RELIGIOUS INTELLIGEN C . , _ SENI-CICTTEENTAL CELEBRATION ONI3T. Le KE'S EPISCOPAL Cannot, Gunstsztiowsr.;-The veni T able parish of lit. Luke's (Eplscopil).Church in ---Gerrarmterruene - of - irdsseply-Interest irig series of strvitter yeaterday:: - Trierocr.asio being the celebration of its golden wedding, It Laving attained its fiftieth year from the date of its consecration by Bishop White. The occasion was ono that, with all its attendant cit.- cutostances,will not readily be forgotten by any who were present, and by the members of the parlsh,old and young, will be treasured as a land mark in its history. A printed Invitation having been addressed to the clergy of the city and to all others in more remote sections who had in any way been connected with the ~, parish and its history, an immense concourse assembled and completely filled the sacred edifice. Owing to the admirable ar -- rangements made by the Rector and the Lay offi cers of the Church, all the services were con ducted with perfect order, and without the slightest confusion. Besides the Rector, the Rev. B. W. Morris, there were present the Right Rev. Bisho of the Diocese, the Rev. Edward R. Lip , • pitt (formerly a • Rector of the parish); Rev. Drs.easley, Clerc, Mombert, litiddards, and Yarnell; the Rev. Messrs. Buchanan,Clark,Darls, Evans, Newman, Roberts, Watson (of St. James the Less), Getz, Littell, Murphy, Perry - J. H. Brown, Matlack, Greene (of Illinois), White, Coleman, Harris (of Chestnut Hill), Robins, Lundy, Childs, Field, Colton, Spackman,litewart, Turner, Ely, Barrow, Diehl, Brooks, Bonnell and. Newton. Twenty-four of the clew,`besides the Bishop and Rector, occupied the chancel, in surplices. The procession moved from the parish balding, headed by the Bishop and the Rector, and flanked by the layman, who were led by the officers of tine church. All appropriate selection from ,the' Psalms was alternately recited as a processional chant. Morning prayer was said by Rev. Wm. Buchanan-:(the• lessons by Dr. Yarnell and Mr. Dichl)—ann Rev. Dr. Beasley. The ante-com- • minion was read by Mr. Spackman, the Epistle and Gospel by tbe venerable Prof.,Lippltt. The sermOn, by the rector,frorn Etenesds, =mat 10 was a deeply interesting summary ortheldato cal events connected with the early efforts to or ganize the parish, and of many of the incidents which the progress of. fifty years will always cluster around a congregation.. We regret that our space will not permit'us to give even an out line of the eloquent sermon which ,;was listened to thrOughout with the most. marked at tention. Deseenditg from the pulpit,, the Rector took from the altar a beautiful sliver abns-basln which ho said had been given to the parish as a memo rial of this anniversary, by members of the par ish, and thatit was to bo used on that occasion to receive the first offerings for the first stone (whether the stone should be largo or small) for the foundation of a now, large and more beauti ful church. It was to be the first contribution towards a building fund. A generous • contribu tion piled up the two alms-buslme used on the oc casion—we trust enough to furnish several stones. Bishop Stevens stepped forward at the close of the Rector's remarks, and in a strain of simple eloquence, touched upon some of the many pleasant and some of the sadder memories of the parish. The Holy Communion was then admin istered by the Bishop, assisted by several of the clergy. The benediction was pronounced by the Bishop. The music was under the direction of Professor A. G. Emerick, who presided at the organ with his accustomed skill. The volunteer choir trained and led by him, gave the musical selections in the very best manner. Mr. Emerick's participation in the services was of the most acceptable and pleasing character. When the choir sang "Joraealem the Golde.o.;" the Bishop and clergy retired to the now fit parish house, followed by the laity of both sexes, who, with the children, were cordially invited to be present. - The building, was the scene of other • ineldenta, no less interesting thad those of the morning, though somewhat different. The spacious 'room wan found to be beautifully decorated with flags, flowers of exquisite form and fragrance, partralts of men, connected once with thd• church, and, last, but not least, a feast oflgood things, which the indefatigable and hospitable members of the parish had supplied with cOmmendable taste and an very great abundance.. The , ladies certainly acquitted themeelves with adinirable taste in the provision and the'arrangementoirid in , their faith ful , attendance 'upon their guests. ,After all . had been served, the • Reetor In troduced successively Rev. Meseta. ',,Llppitt, Buchanan, Bonnell, Beasley, Speakman and Davis, and James M. Aertson, Es q., who elo spindly addressed the meeting, chiefly in the re collection of incidents connected with the parish history. The sparkling wit and happy allusions of some of the speeches elicited considerable ap plause. Rev. Mr. Morris then proposed a 'vote of thanks to the venerable Blshcu of _Wisconsin, (Right Rev. Dr. Kemper,) whose early Services, (given gratuitously, for he refased all com pensation), had contributed largely to the l3ro motion and growth of the parish. The Rev. Mr. Coleman moved a vote of thanks by the guests for the privileges and entertainments of the oc casion. Both of these motions wore responded to with heartiness. At night the church was again filled, when, of ter evening prayer, addresses were delivered by Rev. Messrs. Bonnell, William W. Newton, and • " t Tbls_ser will be long remembered by all the parishioners especially. It was the happiest celebration in its conception, arrangement and development -- that it has ever been our privilege to attend. --- There was but one shadow over -the day --and its celebration, and that was the absence of its late • rector, the venerable Wm. Rodney, during forty years in charge of the parish, (now Emeritus Rector), 'who was detained at Lewes, Delaware, by illness in his family. - We can but hope that this parish, which 4 ; having reached the grand climacteric, has now begun to renew its youth, will go forward, richly profiting by the lessons of the past. May its future be ono of brightness and prosperity, and may a new and more churchly structure soon witness to the untiring zeal and earnest piety of those upon whom now &Noires the character of the future of the parish. Li_y_lm,.!l A BATCH or LITTLE LARCENlES.—Yesterday Willi; m McLaughlin went into a livery stable on Griscom street, kept by Mr. McCann. He picked up a whip, and was making off with it, when he was captured and taken before Alderman Car penter, who bound him over for triaL This morning, between one and two o'clock, Charles Brown, colored, purloined a tub of butter from the cellar of a dealer, at Water and Spruce streets. He was captured, so was the batter. Alderman Carpenter committed the thief. William Davis, a negro, went on board the steamer Twilight, lying at Chesnut street wharf, yesterday, and asked for employment. Not ob taining any, he packed up two pairs of pants belonging to one of the crew and made off with them. He was afterwards arrested at Sixth and South streets, wearing one of the stolen gar ments. This morning Alderman Carpenter sent him to prison. - William Brady is a nine years old youth. This morning be went into the yard of the Dispen sary, on Fifth street, below Library, and stole two baskets of pears which had been donated for the patients. He was arrested and taken! before Alderman Beitier, by whom he was committed. IN THE WRONG - PLACE.-165ttert Lee re a col ored man; he belongs to ona of the first families of Virginia, but does not claim to be a relative of fighting Bob. A night or two ago an old gentle man got astray, and went into a house on Hurst street to inquire the way home. He was nicely entertained, but when he had left he found that his pocket had been bewitched. In other words, e7O had mysteriously disappeared therefrom. Lee was in the house at the time, and 113 supposed to know something about the money. ~He was arrested yesterday and taken before Alderjnan Carpenter, by whom be was committed. Row AT BAILEA - WOATE.—ltichapl Hattel is in custody for assailting a German, at A dance at Harrowgate, on Monday last. The two had a quarrel about a woman; and Hattel was about to settle labs disputant with a knife, or at least it is so alleged. Policeman Greaves saw Hattel draw the weapon and captured him before he could use ft, , ' _ iilderman Holuza_held_ the prisoner for FLEE As a - Senooteliotras.- - =Thlirmorning the stairwpy of the public school-house at Seventh and Catharine streets wareet on fire and was de- stroyed. Low, $2OO. The building made a aar cow escape from destruction. . . moms, lilfAciort arra; Ratak& _Sreass.—Laat week a colored man stole a Itting), 'wagon. and harness from the premises of dolin'l4 SWAM; in the TwenV-llrst Ward: He took the- property to the livery stable of David ,Megitrgety at . Ed diagton,Bucks county. Wit - Mogargee he made .'..a. wide - ,41,1igibe.horiie, :wagon tip — inter of horse. Subsequently Mr. Stevens learned of the transaction and took out a warrant for the arrest of Megargee on a charge of receiving stolen _goods. Policeman Shaw served the docu ment. Megargee denied receiving the property, bnt an investigation showed that he had. The har ness was found accreted under the bed upon which Megargeb had been sleeping. He was ar rested and taken before Alderman Comby, by whom be wascommitted in default of bail. While the van was being driven to the prison, Police man Cremer, of the Fifteenth District, stopped it and took Megargee out and thence infer° Al derman Comby, in order that security could be entered for his appearance at Court. The magis trate refused to eater ball,and Megargee was sent be10w...,:. - A MG HAUL OF DISTILLEREL—This morning Special Officer Brooks, of the Revenue Depart ment, assisted by the police of the Eighteenth District, visited the illicit distilleries on Salmon, Edgemont, Clinton and other noted whisky streets in the Twenty-fifth Ward and arrested the following named persons for violating the law relative to the distillation of spirits: Matthew Mc namara, William Gallagher, John Boyce, Hugh McCafferty, Patrick Relly, John Connor, Wm. O'Rourke, 'Michael Call. Edward Brown, John Brown, and Frank Tomlin. The prisoners were taken before. Ald. Neill, who held them in $1,500 each, to appear before a 11. S. Commissioner to answer the charge mentioned. SHOEVIIAND RETORTING.-MX. M. Laird Sim ons, an accomplished and reliable professional phonographer, has established an office in Room 8, first Soor of the Ledger' building, where he is prepared to receive orders. Mr. Simons is an expert, and persons whO . desire literal and exact reports of any description will find him in every respect competent. SHOPLIFTING as Noma STRNET.—Yiisterday Jacob Sharp stole a piece of alpaca worth $l5, from the front of Epstein. az Haines's dry goods house, No. 123 North Ninth street. , Mr. Epstein caught Sharp by the coat tail and held on to him until Policeman Quinn came up. The latter escorted the prisoner to Aid. Hibberd's office. Sharp was committed. RIOTINP ON BVNDAr.—On Sunday a miniature riot ocenized at the Falls of Schuylkill. The police interfered, but did not succeed in making any arresti—lesterday two of the alleged rioters, John Dillon - and John R. Groves were arrested upon suspicion of having participated in the riot. They wore committed by Alderman Rams dell. GOOD Fresno.-Six members of the "Schuyl kill H. D. Fishing Club " tried their skill in the waters of Amboy Bay yesterday, and in less than five hours caught eight hundred weight of wheat and blue fish. Messrs. J. Burr Moore. Joseph Cardeza, and John Krider, Jr., were of the party. BOAT RACE.-Am exciting boat race took place upon the Delaware yesterday. The course ex tended from Point Airey to Horse Shoe buoy and return. Fifteen boats started, but the Major, owned by Mr. H. R. Gatzmer, of Tacony, came in the winner. BADLY BEATEN.-Phillp Bell has been arrested for beating James Carr, toll-gate keeper at Nice town. 101 used a brick on the head of Carr, in juring him badly. The difficulty occurred about the payment of toll. Alderman Thomas held the accused for trial. Dann.—The unknown man who was found prostrate and helpless on the footway at Atne rim and . ' .Tefferson streets, on Tuesday night, ditd at the Tenth District Station-house. - He is about 40 years obi, and has on a badly worn snit of dark clothing. DISORDERLY HOUSE. - Eliza Saxon lives 'ln Hope street, near, Girard avenue, where she is al , leged to keep a.very disorderly house. Upon that charge • she was arrested. Alderman Eggle; ton held her to bail. Art.Amu Crry.--For the information of those who desire spending Stihday out of the city, we will inform them that the Camden apd Atlantic Rail road are now running two _tains daily to the City by the Sea. One at 7.80 A. M., and one at 4:15 P. M. In addition to these trains, the fast express (through in two hours) is now running, leaving Vine street wharf at 2 o'clock P. M. Also the Sunday train, which leaves every Sunday morning at 7.30 A. M. Branch ticket offices have been oponeji in the Continental Hotel and at 625 Chestnut street. It will be seen that this road offers excellent facilities to the pleasure seeking public. CAPE IsLAND.—The West Jersey Railroad Company is now running three passenger trains daily to Cape Island, leaving the foot of Market street at 9 o'clock A. M., 3.15 P. M. and 4 P. M. The . 4 T. X. is an Express train and m .es .e run to Cape Island in three hours; leaves Cape Island at 6.30 and 9 A. M. (Express) and 5 o'clock P. M. The Sunday train, which leaves at' A. M., and returning, leaves Cape Island at 6.10 P.M., has become very popular. Passengers who come up by the early train in the mornings reach the city in ample time to attend to busi ness. FOR CAPE MAY' . ON SATORDAY.—The splendid new steamer Lady of the Lake leaves - pier 19, above Vine street, to-morrow, at 9.16 A. M., and returning, leaves Cape May on Monday. Excur sion tickets, $3, including carriage hire ; each way, $2 26, including carriage hire. REAL EsTATE.We call the attention of our readers to the card of Win. L. Croece, to be found in our Real Estate column. Persons desirous of purchasing or renting cottages at Cape Island would do well to consult him. DRINK the famous Arctic Soda Water and read the EVENING Bumarrm, at Hillman's News Stand, at North Pennsylvania Depot. THEATRES. Etc: THE WALNUT.—Mr. Lefllngwell is compelled to bring his engagement at the Walnut to an end at the close of this week, not without regret, for he has been very successful, drawing full houses every night. This evening he will have a benefit, will appear in a new character, that of "Olonnda" in Byron's burlesque Cinderella. The performance will conclude with the farce Too much for Good Nature. As an excellent actor In his peculiar line of parts, Mr. Leftingwell is well worth seeing. _ On Monday Foul Play will be produced. The manuscript of this drama in the possession of the management, is •in Mr. Charles Reade's own handwriting, and the public can consequently rely upon having the real thing. Tjm CUESTNVT.—Tho fairy spectacle The .11.1 1.4.1,1.401.0 at the Chestnut, and the managers are congratu lating themselves upon having made a lucky hit. Certainly the piece deserves success as a spec tacle. Those who admire this kind of drama can ask nothing more In the way of handsome scenery, gorgeous costume - and superb ballet dancing. There wW be a matinee to-morrow afternoon. THE AMEMVAN.-At' the American Theatre this evening there will be a mlacellaneons enter tainment, with ballet dancing by the excellent troupe. CITY NOTICES. • . JUST landed from steamer . Helvetia the largest assortment of Parian Marble Busts; Figures and Vases ever seen in this city, all.of the latest designs and best quality. Will be sold at prices toltstonh the initiated. Now on exhibition at ()tarp. China; Palace, 1022 Chestnut street. CHINA BoutitritisSel_wire stems, ,much cheaper and more serviceable than the old style. Call and' see the immense aesortmentjnet reeeitred'at Gay's China • Palace, 1022 Chestnut street. To BEAUTIFY AND Dams THE 11,aru, AND restore it to its natural color, - and -impart that beauti ful gloss, odor, etc., use Mrs. 8.-A. Alien's Improved (new style) Hair Restorer or Dressing, {in one bottle.) Every Druggist sells it. Price One Dollar. THEDAILY - EVEI9ING.I3I:II 4 LBTIN-PHILADELPHIA FRIDAY AUGUST 28 1868. Cora and Sneers from 80c, to $B6O por dozen, at Gaya MU', Palace; 1012 Chabot street. - , Wosailruir — e low prices that goods aro paw at, at Gay's China Palace,-1029 Cuestnut :street. Don't take our wordlorit,but examine for yourselves. Show room open till nine o'clock st night. ; . : - xyazriurmtra eurptieeesAn " "Weil:nem azinelitao any; &reign perfume. Lasting, dellclounad cheap. Price 75 cta; Sold everywhere., A. 1. BIA.THEIWB lb CO., 12 Gold Street, Now York. MOTH PATCHES, FRECKLES ANDTAN,—The only reliable remedy for those brown dbmolcirations on the face is "Perry's Moth and Freckle Lotion." Prepared ohly by Dr. B. 0. Pinar, 49 Bond street,•Now York. Wflold everywhere. AmfotincatmENnt-70harlea Oakford & Sons, under the Continental; announce to the public that they have the largest and cheapest stock of hats and caps in the city. Finn Ctmtom-made Boots and Shoes for Gen tlemen. " Bartlett, 89 South Sixth street, shove Chest nut. - amorous mothers and nurses two for children a safe aid pleaaant medickto in Bowan% innr.usrp (Jou- SURGICAL lusrittnifirscrs and illrualste sun dries. • k Satownso At Stumm, • 28 South Eighth street. Azirtor2vercurarr.—CharleB Oakford 454. Bons, undtir ;the,. Continental, announce. -to the public that they have the largest and cheapest stock of hats and caps in the city. '' • ' DRAM= ,8 BLINDNESS AND LuxAnnit J. Isaacs, M. D.. Professor of the Eye and Ear, treats all diseases appertaining to the above members with the utmost success. Testimonials from the most reliable sources in the city can be seen at this office, No. 805 Arch street. The medical faculty are invited to accompany their patients,as he has no secrets in his practice. Artificial eyes inserted. No charge made for examination. LA PIERRE HOUSE, PHILADELPHIA, The undersigned having leased the shove popular Hotel. and having made extensive alterations and km- Provementait is now open for theremptlon of Huests.with all the appointments of a lintel= Hotel. J. B. BUTTERWORTH Su 404 Proprietors. nun MS UNITED STATES HOTEL ATLANTIC CITY, N. J., Will be opened for the reception of guests on SATURDAY. JUNE 27. The house has, been repainted. papered and'otherwise Improved. Music will be under the direction of Simon Hassler. Persona wishing to engage rooms can do so by applying to BROWN & WORLPPER I , Atlantic City, or • _ Pri). 827 illebniond Street. IQ time "VIRSTCLASS PERMANENT AND SUBESIERBOARI) can be had on tirehoolLane. , Fifth House above the Norristown Railroad. (411130 Stabling.) Immediate. pow, session given of a fine suite of rooms. au.27.3t. • OTTAGE BOARDING —AT KM HILL'S, LAMY ettee et., opposite Delaware House, Cape Island. aVlmt MARY B. CONWAY , LAD I PURMDHING AND HOPPING 3 TOME 81 South Sixteenth Street, PHILADELPHIA. Ladies from any p _art of the United States can send their ordure for Dress materials. Dresses, Cloaks, Bonnets, Shoes, Under Clothing, Mourning Suits, Wedding Tres. Beau, Traveling Outfits. Jewelry, &c.; also. Children's Clothing, Infants" Wardrobes. Gentlemen's Linen, dm In ordering Garments. Ladies will Please send _ „,one of their BE 'PITTING DRESEMB for measurement,- an d mimes visiting the city should not fail to call and have their measures registered ler future convenience. Refers, by permission. to MR. J. M. HAFLIKIGH. 1012 and 1019 Chestnut street. MESSRS. HOMER, COLLADAY & CO., 818 and 820 Chestnut street. Rule Bm LOOKING GLASSES, NEW CEZOMO-LITHOGRAPHR A'ZUIE;.ENE COIIIENTBATED For the Laundry:--Free from Oxalic Acld.—Bee Chemiztie Oertitlcate, Patent Pocket Pincushion or kory. Bag EACh TWXNTY CENT .1.;OX. For sale by all respectable Grocers and Druggiota. iy27mwt 8m 80 A L I . * ft ti tAff t a1 : 12 1 7.20 , trpt, PA:. lA' . • • v•; t trt` til I :• Mita l Csetne.Bolm._ B ii brig . peausvivsiqi from Gatioa. and for 'ale trTJOB. B US & South likilaware memo, - - rtONDVISBTON BISCUIT.—BONDI BOSTON BIM JJ tee as Mt Bison% buedbma %rem item= Nenuomey a n d ter Bale by JOS. B. to di 430.. Ueda for m oue, tas SoutliDelamanire avenniv , • • • • •fir.i : I :/1 • :A CI. recant exoteamihtp_Star of the • • or sale breLll3. $ & t)0..108 South Delow venue. THE Etatcrnio SPARK. Says Brother Jonathan to John, While talking by the wire, "We've bronght ocreeivea together, John, By this Electric tLre. "And nottv, while tight togethertound," Says Jonathan to John, "We always in the cantle of right Together will be found. "The first despatch we send across Will show the people where To go and get their wardrobes filled Vvitn clothing rich and rare. "Thus we'll begin our work of good • By, telling folks to go • And buy whate'er they want to wear Of Charles Stokes & Co., No. 824 Chestnut street. SIMMER RESORTS. iO4I.IIPEIVING9 • -&Ch• NEW CARPETS, Per Steamer "City of Antwerp," _ Made to order for REEVE L. KNIGHT & SON, Importers, 1222 Chestnut Street. I.r II) : 4 :4:tzne ;4 I i ik t 1 NEW srrYIL.IES NEW ENGRAVINGS. CA.LLERI 816 ChegtrLut Street. QUAB:IO3 SWEET CORN-95 BARRELS JUST BB 57 calved and for pale by JOSEPH a BUSKER OF 00, - 08 South Delaware avenue. . • Lb VOSTION. MS. XL Y. •LAIIDIZIELBACIIM SeleCt Clnealcal, ?dewlap and.. COMmeecial School for Boyb and Young M en arid (men on Monday. September 14, at the • . . ' A SEll4laArm , v,43nizanig-e. • - •TENTS and CHESTNUT This School will combine the theronghness and system of a flret•class public school, with the peculiar advantages of a well-appointed, private academy. Applications for admission may be made at the rooms daily, from 9to 12 A. M. • . au22 lrul pEriNSYLVANIA MILITARY ACADEMY. (FOR BOARDERS ONLY.) 'I he eeepion commences THURSDAY, SEPTESIBER 8n For Circulars apply to James FLOine.Faq.(o6 Chestnut street; T. B. Peterson. Esq.. 808 Chestnuts:rect. or to COL. TPFBODORE HYATT. at.2B-12t4 President Pennsylvania MilltarY AcadomY. SELECT HIGH SCHOOL - FOR YoUtiti 'MEN AND BOYS. o. 110.tierth Th NTH *treat. The exercises ;Mt be resealed Igluth Month lbth.• • CALEB S. HALLOWELL. A. M. MISS M. K. Aen BHBURNER will reopen l. school. Northwest corner of Fifteenth and Pine streets, on SEPTEMBER itn, 1868. Entrance on Pine street. I.lllLanaurine. Aug. 28,1868..au28.f.m.w,1tn• ADAKE OLEnENT'A BOADDING AND DAY AIL lichool for Young Ladies, West Walnut Lana,_Ger. truultotrii.: The next eetelon will open WEDoIEEIDAY. Botembey Dth. • ' Yof eirculare apply to the Principal nub walteelet A MERICAN CONSERVATORY OP MUSIC. Instruenen win be rt lE e . e c d .or. MEN= and WALNUT. MONDAY. SEPT. Trn. CISOIILAHB AT TILE M. 13810 BTOIIEL4 (ILA SSICAL AND ENVIBH BOHOOL. AT 1112 MAII. ket street. mop= eepteraN; T. Booms la e. au4B-1m• M. B. COOLEY, A. M. 11111. J. G.-OSBOURN HAS REMOVED HIS ROOMS JAL for Atueloallnetruction to No. 805 Race street. Mr. Osbount taken pleature in offering hie eicee to the public on moderate terms. and invitee p , cular *Nem Son to hie Theoretical and Practical. method of Plane Forte and Guitar inatruction. au2B Imft. A NNA ICAMEWS SCHOOL FOR YOUNG LAMES, 111 a 1819 Gteezi street. will reeves on the 19th of Rep. Umber. at326.lgas CATHARINE M. ISHIPLEY WILL REOPEN HER Hcboo),No. 4 {3 oath Merrick area, (September) 9th month, Uth. 18103. en26toctlin YO M I,NG MEN AN I I)ltrGfa, fatieaaenlca ltid3c iet a itut" jh VERloPetet. rePene Betenter 7th. Preparation for berthas or college. Rev. JAMES G. SHINN,' A. M., PrincipaL an2s 6wo rpaos. BALDWIN'S ENGLISH., MATHEMATICAL .1 and Classical School for Boys, N. E. corner Broid and Arch, will reopen Beptember 7. 'auZlm• Q IG. P. RONDINELLA, TEACHER OF BEiGING. PRI. Ovate lessens and classes. Residence, 808 B. Thirteenth street. •n25.1J8 THE BEST PROVIDED SCHOOL HI AMERICA.— 1 The Scientific and Classical Institute. a School for Boys me Young Men corner of Poplar and Seventeenth streets. reopens MONDAY. September 7. - au24lnd. J. ENNA A DL. Principal. CENTRAL INSTITUTE, ' TES TH AND SPRING Garden 13treeta, reopens t3eptentber 7. Preparation for College or Ooziness. Special attention given to .Prirnary Pupils. Residence of the Principal, No. 534 North Tenth street, H. G. to °OURS. A.M., Principal. au24 6wl J. W. SHOEMAKER, Vice Prin. It S GRIFFITTS WILL RE-OPEN HER . SCHOOL .IYI September 9th, in the large second-story room of the building in the roar of the Church of the Epiphany, cor ner of Chestnut and Fifteenth etreeta. eu2l HD. GREGORY. A. M., WILL REOPENRIR .Claseical and English school, No. 1108 Market street, on Tuesday. Eieptemb.r let. auB4,lm• `1 R. BARREN. A. M. WILL REOPEN HIS lT English and Classical School. Price street, German. town, on MONDAY. September 7. au22 MISS STOKES' 5e1100L,4807 MAIN STREET. GER. mantown, will re-open Monday, September 14th. att24 iAItRIE S. BURNHAM'S SCHOOL FOR YOUNG Ladles and lahses. No. 16111 Filbert street. opera_ SOP toolbox. Nth, 1868. A. few Boarding desired. Bed circular, at the iirtuarstre Office, or address - Mien BURN; RAM,1616 Filbert street, Philadelphia. an2o.lmll DitIvATE INSTRUCTION IN VIE CLASSICS'AND Mathematics. and a Select School for Boya (reopened Sept. 7th), by Rev. bAMUEL EDWARD/4110e Chestnut street, rhiladelplda. Apply before 1r I. aul9.lm*, THE UNDERSIGNED MILL OPEN A PRIVATE 1 School for Bova, Chelten Avenue, Germantown, September 7th.: A- limited number of nuolle will be ro. ceived into the family of the .PrincipaL Residence, Scholane. above Green. Particulars from circulars. 1§94 J. H. WITHIN GTON, A. fd.. Principal. MlBB ANABLEni ,BuIIOPL, NU. 7 ABBOTBFORD , Place, 1360 Pine street, Philadelphia, will re-open Wednesday, September 16,113 a anll,24t* ERMANTOWN SEMINARY POE YOUNG LAMES. IliGreen divot. south of Walnut taco, will reopen SOO. tem ber 9th. Circulars furnished upon application. aul7.tft Prof. W. S. FORTESCUE,A. PrincipaL. 14 188 LAIRD WILL OPEN' A SEMINARY FOR Xi Young Ladies, Sept. 14, at No. =North Eighth street circulars may be obtained of the Principal * . No. 902 North Seventh street. " , aul7 Im' lA . R.V. VON AMSBERG, TE&CHER or TEM PIANO. al will resume his leseone September 14. No. 04 South Fifteenth street. 6u172m• IDITTEN HOUSE ACADEMY. 43 South kighteenth street, will reopen on Monday. September 14tb. Circulars attho Academy. Call from 8 to 9 A. M. or from 4 to 6 P. M. auls 2m. L BARROWS. Principal. GERMANTOWN.—NIBS LOUISE TAYLOR WILL reopen her bchool for children on Wednesday . , Sep tember 9th, at No 6M19 Main street, (Longmines nee) Residence, corner of Main s tr eet and anLs Market Square, GERMANTOWN ACADEMY, SCHOOL LANE AND kJ - Green Street. Fall Term opens on MONDAY, Sep tember 7th. Boys prepared for College or buriness. Send for circulars to 6109 Germantown Avenue. aulllm§ .1 ;• A• A FAA• Air : • : I adelphia—Mire Bonney and Mirallaye will reopen their Boarding and Day School (Tbirtpsevenii/ eemion) September 16. at Particulars, from Circulars THE LEHIGH UNIVERSITY, SOUTH BETHLEHEM, PA. First Term opens 7 uesday, Sept. bit. Applleantsjeit omitted at any time after /ingest 16th. Apeit: HENRY COPP L.L,D. esident, ang4 Imo 1..) WHY ACADEMY, FOR BOYS, NO. 1415 LOCUST Jib street, EDWARD CLARENCE SMITH, A. M. Principal Pupils prepared for BIMINI:NOB 111011 STAND ING IN COLLEGE. Fustclass preparatory department. Circulars at DEEM WALKER'S, No. 722 Chestnut street; or by addressing Box 2611 P. 0. Next session begins September 14th. auB,BBt4 B O.II.PENTOWN FEMALE COLLEGE, BORDENTOWN, N. J. Pleasantly located on the Delaware River, about Birmiles north of Philadelphia. The very best educational advan tages furnished:in connection with a pleasant home. Ses fliOD opens September 16th. For terms, tre.., address au1.86t4 JOHN H. BRAKELEY. ANDALUSIA COLLEGE Re-opens September 9th, 1868. PRIMARY DEPARTMENT for Boys from six to twelve years of age. ACADEMIC DEPARTMENT for Boys of the usual age at Boarding SchooL COLLEGIATE DEPARTMENT for Young Men in the Higher Departments of a Business and Liberal Education. Address REV. H. T. WELLS. LL.D. President; aulB Imo. Andalusia, Penna. 1 isir ANT DAY SCHOOL IN THE SCHOOL BUILD. Jima of the Church of the Holy Trinity. Philadelphia, corner of Walnut street and Rittenhouse square. Miss A. L. Clark will open a school for children be• tween the ages of five and ten years. on MONDAY, Sept. 14th. 1858: Hours from 9A.M.t01 P. M. Terms: $25 per half year. The School year will begin September 14th and clue June 25th. REFERENCES. Rev. PM:MIPS Bnooxs, Prof. Cues. J. STELLE. Mr. JOHN Bontari, Mr. ALEXANDan Bnown, Mr. lattarrr.x. COVFIN. Mr. Ginsott PEACOCK. Mr. Morfotraz ROBINSON. Mr. THOMAS H. POWERS, Mr. Wm H. ASIIIICEST. Mr. WLLLIAEL P. CRESSON. iYD3teepl4 EDGERILL SCHOOL, PRINCETON. N. J. . Rope thoroughly prepared for College, or for Bochum. Next session tieena August .56. Po o r dream, address, • IP2ln• T - rt t•lf LiliZikliati oti Pennsylvania Elastic Sponge ON Jill Chestnut street, Philadelphia: -ELASTICD- SPONCIE; 4 SUBSTITUTE FOR CURLED HAIR FOR ALL . THAN PURPO__ _SES CHEAPER THA,N FEATHERS OR HAIR ANDFAR SUPERIOR. _ • The Lightest, Softest and most Elastic and Durable ma, terial known for ALATTRESSER PILLOWS, CAR. - CARRIAGE AND CHAIRUSHAONS. - It is entirely indestructible, perfectly clean and free from duet. .t. IT IT DOES NOT PACK AT ALL ! is always' free from insect life; is perfectly healthy, and for the sick is unequaled. • If soiled in any way, can be renovated quicker and easier than any otber Mattress. Special attention given to FURNISHING CHURCHES. HALLS, ate- Railroad men are especially invited to examine the ,onshion SPcn&e. • SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. • THE TRADE BUPPLIED. lyD) zn w f 131 BOAIIDLR&' 'ANTED. -00 OD BOARD. WIT RTEIREE OR FOUR T rooms, for family of five pawn persons; have fund. taro. Address Oof4k ORT, this omee. 1V A DYERTIBE IN. THE WILKINGTON DAILY GOBI .DA.merclaL auI7,BORPI AT CHESTER, PA.. an 274014 Print:fps/ 1815 Chestnut stree— aulo-octl§ REV. T. W. CATTELL. rINABICW6 WE HAVE FOR BILLS a limited amount of the** of the PEMBERTON AND IIIOUTBTOWN RAMBO/LIN which Is • ~. Guaranteed l ii Per Cent. by the Camden paittiffitn, sob , to BOWEN & FOX. 13 Merchants , Exchiugre. aul9lstrr COLEBROOKDALE RAILROAD CO. 6 PER CENT. BONDS. FREE FROM ALL TAXES. Interest guaranteed by the Philadelphia and Reading Railroad. FOR VALE AT 135. mi T . h e i ogifu l inineAva. i grit or eo thel 4p, ll6lt forms another route between the Ellebuy*ill and Lehigh Valleys. BOWEN & FOX, 13 Merchants' Exchange. auleln2 BANKING HOIJSB OF) J CooEE 112 and 114 20. THIRD ST W. PHILAD D'E.A.LERI3 . . IN ALL GOVERNMENT SECURITIES We will receive applications for Policies of,Life Insurance in the new Natiomd Life Insurance Company of the United States. Full information given at our office. BAN RS .11 % DEALERS IN ALL GOVERNMENT SEOURITIES And Foreign Exchange. Bids for sale on London and all the princi pal cities In Europe. Letters of Credit avail able for travelers' use throughout Europe Issued on Nessrs.James W.Tucker & Co g Parts. STOCKS, BONDS AND GOLD Bought and bold on Conuntidon. Deposits of Gold or Currency Received. SMITH. RANDOLPH & CO., 16 South Third Street. Chartered by the State of Pennoylvania. THE UNION BANKING 00., N. E cor. Fourth and Chubut Stu., PHILADELPHIA, Authorized Capital, Paid in Capital, - Solicit i rt e A ccounts elßusinessltiirms, f anuitteturers, Dealers and Others. Collections Bade and Checks on • Country Banks Received, Certificates Bearing Interest at 4 Per •Dent. will be Issued for De. posits Remaining 30 Days or Longer. N. C. MUSSELMAN. President. ENTRAPA IC RAILROAD CO. We have just received in detail the statement of the operations of the CENTRAL PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPANY for the first six months of the current year. The figures are: Gram Eannings. Operating Expenses. Net Banana& $607,684 29 gold. 8217,983 63 gold. $869,650 66 gold. As the firet train paesed across the Mountable-blithe 18th of June the road was not fairly open for the legiti mate traffic until July let. The above is practically-the business on 93 miles to Cisco; although 25 to 85 miles of disconnected road were worked on the last slope it was no source of profit; moreover much of tho freight would, naturally be held back for the continuous rail. The gross earnings for July were $260,000 00 Gold. We enppose the experisea during that time not to exceed Thirty-five per cent. We have on hand for dale FIRST MORTGAGE BONDS CENTRAL PAOIFIO RAILROAD Paying 6 per cent. interest in gold, Plineiga 80 paya accrued interest. . . . ' / \ /', , , . ~ , , ,/ . 4 VII • 1 IT/ . D No. 40 S. Third St® . p ;T1 61 DI : C11.:(31)..„Th.1 Paper Mangings AT RETAIL. JOHN H. LOr.sIGSTRETH, Nci. 12 North Third Street. sum, lot rpm WIMMe ,_" • • i 1:k Southeast corner of Twelfth arid Fitzwater streets, for the Ohildren'sHoine. APPII on _° tember 2d.between the hours i 8 oklogk. sum This medicine increaseithe power of digestion, anti ex. cite/ the abtarbenti into ites , action. bY which the water or cakarous depositions and aU ILLisps t urrak .entargs. are reduced. ea wen Van and rnsu=. end Lents by HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHIL .. Elvin. 'woolen!** **hi from suesteg. habits of &NU Patios. earkr attended with the following eyinstonue : • . dkposition to exertion. low of Powers ... a o f =priory. , WO of incoming. sok bib& orrorWs•ases. sitstultiess. • imams of vision . Vain In the back. t o! t bauday Migigg ot the body. =All Og the shin, , ~. out on the face. real lassitude of uie 0014116 nese symptoms if allowed to go on. which this me clue laudably removes. moon follows - ~• • Impotency, F atuity, lipileptio Fits, Who can ay that *ex are not frequently fottOwed bt those' direftu diseases. Insanity and Consumption. Many are aware of the CZUIO of their auffatin& but 120726 will confess. WIN RUUD' OP ISMIRE And the melancholy deaths by consumption. beat ample witness to the truth of the assertion. The constitution once affected with arganie Weakness, Requires the aid of medicine to etrensthen and knrlgorate the system. which HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU In many effeetloturieculior to females. THE EXTRACT OF MICHII lo unequaled by MY other remedy. No Family should be witbou lifMtd MMM MM MM MX MM MM MM MM MM MM MM Mel MM MM MM MM MM , MM MM M MM MM MMM MM MM. MM MM Take r olsaum. mercury, or ulipleason; motildue SELIII3OIAD - ALXTBACT BOVIIII eLoop t opo s.lgomo Cores Mese Dlsesiees in all their eiggee, at. tie expense, little or OD change in diet. no inconvenience and no exposure. Use Helmbold's Extract Buda For all affection and diseases the urinary organs. whether ea:faint Intl ale or Femaledrom whatever muse originating. and no matter of how long etaading. Dl rear° of three organs requires the aid of a diuretic,. HELELBOLD'S EXTRACT Buctav • t e [rests 1 Emetic, and is certain to bays the desired effect insll diseases for which ft 'is rearm. mended. Evidence of the most responsible and •renable character will accompany the medicine. Physicians, please notice, I mak lltm "secret" of "La. gredienta." RELMB OLD'S EXTRACT Big/HU Is composed of bnclm. cubebs an Juniper lberrice. S 8 lected with great care. By H. T. HELMBOLD, Practical and analytical cho of mht, and Bola man at Helmbold's Genuine Preparation. Personally appeared before me, an Alderman of the City of Philadelphia, 11. T. Helmbold,. who. bau_dely sworn. dot!" 131iT Ms preparations contain no narcotic, no mercury or injurioutdruge, but are purely vegetable._ H. T HELHBOL Sworn and enbecribed to before me, this 284 day of NO. vember, Het WM. P. HlBBEED,_Alderman. Ninth Street, above Race, Philadelphia. Price—ell 25 per Bottle, or 0 for 56 50 Deliver to any addremseCuielY packed from observation. Addy's= all letters to . H. T. ILELDIBOLD. Drug and ðical trarolioniteir 594 BILOADINTAT, NEW TOES. 564 .; 'Or Helrobold'a. Medical Depot, 104 MOUTH TENTH ITS, PIIILL 104 Beware of Counterfeits and, unprincirde polder& who endeavor to dispose " of their own and other articles, on the reputation obtained by Hellabold'a Genuine Preparations. C bold 6Vaa DresW rik el io e rfi v elmbold's — taka no other. NONE ARE GENUINE tualees done up in *Wee- Ware grae a via is vp_oN i with faarensGs of my Ohanilag " iv" . H. 2. HELMBOLD. in gold at 103 and .11E]Lima ox4Eo.,is GENUINE ,PREPARATION. lififfrigid reampipig Egg it llrin 'BIM Luau gi Highly ,Concentrated" Compound Fluid Exftact Ruehu, A positive and specific remedy for diseases of the Bladder, Kidneys, Grave! and Dronefoal Swellings. PSEEFE f F.TE iiiERE • EEEEEE Ass zICE BEItrL7gE_IRE EKE 'EaKEEJA Ken, Women and Children. In ono of which the p afloat may expire. Invariably Does. A trial will convince the meet skeptical. LLL P aL .T.T.T.s LIA,Ijae ANT) IMPROVED BORE WARD BBBBBABB 888888888 B BB: lignßßß. BBBBms 8888888 BBB•41BBB 888 BABES BABBBBBBB 88888888 00000 , -000000cr 000 o 000 0 0 00 o 00 0 0 0 000 000 0 0 0000000 000 00 00000 [PREPARED IN VAGIJO. LLL LLL. LLL LLL LLL LLL LLL LLLLLLLLLL LLLLIA.T.T.T.T. AFFIDAVIT. DSDADpEp 1!1!)!U21:1q3 DDD pDD DDDDDDDD DDBDODD
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers