lorry BULLETIN. ROW IN ME FOURTH WARM—This morning, about nine o'clock, a row occurred at the voting place of the sixth precinct of the Fourth Ward, at blxth,and Shipper' streets. The Democrats, It Deems, had adopted .a plan of challenging nearly every Republican voter who presented himteb. Finally, a citizen who had voted in that precinct for twenty-seven years came up. His vote was like wise challenged. The officers accepted the vote. This was not in accordance with the wishes of those outside, and a row Immediately ensued. The windows of the house were broken in and the ballot-box was thrown out. The Republican Inspector made his escape and the man cc with the Republican window book a•so beat a hasty retreat. A squad of policemen quelled the disturbance before any serious consequences had resulted. Upon the oaths of Edward Walker and Charles Sigmund, officers of the election, Judge Peirce issued a warrant for the arrest of John Daffy and Wm. Kane, chargin r. them with breach of the peace. These men, it is alleged, were leaders in the row. Duffy was captured and taken before Judge Peirce, by whom ho was hold in $2,000 bail for trim. Kane could not be found when the police went to execute the warrant. After thls affair the Democrats appeared to have every thing their own was, and several Republicans who came up to vote were knocked down. ELEcnorr OF OFFWERS.—The annual meeting of the stockholders of the Philadelphia, German town and Norristown Railroai Company was held yesterday at their office, Ninth and Green Meets. The report of the Ruperintendent, which was read, shows that a thriving business was done during the oast year. An election for officers resulted in the choice of the following : President—Coffin Colket. Managers—C. Colket, J. J. Woodward, J. War ner Johnson, J. Morris Wain, W. H.' Blingluff, William Musser, I. V. Williamson, Jos. Swift, William Harmar, Charles Fil s, William H. Hart, Joseph Perot. Secretary and Treasurer—A. E. Dougherty. General Superintendent—W. S. Wilson. THE FIRST REFORMED CHURCH.—The First Reformed Church, corner of Seventh and. Spring Garden streets, has recently expended about one thousand dollars in repairs and erecting new heaters for the building. Mr. E. G. Stones has been elected Superintendent of the Sunday Schools. This church, now entirely free from debt, and well organized, may be considered not only as re-establiahed, but in an unusually flour ishing condition. THE STATE HOUSE BELL.—The old custom of tolling the State House bell on election day is still adhered to, and all day citizens residing and do ing business in the neighborhood of Sixth and Chestnut streets have been annoyed by the ring ing of the bell. FATAL. ACCIDENT.—Joseph Fletcher, aged forty years, was badly crushed yesterday afternoon by a shaft falling upon him at the Navy Yard. He was conveyed to the Pennsylvania Hsispital, where he died this morning. The deceasesl re sided at No. 703 Swanson street. Finn IN A RESTAIIRART.—Last night, about half-past eleven o'clock, a fire broke out in the eating-saloon of Bridget Furey, at No. 1102 Girard avenue. The flames wore confined to the first floor.. The damage done was not serious. !Radar Pron.—About nine o'clock last even ing a house at the S. W. corner of Eighth and Lombard streets was slightly damaged by fire. 30,000, MAsourrY ! The Willcox & Gibbs wonderful Letter "G" Family Sewing Machine has fully established its claims to th highest state of mechanical perfection and of in, trinsic worth. Every desirable quality seems to have been compassed in its invention, nor has it been un appreciated. Although the very lateat machine which has com manded marked attention or success, its sales have al ready exceeded BY THIIIIT TII0138A141) that of the oldest machine known toithe public. The reasons for this are manifest and obvious. No argument is needed, but a mere exhibition of the machine, to prove ite superiority in no less than thirty jive essential respects. Willcox 45; tlittbs's wonderful Letter "G" Sew ing Mouthittee, 720 Chestnut street. Wn.a.cox & GIBBS'S SILENT Family Sewing Ziachines. 120 Chestnut street. WILLCOX & ms's ELASTIC STrrcn Sewing - Machine& for Dams:l-M./Lama. 720 Cheatnat street. WILLCOX & GIBBS'S ROTARY HOOK Manufac turing Machines. CAPACITY,. 8,000 STITCHES PEE uiNtrrs. 720 Chestnut street. Wir.a.cox G/BBS'S "SWEAT" and "TIP" Ma chines. for BAT lienevAoTunens. 720 Chestnut street. WII.LCOX & GIBBS'S BawlNo him:mums are tho very PEEP EOT/0/1 OF ME.OIIAI4 - Scientific American. ' ONE of Philadelphia's laurels Is found in the fact that in the important department of tine ready made Clothing, and the most stylish custom work, she boasts an establishment that is without a peer in America. We need hardly add that we allude to the popular Oak Hall of Messrs. Wauamaker & Brown, corner of Sixth and Market streets. Their stock is at all times so complete as to meet every imaginable want for both men and boys. SUPERIOR FAMILY COAL. —A large stock of Honey Brook, Hazleton and Spring Brook Lehigh Coal, at Avdenried'a Wharf, Delaware avenue above Callowbill street. Buyers will do well to call, as the above stolt was received before the recent advance, and ISM be sold at reasonable rates. CITY NOTIOEB. BARLEIGII, tiouey Brook, Lorberry, Locust Mountain Cont.! COAL! Prepared in best possible manlier, and sold at rea sonable prices at t WILLIAM W. ALTER'S Coal Depot, 967 North Ninth street, Below Girard avenue. Office, corner Sixth and Spring Garden. V:" Orden by punt tilled promptly on receipt. MEAT SAFES— SS, $6 10, $6, $6 50, $7, $7 50, $B, $9, $0 50, $lO and $l2. F.asox & Co., 220 and 222 Dock street, below Walnut. MINCING BLOCKS Pie, Meat and Knife Boards and Nest Boxes. FAILBON & Co., 220 and 222 Dock street, below Walnut. it D 3 WONDERFUL how cheap goods are sold at Gay's China Palace, 1022 Chestnut street. The stock was all selected by Air. Gay in person from the largest manttfacturleetin Europe. The cause of their being so remarkably cheap is the great reduction of prices on the other side of the water. Business being very dull, all the manufacturers have large stocks on band, and are willing-to discount largely to effect sales. Below we quote prices of a few staple goods. Fancy are at a still greater discount. White French China Cups and Saucers, per set, 12 pieces $1 22 White Stone China Cups and Saucers, per set, 12 NyVt e e e tceileikiii; Dining Plates,6i lit . c . h • es •• , • Ps; 6 ° dozen... .. ...... ... White Stone China Dining Plates, 93 q in'ci;;:p . ;*r 2 00 dozen ..... White Stone; ........ ........... •fie••ta; ii ii;ces,...• • p • er • 1 50 5et.....* ..• . .• . ...... .. Cut Glass Goblets, per dozen •• n. • • • • • • •• • • • • " ••• 1 ' 3 2 C 2.g Blown Glass Goblets, per dozen e•• • • " 1 60 Cut Glass Tumblers, per dozen.... ...... .... .... 1 25 FROM ALEX. N. DOUGHERTY, M. D. late 0110 of the Medical Directors 11. S. A., Newark, N. J. " Raving been made acquainted with the composi tion of the preparation known as SO7.A/ONT, I have for some time past permitted its use in my family, •where it has given entire satisfaction. It is an ele gant toilet article, well worthy of the encomiums it has received." " PEEPAItED GLUE." ,RNs ; -- BanionsT — lnverted Nails, - skillfully treated by Dr. J. Davidson, No. 915 Chestnut street. Charges moderate. JEZEZI S ILI NO MATTRESSES, PAIR MATTRESSES, MOSS sLtrr ILESSES, ~OBE 211..vrr SEES ES, PINE P BATUMI BEDS, BOLSTERS AND PILLOWS, AT PATTEN'S, 140 S CL ESTN VT ST LEST. ..-- Aucruni CURTAINS. Very— elegant and very line quality, Belling at very low prices, at W. Hurray Pei - rates, 1406 Chestnut street. LACE AND NOT • mollA31 CURTAINS from auction sal e s, cheaper than ever, at Ferrates, 140 S Chestnut erect. OBSERVE. First qualify material, First class workmanship, Latest style is the Beady made Clothing at (U.& Es Bronze &Co.'s THE LBAn Rir FABMON.— Chas. Oidtford 86 Bona', under the Continental, are acknowledged the leaders of fashion in the liat and Cap line. • JrrET BEING OPENED, Ail new Brown, Drab, and Green-mixed Irish Freize Coatings. - • - _ Dark and Light Brown, and Green Scotch Cheviots, for Salta. - • BroWn l D e a w h g s olo ß re in d e h a el d ve t p.o e , beautiful for walking and evening Coate.an elegant novelty for gents' wear, to , he found only at CHARLES STORXB An endless variety of Fancy Cassimeres, DON'T FAIL Ttl TRY BOWERS "Qum Arabic Secrets' , for your Cough. Sore Throat and Pulmonary troubles. Physicians use them. De pot, Sixth and Pine. 85 cents. JUDICIOUS mothers and nurses use for children a safe and pleasant medicine in Bowstes Irma= Con dial. LADIES', MISSES' AND 01111LDREN'8 HATS,III the very latest styles. The Gipsey and other styles to be had at 04KVORDES . . Continental Hotel. Sunotc.ir. Ineraunisrrrs and druggists' sun dries. • DEAFNESS, BLINDNESS AND DATARRII. J. Isaacs, M. D.. Professor of the Eye and Ear, treats all diseases appertaining to the above members with the utmost success. Testimonials from the most reliable sources in the city can be seen at this office, No. 805 Arch street. The medical faculty are invited to accompany their patients,as he has no secrets in his practice. Artificial eyes inserted. No charge made few nrnminntion. 1'.'..,' 4.1 WANTED—TO RENT, L BY A'BMALL FAMILY. A MODERATELY SIZED Furnished House, West of Broad btrect, and between Pine and Chestnut Streets. Address Box 2039. Philadelphia Pod-Office. oc3o.6trp• UVANIMA—a. BOY TO ABBIBT IN A COUaTINO- T room. Addreso B. B. A., at this office. In hand• writing of anniirant. giving ags and rsferences. nog It• 17T7T1: OhPclANe' (A/UST SALE.—ESTATE OF DIL rF David Gilbert, deceased '1 homes & Sons, Auctiont ears. Pursuant to art order of the Orphans' Court for the City and County of Philadelphia, will be sold a, public gale on Tuet day, November 3 , 1, 1868, at 12 o'clock noon, at the Philadelphia Exchange, the following des cribed property, late of David Gilbert, deceased, viz; No. I—Very valuable business location. Modern four story brick residence. No. 731 Arch street, east cf Eighth street 17 feet front, 140 feet deep to a 22 feet wide street. Two fronts. All that four story brick messuage and lot of ground, situate on the north side of Arch street. at the distance of 62 feet east of Eighth street; containing in front on Arch street 17 feet, and extendi in depth 140 feet, to a 22 feet wide avenue called Winfield place. Bounded northward by the said Winfield place, south• ward by the said Arch street, eastward by a messuage and lot late of 'Nicholas Weaver and westwardly by a messuarte and lot now pr tato of Joseph Price and Eliza beth G., hie wife. Being the same premises which Joseph Price and Elizabeth his wife by indenture dated Novem ber 29. A. D. 1864, recorded In the office for recording deeds, dm.. in the City of Philadelphia, in Deed BOOK L. R. 8., No. 63. page' 346. &c.. granted and conveyed unto the said David Gilbert. In fee. Together with the free and common use. right liberty and privilege of the said Winfield place,at all times hereafter fore i er Pr - Ihe abeVe.la a vely desirable and valuable resi dence; has all the modern conveniences, and located In one of the most valuable business squares on Arch street; four stories high; marble to second story; four-story back buildinge; has office, dining room. breakfast-room, winter and summer kitchens on the first floor; large parlor and reception room on the second floor; sewing room, and commodious chambers above; gas throughout, bath, hot and cold water, water closet, furnam, cooking range,&c ; flag pavement ; vault under front pavement, dif.C. No. 2—Large lot, B. W. corner of Front and Mifflin streets, 1 , iret Ward 134 I eat 10 inches front - -all that lot of ground, situate at the S W. corner of Delaware Front aad Mifflin streets. First Ward. city of Philadelphia; con taining in Front on Mifflin street 184 feet 10 inches, more or lees, and extending in depth on Front street 114 feet 8 inches, more or less, and on the west line thereof S 7 feet 4 inches. more or less, to the northerly limier Heeler's lane. Being the eame premises which Henry Stiles and Eliza, his wife, by indenture bearing date 28th of July A. D. 1861, recorded in deed book G. W. C., No. 114, page 110, &c . and David W Derr and Mary Ann, his wife, by in. denture bearing date December 20th, A. D. 1864, D recorded in deed book L. B, No. 74, page 237, granted and con veyed unto the said avid Gilbert. - By the (Joust. JOSEPH hIEGARY. Clerk 0. C. WM. K GILefERT, Administrator. M. THOMAS & SONS, Auctioneers, n 03,14,21 189 and 141 South Fourth street. itR F REAL Ed ATE, —.1:11.052,113 dOeld' SALE.— iSix well-secured Ground Rents. On Tuesday, No vember 17, 1865, at 12 o'clock, noon, will be sold_ at public Bale, at the t'hlladelphta Exchange, the follow" ing described Ground Rents, : No. I.—Ground rent, $165 a 3 ear. All that ground rent of $165 a year, payable let January and July._bsulnot out of a lot of ground, situ ate at No. V. 58 ran.kford road; lot 39 feet front, and in depth 65 feet 7 inchesfon the north line, about 77 feet 434 inches on the south line. Secured by a threettory brick dwelling, with two-story back buildings. No.2.—Ground rent,s9o a year. All that ground rent of $9O a ,year: payable 11th May and November, lulling out of all that lot of ground. west side of Frankford road, 262 feet, 18% inches eouth of Huntingdon street; 21) feet front and in depth on one line 68 feet, and on the other line 63 feet. Secured by a three-story brick store and dwelling. No. 3—Ground rent, $llll a year. All that ground rent of $lll a year, payable let of January and July, issuing out of all that lot of ground, west side of Amber street, 18 feet north of Sergeant street ,• 18 feet front, and 74 feet 7'4, inches deep. Secured by a three-story brick store and welling. No. 4.—Ground rent, $Bl a year. All that ground rent of $Bl a year, payable let January and July, issuing out of all that lot of ground, west side of Amber street, 36 feet north of Sergeant street; 18 feet front. 74 feet 73'. inches deep. Secured by a three-story brick store and dwelling. No. b.—Ground Rent. $l4l a year. All that ground rent of $l4l a year, payable let of January and July, issuing out of a lot of ground, e Retold° of Amber street 54 feet north of Scrgeantstreet; 18 feet front, 74 feet Vie inches deep. Secured by a three-story brick store and dwelling. No. 6. Ground rent, $36 a year. All that ground rent of $l6 a year, leaning out of a lot of ground west side of fichoilenberger avenue, 64 foot 106 inehea north of der gaunt street; 19 feet front, 42 feet 3 inches deep. Secured by a twrpstory brick d welling. M. THOMAS 43 SONS, Auctioneers, 139 and 141 South Fourth street. E.7LECII Wit% PEREMPTORY BALE.—ESTATE 18x1of Isaac Myers. Br, dsceas• d —Thomas di cons, skitc tkneers. Very valuable Neck property twenty acres - Malden Lane. now ea led -sewport street, Twenty-sixth, Ward valuable for brick yards. On Tuesday. November 24, Pal. at 12 o'clock, n on, will be sold at public sale. without reserve. at the Philadelphia Exchange, All that tract of land, with the messuagea or improvements there• 'on erected. situate ea the easterly side of a street lately called Maiden Lane, now called Newport area, in the wenty-sixth Ward ;bounded and deecrib -4:1 according to n rcc,nt survey made thereof for the est ste of Is •ac My ers, • r., deceased, by Thos. Daly, Jr., Esq., Bun-e• or, •is folinwe to wit:—Beginning on the easterly side of New port street at a corner of land or J. Banger, thence ex tending along said Newpirt street south 27 degrees 20 minutes, west 537 feet to a corner of land of —; thence south 69 degrees 30 min.,enst 957 feet to a point in the cor ner of land of J. Shi•ler : thence along the line of said hisler's land south 67 degrees, east 358 feet to a point on the westerly line of land of W. Lanier; thence alsng the line of said Lanier's' land north 30 degrees, end 8044 feet 9 inches to a point in the line of land of L. Clark; then alr•ng said line of Clark's land north 58 degrees, west 354 feet to a point: thense along the easterly line of •aid titinger's land south 33 degrees 3U min., wait 528 feet 'o a r er ; thence a ong said at tiger's land north 60 degrees 30 minutes. west 1(119 feet d Inches to a point on the east o ly side of said Newport street, the place of beginning— containing 20 acres and three roods. . . N. B.—The improvements on the above property at e double three-story brick dwelling and one-story kitchen. Also, a large two-story house, with attics, large frame barn, carriage house and granary, pump of good water. ac. This property wonid make .3 good brick yards. as brick clay ..xleta an the place. It is within a few minutes' walk of the Gray's Ferry City Cars. Terms—Cash. $5OO to be paid at the time of sale. By order of Executor. M. J /TOMAS dr. BONS, Auctioneers. nnn 01 • Noe. Isp endl4l Smyth Fivirth or reef_ is a Jr' Ida C. Am:untried, a minor.—Thomas & Sons, Auc- Voneem Founstory brick Residence. No. 611 North Zieventh street. above Green street. Pursuant to an or der of the Orphans' Court for the city and county of Philadelphia, to ill be sold at public sale on Tueeday, November 24, 1868. at 12 o'clock, noon. at the Philadel- phia Exchange, the folio wing detcrtbed property of Louisa C. Audenried, a minor, viz: All that lot of ground, with the foupstory brick messuage thereon erected, situ. ate on the east side of Eleventh street, No. 611, 96 feet northward from the north side of Green etreet, Four teenth Ward, city of Philadelphia; containing in front on Eleventh street 18 feet, and extending in depth eastward at ilea angles with Eleventh street, on the north line thereof. 62 feet 53,4 Inches. and on the south lino thereof -.62 feet 10;,,' inches; which said premises Samuel Rain and aife, by indenture dated March, 19. A. D. 1865. re corded at Philadelphia, in Deed Book R. D. W., No. 17, page 33, &c., granted and conveyed unto the said Jane M. Audenried in fee, under and subject to the payment of a certain yearly ground rent or sum of 8146 25-160 therein mentioned. By the Court. JOSF°'E MEGARY, Clerk 0. C. WILLIAM Cl. ALDENRIED, Guardian. N. B.—The whole property to be eold. The minor's in. tercet by order of the Or; bane' Court; the othe • owners uniting in the sale. The purchaser obtaining a title to the whole. M. THOMAS az SONS, Auctioneers, 14. and lc Routh Pnvirth gfroot T o -1,1-21 flt/1-1-414,0 re.. 3.4.?" V u.a. ru deceased.—Thomas & Sons, Auctioneers. Three-story Brick Btore and Dwelling, No. 212 Pine street between Second and Third streets. Pursuant to en Older of the Orphans' Court for the city and county of Philadelphia, witl ho sold at public sale, on Tuesday, November (.4, 1958, at 12 o'clock, noon, at the Philadelphia Exchange, the following descri bed property late of David Willis. deceased. viz.: All that three-story brick store End ihrollior with to n.atory and -lot -of. -ground. situate on_themarth side uf.Eine_street between. Delaware Second and Third streets, No. 219; containing in front on Pine street about II feet 2 inches, and in depth 80 feet more or less. Bounded.en the east by ground now or late of John Y. Bryant. on the north by ground now or lute belonging to the estate of Gamble, on the west by ground now or late of Thomas Winnemore, and on the south by Pine street aforesaid. (Being the same premiers which Samuel H. McFadden and wife, by deed dated December 59, 11157 , granted and conveyed unto the said David Willis, which said deed is recorded in Deed Book A. D. B. N 0.6, page 950 ) By the Court, JOSEPH MEGARY, Clerk 0. C. JOHN S. SNYDER, Executor. M. THOMAS & SONS, Auctioneers, TO 14 91 129 k 141 Routh Fourth street. _ . ItEAL EnTeiat..-1 /11/NIAO 0.9.a..1!... Handrome Modern Three-story Brick Residence, with side yard. No. 1531 North Eighth streetabove Jefferson street. On Tuesday, November 17, 1669, at 12 o'clock. noon, will be sold at public sale, at the Philadel phia Exchange, all that handsome modern new three "tory brick messuage, with three-story back buildings %and lot of ground, situate on the east side of Eighth street, north of Jefferson street, No. 1531; the lot contain ing in front on Eighth street 23 feet, and extending in depth 100 feet to a street. The house is now and has all the modem conveniences; it has the gas introduced, bath, hot and cold water. water closet, furnace, cooking range,.din. Tenna-755,000 may remain on mortgage. Immediate possession. Keys at the office of Horace Fritz, Esq., No. 713 Walnut street. M. THOMAS & BONS, Auctioneers, no 3-7-14 139 di 141 South Fourth street. THE DAILY EVENING BULLETIN---PHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1868. Snownro &Buortuts, £3 South Eighth street. DIZT,GIO4IDe. IMPORTLNT TO THE PUBLIC. J. M. HAFLEIGH, 1012 AND 1014 CHESTNUT STREET. WILL OFFER ON AND AFTER Wednesday, Noyeniber 4th, AN IMMENSE STOOK DRESS GOODS, GREATER REDUCTION IN PRICES Than has ever been made by any Dry Goods House in this country, WILL BE SOLD Before the Holidays, And Prices made to Insure the sale WITHOUT ANY DELAY. Fine Bleached Muslin, 12 1-2 cts. 10,000 Fine Hem-stitched Hdlds., Reduced from 310. to 123 e. 5,000 Corded Bordered Hdkfs,, Reduced from 250. to 124 c. Cbini Ppplins i Reduced from 50c. to 250. Fire Moines, Reduced from $lOO to 500 Empress Poplins, Reduced from $1 00 to 500. Rolled Poplins, Reduced from $2 00 to $1 00. Double-Fold Silk Chain Popline, Reduced from $2 00 to $1 CO. Black Silks, Reduced from $3 60 to $2 60. Changeable Silks, Reduced from $3 00 to $2 00. not to w f Strp BLANKET AND FLANNEL ESTABLISHMENT, NEW FALL GOODS. All descriptions of the beet makes unslainkable Flannels, as Rogers' English Patent, Real Welsh and Saxony, Ballardvale and Domet, Shaker, both white and red, Plaid and Printed Opera, Gilbert's Opera, all colors. Domestic, White, 'led and Gray. Heaviest English and American CANTON FLANNELS. • ALSO, SUPERIOR QUALITY BLANKETS. All Wool and Extra Widths, for best Family lJee. MEDIUM BLANKETS, For Hotels and Public Institutions. Crib and Cradle Blankets. Sheppard, Van Harlingen it &risen, 1008 Chestnut Street. oclO-tu th d let rps e , MARKET ce o W 40% NINTH i ßtir 4 6 4Pit SILK. VELVET CLOAKS. SILK VELVET SACQUES. VELVETEEN JOCKEYS. VELVETEEN SACQUES. BROWN VELOUR SACQUES. ASTRACHAN CLOAKS. BLACK BEAVER CLOAKS. CHINCHILLA SACQUES. CHINCHILLA JOCKEYS. PURPLE CLOAKS. PLAIN CLOAKS. RICHLY TRIMMED SACQUES. WHITE OPERA CLOAKS. CHILDREN'S CLOAKS. WAIL ERPROOF CLOAKS. LADIES' WALKING SUITS. WATERPROOF WALKING SUITS. SUITS MADE TO ORDER. - CLOAKS. -MADE TO ORDErt -Looa-SHA-WL-SDBI-0070-5175 00. se2Bm vcr ara T 0 PROPRIETORS OF HOTELS,BOARDING-HOUSES AND SHIPPING. We have a special wholesale department for supplying Linen and Cotton Sheeting. Towels, Napkins. Single Bed and Berth Blankets and other goods particularly adapted to your wants. All the above kind of goods made UP at short notice U desired. STRAWBRIDGE &CLOTHIER CENTRAL DRY GOODS STORE, Corner of Eighth and Market Sts. seM 6m DRY 0001114 HAMRICK & COLE, • Nos Aro N. Eighth Sti•eeb t OPENED TO-DAY PEObiIiESTEEDATPS SALES, HEAVY SICILIAN POPLINS, pouni,n virmm, Drown. Blue, l'arple. Green and Wino Colors. •AT 44 CENTS, COST 05 TO IMPORT. ALSO, 25 Pieces Heavy Poplins, Paris Biripes, all colon, at 33 cents, cost 42 cents to land. ALSO. ONE LOT' DOUBLE WIDTH SERGES. BM cents, coat 60 cants. ALSO, ONE LOT Very Rich Silk Serges, Moat Desirable Colorings, at ell 60, Lou than sotto HAIVIRICK & COLE, No. 45 North Eighth Street, Philadelphia. acne to • • • Fall Trade, 1868 EDWARD FERRIS, GIRARD STORES. N; W. nor. Eleventh and Chestnut Stag Entrance 86 South Eleventh, 01 , 1%R/3 AT JOB PRICES 20,000 Yards Hamburg and Needle Work Embroideries. ALSO. • 1,000 Doz. Linen Hdlds.---All kinds■ Real and Imitation Valenoienne,Thread, Guipure andCluny Loom And a complete stock of VVIETITE GOODS, e a d i t and u laigzl:lAated make of Pnflifigs and Rutilirg: I=l2rl INDIA SHAWLS AND SOARFSI _..... GEORGE FRYER, No. 916 CHESTNUT STREET, Invites attention to his stock of Heal India Camels Hair Shawls & Scarfs Also, an elegant stock of SILKS in Black and Colors; FANCY SILK FLUSHES, POPLINS, SHAWLS and FANCY GOODS. India Shawls and Scarfs Altered,Repaired and Cleaned in a superior manner. oc3o.2mrri WINTER DRESS GOODS IN EVERY VARIETY. POPLINS, PLAIDS, SERB-ES, &c., &c. NEW GOODS OPENED DAILY. JOHN W. THOMAS Nos. 405 and 407 N. Second Street. au2B tl Jain. TO COUNTRY MERCHANTS. We have now in store anu large an aried assort ment of • LADIES' CLOAK.IN GS. By calling on us you can not only see all the styles in vogue. but be supplied in quantities to suit at the lowest wholesale rates. Comparison of stock and prices with any wholesale house solicited. Samples cent by mail wnen desired. STRAWBRIDGE & CLOTHIER CENTRAL EMPORIUM. Corner of Eighth and Market Sts. !~ if~r~~•7:~:it) OPENING A full Use of our own Importation Wilt SATINS AND RIBBONS, TO HATCH, FOR Millinery and Dress Trimmings: WOOD & CARY. Latest Styles Fancy Bonnets, Ladies' and Misses , Hats and Bla.terlals. FEATHERS, FLOWERS, FBA ire: h., FOR BONNET MAKING. WOOD & CARY, No. 725 CHESTNUT STREET. ocm-Imrp KENNEDY'S NEW MARBLE' BUILDING' FOR THE SALE OF RICH MILLINERY GOODS, OPENS TO-DAY. THE LATEST PARIS FASHIONS. LADIES' HATS, _ FRENCH-F-LOWER.W— -FEATHERS, Flushes, Satins, Velvets, Velveteens: PRICES VERY LOW. THOS. KENNEDY & BROS., 729 CHESfNUT STREET, Wholesale and Retail. 0c23 2mrp •ISEIVING MIAOHJ:NES• e Saddlers, narnoss.libliters. lUanninc. turors of Clothing, Boots, Shoes &C. Viqll find it to their interest to we our UNRIVALLED MACHINE 'MET and the "Milford Linen Taread." Manufactured expressly for us from the beet material, andlarrteda l u f ertor cIe. THEI a nuvieuftiHeHErnv Manufacturers and Propzietora of the BINGER SEWING MACHINE. • No. 1106 °heel - mit Street. rpyP.lyn) Wm. E. COOPER. Agent GRAND SALE OF DRY GOODS HOMER, COLLA.DAY & CO., Nos. 1318 and 1!4530 40he - tiOboLut, Street, Below Continental Hotel, PHILADELPHIA; Sales to Commence November 2d, COMPRISING Silks, Dress Goods, Shawls, Cloaking Cloths, Laces and Embroideries, Linens and White Goods, &c., Hosiery and Gloves, &c., Mourning Goods. &c, &c.,. &c. Owing to the wide reputation of their House, it is needless to detail the character of their stock. IL, C. & Co. would merely state that their IMPORTATIONS OF THE,PRESENT SEASON, WffiCH MUST BE SOLD NEW MARBLE BUILDING, CHESTNUT STREET, ABOVE BROAD, Have never been =Passed in Philadelphia, containing an Of texture in medium priced goods, as well as the CHOICEST NOVELTIES OF THE {SEASON. S., C. & Co. would advise all desirous of obtaining GREAT BARGAINS IN DRY GOODS, To lose no time before inspeethm their stock, feeling assured that the UNPARALLELED PRICES, At which the entire stock will be disposed of, must insure RAPID SALES. no 9 et dc w 0 Gt Bp* ALISO/EILL&NEOIIS. loa:soi EAST INDIA. TELEGRAPH COMPANY. This Company have an exclusive grant to lay Subxrkarbie Cables, CANTON TO TEIN-TSIN, (the seaport of Pekin,) connecting all the ports on the ASIATIC COAST, whose foreign commerce amounts to One Thousand Millions Annually. The Company is chartered by the Legislature of the State of NeW York, with a Capital of 1:5,000,000; Shares, $lOO Each. A limited number of shame are offered at $5O each, payable $lO cash, $l5 November 1, balance in monthly instalments of $2 50 per share. The inquiries for this stock are now very active, and the Board of Directors in struct us to say it may be withdrawn at any time, and that none will be of fered on the above terms after Novem ber 20 next. For Circulars, Maps and full information, apply to DREXEL & CO., No. 34 S9UTH THIRD STREET, PHILADELPHIA; To duly authorized Banks and Bankers through out Pennsylvania, and at the Office of the Company, Noe. 23 and 25 NASSAU Stmt., NEW YORK. au2Stf IV GOLD'S Latest Improved Patent Low Steam and Hot Water Apparatus, For Warming and Ventilating Private and Public Bed* Mao. tho approved Cooking Apparatus. AMERICAN KITCHENER, On the European plan of heavy castings. durability and neatness of construction, for Hotels, Public Institutions and the better class of Private Residences. - HOT AIR FURNACES of the latest improvements. GRIFFITH PATENT ARCHIMED VENTILATOBJ3 TO ES . RECID3TERS. , Union Steam and Water Heating Co., JAMES P. WOOD & 41 South FOOkTl 'greet, Philadelphia. B. M. FELTWELL, Superintendent. E. tg. 13CrinDo s , 1131 ) .11OLSICEIUM, No. 136 North Ninth Street, PHILADELPHIA. WINDOW SHADES, BEDS, MATRESSES, CURTAINS AND CARPETS. Fir Furniture Repaired and Upholstered. se24Bmn, SAAC NATHANS,4IIIOTIONEER. N. E. CORNER .IThird and Spruce Streets. only one square below the Exchange. 65250 000 to loan in large or small amounts. on diamonds. silver plate, watches c iewelry. _and all goods of value. Office hours from 8A.M.t07 P. M. 5 3, Betab• Untied for the last forty years. Advances made •in large amounts at the leWeat market rates. jatfrp Treparatory to removal to their Endless Variety THROUGH FREIGHT DEPARTMENT Philadelphia, Wilmington and Baltimore Railroad. On and after MONDAY. November lid. tsa freight for t altimore. 'Washington, Richmond. Norfolk. Portsmouth. Lynchburg, and an points in Virginia. Tetutetsse. Ala bama. Miasltslppi , Georgia. Arkansas. and North and South Carolina. via OEM, ALIXABEIA AID ny.x.: maga% Will be received at the Now Freight Depot of the Company, Corner Washington Av. and Swanson St. Instead of Broad and Cherry streehl, as atereamt. Freight loaded and detpatched daily by rail linen to all Southern and Southwestern points. Cartroen will find a good driveway via FRONT inud WASIONGTON Streets. oc2B Igt: BALTIMORE FIRE-PLAOE HEATER, Illuminating Doors and Windows, And Magazine of sufficient oapa- city for fuel to last 24 hours. The mod cheerful and perfect Heater In cue. J. S. CLARK, 1008 Market Sbeet, Philadelphia. oe6 Imro CORNELIUS & BAKER; MUMIMFACTITIZEUS OF GAS FIXTURES, LAMPS, BRONZES. LANTERNS, &o. Store, 710 Chestnut Street. Manufactory, 821 Cherry Street. to th a latrig ENVELOPES I ENVELOPES 1 5,000,000 SAFETY ENVELOPES theolor% qualities and area. for saliat reduced Prices atSteam Enyelona Manufactory._ tMt3 ROUTS row STREET. ael7.lkno¢ SAMUEL TOBEY. Agent; FITLER, WEAVER & CO. NEW CORDAGE FACTORY NOW IN FULL OPERATION. Na. a N. maze sad UN. DEL. an vinEil A GREAT BARGAIN: By one of the bed makers, nearly new, _ __will be sold at ONE-HALF the original coat, at MUMMER'S. 926 CHESTNUT Street. I_ l l RHEUMATISM, NEURALGIA. Will be paid to any person producing any article that can refer to half as many Genuine Permanent Cures of Rheu matism and Neuralgia in Perumylvanla as made by . DR. Ta9c.r_,3F...laPs Great Vegetable Rheumatic Remedy Within two years; As a security to sufferers, a written guarantee in given. stating the number of bottles war ranted to cure each case or money to be refunded. Posi tively used by Phyriciana in practice as the only recourse in severe cases. Warranted aninjurious to the moat delicate. Prepared by Dr. J. P. FITL o=4, a regular graduate, who has, for thirty years, made this disease a specialty. Office, No. 29 8. Fourth street. ivB 4molt All inquiries by letter answered. Sold by all Druggists, su2o th a to tf 804 CURRANT JELLY.—GENUINE CURRANT JELLY in 5 and 10 lb. cane, for sale by J. B. SUMER & CO.. 108 South Delaware avenue. aIIISCEII4LANEOUS. .'~ ► ~ • -, ANN.A.MESEIIO LINB, VIRG= AND TENNESSEE AIR LINE, Richmond and !oft River Railroad, !JOHN S. WILSON, General Through Freight Agent. 1.0 • ;OW oil .1 M ' MMPM:nM"MWMM A FIESTOCILASS PIANO, F17:.111 0.) to.l fri $5;000 REWARD 1 71 ' 1757q 1•111 ocEtEl rptf4
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