tail bulletin. .'THE BISTBICX . ATTOBSEiSHJfi . ' Acceptance of ITlr. Httzlchurs** . A( correspondence has passed ; between., the committee appointed by the Republican Conven tion which nominated Hon. Isaac Hazlehufst fof District Attorney and that gentleman, and the nomination has been accepted. The following are the letters: > ' Philadelphia, June 11th, 1868.— Isaac hurst, Esq.— Dear Sin: Ata Convention of Dele gates] representing the majority of the Union Re publican voters of the city of Philadelphia, held yesterday at the American Mechanics’ Hall,, yon were unanimously nominated os tho candidate of the UniOn Republican Party for the office Of District Attorney. We were appointed o_ com mittee to communicate the same to you. Believ ing that vour election would be hailed as a guar anty of the reform so earnestly desired by ail classes of this community, wo trust that you will accept the nomination thuß tendered: feigned 1 Wili.iam Me Michael, J. Edward Carpenter, Mated Sulzberger. Peter Favkl, John Q. Adams John V. B. Hahn. Philadelphia, June 12th, 1868.— T0~ William McSlichael, J. Edward Carpenter, Mayer Sulzber ger, Peter Easel, John Q. Adams and John IV B. : Ilahn, Committee of the ’.Union Republican Convention— Gentlemen: ‘ I have received your letter of- the 11th inst. informing mo that “at a Convention of Delegates represent ing the majority of the Union Republican votere of the city of Philadelphia,” I was unanimously nominated as the candidate of the Union Repub lican party for the office of District Attorney. While I am deeply sensible of the generous confidence reposed in me by tho Convention you represent,’ I cannot in accepting the nomination, be indifferent to the obligations which the election fo such an office must necessarily involve.; ' ■ Should the nomination of the Union Republi can Convention be ratified by the people of my native city, they need not, I am sure, be reminded that the responsible duties of the position can never be performed by me in any mere partisan spirit, for the rights of all'and itho safety of all are considerations beyond the reach and influence of party. with sentiments of great regard, I am faithfully yours, Ibaac Hazlkiiurst. Man Shot.— Last night, about twelve o'glock, Timothy Heonan, Jere. Eaton, Wm. Nellies, Al bert Smith and Peter Ellis, were in the tavern of Smith & Sufilvan, southeast corner of Fifth and Spruce streets. While there they got into a quarrel. During the wrangle tho whole party got into tho street, where a fight ensued. Sev einl pistols were fired. One of the shots took effect upon the pereon of Heenan. It entered his breaßt, and was afterwards extracted from his back, nt tho Pennsylvania Hospital, to which institution ho was conveyed when he was wounded. The firing attracted tho attention of the police, and Eaton was arrested at once. Neiiles, Smith and Ellis ran and took refoge in a tavern on Locust street near Sixth. They were pursued by Policemen Pearson, Rice, Mclntyre and Patterson. When tho officers reached the house they found the door locked, and broke it in. The barkeeper of the establishment then as saulted one of the “stars” with a board. The three fugitives were taken into custody, and were locked up in the Third District Police Station. This morning the four prisoners were arraignod before Alderman Morrow, and were committed for a further hearing. It is not known which of them fired the shot. Heenan refused to give any account of the affair, and the other parties con cerned in it were equally reticent on the subject. Serious Staubing.— At 11 o’clock, last night, Thomas McCrystall, while on his way home in company with a friend, was attacked at Eighth and tihippen, by a .negro named Charles Cald well. The friend was first assaulted. Mr.McC. went to his rescue, when Caldwell closed on him and stabbed him In. five different places; one of the wounds is in the spine and is very sorlouß. Mr. McCrystall’s friend was also much cut, his clothing being completely hacked. The negro was arres ted at a hou66 on Russell street, east of Ninth, be low Shippen. He was confronted with the in jured men, who at once recognized’him. Mr. C. is in the employ of Geoige Glenn, N. W. corner Sixth and Chestnut, as bartender. Caldwell had a hearing this morning before Aid. Bonsoll, and was committed to prison. Piukceton Ai.umni.— The following officers were elected at the annual meeting of the Alamni of Princeton College, N. J., held at Old Hof ti culturai Hall, last evening: President—Hon. George M. Stroud. Vice-Presidents —Hons. Charles J. Biddle, Ben jamin H. Brewster, James M. Crowell, D. D., Edward Hartshorne, M..D., Furman Sheppard, Etq. _ Secretary—Joseph K. McOammon, Esq. Treasurer —Alfred Marlion, Esq.. Executive Committee—Craig Biddle, Esq., Samuel Robb, Esq., John Cochran, Esq. Interesting speeches were delivered bv Ex-Gov ernor Pollock,’ Jndge Stroud, Hon. Joseph T. Thomas, Dr. Edward Hartshorne, John A, Mar shall, Esq., and others. " . i‘v.~ . Charged with Eohheby. —Mary Bobinson was am sled, this morning, and taken beforo Aldermen Bonsall, upon the charge of having robbed a man of $27 at a house at Seventh and Bhippen Btreets, last night. She was sent below. James Larkins, hailing front Schuylkill county, was before Alderman Bamsdell upon the charge of having stolen goods, valued at $l5, from a store near Fairmount. flc was committed. As Imfbdekt Thief.— An Individual went into Hay dock’s jewelry store,atFlfth and Southstreets, yesterday, and asked to look at some watches. Mrs. Haydoek handed him one valued at $l5. The fellow coolly pocketed the time-keeper and walked off. He was pursued and captured by a policeman. The thief gave his name as Peter Lawrence, and was held in $BOO bail by Alderman Morrow. Cape Island.— Summer travel to this fashion resort has fairly commenced. On Saturday, the 13th InsL. the West Jersey Baiiroad Company add another train, leaving Philadelphia at 8 o'clock A. M., making two through passenger trains, viz: BA. M. ana 3.15 P: M, ; Other express - trains will be added as travel demands. The Verdict.—' The Coroner’s Inquest in the case of David M. Dunham, who died from the effects of an assault received at Buffolk Park, in May last, was concluded this morning. The ver dict of the jury was, that death resulted from violence at the hands of Calvin Green. Malicious Mischief— John Hasson was ar rested yesterday, and taken before Alderman Maull, on the charge of having maliciously smashed the windows of a house at Fifty-second and Vine streets, with a board. He was held in $6OO bail for trial. Stealing Flowers.— John Magee was arrested at Fairmount Park, for plucking flowers. It is alleged that he has .been in the habit of stealing the flowers, selling them, and buying whisky with the proceeds. He was committed by Alderman Pancoast. Rescued from Drowning —-A man named Joseph Ledyard fell into the Delaware at Chest nut street wharf, about two o'clock this morn ing. He was rescued from drowning by Officers , Brown and Ellis, of the Harbor Police. Till Tawing. —James Williams and Sylvester ""Loiigblin have been committed by' Alderman Bonsall, to answer the charge of stealing $9 from the money drawer of a store at Ninth and Chris tian streets. Shoplifting.— Aid. Tittermary had beforo him this morning, one William Cooper, charged with the larceny of a piece of cloth from a store at Second and South streets. The accused was sent to prison. ■ Assault with a Tumiiler.— Archibald Glandin Was beforo Alderman Ramsdell yesterday, and was held in $5OO bail, to answer the charge of having assaulted with a tumbler, James Smith, proprietor of an ale house in Manayunk. .Stealing Gin.—Two negroes named William H. Seed and H. fl. Carr were committed by Al- dertnan Moore, übon the charge of the lareeny of five gallons of gin front a nousc in St.- Mary street. Vf - -..qAa NEW JERSEY IUATIEKS. • . . The , Camden. Fire ,Department.— Gradually and surely the different companies which consti tute the, Fire Department of Camden, are provid ing themselves with appropriate; machinery, and apparatus. The Weccacoe Engine Company was the first to introduce thb steamer, then the Inde pendence bought one, and for the Dast few: years these two companies were the sole possessors of these necessary machines. . On Wednesday, how ever, the Shinier Company brOnght home an other, ; mannfacturcd for them at Amos keag. It is. a splendid and powerful engine. The committee having .It in churtfo wdS met at the d6pbt on their arrival, by the Weccacoe Hose Company, in fall regalia, and escorted through the principalstreets,.after which the engine was housed.- This is now the third steamer in the Department, and about the first of September another will be added, the pro perty-of the Weccacoe Hose Company. It la no w, being bnilt In Philadelphia, and will be completed hy mat time. In every other; particular the i Department is efficiently supplied with appara tus, while its different companies are composed of a brave and active membership. ' M klanciiolt Accident.— About twelve o’clock :■ on Wednesday night, a young man named Ed- j ward Steere, a brakeman on one of the freight; trains on the West Jersey railroad, was acclden- ' tallv killed near.Woodbnry,' The cars; run over : him, cuttlng-Wm almost completely in.two. He; resided in Camden, ,to which placo his body was j brought yesterday afternoon. i Improvements Advancing — Since tho first of January last up to the present time, about two ! hundred building permits have been taken oat in : Camden, and it is believed that by the time tho ’ season closes the number! will : reach! three! him-! fired. These are all fine improvements, and In dicate the rapid advancement Camden is making. Cloring op the C ourts.— To-morrow (Batnr» ; day) tho term,of the Camden County Courts will ( close. A number of Individuals who.'have been, found guilty of;voriousoffences will be sentenced;' among them William Hanna, charged with eighty-three indictments for forgery, will probably be disposed of: He plead guilty to them all. - 1 '■ ’• ‘ Robberies. — On Wednesday morning the house of Captain Somers, at Secohd and Pearl streets. Camden, was entered and robbed of a lot of-ladies’ clothing. About the same time the residence of J. D. Rodgers, nt Seventh and Cooper streets, was also' entered, and about $2OO worth of money and silver carried away. / " The Blessings of Rain.— ln Atlantic City. the people depend upon the rains to supply them with good water, and as, their cisterns have been dry for some tlmo past, the present rain storm has been a great blessing to them. It has op perated beneficially on all kinds of crops in South Jersey, also. , . > After tJik Canines Since the first of the present month the catchers have been playing havoc among the dogß found running unmuzzled in Camaen. A large number have been killed. CUBA. Strange Proctcdjiic of an Officer of the i). H. Steamer lie soto. Havana, June 0,1868 It was commonly re marked and commented upon that when the United States steamer De Soto entered this har bor, last week, she did .not salute the Spanish flag. We believe it Is a rale that all American war vessels below ten guns !do not’ salute, and the Do Soto haß but nine; yet there are reason b for surmising that the salute wonld have been rendered notwithstanding had there not been other causes in the way supposed to be well un derstood between Commodore Boggs and Acting Consul-General De la Relntrie, who was received on board with the usual cordiality. Senator Wato not a Candidate for Congress. EFrom the Portage County (Ohio) Democrat, Juno 10.1 The attention of Hon B. F. Wade having been called to the tact that a movement on the part of some of his partial friendß was being made in the Nineteenth District, to bring forward his name os a candidate for the lower branch Of Congress, he stated unequivocally that such movement has not bis sanction, and authorizes and requests ns to say that he Is not a candidate for the position, that the use of his name is wholly unauthorized, and that he does not desire the place. New Directory for Wilmington,Del.' The Wilmington Directory for the present year is a stout and handsome volume of 268 pages, printed with great care at the Commercial Press of Jenkins & Atkinson, the publishers,and famished with a workmanlike tinted map. The style, and we believe, the accuracy of this Direc tory ore most credltablo to the enterprise of Wil mington, where every part of the work was exe cuted. CITY NOTICES. Have You Tbied the new Perfume ? Bouqucl dcs Antilles! It Is sure to please, for It possesses all the desirable qualities; sweet, lasting and cheap. Price T 6 cent a. sold every where. A. I, MATHEWS & CO., 12 Gold st, N. Y. Go to Pattek’s, 1108 Chestnut street, if you deßlro to furnish your houso with Curtains, Shades or; -Bedffiag. All those in favor of the nominations recently made by the Kepubllcan Conventions will go to Oah- Fomiß, under the Continental, and celebrate the occa sion by the purchase ol a new Hat. Fine Watches.—We desire to call the atten tlon of watch-buyers to the very flue Watches made by the American Watch Company of Waltham, and known as the %-ptate, 16 size. To the manufacture of these watches the Company have devoted all the science and skill in the art at their command, and confidently claim that for fineness andieanty, not less than for tho greater excellencies of mechanical and scientific correctness of design and execution, these Watches will compare favorably with 'he beet made in any country. In this country the manufacture of such Watches is not even attempted except at Waltham. For sale by all respectable dealers. Boudins & Appleton, Agents, No, 182 Broadway, N. Y. Bower’s Senna Figs, foe ' Constipation— fifty cents. Depot Sixth and Vine. An East Foot An easy foot, next to an easy conscience, is a thing much to he desired. To have an easy foot, and also to adorn that important mem ber, no advice will he found more reliable to act upoii 'ban that which counsels the purchase of your boots •md ehoes at Bartlett’s well-known establishment, No. 13 South Sixth above Chestnut. . 1. All those in favor of the nominations recently made by the Republican Conventions will go to Oak : units, under the Continental, and celebrato the occa sion by tbejmrchase of a new Hat. Grover & BAKEK’s-Higheat Premium Sewing- M achines, 730 Chestnut street. Moth Patches, Freckles and Tan. —The only reliable remedy for thoße brown discolorations on the face is “Perry’s Moth and Freckle Lotion.” Prepared oii'v bv Dr. B. C. Pmmv, 49 Bond street, Now York gar-Sold everywhere. Mosquito Nets in every variety furnished oi prices beyond competition, at Patten’s, 1403 Chcstnui street. . Mr. Strange, proprietor of tho London Al hambra, was once a waiter at a restaurant. He now drives one of the handsomest equipages dally In Lou don, dividing with Baron Rothschild the honors of the -euton. We know a gentleman, once a poor man, who can be seen any day walking the streets, who would divide the honors of attraction with the Baron: It isuot strange though; anybody can do it who will buy clothing at Chas. Stokes <& Co.’s under the Con tinental. ’ Great Reduction in the Price of Bonnets. —Messrs. Wood & Cary, 725 Chestnut street, are now closing out the balance of their Importation of flue French Bonnets at much below coat, to close the sea son. Their frcßh receipts of Fancy Bonnets and Trimmed Hats lor ladies, children and misses, are also selling at astonishing low figures —All kinds-of bon net and millinen materials cut in quantities to suit purchasers, at the loweat prices. Florence Sewing Machine. Florence Sewing Machine. Florence Sewing Machine. ; ' Office, 1123 Chestnut street, Philadelphia. Judicious mothers an^,nurses use for children a safe and pleasant medicine in Boweb’b Infant Cod- DIAL; In Germany they sleep betweon two feather beds* but In this country we manage things much better, by having onr mattresses and ulllows llllc 1 with the Elastic Sponge, which combines the light ness of feathers with all tho virtues of curled hair, a t a price of forty per cent, below any other material. Scientific men havedpeided Ibntfor.,all upholstcring purposes, jjotbtng'-fian ,Wc invintqdr editor tothf: Elastic Bp6nge.;n(lftliiu«li«9;it,fQl;KoUiei!ives,ftt No, 1111 Chestnut street. THfi‘3 Mkmbeiis of the Masonic: Older can get their Silk Data , 1 forthe". coming Oak rounA 8<)MB, under Uie Canllnentalfloteh:.!' : Y -Buß<MOAi.vlNBTHUMKiaS'and, jdruggiats’ , pun dneAyifCl-yi >...■ ' 'v';-■ -L .-L ‘' ' . SnowMn A Bbothib, ~ T.S3South Eighth street. Deafness, Blindness and Cavabbb. J. Isaacs, M. , D;, ProfCssor of the Eye and Ear, treats all diseases appertaining to the above 'members with the utmost success. Testimonials from the most re liable sources in' the city can be seatiLatbls office. No. 606 Arch street. The medlcal faculty tire'.lnvlted to accompany tbeirpatients, as he has ho, secrets In his jractlcc. ■: Artificial Cyes inserted. No charge made • orexamination : : . MABINK BUliliiSTlM. POST OF PHILADELPHIA-Jtmn 11 twSct Karine BuUetinm lntfde, Patti arrived this day. Btcamer W JVhilden.Klggins, la hours from Baltimore, vrltb rodeo (o R Foster. . r , ' „ Steamer Richard Willing, ■; CundiffiJS hours from Balti more;-with mdse to A. Groves, Jn ■ Schr A M Lee, Dukes. Hf stem.’ Bchr It II Shannon, Dilkes, BoaUn. HchrLons Hunter, l’erry,Boaton. ■ Schr MJBussell, Smith,', Lynn. ' Schr T 8 Grier, Wheatley, Lebanon. ■■■;■’ ‘ ■ Schr Trlumnh. Chester, Providence. • Schr Ida V McCabe, Pickup, Now Haven.’ Bcbr Dick Williams, Corson. Horton’* Point. Bchr UnltyWbarton.BonsaU, Norwich. ' CLEARED THIS DAY. Bark Mary A Troop (Br), Coin. Antwerp, C C Van Horn. Bark'Rebecca, Ritcgard. Trieste. Workman * Co. Schr.T 8 Grier, Wheatley, Pawtucket Blaklstoo, Graoff Schr m' J Russell. Smith. liynn, Stantckson' &Co. . Schr Bead BR No 42, Redan; Norwich,v.: do Schr Til os OSmlth, Bake, Boston, Hammett <b NclU. Schr Unity W barton. Bonsall, Pawtucket; Westmoreland CealCo. ’ ■ ' : ■ ■ -r Bchr Lena Bukter, Perry, Gardiner, Mo. ; J Rommel. Jr. Bclir Eugene, Haws, raUKivor, JqhhSMyers. ■ : Correspondence of theFhlladelnhlaExchanga, LEWES, Din., June 10—9 PM. . Bark Victoria, for Matanzas; briga a V Merrick and Angelia, both bound to Cardenas, went to sea this mom- following vessels from Philadelphia ride at anchor in the Koadstcad: Barks Restless, for Barbados; Devon shire, for Portland; Providence, fotCronatadt; Reunion, for Atplnwall; Progress for Dahtzlc ; brigs Jamoa Baker, for Zaza; Fidelia, for Bangor; amd schr Ann Barton, for Salem. ■. The LrigM C Roeeveltfram Virginia, bound toaport in Maine; came in at 4PM to-day for a harbor. Wind N £. “Weather etormy;' Yours, &c. JOSEPH LAFETRA. '' 4 .' MEMORANDA: Ship Cremorne, Gates, from Now York 18th Jan. at San Francisco yesterday. / : ‘ -L ' Steamer. Hunter. JECogers,' tailed from'Providence 10th tost, for this port. ’ . . . . Steamer Cortes, Nelson, at New Orleans 7th inslant from Now York. ' Bark Btpater (of Philadelphia), Goodwin, from Now pert; E, for New York, with main and inlzzon mast heads sprung, was spoken 6th Inst, lot 43 33, lon 47 37. ; Bark Wheatland; Burnley, cleared at N York yesterday for Montevideo and a market. „ . ' Barks Cordelia, .Wells; Sandy Hook, Baistow, and Golden West (Bri, Brown, were at Cardonas 3d instant for a port north ofHattetas. „ ■ „ „ Brigs Wavtrly, Terry, and F H Odlofno (Br). Suther*' land, for a port north of Hattcras, were at Cardenas 3d instant ‘ / - SchralsaacCHertz, Gregory, and Pathway, bothfor tills nort, wero at Cardenas SdinßL ,' - Schr Julia A Crawferd, Buckley, honce at Now York yesterday, lllnat. lu a heavy blow from BE, carried away fore gaff. ’ / Schr Evergreen, Bclloate, hence at Providence 10th Inst Scbre Hannah jßlackman, Jones; MR Carlisle,Potter; Revenue. Gandy; Henry Harteau, Jones, and E H At wood. Higgins, sailed from Providence IjJth.inst for this P °Schr G B Conover, Robinson, hence at Pawtucket 10th Surprise,'Beers, and John Stroup, Crawford,hence at Boston 10thinst. . ' .. / . _ Schra Vetta, Waife; Royal Arch/ Hawkins, and Unox. recttd.Neve.atCardtnaaSdinßt for aport north of Hat. ,e Bc?ir Olive LBourke (Br), McAlmon, henco at St John, N B yeeterd ay Schr Sarah, Cobb, for this port, sailed from Noiv Bod ford‘loth inst Schr Georgia, Brier, Balled from Bangor Bth Instant for J P Cake, Endlcott. henco at PortsinbuthlOth Inst Sclir. P B Henderson, Cranmer.and Gov Cony, Hender son, from Providence for this port. at N York yesterday. The Now York Submarine Co have raised tho bargo 13 T Town, sunk off .Black Rock, and carried hor lnsldo tho harbor. She wonld be pnmped out next tide. The body of the captain’s child had beon found, bat that of his w<f<* wnp RtlU minping. '' NEW PUBLICATIONS. ONLY 1,000 LEFT OF THE 5,000 OF THE MUSIC ALBUMS, BOUND IN Gilt Rich Morocco, with Gilt Edges, CONSISTING OF TWENTY OF THE Most Popular Pieces of Music FOR ONE DOLLAR, The Retail Price of which would bo not less than FIFTEEN BOU4BB, AT GOULD’S PIANO STORE, No. 933 Chestnut Street, ~r ALSO AT ClastOD’a Book Store, No, 1211 Chcjtnnt SI, Union Plano Company, 1017 Walnut St. Conrad Brothers, No. 1107 Chestnut St, le2tf ' ' labiei’ dress TBurainin. MARY B. CONWAY, UHI£S’ 2>BESS FUrWhINO ▲HD \ SHOPPING EMPORIUM. 81 SOUTH SIXTEENTH STREET* , y7m.tTnn.TinA. \ Ladle* from any part of the United State* can lendtheb order* for Pressmatericd*, UreB*e&Clo&kß«BonnetB« Shoe*. Under Clothing, Mourning Suita, Wedding TrpMoau, ruling Outfit*, Jewelry, &c., aieo Children’* Clothing, In> f&nt’a Wardiobea, Gentlemen’* Linen. &c. In ordering Garments* Ladle* will please Bend one oj their best mittiko dbe&bb for measurement; and Ladle* visiting the city should not fail to call and have their measure* registered for future convenience. Befers,b7 permission, to j. hafleigH. 1012 and 1014 Chestnut street) -- ME3SBS. HOMEK COLLADAY A CO., mhl&kmrp OEand 820 Chestnut street. IN THE ORPHANS' COURT, FOR THE CITTAND L and County of Pjbiladelphia.—Estate of WARNER 1. WASHINGTON, deceased Tho Auditor appointed by tho Court to audit, settle and adjust tbo account of SAMUEL W. ROOP, deceased, who was toe surviving Executor or WARNEkF. WASHINGTON, deceased, filed by CLIN TON J. TROUT, Administrator d. b. n. c. t. a. of Bald WARNER F. WASHINGTON, deceased, and to ..report distribution of the balnnco in thohands of the Account ant, will meet the. partieß interested for the purposes of his appointment, on MONDAY, June 32d, IS6B. at4o clock P. M., st hl» office. No. 10 Law Building, S. E corner; of Sixth and Walnut streets. In the city of Philadelphia. jel2-r.ni,wot* ' .. . . ■ ' • '■> IN TBE ORPHANS’. COURT FOR, THE _CITY. AND County of Phlladolphla.--EBtate of ISABEL B. MONT GOMERY, deceased.—J.M COLLINS, the Auditor ap pointed bv the Court to audit settlo and ndjust the ac count of JOHN T. ■ MONTGOMERY and EDWARD• Ti. LAW, Executor of the last will testament of Iflfthel H. Montgomery, deceased, report dietnoution of the balance in the hands of tho accountant, if necessary, w ill meet the parties!lnterested, for-thoPurposesol hw appointment.on TUESDAY, June 23d.1868,at 11 o'clock, A. M., at hia offlce,(Law Building, southeast corner Sixth and Walnut' 1 street*,• in the city of . Phflaael. phia. .. ■ - • jel2fm,wst* RI° H ' A FABHIONABLF. CONFECTIONS, For family use. for WHITMAN, Jel-2m4p ■, : No. IMP Market street CORSETS. CORSETS. MADAME A. BARATET . lrifi has removed her wolf known corset establishment (YH from 115 South Fifteenth street to 112 South Bley taaltntu, below Chestnut, Philadelphia. Attention is invited to her beautiful light linen corset for summer .wear. . : my2B Bmrp} INDIA RUBBER MACHINE BELTING; STEAM PACK Xing llose.Ac. Engineers and dealers will find a full assortment of Goodyear’s Patent-Vulcanized Rubber Belting, Packing Hose, Ac., at the Manufacturer’s Headquarton. GOODYEAR’S, ■ Straw sidai N. B.—We have now on hand a Urge lot of Gentlemen’s, Ladies* and Misses’ Gam Boots. Also, every variety and tvlo of Gum Overcoats. BOND’S BOSTON BIBCUIT.-BOND’S BOSTON BUT ter and Milk Biscuit, landing from steamer Norman, and for sale by JOB. B. BUSSIER & CO., Agents for Bond. 108 South Delaware avenue. ■ ■ ■ ■DOKDEN'B BEEF TEA.—HALF AN OUNCE OF THIS D extract will make a pint of excellent Beef Tea In a few minutes. Always on band and for sale by JOSEPH B. BUSSIER & 00-108 South DeUwara avenue.' ' Cl AN TON PRESERVED GINGER. - PRESERVED J Ginger, in syrup, of the celebrated Chyloong brand i aUo: Dry Preserved Ginger, in boxos/imported and for saleW JOSEPH,B; BUSSIER * CO.. 108 South Delaware avenue. ÜBfiALNOTICEIh IHB FINE' ABTS.' •- . , : irra WOEJNGt GrMS^, NEW ENGRAVINGS. NEW OHBOMO-UTHOGRAPHS. EARLES’ GALLERIES, 816 Chestnut Street. JUST BBCEIVBD. , A FRESH INVOICE ' ■ ■ or - THE SLEEPING BOY, IDE PRIZE mm OF IKE PARIS EXPOSITION. : ALSO. . THE OLD OAKEN BUCKET, And other New Chromoa. , 1 GOFF & BRO., 31 fontb Sixth llreet, above Cheitnut. lelo4trp - ' UABPETINm AMD OIL / ' f *' NEW CARPETINGS, /-■ ' : Of thejjcßt French, English and American Manu facture, embracing Moquette, Chenille, Axmin ster, "Wilton’s Velvets, Bmssels, Tapestry, Three ply iDgralns, Damaßk and Venetians. Also, Oil Cloths and Mattings, every quality, great variety. All at the lowest Cash Prices. R. L. KNIGHT & SON, 1222 Chestnut Street. IcStfrc WHITE CANTON MATTING, Bess than Original Cost of Importation; 860. PER YARD. E.H.GODSHALK&CO. 723 Chestnut Street. CARPETS, OILCLOTHS, Ac., At liow Prices. E, H. GOSBQAI& TIEXO. I, WSEDZBBQBQI U274tenrp . . THE TURF. - Point Breeze Park, n/rJune lOth' PURSE $3OO. Doable 'Teams. Mile heats, Bin 6. Open to all Horses. To start at 8 o’clock P. M. J. Tamer enters blk, m. Maggie and a. m. Lizzie Little field. Owner enters s* m. Lady Byron and Blue Dick. B, Slifcr enters g. g. Prince and g. g. Frank. Q. W. Fitawater enters b. g. Lodi and b. m* Mary. The privilegebf a member introducing a male friend without pay is suspended. Omnibuses will start for the Park from LIBRARY street at 2 o’clockP. M. jell 8U TO RENT, Mto let. fi THE STORE PROPERTY AT THE *3. N. E corner of Bixihand Arch Streets, Possession about the Ist of September. Apply to WM. H. BACON, No. 426 Walnut Street. je!2 atrp* TO RENT. The First Floor (Back) CP TIIIS NEW BULLETIN BUILDING, ■No. 607 Chestnut Street, ' | (And 604 Jayne Street,) "SUITABLE FOB AH IMIUBASCB COMPACT. iDqulro In the Publication Office of the BuiCErrN. jeD tfrp . . TO LET. NEXT 8008 TO POST OFFICE. Entire Upper part, Basement and Bub-Cellar, Apply at 430 Chestnut Street. ap23 tfrp? TJ RENT. IN WEST PHILADELPHIA, A ■s!sj brown stone l4 rooms, situate on JKikthe south side ot Baltimore avenue, first house east of Fortieth st. Half square of the Darqy- Railroad. Immediate possession. Apply to B. L MEREDITH, No. IUB 8. Fortieth street. . . 1 jel&3f; YOB SAKE. TO CAPITALISTS. FOR SALE. LA PIERRE HOUSE, phh/AbbliShia,pa. ; The undersigned offer for Bale tha Good-will, Furniture and Fixtures of the above popular and well-known first eiiu H otel, rvith a lease of eight yeara. centrally situated, on BROAD afreet, below CHESTNUT, newly fnrniahed, arid in good running order. . For price and terruß, apply personally, or addresa ‘ BAKER & FAH lAS Y, Proprietors.: .le9 Strpg UJKVttS. ROBERT SHOEMAKER & CO., N E corner Fourth and Raoe Sls H WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS ' AND i PAINT MANUFACTURERS, -Offer to the trade or consumers, i —• Pure White Lead, Zino White, Colored Faints, Varnishes, Oils, Artists’ Materials, &o. Agents for the celebrated VIEILLE mOSTIGSE BXOW- WHITBZLIC, superior to any other White Paint for Inside work* - We solicit orders from those who want PUKE PAINTS: •. . • 201 and 203 North Fourth Street* , Northeast comer of Race Street. ap!B tfrp; - MESBINA ORANGEB.—FIN E FRUIT AND IN GOOD order. . Landing and for e&io by JOB. B.BUS3IER 43 CO.. 108 South Delaware avenue. E -1-2; 1868; ' gfJBDIOIfrAk- .V- i - 'l4-' 24* r CONCENTRATED EXTRACT SARSAPARILLA; , , It remove* black spots, pimples moth patches Ana aJ eruptions of the ak&Ll ; - «1 IS THF. SPRISG MOHTHSTHeRTS. RH.T.A la an aiaiatantof the greatoat value. - YOUfce LADIES, iBEWABE I OF THE INJURIOOT EFFECTS of-Pace powder, and wiihes. dllanch remedlei clow up the pore, of the skin, and In a ehoit timo destroy the complexion. If you would not a FEW or THE WORST DIS ORDERS that afflict mankind arise from corruption of thoblood. HELMBOLD’fIEXTRACTBAESAPAIULLA ia a remedy, of the utmoat value. HEEHIBOIiD’S EXTRACT SARSAPA RILLA cleanaca and renovate, the blooddnatllla the vigor ol health into the ayatem, and purge, out the humors that makctdleesso. OFAWTITFI Vi. QU&MTT. HEIiIS. BOLD'S EXTRaCT SARSAPARILLA. The d«e i. aineli Those who dealre a largo quantity and largo doaea of medicine ERR. THOSE WHO DESIRE BRIX.EIANCTS OP COMPLEXION must pu Ify and enrich tho blood, which HELMBOLD’S CONCENTRATED EXTEACT OF SARSAPARILLA invariably does. Aak for Heimtwla'e. Take no other. ' CTEEBIBOUVS CONCENTRATED EX TRACT pARSAPARTi.iiA is the Gnat Blood. Purifier. HBLMBOLD’S Highly Concentrated Fluid Extracl SARSAPARILLA ERADICATES EMJPnVE AND DICERAUVE DISEASE OF THE Throat, Nose, Eyes, Eyelids, Soalp and Skin, Which so disfigure the appearance, PURGfBJG the evl effects of mercury and removing all taints, the remnants of DISEASES, hereditary or otherwise, and to;taken by ADULTS and CHiLDßENwitoperfect SAFETY. TWO TABLE-SPOONFULS of the Extract of Sarsapa rilla, added to aplot of water, is equal to the Lisbon Diet Drink, and one bottle la equal to a gallon of tho Byrup ol Sarsaparilla, or the decoctiona ae usually made. AN INTERESTING LETTER la publishedintheMed lco-Chlrargical Review on the subject of tbe Extract ol Sarsaparilla In certain affections, by Beniamin Travers, F.R.8.. Ac. Speaking of those diseases,, and dlaeaaes arising from the excess of mercury, ; h* states that no remedy is equal to tbe Extract of Barsaparula ; its power la extraordinary, more bo than any otter drug I amae* qualnted with. It is, in the strictest seme, a tonic with this invaluable attribute, that it Is applicable to a state of the system so eunkon, and yet so instable as renders otter substances of the toblo class unavailable or tnlurioua,-- HELMBOLD’S Coacentrated Extract Sarsaparilla Established upwards of 18 year*. PREPARED BY H. T. HBLMBOLD ' DRUGGIST AND CHEMIST. 694 BROADWAY, New York,: Sold bv Druggists everywhere. Price $1 25 per bottle, or 6 for 88 THE CENTRAL PACIFIC RAILROAD haa now an Important sod. valuable traffic on both stop ea of the Blem Nevada Range, abd wfU command the through overland buaineaa. We haro for aale THEIR FIRST MORTGAGE SIX PER CENT. BONDS (totheaame amount only aa the U. S. Subaldr bouda granted them) Both Interest and Principal Payable GOLD COIN. Pamphlet* Ac., giving a fall account of this property pledged, furalahed by No. 40 S. Third St., DSAIEBB B EOTBESBENT BECUBIIiEg, COW, h WE HAVE FOR SALE A LIMITED AMOUNT OF THE CONSOLIDATED 7 Per Cent. Mortgage Bonds OF THE OIL CREEK AID ALLEOQE.TF RIFES RAILROADCOJIPm, At 80, and Aoorued Interest. Thla road, over 100 mflea in length, .pazaea through and controls the trade of the great Oil producing region of Pennsylvania, connect, with the variona. leading Unea running East and West, and it now earning about U per cent, on Ita etock over and above all Internal and expenaea. We do not know of any Bond, which offer ouch aeeurity at eo low.a rate. BOWEN & FOX, 13 MERCHANTS’ EXCHANGE. Jellmi ■ ‘ ■ ' ■ • SMITH, RANDOLPH &CO., AGENTS for ; UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD FIRST MORTGAGE BONDS, CENTRAL PACIFIC RAILROAD FIRST MiORTGAGH BONDS; Coupon*, duo Jnly Ist, of these bonds bought at brat rates. Government Securities Bought and Sold, r Gold fmulched at most reaiomblurates,' , Desirable First Class Investment* THE LEHIGH TALLEY RAILROAD COMPACT OFFER FOR BALE AT THEIR OFFICE, No. 303 Walixut Street, AT HIRI2TY-FIVE PER CEHT., One Million Dollars of their Mortgage Bonds bearing interest at the rate of Six per cent, per annum, Fiee from State and United States Taxes, payable on the fint dayß of June and December* Said Bod<3b are either Coupon or Registered* and arc secured by mortgage on the railroad, and tranche*, the roUtng stock ana the franchieea of the Company. m The outstanding Bonds of the Company due to 1873 wiu be received In exchange for these Bondi, thu* eaving to the holders of the old issue the amount to be paid for taxes. L. GHAMJBEBLAIN, Secretary. Jellmrpft - - GOLD AND GOLD COUPONS BOUGHT BY P. 8. PETERSON & 00., 89 South Third Street. Telegraphic Index of Quotations; stationed in a eon* apicuoua place in our office. STOCKS, BONUS. , Bought and Sold 6n Commission at too respactlys Board* of Broken of New York, Boston, Baltimore and Phila delphia. , .. myl66m| BANKING HOUSE c:-p ;i OF / ;;; ' JayCooke&(p, 113 and 1U 80. THIRD ST. FHILiD’A. Dealers in all Government Securities. x • * —> n>on nnn sio,6ooand swxm to invest upon / 5|)ZU 7 UUy, Mortgage. Applyto piTLER JeldSt* ' ot". ; No. ;-~iUnixth street. ' fA Rfm 88,000. 82,00°, swoo^AND BWW TO (fc.OUU. vest in Mortgages. Apply to BpILOCK PAaOHAT,H.n» Walnut street. " , mv^tf- H3TTBEBS AJVI> BEPPISti. CPRING-BEDB. Vi- . ® SOMETHING ENTIRELY NEW AND NOVEL, ' KRIEGHOFF’S PATENT U. B. SPRING-BED, ; for CHEAPNESS, DURABILITY, CLEANLINEB3. and especially tbe most deHohtful ngiitm of elasticity. We guarantee our Beds to excel .all Spring-beds, in use. We feel so confident in toe qualities we claim, that if on trial they should fail to give satisfaction in every respect, they may be returned to ua and' the money, will be. re* tended. ', ' ■', - .. .. Mads to order to/iv DDoitoauß ox any r.tr. * Liberal discounts to Wholesale Dealers," Hotels’&o. : Entirely constructed of metal, are warranted, to remain BALDWIN* CO. , N. E. comer ChOßtnut and Eighth streets, up stairs, SOLE MANUFACTURERS-FOITYhIS '■ CITY AND ■ ' STATE m?3l-lm.n>B M usical boxes, useful, to while away the tedium of' a lick chamber* or for a handtoma bridal preaeuti • '' ■' ' i FARR:* Importenu fe2B-tfrp B34Cheemut itreet* below Fourth.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers