CITY BIILLEIIII4. Ualamits on. Chestnut Street. DESTRUCTION OF THE SURD BLOCK OF STORES. THB,.EE NOBLE ESTABLISH- MENTS BURNED. SUPPOSED LOSS OF LIFE. sievEßzw PERSONS BADLY INJURED. GREA.T LOSS OF PROPERTY. The most serious conflagration known in Phil. adciphia for a long Lima neetirred this morning, and at the hour of writing this,though the spread of the rain is checked, the firemen are still at work endeavoring to extinguish the flames. The block of three marble stores at the South west corner of Ninth;and Chestnut atreets, run ning through , to Sanitati street, was the hand somest of its kind in the city, and among the costliest. The ccirner "store was occupied by Messrs. Howell (1‘ Brothers, manufacturers and dealers In, paper-hangings. The second, or mid dle one,cwae occupied by James E. Caldwell & Co., ,jewellers. The third ono was oc - envied by Messrs. J. F. & E. B. Orne dealers in carpets. The Chestnut street frbiats were of pure white marble, and: of Washita architecture. The Ninth street and Saloom area fronts were of pressed brick, with trimmings , of white marble and granite. Tao stores: were erected about eight years ago, by the Waco' Edmund Bard, on the site of the former zianeton , of the Bud family. Howell & Bro. and the Messrs,. Orne have occupied these stores elver since. The ',middle store, formerly occupied by J..M. Raleigh, was leased by Messrs. J. E. Cald well & Co. in 1867, and altered to suit their pur poses. They moved into it a little less than a year ago, having opened there on the second of March, 1868 • ORIGIN OF THE FIRM A little -before one o'clock this morning fire was discovered coming from the rear of Oald- WOrti store, ou Sanitom street, and it is said that an explosion was heard about the same time. In an amazingly short time the flames spread through the interior of the beautiful establish ment, Invading the art gallery in the second story and filling all the space with dense volumes of smoke. BLx men, clerks of the store, slept in it. These were Frederick A. Davis, cashier, J. Gedney King James F. Andrews, James F. Polk, Ed ward Hagan, and Charles Hardy. Two of these, it is feared, perished,and the rest are more or less Injured. In another paragraph them Will be in formation eoncgrning all. SPREAD OFTHE FIRE. The firemen were early on the ground, but there was difficulty in getting water into the in terior. The wind was blowing from the south west, and Howell's store WAS soon on fire, while volumes of smoke and quantities of burning tim ber were carried over to the Continental Hotel, Giratd House and other establlsbmunts on Chest nuristreet, creating great consternation. Orne'e carpet store was also soon ignited, and in a couple of hens all three of the large establish ments appeared to be doomed. SCENES IF THE CHEAT HOTELS. The coneternation in the Continental and Gi rard became general, all the boarders, servants and others being aroused and prepared for hasty departute. Madame Parepa Rosa, who had rooms on Ninth street, in the Continental, and the other : members of her troupe, removed to other quarters, and boarders and servants with: trunks and bundles were ready to leave also.' Fortunately there was no real occasion for this, smite fire has been kept within the limits of the Third block of stores. The heat of the blazing interior soon told upon the beautiful ,white marble front of Caldwell's store, and tt.‘e cornice and upptt stories cracked, crumbled and fell in with heavy crashes. The fronts of the others are not so much hart, and the outer walls on Ninth and Salmom streets and to the westward,which were very thick and solid, appear to be as sound as ever. CALDWELL'S STORE. The store of J. E. Caldwell & Co. is completely destroyed. The value of their stock is estimated at about $850,000. Of this, about one half, con sisting of diamonds, watches, etc., was deposited every evening in tire-proof safes, and it is hoped that these will all be found in good order, or at least not materially damaged.. DESCDILPT/01 4 1 OF CALDWELL'S STORE. On Monday, March 2, 1868, when the new store of J. E. Caldwell & Co. was opened to the ptiblic, a description of its interior appeared in the BULLhTIN, from which we take the fol lowing " of the fixtures and ornaments is that which prevailed in the days of Loa's XIV., aed everything has been brought into keeping with this antique design. The edifice is four stories in height, with a front of thirty-three feet and a festal depth of two hundred and thirty-five feet.. .On entering, the visitor finds himself within anelegantly-ew bellishe.d department, to be devoted to the sale of general jewelry. This has a depth of one hundred and ten feet, being separated from the next departruent by what is technically termed a 'screen,' consisting of a heavily-cor niced arch, supported by pilasters and columns, in imitation of the beautiful Sienna marble, and resting upon pedestals of delicately blue-veined white' marble. These latter are relieved by genuine 'Sienna Marble panels, which are in tine contrail, with the general surroundings. "Ranged on either side of this department are finely polished, black walnut jewelry cases, which atheism the beauty 01 the room by their contrast With the elegantly frescoed walls and ceiling. The Counters are of blue-veined marble, and bear upon their tops large show-cases. Besides these receptacles for jewelry, there extends through the.centre a series of finely polished tables, to be used for the same purpose. This apartment is brilliantly lighted by candelabra and brackets, having an aggregate number of 114 jets. The gas fixtures throughout are from the establish ment of Cornelius"& Baker, and, as a matter of course, they are elegant arid effective. ----- " The second apartment 18 the 'silver-room,' which has a depth of sixty feet, and is furnished in a style s . milar to that of the apartment above mentioned, having, however, a double cornice; and it is lighted by a large and elegantly-formed chandelier, and brackets, consisting in all of 44 jets. In the rearof this is the ' btonze ' depart ment, wherein will be constantly kept a valuable array of bronze ornaments of every conceivable kind. This room is thirty feet square, and it has beyond it a space divided off into offices, count ing and show-rooms, &c. The walls and ceilings of all these apartments aro frescoed in the most tasteful and beautiful manner of any we have ever seen ; and the neutral tints and golden bands pre fe-nt from the main door a charming prospect. The floor, too, is entirely new, being of tesselated marble. The gallery of the building, or, prdperly epeaking, the second story, will be used for the display of paietings." The stock of goods in Caldwell's store, con slating of jewelry, silver and plated ware, clocks, broezes, pictures and fancy articles of every va riety,wee one of the MOet beautiful ever collected in America. Tie ir holiday sales bad reduced the winter's stock very much, but the store still seemed to the visitor to be filled with beautiful things., TUE LOSFES AND INSUEANCRB The building No tut (occupied by Caldwell & Co:) was owntd 1* Win. C. Houston. It cost. when built,' *58.0u0. The insuraliCe upon lt, as furnished by M. D. Evans, Suburance agent, No. 431 Walnut Btreet, amounts. to 4150,000, divided us follower : American Baud in Hand' Feunslicaufa Green Franklin State of Pennillvanla Dolaware Mutual Fire Association Messrs. CaldweiLit Co. had four large safes in their establtilment. Two of these sates were In the front part of the store, and contained all the gold watches and diamonds. The safes were all toned in good condition this morntng. The value of the stock of the firth which was outside of the sates is estimated at 5250,000. The insurance on the stock effected by Tilling hast & Hllt, Insurance Agenta, No. 409 Walnut street, are as follows; Springfield Yonkers of New York Lumberman's of Chicago.... People's of Worcester Atlantic of Providence Enterprise of Cincinnati Norwich, Conn. Firemen's of New Y0rk...... Astor of New Yoik Pheenix of New York Imperial of London Homo-of New Haven Clinton of New York 10)a' of London Nurth British and Mercantile Delaware Mutual.. North America.... Reliance Astor (on pictures) Howard do, Total 9136,000 The corner store was owned by Mr. Geo Ho w ell. It cost $83,000, and was insured for $lO,OOO, divided as follows: American 8 000 Fire Asseclation 8,000 Delaware Mutual 8,000 Pennsylvania 8,000 Franklin 8,000 Messrs. Howell & Brothers, the occupants,bad on hand a very large stock of paper of all kinds. The spring stock had onip been placed iu the building within a short time. Everything in the building was destroyed. The stock was valued at upwards of $200,000. Messrs. Howell & Bros. have $105,000 in surance on their stock and fixtures, which was effected by Samuel Hilt, insurance agent, in the following named companies: Pennsylvania Fire, Phila 95,000 Reliance, Phila 6,000 Spring Garden. Philada 5,000 Liverpool and London 10,000 Royal 10,000 ~, E tna, Hd . 10,000 Pbcenix, Hd 5,000 North American, Rd. 5,000 Hartford, Hd 5,000 Washington, N. I' 5,000 Niagara, N. Y 5,000 North American, N. Y 5,000 Yonkers and New York, N. Y 5,000 Lorillard, N. Y 5,000 Home. N. Y... 5,000 Manhattan, N. ? - , 5,000 Springfield, Mass 5,000 ' Queen, of Liverpool ' 5,000 Building No. 904 is owned by Mr. Benjamin Orne. It cost lii6o,ooo,and is insured for $54,000, divided among the following companies: Yonkers, N. Y Hartford "Etna, Hartford Ilvenix, N. Y National. Boston Shoe and Leather, Boston North American, Boston Eliot of Boston The building was not much injured by fire, but was greatly damaged by water. The stock of Messrs. J. F. & E. B. Orne, carpet dealers, was valued at 8125,000 on the Ist Inst. The entire stock,. was damaged by water. The insurance upon the stock, as furnished by M. •D. Evans, Insurance Agent, 431 Walnut street, is as follows : North America Franklin Royal Liverpool, London and Globe American, Ms Pennsylvania Enterprise Reliance Delaware Mutual Union Mutual County Fire 1. Co Etna of Hartford Niagara of N. Y Continental of'N. Y.... Lorillard of N. Y Peoples' of Worcester.. Springfield, Mass Manufacturers' of Phila ORIGIN OF THE FIRE. The origin of the fire is involved in mystery, but is being investigated. At about half-past twelve o'clock the neighborhood was perfectly quiet, and very few people were in the street. Suddenly a loud hissing sound was heard, and in a few momenta was followed by four or five slight reports. Then there was a grand crash and the explosion shook the sidewalks. The force of the explosion was so great that the rear door of Howell & Bros' store was blown off and the ceiling . at the rear of the store of the Messrs. Orne was ereaUy injured. The last report was followed by the crashing of glass. and then flames burst from the rear of the b.isti- meat of Caldwell's building, where a Harrison boiler of ten-horse power and the heating appir rains were located. As the Harrison boiler is considered the safest of all steam generators, and wee, io this case run at very low pr‘asure, it is difficult to explain bow the explosion could have procuded from that source. Lest night six men whose names are given above, employed in the establishment, were asleep in the stole of Messrs. Caldwell (is Um All were on the first floor—some being front and others‘huek. It has always been usual for some of the clerks to remain In the building all night to act as watchmen. Boon after the explosions wore heard and the flames broke out, four of the young men Messrs. Davis, Hardy, King and Andrews made their appearance at the front sicuud-story window,got oat upon the ledge and worked their way along to the front of Orne's store. They then called for help, and the Washington Hose Comp Any, which bad got upoa the ground, quickly put up a ladder, and the men were taken down. All wire more or less injured. Messrs. Davis and Hardy were taken to the Continental Hotel. Mr. King was taken to the Mark.or House. Mr. Andrews Whs taken to the Girard House, and after having his tniuriee attended to by Dr. Morehouse, was removed to the Penusyl vanla Hospital by Fire Marshal Blackburn and others. Both feet are burned and be has inhaled smoke. His injuries are serious, but are not considered fatal. Messrs. Hagan and Poulk have not been heard of. They got separated from the others as they were mak ing their way to the staircase leading to the upper part of the building. Mr. Andrews Bays that when he last saw Hagan he bad fallen down near the front door. Both men are supposed to have perished. Hagan was from Providence, R. 1., and had been In the employ of the firm between two and three years. Mr. Poulk was from Winchester, Va., and had been connected with the establishment about a 3 ear. Neither was married. THE IetIiEMEN Were upon the ground in large numbers, soon after the alarm was given,and they went to work in the most energetic manner to combat the flames. All attention was directed to Caldwell's store, and it was thought that the fire would be confined tO that structure. The fbunes,however, worked along the joists into the third story of the store of Howell & Bros., and spread rapidly among the paper. Ladders were at once put up and efforts were made to ex tinguish the flames. The fire burned fiercely and burst out of the windows with great fury. It was soon apparent that this building could not be saved, and as it was found that the heavy stock In the upper stories might fall through and Injure the flremen,they were withdraWn by Chief- Engineer Downey. The fuel carried by the steam-engine comuaniee was exhausted in the long service, and Messrs. Turner & Bro., Earle & Son, J. W. Scott & Um, Hcnier,.Colladay & Co , furnished wood until their stock of that material gave out, and every assistance possible was rendered by the mer chants and others In the neighborhood. The tiro was got pretty welt-u7 - - - ntrol soon after day light, and many of the companies were dismissed. In Howell's store, however, the paper continued to burn, and several of the companies are still in ECTVICO ti.)l , the present writing. TUE POLICIS. SIO 000 . 10,000 . 6,000 . b,OOO . 6 , 0110 . 5,000 S,OUU .. 6,000 • A largo pone() force, under command oracting Chief H. G. Clinic and Lieut. John G. Connelly, of the 'Fifth District, were upon the ground, and rtudoind otcry assistance to the firemen. THE DAILY EVENING BULLETIN-PHILADELPHIA, THURSDAY,' JANUARY ;14 . 1.569. TAB DAM:Mt TO NITIGRBORINGOIMTAIINGS. For 'some time the Continental dote( was con sidered in Imminent dauger,und at first there was considerable panic among the guests.- Thelibuse Is van provided with its own' fire Operate% which was immediately brought Into requisition, and Contributed largely In _saving , the building. When the conflagration was at its height the flames shot high into tho air, across Chestnut street, over the top 'of the hi Idings On the opposite side, but these houses being low, escaped. 'From flowell's, bending myriads of sparks wore emitted. and were carried for several squares in 'anortheasterly directioo. Large pieces of burning paper fell in,the streets and on the roots of houses, and in some instances continued to burn for several .tninutea. At this time the heavens were lighted up, and the scene was magnificent in the extreme. _ $5,000 . 5.000 . 5,000 . 5.000 . .5,000 . 5,000 . 5,000 .. 5,000 .. 5,000 ~ 5,000 .. 5,000 .. 10,000 .. 10,000 .. 10.000 .. 15,000 10,000 SUMMARY OF LOSSES AND INSURANOF.S. The following is a summary of the insurances on, and the estimated value of,' the, property destroyed Sufferers W. U. Houston. J. E. Caldwell.. Geo. Howell... Howell & Bro., . 10,000 . 10,000 8,000 . 8,000 Benj. Orne J. F. & E. B. Orne TIIR FAIRMOUNT FIRE COMPANY, —lllO annual ball of this Company took place lest evening, at the Aesdemy.of Mask. The members having charge of the affair may well feel .proud of the EUCCeFt3 that crowned their efforts, the attendance being large and fashionable. On the centre of the dancing-floor was an immense circular painted place. containing in large lettere, 'TAW mount 8. F. E. Co., No. 32, 1869." The dancing commenced at nine o'clock. and continued until three this morning, the floor being ;well-filled With "trippers" on the light fantastic toe and the ',argot t elide and balcony withiookers-on. The refreshment department was in the hands of Adolph Proskauer, and was managed to the en tire satisfaction of all present. Everything passed off In the most pleasant manner, and to the com plete satisfaction of everybody participating. Snow BEES.—Mr. Joseph Corney, the well known butcher of the Washington Market, at No. 6 Market street, has his establishment hand somely decorated in honor of the presence of some of the most superb show beef ever exhibited in this city. There are half-a-dozen beeves. each weighing over 2,000 pounds, dressed; and in addition to these, there is a tine display of lamb, mutton, bogs, eke. The hogs far, exceed any that have ever been exhibited in Philadelphia. The market is gaily adorned with alga, bunting, and evergreen, and presents such an attractive appearance that it is constantly thronged with spectators. $105,000 THE MARAINERCHOR.-At the Academy . of Music this evening the annual masked ball of the Maennerchor will be given. A brilliant MELO may be expected. The arrangements have been made without regard to trouble, labor or expense. The reception of the Prince Carnival and the procession incident theta° will be magnificent. Characters of every variety will be represented. The Academy will be dt corated, and the music will be furnished by tWo large orchestras. Everybody who attends sill have ample opportunity for the greatest en joyment. $6,000 6,000 7,000 7,000 7,000 7,000 7,000 7,000 $54,000 THE EDITORS of this paper,take pleasure in calling the attention of all theirpatrons to the advertisement of the American Life Insurance Company of Philadelphia, in another column. Them is no advertisement of all our long list that we insert with more pleasure, because we know that in calling the attention of our readers to that Company, we are doing them a real benefit. It is on every account just the Company in which it pass to be interested-10w in its rates, cautious in its risks, paying dividends of jiffy per cent.,old and reliable, and always prompt in payment of losses. $ 20,000 20,000 15,000 15,000 15 000 2,),000 10,000 . 10,000 10,000 . 10,000 . 10,000 . 10,000 . 10,000 . 10,000 . 10,000 10,000 . 10,000 . 5.000 COUNTY COURT.—Tbe Camden County Courts, which are now in session, are rapidly disposing of the civil cases on hand. The following cases have been appealed to the Superior Court: Saint. W. Torrey et al. vs. The Camden and Atlantic Railroad Company.—ln ease. George W. Reed & Co. vs Mary H. Porter.—lu case. William Chamt era et at. vs. Shinn and Johnson.—lu case. In the Circuit Court the following cases are docketed: A. E. Fitzpatrick vs. Lafferty & Bros. —ln case. William P. Mintz vs. Anthony Van derslice.—Ejectment. Peter Winiman vs. David Roe.—ln ease. William Polls vs. Henry O'Brien. —ln ease. Henry F. Hunt vs. Thomas Cochran.— In case. Joseph B. Stewart vs. Joseph Withers, St.—ln case. Edmund Brewer vs. Sarah Jane Clark —Ejectment. Peter Gluckstein vs. John Schnitzlen—ln case. Edmund Brewer vs. Uriah Norcross.—ln case. It is thought that the Grand Jury will get through with their labors by Sat urday, and the criminal business will commence some time next week. CAMDEN PRICKS CURRENT.—The prices of marketing in Camden during the past week ranged as follows: Butter perpound, 60 cents; eggs per dozen, 45c • potatoes, $1; lard, 22c. per wound; salt pork. fic.; chickens, 22®25c ; tar. ktys. 20®22 , • ; cider vinegar. 50e. per gallon; Laguayra coffee, per pound, 40c; Rio, 35c.: flour, extra, $6 50 per cwt.; prime cheese, 22c. per pound; smoked< beef, 25; mackerel, 10®14c.; Jersey hams. 21c.: onions per half peck, 40,!..: dried ripples. 10e.; peaches, 15®18c ; beans per bus.,s3 7504 , 5; molasses per gui.,Boc ®sl; steam s!InP, $1 girl 25; teas—black, sl®ll 35, green, $1 51@t2; raw sugar's, 14®15c., refined extra C, 26e., It or.A 17c., standard A. 17c., crashed, &c., lee ; brown soap, B®(oc., olive, - 010 e. , 10e.,electrie, 17 c.,Castile,2sc. ; tallow coudles,2oc.; adamantine, 30 cents; apples. half peck, 35®40 cents; coal oil, per gallon, 45 cents, wheat per bushel, $2 15; oats, 65®75e.; clover reed, $7 25; timothy, $3; flaxseed, $3; timothy hay per toe, $20®22.' corn per bushel—old, $l. rye, $1 40, straw, slB®s2o per ton. Basic Socirrey.—To-night the annual meeting of the Camden County Bible Society will be held in the Third Street Methodist Episcopal Church. Dine:eV/BB ELECTED. —The stockholders of the First National Bank of Camden have elected the following gentlemen as Directors for the entering ”ir • Jonas Livermore. John F: Starr, N. N. Stokes. Maurice Browning, John F. Bodine, Clayton Lippincott, George S. Gillingham, D. T. Gage, Charles A. Sparks. THE STATION HOUBE.—Twelve persons were accommodated with lodgings in the station-house lu Camden last night. "A STRUGGLE I.OR LlNE."—This is the theme of a leeturelo be delivered this evening by Hiss Anna Dickinson, in Camden, for the benefit of the Young Men's Debating Club and Lyceum. $22b,000 NEW YORK, Jan. 14.—T t. ho Amnesty Proclama tion does no affect. any prisoners in this dis trict. In the case of John C. Bratoe, the Chesa peake pirate, who is in the Kings County jail under indictment for piracy, District Attorney Parris is of the opinion the proclamation can have no effect. . Tw ) well dressed young men seized a tin box containing bonds to,the amount of several thou sand dollars yesterday from a desk In William B. Strong's banking house, No. fiM Pine street, where,it had just been placed by a little messen ger boy of sixteen, named William Hogeman. The little fellow seeing the theft ran after the thieves and, after a vigorous chase, collared them both and turned them over to the police and secured his bonds. One of the thieves turned out to be a celebrated bond operator named Theo dore Davis, and the other calls himself William Spaulding. Jacob Minty and Moses Dainty, father and son, who have been on trial In the - United States Circuit- Court on an Indictment charging them with Illegally removing whisky from a distillery on Forty-flfth street, then under seizure and fa custody of a revenue collector, were lesterday found guilty by the jury before whom they were tried. They were remanded for sea twice. To PRESERVIS TRH HAIR, stimulate stn growth, and tr acer it soft and - glossy, use , layne's fir 'nude. This ont.qualled dressing for the hair heinefr, 0 from till de'etetions suloottnees, exetelses a beneficial in eon the scalp, freeing It from selrvy uud Unit- Ilia; and In most canes mortar now hair to grow on heads that have been bald. Prepared only by Dr. li..Juyne 85.E0n. 448 Chestnut street. QUIET andeoolhe the petit of children teethlne Ueo Bower's Infant Cordial. Sold by all Drugglete. Value of Properly. Insurance ....$ - 58.000 . 60.000 t. 250.000 186.000 .... 88,000. 40,000 .... 226,000 105,000 .... 60,000 . ,6t,000 .... 126,000'220,000 $801;000 ' ;$616,01T0 NEW JERSEY ITIULTYERS WHOM NEW YORI. CITY NOTICES. "lowsn's Bum , Arabkr Sec,mta" , --tjaci 'them for yo u r co eg h ob.] -pulmonary trouble& Depot -Sixth anditioe., cattle. gold 1w Druggists. , uns, Fortis-Funs, ttheiyein and loweg in The clip.- C; At Oiatroitbs'.-834 And tato Cheatunt kind. CirArcLics OTO It HS tit 1;(1., . iderchantfrallors. and Clothleric No; 624 ObeStntlt shoot Ttre ptah of , the biultdayS , being over. we are now prepared with as large a stock as ever of the finest. Fars. , 014.1tLE8 OAIOIIIIO 85 - 80116., ConMneatalth,lteL Coitus, Bunions, luvertod Nails, . Martini. treated by Dr. J. Davidson ; No. 915 Chestnut ' street. Charges moderate. • DE.AIeNEX, BLINDNEttifi AND tiATARIttL _ J. Isaacs, M. D.. Profeesor of the Bye' and Ear treats all diseaSes appertaining to the above members with the utmost success. Testimonials from the mod reliable soarcee in the city can be seen at this office, No. 605 Archrtreet. The medical faculty are Invited to accompany their pationttclus he has no secrets In Ws practice: .artificial eyes Inserted. - ,No _charge made for examination. • ' SURGICAL liistauxtßain and 'dnintita' eon driee. BNowlsw & Buonioni 28 South litehth street MARINE BULIADTIN. PORT OF PHILADELPHIA-JANvenir rafrike Marine Btaiettll Afl Ina& rage. CLEARED THIS DAY. Bark Me Chilton, O'Brien, Antwerp, Workman & Co Correspondence of the PhiWEladelohis Jan. 1 &whams. LES. Du.. 4-6 PH. The vessels before reported 118 beleg In harbor. detained by adverse ar Inds:proceeded to sea this forenoon.- The bark•Foreninger. from hio Janeiro, has been ordered to Philadelphia. The bark Busy. from Buenos avres.which left the Roadstead 9th Inst. for Baltimore. is ashore south of Cape Booty. Aeeietance from Baltimore has been forwarded. - Yours. die. JOSEPH LAFET/Ul. 1112111101tANDs. Ship Dashing Wave. Mayhew. 114 days from San Fran- CIPCO, at New York yesterday. Dot 8. let 27 618. ton 2748. exchanged sipnala with the ship Midnight, from Sap Francisco for new York, 71 days out. Ship St Lurie, Chapman, cleared at New York yester day for Ban Francisco. Steamer Korfolk. Platt hence at Richmond 12th hut. Steamer Brunette.flovre. hence at New York yesterday. 'learner Enaland (Br). hompson, cleared at New York yesterday for Llverpo-J, Steamer Alabama, Ltmeburner, cleared at New York yesterday tor Fernandina. Steamer Tarifa (Br,. hlurphy, from Liverpool via Boston at New York yesterday Steamer Denmark (Br). Cutting, from Liverpool 25th at New York yesterday, with 60 passengers. Bark La Plata. Crowell, cleared at New York restate/ for Buenos Ayres. Steamer Perlt, Gardner, sailed from Galveston 7th inst. for New York. Bark Southern Belle (Br). Borman, cleared at N York yesterday for Montevideo via St Mary's. Ga. Behr Maly G Codins, Endicott, cleared at New York yesterday tor - this port. Behr Geo A Carter, Mott. from Boston for this Port, at New York yesterday. Schr Bdio Waters. eolsom, cleared at New York yester• day for Bahia and a market . MARINE MISCELLANY. Brig T J McGuire (of Now York), Littlefield, wag wrecked 25th ult. on Weet Canciar Point Reef, and be came a total loss. Crew saved. The tint and second roster and one seaman arrived at New Ynrk yesterday tn brig Anna Lindsey. from Grand Turk. The 1' JAI was built at Stockton. Me. in 1865, was Mg tone register, and cia turd by J E Ward and others of New York. Salk Cremona (of Mvetic). 4:apt Burrows. whiebtallsd ftpm Galveston Nov l'Ar and arrived at Liverpool OM ult. very heavy weathet the entire pareage. On the 10th. vaile running under lower topsails and foresails. shipped a are a bleb washed overboard a penman named J VentY. (colored) end mere unable to render. him any assistance on account of the heavy gale at the time. Dee 10, lat 46 N. Inn 31 W. Tweed at a abort distance a bark of about 360 tribe. waterlogged and abandoned. The foremast was pv.11(111314 with verde and remains of calls, and main and Wagon masts gone; had squire stern. with liilack , and yellow carving; straight item. with half figure of person as fisure.heed ; there wee a booze on deck for cabin. which extended about le feet orward the mizzen 'mast a ith door In the forward part. Apparently the hall had not been in the above condition very long. • /IBIIISENICENIFIN See Sixth Pave for Additional Aniwiententa 11 ILADELPH IA PHILP ARMONIC 801IETV, Y Grauo Concert on SATURDAY EVENING. January le% Academy of Muelc. ' ja14.13t DC. H: JARVIS , THE GREAT PIANO-PLAYER, It. at the Philharmonic Concert, SATURDAY EVE. PING. Jan. 16th. Academy of Music. jell Et GRAND ORCHESTRA, SIXTY•FTVE BEST PER. formero—Reethoven , e tlemvoth Symphony. Philhar. motile dociety_Concert, SAI (WAY EVENISO, Jan.lB. Academy of Busk. Jolt St VI %LP CAMIS,LA UIIBO,WONDERFUL, VIOLINFI r, at Grand Concert, .B9TURDAY EVENING. Jan. 16, academy of Music, jal44t. JUST PUBLISHED. 1. BAKER'S NEW ' WORK. A Book for Boys from Eight Team Old to Eighty. CAST UP BY THE SEA. By SIR 8 AM UHL WHITE BAKER. Author of "'The Albert N"Vanzo.''"Abyaslnia," etc. 16mo. With Illuatrations. Fine Cloth. dl kg "The tone of the book is healthy, and b...ys will find it overpoweringly interesting. Junto test the boos. I put it in the hands of my Youngest boy. and he never ace a meal with r•Tich mita he had finished Ned's marvelous adventures"—London Athencruna 11, THE GLOBE GOLDSMITH. THE 151113CELLA EEO ITB WORKS OF OLIVER GOLD. Elllllll. Vlith Biographical .nlrodnction. By Prot. Masson. Glebe Edition. Square Elmo. Toned paper. Fine cloth. 52 00. OUR CHARLEY, AND WHAT TO DO WITH IBM. By Mrs. H. B. Stowe. With /Ltuitratione. lbmo. Extra cloth. *1 00. IV. THE. SURE NESTING PLAOE: BEING SELECTED SAYINGS OF OUR LORD JESUd cEI HIST arranged as a Manual of It aith and Practice. 16mo. Tinted paper. Cloth. dl 60. Published by J. B. LIPPINCOTT & Ca. 715 and 717 111nrket Street, Phila. PROVIDENT LIFE AND TRUST COMPANY OF PHILADJLPHIA. et rice 111 South Fourth Street Pflll./.IIELPIItk. First Month let, 1869. The following statement of the asseta and business of this Company is published in compliance with the General insurance Law of the State of Pennsylvania. Authorized Capital fully paid in.. ........... $150.000 00 Surplus Capital. , 34,9.13 51 6181.92741 Assets, Present Value, *40.655 00 Mortgages first liens on city plO 'testy 1140,055 09 6,000 00 Ground Rents. 5.850 00 164,800 1.0 United States 6 per ciut.bon . ds sdrs, 178.775 25 05,650 CO do. do. do. 1891.'5, 61,610 00 30,600 60 do: do. currency interest loan - 10,000 00 1,600 00 Unfit d Statta-5 bar cent. currency 10.40'5. . .. .... 1.708 00 9 600 00 City of kidadelpi;inii per cent. loan, moo 00 5.000 00 Junction hallroad 6 per cent. bond., 4.60000 2,500 00 State of Pennsylvania 6 per cent.. bonds. . . • 2,600 00 6,000 00 Lehigh ila;igatlon . 6 per • cent. bonds. . .. 5.040 00 58312 00 226 shares 28,260 00 8.192 67 50 shares Bark of the Republic 8.000 01 5.825 01 100 shales Lehigh Valley Railroad.. 6,400 00 2.775 00 35 shares Fidelity Safe Depoeit Co.. 2.775 00 847,1043 PA Loans on Collateral Security. 1117,796 81 21.438 00 Sundry securities deposited with us for collection of interest. ..... . . 21.408 00 68.0.101 53 (lash ou hand. . . . 38,898 53 N 102.104 66 Premium ottia eecered by Loans on Policies .. . ....... 10,801 66 $805,101 28 Offieo Fixtures 63,000 00 Cno4l in hands of Agents, 42,004 64 Volno of Deferred ?re zolumu for the current 3e5r............ ........ 80,0&301 -- 76,672 55 •. ' 18911,678 83 111.13INESS OF THE COMPANY' FOlt:1888. Premiums. including Annuttice..;:s2l2 057 Ot • Interept on Premium Fund....... 14,0.6 77 luterekt on Annuity Fund 1,5.0 ?Al 228,509 08 Cash in hands of Agents and De ferred Premiums . 78,572 46 802,081 63 20,691 01.• • 276,987 81' lutoreat on other Investments 46.820 88' Policies issued in 10b8. 1,001 .. . ... 8,283,217 00' policies outstanding, 12 too. 81. IF6B. 2,019 in - purity.— . ..... 6.019,097 113 Amount of Annu ities ' , old in 1868....• •• •• 1,022 96 'Total amount of •Annuities sold in 1868 * 14747 m 12 meet , by deaths. t: -221000 00 Total amount of deaths from the origin Of the • ..... 46,6011 00 ........ • • • •• • • •• • • x ti c for ... t • 12.709 83 Laubi litho to L epoeltat Laid 412,078 86, Lees 6cnto Comminblona SAMUEL R. SHIPLEY, President. WILLIAM C.LONGSTRETLL -VlO-Prestdoigc7.- ROWLAND PARRY, Actuary. Samuel P. Shirley, P6lia. Richard Cadhur3„.,,, Phila Joshua H. Morris, " Henry „Haloes, .". Richard Wood. " T. Wietar Brown. " W. Marko, • " ' C. Lorigarretb, " Charles F. (Jeffln. illehraond. /ad. 151a124011 - LAST MONTH OF THE ~SALE. HOMER., COLLADAY & CO. STILL FURTHER. REDUOTIONS, TO CLOSE BALANCE OF STOON4 r 4111 , ..4 ;I 1:4 W:BA k i '4:jr riurA NOS. OM AND $2O CHESTNUT STREET. A CARD.—Prices of everything rednoed since the appraises:neat of Stock. The assortment of both Men's and Boys' SUITS and OVERCOATS still very good. THE CORNER OF SIXTH AND MARKET STREETS BRISUELIANISOUS. ONE POUND OF BUTTER MADE FROM ONE PINT OF MILK. $25 profit made by investing $1 for a bottle of the EXTRACT OF BU PIER PLANT, v hieb, with six gallons of milk, will produce 50 lbs of prime fresh Butter. This inexpensive, ex cellent Muter Is now daily consumed from the tables of the first Hotels, Restaurants and private families in New York city and elsewhere. State, County and City Rights for sale, offer ing to capitalists rare opportunities for estalAst ing a staple business, paying enormous profits. Agents wanted everywhere. A bottle of the Extract, sufficient to make 50 lbs. of Butter. with fall directions for use, will be sent to any address on the receipt of $1 00. The public are cautioned against all worthless imitations, sold under the name of "Butter Pow di rs, Compounds, &c.," as the EXTRACT OF BUTTERTLANT js prepared only by the ECONOMY BUTTER COMPANY, Office, 115 Liberty Skeet. Factory, 296 Greenwich Street, NEW YORK CITY. N. B.—By the use of the Batter Plant a pure and excellent Table Butter is made at a cost of sixteen cents per pound Fay, WAVER & NEW CORDAGE FACTORV NOW 1119 FULL OPERATION. Ma I N. marra snag N. DM aye SJ'ATIONEI;Y. Ural ded the Only iledal for Blank Books by the Psurb Exposition, 1867. WM. F. MURPHY'S SONS, 339 CHESTNUT STREET, AND 55 S. FOURTH STREET, BLANK BOOK MANUFACTURERS. STATIONERS, AND STEAM POWER PRINTERS. A complete stock of well-seasoned BLANK BOOKS of our own manufacture. Apill stock of COUNTING-HOUSE STATIONERY of every description. deb to tb s tfelrit tfrkia kr , 1.4T0 ti.-1 handlers, Iliernessollakeirs. fratanntan• lusters of clothing. Boots, Shoe &c.. WM end it TWIS T interest to nee our UNRIVALLED ACIIIN E and the "Milford Linen Thread." Manufactured expreerly for na from the beat material and warranted a elltletiOr article. THE mesa winurActuano mural Manufacturers and Proprietors of the SINGER SEWING MACHINE. No - . 1106 Ohe&lintl Oreitt. A iStr _ fiet. gent try 2 lyre ta, LIQWORS, ace. 1 UST RRCEIVED AND IN STORE 1.000 CASES OF el Cloonan°, I p ark 7 Catawba and California Wines. Pelt. Madeira, Rherrv. arnaka and Santa Cruz Rum. line old Branding; and hisktes, wholeasle and retail. P. J. JORDAN, 930 Pear area, Below Third and. Walnut streets and above Dock street. de74- TURBAN'S CELEBRATED PURE TONIC ALE FOR el invalids, family use. &o. The subscriber is now furnished with his full Winter supply of his highly nutritious and well-known beverage. Its wide spread and increasing use, by order of physi clam, for Myst de, use of families, he.. commend it to the attention of all consumers who want a strictly pure ar. tick ; prepared from the best materials., and put up In the most by manner for home use or transportation. Or ders by mail or otherwise promptly supplied. F. J. JORDAN, %,()) Pear street, de7.if Below Third and Walnut streets. PROJPONAJLS. DEPARTMENT OF STEAM ENGINES ow. BOIL . EBB. INSPECTION OPTION. ROOMS 2.9, 111 AND 33 FORREST Buis:mug, Fourru Saloom 13sLow Oneerifrr. Notice le hereby given to all user or wars of every Sta tional y liteam Boller withinithe limits of this cltyto give nottee in wining within Thirty Days after date of this notice , at the aloe of the Inspeeter,the location of every Boller in JIRO by him or b o iler and the business p er son pose tor which the said is need. Also. all pi °posing lo erect or operate any EMI. Boiler or Boilers ,s 0 that-the snmemay.halnspected. before Mina. in CO , 0011. mice with-act Cd• Assembly of May 7,1801; nlro °Minium) of Councils upprved the 13th day of July ~1 868 J. T. LO \' islB-6WPI chi e f fromuctor stoop LOOP 111 f IRT ANI, CORSET 111ANUPAOTOItY, NO; 11812 Vine street. All geode made of the beat materials and 'warranted; Ileok_Olt Irv) repaired. a.wo HAVE THIS DAT MADE IN OBJDEIt AB THEIn Cr BARGAINB IN CLOTHING. 40, WANAMAKER & BROWN, WANAMAKER & BROWN, WANAMAKER & BROWN, WANAMAKER & BROWN, WANAM A gni dr. BROWN, THE LARGEST CLOTHING HOUSE, 0A.% HALL, jail 6rarp6 EL BM/14W. NUE FINE ANIIII4 EUGENE VEBBOEOKHOVEN'a GREAT WORK OF ART, Recently Imported by A. Dl!wetter, Esq., of int!erp, NOW ON EXHIBITION FREE, AT . G. PELMAN'S New Art it4.allery, JON rrt 628 Oallowhill Street, CHURCH'S NEW "NIAGARA," His last important Picture, and the beet and most tem pithensive view of the GREAT FALL. On Exhibition for a Short Time- Admission 25 Cents. EARLES' GALLERIES, AND LOOKING BLUR WIREBOOSII, No. 816 Chestnut Street. G. PELMAN'S AM ART GALLERY AND LOOKISaIIa %MR 628 CALLOWEILL STREET. Eruct' Vat. Glais Mantel and Pier 111Irron, In One Gold, Rosewood and Carved Walnut Frames, of beet material and workmanship—now patterns. Oil Painting., &omen, Engraving., etc., Of my own importation, now open for exhibition and Isla Say G. PELIVIA.N. tire BOOTS AND NDOEN. NEW STYLE SKATING BOOTS. BARTLETT The Boot Maker, 83 SOUTH SIXTH EITSBETI.• , NEW STYLES FOR THE PROHENARH NEW STYLES FOR THE PARLOR; ; NEW STYLES FOR HEAVY wEATup,ii. His large stock enables him to famish a good fit it all times.. n'l7 - * P to fit lvroll FOR SALE. itNV Eta I , OILADIATIIIA. FOR BALE—ONR OR two twin Cottager , on Fortieth street, south of Chest nut, o de yard':. Fmneb roots, seven chambers, and well built, with fIiIIISCe. bath. sap, Ate. WILLIAM 11. BACON, 3171VALN 304th a tti6t* FuR BAL E . —A COTTAGE IN FRANKLIN itr,e,:l.,,taitr J. W. .11v.61: 5 .0 . oz. N / ; ? t t b 17 1 1 1 .7 0 %. ' jall4.thv TO RENT. ff • 14, tobra.-- THE FIV.FWORY BROWN STONE ; thirty feet frort Clieetuut stroet,by eighty • t. , rt fr. , rt. No. 1133 Cliebtuut • troet. To rout ' mitt - .E. - OnEiltietiotint9; It 9 Ica. DILLON, 820 and 031 SOIPXU STREET. • JAL. _ MiUthary - fortad" an MAHAL patine, Bilks Velvet, Itibb r lowers. eatbor , s 2 Prairies. Mourning Millinery . Pre Ftrefn MO; Swill illbborie rar9 618 ' 4c :122 . 4 . 1 . 8111 k Vtuo6rlV: wiviieHEN,JEIVELIHM, &o. - - w ATuDES ' AND , MUSICAL BOXES RD E li paired by okillful vozhnlea. FARR & BROTHER, 'lmpntere of Watch eta Obootout street. below POonth.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers