Vi V' • I* f . . w t * Tt;;— HEW PUBLICATIONS* The following books are. published by Messrs. Appleton & Co., and received from Claxton.ltemsen Haffelflnger: —— Mr. Henry Morford, author of “Paris in ’67,” has achieved a rattling little “Short-trip Guide to Europe," to assist that well known variety of American traveler who must see every capital on the continent, must do it in a week apieeft and spend a maximum of six francs a day. Mr. Morford is a lively gossip and inyeterately merry companion, not always too Select in biß subjects (as witness the depth of meaning with which he alludes to the ivory lock, the only curiosity he mentions in the Cluny Mu seum), and, of course, when going at such a pace, scattering errors behind him like the wind. The most desultory examination will pick up these slips on'almost every page. "Why does he misspell buffetiers (128), trans late Avx Orands Homines la Patrie reconnaissante (“The grateful country to her great men”) on the pediment of Bt. Genevieve, by “to the great men remembered by their country,” (176) and speak of a “Vemet Gallery” to the Louvre? These mistakes, and those of, his ih-advised glossary, (the glossary, a bewildering nuisance, is becoming more and more useless with every year of the modern tourist-system) are not perhaps very important to the class of traveler Mr. Morford imagines fer himself. We object much more to the tone of shoulder patting and ear-wigging adopted by the author of the, “Short-trip Guide.” He is perpetually trying to coach the reader. If the space occupied by very superficial reminiscence and idle gossip were saved, the volume would eDjoy a great gain in porta bility and convenience of reference. We do not at all recognize as an American the sort of clown to whom Mr. Morford dedicates his work; the man who wishes to know “who that Shakespeare wsb, if he fit, or writ, which was it?” Now the ordinary American tourist, who iB at least as well read as out cabmen and newsboys, is only injured by the insulting fund of small knowledge which the “Guide” pours upon him. We should not care to instance the faults of so small and unpretending a work, but we fancy the whole library of American guide books is formed on superficial and mistaken principles. We are cohstantly annoyed with g»~ too many anecdotes, too many remarks. A guide-book is at best a necessary evil, con i' suited with sqme feeling of shame,-and then bundled into the wallet as quietly as possible. '‘When it attempts to buttonhole us with wit or.sentiment, it is like being offered bouquets and statuary at a railway station. We want facts, not flights of fancy, even in the fullest mid largest edition; when a compiler at tempts to condense, and give a “diamond” or ■ “pocket” guide, he surely should not, as Mr. Morford has done, leave out the facts and re double the pleasantries. The Poetical Works o$ Burns, in a thick, handsomely-printed pamphlet, quite good -enough for re-binding, furnished with glossa ;. ; Jrial notes, and introduced by Dr. Currie’s fc* : ; iLife, a little abridged.—The Heart of Mid !-i"Xothian, one of the neat plaid-covered Wa yerleys. —“Freight Computations;” a com plete work, embracing 88,223 calculations, from one inch (cubic) to 4,000 feet, at a series -of rates per ton, &c., calculated for every mode of transportation and for every class of Storage. The author, Mr. P. 0. Dart, of San PrancißCO, explains 'that having been for tnany years engaged in the transportation of merchandize, and being thoroughly versed in the business,he has devoted the last five years to perfecting a practical system of Tables, calculated to save a vast deal of time and to , rectify constant errors. Ail shipping clerks, j perplexed with intricate calculations, which J-jgenerally come upon them at a moment when Cthe greatest despatch is required, will see the value of this set of tables, for the accuracy of which the calculator vouches, inviting the most rigid criticism upon his results. Rimmel, the' great and greatly-advertised perfumer of London and Paris, had a shanty at the Exposition, in which he professed to exhibit the distillation of perfumes, and to expose a few rare South American flowers in alcohol. We entered the building twice, but Rimmel, whose virtues had procured him the place of Juror and Assistant Commis sioner, seemed to be always away. Perhaps he was writing the articles which, originally printed in the Patrie and Courrier de I'Eu ■Tope, form the bulk of this sleazy little voL ■ame, into which are incorporated Mr/' S. C, Hall’s engravings from the Illustrated Cata logue in the London Art Journal. The sym pathy between the little book and the lonely shed in the Champ de Mars is wonderful, and consists in narrowness, vacancy/a confirmed absenteeism, and a great deal of wood. To do Mons. Rimmel justice, however, there is less space devoted to his own particular item in the Exposition than might have been ex pected. Philadelphia, J. B. Lippincott & Co. A life of Oliver Cromwell, compiled for the young by Charles Adams, D. D., of Illinois Female College, is published by Carlton & Porter, Sunday School Union, New York. An excellent picture of the Protector, full of personal details, and those anecdotal reports , which are whispered on Jtho back stairs of history. Mr. Adams has no hesitation in re nouncing his individuality, and taking '.n the utterance of previous many of his chapters are a mosaic ot paragraphs taken from Neal, from DAubigne, and above all Carlyle. The little book thus prepares the juvenile mind for severer readings to come, and interests it in advance with the serious studies of the masters of history. For sale by Perkinpine & Higgins, 50 Forth Fourth street We receive from the oflice of the Soldiers Friend, No. 12, Centre street, New York, a humorous poem of the war entitled “The .New Yankee'Doodle.” A great quantity ot facts have been 3traine<? with infinite pains into a feebly funny form, until the joke is .attenuated to nothing. The author is an A. SL, and is named Truman Trumbull. This protracted pleasantry numbers no less than 340 pages, or more than 2,500 ■ eight-line stanzas! A very light summer book is put out by Cl&xton, Remsen and HafFelfinger, entitled •“Maximß and Hints for an Angler; to which ' /• 'V JpV ■I • ■ ' ■'■£■' are added Maxims and Hints for a Chess player." The author's initials are R. P. A good deal offriendly and sensible advice to amateura la comprised in those few pages, but the reader mußt not look-to them for much solid ichthyology, nor many abstruse calcula tions of tho laws of chess. CITY BDLLEm * Philadelphia Cattle Market, Jolt 13th.— Beef cattle were In fair demand this week, but prices were unsettled and lower. 1,608 head arrived and sold at 9%@10%c. for'extra Pennsylvania and Western steers; B@9c. for fair to good, do., and GX@7}£c. per lb. gross for common, as to quality. Tno following are the particulars of the sales: BeatL Mane. 60 Owen**mlth, Western era 70 A. Chi - - * 70 - r __iriaty & Bro., Westom, gra - H.9X 60 P. McHllen Western, gra 0 <®lo 66 P. Hathaway, Western,* gra BX®IOX 60 J. 8. Kirk. Chester Co., gra BX@ 9X 60 Jae, McFillen, Western, gra 8 & 9‘l 183 l liman & Bachman, Western, gra B>4 118 MartinFullor& Co.. Western, 8 <m 9# 145 Mooney & Smith, western, gr5.«T7...7A. ..6X<S 8)5 47 T. Moonoj & Bro., Western, gra. 7 <S 7X 20 H. Chain. Penna., gra. 7 Qs 7X ISO John Smith & Bro.. Western, gra T&dlO 65 J. & L. Frank. Wcstorn, gra 7 (® 8X 94 Frank & Shamberg, We9tem,gra .... 7X@ 9* 122 Hopo & Co.. Western, gra. 7X@ 9X 84 Blum aCo , Western, gra 7 @BX 88 J. Seldonridge, Penn, gra 9 @lo]* Cows— Were unchanged. 160 head sold at $46 @6O lor Springers, and $50@75 per head for cow and calf. Sheet— Wore unsettled and lower. 6,000 head arrived and sold at 4@6%e. per lb. gross, as to condition. Hogs —Were in fair demand at an advance. 2,000 head sold at the different Yards at $l3O 13 76, including a fow extra at $l4 per 100 lbs. net. How a Policeman Lost His Whiskers. —John Cusick resides at Nicetown. A warrant for his arrest on the charge of assault and battery was issued and was placed in the hands of Policeman Chas. Ley lor, of the Eighteenth District, for exe cution. Ley lor went to the house of Cusick to mako the arrest Mrs. Cnslck was home at the time. She found ont what was up and declared that her John shouldn’t be taken by the police. Sho at once attacked the officer. He had large bushy whiskers. These wero seized by lire. Cnslck and were palled furiously, until all on one side of the face of the officer were in her possession. The pull ing and tugging dragged the policeman to the ground, and while he was down, Cnslck joined In the assault He bit a piece out of one of the legs of the unfortunate Knight of the Star. Ley ler stuck to his duty manfully, and succeeded in getting both Mr. Add Mrs. Cnslck to the station house. This morning the prisoners were ar raigned before Aid. jSood. Mrs. Cusick was held in $l,OOO bail, and her husband in $6OO bail for trial. One op the Democracy.— An Irishman,named William Wißley, belonging to the Nineteenth Ward, attended the meeting of the Democracy on Saturday night. He imbibed'freely during the evening and got pretty well “set up.” On hiß way home ho stopped at a tavern at Emerald and Salmon streets, and got another drink. He then became noisy, and declared himself a Dem ocrat, in favor of the whole ticket, and pro claimed his ability to "lick any Black Republican .” Policeman Robert Crumev came up and undertook to arrest the belligerent individual. At hist he got a little more than he bargained for. He was knocked down and had the clothing al most torn from his person. He clang to his man, liowever, and finally got him to tho Station house. Wisley had a nearing before Alderman Ni ill, and was sent below in default of $l,OOO boll. Hot.— Tho weather to-day is decidedly hot. At daylight this morning the indications were that the day would be a scorcher, and at nine o’clock the thermometer indicated f .9Q degrees on Chestnut street. The mercury continued to rise, and by noon it had got up to 96, with every prospect of a still further advancedaring tho after noon. H there was only an occasional breeze, it would be somewhat of a relief from the steaming brick&, but the wind is at a dead stand, and there is nothing to do but to swelter. Seaside hotel keepers and dealers in paper collars rejoice at ihis state of things, while the unfortunate indi viduals who belong to the can’t-get-aways con sole themselves with palm leaf fans and sherry cobblers. Drowned.— Last night about twelve o’clock Anna Shultz walked off of a canal boat, lying near the Wire Bridge, and was drowned. Her body was recovered, and was sent to Beading, where she resided. A boy named Peter Raley, aged nine yoarß, was drowned ycßtorday at the Kensington Screw Dock wharf, on the Delaware. He resided at No. 1414 Philip Btreet. His body was recovered. Serious Charge. —Louis Walters, aged 61 years, who boards at a house on Filbert street, below Eloventh, was arrested yesterday and taken before Aldbrman Beitler, upon the charge of having enticed a little girl 12 years of age imo his room, and attempted to commit an out rageous assault upon her. He wa6 held in $3,000 for a further bearing. Frightkul Fall. —A child of James Campbell, residing on Main street, opposite Odd Fellows' Hull, in Frankford, fell from the second story window yesterday. The little one Btruck upon a shutter and then fell into a cellar, the door of which was open at the time. The child was seriously injured and recovery is considered very doubtful. Foundling.— A male child, about two weeks old, was found last evening on the steps of a bouse on Chestnut street, above Sixteenth. The infant was taken in charge temporarily by Mrs. Delaney, residing on Filbert street, near Fifteenth. An Ownki Wanted. —Two new pocket-books, eupposed to have been stolen from a Btore on Second street, were picked up at St. John and Green streets, and await an owner at the Seventh District Police Station. Fireproof Blown Open.— The store of James D. Fergußon, No. 12 South Water street, was en tered last night. The fireproof safe was blown open, but the thieves did not succeed iu getting anything of value. Fatal Result John Gill, who was run over by a Ridge Avenue passenger railway car on Saturday, died yesterday at the German Hospi tal. To Summer Tourists.— The Philadelphia Local Express Company will forward freight and bag gage of every description to Atlantic City, Germantown, and oil places on the line of the Camden and Atlantic Railroad. Thoy will also call for baggage at any pointl and deliver it to all parts of the city, and to all the railroad and steamship lines, with prompt ness and despatch. Persons about visiting the above-named, places will find it to their advantage to leave their ad dresses at the Principal offioo, No. 625 Chestnut street, where tickets for Atlantic City ean be pro cured, or at, the depot. No. 320 North Wharves., A Tunc opportunity is offored for summer boarding. Bee advertisement. The proprietors have permission to refer to John E. Keen, Esq., No. 21 South Third street. Drink the famous Arctic Soda Water and rcacFi the Evening Bulletin, at Hillman's News Stand, at North Pennsylvania Depot. Albumenized Paper It appears by the Sta tioner that, at Dresflpn, alhnmenizea paper is now belDg made in very large quantities, and is considered the best, by reason of the excellent and regular manner in which it is produced. Al though scarcely four years ago the trade was un known here, the city is now manufacturing at the rate of upwards of 600 reams per annum, a quantity that would suffice to print more than < 120,000,000 photographs of the size known as tho “caru-dc vlsite. The albumen is extracted from the white of the new-laid eggs of fowls, and nearly 2,000,000 eggs are consumed, the yolks of ' which are used by tanners for preparing the finqr kinds of leather. Alter preparation, the paper is carefully assorted, and from ten to fif teen per cent, is thrown out, but iB mqdo avail able by the Dresden printers for color-printing. THE DAILY EVENING BULLETIN-E KKW JTXHIIET H&niißtb The Gubernatorial Nomination -Tho nom ination of the Hon. John I. Blair by the Republi can State Convention has given the most un bounded satisfaction, and is received with an en thusiasm never before equalled in the First Con gressional District. Preparations aro making everywhere to commenco tbo canvass in an ear nest and vigorous manner. The Democrats are down-hearted anu despondent, while the Repub licans are jubilant and in high spirits. Ratifica tion meetings are to be held In moßtof the towns, villages and cities, and able speakers attendance tp, address the people. Mr. Blatle himself will visit many places in the Fitst Dls-J tiict, it is said, and address the citlzene. Burglaries.— House-breakers are again oper ating in Camden and vicinity. Two or three nights ago a party broke into the store of Messrs. Armbruster & Wrigglns, at tho foot of Federal street, Camden, ana after blowing open tho safe with powder, proceeded to ransack It,, but suo .ceeded in obtaining only about $25 in pennies for their trouble. They then escaped without moles tation. Another robberjvwas perpetrated at Atco station, on the line of tht&Camden and Atlantic R&ilioad. The dwelling of Mr. Dalroth was broken, into and a number of gold and silver watches and about seventy dollars in money were stolen. These thieves likewise escaped. Prtee. Hi® »H 8 '4 »y Serious Fire.— Last evening about half-past nine o'clock, a fire broke out in the extensive Nickel Workß of Joseph Wharton, Esq., situated on Cooper's creek, near State street, Camden. Before the engines could be brought into service, the entire building was enveloped in flames, which shot np one lurid sheet of Are, illuminat ing the heavens for miles around. Two dwelling houses adjoining were also destroyed. It is not known how the Are originated, bat It is- sup posed from the furnace. The property was par tially covered by insurance, but not near enough to cover, the loss. Camp Meetings — A comp meeting is to com mence in a beautiful piece of woods known as the “Centenary Grove,” near Barnsboro, on the West Jersey road, on the 12th of August. Ex tensive .preparations have been and are making to accommodate those who may attend. Elo quent ministers will be. present, and the cere monies will be highly entertaining.. The camp will break up on the 20th. Launched— The new feriy boat, which is now being built by the West Jersey Company at ,the foot oi Market street, was successfully launched on Saturday morning, at high tide. This will be one of the finest specimens of a ferry boat, the largest and most'eonvenient of any on the Dela ware. It is built in a substantial manner, and with a view to speed. / Excursion.— Tallacca Lodge, Sons of Malta, of CamdOD, have completed their arrangements for their excursion to Cape May on Thursday next. There will be a very large tarnont of the Sons. Suspended.— The work on the new Third Street M. E. church, in Camden, has bean suspen ded iu consequence of the bricklayers being on a strike. Elected.— Wesley P. Murray has been elected ’-Chief Engineer of the Canjdon Fire Department. Br the use of Glycerine in the preparation of the Elastic Sponge, al! the defects of that" article are remedied, he it is readily absorbed by the tissues of tbc Sponge, w'll not evaporate, oxydlze, or become rancid, and will not rot the Sponge, or permit it to become decomposed. Examine it and judge for your selves. Radical Restoration Its good effects are permanent It not only restores tl e color of the hair, nut the quantity and natural glossiness. This Is said by everyone using Mrs, S A. Allen’s Improved (new ntyc) Hair Restorer or Dressing, (in one bottle.) Every druggist sells it. Price $l. Two Irishmen attempted to swim the Con necticut at Montague, on Saturday, to save three cents toll each. One tied his clothes, a new suit, aboat his neck, but fonnd It kept his head under the water, and was obliged to untie it, and the handle floated off down the river. This econonfpis equaled by the man who goes and buys his cloth, carries it to a cutter to have his bull cat oat, and then haats ap a seamstress to make it, in order to have a low-priced Bait of cloth ing, when the value of the time spent in attending to it, if be hod got tho material and work for nothing, wnnld pay for a better salt ready made, at Charles, Stokes & Oo.’e, nnder the Continental. A rose by any other name might Bmell ns sweet, but no combination of flowers conic! possibly equal the delicioas perfume of Bonqnet dcs Antilles. Sweet, lusting ana cheap. Price T 5 cents. Sold everywhere. A. I Matthews & Co., 12 Gold street, Now York. Mosquito Nets and Canopies, at Patten’s, 1108 Chestnut street. Lace Curtains and Window Shades, at Patten’s, 1408 Chestnut street. Old MatreBses made over at Patten’s 1108 Chestnut street. Upholstering prices are reduced at Patton's, 1408 Chestnut street. New Carpets made up and old ones laid, at Patten’s, 1408 Chestnut street. Fine Watches. —We desire to call the atten tion of wateh-buyerß to the very fine Watches made bv the American Watch Company of Waltham, and known as the 44-plate, 16 size. To the manufacture of these watches the Company have devoted all the science and skill In the art at their command, and confidently claim that for fineness and beauty, not less than for the greater excellencies of mechanical and scientific correctness of design and execution, these Watches will compare favorably with the best made in any country. In this country the manufacture of such Watches is not even attempted except at Waltham. For sale by all respectable dealers. Rouuins & Appleton, Agents, No. 182 Broadway, N. Y. Excursionists to the country or sea shore will find an excellent stock of Straw Hats and Sundowns at Oaklord’s, Continental Hotel. Bower’s Senna Fios, foe Constipation— fifty cents. Depot Sixth and Vine. Excursionists to the country or sea shore will find an excellent stock of Straw Hats and Sundowns hi Oakford’s, Continental Hotel. J udiclods mothers and nurses use for children a safe and pleasant medicine in Bower’s Infant Cor dial. Surgical Instruments and druggists’ sun dries. Fine Custom-made Boots and Shoes for Gen tlemen. Bartlett, 33 South Sixth street, above Chest nut. Deafness, Blindness and Catakbh. J. Isaacs, M. D., Professor of the Eye and Ear, treats all diseases appertaining to the above, members with the utmost success. Testimonials from the most re liable sources in the city can be seen at his oflice, No. 809 Arch street. The medical faculty are Invited to accompany their patients. as he has no secrets in his practice. Artificial eyes inserted. No charge made tor examination. Excursionists to the country or sea shore will find an excellent stock of Btraw Hats and Sundowns at Oakford’p. Continental Hotel. § FOR BAX.E. TUB DEBMBLB THREE-STORY BRICK DWELLING, With Three-story Double Back-Buildings and Stable a rear of lot, with elegant eide*yard. « No. 1515 POFL.AR STREET. Built In best manner for owner’s upa. U)T 28B* 168TOABAGlgBTR*ET. Apply to J. C. ARBISON, leSUlmrp Noa. 1 and 3 NOBTHrSIXTH STREET Several Fine Offices For Rent. TO STMHIES W. SOUTH, It*' No. 152 South FOURTH Street. TO LET—NO. 2306 GREEN STREET, WITH ALL fp2| modern improvements, large front yard in cood con- Si* dition, &c. Reijt $BOO. jyl3-3t* Mto let.—a cottage at qlney. parlor, Dining room and six chambere; etabto and carriage houße in perfect order. Applv to SAMUEL C. FORD, lt§ 127 South Fourth atreot. CITY NOTIONS. Bnowdem & Bbotheb, 29 South Eighth street. FOR SALE. TO RENT. .c*-. ' JLADELPHIA, MONDAY, JULY 13, 1868. nwcimiw, IMPERIAL. FißSr-llfslTJßAtroa COMPANY, • LONDON. Established 1803. ' Paid op Capital and accumulated Fonda, $B,O 00,000 I N G O LiT> . LOCAL DUD CTORfI i E. M. ARCHIBALD. H. B. M. C OEJ 111. Chairman. A A. LOW, of A. a. Low & Broa. EV'S. JA* FRAI. of E. 8 Jaffray A Co. RICH *RD IRVIN, of Hi-hard Irvin* Co. DAVID BALOMON. No. U W Thirty eighth street. J. BOORMAN JOHNSON, of.l. J.Uohnson A Co. JAMES STEWART, of J. A J. Stewart. E. tV. CROWELL, Resident Managor, No. 40 Pine street. N. Y. PBEVOSIA HEBBIdC, Agentl, A’o. 107 S. THIRD Street. Phtta. JylB m w f 18W . The Liverpool &? Lon don. Globe Insurance Company. The Report of this Com pany for 1868 shows: Premiums - $5, 479,278 Lojfes 3,344,728 and after paying a divi dend of 30 per cent ., the Total AJfets are , in Gold y ■ ? $17,005,026. ATWOOD SMITN, General Agent, No. 6 jMER CHANTS’ Philadelphia. THE FOIE ARTS. NEW STYI^B^ OP LOOKING GLASSES, NEW ENGRAVINGS. 1 NEW CHROMO-LITHOGRAPHS. EARLES’ GALLERIES, 816 Chestnut Street. A New Thing- in Art. BERLIN PAINTED PHOTOGRAPHS. A. S. ROBINSON, No. 010 CHESTNUT STREET, Boa Just received a superb collection of BerUn Painted Photographs of FLO WE RS. They are exquisite gems of art, rivalling in beauty, naturalness of tint, and perfection of form a great variety of the choicest exotic flowe ing plants. They are mounted on boards of three sizes, and sold from 25 cents to $3 and $4 each. For framing, or the album, they are incomparably bcautifuL WINES, DIQBOBB, AC. SHERRY WINES OF SUPERIOR QUALITY. AMONTILLADO, MAZANILLA, LOBO, ___ STAB AND GABTEB, YBATE. The above were selected from the stock of Gonzales & Dnboie, Xeres, EXPRESSLY FOR OUR RETAIL SALES. A email invoice of VERY PALg SHERRY, At Three Dollars per Gallos* H. & A. C. VAN BEIL, Wine Merchants, No. I3IOOHEBTNUT STREET. my!6 ■ tu th Bmrp JBAOHIIIERT, IBOIf, &€• JRON FENCING. The undersigned are prepared to receive orders for English Iron Fence of the Dost quality, known aa Cattle Hurdles, the most durable and economical fence that can be used. This fence is especially adapted for country seats or for the protection ol lawns. It is in universal use in England in parks and pleasure grounds. YARN ALL & TRIMBLE, , _ „ . No. 418 South Delaware Avenue, Je29-3m} • Philadelphia. TU EBRICK 6 SONS. JLYL . SOUTHWARK FOUNDRY. 480 WASHINGTON Avenue^Philadelphia. MANUFACTURE STEAM ENGINES—High and Low Pressure, Horizontal, Vertical, Beam, Peculating, Blaat and Cornish Bump >RO]<LEßS—Cylinder, Fine, Tubular, Ac. STEAM HAMMERS—Nasmyth and Davy styles, and of all sizes. . OASTINGB—Loam, Dry and Green Band, Braes, Ac. S99£§T -^C2^Fr oP ieß jJ or covering withSlatefcr Iron. TANKS—Of Cast or Wrought Iron, for refineries, water. Oil, Ac. _________ GAS MACniNEBY—Such aa Retortiii Bench CaatlngjL Holders and Frames, Purifiers, Coke and Charcoal Bar. rows, yalves. GovernorH. &c. SUGAfi^MACHiNERY—Such aa Vacnnm Fan. and Pumps, Defecatonußone Black Filters. Burners, Wash, ers and Elevators; Bag Filters, Sugar and Bone Black Care,* Bole manufacturers ol the following specialties: In Phlladelphia and vicinity, ol William Wright’s Patent Varlabhryhtoff Steam Engine. taPcnuejlVania, ol Shaw a Justice’s Patent Dead-Stroke Pow'SHSnjnmer. \ In the United States, oNWeston’s Patent Self-centering and Bell-balancing Centrifugal Bugar-dralning Machine. Glass a Bartol’s lmprovemeht on Aapinwall a Woolsey*i CentrllngaL Bartol’a Patent Wrought-Iron Retort Lid, Btrahan’s Drill Grinding Rest Contractors lor the design, erection, and fitting up ol Re. fineries for working Bugar or Molasses. CHOPPER AND YELLOW METAL SHEATHING, ) Brazier’s Copper Nails, Bolta and Ingot Copper* con stantly on hand and for sale by HENRY WINSOR & CO., No. 838 South Whams, NO. 1 GLENGABNOCK SCOTCH PIG IRQN, FOR bale in lots to. suit purchaser*, from store and to or* ive. PETER WRIGHT & SONS, lßitffi 115. Walnut GtTQQti V BCTXHEB RESORTS. PLEASURE TRAVEL, 1868. "" THE ■ ■ CATAWISSA RAILROAD Issues Exenrsita licitts, at {ratty Efdneed Bates, to Niagara Falls, STontrraV Qoebrc, Elver Saguenay, White Bloniitalnf, Lake Champlain, lake George, Saratoga Spring*, he. COMPBIB^fB 50 DIFFERENT ROUTES. TICKETS GOOD USUI, MEMBER lit, AND PBITTLEGED TO LAY OVER AT ANT BOOT, These routes offer to tourist* and pleazuro-eeokcrs scenery unsurpassed in this country. Guide-books, descriptive of the routes, and all necessary information, can be obtained at the Company’s Oflico, r No. 625 Chestnut ( SlreetJPhUacfa, -V' iJ v VAN^HbRN, ]yll BtrpC UNITED STATES HOT®L ATLANTIC CITY, N. J., WUI bo opened for the reception of gnat. on SATURDAY, JUDE 27. The house has been repainted, papered,and otherwise improved. Musio will be under the direction of Simon Bassler. Persons wishing to engage rooms can do so by applying to BROWN & WOEL.PPER, Atlantic City, or No. 821 Richmond Street. jeatfrpg The Neptune House, Atlantic City, N. J., lias been enlarged, repainted, refurnished with now fur* niture and spring beds, and is now open"for the reception of visitors. It is within FIFTY YARDS of the beach. „ JOHN BMICK, Proprietor. ROBERT L FURY. jy6-itns SURF HOUSE. CITY, N. J. This first-class Hotel will cirfifefor the season on 25th June. Terms, 88 60 peril ay; SSTper week. ADDRESS R. R. THOMPSON, Proprietor, (Formerly of Congress Hall, Cape Island.) N. B.—The music will bo under the direction of Mr Carlßentz. Jels 25t LIGHT HOUSE COTTAGE, ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. This well-known House ban been Removed. Remodeled and very much Enlarged—with commodious and com fortable Rooms. LOCATED BETWEEN U. S. HOTEL AND THE BEACH Ihe grounds surrounding are nicely enclosed and well shaded. Guests for the house will leave the cars at U. 8. Hotel tar NO BAR. je!3 2mt‘ JONAH WQOTTON, Proprietor. CRESSON SPRINGS. MOUNTAIN HOUSE. This delightful summer resort will open for reception cL. guests on WEDNESDAY, JUNE 17th. Excursion tickets on the Pennsylvania Railroad can be obtained at Phila delphia, Harrisburg and Pittsburgh. For farther information, inquire of GEO. W. MULLIN. Cresson Springs, Cambria county. Pa. jel2 lmB teUMMER RESORTS. ON LINE OF PHILADELPHIA AND READING RAILROAD AND BRANCHEB, MANSION HOUSE, MT CARBdN. Mtb. Caroline Wunder, Pottsville, Schuylkill co. TUSCARORA HOTEL, Mrs. M. L. Miller, Tuscarora P. 0,,‘ Schuylkill co. MANSION HOUSE, W. F. Smith, M&honoyCity P. 0., bchayikfll co. WHITE HOUSE. E. A. Moes, Reading P. O. ANDALUSIA, Henry Weaver, Reading P. O. LIVINGBPRINGS HOTEL, Dr. A. Smith. Wernersville P. 0., Berks county. COLD SPRINGS HOTEL, LEBANON COUNTY. Chas, Rodearmel, Box DO, Harrisburg P. O.j BOYEKTOWN SEMINARY. L. M. Koons, Bojertown B. O, Berks county. LIT I2. SPRINGS, George T. Grider, Litiz P. 0., Lancaster county. PERKIOMEN BRIDGE HOTEL Davis Longaker, Freeland,.Montgomery county. PROSPECT TERRACE, . Dr. James Palmer, Freeland. Montgomery county. my37-2m pONGHESS HALL, ATLANTIC CITV, IS NOW for the season. This house is most convenient to tbe eurf. Many improvements have been added for the comfort -'bf the guests. n A band of musio has been engaged for Lho season. GEORGE W. HINKEL, Sjyl3-lms Proprietor. Ashland house, city, n. j.- J\ this favorite firet claaifoßoarding House, renovated ai d refurnished, if now open for the reception of guests, je27*lm§ FOUNTAIN HOUSE, AT CRYSTAL SPRINGS, 1 Allentown,,Pa, will be opened on the 23d of-June. This new establishment is fitted out in magnificent style lor the especial Accommodation of those from abroad, wbo eeefe a healthy and pleasant summer retreat. Rooms can be secured by letter, hy addressing je23 2ms BERNDT 61 GRADER, Proprietors. ( </■ ''BALFONTE.*' Vj This new, commodious, first-class boarding-house, will be ready for guests Sixth monfti, Twenty .fifth. It is beautlfulljudtu&tedon North Carolina Avenue, in full view of the ocean. ELISHA ROBERTS. Proprietor, r v frantic City, jel&.36t* New Jersey. THE BROAD TOP MOUNTAIN HOUSE, BROAD TOP, PA., will open for the reception of guests on June 17th. Fo terms, Ac., address \ W. T. PEARSON, Proprietor. je9 2m* Broad Top, Huntingdon county, Pa. GERHANTOWN.-A FEW PERBONB MAY OBTAIN boarding in a desirable location by applying immedi ately. at Adams dtreet,firßt bouse above Washington ave nue. Germantown. jyll-2t* CLMMtR BOARDING AT BEVERLY-COOPER O streetw-first house above Railroad depot. jylO 3t* pOTTAGE BOARDING AT MISS BILL'S ON \J Lafayette street, opposite Delaware Houbo, Cape Island. je2stm* EXCURSIONS; w OPPOSITION E££gg9fiC to 7 tit: COMBINED RAILROAD & RIVER MONOPOLY. Steadier JOHN SYLVESTER will make dally excur sions to Wilmington (Sundays excepted), touching at Chester and Marcus Book. Leaving Arch Streot wharf at U) a. m , and 4 p.m. Returning, leave Wilmington, at 7▲« M., and Ip. m. Light freight taken. L.W. BURNS, « Jyipfg Captain. DRUGS. ROBERT SHOEMAKER & CO., N E. corner Fourth and Raoe Sts n WHO LEBALH,pBUGGIBTS J> AN ‘O' TAINT MANUFACTJpRERS, Offer to .the trade or (joneuinew. Pure White Lead, zMo Whit& Colored Paints, 1 Varnishes, Oils, Artists’ Materials, &o. Agents for the celebrated yieille nomfiira anow-whitb zm B superior to any other White Paint for inside work* We iollcit orders from those who Want PURE PAINTS: 201 and 203 North Fourth Street, Northeast corner of B&ce Streot aplßtfrps JOHN C. HESS, • Proprietor. Office Central Pacific Railroad Company OF CAUFOKSIA, '' 54 WILLIAH Street,!Tew fork, Jane 15 th. The coupons of the First Qlortgtkg'e Bonds * c of tho Central Pacific-Railroad Comp tny. due Jnb fc 1868, will be paid in full, free of Government tax, on •presenta tion on and after tndt date at the banking house nf FltiK ~■* dr HATCH, 5 NASSAU street. Schedules of 25onnore Coupons (for which blanks will be furnished on applies tion) will be received for examination from and after the 24th instant •:* C. P. HIIimSGDOIf, Iftee President. The Coupons will be cashed in Gold or bought at best price by DE HAVEN & BRO., No. 40 SootbThird Street, Philadelphia., legs act; &,■ GOLD AND GOLD COUPONS BOUGHT BY P. Si PETERSON S CO., 30 South Third Street. Telegraphic Index or Quotations stationed in a oozr spicuous place in our office. { STOCKS, BONDS. &C., &C., Bought and Sold on Commission* at the respective Boards ” of Brokers of Mew York* Boston* Baltimore and Phila* r * delphia. my 10 Gnu TWENTY INDEPEHDENT FELT HAT FINISHERS JL Wanted. JfciO. C. BTEINBAUER, jylO-Sirp* 308 Cherry Btreet, rOIMNOMMMm pmiDptPM DEALERS ALL GOVERNMENT SECURITJES } coupons BOUGHT MB PRICE AS GOLD, Orders for tho purchase or sale of Btocks, Bonds isn j Gold promptly executod.. _ . r £~ riBST MOBTGAfcH B.ONDS > • Union and theOentraldUaoifio Eatlroad 1 ; For Sale at 102 and-103. Collection made prompt return. SMITH, pHg.OIJ’a & CO., • . 16 Street, Seven per Cent, Mortgage Bonds OF THE PENNSYLVANIA AND NEW YOBS CANAL „ ANB KAILHOAD COMEANK C. . Guaranteed, Principal and Interest, By the Lehigh Valley Railroad. - A Theeo Bonds are aportlon of ff3.000.c00 on a road which t mTW 111 86.0p0.000, and being guaranteed by tho , Lebiah Valloy Railroad, repreecntuig about 815,000,000,,-/ are, ln every respect* * - A First-Olaoß Invastmeni, Wo offer ihem tor sale at ■■ ■ " 05 and accrued Interest from June 1,180.7, C.&H. BORIE, -r. S ffIEBCHAHTS* EXCUAHGE, • -~ ' ’ . OB - BOWEN & FOX,.'; 13 MERCHANTS' EXCHANGE. ; 4 )e26 lmrp | , - / BANKm^HOUSE J\yCooke&(^, 112 and 114 So. THIRD ST. PHTLAI> <, a! DEkLEBS IN ALL GOVERNMENT SECURITIES POPULAR- LOAN S. - UNION PACIFIC” RAILROAD J N £ FIRST MORTGAGE BONDS, X -V , & At 102 and Accrued Interest, ' ' CENTRAL PACIFIC RAILROAD FIRST MORTGAGE BONDS At 103 and Accrued -Interest..s<^ 'ii ' * Bonds on hand for immediate delivery. Full reports, maps, <S:c., fnrnished-upon tfCpli-.. cation. No. 40 S. Third St. GOLD BOUGHT.'* DE HAVEN & BED.. 40 SOUTH THIRD STREET. WANTS# IiESBINAORANGES.-FINEFEtJTT AND iVi. order. Landing and for eale by JOS. B. BUBBIJSR ft 00.. MflSonth Delaware avenue.. AND ALMONDS.-NEW CROP GRENO, ble Walnuts and Paper SheU Almonds, for sale fay BUBSIERA COnlwßoutfaDelaware ayes e. ■ '■ Tat & \ <3!**, > l J*?
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers