TO A CAGED CANARY. 'What subtle pul=e is in thy blood, - Poor bird; that teaches thee to sing, That tells thee that the fair-eyed Spring Again to these rough shores is - wooed ? Bow dolt thou know that skies are fair, Close pent within a curtained room ? light canst thou argue from thy gloom, 'nu and rapture of the air? I know that home-bound swallows flit Across the, optd of the sky, My brain is servant to my eye; But how hadst thou a hint of it? How eanst thou know that ash-buds swell, That 'violets peep in sweet surprise, By what sense (lost thou recograze The Bprini.rscug of the crocus-bell ? 1 am upf.': . feed c;;,' thv voice : For, Vricd fr.pc: all that makes the Spring To human thc -.,:ht a blessed thing, Then doet nnwearingly rejoice. I learn n lesson, bird, from thee : Shame, were myrsong lees glad than thine, When Sprino with all her wealth, is mine, And the widp world's aglow for me. TIsLEGIRAPIIIO ISUDIVIAILIG BOTII branches of be Massachusetts Legisla ture bravo concurred in• voting $75,000 to Wil liams' College. THREE hundred Zouaves, with a priest in at tendance, have left St. Johns, Canada, for Rome ' by way of New York. Tar: New School Presbyterian Assembly made an excursion to Gettysburg yesterday, and were received by Governor Geary, who conducted them to the points of interest on the battle-field. IN the Supreme Court-of New York city yes terday, a verdict was given against the New Jer sey Steamboat Company for X 520.000, for injuries received by Nathaniel Caldwell, through the ex plosion of the steamer Saint John. THE New r-School Presbyterian Assembly- of Baltimore adjourned yesterday, to meet at Mobile on the third Thursday, of May, 1869. The Thurs day previous to the first Sabbath in August was act apart as a day of fasting and tirayer to be ob served in the Presbyterian churches. IN the United States District Court, at New Orleans, Judge Durnell has decided that the United States Marshal is liable for property seized and destroyed while in his posseseion, an judgment was rendered against Marshal Kern for d the amount of libel on the steamer Southerner, burned while in thaMarshal's possessio n. Mn. GEO. H. STUART was suspended by the General Synod of the Reformed Presbyterian Church, for singing hymps and communing with Christi:ins of other denominations. The Phila delphia members voting in favor of suspension were Dr. Crawford, Dr. Steel, John Scott and John Holmes; against Dr. Wylie, Dr. I-Sterrett, Dr, :McAuley and R., H. McMinn. Not voting— Alex. Row. Ar.r. the leading journals of Paris city have edi torials on the result of the impeachment of Presi dent Johnson. The MonitSur says the Radical party has lost ground, without gaining its end. The Fresse thinks the result is not final, and be lieves the nation will decide the issue in the coming Presidential election. L' Opinione regrets the vote of the seven Republican Senators for ac cmittal, and attributes their action to fears that the conviction of the President might have pre cipitated a crisis. ' THE executive session of the 'Senate yesterday nomination occupied by the consideration of the of General Schofield to be Secretary of War in place of Edwin M. Stanton, removed. The feeling of the Senate was evidently in favor of confirming it, but the fact • that the nomlas.- tion, as sent to the Senate by the President, asserts that Mr. Stanton hivS been removed, in stead of "to .be removed," was raised as an in surmountable objection on the part of the Senators who voted for the conviction of the President. THE , Committee of Investigation into the charges of the presence of twenty-eight colored children in the white schools of the Third Dis trict of New Orleans, reported to School Board last evening. -Twelve of th scholars re ported as colored have been withdrawn from the school, nine proved to be whites, two refused, and sir neglected to furnish the evidence of de scent required. The matter was referred back to the Investigating Committee with power to act. All children of known mixed blood will be re quired to . attend the schools provided for colored The United States Navy. The Secretary of the Navy has made a report to Congress, giving the strength of the Navy of the United States on the Ist of April, 1861, the number of vessels built or bought for the Navy since that time, and the disposal made of them. On the first day of April, I p B6l, the Government owned the following: i Ships of the Line 10 Screw frigates..... .. 7 Frigates ..10 Ist-class steam sloops.lo Sloops-of-War 20 2d-class sloops S Brig' 1 3d-class sloops. -'. 9 Store vessels . 3 Steam tenders Permanent store and rt teivirg ships..... 0\ Total • 89 'I he following is a list of vessels built for the Navy Department since April 1, 1801:,. . Screw sloops 31 Gunboats 23 Paddle-wheel steamers, double enders 27 Paddle-wheel steamers, of iron, double enders 8 Pad dh.-mbeel steamers, double enders 12 Tugs. - II Iron-clad vessels, sea-going, casemated 2 Iron-clad vessals, sea-going, single turret 2 Iron-clad vessels, double turret ii . Iron-clad vessels,.,.single turret 41 lr ou-e:ad vessels, casemated 4 Torpedo vessel , 1 Screw sloop 1 Powder tugs Iron-clad vessels (first completed) . Total • 179 Ten of the above vesseli cost over cne million dollars each, us follows: Madawaska, screw sloop P 51,637,380 52 Wampanow, screw sloop 1,575 613 81 Pis:eat:mum screw sloop 1,177,895 01 Guerriere. Ferew sloop 1,153,325 10 Ihindetherg, iron-clad 1,011,660 87 . Puritan, iron-clad 1,974,622 93 Dictator, iron-clad 1,382,991 24 Illantonotnah, iron-clad 1,310,773 08 Al:unicn Liens, iron.clad 1,016,071 18 -Tonawanda, iron-clad 1,156,323 82 The Government alsO bouelit four hundred and ninety seven vessels fdr the Navy Department, of which three hundred and sixty-three have since been sold, and, ninety seven lost.testroyed, sunk as ta,structions, transferred to army, &e.; thirty seven are still hi service. The Republican inviaciblcs. .Pursuant to a published call, a large number of the Republican luvincibles assembled last night at the rooms of the National Union Club, No. 1105 Chestnut street, to organize for the coming campaign, Col. MeNHeinle], President, in the Chair. The President announced that the object of the meeting was to inaugurate measures to start the active work of the approaching campaign. The platform of the Chicago Convention is all that can he required. It announees,the - rights of all men, without regard to color. 'ln selecting Gem Grant to head our ticket we acknowledge the justice, success, and triumph of the war. In se lectibg a man who has risen from the Muniilest position of life to head the armies of the United States, the Convention has acknowledged that the rights of the working people are regarded its en titled to a full share on our national ticket. Schuyler Colfax is a man who ja well worthy of a second place on the ticket; a statesman against whom even our enemies have not a word tc ,- Y. Ore who has stood by the country in the dt,.). - F of her peril, he is a wan of whom we rouy well he proud. The Republican party has fought thl issue through long years of bloody war, and its friends are determined to end this contest in the same manner the rebellion was emled—vietoriously. This club has always been in the advance of the party, mut it is proper and just that it should early endorse the nomina tions of the Chicago Convention, and that its members should prepare Tor active work in order 20 carry the campaign to a successful denoue- mem t. The following resolutions were then prt rented and nnanimouely adopted • Reso/ced, That the Republimn Invinciblea, m iaow:ging We Itotlival clot:l:tent of ill& liatioual POLITICAL. Pr ion R opn bl lean forty of 'Philadelphia,tteartily endorse tbe noutinotidn of General _U. S. Grant for Presiaent, sod IltM. Schyer Colfax for President of the United State u s, l believing themyieti to be horn st exponents of all the great principles of Our party. Resolved, That as the success of the NoVember electi6n depends vitally upon the October pam palm therefore we endorse the action of the Union League (being in harmony with a pre vidts action of our club) in its endeavors to se cure the nomination of such men for municipal offices anvvill insure the fullest success to our lo cal ticket. It was announced that Companies GI, F, D, I and H were in full operation, their rolls rapidly filling up. Addresses were made by Messrs. Coleaberry and Pennypacker, after which the meeting ad journed. The following resolutions were unanimously adopttd at a meeting of Company, 0, held on Wednesday night WAsreas In consideration of the nomination of General ' U. S. Grant as President and Hon. Schuyler Colfax as Vice President of the United States by the delegates of tile Republican party lately assembled at Chicago, be it Resolved, That we heartily endorse the nomina tions made at Chicago,and pledge our utmost en deavors ,to elect the same to their several posi tions. Resolved, That we view in General U. S. Grant the true courage of a soldier, and believe that, notwithstanding his alleged reticency, he will prove to be a statesman never before excelled in the history of our country. Resolved, That we view the Hon. Schuyler Colfax as a man in every particular eminently capable of filling the position of Vice President, and consider him as jastly entitled to the same. 1.31 T Y BULLETIN. TOE LINCOLN MoNuarz.,vr es terday afternoon, at four o'clock, the Annual Meeting of the Lincoln Monuinent Association was held in the Board of Trade Room. Colonel William B. Thomas occupied the chair, Prof. Stifle, Chairman of the Executive Com mittee, reported progress, and in his report said, that a contract had been made with the sculptor, Rogers, at Rome, for a bronze statue at a cost of fr 4 23,u00. The figure, if sitting, is to be nine feet in height; if standing, twelve feet in height. The entire height of the statue will be about twenty stven feet. The figure and accessories are to be made from the best metal. The statue will be , decorated with the arms ortho city. - The Professor remarked that Mr. Rogers had already commenced the statue, and that he heard from parties who had seen it, that, as far as finished, it was a most beautiful piece of work manship. Mr. J. L. Claghorn, Treasurer, presented his annual report. It shows that an amount of 523,712 21 has been received in contributions up to date; that $24,600 have been invested in go vernment bondsottie present value of which stands at $24,855 20. The meeting then went into an election for officers, when the same gentlemen who had served during the preceding year were re-elected: Professor Stine, Chairman of the Executive Com mittee; Mr. J. L. Claghorn, Treasurer, and Mr. J. R. Claghorn, Secretary. The site of the monument was then discussed, but without taking any action the meeting ad. jounitd. A PLEASANT TRIP.—The steam-propellor pea sure yacht Minnie, 38 feet long, eight feet nine inches beam, holding 30 passengers comfortably, built by A. L. Archarnbault, Esq., of this city, modeher trial trip eterday afternoon down the river, as far as th y e s Fish-house. The , invited guests comprised the folentlemen Wiessis, E. M. Lewis and F.lowin M. Rushton, of tbi - Farmers' sad Mechanics' Bank; H.P. Sehetky, ot therCern Exchange; Mr. Bam'l McMullen, of the Fourth National Boa; Mr. H. C. Young, of the Commoi.wealth Bank; Messrs. Isaac. Hough, M. Merris, W. R S. Casey, Major A. F. Archam bault, W. Hall, Wm. Malloy, Mr. Salters, Oliver' Martin, and Frederick Kopp. After visitin g the iron-clad fleet at League Island, where the party were courkously enti rtained, the Minnie thee procet&d. homeward, reaching her wharf safely. Her speed is twelve miles an hour. - - GERMAN HOSPITAL.—At the stated monthly meeting of the Board of Managers, held on Wed nesday last, the Odd Fellows' Cemetery Com pony, of Philadelphia, presented a deed, con veyrng In fee simple, as a donation, a fine large lot in their Cemetery, on Islington lane, to the German Hospital for burial purposes. The lot will be im proi I d by the managers of the Hospital. and beautified by the planting of flowers ,from the,bot.houses of the corporation, at Twentieth and Norris streets. Mr. Simon Gartland, under taker of this city,tendered his gratuitous services and means where indigent patients, having no relatives, die in the Institutien. The very liberal teeders were accepted with thanks by the mana gers. LYLE MONUMENT ASSOUTATION.—A meeting of the Lyle Monument Association was held last evening at the hall of the Phcenix Hose house. The following companies paid their assess me:We—An:erica Hose, Phomix Hose, Moya men sing at se, Perseverance 'Hose, and Liberty Engine, of Reading. The credentials Of the Fame Bose Company were received. The contribuL lions for the evening amounted to $4OO. The convention unanimously accepted the generous donation of a lot in the Laurel Hill Cemetery from Sher ill Peter Lyle. TivN AWAY AND ACCIDKNT.—Last evening, about six o'clock, a horse attached to a wagon containing Da\id Dougherty and Alfred Wes tein ran away. The iutnates of the wagon were' throv.n out at Morris and Passyunk road, and Fenoußly injured. They were taken to their homes. EiteinENT.—Yesterday afternoon, Sarah Mc- Dermott, aged 14 years, residing at Twenty-third and Spruce streets, was struck on the head by a dumb waiter at Bruner's mill, and severely in jured, She was taken to her home. Rev.j.-.IIV. Schenck has re steno the pistorshiiNtfj the Third Reformed Chinch, Truth and Filbert streets.' sump] ER E. ENDA:Cr& t•UMMER RESORTS. ON LINE OF PIIILADELPIIIA AND READMI RAILROAD AND BRANCELES, MANrION HOUSE. SIT. CARBON. Mr... Caroline Wunder. Pottkville, Schuylkill co. T UstIARORA itoTEL, ig re. M.L. Miller, To•carota P. tI, Schuylkill co. MANSION DOUSE, W. F. Smith, Mahar. W L) itUTE y P I)., echuylltill co. DO SE, E. A. Moss, Reading ANDALUSIA, Henry Weaver, Remling I'. O. LIVINO sPRINOS MOTEL, Dr. A. Smith. Werner , villa P. 0.. Bet ge county. COLD 'PRINC,3 110 TEL, LEBANON COUNTY. Mre. M. Rodermel, II art burg P. 0. BOVER'I N SEMINARY. L. M. KoonF,l3O3tOIA II Ilvlkti county. LITE/. nPRINGS, George 'E. Gilder Lift/ P 0 Luccaetur county. PenktoNlES: HiuDGE ttoTEL, DaAs er ',ME Longak Er, el V; and, Montgom OUSE, P Er. Jame'. Palmer, Freelund, Montgomery county. my27.2m COLUNIBIA 110CSE AT (P&P: ISLAND. N. J., 1. will be open thin teplion on lIIURSOAY, June For rime, findreee (;EUROE BOLTON, Proprie tor, or J. DENNISON, Mereliant'ii lintel, Philadel. my23tjel iliCctlotPelgat'ileaAr Rri)lieNr;ritil.aVtllllLE"j''—ri"lLtrip town Railrood. Large Roinnd for famthed. r4 Ap ' p e ly ' l ' ir24 - Walnut street.mr2S3t•el -- .. BOA RDING.—A PRIVATE FAMILY RESIDING IN A Deeirablo locality in Wed. Philadelphia.' (Mantua). will take from sour to six adults during the months of July anAuguat. Referenced exchanged. Address may be bad by application at this °Rico. my 23 E.t.' • I)ODGERS , AND WOSTENHOLAPS POCKET KNIVbS, PEARL and STAG HANDLES. of beauti• fill finish. RODGERS' and WADE do BUTCHER'S. and the CELEBRATED LECOPLTRE RAZOR. SCISSORS IN CASES of the tineet qaality, Itazore. Knivea Scipaora and Table Cutlery, Ground and - Polished. . EARINSTRU MENTS of the meet approved construction to lintel the bearing, at P. MADEIRA'S, Cutler and Surgical .Inatrit. went Maker. lit Tenth Street,below Chcetilut. xnvl ttf A.B FIXTURE S. —MIIIKEY. MERRILL 6' TIIACHARA, No. 7Si Chestnut street, manufacturers of Gas Fixtures, Dunes, the., dm., would call the attention of the public to their large and elegant assortment of Gag Chandeliers. Pendants, Arackets. he. They also introduce •ges pipes into dwellings and public buildings, and attend to extending, alt•tring and repairing gas pipes. All woe warranted 'OOll-BALE=AN INVOICE OF HAMBURG RAOS, I smiled linen and cotton. ,rENER WRIGHT BONS. 30341411 116 Walnut THE DAILY EVENING BULLETIN—PHILADELPTH Fain AY, MAY T) iRe,S. lIARDVVAIt E. GAS El XTUIEES. FINANCIAL.`; GOLD , AND GOLD COUPONS BOUGHT BY P. IS: PETERSON & 30 South Third Eitgetit. Telegraphic Index of Quotations stationed In a con spicuous place in our office. STOCKS, BONK& ticce, Bought and Bold on Commission atfall roSPectivo Boards of Brokers of tow York, Boston, Baltimore and Phila. delphia. mYI6 6ml THE CEN TRAL PACIFIC RAILROAD has now an Important and valuable traffic on both slopes of the Sierra Nevada Range, and will coulmand the through overland bnsinees. The Company Mier THEIR FIRST MORTGAGE IX PER CENT. BONDS (to the same amount only as the D. S. Subsidy bonds granted them) at their par value and accrued interest in currency. Both Interest and Principal Payable 451-01-JD COIN. Pamphlets, dm.. giving a fall account of the roper pledged. furniched by DE HAVEN & BRO. No. 40 S. 'Third St.. DEALERS IN GOVERNMENT SECURITI GOLD, &t. NION PACIFIC R. W. Eastern. Division, BONDS BOUGHT AND SOLD . _. BY BARKER BROS. & CO., No. 2S S. THIRD Street. iny2ll2ta BANKING HOUSE JA_YCOO ejr ,‘ Coc 112 and 114 So. THIRD ST. F•FIILAD'A Dealers in all Government'Securities. SMITH, RA.NDOLPH Off . for sale is limited amount of Union Pacific liaßroad Company's First [Mortgage Bonds at PAR, A71(1 back interest in currency. Also, a limited amount of the Central Pacific Railrottil 'Company's First -Mortgage Bonds at PAU, And back interest in currency Both of these securities are considered by the most cautious as a cheap and pcifectly reliable investment. Loth principal and Intere4 are payable in GOLD. We give these desirable bonds exchange far Government Securities, and pay as follows on each $l,OOO bond: 'lBB4, we pay sl3o 93 1557 a. wo pny S 7 83 18tile, B9 03 15.458, 82. 83 1854 e, " fit) u 8 7 30?, June, 95 in 1&55E, " 59 (.817.110a, July, 89 53 185f,r, new, we pay 87 b3I , Holders of United States bonds will see the ad ranklgc of exchanging. ...Is the Company reserve the right to advance the price at any time, and the demand.,t'or these bonds is so large as ta render such a course probable,our cor re4ondents are requested to send in their orders at once. Holders of 7410's will .find it better to exchange for these bonds than for 5-20's. SMITH, RANDOLPH & CO. No. 16 South THIRD Street, '4315 000 $lO,OOO. 0.000 TO LOAN ON MORTGAG . of City Property. E. lt. JONES. Con veyancer, 522 Walnut street. rny29136• o --- Artrk 000. $lOOO , $1,5 1 ,10 AND $l,OOO TO IN. q±-I.ou tln Ho'rtgageo. Apply to BEIThOCK. 6: PASCHALL, 715 Walnut street. my ZI-tf IiNAOHLINEFLY, IRON. &O. MERRICK. SONS'' SOUTHWARK FOUNDRY, 430 WASIIINGITON Avenue. Philadelphia, MANUFACTURE STEAM ENGINES—High and Low Prssure, 'Horintal. Vertical, Beam. Oscillating, Blast and Cornish et_ Pump- BOlLERS—Cylinder, &c. STEAM HAMMERS—Nasmyth and Davy styles, and of all dace. CASTINGS—Loam, Dry and Green Sand Brass, &c. ROOFS—Iron Frames. for covering with Slate or iron. TANKS—Of Cast or Wrought Iron, for refineries, water, oil, &o. GAS MACHINERY—Such as Retorts, Bench Castings, Holders and Frames, Purifiers, Coke and Charcoal Bar. Towo, Valves, Governors. &o. SUGAR MACHINERY—Such as Vacuum Pans and Pumps, Defecators, Bone Black Filters, Burners. Wash ors and Elevators; - Bag Filters, Sugar and Bone Black Cars, &c. Sole manufacturers of the following specialties: In Philadelphia and vicinity, of 'William Wright's Patent Variable Cutoff Steam Engine. In Pennsylvania, of Shaw & Justice's Patent Dead• Stroke Pow er hammer. Intim United States, of Weston's Patent Selteentering and Self-balancing Centrifugal Sugar.dratning Machine. Glass & Bartol's improvement on Aspinwall & - Woolsey's Centrifugal - - Bartol's Patent Wrought-Iron Retort Lid. Strahan's Drill Grinding Rest. Contractors for the design, erection, and fitting up of Re. fir,eries for working Sugar or Molasses. riOBBER AND YELLOW METAL SHEATHING. kJ Brazier's Copper Nails, Bolts and Inr,ot Conner, con• scantly on hand and for sale by HENRY Vit3Oß ds CO., No. 888 Borah Wharves. NO. 1 GLENGARNOOK SCOTCH PIG IRON, FOR sale in lots to suit purchaaers from store and to or. ive. PETER WRIGHT Rs BONS. • m • 116 Walnut street.. 'ROBIN OF ALL THE VARTOUS GRADES. SPIRITS .Llaurpontine. Tar and Pitch. In store arrive, for. tale by (.;0(111RAN, AIiSbELL & CO.. NO: 22 Ziorth Front. . fleet, my2Mt & CO. PHILADELPHIA. (10101 MON COUNCIL OF 11:UllelPELP/ CLERK'S OFFICE, • •r • • - Mn 8 1868 Pfirratikrrnra, , . In accordance with a resolution 'adopted by the Common Connell of the city of 'Philadelphia on Thursday, the seventli day of May,lB6B, the annexed bill, entitled • . "AN Orr • inNarex to create a loan - Or the further extension of the Philadelphia Gas Works," is hereby publishe for public Information. JOHN ECKSTEIN, Clerk of Common Connell. DiZEI An Ordinance t* create a Loan for the further extension of the Philadelphia Gas Works. Szerrozi 1. The Select and Common Councils of Philadelphia do ordain That the Mayor of the City be and he is hereby authorized to borrow at not less than par, on the credit of the city, Ruch sums as the TruAces a the Gas Works may re milli n quire, not exceeding in the aggregate one dollars, at a rate of interest not above six per cent., to lie applied ate follows, viz: First—For enlarging and extending the works and purchasing a suitable site for the erection of any new buildings or other structures in the northeastern part of the city; the selection of the *site and the character of the new buildings or 'structures as proposed to be erected to be first submitted to and approved by the Councils, five hundred thousand dollars. Second—For street mains, two hundred and twenty-five thousand dollars. Third—For services and metres, two hundred thousand dollars. Fourth—For , coal storehouse at Point Breeze, seventy-five thousand dollars. The principal of said loan shall be laayable at the expiration of thirty years from the date of ' negotiation, and shall be free from all taxes. SEC. 2. Certificates for sold loan shall be Issued by the Mayor, in such amounts as the lenders may &sire, but not for any fractional parts of one hundred dollars, nor made transferable other ' wiseihan at the City Treasurer's office, and shall be in the following form: Gas Loan. Certificate No.— Six per cent Loan of, the City of Philadelphia, issued under authority of an ordinance entitled "an ordinance to create a loan for the further extension of the Philadelphia Gas Works," approved This certifies that there is due to ------ by the City of Philadelphia, -- dollars, with interest at six per cent., payable half yearly on the Ist days of January and July, at the office of the City Treasurer in the said city, the principal to be paid at the same office in years from the date of said ordinance and not before,without the holder's consent. Free of all taxes. In wit ness whereof the City Treasurer has hereto set his band and affixed the seal of said city this day of -- A. D. 18—. Treas. Attest ----City Controller. SECTION 3. That the terms and provisions of the ordinates entitled, An Ordinance for the further extension and management of the Phila delphia Gas Works," approved June 17, 1841, shall not apply in any way or manner to this Loan. RESOLUTION TO PUIStle,ll A OAS LOAN BILL. Resolved, That the Clerk of Common Council be authorized to publish in two daily newspapers of this city, daily, for four weeks , the Ordinance presented to the Common Council on Thursday, May 7, 1868, entitled " em Ordinance to create a loan for the further extension of the Philadelphia Gas Works." ...And the Said clerk at the stated meeting of Councils, after the expiration of four weeks from the first day of said publication, shall present to this Council one of each of said newsnapers for every day in which the same shall havebeen made. reyB,24t rtOMMON COUNCIL OF PHIDADELPHIA.— kJ CLERK'S OFFICE, PIIILADELVIIIAs May 15th, 1868. In accordance with a Resolution adopted by the Common Connell of the City of Philadelptii on Thursday, the fourteenth L day of May, 1868, the annexed bill, entitled : "AN ORDINANCE to create' loan for the further extension of Fairmount Park, and the im provement thereof," is hereby published for public Information. JOHN ECKSTEIii, Clerk of Common Council. av onninkscE To create a Loan for the further extension Fairmount Park, and for the improvemen thereof. Swarm; 1. The Select and Common Councils of the Cit of Philadelphia do ordin, That the Mayor of y Philadelphia be and he t Is hereby all thorized to borrow, at not less than par, on the credit of the city, from time to time, for the fur ther extension of Fairmount Park and for the improvement thereof, $4,000,000, for which Interest not to exceed the rate of BO{ per cent. per annum: Shull be maid hail yearly, on the irsti day of Janiaary and July, at the office 'of the City Treasurer, and the, said loan shall be called the "Park Loan." The Vrinclpal of said loan shall be payable and paid at the expiration of thirty years from the date of the same; and not before,withont the con sent of the holders thereof; and the eprtificates therefor in the usual form of the certificates of City Loan, Shall be issued In such amounts as the lenders may require, but not for any frac tional part of one hundred dollars,or, if required, in amounts of five hundred or one thousand dol lars; and it shall be expressed in said certificates that the loan therein mentioned and the interest thereof are payable free from all taxes. SECTION 2. Whenever env loan shall be made by virtue thereof. there shall be by force of this ordinance annually appropriated out of the in come of the corporate estates, and from the sum raised by taxation, sum sufficient to pay the Interest on said certificates; and the further seen of three-tenths of one per centum on the par value of such certificates co issued shall be appro priated quarterly out of said income and taxes to a sinking fund; which fund and its accumulations are hereby especially pledged for the redemption and payment of said certificates. RESOLUTION TO EUISLISII A LOAN Resolved, That the Clerk of Common Council be authorized to publish in two daily newspapers of this city, daily, for four weeks, the Ordinance presented to the Common Council on Thursday, May 14, 1868, entitled "An Ordinance to create a loan for the further extension of Fairmount Park, and for the improvement thereof." And the said Clerk at the stated meeting of Councils after the expiration of lour weeks from the first day of said publication, shall present to this Council one of each of said newspapers for every day in which the same shall have been mode. mylB MMEEMI2II SLATE M VOLS. The largeot aeeortment and the beet finlehed Enameled SLATE MANTELS. Alen, WARM•AIIt EURNACES. RANGES, 111011 and LOW DOWN ORATES. Manufactured and for eale by • W. A. ARNOLD, 1303 Chestnut Street. ivlßrntv f lv Pennßylvania Elastic Sponge Co,, nu Chestnut Street, PHIL ADELPIII A. . ---... . ELASTIC SPONGE, A SUBSTITUTE :FOR CURLED HAIR , FOR ALL Upholstery - Purposes. Cheaper than Featera or Hair, AND FAR'SIIPERIOR. The Lieldept, Softest and moot Elastic and Durable material known for • NatreSSCP, Pillows, Car, Carriage and Chair Cushions. It is entirely indeetrdetible, perfectly clean and free from dust. IF DOES NOT PACK AT ALL ! Is always free from insect life; is perfectly healthy, and for the sick is unequaled. If coiled in any way, can be renovated quicker and. easier tha attentioner hi atrese, - Special given to • Furnishing Churches, galls, &o. Railroad men are especially invited to examine the Cushion nimage• Satiefacstfon Guaranteed. Eno Trade supplied. MYI6 f m to 2me§ rex.Eitt S. F. BALDERSTON 'dr • RING GARDEN S syIWALL PAPE SP RS AND waiDoW,S tree uarlEFJ. Sato 802 t. 44..1a A ':6PIII . Ii'Q'GQ O PS.'• E. M. NEBDIAS & CO. Are daily oßening I erre inooieee of New Goode enitable for the Swing Trade. to which they call the attention of the LADIES., rim and boantiful designa to Pique Welts end Figure% Plain and Colored s Material for Claribaldis, In Puffed, Tucked and Revered Muslin, . - Plaid, Striped and Figured haineooks, Sets in Linen end Lace, ,Dotted Nett for Veils in Fanoy Colors, Embroideries, White Goode, Handkerchiefs, Laces, Scarfs, Also, a complete azeortment of HOUSE-FERNISHING DRY GOODS. We invite you to call and examine our stock. E. M. NEEDLES & CO., 1101 Chestnut street. ' ri3fiATi Ivf BARGAINS FROM AUCTION, LLAMA LACE POINTS. LLAMA LACE ROTUNDAS, LLAMA AND THREAD PARASOL COVERS. WHITE GOODS. Marseilles for dresses from 25 cents up, Plaid Nainsook from 25 cents lin. French Muslin, 2 yards wide. 50 cents. French Breakfast Sets very cheap, Hamburg Edgy:ran nod insertinge,choice desigromnder regular priece. my:Him QUOS ES IWOOD, 7O ARCH STREET. PEULA.BIII, phis, offer'Searonable Dry Goods at . popular prices. '1 twee lot/1 of Emall figurQd. all wool Delainen itt 3.71.5. c. Volt line of Summer Silks, desirable styles for $t L 255, Mohair in great variety for walking /mite. Tanrnertines and Crepe Maretz in choice shades, 37}1e. Grass Ullth for skirting and facing. very sett4ce. Black, Brown and / ;ray Silks in great variety. my:PA( STYLES OF FANCY SILKS. CIIENFA SILKS. WIRIPE SILKS. PLAID BILKS. PLAIN SILKS. CORDED BILKS. SUPERIoIt BLACK SILKS. - EVENING SILKS. WEDDING SILKS. EDWIN BALL At CO.. South Sec oud ctreet. WANTS. "EV ANTYI).—A SITUATION BY A YOUNG MAN, det4rona of making 11h:emelt wield. Salary moderato. Ilan romp knowledge of book keeping, orriten an excel. lent hand, onderetande detoila of retell binlnesa. Can givertnt exceltreet.lent refogneee. Addrertrit. B. M. No. Cheit e iny 22 40 WANTED.—BY A YOUNG MAN OF GOOD HABITS. a Eltnatton Ina Store or Conntlnahouee. as clerk or ar-ElEt book-keeper. Beet of reference GUI be }u n. Addreoe "W,n box BM; Port Office- nav2a-U: DILIICI9. Pula: PAIN OFFER `TO OFFETO THE TRADE PERr.. White Lead, Zinc White and Colored Paints of our own m snuf actut e, of undoubted yuritr, in quantities to snit Purchasers. ROBERT Slitik,MA,b_Ef; Ca. anti In Paints and Varnishes, N. E. corner Foarth and Rase streets. nor tt DIEET ELIOESIAKER et Co.. WIIOLEIieLE ruggists, N. E. corner Fourth and lineo streets. Invite the attention of the Trade to their large rtock Fine Drugs and Chemicals. Essantisi 011 s, apenr, Corks, &c. , n 027 10P HURARB ROOT, OF RECENT IMPORTATION, .La and vsl7 superior quality : White Gum Arable. East India Castor 011, Willie and Mottled Castile Soap, Olive Oil, of various brands. For sale by ROBERT MAKER & CO.. Drursista„ Northeast corner of Fourth and Race streets. no:17-tf TBI GGI STB'e S m N s D RIP s S he 7G R M A i D T U r A K T T ES e MZoernr. rMOt,I Boxer. nom SccOpe. burgicul Inetrumenis. Tru,ses, Dant and Soft Rubber Goods, Vial Cases, Glass and Metid Syringes. &c.. all at "First Hands.prices. 13NOWL EN BROTITER, ap&-tf 2l South Eighth street ,VERITABLE EAU DE' COLOGNE—JEAN 3IARIA FARINA.—The moat fascinating of all MUet waters, in feativity or air:knees, and that which has given name and celebrity to this exquisite and refreshing pu:. fume. Single bottles, 71, cent. Tim.° for two dollare. ULIDELL, Appthecarr. 1410 Cl,tr tit etre,t. AYER'S SARSAPARILLA, FOR PURIFYING TIT 111.00 D.—The reputation this, excellent medicine enjoys is derived from its cures. many ef which are trulytuarvellous. Inveterate cases of Scrot ulnas dixeare, where the System f'*l seemed saturated with wirrup• Sou, have been purified and 19 cured by it. Scrofulous n.frob. • tiwoers and ate ~ whieb ne ag.gravd disorders by the EerN fillOtti COlLltamilEttion used .410.-; they were painfully afflicting.: have been radically owed in rich great numbers in almost every kectlon of the comit that the public scarcely need to be informed of its vii tuty Or Wee.. Scrofulous poison is one of the roost destructl re enemies of our race. Often, this unseen and unfelt tenant of Pa, organism, undermines the constitution, tied invites tho all tura of enfeebling or total diseases, without exciting a suspicion of its presence. Again, it seems to breed into tire throughout the body, and them on some favoritom to occasion, rapidly develop Into one or ether of its hilm forms. either On the surface or among the vat ale. la tuo latter, tubercles may be suddenly depobited in the lung , or heart, or tumors formed In the liver, or It shoes its presence by eruptions on the skin, or fool ulcer Atkins en some part of the body. Hence the occa elonal vee of n bottle of this SAIthAPM:ILLA is advisable, even when no active symptoms of 'discos.) appear. P 4 r• 1 , 01u6 afflicted with the following complaints generally find immediate relief, and. at length, mare, by the use this SARSAPARILLA S. Ai:TIM:OOd Rota: Os EktYI3II , EI.A I 3, 'PEWEE, SALT Rltia - M , SOALI) HEAP. it/:;.1. sonar, Surer, EYII3, Sorts Rana, and other e•rliptloll. 4 nr visible forms of 801t0WEIL01713 disease. Also tu flat More concealed forms, se DTSPEPI3IA. Dnou6Y, ItY,AItT Di:WASP PVC's, EIALrrST, NieI...MA:IA, and the vedette Unit P.1:0 1 . ,, affections of the muscular and nervous syhtenth. STIIIILIff or VF.NEV.IAL and 111,J:0VMM. DISEAFIYP, cured it, though a long time ix requi.ed for subdulos these obstinate maladies by any medicine. But long eret tinned use of this medicine: will cure the complaint. LECcotiItittEAWIIITIIi,IITERINE ULCHILATIONB,CLUdi Fr MALE DIFICABES,' arc commonly soon rCHOVOCI WO. lad. matey cured by its purifying and invigorating effeet. Minute Directions for each mint are found In our At• mantic, supplied gratis. EIIEGMATis*RILiat. GOET, It hart caused by accumulations, of extraneous matters in the blood, yield quickly to it, se also Liven • Cow I.I.AINTH, TORVIDITY, CONGrIiTION Or INFLAMMATsing. 100 cf the LIVER. and jAtiiintcm, when ari as they often do, a from the rankling poisons in the bloreL This sARSAPARILLA' isgreat restorer for the strength and vigor of the system. 'those who are LANGUID and Dreronimint„ SLILEri.r.BB, and troubled with N laaVOtli APPREILENSIONti or Fneux, or any of the ailoc thins symptomatic of WEAKNESS, will find immediate roe lief and convincing evidente of Ito restorative power upon trial. Preparedly Da. J. C. AYER di CO., Lowell, Mass.. Practical and Analytical Chemists. • Sold by all Druggists. everywhere. J. M. MAR'S di CO., Philadelphia, 'Wholesale Agents. UtPAL DENTALLINA.—A, SUPERIOR ARTICLE tali cleaning the Teeth, destroying anireatcula which fu feet then., giving tone to the gums, and leaving a feelln s of fragrar,ce and perfect cleanliness' in the mouth. it am; bleeding oally, and will be found to strengthen weal{ anc game, while the aroma and deterstvoness :vlll recommend it to every one. Being composed' with Het .issietance of .the Dentist, Physicians and. Slereecolist, If is confidently offered as a rellablostibstite,te for the on certain washes formerly in vogue: Eminent Dentists, acquainted with the constituents of the Dentalllna; advocate its use; it contains nothing tt !Prevent its unrestrained emplyment. Slade oniy by JAISIES T. SHINN, ApothoCarY. Broad and Spruce stree ts, orall i i , „ and • . L. Stackhouse. I obert C. Davis, Geo. C. Bower. Chas. Shivers, WM. McCollim S. C. Bunting, Chas. B. Eberle, James N. Marks, E. Brit:tabard di Co. Dyott di Co., Blair's Sons.' Wyethat Bro. For gale by Ornsgists Ben Frcd. Brown, 13eorard k Co.. RACeeny, lease H. Bay. C. EL Needles, T. J. Husband, Ainbrw..4e elnatb., F,dward P arrieb. Win. B. Webb, James L. Blephanl. Ilughes di Combo, Henry A. Bower. SABELIA 'AIARIANNO, M. D.. 227 N. TWELFTH ,Street. ComultAttiono free. , , ray9l9 NAVAL STORES. 500.12,LiggfoYall,f4'oc711tIMatYlvE T zez , C 1 ) N . , ;forth Front 'Arcot. my:lW --- PAPER AND SOAP MAKERS . ROSI N IN STORFI n and for rale by COCHRAN; Rthth3oll. , L dr, CO., 22 North Front meet 3y0,641 25 BOXES or SPERMACETI, ripEu,ntonlitrA in small cakes for ur (g1cri11A 14. , 32 North Front CO ..frcer. OIL. 1 200 OAI• 00 0 VnliMilloksili 1"obo ,I 600 Callous v, ; whale Oil , gallons Nataai W.'Wbala Oil, 2.6 barrels No. .1 LA,141 oil. in of au.* to arrive. For solo by COCHRAN, RUBSL'LL. CO.* 2 0 North Front street. mila•ts 'w+ti>t ~wN x {a'tiny-.u;V~Ax+,..,aclrP?!,,J±v~t7rE'l3'Kl,'£'{afnq{rp,: •yy 3 : .~. _^'-.uci.~.i~ Neck Ties, &o* MEDIC:ALL. - 1222 CHESTNUT STREET. 12220 Speoisil Notice. flaying completed our r9moval to New Store. No. 12 CHESTNUT Street, we arc now ready to offer. at Wrest, cash prices. a new stock of handsome C CAILPSTINGS , OIL LOTS'S, bIATTINGS With all other kinds of goods in our line of business. REEVE L. KNIGHT & SON, 1222 Chestnut Street. 1222. LOOKfIY GISANSEN A.NII I PA POTINGIip A. S. ROBINSON,. 910 CHESTNUT STREET, LOOKING GLASSES, p A iNTIN Gi S, Engravings and Phowgraphs. Plain anti Ornamental OM Emma, Caved - Walnut and Zbon y Frfunes. _. ON AND ON MADE. TO OXDPSI WLTCI~J O s El,' le AL mt. dal • 174 IS LADD 7f; US & DIAMOND DEA EWEL.RBS. w _ c r c iir,s,jios •41.V1.3 'NUL WATCHES a.:13 Jr , ;`;;TTL:..:ti REPAIRED, 802 PI , gt., Phil Watches of the Finest Makers. Dianiond and. Other Jewelry, Of the West styles. Solid Silver and Plated Ware, Etc.. Etc. SMALL STUDS FOD EYELET 110 LEPia A lArgo atrorttnerit Jurq received, with a variety of Rettitip. ea ENTLiEstExis IWUUS FINE DRESS SHIRTS GENTS' NOVELTIES. J. W. SCOTT & CO.. 814 Cheatnut Street, Philadelphia, Four door below Couttnental Hotel. mbl-fm w tf PATENT. SHOULDER SEAM MR/ MAN lEJ FA cyr o RY. warn for these aebbreied ablitsrlpDUl 0 seoespelv brief emstieek Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods, Of We rtyles In full warlet7. WINCHESTER & CO, 700 CHESTNUT. jes.m.w.tat Gentlemen's Pine gurnishin' g Goods' RICHARD EAYRt. No. 58 lg. Sixth Street, below Arch, lasi so attention to hie Improved Shoulder Seam Pattern Shirt, Which for eve tu,d comfort cannot be tvreatte& rivet rnivertal catirdection for neetnete of At on the BREAST. comfort in the NECK and eaae on the tiIIOULDENS. It tame& entirely by ban& Tsai: the best veorkxnan. thiv ou it. L 1 roperkw quality ot KU) GLOVE% et N 0.93 N. Street. MIA. zuhl=n ---- -_ • avow PATENT-SPRING AND BUT. 4 (1 . '41 !Deed Over Oldteri, Cloth. Loather, whit , ,7 i awl t,:aw - a Linen; Cilldreren Ciotti a=, 4 , ,,,V -;,A vcw„,, Loratriffi;alaro made to order • • '* fan; M. tiTii` i CELNISH as?. 0 GOODS.* ~ ex.. of OVBII doreriptirm. Ivy/ low, 902 Cheatrieb af ri:efit. c-..racr of Li tv.:ll. the hod KU Glove& or Wile* ar.4 ft ate. at P.I CU ELDERPSR"3 BAZAiLIi. OPEN I', Tar EVENING. _ 11.V4,-LIQUOUNI eiVe Fri,FA[LIES Residing in the Rural Districts. We arc plepnrci, berctotore, to salMlY families at their cenutry xeridvneEs with every de.eriPtioo of FINE GROCERIES, TEAS &o, &o. ALBERT C. ROBERTS. Corner .Eleventh and Vine Streeter FIN E NEW CROP TEAS. Go(i) cIit:LAN TEA, cbPap. SP OOLONG TEAS, a 33 Frride.,. Y(/1 , ..N1) Tl‘Sc/N, GC "OWPIO,. du:. kt~GUSH FS SLAKFASI T LAS. For mile by • JAMES R. WEBS. • 1'26 O. E. corner WALNUT and EIGHTII Street': FRESH FEMMES YOU PIES, IN 91b. CANS AT 90 cents per can. Green Corn. Tomatoes, Peso, also, French Pees and Moehroorns, in Eton) and for eale at COCSTY . S East End Grocery. No. 118 South Soccnd atm T. 3 AMS. DRIED BEEF AND TONGUES. —JOIINI! /-1 Bfewurd' ,4 f eatly celebrated Hams and Dried Beef.' and Beef Tongue; alio the beet brands of Cincinnati thane. For Hale by M. F. SPILLIN, N. W. corner Arch. and Eighth street& ._._--------------- QACAICTIIL.-100 BASKETS OF LATOUR'S SALAD $.3 01 of the latest importation. For dale by M. F. SPILLIN, N. W. eorner Arch and Eighth etreete. ._ .....—_ .. .. ....-- ripm3LE CLARET.-20a CASES OF SUPERIORTABBE I Claret, ,vataanteo to give eattelaction. For VLIO by. M.•} . . 13 EI.LLI 14, N. W. corner Arch and Eighth etreebt. D -_ AND3' etax BRAND U araTED pia.moND 1N cionati first coo ignment of We season. just re • ceivod end for sale at (10113TY*6 Batt End Grocery. No.. us Booth Second Street, EW 131)NELESS MACKREL, VA ItMOCTI NMontero, flple.4l Salmon, Mama and No. 1 Mackerel for vale at (.;OUSTI.'B East End Grocery, No.llB South Second Street. (I.IIME OLIVE 011,, 100 don, OF SUPERIOR Q11A1.1.1 ty of Sweet cffn importation, just recefveil and for sale at COUb'rl , s East hams GrocorY. No. '' Routh Second street. 191 TEAT INDIA lIONE byN OLD FAEDIWNEX) TV Sugar House Molaeriehe gallon, at COUSTY'r Eaet Eurt Grocery. No. 11$ eolith Second Street. VIH xrExy YORK : PLUMS, PITTED CDEERIDS. IN eta ai'ated Pooches, Dried Illsckberries, in store or; for sale atcuusrvs East End Grocarl. zl 0. US Sontli Second Street. LOTAIS.: VikrirtiltrElElo2l9 Mao CiLOTLI 1101.JORTH SECOND ST,' V Sign of the Golden Lamb. JAMES & LEE 'Bove now on hand and are still receiving 'a large ar o choice assortment of Spring and Summer Gooda.exPresel? adapted to Men's and Boys near, to which they itivil,, the attention of Merchants, ClgthionsGOODS. Tailors and others COATII , I9 Super Black French Clotho. ... . . Super Colored French Cloths. Black and Colored mu° Coatings. • t Black and Colored Tricot Coatings, '.:Dia Kowa Ribbed Coatings; t. Castunaretts, all colors. N Blea w et t3 .l. tvle ell o ch Lti op d 4. l 4 : N o s , kiT C ALti llo o kin oisz g: BTu!Es. Silk Mixed Coatings.' &c. do do" , ' Cassimereo. , New styles Fancy do. All shad eo Mixed Doeskins. Aloe+, a large assortment of Cords,Beaverteeniti.Satinebi Veotings and goods for suits; at wholesale and retail. t JAMES & LEE, No.ll North Second otriet. • Sign of the Golden Lag& il .....wi.....1 CITY couNotts. Both brarchoo of. City Cbunciltriact yesterday ,aftev. itoon. Soleet Branch. William S. Stokely, President, In the chair. , The tonal number of petitlohs and communications Were received, ernong them the fallowing,: A communication from the Managers ot the House ot Being° thanking Connells. for the additional ac commodatione to that institution:- By Mr. Plumly, a petition from storekeepers and property owners on North Second street asking for the removal of the curbstone marketil ,that street bon tt'lt Cellowbill end streets.• ll,eferrecL By Mr, +King, a remonstrance froas citizens against the removal ot shade trees on Senth Broad street. Re , ferred. By Mr. Cartel!, a resolution asking Councils to pro test against the opening of Twenty-fourth street through . olrard College grounds. ,SColonel Page *feted a reaohnion that Councils ex mese their dissent of the act of Assembly which re. •quires the opening of this street. Mr. Smith asked that, the subject he laid over and mule tee. special order for next Thuraday. Colonel Peg° opposed any such diepositlon of the resolution, bat pressed it for, decieton. The bill, without any notice to the Managers Of the Girard Estate, without any information being given to Coun •cile. was pressed through the Legislature by a single individual. This sea WAS passed upon the representa tions of certain interested parties. It ware objection .able and in violation of the contract entered into be tween the State and the City of Philadelphia upon thie,kbject of Girard College. MY, vatted hoped that the resolution would not be postponed. It was the unanimous oinion of the •Committee on Girard Estate that Co p uncils should •exereas their dissent to the act of Assembly. Mr. Fox would vote for a postponement, in order that the whole subject might be properly examined. as it was to the interest of the city. that etreet should he opened through the estate. As it now is, we hedge off. Aro or eight squares of valuable property, and if there is evidence that the barrier deteriorates from the value of a certain section of the city, and keeps •down the revenue to the clty,the objectionable feature should be removed. , Colonel Page read, in support of his position, the preamble and resolutions introduced,by himself on a former occasion. which cited the eleventh section of an old act ,of Assembly, to wit: "Ttutt no fold or street shall be laid out, or pass through the land in the County of Philadelphia becineathed by the late Stephen Girard for the erection of the collegb, unless, the same shall be recommended by the trainees or di rectors of the said college, and approvedof by the Seleet and Common Councila of Philadelphia." . This was the contract entered into between the State and the testator, by which any act looking to the division of these grounds should only be by recommendation and approval of the Trustees and Councils. The question upon postponement was called and loot. The resolution was then peered. Mr. Barlow, from the Committee. on Water Works, to whom was referred an ordinance authorizing the Chief Thigh - Jeer to contract for the erection of two en -girtes near the Reading Railroad, for the nee of the Twenty-fourth Ward Works. submitted a rep , rt and all the correspondence between the' Department and manufacturers proposing to -construct the engines. Correspondence upon the merite, of various engines, with a long letter upon the same from Chief Engineer .tir ail, was then read. [The two engines spoken of In the correspondence are those of IVorthington & Co., of New York, and of lifessre. Merrick ,t Co., of this citv.---Itar.l The yeas arid nays were then called upon the firet section of the original bill, awarding the contract to 31r. Worthington, of New York. The bill passed upon third reading. The bill authorizing the appropristion of $75, 001 for the erection of the two engines for the Twenty fourth Ward NVater Works was passed. A resolution was received from the vestry of the tinrch of the Holy Apostles, asking permission to ercet a temporary frame building at Twenty-first and Christian streets, which was granted. Mr. Jones offered a resolution that the Board of Controllers of Public Schoeht be requeitted not to enter into a contract for a public school on Green ',l've e lane, Twenty-first Ward, Referred. The Committee on City Property reported an ordi. Terre appropriating $5,000 for the repW of Independ ence Ball. The report of the Building Inspectors, attached to this ordinance, stated that they bad examined the ceilizes of both chambers of the State liouee, and other portions of the bailding, especially about the Out-pie. which require !rime:nate attmtton.' Mr. Fox tumgested that the money be paid out ota loan to be hereaeere created. Mr. Bumm added to the bill the proviso "that the . , repairs shall be made under supervision of the Come unties on City property." This was adopted. The ordinance then passed. The Committee on Schools reported an ordinance to erect an iron railing around the Ludlow Street 'Acton] Heine, at a cost not to exceed 6175. Farther consideration was postponed. Mr. Hamm reported from the Committee on City - Property an ordinance appropriating 8625 for insuring the new Court lionee. reseed. Mr. Fox moved that Councils adjourn to Tuesday afternoon at dX o'clock to consider bills from Coe:i x:ion Ceuncil This was carried. The Chamber then adjourned. Common Branch. Joseph F. Marcel } President, called the Chamber to order at a quarter peat three o'clock. A communication was received from General 'Bax ter lnvitirg Councils tq attend a review of the Phil sielphfa Fire Zonavee, on June 1. The invitation was accepted. A commurecation from the Board of Managers of theoust of Refuge woe read, returning thane's for the cpt passage of the ordinance relative to the 1 ri vturt fife or a lot of ground for the extension of the I,building. Laid on the table. A number of petitions from the various wards were then received, and referred to appropriate committees. Mr. Ray submitted a resolution directing the Cern- Milt Stetter (+1 City Property to have removed such trees on Diamond street, in front of Norris square, that ex tend over the curb line and endanger the lives of oar citizen re Passed. Mr. Simpson moved the election of Trustee of a City Ice Boat. This was agreed to, and Mr. James Graham was elected. A pending bill authorizing the Mayor to contract for the cleaning of streets in the "Northern District" was called up and pasted. It provides that for the purpose of more effectually cleansing the paved ghtleetp, lanes, alleys, etc., that portion of the city north of Market street. it shall be divided into' three al irtricts. The Mayor is to advertise for proposals for cleaning the streets. The Superintendent of Street (leaning. or whoever may yie deputed for the purpose, obeli overlook and supetvlse the work of the con tractors, and report any neglect to the Mayor, and to the Committee on Street Cleaning, and notify the contractor or contractors of his or their neglect. If the contractors fail to remedy the complaint, the Mayor shall. upon the request of the Committee on Street Cleaning, direct the Superintendent to perform the work at the expense of the contractors. The bill passed. A Select Council bill appropriating $5,000 to the Ccnimiesioners of City Property was postponed. It is intended to pay back clanes. A resolution from Select Council concerning the opening of Twenty-fourth street through the Girard College gromids was concurred in. The two branches of Councils here met in joint con vention, to elect the gentlemen whose names are an nexed to the offices named accompaningly: Port "Wardens—Edward A. Lauda, William Cramp. Sr., George W. Backer, S. V. Merrick, R. Wildey. T. B. Meek. C. C. Vanhorn,Chrietien; for the unex pired term of Francis Cope, resigned—John W. Ever man; for the unexpired term of George S. Thorn, de ceased—Edward H. leleler; Trustees of the Northern liberties Gas Works—Joseph H. Collins and Tnomas Totter. A motion of Mr. Harrison giving the contract for the belleisg of the city ice boat to Messrs. Cramp & ' Soo, and approving the securities, was agreed to. Mr. Ray, from the Highway Committee, intimated the resolutions annexed: A resolution to open Clinton street from Emerald to Huntingdon. To repave Delaucey piece, High leenth street, Ninth and Dauphin streets. To grade Sixty-filth street. Bodine, Oxford and other streets. To pave Oxford front Eighth to Tenth street. To rade Fifth street at the junction of the bridge over the Connecting Railroad. To tramway Julia street from Coates to Brent. To grade, pave and curb Thirty-eight street from Centre to Warren. TO macadamize Venango street from Township Line road to Broad street. All agreed to. From the Committee on Police, Mr. Myers reported a rjeolutlon ordering the names of the streets to be im fluted upon the lamps at the crossings / Passed. Mr. Bardsley submitted a resolution ordering the payment of the Surveyor and Regulator of the Twen ty-eigeth District. Paned. From the Committee on Blection Divisions, Mr. Evans reported an ordinance creating a new division in the Twenty-sixth Ward, by a division of the Fifth. Referred. A resolution offered by Mr. Hanna, tunneling the Girard College grounds at Twenty-second street was referred. Mr. Dillon read in place an ordnance, repealing, an ordinance to regulate market-wagon stands, on South street west of Second. In addition, he offered a peti lion asking for a market stand on the north aide of South street, West of Second. This privilege, Mr. Dil lon said was sixty years old. Referred. Mr. Simpson submitted a resolution to prevent the building of frame structures at Pennsylvania and Coates streets, Agreed to. On motion a resolution was passed, offered by Mr. Hanna ' instructing Select to meet Common Council on the 4th of June, to elect a member of the Board of Health, one Guardian or the Poor, and eighteen Po- Tice Magistrates. Passed. ' Adjourned.. THE COURTS. The Tax on Vapq►ltal stock—litstportant neelston. In the Supreme Conrt Judge Agnew has de livered the following opinion : The Piurnix Iron Company vs. the Ceinmonwealth. Error to the Common Pleas of Dauphin County. The important question in this case is, whether a tax upon capital stock. imposed by the acts of 29th April. 1844, Purdon 949, fotio 118, and 12th April, 1859. Pludon 951, folio 127, is a taxon dividends, within the meaning of the words 'not paying' a tax to the State upon dividends under existing taste," contained fa the 2d section of the act of 30th -April, 1804, Pardon 1,817, folio 3. The tax on dividends is a Woll-knowa mode of raising revenue for the State, upon banks.... Theand was confined in its origin eitietly to banks. The act of April 1,1835,T. is hat a reitera tion of the tame mode Of taxatiou, subjected the. banks of tee Commonwealth to a graduated tax directly,upon their dividende, increasing in propor tion, from eight to eleven per ce ea In all isitbseq dent cbartere the same mode Of taxation was parsec& The general banking act of 10th of April, 18.50, section 21, Tendon 29, toile 84. and the act relating to bank ing companies of Ist ot May, 1861, section 23, pardon Ere, folio 28, laid taxes upon dividends in like ineuner, but increasing the graduation until it rose to thirty per cent. tax on a twenty-Ave per cent. dtvldend. 'Pim act for the incorporation of iron manufacturing companies, of . loth of June, 1830, section 10, Purdon 5 70 1 folio 11, also imposed a tax on dividends of dont per cent. 'ln all instances of a tax upon diet deeds it was laid directly upon the, dividend itself without reference to the stock: e. g on dividends not exceeding six per cent.. eight per cent: exceeding sit, nine percent., &c., etc. hut the act of 29th of April, 1844, section 33, charged the tax which it imposes di rectly apon the capital stock of the corporations of thia State. If the company declared a dtvtdead or Pputt of six per cent. upon the capital, tho tax was to ie measured at the rate of one-half mill on each one per cent. of the dividend or profit: but when the cor poration failed to make dividends, or declared less than six per cent, per annum, thou a valuation'of the stock itself was to be made and returned and the tax wilt to he "a sum three mills upon every dollar of the value of the capital stock thereof, so estimated and appraised." It the corporation had not sufficient funds, to pay the tax the cashier or treasurer was to notify the stockholders to pay the same in proportion to their stock, and on failure eo much mach of their stock would besold as was required to pay their pro portion, The first section of the act of April 12,1859, also imposed a tax on the capital stock, but changed the act of /844 so far ae, instead of a valustion of the stock when the,dividend fell below six per cent. to re quire payment of the tax at the rate of a half mutter each one per cent. of the dividend made or declared, and provided for the valuation of the stock according makeoct of 1844, only when the corporation failed to or declare any divideed. The first proviso in this section itself makes the distinction between the two species of taxes. It declares "That any institution or company (except banks of issue) now liable for a tax on capital stock, as also upon dividends, shall from henceforth be exempt from any tax upon dividends." Of course it remained liable to the tax on capital stock. The die. tinction was still kept up by the act of 24tte of March, lee°. (Pardon, 956. fol. 158), which relieved banks of discount and deposit and saving institutions, which had been placed by the act of 1859 on the same footing with the banks of issue, from the tax on their div dende The meaning of a tax on dividends was thus well known in the legislation of the State, and, therefore when the act of Vela April, ip64, subjected all curvy ations to a tax on their earnings or income, except those paying a tax on dividends, it was clearly not intended to exempt from the new tax those Inertly paying a tax on their capital stock. It is not alleged that the Phenix Iron Company pays any tax on dividende as such further than the tax on capital graduated by their dividends under the act of 1859, would be considered. As the tax on capital is not to be so considered, the consequence is that this iron company was properly rated. with its earnings or in come tax. The rate of interest upon the balance found due for taxes was correctly adjudged by the Court below, under the provisions of the act of 9th of April, 18.67, P. L. 58. Finding no error in the record, the lodgment is affirmed • For the Commonwealth, Attorney-General Brewster and Deputy attorney• General Newlin. For defendant, Joseph B. Townsend anti Hon. Jobs C. Kunkel. The above was a test case, and in the suite brought by the Commonwealth against the following compa nies jedgments are entered as follows: Lackawana Iron and Coal Co $11,301.60 Franklin Fire Insurance C 0..... ........ 8.116 01 spring Mountain Coal Ce 9.062 Go Dickson Manufacturing Co ... 1,881.15 Enterprise Insurance Co 2e3.71 l'owelton Coal and Iron Co 973.21 Stott Coal Co 5,818.81 Ebervale Coal Co 2,432 91 Glnegow 011 Co 72t0 93 Harrisburg Car 'Manufacturing Co. 911.19 Big :Mountain Improvement Co 470.15 Reliance Insurance Co 476.15 Hart isburg Car Mantifectr.ring (-1)611.82 Dickson Mannfacturing co • 1,49 t 27 Central Transportation Co .. .• 4.706.58 United States Petroleum Co 3,41 4 .78 Philadelphia and JSahanoyCoalCo 4,2e0.91 Pennsylvania Fire Insurance Co American Fire insurance Co 2,121 3t Buck Mountain ()oat Co 1,861 32 Lehigh Crane Iron Co 3,921.05 APentown Iron Co 8,977.95 Leckawanna Iron and Coal Co .... 11,0)0.00 TItnTAIR Trnn ... 14,711.15 8..t,111-NRMI ATI9Ns r, a, ening Staletin. LIVERPOOL—Bark Arnie, Reed-21 crates 1 cask ethw Asbury Yount; 3Ca mdse W Crlet: i 7 crates 3 ~lca ttb %V f casks soda ash V.S4O pas load WO his tin plates 136 eke rr.dae 87 drums dotal caic soda order gown sacks iLarEhalPs :;160 do common Hamm & . MATANZAS- Bark Victoria, hickeltott-256 hhds 31 tc: Inolszeen order. -- 110VE111ENTS OFAR OCEAN STEAL:IIEI34. TO RIVE. anne =WI YOE D4lll Wm Penn. .... . ..„London..l 4 :ew Y0rk ...... ....May 16 11 ltnesota.... .. ..... Liverpool - New York May 19 TRiftwar...:. ... —.Liverpool-Boston - ....Mtsy.l9 A leer ica.. , ......Seutsf ampton ..New Y0rk...1.... ...M ay 19 - Aleppo . Liverpool-New York .May 19 Ciiy of Baltimore..Liverrool,New York.— ..... .319,,Y gp Virginia Liverpool_New York .... ..... May 21: Au5trian.....:..... .Liverpool.. Quebec . . May 21 1 el, toni a .Southampton..l9ew York ~... ..... May 21 t.;itv of cork Liverpoal-N Yoravi a Raiff ax... May _..--, St. Laurent Brest.. New York .... ...... May 23 TO DEPART. City of London.... New York ..Liverpool s:, ..May 10 Per.nevlv3nia.. ...New York..LiverpooL. ...'},1.i.c....".May 30 L'a.upe..... ..... . . New York..Havre 51ay 30 IA coining— ....:Philadelphia-Savannalt Slay 30 111bersit rt..... ...... .N ew York.. Glasgow... .... ...... May M Q., aker City.. ...... New York -Bremen ' May 30 1,11 a.. ... .... .....New York.. London.. - ..... .....May 30 tot urine New York-llavana. &c._ ... ....) fay 10 Etna— . ....New York ..Liverpl via idal'a ...Tune 1 Allmna New York ..ArAnwall.... ...... June IL ilummovia .... .... New York..ll4llllburg ....... ....June 2 5cetia........... ..New liork..Liverpool June 3 Nevada New York ..Vera Cruz. - .. .... 3t1,140 3 rfoneer. ...... ...PhEladelphia..Wilmington.........June it Siberia.-- .......New York ..Liverpool. June 3 Morro Castle New York..ll avails. .......tune 4 ri i VAL. . .. . . . .. ..New York ..LiverpooL Juno 4 dentists o . de Cubs... New York..Aspinwall. ..... ....June 5 ilar of the tinion..Philadera-N.O. via Havana....lune 6 dt -,-- -- ' '-'nea.....Philad'a..Elavatia June 16 .4.te d Strip 0 4 6 1111 1 ()F TRADP , . CllO. MOIIRIBON COATEE. J.ANIES DAUGHERTY, i MoxiluLT Comm - a.m. UEO. N. ALLEN. ItTI4N t 4,110.4 3111 141 PORT OF PHILADELPHIA -MAY '29 4.n room 4 4:31 Sun Sm. 718111 to n W►sin. 8 38" ARRIVED YESTERDAY. Ship Thomas llarivard, Strickland. from Liverpool 7th lilt. with rodeo to Peter Wright & Sons. Steamer C Comstock. Drake, 24 hours from New York, yi ith and ^ to W M Baird & Co. Steamer Gruutien 24 hours from New York, with rodeo to W M Baird & Co. Steamer E C Biddle. McCue, 24 hours from New York, with mdee to W P Clyde & Co. Bark Arnie, Reed, 58 days from Liverpool. with mdse to John 11 Penrose. Bark Alpha (Norse). Torgersen. 70 days from Arendel (Norway). in ballast to L Westergaard & Co. Bark Victoria (Br), I. ickemen, 11 days from Matanzas. with molasses to order. San M Draper, Steely, from Portland. with molames to captain. Behr S I, Russell, Smith from Broad River, NC. with lumber to Norcross & Sheets. Schr Helen Mar, Nickerson Now London. Tug Thos Jefferson. Allen, from Baltimore, with a tow of barges to W P Clyde & Le. Steam -tug America, Virden. 7 hours from the Delaware Breakwater, having towed thereto ship Belle of the Sea, for Pichilingoe (Cel), and left her at anchor. CLEARED YESTERDAY. Tag Thee Jefferson, Allen, for Baltimore. with a ;tow of barges, W P Clyde & Co. Steamer A C Stimers. Knox, New York. W P Clyde&Co. Steamer Shriver, Robinson, Baltimore, A Groves, Jr. steamer B Meinder. Passwater. Millville captain. Schr May Munroe, 'Munroe, Portland. Warren & Gregg. Solar Olive L Rourke (Br). Rourke. St John,Nß. do Schr Joe Warren, Wiley. Boston. Hammett Neill. Schr Bellow Eldridge, Derby, Conn. John Rommel, Jr. Schr Lottie Beard. Perry. New London. do Behr Rate Ricb,l mighty. Portland, .do Schr E Sinnickson. Whitmore. Boston. Sinnickson & Co. MEMORANDA. Ship Tonawanda, Julius. Jr. hence at St John, NB. opterdeY. ' Ships Yontiac, Selling, and Arkwright. Caulking. eared at New York. 27th inst. for San Francisco. Shirrecotia. Delano, from Shields 'l2th Dec. at Aden 18th ult. Steamer Prometheus, Gray, sailed from Charleston yea. .terday for this port. Steamer Malta (Br), McMicken. cleared at New York yesterday for Liverpool. Steamer United States. Norton, from Now Orleans Dist inst. at New York yesterday. Steamer Hansa (IVO), Von Oterendorp, cleared at New York yesterday for Bremen. titeamers George Cromwell. Vail, and Crescent City, Holmes, cleared at New Orleans 23d inst. for New York. Steamer Ariadne, Eldridge, at Galveston 20th instant from Now York. Bark R G W Dodge, Hooper, sailed from Trinidad 19th ha& for this Dort. Bark Ocean, Jones. hence at !Sayre 14th inst. Bark Telegraph, Hanson, hence at Cronatadt 14th inst. to load for New ork. Bark Annie Bacheldor. Steelman. at Cardiff 14th inst. for Now York. Bark Mary U Dyer, Wallington, 55 days from Monte. video for Cork. was supplied with beef May 1, lot 845 N. lon 0510. C Barks A Adams. Leavitt. and T R Walden. Walden. cleared at Aspinwall IBth lust. for Trinidad. Brig Maria W heeler,. Wheeler, at Trinidad 17th instant from Barbados. Brig F H Heath, hence for Portland, at Holmes' Hole 26th inst. Bair Lucy. Copp, hence at Portland 26th inst. Stirs Ist 1110 True, Hume. and Grand Master (Br). Sea. boy er. sailed from Cardenas 21.1 th lust. for a port north of Hatteras. Bahr R Peterson, English, hence at Portsmouth 25th inst. heir H 51 boners, Somers, at Norfolk 03th inst. flora New .1. reel. Stir Ida J (Br). Sadler. sailed from Cardenas Loth lust for a port north of Hatteras. Stir Mist, Johnson, at New Haven 26th instant from Trenton. Behr .1T illborger, Corson, cleared at, Georgetown, BC 19th ltnt. for this port, THE DAILY EVENING BULLETIN--PHILADELPHIA, FRIDAY, MAY .'29; 1808. Behr lihm, Lane, for this port: clearad at Hartford 25th inertia. echrs 7, f, Adam 3, liickersod. and Trade Wind. lion% man, heart , at itottr,n Llth bchr M P. btnith, Smith, hence at Gionfuegoo 17th inet. MARINE• MISCELLANY. • Seta VancY J . iir tou before reported eshore at Lewos. Het. t rung a leak ;•.',`..d lor* Labour. two fallen frdm CaPe lemlopen. dim was run into Delaware Breakwater. and the clew of the schr Geo M. /towline wont to her assist ance, when her , anchor was. blipped and, abe was run abloom for thepurpose of saving her.' The wreckers say It will cost $2600 to get her oti. Her bulwarks, galley and companion way are washed away, and same of the butta ratlike deck are, et. fled, and her Cant badly torn. tier -main deck is about 15 incites under water at Walt tide. The N Jl3 is an A 2 vessel of 223 touo old measurement, built at Pall River In 1854, and is owned In Providence. . . NAVAL. The U S steamer PenobAcot, Com. Eastman, from Car thageoa for Kingston, Jam. was spoken 23d last. tat 15 3 , lon 16$8—all welt. 0E6..1 HENKELS, LACY & CO,. TOIETESIII MO CHEMIN FOUR, Now offer an entire now stock of furniture in he latest style. comprising NEO GREG. RENOIBB ANGIE. POIMEEEI. GOTHIC* And other styles. We are prepared to offer inducements is We PF8P1218117:11t/BIES FINMAMELLED FURNITURE. GEO. J. HENKEL', LACY lk. CO., tuktl.w I m 2m THIRTEENTH and OffERTNUT. MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY. NEW YORK. Mint MEM, President. .ree-Prestla. L J3O It . I A N , I B IA3 ARDV W B:II. , GB, HENRY C. FREEMAN, iletretarys Cash Assets $1,200,000. ORGANIZED. JUNE, 1864. ALL POLICIES NON-FORFEITABLE. PREMICINIS PAYABLE IN CASH. LOSSES PAID IN CASIL. It Receives So Notes and Gives None. Ely the provieicus of its charter the entire surplus belongs to policy holders, and must ho paid to them in dividends. or reserved for their greater security, Ml dcr.dis are made on the contribution plan, and paid annu ally, commencing two years from the date of the policy. It ban already made two dividends amounting to 16'2, 000, an aount never before equaled during the first three years of m any company. PERMITS TO TRAVEL GRANTED WITH- OUT EXTRA MARGE. NO POLICY FEE REQUIRED. FEMALE RISWS TAKEN . AT THE USUAL PRINTED RATES, IVO EXTRA PREMIUM BEING DEMANDED. Applications for all kinds of policies, life, ten-year lifo endowment, terms or cnildren's endowment, taken. and all information cheerfully afforded at the BRANCH OFFICE OF THE COTIPLIY, , N q . ..*0 8 r Vg lD ily ti STREET EWES & GILIFFETTS,IIanagers. Enitem Department of the Stafe of Pennsylvania. Particular attention given to FIRE AND MARINE RISKS , WI, kb. in all instances, Will be placed in first elaas Corn. 1 4 a e a v ie, of this city. as well ae those of known standing in art. New England and Baltimore. ACCIDENTAL RISKS, AND INSURANCE ON LIVE STOCK. cc) et rally attended to. In leading Companies of that kind. strict personal attention to, and . prompt despatch of bTo•iness entrusted to our care, we hope to merit and re• ceho a full share of public patron:we. _ CHARLES E. ELME% _ (Late of Philadelphia National Rank.) WAL F. GIaFFITTS. Ja No. 4ik. Walnut Street. n:11131 W ACCIDENT TICKETS From One to Thirty Days. s.ocfil in care of death by iniury; and S''.33 per week in C.41,e of disabling injary; at cents per day. W ILLIAM W -ALLEN, Agent, FORREST BUILDING, No. 117 South Fourth Street. hp§ ',IDE RELIANCE INSURANCE COMPANY OF PAIL ADELPILIA. ltxorPorated in 1811. Charter Perpetual. 01nce, No. Bob Walnut street. CAPITAL sewoo. insures salami loss or damage by FIRE, en Derma and other Buildings, limited or perpetual, and on Fun.iture, Goods. Wares and Merebandiae in town or rtamtry. LOSSES PROMPTLY ADJUSTED AND PAID. Assets . . $421 177 74 Invested in the following Securities. viz.: t urt Mortgages on City Property,well sectired..Bl..%•6oo 00 States Government 117.eUU 00 Vbiladelphia City 6 per cent, L0an5 ......_....... 75,000 00 Ponosylvanis, $U,000,000 6 per cent. Loan ktl,ooo 00 Pennsylvania Railroad Bonds. find and second .. . ...... t .. • 36.0000 OC `.isn.den and Amboy HaitroidComPanY's ieX t flit. Loan .. . 6,00 0 00 Pudadelphia and Reading Railroad lion:ipany`s 6 per Cent. Loan. -• • .... .• • ... 6.000 00 11 ontindon and Broad Top 7 per Cent. Mort. Fug°Bonds .. .... 4,560 00 Go.:nty Fire Insurance "Compatirs 'Stock. ...... 1,050 00 Mezhanlcs' Bank Stock.. .... . . '.. 4,000 00 (Anatiercial Bank of Pennsylvania stock 10,000 00 ion Mutual Irunirance ComPanY's Stook •• • SW 00 ante Insurance Company of Philadelphia's . .. ........ &MO 00 C•ieh Rini Oit band ........ ...,.... 7.337 71 ✓orth at Par Worth Ws data at market prices DlREtzrons. clem. Tinsley, Thomas H. Moore, Wm. Musser, Samuel Castner. Samuel Bispham, James T. Young. LI. L. Carson. Isaac F. Baker. Wm. Stevenson. ChrL3tian J. Hoffman. Beni. W. Tingley, Samuel B. Thomas. Edwar Sitar. CLEM. TINGLEY. President. Thomas C. HILL, Secretar PUILAMELPHIA. December pIiCENIX INSURANCE iIIIMPAN OF PHILADELPHIA. INCORPORATED blOl--CLIA.P.TER PERPETUAL. No. 294 WALNUT street., opposite the Exchange. This Company insures f rem lows or damage by FIRE , r_ liberal terms, on buihnngs, merchandise, flumitnnt •.c., for limited periods. and permanently on buildings by iuposit or premium. The Company has been in active operation for more than sixty yeene. during whiek. all Muss have been orotuptly adiust.ed and paid. ti,, DIRECTORS. John L. Hodg " Dmid Lewis, M. B. Mahony. Benjamin E lting. John T. Lewis, . 'Thos. U. Powers, William S. Grant. A. R. McHenry_ Robert W. Learning, Edmond Castilion, D. Clark Wharton, Samuel Wilcox. Lawrence Lewis,_Jr.. Louis C. Norris. JOUN 1.. WUCDPRIm President. Smut= Wimoox. secretary. I EFFERSON FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY OF PHI ladelphia.—Oftiee. No. 24 North Fifth street. new Market street. Incorporated by the Legislature of Pennsylvania. Char ter Perpetual. Capital and AoseU,, $166.000. Make In aurance unhurt Lou or Damage by Ore on Public= sate Buildings. Furniture, Stocks, Goods and Ms (the, on favorable terms. DIRECTOR'S. ' • Wm. McDaniel. P.dward P. Moyer. lerael Peterson, _ Frederick Ladner. JohnE Belaterling. Adam J. Glass. Henry Troemner. Henry Delany. Jacob Bchandein John itiliett„_ Frederick Doll. Christian D:Frick. Samuel Miller. George E. Fort. William D. Gardner. WILLIAM MoDANlßL„President ISRAEL PETERSON, Vice-President. Pamir Z. Cowman. Secretary and Treasurer AMERIOAN FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. INCOE Porated 1810 --Charter peWM. No. 810 WALNUT street. a bbv e Third. Philadelphia. Raving a large paid•upCapl Stock and Surplus is varied in sound and available Securities, continue to in sure on dwellings, stores. furniture. merchandise, vowels enalTrt.erillbteirsiramott.riti other gaped'. Thomas B. Marl , PMEBEtartS. John Wets . Chaio uld 4 l. f .' ll. 4 - W . o eY. Patrick Br ady . brae monis. John T. Low . JO6ll r. %Attain. William W. Paul. THOMAS R. MARIS. Prod:lee, Amara, 0. L. CaLwrmamßacratarr. WIRE INSURANCE EXCLUBIVELY.—THE PENN. I: silvan's Fire Insurance Company—incorporated llfili —Charter Perpetual—No. 610 Walnut street. oppoidte In. dependance Square. This Company, favorably known to the community for over forty yearii, continues to insure against tom or dam. age by grey on Public or Private Buildings, *her parms. neatly or for a limited time. Also, on .rniture, Stocks sf Goods and Merchandise generally, on liberal terms. Their Capital. together with a large Surplus Fund. 10 in. vested in a most careful manner, which enables them to offer to the insured an_undoubted security in the case of 1083. DIRE RS. Daulal Smith, Jr., John Devereux. 1 Mexauder Benson, Thomas Smith. Isaac ilaselhurst. HenryHe names Robles . J. 0 Fell. Daniel _lladdoek. Jr. r. . . DANIEL SMITH. Jr.; President. Wsi.r.ums G. CROVirldfaa Secretary. rirrstwrrvicr.. &e. lINISIUMJILXOI%. er I_4 0 BE 1829 . -4Nmunit rmerruAL•4 IFFLANWLAIN FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY or PHILADELPHIA; Nos, 435 and 437 Chestnut Streets Assets on January 1,1868,; 02,0303,740 09 ... .. lO 1:184.848 20 iNGOM * E FIOR UN MC% Losses Paid Since 1829 Over iff4s, 500,000. Accrued Surplus . ........ ....... TINS ETI 23. 'LED CLAIM& 083t693 Perpetual and Temporary Policia. on Liberal Termel DIRECTORS. Chas. N. Bunker. Tobias Wagner. C i: I Tr: e Faked Samuel Grsuat.Eras. W. Le4ls , M. D.. Geo. W. Richards , Thomas Sparks. Isaac Lea, Wm. . Grant. CHARLESN. RALNOSER. President. OEO. PALES, Vice President JAB. W. MoAIdIfITER. Secretary pro tem. Except it.tLexingunt, Kentucky, We Company has no tenets West of Pittsburgh. felll WARE P" Vrifj.7isl'V r----- _ ISLAY , / uAL __INSURANCE COM, J.J paw,. A Incorported by the Legislature of rennso vials. IS Office. S. E. corner THIRD and WALNUT Streets. Philadelphia. MARINE INSURANCES On Vessels, Cam and Freight,to all parts of the world. UV LAND giBURANCES On goods by river, canal, lake and land carriage to an Darts of the Union. FIRE INSURANCES On merchandise sonerally. On Stores, Dwellings, dm ASSETS OF THE COMPANY. November 1.1887. e 200,000 United States Five Per Cent. Loan. 10.40's . ... $,01.000 00 120.000 United atlas; ar.i Per Cent Loan. . . ist4oo 00 00.000 United States 7 810 Per Cont. Loan. Treasury Notes. —,. ,„ . saga 10 $OO,OOO State of Pennsylvanii . Kix Ver . Ceni. Loan.. , ..... ........ ... ... .. . 110.070 00 125,000 City of Philadelphia Six Per Cent. Loan (exempt from tax) . . . . 125.825 00 10.000 State of New Jersey Six Per Cora. Loan 61,000 0 19,090 Pennsylvania Railroad First Mort. gage Six Per Cent, Bonds.. 10,900 0 igs,ooo Pennsylvania Railroad Second Mort. gage Six Per Cent. Bonds... —' , Uzi V' MOW We s tern Peruosilvania Railroad S ixf Per Cent Bonds (Penna. RR. guarantee). ...... . .. 110,000 in MOW State of Tennessee 'Five Per • Ci:rEt. Loan 18,000 7,000 State df Tennessee Six Per Cent. Loan.. . ... ..... 0. 270 00 11.000 sou share; i;t:iick . oViiiiletiliavn . . Chi; Company. Principal and interest guaranteed by the City of Phila. • delphia .. LO.OOO 00 7 bOO 11:0 shares stock Pennsylvania Ball. road Company 7,800 00 0.000 100 shares stock North Pennsylvania Railroad Company.. ... B.OOU 00 - . 0.030 80 shares stock Philadelyi . hia and Southern Mail Steamship Co 10.000 CO 071.900 Loans on Bond and Mortgage, first liens on City Pr0pertie5........... 801,903 00 111.1u1.4e0 Par Market Value 1114104. M 50 Cost, 5L089.679 2e- Real .... MOW CO Bide Re ce ivable for Inearances <.; 71iz136 it made. . Balances due at Agencies—P6l. Datums on Marine Policies—Ace crued Interest and other debts due the Company.. .. Stock and Scrip of sundii , Insu rance and other Companies. $0.076 00. Estimated value. . lu 0,017 00 Cssrun Bank , 103,015 DIRECTORS: Thomas C. Hand. _James 0. Hand. John C. Davis. Samuel E. Stokes. Edmund A. Bonder. James Travair, Joseph IL Beal, William C. Ludwig. Theophilus Paid/wog, Jacob P. Jones, .. Hugh Craig. James B. McFarland. Edward Darlington. . Joshua P. Eyre * , John It. Penrose. - John D. Taylor 11. Jones Brooke. iencer Melly Henry Sloan, Henry C. DallettN.. Georye G. Lelper, George W: Bernadon, William G. Boulton. John B. Semple. Pittsb.Fgh. Edward Lafourcade. A. D T. Morgan. Jacob Bleitel. A. B. Berger TRAT_C. HAND, President. DAN/B, Vice President. ETENRY LYLBURN, Secretary./ HENRY BALL. Assistant, BeeretarY. FIRE ASSOCIATION OF FELLADEL Phi& Incorporated March 27, M. Office. it o. 34 N. Fifth etreet. Insure Buildings, 7 household Furniture and Merchandise genemlly,from Lou by Fire (in the City of Philadelphia only./1 Statement of the Assets of the Auoclation JP ;Mary Ist, 1803, published in compliance with the pro. t;2101311 of an Act of Assembly of April stlh 1841 Bonds and Mortgages on Property in the Lib , of Phßadelphit only • 16;616;16. 17 Ground Rents .. 18,914 95 Real Estate . • 61.744 57 Furniture and Fix tures of Office • 4,450 03 U. S. 5.20 Registered Bonds.. 49,000 SO Crxh on hand.. . ....... 31.873 11 TRUSTEES. William H. Hamilton, Samuel SParhalmis. Peter A. Keyser. Charles P: Hower. John Carrow, Jesse Lightfoot, George 1. Young, Robert Shoemaker. Leviß. Lynda% Peter Armbruster. Levi P. Coats. M. a Dickinson. Peter Williamson. WM. H. HAMILTON, President. SAMUEL SPARILIWE. Vice President. WM. T. BUTLER, Secretary. L., DIVED FIREMEN'S INSURANCE COMP This Company takes risks at the lowest rates consistent with safety. wad confines its business exclusively to FIRE ENBIJBANCE IN TEE CITY OF PHIL-DEL PELL 0 FFICE—No. Ta Arch Street, Fourth National Bank Building. DIRECTORS: Thomas 3. Martin. Albert C. Roberts. John Hirst. Charles R. Smith. Wm. A. Rohn. Albertus King, ames Monism]. ' Henry Bumm, William Glenn, James Wood, James Jenner, John Shallcross, Alexander T. Dickson, J. Henry Askin. Lobert 13. Panels, Hugh 'Mulligan. Philip F tzpatrick. s. CONRAD B. ANDRESS, President. Was. A. Romer, Treas. Was. H. FA.GXN. Ber.'y. EM1,177 76 $432,0&) 21 HE COUNTY FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY.—Or lice, No. 110 South Fourth' street, below Chestnut. ' - "The Fire Insurance CA' pany of the County of Phil Incorporated by the Legislature of PennsYlve in if for indemnity againat lose or damage by fire. 3xcluelvely. CHARTER PERPETUAL 'Ebbs old and reliable inatitution,with ample capita land ontingent fund carefully invested, continues to imure 'n.ildings, furniture. merchandise.dta. either permanent': or for a limited time, againat loss or damage by &last the lowest rates consistent with the absolute safety of its cue otuore Losses taloned and paid with all posaible despatch. DLRECTORS: Chas. J. Sutter. Andrew IL Miller, henry Bndd. James N. Stone, John Horn, Edwin L. Reakirt, Joseph Moore .. Robert V. Massey. Jr.. (home Macke. Mark Devine. CHARL S J. SUTTER, President HENRY BUDD, Vice-President. USW/LION F. lIQZOKIXT, Secretary and Treasurer. th■tf ETNA LIVE STOCK INSURANCE COMPANY OF .111.1 HARTFORD. CO C. NNC. . KIMBALL, President. T. 0. ENDERS. Vice President. J. B. TOWER. Secretary. ' This Company insures HORSES, MULES AND CATTLE sgainet Death by Fire Accident or Disease. Also, against 1 heft and the Hazards of Transportation. THILAIOLLPIIIA ABIZILENCIP26 B. B. Kingston,. Jr., Gen. Freight Agent Penna. R.R. J. B. Brooke,Manager Comm 'l Agency, Ledger Building. A. di H. Lejambre, Cabinet.ware Manufacturers, 1436 Chestnut street. David P. Moore's Sone, Undertakers, 822 Vine et. C. H. Brink'. Man'r /Etna Life Ina. Co., 4th bet Chestnut. 11. R. Deacon. Lumber dealer, 2014 Market et. Geo. W. Reed & Co., Wholesale Clothier. 423 Market at. - WILLIAM C. WARD, General Agent. Forrest Building. Noe. 121 and L S.S. Fourth st., apt gre Philadelphia. Pa.• ANTHRACITE INSURANCF. COMPANY. —CHAR TER PERPETUAL. Office, No. 811 WALNUT street, above third, Philads. W W insure against Lou or Damage_by Fire on Build Inns, either perpetually or for a Limited time. Household Furniture and Membandise generally. Also, Marine Insurance on Vessels. Caroes and Freights. Inland Insusscpsto allparta of the Union ramEcrr oitb.' Wm, Ember., Peter Sieger. D. Luther J. E. Baum, Lewis Audenried„ Wm. F. Dean, John R. Blakiston. John Ketcham. Davis Pearson. John B. EleYl. ESHER, President. F. DEAN. Vice Pres.idthe.attnt. jaSiltu 'WANE INB'URANOE (3()Bt i Street. P FIRE INSUR HILAIT ANC EXCLUSIVELY. DIRECTORS. 1 r Fronds N. Back. - Philip 1,. Jude% Charles Richardson. I John W. Evermaq, Flory Lewia. rward D. Woodran. Ropint tgorco. ' no. Reader, Jr.. Ir. % we'. 'h". V I". Ilea , &M u , N. B BlAn c to de ruby. IRAS. RIORAREI C IOUceProddent. Wirztuta Ewannualln. wo . ERV ED , syrup, of tho celebrated Chybang brand alto, Dry Pauserced Gilmer, In boxes, imported and for Isla br tTOSEPII B. BUSSIM ix •CO., 108 fiouth Doltwßt' avenue. 11.607,64 LI dels to oat WM. WM. Secretary. ANY. NO. NO X 406 OHM M, 010148 .AUOTIONEEIt% , • A • 1106. V& and 10 South Ft)f.HCFil street. _____SALE3 OF IFF01)113 AND 'B.EAL 'ESTATE. Peblic sales at the Philadelphia Exchange TUESDAY, at 12 o'clock. , Or' Handbills of each prope : rly leaded sitparatelt In addition to vrtileh we publish, on the Saturday prery to each sale. ono thousand catalogues in pamphlet forte , giving full deuriptions of all the property to be gold on the t OLLOVViNU TLESDAY, and a List of Rea! Estate at Private Bale. K Our Bales _are also advertised in the followittl uewnspere i Noaru AME.E.10•24, Proms. Lxnoan, LEGAL. INTELLIGENCE& hiq'CIEEIL AGE, EvEntlig Brn.L.lrrns. EirasiNG TELEGE.O9S. GranAN Dr3fer GAT, esc. $ Furniture Sales at the Auction Store EVER THURSDAY., ear - Bales at residences receive especial attention. STOCKS, LOANS, &c. ON TUESDAY JUNE 2, At 12 o'clock noon, at the rhiladelphia Exchange, • FM share, Pennsylvania Fire insurance Co. 126 sharea Wyoming Valley Canal. Its; shares American Button Hole Maehine 10 shares Chesapeake and Delaware Canal Co. 60 Pilsres Coal Ridge Improvement Co. • am City of Pittsburgh Honda, 80 shares Camden and Burlington Co. RR.; par 521. 200 apart Blitler Coat Co. s tare Point B. cox() Park Aadociatlon. 1 share Academy of Fine Arts. ICU charm NatUnal Armor and Ship Building Co. ; Executors' • ale -300 flares Metull County Oil Co. 100 ;Mares Cow Creek and Stilwell Run. 1040 shares Hopewell Copper ' e 6 shares American Cava' Coal and Iron Co. SOO ebarea Heihhorn and Camden Oil Co. 10 shares Consumers" Mutual Coal Co. IWO BOnd Susquehanna Lumber Co. REAL ESTATS SALE, :TUNE 2. Orphans' Court Bale-Estate of JOBB. Pbiiip Prifold, 'dec'd. - - FRAME DWELLING, Eic:. 813 North Fifth at., abovellireWn. Trneteelf- sale-By Order of the Supreme Court -Nre. LUABLE COAL La Nno, Laaerne county, Pa. ELEGANT COUNTRY' dr. AT. lu ACRES, opposite Cold during Station on the Philadelphia and Trenton Railroad. 2 111004 above Bristol. Peremptory Sale-By order of Stockholders-VA.LC. ABLE OIL and TIMBER LaND3. are arty of Hughes River Oil Co.. Wirt comity, West Virginia. orphans" Court.Sale-Vetato of Mary Main, deed.- GENTEEL THRER-STORY BRICE. DWELLING, El E. corner of boventb and Evangelist eta. orpnatue Court Sale-Estate of John Grandom. deed.- LL.dECU.RLD IaREDERALABLE,GROUND RENT. $232 a year. Orphans' Court Sale-Eatate of George Moore dec'd.- TWO STORY BRILK DWELLING, NA 23 Ashland at. STEAM SAW MILL FARM and MISER LANDS. E3:5 k ES, Weber:mon Creek. and Tyrone and ...lean. Bald Railroad, near Phillipsburg t :entre county, Pa. MODERN TIIP,.EFAiTORY BRICK. RESIDENLIM, Na. 15013 Montt Vernon at. Hawaii the modern conveniences. MODERN TiiliEE-eTORI Bata RKSIDENCeI, with Bide yard. No. 6alNorth Tenth et, above Green ; • has the modem conven knees Lot 21 feet front. MODERN THREESTORY BRICK' RESIDENCE, with Stable and Coach House and Side Yard. No. 1425 Poplar at , 3e feet front. 110 feet deep to Cat , bridge at VALUABLE BUL.DING LOT, ,Poplar at.; adjoining the above on the west. ELEGANT FOUR-STORY BRICK RERIDENCE, No, 913 North Broad at. south of Girard avenue, `SO feet front, 160 feet deep to Ontario at. VALUABLE BUSINEBBOTAnDs-2 Etvr.RTORY BRICK and GRANITE STUREB, N 0.,. 10 and la) Walnut et. ToCapitalista and Otbets-VE LY YALU. BLE K f4l NESS PROPe,STY, known as the • Central Buildings." Nos. 218 X, a0C.:20 ntnut street, opposite the Merchants' Exchange-35 feet on Wahiut et., IsB feet in depth to c'ear et-2 1 route VALUABLE HOTEL, known as the "Philadelphia Rouse," Atlantic avenue. Atlantic City, N. J. HANDS , -ME MODERN THREF-d'IORI BRICK RE SIDENCE, S. W. corner of Twentieth and II co ate. ilea the modern conveniences. Executors' reremptory Sale-Estate of Wm. Eager, dec'd -2X-STORY BRICK DWELLING, No 1114 Frank. ford road. Same Eetate , -TURERSTORY BRICK DWELLING No. P Duntony, In the rear of the above. Brune Estate TIiREE - STORY FRAME DWELLING. No. 8 Denton . 4 LISTS, Dauphin et, between 28th and 29th. Executers' Sale-Estate of John Milicr. dec'd.-GEN TEEL THREE-STORY BRICK DWELLING, No: 651 North Tenth at. above Wallace. ec,. tore' Sal—Estate of Preeella Barnhu , atoleed - WELL.SECURED iItitEDEEMABLE tihOUND RENT, $lBO a V,PbT TEIREE.STORY BRICE DWELLING• ..N 1.418 Ssnsom asset. , THREE•STORY BRICK HUILDING, 0. E. corner of 'Moore and Cuba ate., let Ws , d THREE STORY BRICK BUILDING, Cuba at, adjoin ing the above. Sale No. 2124 Spring Garden s'ro t. HAM SOME WALN..T IFURNITURE, I,OSFVV.3OD 1 IAAO FORTE, ELIIGAN t . V eiLVE P CA.ReEtTd. &o. ON MONPAY MORNING. June L at 10 o'clock, at No. 2.'2.4 Spring Garden stre tby catalogue, elegat2 Wa nut and .nthison Plush t•rawing Room Suit, Oiled Walnut Chamber Suit. five suits stip& riot Cottage Ceamber Furniture, Ook lining Beim Fur• intern fine toned Rosewood Plana Forte elog.tnt Velvet and Brussels Carpets, China and Glassware. Kitchen Uteniils, !I he articles have been to use but air, months. and are equal to new. --- Executor a Sale. Estate tit Ls., S. Levering, decd LEASE, GOODWILL. ITRES, Fl - RNITURE, ka ON TUESDAY MORNING. June 2, at 10 o'clock. on the premises, No. 143 South Front street, Counting House E"urniture, Loam, Good• will. dm. • • Sale at No. 412 North Second stteet LI e NDSOId F. WALNUT iI()UsEEIQLJ FURNITURE, FRENtiI PLATE Al *NTEL MIRROR. CELI.NA AND GLASSWARE . . H ANDSOM BRUSSILLS, DIPE• RIAL AND OTHER , CARPETS. dm. ON TUESDAY MORNING, June 2, at 10 o'clock, at No. 435 North Second street by catslogue, the entire handsome Walnut Parlor Furniture, Fine French Plate Mantel Mirror, Suits Elegant Walnut Chamber Furniture, Fine Matresses. two limadmine - . Waut Bookcas.s. Superior Sideho‘rd, Extension Tat) ek Fine ln China and Glassware, Handsome Engli•li Bruesela, Imperial and other Carpets, Alattings, Kitchen Utensils. dec.. dec. May be examined at 8 o'clock on the morning of' sale. Sale No. 1926 Spring Gardon street. VERY ELEGANT Fi RNIIVRE. HANitSONIE 'MIR RORS. MEYER PIANO FORTp ELEOAN VPIXET AND ENGLISH BRUSSELS CARPETS, FINE OIL I'M:STUN S. Pll3ll CtltTATti dm ON WEDNESDAY MORNING. t. June 1. at le o'clock, at No. 1926 Sp' - in g Garden Pt. by catalogue the entire Furniture. inc tiding —Superb Suit Carved Walnut Drawing Room Fnrniture,siogant Omar ber k limit re. Handsome Walnut and item Library ait, large and very elegant Carved Walnut itookcase,elegant Va lout Sideboard. Handsome Cabinet, Elegant Etagere," Ifall Table and Hat Stand, five Fine French Plate Mantel and Pier Mirrors. Handsome Frames; Rosewood Seven Octave Piano Forte, made by Meyer; Wtndow Cur tains. Very Fine Oil Paintings, Handsome French China, Fine Cut Glassware. Hair Matresses, Elegant Velvet and Brussels Carpets. Kitchen Furniture, Az. The entire f urniture was made to order by Allen. and is equal to new, having been in use but di months. May be seen early on the morning of sale JAMES A. FREEMAN, AUCTIONEER, No. 922 WALNUT street Sale 327 Chestnut street. GOODWILL AND FIXTURES oF A RESTAURANT. BAGATELLE TABLES, FURNITURE, itic. ON SATURN.) MORNING. At 11 o'clock, will be sold without ree rye, the Goodwill and Fixturee of a Drinking &loon, including Mirror., Bagatelle Tablet, Marble Top Tables Furniture, Receiver's Sale No. D:Se North Seventh street. FIXTURES OF 6 BREWERY. TUBS, 6c. ON MONDAY MORNINU. At 11 o'clock, will be sold, without reaorve, to does the partnership between It}egret! et Conrad, the out' e Fix• twee of a Brewery', inclue lag Copper Kettle, Mevh Tube, Cooling Tank, Fermenting Tube, Iloglhends, Casks Wa• pirair&c. - Terms Cash RV - ,Salo Peremptory. Peremptory Sale No. 35 sleuth Fourth street. LEASE, STOCK, GuODAVILL AND FIXTURES OF A BADDLEnY HA RDWARE STORE. ON. TUESDAY MORNINie June 2, MB, at 10 o cluck, will bo ald at public sale, without reserve. at No S 5 South Fourth street the entire and complet e stock of M. Goff dr Co.. inclad , ng Ilaruese Mountings, Stimuli+, Bite, Spurs. Dames, - Cl 'ins, Webs. Threads, SaddlerY' Tows, Curry - Combs, Brushes Princes Check. Serge. Saddle Cloths. Leather, Bridle Fillings, tls Pete, 'Welch's Fite Sliver platted Motattings,Caetings, LEASE, GOODWILL. %NDX.PORTS Also, the Lease of the fo, notory store No 35 South Fourth street, the Good will and the complete Fixtures, Shelving, Counters. Office Pidniture, I arse Safe. tee. Pe'" The utia9le will be offered in one. Lot, and If not se 1/Np20:(1 of will be sold by cataltyne. 'a he sale to con time until all is disposed of. Pr" Terms cash. WV — Halo Peremptory, Kir Catalogues on Thursday. AT P_IgVATE BALE. BURLlNGTON:::ATlfoi,d&Ono — e — Siorziidon , on Main et. lot 56 by 700 feet. • ,o WOODLAND TERRACE,--Ilandeoine Modern Reel BY B. SCOTT, JD. SCOT 'S ART GALL ER' No. 1056 CHESTNUT street. Pbtladelvhia. EXTRAORDINARY ART SALE. B. SCOTT. Jr.. uctioneer, will sell by auction, at Scott's Art Gs Rory, 1020 Chsernut street. ON TIIURSDAY, FRIDAY and B ATJRDAY EYEN INDS. May 28, 29 and 80 the entire Collection of Superb Oil Printings and elrystal 31 edalliass from the American Art Gallery New York. established by thrhpresent proprietor in 1816 for the en. comagement of Artists. Tire collection numbers 210 choice specimens by artists of rep , Wien. Thu 'Lemma arc appropriately mounted in flue go'd Iraf f ram t , e,which aro sold together in every Instance. This Is a groat ep. por , unity tor procuring works of American art. Now on view, free, Sale commences at a quarter before eight. ryin.E PRINCIPAL MONEY Kt , " r • nt,rre • 1 corner of SIXTH and RACE streets. Honey advanced on Merchandise gee , rah, Jew OM Diamonds, Gold and Silver Plee and or articles of value, for any length of time egret d on. WATCHES AND JEWELRY AT PRIVATE OM ii. Fine Gold Bunting CaerDoubit Botton I cad Qum Face English, American and S wiss Patent Lover . Wrati.beg Fine Gold Hunting Case and Open Face Le , Me Witches: Fine Gold Duplex and other Watches; Fine Silver Hunt ing Cruse and Open Face English, Americas. and. Swiss Patent Lever and Lenin° Watches; Double Case English gnarlier and other Watches: Ladies' Fancy Watches: Diamond Breastpins; Finger Eta Rings; Studs, tso. ; Fine Gold Chains, Medallions; Bracelets; Scarf Pine; Breastpins; Finger Rings ;Pencil Cases and Jewelrf se i n, O er ßAL alli. E.—A large land valuable Fireproof Chest, suitable for a Jeweler; cost Sae). Also, several lots in South Camden. Mtn and Chesdunt streets. . (1 D. hIoOLE.ES & CO. fiql_CUESSOItfl '1"to mouL,Kiff A ND & CO. Auctionoors, No. 1500 DT ARRET atm.+ BALE OF 1800 CASNS_DOCYrES, STIOES, BROGANS, ir &L,DIORALS. o - IOND AV MORNING. Juno 1, at 10 o'cl see will sell by catalcguo, for cash. 1800 9320/ Boots WWl*, Brogans. &c., tram city and Eastern to Also, Woineleo...Bllssos' and Children's city tnado goods. Y P A l ti'l l! 4 ' C9'. AUCTI9NEEItS B Cat3ll &LOTION HoUBN, No, MO MAIMET streo. corner of BANK etrot. Cash advanced on consist/intents without extra chanie ralitlrv..tsoll4 kotalt?..lek . looltSie FIE t 4. 1111./NTINO. DURBOROW. , AUOTIONERIitda .1.) lOC 2112 and 224 M.A.R.Mstreet.ree Bank dal& SUCKIESSORti TO JOWL M RR . 1:7 . LARGE PEREMPTORY' _SALE , U FREt 011 ANVIV * OTHER EUROPEAN - IDRYSOODS, ON MONDAY bIORNING.. •,‘ June 1. at 10 o'clock, ON FO MOTHS'MOTHS' CR ,Drr, 900 lota of French, ludia. German and British Drr LARGE POSITIVE SALE OF FRENCH. SAXONY. • 'BRITISH AND ITALIAN DICY GOODS. &c. NOTlCE—lncluded in our sale on MONDAY, June 1, at 10 o'clock, on four months' credit, will be found part the following, viz— DRESS GOODS. Piece/ Part• black and colored Plain and Fancy Dtlaines. Poplines. - do. Paris Plain and Fancy Grenadine* naregsr. Piques. do. Black and colored Mohair,, Alpacas Poplin do. Silk and Wool. Plaids. Mr.:Ambigua, GLtghsmß do. Punted Jaconets, Lawns, organdies, _ Pieces Lyons Black a:kit/Colored Gros Grains, Drop da France. do. Poult de Solos, Gros du Rhin, Taffetas, CadrilleS. SHAWLS AND ()WARS. Full line Paris Brochs Butter Stella. Shawls and Scarfs. Full line Merino. Crichemere and Fancy 'Shawls, Cloaks. &c., —ALSO— , Full lir 09 Parld Drees ank flloak Trimmings, Ornaments. 1 , 1 al lines Braltle, Buttons. F.nibroideries, Crepes, Ties. Full lines Balmoral and Hoop Skirts, - Quilts, White coda. Full line Ribbons, Ilinbrellni,„Paracobs, Fancy Goode, ,dtc. PLUMEns. An invoice of French Artificial Flowers, fine. and bean* titul tAooda, tiny: PEREMPTORY SALE OF BOGV SHOFB. BROGANS, TRAVELING BAGS, SUM GOODS. 41c., dr.c, ON TUESDAY MORNING. June 2, at 10' o'clock, on FOUR MONTHS' CREDIT. 2000 packages Boots, Shoes. Er4gans,'dee., tlratnlasi city and Eastern manufacture. LARGE EMOTIVE BALE OF BRITISH, FRENCH. GERMAN AND DOMESTIC DRY OOPS. ON FO1: - " MONTHS' CREDIT. 02. TI . LISDAY MORNING. • June 4. at 10 o'clorx.embraring about lOW Packsges and Lots of Staple and Fames Articles. . • : 1 1 1.10 MAS BIRCH A ^ SON, AUCTIONEERS AND COMMISSION ANTS. No, 1110 CHESTNuT street. Rear Entrance 1101 Samna street. HOUSEHOLD .FURNITURE OF EVERY DESURIF.• lON RECEIVED ON CONSIGNMENT. Sales of Furniture at Dwellings attented to on the inOir reasonable terms. • Sale at No. 1309 Girard avenue. HANDSOME HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, FINE CARPETS. die. ON TUESDAY MORNING, June 2 at 10 o'clock. at No. 1309 Girard avenue. will be sold, by order of Administrator, the entire Household Furniture, comprising—Elegant Brussels,. Vent hien and. ingrain Carpets( Walnut Parlor Furniture. Oak Dialog Room Furniture, elegant Chamber Salta of Walnut. large Wardrobes, Secretary and Bookcase, Spring and 'Hair Mal realms Bedding, China and Olaasware. dre.; Alto, E itchen Furniture. 'l be Cabinet Furniture was Manufactured by C. Jr. llenkelio, and is nearly new. Catalogues will be ready for delivery at the auction store on Saturday. • , . • The Furniture can be examinedearly on tht morning of sale. ' , FINE FOWLING' PIECES. At same time will be sold, one superior double barreled Fowling klece, made by Krider—cost $915. BOOKS. - - Also, a Library of Miacellaneous Books. • HOUSE TO LET. The house No. 1209 Girard avenue to rent. Apply at the Auction Store. Sale at No. 215 North Thirteenth etreet. 11012SFEOLD FURNITURE. ROSEWOOD PIANO. MANTEL GLASS. FIREPROOF, ENGRAVINGS, BRUSSELS, INGRAIN AND VENETIAN CARPETS. dre. • ON WEDNESDAY MORNING. June 3. et 10 o'clock, by osmium", at No. 215 North Thirteenth street, will be sold, the Parlor, Chamber. luing Room and Kitchen Furneture of a family deo clining houeekeoping , 'I he furniture may be examined after 8,o•elock on the morning of sale. Catalogues can bo had at the auction store on Monday. Vf.T THOMPSON & CO.. AUCTIONEERS. . Co NCERT HALL AUCTION ROOMS. 1213 CHESTNUT street and 1219 and 1241 CLOVER street RD—We take pleasure in 'informing the public that our FURNITURE BALES are confined strictly to entirely NEIN' and FIRST CLASS FURNITURE. all in leafed order and guaranteed in every respect. 'egular Sales of Furniture every WEDNESDAY. Out-door sales promptly attended to. • 1.,4110E SPECIAL, SALE OF 'HOUSEHOLD FURNI -IURE. AT THE WAREROOMS OF MIL D. B. SLIFER. O. 231 NORTH SECOND Sr. ON TUESDAV MORNLNG, JUNE 2, At IA o'clock, will be sold. a very desirable assortment of Household Furniture , comprising— Antique and modern Parlor Suite, in French satin brocatolle, plush, hair cloth. terry, and reps, in oil and varnished; Bedsteads, Bureaus and Washstands, in Elizabethan. Grecian' Antique and other styles; Cabinet, Sewing, Dining, Studio, Reclining. Reception and Hall Chairs; Piano Stools, E.scretoires, An:nonce, Music Racks, elegantly carved Sideboards, corn. bination Card and Work Tables, Turkish Chase, marble top Etegeres, Whatnots, Library and Secretary Book cases, lA'ardrobes„Commodes. marble top Centre Tables. Extension Tables, pillar, French and turned loge, Library Tables. Hanging and Standing List Racks, dm. at alogues can be obtained of Mr. filifer.and also at the cancel t Hall Auction Room& the, day before the sale. D aVii) & lIARVEY, AUCTIONEERS. Late with M. Thomas & Son& Store No. 4.2 i WALNUT Street. • FURNITURE SALES at the Sfore every TUESDAY• SALES AT RESIDENCES will receive particular at•ention. LEGAL NOTIUICh. .N TDB DISTRICT COURT OF VIE UNITED .1 States for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania-]n Bankruptcy—at Philadelphia. Nay Id, 1989. The under signed hereby gives notice of his avoointment as As signee of GEORGE SCHAFFER and GEORGE 11. ROB ERTS, copartners, cte., lately tradtng as SCHAFFER ds `i hi PORERTS. of Philadelphia, in the county of ,St ate of Perinsylvania,within said Dietrlct,who have I eon adjudged Bankrupts upon their own petition by the said District Court. WM. VOODES, Aiwigneo, 129 South Sixth street. To the Creditors in Bankruptcy. „ inyl4f.3t. II,fONELL VB, In0:!IELL.•:-IN DIVORCE, C. P. ANL March Term, 18013, :No, 34. TO W.M. BIONELb—Dear Sir: Please take notice that the Court has appointed Id matellua Alabott,Esq..'l , :xsaniner in tide case, and that ho will sit to discharge the' duties of hie appointment, at an adjourned meeting thereof, at his office, Ao, 130 South Sixth street. on Wednesday, 10th of June, Ma at 10 o'clock'A. M. interrogatories have been tiled, and you are at liberty to Interrogatories crdasdnterrogatoties, or appear and croes.examine the witnesses. With Revtpect, &o, U. LIARRY bAVIS. Attorney for Libellant. May 8. The above notice is given in Consequence of an order to that effect made in the said Court this day. mv2s Lst N THE COURT OF COMO P H I L ADELP H IA. T fv HE - CITY AND COUNTY OF PETER TURNER, and all other parties interested: Notice 11) hereby ven . that on the sixteenth day of May, IEO3, the petition of f EDWARD HARLAND. Truett)°, was prtsented to the Court for an order on the Recorder of Deeds, to enter satisfaction of record upon a certain mort gage made by Davis Bassett and Mary, his wife, to Peter Turner, for two hundred pounds, lawful money of Penn sylvania, dated on the third day of September, 1732, re corded v ol. office for recording deeds of Philadelphia, in Book X. page 122, &c., on a certain messuago and lot on the north side of High street, 93 feet west front Sixth street, In the city of Philadelphia, containing in breadth 19 feet 1 inchrancl in length 131 feet. W hereupon the Court ordered that, notice be given by the Sheri nextppear in said Court on the twentieth day of June at 11 o'clock, A. M. and show cause why the prayer of the petitioner should not be granted, PETER LYLE, Sheriff. v 20, 1840. WV'S OYFICE, Mn IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED b.7 . 4.TES I for the -Easteni District of Pennyylvania.—ln Bank.. ruptcySkt Phiradslphta, April:l2d. 1868. The undersigned. het eby givea untie., of his appointment as Assignee of i !TOMASIi. BELCHER, of Philadelphia, in the County of Philadelphia, and state of Pennsylvania, within said lien - ict, woo has been adjudged a Bankrupt upon his o'i n petition by the Said District Court, WM. VOUDES, Assignee. To the Creditors of said Bankrupt. mytl.f tits 1 N THE DISTRICT COURT OF ¶IHE UNITED 1 States for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania.—ln Itaukrnptcy—At Philadelphia, April the luth. 1868. The undersigned hereby give. notice of •hts appointment as ss.snee of JOHN FRED. SMITH. of Philadelphia,in the comity of Philadelphia and State of Pennsylvania. within said Disnict. who has been adjudged a bankrupt, upon hi. , own petition, by We said District Court. WM. VOGDES, Assignee, No. 128 South Sixth street. To the Creditors of said Bankrupt. DV t2fr3t. -- - - N 7IIF DISTRICT COURT OF TILE UNITED States for the Eastern District of Penurylvania.-In itsuknustcy. - At Philadeichia, April the 80th, A. D.. iseg.- The undersigned herehy_gives notice of his a voult ,ent as assignee of WILLIAM It BREADY. of Philadelphia, in the County of Philadelphia, and state of Pennsylvania, within said District, who has been adjudged a Bankrupt , upon his cant petition by the aid District Court. VOODES.' Assignee. pa South Sixth street. To the Creditors of said Bankrupt. naylg,f,ilt• 1; 1 8 i ATE OF lIENRY CAGNONCLE, DECEASED.— ri Letters Testamentary on the last will sad testemellt et P aid decoaied. having been granted to the linden:domed. persona Indebted are requested to make payment, end slicer having claims or demands against the estate of said decedent to make known the same without delay' to EMILIE CAGNONCLE, Executrix. :104 South Eighth Mathor to her Attorney, H. E. WALLACE, Alit South etrfet.._. niyls 6t4 rtltalliCT COURT UNITED STATES. gmar.aN 1 i DI ' , Vat; r PENNS YLV ANIA. . .- RICHARD S. C RIST IA NI. of Philadelphia.llankrutd,, littying petitioued for hie discharge, a meeting of . Orem. tors will be held on rho 17th day of :Rine, 1801 (Adcock P. al.. before Register J. HUBL,EY ASHTOIFI Esq., at r• 0. fill, Walnut street. in the city of Philndel ta; that ihe examination of the bankrupt may be tints ed, and at huntress of meetings required by sectiOna 97th and 28th of the net of Congress, transacted. The Register will certify whether the Ban k rup t has conformed to his duty. A hearing will; mgo be had on WEDNESDAY, July 1,18f4 before the Court id Phibidd phla, at 10 o'clock A. M., when mutt* Interested may show cause against the discharge, .• .- . , . Witness Honorable JOHN CADWALADER. (sea r.. I Judge, and Seal of the Can Nit Phlumelellia. May la Ilia H,,, , KIX, Clerk. Attest—F.lmm T. Chaim Reilater, ' ' myla fMI - L'ISTATE OF atattrat, (.40ROA 'DECEASED.-, -111 Letters testamentary on'.'oo:-' . - - .ite of SAMUEL DOROAS, deceased, basin o beitha nu t ted to stie nudes. signed, au pervious having. s c :er - ders b andaegainst said Estate sire requested to. Pilate, Om ' * same to them l e without delay, and aU'Verionst 'bte to paid estate are requeated to makit p_ . epl,,, , ittS.AEL MORRIS, an Market at., It. it . DOW ' Oil Market at. myi.('it' B, onon Ank,agrolt nuicur t fun tilde wivoi uttto,Crei ( c),2 .1 eters Ample : Ai% Wtirt _dr,„'remir agora' Trtotott atm lOgmatit, by- JOB. is. sitt tr. 0 • Bole Agents. tte Wan avenue. •~'r:.t~
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers