CITY BITWIMIN. • Fine rnoor SAIIPX brown Ofol.-1:11111 111011 lug ibont foir O'clock, Policeman Wileon,of the . Folittk Digrlckivho_wientlihtth_andLirelt_. streets, and :Odicer Sanders, who .Was at •• Sixth ; and Market Streets, heard aloud explosion.' San: dens went up Market street to Decatur_, and oh eerved a man emerge from an alley. He hailed the man end asked bim where'the explosion Was. The feliolv immediately nitt'oet Harlot utreet, pursued by Sanders, but eneceeded hi escaping.- 13Miatirwei - ditTar - O - lEW'erßh 11 - 151, and as he reached the granktin Inslittite building, a man clone ontof , the alley en the; mirth elde of the structure.; This titan was captured. By, this time °Meer Wile= bid come up, and he took charge of the prisoner, whom he recognized as dame Rope; alleged to be a ''safe•bloWer. "Au examination of the premises was thee• made. • It seems that the, ,Franklin Institute building had been entered by foreleg open abasement window on the north side. The lochs of several doors on the inside were Noted off, and finally the front of the buildlng was reached. There the elite of the Mae 11111 and. Schuylkill Haven Railroad Company was entered, and the large fire-proof safe, was blown open. A very, heavy charge of powder muet have been used. The front door of the safe was blown completely•off. . The iron bars - went - hurled across the room ,and the • knob of, the safe-door was .forced through the', railing around the desks. All the windows in the apartment vere shattered. The floor around the eafs was wet, so that it would not take, fire from the burning powder. A man whet was pass ing along Seventh street at the time had his face severely cut by the_ glass which fell from the windows. A jimmy, pick and darklantern were found in the building by the police. Hope, the prisoner, gave his name as Watson. He will have a hearing at the Central Station this after noon. ROME ROBBERS CAVORT IN THE A.0T..--YeSter day- tifterdobn, - abOut four b'elock, the dwelling of Alfred Berger, No. 651 North Broad strect,was entered by forcing open the basement door in the rear. The house was completely ransacked . Bureau drawers were opened, closets broken into, and, beds were overturned. The thieves se cured a gold wa several pieces of silverware, two card cam , • some other articles. They were disttir • • in their operations by the en trance of the • , •11y, who had been absent but a short lime to see the military parade. Mrs. Berger, upon entering the second-story front room, saw a man there. She seized the fellow, and the two struggled until they got down stairs into the entry. Then be broke away and escaped through the front door, which was oven. He was pursued and was captured after .a short chase. A companion jumped from the window. He was also arrested. The prisoners_gave their names as Chas. Welsh and Richard Booth. Welsh is also known as James H. Harrington. They had a hearing before Alderman Haaaey, and were com mitted in default of $2,000 ball. AU of the stolen property was recovered, being found on the person of Welsh. A LARGE FuntmeL.—The funeral of Mayor Arnold took place this morning, from his late residence on Fifth street, below Noble. The de ceased was well known and highly respected,and the funeral was largely attended. There were representatives from nearly all the Hebrew Asso clationsin the city. The funeral ceremonies at the house were conducted in accordance with the rites of the Jewish Church. The officiating Rabbi was Rev. B. Morals. The cortege moved to Mount Cenni Cemetery, at Frankford, where - the interment took place. LARCENY or CA.urrr.--Last night Conway and Thomas McGuire were arrested upon the charge of the larceny of four rolls of carpet from the mattlfactory of Knorr Webb, on Germantown avenue, below Oxford street. TheY were catrtured as they were leaving the premises with the plunder. This morning they wore com mitted in default of $l,OOO bail by Alderman Heins: ASSAULTING A POLICEMAN.—Thomas Marks, residing at Twenty-third and Callowhill streets, was arrested last evening upon the charge of drunkenness and disorderly conduct. Then, it is alleged, he beat Policeman Himea over the head with a whip. He was held in $5OO bail by Ald. Pancoast. MALICIOUS MISCHIKF. - Edward Ogden and William Sadler were arrested yesterday and were taken before Ald. Comly upon the charge of baying kicked in tbo door of a house on Adams street. in Frankford. They were held in $l,OOO bail to answer. - Arrami-rEn SinCIDR. —A young German named Louis Smith, a boarder at the house of Shamus Yocum, No 730 Moss street, attempted to com mit suicide yesterday. morning. He out a vein in hie wrist with a razor. He is in a critical condi tion; RECOVERY OF STOLEN PaorEnTy.—John Wel come and Martha Two, colored, reQiding In Spof ford street, have been arrested upon the charge of having rubbed the store No. 611 Shipnen street. The stolen goods were recovered. The accused were committed by Md. Tittermary. Strspicibus.—A complete suit of clothes, and stockings which bore the appearance of having been worn without boots, were found this morn ing early at Fifth and Parrish streets. k watch was also among this clothing. The articles are at the Twelfth District Police Station, Tenth and Thompson streets. A WATCH SNATCHm.—John Ryan was arrested' last evening at Third and South streets, by officer Myers, of the Harbor Polite, upon the charge of having snatched a silver watch from the pocket of a German who was passing along the street, Ryan was committed by Alderman Carpenter. LARCENY AT A FlRE—JobeFurry was arrested on Wednesday night, in the neighborhood of Fifth and Callowhill streets, during the fire at the Atlantic Garden, upon the charge of larceny. lie bad on four pairs of pants and threw vests. He was sent below by Alderman Toland. TILL TArriNo.—John Quin, aged 19 years, has been committed by Alderman Bonsall to answer the charge of having entered a store at Eleventh and Federal streets, and robbed the money-drawer of $ll. ACADEMY OF Furs ARTA Chestnut street above Tenth Mr. Beaumont's Collection of Gems of Art. Day and Evening. Admission free. CARNIVAL MIR u VENICE.—The most impor tant work of the celebrated artist, CARL BECKER, ever imported, now on view to the Itaate-o Galleries of the Pennsylvania Academy of Fino Aria Admission free. ANDRF,AB ACITENBACIIB' beautiful work, "The Sea Shore at Scheveningen," now on free exhibition in Iho Eastern Galleries of the Pennsylvania Academy of Pine Arts. Chestnut street. TR& EXTRAORDINARY WORK OF ART—A Mar ket Scene in Grand Cairo, Egypt, by W, Genta, of Berlin, new ea hibiting in the Eastern Galleries of the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts, Admission free. CITY NOTICES. TOURIBTS will find the American House, Bos ton, the beet point from which to visit neighboring places of tutereet. Cafe, billiards, passenger elevator, suites of rooms, baths, &c. mothers and nurses use for children a sae and pleasant medicine in BOWEN% INYANT Coa dlaL RICA wry ,COMFOIII' A Nll CON VENIENCE IN A N i w ill•w MIyIO Overcoat for Gent e. Love. TILE Firm, THE PROVESnI • IN AI. OVEII.OOA.T. A combination of the double-bretteted Sack Cost and t , ietnieti Cloak., the ,coot beautiful and graceful women( ever offered for geutlemen'e wear. Two Cut by FAIP.CI.III-1 , , PT.Lt.:4III. A I. CIITTP.n AT ell ALIJI:11 :iron & Co.'e, R•L4 Cneetuut street,. Firlra I k tlts!!! • ic o w (Tea. a mblzuilicaLt r•toek of Fore for Lvlies Chap. Oat:ford & the oriltiocutul JitoN, ...)3.oru 1113(1 Ittlbbor liartfiled Cutlery, Plated Spoimu arid Van-on 8.; Cu:6 lii then Jtounni, 21:0Holt 2 Dock street, bdicny c /)ON ' T NA O I. T.l TIES 1 13 , , W s it t ' ,, u,glt. Sure Throat "Gum Arabic &Trott" lor and T-'olchtni lay Imo hie PII) (11,, up -e. them, De pot, 151:tth'nr , d Nine. f:a eons. (;b7 . 711l 131 , :g111,- , 41et ttre best 11 fn.tB for Gents; Chilchee's JAdieb , F ur ,. etc.. etc. at clityric.F Onlsford ihtf - - - - CORNS, Bunions, Inverted tictila, • ekilifritly treated-by . 7 Dr. J`. Davidson, N a - 91 5 Chestnut etreot., ChargoB;nocierste.. 8u )wan Intmumenim3 and drugigistal ,enn- h a I 1323 4, BLINDNESS AND CATAIUM. J. Isaacs, M. D.. Professor of the Bye and Bar. treats all diseases appertaining to the atxive members with the utmost success. . Testimonials from'ttie most , reliable sourees in the city can be seen at this office o._BobArchedreet.__Tharrolical raP-alty_are.intri to accompany their patients,at he has no secrets lii his Dinette°. Artificial eyes inserted. No, charge made for ..xsinination. essoiratints4 .J 0 N E S °NM-PRICE CLOTHING HOUSE 0.04. MA.RIET STREET, PHILADELPHIA. s First Class Ready-Made Clothing, suit able for all. Seasons, constantly on hand. Aleo, a •Handsome Line of Piece. Goods for Custom Work. LADLES - DBESB 000kiiS. Magazin des . Modes, 1014 WALNUT STREET. For the better conYtintenee of her Patrons, Mrs. PROCTOR has REMOVED her DRESS-MAKING ROOMS to 1014 WALNUT STREET, whore she will be happy to see her friends. The general Dry Goods &witless will be con- Untied as heretofoie, at 920 Otiestnnt street J. W. PROCTOR & CO. no6-ImrPll TILE IFIIIE A.R6Tba LOOKING GLASSES, g THE VERY CHEAPEST AND BEST_ JAMES EARLJ & SONS, 816 CHESTNUT STREET. CARR Eg. bEWING NOTICE. To Pardoners, Sellers or reir, of tiattonhole Sewing Machines The Commissioner of Patents having extenrled my went against the opposition of the President of the American Buttonhole Sewing Machine Company, there. fore, all persons purchasing. using or 'wiling Butt:dodo Sewing Machines containing my patentees Amide carrier are hereby notified that they will be held directly re. aponsible for damages unleee Mewed by mu. CHAS. n 023 m w f 3troa 'Saddlers, Iflarness-Itlak ors, Iffitnufac. furors of ulothing, Boots, Nhoes,dro., Will find It to their interest to use our UNRIVALLED MACHINE TWIST and the "Milford Linen Thread." Manufactured expressly for us from the beet material, and warranted a eupurior article. THE BINGER cOIIPAIVY Manufacturers and Prom ietors of tho SINGER SEWING MADELINE. No. 1106 Cheßynnt_Street. wy2 tyro WM. E. COOPER. Agent AUCTION SALES. MARTIN BROTHERS, AUCTIONEERS. (Lately Salesmen for M Thomas &Rona). No. 5/4 CHESTNUT street- rear out? were from Minor Public Bale on the Premises, No. 1808 North Thirteen , is street. HANDSOME MODERN T RE E.-STORY BRICK RESIDENCE AND LOP OE OR9UND. ON TUESDAY MOENINtir. Dec. ft, at 10 o'clock precisely, on the premises. No. 1808 North Thirteenth street, above Montgom ry avenue, that Handsome Modern 'I hrecetery Erick Residence, threo.story double back buildings and lot of ground. Pnvlic Bale on the Promises, No. 2042 Wallace street. HANDSOME MODERN THREE-STORY BRICK RE SIDENt.Ic AND LOT (11. GROUND. ON' TL; ESDAY MORNING. Fee. 8. at 11 o'clock precisely, ou the premises, all that Hatdsonse Modern 'lll es. story Brick Re:Adams, thro , story double back imilltmte and lot of wound, fet front, 100 feet deep, situate on she South side of Wallaco street, corner of Twenty first, No 2042. The house is in excells ut condition, well built ano has all the modern provements. '1 el ins- $5,500 may remain. May be BMA: at any time. Keys at No. 244 Wall teo street. %VA Iv''^M. • fa; AI•11,1).—A PEW IN THE VIIIILUI - 1 HP THE TV holy Trinity. Addreeti Box 2.333. with number and oil,. 1.02 3t rp Pun no,. ruts, 2.itli Nov., 1101. 9'o tacnrr. TO, aIINT ELE‘'EN.I:OOIED HOUSE. ith modern convenience.. on North Tenth "J MOT. t. Apply to JAMES YOLO. 4S; 508 Epruce 150 yet. n027-3t• ' FOR HALE 01: TO LET. --TUE 110 USE• AT nutheuet corner of Spruce and Broad. Apply . - _at, ijaf , Sorlice .tre. t. n027-1,1n,w,8:• I NDIA RUBBER MACULNE BELTING STEAM Packing Boaeolec. Evegliaeora and deafen , will find n full a.adortment of Goodyear's I'ateut Vulcanized Rubber Belting, Packing lime, dee.. at the, Manufacturer', if, adquarttr.i. GOO Di' Ea WE., Cheatutit @treat th ce N. 13.—W0 have now on hated a large lot of So Ge u nthnne ed n% Ltmtice. and Mimeo' Gum Ito.,te. Ate . ,. ovttry variety and . 4,1 0 of Otnn Overcoutti. - - 'mutt 11,Ai.E.—TO eIEeI:CANTS, ISTOREKEZVEKS, Dotele rind dealers-10i Chaim - more end Cr , d , Cider. MO bble. Cliatepague , ted Urfa) Cider. P. J. JORDAN, TX Year street, THE DAILY 4,1 ENiNG BULLETIN-7PIIILADELPIM FRIDAY, NOVEXAga NOW MIS •• 120T11/IC, 23 South Blghth btreet. I.3OOI4IVII3CALAPS - GENUINE 'PREPARATION. From weakness arising from OXCOBSOB, habits of din nation, early indiwet4 no, attended with the following symptom*: Indisposition to exertion. Logo of rimer. Loa, of memory, Difficulty of breathing. Weak nerves, Trembling, Horror of diseases. Ws k. fulness, Dimnete of vision, Pain In the back. H. t hands, . Flushing of the body. DrYness of the akin, Er options on the faces Universal lassitude of the Pallid countenance. muscular sYstem. These symototos, If allowed to go on, which Mb me cine invariably removes, soon follows Impotency, Fatuity, Epileptic) Pita, Who can say that they are not frequently followed by thoee ' direful dieearee," Marty are aware of the cause of their Bulletins. but none will confess. And the melancholy deaths by consumption, bear ample witness to the truth of the assertion. The constitution once affected with organic Weakness, Rountree the aid of medicine to strengthen and hiiliiirate the system. which 1 HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU Ls unequaled by any other remedy. No Family should be without it. MMM MMM MDIM MMMM aIM MMM MM M , 61 MM MM MMS/ MM MM MM IM MM MM MMM MM MG M MMM MMMM Taker morel , RiallBl34 mercury, or unpleasant medicine RELMBOLD cEXTBACTBJCHII Cures these Kinsman es in al, their stages, at tie expettae. little or no change In diet, no inconvenience and no exposure. Use Helmbold's Extract Bach For all affections and &boggles the urinary organs. whether existing In b ale or Fernale,trom whatever cause origmating, and no matter of how long standing. Dl seam of thtee organs requires the aid of a diaretic. BEL iId[BOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHII Is the iff reat Diuretic, and is certain to have the deeired effect in all dimwit for which it 18 recom• mended. Evidence of the meet responsible and reliable character will accompany the medicine. Phvelelant, please notice. I mak [no "aocret" of "In gredienta" HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHII Ie eontroved of bachu. cubebe an juniper berate, se , looted with great care. By H. T.. HELMBOLD, Practical and analytical amnia, and sole mtuinfacturar of tielmbold's Genuine Preparation, LLL LLL LLL LLL - LLL LLL LLL LLLLLLLLLL LLLLI •T J I . 1 , L AF FI DAVIT. Personally appeared before me, an Alderman of the City of Philadelphia. 11. T. lielmbold, who, being 417 sworn doth nay bia pteparationa contain no narcotic; no mercury or injurious thugs, but are purely vegetable. H. T BOLD. Sworn and subacribed to before me, this 224 day of No. vember. Itea WM. P. lIIBBERD, Alderman, Ninth Street , 'above Ram Philadelphia Price—St 25 per .11.1otfie, or 6 for so so Deliver to any addremsecurely packed from observation, Add rftEC all lettere to Drug and Chemical Warehouse, 594 BRO.I.DWAY, NEW YORK. 594 104 401314 'MTH LT,, PHILA. 104 Beware of Connterfelta and unprincipled Dealers, who endeavor to tHapore "of their own" and other erGiclea on the reputation obtained by Helmbold's Genuine Preparatiotus. ONE ARE GENUINE =lees done up In steol-en greyed wrappora:with faa4sinnle of toy.Uberalcal Ware houee, and eltuud . . H. 7. HELIIEBOLD. HRH HMI guru mill HEW _LN: gfri DIDIEMHB.H. liilattlialitla EH ct ' HRH gnu n HEWIIII "Highly Concentrated" Compound Fluid Extract Bach, A positive and specie° remedy for diseases of the Bladder, Kidneys, Gravel and DrOD3IOB Swellings. EEEEEEEFE EEREEEEEE EP Ig BEE EEEEEE EEEEEE EEE EEE ERREEEEEE EEEEEEEEJ This medicine increaser the power of digeetion. and cites the absorbents into healthy action. by which the water or calcaroue depositions and all unnatural enlarge meats aro reduced. as well as pain and intlaranatton. en 4 is taken by Men, Women and Children. HELAIROLD'S EXTRACT BUCHII In ono of which tho patient may expire, Insanity and Consumption, THE RECORDS OF BEAU IMMURE, Invariably Does. A trial will convince the most skeptical. LLL LLL LLL LLL LLL LLL LLL LLLLLLLLL LLLLLLLLL In many affections peculiar to females. THE EXTRACT OF EIICHU ANT) IMPROVEO ROSE WASH 88888888 ISESI3BBBBBB 888 88888 888 FIBBB 8888888 Btsß BODES 888 88888 BBBFIBBBI3B 88888888 00000 0000000 000 ouo 000 eoo 0000 000 000 0000000 00000 IPREPARES) IN VACUO, DDDDDDD UDDDDD OD DDD DDD DUD DT , D UDD DDD DUD DDD DOD • DUD D DDDDDDD DDODDIDD li. T. IIELI!IJBOLD. Or lielmbold'o Medical Depot, Hold Gy aft Dr UOO fßte ertrywhere.. Ael for Bohnbold`e—take no other, DAW. 0001) "" 7, 0 00, Wards Superb Cotded andlOhavabla Sale, At $1 be per lard.. RICKEY, SH itßP"lic CO., • - Tcp„ 727ogicsiNuT SUPERB , QUALIT y .08 28-inch, 39-inoh and. 32-inoh. BLACK LYONS CLOIKING A Great Bargain. RICKEY, SHARP Et CO., L . No. 727 QFIESTNUTStreet. VELVEI LENS, VELVET CLOTHS AND ' Superb Abtracan Makings' IN GitEAT VAR= ilir. RICKEY, SHARP & 00. 3 No. 727 CHESTNUT Street. BLANKETS. • A IL &ROE STOOK OF Clinton, Ellerton and Extra Premium BLANKETS. RICKEY, SHARP & CO., No. 727 CHESTNUT Street. EDWIN HALL & CO, NO. 28 SOUTH SECOND Will open to-day VELVET POPLINS Arm SILK FACE. POPLINS, . In eb oleo similes of Colorei AT REDUCED PRICES. Superb Qualities LYONS SILK CLOAKING VELVETS. 28 Inch Velvets. 32 Inch Velvets: 34 Inch Velvets. 36 Inch Velvets. • 40 Inch Velvets. - For eale at the lowest price.. EDWIN HALL & 00 1 NO, 28 SOUTH SECOND ST. n 022 m f 2t HAAIRICK & COLE. SPECIAL CARD. In order to prepare space for an unusually elegant ditiphty of HOLI DAY GOODS now in port and about to arrive, we shall exttibit from this date to December 10th the Greatest Bargains ever put forth in General DRY GOODS. We have determined to carry the smallest possible portion of our magnificent stock after January let, HAMRICK & COLE, No. 45 North Eighth Street 1,021.7 t JOHN W. THOMAS, Nos. 405 and 407 N. Second Street, OFFERS MS LARGE UD ELEGANT STOOK WINTER DRY GOODS, EMBRACING AI•L OF THE Newest Designs and Fabrics, AT PRICES WARRANTED TO BE AS Low Do they tan be bought e'sewhere. tl Jell= SPECIAL BARGAINS. 2 Cases Riohardson's Linens. I Case Pillow Linens. I Case Table Napkins. Table Cloths, Superb Double Damask, two to eight yards long. Cases Marseilles Quills. I Case New Ti,ble Coverings. 100 Pairs Rioh Lae Curtains. 350 Emb'd Table and Piano Covers. SHEPPARD, VAN HARLINGEN Importers of House Furnish's; Hey-Goods, No. 1008 CHESTNUT STREET. no2o f m w 10tra INDIA SHAWLS AND BOARFS. GEORGE FRYER, No. 916 CRESTI UT ST BEET, Invitee attention to We stock of Real India Camels Hair Shawls & Scarfs Akio, an eleannt stock of SILKS in Black and Co.ora FANCY SILK PLUSHES, POPLINS, Billk'WLl3 and FANCY COOPS. India hbawia and kcarfa .Alterod,Ropalrod and Ci 4 -in a aoporior manner. - oc3o & ARRISON, •.. - ', !, : -., . , ~./ ,-,' 7 •, . s •• . '7,,,,"% .'' J . '4: :'-, C , •,. :', l', • :. ,‘ • ..1-.. - - GRAND -:‘-,.g:.,.,0,.70.T7009.p5!-...--.:-....._ l,'-..i...Q-'Q.L7:li',i.'-'A"..-.-)3:7,74'i';''..Y,',:i:-.:'.4:.....0'0:.... I'i c I ,'- . R 7 . Nos: SIS and 8;20 C r neeitnut Street Below, l7ontioental !iota','. pRILADELP,HIAA, A. Sales to COminenee , November - 2d, .compiuspio Silks, DresaGoods, Shawls, Cloaking Cloths, Laces and Embroideries Linens rand AlhiteGeodi, &e., Hosiery and - GIOYCO r,fieff 111_01104 Goods, &C. &C. t4tie. Ow to lite Wide reputation Of their House it is needless to detail the character of dint'. H., C. co; would merely state that their theirs uarogTATIQNS OF 'I BIC' PIANFENT qirdisoN, WHICH MUST BE-SOLD' , NEW MA RB LE - It ta LD LNG * , CHESTNUT;tei'IIBEET, AaovE. BROAD, Have never been suipmed In milliddiAls, containing an Ezialess Variety' .., Of texture in medium priced goods, aiviell es the CIIOICEBT NOVELTIES OF THE BEASON, H, C. & Co: would advise all desirous of obtaining GREAT BARGAINS 111. - DRY GOODS, To ime no time before tnspceline their stock, feeling aaenn4 that the, UNPARALLELED PRICES, At which the entire stock:will be - disposed of, must insure RAPID SALES. A Xtevoltit,itin IN THE DRY GOODS TRADE Has been earned by.the inauguration of the " Fair Value fbr Money" System adopted by "THE BEE HIVE." Old Elto , ke ofd•ar-bought_ goods are reduced to ':(11.1E. HAM THEIR FORMER PRICEH” aud are etlll 'll3O IA AR BY hALF.. The "BEE Lint" does not require to REDUCE Prices. Their Stork—ALL NEW, BOUoIiT at the SO YTOM OP E MARRET. and 804 D AT PAIR PROFIT/I—ent re:Ws the supposititious bCgaites fulsomely promised by "GRAND BALEn" and *IMPORTANT NOTICES." The "BEE LIIVE" la new offerhug bum Ede bargains in all their departments—no catch penny tibiae, to mislaid —but a rod.d unequivocal moderaon prime Io other w *TA lit VALUE FOE M ON EY" will be found to pervade all the stock. J. W. PROCTOR & CO., The "Bee Hive," NO. 920 CHESTNUT STREET. !pedal Salo of $30,000 worth of Fanny Drees tfaterlah, -Arising from the great New York Audio? Bales of L. B. CUR= & CO.. AND OTHERS, THIS DAY. AND DURING THE WEEK. AT TLIZ " Bee Hive" Dry Goode - Store. J. W. PR , CTOR & Ca have the pl.teure to announce the following obeap lots in their Dress Goode Department : Pieces Pie in Cheek and Broche Popllttettot at 25c. 'Pheeo goods have been sold at 40c. Pieces Roubaix and Chene Poplins at 2Se.; have sold at 42c. Pieces changeable and plain Poplins at3oe..forrocrlytse. Pieces fine Alpaca Poplins, in all colors and shades, 87 c, worth 604 c. Pieces Crown 'Brand . Bleat Alpaca. 33c., (Sc., 750 Pieces 8-4 wide Black Alexandra Poplins, rich and heavy, for cults, el 50 per yard. $7 50 full dresspattern, Flees Stripe Poplins, for suits, 45e., 750, and et 25 for Satin Stripe,. Pieces ktopreee Cloths, the beat French manufacturer, 67Y)e. 8732 c ; extra vrlde, el 2.5. Pieces Prince of Wales Foully" 8730. ; Peet to import,sL Pieces Changeable Silk Warp Popans- fal nes yard. Pieces Heavy Bilk warp B,PhUltincs. #1 3 5; formerly $2. Pie rich 24. inch Black tiro Grain , $ 2; the best value in the market. PIPCPA teinch Colored Poult de Boles. $2: usually sold at 62 k. 5. CCP Dinner. Drees and Party Bilks. Cheap lots from Si to 51 75: cat to import. $1 75 to $3. iecee 20 inchee full bulled colored Taffeta/; a few pieces at Si 76; wor b ea, Z. J. W. PROCTOR & CO., The "Bee Hive," NO. 920 CHESTNUT STREET. TO PROPRIETORS OF HOTELS,BOARDING-HOUSES AND SHIPPING.' We have a special wholesale department for rapplytog Linen and Cotton Sheeting. Towel,. Napkins. -Single Bed and Berth Blankets, and other goods particularly adapted to your manta, • all the above kind of goods made up at short notice if deaired. STRAWBRIDGE &CLOTHIER CENTRAL DRY GOODS STORE, Corner of Eighth and Market Sto. •r^g am TO COUNTRY MERCHANTS. We have now in store a •.ery large an led assort• ment of LADIES' CLOAKINGS. By calling on us you can not only see all the styles in vogue. but be eupplied in quantities to suit at the lowest wholesale rates.. Comps/Wu of stock and prices with any wholesale house solicited. Samples sent by mail wnen - deeired. STRAWBRIDGE & CLOTHIER CENTRAL EMPORIUM, Corner of Eighth and Market fits. aa9h-Orn NUISCEJLLANEOUS. REMOVAL OF TECH PHILADA. DEMOCRAT. The PHILADA. " GERMA.N " DEMOCRAT OFFICE has been removed From 465 North Third Street 612 and 614 NEST NUP - W 4 3 - For the accommodation of, the public, the old office, 465 North Third Street, will be kept dpen for receiving advertibementa until: further notice. - Plipmtory to removal, to Uwir TELEGRAPH COMPANY. Thta Company have an emelnalve grant to lay CANTON TO TEIN-TBIN, connecting all the ports on the whose foreign commute amounts to The Compaay la chartered by the Legbastam ,of the State of New York, with a A limited number of &area two offered at ON each, payable $lO each, $l5 November 1, balance In monthly insttdmmkta of $2 50 per share. The inquiries for this stook are now very aotivs e rd the Board of Directors in strueYue to say it may be withdrawn at any time, and that none will be of fered on the above terms after Novem ber 20 next. For Clretdara, Maps and full Information oIiFIY to Nov 34 SOUTH THIRD STREET. To duly authorized Banks and Bankers through out Pennsylvania, and at the Nos. 28 and' 25 NASSAU fanjet, 15M23Z1 OUR OWN ,IMPORTATION! The best assortment In the country, now MISKEY, MERRILL & TRACKARA, Gas Fixtures, Lamps. Bronzes,&c., street. oclfi f m w Bram° ENVELOPES 1 ENVELOPES 1 5,000,000 •SAPETY ENVELOPES All colors, cipalitles and elms, for ado at minced Prices at the Steam .Fuyelopo Manufactory. 824 801)/13 FIFTH 8 CREET; ' E3AMAJELI TODDY. Agent. wl7•;SmrP`s atisommarmovs. THE MAST INDIA Submarine Cables, (the seaport of Pekin,) ABIATIO COAST, One Thousand Millions Annually. Capital of 5,000,000 ; T Shares, $lOO Each. DREXEL & CO., PIIILADELJF'IITA ; Office of the Company, SEW YORK. B RON\ZES opra and for sale by Mallufhotarers of 718 m:NUT STREET, PITELADELPIIIA.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers