LEITIB Fl6llO PEW 011ide AMT. Louisiana °Metals—A Rebel Renewal Superintending use Water Works— Political Itiatters—Tbe Late Riot— Absence of Disease—Fineurteial ligenea, (iDerrecroadestee Af the Philadelphia Eceniag Bulletin.) NEW 081.S.ASS, August 7.—.0n Friday the Go- Tertler nominated to the Senate and the Senate -confirmed; the following named gentlemen to constitute the :,prone Court of this State for eight ;years: For Chief Justice, John T. Ludlln.% of Ouachita; for. Associate deistical, James G. Tallaferro, of Catahoula; Wm. G. Wyley, of Car roll. and R. K. Howell and W. W. How, of Or ig.-an-a. Judges Talisfaro and Howell are mem- Nis of the pment Supreme Court. AU the appointees command the respect of all political puttee. The action of Governor Warmouth in notninating Judge Tallaterro is commended by his political opponents as a gracefal and meg r-atimous act, as the Judge was an independent -candidate against the Governor at the late elec tion. The city having purchased the works by which it is supplied by water, Mayor Conway has ap pointed lea. Braxton Bragg as Superintendent of these works, and also appointed a Board of ' Commissioners of seven. The political world is in a teverish state. On the evenin g of the lit inst. there was great excite went, caused by the attempt of many of 'the po litical foes of Willis Rollins, the Democratic col.:` ored orator, to do him harm. The crowd was rapidly swelled to hundreds, and at the time threatened to seriously disturb the peace of the city, but the police finally bore Rollins off. This allippAas of course given rise to a very bitter discussi on between the Republicans and Demo crats, and the excitement has been intense. On Monday Rollins was again beset by a mob, bate escaped escaped uninjured. To add fuel to the fire,there was a fatal disaster at a large 'Democratic gath ering in Lafayette Square last evening; and as is a very natural thing in, these -heated po litical' times,, charges are made that it was brought about through ' the se- Lion of political foes. The meeting was first addressed by Mr. Scott Jordan, As he concluded life speech the stand, on which • were about two hundred people, fell with a .great crash, isetionsly Injuring six persons, two of - whom„it is thought; are mortally wounded. Willis Rollins, the col ored orator, was to follow Jordan with a .speech, and it is therefore asserted that this was an attempt upon his life. The Pibayune declares that gentlemen well known in the community examined the - timbers of the fallen platform and found that the upright poets had all been sawed so that a ehove would easily prostrate the entire .structure, and says: "It now appears that the whole affair was a base design upon the life of Rollins, even though __ - that should - involve - the death of every person upon the platform with bun.” It is difficult for me thus early to ascertain all the facts connected with this sad affair. But 1 would simply say, in view of not only this but the many other exciting political rumors which are hurried out from this _city,thatinthese_times,-witit,the-political-ther- - mometer at blood•heat, all statements calculated iv have -- sn Important political -bearing - should he carefully weighed before being fully accepted. As to the campaign thus far, it has been vigor. ously pushed by both parties. The thermometer at 6 o'clock yesterday morn ing marked 76; at 12 M., 85; at 3 P. M., 81, and at 6P. M., 77. A fine breeze prevailed, and the -day was written down as . pleasant. For days past the weather has been delightful, although the sun does now and then demonstrate in au -over-affectionate way. The city continues very healthy. The people Mow hardly think of the possibility of a visita tion this year from yellow fever or the cholera. In trade there is the same dull round to note:— the same stagnation, which, to a greater or less extent, has prevailed for weeks. 1 Badness of nearly every description is very "slow," and the Levee in particular seems almost deserted. The cotton market is just now hardly worth men tioning at all, for yesterday the entire sales re ported amounted to only 33 bales. The stoek on hand and on shipboard last evening amounted to 1,914 bales. The city finances are still in the most unsatis factory condition. Yesterday the Legislature re ceived a, communication from the Mayor and Common Council, containing a resolution of the Council, declaring it, in their opinion, "neces sary for the immediate and permanent relief of the city that the Legislature now in session be and they are hereby requested to pass such acts as shall enable the city to enforce the collection of all taxes past due, to issue bonds to the extent of five million dollars, payable in forty years or less, and to lay a special tax on all of the real and personal property of the city sufficient to meet the interest on said bonds, and to provide a sink ing fund for the final redemption thereof." In October the Alliance line will extend its connections to Havana, and a steamer will leave New Orleans by way of Pensacola Apalachicola, St. Marks, Cedar Keys, Tampa, Key West, and thence to Havana, touching at the above-named ports on her return. An "authority" says that the establishment of this service effectually con -centrates the whole trade of the Gulf in this city, if our merchants prove sufficiently enterprising to avail themselves of its benefits. VERMONT BANK BOBBED. Twenty Thousand Dollars Stolen from a National Bank.in Bennington. (From the Troy Whig of Aug. 11.1 One of the most skillful as well as successful burglaries that has ever been committed in this vicinity occurred in the usually quiet town of Emit Bennington, on Saturday night • last. The vault of the First National Bank was the "centre of attraction" to the burglars, who gained an en trance to the building by prying open a shutter and window leading to the banking-room: Sun day afternoon, about 3 o'clock,Mr. L. R. Graves, President, - entered the Bank and discovered that the dial plate had been removed from the exterior door of the safe, which was one of Lillie's manufacture. As the dial-plate is only held in its position by a small serew, which could easily be removed, and as nothing else in the room appeared to have been disturbed, Mr. Graves, supposing that it bad been removed by some of the bank officers for some reason, re turned home without any forebodings of trouble. About 9 o'clock in the evening Mr. Gravea' son, teller in the bank, returned from a visit. Upon being informed by his father of the removal of the dial-plate from the safe his suspicions were aroused, and having informed Cashier Cobb of the circumstance, the three proceeded together to the bank. The skilful eyes of the Cashier and Teller immediately discovered some thing wrong. The Cashier attempted to open the sale, but without the dial plate nothing could ap parent be done. After several vain endeavors.he succeeded in picking the lock of the outer safe door, but the dial plate of the inside safe lock hav ing been also removed, he could proceed no fur ther. Subsequently, Mr. Stirling, the agent of the safes in this city, succeeded in picking the inner lock. The contents of the inner safe were found untouched, much to the surprise as - well as gratification of the officers of the institution The outer safe contained $B,OOO or 410,000 belonging to the bank and $12,000 of special deposits, amounting in all to about $20,- -000, not including about $l,OOO worth of Ben nington town bonds, which were untouched. As only three persons,and these being officers of the bank, were acquainted with the combinations of the lock, it is surmised that some skillful cracks men succeeded in picking the lock. • The Cashier of the bank left the institution about 9.30 o'clock on Saturday evening, so that the burglars must have operated between that time and sunrise of the next mornin6. Of the private depositors Mr. E. A. Cobb. the Cashier ,of the - bank, is the - heaviest loser. Between $5,000 and $7,000 in cash—together with some Ben nington town bonds belonging to him—were ap propriated by the burglars. The remainder of the special deposits was composed for the most part of small sums, deposited by residents in the vicinity who can illy afford to lose even small amounts. The circumstances of the burglary are somewhat peculiar in several particulars. De tective Kirk, of this city, is at present investi gating. ffie 'affair, and it is hoped that his efforts in ferreting out the criminals will be crowned with Ultimate suceesa Although the bank has suffer somewhat from this nfortunate dream. .stance, still its officers maintain that its stability is in no wise affected, and that its business will be transacted as UAW: iA corTespondent,- describing a recent grand dress ball, says of n'huly that "she looked sweetly in a plain white muslin dress tucked up to the waist." - . i i nico ;f 4 U ILA OnirisAnr.—At a meeting 9f the Comniercial Exc.hange Association, held MIS morning at their Rail, coiner of Second and Gold streets. J. Harper Jefffles, Esq., the Preeident , annonnerd the decease of Philip Bashong, a member of the organization. Mr. B. has been ingsged here and in Residing for nearly half a iviltury as a distiller and manufacturer of step hoL • The following preamble and resolutions were unanimously agreed to: Whereas. After a long and painful illness, death kas removed from among ns our old and valued 'associate, Philip Bushong; therefore be it Resolved, That it is with more than usual sor row we mourn the loss of one so long identified with us in commercial pursuits, and whose in tegrity,. sagacity and enterprise reflected honor upon his associates. .Resolved, That we tender to the family of the deceased our sympathy in their bereavement. Resolved, That the members of this Association attend the funeral. The following gentlemen were appointed the Committee on Resolutions : John P. 13ankson, Z. Locke, Alexander Young, John L. Buzby and C. Rose Smith. Sr. PIONAS'I3 CHURCH, WIIITILMARSII.--Thirty years after the founding of our State an old log church at Wbitemarsh, that had been used for many years, gave way to a stone edifice for the performance of Divine worship. One hundred and seven years after this, in the year 1817, this venerable , elurch, beyond repair. gave place to a still larger though less substantial building. The latter, after fifty years of good service, was de clared unsafe, and was just recently removed. The work of,erecting in its . stead a successor has been commenced, and the corner-stone will be lald•with appropriate ceremony on to-morrow afternoon. Encouragement in this effort is so licited by the church- people in the shape of do nations, that the old'landmark,where, for nearly one hundred and fifty yeara, Divine worship was celebrated,may be renewed. FAST JIIVENILICEI.—Last night when the New York train arrived at the West Philadelphia de pot, Policemen Beaston and McKee noticed two boys who were behaving suspicionitly and were. makings display of a little more money than• they ought to have had if they came by it hon estly. The juveniles were taken into custody. . One of them said that they had stolen sbo and had gone to New York on Monday last. They were returning last night after having expended about $2O of the stolen money. The two lads were taken before Ald. Mardi and were commit ted for a.ftulber hearing. RAILRQedibIPROVICBIENTB.—The Philadelphia, Germantown and Norristown Railroad Coinpany is constantly making improvements which add greatly tiithe conifort and convenience of its passengers. About one-half of the road is now laid with steel rails, which have been found to possess many advantages over the old style of raps. The 'elation-houses along the route have been recently enlarged and improved, and several-new-and-handsomely farnished-passonger cars have lately lxen added to the rolling stock. - • Tint KENNERCIIOB.—The members of tka Man nerchor had a private pic-nic at Engel Wolf's Farm, yesterday. Notwithstanding the rain, there was quite a large attendance of members and their families, and invited guests, composed of delegates from other musical societies. The entertainment comprised music by a fine band, dancing and singing by the different societies. Everything passed off in the most successful manner, and the affair was one of much enjoy ment to all the participants. ATTEMPTED ROBBERY.—Among•the visitors to. Point Airy yesterday was an individual who had , ' a roll of bank notes, and made himself quite pro minent by frequently displaying his greenbacks. He was soon surrounded by some of the Fourth Ward thieves. Finally three women and a man were arrested upon the charge of attempting to giq unlawful possession of some of the money. They were taken before Ald. Mink and were com mitted for a further hearing. Boy Bnm—A boy named Thomas Prentiss, residing at No. 1622 Latona street, was before Aid. Dallas this morning upon the charge of having shot a lad named Cornelius McFillan, aged 11 years. The two youths got into a quar rel about some trivial matteryesterday afternoon about half-past three o'clock. Prentiss had a bistol and fired at 31cFillan. The ball took effect in the head, causing a serious wound. Prentiss was committed to await the result of the injuries of Mffillan. RE-ARRESTED.—Pat Dougherty, who was ar rested in West Philadelphia, sometime sinee,upon the charge of assault and battery with intent to kill, was admitted to bail and forfeited his recog nizance, was re-arrested yesterday and was sent to prison to await his trial. THE TEMPERANCE CAI:UHL—The Supreme Council, T. of H. and T., commenced Its sessions in this city to-day. To-morrow evening, at Concert Hall, the members will receive a public greeting from the members of the Order in tits city. AN OWNER WANTED.—About twelve pounds of new lead pipe, which had evidently been stolen from some house, Were found on Delaware av enue below Willow street, this morning. The pipe awaits an owner at the Harbor Police Sta tion. AT HALF MAST.—The flags upon the public buildings and upon many private establishments are displayed at half-mast to-day, in respect to the memory of Hon. Thaddeus Stevens, who died last night at Washington. TILL TArriNG.—A boy named Jos. McGovern was arrested yesterday, and taken before Alder man Maull, upon the charge of having robbed the money drawer of a store at Fortieth and Market stitets. He was committed for trial. FOUND DROWNED.—The hody of an unknown boy was found in the canal, at Manayunk, this morning, and was taken to the Thirteenth M ir let Police Station. The Coroner was notified. LA PIERRE HOUSE.—This well known hotel, which has been closed during the past two months, is again open for the reception of guests, having gone through a number of great improve ments. Messrs. J. B. Butterworth dr. Co., the present proprietors, are well versed in the hotel business, and we think those of our readers who have occasion to stop at a hotel will find every= thing at the La Pierre, in the way of elegance and comfort, to suit even the most fastidious. GRAISD BALL AT CAPE MAY.—A grand fancy dress and calico ball will be given on Saturday evening, the 15th instant, at the Sea Breeze House, Cape May, under the direction of Mr. Mark ,Bassler. A brilliant affair may be ex pected. REAL ESTATE.—We call the attention of our readers to the card of Wm. L. Creece, to be found in our Real Estate column. Persons desirous of purchasing or renting cottages at Cape Island would do well to consult him. Dnnar. the famous Arctic Soda Water and read the Evy..N.Lwo BULLETIN, at Hillman's News Stand, at North Pennsylvania Depot. THE COURTS. QUARTER SESSIONS—Judge Browster„—Valen tine Deering was charged with stealing 400 pounds of copper. The defendant is a carman, and it was alleged that he was employed to move the copper, and, in doing so, he allowed his son, to take it away while the defendant occupied the, attention of the parties who accompanied him to receive the money for the owners. The defence °fared no testimony; hut relied wort an alleged, technical defect in the evidence, _Verdict guilty.: George Thomas, colored was charged with robbing a countryman, in Hurst street. He was. ECM, with others, holding the countryman, aud was afterwards identified while running away. The next day Thomas and his companions were carousing in the lower section of the city, in dulging in champagne, and had changed their rags for good clothing. The prisoner had no testimony, but one of the THE DAILY EVENING BULLETIN--PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 12;1868; numerous young members of the bar, lounging about the Court roots: :.undettook the" defence and occupied over an hour in argument, the re-, nit of.which was that the jury, retired to delibe rate upon-a verdict:, ' - NEW Yong, August ,12.—The poard of Health had again 'under consideration yesterday mea sures tor the cure and prevention of the cattle disease. A report from the aanitarysquid showed that in the drove yards of the city there was no disease apparent as yet.. Dr. Harris subititted a report in reference to the disease. He expresses the opinion , that it is one of the most Intense forms of the malignant typhus. Telegrams from Pittsburgh state that' the disease has 'disappeared among the cattle in transit lin the'rennsylvania railroads. , • ' • • The body found floating in the East River on Saturday proves to be that of Kr: Charles Elliot, formerly a judge in California, and for' several years past a member of the firm of A. , 11: Bin ninger, wine merchant, of Beaver street. Ho re sided at the Washington Hotel, and as ho is stip posed to have received 04,000 on Friday, it is surmised that he was murdered:,: The The Thirteenth District Grant and Colfax Club displayed 'a magnificent , transparency at their headquarters, No. 206 E*hth aeittie, last even ing. They have arranged - for a 'mass meeting to take , place next Tuesday evening at which speeches will be made by Generals &ales and' Cochrane. , • . A junk-dealer named Hugh G. Cunningham was found dead in his shop, No 118 Hudson Av enue, Brooklyn, on Monday. The condition of the body. which had evidently lain for several days before it was discovered,indicated foul play. MARYLAND, HAMS I MARYLAND HAMS !—These delicious hams constantly for sale by birronatt. & FraiFouss.,, " ' ' 1204 Chestnut. street. VIRGINIA COUNTRY CURED giora.—Davla'a Star Brand Cincinnati Hama. ' VERY CHOICE OntateFa TEA, !' . Very choice English Breakfast Tea! Very choice Young Hymn Teal Inducements offered _hy the quantity. MirrORELL .temrTrmnit: 1204 Chestnut street PURE OLD GOVERNMENT JAVA COFFEE! Very rich Old Mocha Coffee I Rare East India Coilee I Choice Mexican Coffee! • Costa Rica and Laguayra Coffee! Maracaibo and Cape Hayden do. • Roasted fresh daily. Mrronerx. & Eurronza, 1204 Chestnut street. LARGE bunches of the finest Hot-house grapes, Jordan roasted almonds, delicious Fretnitand Amer lean mixtures, bonbobs aud every variety, of confec tionauat A. L. VeastaiT's, Nintirrmd-Cirestrint:— Woum,yon repose apish a bed which will give sound sleep and pleasant dreams, which will bet light, springy, clean, healthy, durable and alt that is to be desired? Then, by all means, see that it is filled with the Elastic Sponge. Onr advice is founded upon ex perience. HARD TO FTND.-A pair of oerfebt fitting Daft oonty-except at -- _ CLIATIGSB SrOEES & Co., No. 824 Chestnut street, Phila. No misfile allowed to leave their establishment. MY W/F.E'23 choice, and the whole family prefer it. Mrs. S. A. Allen's Improved (new style) hair Re storer or Dressing, (in ono bottle.) Every Druggist sells it. Price One Dollar. THERE IS A PECULIAR FRESHNESS OF ODOR IN the new perfume, Bouquet des Antilles, possessed by no other. Sweet, lasting and cheap. Price 75 cents. Sold everywhere. A. L MATHEWS & CO., 12 Gold Street, New York. ANICOUNCEDIENT.—CharIes Oakford & Bone, under the Continental, announce to the public that they have the largest and cheapest stock of bate and caps in the city. FINE Custom-made Boots and Shoes for Gen tlemen. Bartlett, 33 South Sixth street, above Ohm= nut. Junrcmus mothers and nurses nse for children a safe and pleasant medicine in Bowan's Ltmstrr Cos- DIAL. Summer. lusimuannals and druggists' fan dries. ANNOUZICEMIGNT.—CharIes Oakford & Sons, under the Continental. announce to the public that they have the largest and cheapest stock of hats and caps in the city. DEAFNICSS, BLINDNESS AND UATABBIL J. Isaacs, M. D. Professor of the Eye and Ear, treats all diseases apper talning to the above members with the utmost success. Testimonials from the most re liable sources in the city can be seen at his office, No. 900 Arch street. The medical faculty are invited to accompany their patients as he has no secrets in his practice. Artificial eyes inserted. No charge made !o' nx.Rminatian. Q.TATWNB. ilaportelfg rnu ß. adeinhia ening Bulletin. CIENFUEGOS—Brig Grace Darling, Martin-188 hhde 9 tee 80 bble sugar 285 hhde 50 tea mimeos Madeira dr. Ca hada. PORT OP PHILADELPHIA—Auci. 12. UrSee Marina Bulletin en Inside Paae. ARRIVED THIS DAY. Steamer S F Phelps. Brown. 29 hours from New York, with mdse to W M Baird & Co. Steamer Alida. Lennig, 24 hours from New York, with mdse to W P Clyde & Co. bark Hellespon4 iji faieo,7 days from Boston, in bal last to Merchant ds Co. .- - Wig Geo E Prescott, Mills, 4 days from Vinalbaven with stone to captain. . . . Brig Grace Darling. Martin. 20 days from Cienfuegos. auger and molasses to Madeira . Cabada. bchr Naiad Quc en. Clime, Fall River. Behr M Van (Huse% Corson. Saugus. Behr E Haigbt, Avery, Bangor. • Behr Gettysburg. Corson, Boston. Behr Lucy Holmes. EIJI% Boston. Bchr J B Allen. Case, Nantucket. - Behr C B Watson. Adams. Nantucket. Behr L B Wattuon, Willis, Newport. Tug Thou Jefferson, Alton, from Baltimore, with a tow of bargee to W P Clyde &C.o._ BELOW. Brig Frontier, from St John, CLEARED THI3 DAY. Strainer E C Biddle. alcCue, New York. W P Clyde&C o Strainer Prometheus, Gray, Charleston, E A Souder dr. Co. Strainer Whirlwind. Gear. Providence, D b Stetson di Co. IRet k Rainbow. White, Queenstown for orders. E A Bon der It Co Brig B Strout, Strout. Jacksonville, Fla. J E Baziey & Co. :Saw J B Austin, Davis, Charlestown. Caldwell. Gordon dt Co. Srbr Lury Elobnes, Ellis, Kingston. Mass, do Schr Naiad Queen, Chase. Quincy Point, Warren&Gregg. Sebr Gettysburg, Corson. Gloucester, Ssett, Walter & Co. Behr D He Wolfe, Dole, Oregon Mills, NC, captain. Scbr J B Allen, Case, Nantucket, Caatner, Stickney Wellington. Behr C S Watteon, Adams, Nantucket, do Bohr L t 3 Wattson, Willis. Salem, Weld. Nagle It Co. Bchr M Sewell, Friable. Boston, Geo 8 Repoller. Bohr Fanny Keating, Daniels, Quincy Point, Sinnickson di Co. Saw 3 H Perry Jeffries, New Bedford, -do Behr Clara Davidson, Medford, do Tug Thou Jefferson, Allen, for Baltimore. with a Pow of bargee, W P Clyde & Co. MEMORANDA. Ship Ferdinand (lltis),Daneman, hence at Bremerhaven 30th ult. Ship Memnon, Baker,hence for Rio Janeiro, was spoken 16th Juno, lat 6 S. lon 26. Ship Gamma, Emerson, from Manila April 181, at licw York yesterday. with hemp, dm. ship Jenny, Hartman, cleared at London nit ult. for thisport. Ship John Clark, Letotirnau. hence at St John, NB. 10th Instant Steamers Scotia (Br). Judklna, and Nebraska, Guard, cleared at New Yorkyesterday for Liverpool. H Steamer Brunette, owe, hence at Now York yester. day. BaLakemba,Rood, rk Progress (Norw), Lindrup, hence for Dan'zir, the Pound. Elsinore , 24th ult. Bark induldrie (Prue), Bischoff. hones at Gibraltar 23tk ult. Bark M W Brett. Thurlow, hence at Havre 25th ult. Bark Joshua B, Emery. cleared at London Bth instant for this port. Bark Activ,SNerw). Frieberg, hence for Stettin, in the Sound, Elsinore. 25tb nit. • • B r i g A l b er t Dee fig, Dewitt, hence at Antwerp 81st ult. Brig Henry rerkina. Seymour. hence at Lisbon 27th ult. Brig M A Troup. Troup. hence at Antwerp Me t Behr Trade Wind, Corson,henee at Providence Plth_lnet Behr Elizabeth, Homer. sailed from Pawtucket 10th hut for this port. Behr Milton, Conley. hence at Richmond 10th inst. Behr Millard Fillmore, Chase, hence at Marbelhead 9th instant.. Behr Lamartinc, Butler, from Providence for this port, - at Newport Bth inst. Sehrs W C Atwater, Taylor, from Bristol ,• R S Peen, Cook, from Taunton, and J J Little Little, from Pal River, aU for - this port, at Newport 9th inst. Behr L Q 0 Wishart, Meson, sailed from Newport 10th in.t for Baltimore., ONDII BOSTON BIBUUTT.—BOND'S BOS TON 807 B ter pad Milk Biscuit, landing from Steamer Norman, and for saleby JOS. B. BUSSIER & Ca. Aunts for Bond. -108 South DeLawareavenue. NwiEw (mop ARABIAN DATES.-100 MATTA FINE quality, landing and for sale by JOB. B. BUEISIFA Co.. 108 South Delaware avenue. rItERERVED TAMABINDE-20 KEGS MARTINIQUE Tamarind% Weger. landing and for' sale bY MIER tic 08.. 108 Beath Delaware avanne. MACCARONI AND VERMICELLL—L% --BOXES Italian Curled Macearord and Vermicelli landing from eldp Memnon. - direet from Genoa, and for sal° by JOB. D. F USSIER & CO., 108 Small Delaware a y eafte. . NEW YORK. C3ITY NOTICES.' z. Strowont Bzwramt, 28 South Eighth strest. JIMUUN4:I3U3. , BANKING= ROUSE OF. JA.YCO 0-/ZE &CPO 112 and 114 So. THIRD ST. PHILAD'A. DEALERS IN ALL " GOVERNMENT SECURITIES 11111AND011111 DEALERS IN ALL GOVERNMENT SECURITIES COUPONS BOUM SANS PRICE AS GOLD. Orders for the purchase or sale of Stoolts, Bonds. at 00141Promntly executed. 'MIST MORTGAGE BONDS Union and the Central Paoli° Railroad • For Salo at 102 and 103. Collections made with prompt returns. SMITH, RANDOLPH & CO., IS South Third , Streets Chartered by the State of Pennsylvania. THE UNION BANKING COMPANY, N. E cor. - rourth and Chestnut Stn., PHILADELPHIA; Authorized Capital, - $1 000,000 - Paid in Capita c - - $lOO,OOO , . solicit the Accounts or Business Firms, Manuraelnrers, Dealers and Others. Collection. Ptlade sina Checks on Country Banks bocelved. Certificates Bearing Interest at 4 Per Cent. wilt be Issued for De. posits Remaining 30 Days or Longer. N. C MUSSELMAN, President. E. B. MOODY, Cashier. $15 2 000' 00q. ortgage. A 56,000.. and nil $ 5OOO TO INVEST A. ITLR. nun 31. . 5l North Sixth street pill - a t ; • 4:411 :4 :113 LA PIERRE HQUSE, PHILADELPIIIA, PA. The undersigned having leased the above popular Hotel. and having made extensive alterations and lm provements it Is now open for the reception of Cluesta.with all the appointments of a iireiclaas Hotel. J. B. BUTTERWORTH & (0., Proprietors. _ael.2 Imp UNITED STATES HOTELI ATLANTIC CITY, N. J., Will be opened for the reception of guests on SATURDAY, JUNE 27. The house has been repainted, papered and otherwise improved. Music will be under the direction of Simon Hassler. Persons wishing to engage rooms can do so by applying to BROWN dt WOELPPER, Atlantic City. or No. 827 Richmond Street. let Urn§ LIG-HT-HOUSE COTTAGE, ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. This wellitnown nOtl2lo ham been Removed, Remodeled and very much Enlarged—with commodious and coin. fortable Room,. LOCATED BETWEEN 11. 8. HOTEL AND THE BEACH ahe ground, surrounding are nicely enclosed and well shaded. Guests for the house will leave the care at U. G. HoteL to- NO BAR. jelB 2ml JONAH WOOTTON. Proprietor. fORITTO SPRINGS. CAMBELA CO-, FA--THIS AJ well-known and delightful summer rJeort having been thoroughly renovated and much improved since last see son. is now open-under the management of the under signed. Excursion tickets over the Pennsylvania Rail road can be procured in Philadelphia,Pittaburgh andillar risburg to Ra3ler's Station, two miles distant from the nprings, at which point vehicles will be in readiness to convey visitors to them. Visitors will take the 11 o'clock P. M. train to avoid delay. The owner of the Springs, Ie r. Gibbons, will give his personal attention to the wel fare of his guests. Terms, Sl2 per week. For circulate ant further particulars, address 33.31-20 to JOHN MoINTOSH, Proprietor. CONGRESS lIALL, ATLANTIC CITY. IS • NOW open for the season. This house is moat convenient to the red. Many improvements have been added for tho comfort of the gueete. A band of music has been engaged for the season. Iyl2lmil GEORGE W. HINKEL. Proprietor. FOUNTAIN HOUSE, AT CRYSTAL BPRIN e Allentown, Pa, will be opened on the 22d of Jun. 'his new establishment is fitted out in magnificent etyl: or the especial accommodation of those from abro . ho seek a healthy and pleasant summer retreat. Roo.. can be secured by letter, b • addressin. je23 REL.'S : tz COTTAGE BOARIDING -AT MISS HILL'S, I AVAY ette et., oppoette Delaware House. Cape bland, a7-Ire WANTED—BY A ,Ek GLY OF SIX PERSONS (NO children). Boa . Ing, in a private family, in a central location. Addrees, with referencea, A. X." BULLETIN ()face. anla 21,* WANTED—PERMANENT BOARD FOR GENTLE man, Wife and two eons (6 and 8 years) in a Reli giousprivate family Central location; moderate terms. Will furnish rooms if necessary. Andress P. F., BIILLE TIN Office. aul2-Bt* A GENTLEMAN, OF GOOD QUALIFICATIONS AND XL address, who has been unfortunate in business. would like to obtain a position as clerk, being a good and rapid writer. Would accept the position of Traveling Salesman for a good house. Best of - reference given Ad dress Box 21391'. 0. anl2.6t $5O BONUS FOR A SUITABLE HOUSE •LO lasted between Walnut and Coates, Broad and Nineteenth Etre( ts. Bent not to exceed $BOO. Ad dress "Scotia," office of the Bulletin. AGENTS WANTED ! Gentlemen of good address, to solicit for an old and no. eekeful LIFE INSURANCE COAIPANY PHILADEL. FRIA. Liberal terms and permanent posltione to good men. . . This is als haveood opportunity f or Teachers and Clergy; men who leisure time. to employ the same advalV tageouely. JYIB th a tu.l9t. CANNED FRUIT VEGETABLES. tho — /.0 0 0 C&SKS fresh Canned - Reaches; 600 cases fresh canned Pine. Apples ;_2OO cases fresh Pine Apples , hi ghee • 1.000 cases Green Corn and 'Green Peas; 600 cases fresh Pintas in cane; 200 cases fresh Green Gages; 60Q cases Cherries. in eYrup ; sto cases s lackterries, in syrup; SOO cases Straw. ben , les, in syrup; 600 cases fresh Pears, in snap; 2.000 cases Canned -Tomatoes; 600 cases Oysters. - ,Lobsteni and Clams; 600 cases Roast 'Beef, Mutton. Veal. Soups, dm. her sate by JOSEPH B. HUSSIES dc 00.008 South Dela. , ware AVO.III/8. NEW GRENOBLE WALNUTB-25 BALER — NEW Crop Bottehell Grenoble Walnuts landing, and for sale by .108.--B. BIIBBLER & CO.; 108 South Delaware avenue. voRDEN.B BEEF TEL—HALF AN OUNCE OF TIT 73 .1.1 extract will make a pint of excellent - Beef Tea in a few minutes. Always on hand and for ode by JOSEPH B. BUBBLE.% di CO. 108 South Delaware avenneA Personally appeared before me, an Alderman of the City of Philadelphia, IL T. Helmbold, who, being duly sworn. doth say hie preparations contain no narcotic, no mercury or injurious drugs, but are ppurely vegetable. EL T. HELMBOLD. Sworn and subscribed to before me, this 23d day of No. vemher, 1864. WM. P. HIBBERD, Alderman. Ninth Street, above Race, Philadelphia. DDDDDDD DDDDDDDD DDD DDD DDD DDD DDD DDD • DDD DDD DDDHDDDDD DDD DD • DDDDDDD Price—Si 25 per. Bottle, or 6 for 66 50 Deliver to any a ddresa,oecurely packed from obaervation. add reee all lottery to H. T. HELMBOLD , Drug and Chemical •Warehouse, 594 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. 594 Address W., Doi 1.9. 104 1013TH TENTH IT, PHILA. 104 Beware of Counterfeits and unprincipled Dealers, who, endeavor to dispose "of their own" and other articles on the reputation obtained by. ti Helmbold's Genuine' - Pr epara 0118. I. $Olll by di Drug eats everywhere. . Ask for itelmbold'a—take no other. NONE ARE GENUINE unless done up In etee graved wrapper's, with fircermste of. my Chemical Ware home, and Mimed . BDIQIINAL. ELEILAMEIOLIVES GENUINE PREPARATION. intrx nau 11E1H MIS HMI 111111111101111 MIEW/MHIIII 111111 RIM 111111 HIM HIM EMI "Highly Concentrated" Compound Flug — Extract Bohn, A positive and speak remedy for diseases of the Bladder, Kidneys, Gravel and Df0.981011 Swellings. BITEMEEI ERE t FEE EEEEEE EEEEEE ERE • ERE EEREEEE EEEEEEEEE This medicine increase' the power of digestion. and ox. cites the absorbents into healthy action, by which the water or ulcerous depositions and all unnatural enlarge• mbare reduced. u well as pain and intl.-m .l n* , .n. and ian bi • Men, Women and Children. HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BITCHIJ From weakness Arkin" from excesses, 'habits of diss nation, early indiscretions, attended the folloWing flittetOittol Indhrposltion to exertball. Loge of VOWer. Loss of memory, . Difficult/ of *Mailing. Weak nerves, 4 Trembling. Horror of diseases. ' Wskr.fulnese. Dimness of vision. Pain In the back. riot hands, rush mo o ne hod,. 'Dryness of the skin, Erect he face. Universal lassitude of the Pallid countenance. . muscular system. These sympto moveswed to to on. whichihts me eine invariablyon follows Impotency, Fatuity, Epileptic Fite, In one of which tho patient may expire. Who can say that they are not frequently followed by hose • direful diseases." Insanity and Consumption. Many are aware of ,the eauee of their aufferth& but none wW coulees.' THE RECORDS OF Min 4ITLIJNI, And the melancholy deaths by oonstimPtion, bear amble witness to the truth of the assertion -1 constitution once affected with Organic Weakness, Reqsavelbe_ald_oimediatteto daze:lea-and tarittorate the system. which • HEL:MBOLD% EXTRACT BUCHU Invariably Does. A trial will convince the mod ekeptical. LLL LLL LLL LLL LLL LLL LLL LLILLLLLLL LLLLLLLLL In many affection peculiar to female% THE EXTRACT OF HUCHII Is unequaled tilWi'otber remedy. No Family should be silthout it. MMM MMII MM MM MM MSS MM MM MM MM MM MM MM MM MM MM MM MM MM MAIMS( MM AIM MMM MM HIM MMM MM MM MM MM Taker more. &Imam. mercury, or unpleasant medicine B E LMBOLD . ao EXTRACT B JCILII ANO IMPROVED ROBE WARR Cores these Diseases in eli their stages, at At ue expenee. litUo or no change in diet, no Inconvenience and no expoeure. BRIM tiRBB JIBBBBBBBB 888 88888 888 BREW 8888888 BIM B 888 888 RABBI) 888888888 88888888 Use Helmbold's Extract Bach For all affections and diseases the urinary organs, whether existing In AS ale or Female,from whatever came originating and no matter of how long standing. Di. sea.se of these organs requires the aid of a dixretic. HELBIBOLD'S EXTRACT BIICHII Is the Great Diuretic, and le certain to have the desired effect is all diseases for which it le recom mended. Evidence of the most responsible and reliable character will accompany the medicine. 00000' 0000000 000 000 000 000 000 000 • 000 000 000 000 000Q000 00000 Phveicianc pleeze notice. I mak [no "secret" of "In gredienta." HEMABOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHII is composed of buchu. cubebe an Juniper bailee. se lected with great care. [PREPARED IN VAGIIO. By H. T. HELMI3OLD, Practical and analytical che f mlat, and sole manufacturer o Helmbold's Genuine Preparation. LLL LLL LLL LLL LLL LLL LLL LLLLLLLLLL LLLLIJ.LLI.L AFFIDAVIT: Or. Hebb°ld's Medical Depot, 71. 2. HELMBOLD. TELE NATIONAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY UNITED STATES OF AMERIOA o Wiuthington, D. C. Cbartered -by /pedal /et of Congress, tp. proved July 25, 1888. Cash Capital, e 1,000,000 BRANCH OFFICE, PHILADELPHLt, tN FIRST NATIONAL BANK BUILDING DIRECTORS. JAY COOKE Philadelphia. „ C. H. CLARK... .. .... ..Philadelphia. F. RATCHFORDKTAKR.. Phlladelpida, WM. G. MOORHEAD Philadelphia. GEORGE F. TYLER Philadelphia. J. HINCKLEY CLARK Philadelphia. •A. OLIANS Waakingtoa, D. C. HENRY D. COOKE - Waabirtgotr, D. C. WM. E. CHANDLER Washington, D. C. JOHN D. DEFREES Waahlagton, D. C. EDWARD DODGE Now Fork. H. C. FAHNESTOCK— . York. OFFICERS: C. H. CLARE, Philadelphia, President. HENRY D. COOKE, Washington,Vice President. JAY COOKE, Chairman Finance and Executive Conimittee. EMERSON W.PEET,Phliada.,Sec'y and Actuary. E. S. TURNER, Washington, Assistant Secretary. FRANCIS G. SMITH, M. D., Medical blrector. EWING-MEARS; MikAsst-Medlcalloireetor; MEDICAL ADVISORY BOARD, J. H. BARNES, Surgeon-Gen. U. B. A., Wash ington. P.-J-.-110RWITZ-i-Chlef-of-Burnatior-31-mrsitin ead-B=gem-11-8-1,1, D: W. BLISS, 31. D., Washington. SOLICITORS AND ATTORNEYS. Hon. WM. E. CHANDLER, Washington, D. C GEORGE HARDING, Philadelphia. This Company, National in its eharacter,ofters, by reason of its Large Capital, Low Rates of Pre mium and New Tables, the most desirable means of insuring life yet presented to the public. The rates of premium, being largely reduced, are made as favorable to the Insurers as those of the best Mutual Companies, and avoid ail the complications and uncertainties of Notes; Divi dends and the misunderstandings which the latter are apt to cause the Policy-Holders. Several new and attractive tables are now pre sented, which need only ,6o be understood to prove acceptable to the public, such as the IN COME-PRODUCING POLICY and RETURN PREMIUM POLICY. In the former, the policy . - holder not only secures a life insurance, payable at death, but will receive, if living, after a period * of a few years, an annual income equal to ten per cent. (10per cent.) of the parof his policy. In the latter, the Company agrees to return to„the as sured the total amount of money he has paid in, in addition to the amount of his policy. The attention of persons contemplating insur ing their lives or Increasing the amount of insur ance they already have,is called to the special ad vantages offered by the National Life Insurance Company. Circulars, pamphlets and full particulars given on application to the Branch Office of the Com pany in this city, or to its General Agents. General Agents of the Company. JAY COOKE& CO,, Now York, For New York State and Northern Now Jersey- E. W. CLARK & CO., Philadelphia, For Pennsylvania and Southern New Jersey. AY COOKE & CO ,Washington,D,C., For Maryland, Delaware, Virginia, District of Columbia and West Virginia. J. A. ELLIS & CO„ Chicago, 11l , For Illinois and Wisconsin STEPHEN MILLER, St. Paul, For Minnesota nulOm w ftfiS The Liverpool & Lon don & Globe Insurance Company. the Report of this Com pany for 1868 shows: Premiums - 85,479,278 Lops - - - 3,344,728 and after paying a divi dend of 3o per cent., the Total Afets are, in Gold, $17,0'05,0z6. 4TWOOD SMITH, General Agent,. No. 6 MERCHAWTS' - EXCILMGE, Philadelphia. U 1 : E _ N E.. CONCENTRATED KNDIOO. For the Laundry.—Freo f Ce rom Qzalic Acid.—Bee Chemist's rtilicate. A Patent Pocket Pincushion or Emory Bag aIIIN EAON TWENTY CENT NOS. - For sale by reepoctable Grocers and Druggists. 3.1 . 27 Mir t gra BPI • OF TE
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