■ HI Cntioiu Department •n *temdjUHr,vrUh « cboU* io.be flUKil U® A) X^*wra^ißKi])T BOTfi* AKD Cyrano, on «»<*«. , and **“* eau ® i 10 «* *** •«***?■ Wl/ÜB^(ViuNonotuwnnteal ctctv jiUM^Wer,^w - *** ( * w 5J5^ o ®'* cn I Bc H^S: a _ ;'■■■■. ***>3* struts, i . mb Market Si.* t.xuk >«>« ' Phbladklpbu. Am> 600 Bboapwat. New Yobk. wonder *or the ISItSISiS mtox. ' .:_—— ————~ lus UITRNINfI BULLE 1 I'ridaT) June 12, 18CS. general hector tvsjdace. None of the nominations made py the j Republican party for our municipal offices are more thoroughly satisfactory than that I of General Hector Tyndalo. Modestly re tiring from all public notoriety at th? close of the war, there may be many Philadelphians to whom he is comparatively unknown, and yet we exaggerate nothing in asserting that 1 his record of personal gallantry and patri otic self-sacrifice is second to none upon the roll of honor of the heroes of the war for the Union. His nomination to the Mayoralty does highhonortotheßepublican party, ahd con tributes one of the greatest elements of strength in the coming contest. General Tyndale wa s never a holiday soldier; but as he entered the army under the earnest convictions of duty, so he fulfilled every part of his military ser vice with fearless courage and with a tho rough devotion of every faculty of mind and body to the great cause which so nearly cost him his life. ; A soldier of hia Btamp is sure of his reward in the enduring; honor which all good citizens pay to bravery, self-sacrifice and patriotism, and the Republican party has done well in placing the name of Hector Tyndale upon its banner for the approaching fight. . Hector Tyndale, a private man of business, traveling in Europe on the affairs of his house, ■waß in Paris when the first news of the re bellion reached the French capital. Hastily closing up his business, he hurried home by the first steamer, and at once tendered his services to his Government, which were promptly accepted. At the bloody battle of Antietam, Lieutenant-Golonel Tyndale took the splendid 28th Pennsylvania Regiment into the fight, where it distinguish®! itself by the utmost gallantry. “Eighty Killed and two hundred and fifty wounded” was the ter rible record of the day’s work, while the brave Tyndale, after having three horses killed , under him, was left for dead upon the field, insensible and bleeding from ghastly wounds. Two or three, of his men went in, under fire, to re cover the supposed dead- body of their fallen commander, and Colonel Tyndale was liter ally: dragged off- the - field by the heels, by the brave fellows, who crawled back with him to a place of shelter. Their rough though kind usage restored the wounded man to consciousness, and time and surgical skill eventually re stored him to health. Many men, after such an experience, .would have felt that they had done their share of military service; but not so with Hector Tyndale. Before, his severe wounds were fairly healed he was again on duty,serv ing with the same fearless; impetuous gal lantry, under Hooker in his great Lookout Mountain campaign. The close of the war found General Tyndale quietly resuming his position in private life and again discharging his duties aB a merchant and citizen with his old earnestness, uprightness and modesty. The nomination to the Mayoralty finds him in this position, and his election will be at once an honor to the city of Philadelphia and a fitting recognition of his distinguished services. That he will be elected cannot be doubted, unless we assume that Philadelphia j 8 less loyal to-day than she was during the war, and that she has already forgotten the great debt that can never be fully paid to those who gave themselves, with a sublime devotion, to the terrible work of saving the Republic at the hazard of their o.wtf lives. General Hector Tyndale will make a tho roughly good Mayor. Exacting in the performance of duty, both for himself and for those under his command, he is not: the Yin,,, to be satisfied with imperfect service, with carelessness, disrespect or dis honesty among his subordinates. Rigid in his ideas of commercial integrity, he is not the man to countenance or permit wasteful expenditures of the public funds. Thoroughly upright in all his political principles, he can be controEed by no “Ring,” nor wiE he per mit the offices in his control to be applied to any corrupt use. The Mayoralty of Phila delphia has been held by many of her most honored citizens, in the old times, and more recently under Henry and McMichaeL Its high position wiE suffer no detraction un der the administration, of General Hector Tyndale, and as the Democratic party has no man to offer whose personal and official record is brighter and worthier than his, we go into the canvass thanking the convention for its judicious selection, and confident that, with that proper exertion which wEI be put forth, a glorious victory awaits the Rapuoli can partyofPhEadelphiain October next. THE WORK AT THE SOUVH, As the summer season compels a cessation of much of the work among the colored population at the; South, the teachers and other laborers among them are returning to the North to seek their much-needed recrea tion. Few narrations are more interesting tiuvn the simple stories that these devoted missionaries of religion and education bring back with them from their Southern fields of self-devotion. They all come home full of encouragement, and with an unabated enthu siasm. Malice and prejudice Have done their worst to defame the characters and revile the motives and ridicule the work of the noble women who are , engaged vin educating the ignorant freedmen of the South; and while they have been thus maligned at home, they have been met with distrust, coldneßs, and open opposition among that class of the Southern people, who honestly'fear the effect of education upon the 'ntjgroes mind and character. There, are ! thousands of ignorant, narrow-minded p«>- |-ple-6ttho :^uth'Whofear-thecomparißon that will be presented 1 to the world, should the negro race prove itself equal to the opportnnitleß which are now offered I for its advancement in the scale of civilize* tion. But this is pot the universal rule, and in many cases there has been a hearty, intel gent and efficient co-operation with the Northern teachers,on the. part ofplantera and others,which has been productive of the most OTICOEB. satisfactoiy results. The reports which the! returning teachers bring indicate at once the difficulties and the rewards of their labor. The task involved in going in among these ignorant children of sla very and raising them up to the position of good and useful citizens is indeed a hercu lean one. Their very aptness and eagerness in acquiring knowledge increase the labor a huridred-foldj'for with: all the faculties of their minds .awaking, and all the associations ot civilized life crowding around them, they need to be guided, encouraged, restrained, enlightened morally, intellectually, physi cally, aid all thiß under the pressure of an immediate necessity. It is not simply to set a system of gradual education at work,which takes, hold. of a generation of children and develops with their natural growth; but it is needed to seize upon a race. of. grown men and women, who are as ready to adopt ihe follies arid; vices as the knowledge and virtues of their white fellow-men. The adult population must be civilized, Christianized, humanized, and to their care .and responsi bility the rising generation must be com mitted. As a class, the Northern women who have devoted themselves to this great work are worthy of all honor and support, "and those who sneer at the ‘‘Yankee scheol-matm, ” sacrificing home and comfort and friends for the sake of this’ patriotic and Christian work, have fallen very low in the scale of civilized humanity. These so-called “Yankee school-marms” are many of them froto Pennsylvania and other of the Middle and-Western States. They are women of re finement cultivation and good judgment The way in which their work is done, and the results already accomplished, prove this, and it is humiliating to confess that men hold ing themselves to belong to the respectable and decent classes of society are found ready, out of their bitter hatred for the negro, to de grade themselves by attempting to degrade the pure, high-minded, self-sacrificing wo men who are doing so much to repair the ruin that slavery haß inflicted upon the massesthat are now struggling toward the light. • These women deserve all sympathy and support. Their field of labor is a vast one, and they need till the help that can be extended to tb«m. As they rescue one after another of these soub and daughters of bondage from the yoke of ignorance and degradation, they put them to work as missionaries in tho same good cause, and it will not be very long before the colored population of the Bouth will be able to Carry forward the work of its own regene ration, without much aid from white men or women. They only need an honest, fair | start;. They must be set well upon their feet and taught how to advance. This once done, the work will be self-supporting; but for the present all decent people will help those who are helping forward this initial work,and extend to them not only sympathy and encouragement, but also all the substan tial aid that they require. IWR. HAZLEHVBSI’S acceptance. Mr. Hazlehurst’s acceptance of the nomi nation to the District-Attorneyship will be found in another column. It is brief, simple, manly and high-toned. Mr. Hazle hurst recognizes the Convention which nominated him as representing the ma jority Of the Republican voters of Phila delphia, and there is no doubt that this is true. Under the present peculiar rules, the majorities in the Republican Conventions came from Democratic Wards, and out of CO,ooo voters, about 17 or 18,000 control the nominations, Mr. Hazlehurst accepts the nomination in no partisan spirit. He recognizes the judicial function of the office, and enjoying, as he does, the unbounded confidence of the entire community, both in his personal and profes sional relations, there can be no doubt that the Convention has placed one of the strong est before the people that could ' have been selected. We earnestly hope that that there : will be a perfect harmony secured in the Republican ranks, upon 1 this important portion of the ticket. The Bulletin has not joined in any of the violent personal abuse of the other nominee, which has been indulged in in some quarters, nor does it intend to do so. . But inasmuoh as there is so mueh dißsatisfaetion with the manner of the election of many of the delegates, as well as with the nomination itself; and, inasmuch as the “Bolters”’ Convention undoubtedly represents a large majority of the Repub lican party of Philadelphia; and inas much aB the desire for a change in the District-Attorneyship has been so, generally and so distinctly expressed, it seems to be the part of any one who finds _himaelf,—whether from just reason or not, —the caUße of divi sion and contention in his party, to sacrifice personal considerations to the higher consideration of the continued success of his party and its sound principles. We are, of course, aware that it is ashing much of any candidate, upon whom a nomi nation has been conferred, no matter how, to withdraw his name. It can only be asked in the name of the high interests at stake, and the- supfeme importance which belongs to a victory of the entire Republican ticket at the polls. . COMMISSIONER KOI.UNS’S RESIG< nation. The letter of resignation of -Commissioner Rollins furnishes an" official recital of a dis graceful condition of things that has long been pretty generally understood. He refers at the outset to the old sickening story: how the Philadelphia Wigwam Convention,- in 186(5, encouraged Andrew Johnson to the insane idea of attempting to destroy utterly the Republican organization and to rear a Johnson party upon'its ruins; of how this was attempted to be accomplished by the re moval of every man from office who would Tfly. ft ATT.Y EVENING BPI ERIDAX JUNII-2,1868. snot give tip his .principlesanii fall down and . of the "White Houße; = iandhe telisbow apoßtacyiproscription and - |l)lind favoritism worked.in the important de i partment of which Jlr. Roffins wm the head. I The wholesale removal of honest and worthy ; officers , was/followed by. .the. appointment of «men who were selected without reference to their; fitness, and without ‘ any regard to the views or Irishes of the Commissioner. As regards any- control or check which Mr. Rollins find over incompe" tent or dishonest subordinates,' he says: “My numerous recommendations for removal of assessors and collectors even for the grossest misconduct have been almost uniformly dis regarded." " "x Mr. Rollins briefly and pithily sums up the condition bf things which {has’: been; brought about by Andrew John&on.nnd the reasons-for his own resignation.; He says: ‘ ‘ln brief, Mr. Secretary, the revenue laws, even in the most Important localities, are badly admin istered—by officers either dishonest or incompe tent, appointed without my approval; andWhoßo removal I seo no hopes of securing. While X continue in Office Tam sought to be made respon sible for their I , am absolutely ’ powerless to prevent them." ■ . ' - v The integrity and efficiency of /Commis sioner Roilins are too well understood to need special: endorsement, and his testimony concerning the abuses in the department from which hb iB retiring in ,-disgpßt forms a damn ng record of the reckless wickedness of the I Administration of Andrew Johnson. . It is no : marvel that,with the important department of Internal Revenue in such hands as. those in which Andrew Johnßon has placed it, the infamous Whisky Ring has ruined an im portant branch of business, systematically nullified the laws of Congress, fo&tered whole sale official and private scoundrelism, and deluged the land with alcoholic poisons in their vilest shapes. Our own country has in past years had,feeble;,and corrupt national administrations, tmd history is full of govern mental iniquities; hut in many respects the ‘‘high crimes and misdemeanors” perpetrated by Andrew Johnson overtop in their mis chievous consequences the worst and the meanest misdeeds of any ruler of a civilized nation. Common Council, yesterday, refused .to I give its consent to the occupation of a por- I tion of the central passage of Independence 1 Hall for an eating Saloon. We know noth- I ing about the merits or demerits of the special I case in which this action was taken; but it is I a correct principle to frown down all such I applications of public property to private I uses.' As a matter of justice and fair play it I is wrong to permit persons who pay no rent to set up their booths and stands where they can compete with those who are heavy payers of both rent and taxes, and under sell them at their own doors. But apart from the point of justice in volved, as a matter of taste it is atrocious. . The disfigurement of our I public, buildings, under the operation, of this “squatter sovereignty” principle, has long attracted attention and has excited very uncomplimentary criticism upon the part of I appreciative tottrists from abroad.- Splendid I piles of buildings,upon which capital and the I resources of architectural and -mechanical 1 skill have been liberally expended, are dis- I figured with stalls and lean-tos that would { almost disgrace the outside of the main stand I at a race-course or the raw wood sheds of a I County Fair. This abuse would not for a I moment be tolerated by the owners of private I property; but public property, like public af- I fairs generally, is too apt to be left to take | care of itself. Omtuary.— Dr. Nathan Shoemaker, of this city, died yesterday afternoon, after a long illness. He was in the 80th year of his age. Dr. Shoe maker, although for 'many years not engaged in active practice, was well known to most of the citizens of Philadelphia. J.He was much esteemed, both in professional and in private life. Mr. Robert Ewing, also a well-known citizen, died at his residence, at Torrcsdale, yesterday. Mr. Ewing was for many years engaged in mer cantile pursuits in this city. He was subsequently the Democratic candidate for Sheriff, and ran in opposition to Mr. John Thompson. Mr. Ewing received a certificate of election, but for reasons that are generally understood, it was set aside-by the Supreme Court, after Mr. Ewing had held the office for several months. Ho had been in failing health for some time past. Novel Furniture. —Messrs. George J. Hen kels, Lacy & Co., comer of Thirteenth and Chest nut streets, have just now something verynovei and interesting in the way of elegant furniture. It is a suit for a dining room, made to order, of South Carolina Heart Pine—a hew, wood in the cabinet maker's art. It will remain on exhibition a few days, ana as it is very beautiful, it deserves a visit. . Cresson Springs By referring to an adver tisement in another column, it will be seen that the Mountain House, at Cresson Springs, Cam bria county, will bo opened for guests on the 17th inst. Thlß establishment has a high reputation; os a summer resort, and being directly npon the fine of the Pennsylvania Railroad, access to it is convenient from all parts of the State. public Bales by M. Thomas * Sons. ; June 18th, Fwhiture,’ N. W. cor. Marshall and ’ G JramdBttf e siwne B, a sleepers, Broad and Olive. June 17th, Furniture,-108 North Nineteenth street. June 17th, Saddlery; Hardware, 141 Sonth Fourth. JuNk 18th,'Furniture; 180 and.lil South Fourth. June 82d, Furniture, 1814 Arch street, i' June 23d, Furniture, N 0.1412 Lombard street. , RTEfTK & CO.’S.AND HAINES BROTHERS'; KanoMDd Mason gHarnfin* Cabinet Organs. °ttpl&Bm,rp ■ Ha. 928 Chestnut street DOWNING’S AMERICAN LIQUID CEMENT, FOR vriAndinff "broken'ornaments, And other article a of Gto £c. No heating r* quired of the article to bo-mended* ; or the Cement* Al* reftdy f4r Me '3ShNB.% O WNING,, Stetioner. t&l-U 189 South Eighth atreet. two doom ab. Walnut. UENRY PHILLIPPI, 11 CARPENTER AND BUILDER. NO.-1024 BANBOMSTREET. . PHILADELPHIA. Mechanic! of every branch required for housebuilding and fitting promptly fnmuhod. foxltf SWARBURTON’B IMPROVED, VENTILATED and ea«y-fltting Drees Bata (patented), in all the-ap provod fashion! of the loason. Cheitnut street, next door to the Post-office. : : sel3-lyrp MASONIC PARADE. -"7 -- 0 ~; -±~- Wt A discount of ten per cent, for all Silk Hats pur chased for this great occasion, at M'CALIAB, Tenth and Cheetnnt. iemotrp} PLATED CALL-BELLS AND TEA-BELLS OF A VA- Tioty of styles, for sale by 1 RUiIAN A SHAW, N 0.836 (Eight Thirty-five) Ninth. iriARPET-STHETCUERB. WITH LEVERS AT \J tachcd. by which great power can be obtained, for laving a carpet smooth and tight upon a fioor. Also,otbcr kinds, and extra qunUty ot tinned, leather-bond and plain Carnet “i ach«, lor Bale by TRUMAN & SHAW. No. 835 (Eight Thirty-five) MARKET street, below Ninth. QMALL AND'LARGI-r SIZES OF EXIRA QUALITY ft Brass Siirirg Padlocks with duplicate Keys to. each An invoice just opened by" TiMIMAN 4r SHAW, No. 836 (Eight Thirty-five) Market Bt., below Ninth,Philadelphia. -IL;, .tkMpftiaka. FINE OPPORTUNITY For Investment. All that largo Brick Building situate on the S. E. comer of Sixth .and Market streets; covering the whole block from Market to Minor streets, and wdl known as the* “04HT HALL buildings;* is filled from top to bottom with the most complete stdckof “Men’s and Boys’ Clothlng,'’ ; which will be disposed ol at much lower prices than any other house can afford to sell at; ■ The styles also are superior. Apply to the owners, , JgROWN. 636 Market Street, S. JS. cor. Sixth and Market. Noa. \ to 13 S. SixthSirect, ■And-Sixth and Minor Sts. Edward p. klex, TAILOB» 8. E. Cor. Chestnut anti Seventh Bb. Large .lock and complete ausrtnient of CHOICE SPRING 60008, Including all fashionable ehadea , Oarrs’ Meltons and’ Scotoh Cheviots. A SOM OF THE TREE WORMS The worms have come to (own; And they gently dangle down From the trees* As they pendulously awing Let us have a little sing, If you please. Our heart within us grieves To see them eat the leaves, Greedybrutes! As they drop upon our nose. And they crawl upon our olothea; OurnewBUitB! How the idle little beasts Seem to like their leafy feats l And we hope When they’ve eaten all they want, Every tree and every plant, They will elope. So we’ll let the worms alone, And we'll go to the Brown Stone Clothing Hal!, Where they fit, at moderate price, With their clothes so cheap and nice, Good folks all! Never mind the worms, gentlemen Keep out of their way, and they'll let you alone. Anyhow, there are no worms on our pavement, and you can come unmolested for your new suits of Summer Clothes at the great Brown Stone Hall of ROCKHILL& WILSON 603 and 605 Chestnut Street, PHIIJIDELI’HIA. CJHIJLUKEIV’S CLDTHIMfe. CHILDREN’S CLOTHING. A f plendid aaaortment in the latest Faria and London Btylee at GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. M. SHOEMAKER & CO., TSTo. 1024 Chestnut Street* piT3fl 12t6 ■—„ To Architects and Builders. Hyatt’S Patent Lead Band and Cement Sidewalk Bights, Vault Bights, .Floor, and Roof Righte, maao by Brown Bros.. «o. j tosale, firtgUnd £ddown by 1136 Rideo Avenue, Bole Agents (or Philadelphia. anBwtmBmrpi! , ‘ TjTlNli OLD WINES. Sherry. Madeira. Port. Cbampalgne,' and Claret Wince of a Superior quidlty. f “” p^ O M^DLETON , ; No. 6 North Front Street. je!2 rs 3« lObo. Hair Cut at K01‘I«S ' SALOON, by dreUdae ■ Halrcuttere. Bhave and Bath, 25 con to. ,JJro's™/S om iS- Ladicß* Halrcnttjng. Open SUNDAY MORNING. . 1~0 Exchange Place. : Q. C, KOI»P. IyjAMAMA RITA.” ; ' OUr Standard Havana Clears under , above brand arc made of. best Vuelta Abajo Leafi iinncrted.by oureelvea and worked in our own factory, perfectly, pure, and Ires • from the slightest “doctoring.". o ■■■-■.-tv v-. - ■ They have, by their intrinsic merits, dide; and established the .brand.in public tavor mucb more rapidly and more fully than wehad dared to hope. . Being Btrictly of high grade, the Mariana lutaaro in tended for smokers of fine cigars, who object to the price of those imported,—but they are not addressed to those willing to ouy imported cigars* regardless of price. J; To meet our Bhare of the latter demand, we continue our : brand 'eomirises f eighteec' 'vnrlfiHpit fif &nd pfjpfW-all Of o(|Uftl 4 Preseed, 6 Conchas andElegante* 6 05 to Sfo^centlew 11a. and these range in price at from 25 to 40 per cent, lew th “ad£g gro e Jcr d s°and fe? kMSm forretail, and bythe the brand,'-M«lnnaßita,”-and eee that eaeh hex hcam^trademmkedlal«t. mv23 lmrpt . ‘ ■ No. 229 South Front street. ■ mo GROCERS, HOTEL-KEEFERB. FAMILIES ANi I otherß.—The undersigned haa just received a frc»* supply Catawba-Californla and Champagne Wines,Toni' Ale (for invalids), constantly on hamh JOEDAH( ’ 23) Pear street, . Below Third and Walnut streets. TPUGUET a SONS’ "MARIANA RITA” CIGARS. JD 1 moke a specialty of selling, those. fine Cigars a. moderate prices at retail, and at extremely b? w the original package—a large. assortment to choose from, gear an teed genuine. Consumers will find it greatly to their advantage to give me a; gJ> V i D ' L . KETLBR, : Non 60 and 62 S. Fourth'sts-above Chestnut. Cut but this advertisement for reference.. myU-lmrpt ■ innn LOOK! READ!) REFLECT 1,11 . _ IUOOt A magnificent assortment of Wall Pacers just in for spring sales. , Linen shades plain and gut. Country trade Invited. JOHNBTOIh a DepoClo33 Spring,Gordenst, bob Eleventh. .., Braurfp-SOT Federal Street. Camden. N. J. Sel4.ly ip ÜbE WHITMAN'S CHOCOLATE.—FOR DRINKING it ta the fineet and b|^ pHEN^. ' %VHrr M IV N. 5 Manufacturer, Store. N o. 1310 Market etreet. _ je4-2ra4p & AclX)THlNG.^at aft OLD ESTABLISHED LOAN OFFICE. Comer of. Third and Gaskill streets. Below Lombard. N. B.—DIAMONDS, WATCHES, JEWELRY. GUNS, &c.* * Bnn (it* >• r< REMARKABLY LOW PRICES, znhaMmJ OOLONG TEA I OOLONG TEA!: Special Ajmouncement. MITCHELL & FLETCHER, No. 1204. Chestnut Street, Have }tnt recclvcd.per Thomas Clyde,! 1 VERY CHOICE OOLONG TEA, Which thev offer to families going totheir cummer homo, (in cheats of from 10 to 40 lb*?). At 85 bents per lb. , Aleo.» general assortment of 3 FINE GROCERIES, Packed anddeipatchea with .care at short notice. ie4lfltn> ! FINE OLIVE OIL, tfceee who have tried it, It needs no recommendation. For sMe at wholesale prices by the caso. SIMON COLTON & CLARKE, I ■ g. W. cor, Broad and Walnut Sts, I wfmtfrp " ~ TEAS! TEAS! TEAS'! TEAS! Just received and for sale at »‘reduction of 15 to 29 PCr piIBE OOLORG TBAal 90e.. $1 00,-$1 25 FISE JAPAfIB At $1 00, »1 20, M 40. «BEBN IBM at $1 25, •» 50, $1 >5. We desire to call particular attention to tho ahovew bemK freiSi and tree from duet, and wo hejUovo better coode than, at© generally retailed at those ptiew* B To famines purchasing 10,20, or 40 lt>. packages wo will make a still further reduction. . A J.DfICAMP, IOT SoutU Second Staeet. mhl4&nrpB - ; -- THE “EXCELSIOR” HAMS, SELECTED FBOMTHE BEST COEN FED HOGS, | AEE OF STANDARD EEPUTATION. AND THE BEST IN THE WOBLD. J. H. MICHENER & CO., GENERAL. PROVISION DEALERS And cur ere of the celebrated “EXCELSIOR” SUGAB.CUBED HAMS. TONGUES AND BEEF. Nos. 142 and 144 North Front street. None genuine unless branded “J. EL M. & Co. EXCEL “SmUj celebrated “EXCELSIOE* aAMSaroVmred by J. EL M. 6 Co. (in a etylc peculiar to thenuelves), ex. create for FAMILY USE ( are of delicious: flavor ;fwo From the unpleasant taeW of »»}t, and are pronounced by epicure, superior to any now offered for Bale- IPVB W f IP fiPOrp^^ ———— THE HARRISON BOILER This is the only really SAFE BOILER in the Market, and can now be furnished at a Greatly Reduced Cost. For Circulars, Plan*, &c., &c*« ,APPLY TO HARRISON BOILER WORKS, PHILADELPHIA. jelO lmS ■ AMERICAN / ANTI-INCRUSTATION CO.’S, OFFICE, No. 147 Sop-tb Fourth St.. PHILADELPHIA, The Anti-Incrnstator win remove «eale from steam boUere end keep them clean, rendering the boiler lew liable to explosion, and earning a great aavlng of fuel. The inatramenta have been In successful nee daring the last two years In many, of the large establishments ln thu blty. and from which the most, flattering, teattaumiffis of their wonderful saving of fuel said labor have been having boUers would do well to caE at the office andeiamlne testimonials, etc. JOHN PAREIRA, President. '' EZBA WRENS, Secretary and Treamrcr. i ■ mviS 3mrn ... . . ■ .'.'J - r , . CHOUGH, iFTTZGERAUD T. STEWART HROWN, 1235 CHESTNUT STREET, MANUFACTURERS OF . TRUNKS, VALISES AND BAGS, WHITE, BLACK AND SLATE CRINO LINE, Receiving Rndfjir sale by THOMAS R. (HLL, 6 Strawberry Street. lelo lOtrpi ■ y. : s - ■' " : : . e: C. 110U1U6. noEAOE MOSES, GALLOW AY C. MORRIS <6 O D 208 Walnut Street, LEHIGH AND SCHCYLSILL COAL. ■ Wharf Foot of Tasker Street. • mv37 lmro CUTLBB, WEAVER & CO. NEW CORDAGE FACTDRV NOW IN FULL OPERATION. No. SI N. WATER and SBN. DEL. even Cider. SMbhls. Champagne and Ci»h XJSrdAN. .. ■ ; y ,220 Fear street ■ CRESSON SPRINGS. MOUNTAIN HOUSE. ' This delightful summer retort will open forrccoptlon of guests oh WEDNESDAY. JUNE 11th. .Excursion tickets on tha Penns) lvania Bailroad cin be obtained at PhilaJ deipbisS Harrisburg and Pittsburgh.’ ■' ' For fartherlnformation, inquire of ' . ' ‘ t * GEO. W. MLILIAN, " . Crceson Spring*, Catnbrla county. Fa. ■ ioiaimt • • ' •: 1 ‘ UNITED STATES ATLANTIO CltT, N. J„ Win be opraied for the reception of ffnma On or About June 235 th* Persona wishing to engage room, can.do boliy applying t(^ BROWN & .WOELPPER, Proprietors, yo. 821 Blchmona Street, tomtr of Aih. OABBIAGES. jus;r finished, v -;: JACOB BECH’S: COACH FACTOBT, BAEOUCBEB ) PABK?ttmw'(fwtt©CB COACBB9,EIO. f ■ . All of first-class work. ■ : , a Gentlemen about to purchase would do well to examine ***!* S.-Hcflrncr of EIGHTH and QIEAHD Avenue. , WA'ltiimßi JEWELBI, ACC. m , Btamped on the . vjjy , bare cl each (jßlSlMUmrco “ acto - TradoMark Electro* Plate. JAMES E. CALDWELL & CO.,' JBWELBRS, 902 Chestnut Street, PHILADELPHIA, Have been appointed . / SPECIAL AGENTS In thi, city for the aale of the GOBHAM MFG. COMPANY’S FINE ELEOTRO-PL ATED WARE ' We guarantee these goods to be decidedly superior to anythlng in the market, excelling In design, finish ana assortment will be maintained, and sold at the* mairafacturers* regular. FIXED ’PBICESf P3Y& w f m BAILEY & CO., 819 CHESTNUT STREET, Have just finlahed a large rariety of SILVER ARTICLES, Especially suitable for BRIDAL PRESENTS’ AU of cntiioly new and beantlfifl design*. 819 CHESTNUT STREET. feag.wfmriitf _____ Having Partbased Ihe Intejert of TIIOB. WEIGGINB, Eaq.i My late partner in the firm of ’ WBIGGINS & WARDENS I will continue the < - Watch and General Jewelry Businas® At the old stand, . , S. B. comer Fifth and Chestnut Sts^ And respectfully requeat a continuance of the patronage •o long and liberally bestowed upon tho late Arm. Particular attention given to the repairing Ot WATCHES and JEWELBY. A. B. WARDEN. PuiLARA., March 16* 1868. A. K. & F. K. WOMRATH’ FOBOEBLT 4T 417 BTBEET, No. 1212 CHEBTNUT Street, Beg to inform their friends and customers that they are prepared to receive for the season. INSURING THEM ag&io&t loss by FIRE and MOTHS. A, K. St F. K. WOMRATII, 121 Q Chestnut Street. icStSOrp ...i..-—■ fPBHICTBE. dtc. FURNITURE. GEO. J. HENKELSj .LAOY & OG., Thirteenth and Chestnut Streets. jell2mB ■ : •. ■•■ ■ ■ ■ < n BEIAIL IHHt WWPIIf THIN GOODS. IBfiB. THIN GOODS^ 8-4 and 8-,4 Iron Sleih Hernanl> t Flgored Hernanl, - i Figured and itWPo firenadlne«» n Figured and Jiripe grenadine Bareges,. Flgnf«d and Ittipe Orgwwesi ? Plain and Flguredliawiiiv ; . 1 ' PequliiPereal«», Jaeonet*, ae., ac., JOHN W. THOMAS, | Nos. 405 and 407 N. Seoond Street | mvaadtlylrp ; —-' ,'j=a S! tvt AfTt LACE BAQUES.-JUST RECEIVED DIRECT' jj TBrnmJ?aria. per steamer. St Laurent 1 ’ TiimaLacoSaquee, the. moat desirable article of thUscaj j the street or house wear; also; 1 case or J Black Llama. Lace Shawls. full assortment of prices, at ;! retaU at importer*’ prices. . OEORGE -\y. VOQEL, ;i >.. Kftetsrn ' s ' 1016 uhestmit Street. s’ iBEWIMC JIaCIUWEO. llOe. IBE BINOEB BJAIUJFiCTIiaiISCJ COHPAISY' Hare Removed their Warerooms to No. 1100 Chestnut Street. : ■ BINGER’B "HEW. FAMILY SEWINGMACBINE to. ( ilmple; durable, quiet and Light running, and capable ot t peTforalns an a tonlHhing range uidviuW of work, .If f will hem. felli »titch« braid, gather, cord, tuck, quilts l%• “ TOE COOPER,Agent., > . ABEINO WITH XNDEIABLEISKrEMBROH>Ett ; ing. Braiding, Stamping, Ac. M. A, TORBY. '■ ;V‘ . Filbert itreet, .!( nay37lmrpi NOW AT FXJR.S SECOHB HJITIOK LATER CABLE NEWS. Financial Quotations. The Weekly Cotton Report tI ' * j I Marine Intelligence^ London, Jane l2,fA. W.— Conßols for money, . 95@95%j for account, U. B. Five twenties, 72%; Erie, 46; lUlnols Control, 101. LivEJii’ooii, Juno 12, A.. M.—Cotton dull; the sales will probably,riot exceed 8,000 bales.. Bale* of the week, 46,000 bales, of which 7,000 were for export and 2,000 for speculation. Stock— -052,000; of which 382,000 bales are American. Corn, 335. 9d. Calcutta Linseed, 60s. Pakxs, Junc 12, A. M.—The decrease of specie In the Bank of France is 3,000,000 francs. ■ QcEESSTowsr, Jnno 12.—The .steamship Scotia, from New York on the 3d, arrived to-day. - __ ■ : marine Intelligence. ' Fortress Monroe, Jane 12.— Passed Jap : for Baltimore. ; bark Pleiades, from Londonderry. , Passed oriti barks Patmos, lor Liverpool; Elves ton, for Porto Rico; brigs Charles Albert, for BaTbadoeß; Sea Breeze, for West Indies; Woodale,. for Matanzas; Matilda, for Portsmouth; Henry, . for CardenaS; schooners Mary, for Bremuda; Bt. Hubert, for Newfoundland; Valeria, for Carde nas; bark Templar, for Buenos Ayres, and a fleet ofcoaEters, i:, New YoRK. Jnno 12—Arrived—Steamship Lonlelona, from Liverpool. " , June 12. Thermo aA. if. WML Weather. ■ mder. Port Hood S. Raining. , 30 Portland, N. Cloudy. Boston, ■ N. E. Raining. f? New York, N. W. Cloudy. 55 Wilmington,HeL, E. Booing. ; 62 Washington, N. W. Cloudy. 65 Fortress Monroe, S.W. Clear. <2 Richmond, W. do. - - 64 Oswego, W- s°' 55 Buffalo, W. do. 60 Pittsburgh, W. do. . i® Chicago; W. . do. 1° Louisville, N. E. do. 68 Now Orleans, N. ... _do. 83 Key West, E. Cloudy. 81 Havana, , ,E. do. 83 STATE OF THE THERMOMETER THIS DAY AT THE BULLETIN OFFICE. „ . 10 A. den. U M.. ..61 a**. SP. JL.....67 dec, Weather raining* Wind ntBDEItOtS AjyFBAY IS TBEAL, Particulars of tlio Sbootlsf of Detec tive Cullen, ana Aneit of the Penn sylvania Bobber, Garner, The following particulars are Mien from tit® Montreal'/Wa, June 10th. The robbery alluded to Is probably that perpetrated at Fitholo, Fa., some lime ago : One of the moat respected and efflclent mem bers of the city detective force fell wounded, It Is feared mortally, by the hand of an American des perado. Detective Cullen had received orders to arrest a man named Charles Garner, who was ac cused of a burglary committed by him m Penn sylvania, at which he and bis accomplices made off with the handsome sum of $136,000. Acting on his instructions Cullen, accompanied by De tective Bouchard and two constables, went to Garner's house, 30 Berri street, the property of the_ supposed burglar and his confederates. The officers having gained an entrance found and arrested a woman between -twenty-five and thirty years of age, two children and a negro woman of anything but prepossess ing appearance; all of whom were forthwith conveyed to the Central Police Station. Gamer was not at homo when the detectives entered, but arrived some time after, when he was in formed that he must consider himself under ar rest. Ho took the matter very coolly, and asked what ho was apprehended for. Detective Cullen told him jocularly that It might bo for Feman lsm. to which he replied- that ho had no fears on that score. He took the matter very coolly, merely asking to be allowed to go up stairs, say• ' lug at the same time that he had a revolver there. After being up stairs a few minutes he came down and walked quietly with the officer towards the police station.. He evidently believed that he was under arrest on a charge of Feniauism. De tective Cullen, perhaps lncantionsly, asked him wbat he did with so many burglar’s tools, refer ring to a largo quantity ofburglarions Implements which had been discovered In the prisoner’s house. He seemed rather staggered at the question, but said nothing for u few minutes. Alter they had gone hall a dozen yards or so, however, he suddenly broke away from his captors and made off, ' He turned round and, exclaiming “My life la as good as yonrs, anyhow,” drew his revolver anddischarged one of the barrels at Cullen, the ball striking him in the groin. Cullen fell, yet managed to fire' his revolver, but ineffectually. Aa the Central police station was close at hand, Bouchard, who was unarmed, and therefore not prepared to cope with a well bailt,de»pe’-ate fellow armed with a revolver,prudently hurried off to the station for weapons and assistance. The prisoner Garner,meanwhile,ran down Bt. Mary atreet.and, although closely pursued by Constable Laboisslcr, effected his escape. Bouchard having given the alarm at the Central station, the men in reserve were sent in all directions, some being ordered to Watch at the toll bars, and thus make e*it from the city all hut Impossible. Cullen had managed to get Into a vehicle, In which he was convoyed to the station and, there 1 properly ’ cared for. Bouchard hastened away towards the Lachine road. As he was going along St. Aptoina street, vety near-Aqueduct street, he saw aman whom he almost instantly recognized as Garner. , Bouchard concealed himself until the man was within a reasonable distance, and then, stepping out into the street, presented his 1 revolver. - 8o sudden was the move that Garner, who hap hia loaded weapon In his pocket, was Instantly par alyzed with fear add rendered quite incapable of using it. He was evidently afraid that Bouchard would shoot him dead On the spot, and the only marvel is that in such a moment of excitement and Indignation that' offleet; had sufficient-self command to resist the temptation. Garner en treated him not to fire, andsaid be would surren der.!' Hewas at once conveyed’ to the station, where he spent the night, and he was'brought to jail, yesterday afternoon. On making Inquiries shortly before going to press wo were infoimed that dotectivo Cnilen was somewhat,, easier, and-there was at least a possibility that the, fears -previously entertained by . the medical gentlemen attending him would not be verified. ■ ■■ ■ : Encounter wllb a Mtatl Bobber. p : - This Grand Prairie (III.) fleeter Bays: “On Tuesday morning, at about ton. o'clock,' at .Odin, Illinois, a man box cpntainlng Tetter mail .was stolen from-a truck on tie 1 platform without In any way attracting : the attention of tho local agent. It was raining terribly at the time, and tee person taking it went to a barn a few yards ■ from the depot, and With a hatchet commenced breaking open the : box so as to go through it for - money. The matt was from 8t Louis, and this box was going. to. Capo Girardeau, Mo., via Illi nois Central Railroad and. Anna, and contained in all about two hundred and fifty or three hun dred letters;*....... V',, ’ -■ • “lie’had no lantern or lamp with mm, but. trusted to the snccessivo flashes of lightning to see what'kd Was doing.-. Ho took a'hatchat and cotn-5 menced frying to break It opemand made so much. noise that It attracted tho attention of two youbg men named’Leonard and Walker, who; at pace started for tho barn,. and succeeded In getting in side before they wero discovered. One of them lit a match and saw a valise on tho floor, and-sald:- ‘Here’s a fellow dead broke for. a ‘night’s lodg ings,’and, on going farther, discovered the mail box, and then called to the other,'‘He’s rob bing the matt, let's take him IV The fellow ran out at the door, still keeping the hatchet,, and tho two after him. He ran .towards the school-house, about one' hundred and twenty five yards, and aronnd the house he went, arid at *MT|JE&»; * ; f By tlio Atlantic Cable. WeaUier Bepon. CHIME. . .Leonard hhnby-. the coat collar, boldingliim 1 down. Ho tried to hit Leonardwtib the hatchet, when Walker came Inprandbothtriedtagetthehatchetfroaihlair and succeeded after breaking one or twp of hU ribs. Tbeythen'hadto knock him down wlth 1 the hatchet two or three times before he would [ gITOUp. '.v. ■ ■ “Up searching him they found In his boot one 1 thousand one bandied and twenty dollars in I United States notes, two silver and ono gold. I! watch. He had : two valises, filled With-flne clothing. He took from the box one package of 1 drafts and checks on the National Bank at Cape i Oitardean, and dropped them on going back to I the depot. He will not tell his 1 name; residence, I nor occupation.” - . . A TESIVJESSejB UrrSTEBY* Xlireo lUtgiiUcd (TlcnKlilnap and Mur der a PUyslclan. ■ ■ . ■ The Naehvillo Manner of Jane 4th has the fol- i lowing acconnt of the latest phase of rnfflanism i in Tennessee: • ' v.'\ . “One of the most startling occurrences which has for some time come to our knowledge was ■ the spiriting awaylast Monday night of. Dr. J&c- Adams, formerly of Lewlsburg, but recently re- 1 elding at Chapel Hill, Marshall county.' On the evening of last Monday a young man named Dr. McAdams, with seven others, members _of nn amateur string band, met at Miller’s store,Chapel HiU, for the purpose of practice. The door of the store being closed, the young men prepared for their evening's entertainment. But soon after; they had tuned 1 • their instruments there came a knock upon . the door.' Dr. McAdams ' kept playing on a banjo ; while a companion opened the door. A man dressed In red and white spotted clothing, and weftring h mask, made his appearance, loliowed by another who carried , a loßg rope, and by a third holding his hands at his side, while three others remained - ontsldo the door. The first, without ottering a sound,' took hold of Dr/Mc- Adams’s arm, and'quietly pnlled him oflf the counter, while another. o: the band threw mm violently to the door.' His hands and feet were then tied with the* rope. At this unlooked-for - outrage upon hla person and liberty, D r « Mc- Adams sold: Tknowyou, every one of you, bat I want to die tike a soldier.’ . i ; • ■ “The leader, endeavoring to disguise his voice, - responded: fWe will show yoa how. to treat traitora.* - ■ \ i\ . “Dr. McAdams, was’then taken out of the I house to the great consternation, of his com [ panlons. So completely were they taken by sar- I prise that notone of them offered to render any I assistance. After the three villains who were ln- I side had conveyed, their bnrden out into the I yard, they were joined by the other three and I went down the road toward Dock River. They I had not proceeded a great distance before they I met Mr. John Robertson, who was riding a I horse. In a disguised voice one of the band re- I' marked to Mr. Robertson, calling the latter by | name, *We want yonr horse.’ 'What do yon I want with it?’ Mf. Robertson asked. ‘We want I yonr horse to put this man on. Ton will fled I him in the morning throe-and-a-half miles distant I from here near the Long String Bridge.’ I ’“Mr, Robertson— Gen tiemen,l don’tknow yon, I and I wonld not willingly lend my horse to per- I sons who ore entire strangers tome. Yon out -1 number me, and if yon wili take my horse I ean j not help it; you cannot have him with my con “ The unknown horsemen then compelled Mr. I Robertson to dismount, took his animal, pu* I Dri McAdams npon it, and hastened away in the I direction of Long String Bridge, over Duck river, 1 on the Nolensviue pike. After the meeting with | Mr. Robertson nothing more was heard of the I party that night. About daylight on Tuesday, I many citizens who had.alreaay heard of Iho ont- I rage, started cint In the hope of finding Mc- I Adams. Near the centre of the bridge was found I heaped up a quantity ot hair, identified as hav -1 ing belonged to Dr. McAdams. It had the ap- I pea ranee of having been Sbaved from bis head. [ “The search proved vain. It is supposed that, | after suffering many indignities from his tor- I mentors, he was thrown into the river and I drowned. The citizens living near by strongly I believed that this waa the case, and determined to I drag the river, hoping to recover his body. 1 Whether they succeeded we have notyetheard. I It Is asserted that Dr. McAdams was a member I of the bapd that carried him away, and that they | meant; by using the word ‘traitor,’ that he hod, 1 in some way, DOtrayed them a week before by I getting drank and riding Into town In fall uui- I form. . „ , I “Dr. McAdams Is represented as an excellent 1 citizen. His wife and three children reside in I Lcwisbnrg.” - Attempted Snicido of SctiooT Girls—One off tpem iirPlilladelptitan* IFrom the Troy (N. Y.) Times of June lotli] Twq of the young ladies at the Seminary yes terday afternoon attempted to get up a sensation In the school, and succeeded partially in effecting their purpose-. It seems that, owing to eomc tri vial dereliction in duty, they had beed repri manded by their teachers, and from a concert of understanding, both the girls, who occupied different apartments, retired to their rooms and attempted to commit suicide. One took a small doso of laudanum and the other swallowed some paint or other substance containing noitonons ingredients. Their efforts to com mit suicide, however, were not successful, as they succeeded only in rendering themselves temporarily sick. It was not necessary even to call in the servicesjof a physician—the principal of the institution, as soon as he was informed of the occurrence, required the girls to walk off the effects of the narcotics they nad taken. One of thSMrls resides in New York, and the other in Philadelphia. It is not Believed they intended to effect .their death, but merely to create a sensa tion. This they succeeded in doing onlyy how ever, to a limited extent; and as both of the girls were inst Ul enough to feel uncomfortable it is not likely they will, again attempt the rash ex periment. ; • ' Murder ol a. Negro Senator In SoutU Carolina. [From tho Cohimbus iS. C.) Phoenix. J one 7.] We are Informed, that while a negro man, one Dill and his wife, were sitting in Dill’s house, they were fired ilpon. The negro m a n and Dill were killed, and Mrs. Dill wounded. Dill, we believe, was the Senator' elect for Kershaw dis trict, under the recent constitution,, and a violent radical, exerting much influence among the ne groes of Kershaw district. •« At whose hands these parties met their death we do not know. In any event wo regret tho occurrence, and the necessity that devolves upon us for recording such an outrage in our usually quiet and law-abiding community.' Since writing tho above we learn that quite an excite ment prevails in the neighborhood of the killing, which is near liOngtown, in Fairfield, and not far from the Kershaw line. We believe that the mil itary authorities here have sent a guard to pre serve the peace. Tt appears that some time ago Dill made a speech to. the negroes, wherein he told them that if he should be killed they must avenge his death upon the whites and kill them “from the cradle up.”' The negroes, we are in formed, have stopped work in that locality find threatened mischief. But we take it for granted | that the military will easily put down any vio lence on their part. THE COURTS. Quabtkr Sessions— Judge and John Cullen, two boys, pleaded guilty to a. charge of larceny, and Mary Morrison pleaded guilty' to a charge of receiving the goods which the boys Stole. \ ■ : John Hill was convicted of a charge of entering a hotel with intent to steal. He Was caueht in the Bingham Honse,in one of the corridors, where he wob seen.trying a number of doors. When arrested skeleton keys were found on his person. > Anthony MeDeyltt was charged with commit ting an assanlt and; battery upon Jacob Krltzer. This was the case where Kritzer, on Sunday, last, saw a calf in a field muzzled, and while tak ing the muzzle off because of its cruelty, he was assaulted by the defendant and badly beaten.'' ; Tho ease was still on trial when our report dosed. . . . . .... FIHANGIAIi and COMMBBCIAIi, The Pliiladelplile Salesat thoPhiladelpl ' " ' neat a I’OOO CltjSanew v due bill 101# 100 Lehleb 6a'B4: . 83# 1000 Leh 6’a Gold In c 94 ; 1000 C & Am 6a’B3 91# •SO 81l 20& Sd St, R ita 53# l'i shLit Schß.. 42# . 400 sh Lb Nvath b3O '22 209'ali do . bCQ . 22 : 66;ah' Renna R Its £2# 66 ah do ; ' 020 ah Cam & Am , .121 PE DAILY; EVENING BIILIiE' ... •.jJXTwaax. SOOOPenaft imge* IP3; riOOLehSs’m \ 8334 1000 gnu & Erlc fs 10034 TfhLchVaJß 8634 - j B Locust Monntatn' - «"rr ■ - ■: bkjond 100 eh Lit Schß . 6334 100 ah do 43; 00 ah do 4334 lOOahßeadß bSO .47104 SOOah do 47.04 100 ah do aSOwn 47. es 100 eh doeSWn 47.04 . Friday. Jane lL—The supply, of money continues ns larg* as ever, and we continue to'qaote at4# @opercenkfor‘’c*Uloan*,” and at 0 per cent, lor the mercantile paper* 'the movements in trade circles con tinue of a very limited character, and prices of many dea*. cripllons ©fgooda are drooping. Such a-protractcd period of business inactivity has seldom been known at this sea* , son of the year. - r: -"’ The transactions in Heading Railroad and Schuylkill Navigation at the Stock Board, this morning were Urge* but otherwise the sales Wei% light Government and, State Loans doted the same‘.as yesterday# City Loans Were steady at 101# for the new and 98# for the old Issues. LchJgb Gold Loan sold at 9i-nochange.: . • • Abouts,ooo shares Reading! Railroad changed hands; opening at 47#, and selling up to 47.94. which was the closing figure; Camden and Amboy Railroad sold at 127 —no change; Pennsylvania Baflroadat 52#— no change., and Htlle Schuylkill Railroad at (42#—an advanco of V 67 was bid for Norristown Railroad; 68 fpr.MtoehUl. Rail road; 26# for Catawiasa Railroad; preferred; and 26# for Philadelphia apd Erie Railroad. '• Lehigh Navigation wasj active at 22. Schuylkill Navi, gatlon Preferred fell to 20#* and the common stock closed nominalatJO#. . . ; ■ • . - .. Jnßankand. Passengerßailroad, the. salea were unim portant, ; Messrs. De Haven and Brother, No , 40 South Third street, make the following quotations jof the rate* of f ex. change to*dayt at 1 P. si.c united Bt»tM. 8in».1W1,116!4 116#; do. do .IMS. ui#@U3; dado„ ; A°* do. Am 109#§noirrdo. do., new, 112#@ll2#j do. dOy, 1867, new, B^@ll3; t • lp6#gl«#; •Beven*ihreo-tens, June, *100@109#; ■ July, : Matured Compounds,4B64*l»if?«o. do-» Augrat, 18®. 18# quotoat 11^clock.ft. follows i ada.WXi J/nHgdStates Sixes, 1881, MSy.&UBX: linlled States FiT&hventl6|, 1862. *dO. 1864,' 105WCJI i,£, a ,3$$l L }}S& luiji; io‘ duly* 1865, Fives, Ten-forties, IDK/@los« i BeveiwUUrUes, second eerie., l(Sk;@l®}J; do. lldrdteHau M9l : Jey Cooke & Co.. qnote Govemroent Secnritiee, *c., ip. day,asfoUow»:;Cnited States GX 1881. 116 ; old Five-twenties, llljk@112; new Five-twenties of 1861. 109><@l(«?t! ad- dS™B65, ltW£@lW>itJPive4wentlM of Jufvv 112k«112?i: do. do. 1867. K2J4@‘ll3; Tcn-fortleiv Smw.MS<@lo9«: toTJuly,lo9>f@ll»X; **The Inspections of Floor and Meal, lor the week ending dune nth. 1868. areaa follows: ISsrrela of Superfine . • ToUL E.W7 The following Is tho amount of coal transported over the Schuylkill Canal, durlngthe week ending Thnre day, Jane 11th,1SC8: •’ _ . 1 ■ ■ ■ ■■ Tons-Cwt, From Fort Carbon.. IJ®®® 15 Pottsville. i 2090 00 , “ Schuylkill Haven 20.203 00 - Port C1int0n.............. 883 00 Total forthe week Previously this year........... Total To same time last year. PMUadelpbia Produce narltet. FniBAY, June 12,1868.-A sale of 55 hhda No. I Quercit ron Bark, at 866 per ton. at which fis'ire it la In demand Cotton 1b very quiet. Small sales of Middling Upland at 293*@8u cents, and New Orleans at 803<@31eenta. There ia no vitalitv in the Flour market, and no inquiry except for email lota for the aupply of the borne con aumera. Bmall calca of enperfine at ST 75@8 BU per barrel: Extras at 88 75@59 60; Spring Wheat Extra Family at 89 75®510 55; fennaylvanla and Ohio do. do. at BUi@Bl2; andfancy icta at 812 60®$U.aatoquality. Theiefc no change In Bye Flour or Com Meal; rates of the former at *9 60 per barrel. ,■ • . . There la but little change In Wheat and but litUcrof good quality offering. Saieß of good cholre Eed at 82 70® 2 8234 per bnihel. White raagee from 82 to 83. Eye & dull; email sales of remuylvanla at SI 85 per btuhel. Com ia very quiet, small Bales of yellow at 8118 and 6,000 bushels mixed W'eetoro at 81 15. Oata are very dull, and cannot be quoted over 88®90c. for Western, and 95c. for and Provielons no change and but Uttle doing. ■ ■ a. Money Jlarheh >hla Stock Sxchahgct. lOAan. . . 100 ah Read K>. • 47# 800 ah' do s3own : 47# too ah do 2 dya 47# 300 ah do. sO&lnt 47# 100 ah ' do e3O 47# 800 ah do :■ ' 47.04 1000 ah do 47# 100 eh do2da&in 47.94 100 eh; do a3O . ; J - 47.94 200 ah , do ge&ln 47.94 300 eh doeSwn 47.94 1200 ' do BIS 47# ; • . , ■. * _ " i -eosh CebNyirtk- - 100 eh Lit Scb H : «IV HWMiHeW B b3O 4774 100 eh doe6o ««, too nb. to :2dy» BOJjirj 408hPetma B rept 8235 45 811* do Its 82 35 SO »h C*m * A«i)oy 1W 400ehCatawDt _ 40 sh North Centß 48V B 0 Sh NYAMiddlo 334 200 sh N Corptmtlale 9 Rye....,.......; Coih Mea1...... Condemned.... Increase...,. The New ForkinonerilUrKel> [From the Now Yotk : Herald of ToAav.T : . Jrxn 11.—The gold market has been very Srn but quiet all day. and tho fluctuations were from to 140. with the cloelsg transactions at 140, There was an active bor- i rowing demand for coin, and loana were made without , internet to either borrower or lender and at percent, per annum and 1-64 per diem for borrowing. The grow, clearing® amounted to $27,343,000, the balances to $Bl3 461 and the currency balances to $t851657. Tho steamer America took out. $531,000 in specie. Tho coin dia- Irareemento of the Sub-Treaauiy in payment of the Inter est on the public debt amounted to $43,000 and the con vfieiooß of seven-thirty notes into bond* aggregated 91,076.650. The department seven or eight millions in ariear in the delivery of the fivfrtwentlea of 1867 ioex cbarge for eeren-thiriy notea. and these, it is said, will be' delivered rapidly on and after the 15th mat., about which time the first of the new bonds of 1868 will be alio ready for deliverr. The delay in‘making the exchanges rests with the Treasury Printing Bureau,, the heavy convent ons t f last month not having been anticipated, and hence the bonds were not printed in advance. The Interest In gold appears from the extent of the bonowln* demand to be large* and the central impres sion amoDg the broker® last w*ek was that there would be a fall this week; but ebus far they have been alsap roioted,and there is no likelihood of any material change at present in the premium either in favor of the bulla or th fhe inclemency of the weather aggravated the dullness of the stock market, and the transactions were on a very restricted scale; but notwithstanding railway shares im proved in soma instances. ~ , • .. „ Tbesupplyof money available foremploymom in Wall , street is still increasing, and loans on Government se- ( curiUesare mrde at three per cent, and on mixed -col- j laterals at three and four. The wants of the mercantile community arc extremely Limited, and what little : commeicaJ paper of the beat grdde there upas sea freely ! at about five per cent., although the banks, as a rule, ( ate not bus ere of out*ido paper, preferring to conimd i tbc-nuelves to discounting for their customers at th« legal < rate snd investing that portion o’ theirsurplos which they ; cannot employ in call loans in the purchase of United < States stocks, a much safer as well as more profitable , course, and in time* like these there ia dan* or of lenders overstepping the limits of prudence in buying commercial paper for the eake of . making inteieet The -next quurterly returns of tho national bmka will be ; made up on the Ist proximo, but Buchis the casy-coudi lion of the affaire of the banka throughout the country that they stand in no need of making special preparations i for them, and hence not the slightest monetary dlatun : banco arsing therefrom at this centre or elsewhere need be apprehended. The local money markets of-the West are nearly as well supplied with capital as our own in PTooort'ion to tbeir-importancc, and call loans are peine mode at Chicago at as low a rate as six per ceut-an . unusual feature inacity where ten percent is the rule. Government securities continue dull and barely steady, but therds a noticeable absence of prerßur© io eell except . forepeculative effect Tn this way email lots are offered , and large oneaare purchased oy the dealers, who appear l to have been encouraging inactivity for the purpose cf inducing sales by small bold era. As pn the Ist proximo nearly forty miiliofas of gold, will fall due in payment of . interest and re demotion of a portion of tbc principal of the public debt j tho demand for bonds from the public for reinvestment j will-'undoubtedly soon be, very heavy, and a sharp ad- 5 vanco in prices seems more than probable. United States stocks are relatively cheaper than - any others in Wall st’cei, and their natural tendency is towards higher prices than they have hitherto rule d at. [From the New k ork W orid of to-day. J • Junk 11.—The Government bond market .was dull in tho street owing to the stormy weather. ..and -prices were lower, in sympathy with tbo decline in Londoc, but over the countfra of the' dealers there was a coneldorablo amount of business.transacted; the demand running chiefly on the 1867 a, on which tho interest, three per cent, in gold, equal to about 4M percent in currency, is due on July let The lane dealers arc buying all of the round lota that offcr,and some ofthe banks were heavy dav , - . ; • - ■vSISB • The money market is without change, at 3 per cent to Government dealers, 8 to 4 percent on Governments, and 4 to 5 per cent, on stock collaterals '. Prime paper is dla countedatfitofipercent. k . Tho gold market is firm at 139J£ to 140. closing at 3 P. M. There & a large short interest and the rates, for borrowing were 1-C4,5.6, 7, S and 2 per cent to flat After the Board nd.iourned the quotations were 18935 to 140. . The foreign exchange market 1b dull, and Bales for caan nt sixty days storllng. are made at lip to 1103 a for prims bankere. The quotations are hankers- elxty days, sterling, ; 11034 to mu ; right, 11034 to 110 K. and prime, commerc'al, ; long, 10930 to 110. Franca on Figto bankore, long, 5.133 jto ■ 6 ISM. ard short, B.lUi to 5.10; Swiss long, 5,18}£; Ant wcirls.l33i;Frankfort,4Utto MW; Amsterdam,4Ui to 4133,: Hamburg. 86X to263itiTHßßlan thalers, 7134 ,to 72. and Bremen. 793. to 80. , - - Tke iiniMt (laotßUoni from Newlork. \ New youK," 3 stcady, Bock Island.To3J< r Eeadtng, —; Canton Uompany,- 4935; Erie, 70; Cleveland and, Toledo, IMEs-, Oeveland and Pittsburgh. 8734; Pittsburgh and Foro Wayne,. 11134; lllchlgan Central, 119K:Mtchlgam8outhnrn,■ 8934; New York Central. 135: BUnois Central. 164r_Cumberland Preferred. 133: Virginia Sixee, 5434L J %Vi l ! rl Hndson River. 141; Fivo-tvrentlcs. 1862, 11134; ditto., 1804, 10934; ditto, 1865 110; new issue, U 2; Ten.forties, lOoi.; Bevon-thirties, 10934; Gold. 13934; Money,4par cent;tx , change, 11034, •’ • • ; markets' hjr telegraph. New Yobk. June 12.—Cotton dull at 29#. Hourquiet; Bales of 5,1)00 barrels at yesterday's prices. Wheat dnlL Corn dull: sales 31,000 bushels SI 09. Oats, dull atBs44Ssn. Beef quiet Pork dull at $27 90. Lard heavy atlß#@ vgif - Qllifit, &Ai,T3MOitK, June 12.—Cotton: dull, at 29kf. Flourdull and nominal. Wheat dull; Maryland. $2 60@3 80: Penn sylvania. $2 5C@2 70 Com dull; White, $1 U; icUojv, ftl 12. Oatafirm; MarjUrd and Pennsylvania, 90@93; Weitern, 89@92- Rye dull and nnohanged. Provieioas more firm. Pork, $23. B&on—tib 6(dcf». Wd: clear pides, iTchouldets, 14@14>.i t-bams, Lard,-18 (Sift. - •:• DIED. IREDELL,—At Norristown, od tho 12 th inat., Teres aa, wifoof BobertlredellyintheWthyearof herage. ■ RELIOIOUS EXERHIBES IN CONNECTION -with the formal •opening of tlie Second Sunday School of Trinity M. E. Church, at the Hall 'sortheaat corned of Broad and Spring Garden etreete, will take ploceon Sunday, P. frf.next, the I4tb Inat, , Addresses willbedelived by Dr. Nadal and other eminent mtolaters.- Strawberry Festival in asd of the sundaySchool at the same hall. Tmireday evening, >Juoo 18tb. The public aro cordially tovittd to attend on both occasions, jclJ 2trp» JlfflE 1863; THIRD WAS HINGTON. OMKIBUS EECONSTRUGTION BILL. The .Debate in the House To-day. LATES CABLE QUOTATIONS. FROM HARRISBTJRO. STATE MEDICAL CONVENTION TO-DAY’S TficGeneral BccoMstracUon Bill. , [Special Despatch to the Phila. Evening Bulletin J: ! Washington, June . 12.—Aa soon as the House assembled to-day Mr. Bingham' reported from ihe Keconstraction CJommltteo tho Omnibus Reconstruction Bill, as passed by the Senate, with their amendments, and moted that the House concur In the said amendments. Mr. Farnsworth took the’'floor and spoke in favor of the general bill, bnt against the admis sion of Florida. He hoped that the name of this State wonld be etrlckeh ont." ; '' ..... Joiage Bpaldlng, of Ohio, gave notice that he should move to ont Alabama. By tDo Atlantic Telcgrrapß. London, Jano 12, P. SL— Consols 90@95H for both money and ,account! Illinois Central, 100%. Liverpool, Jnne 12, F. M.—Cotton afloat 487,000 bales, of which 74,000 are American, The market for Yarns and Fabrics at Manches ter ia dnU. Wheat dull; California White, 13s. 9d. Peas, 435. 6d. Pork dnU, Lard duU. 4,674 . '• SIS V , 200 TBe state Medical Convention* [Special Despatch to tea Philadelphia Evenln* BnUetin.] Habiusbceo, Jnno 12.—Dr. John L. Atiee, of Lancaster, Chairman of the Committee on Nomi nations of Officers, &c., for the ensuing year, re ported as follows: ; The Committee on Nominations most respect fully report that they have attended to their duty and made the following selection of officers for the ensuing yean For President—Dr. John Curwen of Harris burg. For Vice President? -Drs. ffm. Wallace, of Erie; J. G. Kohler.of Schuylkill; P. B. Brelnlg, of Northampton; Jacob Price, Chester. For Corresponding Secretary—Dr. W. B. Atkin son, of Philadelphia. For Recording Secretary- Dr.'James L. Stewart, of Erie. For Treasurer— Dr. Wb. Maybury, of Phlladel phla. Committee of Arrangements and Credentials—Drs. Geo. O. Bennett, D. D. Loop and D. H. Strickland, of Erie, and W. B. Atkinson and Wm. Maybury. of Philadelphia. Censors, First District— Drs. James 8. Carpenter, of Schuylkill; C. G. Martin, of Lehigh; WlUiam Corson,of Montgomery; T. S. Christ, of Delaware; A. Nebinger, of Philadel phia. Second District—Drs. E.P. AUen, of Brad ford; 8.8. Slmmington, of Luzerne; A. Leigh, of Northampton; C. C. Edwards, of Susquehanna. Third and Fourth Districts—Drs. G. W. Halde man, of Cumberland; Ira Day, of Cumberland; W. B- Cessna, of Perry; W. B. Findlay, of Blair; J.D. Boss, of Blair. Fifth District—Drs. Wm. , AndersoD, ol Indiana; S. P. Cummins, of Beaver: 8.8. Mowry, of Allegheny; J. P. Wilson, of Washington; W. F. Cowden, of Butler; Bixth District—Drs. B. Gillette, of Venango; David B. Greenlee, of Crawford; J. W* Hellyer, of Mer cer; B. Crawford, of Venango; Wm. Jennings, of Crawford. Committee on Publication the same as last year. Delegates.' to the American Medical Association—Drs. Thomas McKennon, of Washington; Wm. Maybury, of.Phila.; Jas. Swartz, of Ferry; John L. Atiee, of Lancaster; E. G. Martin, of Lehigh; A. L. Jordan, ot Bucks; W. Dale, of Cumberland; J. F. Carpenter, of Schuylkill; Geb. Dock, of Dauphin; W. J. As dale, of Allegheny, Delegates to New Jersey— Drs D. Townsend, of Chester: Ira Day, of Cum berland; John Kohler, of Schuylkill. , Dele gates to New York- Drs. 8,. 8. Schultz, of Dauphin; Hiram Corson, of Montgomery; John D. Bobs, of Blair. Delegates to Ohio—Drs. Bollin Crawford, of Venango;.George W.Coultor, of Butler; W. J. Foster, of Allegheny. Delegates to Massachusetts—Drs. A. H. Fish, of , PMladel phia, Traill Green, of Northampton; Wllmer Worthington,’ of Chester. Delegates to Connecticut —Drs. .P. b- Brelg, of Northampton; C. A. Sumter, of Dau phin- E. B. Allen, of Bradford. Delegates to Delaware—Drs. C. S. Baker, of-PhUadetphia; Clems, of Lehigh; Brooke, of Berks. Place of meeting, Erie. All of which is respectfully sub mitted. John S.. Atlke, Chairman. Thomas. J. GAnno her. Secretary. The report was unanimously adopted. Dr. Edward Wallace, of Berks, from the Com mute on tne alleged error In the minutes ot the last meeting, submitted the following majority r< The committee appointed to inquire into the correctness of the minutes of the Society held at Pittsburgh in June, 18G7, and published in the proceedings of that year, page lfi'J, m reference to the vote on Dr. Mowry s resolution to admit female physicians, beg leave respectfully to report that the minutes on page 17.0, which read Eight Societies report against Dr. Mo wry a resolution, five In favor of Ft, one left discretionary, and twelve took no action,” should read thus: Six in favor, eight against, one discretionary, eleven no action.” A H. Fish, E. Wallace. The report was adopted. Dr. D. D. Loop* of Erie, presented a paper on “Prolapsus Uteri,” by Dr. John C. Perkins, of Erie, which was referred to ffie Committee on Publication. . . . Dr Parrißh then offered the following: Resolved, That Dr. Klrkbride of the Pennsyl vania Hospital’for the Insane; Dr. Worthington, of the Frankford Asylum: Dr. Given, of Clfton Hall; Dr. Gurweh of Harrisburg, and Dr. Bald of Dixmont, be requested to prepare an address on the legal and medico-legal definitions of insanity, with counsel to physicians as to how to diagnos ticate it in private practice, and how to proceed wisely in procuring admission of patients to the several institutions over which they preside so successfully, 'and.to publish the address lu the medical Journals and' in the public .papers,' if they deem it proper to do so, at as early a day as may be convenient. , . , . .. , Resolved, That tho Secretary .be instructed to transmit a copy of this resolution to oach of the gentiemennamed. • ' ,V, Dr.°W7 M. Wallace, of Erie,' offered the follow m*Resolved, That the thanks of this. Society Are sincerely tendered to the Medical Society of Dau phin County for their handsome and, liberal enter tainment of last evening, and for their kindness and courtesy so agreeably shown *to the mombors. of the State Society during our stay in Harris k Adopted unanimously amid cheers. The usual resolution ot thanks was passed, tho new officers were duly installed, and the So ciety then adjonmed to meet ln the city of'Erie on the second Wednesday in Juno, 1869. The Society will visit the State Lunatic Asylum this afternoon, whero a banquet will be/ served by di rection of Dr. John Curwen, Superintendent ... 85,871 16 ... 315,019 16 .. 350,891 10 .. 327,017 13 .... 23.815 17 ISAAC NATHANS, AUCTIONEER, N. E, CORNER X Third and Spruce streets, only one square below the Exchange, 8250,000 to loan in laree or small amounts, on dlnmonSa, silver plato,WAtcßes,Jewehry, and value* Office hours from 8 A*fiL ta7P.M. Eatab llSed for the last forty y ears. Advances, made, to Urge amounts at the lowest market rates, UB.tfrp - NEW PECANS.—IO BARRELS "NEW CROP TEXAS Eecanalandingrex-Hteamshiirßtarof the Utoon, and for sale by. J* B. BOSSIER A CO., XQB, South Delaware.' avenue.' “ ',. .- ■ • • " C*“ ROWN BRAND LAYER RAIBINS. - WHOLES, halves and quarter boxes of this splendid fruit, land* -*e and for sale by JOS<.B* BUBBIER & CO.» 108 South •\ware ayej\ue. . j. - . . • • • TT«>R SALE -Vn INVOICE OF HAMBURG RAGS. \ .. 115 Walnut etroafe. • mUKKEY BIGB.-25 CABE3 i X grade®*, landing and for tale by JO3. B. BUB3IEH «a COf 108 South De&ware avenue^, EDITION. :;3Q O’Olookr.— BY TELEGRAPH. PROCEEDINGS. FOURTH EDITION. LATEB IBOM WASffIHOTOH. Minister to England. Hon. Beverdy Johnson Nominated- Kllnlfter toEngl»nd- ( . [Special Defpatch to the Philadelphia Evening Builetin.] , Washington, June 12.—The President trans mitted to the Senate to-day, among other nomi nations, the name of Revetdy Johnson asMlnls- tcr to England. - ••• /.- -"f [CORRESPONDENCE OP THE ASSOCIATED TRESS-l Washington, Jane 12. —Tho President to-day nominated to the Senate Reverdy Johnson, of ’Maryland, as Minister to England. • Xtth Congrcs»--secon<l Session. I Washington, Jane 12. I Senate.— Mr. Sumner (Mass.), fromjthe Com mittee on Foreign Affairs, reported the bill grant- | ing compensation to Walter Lowe; of Nassau, ! New Hampshlrcpfor services rendered the United States Gunboat Tioga. "■ Mortoit (Ihd.), from the same committee, reported the resolution requesting the President to intercede with the Queen of Great Britain to secure the spdedy discharge of Rev. John McMa ' hon, convicted of treason-felony, and : now: confined at Kingston, Canada West, which was T)flS£t? u ■ ' . - . . ■ I Mr Harlan (Iowa), front the Committee on the District of Columbia, reported with an amendment the bill to regulate contested elec tions in Washington, D. C. , He arced immediate consideration for the pur pose of preventing anarchy In the city. Mr. Hendricks objected, and tho bill went over. Mr. Edmonds (Vt) Introduced a bill in addi ; fion to an act to regulate tho time and manner of holding elections for Senator* In Congress. , Mr. Hendricks, from the Committee oh Public Lands, reported the’ bill to aid in the construc tion of asblp canal between the Mississippi river andLakoMichigan. - J Mr. Conne r (Cal.) called up the bill In relation fo the',Western Pacific Railroad Company,; It allows V the company to occupy Tor depot, store-houses, <fcc., such portions of Yerba Btfeha, or Goat Island, in the Bay of San Francisco, as Mr. moved to strike out the fol lowing words: “and the United States shaU pay to said company,their successors and assigns,such sum .os may be reasonably asked for such use and occupation thereof, namely, of the build ing, &C-, in the timeof war.” -■ Some debate ensued,- during which Mr. Morrl't denounced the provision as a Tankce trick compelling the Government to pay for their own l&ssre. Howard and Nye defended the bill, the latter asserting that the company will make Im provements worth $2,000,000 or' $3,000,000, and -that they should be recompensed for such occu pancy. ■ v # . Mr. Cameron (Pa.) also oppesed thebill, giving notice that when it is In Order he will move to amend by ollowingallrailroad companies, alikb such occupancy. He produced a report of Gen. Humphrey, Chief of Engineers, on the subject, which was ordered to be printed, and after a few remarks from Mr. Conness, In defence of the bill, defying scrutiny as to Its justice,; it was laid aside at, the expiration of 'the morning hour, and On motion of Mr. Sherman the bill supplement tary to the act to provide National currency, ee euredby a pledge of United States bonds, and to provide for the circulation thereof, approved June 4,1864, was taken.up. • The question was on the amendments by the Committee on Finance. . ; J : ; The first amendment was adopted, making the limitation restricting ■ liabilities to individuals, for money borroSred of National banking associations applicable to deposits made by such associations with private bankers; bro kers, or banking associations not-included under the National Currency act. , The second amendment provides that within forty days after notice of a vote to liquidate by shareholders of a National Banking Association, it Bball pay the amount of its outstanding notes to the United States Treasury, and take up Its bonds,' which otherwise are to be sold by public auction in New York. , The surplus to be paid to the officers of Associations already in liquida tion undcrsuch act, and to pay It over in thirty days, under ■ the same penalty—the notes to be then redeemed at the United States Treasury and the Association to be discharged from liability; It was amended, on motion of Mr. Howe, by making the auction at: the stock exchange, and was then adopted. House.— The Speaker said he had been re quested to present to the House, and as the mat ter appeared to be national In its character, ho did present an invitation from the Executive Committee of the National American Sharp Shooters, to attend a'public demonstration and festival, which is to take place at Jones’s Woods, New York, from June 27th to July 6 th. Mr. Judd moved that the Invitation bd ac cepted, and that the House be represented at the opening ceremony by five members. Mr. Stevens (Pa.) hoped not. It was every bad practice to teach the people to shoot sharp. The motion was agreed to, and the Speaker ap pointed the following mefnbers to represent the House: Messrs. Jtiud, of Illinois; Garfield, of Ohio: Paine, of Wisconsin; Chanlor, of New York, atid Orth, of Indiana. Mr. Washbnrne (111.) asked leave to report from the Committee on Appropriations a joint resolution donating to the Washington City Orphan ABylum the iron fence which had stood in the Old Hall of the House. t , ■ Mr. Spaulding (Ohio) would like to , know if the Committee on Appropriations appro priated fences. ILaughter. f He objected unless the gentleman introduced it on his own hook. Mr. Washbnrne—Then I do introduce It on my own hook. , ... , After some little controversy the joint resolu tion was passed. ' ~ „ Mr. Prieo (Iowa) introduced a bill to relieve T. J. Mackay, of Sonth Carolina, from political disabilities. Beferred to the Committee on Re construction. „ , _ Mr. Bingham (Ohio), from the Committee on Reconstruction, reported back the Senate amend ments to tbe.act to admit certain States to repre sentation in* Congress, with a recommendation that the amendments bo concurred In; ' Mr. Spaulding (Ohio) moved to concur in 'tho amendments of the Senate, with an amendment Bt jfr. D foraswortb , (ni.)moved to strike Florida out of the bill, and proceeded to give his reasons for the motion.: He was couvlnced that Florida ought not to be admitted Witte Its present constitution. After proceeding to show the means by which oneparty in the convention outwitted the other, he stated his objections lo the constitution formed for the State df Florida. It erected, he said, a little otigarchy. The .gov ernor elect was one of' the .mail: of the Postmaster-General, and the lieutenant-governor was another special agent from the pineries of Wisconsin, where the Basto frauds were got up. The Governor was authorized by the tution to appoint all the other 8l»to- officers, the Attorney-General,Secretary of SSate,Auditor, Superintendent of Schools, etc; These officials - were maden sort of staff to the Governor to ad vise hlm aa to the’constitutionality of any law, and as to the proper construction of any provi sion of tho Constitution. . The Governor besides had the appointment of all the judges in the State, all ; tho surveyors; as sessors. sheriffs, r and justices of; the peace.. '-He concluded by declaring that it would bs very •wiee in tho House of Representatives to reject the State of Florida until she Caine with cleaner hands than she now came with.; _ Alter an excited debate, the motion,to exclude Florida from the Omnibus bill: was defeated. Yeas 45; navs, 99. The Senate amendments were concurred in, and the bill now goes to the Presi- I I dent for his signature. Fire in Kentucky* < —Xoutsvix.lb, • Juno 12.—A fire - occurred-thls morning in the upper part of the city, destroying John Card’s planing mill, White's lutfiberyard, and the Old Bethel' Church, 1 involving a loss of about S2S,COO, which'is partially insured. Xccidcnts. ancl »,ossof me. Rocukstkr, June 12.— Sophia Coburt was killed by a locomotive, at the Brown street crossing of the Central road .last evening. ■ _ Toronto, Canada, Jane 12.— Three children, i anaesnot given; were carried over the Falls ana i rowned hear Alinonte-yesterday. 'i-C FIFTH EDFfHHf 'V ■.is o aioon^ LATEST FROM WASHINGTON; BE GO N ST RUCTION. The omni>s Bill Passes the Honsei NOMINATIONS BY THE PRESIDENT MB. ROLLINS'S RESIGNATION', Mr, McCnOocli Conßldeis It Disrespeetfot Reconstruction In tho Hfotisc. (Special Dwpatch to the Philadelphia Evening Bulletin.] Washington, June 12.—The debate In tho Houee over the Becbnstritction bill became very interesting, and Messrs. Butler, Shcllabarger and. Bingham mode able speeches favoring the admis sion of both Alabama and Florida. ;■ : - Mr. Farnsworth’s motion to strike out Florida • was disagreed,to by a vote of 45 ayes to 90 nays. A motion made by Mr. Eldridgo to lay the bill and amendments upon the table,was voted down, • by a strictly, pajrfcy vote. X : ' v ' The Senate amendments to the ‘bill were then - agreed to by a strictly party vote. The bill goes to the President cow,’ and those are few who believe that be will approvd of It. From Washington. Special Dewatcli to the FblUdelplila Evenlns Bnhetla. Washington', June 12. —The Senate took np a an early-hour the National Currency bill reported . by Senator Cattcli. It bids fair to occupsMho t’meof tho Senate all day. Y Minister Bariingame, with the two ChUa Man darins.of the Chinese Embassy, wasfcrir'ifhc Capi tol a long'time to-day, closeted >wfth Senator Wade, In the Vice President’s Chamber. • In addition to the Boverdy John, eon, as Minister to England, thd following were also sent to' the Senate: \ ' AlexanderMahew, United States Attorney for the Territory oi Montana; B. F. D/nnison, Asso ciate Justice of the Supreme Cqbrt of Washing ton Territory; James Coy, Couector of Internal Bevenne for the First District of Ca’ifoxnla; L. , M. Bobinson, Superintendent of Indian Affairs: and Joseph McConnell,of Illinois, Commissioner nnder the aet to reimburse the State of Indiana for, moneys expended to equip militia during the war.' - nr. Rollins’s Heslgnatlob. Washington, June 12.— Mr. Eollins’s letter op resignation has been returned to him with the following endorsement: ’ «The within communication justhanded tome although bearing date of the Bth Inst, is considl ered partial and incorrect in its statements, and unjust and disrespectful to the President, and it is, therefore, returned to Mr. Bollins. Thursday Evening, June 11th. By tbe Atlantic cable. : London, Juno 12th, Evening.—Consols for money, 95@95%; and for account, 95%. Five twenties, 72%; Illinois-Central, 100%. Erie, 46. ; Livebtool, June 12, Evening.—Cotton heavy. Uplands, 10%@lld.; Orleans,ll%@ll%d. Com, 84s. Befined Petroleum quiet. Sugar quiet. Calcutta Linseed,*6os. 6d. ... . ‘ SbDTiiAMrTOtr, Juno 12.—Arrived, steamship Hammonli, from New York June 2d. v Glasgow, June 12—Arrived, steamship Hi bernia, from New York. Tbe J er ome Park Races. New Yobk, June 12.—The Jerome Park races havebeen postpoped until Monday next. (UITY BULLETIN. Run Ovek.— A boy named John Preffert,twelve years old, waarun over by a furniture car at Fif teenth and Vine streets, this morning, and had a leg broken. He'was taken to hla homo, No. 1127 Oliver street. , . CURTAIN HATERUIA FRESH IMPORTATION LACE CURTAINS, OF VERY DESIRABLE PATTERNS. Terries, Plain Colors and Stripes] PIANO AND TABLE COVERS, SOME VERY ELEGANT. MOSQUITO "NETS, A LARGE ASSORTMENT PINK AND WHITE. TARLATANS, FOR COVERING MIRRORS AND PICTURES. WINDOW 3SH ADES OF ALL COLORS. W A LE AVEN’S MASONIC HALTL,, No. 719 CHESTNUT STREET. . DEBXEL & CO., No. 34 South Third Street, PHILADELPHIA. DREXEL, WINTHROP &■ CO., 18 Wall Street, New York. DREXEL, HARJES & CO., S Rue Scribe, Paris. ! Wo are now prepared to draw on our Paris HonMVana to furnleh Letter. of Credit for , Commercial andTr&vol tag purpose., available In alt BTEBLINGEXOHANOE, GOVERNMENT SECUBt- TDES. *O.. Sic., BOUGHT AND SOLD, and » General Banking Btuineiß transacted. CLARK’S GOLD MEDAL RANGE JOHN 3. CLARK’S,! 1008 Market Street, Philadelphia. injl&nrp “H. McCulloch,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers