CITY BULLETIN. PIEILADELTITIA CATTLE MARKET, November 2.—Beef cattle were in fair demand this week. About 2,800 head arrived , and sold at 8349 i. for Extra Pennsyt yenta and Western steers; - 7®Bc. for fair to good do., and d@Ge. per pound gross for common as to quality. The following are the paxticulars of the sales : . Bead. e, Pries. 66 O t h y , Smith am , Western, gra 8 Oa 9 75 A. Christy & Bro" do., gra 6 i 8 99 P. McFillem. do., gra 6% 6 8 83 P. Hathaway, do., gra ...................7 8.15 100 James Birk, Chester Co, Cm —•• ......... • • 7 14 EN 60 F. 8. Mental. Chester t 30., gra 7 0 836 169 Ullman & Bachman, Western, grs 7 8 100 Martin Fuller & Co., Western, gra . 6 ( 9 185 Marley & Smith, Ohio, gra 634 834 84 'Flamm* Mooney & Bro., Va.. gre Ski 7 110 J. Smith & Bro,,_Ohlo. Era 7 1 . 13.‘ 70 .T. a L. Frank. Va.. pl. . ...... • •• • 100 Frank & Bhamberg t va.. gr 5........ •••• • 6 6 a 836 61 M. Drytoos & Co., Va., gra 534 (.4 7 77 J. Meartile, Western, gra...... .... . . 534 Rocs were dull and low e r ; . 5,000 .. head ar rived and sold at 8310@$11 25 per 100 pounds net —the latter rate for prime corn-fed. Cows were unchanged; 250 head sold at s4o@ 65 for springers, and .2 , 50@585 per head for cow and calf. SHEEP were unchanged; 12,000 head sold at 434 (g6e. per pound a-rose as to condition. POLICE BITEINEI3B. OF THE MONTIL—The number of arrests made by the Police of the city daring the month of October was 3,462. The prisoners were divided among the several districts as fol lows: First Second 326 Third 325 Fourth— ----238 Fifth Sixth 166 Seventh .....168 Eighth 130 Ninth 184 Tenth —...209 Eleventh. 120 Twelfth.. --.......183 THIEF AND RECEIVEREL—FrancIe Seymour was arrested for the larceny of two mules and a wagon from Fifteenth and Vine streets. The wagon con tained a lot of horse feed, valued at $6O. It is alleged that the feed was taken to the stables of Michael Thompson, on Coates street, near Twen ty-fifth street, and was sold for $4, and the bags which contained it were sold for three cents per pound to Elizabeth Brady, living on Pennsylvania avenue, near Twenty-fourth street. The alleged receivers were arrested, and all of the stolen pro perty was recovered by the Ninth District Police. The prisoners had a hearing before Alderman Pancoast, and were held to answer at Court. CHARGED WITH Rounany.--josepli Kitts went into the Third, District Police Station yesterday to enter a complaint against a man. While there he was recognized as the person charged with having broken the windows of the jewelry stores of William W. Whitehead, No. 469 North Tenth street, and Richard Davis, No. 433 North Tenth street, in February last. Two gold watches and a tray of rings were stolen. Kitts admitted the theft. He is also suspected of having broken a window of a store on Girard avenue, near Sixth street, about the same time. He was committed by Alderman Carpenter. NEw BUILDINGB.—The number of permits for the erection of new buildings, issued by the Building Inspectors, during the month of Octo ber, was 417. Of these 2 wore for the erection of four-story dwellings, 202 for three-story dwell ings. and 142 for two-story dwellings; boiler house, 1; churches, 4; coach-houses, 8; engine and boiler, 1; factories, 2; icehouse, 1; market house, 1; offices, 8; sheds; 8; skating rink, 1; stables, 19; shops, 14; sugar-house, 1; stores, 9; warehouses, 8. There were, in addition, 98 per mits issued for alterations and additions. POLICEMAN STABBED. -- Yesterday afternoon Policeman Hart, of the Seventh District, made an arrest at Front and Callowhill streets. He was set upon by a crowd of men, and his prisoner was rescued from him. During the wrangle Hart was stabbed in the side. John Cassidy, Thomas Gallagher, John Moore and William Ma lone were subsequently arrested on the eharge of having been concerned in the affair. They had a hearing before Alderman Toland, and were held to answer. LARCENY.—James Moran and Thomas Harvey were arrested on Saturday night upon the charge of having stolen a coat and hat and $9 from% man who was asleep on Delaware avenue. They are also suspected of the larceny of a box con taining 150 pounds of navy chewing tobacco, which was found in their possession. The to bacco awaits an owner at the 'Third District Police Station. The supposed thieves were sent below by Alderman Carpenter. CHARGED WITH PERIL/HT.-A German named Henry Smith was arrested on Saturday and taken before Alderman Neill, on the oath of Policeman Barger, of the Eighteenth District, charged with perjury and false arrest. Smith had had Barger arrested upon a charge arising out of an election trouble, and was unable to sustain the charge: hence his arrest. He was held in $BOO ball for HIGHWAY Ronan.Er.—Charles Kuntz, residing on Otis street, near Cedar, was attacked, last evening, while passing Girard avenue and Shack amaxon street, on his way home from chnl•ch. He was seized by the throat, and a silver watch and e 7 were taken from his pockets. William Thunston was arrested on the charge of having committed the robbery. He was sent below by Alderman Eggleton. A VIOLIENT FELLOW.—Edward Street, engaged as a hand on the brig Fanny, lying at Lombard street wharf, got on the outside of too much whisky on Saturday night, and attacked every body on board of the vessel. The Harbor Police were sent for, and Lieut. Edgar and some of his men arrested Street, who was sent to prison by Ald. Carpenter. DISORDERLY HOUSES.—Sergeant Bromell and a squad of the Third District pollee made a descent upon the houses of Mary Donnelly, No. 239 South Front street, and Deborah Mack, No. 241 South Front, on Saturday night, and captured the proprietresses and ten inmates. The prisoners were all committed by Alderman Carpenter. ASSAULTING WOMEN .—Robert Cathcart and Samuel McAllister were arrested last night, at Eighteenth and Montrose streets, for attacking and*beating two women, who were quietly pass ing along the street. Alderman Dallas corn milted the accused. Mkrtrest.--Joim McNamara was arrestod last night at Twenty-fifth and Coates streets upon a warrant issued by Alderman Pancoast. He is charged with having assaulted a man named Monaghan and knocked out ono of his eyes a few daysiago. He was held for trial. AN OLD TlllEF.—Margaret Welsh, who has been arrested on several occasions for commit ting depredations in the market houses, was again captured by Policeman Reeder on Satur day. She was sent to Moyamenaing by /Aid. Hurley. ILLEGAL VOTING.—John Shiekling, a German, aged 20 years, was arrested on Saturday upon the charge of having voted at the last election. He was taken before Alderman Saltier and was held in $1,500 bail for a further hearing ITO tut Ro BBEItY.—The store of F. Schuller mann & Co., No. 23 North Ninth street, was entered sometime during Saturday night, and was robbed of twenty broehe P/C K INC Pose, Em.—Charles Hulls has been held in $l,OOO bail by Alderman Massey, to an swer the charge of having picked the pocket of a huckster in the Spring Garden Market. Al, wa AETICIPATED, our people, appreciating the ever-increasing enterprise and energy of our "Largest Clothing Rouse," are daily flocking to Oak Ball to be arrayed in Fall and Winter garments. Their salesrooms, are a perfect jam every day, and even those who do not buy, few indeed as they are, confess their amazement at the immense stink of beautiful clothes there displayed, Mr.TlloB.FAinr,the well known caterer, (formerly Steward of the Philadelphh. Club), is eatablithed at the Southeast comer of Third and Spruce streets. lie is prepared to tarnish the best oysters in too market and send them free of charge to all parts of the city. lie may be relied on for everything he undertakes. 8I ON COLTON & Cr ann. have received an in voice of Almeria Grapes, a superior article at Go cents per pound. See their advertisement. Thirteenth.......... 39 Fourteenth 48 Fifteenth 30 Sixteenth 175 Seventeenth 123 Eighteenth 236 Reserve Corps ..... ..152 Harbor 29 Park.... _ 15 Day Sergeants 15 Chestnut Hill. 8 Beggar Detectives... 34 IiMMEMI Bourbon Wealth. The Duke of Montpensier the husband of Queen Isabella ' s sister, is principally notediin Spain as a successful speculator. While the court of the Queen was squandering vast sums of money in senseless dissipation; he used the funds at his command with as much sagacity as his father, Louis Philippe, would have dope. The consequence is that the Duke, is now the wealthiest member of the Orleans family. He is much attached to his Spanish wlTis, who, though a daughter of Maria Chris tins, and a sister of Isabella the Second, is a lady generally respected for her virtues aid her amiability. Most of the other Orleans Princes are only moderatelp wealthy. Queen Amelia, the widow of Louis Philippe, left about five hundred thousand francs, about one-halt of which sum was given, by the common consent of the members of the dynasty, to the Countof Paris, now the head and. representative of the Orleans family. Both the Count of Paris and his brother, the Duke de Chartres, have an income of about three or four thousand pounds sterling. The Duke de Joinville and his brother, the Duke de Nemours, are much wealthier, their in comes being not less than from fifteen to twenty thousand pounds. All of the Orleans Princes live very economically, and make but little display. The most complete harmony reigns in the councils of the family, and all its members are satisfied that an Orleans Prince will soon ascend the French throne. CITY NOTICES. AMERICAN HOUSE REFECTORY and Lunch-room is en excellent institution for those whose stay in DOS ton will not admit dining at the table d'hote. 'Tie bat one of the many conveniences furnished to the travel ing public. /ROPING TABLES— SS, $7, $8 50, $O, $lO 50 and $l2. FAMON & CO., 220 and 222 Dock street, nelow Walnut. PLATED LADLES, Spoons and Forks, fine Tea Trays. FARBON & CO., • 220 and 222 Dock street., below Walnut. CORNS, Bunions Inverted Nails, skillfully treated by Dr. J. Davidson, No. 915 Chestnut street. Charges moderate. FINE BEDDING. SPhING MATTRESSES, HAIR MATTRESSES, MOSS MATratssES, HUSK MATTRESSES, FINE FEATHER BEDS, BOLSTERS AND PILLOWS, AT PATTEN'S, 1408 CHESTNUT STREET. AUCTION CURTAINS. Very elegant and very fine quality, selling at very low prices, at W. HENRY PATTEN'S, 1408 Chestnut street. LACE AND NOTTINGHAM CURTAINS from auction sales, cheaper thcin ever, at PArrEN's, 140 S Chestnut street. OusEuvLt. First quality material, First class workmanship, Latest style 4e the Ready made clothing at CHARLES STOKER & Co. 's, THE LEADERS OF FASHION.— Chan Oakford & Sons', ender the Continental, are acknowledged the leaders of fashion In the Hat and Cap line. JIIET BEING OPENED, All new Brown, Drab, and Green-rnised Irish Freize Coatings. Dark and Light Brown, and Green Scotch Cheviots, for suite. Black, Brown, Dahlia. Blue, and the beautiful New Colored Beavers, for walking and evening Coats,an elegant novelty for genie' wear, to be found only at COAILLEB STOKES & CO.'s. An endless variety of Fancy Cassimeres. QUERIES TO GENTLICREN.—Are you entirely satisfied with your Bootmaker? Does he fit you neat ly and comfortably? Does be use the best materials? Is his work durable? And finally, are his prices rea sonable? To those who cannot answer these ques tions in the al lrmative. we would suggest a visit to William H. Helweg, the fashionable Bootmaker, at 535 Arch street, next to the corner of Sixth. Helweg is an accomplished artisan, who has not practised his profession twenty years for nothing. Try him! DON'T FAIL TO TRY BOWRR'S "Gum Arabic Secrets" for your Cough. Sore Throat and Pulmonary troubles. Physicians nee them. De pot, Sixth and Vine. 35 cent& Jtroicious mothers and nurses use for children a safe and pleasant medicine in BOW EE's INFANT COlL dial. LADIES', MISSES' AND CHILDREN'S HATS,III the very latest styles. The Gipsey and other styles to be had at Oexpoante, Continental Hotel. SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS and druggieta' Ban dries. SNOWDEN & BROTIME, 23 South Eighth street. FOR PURE HARD LEHIGH COAL, and superior rebroken Schuylkill, go to WILLIAM W. ALTER'S Depot, No. 967 North Ninth street (below Girard avenue), Or office corner Sixth and Spring Garden streets t7B - Good coal only kept and good weight given. DEAFNESS, BLINDNESS AND CATARRH. J. Isaacs, M. D.. Professor of the Eye and Ear, treats all diseases appertaining to the above members with the utmost success. Testimonials from the most reliable sources in the city can be seen at this office, No. NS Arch street. The medical faculty are invited to accompany their patients,as he has no secrets in his practice. Artificial eyes inserted. No charge made for examination. rt) LAE ;1 1x'/.CJ-1 i"4-01 TYNDALE & MITCHELL, IMPORTERS, 707 CHESTNUT STREET, OFFER A GREAT VARIETY OF DINNER, SETS, Decorated to their order In France, AT VERY LOW PRICES. sae s to th tfru4 WATCHES. TIFFANY & CO., 550 and 552 Broadway, New York, Solicit attention to their Timing Watches, known as the "TIFFANY & CO, TIMERS," These Watches. for Railroad. Engineering, Racing, Gunnery and Scientific purposes, are superior to any yet offered, as the arrangement of the stop is such as to note time to the nicety of one-fourth or one-fifth of a second, without the possibility of error in the calculation. The folrowing•named: gentlemen . , having bought "Timm." and found them to be perfectly eatisfactory. have kindly allowed Tiffany & Co. to refer to them: Amami Sprague, Joseph McPherson, August Belmont Frank Squire, Geo. G. Haven. B. W. Gibbs, J. C. Griswold, B. H. Bixby, 0. N. Cutter, Leon *. Jerome. Geo. Osgood, E. D. Bradford Wm. M. Rysdyk, Win. M. Tilden, J. V. Brokaw, Win. F. Shirley, A. P. Spencer, O. A. Grysues, And others Tiffany at Co. have also a full assortment of Watches, of all desirable sizes and styles, of same quality as the first mentioned, In addition to their usual stock of Frodeham's and Jurgensen's. Also, constantly on hand an assortment of CHRONOGRAPHS for the Racing Stand. HOUSE 1N PARIS : TIFFANY, REED & CO. CANTON PRESERVED GINGER. PREBERVED (nge in syrup, of the ebrated Chyloong brand alzo,fllry Preserved Ginger, inboxes, imoorted and for sale by 408BPB. B. BUBBLER alc CO., LOB Booth Delaware avenue. PINE APPLE CHEEBE.—NORTON'S CELEBRATED Brand on conattrnment and for aide byJOB.I B. BUB UTER di CO., 108 swath Delaware ayenue - THE DAILY EVENING 13IILLETIN-PHILADELPHIA, MONDAY, NOVEMBER \ 2; 1868. StMI sonins An do anoen. 14Atk13.1.EIS' t3l3o►Et3. NEW STORM HENRY WIREMAN Nunkiatthrer and Impotter OF LADIES' BOOTS AND SHOES, No. 118 South Thirteenth Street, S. W. oor. Sixth and Buttonwood Ste. IPII:IO4I\DIELFWLIk t AND No. 487 Eleventh Street, WASHINGTON, D. 0. 1 Has opened Ms Elegant New Store, No. 118 South THIR TEENTH Street, between Chestnut and Walnut Streets, with a large assortment of the finest quality of LADIES' SHOES Of his own manufacture. 'ALSO Just received from Paris, a large assortment of Ladies' Boots, Shoes and Slippers, Made expressly to order by the best and most celebrated manufacturers. oaf tfrp 61160TAXILNI6 - BONES' ONE-PRICE CLOTHING HOUSE, 004- MARKET STREET, PHILADELPHIA. First Class Beady-Made Clothing, suit able for all Seasons, constantly on hand. Also, a Handsome Line of Piece Goods for Custom Work. THE FINE ARTS. NEW Ask ° K E W WRIDEROTH, TAILOR & BROWN'S LATEST NOVELTY. Connoisseurs in Art, and all who are tired of the old style of Photographs, are invited to examine these New Pictures AB they pass the Gallery of the underaltmed. 914 CHESTNUT SThEET. These beautiful effects. first introduced by thiti firr,are precisely those of the fine French Lithographs 'Aux Deux Cration.%" and may be imparted to all size i of poi. traiture from the Carte de Visite to the largest heads. WENDEROTH TAYLOR & BROWN. nr26 m w f 6t810:. 1110AJEIDEVO. AD 225 alf 3 l39 l jaTilial 3 nrome P 3 tTrlor. E Tl:rtli rA g N' c i iiat r n r ti l e l gi communicating, Second•etory front (for permanent boarders.) 1109 At• ;'i'i 4:l i WHITE GRAPES. WHITE ALMERIA GRAPES In Splendid Clusters, The finest seen here In fifteen years, Only 60 Cents per Pound. SIMON COLTON & CLARKE, .02 S. W. oori Broad and Walnut Sta. QUINTON TOMATOES YARIIOII , TH SUGAR CORN, EXTON'S TRENTON CRACKERS. Dealers and consumers desiring the beat goods extant will observe and Inv the above brands. REEVES ?ARVIN, Wholesale Agent,, 45 North WATER Street. 0016 .5 BRONZES OF OUR OWN IMPORTATION, The but aosortment In the country, now open and for sale by MISKEY, MERRILL & TELICKALI, Manufacturers of Gas Fixtures, Lamps, Bronzes,&e,, AT 718 CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA, 0016 f m w Bmrp4 B. BURTON'S TOBACCO ANTIDOTE. WARRANTERTM REMOVE- ALL DESIRE. FOR TOBAGOO. t. entirety-vegetable and harnam, and is also an excel lent appetizer. It purifies and enriches the blood, invig orates the system.possesses great nourishing and strength ening power, enables the stomach to digest the heartiest food,makes sleep refreshing and establiso es robust health. Smokers and chewers for sixty Pears cured. Price Fifty cents per box. Post free. An interesting treatise on the Injurious effects of tobacco, with lists of testimonials, references, etc, BENT FREE. Agents wanted, Address DR. T. It ABBOTT, Jersey City, N. J. TESTIMONIALS. FRGM THE U. S. Trtuasintx, Secretary's Cpiee,—pi efule send a supply of the ANTIDOTE. The one received ha 3 done ifs work W SURELY. 0. T. EDGAR. FROM NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE PRlSON.—Gent)men of influence here having been cured of the appetite for tobacco by }tang Dr, Burton's Antidote, we desire a sup ply for the prisoners of this institution. JOSEPH MAYO, Warden of N. H. State Prison. A Becaum's TESTIMONY.—Dr. Burton's Antidote for Tobacco has accomplished all cfairned Ne w WALTER MANN, Ist Nat. B'k. New Albany, Ind, FROM THE CHIEF ENGINEER OF THE ALLEGHENY VAL LEY RAILROAD COMPANY. ['menu - num PA.—I have used the Antidote with great success. It is curing all my friends. H. BLACKSTONE. A CLERGYMAN'S TESTIMONY.—ONE Box OF ANTIDOTE cured my brother and myself. IT NEVER FAILS. RON, L 13110hASAKER, Kelley's Station, Pa. FROM THE POLICE IIEA_DQUAETERS, LYNN, Mass —/ havegained thirty : live pound& of flesh in three months by using Dr. Burton's Antidote, and aU desire for tobacco is removed. WM L. WAIT, Jr. FROM THE SOUTHERN HOME JOIHINA.I,`BALTIMORE. Md. —One box of Burton's Antidote removed all desire for the weed from me. I take pleasure in recommending it to all our readers. T. Y. SLATER, Editor, BOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. oc2B - w,f,m-13trpt (Trademark 1 Copyrighted.] MLII.IIIIIIIB.T. KENNEDY'S NEW MARBLE BUILDING FOE THE SALE OF RICH MILLINERY GOODS, OPENS TO-DAY. THE LATEST PARIS FASHIONS. LADIES' HATS, FRENCH FLOWERS, FEATHERS, Flushes, Bath's, Velvets, Velveteen) EMCEE VERY LOW. THOS. KENNEDY & BROS., 729 CHESTNUT STREET. Wholesale and Retail. odit9 fmrp OPENING A ft 11 lino of our own importation VELVETS, UM AND RIBBONS, TO 111111, FOR Millinery and Dress Triinmings: WOOD & CARY. Latest Styles Fancy Bonnets, Ladies , and Misses , Hats and Materials. FEATHERS, FLORES, FBA &c., FOB BONNET MAKING. WOOD & CARY , No. 725 CHESTNUT STREET. ock°-lmrp CURTAIN MATERIALO. CURTAIN W 4.10 :3 vs itz) Oia * :10:10 The sebscribere are now receiving their Fall Importations OF RICH CURTAIN FABRICS PARLOR, CHAMBER AND LIBRARY WINDOW CURTAINS FURNITURE 00VERINGS, COMPRISING French Satins and Br°Gaieties, Royal Tapestries, Silk Terry and Coll:line% Wool Terry, Reps, Damasks, &o. ALSO. Just Opened direct from the Manufacturer, EMBROIDERED LACE CURTAINS, NEW DESIGNS, From the loa eet to the Waked quality—some of the the RICHEST MADE. NOTTINGHAM LACE CURTAINS, EMBROIDERED MIISLIN CURTAINS, JACQUARD AND MUSLIN DRAPERIES, VESTIBULE CURTAINS in great variety, CARVED, PLAIN, GILT AND WALNUT CORNICES, WHITE AND COLORED SHADES. Experienced and reliable workmen superintend out (iitietragr=fz•vp.gtrutztiniigtera g edig orders entrusted to ua. Sheppard, Van Harlingen & Arrieon, No. 1008 Chestnut St., PHILADELPHIA. ocill sr t m 10try • • t: „ z BLINDS AND SHADES. B. J. WILLIAMS & SONS, No. 16 North SIXTH Street, LAIL KT LAIJFAOTDRED3 AND DLL AT LOW PRIM BLINDS PAINTED AND TRIMMED. STORE SHADES MADE AND LETTERED. sag m w f 26tr04 WANTS. WANTED—TO RENT, .12 BY A'BMALL FAMILY. A MODERATELY =En Furnished House, West of Broad Street, and between' Pine and Chestnut Streets. Address Box 2039, Philadelphia Post-Office. ocao.6trp• FOBS. dtG FUELS .1 A. R. & F. K. WOMRATH, No. 1212 Chestnut Street, (Late etand 417 ARCH Street), ARE SELLING Children's Sets of Furs at S 5. Ladies' Siberian Squirrel Sets,tBS upwards 61 Mink Sable 66 510 6, • 6 German Fitch 6 ' 815 66 66 Stone Marten 4 ' 520 6 • 66 Royal Ermine 66 540 66 64 Hudson Bay Sable " 550 • 6 46 Russian Sable 46 5100 66 ENGLISH ROM BOAS, SHATIIG MUFFS, itc., FUR GLO' FOOT MUFFS, LAP BLOM& A great variety of Carriage and Sleigh Robes. A. K. ofz F. K. WOMRATH I No. 1212 Chestnut Street, PHILADELPHIA. aa2m w 4mrp u 11,11 P TO CCUNTRY MERCHANTS. We have now in store a very large an vied assort ment of LADIES' CLOAKINGS. By calling on 115 you can not only see all the styles in vogue. but bo supplied In quantities to suit at the lowest wholesale rates. Comparison of stock and prices with any wholesale house solicited. . Samples sent by mail when desired. STRAWBRIDGE & CLOTHIER CENTRAL EMPORII7M, , Corner of Eighth and Market Eits. GRAND SALE OF DRY GOODS HOMER, COLIAAI)AY & CO., Nos. 818 and 1E420 Chestnut street, Below Continental Hotel, PHILADELPHIA. - • Sales to Commence November 2d, COMPBISING Bilks, Dress Goods, Shawls, Cloaking Cloths, Laces and Embroideries, Linens and White Goods, &c., Hosiery and Gloves &c • „ Mourning Goods, &e, &c. • H. Ow c i . og r, tz , ! , l . l vi v : /14 1 3 w i g! o n l. ;ti s o t lzf t th riz a t if h i , i4nso, it is needless to detail the character of their stock. IMPORTATIONS OF 'I HE PRESENT SEASON, WHICH MUST BE SOLD NEW MARBLE BUILDING, CHESTNUT STREET, ABOVE BROAD, Havo nover been surpassed in Philadelphia, containing an Of texture in medium priced goods, as well as the CHOICEST NOVELTIES OF THE SEASON. H., C. 1.4; Co. would advise all dealrona of obtaining GREAT BARGAINS IN DRY GOODS, To lose no time before inspecting their stock, feeling assured that the UNPARALLELED PRICES, At which the entire stock will be disposed of, must insure RAPID SALES. no 2 St & St Bp4 THE L INEN P:01110:00$414i20:4:111:41Vinidli AT THE " BEE-HIVE " DRY GOODS 'STORE Will be found to be an attractive feature, includlni, as It does, every requirement of the Domestic /leasehold. Extra gem) , 8-1 and 9-4 Double Barnsley Damarb, from 75e. 5-815-8 All linen Napkins from the best Bleacheries $1 50 to $lO per dozen. Elegant Exhibition Pattern Betts, Cloth Napkins and Doylies, Brown's renowned manufacturers, up to $5O a set. All the leading manufacturers of Ireland, England. France and Germany are represented in their Stadia and Wing Linens, Pillow Linea, Halm, Towels, Towelling% &c., &c. Domestic Cottons, Shirting and (lettings, 1-I Mamsrille, Wannutta, New York lb, ad other celebrated makes retaieing at 1 11110Li8iLE Blankets and Quilts in the most attractive makes, at prices in the interest of the buyers, Heavy Domestic Ribbed and Honeycomb Quilts, Bates. pattern, $2 50 and $3, usually sold at $3 and $3 50. Handles and other Imported Quilts, 10-d, 114 and 12-1 in White, Buff, Pink and Blue, with toilet to match, all at favorable prices. J. W. PROCTOR & CO., The b 6 13 ee-I-lives" NO. 920 CHESTNUT STitusztl. ocumwr DRESS GOODS. RICKEY, SHARP & CO. No. 727 Chestnut Street, HAVE OPENED THEIR LATEST IMPORTATIONS OF JDR.H.ISS P.AI3II,IECS, Poplins, Serges, Velvets and Velveteens, IN GREAT VARIETY. RICKEY,SHARP & CO. No. 727 Chestnut Street, Philada, w WINTER DRESS 'GOODS IP EVERT VARIETY. POPLINS, PLAIDS, SERGES, &c., &e: NEW 000D8 OPENED DAILY. JOHN W. THOMAS Nos. 406 and 407 N. Second Street. au2B tl Jain) TO PROPRIETORS OF HOTELSIBOARDING-HOUSES SHIPPING. We have a special:wholesale department for supplying Linen and Cotton Sheeting, Towels, Napkins. Single Bed and Berth Blankets. and other goods particularly adapted to your wants. All the above kind of goods made up at abort notice if desired. STRAWBRIDGE &CLOTHIER CENTRAL DRY GOODS STORE, Corner of Eighth and Market St!. fIENTS , FRENCH HEM STITCH HANORERCHIRIFS. ijf —GEORGE W. VOGEL, No. 1016 Chestnut etreet, has just received a full assortment of Gents' Hem Stitch Handkerchiefs; hand spun goods.very superior in quality, at moderate prices. 0c27.61.* G ENTB` KID GLOVES. GEORGE W. VOGEL. No. 1016 CHESTNUT street, Has just received_a full assortment of_Gental_Kid_Gloves, ia in glti and dcitilde stitched, dark, medium bright and light colors; also, Gents' Dog•sitlit and Deaver Gloves, of the ycry beet_ouklity, 00.11.6tro• Preparatory to removal to their Endless Variety BARGAINS IN DRESS GOODS. DRESS GOODS. At aboat Half Cost of Importations DRESS GOODS AT 25 CENTS. DRESS GOODS AT 81 CENTS. DRESS GOODS AT 2714 CENTS. DRESS GOODS AT 40 CENTS. DRESS GOODS AT 60 CENTS. Empress Cloth Poplins at 75e., worth $l. Empress Cloth Poplins at 8734 c. worth $1 25. Empress Cloth Poplins at $l. worth 81 37 34. SATIN CHARLOTTE AT $ll5. - A NOVELTY IN FRENCH POPLINS. WORTH 62. AU.wool Epinglines, $1 26, worth St 604. VELOUR OTTOMANS, BEST QUALITY IMPORTED. AT $1 60. WORTH $2. Handsome Silk Epicutlines. $1 75 to EA Plaid Irish Poplins at $125. cost 122 60 . Plaid alt.woolPoplitn. 75e. to el 60. SILK FINISH VELVETEENS. BEST MAKES. ALL COLORS. AT LOW PRICES. GREAT BARGAINS IN • BLACK GEO GRAIN SILKS. BLACK 0110 GRAINS FOR SUITS. BLACK ORO GRAMS FORMALKHNI DRESSER. BLACK GRO GRAINS, ALL QUALITIES. Black Silks wittiLustre. at Icow prices. COLORED DRESS SILKS. • ALL QUALITIES. SIITO $6. New styles of Striped Silks at $2 60 end 83 25. Closing out Polka lola Silks at e 2, cost $5, SILK FLUSHES. ALL COLORS. The beet In the market. $6 60 to EX GREAT BARGAINS IN SHAWLS. Ladles' and Mew' Shawls of crvery variety at very tow price& H. STEEL. , Sr, SCON N It Noo, 718 and 715 N. Tenth St; MARKET - 4 4 6 NINTH. 4*./1 O*1‘111" BLACK CLOAKINGSI BLACK CLOAKINGS. By bestowing unusual cam in selecting their, always largr, dock of these goods, haveVelow on exhibition an unexceptionably perfect stock at unexceptionably low prince. Theyipite an examination. • BLACK !MOSCOW& BLACK CHINCHILLAS BLACK VELOURS. BLACK CASTORS. BLACK ASTRACANS. BLACK DOESKINS. LACK AILS VELVETS. BLACK VELVETEENS. ecafirn tn w am - 1 1 ; IK 41, \- /2 841' LINEN STORE, trk 828 Arch Street. Several Cheap Lots of TOWELS, TOWELING by the yard. TABLE LINENS; NAPKINS; LINEN HANDKERCHIEFS. le" The fargef t Linen Stork in the city at Iv peeve' pricer. 604 n ws ST, LA .. 47 4, ,025 ) Fourth and Arch. Telvettas for Dresses at $1 gjer yafil; LIGHT FRENCH BLUE. METTERNICH GREEN. GARNETS AND BROWNS. BLACKS AND PURPLES. SCARLET AND CRIMSON. &Mut iw t 1 INDIA SHAWLS AND SOARFS. No. 916 CHESTNUT STREET, Real India Camels Hair Shawls & Scarfs Also. an elegant stock of SILKS in Black and Coloni; FANCY SILK PLUSHIS, POPLINS, SHAWLS and FANCY GOODS. ludia ativile Alteted,Rebalred and Cleattett Inc eoperiormanner. oc3Q•2mrpy GEORGE FRYER, Invites attention to his stock of
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