Hoop bklrta. Corsets. &o„ In this country. In. c oding every quality, style, size and shape, fro-n the highest to llio lowest grade of goods at such prices aa BKIKTTJ 1 * 'S' ALTERED AND cnaxvio REPAIRED. Bpodal attention la Invited to our assortment of LADIES' UNDER GARMENTS. which we are .selling at very low prlcee. We bny our Goods ot ilrst bands, in largo QUANTI* wifs lor CASH, and at each prices that we CAN and WMjL»&I every article In our IIneCHBAPEK than they mn be had anywhere else. . . Please call and Judge for ypursolvos, atour Monnfao lm WINES, MQPOBB, AC. J ORDAN’S CELEBRATED PURE TONIC ALE FOR hfmfw firalshed with hla full Wlntor supply of hla highly nutritious and well-known beverage. ltß wide erread and Increasing use, by order of physi cians. for lurol ds.uso of fomjuoe, o ®SSiS' lnitiM 1 ni t iM ar attention of all consumers who want a strictly pure ar- SSr.Prepared from tho best material*, and put up In the moot careful manner for home use or transportation. Or den by mall or otherwise prompUy ‘aaa Pear street, ae7 tf Below Third and Walnut streets. TFgLS^kH^cl[&w B fflcM2M JreA Mode'S?, lfi“™ V Bwita Crunßum. handles and fc Below Third and Walnut etroota and above d^ok etroot —j—^»eB-—»—■!■■■ ; EI nil Tin T BOTEIfi. xyABHINGTGNHOUBFj, M : ~ * T Remains open during the Winter. Good accommodations.^ Proprietor. JOSEPH UAFETRA. E.R. JONES, 707 Walnut atreet •hOTHIND. JONES’ ONE-PRICE tei lmo* RET U RN OF THB O Y INSURANCE COMPANY, OF LIVERPOOL, TO THE AUDITOR GENERAL OF PENNSYL VANIA.OF THE AFFAIRS OF THAT COMPANY ON JUNE 30,1808. : Capital Slc«k Ten Millions of Dollars, BTOSB B6SDBGD TOOUim IHIBEI, OP WHICH 96,165 SHARES TAKEN, each raid, « - Assam Seal ‘ EtUto belonging te l ha Company..... > Cafh on hand and In 8ank.......... Cub in Branch Office* and Agent**hand,.. fcoana atcmed by Bond: Loan, ucnred an Lite Folielee Stock,of theCnitedStiUo*, held In New X0i*,.... WW Amount invsatod in Btocka In Groat Briiata« IABMSI# Amount bold m Collateral for Louu, with margin? of from 17 tOSSjercant....; LIABILITIES. I/xsce pending adjustment. ..... Lowo< paid during the yoar... —@1,819.425 Loeaee not paid and included In e* tlmatecf «l»8« Dividend* declared Dividend* aot paid Ailother claim* agalnit the Company, one fourth Government duty INCOME FOR SEAR. Ca«h Prcmiuma received. Fire Branch.... Jnteieet Money Inroetmoata, Fire Branch Income from other source*, Fire Branch.. Income,Fire Branch. 82,401,855 EXPENDITURES FOR YEA.B EoesM, u above, Including those not paid... Bt.tSS.t4o Dividerds.. Expenditure* of every description. GEORGE WOOD, Agent, 226 WALNUT STRJEET. 6, 1863 a UNITED STATES BRANCH or TUB Liverpool and Loudon and Globe INSURANCE COMPANY, On tbe First Day of January, 1869, In Conformity with the Laic of Pennsylvania. Authorized Capita 1........ 810*000,000 Pold-op Capital 1,958,700 Total Assets in Gold arc over... 17,000,000 INVESTMENTS AND FUNDS RETAINED IN THB UNITED STATES. Real Eetate held by the .Company In the United Statea CubDepotitain Bank! Amount of Cub,in bands of Agents and in cocrteof transmission. Amount or Loans, on Bond and Mortgage, con etitutJng first liens on Real Estate (In the United Stales) on fchich Uiere is less than one year’s interest duo Amount of Loans, Stocks, etc., held by the Company, market value % ©3,769 60 Other available assets 126,193 00 INCOME IN THE UNITED STATES. Cash Premiums from Jan. U 1968, to Jan. 1, 18©. * 1.789,619 80 Amount of Interest - 100,755 34 Amount of Income from other sourees 19.638 44 EXPENDITURES AND LIABILITIES. Amount of Looses daring the year which havo beta paid * Amount of Lome In suit or contested during theyegr 80.000 00 Amount of Loesee during the year not yet paid. 1U.074 00 Amount paid for re-insurance and return pre miums ' Amount of expenses during the year, including commissions and feee to Officers and Agents in the United States 296,008 19 Amount of Taxes • 69,144 61 Amount of allother expenses of the Company. 81133 07 STATE OF NEW YORK. „ „ City audOoukty of Nbw Yohk, so. Be it remembered that on this 30th day of January. A. D 1869, before me. the subscriber, a commissioner, in and for the State of Now YO'k, .duly commissioned and an tbonzed by the Governor of Pennsylvania. to take He. knowledgmenl of deede and other writings, to be used and recorded in the State of Pennsylvania. and to administer oatha and affirmations, personally appeared ALFRED FELL, Jn-.Beeident Secretary of the Liverpool and London Globe Insurance Company, and made oath that the abovo and f oreßoluß is a true statement of the condition of said Company upon the first dav of January, 1869. and I further ceriify that 1 have made peraonal ex amination of the condition of aaid Liverpool and London Globe Insurance Company on this day, and, am eatlsfied that they have assets safuly invested in the United States to the amount ol *3,600000: that 1 have examined the securities now in the hands of the Company, as set forth in the forsKOlnc statement, and the same aro of the value represented in the statement. ..... „ , 1 further corUfy that 1 am not interested in the affairs of said Company. ...... In witness whereof I have horennto set my hand and affixed my official seal, Doth day of January, A, (fr.ii'j D. 18 KDWARD F. CORBY, Ja, Commissioner. ADVISORY BOARD IN PHILADELPHIA. Messrs: CHARLES S. BMITH. LEMUEL COFFiN, JOBBPH W. LEWIS. , HENRY A. DUHRING, EDWARD BITER. ATWOOD SMITH, GENERAL AGENT FOR PENNSYLVANIA. 80. 6 mertboatb’ Exchange, Pblladelpbla. tea w f m 6trps EIAhTIiTBPON II« . Pennsylvania Elastic Sponge 1111 Cheitant Street, Pblladelpbla. EIiABTIcHsPONGHfI, A SUBSTITUTE FOR CUBLED HAIR FOR ALT, a. SOBDiii UPHOLSTERY PURPOBE3 CHEAPER THAN FEATHERS OR HAIR, AND FAB SUPERIOR* The Lightest. Softest and moat Elastic and Durablo ma- CARRIAGE AND It is entirely Indestructible, perfeotly clean and free from dust. IT DOES NOT PACK AT ALL I is always free from insect life: is perfectly hoalthy, and for thoslok is tmoqualod. . . M If Belied in any way, can be renovated quicker and easier than any othor Mattress. Special attentionjdven to _. FURNISHING CHURCHES. HALLS. Sc. Railroad mon are especially invited to examine the CUihi ° UBl sffiBFACTION GUARANTEED. Tim TRADE SUPPLIED. Ivaomwflyf BIUSICARw street ' " aumilt IJK> PHYBICIARS. Allow me to call four attention t» my PEBPABITiOM OP COMPOUND EXTRACT BOCHU. TheeoapoaaMt parts are BUCHU, Lona Liar, CUBEBB, JCHIPHB BEBIUEB. Mon* or PBtrA&aTio&—Bucho, in vacua. Jsuitor Barries, by dtatlßatlon, to (arm a One gin. Cobcbe ex- tracted by displacement by llQtur obtained from Jaaipor Berrien, containing very Uttla eugar, .small proportion *< spirit, and tnoro palatable than any now in nsa. The active properties are by this mode extracted. 81,442,470 Bucha, as prepared by Druggists generally, bat a dark 1.074.W4 841,828 845,818 1,744.6ni 818,7*5 Color, It is a plant that emits Its fragrance: the actio* of a Baaie destroys this (Its active principle), leaving adssfc and glutinous decoction, Mlnefa thocolorof Ingredlentol The Baeha in my preparation pndominatee i the em sliest 8,311,024 Quantity of the ether ingredients are added, to prormsf 88,092,798 a Tincture, os made In Fhannacopcea, nor Is it a Syrup— and therefore (can be need In cases where fever or iadalh- mationlexistß. In thb .you have the knowledge it the Ingredients and the mode of preparation. 8282,200 Hoping that you will favor It with a trial,and that apen 82.807.85 S 78JRi 17.318 Inspection it wQI meet with vonr approbation. With a feeling of confidence. Chemist and Druggist of 16 Toars' Experience la 82,290,340 Bzumowe Pum> Errsacn Bcoan, for weakness arising from Indiscretion. The exhausted powers of Nature which arc accompanied by so many alarming symptoms, among » bleb wBl be found InSspositioo t* Exertion. Loes of Memory, Wakefulness. Horror ,of Blseaie, or Forebodings of Eribinfact. Universal Land- todr.'Prostration, and Inability to enter into the cajoy- menta of society. The Constitution, once affected with Organic Woak. ness, requires tbo aid of Medicine to strengthen and la- vigorate the system, which HELMBOUPB EXTRACT BUCHU Invariably does. V no trfeatpient if rotnnlttftd .8263,122 S 3 . 93.86191 to, Consumption or Insanity ensure. mjß&m Hxuinonn’B Fluid Ex act Bgomr, In effeettoea pa- cullar to Ft male*, is nnegnalod by any other preparation. 9M.555M as in Chlorosis, or Retention. Palnfulnas, or Suppression of Customary Evacuations, Ulcerated or Bchlrras Btate Of the Uteruxand an complaints Incldeat to the sex,whether arising from habits of dissipation, imprudence Ip. or tfc* 954.925 34 decline or change of life. Helnsold’s Fluid Extolot Buanu aud Ikteotkd 123,928 77 Boss Wasn will radically exterminate from the system diseases arising from habits of dissipation, at little ex. pence, little or no change in diet, no inconvenience or ex- posure: completely superseding those unpleasant and dangerous remedies, Copatvs and Mercury, tn all these dieeosea. Use Hblmbold’s Fluid Extea or Buanu in all diseases of these organs, whether existing tn the male or female. from whatever cause originating, and no matter of how longstanding. It is pleasant in taste and odor, H imtoe> a elate” in action, and more strengthening than any of the preparations of Bark or Iron, The so suffering from -broken-down or delicate constl- tntions, procure the remedy at once. The reader must be aware that, however slight may bo the attack of the abovo diseases. It is certain to affect the bodily health and mental powers. an the above diseases require the aid ef a Diuretie. HELMBOLD’S EXTRACT BUCHU Is the great Diuretic. Bold by Druggists everywhere. Psios-8125 per bottle or 6 bottles for 86 DO. Delivered to any address. Describe symptoms in all communications. Address, Modlcal Dopot, 104 3. Tenth street, PhOada. Drug and Chemical Warehouse, 591 Broadway, N, Y. Mono aro genuine unless dsifo up In stoohengravod wrapper, with my Chomloal Warehouse). and signed de2 w m Hew Yoke. AngnstlMh,tM, ;npoa Inspection. It will be fen*d cwt to be 1 am, very respectfully. H. T. JOELMBOLD, Philadelphia, and now located at his Drag and Chemical Warehouse. 6M Broadway, Hew H.T. HELMBOLD
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers