U Y s fl4s SHOOTING ON ELNCTION DA7.-CORONER 'B IN• quisr.--This morning Coroner Daniels held an. Inquest on the body of William Morton, aged 19 years, who died from the effects of a shot received at the election polls, at Sixth end Tasker streets, on the night of the October election. James Smith, residing at No. 640 Sylvester street, testified—On the night of the 18th of Octo ber, about half-past MX o'clock, I was in Pierce's barroom, at Sixth and 'Maker streets; as I came out of the Sixth street door, a man standing in the railway track fired a shot-gun and shot me in the right band; don't know - the man ; another man shot me in the left arm ; can't say who that man was; I went to the Tasker street door Fwas shot in the right hip, and the ball is in there yet; I fell, and was carried into the back room; Mor ton was shot after I was; the parties who were shooting fired into the house; everything was quiet there all day; there was no disturbance un til this party came up after the polls closed. Dr. B. B. Shapleigh, the Coroner's surgeon, testified—l made a post-mortem examination of the body of William Morton; I found two wounds in the left thigh directly opposite to each other, about 6 inches above the knee joint; seemed to liave been catisEd a unshot. The anterior wound was nearly healed;l the posterior was a sloughing wound two inches in diameter; about the latter were spots as if made by small shot; some shot of this character were found in the tissues. The ball had passed directly through the thigh, extensively comminuting the bone and lacerating the parts adjacent. There was a large bed sore upon the ba•tk. The deceased came to his death from exhaustion resulting from the wound I have described. There being no other vltucsses present the case was adjourned until Monday morning. • FoUND DEAD, —This morning about seven o'clock, a colored man in an insensible condition was found in the area in front of the store of B. F. Johnson, on Market street, above Ninth. The man died in a few after being removed into the store. The deceased is supposed to be Joseph Fisher, aged 25 years, residing on Dugan street, below Spruce. The Coroner took charge of the body. LARCENY OF 7.d....—Hyland Hzad, residing at No. 82C Callowhill stmet, was arrested by Police man Devine, of the Fifth District, upon the charge of the larceny of a half :hest of tea from the front of I.3ntz's grocery : - ,tore, at Tenth and Locust streets. Ho was taken before Alderman Patchel and was committed to answer. LARCENY OF A COAT.—Michael McCue WaB arrested yesterday, at Front' au' Spruce streets,. by Officer Gibson, or t2 - .ellarbcr Police, upon the charge of the larceny oiactat from the house of Thomas Philips. HIN, T.7as held ir. $BOO bail by Alderman Moore. HOUSE ROBBERY.—The house of Mr. N. A. Fraenkel, No. 240 South Filth street, was entered lasts ight between eight and eleven o'clock, by forcing open the front door. L snit of clothing and 1,800 cigars wore carried off. LARCENY OF APPLEB.—James Atkinson and John Walsh were found last night rolling a bar rel of apples along Race street near Water. The apples are supposed to have been stolen. The .risoners were committed by Ald. Hibberd. CRUELTY TO ANDTALS.—Pat Connelly was ar rested yesterday at Beach and Laurel streets upon the charge of beating his horse with a large club. Alderman Eggleton held him for trial. DISORDERLY HORSE.—Mary Kelley was before Alderman Carpenter, this morning, upon the charge of keeping a disorderly house on Water street, above Pine. She was sent to prison. "BA'TIIRDAY AT OAF• HALL" has become one of the institutions of Philadelphia. Oar citizens boast of it as one of the big things of the city, and strangers visitlt as they do the Wednesday afternoon exhibi tions at the Blind Asylum, or our world-renowned market houses on marketing days. If you want to see a crowd, stop in to-day, and if you want to see what brings the crowd, examine the stock and ask the prices. WE CALL ATTENTION to the advertisement of Rickey, Sharp & Co., 797 Chestnut str e eetrannouneing, a lot of Changeable Silks, at the low rate of $1 90-100 cents per yard, well worth $3. This lot of three eases are the handsomest opened in Philadelphia this season SUPERIOR FAMILY COAL.—A large stock of Honey Brook, Hazleton and Spring Brook Lehigh Coal, at Audenried's Wharf, Delaware avenue above Callowbill street. Buyers will do well to call, as the above stock was received before the recent advance, and will be sold at reasonable rates. —Trinity College, Hartford, Ct., hands down a "lemon-squeezer" from class to class. It was begun in 1857, and the squeezer is given to the class whose record allows the greatest number of college adventures. Thepresentatlon takes place with appropriate ceremonies. CITY NOTICES. KERBS CHINA HALL, 1218 Chestnut street, between Twelfth and Thirteenth The cheapest place in the city to buy any article. in China, Glass or Stoneware, from common red Earthenware for the kitchen to the finest goods im ported. ELEGANCE AND EXCELLENCE COMBINED. "It affords me great pleasure to boar witness to the excellence of t he Grover & B aker Family Sewing Ha chine. I. bevelled one in my family for some two years, and " nem wir.t. I know of its workings, and from the testimony of many of my friends who use the same, I can hardly see how anything could be more complete or give better satisfaction. The machine I have is one of the moat elegant I have ever seen."— Letter front Mrs. General Grant. GOLD BAND TEA SETS, 46 pieces, beet quality French China for $ll 60, at lien's China Hall, 1218 Chestnut atreeL WHITE STONE CHINA Cups and Saucers, beet quality, per dozen (23 pieces .$l, at Kerr's Willa Hall, 1218 Chestnut envoi.. GROVER & BAKER rEt. M.. Co. sell from all their stores throughout the United States the best and cheapest biacniNE TWIST AND SPOOL COTTON manufactured from superior stock under their special direction at the lowest market price, wholesale and retail. Merchants and Manufacturers are especially invited to examine their goods and prices. WHIM FRENCH CHINA Cups and Saucers. best quality, per dozen (24 pieces), N. at Kerr's China Hall, 1218 Chestnut street. IT ANSWERS THE PURPOSE OF ALL OTHERS " I like the Grover & Baker Machine, in the first place. because if I had any other I should still want a Grover & Baker, and, having a Grocer .k Baker, it answers the parpo.e of all the rest. It does a greater variety of work, and it is easier to learn than any other. I know three other ladies who have sold off their machines—sold at reduced prices—in order to get Grover & Baker, bat recently. and they are very enthusiastic about their new machines."—Ttiinmay of Mrs. J. C. Croly (Jennie June), before the C'omfnie e-ioner of Patents. FINIS GrI.ACFIWARE.- Kerr's China Hall, 1218 Chestnut street, have the largest stot•k of tine Table Glass,in the country ; those in want of Glassware cannot fall to make a selection from our immense assortment. Our stock comprises glass at all prices. Tumblers $1 25 to $25 per dozen ; Goblets $2 to $lOO per dozen ; Decanters, $1 to $75 per pair. !vitiate, crests, names, &c., engraved on glass at an hour's notice. MACHINE TWIST AND SPOOL COTTON, of first quality, from superior stock, manufactured under the special direction of Gaoven & BA.kcit S. M. Co., supplied WhMe.ale and Retail from all their stores throughout the United States at the very lowest mar ket prices. The trade supplied on moat favorable terms. NS HITE FRENCH CHINA DINNER. SETS. At Kerr's China flail, 1218 . 0hestnut street, we , are , now offering White French China Dinner, Tea,BreAk>. fast and Dessert Sets combined, contstatrig 115 pieces, for $42. every Mete warranted - of the best quality and newest shapes. Families - furnishing can buy their China, &c., at thin establishment at about the price of common earthenware. . :Limns K. Knits. & Bee., China Hall. 1218 Chestnut street. DECORATING ON ell Al Kerr's China Hall. 1218 Chestnut street, Dinner, Tea and Chamberware decorated to order any color, with crests, initials, monograms, or any design do sired; all styles of matching done,and decoration war ranted.:We are in constant receipt of the:new designs of decorations from Paris, from which purchasers can melte their selections. Any article of Paris goods im ported to order. JA3iss K. IF.InIE & China 1ia11,1228 Chestnut street. TEN . CENTS EXPMiSES IN NINE YEARS. "I have long thought that, injustice to the excel lence of your Sewing - Machine, it was my duty to in form You that,rirrin YELEE , since,l purchased one from your agent in this city. and tnat I have had it in con stant tree since that time, and, during the entire pe riod, the exPetbse. aside from a few needles, has been Taw 'OMITS 20 keep it in perfect repair. I give the above. as evidence of the superiority of your machine over others. b cause I have used those made by other parties, but with' little satisfActieu."—Letter from 31r6. AL IS. Wilson, Washington, D. C., to Grover a: Bakei`S. Y. Co. OBALIE. FOR SALE. HS TONS OF CHALK v_sflost._4lPOY to WOE CO., LW walnut Arthlt. - sant PUbLiC SALE.—THOMAS & SONS' AUG. Memel's. On Tuesday. November 24, 1859. at 12 o'clock, noon. will be gold at public elle. et the Philadelphia Exchange. the following dot cribed proper ty, vet Neat country residence, Darby Read. No. I. AL three story brick colt .ge Ilona° (8 rooms,) and lot. 25 feet front, 125 feet deep, in good order, newly Pa pered and painted. on Darby Paeeenner Railway, near Nount Merlon lane, with or without the adjoining_ lot. same size. Foreession on or before May 1, 180!. Hal f the purchase money may remain. Brick Dwelling. No. 2.—A1l that th^eo.atory brick house and lot, adjoining No. 1, 24) feet front, 125 feet deep. $1,200 may remain on mortgage. No. 11—ell that lot of round, situate en the northwest aide of Darby Passenger Railway, and a 40 foot wide avenue, called Ellis' lane; containing in front on Darby road 90 feet, and in depth about 220 foot to a R 3 feet wido street, narrowing on the rear. Terms—One third cash, balance secured on promises. No. 4.-5 lota of ground, adjoining N 0.2 on the south • west, each 50 feet front. by about 20 feet deep to said 80 feat Street. Terms--Omthird cash. Brick Dwelling. No. 8 that throc,stot7 brick house and lot, northwest aide Darby road, adjoining Ns. 4. 20 feet front, MO feet deep to said 110 feet greet— Now rented for S3CO per annum. Tarp . cash. No. , —A triangular lot corner Mount Morlah lane and Orem:may avenue, 250 foot front on each. Further inquiry may be made of John Grimstine, at the Mt Morlah Lionse, and at No. 128 South Sixth etreet, of J. M. P. Wallace. Torms-I)nethird cash. M. 211051 AS & SOS, Auctioneers, INi and 141 South Fourth street. itORPHANS' COURT SALE.—ESTATE OF JOHN F. Seal, deceased.—Thomas & Sons, Auclloneers.— Modern tbree-s, ory Brick Dwelling, No. 626 North wentieth street, south cf Parrish :street .—Pursuant to an ordtrof the Orphans' Court for tho City and County of Philadelphia. will be sold at public sale, on Tuesday, Be. cereher Bth. 18E8, at 12 o'clock. noon, at the Philadelphia Exchange, the followingdescribed property. late of john F. beat. deceased, viz.: All that lot of ground, with the threaetory brick messuage thereon erected, situate on the west side of Twentieth street, at the distance of 76 fest south of Parrish street, Fifteenth Ward; contalniag, in front on Twentieth street 16 feet, and extending of that width in depth 70 feet to an alley 4 feet wide. running north and south, and conunnnicating with another alley 4 feet wide running west vard into Capital 'erect. Bount ed northward by ground now or late of Charles Broadnix. eastward by Twentieth street, southward by other ground of said Charles Broadnix, and westward by the 4.feet wide alley aforesaid. (Being the came premises which Samuel shon'ttker and wife; by indenture tasted deptember 13th, A. D. 1866, recorded in deed book L. It. 13., N 0.20, page 214, &e., granted and conveyed, with the privilege of noth of said s, unto the, said decedent, In fee.) Under and SU B b 3 j . e th et e to co n urt. mottgagdt j i,s s rh p k At ' EGARY, Clerk 0. O. JOSEPHINE SEAL, Adminb3tratrix. The boustS has the modern convenience.; gas ( with fix tures, which are included in the sale). bath, hot and cold water, furnace, cooking range, &c. Keys at tho Auction Store. Immediate possession M. THOMAS & SONS, Auctioneers. 130 and 141 South Fourth street. 11014V-dCS ASSIGNEE'S PEREMPTORY BALE. THOMAS r& eons, Auctioneers. On Tuesday, December It, " 1868, at 12 o'clock noon. will be sola at public sale, withou described property,lph Exchange. lowing viz' No. 1 Lot Everett street. AU that lot of ground, situate on tne south side of Everett street. in the city of Philadelphia, at the distance of 60 feet east of Thirteenth street; containing in front on said Everett street 66 feet, ana extending in depth on the east line thereof 72 feet 11.fi inches, and on the west line thereof 61feet 8,44 inches. No. 2—AU that lot of ground commencing at a point 60 feet east of 'thirteenth street, and 50 feet north of Car penter street: thence eastwardly on a tine parallel with Carpenter ttreet 15 feet tP.i Meese, and of that width co a. tinning iisHlLrvardly on the east line thereof 57 feet 6 in. ches, and Millie west line thereof 57 feet 854 inches. No. s,B'l,iree-story brick dwelling, thirte.nth street. north of arpenter street; all that lot of ground, with the three.story brick messuage thereon erected, situate on the eatt side of Thirteenth street, 137 feet 8 inches north of Carpenter street; containing in front on said 'thirteenth street 15 feet, be the same more or lees, and extending in depth 17 feet. Together with the privilege of an alley 3 feet wide on the rear. ' N. B —Nos. 1 and 8 will be sold subject to the unpaid re sidue of a mortgage, given by Robert Selfridge to Alex ander B. Carver, recorded in Mortgage Book A. I). 8., No. 5, page 12L,Ac M. 7 HOMAS ds SONS Auctioneers, lat and 141 South Fourth street. nol4 21 5 icPEREMPTORY SALE.—THOMAS SONS. Auctioneers.—On Tuesday November 24, 1869, at 12 'o'clock, noon. will be sold at public sale, without re. serve, at the Philadelphia Exchange, the following de scribed property. viz.: No. 1 —Modern Two-story Stone Dwelling. No. 204 Baines street. near Morton street, Ger. mantowil, 42 feet front. all that two-story stone meek suage, with two-story back building and lot of ground, situate on the westerly side of Haines street, near Morton street, No. 204; the lot containing in front 42 feet, and fa depth 140 feet 6 inches. It has a porch front and back, contains 7 rooms. gas introduced. &c.; garden planted with vegetables, granary, f uit trees, &c. Terms—sl,ooo may remain on mortgage. Possession 12th September. May be examined any day previous to sale. 1815 — $lOO to be paid at the time of sale. No 9—Very desirable modern three story brick d welling. No. 2626 Broad street above Cumberland street. All that modern three story brick messuage and lot of ground situate on the west side of _Broad street, above Cutub 9r land street; No. 2626; 25 feet front and in depth 177 feet 10 inches to Dale strict. It has tee modern conveniences; also, a frame stable. The house stands back from the street; has a portico, grass plot, &c. enclosed with iron fence. TERMS—S3.OOO may remain on mortgage. $2.0 to be paid at time of sale. M. TII.OSIAS & SONS. Auctioneers, 189 and 141 S. Fourth street iXECUTORS' PEREMP CORY SALE.—ES CATE of 'Thomas Woodwhid, deceased. Thomas & Sons, Auctioneers. Very valuable Wharf and large river Schuylkill and Mill Creek, Twenty-eeventh Ward, near the Darby Road. 102% feet front, 55 I feet deep. On Tuesday, December 8, 1868, at 12 o'clock, noon. will be eold at public sale, without reserve, at the Philadelphia Exchange, all that large and valuable lot of ground (ad joining a n d on a plan which may be seen at the auction rooms),extending in depth (measuring from No. 8 518 toot 4 inches to the wharf line on the Schuylkill, and extending in front along the wharf line 1.2 feet 6 inches to Mill ()reek. and thence along the creek the several courses thereof 563 feet to No. 8. The improvements are a substantial new wharf fronting on the Schuylkill. It will be sold subject to certain restrictions and exceptions, which will be made known on application to the auction. rilr"The above property is well adapted for business eels purposes.lt having such extensive frohts c ord i ng reek and the river SchuylkilL It will be sold ato ° a survey made by James Miller, September, 1865. 1131713a1e absolute. By order of BRINTON J WOODDWARD, GARRETT L. WOODWARD ' Executors. JOSEPH :JAMES. JOSEPH J. MARTIN, M. THOMAS & SONS, Auctioneers, 189 and 141 South Fourth street. nol4 il-28 PUBLIC SALE—THOMAS di SONS. AUCT io N- Beers. Large and valuable Tract, 1117 acres. Darby and Chester Turnpike. Delaware county.Penneyi V 4- Dia. tOt miles from Market street bridge, ."4 mile of Clif ton station on Media Railroad. On Tuesday. Decomoer let. Ha. at 12 o'clock. noon, will be sold at public sale. at the Philadelphia Exchange. all that very desirable and valuable tract of land. comprising lin acres,Bituate within the limits of the incorporated borough of Darby, Dela ware county. Pennsylvania 656 miles tram Market street bridge, several hundred feet front on Darby and Chester turnpike and on Clifton avenue (which is laid out), 60 feet in width, and leads from the pike to Clifton station on Media Itailroadt.sibout onofourth of the land is covered with forest trees. It is surrounded by country seats of L Mason, Messiti. Carpenters, W. Jackson Mr. Longetreth, Judge Andrews and others. The situation is very desira ble; commands a beautiful view of the surrounding coun try ; very valuable for a public Institution, park, country FOAL or cemetery. Further particulars may be had on ap plication to James It. Cummins, _No. 36 douth seventh street. N. THOMAS Itz SONS. Auctioneer', tau wllti 141 Rn• I'll Pt CELE Ida • 1. lA, us cu. 0,../ 0 • 0 handsome Modern Three-story Brick Residence, with side yard, Stable and Coach-Mouse, No. 617 South Ninth street. below Lombard street, 41 feet front. t 8 feet deep to Cedar Avenue.—On Tuesday, Nov. 24,1.86^x, at 12 o'clock, noon. wilt bo sold at public stile, at the Philadelphia Exchange, all that handsom“ modern three story brick messuage, with two-story back building and lot of ground, situate on the east side of Ninth street, south of Lombard st.,No.tili; the lot containing in fronton Ninth street 40 feet 8 inches, having a-side yard of 24 feet, and extruding in death lea feet to Cedar avenue. It is well and substantially built, and finis - lied with all the modern conveniences; marble mantels, gas throughout, bath, hot and cold water, water closet, furnace. cooking range, &c.; also, a two story brick stable and carriage house, with accommodations for three 'torsos and three carriages; yard planted with a variety of fruit trees. Or'Cl ax of all incumbrance. Immediate possession. May be examined any day pre. vious to sale. Terms—sllll,ooo can remain. M. THuMAS & SONS, Auctioneers. 139 nil 141 South Fourth street. IaREAL EBTATE—THOM AS & SONS' SALE.— Three-story brick Dwelling, No. 2343 Coates area, west of Twenty-third. on Tueeday, November 24, 1868, at 12 o clock.. noon, will be sold at public eale, at the l'hiladelphis F's change, all that three-itory brick dwelling, with two-story back ouilding and lot of ground, situate on the north Bid., of Coates street, west of Twenty. third 4treot, No. n 43; thence extending eastward along Coates street Id feet; thence northward '77 feet 1.% inches' thence westward along a 4 feet wide alley 16 feet P., inches, and thence s mthward 79 feet 45, inches to the place of beginning. Together with the common use and privilege of said alley. It has gas introduced, bath, hot and cold water, range, drc. buaJect to .a: redeemable ground rent of $W May be examined any day promos to sale. Possession March Ist, 1569. M. THoM AS & SONS, Auctioneers. 139 and 141 lioeth Fourth street. riREAL ESTAI'E-1 lIOM ati b bONn' Modern three story brick Residence, with side yard, No. 2212 Wallace street, Wee of Twomy-Seamd street. On Tuesday, December let, 18433, at 12 o'clock, noon, will be sold at public sale, at the Philadelphia .Ex change, all that modern three-story brick inenmage, with two story double back building end lot of ground, situate on the south aide of Wallace street, west of Twenty-second area. N 0.2212; the lot containing in front on 'Wallace streetl9 feet tincluding side yard of :; feet), and extending in depth tis teet. ties the modern conveni ences. re- - Clear of alrinc.umbranco,. IMUltdilite PORie , d o / 4 Terum -$3,000 may oniviin on mortev Be. M. TllO %IAI3 & Anitionorre. 139 and 141 South F •orth otreet. nol4 214128 rREAL ESTATE.—T4IOSIAB & BONS' Very Valuable Four story Brick Factory, No. 548 North Fourth street, between Brown and Poplar streets. Lia Tuesday, November 24, 1859, at 12 o'clock, noon, will be sold at public sale. at the Philadelphia Ex change, all that brick building, part four and two-story high, containing a steam-engine and boiler, and lot of ground, Rhode on the west Bide of Fourth street, between Brown and Poplar etrecte. No. 848; containing in front on Fourth street ,35 feet 1 inch, and extending in depth 120 feet, including on the north side a 8 feet wide alley. Also, a two-story brick stable, old fp - Fa-story brick bond, &c. - - - Subject to a yearly ground rent of $lBO. OL THOMAS At SONS, Auctioneer's. 134 and 141 South Fourth street. inREAL ESTATE—THOMAS & SONS' SALE.— Very desirable 356 story Brick Dwellingg. No. &122 Richmond street, corner of Ash street. neridesburg. Lot 70 feet front, 2(10 feet deep to Salmon street; three fronte. On TUCIdtIY. Nov. 24th, 1868 t at 12 o'clock, noes," will be told at public sale, at the Philadelphia Exchange, aU that 2,;0 story brick (rough cast) mosenage and lot of ground, situate on the west side. of Richmond street, north corner of Ash street, Bridesburg. Phila.. No. 3252; the lot containing in front on Richmond street 70 feet, and extending in depth along Ash street 200 feet to Sal. moo duet. The house contains 8 rooms; has go and cooking.ran,ge, good pump water in the yard, water pipes laid. en Elcbmond and on Ash street. Terms-s;l,othinisy remain on mortgage. M. Tuum4s &SONS. Auctioneers, 139 And 141 South Fourth etreet THE DAILY EVENING BULLETIN-PHILADELPHIA, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 14.1868. r. FEIiriCETORY—BAItd---&--130Nd: -Auctioncers.—Threoetory Brick Store and Dwelling No. 11M6 Girard avenue. On Tuesday November 9 4 le%e, at 19 o'clock, noon, will be sold at public sale, urfthouf reserve, at the Fluladelptua Exchange, all that throe. *tory brick store and dwelling, with three:story back buildings and lot of ground, situate on the south aide of Girard avenue In feet cast of Ontario. street, No. 1336; the lot containing in front on Girard avenue 16 feet. and extending in depth 69 feet to a 3feet wide alley leading Wedltward Into Ontario street, with the free use of said alley. The house has the modern COUVaIierICOS; MIAs bath, hot and cold water, water closet, saloon parlor, merb e mantels, cooking range, dm. 7ho above is well located and is a good business stand. Immediate possession. Dray be examined any time previous to aide, on application to the occupant of the Terms-86,000 may remain on mortgage. kV" Clear of all Incumbranco. halo absolute, BIL THOMAS & SONS, Auctioneers, 189 and 141 South Fourth street. PEREMPTORY BALE—THOMAS gr. BONO. ALM tioneem Three-story brick Residence, No. 228 Washington Square, below Locust street.—On Tues day. November 24, 1d433, at 12 o'clock, noon, will bo sold at public gale, without reserve. at the Philadelphia Ex- change, a , l that three-story brick messtiare. with two. story back building and lot of ground, Eitdate on the west side of Washington square. 91 feet 1034 inches south of Locust street, No. 226; the lot containing in fro .t on Washington squaro23 feet 14' inches, and extending in depth on the south line 143 feet, and on the north lino 114 feet. 3 inches; then narrowing to the width of ld feet 4 inches; then extending etill further in depth 28 feet 10.4 inches to a 9 feet wide alley leading into Locust street, with the free use and privilege of said alloy. Under and subject to certain restrictions as to building on said lot. Bale absultue, Plan at the Auction Rooms. M. T11051A19 & SONS. Auctioneers, Nos. 139 and 141 S. Fourth street. REAL ESTATE—THOMAS & SONS' SALE._ irredeemable ground rents, each $lB 75 a year. On 7 uceday. November 17, 1889. at 12 o'clock noon, will be lola irredeemableid at the rniladelphia Exchange. all those l 2 yearly ground rents or sums each of $lB 78, lawful eilvenmoney of tho U. S. clear of taxes, issuing out of all those 2 lots of ground, contiguous to each other, situate on the north aide of Sandell' street (late William street), In tte Seventh Ward; containing in front on Naudain street 80 feet (each lot 15 feet), and extending_ in depth northward, parallel with T wenty.lirst street, 69 feet to Tryon street. Secured by 4 brick houses. M. THOMAS a SONS. Auctioneers. 139 and 141. S. Fourth St. EE REAL ESTATE—THOMAS Ac SONS' SALE. Large and valuable lot, Forty-second street, south of chestnut street, Wog Philadelphia. On Tues day. December 1, 1868, at 12 o'clock, noon will be sold at public sale, at the Philadelphia Ex. change, all that large and valuable lot of ground, situate on the west side of Forty-second street, 120 feet south of Chestnut street. West Philadelphia; con taining in front on Forty-second street 100 foot 3 inches. and extending in depth on the north line 153 feet 84 inches, and on the south lino 151 feet 3 an inch. Boun ded south by Satleolll street. Subject to a r. deomable yearly ground rent of $331 3.1 Terms—s&ooo may remain on mortgage. .151.. THOMAS Ac SONS, Auctioneers, 139 and 191 South Fourth street GROUPS AND STATUETTES, TYNDALE & MITCHELL, 707 CHESTNUT STREET, PII1LAXIELPIII&, OFFER A FINE ASSORTMENT OF Imported Bronzes, At Very Low Prices soMI th OPERA GLASSES. A large and fine assortment of Plain and Fancy OPERA GLASSES just received—new etylea in Pearl. Fancy and Morocco Cam. WILLIAM Y. M'ALLISTER I OPTICIAN, No. 728 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, nolo to the 6trra6. RHEUMATISM, NEURALGIA. $5,000 REWARD Will be paid to any person producing any article that can refer to half as many Genuine Permanent Cures of Rheu matism and Neuralgia in Pennsylvania as made by 113 , rt. . VirrILOE EL'S Great Vegetable Rheumatic Remedy Within two years. As a security to sufferers, a written guarantee is given, stating the number of bottles war ranted to cure each case or money to be refunded. Posi tively used by Physicians in practice as the only recourse in severe cases. Warranted uninjurious to the moat delicate. Prepared by Dr. J. P. FITLER, a regular graduate, who has, tor thirty 3 ears, made this disease a specialty. Office, No. 29 S. Fourth Street. All inquiries by letter answered. Bold by all Druggists. ttual the to tf Bpi Magazin des 14dEc•des9 REAL ESTATE Si*LES. DIISCEIALAIVEOUS. ELELDIVINAIue LADIES' DRESS GOODS. 1014 WALNUT STREET. For the better convenience of her Patrons, Mrs PROCTOR has REMOVED heiDREBB-MikKING ROOMS to 1014 WALNUT STREET, whore she will be happy to see her friends The general Dry Goods Business will be con- tinned as heretofore, at 920 Chestnut street J. W. PROCTOR & CO. notAmrpo IF URN. dr.c. FT...T.ISLS FUELS ! A. K. & F. K. WOMRATH, No. 1212 Chestnut street, (Late stand 417 ARCH Street), AIIV BELLING . Children's Sets of Furs at S 5. Ladies' Siberian Squirrel sets,ss upwards 4 1 Minh Sable " St° " " German Fitch " 515 " " Stone !Marten " S2O " " Royal Ermine " 540 44 " Hudson Bay Sable " 850 " " Russian Sable 64 5100 44 INGLU3H BIDING BOAR, BKATIiG MUFFS, &c., FUR GLOVER, FOOT MUM, LAP BLANKETS. A great 'variety of Carriage and Sleigh Robes. A. K. F. K. WOMRATH I No. 1212 Chestnut Street, PHILADELPHIA: au24o m w 4mro SUNDAY EXCURSIONS.— change of Time. The splendid now jr Steamboat TWILIGHT leaves Chestnut street wharf, at EX - &clack. A. M. and 2 P. AL, for Burlington and Bristol, touching at Tawny. Riverton. Andalusia and Beverly.' Leaving Bristol at MX A. M. and 4P. M. Fare, 2.6 math each way. Excursion 40 cents, ITLYBO4,tf CAPT. LI. Guanzu, DRY GOODS. 727 CHEStNtaitilketc727 RICKEY, SHARP& CO. HAVE JUST OPENED S Cases CHANGEABLE SILKS, At $1 90 per yard. i. RICKEY, SHARP & CO. 727 CHESTNUT STREET, CLOAKING VELVETS. HAMRICK & COLE, CLOAKING VELVETS CLOAKING VELVET. ! CLOAKING VELVET. , The Largest Assortment in Philadelphia! WE OFFER SEVENTEEN QUALITIES REAL LYONS VELVETS, Ranging from $lOOO Upwards for PURE BILK GOODS. Solo Importers of America of C. PONSON'S Golden-Edge Velvets. Very Rich Solid Colored Silks, Reduced from $S 60 to $2 75. ELEGANT SATINS, for Bridal and Evening Dresses. AT REDUCED PRICES. HAMRICK & COLE, WHITE MARBLE BUILDING, • N 0.45 North Eighth Street, r 014-8 too 2t STEEL & SON WILL OFFER TODAY 5 000 YARDS OF COLORED SILKS, Num to nearly one-ball the former prices. All-wool Empress Cloth Poplins, Double width, reduced to 65e. Empress Cloth Poplins, 75, 87, $l. Ail-wool Epinglines reduced to 62 1.2. 92 Silk and Wool Poplins reduced to $1 50. $2 25 Plaid Irish Poplins reduced to $l 25. bawls, Cloaking Velvets and Velveteens AT THE VERY LOWEST PRICES. Nos, 713 ani 715 N. Tenth -St EYRE & LAND ELL, Have Reduced Tbeir Nees As much, and perhaps more. than others, for the same Class 01 Goods. DRESS GOODS REDUCED. SHAWLS OF FINE GRADE. LYONS COAT VELVETS. LYONS PURE SILK VELVETS. FASHIONABLE POPLINS. FASHIONABLE SERGES. GOLD MIXED REPELLANTS. BEST BLACK VELVETEENS. BLUES, BRO WNS,PUR PLES,&c nol4 stro4 A & 3. B BARTHOLOMEW'S Grand Special Sale d medium and fine DRESS Gr€3o4ar)S, Commencing Monday, November 16th, To continue a few days only. Our Goode are all desirable, bought recently at the lowest prices prevailing this servon, AND MARKED VERY LOW, THIS IS A BONA FIDE REDUCTION SALE. We do not advertise goods at HALF THEIR PRESENT COST, as we do not have any old goods on our shelves • offer at half cost, when said old stocks were bought a rites ONE HUNDRED PER CENT. HIGHER TI AN OURS. I fence the great sacrifice AT WHICH WE ARE NOW OFFERING DRESS GOODS. 37360. Drees Goods at 27. 44c. Dress Goode at 33. 50c. Dress Goods at 3734. 56c. l roes Goode at 45. 62c. Dress Goods at 48. 68c. Drees Goods at 60. 75c Dress Goods at 56. 873 , 4. Drees Goods at 70. 95c Dross Goods at 6.4 Wool Detainee at 65. IT $1 25 All wool doable fold Stripe Poplins at 95. $1 11.7.% Wool Poollm3 at $l. $1 50 Wool Poplins at $1 25. $1 62 Wool Poplins rt 51 3756. $1 75 Bilk and Wool Poplins at $1 45. 87c. Serges at 70. 68c. Bergen at 50. Black Alpacas, 3730.. 40c., 45c., 50c., 55c., 60c., 65c., to $1 25. PLAIN VELVETEENS, ALL COLORS, CHEAP. SPANGLED VELVETEENS, CHEAP. Wool Shawls, Broche Shawls. Flannels, Balmoral Skn•te. GREAT BARGAINS IN BLANKETS. Ladles' N erino Underwear. Cheapest in Philadelphia. • 100 DOZEN KID GLOVES, NEW SEIADOS, $1 20 per pair. WE WARRANT EVERY PAIR. Udkra.l3calrfii, Hosiery. • , - Ladies'. Misses' and Children's Gloves in great variety. Ett IoW prime- Our prices are so low as to guarantee rapid sales and eatisfattion to all those that favor us with a call. A. & J. B. BARTHOLO VIEW; 23 North Eighth Street. P. B.—Cut this out and bring with you INDIA SHAWLS AND SCARFS. GEORGE FRYER, No. 916 CHESTNUT STREET, Invitee attention to hie stock of , Real India Camels Hair Shawls & Scarfs Also, an elegant Block of BILKS in Black and Colors; FANCY SILK PLUMES, POPLINS, SHAWLS and FANCY GOODS. India Inawle and Heads Alterod,Ropalred and Cleaned is a superior manner. oc3o.azarpri GRAND-SALE-OF-MM. -GOODS HOMER, COLLADAY & CO., Nos. Sl.B and e 320 Chestnut street, Below Continental Hotel, PHILADELPHIA: Sales to Commence ,November 2d, COMPRIBDiG . Silks, Dress Goods, Shawls, Cloaking Cloths, Laces and . Embroideries, Linens and White Goods, &c„ Hosiery and Gloves, &c., Mourning Goods, &c, &c, Owing to the wide reputation of their House, it is needless to detail the character of their stock. IL, C. & Co. would merely state that their IMPORTATIONS OF TOE PRESENT SEASON, WHICH MUST EE SOLD 'Preparatory to removal to their NEW MARBLE BUILDING, CHESTNUT STREET, ABOVE BROAD, Have never been anrpamed in Philadelphia, containing an Endless Variety f texture In medium priced goods, as well ns the . CHOICEST NOVELTIES OF THE SEASON. EL, C. & Co. would adviso all desirous of obtaining GREAT BARGAINS IN DRY GOODS, To lose no time before inspecting their stock, feeling assured that the UNPARALLELED PRICES, At which the entire stock will be disposed of, must insure SHEPPARD, VAN HARLINGEN & ARRISON. BLANKETS, HOUSEKEEPING DRY GOODS, CURTAINS, CURTAIN MATERIALS, &c., -lee. NO DRESS GOODS. Being the OLDEST Establishment for the Special Bale of the above Goods, wo can give to our patrons the advantage of a long experience and thorough acquaintance with this special department of the DRY GOOD BUSINESS, and making all our purchases for CASH, secure to them the co/vest possible prices, at which the same qualities are sold, either in this or the Now York market. No. 10 0 S CHESTNUT Will:ME T. 0c:24 e 4t Fall Trade. 1868 EDWARD FERRIS . GIRARD STORES. NM. seri Eleventh and Chestnut Ste, Entrance 36 South Eleventh% OFFERS AT JOB PRICES 20,000 Yards Hamburg and Needle Werk Embroideries. ALSO. 1,000 Doz. Linen Hdkfs.---All kinds. Real and Imitation Valenoienne,Thread, Guipure and Cluny Laces. And a complete stock of WHITE 4131-00007DS: 13P — Iferabecdt and King'a celebrated make of Puffing' and Ruffling" at Manufacturer's Prices. • laMtn th 80 1, K LINEN STORE, AP . 82S Aarch Street. Several Cheap Lots of TOWELS, • TOWELING by the yard, TABLE LINENS; NAPKINS, LINEN HANDKERCHIEFS. sEir The largest Linen Stock in the city at Importer's price,. divir•mw. RA LAS... Fourth and Arch. _ e. Velyettas far Dresses at $1 25 per yard. LIGET FRENCH BLUE. METTERNICH GREEN. GARNETS AND BROWNS. - BLACKS AND PURPLES. SCARLET AND CRIMSON. JOHN W. THOMAS, Nos. 405 and 407 N. Second Street, OFFERS HIS LARGE AND ELEGANT STOCK WINTER DRY GOODS, EMBRACING ALL OF THE Newest Designs and Fabrics, AT PRICES WARRANTED TO BE AS Low as they oau be bought elsowhere. alma 'tarp RAPID SA ES. LINENS, FLANNELS, AND EVERY VARIETY MUSLIbTS 727 °HERM STREET 727 REDUCTION IN THE PiRICES DRESS GOODS. RICKEY, SHARP & CO. No. 727 Chestnut Street, OFFER TO-DAY 50 CdBf s of Imported Dress Fab/les t At 25 cevta per yard, worth double the price. RICHEY, SHARP 45 CO. No. 727 Chestnut Street. TO PROPRIETORS OF HOTELS,BOARDING-HOUSES AND SHIPPING. We have a special wholesale department for supplying Linen and Cotton Sheeting. Towel.% Napkins. Single Bed and Berth Blankets, and other goods particularly adapted to .your wants. All the above kind of goods made up at abort notice if desired. STRAWBRIDGE &CLOTHIER CENTRAL DRY GOODS STORE, Corner of Eighth and Market St!. TO COUNTRY MERCHANTS. We have now in store a very large an led assort ment of - T .A DIES'OLOAICINGS. By calling on us you can not, only see all the styles in vogue. but be supplied In finsuitities to 8114 at the lowest wholesale rates. Comparison of stock and prices with any wholesale house solicited. Samples sent by mall MUM desired. STRAWBRIDGE & CLOTHIER CENTRAL EMPORIUM, Corner of Eighth and Market Ste.- REMNANTS NOTTINGHAM LACE FOR CUR. TAINS. NOTTINGHAM. CURTAINS—SampIe pairs. Bargains in remnants . of NOTTINGHAM LACE.• Bargains in sample paira Nottingham Curtains. Parties havir g single windows to curtain. please notice. NoTTINGHAM LACE. 91 ieches wide, 25c. yard. These goods having been considered cheap at gge .must be very cheap at 28c., at W Not , fingbam Lace Es tablishment. NOTTINGHAM PILLOW LACE, 9c. yard: reduced from he. yard Will last maven years 7 Ids is not a joke. 1. ILK ILLUSION for Bridal Veils, yards wide. 80c.. 2;11,' at 9tic., 8 yards wide, $1 10, about the best quality im hoWitjlttdosEaacrAtig, prices. SEBTINGS AND FLOUNCINGS. Tri On ec h ,: _and,"ll - vezy - erlarg variety-and quantity-under-regales WHITE BILK LACEB—A large assortment of superior quality at reeeonable GENTLEMEN'S 'RCM/ED - .II.DKFEL. - with-corded borders, each dozen in a pretty box, under regular price. Et The Old 61 Ledger." Building FOR RENT. All except the First Floor, Corner Room. Apply to THE WESTERN UNION TELEGRAPH CO.. n014.6t1 B. E. corner Third and Chestnut Streets. CITEVENti' LIQUID SHOE. BLACHINGIB.AILWATYI3 L) ready for use, and quickly_ gives a brilliant atvi dura ble lustre. Bold by ThUMAN &SHAW, No. 835 (Eight Tbirty.five) Market street, below Ninth. • THE COUTPDI DENTAL ASSOCIATION ORIO/- noted tho ANALBTLIETIC USE OF NITROUS OXIDE' GAB; Administer it in - the most approved manner, do nothing but extract Teeth—and they certainly.do that without pain. bo 11,000 Patients testify . See their signatures at the Office, T. 37 Walnut street. below Eighth. 1107 s,wBt - - PINE - APPLE CHEESE.—NORTON'S CELEBRATED Brand on consignment and for sale byJOS.i B. DUB; AIEB di CO., 108 Oath Dolaware annuo WORNEII, No. 38 North Eighth street.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers