CITY BULLETIN. TuE Kmonts Temiq.Ao.—The following cir cular in reference to the Triennial Convocation of Knights Templar and General Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons, to be held in St. Louis, has just been issued: "At an adjourned meeting of Commanderics Nos. 2, 4 and 29, held in the Committee Room of Masonic Temple, Chestnut street, Friday eve ning, 4th instant, it was resolved that th.. Eminent Commarriers of each- Commanden notify, through their recorders the adoption of the following report of committee appointed at the meeting held 81st ultimo, in reference to the route for attending the Triennial Convocation of Knights Templar, and General Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons, to be held in St. Louis on the 15th of September. "WILLIAM C. Emma, Secretary. "Report:—To the Knights of Commanderies Nos. 2, 4 and 29:—Tho committee appointed August 31 beg leave to report:—That they con vened on Tuesday morning, September 1, at 11 o'clock A. M. They had before them Mr. John H. Miller, representing the "Pan-Handle" route, and Sir J. N. Abbey, representing the "Bee-line" route. The committee have given the preference to the "Bee-line," the route offered by Sir N. J. Abbey, who agrees to furnish tickets for the round trip for twenty-five dollars. Ladies' tickets at the same price with all the accom modations offered in his printed circular. Passengers by this route will leave Phlladei phis at eight o'clock P. M., on Friday, Sep tember 11; breakfast at Pittsburgh at 9.30 A.. Al. on Saturday dinner at Alliance at 1 P. Al ; sup per at Crestline at 6P. Al. - , breakfast at Charles ton at 7.43 A. Al., on Sunday; arrive at St. Louis at 2.45 P. M. Tickets can be obtained of Sir William C. Ewing (of Fairbanks & Ewing), No. 715 Chestnut street, under the Masonic Hall. rraternally, "J. L. HtrrcurNsoN, ) "CUABLES E. MEYER, • Committee." "Jos. U. LIVINGSTON, The following were appointed as a Committee of Arratigements, to whom the fraternity are re ferred for any information desired during the entire trip Sirs E. S. Keeler, C. E. Meyer, W. C. Ewing, R. G. Clark, R. W. Birnie. The equipment adopted for the Knights Tem plar is the fatigue dress, 1. e., navy cap, sash, sword and belt and white gloves. Baggage is to be checked through to St. Louis. All Master Masons in good and regular stand ing in their respective Lodges can obtain tickets for themselves and ladies at the same price. STOLEN PROPERTY RECOVERED.—Four large rolls of fine white flannel were found In the bushes at the upper end of Thirty-fifth street, in the Twenty lourth Ward,about twelve o'clock on Sunday night. Some of the wrappings of the flannel had been torn off and strewn anout the ground. By following the traces of the scat tered paper yesterday, Lieutenant Tolbert and Sergeant Saunders got to a siding on the railroad near Fortieth and Poplar streets. A train from Now York for Baltimore had remained on that siding during Sunday night, but had gone on to wards its destination yesterday. Through inqui ries by telegraph it was ascertained that one of the cars comprising the train had been broken open and robbed. The flannel was part of the plunder. THE REPUBLICAN INVINCIIILES.—This organiza tion will attend the mass-meeting at Howard and Oxford streets this evening. The following route will be taken in proceeding to the meeting: Up Chestnut to Twelfth, up Twelfth to Race, down Race to Eighth, up Eighth to Vine, down Vine to Franklin, up Franklin to Spring Garden,down Spring Garden to Sixth, up Sixth to Poplar, up Poplar to Franklin, up Franklin to Girard av enuesdown Girard avenue to Seventh,up Seventh to Master, down Master to Marshall, np Marshall to Jefferson, down Jefferson to Fifth, up Filth to Oxford, up Oxford to Howard street. A SWINDLER.—A young man calling himself "Charles Howard, special correspondent of the Missouri Democrat," has been passing himself off in Philadelphia recently as a representative of that journal, and borrowing small sums of money on various pretences. He is a Southern man, light hair, slim build, and a decided southwestern brogue. He travels with a printed card, bearing the above title. No such person is known by the proprietors of the Missouri Demorrat, and newspaper publishers, especially, will do well to look out for him and "pass him round." Sur POSED ArrE3n-r AT Roznzny.—Richard Toner and James McManus were before Alder_ man Panceast, this morning upon the charge of misdemeanor. It appears that they went to the house of Mrs. Campbell, at Twenty-third and Wood streets, and professed to be acquainted with her son. In this way they gained admis sion and then they ransacked the house. When Mrs. Campbell attempted - to give an alarm they seized her by the throat and stopped her mouth. They were held for trial. CAMPAIGN Cum Or 1860 —A meeting to perfect the organization of this Club, and to prepare for the campaign, will be held to-morrow evening, at the City Armory, Broad street, below Race. This Club performed excellent service for Lincoln and Hamlin in 1860, and will work as efficiently for Grant and Colfax during the present campaign. Col. Wm. B. Mann is the President and Chief Marshal. The Club is already a large one, but at the meeting to-morrow the number of members will, no doubt, be greatly swelled. DISORDERLY Horses.—Michael Callahan was before Alderman Neill last evening upon the charge of keeping a disorderly house. It is alleged that dancing has been carried on in the house on Sunday mornings for several weeks past. Callahan was held in $5OO bail to answer at court. Volkmar Thanmudler has been held in $1.500 bail by Alderman Eggleton to answer the charge of keeping a disorderly dance-house, at No. 17 Gird avenue. JUVENILE THIEF.—John Flynn, aged 11 years, was caught in the act of stealing brass cocks from the plumber shop at the Pennsylvania Rail road depot, last night. Articles have been missed from the shop for some time past, and last night a watch was set. Flynn was handing the cocks out of the window to a companion. when he was captured. He was committed for a farther hear ing by Alderman Jones. PotacEmAr; KNOCKED DOWN.—Mike McNamee got drunk at a tavern at Cumberland and Richmond streets, and raised a dis turbance. Policeman Hussey, of the Eigh teenth District, undertook to stop the fun of McNamee when he was knocked down. He then arrested his assailant. The prisoner was com mitted by Ald. NeilL STONING A TAVERN.—Maggie Henry, while under the Influence of the •'ardent," yesterday afternoon, amused herself by throwing stones through the windows of a tavern at Fourth and Culvert streets. She was arrested, and then Geo. Trexier interfered with the policeman. He was also taken into custody. Both .4 - ere committed by Aid. Eggleton. SLl(.nr FlRE.—This morning, about seven o'clock a shed at the Industrial Machine Works, on Callowhill street, west of Twentieth, was burned. Damage trifling. L , q . ins BADGE.-Mr. Herman Dieck, Report er for the Abend Post, lost his badge yesterday. The finder will please leave it at the office of the Chief Engineer of the Flre Department. PROVEsISOIt. LONG, PH.D.—We had the plea sure, yesterday afternoon, of paying a visit to the comfortable and commodious rooms of the pri vate Book-keeping and Writing Academy at 1103 Chestnut street, where Professor Long gives per sonal and unremitting attention to each pupil, fits young men for the counting-house, and teaches ladles to write angular and Italian styles. We cordially recommend all persons who depend upon their handwriting for a livelihood, to call and see the Professor and his work. The former Is a genial, whole-souled gentleman; the latter is simply superb. Wm would call attention to the advertisement of agency in Europe. This is a most excellent opportunj.ty for a house to establish a branch in Europe. Dencx the famous Arctic Soda Water and read the Emma.° BULLETIN. at Hillman's News Stand, at North Pennsylvania Depot. ARCH STREET RESIMINCE FOR SALE.--NO. 2108, south aide, opening on a new-built street on the mar. Apply as above, or;-to Guanney & Sons, 508 Walnut street. REAL ESTATE. WO call the attention of our readers to the card of. Wm. L. Crocco, to be found In our Real Estate column. Persons desirous of purchasing or renting cottages at Cape Island would do well to consult him. OUTRAGE IN VIRGINIA. Attempted Slurder of a School Teacher. The Secretary of the Freedmen's Relief AB4O - in this city has received a letter from Mr. Alvin Varner ,a school teacher of the association. in Farmville, Va., which shows the spirit of the Southern rebels, and the dangers to which loyal men are exposed. Mr. Varner Fay's that at two o'clock In the morning of the 28th of August, his house was en tered by a band of twenty armed men, who seized him, and without giving him an opportu nity to dress himself, bound him hand and foot and carried him to a neighboring thicket. Hero they held a brief consultation, the result of which was that it was determined to hang the unfortu nate man who was in their power. A cloth was fastened over his head, and ropes were rigged to a tree,so that Varner could be swung comfortably off. Just as the murder was about to be consum mated, the gang were interrupted by the arrival of two or three colored men, who happened to be passing In that direction. No sooner did the assassins perceive the negroes than they turned their attention to them, and for a moment re leased their hold of of Varner. The latter burst his bonds by a desperate effort, and dashed away from the spot. Ho was Instantly pursued and several shots were fired at him, but none of them took effect, and the fugitive secreted himself in the bushes and lay there until daybreak, when he succeeded in reaching a point where ho placed himself under the protection of United States troops. Mr. Varner declares his intention to return and begin his school again, as soon as he can have sufficient guarantee of safety from the assaults of the Virginia Ku-Klux-Klan. THEATRES. Eto: AT THE WALNUT Foul Play is continued. The house last night was full from floor to ceiling— fuller indeed than it has been since Booth's and Forrest's engagements last season. The perfor mance improves each evening, and there is very little now with which the most captious can find fault. There is one scene, however, that deserves the very highest praise that can be be stowed upon it. The view of Godsend Island, with the surf:-beating up upon the beach, has never been stffrissed upon the stage in this city. The action.. of the water beyond the surf, the breakers themselves, and the undertow, are all given with a fidelity to nature that is surprising. The scene is made more effective by the introduc tion of the peculiar "swish" of the waters. We advise every one to visit the Walnut if for no other purpose to see this bit of consummate art. It alone is well worth the price of admission. AT VIE CHESTNUT The White Fawn retains its t y : pop rarity. Last night it was given in a par tial reconstructed condition, and the additions co ribute largely to the attractiveness of the pie e. The cascade scene, introduced last even ing or the first time, is very beautiful. It con sists of a stream of water, played upon by varie gated lights, and containing a number of figures in a variety of attitudes. The horseback drill is also good, and was received very enthusiastically by the audience. Az TIIE POisiticsx to-night a miscellaneous performance will be given, consisting of dancing by the ballet troupe, and the usual varied and amusing olio entertainment. CITY NOTICES. /T IS WONDERFUL how cheap goods are sold at Gay's China Palace, 1022 Chestnut street. The stock was all selected by Mr. Gay in person from the largest manufactories in Europe. The cause of their being so remarkably cheap is the great reduction of prices on the other side of the water. Business being very dull, all the manufacturers have large stocks on hand, and are willing to discount largely to effect sales. Below we quote prices of a few staple goods. Fancy are at a still greater discount • White French China Cups and Saucers, per set, 12 pieces $1 25 White Stone China Cups and Saucers, per set, 12 pieces .......... ... .... ...... .............. 60 White French China Dining Plates,9M inches,per dozen.... 2 00 White Stone China Dining Plates, 930 inches, per dozen ...... ........... ........ ........ .1 50 White Stone China Chamber Sets, 12 pieces, per 3 00 Cut Glass Goblets, per d0zen.................... 2 25 Blown Glass Goblets, per dozen 1 50 cuLGlats Tumblers, per d0zen...... ... 125 LACE CI7RT.IIIVS done up, mended and put up to windows at about the same price as others charge for mailing only, at EvrraN's, 1405 Chestnut street. EVERYBODY ~.oeB to Stokes & Co.'s, When they're in want of a suit of clothes. Fashionable clothes you may suppose, Are always found at Stokes & Co.'e. When you're in quest of pants or vest, At Stokes & Co.'s you'll lind the best. Their cut is perfect, sewing right, Store convenient, prices light The number, as we ,vmve before, Chestnut street, Eight Twenty-four. Pmcss for'upholetering work reduced. Car pet, Furniture, Bedding, Curtain, Shade, Blind and other work done promptly, no delay, at PerrEres, 1405 Chestnut street. Workmen always ready. HATS. CAPS HATS. CAPS. The Cheapest in the city. OAKFORD & SONS, Stores, 834 and 836 Chestnut street. MOTH PATCHES, FRECKLES AND TAIL—The only reliable remedy for those brown discolorations on tile face is "Perry's Moth and Freckle Lotion." Prepared only by Dr. B. C. PEtuty, 49 Bond street, New York. tzrSold everywhere. THE RETORT COURTEOUB.—"You're a dull look ing set, - 88 SOLODONT said to the neglected teeth. "We shall soon improve under your auspices," as the ne glected teeth said to SOU/DONT. "SrALDING's Gr.VE," with brush, useful and indispensable in every well-regulated house. SPRING MATTRESSES that are out of order re paired and made up equal to new and returned the eame day. Workmen always ready, at PATTEN 140 S Chestnut street. CHAS. OAKFORD Ltr Sons,under the Continental. have the very latest and most beautiful styles of hats and caps in the city. FINE Custom-made Boots and Shoes for Gen tlemen. Bartlett, 33 South Sixth etreet, above Chest nut. JUDICIOUS mothers and nurses use for children a safe and pleasant medicine in Bowra's Inriarr Coa DIAL. CARPET UPHOLSTERINGIR speelalty, at Patten's. Workmen always ready to make up, alter and lay Car pets. No disappointment. .No delay, at PATTEN'S, 1408 Chestnut street. SURGICAL INsTnuminns and druggists' sun dries. Snow - Dux & Bscrruzs, 23 South Eighth street. DEAFNESS. BLINDNESS AND CATARRH. J..eance, M. D.. Professor of the Eye and ear, treats all diseases appertaining to the above members with the utmost success. Testimonials from the most reliable sources in the city can be seen at this oftlee, No. 605 Arch street. The medical faculty are invited to accompany their patients,as he hae nu secrets in hta practice. Artificial eyes inserted. No charge made for examination. POLITICAL NOTICES. 1 GRANT AND COLFAX, CAMPAIGN CLUE OF 1860, In pursue -ce o' a resolution adopted to meet at the call of the President, a meeting to perfect the organization and to prepare to^ the Campaign will be held on WED. NESDAY EVEbrNG, Sept. 9th, at 8 o'clock,at the CITY ARMORY, Broad greet, below Baca, to which the members, and all who desire to become such, are respect fully invited. WILLIAM B. MANN, President and Chief Marshal. se&urp; mktg. ATTENTION!—THIRTEENTIi WARD GRANT ••••• and Colfax Club.—Tho Republicans of the Ward and all interested in the principles we advocate are re. que.ted to meet at the club room. N. E. corner Ninth and bpring Garden St., THIS (TUF.E3DAY ) B , VENING, Nth Met at 8 o'clock. George IL Earle and William U. ibid. diman, VEIIO , will deliver addressee on the great inauea now before the country. Ey.order of the Club. E. IL FITLEIt, President. J At, W. BAYLLS, BecreturY. nel•2t¢ THE DAILY EVENING BULLETIN---PHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 8,1868. POLINICAIA NOTICES. Ser HEADQUARTERS "BOYS IN BLUE." 52? Chestnut Street, fr - . 1 A-rEPIE ENTICIINT In pursuance of a Resolution of the NATIONAL EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Soldiers and Sailors of the United States \\. • Who adhere to the cause of the country in Peace, as they fought for it in war. a NATIONAL CONVENTION VETERANS OF THE WAR, WILL MEET IN PH [LADE LPHI A. Ist and 2d of October proximo, For tho purpose of consulting upon the present condition and future proepecte of our beloved country, and to do• vine means for prosecuting with vigor GRANT'S LAST CAMPAIGN Conjointly with the member of Bald Committee from Pennsylvania (General FISHER), and tho Chairman of the State Central Committee (General COLLIS), the un dersigned hereby announces the following as the mode of organizing thine who will participate in oaid Convention. and in the GRAND PARADE, Which will take place on the lid or 2d of OCTOBER, as y , and ono cad fu • Firet—A Battalion of egoort will be mru3tered in forth with, to be composed of twenty picked men from each tiertmd--ompaniee of Thirty-two men will be formed, who shall select one Captain, two Lieutenants, and two Sergeants, and be lettered as they are mustered In. Taird--ne Pint Ten Companies will be formed into a Regiment, the first three Regimente into a Brigade, the first three Brigades into a Division, and the first three Divisions into a Corps, &c., &c Fourth—The Field Officers of Regiments will be ealected by the Lino Officers of the esme Fifth—The Brigade Command era will be selected by the Regimental Field °Meets; the Division Commemdere by the Brigade Commanders, and the Corps Commanders will be announced hereafter in ordeie from these Head quarters. Oho Unifozm will coneiat or Fat'g le Cap. Blue-13:01100. and a red, a bite and blue Cockade. An Officer will be in attendance at H eadeulrtere. 527 CHESTNUT STREET, Daily, from 10 o'clock A, M. to 10 o'clo p. M., to mutter in recruits and organize con panisa, ac. Upon the Company Rolla may be es ter .3d the Field Ser. vice! of recruits, which Rolle will be I reserved for future reference RALLY, COMItADES, And lot this demonstration be worthy of our groat loader. GENERAL GRANT, And the great roldiero who will be prastnt to review 3 ow Visiting organizations will report as soon as pomiblo to th e undersigned, giving number of men and officers who will be present JOSHUA. T. OWEN, September Bth, 1868 Mercer— ' Towanda-- Balteburg (Indiana county)— TUESDAY, SEPT. 32 PSr Union Republioan Naturalization Committee WILL MET NM AT 110PENST, No. 410 Library Street: RI. C. BON G. Chfurtuttn. eel-tfrp4 s Heade arter3 R ept blic an I nvinclbles ORDER No. A. The Club will arsemble TUESDAY EVENING, Sept. 8, Ha, at 7 o'clock, iharp. for parade to Meeting La Nine. teenth Ward. By order of BENJ. L. TAYLOR, • Chief Marsha FZILA LVICHNs o Assistant Marshals. BENr..r Toren, SO7-rp.2t4 HOOP SKIRT AND CORSET MANUFACTORY, NO. 812 Fine street, All goods made of the beet materials and warranted. Bode Skirts repaired. Commander. POLJITICAL , NOICIOLYik. 1 P EN NSYLVA NIA MASS MEETINGS, UNDER THE DIRECTION OF TUE REPUBLICAN STATE COMMITTEE TUESDAY, SEPT. 8 Blairsville UndJana county)—Hon. JOHN SHERMAN. of Ohio. Bon. JOHN COVODE. Bedford—Hon. JOHN SCOTT, Hon. JOHN CESSNA. Beaier—H. BUCKER SWOOPS. ittannina—Hon. GM): V. LAWRENCE. F. B. PEN NIMAN. WEDNESDAY, SEPT. IL Tyrone (Blair county)—Hon. JOHN SHERMAN, of Onto. Ebensburg (Cambria county)—Hon. HARRY WHITE. II BUuItER BWOOPE. Clarion—lion. GEO. Y. LAWRENCE. r, B. PENNI. MAN. Donesdalo—Hon. E. D. CIILVER,N.Y. ; LEO MILLER, of N. Y. THURSDAY, SEPT. 19. Brady's Bend (Armstrong county)—Hon. GEO. V LAWRENCE. F. B. PENNIMAN. Lancaster—Hon. JOHN SHERMAN, of Ohio. FRIDAY, SEPT. IL Chester (Dal. county)—Evening—Hon. E. D. CULV ER, of N. Y., Hon. JAS. A. BRIGGS, of N. Y. SATURDAY. BEPT. 12. WlRtameport—H. BUCHER SWOOPE, General B. P. BRUCE, of N. 'Y., Hon. JOHN BHER2IAN. MOND&Y. SEPT. IL Lock Haven—Gen. B. F. BRUCE. of N. Y. B. BUCHER RWOOPE. TUESDAY, SEPT. lA. Emporium—Gen. B. F. BRUCE. of N. Y. H. BUCHER SWOOPE. Susquehanna Depot—Gov. WALTER HARRIMAN. N H.; Prof I EO MILLER. N. Y.l Brookville (Jeff. co.)—Gon. HARRY WHITE. WEDNESDAY. SEPT. 16. Warren—Gen. B. F. BRUCE, of N. Y. ; 11. BUCHER SWOOPE. Tunkliacncek—Gov. WALTER lIARRLSIA.N. of N. II OD. E. D. CULVER, of N. Y. Clifford (Sum co.)—Prof. LEO ➢TILLER, of N. Y. Y k (Soldier)—Gov. A. G. CURTIN. TBUSIMAY. SEPT. 17 Corry (Erie county)—Gen. B. F. BRUCE, of N. Y. • U BUCLIER SWOOFE. Norrißtowti—Gov. JOSEPH E. HAWLEY, of Conn. JOHN GOFORTH. Abington (Luzern county)—Gov. WALTER lIARRI tkIAN. N. H.; Hon. E. D. CULVER, N. Y. FRIDAY, BEPT. 18. Oil City (Penang° county)—Gen. B. F. BRUCE, of N. Y., H. BUCHER SWOOPE, Hon. G. W. SCOFIELD. Montrose—Hon. E. D. CULVER, of N. Y., Prof. LEO MILLER, of N. Y. Lanchater—Gen. DANIEL E. SICKLES, of N. Y.,Gov. WALTER HARRIMAN. of N. IL Mass meetings will also be held at the following times and places, for which the speakers will be announced hereafter. Other places will be added as they arc deter mined on: SATURDAY, SEPT. IN Meadville— Le Baysvllle (Bradford county).— Weet Cheater— Easton— Sharon (Mercer countyl— MONDAY, SEPT. 21 New Castle— Troy ( Bradford Conran— Lewisburg— Latrobe ( Westmoreland countr WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 2.1 Deaver— Lawrenceville (Tioga Franklln— Ligonier— THURSDAY. SEPT. 2.4 Pittiburgh— Erie— Wellsborough— Media— FRID kY, SEPT. 2s. Butler— Chambersburg— Mount Pleasant (Westmoreland county)— Greenville (Mercer county)— SATURDAY, SEPT. 26. Kitttuithg— (;ouderaport— Altoona-- MONDAY. SEPT. %. Jen oy Shore— Elderton (Armstrong county)— Freeport (Armstrong county)— TUESDAY, SEPT. 29 Middleburg— Indiana— WEDNESDAY. SEPT. 30 Clearfield— Uniontown— Milton— THURSDAY, OCT. 1. Philadelphia (BoltHera' Convention)— Waynesburg— FRIDAY. OCT. 2. Philadelphia (Soldiers' Convent:lms) Washington— Bloomsburg— SATURDAY. OC Lebanon— Johnstown (Cambria county)— Danville-- MONDAY, OC r. 5 Bomereet — TUESDAY. OCT. Bedford— York— Potteville— WEDNESDAY. ocr. 7 Huntingdon— Mauch Chunk— Gettysburg— THURSDAY. OCT. is Tyrone (Blair countv)— Waynesboro (Franklin o.)— FRIDAY. OC P. 9. Hollidaysburg— Allentown— Carlisle— SATURDAY. C CT. tu. Greensburg— HarrisburE— R Junin 1— G AI US HA A. GROW, Chairman State Central Ccmnz iCce. G. W. HAMERSLEY ' ', Se Tetariee. J. R. MoAF&E. ' HOOP SKIRTS. Electric Telegraph in China. TELEGRAPH 'COMPANY'S Nos., 23 and •25 Nassau Street. ORGANIZED UNDER SPELIAL CHARTER FROM THE STATE OF NEW YORK. Capital. - - - $5,000,000 DIRECTORS. How. Alumna- G. CURTLN, Philadelphia. PAUL S. FORBES, of Russell & Co., China. FEED. Burranrial.p. of F. Butterfield & Co.. New York. IBAAc Lrvimsionr., Treas. Mich. Can. R. R., Boston. ALEXANDER HOLLAND, Tress. Am. Ex. Co.. Noss York. JADES NOXON, rectum. N. Y. • 0. H. FAUBER, Tress. West V. TeL Co.. N.Y. FrErcuzu WEeru of Westrity, Gibbs di Ilardeutle, N.Y. litouotas lifioniEs. New York. OFFICERS. A. G. Cuirm. President. Nadicerrate. Vice President. Gronor CONAYT. Secretary. GEonolt ELLIS, (Cashier National Bank Commonwealth) Troseurer. Eton. A. K. MoCram; Philadelphia. f3oltettor. The Chinese Government having (through the HIM. Anson Burlingame) conceded to Thiel Company the privilege 4f connecting the great seaports of the Em Aire by /intim arine etectrto telegraph cable, we propose commencing operations in China. and laying doyen a tine of ILO miles at once, between the following ports Porndation. 1 Ouo,ooo Macoa .. 60.00/ Hong Bong .... .. . .......... ZAOR) 13 canton ........ ................. ..... ......... 2JO.OUU Amoy 230,000 Foo•Chow 1.250.000 Wan Chu HAftgal NiDaP0.......... .. . ...... 400.000 flavg•Chean' •••• •••••••••••• 1.2,0 U (MO 1.001.1.(00 Total imeo porte 'have a loreign commerce of iikiil.o6o,otXl and an f DOllllOlll3 dOIIICICIC trade. beeidea which we have the Immenee internal commerce of the Empire. radiating from Meet. Pointe, through ite canals and navigable Overt.. The cable being laid. thia company propon erecting land lines and establishing a speedy and , trustworthy means of communication, which must command there, as everywhere else- the communications of the govern ment, of business. and of social life, especially in Chins. 13he has no postal system, and her of ly means nos• of oommunicating information is by courier on land. and by steamers on water. The Western World knows that China is a very large country, In the main densely peopled but few yet rea lize it at she contains mere than a third of the hi man race. lb° lateet returns made to her central authorities for taxing purpores. by the local magistratea, make her population Four hundred and Fourteen Million% and this Ls more likely to be under than over the actual ag gregate, Nearly all of these who are over ten years old not only can, but do read and write. Her civilize tion Cis teenliar. but her literature is as -eaten iiive as that of Europe. China is a laud of teachers and traders; and the latter are exceedingly quick to avail themselves of every proffered facility for procuring early information. It is observed in Califor nia that the Chime° make great use of the telegraph, though it there transmits mem:Page/sin Engllili alone. To day, great numbers of fleet steamers are owned by Clii. nese merchants, and used by them exclualvely for the trawralsaion of early intelligence. If the telegraph we propose, connecting all their great seaports, were now in existence, it is believed that its business would pay Its cost within the first two year, of its eueceasful operation, and would steadily increase thereafter. No enterpuse commends itself as in a greater degree remunerative to capitalists and to Oar whole people. It is of a vast national Importance eammerciallY. politically and evangelically. fib arcs of this company, to a limited number. may be obtained at $W each, $lO payable down, $l5 on the Ist of November, and $25 piyable in monthly instalments of $2 50 each, commencing December let, 1565. on applies• tion to DREXEL & CO., N 0.34 South Third Street, Philadelphia To duly authorized banks and bankers throughout Nos. 23 and 25 NASSAU Street, NEW YORK. attaMl rig Latest Improved Patent Low Steam and Hot Water Apparatus, For Warming and Ventilating Private and Public Buildups Mao. the approved Cooking Apparatus, AMERICAN KITOHENER, On the European plan of heavy =lbw. durability and neatness of construction, for Hots Public Institutions and the better elan of rrivate Reed HOT ALB FURNACES of the latest improvements. GRIFF/TEI PATE EOLOTERS NT ARCIIIMEDIA ORS, VENTTLATORS. R, VENTILAT &c. Union Steam and Water Heating Co., JAMES P. WOOD & CO.. 41 South FOUITH Street, Philadelphia. B. M. FELTWELL. Superintendent. THE DELAWARE TRIBUNE, onwirt Or TUB FARMERS AND FRUIT GROWERS Of the Delaware Peninsula (Delaware and Eastern Shore of Maryland). For terms apply to any responsible ad vertising agency in Philadelphia. or ..dthus JENKINS & al HINSON. Proprietors, p 027 2ot rpi Wilmington. Del. "Westward the Star of Empire Takes its Way." SECURE A HOME IN THE GOLDEN STATE. TIII 1111111 GRAN BID ASSOCIATION OF CALIFORNIA Incorporated under the laws of the State, November 80th, 1867, for tho_ purpose of providing_ HOMES FOR ITS MEMBERS. And to encourage Immigration. Capital Stock.— Divided into 9110:000 Shares, at ;payable in UNITED STATES CURRENCY. Certificates of Stock issued to . Subscribers immediately receipt of the money. No person a i racito kotti more than Five Shares. A Circular containing a full description of she property to be distributed among the Subscribers will be sent to any address upon receipt of stamps to corer return postage. Information as to price of land in any part of the State. or upon anY other subject of interest to parties proposing to immigrate.will be cheerfully furnished upon receipt of stamps for postage. All letters should be addressed. Secretary Immigrant Romestead Association, Pon' OFFICE. BOX No. au2B-1m rp§ BAN FRANCISCO. IaLIFORNLA. Fall To business men seeking trade in Delaware we offer as an advertising medium the Wilmington Daily Oommeroial. It is the only daily paper in the State. Its immense cir. ciliation and extended influence have made it the choice of all careful and judicious advertisers. F or terms. apply to any responsible advertising agency in Philadelphia. or address • JENKINS &ATS.lllllori j Proprietor., au272ot rpt , •Wilmington, Del. E. Si. 13CY1 7 13, UPHOLSTERER, NO; 136 North Nrnth Street, PHILADELPHIA. WINDOW NUDES, BEDS, VATRESSES, CUR TAINS AND WARPSTs. Or Furniture Repaired and Upholstered. eeSamrp ADYERTISE IN TNE ULAWAIIE TRIBUNE. au:l7,2ot,ril E. BAYLEY; VIIPICES Latiirsoirs. THE EAST INDIA OFFICE 50,000 Shares, $lOO Each. Pemimilvente. a dat the Office of the Company, GOLD'S 1E368 liUIEUMAT!SMI . . RHEUMATISM, NEURALGIA. Warranted Permanently Cared. Warranted Permanently Cured. Without [Wary to the System. Without lodide, Petalsla or Co!alum. By Wog lnwavglly Only. DE. FITLER'S GREAT BREIIMATIO - REMEDY,, FOR RIIIIIMINI AND DEDRALCIA IN ALL IT FOREL The only standard. reliable, positive. tnfaUlbloperma nent cure ever discovered. It is warranted to contai nothing hurtful or Injurious to the system. WARRANTED TO CURE OR MONEY REFUNDED. WARBANTED TO CURE OR MONEY REFUNDED. Thousands of Philadelphia references of cures: Prepared 29 South Fourth Street, below Market, au2o th a to tf spo _ MOUNTAIN HOUSE, CRESSON SPRINGS, PA. TM. Popular Mummer Resort wlll'ltemaln Open untli October Ist. G-ECO. W. NECTI.4I4I[N, PROPRIETOR. seat ROCKBRIDGE ALUM SPRINGS, VA, There Is not amortmt all the Mineral Waters of Vir ginia so valuable a therapeutic agent as this. It is not upon any such vague and unce rt ain test as "Analysis.. (thong) even Analysis attests its great value) that its fame rests. But It is upon the accumulated Proofs fur nished by forty years !waling the sick of many and most grievous maladies_ And as the water beart transports tion per/ ectly and has often been kept five years and more without spoiling in the least. it Is worth while to call at the Drug Store of JOON WHIN ti BRO., No. 1112 Walnut Street, Philadelphia, And try a Bottle or box of it. Send to them for Pamphlet and Map of the Spin's. F ItAIAER RANDOLPIL Proprietors. jyll s to th 2n.rp) MARY B. CONWAY, LANEY DUB VIINIAMC ANT SIIOPPING IMPORIEIN, 31 South Sixteenth Street, PLIILADELPIIIA. Ladies from any part of the United (Rates can tendtheir orders for Craw ilattrintr, irate', Cloaks. bonnets, Shoes. Under Clothing. Mourning Suits, Wedding PTO,. !eau. Traveling Gut % Jewelry. flre..; also. Children'a Clothing. infante' Wardrobes. Gentlemen's Linen, dic. In ordering Garments. Ladies will planet send one of their nuT t ITTIN 1/1098LS 10T measurement: ar. d Le‘dies visiting. the city should not fail to call and have their measures registered for future convenience. Refers. by permission. to nal() Zmn) FITLBR, WEAVER & CO. NEW CORDAGE FACTORY • NOW IN PULL OPERATION. No. El R. weass ut4l El N. DIM *vs E. W. CLARK & CO., BANKERS, No. 35 South Third Street, Philades, GENERAL AGENTS r: FOB TIM NATIONAL LIFE INSURANCE CO. Or TIIII 'United States of America, FOB Tnz States of Pennsylvania and Southern New Jersey. The NATIONAL LIFE INSURANCE COM PANY la a corporation Chartered by Special Act of Congress, approved July 25, 1868, with a Cash Capital of One Million Dollars, And is now thoroughly organized and prepared for business. Liberal terms offered to Agents and Solicitors who are invited to apply at our office. Full particulars to be had on application at our office, located in the second story of our Banking House, where Circulars and Pamphlets, fully describing the advantages offered by the Com pany, may be had. E. W. CLARK & CO. ) N o. 35 South Third Street. anB s tu th .11 , 8 4mmi The Liverpool & Lon don & Globe Insurance Company. The.Report•qf this Com pany for I 868 shows: Premiums - 8 5,479,278 Lops - 3,344,7 28 and after paying a divi dend of 3o per cent., the Total _diets. are, in Gold, Fall. $17 1 005,026. ATLPOOD SMITH; No. 6 MERCH/INTS' EXCHIINGE, Philade§hbia. • WANTED.—AN ACTIVE BUSINESS MAN. WELL known in this city , for thirty yeas wlieso Wife's health regal' erildrn to Ryan Europe. desires an agency in any department of business; understands the manner of doing business there; also, some business connee. Hons. Will accept of a. small salary on taking the risk of the business. Can leave at any -moment. Address "Europe." this office, for one week. Selaril p oao g O n tN D A ;tsaog ; T a. o . F risAre U N9 P7O, - $l5. 0 00 ft t North Sixth atroot. ;tt• MISCELLANEOUS. MR J. M 11AELEIGII. NU anti tote Chestnut street. MESSRS. 110 M Ell, (XiLLADAY A CO.. 618 and 620 Chestnut street. Eta VIIIIIIICE• General Agent, I • 1 - ,) , "tai 1,1
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