: 4 ,4;.. , 1.' - .0 , ;' ~ , • ,•f- - . ,. ., , '7', 4,' •:•• • -; CITY B CIL LISTIB. • ; 14. 4 ,.: . - 1.. . • -.. -' ' - -,-- • _ . '' ; '..q : ': Aro - Areinpar—On Tiittrklay, Mr. 'John M.C. t '3 2 . i .4jlittiti Ind family reeved into a . house. No. 1007 Soitth lif.o . „.V.StibeCtreet: 'The braiding is in ininniniebed condition. gn '4.::iintibut. one bed•room was tin P bed eutilicientlY to be need. r.'..iAi:,,,.:v , , , ,ifu this the whole tonal" . .. went to sleep : . A stove was put .." C.:: - .; i g ,. P Z:drili_rr e tY lj° l l ttaniit tiliP. wife , and Te s trirt r it t t! r tZ '!"9 , ..7 ' r. ,- Sare,bour on AltirediTlftglit:7llin-Wiinto-W-Catitnitoorii ,,. reeve . In. cloyed. Yesterday morning •Mr. McDonald awoke. lie could 'ecarvely breathe and the. apartment ''..' - • was , - filled. : with ••• Axial , gee: , He proceeded to . license the % other ... members .of the faintly. hut found them insensible. . Do summoned .some of the • , I '...' of the and then tell, being exhausted from the effects' of the gas. Physicians were sent for and were soon in at. !.', '• condom:sea' Little Mary died. however. before any assist alone could be afforded her. The others_ ware at once put undertneatment. and this, morning : were all doing well. „i 4.,, 'with every prospect of recovery. - . On the first floor of.the i : ,- : _rhouse!berete a ges oven, the , flue . from which_ -owes . ..C . : alongside of the sleeping apartment. , into this due me i nice hom the stove weeper. it Is supposed that the fins ~. -,e, was defective. and that the gas got into the room through 1 1 .- .the stoVe. • - -- - Tiii liasto:r or a Eiraaa.—Thomas, Brady who in volleyed at the etable of Michael Liam, at Twenty : thud Ind Loeuststreets. resolved to have a spree. Ile ' not Pretty full of whlsk,y, and then hitched a: horse be. longing to Mr. Dail, to a wagon owned by Mr. Dougherty', and started. out to have a ride. At Ttventy.second and Spruce streets the wagon was run againal the rafting at the house of Mr; Orley. Both the carriage and railing were ha d‘y damaged. Brady , wee arrested by Policeman Bothwell, and was committed by Alderman ?atolls% BLIGHT 'RES.—Yesterday MOrnbig about ten l'ulOck the Chimney et the regidthee of Dr Elwyn, NO. 1422 Walnut street, took fire. The flames were extin guished before gee serious damage was done, Policeman Sheffer. of the Fifth District, had his coat and cap badly •Th it morning about seven o'clock the dwelling of Wit: nem Math, No. 1429 Hope street, was slightly dart aged .1 fire. Ttue flames , originated Croix the explosion of Quint A Cumin:cis Sionr.—Any one happen ing,intothe fifth story of Oak Ball last Monday morn ing, at about eight o'clock. would have looked upon a strange steno; There; at `-along table. - extending across the room, were five doctors, with all thit para. phertialia of their profession, and, attending them, as many clerks With pen in hand busily at work on a pile of papetwppread out before them. About this group were gathered * host of men, the emPlovtia of the establishment; some hundred or more: in nuMber. with Mr. Wanamaker himself in their midst. They were of all ages and sizes, from little Milton, Wanamaker 'a messenger, up so gray-haired old men already, past three score. It was evident enough that all were interested.in what was transacting, and their smiling faces and frequent laughter showed that ,they were not more interested than Pleased. ' The impresaion most apt to be given at first sight was that we were back again in war times, and that all these were volunteers eager to enter the service, and now being examined as to their physical fitness by the Board of Medical Examiners. And the first Inti mation of the real character of tbe business came from seeing Mr. C. B. McLean, the manager far "The American Life Insurance Company," busy amon g th e men,eiidently superintending "aJob," while Mr. John S. Wilson, the Company's enterprising Secretary and Treasurer, smiled upon thescene with evident statis t-fiction. " WO this chre,tho explanation of the scene was easy enough. Christmas is at hand, and it is the habit of wanamsher & Brown to make Christmas presents to their employes. Casting about for something that would be of real Value and eatisfaetion to the Men, Mr. Wanamaker, with his usual, practical-appreciation of thar want?, had hit upon a policy of Life Instirance is "The American" of this city, as the very best gift that he could place in their t ands. he idea was a most excellent one, and was acted upon immediately. A single conference with Mr. McLean, on Saturday last, sufficed for the full ma turing of the arrangement of the plan, nd on Monday morning, as We have seen. "The American" took fall poesersion of the immense clothing house at Sixth and Market streets, and in the space of six hours had made out •One Hundred and Thirty-three applications. for amounts ranging from one thousand to fifteen thou sand dollars each. and amounting In all to nearly Two Hundred. 'Ttionsturd "Dams. Oa these applications policies were immediately made out, the Premiums paid by the firm, and cm Chrlatmas day each ealesmtur, cutte.r and tailor in the employ of our "Largest Clothing Rouse" will have on his life an insurance of at least one thousand dollars; a sure • provision •against his family being left, In any event, entirely destitute. . It took a generous heart to conceive the gigantic beriefaction, and a will accustomed to prompt and re solute action to execute it ;fur any one at all aztquamted with the rates of Life Insurance knows that it is no trifle to • assume it one jump the premiums of nearly Two Rundred Thousand Rollers. -- These policies'are all non-forfeitable after two or 4' three payments, and eo very soon assume a real money value; but, so far as that is concerned, Mr. Wanamaker 1111 already negotiating with "The Ameri can" to assume himself the renewal of all these poli cies for eo long as the men may continue in his em ploy. It was a grand'day's work for "The American," a pleasing surnriee and welcome present to the men,and a noble deed on the part or Mr. Wanamaker, worthy the imitation of other of our leading and. most enter prising business houses. . fooroonnenic ALBUMS.—Frank Moore, No. i 2) South Eighth street, and No. 1304 Chestnut street, has on hand the most complete and elegant assort ment of Photographic Albums to be found in this city or elsewhere. Mr. M. has taken great pains to select his stock, and Albums varying in .pVce from 2 cents to $5O, according to size, style and &MM. can be ob tained from him. For a Christmas present, there h 3 nothing that would be valued so much as a nice Al num. SunE^nirrior taken for all Magazines arid Periodicale ; sent by mail or served to any.agdress, Gt publishers' prices. Trenwith's Bazaar, 614 Chestnut street, Philadelphia. CORNELIUS & BAKER, Mantrfa,ot - arers of t \ol GAS FIXTURES, ", ROHS, LANTERNS, &c. Al l Store, No. 710 Chestnut Street. Ll A. Al I" S , Maunftictry, No 821 Cherry Street. deM va t e 13trp15 SPECIAL NOTICE. Mews. JONES. TEMPLE & CO., Fashionable Flatters, No. Zi S. NINTH Street, have Just received an invoice of the lateet London style LINCOLN. BENNETT dt CO.'N Dress Hats, To which they invite the attention of their friende and the public. Also, an samaraput of genuine Scotch OAPS. .Tones, Temple & Co., NO. Si S. NIENTII Street. de.l9 StrPl HOLIDAY GOODS. Annual Oloaing Out Sale OF NOTTINGHAM AND SWISS LACE CURTAINS. TABLE AND PIANO COVERS. DAMASKS, REPS, TERRIES, And &General Line of Vurtain PRICES MARKED DOWN letordlag to rur Custom at these Sates. extra force of Upholsterers engaged will insure °oddness in executing our orders. ARRINGTON, DE ZOIIOHE it 00. S E. core Thirteenth and Chestnut. A:iiel9 tu lm klnio . M. GlBliht siirliatk7M7tSr.lirro hero removed to No. 738 Walnut strati,. 1 111 E DAILY EVENING BULLETIN ---PHILADEI.PIIIAT SA 11 };l4lf , D.LCEIIII : E/1: 2 6 1868. • 40 , 131-00-ICkS ' - FOR THE - 4 HOAD A Y'S J. E. CALDWEL ei CO. No. 902 CHESTNUT STREET, Are now opening n oollecUon of Novelties, Gems and Altistio Goods, Greatly excewog in variety and extent every former effort of this Hone, to which they invite attention. Gold :Watches, Diamonds, Oriental Rubies, Emeralds and klapphires, East India 'Pearls. - - A magnificent stock of 'Jewelry in ITALIAN BYZANTINE MOSAICS. NEW DESIGNS IN - - GOLD JEWELRY. • PmAis ROYAL JEWELRY. Bronze and Wald Marb'e. Clocks iz Vases BETB.FOB MANTEL' ORNAMENTS. Vent choice prodliottona of-Artlit REAL BRONZE. Special designs in STERLING SILVER GOODS. Best qualities and newest styles in ENGLIBIL AND AMERICAN Plated Wareig. An unrivaled dialler of FOREIGN FANCY GOODS; In Metal, NubKent•Glan, Leather and Golden Bronze, __ Of the moat exquisite take from all quarters of Europe. . Our m ravgements. both in Mimeo and this country are such as site us unusual facilities in the selection and eco nomical production of our stock. It is our wish, as well se Intelsat, to secure to our patrons the benefit of such advantsges In • MODERATE PRICES throOdhont our stock, without exception. CHRISTMAS -AND NEW YEAR'S PRESENTS. L LADOMUS & CO., Jewelers NO. 802 CHESTNUT STREET, Being determined to reduce their large stock of Diamonds, Watches, Jewelry_ AND SILVER WARE, Offer their elegant assortment. consisting of Fine Gold and Silver Watches For Ladies'. Gents , and Boys` Use. r ine Leontines, and Vest Chains JEWELRY, Of the latest Styles and Designs. BRIM, STUII SRL RINGS, Sta at extremely low prices. SOLID SILVER WARE, IN GREAT VARIETY. Including a beautiful assortment suitable for BRIDAL, GIFTS. Our Stock dl : r ::Wl1:1eoin aooh s A Latest topeir g dati ipruraain g elsowh ere.as our prices HOLIDAYS. TIFFANY & CO, Nos. 550 and 552 Broadway, New York, Now offer and are daily opening their selections and importations of JEWELRY, Diamonds, Precious Stones, (gems. WATCHES of Tiffany & Co., Predsham, Jorgenson and others. SILVERWARE of their own and other manufacture. PLATED-W ARE of English and the best American make. CUTLERY. of Rogers & Sone, various styles. BRONZES in great variety, eubjects. animals, birds. Yasuo coupe, ,ho. CLOCKS, EIL&NTEL SETS. GAS - FIXTURES of bronze, manufactured on the premises . FANCY GO ti) L)S. VIENNA gilt and bronze library sets, ink-stands, bells, bonbonnieres and grotesque conceits. LONDON and• VIENNA gilt and leather articles, locket -books, portfolios, students' cases, handker chief and glove boxes, traveling and shopping bags, work, Pencil. card, cigar and nail boles, writifig desks, papierteries, dressing and liquor cases, um brellas, and cut glass toilet seta. PARIS decorated porcelain vases, jardinieres, caps. toilet sets, fans, smelling bottles, vinaigrettes, match-boxes in niello• opera glasses, perfumery. ivory goods, brushes, Sii r r Arri. CO ME Et, - Y. th e tu tdel3l CLARK & BIDDLE, 'endure and 1111Iverstalthir, N. 712 CHESTNUT Street, Invite the attention of their patrons to their large and elegant assortment of DIAMONDS. , WAI CH ES, JEWELRY, ILVER.WALIii, PLATED WARE, *c. Beautiful Designs hi Silver and tlllver•Plated Wares fur Bridal Gifts. fe6 wace the HENRY HARPER,. No. 520 ARCH STREET, Has a complete amortment of new ntyles of Watches, Jewelry, Solid Slaver, and Plated Ware. del° ltitreb +Nevi:talc/3 hilailUAL DUXES it.E. c* paired by Wilful workmen. f PARR BROTHER. _ Imp4fters of Watchokete•• •Cterii ghootaut Wed. below rOnztb. "AAValuillEto, &O. HOLIDAY AND WEDDING:PRESENTS WILSON & STELWAGEN,- - 1028 Chestnut- Street, PrIf4ADELPB/A. WA r rC FIFO treWl3l7, - Ditunonde, Bridal Silver, mom *lx, AND FMB FRERIII CLOCK& All of which we ere offering • 44 At Reduced Rates. del6 J. T. GALLA.GHEI;, Watchmaker and. Jeweler." l " . 1300 Chestnut. Street, (Late of Bailey itt Co.) . • WATCH-Ell, OUROffoll, IBILVER WIRE, tit, AT LOW PRICES. °ea to the tdolll rye aIHOLIDAY 'PRESENTS. ISAAU-A. STAUFFER, No. 148 North Second street. corner of gsarry, has an - assortment of • WATCHES. JEWELRY, - PLATED , AND • HIM , VERWAktE, minable for Holiday Presents, which will be sold low for cash. dealauT4 pia GREAT CONFECTIONS The largest and most Varied stock of RARE AND NEW CONFECTIONS OF THE FINEST QUALITY. Bon-Bons, Brilliant, Bon-Bons, Canards. Bons-Bons, Viotorias, Crystalized and Mewed Fruits, White Nougat, Pistaohe and Orgeat Paste. nol7 tu th 12 Chestnuts and Chocolate, Crystalline Almonds, • Glaced Chestnuts. CHOCOLATE tsEPARTMENT. ChocOlatena, St. Nicholets, Pistache Chocolate, AmaraCates, Chocolate filled with Jelly, Por tuguese Chocolate, Pralines, Jim Crow Chocolate, Chocolate Nougat, Choco late Beans, Chocolate Burnt Al monds, Chocolate Walnuts, Chocolate Paste Chocolate Medallions, Chocolate Rolls,Segars,eto. RICH CREAM CHOCOLATE. FLAVORS AS FOLLOWS: Vanilla, Orange, Strawberry, Raspberry,Lemon, Cocoanut, Orange Flower, Peach and Celery. Superfine Chocolate , Confections. B`;', A Specialty with this House Also, a large variety of RICH FANCY BOXES, Making a splendid assortment to select from for HOLIDAY GIFTS. STEPHEN F. WHITMAN, d IIC4 1210 Market Street. • THE AMERICAN BUTTON HOLE AND SEWING MACHINE POE HOLIDAY GIFTS S. W. Cor. Eleventh and Chestnut Sts, delMtry CHARLES"RUMPP , • PORTE MONNAIE r POCKET BOOK 4 AND SATCHEL MANIIPACTI7BER, No, 47 North Sixth Street, below Arch, 'PHILADELPIILL Porto Monk:dm Cigar Cum Pocket Books. Port Foltor.Satchels. Dressing Cam, Monoy Caes Date, Workßoxes, Bankers' Cam. Purace. Etuleo, dte. Wholesale and Retail. de2lMauxid6troll OPERA GLASSES. One °Ube best assortments. including many new de ntate. just received and for ealo at low prices by LIMES W. QUEEN & 00 924 CHESTNUT STREET. do 3 th.s to triv n Cor,ILIDA:X 7 ft..4-coolcos R. & G. A. WRIGHT, 624 übestnut Street, Have just received a largo :woodmen of new and elegant BOHEMIAN eLAss VANS AM) IMO BNIB,DIMING • MIIINIMUN AND PATEIti? ()BASCOM, 'PIPES, Together with a great variety of FANCY ARTICLES. opeciaily adapted for 11(01.111AY PRESENTB,which tocy offer for sale at VERY REfiUGED - • de3 tlairoi • N A ItY h 3 the moat welcome present you cite " make your wife or sweetheart. A lino assort. • meet of all Mode of Mr& and... Doges at WM. U. COLLIER & KROH . dele4 ato itiB Dock fitreet. below walla. UOILIDAY GOODS. HOLIDAY NOW READY. TOGETHER IHMA.IO4.It: GOODS' noi.iroA:v et)c)r)s • Welueve now on hand the largest and. finest assort. Went of fancy goods ever offered to the public, of tho newest designaof late impottattons and unpreeedentedly lour PriCOS. , , BRONZE CLOCKS STATUARY INEST AN DS, Am. IAJUANPROU O P H SBUSTSSI'ArWITTES&HANDS kAID H BEMI R A . NVASES,TOIDET NETTS, LAVA MOICING ETIS CIGAR HOLDERSMATCH A ND fro (ACCO SOXILS. .144 BDINIERS OP _FA BIOUS ,DESIGNS, BICHT,Y ISIOUN.7'IID IVOOD AND BRONZE: , BRONZE AND CHINA_CARD STAND'S; FL WE POTS. BANDING ~ d g S. A. I-lARRIBO N s 1010 CHESTNUT STREET' deP.tu th us • • • •. - Christmas aifts. BOXES OF FINE STATIONERY. INKSTANDS, a laige aeaortment witrirtio DESKS. CARD CASES, POCKETBOOKS, SCOTCH. GOODS. FINE ENGLISH PLAYING CARDS, ENGLISH KNICILKNACKS. MIRE IC STATIONER AND CARD ENGRAVER, No. 1033 CHESTNUT' STREET. (told 121 USEFUL AND DESIRABLE HOLIDAY PRESENTS, Every Price and Variety. , TYNDALE & MITCHELL, 707 CHESTNUT STREET. NEW STYLE SKATING BOOTS. BART LETT , The Boot Maker, 83 SOUTH SIXTH STREET. NEW STYLES FOR THE PROMENADE. NEW STYLES FOR THE PARLOR. NEW STYLES FOR HEAVY WEATHER. His large stock enables him to famish a good tit at all times. oel7 s to th lyrit 0 1:i • ,11 I .1: I Ikt.U.IIILLI 1 01 EPA:Y . 43-0 CODS FOR GEN TLEMEN. GREAT REDUCTION. Preparatory to tail ng,aceount of Stock January 1, we will. until that date, offer our largo stock of MEN'S FURNISFIING. GOODS GREATLY BELOW USUAL - PRIM; de we have. in addition to &complete aagortiaent of AlliaTA, lINDEDWEAB AND 11011111AY, An elegant variety of fancy toods.V compriming Scarfs. Ties. Gloves, Cardigan Jackets. and other requisites tor gentlemen. with a rich stock of Wrappers and Breakfast Croats, Thiawill afford an opportunity for procuring Holiday Presents at Moderate Prices WINCHESTER & CO., 706 Chestnut Street. dolt s to thotrp CHRISTMAS PRESENTS. One of the moat appropriate presents for a gentleman is a Handsome Wrapper or Smoking Jacket. JOHN C. ARRISON, Noe. 1 and 3 North , Sixth Street, PHILADELPHIA, la now offering an unusually large. handsome and well selected stock of his own importation and manufacture at reduced prices to suit the times. ALSO. CARDIGAN JAM NTS, SCARFS, TIES, GLOVES, MUFFLERS, EMBROIDERED SLIME ND E RS, And the latest novelties for gentlemen's wear. no4w a m ma= g. - 2 • , Vawiyieeieta/%÷ 6 . 637 Chestnut St., Cor. of 7th. AN EXCELLENT ' Christmas Present FOR YOUNG MEN: A Scholarship at this Institution. The qualifications for Business gained hero have proved a f ortune to hundreds. The instruction is eminently practical, thorough and comprehensive, fitting cue in the shortest possible time at a comparatively small expense for the employments of But it can Life. A large number of our moot accomplished and success. ful business men are among its graduates. The Instruction includes BOOK - KEEPING in all its branches. as practiced in the beet business houses; PEN. MAD, SG IP. Plain and Ornamental; COMMERCIAL CALCULATIONS, Business Papers, Badness Practices. Commercial Law, die.. &c. Studenta instructed separately. DAY AND EVENING. t such hours as may best suit their convenience. Diplomas awarded en Graduation. Circulars and fur ther information may be obtained at the College. riff' "The CRl'i rENDEN CuISIMERCIAL ARITH METIC and HUAINESS MANUAL," Seventh Edition. for sale at the College. PRICE, $1 go. deo MARSHALL'S ELIXIR. Headache—Dyspepsia—Costiveness It you suffer with headache try MARSHALL'S ELIXIR, and be convinced that although other remedies have failed to cure you, this will give you instant and permanent If by aver-excitement and fatigue your nerves have become so weakened that Headache admon ishes you something more dangerous may hap pen, such as Palsy, Dimness of Sight, and other alarming nervous affections, then Marshall's Elixir, by giving tone and strength to your sys tem, restores you to perfect health. Whenever food which should be digested re maths In the stomach,' causing Pain and nunael nesi3 for the want of that principle Which would render it easy of digestion, then by using Mar shall's Elixir yonwill supply this deficiency and prevent its recurrence., and so be radically cured of Dyspepsia. The stomach being thus cleansed from an MI. healthy to a healthy condition, ccosliveness and the other attendant disorders of the bowels are of necessity prevented. Price of Marshall's Elixir, Iltl 00 per bottle. For sale byy Druffelsts. Depot, 1801 Market ,street. M. MARSHALL & 00., Druggists, Pro prietors. tfr.. S' A b - CLOT:111N ADespatch from Wattamaker & Brown- t The appraiser:tient of our stock, under order of Executors _Minded all Our P _ , _ _ piece goods, which we are cutting and making up as rapidly as possible, and though we are always cheaper than other houses, the people eau readily see how 1 • ° much cheaper we can sell everything under present circumstances, MA tioir IP , possible it is for any one to reach our low prices now, and our goods are well known in style and warranted superior in every respect As to our prices now. , • we guarantee them ten per cent lower than the lowest elsewhere, or cash - handed back if shown to be 'otherwise. To aocornmodsie parties,who are not quite prepared to buy,these bargains can be secured by maidng the selection now, 0 and with a small payment on account, will be put aside until required, or, if de- N T sired, full payment can be made in installments. Store open from 7 A. M. to 9 P. M. , 1 . 1 " WANAMAKER & Brtovirt • OAK HALL, N SIXTH AND MARKET STREETS. r - L. GREAT CLOTHING SALE New Book and Stationary Store. HENRY GRAMBO & CO., IL Grand*. of the lefe firm+ of LIPPINCOTT __GRAMM & CO. and OtttGO.NLIAUTT & 0J..) 601 Chestnut Street, Wholesale and Retail Books°Herr, Mationers, Blank Rook and Ea. velope nlantitacturers t Litho. lizaPhers and Printersi, porters off Snirineerys Obrietmas and New Year's Presents. We havejurrtreeirltred our shlpmentio of fancy articles and novelties for the holiday trade, which are respect fully submitted for examination and sale to our friends sue the public. Our stock of first class Blank Books and Stationery for- merchanta is complete - lb every respect. Annexed we enumerate a few of tho leading articles of the fancy trade: Work dotes in sway variety: Jewel Cases Odor Cann; Travelling Bap; Shopping Bags; Silk Bags; &ouzo Pigures; Ladles* Dressing Cases; Gentlemens Dresainx Cases: Card Beceivers Pocket . Books of the linen and newest patterns, Imported; Winery and Milos Inkstands; Mahogany. Rosewood and Fancy Writing Desks In every variety of sizes and styles; Pans; Baton - Banes :"PirPlee Macke; Cabinets. Tables and Dews _; work Boxes; Scotch- Goods; Pearl • Thermometer': Pearl Albums; Pearl-- Pen•holderat --Peal - Folders: Itter plus ultra Desks; Back Gammon Boards, • - Cribbage _and Cribbage Boxes; Chessmen; Rodgers' KolVea FaitcY r 4 te Paper (newstyles). Si superior assortment of Stationery. Domestic ant Im- ported. all at the very lowest prices. del2lBt rti§ FINE ILLUSTRATED CHOICE HOLIDAY BOOlib! HENRY GRAMS° & CO., Have must opened. with a large assortment of STAND ARD ENGLISH AND OTHER BOOK% In fine bindings; also, a very' fine selection of ALL THE NEW AND CHOICEST ILLUSTRATED WORKS. JUVENILES AND TOY BOOKS. AMMO. tkc.. adapted for the, present Holiday Season. and to which they invite the attention of all in search of elegant Christmas Preaents, at moderate pricer. ENGLISH AND FOREIGN BOONS. PERIODICALS. Ac., imported to order weekly by steamer. delSIStrP WE DISTANCE ALL COMPETITORS, 'HOLIDAY BOOKS. CALL AT " The Popular Cheap Bookstore" OF LAMES Si 'CLAXTON, No. 1214 Chestnut Street, • And gee our immense display of Books, in every depart• meat of Literature, at lower rates than any store in the city. IsHAKESPEARE, Bvo, genuina Turkey Morocco, $1; seWng price, $lO All the standard Poets at this rate. BI cr NlGHTS,dition of ROBINSON cuusor, ARA BIAN B W ISS FAMILY ROBINSON. and DoN OCINOTE. beautifully illustrated and handsomely bound In cloth, only $1 each. lbekeepeare, 12mo Cloth, only 50e. cob. ROBINSON CRUSOE, in words of one syllable, large type, beautifully Illustrated, only $l. Bibles, at all prices, a large assortment... Pocket Bibles , Prayer and Hymn Books. Importea Juvenile and Toy Books, with handsomOil colored pictures, the largest variety in the city, A Reduction of 25 to 75 per cent. on ivory - thing In oar Une. Cad for the new Holiday Ca'alogne. Examine our stock before purchasing elsewhere. The store will be kept open untlllo o'clock each evening. JAMES El C.LAXTON PLIBLISHER AND BOOKSELLER, No. 1214 Chestnut Street, Philado.i tuna' HOLIDAY BOOKS At Greatly Reduced , Pricee. Annuals, Juveniles ' Toy Books, Prayer Etdolts, Bibles, etc.. etc. CHARLES DESLLVER, IVO. 1229 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. delft Warll6tro Insure Your iLlife Now PENN MUTUAL, NO. 921 CHESTNUT *STREET. Assets Liable for Loemes. $2,250,000. Endowment Policies are desirable as Presenta to de• pendent vol dives; are prudential investments. and always good to have on hand. Those 'muting In December will Participate in tho January Itetum Premium Dividend. This old,and substantial purely Mutual Company will furnish Policies more favorable to the Insured than many of the Steck Companies. - • Forme of application end all information needed may be had at the Office or from the Agente. dole tit s tudOfrq dels to to a 6turp szcv rusLomi.T/ONgh (Opposite the New Ledgerbf)iced 601 Meet:nut Street, (Opposite Ledger Office) JENIVIIIJIMIMhp IN THE STATIEOMME• Awarded. the Oidylledei fei Ittank Roo ha by the Part Ilepoultten b 1867. WM. F. MURPHY'S SONS" 339 CHESTNUT STREET. • 55 R. FOURTH Slum:ET, BLANK BOOK MANUFACTURERS. STATIONERS; STEAM POWER P.RINTERS. A complete etSeir of wellseuoned BLAME BM/RS of our cum manufacture. A full stock of OWNTINGI.IIOESE STATIONERY, of ow descriptiow dels to the MOT_ FTJEtS A. H. & P. el. WOHRATII, No I 1212 Chestnut Street. (Late gaud 417 1111 Ca Streol). ARE BELLING Children's Sets of fun, at $5. Ladles' Siberian Squirrel seteAS upwards 66 Plink Sable 66 $lO 66 fleruuut Witch 44 $l5 66 46 Stone litt.rten 44 $2O 66 66 lloyall fOrzulate 66 $lO 44 66 liluilsonlla*Nable 66 ao 66 litiselau Sable 64 $lOO 66 MIN RIDU(G BOAB, EMIG Hin 14, YENTA FOOT lU?}', LAP BUNCO. A great variety of Carriage and Sleigh /lobe& L K. & F. K. WOMB ATH P No 1212 Chestnut Street, ataits m w 41mri, FINE FURS. Fine Russia Sable', Fine Hudson Bay Sables, Fine Royal Ermine, Floe Dark Chinchilla, Fine Dark Slink Sable, Fine Dark Squirrel, Arctic Seal hacques, Aetracan Sacques, Wolf Robes, ANVOTIIEB FINE EVE% AT EDWARD S MAWSON'S; Importer and Manufacturer. 706 Arch Street, four doors above Seventh: deb tath a Ptt U S At 30 per cent. lassthan Manion Moots! LOUIS GERBER, No; 825 Arch Street, (Half way between Eighth and Ninth, north aide.) AND 234 41114141 2 KNELT DAB REDUCED 818 SPLENDID STOOK O 3 FURS 30 PEE CENT. LESS %WAN INVOICE PRICE& for The Goode have been Imported and manufaettued by hirneelt and are warranted to be as remolded. deg letrei - 41341,111tPENLVICIMIN - &Oa NEW CARPETINGS , of the best Wrench, English, and AMe- , rican manufacture, 'embracing, IMO. quette, Chenille, Axminster, Wilton's _ Velvets, Brussels, Tapestry, three ply Ingrains, Damask and Venitiatts; also, Oil; Cloths and Matting., every quality, great varibty. All at lowest • Cash prices. R. L. Knight &.Son, 1222 Chestnut Street. ISEWINCe Mr&OHLINEM. Saddlers,. UftruessOlo.kers. illlotuuttto. turers of/ clothing. Boots, _ Will find- it to Mel , ' Interest to use our 'UNRIVALLED MACHINE TWIST mud the "MilfordaLlaen Turead." klauufaetured expressly for us from the tired material'. - • - 111 and rirrauted a ourrior &Moo. -- --- THE 360,1 t, friaNUFAC 'atria COMPANY - - Blattufacturers and Prow lotors of thOSINGEE SEWING MACHINE. • No. 1106 Chog r ialit rry2lyrn • COO ES Agent HOOP SKIRTS. Um OOP SKIRT AND tIORRET MANUFAOTOItY, NO. 1312 Vino etreet. AU gouda made of the beat materials and warranted. Hoop skirts repaired. uo7 3aann E. BAYLEY.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers