THE PENNSYLV&IVIA ,Or FINS MITS. • As a Museum, a School, glad an Ex. change. FIFTH JOllll NE/GLE Our last notice was devoted to the painter Allston 'wliOse tremendous conception of De4th_ ite:v l Oxifc hangs : in the ' , north gallery; accident having placed it directly over that Rims of phidias which was in some sort its prototype. testimonial which ire might have added to our own in regard to this fine conception is that of , the accomplished author of "Zenobia" and "Aurelian." We have un der our eye some.posthumous lectures left by Mr.Ware,and published with such scrupulous fidelity that the collection ends With an un finished phrase; ‘ just where the 'pen dropped from the failing hand. The "Dead Man 'Re viving, observes this conscientious critic,' "appears to be an absolutely perfect - expres sion of human form Under the conditions hn pond. It is one of thOse powerful concep tions," adds Mr. Ware, '"by which an idea or subject is exhausted and its demands skis.: lied." And we believe thatvven if Ware had lived to review his Lectures, he would hardly' have modified these deserved commendatfoni3. Artv 'l 3 -s:4!cverl cannot forever maintain itself on the heights, and. we are not: very sorry that our charming little Mugs has not been quite given over to that - epic severity which, in the "good old colony tithes when George the Third was king,", formed at once the precocious predilection of Allaton fated the faded ambition of West.' On resuming the pleasant task undertaken in these papers, after ' our little furlough; on finding ourselves once more in the sunny pre cincts of our coinfortable old, Alma Mater; on meeting mit painter friends . ' again as they straggle in . With brown,faces from the coast and the mountains (some,• the rogues ! have been locked up in their'reoms all the while, studying that example of still life named the opossuM, and only pretending to be abroad); on listening to the various art-schools as they loudly blow their trumpets from the summits of our columns; we , confess that at such a moment we feel a slight incapacity for the demands of the very highest art, and prefer to linger awhile in the pretty lonic portico, or gossip in the entrance hall as the students pass through with rolls and portfolios under their arms and crayon-boxes in their hands. Our honored Academy, no less than Alls ton's eager hero, is reviving this year, and the prophetic bones it touches are the maxil laries of one of our city's most creditable art-authorities, the dead portrait painter Nesigle. One of that painter's most clamor ous demands was that very appointment of a professor, which is giving such lively hopes to the School this autumn. "The Acad emy," Neagle used to say, "would have greatly advanced true art if one or two able artiste had been engaged, at liberal salaries, to give instruction to students. Such a course would have made our city the home of the arts, and pupils would have'come hither from all parts of the country. Thus our institution would have become an acad emy indeed, instead of a place of deposit simply." Neagle's warning has now been accepted as the vivifying oracle of the School, and a professor he would gladly have wel comed been appointed, in the person of Chriatifin Schussele; who now passes regu larly, under the jolly eyes of Neagle's "Pat Lyon," •to direct the studies and smooth away the troubles of the tyros working in the ateliers. Who was the `•`Pat Lyon," whose name escaped us on the instant,—why does Pails delphia affectionately coddle him with a nick name, and then erect him at full length in the rotunda of her Walhalla, like Athens al- ternately rallying and worshipping her demi_ gods ? Who was the obsolete civic hero Pat Lyon—and who, by the way, was the painter John Neagle? At the date of the portrait Neagle was a swarthy, bead-eyed, Indian-looking youth of twenty-six, and Pat was the famous big lock smith, and his first grand order. The painter had but recently escaped from the anomalous position of a humble car-decorator who emu lated Sir Joshua Reynolds, and was making his first efforts at success in portraiture. However, the great Stuart had just called his bead of Matthew Carey "bobbish," had him self beeome his sitter, and the wave of deli cious young fame had begun to carry the am bitious little painter towards success, and had at last reached the consciousness of the burly Vulcan in his den. Neagle, in 1825, was working at small orders in his sufficiently modest studio, when the retired smith walked in one day, filling the room with his large presence and with the always-musical voice of wealthy patronage. "This, 1 presume, is Mr. Neagle." "Yes, sir, that is my name." "I wish you, sir, to paint me at full. length, the size - of "life, representing me at the smith ery, with my bellows-blower, hammers, and all the et-ceteras of the shop around me." Thinldtig he did not know the expense of a large-picture, with two figrires and all the surroundings, the'astonished' artist said: "This,sir,will be a large and difficult work, and the expense considerable.'? "Mr. Lyon definitively replied, "D—n the expense! " Upon which Neagle added— 'Even the canvas will cost several dol "Here is the money; go ahead," Lyon said "how much more will you have to start on?' Presently, he added, "I wish you to under stand clearly, Mr. lieagle, that I not de sire to be represented in the picture as a gen. tleman—l want you to paint me at work at my anvil, with my sleeves rolled up and a leather apron on. I have had my eye upon you. I have seen your pictures, and you are the very man for the work." Patrick' Lyon, in fact, though now rich and out of business, had had his own vicissitudes, of which hedesired this great portrait to be in sortie ilort the Odyssey. He had once been _ accused of picking the great lock of the Penn sylvarriii,Bitmk and abstracting the fund,s . -- on the t 'theory that the first machinist in the city wona be, the ablest housebreaker. On this theOlit' inventive genius,—the stittear4,the Diligent fire-engine, and u countless Ingenious City- works which were the pride of our grandeiree—wto dispatch t ,i Oprison, where he lay behind his own 1 xna, DAILY ElitilligililLLETlN---PHILADELPHIA, THURSDAY, SEM the'in condition of 'Byron e eagle who re cognizes a personal feather on the arrow that killsitdm. Thin bome-thrust our Gabriel Varden never forgavanor rorgot. 1 "rat the prison into the backgroMtd of my picture," said he. Pat Lyon stands in the picture, a hale man of fifty, wrapped in the leathern apron like, Sigisiiiunda'S loier,' the broadcloth to which he had attained forgotten as if it were yet to wear. At his command the admiring painter threw around him, by the spell of his art and imagination, the surroundings that had brought about the fortune he now enjoyed. He constructed the blacksmith's forge behind the stalwart figure of his sitter. It •was the most famous stithy of, the, day, situate in Li brary street,j pet off Potter's Field, and occupy ing the ground where Goldsmith Hall now stands. Through the window we may see a squat, ugly cupola"; it was this Which at that' day crowned the strong-tower 'of our city castle at Sixth and' . Walnut streets; and Pat had but to turn his bull neck, as he stood in his old shop, to see the donjon where he had .languished in ' former days, a far froU4 reaigned ' prisoner. In one blackened Hat the painter placed the handle of the hamnier. That and the pincers were the emblems of Pat's shield. A. diagram of i the - forty-seventh propostion in uclid's Hest' book Is leaning neat his f ; for, Lyon had a mathematical mind some culture, and worked. his hydrostati c r me chanical problems out on paper before he cut them into iron. Altogether, it is a careful, faithful, solid.bit of portrait-work, more to our mind than the gummy,and glistering, and almost sugary portraiture of Neagle's more mature period, and of which there are some too-delicious examples in the Academy eon tributed•by •liir. Harrison' Earl. Thee Lyon portrait, after being exhibited with much successin this city, was begged by the New York Academy of Design for a centre-picture of one otiti exhibitions. It attracted there the liona_(if that were actionable as a pun we would get the printer to change it) share of flattery. "The figure stands admirably," said a discriminating critic of Manhattan; "the dress is truly appropriate; the expres sion of the bead equally so; and the arm is a masterly performance." (We may grant it so, for a young face-painter of slender educa tion.) The gratification of the proud artist was complete when a replica was ordered for the Boston Athenaeum, perhaps at the in stance of his kind friend Stuart. • As a great work for the day, the picture attracted plenty of attention even during its progress. Excessively genteel people were a little scandalised at the grimy hand, the bare arm and 'bosom, and the fire-bitten apron; above all, at the introduction of the prison; "that is low," they cried; but Judge ElOpkinson, one of Lyon's counsel at the memorable trial, approved the whim, ' and bade Pat remember the prison episode, as a very important part of his history. The great, hearty model was himself probably one of the' painter's chief hindrances, ranging through the modest studio with the grace of a bull in a pantry, lifting this sketch and that, and helping on the work with lnces sant suggestions. "What sketch is that?" he said oho day, noticing a drawing of a lad in a paper cap. "That is to be your bellows-blower." "Pooh! pooh! do not put any such fool in my shop. No genuine blacksmith ever had a paper cap on when working." The picture therefore represents a brown headed, capleas prentice and a grizzly mas ter. Another hint of an equally practical kind was elicited when Neagle confided to his pa tron a conception of a rather decorative anvil. beautifully looped around with a band for the tools. Lyon laughed at this, saying, "Put no such thing in my picture, for truth's sake ! A genuine blacksmith would scorn such a thing ! Horse-shoers only, who strike and do their own blowing, would descend to such a thing ! Why, my dear sir, you will always find that a legitimite blacksmith has his tools placed in a framework around the bellows. He calls for each tool wanted, and it is handed to him by the bellows-blower." Neagle died just three years ago, Septem ber 17, 1865, glad to close' his life in his tra=" tive city under the kind care of his father-in law, Mr. Thomas Sully. He was born, ac cording to Dunlap, in 1799, or in 1796 if we follow the chronology of an agreeable writer in Lippineotte Magazine for. May, (under stood to be CoL Fitzgerald), whose narrative we partly borrow. (For the Philadelphia Lyonlog Bulletin.] SCHOOLS Artiososr THE TREED. MEN. During the sunamer recess very little mate rial comes to hand calculated to interest the general reader, and the purpose of the pre sent number is mom to "stir - - up the - pure mind by way of remembrance," and to re mind such as may feel an interest in their labors, that the Education Committee of "Friends' Association for the Aid and Elevation of the Freedmen" (F. C. M. Laing, No. 80 North Third street, Treasurer) is still ardently attached to the good work, with a determination, if the pecuniary means are only forthcoming or even foreshadowed, to pursue It with renewed vigor, and , to risk the reopening of all (or nearly so) of their schools the first of the coming month. Although laboring in such an enervating climate, 'the letters from our teachers shewed conclusively that they maintained their In terest to the, very last, some of them eveninanifesting almost an impatience at the necessity for closing the schools. In this continued interest , the pupils also participated, one of the thaelie - rs remarking that their , attendance "continued until the very last day;",additig,"h'ouf much we hope a year spent in a field of labor such as this will bring forth, none but a teacher can, appro. elate or'estimate. I regret leaving'some of my pupils Who take such an 'interest Ili the work before them,' but lit this climate very little physical or mental power can be. ex pended during the summermonths." Another teacher remarks; o/feei so sorry to leave theft. They are Coining in every few minutes with some little token of remelt brance; amongst other matters I' have now on hand two pairs of chickens. reference to the pecuniary ability of the, colored people to sustain their Schools, !deic O. El. Hine' thus writes froth Vienna, Vii',-. ginia: "In answer th your questions in reference to the prospects of the colored people and their ability to partially sustain schools next year, 1 would remark that, in this neighborhoodiiiy- ? the colored? people • are very poor yethough !they, hate very Materially impr oved!their Icandi.; tion during the last year. Otthe - twenty,-five families accommodated by,l - brif School liero,, scarcely one of them is inlveoriditiowth na9 anythinglowards its suppaTt now yet some of them will be able to help'etittie In the fall if they are reasonably prosperous this sum mer. , They are now malting an effort to raise about one hundred dollars with which to. complete their school-house, which - will be' quite a tax upon them. The above•is true of nearly all the, schools of thiseounty. e I hope your Society will be 'able ttionen the , ochools • again in the fall, for it seems, too, hard that the poverty of these poor _people should deprive them of even a little light for their dark minds." , "Our new Constitution provides for a lib eral system of free schools,.but the failure of impeachment will, fear, prevent its ratifica tion this year." In concluding, the Major payk' this tribute to our teacher.' (In fact it may, lid iwell to add that we are in the frequent recelyit of tes timonials to the ability, worth and. faithful ness of our teachers) : , - "Her large school and clbse confinement during the winter have impaired" .her . ' health somewhat, but Presume home and freedom will poonbringhaek her light step and happy erdritN"' Our ,teacher at , Waterford, Va., 'speaks of the anxiety of the freedmen at that place to have their school kept- -up, and 'slates that they have thrilled an Educational SoaietY, through the instrumentality, 'of Which they had raised forty-five' dollars for ;the; quarter immediately preceding ' her Writing. She also , forwards a number of "compositions " of her pupils; front which the following are se lected. Thefirst, written by Ann Maria - Hay vey,only age: . "riarrnitkrbu/mlicrii44. "I was at thi, temPerance meeting last Saturday night.. , There; were not many peo ple there, and we had .a good time:: The man spoke beautifully. It was a grand thing that they started ' this temPerance - "society. What looks worse than to see a maid drunk ? I saw a man the other day and, ks'weis drink ing whisky, and he asked me,.would,ltake a drink ? I told him, no, al!, thank yon. What would I look like; coming.up the street drunk, and if my mother and father knew it, what would they do?' I know' I 'would be sorry for it, and I would be so ashamed for my teacher to know it, because it is wrong to v.-se strong drink. I would rather see a man in his grave than ;Owe him a drunk ard. I would like to. kn ow what good it does a man to drink such miserable stuff. I think if I was a man I would not drink whisky or any other strong drink. "I don't think I have any more to say about temperance meeting. I will write about school; lam very , sorry indeed . that school is going to stop this week." (Non:.—The penmanship of ,the above is very creditablethis 'notes - of interrogation mid most of the capitals properly placed, with but one word corrected for error in or thography.) The next, Mary IS. E. Boyd, aged' four teen years, in excellent handwriting, thus ad dresses US: "illy Philadelphia Friends: lam very glad that our school will be kept up next winter. I think that our Philadelphia friends have been very kind to us, for you have given us books and clothing,' and they have been of a great deal of 'good for the last two winters. I am very much obliged to you for your kind ness indevi, arid I hope that all the others are toe." The author then dilates on the subject of temperance, and referring to whisky, says : "If I had my way, there would not be any sold except for medicine," adding, "I think using tobacco is a very bad habit; I hope we will have a society to prohibit the use of it. I think it is almost as bad as drinking whisky." (Non.—ln thaabove there is not a single misspelt or corrected word !) Another, Mary S. Kennedy, eleven years of age,addresses a fetter to her teacher, and in alluding to the, closing,of the school'for vacation thus discourses her of love for Geo graphy : "I suppose, Friday will be the last day, and I am sorry; if I could just get through my geography I would not care so much about the rest of My studies. I hope you will have a pleasant vacation, and I hope we will all , have 'a pleasant summer ; then come to school again with our minds [strengthened] to study," &c., &c. .plwood Ashbey, another of her pupils, aged thirteen years, also alludes to the closing of the school for the season, and adds : "I think our, Philadelphia friends are very kind to help us—we ought to learn,all we can.' lAA fewrets we may 'mot ave any school to go to, and then we will be sorry that we did not try and study harder. We have a very kind teacher, and she takes a great deal of care with us, and tries to teach us all she can, and we ought all to try to leain. "We have once seen, the time that we did not know what .school was. When I first went to. school ;I thought ,that ,I could not learn my letters: but I >found that I could learn if I would study. I hope that all of the scholars will come to school 'again next fall." [NoTE.—In the last two letters Aber° is but one instance of a mucked Word.] We have also on hand quite a lengthy ad dress from Henry. Carrol, a colored minister of that place, who'mttefully acknowledges the privilege he has enjoyed in attending our school, and to which letter we may possibly refer in the future.' Itr thus closing our present number, we await with pleasure further advices from our teachers, whose official reports will not be due'until they have been on duty for one month; portions of • which it is intended shall be comprised in our next. JACOB M. ELLIS. PIIILADELPIIIA 9th mo. 16, 1868. The ;Verrill. German Union. The Department of State has promulgated the circular letters of the Minister of Justice and the Minister of the Interior respectively of the North German Union. The former, in consideration of the treaty with the United litotes, directs that in* every case where legally valid condemnations. for immigration to the United States exist against specified pertons, an official report 18443 be made to the Minister of Justice respecting the rends sionof the declared puniehment and. costs. By way,of grace, and in order to shorten and sim plify the matter,these recommendations are to bn consolidated in a table, if the number'of cases ,is.' large enough to 1, _justify a tabular form of re port; The Minister of the Interior, in accordance witlf, the naturalization treaty, says the royal govonm'ent is instructed to abstain from recom-' mending trial •and punishment, and in'general from tiny kind of prosecution, whenever the per son 'question is able to produce the proof that! he h become a naturalized citizen of the United State of AMerica, in conformity with the first clang° of article 1. The proper judicial anthori= ties will be furnished by the Minister of Justice' with !an instruction in all cases wherever legal sentences of this kind exist, to report ofileially the remission by way of grace of the declared • punishment and costs. .., azimut. DAVISki-ODM 8 1 - AND 3-4 , BLACK DION BAREGES. BEST qualltiee. e,Silk Black Grenadines. Summer'Poplins, ateel calm. Black Lace Shawls and Rotundae, ' 1 White Lace Shawls and Rottuida. Real Shetland Shawl'', Imitation Sketliuid II hate's, . . s White and Black Bartge Shawl's. • White and Black Llama ohawla— Summer etock of Sake and Deese Goods, closing eta cheap. EDWIN HALL & CO., :ji tf 2b South Second etreet. 1. 0 h laffElf 1.-14.164-(3- -OP EI icaRE/c,,.. MILLINERY GOODS.' •,..‘A. D . S D - STERN ika , t- _Arch Street. - sels-tu th Boa . - •r.. ~71 1 : NEW STORE JUST OPENE D. J. H, ~BRA.DIEE .• ; • CHOIO4 - : ,GROCERIEq • IVines, Liquors,' Cordials, •Foreign and Domestic • • No. 'lBll Chostnd Street,-Philodelphia: selVlni • • • • • • • EXTRA, FINE NEW MESS MACKEREL IN KITS. ' • ALBERT C. ROBERTS, De!ilex .in GroCeriei l Corner tleienth and Vine Street& FAIRTHORNE & CO4. 1 !"4,04i 411 .004 3104 , 1930 bomr., sornmer, All g oods guaranteed Duet. of the beat quality, Rol& at moderate prices.; • =rain DES FAMILLES CHOCOLATE MANUFACTURED by Josiah Webb & Co., for ea to bicy . E se7.la6 Southeast . & eo n Wftoe r t h s em Ce u s a u u st e re ets. PAPER. BIiELLLMONDS:4EW CROP PRINCESS Paper Shed tansonde—Fincat Gehealapionble Crown Rabin's, New Pecan Nutt!. Walatita' and' Eilberte. at GOUBTYI3 'East End Grocers , Store. No. - 118 South Bccondatrcet., • • • EW PREBERVPD GINGER IN SYRUP AND' DRY, of the celebrated Cbyloong Brand, for sale at COUBTY'Ii- East End Grocery. No. 118 ,South Second street. • VOR LUNCEI---DEVILED 114151,7 TONGUE, AND Lobster, rotted' Beer, Tongue, Anchovy Pada and Lobster, ati(IOUSTY'S East =id Grocery, /44); 118 South Second etreet; XTEW GREEN GINGER, PRIME AND GOOD ORDER /1 at C 413131W13 East End Grocers, No.llB Santa Sce. and etreet. NEW MESS BRAD, TONGrES AND BOUNDS LN !EWA, put up expretaly for family we, In eon:thud for eale at COI STY'S East End Grocery, No: US4Soutli Se cond street. TABLE ox4rET.-200 CASES OR EtJPERIOR MULE ClarehiultrrlLV tO give eattrtoction. r solo h.l hi. P. BP , N. W. comer Arch and Eighth 'treas. SGLAD OIL.-100 DASICETS OF LATOUR'S MLA") Oil of the latest Importation. For sale by M. F. EIPPT TN, N, W. earner Arch and Ekdath streets. LIAMB. DRIED BEEP AND TONGUES. -- JOIIN biteTrard'aioatly relebratViams and Dried Boot, and Beet Tongues— also the brands of Glecinsatl Hams. For sale by M. F. OF . N. W. 00=4=1 and Eighth streets ' ' (111); 100.1 Old, Reliable ,and Popular Rants NEW YORK AND BOSTON. And the only pirect Route for Newport, Fall River, kW* Imßedford,,Eddleboro', an the Bridgewaterkand all shwailt tie Cape Cod Railway; and guilt Thht line la fmposed of the BOSTON, NEWPORT AND NEW YORK STEAK ni dam 13 1 0/7.430111-Payald=r l o3, f' ° oll4,_ I,XPIM P0L 4 161 and EMPIRE STATE, running 'between New York and Newport, It I. and the Old Colony and Ilicatert •Railwaybetween 13os ton and Newport. MaMng a through line. _ One of Per the above boats leave 2B North River dab (Sundas t excepted). at 6 o'clock P. M. , arriving in New port at A M po. a the fret, train leaving N ewport at 4A. M ' aril gin Boston in ,eaaon for an. Eaatern trains Flindlleat cautaku breakfast on board, the boat at and leave at N. arriving in Boston at an early hour. Re ran leave Old Colony and Newport Railway corner South !mild EnAßlnn4 streets. at 436 end 634 o'clock p kor further traiticubire, apply tithe Agent. E. LITTLEFIELD, 12 Brondwayo - New York. myrztan BRISTOL - NEW YORK AND BOSTON,S VIA. BRISTOL. • For FROVTDENCF, TAUNTON. NEV . BEDFORD, CAFE COD, and all points of .. railway 'communication. East and North The kw:Vaud s_plendid steamers BRISTOL and eROVI DENCB leave. Fier No. 40 -Ivortli 'River, _foot of Canal street, adjoining Delmenuses street, Ferryai: York. at P. M. daily, Sundays except e d. conne with stea m . boat train at Bristol at 4.fto A. t he arriving Boehm at e A. M. in than to connoot with all morning trains from that etty. Theinost desirable and pit:want mute to the While Mountains. Davelerefor Mat point - can make direct mine-Mona by way of .ftovidence and Worcester or Boston, • State,rooms and Ticket s neared at Oboe on Pier is Nsw - . IL O. BRIGGS. CitnA Manager. apD3 15mil gigotorrosrnow . TO TUE COMBINED. RaILROAD & RIVER morrofoL:. _ steamer JOHN' SYLVESTER 'Will male excnr. stone to , Wilmington (Sundays excepted), touching at Chester and ; Marcus Book. Leaving Arch Street whar' at 10 /.."It., and 4P. Id. , , Returning, leave Wilmington, at 7a, L. and IP. at. Light freight taken. , f• • L. W. BURNS 33 , 18tr4 , Captain. ' ' FOR CHESTER, BOOS:: AND WIL MINGTON—At B.BQI and 9,50 A. M., and 8.50 M. The Etean 3 9l l l P. RELTON aad ARIEL leairo , Chast nut Street Wharf (Sundays excepted) 840 and 950 A M.„ and 8.50 - P751.. teturtlng,leavO - Wilaington at &5d A. and 8.50 It. M. • Stopping at ;Cheater' and Hook ac Hooke way. s Fare,. 10 Cents between all points • ' • • Excursion , Tlckete, , 15 cents,- good to return by'either Beat. • , • " - • y7;tt§ C01.111:11ID VirOOD*, CROSS. CREEK LEHIGH COAL. I'LAISTEDI & MOCOLLIN' • , Neu OM CHESTNUT Street West ebiladelphia, Sole BARU Agents for Cosa Brothers & Co.'s celebrated Cross Creek'Lehigh Coal, from the Buck Mountain Vein. Tide Coatis narticularly•adapted for making Steam for Sugar and BLAB Houses. Breweries, &c. It Is also rumor peu3sed as n' yamily CoaL Orders left flt the office of the Miners; No . 841 WALNUT' Street (Ist floor). will receive our promptattention. Liberal arrangements made with man acturars win: are'uanti s.. big tr _ . & stenori_trinas. .. , JOlttt P. &nun E • : MgDERBIGNED INVITE 4 1 TENTION S'o Ttheir stock of L . • ‘ - A es, Mountitin...Lehigh and- Comet Monntain Qoal, lotth the preparntion given by mi. we titinls cannel collod by any other CeaL - - ofliceirxrannUn institute Bnildin4, N0..15- B. Seven th street._ _ • r BuiES & 811EAVP_ „ • islet, Aron street wliluEBohnvntut IIEDIUINAL. DENTALLINA,,,-;A SCEEDIOIt AitTNIDE Euk O r e " leanin g the Teeth, deetro runin ing alcula which In feet them, giving tone to the gums, and leavings • feEVIAP offree and perfect clean li ness in the mouth. It mav be tie ;daily, and will be found to strengthen weak an , leß gums; while the - aroma and detergivenesswill it to every one. Being composed with • tht ;:estie,3x,f the Dentist, Physicians mod Alicrosce,istir ii - confeßmtly offered as a reliable sutetitate for ho oertahrwasteis formerly gu in voe. izmiuent. Dentists, acquainted with the constitienits of the DentgliD, sa,.advccate its new ;, it contains,. nothing tr prevent it l litiestrahied_m_nplcAment. - hiade only . by - • JAMES T. SHINN, ApotherarY, I - B road and.Dpruce streets For' ale by Druggists generally, and • - 'Vred. Brown. D. L. Steakhouse, • , mmard co.; • Robert C. Davis, C. It. Heeny. • Geo. C.' Bower. ' Isaac H. Hay. Chas. Shivers. • C. H. Needles, B. Id. T. J. Husband, 8. G. Bunting Ambrose Smith, Chss.H. Edward Parrish, James N. Morita. • • Wixi. B. Webb, E. Eringhurst, co. ; James L. Bispham. , Dyett. C 0..& ' • Hughes 11$ Cum. bH. C. Bleira lions, Lunn , A. Boint, Wyeth di Bro. ISABELLA MATUANNO. M. as 226 a rwLivra .LStreet. Coartatatiorus free. wr943, MINI 0 1' ri. --------- . ------ A '-, -- - ~ -. r 1,..., 4 , 14 ,, •..44 ..,.. ~ ..,••:' : 4 `. :. :: 4 1 / 4 - .:4,. , :t 4 .. ,, , - , 'V,' 7 ;10 1* *I ... , '.." .b , . , ' : 4 1. , • - • ~ • •k ti ; . • 4:.;•-+ QUO;-ilOi -7 1868. MPZ=I UNION'TPACIFIG' -I;ti.4lEL4:> , g• • Me nowt:Wished and In operitiOn.- Although thle road is btditwltb greet rapidity: the work is thorailithli done; and is pronouneedbY the Vnitett Staten Commbitionets to be ittib°llllll/kovtoZr reelect, bat'ote tkie sPettitede and betel . ° any bond* can be haued open . , Rapidity and excellence of Censtruetion. have bei ' ntse. curtail , a complete divhsion‘of labor;tind by distrib atlas the twenty thousand men employed along the Rue for long distances at once. It la now probable tiuttthe Whole. Line to the Piciflo will be Com- plated in 1869. The Company have emblem:leans of whiokiltd (levant. ;neat grants the right of ..wa7 ! ; and'au =crew , Aleftr and • other materials found alonit the !Ine of ita opetegtela; alga 12,800 acres of land to the WIN taken hi elfent.ste sectfroat ow' each 'aldeVof -toad: ado lbffe4 States Thitryearißonds."amoontlng hi from 1116.00hteW,40 Der reqe, snniirdh3g to the, dlittenttles to be sur umated. on the Various sections fo Ile: hnif4 tot, which It tikes a. second inaitgitTe in senora*: and It is ezeented that not only the Interest, bite the pannltial" eteatref mai WI paid , snl'Ykee. - teelgred.lo. the ,Corepszor I transPetUrig aims. wilt THE 'WtNINGI3 OF TIM UNION PACIFIC! 1141 t, Rchap t fro* its Niro or Local, Doily= only, Burins Year ending .)** Both; 1868, amoariteff to Aver Fcrll.o4 011arE3 whicti, eller expeniee.. wax muck more thsu3 irafficterit niply die Idioms! ation Id Boni% Tama conk lage'a+b co Indloation of the Cast tbtougli Caddo dust mad follow.the opetting of,tholine to the Pccifte, but thd ccr FIBST.• MORTGAGE BONDS' , upon filch a property , costiiig meetly three times their erdount, Are Entirely Secure. The Union Pacific Bonds run thirty Years, &refer el4oo, each, and, have coupe& s attached. They bear annual in terest. payahle,on the first dal's of .JantlarY and July at the Company's office in the city of New York. at the rate of biz per cent. in gold. The principal is payable in gold at rrattiritY. ,The price is 102. and at the present rata of gold, they Pay a liberal income on their cost. A very laaportant consideration .in determining the value Of these bonds Le the length of ttnie (hew have to run, ft am won known that a long bond always Commands much higher price than a short one. It in Safe to assume that during the next thirty years the rate of interest in the United litatcs will decline as It bse dime in Europe. and we havg a right to expect that suchelzpercent so. curities as these will be held at tte high a premium as those of this Government, which, In Uzi; Were bought in at from V) to 23 per cent. above Par. The export demaud alone may Produce this resullaud as the issue of a private corporation:, they are beyond thereach:of political action. The Company believe that their Bonds, at the tire, ent rate, are the cheeped ecienritY in the market. arid' the right to advance the price at any time it reeerved. Bubscriptiotui will be received in Philadelphia by BOWEN & FOX, DE HAVEN & BROTHER, SMITH, RANDOLPH & CO., • And in New York At the Comi)any'e Office,No.2o Nassau St. AND BY John J. Cisco & Son, Bankers, 59 Wall St. And by the Compurre taverttsed Agents throughout the United States. flemittaurea should be made in drafts or other funds par in New York. and the bonds 15131 be out free of etmrgo by return empress. Puna aubeeribing through local age:devil! look to them for Wilk ago deUvory. A PAMPHLET AND MAP, 'OE 1268 Us Just been pub Belied by the Company. giving 'lass Information than is Possible in =advertisement. respecting the Program of thel Work. the Resources of, the Country traversed try the Hoed, the Munster Constmction, and the Value of the Borids,which will be sent free on application at the Con. pairs offices or to any of the advertised Agents. JOHN J. CISCO, Treasurer, New York. Barman= IL 1988. ll l to th s ark_ TH E RAILROAD CAR TRUST LOAN Copital Stook Divided into shares of SLOOO each—carrying dividends at the rate of 10 per cent, per annum. .. The subscribers to the' above Loan have united under articlea ot Association for the purpose of buying and conatructing Railroad Cara S and !Locomotives, to be leaied to th e LEHIGH COAL AND NAVIGATION COAIPANY. Tire Articles of Association and the Lease to the said Company have been deposited with the FIDELITY L.N. SURANCE. TRUST AND SAFE DSPOSIT COMPAN% No 421 CHESTNUT street, who have been appointed Truatees on behalf of said Association, and are au thorized to receive subscriptions to the amount of Slim- Fpr further Information apply to N. B. BROWNE, R. PATTERSON, Treasurer THE SAFE DEPOSIT CO., For Safe Keeping' of Valuables. Seeuri. ties, etc., and-ftenting of fiafes. DIRECTORS. _ss N. R. Browne, J. Gillingham Fell. Alex. Henry, C. H. Clarke. C. Macalester, B. a. Caldwell, John Web'', E. W. Clark.. .Geo to. Tyler. OFFICE,' NO. 421 43.11.1ESTRADF' STA EE P. N. R. BROWNE, Preaident C. CLaREC,Vice Frealdent. IN, Secretary and Treasurer. tale th tu _ R.PATTERB GOLD AND GOLD COUPONS BOUGHT By P.S. PETERSON & 00.. 88 solith Third Strpot.; TelcFcrftillict in'dex of Quotations stationed in a cow oricoous place in our office. • 1 , STOCKS, • BONDS &c.,&c., • , , . Bontht and Sold on Commission at the respective Boar& of Brokers of Now York.• Boston. Baltimore and MM. delpida. ' ' ' • ' 111316 Smi BROWN BROTHERS 4.00. 140.- 211. Chestnut Street, Issue Commercial Credits; also, Circular Lettersof . Credit for Travelers,' available, in any part of the World `n 1.4 . 111 I: I :s•fAiiii.‘ :4.01V8 J 01314 J:WE.I. . • 4 , antrania Pmaroom WEAVER. PENNO.bIC,. . ELumapas. Gas AND smut vrrrEas. I, 'll7,liorth Seventh Street,. Philadelphia.: ". (lo ntry Beata fitted 4p with Bas and Warpr" fiilit elarks:slyie.'. An assortment-of Brass .and Iron Lift and Force Tamps constantly omb i ar z ai,- LEAD BURNING ABD.O OAL PLUMBING: N. B. -Wager Wheels supplied to- he trade and others at reasonable prices. JVLE_O ns WOOD A. WHIGIIT. TIIOIII4TON A. G EL soo m onnonciaz warotrr, PETER WRIGHT & SONG, importers af Earthenware , Shipping and tt =laden Merehtuattt . N 0.1.115 Wahantatreekl.'hiladelphia.' . POTTON AND' LINEN 'I3AIL DUCK OP EVERY a/width. front one to Els feekwide, tl nathers.' Vent, and Awning Duck. Papermakorn Felting . Bail Twine. &c.- J a NW. EVERM.AIs. & CO.. No. 103 Church Bt. " : . 21515 E • • - - 711 e to get privy wells clesneod and dieinfected a v • ow prices, A. PEYSBON. hianntacturer of Pon. ette. Goldemitteo Hall. Library street. '. . • 1,7 : fi.;;.i.-,.' - ~, t ''..'. , i,.,: . - -.. " •. • 4 - j ., , LOODI S Car. L ..., IiA rris i L,VA I I I L ERS' ; I7 IZia IEI4. NYT94AaruI:4WYPI-K. : __ABf.egaPA -,-• — ° o 2 Chestnut St., l'hUs' Watches-of-the. Finest-Makers... ..Yorotr , Of the lateef stzt,,e A Solid 131.1yer, and Plated Ware, SMALL swung EYELEI moms: PIM - ileortutent Jut received. with I. valet, oft / Ala WARNE & CO., Wholesale Dealers in WATCHEEVAN.I.) JEWELRY, N. E. cornet: Seventh and Ihestinit km% Arid iat9 o f No,> s Routh 'Thin/ Itreet 2 e 2 tr WEST PREGAPELPRIA. PROPERTIES FOR SALE OR TO RENT. 111 Tbii timid kiwi Itrc Stone SESIStBNiorB;'• . Noe. 410844110,4112 and 4114 Spruce St. -C. J. SELL &DSO.. au294 to th Im§ LW South Mit et:eel. FOR SALF - AT A BA.RGAttsr; STOCK AND FIXTURES OF FIRST-CLASS FURNITURE STORE. , • NO.= 8, SECOND. STREET, F•°'RAVE.-A MICR DONKEY CART AND HAL NEJ3B. imitable for Children. Apply at Ne. 313 Market sheet. eeDISt• WEST P3I I f•ADEPHIB. 1101 1 / I EB. Jet FOR BALM name; cor. Matey rs as and Irtnii.xecond et . 14,00;) On Locust street, zear Fortieth ••• ....... ••• • • 1 1 .1: 2 8 stnlitan Terre ' ita _ _ .; .. . ............ ... P. 600 Fortieth streelAleitrtst 8.100 Locrat„ neavrmirtyeiereptb street men erttlth etntet . near 4tanintore Pike 7,E00 owe ton avaitre. near Fort/ firet street• •—• • . . ' sex, ThlitY-eighth arrest, neatavertord... . • 4,7.,0 • vat, 13, te l 7 3te , • inc..ei Oneettut. street. tiFOR SALE—NO: UN SPRUCE STREET. THE lot isp oat 0 inabcis feet deep Co& Street.' - lite large three-story double bark buildings, leave par lor,. dining room. kitchen. wash' g and ironing room, ou the Suet Hoot. The house hes all the modem itupmva merits. Apply, between eleven and twelve o'clock, to ---- EFOR SALE IN GP ANTOWN— NE A/ " °tone home, eleven room , . modern tonventeceer —three mlnutet walk from Wayne Station. Nice V.(1:6. Tema exty. axpOY to C. NEysErtms . G. E•evili r to 61. et.. near Dep , ,t, Genntatoune. . E. FOR BAL E .—A TII P.Y, BTt3Tt 1 FRT:NCII ItIOF Bruer, With douldetnree *tors bnck banding , : all modern convenience...! find tlairlied- fine..t rnanner; Fithate on Nerth Tench p tNti. eery ineney required: 'Persetrion sY onc e . tL C. ansKEY. 411 Yralnut etreet. E;FOIL SALE .0 '-' EXCHANGE -}"011. CITY' Huilding kite, PIT new three-ttory hontex.d rownA etch,, with all the ncodtra convetdencer. Now rented tore3s tacit yet' mouth. ' M. C. MIS/MY. Ml Walnutetreet. FOR BALE, OR TO RR T-CORN/IL STORE e mrenum. with large garden; • val tleeir•blo ropcqty; behee Du all the modern improvement,. Terms easy. t 41.:311SKEY. eelstf4 4U liVaLetta FOR SALE--A VA LUAU GE COUNTRY BEAT fi n o&t b Wo t m l ?t:l c t l r t a l u nth a :. l3 .=ln i t' a lt e e st4 attota for hotel or driving park. ° Also. dolrable building lot North Broad erect, WesA Bide. UAW); two (Meta AP- Or to COPYUCK &JORDAN. 433 Walnut etreet. sella rFOR BALD—A , DESIRABL.E MANSION AND. Lot of Gra untl.lCo feet* rout try , PIS feet deep. 'Excel. " lent locAtlon for School or .Semluaryi about two eqoares from Market street Depot- Apply to COPPUCK fr, JORDAN, No. 4.ZlValnut =met • rely tf FOR SALE—THE L&EGE NEW FOUR STORY thick - Store sad Dtvelllng.'edtuttle on the tsortheut ccazer of timed mut 1 Ileprerth etteeta. . The eons gz'M'id:',l:g77lgl3llSceaV. e g i lfi e s a v 'el i l l l 2 4 l t ha t : j e t : bk. ery modern contentenee. and Improvement Lot 23 feet front by 125 feet deep. -Immediate.poeserelau /OM Terms. accommodating. J. M. lit/MIMY a SONS, N3b Walnut. street. stFOR SALE -M4 ELEGANT COUNTRY SEAT. with over seven acres of land attached. late the resi dence of DAVIS PEARSON, Eon.. deed. situate on Broad street and the Old York Road. with eight hun dred feet front on each, below Fisher's Lane. .11 44 py 40 feet., whb back build nes, built and finish throughout in a superior macear, with wide hall., tiled throughout, parlor, library. sitting room , dining room and two kiteheas on the first iloor, seven chambers on the second floor and five on the teird furnished with every city convenience, and in perfect order. Large stable and carriage house-=green houvsnee,, Ac.; and groundsbeaucifulbr imnroved with choice shrubbery. and well shaded .Pho tographic views maybe peen at the oltice of J. M. GUM MEI it; 1101113„ LOB Walnut street. . it . FOR SALE. A HANDSOME THREE STORY brick residence, with three story double back rive feet wide side yard, and lot 170 feet deep to astreet rituate on Poplar, above Fifteenth street. wee erected in the most sub.tantial manner, with extra conveniences. J. N. G CAW 1 7 I SONS, fiCe Walnut etreelt autel riGEIttkiaIiTOWN—FOR SALE. A HANDSOME deable residence. built in the beet manner, with every city. cancer lance and in excellent repair. eitu ate on iTulpebocken etrect wed of Green: had Irene sta ble, carriagekonse, tenanthaute. green . - house. hot honer, ice-bonee. d:eand nearly two acres of land at tached. .1 AI. G , & SONS. '4B.lVainut street. $750,000 IcFOB BALE. '' -86 ACREB OF LAND, SITUATE ON Second street, above Edo avenue, in Um Twenty. second Ward. Good Stone Improvements. A very valueFletract for investment: sold to close an estate. J. 6i. G.136161EY d SOM, COS Walnut street LEFOR SALE—THE VANDSOME THREE...STORY" brick ficaidence. with attic:. three.story double back but dingn, every convenience. uulL 5 Cont. aideyard. N 0.102 Nor It Nineteenth etreet: JAL GUMMEY 50145. 658 'Walnut atreet., President. SECORD-STORY FRONT ROOM EW BULLETIN BUILDING, 607 Chestnut Street, 2.5 feet front, 10 feet deep, 'heated by steam handsomely painted. anetheanli the modern Improvements, _. Apply in Publicatliin orrice of EVENING BULLETIN' Et HANDSOME COTTAGES; ico.y, To Bent for the 862111E11 ,Seaecnh. . APPLt OR ADDRESS WILLIAM L. - ‘ O.I3,ES I 4Ff, viAgniNcrioruziotrtiE Washingtbir'Elt, Citpo Xaland, N. i'c; FOR RENT Premises 809 Chestnut ,Street; rou sronz on OFFICE. mid large .11061115, eu sio fora Coullherellea College. Apply at • . • . BAEK CiF- THE BEPUBLICL Jezuf , frO BEeer TO A GENTLEMAN—TWO FURNISLIED. Second-story Front.'Chambers.' wittiOnt'board, on Thirteenth between Walnut ond Chestnut. Address' L.A. LAW,BENBE, Bulletin Oflice.2 Fele 2t. MINT, ,AT G7atMANT9VII-4 "POTTAG4 furnished arVartly furplehed, handsornaLT locate% Mar bloin street.' it. has istabling,• watar, gas., drc:. on the premises;', TOrma mOd9race. API-49; at • 737 Mar ket stree' ' sel7-6t* L TO - LET:-:41 • fICES*62,4 WALNUT 12. L'arge'lialkßro4dnd Walnut: .* )4Gore, Brotul.'and 4aintt"- . • 2: • Largelloome, MeV TY ainiChestrzut. Eel. 4 6t§ EDWAhDS. 151 South Fonrtlcatreet. r8:1, TO itENTIio:IOIIABILLTON TERRACE, yirEsr• Philadelidaia. Large yard. duo shade. &c. • XmlnedL. ate pee, eesiop. Apply aext door above.' ' . au.54111 E. • FOR RENT—THE 8 SORE AND DWFLUNCk_f_Thr North Broad et.rect, S. E. corn. r of Poplar Istrect i . - 7. 4: 2 1... lone, been .1 stabliabed W A: b chAg d r , o i c oB ery lvi a i n in a ut p o r tr o ee ta t i . - bnpinees. J. M. OLJIII6IEY "AjBW - TURKEY PLUMS LANDING AND FOR BALE by B BUSBIES & (X)..108 South Delama° avenue • r+►s, **Aar No. 3113 d Walnut etrett aENP. linternational Cricket Mate . New Yorrh , Sept . _ 16.----111e,bratch between the English Eleven and 'twinittl-twd players" of the St. - George. New York, and Willow Clubs of New York and Brooklyn_, commenced at Hudson City to-day, Oil the St. GeorgelkgroUnd: !Theta were numergodestoii,t'butlMT:tirkil*Wlifas net favorable for play. Beata were all reserved at an extra charge, the fact not being known until the admission fee of half a dollar had been paid. When the Eleven arrived, Jupp and Humphrey walked to the wickets. It was then 12.20 P. A round of applause greeted- their appearance. Huliphrem opened the .bsil, Norio ,hewling maiden, making, first over. Jupp drew &at blood, scoring two off Harry to leg. Seven had been run up, when Humphrey gave Norley an easy chance at stop off Harry Wright. which Norley missed. lint "Little Un" was at .tersvalds mastered by 4 fine ledgth from Harry, the first wicket falling for nine runs. Smith fel lowed Humphrey. and he opened play at once with a pretty cut for two off Harry. This was a prelude to a very fine display at the bat for over an hour. The score was run up to -45; Smith scored 22;',-Jupp 12. two, beautiful ,threes .tcr leg inatkingßinith's seorea. Jupp pee a chance to Reiman to rdre him out from A - prettlly fielded ball by Gibbes; Smith sent a high one for Roger son to catch, but he failed to got it. At 1.30 P. 31. Smith played a ball from Norley on his wicket, and retired for 22, marked two three and four twos, a rontid,of applause greeting him as be retired, for his score was obtained against some very sharp fieldieg, In which George Wright and Morrison did well. James Lillywhlte succeeded Smith. Another grand display was looked for, but when dinner was called, a "half hour afterward; the score had only been increased eight runs, the batsmen be ing put upon the defence by the fine bowling of Butterfield one Nor/ey, the former having taken Wright's end. At 3 P. M. the game was resumed, initu a gale blowing from the , ntlrthwest, eittch . made overcoats pleasant to wear. Lillywhite and Jupp took places at the wickets, and 'again a stand was made, but not as many runs scored as before,the third wicket falling for 71, of which Lillyebite contributed. thirteen,. marked by three drivei. Japp had heed defending the tine :ityle z % and. rhe had been at the bat 2 hours and 4e minutes . , for 23 rune, when Norley found the way - tor Ida • wieket, the 4th falling for 73. Jripp's score was marked by two 3s sue six 2s, one hit being to the ropes. Tarrant followed Llilywbite, but he_ was ntin, bring l Ocrorn, :stopped 4•:stralghi one fr om. Notley,with i his - and* be, : gava. place to Pooley;',fhb ation gave life toYho gatoeby efforts to steal rani. Pooley afterwards had Row botharieforst;partocr,;" the latter 4titiringtdr 13 rapidiv'Obtaltied by 2s arid Pia tolli lee and awit.lrreetinin z4e,up'lit- at the 'bat when the stumps were drawn at'63g irinne ter minatitg for the day wltn the score in the fol lowing position: . TUE sznywr--rxast masa Hempiirey, b. IL Wright.: Jupp, b. N0r1ey . ....:. Smith, b. Norley Lillywhite,- b. Gibbes.. Shavr. Inn ont..' . . . . Tarrant, b. W. Nutley. Pooley, not out Rowbotham, b. Norley Rittman, not o ut Char] ood -Wilsber • Byes, 8; let_byes, 1_• widen, 4. Total, 13. Ifai •pircs—Musrs. Griffith an d Vinten. ticorers—Messrs. Lndlaw and Sayre. The game will be resumed at 11 A. M. tan:Lor in*. - The twenty-two include Gibber,; Cross, Bowman. Butterfield, Want; Morrison, Pomeroy, MU, Aspinal, Houghton and Rantsloys„of the Bt. George Club, with - professionals 'Norlen Harry and George Wright, Mortimer, Castunan, Lan cet' , Lee, Rogerson, of the New York Club, and Stokes. Winslow and Smith, of the Willow. Affairs in Tennessee. Zo PROCLAMATION OF GOVERNOR BROWNLOW IittSIIVILLE. Sept. IG.--The Banner re . eel — by telegraph from Kno.rville to-day a proclatnation helm Govenaor Brownlow. The proclamation de Glares that there are armed bands of secret con spirators against the State, who have been com mitting and continue to commit outrages upon de fenceless and inoffensive loyal citizens. lie recites the act of &lie Legislature giving him pOirer to call out militia, and says, "In pursuance of this act I call upon good and loyal patriotic people, white and colored, of every county in the State, to pro ceed v, - ithont delay and raise companies of loyal abletliOdiedrmen and report 2thrisame-:'to:me 7 at Nashville. Whether any of the compatiles,whlte or colored, so organized, - miff be actually called into the acid will depend-entirely upon •tho CM' duct'of f .the people themtielvds. several:coun ties l'earnestly hope that there will be no occa sion to call out these troops, but that the efforts of all good citizens to preserve and-Aaatetain the peace will succeed. end , thus otiviats thernecessi ty of this stern resOrt.- But if Unhappily, better counsels dototprevall and order Is not restored, and I am compelled to put down armed maraud ers by :`force. I propose to meet them with such numbers and in such manner as the exigency shall demand. Whatever may bd the wol,,quenees, I will not be deterred from the, discharge of my duty herein by_ threats of vin-' tepee from reWlnewspare,4.or 'bk.; Any other means of intimidation . " The Governor adds that be prefers that these troops should be raised in East Tennessee; and therefore rime tot limit the number of companies in any county. In ref,- erenc* to the promise of Federal troops to keep peace, -- he , ,says:;. , "Should the depilate:fent tom-' =slider be furnished 'with 'sufficient form td keeo order , I Cheerfully co-operate with in that the State Guards may not be called into service :7 ; • - - • ' Unparalleled ilalliroa.d Progress. The Pacific Railroad hastens towards comple tion. No peaceful enterprise' of ancient' or mod ern times was ever prosecuted with such energy and persistence. The two mountain ranges of the Continent have been succesefalty.crossed,and withitfaCyear w 6 shall have 'unbrplzeu cotrnuni catitin between New•Yerk and Elan•Franelscii. At the latest dates there remained only a gap of 520 miles between the Eastern and• Western portions. The line IE being extended from both directions as fast as labor and means can grade and lay the track.' the Central Pacific Company having put down Six milei in's single 'day. By the close of this year, it - is - thought the gap can be re duced to less than 300 miles possibly,to less than 200. Thus far the Central Pacific Company have sold their ownkFirst Mortgage Bonds us - itist -, or faster; than they retelved the corresponding IL S. Bonds on the road built, and in some cases It has been necessary, Cc issue Certificates .ealling for the former as SOW as the CoinpanY-conid deliver them. It is not improbable, therefore that the - whole : of their Mortgage Loin , w ill be dis posed of before the through connection is 'made, and perhaps before January next. The advan tages of these Bonds, as well-as- much-- informs tion.eoncerniag_the Road, is set forth in our ad- - vertising columns - tit this bite. Women Suffrage in 'England. LoNnos. &Mt: 16.—nd registration of votere for the Parliamentary elections, which com mence about the first of November, is' being prosecuted with great diligence throughout the British Isles,, At many places women formally demanded that their names be placed upon the list of voters, on the ground that they possessed the property qualitlettlieni prescribed by the re form bill ;, and tbelegal aspect. of thequestion, as well as the extent,- of the movement , his ex• public interest on the‘Sbjeitf.., Over six thousind_Women claimed ,the right to be registered in•Minfehester • alone, and their de mands-were urged in, an able speech before the registering official bYi: Mies - Lyclia Becker. Af ter argument on both sides the ,olaim, was disal lowed. 'A kindler proceeding took place in other towns, and in some oases the question was re servedfor legal decision. A case has finally been brought before the judgesof -Virestroinister t -,--and -they have ruled dit'applidation of Wolifen to be registered as voters, on the ground that an ;ametrdeleat to , the ieforin" bill, Which was proposed in the House of Commons by Mr. -Mill, substituting the word "persons" for ttmen," was rejected, and that by . thisi action , the , HOLM) Clearly in dicated the into and ptirpoise of the bill'in this —A. riew mode ofllghting by gas,to which 'en. Fave has called the• attention of the Emperor, is being , tried, It appears to be astep toward greatly faa litating the use of gaslights in every town and village, and alitiost in every house. The gas itraelt-in:de, and the apparatus easy, tp manage and move about. They say it can be used for heating as well. Several experiments , seem to have proved satisfactory, mid the inven tor,proposes shortly to bring his discovery be fore the public. onyx ~01014-020 i;, Fume Bassin'e%otting race „yes .. terday afief,pooti, atrylptßrieze-E'aric,.petween the celebriteif horses . -lanndainclloy : Lady _norm _att,ractea several thousand spectators, among whom were - ratio iftetes. --- Tbe trot - was is moat excellent one and•eoutrary to the exp ec ta tions of a large majority of those present. Moun tain Boy won in three straight heats. The fol lowing is a summary/at erten. heat: First Ileta.—After one Wee start, the' heries got' a' geod send-Ofti Mountain Boy leaditebut soon after crossing the score the Boy broke badly, allowing Ladq'horn to pass a length ahead. _On reaching e quarter polo, the Boy lapped Thorn, but the :former again 'breaking., fell behind. On reaching the half-mile pole, the horses were well together again, and before reaching the three-quarter pole, the Boy had pulled a head, but chiseiXfollovied li;v111161* nowif.tbe home stretch,,That the Boy , odly won.. the heat by a head making the heat in 2.24,34. Recond lieut.—H , omes got the word "go" on the first trial. . Mountain Boy having the advan tage -On reaching 'the 'half-mile pole Lady Thorn had fallen back about a length, and Mountain Boy managed to keep her at that dis tance to the score, winning, the• heat dm same as the previous heat. • Third Ileat.—A fair start was obtained at the tint trial, the horses bang neck and neck, but before the quarter-pole was reached Mountain' Boy passed a length ahead, keeping _that position to the home strctch,'when he widened the gap in consequence of Lady Thorn breaking. , ',Mountain, Boy wont/wheat andtacein 2.2 L 'Ttleapplatise at the conclusion :of the race Wail italic load. ' A second raco took place between the horses . , Victor Patelten and Clay, and resulted as First horses started together,.. but Clay made a bat/ break before: reaching the quarter pole, and fellao fax. behind .that he , could, not recover, and Patelleiiiion the heat in 2.143i.' The second and, third heats were Rearina repei lion of the first; Pifehen keeping ahead by being sleridYiat esforiri,while, Clay ,would '.fre.qdently lose Itle' feet and - go ''pranding Or ''running. Patchett won both heate—one in.2..14)K and the other in 2:38%. Both races probed Finictory,. to all, except those who bet on the los inghorses, and excellent order was maintained, notwithstanding the large number .rps . ,ent.'r 7 ; :11 1-•,4 Tr , • Aro rlts W uc. ?run REMOVAL" oi , • " ' Mahoney bad a hearing before United States Commissioner Henry Phillips, Jr. ~op the charge *I aiding in fraudulent removal of Whisky: fplas. J. Brooks, RCTEDWY , DetectIve, , testilledAthat on Saturday morning, the 10th inst., he detained three barrels of.wfitskylmving counterfeit stencil marks upon,them,, h, %pie Tentimiad Jefferson, streets; that prior 46 the,,deteztion of the;threo barrels, another wagon load of whisky had., been baited in „front of the store for.- several minutts, and , then removed up Jeffcr• son street for a block or two; that load the witness captured Mao; it was made up of four barrels of - molasses whisky, the barrels having counterfeit inspection:marks on them. At a hearing , in respect ,to the seizure of the whisky before Deputy Collector Forbes, of the Fourth District, W.,`AV Mahoney appeared as a vritnese, and dechired•that• he was the owner of the seven barrels of whisky that had been cap tured, and that ho was.. /wring, them taken in part to Alexander's, at Ridge and Columbia avenue, and to Mark, Grigg's, on Ridge avenue, below Seventeenth street. Witness had seen de fendant at the store, Tenth and Jefferson streets. Re .was held in $l,OOO bail for his appearance at Cont. . ... 22 13 ... . 16 CHAItCE of littrrnirr.—Before 11. S. Commis-' eioner I3ibier, yesterday, John Ittimberry, Wil liam' floderic.k and Cherfes Stfickland had a hear lag. . on the charge of mutiny oh the brig Anna A Lane. =Andrew,-S. Carferi master of the brig, teetitied to a trouble on the vessel .on Saturday tour weeps previously,. Re had conversation with Charles Strickland whichled to blows, both bitting at the eatde 'inetnent, , John Bumberry was close by and; drawing a'sheath-kolfs, threat ened to use it. cThe first, 'Mite came tip, and he straek, Bumberrywith - belaying pin. Sam berry then tried to Cut themate r _but could net, bat a few minutes atter, when the fight was re newed, the captain-was-cut in -Abe face and badly wounded. At, thl# time Wm. Bciti t erick t estae along car ryll3 g belaying pinetarid the Others:amen were cAlled to join in the tight, but did not. Soon after the men in the mutiny were put in irons. There was no further trouble Curing the voy age. The accused were held to bail to appear at Court. TIT NOD ttli:O Tram -or PariADErmims,—,o, recent meeting of the Board of Directors of the Tobacco Trade of Philadelphia, the following pre amble and resolution, weraunmaimonsly adopted: Whereas, eWan. Leonard Myers, member of Congress g Th om the Third District of Pennsylva nia, by his persistent efforts in behalf of the to bacco interestcoillilluddittla, secaredliTthiKnew Internal fteveriuu 'bill - der/situ proiiisloas were of immense advantage to the trade; there fore lee.sotred, - By the Board; of, 61rec1ors 'of de? "Tobacco . Trade" Philadelphia;" that 'the thanks of the entire trade are eminently due, and are hereby tendered to the Hon. Leonard Myers, for his successful efforte in teduelng the tax upon cigars from ten dollars to live dollars per 1,000, thus saving to the trade at large an immense ex prnditure of money, and §e raring the-govern ment more certainty of &Meting the revenue, lys removing one great temptation to commit fi - and en the part.of dishonest dealcre.— - • A ITiNDEO3IE 4 rnr-sit\-r rpt 13/SMAECK.—Tho German citizens of Philadelphia, who appreciate acd honor the eminent services of Count Bis marck of 'Prussia; have :'conclided to - present Lim with an elegant dinner set or - French china and glassware. as a token of their appreciation and regard.- The articles are now ontathibition at K.err's China Hall, on Chestnut street; and. they present a superb appearance. Each piece haq been decorated and engraved by Mr. Kerr in his best style, and If Count Blismarck does not appreciate this elegant gift, ho Is not.the man we take him for. .Our German citizens certainly de serve credit for the liberality and good taste they have manifested in this matter.__ BODY Rimer - ERBIL—The body of Samuel Sul livan, 12 years of age, drowned on the 13th inst. in the liefaware, was found yesterday, ' belOW Race street. SALE OF A VALUABLE ANIMAL.- The famous mare, Lady Thorn, has been sold to Mr. Welch, of uheatnnt Hill, f0i517,500. NEW =Rimy mamma. Ylitmoctr-krzc _Cortvmmtox.—The-lilemocratie Congressional Convention was 'held at Salm yes terday, for the First District: - A -- full -attendance of delegates was present. The convention was. organized by selectffik John Clement, as. Presi dent. All-the preliminaries being 'irriinged, can= didates were ballotted for, and the result was the selection of Hon. Samuel J. Bayard, • as.ate,nota.. ince of the Convention. Mr. Bayard is ttia' able inan,`and when introduced, tendered his thanks to the convention in a neat ana felleitods speech. He has held the position of Secretary of the Cam den and Amboy Railroad Conipany for many years, and took a lively and efficient interest in tbb railroad improvements of South Jersey. The Republictuis hold thildreonvention to=day; at the same place, and 'from appearances, Hon. Wm. Moore will be renominated without much opposition. Mr. Moore has discharged his duties with a conscientiousness which has won for. hitn the approval of his entire Constituency. , • WATCH.- i3roLas A man named James Wrigh t bad Us trunk broken open at his boarding toe No. 636 South Fifth street, on Monday night, by a fellow-boarder, who stole therefrom a hunting case watch, and then made his escape. He'was kitown , by the of.Blanco, and has not since peen heard of. Alituttra , TurEvEs.—Two boys have been arres ted by Officer Mason,caught in the act of attempt ing to break Into stalls in the. Third Street Mar ket. They were taken: before 'Mayor Cox, who held them to ,answer. at court. These juvenile dellnetients are often trerytrouble.sOme., • , CHOKED TO DEATIL—A little girl named Lizzie Bell was choked—to death on Tuesday afte.rooon, in consequence 'of a bean lodging linatovably In her throat, and before' nfedleal assistance could be rendered, she died.' Eterparentelivetbit Kaightes Point Avenue and •theMou.nt Ephriam Road. , Tor ENS or Rcsracro--Yesterday the flags on 'the ferry boats of Cainden were displayed at half-mast out of respect'to tic Memory of Eton. Edwin A, Stevens, 'whose - remains had arrived from Paris and were buried at Hoboken. trgg_pAiLy.F ! vENpf_G BULLETIN---PHIL A DELPHIA, VIIMSD.AY, SEVT,EMBEXt 17,1868. 11‘.--w:--et-A-ititTist- 00., BANICE.RS, - ------- ------- - lc 36 South Third Street, Philadai, GENEEILL AGENTS NATIONAL , LIFE INSURANCE CO untied stategi of Aiiiieria; `States of PePlisYlvall* and 801 0 1 kern ' - New Sersoy. • - The NATIONAL LIFE INSURANCE COM 'PANY la a corporation .#3l6trtered by Special Ac of CongtvEs, approved July 25, 1868, with ,a eeth Capital of One Million Dollar; 1 And is now tnorongtdy organized and prepared 'for business. I Liberal Lanus offered to Agents and Solicitors wbo aro invited to apply at our office. Full particulars to be had on application at our office, located in the second story of our Banking 'House, where Circulars and Pamphlets, fully descslllng the advantages offered •by. the Com .pany, may petad.- ••• E. W. CLARK & CO., No. 85 South Third Street. AllB II to th tft y• . • . 3 „ , 182 9 Rpm plawinuti,..3 FIE/t.itkNICLIN FIRE INSURANCE COMPAQ 4 PRILADELPFILA, Mut,' 44. Vend 07 -iphoginiHrriniiiii Assets on ITannary inssi 02,43108 4 7 , 441-(3. - 0.9 . . • ...00. M. Arcruediarplinr: . . . •.111_MA 411$ WS W Pre 2u1 9- 241 • t • ••• tt . .. . •t - • 4... •.. taaiNkiWo: al SA UNBETTLED eLtamo. , inctimeronuo M2L • , , • Losses /*id, Om 11329 • oes •aoo 0431 J, s 9 • • ea:patina and Temporary rendes on Liberal Tama Cla DIRE( ra Ilaneker. Tobias Wagner Vi e .TV . l t ralt hr . grfills Loa, • GEO. PALI JAB. W . MoNAILLTFMER,„ 13 Except et Lexington, Kent Camden West of Eiltelorah IVTUAL FlECE , 3l39ll l lldiMeiri. comes. NY 6,0 : 7 riumilixontrietm , .:_, oFFlct ir No. 03 STREET SECOND SIUA ASSETS:' 4 .1.-76 bob • „ Mutual Layeteta - exaluskielYS'eorabiaintet i oliPmir with • es f et.y. Irruzßuildipga, sopeehold. Goods, and, bricialiiiidisa LOSSES PROMPTLY PAID: r; CalebCl6tifier. ; • •• • • - Ulla& P. , Reeder. ai min Malone. Joseph Chapman, LOMILS blather. Edward M. Softiies, T Pliwood Chaanisa, :Wilson M Jenktaa. . r -Zakertlgla - dercat • • -••-• CALES: • • •CW.:1411 Eft,' Prefident -BEW. OII II. .3.l43irta, Trearurer. 7. Ei I.WOOD Crue.v.ari. Secretary, • 'eer2:l3l rartiAWILILE MUTUAL SAFETY INsmxwxCE QOM yzny, b2corported by the Legialatnra atiPannayl larr•At f;^ , (S; ,e; Off. ea. 8. E. corner t THEU? and WALNETAMMabh MAXINE `l , qv . Or Veuels, Carlo and aptr 3 INLAND UNTS 0: g ocAsby river, canal lake and lanpl ; ca.Friaga ;0-4 11 .14.0 tizoNtion.,.. m .,' • on'ire;ciiiillettneifere — rarri:t 94 ; '"' eterwthnitigimac• , -•-• 4,0kET13 tiF , THE COMP A NY. • -s . ,tioventber 1.1261 i , 2. - •- •^ L' - ,1 , 5f.0..W01 - tiltedatata kiirg , Per ctot..Loico. k - . ..'.3.:.. `:.1..• .... : :,.::i 01** 0 , i.::3,o4,tnued States Six LW Ceilt.,„S•Mtn. -•- ..- '' 1.881. t- f. , .i. /—.AL - ....... :. . . 4 1:' 184,400 Ce 6tyrlte Uslited Stites 18:18,./*ii,,iitit . ,i,oii.i.. ,‘.,, _,. * ue•euNoteii, ' - ...,_•- "„ - 4552 uo P.) , ,400 State:lot Pernualsraill_ talkEilly upgt. ~/ t Loan. •.- • ' 14.5 4 0) City of :Pitiiiii4l;iiiitisiku . iiiiifitit, , , , 4 " ' Loari(ereMpt Nom tax) t 115,821. 00, tomo State of New Juges/ Sik,Rikperst. - , / ~,,,, Loam.. . ..... • •• - , ,IMU 'P "PfuntsylvtaaValroluPlsTraijiirti , ..: • .' [___ • gage Six Pei Cent. Bmids..' -- at.= LO 2%000 Pennsylvania Railroad Second Mort. • •••• ;J _sage Six Per Cent.Mmls . 22.375 o) 21 coo western renn...sylvkownatiroa4.§Lx. ~..• , 4 1 ',. Per „Bonds GE'ennn. r .,8L,• 4000 co . :. sir Be,ooo- State of Tennessee Five Per .... ...... 4170 0 • .._, Loan. - 1,3000 00 7.000 SW° ter Nerenviett Big tree,Cerrt; .. ... L 5.000 800 1 : c ali n elitir stock . Germantow n Can C . - - 3Com:many. PrineWal and intend .., %, guaranWd by the' City of - Phila.: aelphia L 5,000 OS 7.500 L5O !hares stock, PenunedV4l4lS-EMS' road Company ....... 7,800 00 5,000 100 shares stock North Pem:utvlinuala Railroad Compae ditia , ••••••• • • • &000 00 20,000 80 shares stock • elitist' nail: - Southern Mail 13 amship Co - ' HAD 00 3.0,800 Loam; on Bond and Mortgage. (fret ~,,,. ~,,.r . liens on City Pr0pertie5 ........... •••••• • • • • ""-'•."'" °C $1,101,403 Par--Market Value 0.1.102,202 00 Cott. 111C08-0/0 M.Real NAV 00 Belle Recal4ale ' for Dwurances made. .. .. ... ..... . MAID 6 Balances Wrie . r.? AgrsaW-Prif ' miums - an Marine rolleinF-Ao , creed Interest: and other debbl - due the Company... ... .... 43,334 38 Stock and Scrip o stmal7 insu rance and . ether Companies. Crib fin Dui 1 w 5, er 07 . 6 .. 7 .. -:. Nsuraa .... ted: value :: :: .+ 3.017 00 Cash in RanX $10.3.01i lo ......—...... 103.811 68 ' •;:-3,- ' '. ' (- Y . ', SUM= 1 DIRECTORS: - Tliomaagßand. James O. Hand. JohnGD . Davis, Samuel E. Stoker.. Edmund A. Balder.,- - - Jsmels-ring L usir.. IL --- -- Joseph Seal . • . - William C. mime, Ttieophilus Paulding. Jacob P. Jones, Thigh Craig. James B. McFarland. Edward Darlington. Joshua P. Eyre. Jo J o nesemme. . , John D. Tay_lor, LLBrooke.: ' ''' ' Ramer MUMMA), . . Hairy 'Slogs, . ' . enry . QDallett. r...,,,. , Geme GI pelior. l• • .'George w; Bernadoa - William G. Boultem • John B. Semple, Pitts h. Edward Lafourcado. D. T. Morgan. . Jacob Mega.l6 B.: - . -1 1 4 .nw4.___. 17024.5.8 C. arus. dent. JOHN .0. DAVIS. Vice President. HENRY. HHEEN SAADI.. IlsalstantliSeerlsteri. _ • deb to oett filEtE COUNTY FIRE INBI7RANCE coatemrr.—or. 1 floe, No. 110 South Fourth street. below Medi:lnk_ dalrht a "The Fire Insurance ted Compan,try cz e itt a he Cormier of iron& ..Ineerporanegy ula in for Indemnitylndemnityso the lar, on, or me dow orPe lva. se - ' CHARTER PERPETUAL. - - This old and reliable triatit4DoliAlith enalide eraylta land contingent fund carefullylnvade 'continent to insure buildings. furniture, merchandivykdie., either permaneptly or torn tM time. aguind lout or damage by.trepattho lowest rater oossiotest with the dboolnte Wet, of the ono Lowe' ad.looted and old with all po.alble doodah. e e: Andrew Chan). Bitter. , Andrew U. , Henry Budd, - James N. B ~tonB. John Horn, Robert Josoph Moore. i Robert V. Massey. Jr., George Mecke. Mark Devine. , ' 11 J. SUITE% Prodding. - HENRY BUDD. Vim President BELIJA-ICEM F. Eozo.nrxr. Secretary and Trimmer. CARE msuitaawn EXCLUBMSILY.--TITE PENN. kylvanla Fire Insurance Company--ineorporated 1821 —charter rtametnal—Pio.,llo , Walnut met. oalludie dependencequare. • , , rhie Company. faioiablY known to the 'community Lei aver forty years, continues to insure. against "loan or dam. no by fro, on Publie- or Private' Buildin either perms. acuity or for a limited - Atka. on ..t.niturcr. Steers of Goods and blerch.mdise 4enerally, on liberal termr, Their Capital. togethersinth a large Surplus Fund.laha vested in a most careful maianer c which' enables tben2 to tier to the insured an undoubted soundly , in. the ease of DIRECTORS:: Daniel Smith, Jr., John Deveretm.- 'Alexander 13011LOD, Thomas Smith. . tees azelhori nix Lewis. Thomas Robing. • J. aulinigham '• DaMel Iladdoc:a._Jr. • • • • - DANIEL esddera. Wirldast G. CILOWIILL. Secretary. • ==s 7101 C TIEI! =NE TOR TU2 , WV • y Fra& s Aiiiredrier. Dods. M. RomasaVa m EL N. BANCHER,, , , ProoIAIOW: ; ; ViCoPreoldent.T oro tent:;,. Ohl Ozapanr. bin no rAEDA RinaUNcIE,COMYAMr . 4IF,pM bgartorstais in 1841. ' • - Charter Perloldrul• ' .- °nit 140;10i Wand street. . • Anc.Arei esainst„ leas or damage- bY.ETIZI wit n l Uonell. Stare* aml erne* Buildiose. limited o r p end on Furniture. .goode.,Waree and iderehandiee In • ail at , f <IA era PROMPTLY swan= AND ken). • - Wetted InShe followfzur iltninittes. eta."7" -- ._ _ g/raMprieasea on Uhl Prosertymdl eecnred..sl26.(llo 00 niterinutsee Governnumt rte_ .. . . 7....:... 117 000 00 Philadelphia City 6 per cent. Lorma....— .. .... . , a t e rl di PearaliThrilil tka.M.oo9 0 per cent:Loam: _, 00 mmlyanin =tutu Bonda,rhst and egeond mortgagee S Camden and Amboy Railroad ComPanre I Der AO 06 • . Cent. iman..... „... ~. ... ......., 11.000 03 Philadelphia and Heading • BaUroad Compaare sper.t.Loan; . •. . . LCOO a l4tmtinjdon and Dvolay6ri , wii: 6a. . laiirtl, ghge Donde , , 6to 00 county• Fire Oozimii,j 4 iiitioik. ..... 1. 4. 060 00 Mechanics' B Stock.. ... . 4.000 00 Commercial Bank of Peniiiiiiiiiiii; Stock. 10.i60..,, 03 Union Mutual Insurance ComParire Block: .••• .._ F. , ' 00 . Reliant° Insurance Company of ridiadelP purr Cash to Bank and iiiiiiiii...7:.. . ....... 7437 71 WOrtb at Par $4121.177 71 .. • . Worthride date ed market ogee!, .. .... . SAMOA U DIItELTOns.. j 'Cieta. Tinsley. . t Theism Ef. Moors, -, ' Wm. Masser 13 , . L au:pi:el Coustaer. • anmel Blephant. ' Ames T. "Wow. L. Carson. . alio r. Baker, - w_ ,rn Stevenson,. ClulatianJ. Hoffman. Beni, W. Tipsier. __Samuel B. Thomas. Edwar slier. ' - ' ' • omm. Turciiitli. riemeia. Tnokan C. Effaz fiecrotar pamenrunse, December . =ADEL animimore, "43l3 lff r ger i eb 9 6. P utlo. mace. , fr f ;., A tio. pieuth , %vet. Insure r-- - °Ltsea°,fit!tuild.l4 and on uz. cayot na . Statehient of the Assets ce of the Axidatioe ,juniaty Is42Z. •published In comeliest* with the pro• miellplll4 en Ad of .Assembly of April 8tb1843. Uondes on ProPeilltn the OW " Ground M.leeN oa .. f. . —.WO MAN .BI4 N IV 18 . . . ... . ... . ... . el 1134 Fixture, b 330; 440 03 W ... 3l733llegirtered NAM Oath On' band..:::: .. . . ...... SON U wrinigi'mulTatztutoti. Behind liparheWlf: rotor A.VAPier. ' Chan" ir• BOWeir• • " .jOhn CaiTow. gaeso LiAtit4ooi t . igeorce L o Ykt:u2 bett bentsizer. ambit it. 141, .IPAter Auttbrustor. _IL Dicklnaou. • - Petit .wxiamsw. WM. HAMILTON - President. SAMUEL aemtaaNfir. , vice praddeat. „ UNMELEMS ./NOXIBANON..COgrANY OF This Camay takes risks lceirest rates 'cambium with misty , and confines Ltd business exelcutiveir to , • FIRE rtthinikijoi IN (1114' OFPHEILADEL. OFFIDE—No. ZS Anis Street. !Mirth National Rank finLii4illg. plume — • RBI: • - • . . , - To J. Martin. - . ' :Charls R. Elluitll. , . • John . Albertns King. WM i . Airo t. Henry Bumm. James Diongaa. , Jame, Wood. William Glenn. John Shalleross. James Jenner, J. Elenry A**All. Alexander T. Dickson.. Eti , gl , Mulligan. Albert C. Roberta [limp Fitipstrick. CONRAD B. AIiDREEItS. rrandant. Wit. A. Roux. Tress. Wm. U. EWEN. tielej. '10H(BNIX INBUBANDE COMPANty OF PHILAD :lI.XLILL - "uicoapoRATED_poi—CHARTER FRRPEruAL. o. W. 4 WALNUT street, opposite the ftchanse. Thit Company insures trom losses or damage b 7 Oil liberal teri m un.m brag merchandise. furniturs, &e., for limited , periods, end pannaronitly On bulldiziss bY d. wait or pre rum The Company bas been In active operation for more than sixty _years, durins wbicb all losses have bees promptly adiusted Ho and paid. =B Jo CTOlla dge, avid B. Mahotiv. 'BDenjami nLewis. Etna& John. T. Lewis. nos. D. Powers. ' William 8: Grant. A. IL Menem; itobert , W. Leamins. Edminid Casiild lotk, D. Cisrk Samuel Wilcox., Lawrence , Lotils O. Norris. OEM WUQUEBB.R. L'resident. isAmmyr. WiLecM.`l3ecretary. 1 ENTERS_ PN FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY OF PHL V ladelputa.,-emae-. No. ge North 'Fifth street. mat Market etroet. IneOrporated by the fAgf.datare of niansyhoutta. Chalk ter ; Perpetual. ••tAssital end • Make La =ante t u r dt tbfi a. Lose or Damage by 11;0 on rob= We It . Furniture, Stooks. - Gott& will . ..• e '• 901°7° ' . '-irrakEOT' rts.. , ,='. j ... blcDanleis: t , ,, ; , •.. EdwaraP. Mojer. Irrael 'Retool° ' ' ' Eroded* Ladner. ' jebn F. 8 . •.:Adato J. Matra henry Troomner. , „ J kitenz7DelatT, , Jacob Sehaselehy •' ' - ' 'ohn Mhtett._:: Frederick D 01 1 . ,. : ! ; :-., , ,: CbriaNatt. D.-Fricke , Samuel K il ler. , NeorllELFort., ' •MoD , President._ . ' ' '.• WiIifFh ti aLTERNON L icoateaMonl; ramie a comwr. Berzetary and t inmeww. • )„,., , A ta.CRICAIt Ellin - ZNOURANs9IO,CCITPANT.7t, ti 'n ested Inn =Matter perpetua l . • No';43lo , ll7ALNUTstreek above Mil. rimadalphia. Having a /arse paid,up_Vardtal, Stock and t3urpltts.4l, acted sound sad available, continue; to irs, mie on dwellings. dorm. fazni merchandise, vessels n part, and themicantoes,and..otherilegional arollectr Altiossex liberlar " nitahas ' •• , Edintmtt G.' Dutlll3: Pa Johntrick ‘Ly. : k Mon Weleb,_ ; • ' Charles W. th Ponitners •-• • raal John T. Lewis. Jonn William W. PaeL wioz THOMAS; 11, MOT% ProddedProdded es:l3.3cretary. &Brae C. A NTHRACITE) , , INiguteliql ,COMPANY. --0 alrg Jaft. TER PEZEWETCAL. ' (NEI.% No.. au WALNUT street; *hove Thitllt Fhtleitig. WW Inane agabast Dm or HarrAige by Rim on Buil& [n g 5, either Elittlltimlly or for_e. li ited time, Household Worn) toreauld March Orate) Eonorell .3.: . -. ' ' A too; ,ISlnt - Inirmance op •Vezems ',. ', Coon istill Froishte. : Inland Insurance to elkparti of the Anion -. Ifst, .''' ”. -, DigEopoma, L :Lc *Di.'' ' ' v Peter Saeger` ' al. Luther,. .... _ _., •" , , ' . ': ~ J .,E: Baum • valvtffitindentua, l Wm,' F. Doen• Johddß. Blakiston. Joh)) r Roto . Dumb Pearson: Jam 13: /le . MI. zsEms. Prod ant. ; :'- vld.V.DElltii ree'rremidenb WWI& extiMlliiciettirr. , - ' .102-trah4- .. , fild Stree t.bLE INSURANCE COMPAIIV.II4). NUMMI 1;11E87 a! • . EBILADELPEILL. F Exoliuszv!i f sr: Back. • PhSsßS;Juitlan Charles Richardson, ' John-W. Evernual. Henry Leith. , • . Edward A. Woodraffi Robert r woe: , . Jno. Reader. Jr. Den A. West. " Gum Stokes. • Robert — Pottar. is • Mordeca Brusb7. " AN ' • CRIASFRIIRIMUS IC A P VN. f en ce President k Wrramasms EttEßlZakati. Secretary. ZIIIIIBEII4 MAULE, BROTHER & CO. 868. 'SPRUCE JOIST. 18681 SPRUCE JOIST. SPRUCE JOIST. , 'HEIdLOCK. ' 31E 0aFi. IgARGE STOCK. ' ~ RE8111124, 11 1 110r116 Ell3l. de 9 _lll4lo. 4 -2500 SOUTH STREET. FLORIDA FLOOEING: FLOALDAFLOORING, CAROLINA FLOORING. VIRGINIA FLOORTN__G DELAWARE O. ASH FLOORING.' WALNUT FLOORING. ' FLORIDA 6TEP BOARDS. 1868. 1.868. r uI 'IIBEIDDIMPL"ic' 1868. WALNUT BOARDS. AWALNUT PLANK. 1868.: IMD EB,___ ER: F AICERa 'EUV E)L iElt. 1868. CEDAR. WAtatiUT AND,KNEL` )._B6B SEASONED POPLAR. '• -•• • • SEASONED CHERRY. • 1868. Warn, OAXHIC PLANK AND BARDS. KORY. • • - ; arnCIGAR BOX:MAKERS; ' 1868 .OIGAR BOX,MAKERS. oEDARBox sonars. FOR SALE LOW. ;;, ; . CAROLINA IN.OTTLDIG. CAROLINA H. T. RILLS. ,NORWAY SCANTLING:.. i. LARGEASSORTAIENTi. 1868: CEDAR BMW MEM CEDAR' 1311INGL_EA CYPRESS SHING LES. PLASTERING LATH. 2 EMIUNSTNUTTLANIC. AND 130MUUL. 1868. SEASONED CLEAR PINE: LOT) SEASONED CLEAR PINE. Al) CHOICE PATTERN PINE'. • . - SPANISH CEDAR, FOR rAT'REIINS. FLORIDA . ALLIII...E4 . •IIItOIPUEEIL,* CO. 2500 SOUTH STREET. . 1868. " I RlPPE 2s " o "•rimuluitsunirs istoome -.- • MEW . PATENTED lUNG• ABB Bur IL toned Over Gattera Cloth. Lf4athart h whl aud t l _At j - Vetvet Lenin' y sent . 6to 'Order 4 75 - •-• Par 0 sWil s rP i IK OB I NUIRING apODS. TIP . • - ~ of every description: 7Cr'Llo% IKKI Che o Elt F' street , cornet clr, Ninttk : ',"•p.e met EV, Otovei• 41 . igalea 212 , 1° P 14 at 'iriftramitFEWS BAZAAR' uottAl% . OPEN IN , IR ,• , 9. ~ • - , , , . TTALIAN VEBUICELLI,-100 BOXES EINE gI7ALITIE whice,im,vortod. and for Sale by JOS. B. Bu*s,ais a 004 108 noun Paltware 11,9011 TA. Ita 11.1UhiLS dt SONS,IATIIONBERB. i ANA . , Nos. UV an teLlidufht•trourth Wed. ___BA tif BOF STOMA' A ND. BisAIAISTATB: .31 ,- kritAic sales at the ridisdelphiaxww B.YEIgli 71,118.usrr, at id o'clock, ' - - ' , • ' i UT Handblha of each proven I ? senee sepprately in. addition to which we publish. on the Bat Inter . previous . 1 toicaCh eale,one thousand cataloguer, in Parat.mer form. Tim descriptions -of aft ms to- be solder ,lAOWlhig TUESDAY. antl=4^lLeal Fatale at vete Bale. . , I 1 Ora sales Sr. alio advertised in , the/ f r ulf4trine newepapers: bourn A srearcart, Passe, Lenora. LIIGIAL ' INTYLLIGPXOIII. INQIITSEE. 405. EVENING Buturrnr, F.O7P2ONG TILLEGEAnt. GEIMAN DEIIOOIIAT, AO. . rar Furniture Bake at the Auction s t ore EVERY TLIUBSDAY. , , • • • • • tar' Bahte at Beildences receive especial attention. • *REAL ESTATE'SALE, SEPT. 22 Peremptory BsIe—HLIPEItIOR and ELEGANT RESI DN.NCE, t table and Ceach Dense and Large Lot il lfeet front, (widening to 116 feet.) and 216 feet in dept corner of Eighteenth and; Summering. oPPotite Logan 2 Y4 ' ll e cir ELEQANT COUNTRY BEAT AND PARR . . Of ACRP6I. Carden 13tati , n Chester Valley. Chester county. ra.,11 miles horn Philadelphia. 6 miles from Nor • ristown, and 114 miles from neeseville. or. the Pentis3l. ratan Central Railroad. The residence of Rev. elsmuel li szlehorst. • _ . TWOSToRY MIMIC* DWM ING. No. German et. (late Mead alley.) VEVA' VALUABLY BUBINTIPS 61AND-I:IIREESTORY tBRICK STOKE and DWELLING. No. o f South Second et. with a Tvrastory Brick Stable and Coach Home in the rear on Wo berth, court-23 feet front MODERN TIIREE•ATURN SOUK it- SIDENdIE. No. 20414 Arch et, 2l toot front. BB t deep to eatbnert et —2 'finite. Bee all the modem conveniences. VALMILDLY BUBINEBB LooarioN—THßEE-STORY DWELLINte. No, 215.00 h N. nth at., eoove Rice' coiner of Maple„ with a Them atory 'Brics. Lions° fronting . on Schell - Lot 18 by 93 Pet, • MODERN .3.IJKSE.STOItY °WEI: , FANG. No 1.819 Mester et. Awe all the modern e'mvee I nee& • fiIf!GEItNTHBh.E.43TORY ilitiCK DWELLING No 123 North tenth et _ . Jal•ta tb p tt . MODERN THREE STORY BRICK . DWELLING, 119. 1341 Vain] Ma et. .biODEtiN Eg.l3 ORY BRICK DWELLING: 'No 1243 Borth fast M.. • , . . _ VERY VALI:TABLE . BtraNiElli . STAND—hill Ek-STORY .BRK.ICW/Ott,t. mud I..)WRLIAINCI. NaB27arch t. • a . TWO-STORY BRICK OWELLINO' Na. ~ , , . 2A2 Linden et. Catodmi. N..F ' . . _ . Peremptory SaIe—TWO•STORY BF ICE DWELLING. No 241 Richmond et., betwten eharkamaxon anti Hari. Peremptory DWELLIA GS, Noe. 1071 and 1073 Beach et. ' • ' /,',eremptor7 IN DWELLGS..Noe. 1072 and 1074 avenue. MODERN THREE-STORY BRICE DWELLING. NO. ,510 South Tenth , below 141mintrd.• THIIEE.STORY BRICK DIoLLING. N o. 1419 North Fouith at.. and . Three atoll , ' Brink . Dwelling, No., 1418 Ch a lotte et., north of Mae tr. G OUND'RENT= 860 a year Faecutot's SaIe—ItsREDEEMABLE GROIR4D RENT. . 856 soar. Sale No. 103 Faith 'inch et eat. NEAT liousEnocn FURNITUR VARPETB. • nsirmY MORNEisia. lett 18 at 'lO o'clock . at o 703 South Ninth ;street, the Pallor, thitmher and .Diniag-i oom Furniture.- idahogany Wardrobe. Ingrain carpets. Kitehen .te . . May be examined on the Morning of aale at 8 o'clock.' Salo No. 1526 Costes street. not:sumo FURYITUS.E. FIN Eimps. T&I'EtITRY ON FRIDICISfURNI s " NO . NEXT.' 10 o'clock, 'at No; 15'13 ,o'ites street, including the Walnut Ear.or and Chamber Fut nitur— taiager Side. board, Secretau, Bonkcare, Ertenaion rabl3 Wirer, line Feather Bede. Heiken Utenei a du% SALE' OF VALUABLE-. NtitRIELL 4 NEOLTS BOOR'S, FROM A PRIVATE LIBR ON FRIL AY AFTi.-.1400.N. ie. at 4 o'clock. Sale corner of Eleventh and Green ata SUPERIOR FURbalTIMtu. PLAN.), MIERMB, CU°, TAINS. SILVER. BRUSSEI.I3 C sRPETS. FeielE EN GRAVINGS &c ON MONDAY RNING. Sept 21, at le o'clock, at No. 517 (will i lerenth treat, corner of green street, tho attire t urnitnee in diading— S• - it Walnut and Garnet Plueb Drawing Room P..rnit are, pair elegant French Plato Pier Mir. ca. a. Lace Curtain'', Rosewood Piano. Oil Paint:. ge fine Engraving , aanit Dining Room Furniture. tint Glees and Chinn, Silver and Plated Ware, Walnut Chamber Furniture, Ike Feather Bede Bair bfatreea a. Blanket'' and Bedding , oetage Furniture fine Muairal Lox, elegant Wax Fruit brae. aria and other Caroeta. Alm the Kitchen Furniture. Sal No 420 North Slat etre A. HANDSOME atOUdELIOLD FURNITURE, WAr.NUT AVD MAHOGANY PARLOR. DINING ROO5l a.ND CHAMBER FURNITIVRE, MA 4T1?.1.. ANT) PIES MIRRORS, BR' SNE LS AND OTEllglt CARPET& tte. ON T.UESD Y /MING. . Se. t. 22; at IQ o'clock, at No. 420 or , h - Six. h etr - St, by catalogue, the Han a omeWalont and Mahogany Parlor. Dining Room and (bombe' EuroP um, Mantel .and Pier Mirrors, Brune a and other Carpets. Set Ivry t.heerunon, in gloat , care; Pain t d Sock. .uperior ohogattY Wardrobe. (Sire Furniture, F•atherß. d and klatresses, China and Glasswatei Kitchen Utensil.', dco. Sale No. 2e28 r hen y street. HANDSOME FIRM! OM FINE LARPE P 3, • b ctONZES, dec. ON WEDN EBDAY MORNING. Sept. 23, at IQ o'clock, at No. Z 126 Cherry street, by cata. logue, the kuperfor Furniture, cornetist g—Walnut Parlor anetEivins Rtrom Furniture, Oak Library Ferixt. tute„Ehgent . Carved Library. 1 able Fine China. and Glassware. -Plated Ware. Bronze Grimm •nts,"sLrubte (look, superior. Oiled oe Went Chamber Furniture, FIGe Hair Ma eater, Feather Bede. datin Dataiuu Ourta'ne, Elegant. Moquet • Brusada erd other Careens, Oil Ciotti. Kite hen Utensils, dec. . Ur' The Furniture was made to order by Vollm r. May he examined at 8 o'clock oath° moraine of tale. • ' Sale at 927 Race eh ee'. EANDEDME HO, StaLOLD , FURNITI'RE, HAND BUMP: WALNUT PARLOR, DINING ROOM AND C;BAMBEE 1 URI' .17 MM. ELe DANT VELVET CARI ET. * ROSEWOOD PLO FORTE AND MLR ROM- . • . ON FRIDAY MORNING. I 9'api. 9.5.:at IQ o'c , ock_ . ,_.,,t No. 927 time aired -b9 cata logue. the Handerirtte -Walnut Pallor Fan fine° covered mil Crimson Plush and Hair Cloth; Walnut and Idaho 'Any Dining Room Furniture, four suite of ElarVrome War ut, t.bember Furratute, Pottage Suits, Elegant Eta gere, M, vile Toe; r idondeome Pamtirtga and Engra• tugs, Hoterroad Piano and 'Mirror, China . Glas• and Plated Ware. Feather Bede, Mat eatta and Bedding. Rofrittras' tor,llitchen Tarnsib, 1,2 Store!, &c. Sale No 123 North 'I hirieenth street. ELEGANT FURNITURE. PIANO, MIRROR, FINE ON MONDAYMS—Oitc. RNING. Sept 28, at 10 &dock at No' 123 Noi th Thieee • th stiest. by _catalogue. the , entire Furniture , emprising—Hand, some Wakut 'awing Room Furniture. covered with . greenplinth: superior Wal'ut 1 lb' ary, Hall' and; Chum ber Furniture. Oak Pining Room Furniture, fl e e China and Gl' ea . Oval Fier Mirror. Rosewood Plano, mtule by Gale C y,Handsome Boots ase. China Vases and.Onia. C meets, Rich Velvet and Brusssls Car eta Fine hlatresses. Bulb 'age Clock, Ilitchen 1 tensils. Refrigerators &c..' lir' TN, Furniture was made to order by Vollmer. ri•rtuta4s. BIRCH •dr doN, AUCTIONEERS AND Celina ISiION MERuIIANTS. ' No. 1110 CHESTNUT atr•set. Rear Entrance No. 1107 Sanaom atreeL HOUSEHOLD FUnNITURE OF AVERY DESCRIP TION RELEIVED ON CONSIGNMENT. Sales of Furniture at Dwellinga attended to on the most reasonable ter - Ma Sale at No. 1110 Chestnut street. SALE OF 1101'9EHOLD FURNITURE, CARPETS, MIRRORS, E844/1- , G MA: HINES. PIANO FORTES, PAR' OR ORGANS, FIRE-PROOF SAFES, GUNS, - • ON FRIDAY NfORNINP. • . Sept.. 18. at 9 o'clock . at tbe Auction Store, No 4110 Chestmit'street ant be sold— A large assortment of Superior Hou ehold FurniturA comprising Walnut Parlor Suits in Phab,l3rocatelle and Hair Cloth; Walnut Chamber Suits, Library Suit... , Mice Furniture, Secretaries and Bookcases, atageres,, Ma, ble Top Tables, Fireproof Safea, Sowing Machines, GUM. &C., &C. , PIANO FC TES. Several Superior Piano Fortes • , PARLOR ORGANS. Two Superior Parlor Organs.' SEWING. M • CHINES. - _Beteral Stilperier lug Machines , rrutd9 by Ladd & Webster,'Wheeler Wilarn and °there. FIRE-PROOF SAVES, Two Fire.prbof Safes, made by EVIIIIII do Wate.a. .GUNEI. Also, an invoice of fine Guns MAINS. Some fine specim na of Fossil Romaine, found in,Boone county, IC,y, 1868. t.,,e411140; DUttBOROW & *JO., AUCTIONENItti, Nos. 23141nd 234 MARKET sianet, corner Bank at • Successors to John B. Hears & Co LARGE POSITIVE SALE F CARPETINGS. 260 P116,„l1! t LH. CLOTHS,. &c. • • ON FRIDAY MORNING, Sept 18 at 11 &clock, on tour months' credit, about 264 pleets of Ingrain, Venetian., Hemp. C.ottags, and fiat Untietlngs. 200 pieces 011 Cloths, Rugs, &c. • . —ALSO— • ` 600 PAIRS IND )W SHADES. /n choice dodos) and the best color% - LA•RUTI PEREMPTORY BALE ' OE FRENCH AND .. OTHER EUROPEAN EIRE GOODS.. &c. ON OND .61.0nNIN0, ‘ September 2L at 10 o , clocyn 'four months' credit. SMBROIDEBIE 41DE.F.4,. &c. (f a favorite impor ation. embracing - Full /Ines 4-8 and 58 Kea steched Full Ines Lace 1- dkfa., Infants Waists. &o. Puillinos Hamburg Edgings and Inse.tions. FuR lines Embroidered Trimmhuts: Full lines Embroide ed eta and. Linen C011ar:3.47d LARGE 13ALF; OF 2000 CASES BOOTS,' TRAVELING Ben dm. 136 t: 22. at 'lll ) M t c . k. ortitolurMmUotrittiali4Adlt. 1868. TIGILEPRINCIPAL MONEY PSTABLISIIME.NT: S..E. corner of SIXTH and RACE streets. Money advanced on Merchandise gene: ally— watches Jewelry, I, lemon( a, Gold and Silver Plate. and' on ail articles of value, for any length of time agreed on. WATCHES AND JEWELRY Al PRIVATE SALE. Fine Geld Ilunting Case Double Bottom and Open Face English. American and Sages Patent Lever Watches; -Fine Gold Hunting Case and Open Face Leplne watches: Pine Gold Duplex and other Watches; Fine silver Hunt gig Case - and Open Face Fuglish. American and w n Patent Lever and Lorin° Watches; Double Case Engli.b Quartler and other Watches; Ladies , Fancy Watches; Diamond Breastpins; Finger Rluge ; Ear Rink, ; 3tada ; tic.; Fne ,Gold Ch. ins; Medallions; Bracelets; s c arf Pine: Breastpins; F Inger Rd. ; Pencil Cases and Jewelry generally. ' FOR SALE.—A large and valuable Fireproof Cheat, imitable for a Jeweler; cost Silo Also.. several Lots in South Camden,Fif th and Chestnut' eets. 1868. CO.. _ No. 508,il Mlls..CT stroft , - SAVE or 1500 CASES BOOTS. SHOES. BROGANS &F. i . t , -ONIMONDAN MORNING. • I •-•' Bppt 43,, at .10 o'clock, we ip sell br7edttaNC4b2- fcl emu, 1500 calibu' Meti's,'Llopl , to d lrollthe Roota,. 1 3 / I :WlSlDN'Balmostla..&c.-• k Also; it large line of Women'i. hlisse` anti Cfairech ril ;L. ASH.BRIDGE _ALOTIONAERS. .g. . • No. sok nietumpour shut. abeye AIIIOTSON aALlies LJR~ LTB,~Ac Atm:Alan" AIME& A Mrrird Liktyrks ALUArtittiNSISS6. Iv! ALattly Balance n for gi Thema' is flongl Igo QED kimm GliFalTed T strong rear nottexual trim • . , 11.4.11 E OE , 01.4 "Tz1Ulli3bitY•EVENING. - •At 730" o'clock. the auction rooms No • , dieegnut 'treat. by catalogue. a collection ot!Zillaceganteona Boaz.. from libraries, -- tatgleguet on - Minted - if 'morning. . ' • • • ' SALE OF FINE OIL PAINTING& ON FRIDAY EVENINts, Sect. 25,, at 'TM o'clock. at the auction rooms, Chestnut street, by cataloger,. a collection of Fhie Oil intino, handsomely framed. he collect'on 'cern prleea eighty vim twee of a varied and pleasing character. WBI be on exhibition two dare previous gale. 2 1' • __ Sale at No. 91211Npring Garden street. ELEGANT w "LNur DitAW/NG 0061 AND CHAM BER RibillWoOD PIANO` 'FORTE. RANT 80ME ENGLISII BEV fiRLS OARmpa. . • ON v raDev„ MONNING. Sept V., at 10 o'clock. at 140. HA Spring Garde n stew. y catalogue. 'the entire Furniture. Moulding 'Elgene alunt am! ?limb Drawing Room &AN two Hanteumite., Snits Walvnt Chamber Famitunx Oak Chamber net , e• in , fi ne Cottage Furniture, fin .foned Rosewood Pima Fr rte. nearly is.. w; Handeomo English Brussels. ImPerial al.rl Ingrain Carnet,, fine 'Spring Haircuts. - Blankets. (Atm), kitchen 'I./tensile. Sb.v he seen early on the morning of sale )Avis dt. IiARVEY, AUCTIONEERS. • • . Store No. " 42 t i e n l igtrIl ina t 6°114 . Roar Rotran , o to Library, street. bale Na 1528Costeuittneot. - - NOUBRECOLIIO, Fr RNITUNE. - FLNI4 BEDS. TArzs- TRY CARPETE3."cto. , . ONt Selo-k, ?iVIYA Ir et a a C t " Pi.t i tfeli, gnawing Nto alnut Parlor and Chamber FurnltOre. Rtiivete. dide ,_board. Secretary. Mote , se. Extontoon Table, Mirror, limo Feather Beds, Kitchen time's . !to.. . . ' t, miSCELLAITEOUS BOOKS. •iN Fiil DAY IPWENIIIts. At 7 o'clock, Miscellaneous Books, at the auction store. fl ' - .J. WOLBERT. AUCTIONEER, ' 10 Boutle.lllXTll Street LAEGE SALE—TO CITY. AND COUNTRY . TEADE. ON FRIDAY MORNING NEXT ]Bth inst, at 10 o'clock. at No. It Borth SUM street-.- A fine assortment of _Eno Imported, White. Grain A fine assortment of ported loantY Goode sad. me. A fine assortment of English Chin. Chamber Seta, A fine sissortment,of -Trenton Warc..l3l all varietlea To be chi fog vests, lots to tho train only. solsilt• j AMES .A. FREEMAN. AUCTIONEIN.- cr7.- • '. - No. 4Zt W - street , . AT FBI SALE _:.... ._ ._. . A VALUABLE TRAf t : i nf VA AORFS OF L.AVD, With Mansion Howe, - teen - I..sate..intersectod bT Eighth, Ninth, Teeth art tir:senth, ()Warts, an&Tiose street*, .within %elect es. The 016 , York Road. .raluablet depoest of Brick Clay. Terre easy. ~. ~ A valaable Multi:tees ropert,T tut. 819 Arca 'tweet. IIIUtti.I.NOTON.—A Mauston. on Main it lot 58,by 700 feet. .. . r . . - B Y 134111(1 TT & „ • • u.sI3II•AUmION •- • • Ivo. 280 NUMB - ET street, earner of BA l 4K or' 00 t , Citah , advanced on consignments Without extra' charge: B. solYrr Js souTTes ART oaArz i eir t Na IMO CLIESTNETT street %minima. siMMEIiMS>. ViLlEklbi For Boston.!—Steamolup Lino Axed§ SArLING Pedi. MEV PM EATS.' eltom P/NEErriV einF P/ILLA N: DELPPad. AIsW,LOMQ T BOSTO • ' MU• • . . , his ; ltde is 'morose./ Entrolua RO • Colt', 61=ici, talker; SAXON, __1.260 tone, ea soma fi 0RMAN...1,203 tone..Cartmin Crowell. • rile ROM AN from Tneadai. Sept. 92. at 19.t.t i Cue ON, from Batton. Saturdm Bert 19. MIS P. M. '1 tem Steamships sail pitnotually.. and Freight wi ri n. arcked every dal.. a Steamier being al on the Dan Froiat for points beyond Boston sent wani won despatch: .. Freirht taken tor , all volute in Now England' andlom. warded as directed. Insurance ,f• • ,;.j For or Pcumage_kmperior imeommoaatiOnida sooty to SY wrusoa MVBI 128 South Delaware, venue. ITTILATIELPI3IEL RICHMONtI AND NOR. FOLIC EI'E,AMBHTIP LINE. THROUGH FREIGHT AIR LINE TO TB/ HOLUB ANANST EVERY BA AV,_ ?fowl, from FIRST MIA F- above mnitmeriatteet, THROUGH EATER and THROUGH BECEIFTE to as pqinte in North and 'South Caro li na via 'Stiehl:Surd 'Air. Line retilroad. conneethgi at -Pprjanouthm4ter burg, " Ye., Tennessee and the 'west, via la and Vqnneasee Air-Line =Mehl:nand and Denville ad. Fredidit HAND . kE_ Btu oNgp_ k and taken at LOWER, ".AIB3 THAN /WY OTHER t..mE: _ • The recalaritY, safety and cheapness of -thht route own. .42nd tt to the publid the moat dadratAs medium for ntria tog every description of freight. • • , _ Zan charge for conizaintion. damask' or any exile:MO 'rutzfor. • • , steandadps Insure at lowest rat 64 eigh( received DAILY, • NorthWM. otaiDis tiO.; 14 and South Wharves.' PORTM_Asent at Richmond and Olty,Point. o - RowEr.J., Cr).. Anatol at Norfolk, fehtf ; , FHTLADELFELS, AND aotrraEßN lamb • 1-•:r ,- /*, MAMSHIP (,ONTAIirlh ' , znewhius FROM i H FEEN. STREET WHARF.- _-. Tho STAR OF - E UNION will 'sail FO R NEW < TBI.E.A.rtb, via HAVANA, on Thursday, , EloOterabor 17.. at 8 o'ilbele A. M. - - , Thf. JUNIATA Will sa il FROM NEW ORLENS. t.I VA1 4 .8.,0n September —* 'I he TONAWANDA will sail FOR SAVANNAH on Saturday,_Septemberath, at 8 o'clock A. M.- - 'lb o , WYoMINO will sail• FROM 12.4V.41 , 1NA1L 1 ,on Sltturday, September - 12th.. ' flat PIONEER %will nail -FOE WILIKENOT,ON, N., C. OD ThuradtiViliept 17th, at h" CedoCk..P. hi: . .. 1 .. ...100 agh, Balla of , I,i t/ n&ekaatie and` , ?ammo ' TielcMit .30 to ati volute South "and woe' , • . _ • -•,, ...:I•VILLIAIttri ~.TA 7 8C44811.1 Alient. n t ie M: ..A.BLES E. D 8118814 < . , ~• NO:'8I4.130t1 . aware•avonue.••• •Ii T,1•0•E. ' • • re,w. :vonNEW YORK. • Via Diblawan and Raritan Canal. Emma.: ti STEAMBOAT •GOMPA.NY. •• ; The Steam Propellent 'Of the Line leave Dairy final first wharf below•illarlr,a4atreet., •• , • , , THROUgtEr IN 94 uipinfa' Goode forwarded by all' the • muss .golzr Ont. or vow York—N orth East and West—free of conuelselon. Freight received at our nodal livw•rates.:l t-- WM. P. C,LYDE dt CO. • ; 14 Routh Wham*, Philadelphia. JAB. &rout. - • 119 Wall awee our: lionth.-Now York. r 1 SAILING EVERY 21 DAYS. hese steamers will leave this' port • for B avant' every third Tuesday,, at g o'clock. A; • , wi 'Tle steamaPiptiTglid AND STHlPES,t_ptain'Hohiles." for Havana on TDASI) a.V.SIO.II,NLNUi neot 29th, at 8 o'clock A. M. Passage, d4O currency., , • a'sier, gem must be provided vilthrnesport4, No Freight received after Sidurday. • • • • Deduced Eatee of freight, I'UOMAS "MATTSON diSONS. • 140 North DeiiiWAre ItVettile.• . NEW EXPRESS WE TO ' I I Goorgetovrio washltigtord. ) ;ft .Cheoapeake and. (Delaware 'Canah• with noctiong at Alexandria from the - moot direct. route Tor Lynchburg, Bristol, Knoxvillei Nashville, Dalton and the. Elouthwett. Steambrs leave re&ularty .tiont. the &wt. wharf Alms; • diarket 'street, " every•Daturdel Freight received WALP. CLYDE & CO4 - • • - • North and Booth Wharves.' I. B. DAVIDSON Ane nt at Georgetown., _ .• • K. ELDRIDGE Sil C O.. Agouti! Alexandrii _ al • FOB ANTInRP--P.ETROLEUBL , • rarrio • - The bridal mph) BeAttnizeil, ALP.LNL , is; now loLAlLALfor. , abov s e - above '- port tor teilthe nareage, Li fibiAt drcet pp 7 . W °BK r a A li It Oct. l " . DI r • DO: r i ?; 9;1 itleSaGll2lll"oll.ndfdoerolallek XiTtiSe4ll Edon ud A. Elonder Co.t 3 Dock !treat wnstr. - ifga•tf ...Jaz... FOR ANT WRRP.—THE FIRST•CLABB SEILP '4IW "GRAHAM'S POLLY' , is now- loading' for 'Ant- ' gag VE'hhaavvbileutilitirga portion of ,her z„ Fltl„reanii 0., otly, .aßply ,to WOR e lLLari n 4 ,14 t itrect • • Aulltf , • NOTICE-;-FOR NEW_ YOBE VIA Delaware and ;WWI Can t -rd Transportation VOMPanY — Meth. anl BWif Liam Lines.—Th,e bushiest hi , these .L.tnes will be re. cuned on and' after the ISM Lo March. For, Freida. which will be taken on accommodating' term 0 ,ippp , to M. BAIRD HM,di CO., 13a South WhsrPe 24 Lwwwg- .g. DELAWARE AND CHESAPEAKE fikt. - Steam Tow• Boat Com l s a y.—llargell towed between Pidladelp Baltimore. Is.rede.Orace. Delaware City and intern% te.,wlati. WV; pp;; CLYDE & CO ~A gents. -Capt. JOHN LAUGH.- ....lic. Sile't Oboe. t 4 B. Wharyee. Phila. , . : .diettif .. r tTION.—ALL PERSONS ARE FORBID TRUST ing or harboring any' of the crow of tbo N. Cr. Bark Helene, Runth, Master, from London. as no . debts of their eontractitt will be paid by Captain or Aleut!. CONSIGNEES , NOTICE—CONSIGNEES OF, MEE. chandino per Bark Henle.Eunth. Master,lrcen Lod_ don, will please mend their permits to tie) office of the ma. dertiened.' WORKMAb & CO. ' ' ' sea tt ' ' A LL PERSONS , ARE HEREBY ti ; e V I ALIT ti 191 E? •Pe n tA n ylc t tltt i • n r!L a ffie f oVs c a r g r sui no debbi I n their contleettnp will be paid either by the tlaitabx COW , , elgnees. PETER WRIGHT at ./.15 - Walnut CI.TION.—ALL , PERSONS ARE HEREBY -_O.lll. timed against tnniting or harboring anyoi.the crew of SwF.. able HERMAIsiN, fichweeni;)Master. tut no , det4s Of their contracting will be paid by gtuter. or rms. eiguets. :WORKMAN & 3-Walnut street- P"IS°NAJitt A nvERTABTECinigto , i, CO.. Apatite for a riocsTpaps's at tlwlowes_trate____Ofticei, rs'o. 702 COW:ont IMO% Ud . now. l',E.M+z is*Dxtiarats, ao. • , '-"cASS'& Gp = NIA 27.1,-: L T ST, .71-Z.TI. A.. IN THED,,,,Ft ADDLE. ).) "HORS" Ws-
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