IreLzomiPllllCl VAI BUM I. Gzs. MEADE bas declared the new constitution ratifiedimOcorgia by 17,600 majority. GEN. SCROFIELD has. appointed G. W. Gunn to , be Mayor of Winchester, Va. Tuft North German Confederation has adopted the customs' provisions of the recent treaty with Austria. , THE tobacco warehouse of D. C. Mayo 43.5 Co., in Richmond, has been seized for fraud on the revenue. , A LAnttz warehouse, filled with corn and hay, in New Oilcans. was destroyed by an incendiary fire on Sunday night. Loss, $lOO,OOO. GEN. BUCHANAN has suspended the collection of taxes during the present year, in the districts of Louisiana which were overflowed last year. AN Atlanta despatch says it has not yet been "tletermined whether the Georgia Legislature is Republican or Democratic. • • • " Thrust' Rasznit.rn, who was tried before a military commission in Selma. Alabama, was re .leased from confinement yesterday. , 'A STATE Fenian Convention is now in session at Syractise, N. Y, with one ' hundred and fifty . seven delegates in . attendance. - JOSEPH LEE cec SONS', cotton and woolen lac- ' tory, at Bridgeport, opposite Norristown, war;l datnaged bytfire yesterday to the amount of $15,- 000 or $20,000. , ' THE bill abolishing the State constabulary in Massachusetts has been vetoed by. Gov, Bullock. ,It la doubted whether it can, pass both House of -the Legislatnre•over his' veto: t • ' JEROME BONAPARTE., late of the United States Army, and now.of the Itelierial Guard of France, is visiting: fli is nally'in'Utimare, on a leave of absence from ' the Emperor. . ' Malvin:Nl/easels' now in Buffalo have dis charged their:crewa and laid up, rather than run , at thepresentiow rates.of freights.. 'Other vets. ,Bets arriving will do likewise.. , • Artviers from St.-Domingo are that, two new States have been formed. There was • a strong Uparty who are in favor .of annexation to 'th nited States. . • JO 4 24 ariti.popery riot broke out at =Aston-under Lyne yesterday, the mob parading the streets, sacking houses and committing other excesses At the latest advices the riot had been suppressed and' the city was quiet. ' GREAT excitement was created last' evening throughout the ,country by the deaptitches from Washington, respecting the probable termination of the impeachment trial in. favor. of Mr. John son's acquittal. Ix the Baltimore Superior Court the manila mus to prevent partlea from interfering with the contract made under Mayor Chapman's adminis tration, to build the new City Hall, was granted yesterday. THE Confederate memorial day in Atlanta was celebrated on Sunday from 2 to 6 o'clock P. M. The avenue leading to the cemetery was an im mense throng. Ten' thousand persons were present. General Meade was among the specta tors. Tim preparations for , the summer season at Saratoga are approaching completion. It is an nounced that the Union Hotel, which has been refurnithed by the Leland Brothers at an expense of about iiilloo,ooo, will be opened on the Arid of Jane. AT the examination of Martin, the cashier of the Hide and Leather Bank, it was testified by The president and John B. Alley, one of ttie directors. that both of the accused had admitted to them that the defalcation would amount to $lBO,OOO, butlvould not exceed $20D,000. Th.: real figures cannot be arrived at for some days.- AnVICES from Hayti state that Generals Nisage and Ballet have .taken Fort Diamond and the town of St. Marie, and proclaimed Geffrard Pre sident. The northern part of Hayti is In posses sion of CaCOB. President Salnave is limited to the town of Goniva, which is surrounded by ad versaties, and will soon fall. A deputation has been sent to Kingston to request Geffrard to re turn to Hayti. It is reported that the American Minister furnished money to Instigate the revo lution, and it is stated positively that American , are in command of troops among the Cams, who are well provided with funds. It was also said that Hayti would be proclaimed a portion of the territory of the United States. LVleVentlein fil4 41,A MEETING OP "THE GUARDIANS Or THE Poon.--The stated meeting of the Board of Gnardians of the Poor was held yesterday afternoon, President John M. Whitall in the chair. The house agent reported the following census of the house for the week ending Siturday, May 11,1666: Number in the house at 12 o'clock u 2,977 Same time last year 2, 692 Increase. 83 Admitted within the last two weeks 183 Births within the last two weeks 2 Deaths within the last two weeks. 30 Discharged within the last two weeks 221 Eloped within the last two weeks 48 Indentured within the last two weeks 2 Number of persons granted lodgings within the lest two weeks ---- 39 Number of persons granted meals within the last two weeks.... 101 The steward reported house receipts at $82.58. The oat-door agent reported having collected for support eases $1,131 00. The Board of Visitors presented their monthly report, showing an outlay as follows: For incidentals, $12.75; shoes. $3.317: medicines, $154.04: groceries, $1,610 75; coal, $250 01; wood, $165.78; total expenditures, $1,435.57. Whole number receiving out-door relief : Americans, 1,012; foreign ers, 1 ; 818; children, 2,787; total, 3,119. The report of the cmmittee appointed in reference to the clothing for the insane poor was received. They recommend that instead of the wool being dyed, self-grey or black wool with a slight mixture of white to give it a grey mixture, be submitted. The steward's requisitions were read and approved, after which the Board ad journed. TILE So',Dims' HOME.-At the election by Id last evening for managers of the Soldiers' aon o, Sixteenth and Filbert streets, the following gen tlemen were elected: Dr. E. Wallace, E. A. Sou der, William Struthers, Daniel Haddock, Jr., James C. Hand, Henry D. Moore, Wm. H. Korn. James G. Hardie, A. H. Francisees, Robert P. King, H. C. Howell. Dr. A. Nebinger, E. S. Hall. H. R. Warriner, Robert. H. Hensley. Jon. R. Ba ker, E. nacy, Joseph Jones, W. H. Rhawn Walter Allison; G. W, Childs, E. R. Kelley, J. S. Martin, Chas. Wheeler. FALLING OF A STAGINCL—YeSteratIY afternoon, during the game between the Geary and Key stone Base Ball Clubs, at Twenty-fourth and Co lumbia avenue, the staging gavo way, precipita ting a number of persons to the ground. Several received bruises, but no one was seriously In jured. HELD TO ANSWEt JObil DOVirditll, charted with the larceny of several pieces of s verware and three coats, from the residenee o .A. Brown, No. 312 Marshall street, about a c ago, was held by Alderman Bolder in $l,OOO answer at Court. Rol? OVER.—Last evening, John MeGow was run over by a cart, at Ninth street and Mont gomery avenno, and had his jaw -bone fractured. He was removed to his home in the immediate neighborhood. SALE OF CONTRAOA:STD Wutsxy.--United States Marshal Ellmaker yesterday sold seventy barrels of confiscated whisky, in lots, at two dollars per gallon, the exact amount of the Government tax. ACCIDENTAL Snoormi.--Philip Holt, fourteen years old, living at Fifth and Callowhill streets,' had a finger shot off, last evening, while playing with a pistol. NEW .1111111SEY MATTERS. LAYING A NIM TRACK.—The West Jersey Rail road Company are actively engaged in relaying the tract: between Glassboro and Mlllvllle. New stations and depots are also b.. 1 ng built for the accommodation of passengers. By the time the season opens at Cape Island, ample conveniences - will be completed. and advantages will be given 'which that popular wateriug-place never before enjoyed. The Company's new Hotel is rapidly approaching completion, and is designed to be one of the finest on the island. Tor; NEW BOAT.—The new boat which is being built for the West Jersey Ferry Company is to he the largest ferry boat on the• river. The tranae work is nearly completed and it is propo3ed to have it ready for launching r by the fourth of July.' PAYINC FRONT wor k of pav i ng Front street, Camden. Will soon be cornmenced from Market to . State street. The materkt uow dieing procured: CRIMINAL BITSINESS.—Tho criminal bitsiness of the May teim of the Camden county court 4 will commence the present week, it is said that 98 butr have been found against Wm. for, forgery, to ail of whieh, most probably, be will, plead guilty. There will ne one case of"highway robbery with intent to kill, and many °titers of, the usual grades of offences. George 114 In the. Guard House. A correspondent sends a story to the Boston Evening Transcript, whictk come to hisknowledge during a temporary residence in London in 1823-4 • A fire broke out atAildnight in the. Blue Room (so called) of Carlton Palace; which was a long, one-story building with marble pillars in front, standing (as I am under the - impressioa) where the Duke of. York's monument now stands-, with its gardens bordering on St. James's Park. The king was about retiring for the night when the Baines burst forth, illuminating the grounds around, and half-undressing, snatching up a mantle in the entry, and the) . drat hat near, hi milled forth, proceeding to the extreme end of the grounds to escape observation and. to obtain a good• view of the tire. While standing in the shade under the trees he was seized upon by the sentries and led to' the guard-house at the corner of the palace, unable to explain or extricate him self, so entirely overcome by risibility at the extreme awkwardness of his situation. When reaching the 'guard-house, he, of course. was immediately recognized, to the horror of the sentries. The next morning, my landlord, Mr "Rlose, a German, purveyor to the king,weht to the palace and learned the above from'the domestics, and returning, came into my apartments and informed me of it. An account of the fire can be found in' the Morning Chronicle and Times papers of '• that date, but L am of, the -belief thane mention was made at the time, or 'ever after, of the king's adventure, probably sup pressed by order of . the king,' as he. was exposed to many squibs at the time, being extremely un popular from his conduct to the queen, and all the papers were twisting and turning everything to his disadvantage. IloHearn Hunt's Isabella. The idol of the pre-Raphaelite school, Mr. Hol man Hunt, hasjust completed and is exhibiting in London a picture of Keats's "Isabella," the lady who mourns over her lover's head in a "pot of basil"—which Is said by the London papers to have occupied the painter for nearly two years, and to be by far the greatest work ho has pro duced. The moment chosen 'is that of the fall realization of her "sorrow. In a luxurious Inte rior, Isabella appears in light clothing, through which her body gleams. She rests against a cabi net of_ inlaid wood, covered with elaborately wofeii,clotb, on which stands the urn; her arms loviiagly laid around it, her dark hair streaming over it. The face is as if framed by nature to express profound passion. The eye is particu larly bright acid prominent, and strikingly ex presses the great and absorbing grief described by the poet in the words ; "And she forgot the stars, the moon, and sun, And she forgot the blue above the trees, And she forgot the dells where waters run, And she forgot the chilly autumn breeze. She had no knowledge when the day was done, And the new morn she saw not, but in peace Hung over her sweet Basil evermore, And mnisten'd It with tears unto the core." DRUGS. ROBERT SHOEMAKER & CO, N E corner Fourth and Race Ste., WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS AND PAINT NIANUFACTURERS, Offer to the trade or consumers, Pure • White Lead, Zino White, Colored Paints, Varnishes, Oils, Artists' Materials, &o. Agents far the celebrated VIEILLN MONTAGNE SNOW WHITE ZINC, superior to any other White Paint for inside work. We solicit orders from those who want • PURE PAINTe. 201 and 203 North Fourth Street, Northeast corner of Race Street. aniB tfrpO DIJILLINEJIY GOODS. Ladieyaking their Bonnets CAN I ALL THE MATERIALS AT GEORGE W. MILES'S, 911 Chestnut Street (North Side), Straw Bonnets and Trimmings, French Flowers, Itibbons, LRCM. Frosted and Plain Malines, With narrow LACEB, in Colors to match. French and New York Bonnet Frames, dtc Liberal discount to Mil inen. MILES, 911 Chestnut Street. - eta 2mry FFr um on :sl:lzik :II • • Li,c.L I MARY B. CONWAY, LADIES' DRESS FITRELSHING AND SHOPPING EMPORIUM, 81 SOUTH SIXTEENTH STREET. PIIILALDS.LPHLI“ Ladies from any part of the United States can sand that) orders for Dress Rioter's's, Dresses,Cloaks,Botmets, Shoes . Under. Clothing, Mourning Suits, Wedding Trosseau, Tra voting Outfits, Jewelry, &c., also Children's Clothing, In (ant's ardiebes, Gentlemen's Linen. &c. In ordering Garments. Ladies will please send one of their 113 MT rirrino DRESSEB for measurement; and Ladle, visiting the city should not, fail to call and have theit measures registered for future convenience. Refers, by permission, to • MR. J. M. 1514kFLEIGH, 1012 and 1014 Chestnut street; MESSRS. HOMER COLLADAY & CO., mhls Bm rp 818 and 820 Chestnut street. CONFECTIONERY. STRANGERS, TAKE NOTICE! STEPHEN F. WHITMAN'S REMARKABLY FINE CON FECTIONS, MANUFACTURED AND SOLD AT 11 . Z 4 ; i Market Street. REFRIGERATORS. REFRIGERATORS FOR THE MILLION'. THE BEST VENTILATING REFRIGERATORS, ALSO. THE COMMON REFRIGERATORS, At Extreme Low Prices. E. S. FAB SON & CO., OLD STAND, Woe. 220 and 222 Dock Street, Near the Exchange. apl4 to the 2rnrpt THE B ASE DEPOSIT For Nate Keeping of Vainables,lieentl. etc., and Renting of Safes. - DIRECTORS. N. B. Browne. l l i J. °Waltham Fell, Alex. Elm). N C. . Clarke, C. Multicolor. S. A. Caldwell John Welsh, E. W. Clark , Geo. F. Tyler. OFFICE, O. 4.!2 1, LH EISTNInfBI'BIIE x. N. B. BROWNE, President. 0. CLARE, Vice President .PATTERSON. Sec. and Treasurer. Jelf‘th,a.tu.lYrs AILIiTiUN.?;Ett, N. E. CORNIR Third and Borneo etreets. only ono square below tee F xchange. $250,000 to loan In Itrge or small amounts. fm diamonds. silver plate. watches, jewelry, and an goods A vaille. Office hours from BA. ht. to 7P. M. I Estee. lislitd for the teat forty years. Advance* made In large amounts at the lowest tnarket rates, ia.B4!rp THE DAILY EVENING BULLETIN---PHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY, MAY 12, 1868. Nr;vv !tarns OF LOOKING GLASSES, , . NEW ENGRAVINGS, NEW CELE6IO-LITHOGRAPHS. EARLES' GALLERIES, 816 Chestnut Street. bikliilCAN ACADEMY OF BICSIO. , y A BRLEF SPAbON OF MR. 11. L. BATEMAIPS MONDAY, 'reitMAY N fAT R EIJI 3 i i i 22E 1 71E1M:03, MAY.II, 12 and 13, - after upwards of one hundred and eighty representations, the ec 4us t tl a y , renowned Opera Bouffe, In four eats,' by.oll en. GRAN . D DIJOBE.I3B OF GEROLSTEIN,- - . With all its . ORIGINAL -PARISIAN ARTISTS, ' CHORUS OF FIFTY VOICES, AUGMENTED AND- • • EFFECTIVEORCHESTRA, AND NEW AND BRILLIANT COSTUMES. FIRST PRODUCTION HERE, THURSDAY EVENING, MAY 19, of Offenbach'. celebrated , operatic work, illustrative of the exaggerations of Italian Grand Opera, entitled LA BELLE HELENE, received by crowded and fashionable audiences in New York, for weeks past, with the most unbounded admire ration and enthusiasm. THE QUEENBYBPLLE TOBTEE, supported by_the ENTIRE CuMPANY OF PARISIAN ARTISTS. FRIDAY EVENING. MAY Hfr, LA BELLE HELENE. SATURDAY NI utILT, LA BELLE HELENE. SATURDAY, AT O'CLOCK, GRAND DUCHESS MATINEE. ADMISSION. . .. . . .. ONE DOLLAR NO EXTRA . LIHARGE FOR RESER VED SEATS. Seats secured at J E. Gould's Piano Wareroom, Chest- nut street, below Tenth. myldf N EN/ CIiE'STNST STREET THEATRE.— SIXTH AND LAST WEEK OF J. E. MoDONOUGIPS GREAT PARISIENNE BALLET. In the spectacular Drama of THE BLACK CROOK. FOUR PREMIERE DANSEUESES. THE GREAT MOBLACCHL THE ENGHANTING LEAH; THE BEAUTIFUL DIANA; • THE GRACEFUL BANDA THE "CANCAN." Received every night with the wildest enthusiasm. GORGEOUt3 COSTUMES, STRIKING T ABLEA.UX, ANS) GREAT BALLET TROUPE. SATURDAY—BLAO3. OItOOK MATINEE. In active prepara H tion. UMPTY DUMPTY. MRS. JOHN DREW'S /mai STREET THE , tTlt M to 8 o'clock. MRS. JNO. DREW AS THE RICH WIDOW. REVIVAL OF THE FAST FAMILY. TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY,NI GHTS THURSDAY and FRIDAY ONLY OF THE FAST FAMILY. Wtth its Great (i FINE EFFECTS. CLOTILDE ' MRS. JOHN DREW Aided b 3 the Full Company. SATURDAY—BENEFIT OF R. CRAIG. MONDAY n E XT-1 11E NEW DRAMA. A WIFE WELL WON. MRS. JNO. DREW and BARTON HILL. WALNUT STREET THEATRE. THIS (Tuesday)EVEliiNO, May 1itb . ,186, MIL JOHN BROUGHAM Will appear for the SECOND TIME THIS SEASON In hie unequalled character of SAVAGE, In his own glorious Comedy. WITHe acts, of To PLAYING FIRE. conclude with the Musical Burlesque of JENNY LIND. ASSEMBLY BUILDINGS.— WYMAN'S PECOND WEEK OF GIFTS. Crowded Houses and Smiling Faces. WY MAN, Magician and Ventiilogniet, present+ Green backs, Barrels of Flour, Tons of Coal, and 100 other use ul and fancy articles. Every night end at 3 o'clock on WIWNESDAY and SATURDAY AFTERNOONS. Children to Matinee only 16 cents. Admisrion, 25 cents, Wickete to admit nix, $1 myll-tf* NATIONAL HALL; MARKET STREET, BELOW Thirteenth. GREAT PANORAMA CM TBE REBELLION. On EVENINGS of 4th, 6th Bth, Bth. 11th and 12th May, at 8 o'clock, in aid of tho NA CLONAL ORPHANS' HOMESTEAD AT GETTYSBURG. This Grand Panorama illustrates Eighty - flve most thrilling scenes of the late war. Prior to being taken to Ent ope, it was exhibit, din 'Washington city before Presi dent Lincoln, members of the cabinet,C;ongress and &din. giddied Officers of the Army and Navy. The artist, Colonel Harry H. Davis, accompanies and describes the Painting. The diormaic feature§ of this Great Exhibition are upon a novel plan, entirely original with Colonel Davis. Admittance, 25 cents; Front Seats, 60 cents. litatini,e for Children, Tuesday and Saturday after. noon at 3 o'clock. my 4 m to f e6t4 NEW ELEVENTH STREET OPERA HOUSE, ELEVENTH street, above OLIESTMIT. HL FAMILY RESORT. 1N1,01313dt DIXEY'S MINSTRELS_, _ TH GREA STAR TROUPE OF THE WORLD. • First week of the reconstructed 13LAUK ',ROOK BALLET. Tremendous hit of the Burlesque 'MYR 1,(111MEN TRIAL. PositivelY the last week of the new Burlesque on TANGLED THREADB. Doors open at 7'M; commencing at 8 o'clock. A NERICAN CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC.— / - 1. Fifteenth Matinee on SATURDAY AFTERNOON, May 18th, at Second Grand Concert, THURSDAY, May 21, at MUSICAL FUND HALL. See notice under instruction. myl-18t pIiNISSYLVANIA ACADEMY OF FINE ARTS, CHESTNUT Street, above Tenth - . The Forty-flfth Annual Exhibition of Paintings, Stem ary and A rchitecture is now open daily from 9A. A. till 7 P. :‘I. and from 8 till 10 in the evening. Admittance 25 cents. Beason Tickets, 60 cts. ap9,74 INSTITUTION FOR THE BLIND, TWENTIETH AND 1 Race etreete.—Exhibition every WEDNESDAY at 3h P. M. Admlesion. 10 cents. It teOlO,5E A VERY EVENING MERIETY THEATRE, SATURDAY AFTERNOON. GREAT COMBINATION TROUPE. _ In Grand Ballets, Ethiopian Burlesques. Bongs. Dulcet r:vmnast Acts, Pantomimes. &c. I. V 011 a NV NO IMP It 4 4 a THOMAS S. DIXON & SONS. I Late Andrews & Dixon No. 1824 CHESTNUT Street, Pdt i delphia. Opposite United States t. Idanula.cturers of LOW DOWN. P ARLOR, CHAMBER, OFFICE., And other GRATES, For Anthracite, Bituminous and Wood Fir& SO, WARM.AIR AL FURNACES, For W REGISTERSarming Public andEN Private Bldings. AIM . . CHIMNEY CAPS, ' COOKING-RANGES, BATH-BOILElifl. WITOLEHALA7 and RETAIL. COTTON—boo BALESCOTTON IN STORE, AND FOR sale by COCHRAN. RUSSELL & CO., North . Front street. my4-tt QPIRITS TURPENTINE AND NAVAL STOREEI.-150 barrels Spirits Turpentine, SOO barrels Rosin, RI of Tar, now landing from "Pioneer," end for eels by COCHRAN, RUSSELL as CO., 22 N. Front et. my4-tf riVITON.--85 BALES COTTON NOW LANDING AND J. for gale by COCHRAN, RUSSELL CO., No. 22 North Front. RIUE-150 1' ERCEB RICE 'IN STORE AND tetEtt, sate by COCHRAN, RUSSELL (S: CO., 2.2 North Front street rorttf GA ti VINT LT it B --111113KBY. fa:BAWL el TBACHARA, No. 718 Chestnut street, manufacturers of Gas Fixtures, Lamps, &0., &o would call the attention of the public to their large and elegant assortm la of Gat Chandeliers, Pendauta, Brackets. dm. They also tatroduce gas pipes into dwellings and public buildings, and attend to extending. Mitering and repairing gas pipelL All work warranted. a , WANTED TO RENT BY JUNE liP, A k 1.00614 M . with all modern conveniences, by a email family. No.ehildreu. Located iu the weetorn part of the city. • A ddreva J. 11. C , Box 2698. P. 0. • mv6.6ti. FITI4ER, WEAVER & CO. • NEW CORDAGE FACTORY NOW /LN POLL OPEILATION. No. IV N. WATER and 99 N. DEL. area TpOrt SATE.—TO MEKuIIANTa, InttEtt.r.metion. hotels and dealera—alo Cages Champagne act Crab Cider. WO bbk. Champagne and Crab Cider. P. J. JORDAN. 990 Pear 'street. THE WINE ARTN• phi.)LJ NAVAL STORES. GAS FIXTURES. [.ls!~lL9.a iv tlrb~ FRANKLIN FIRE INSURANCE 'COMPANY PHILADELPHIA'. Nos. 435 and 437 Chestnut Street. Assets con , January 1,1868; 02,0003,740 09 Accrued .. .. ..... ....51 8 0 1 1 112 Premium:m.7. ....... • ........ 1,1840348 00 UIi!3IV(DELAIME‘ViCOMEI IM Losses Paid Since 1829 Over • INI6, 5005'000. Perpetual and Temporary Miele" on Woad Tamil • , DIRECTORS. v.i.. ..' • MULL N,Banoter. Alfred Mar Tobias Wagner Game( Grant. ' pros. W. LeWls. M. D.. Wite l t ßic4ards. ' ' TlL°T" B 9srks° E Mt S. rant. CHARM N. HILNCHER. Preddent. GEO. PALE& Vice President. JAB. W. MoALLIOTER. Secretary era tem. _ Except stLexingon. Kentucky. this Company nu no skeins West of Pittsburg& - felt' nELAWARE MUTUAL SAFETY INSURANCE 004. V a atin insa y,. oorrrted thelre of Office. 8. E. corner THIRD' and - WALNUT Otnlets. DdABINEE I UtOth On Vessel& Cargo and krreittiparta of the world. u4LAND indumAnCEB ?:40: f dt h b o Ye canal t lake andland carriage to all Union INSURANCES On merchandlae=M On Storm, Dw ASSETS OFTHE COMPANY. • NovemberL 1897. 411100,000 United States Five Per Cent. Loan. ' . 1101.000 01 10-40'a . i* mew United StiiilNVerdialo;l. 188 L. . 184,400 00 60,000 united sifitl; lii * Uent. Loan. Treasury Notes EOM 10' 100,000 State of.Penneylvapia Six Per Cent. Loan.. • • • 110,070 in 191%000 City of Ala:1'04116 Six Per Loan (exempt from tax)_.. . . . 155,895 00 50,000 State of New Jersey Six Per Cent. Loan- •• •• • First SLOW 110,000 Pennsylvanii . Railroad gage iiix Per Cent. Bonds.. „ - 19,900 0 15,00 G Pennsylvania RaiiroadSecondMoit.. _gage Six Per Cent. Bonds 119.371 0 175,1X)0 Western B onnn sylvands (Penna. R E. „Railroad S State 10,000 00 10,000 State of Tennessee Five Per Cent. Loan. . . 18,000 7,000 State offeniiie.eie. Six Per Cent. Loan . ... . - .. 4,970 00 11,000 800 shares 5t0ck ........... Gas Company, Principal and interest guaranteed by the City of Phila. elh e ia . CO 7,600 150 li sh p ars gar Bill. road Company, • ~. 7,900 00 6,000 100 shares stock North * Pennaylvania Railroad Company- ~... 0.000 00 :0,000 80 shares stock. Philadelada and Southern Mail Steamship Co.' . 16,000 00 101.900 Loans on Bond and Mortgage, drat liens on City Pr0pertie5........... /91.900 00 1L101,400 Par ' Market Valle 4116.1112,800 50 Coot. $L099.6711 Real Estate.. . 06,000r0e Bills Receiva ble' . .. • made. .... . . . BAUM 17 Balances due at A g on i se -P r e. whims on Marine Policies-Ac crued Interest, and other debts due, the Company. .. . - 56 Stock and -Scrip of ' ;nary Ruh. ranee and other Companies* 16,076 00. Estimated value. UV 00 Cesium Bank stos,aii'ff Cashl Drawer.................... 999 62 mina a ' DIRECTORS. Thomas C. Hand. •. James C. Hand. John C. Davis. Samuel E. Stoke.. Edmund A. Bonder. , Jame.Tralr o , Joseph H. Beni. William (Ludwig, rheophilus Paulding. Jacob P. Jones. Hugh Craig. James B. McFariand. Edward Darlington. .7ostina P. Eyre. John B. Penrose, John D. Taylor H. Jones Brooke. tipencer Nell Henry Bloa_m Henry C. Dalllhr.. tieorge .0. Lefler. George W. Bernadon, William G. Bonitos. John B. Semple. Pittsburgh. Edward Lafourcade. D. T. Morgan. Jacob Riegel. C IL B. Berger. - THOMAS C. HAN.President. HENRY LYLIiUB. J N. Setretary.OHN C. DAVD3. Vice Prealdent. HENRY BALL. AsaistantJ3ecretss7. '-- FIRE ASSOCIATION OF PHILADEL ~, phLs. Incorporated March 27, Mt Office. P . No. 84 N. nfth street. Insure Buildings A Household • Ftwalt!re and Merchandise ... 1 ' --`".. generally from Loss by 'Fire On the OW et Philadelphia only.) i Statement of the Assets of the Association January let, 1888, published In compliance with the pro visions of an Act of Assembly of April 5t14.1842. Bonds and Mortgages on Property in the Lail of Philadelphia only- .......... ......... ....131.078,188 17 Ground Rents 18,814 et Real Estate t — ~ . . ^ . 51.744 57 Furniture and F ixtures of Office 4,490 03 U. S. 1020 Registered 80nd5.... ...... ..... .. 46,()00 00 Cash on hand.............. 81.8/8 11 T0ta1........... 51,228.069 85 Wattia.' William H. Hamilton. Samuel Snarhawk. Peter A. Keyser. Charles P. Bower. John Carrow, Jesse Lightfoot, George L Young. Robert Shoemaker. Joseph R. Lynda% Peter Armbruster. Levi P. Coats, • H Dickinson. Peter W Sa M. mson. WM. H. HAMILTON, President. SAMUEL SPARHAWH. Vice President. WM. T. BUTLER, Secretary. , THE COUNTY FIRE ' INSURANCE COMPANY.--OF lice, No. 110 South Fourth street, below Chestnut "The Fire Insurance Company of the County of Ms delphia," incorporated by the Legislature of Perinsylvs d in 18. W, for indemnity against loss or damage by are, usively. CHARTER PERPETUAL. This old and reliable institution.with ample capita land contingent fund carefully invested , continues to insure buildings, furniture, merchandiseolac., either permanentb or for a limited time, against lass or damage by Omat the lowest rater consistent with the absolute safety of it. ens tontere. Losses adjusted and paid with all possible despatch. DIRECTORS: Chas. J. Sutter. Andrew H. Miller. ' Henry Budd, James N. Ston John Horn, Edwin 1., ReaU e, rt, Joseph Moore. I Robert V. Massey. Jr.. George Mecke. Mark Bernina. MARL El J. SLITTER, President 11ENRY.13UDD, Vice-President. Bewaring F. Hozow.air, Secretary and Treasurer. ' NITED .FIR.EMEN)S INSURANCE COMPANY OF V PHILADELPHIA ! ' . . . . . . . Thbi Company takes risks at the lowest rates consistent with safety, and confines its Maness eq.clasively to FIRE INSURANCE IN I MCITY ,OF FILILADEL OFFICE—No. 723 Arch Street. Fourth National Bank Building. Thomas J. Martin. I DIRECT Albert C. Roberts, John Bird, , Charles R. Smith. Wm. A. Bolin. Alberttu. King, James IT, mgan, Henry Bumm„ William Olenn; James Wood, James Jenne... John Ohs Heron. Alexander T. Dickson. J. Henry Amick.. Robert S. Panels, . Hugh Mulligan, Philip patriek. CONRAD tz B. ANLRESS, President. Wu. A. ROLnc, Treas. Wit. FL Faionst, Beo'y. FIRE INSRANCE EXCLIISPirELY.—THE PENN eylvazda e Insurance Company—lncorporated lEtig —Charter Perpetual—No. 610 Walnut street, opposite Iu dependence Square. This Company, favorably known to the community foe over forty years, continues to insure against lees or dam age by fire on Public or Private Buildings, either perms. nently or for a limited time. Also, on Runiture, Stocks of Goode and Merchandise geperally, on liberal terms. Their Capital, together with a large Surplus Fund , is hi vested in a most careful manner, which enables them to oiler to the insured au undoubted S. security In the came of se. DIRECTOR Daniel Smith, Jr.. John Deveretur. Alexander Benson. Thomas Smith. Isaac Llazelhurst. Henry Lewis, Thomas Robins. J. Gillingham Fell. Daniel Haddook,_Jr. BAWL% SMITH. Jr.. President. wursix G. Ow/mu Secretary. 7 EFFERSON FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY OF PHL ti ladelphia.--Oflice. No. 24 North Fifth street, near Market street. Incorporated b i t. v h , eLegislature of Pennirrivania M aeh tor Perpetual. apital and Amets,_l2l62,ooo. ln surance aamt or t Damemetkr c F l ir&c i n Pablio zit:. &favor:tie termo ure. c " . ° and Mercalu. DDIECTQIII3 , Wm. McDaniel, Edward P. Morel's Israel Peterson.,, Frederick Ladner, John F. Belaterling. Adam J. Glium„ Henry Troemner. Henry Delany. Jacob Schandein John. Elliott, Frederick Doll. OhriatienD. Frick. Samuel miner. George E. Fort.. f D: Gardner. WIL MoDANIEL. President. UM PETERSON, VionPreeigent. Pitil.UP E. Conimars. Secretary and Treasurer. • A MERIO • FTRY4 INSURANCE COMPANY, woos •0 11 - Pendell 1810 —Cnarter perpetual. No. 810 WALNUT street, above Third, P hila delphia. Having a large paitlup_Copital Stock and Surplus la vested In lOLIDd and available fleeuritien, continue to in. sure on dwellings stores , furniture, merchandise, vow& in port, and their cargoes, and other personal propertv. Au laisas iiborany end rom usWd. D RB. _ Thomas R. Matts. James 4. Campbell, :Patrick Edmung.g' . Brady,Dd Chance W. Poultne7. John T. Lewis.• Israel Morris. John P. etherill, _ L THOMAS It:MARIS, Pres ident. ALDIDIT C. L. CRANFORD. Secretary . '.4,00t1)-Eg% 4 4 tr.:PICE;tEt- Prom One to Thirty Days $5.000 fa we'd death by inittry: 'said, $ U per week ii ease of illISKIA0411111; 96 cents per Gad • WILLIAM ' FORMT BUILDING, • No. 117 South Roureh*reet. , myl lad. • ' rPHIE RELIANCE INSURANCE COMPANY OF PHU" ADELPLIIA. ar r Incorporated in 1441. ()barter Perpetual, Oftlet Walnut strut, Usurers against:loss or dames by on' Houses. @tares and other nuildinga, r sa it Furniture. Hoods. Warm and in wu or "un LtibEll PROMPTLY ADJUS'T'ED AND PAID. Amts... •.. • .......... .. ... . ... ............. • • .144111,171 14 Invaded in the following Securities. viz.: Mid Mortgages an Frolurty.well accured..slo6. 00 United Bata Government ......... 117 .. 00 Philadelphia taper cent. LOU .. . 00 Pennsylvania oog _• per cent. Loan 00 Pennsylvania , ad Sonde. ant and sound Mortgages . . MOW OG Camden and AmboilalioaboioiiiKirPii Cent. Lou. . wow IX Philadelphia la WeialirWAi li noilidiniiVinji 6 per Cent. L0an....:....... .• . • . 6.001) 00 Huntingdon and B r oa d Der QmL gage Ronda 4.0e0 00 County Fire Dnurance Company's Stock. 1.050 00 Mechanics , Bank Stock. . 4,, 00 • c_ommercial Bank of 10,... on Union Mutual Inntruce Compan_yla . 4 EA CO Reliance Insurance Oman/m.3'ot Fidlimleinbilh 5t0ck....... 11.1110 00 Cub . ......... .......... ....... 7.45 T 74 Worth at Par......... ....... $191.11170 Worth this date at mttoket ISEtarki: .. • •• . SOW" Se Clem. Tinsley. 00 ? Itmca. Wm. Mu ßionam. • anus mer, tteL *dna. Bantu& 17.__Young. H. canon, sac P. maker. r e. 5 . 1Arr,1342 0 . 7. amu t e itre t r o otrinan. Ed gy m . CLIO& TLNGLICY. Predderit. An= ( E g nA. l.thrb Lee= vary. lattu th tir INB RILADUBA B COMPAN OF .P rEPlcoEpo.o_AA street, ppoal tpp ER PEEPETBAIe 924 wALAM o thee. This Clompany banns man lowa or Glynis by on liberal tennis on bra/Ul n a mererhie. [mita* die., for limited periods. mid penman on b u ildings deposit or premium. The Company hag teen in attire ongraon tor more than 'tiny years, du ring which all have been Promptly adjusted and aid. • DIRECTOR& John L. Bodge, David Lewis. M. B. Maliony. f r ie h t tamint. P owers, John T. Lewis, William B. Grant. A. R. idellent7, , Hobert W. Learning. EdmondAlastirion. D. Clark Wharton, Samuel wlleor., Lawrence, Louis C. Norrie• JOIN WITOBEBBIL President. 13Airtna, Wri.oex. Secretary. A NTHRAGTFE INSURANCE COMPANT;A)HAK XL TER PERPETUAL. Office, No. 811 WALNUT street, above third, PIMA& W 1 1 insure against Lou or Damage by Fire, on Build lags, either perpetually or for a limited Umo. Household Furniture and Merchandise generally. Also, Mafine Insurance on Vessels. Carves and Freights. Inland c om etlnsuran ent. of the Union D Win. Esher, Peter Sieger, D. Luther. .I. E. Baum. Lewis Audenried, {Val. F. Dean. John It. }Bahia ton. John Ketcham. Davis Pearson. John B. Hey.l, Whl. ESHER. President. - F. Vice President. Wu. M. Swrnt, Secretary. WITNA LIVE STOCK INSURANCE COMPANY OF ..1J2.4 DARTFORD, CONN. C. C. KIMEALL, President. T. 0. ENDERS. Vice President. • J. B. TOWER, Secretary. This Company insures DOMES, MULES AND CATTLE against Death by Fire, Accident or Disease. Also. against Theft and the idazards of Transportation. • PHILADELPHIA REPSEEHOES. S. B. Kingston, Jr., Gen. Freight Agent Penna. R.R. J. B. Brook)Manager Comm , ' Agency. Ledger Buildi A. & H. Le ambre, Cabinetware Manufacturers. 143$ Chestnut reet David 1% Moore's Sons, tindertatera l 823 Vine st. C. 11. Brush. bl an'r lEtna Life Ina. W.. 4th bd. Chestnut. 11. It. Deacon. Lumber dealer, 9014 Market it Geo. W. Reed & Co., Wholesale Clothier. 413 Market at. WILLIAM C. WARD, Gt' mend Agent. Forrest tfulleling Nos. IM and 123 EL Fourth at, aplam Philadelphia, Pa. 11.5a7.606 U DA L ES INSURANCE t, COMPANYM. A.. NO. N I. DE LP FIRE INSU PHILA RANCE EXCLUSIVELY. Francis N Buck, DIRECTO Ph ilip IL Jesting, Charles Richardson. Join W. Brennen. Henry Lew* Edward D. Woodruff. Robert Pearce.. Jno. Seeder, Jr.. Oeo. A. West, Chas. BWkee, Robert B. Potter. Mordead Rugby. FRANCIS N• BECK, President, CRAB. RICIIARDSON, Vice Preddent. Ww, 1 Itx.erraneko. Secretarr. 4e6 to oat 111A4.111INIEBOW, AMON 41Irth MERRICK & BONI SOUTI YAWL FOUNDRY, WASLUN TsON ANUFA Avecur CTUEe, Philadelphia. ki STEAM ENGINES—High and Low Pressure, Horisontai, Vertical, Beam. Oscillating, Blast and Cornish Pump. BOILERS--L'ylinder, Flue, Tubular, &e. STEAM HAMMERE)--Nsamyth and Davy litYlell, and of all sizes. CASTINGS—Loam, Pry and Green Sand . Brass, &c. Frames. for covering with Slate or Iron. TANKS—Of Cast.or Wrought Iron, for refineries, water, oil, &c. GAS MACHINERY—Such as Retorts, Bench Castings Holders and Frames, Purifiers, Coke and Charcoal Bar roars, Valves, Governors. &c. SUGAR MACHINERY—Such as Vacuum Pans and Pumps, Defecatorejlone Black Filters, Burners. Wash. era and Elevators; Bag Filters, Sugar and Bone Black Cars, &c. Sole manufacturers of the following specialties: In Philadelphia and vicinity, of William Wright's Patent Variable Cutoff Steam Engine. In PenniMvania. of Shaw & Justice ' s Patent Dead•Stroks Power Hammer. In the United States, of Weston's Patent Self-centering and Belf-balancing Centrifugal Sugar-draining Machin.. Glass & Bartoll improvement on Aspinwall & Wooleey's CentrifugaL Barton; Patent Wroughtlron Retort Lid. Strahan's Drill Grinding Rest. Contractors for the design, erection, and String up Of Re. fineries for working Sugar or Molasses. COPPER AND YELLOW METAL SHEATHING, Brazier's Copper Nails, Dolts and Inapt Cooper. eon. 'tautly on ba and and forver. sale by LIEXEY WEiI3OR di CO., No. MS outh Whar XrUIIdBER ONE SCOTCH PIG IRON—OLENGAR• .I.'s nook brand, in store and for rale in lota to suit, by PETER WRIGHT di SONS. 115 Walnut street. J VIENNOT dc CO., GENERAL NEWSPAPER, COE • responding and Advertising Agents, 183 Num street, hew York. (Established tuna.) Advertisements inserted at publishers , rates in all the leading newspapers published in the United Btates,Britie Provinces, Me.dco, south America, East and West Indio. Mr. H. T. Helmbold. Druggist, eal Broadway, N. Y.l Messrs. 8. R. Vanduzer, & Co., 198 Greenwich sr.; MINIM Hall & Mickel, 218 Greenwieh street; Messrs. G. Bruce. Son & Co., Type Founders 18 Chambers st.; Messrs. Hagar & Co., Type Founders, 38 1 old Bt.. N. Y. fe19.8m6 COTTON AND LINEN BALL DUCK or EVERY width from one to six feet wide, all 111101:7 4 Tent, and Awning Duck . Papermakers. Felting, Bail Deets. JOHN W. EVERMAN CO., I. 102 Jones's ey. ;Amu A, wmGlrr, 'THORNTON prem. inzarrarr A. ousoom mew-mitt WWRIG HTr 'max. PETER WRGH & SONS, Importers of Earthenware and Shipping and Commission Merchants, N 0.115 Walnut street, Philadelphia. EIRIVY WELLS.—OWNERS: OF PROPERTY— 1, 1 only place to get privy wells cleansed and disinfect at very low prices, A. PBYSSON, Manufacturer of Po drette. Goldsmith's Hall. Labr . street. mowleuh eamonmaza, *V. CLOTH DOUSE , No. 11 NORTH SECOND ST., Sign of the Golden Lab. & LEE Have now on hand and are still receiving a large and choice assortment of Spring and Summer Goode,expreerly adapted to Men's and Boys' wear, to which they invite the attention of Merchants, Clothiers. Tailors and other!. COATING GOODS. • Super Black French Clothe. Super Colored French Cloths. Black and Colored Pique Coatings. Black and Colored Tricot Coatings. ' Diagonal Ribbed Coatings. Cashmaretts, all color.. Now Styles Ladles' Cloaking. Silk Mixed Coatings. drc. • PAN'FALOON STUFFS. • Black French Doeskins. do do Cassimeres. New styles Fancy do. All shades Mixed Doeskins. Plaid and Striped Cassimeres. Also, a large assortment of Cords,Beaverteens,Satinetal Vest/no and geed! for sults, at wholesale and retail. JAMES & LEE, No.ll North Sec Goldeneet mhBltf Sign of the Lamb. it NOS SALE.—A BEAUTIFUL RESIDENCE on tle 'River B snit, in the upper part of Beverly. N. J. containing one dere, extending to Warren 'lle street. e house is large and convenient; wide bail in the centre; large shade trees, grounds tastefully laid out. and garden fillbd' With all kinds of fruit; wiuun a f°W. roinutee walk of steamboat or. railroad. Apply on the Premislis, or to WI& SALN.• No. 10 North Fourth stfu.ft. rbiladd. • t • ap4 u FOR SALE—A WELL BUILT 'AIRED STORY Brick Dwelling,back buildings and lot of. ground. No. 1609 Race stxbet. Dunicellate possession given. Apply to . ' A' U CARVER &CO.. .. , t. corner Ninth and Filber •. lny7 et. B. W. t Weeks. FOR SALE.—THE lIANDSONIE DWELLING, No, 025 Fine street, with all tho modern improve. *rents; built ;In the best resumer: Also. the Three. story Dwelling, No. alg North Seventh street, with all hn. provements. Atomediate romession to both. Apply to COPII.CK & JORDAN, 400 Walnut street. nrro • lIIIET3IIIMIS CARDS. NOR RIJLE• , , MORTGAGE OF ;:; 4,000: MORTGAGE OF $1,600. APPLY' O BALDERSTON 41 ALREWSON, (DriLi,_ i_.i9Lot( North No. 120 Thirteenth st -reetl MN FOR SALE, wer MIA Splendid . Foter.Story lbw°lner man On West Green Stmet, • bb all the hsodern improvstnents. Lot 111 feet, by let feet deep. 'I he entire furniture will bo sold with t h e house, it desired. Apply to 3. nEFtra y Bi t r AN. ap2Btu the 12t" 142 South BlATti BiKeet. Per sir months or s year, a place at Chestnut MU. on high ground, near Gravers Lane Station, con. tattling, with lawn and vegetable garden, ne trly dye • acres. with atone house funlished and in good order, Sad largt atom stable and coach hottest. " App y to C. STUART P ATTERSON. myidgt• No 610 Walnut street OF4IIIkIANTOWN.—A FEJRNIMED HOUSE. very ploasanUy located. to rent for four mouths. Apply at 11,5 ./llttenhouse street. German, ; town. myl23t• TAR itE liNiffirED COl,ltial PLACE lt ill. for rent.--Ptice. Meted ibe r etabilog and 'garden,. $5OO. Address OAJ!dt. . Box a% Media Poets office. • • • myl2 Bt• I:O I I RID'r—A4I4NDISOSIE - ,IMBI•LINO. cotottlet4l ,orders with ,alUthe, mote imftrove recta& APO,' on the premises, 1511 North Thir. teenth street. niylll.Bl. ft. FOR t , ALE-00UNTRY BEAT, WITS ki n g? to ats was grotrd a ptuste •on Vhesto mi roaC Deldre nut/. withlu saltuttes` walk o pas senger and ten minutes'. ve to Media Refire Mations. House co twins eleven rooma. with all conveniences, D V Is partly 'furnished. Grounds fertile, and sixi4 co Is ; large and small fruits Kull bearing toe.bense Oa; coltuttoMous stable and barn; good water. myb MARK At EWING. toth AM* - - l'ut Walnut street. andrFOß BALE--DERLItIiBLE wiwir PROPERTY largo and commodious Warobouse on the_esat side of Meath street, between irlarloorough and Han over streets, lob feet trout on Beach street, and 630 loot more or less in depth to the Warden's lino In the river Polaware: good depth of water, LUX & MONTGOMERY, Oonveianeent, mylS•tu th sltt• 1036 Berth street, above Lam& InFOR_BALE—TiIE VERY DEStIIABVIC SEDUM , fixed Residence, No. 2117 De I..sticey Place. 18 feet front 'br 108 demo ; tiumatory front. with three-storr back buildings. All modern conveniences. in complete order throughout. (LARK dt STTING. 70/ Walnut street. rnyd•tu.,thgt• JIROERMANTOWN—FOR BALE OR TO RE. to coavenlent and wtliabaded bean. N 0.34 Linden street. Stable and 'earriage-house on the lot. Dn. mediate poseerlon.• Wy11.31• rltvA VERY DESIRABLE RESIDENVE FOR BALE. MANTIIA. PIiILsDRLPHIA.—Modem built convenient house; large lot finely improved. Fruit, flowers, Acc. Inquire on premises, No. MB. Ham ilton street. ap24,5 t - FOR-SALE OR TO LET—A HANDSOME MOD. ern Residence. Just bunt. at Mt. Airy. Chestnut au Italkon& Terms clap. Aoldi ALFRED G. BAKER. _ 210 Chestnut M. ap2:l4Bt* GERMANTOWN—FOR SALE.—THE 'HAND ... some Pointed.gtono Residence. with lot 100 feet front by iSiO feet deep well shaded: Mu/ate on the eetitheact corner of East Walnut lane ano Morton street. Mae every etty 'convenience. and is in excellent repair. J. M. Oblidid EY & tiOnB.BoB Walnut street IcFOR SALE.--TliE THREE-STORY BRICE •r. Dwelling. No. SIO Coate* *tree. J. .51. prautEr & BONO, We Walnut street. jeFOR SALE.—THE HANDSONIR THREE-STOISIC brick Dwelling. with three•etory double back build. lags. situate northwest corner of Nineteenth and Filbert streets: has every modern convenlenee and iso. prevenient, and is In perfect order throughout. J. SI. LI EY es f.ed Walnut etroet. FOR SALE,,A, HANDSOME THREESTORY brick Residence, 20 feet front. with Bfoot side yard and every convenience, situate lin the math side of Clinton street, weit of Ninth street, J. M. DEMISE Y its BONS 508 Walnut street. 111 A RCH STREET—FOR SALE—THE ELEGANT Yawn stone Cottage:; built in a superior manner. with extra convevirneett, and Lot. 64 feet front by 106 feet deep, northwest corner of Arch and Twenty.firsg strectr. J. M . GUM Erik SONS. 003 Walnutsbeet. CAPE MAY COTTAGE FOR RALF.. CONTAIN. ing.7 rooms_„ • eligibly touted on York erne. Will be rented if not Fold if urnished) for tbiAntatmer sea eon. For particulars address M. C.. this ofSce. my 6411 L6av:~:.:r~ WEST WALNUT STREET PROPERTY. A PEW • rboi• a Its of ground remaining. For tato by E. R. JONES, la Walnut Bina. mill at' FOR BALE—ELEGANT 41.,(YrTAGE. DARBY &renne t near Darby. BEDLOCE da PABCIULL. 715 Walnut street. grist( ICFOR BALE—A THREFAITOttY BRICK HOUSE. with three-story double bask buildings, No. tea North Twentieth et. Inquire on the prelates. my 3 In* LET—TIIE SPLENDID SECONDSTORY ROOM 1 of store R. W. meter Eleventh and Chestnut streets. Every modern Improvement• rent low. Apply on the premises. my 12.164 FOR CIALF,—EUILDLNO LOTS. Largo lot Washingtonnveloue and Twenty•third rt. 2 lots E. 8. Twentyeecond. above Arch et. 3 lots N. 8. Walnut. above Thlrty4eveath street. Welt Philadelphia. 3 iota W. 8. Franldin, above Poplar st. S iota E. 8. Eighth. above Poplar at. 2 lots E. 8. Frank-lord road, above Huntingdon et_ All II in improving neighborhood. Apply to COPPCCIC JORDAN, 433 Walnut street. ao4tt STORE, 809 CHESTNUT STREET, • : • InFOR RENT. —AT OW YORK ROAD STATION. " North Pennsylvania Railroad , a commodious Stone Mansion. thoroughly furnished with verandahs on three tides. Beantifal Tame lawn, !loaded by large old forest trees; stabling for four horses; ten acres of land. Garden kept by reeldent gardener at owner's expense. tine of fresh row ate. Foe rent for eummer season. J. FREDERICK LIST, aq Walnut. n(yll tft FOR RENT.—FURNISHED OR UNFURNISIIED. in Germantown, for the summer. apleasant Cottage. near a Station. Inquire of WM. A. KNIGHT. No. 611 Commerce street, Phila. GERSIANTOWN—FUKNISHED COTTAGE Ur lu room , . now undergoing alteration. for relit for " the eununer. Every convenience and pleasantly located at corner of Queen and Knox garcon:. Well shaded and open to the west. Apply at Z'A Linden etreet. myll•St• my MA' To REVT—A COUNTRY PLACE AT BRANCH. - toan, York Road; Stone House, Frame Barn, and d acres of land, salted Lora winter and summer road. ELquire of C. W. WIIAMON, adjohitnit the pro myll 13t• TO BENT.—FURNISHED, A LARGE STONE inManelon House, with good garden; situate near the " Bell Tavern, Twenty Ward. Apply to BED LOCK di PASC HALL, 715 IValnut street. msll-ti CAPE ISLAND • COTTAGE TO • RENT.—NEW Ed newlv•furniatuil, has every convenience t is de " iightfullyloeated near the Columbia House, with an unobstructed view of the ocean. • Apply to • W. SAWYER, ' Cape Island, N. J. rTo RENT FOR THE SUMMER MONTHS—A ' highly desirable Residence, on the Old York road. op.. posite the North Pennsylvania Railroad Station. 7 miles from the city. The house is large. handsome, and furnished. There is a ,well.stocked fruit and vegetable garden, filled , stabling, Otc,. &c. Possession gown lsth Montgomery ddress "ELLDON,. Shoemaker. P. 0., county, Pa, ' my24o i i rFOR RENT—THREE HOUSES NEAR;.THEI , Athenevthe and Wynne Wood stations 011 the Penn sylvania Railroad,. seven miles from rhiladolpida. 4 Apply to STADELMAN d; BAKER, Athoneville Station; 4: or, CABINET I'. 0., Pa. mvB 6t. 1 rTO RENT FROM JUNE 16 TO REP/ EMBER 16, a Furnished House. on Price street. Gorman town. AU modern conveniences. Address "W.. 2 Bqx 204, P. O. mystf§ - 1.2 TO LET—A DESIRABLE MENU BED REST deuce with etabling ; lawn, well eheded; on York avenue, live milee from the city. APPLY. 1812 Lowest street, 9 or 4. MY 9 ' B " A ittFOR RENT. THE FOUR-STORY BRIGS Dwelling, with tbreeatory back buildings situate No. 913 North Twentieth street. J. M. GUMMEY dr. SONS, 508 Walnut street 70 RENT.—WEST PIIILADELPHIA—DEBIRA rbIe Cottage, largevard, every convenlenee. die. Rent Irmo. Apply sal Walnut street. 9.61.* EFOR .RENT.—TIGE LARGE -- 13RWE DWELLING fifteen roonm, wttn every conveniaice; N. W. corner Pine and Eighteenth erects. J. M. OUIIIII4EY BONS, bo@ Walnut street. TO LET.—A LARGE COUNTRY BEAT. FUIL u mbed,4 milea from Market Street Bridge, 10 min utes, walk from horse cars. Lawn with shade, good garden. Markettable, carriage house. ice house full. Ap• ply 1221 street, from 12 to 2 o'clock. ap3Otftt TO RENT FURNIBIIED. OR FOR SALE—A rflandsomo Modern Residence, with 14 acres of ground attached, situate in Darby Township. Delaware county, within 10 minutes walk from the Darby Road Station, on Philadelphia and Media Railroad. J. W. GUMMEY ds SONS. 608 Walnut street. • rTO LET—A SUPERB. COUNTRY. SEAT-JUS T papered, painted, &e., near Prankford, with Jam. oll= earringe.houre, garden, ipelouse. •Inquiro 1821 Girard avenue. • , IWO 10'. FOR RENT FOR THE RUMMER BEA:ON. furnished.—An elegant Residence; • with stabling. vegetable garden and several acres of land attached I' pitneto on Blenheim street. Germanhpwn,.7 4 M. (WK. DIEU& HONS. 508 Walnut street., NEW GRENOBLE WALNVII-25 BALES NEW Cro Soft shell Grenoble Walnuts landing, and for ; sale 'by JOB. B. BUSBIES 130.4' lOti South Delmer** Fel& AMILIE•. lIEEZ=MI TO LET. APPLY AT FY°M our ilLte gdifio/18 ; of Yesterday * The SeerfiltSomellon. precialDespatch to the rhits4elphis Zenists Dot!sun.) WAssunorms, Mat 11,—Tberets intetille went at the Capitol, and a largentimber of people have congregated in the balls,and- corridors .to,• bear sUch newts' as' cad be 'Obtained '-`frora the , Senate en:unbar. The Senators are I , 4*i:reticent, and: meat Or them adhere to their oath to keep•secret wlutt.' transpires inside' , " the Senate. At TO'clock the Senate took a': cess for - twenty minutes. During that time your Correspondent obtained , from a Senator an' account of What transpired up to the time of the recess. My thin despatch*e incorrect in saying that the Senate bad not taken' any action on the for mula of the mode of the questions to'be , put to the Senateon the final seta : • • , The Senate adopted the following, which the Chief Juatice la tnask each &tater when his name la _ called: First—Do you believe Andrew Johnson guilty of this article as charged? Second--Do'3c i tt believe that Ole constitutes a high crime and isdemeanor Up to the time of adjoniting,'Agght Senators bad spoken under the flfteen-tainutes'rule. These were Atesera,. Stewart, 81horman, Grimes, - drinks, Edmunds, Wllliam9, 110 we and MoritS of Milne: - Messrs. Stewart, Edmunds, Williams and rill sustained ell the articles of impeachment, Sherman: and. Rowe only sustained the second,, third, fourth, eighth and eleventh Ileums. Grimes and Ilendricks took sides with the President, and declared him innocent of al the artieleS: My Informant says that all but the 2d, ad, 4th, and llth artieles are Bute to be defeated, enough Senators, having expressed themselves inside the &nate Wamber as to leave no doubt but that We others will be defeated. • Messrs. Trumbull, Fessenden, Ross and row 3cr have not indicated ne yet how they will vote, though It Is CIPCCtCd that Messrs. Trumbull and Fessenden will vote the same as Messrs. Sherman and Rowe. A stat2lnent was circulated throughout the Capitol that Senator Trumbull had' expressed himself as going against all tha, articles, bat It cannot be traced to any reliable source. • It is known, however, that he intends to speak during this afternoon, and the excitement is run ning wry high in consequence to know exactly bow be stands. The friends of impeachment are not at all dia. eon raged by the treachery of Mr. Grimes,of lowa, although the feeling against him is very strong among the lowans at the Capitol. The President's private secretary arrived at the Capitol during the recess of the Senate, and was closeted with Mr. Grimes in the committee room during the recess. After the recess of the Senate .Garrett Davis took the floor In support of theTresident's inno mnee, and was followed by Senator Henderson, who spoke fifteen minutes against the first three articles, and ceased without declaring or inti mating that he was in favor of any of the articles. This has discouraged the friends of hr.peachmen somewhat. The Consolidated Tait 13111. WASHINGTON, May 11. The Committee of Ways and Means will probably report the amended or consolidated Tax bill to-morrow.. It proposesto create the Internal Revenue Bureau into a Department. The whisky tax is retained at $2. The tax on cigars is raised to el 10 per 1,000. The, brewers have failed to get wastage allowed to the extent they desired. The Reconstruction Committee Is waiting an opportunity to report a bill for the admission of North Carolina, Georgia, Alabama and -Louisiana. The Admission of Noutkern State*. tfleecial Derpatch to the Philadelphia Evening &Media. WASHINGTON, May 11.—Mr. Stevens, from the Reconstruction Committee, reported a bill ad mitting. the States of North and South Carolina, Louisiana, Georgia and Alabama to representa tion, which was made the special order for Wed nesday. Frozialßaltimore. BALTISIOM May 11.—In the Criminal Court, William H. Foster (colored), convicted of the murder of Emeline Parks, also colored, was sea fenced to be hanged. John W. Dixon (colored), convicted of the murder of Mary Ellen Waters (colored), was sentenced to 18 years in the Penitentiary. Andrew Weil3, convicted of the murder of Fer dinand Seibert, was sentenced to 15 years, and John McCarty, convicted of manslaughter of Luke Lankford, to three yearti in the same bed . tntion. Destructive Fire at Norristown. Noun's-rows, May 11th.--A fire broke out at 1.15 today in the dye house of Jos. Lee At . Sons' cotton and woolen mill, in Bridgeport, opposite this town. An alarm was promptly given, and the steamers from Norristown were sent over, but owing to the great distance, they did not get Into service for nearly an hoar. - The mlll will be total loss, the'steamers being unable to check the flames. - • Fa t 1 AtillitStlC Cable. PAms, May 11.—The Emperor and Empress are at Orleans.-, On Saturday the Emperor made a pacific speech in response to the Mayor's ad dress-of welcome.. < ' . XLth Congress—Second Session. WASHINGTON', May 11. 110III3E.—The speaker proceeded as the regular business in the morning hour on Monday to the callof the States for bills and joint resolution for reference. Under the call bills and joint resolu tions were introduced, read twice and referred as By'Mr. Miller , (E's.), declaring it is inexpedient for this -Government to enter into a treaty with any foreign government which tends to discrimi nate aga ins t -the manufactures and productions of any -part of the United States, and give such foreign power an undue advantage over the in dustries of this country. Referred to the Com rnittee.on Poreign Affairs. By Mr.Ellot (Mass.),making appropriations for certain public works. Referred to •the Committee on Commerce. By Mr. •Kelsoy (N. Y.,), to fix the compensation of certain consular officers, to provide for their supervision and . the verification of. heir records, and to prohibit tiacireollection of fees not author ized by law. Referred to the Committee on Re trenchment. By Mr. 'Welker (*Ohio), resolutions of the Ohio Legislature asking •Congrees to take measures to prevent the loos of fife on the waters in its juris diction.. Referred to the Committee on Com merce. 1 6. By Mr. Van Tru`nap (Ohio, the resolutions of the Ohio Legislature protest ing against the re construction acts of Congress, and against the passage of the bill requiring two-thirds of the Judges of the Supreme Court to decide an act un constitutional. Referred to , the Committee on .Reconstritetion. • Mr. Herman (Ind.) asked that the latter resolu tion bexel ,d but objections were Made. By Mr. Washburn° (fed.), for the relief of the President and Directors of the Terse Hattie and Richmond Railroad. Referred to the Committee on Claims.. - ~By Mr. Hopkins (Wis.), to grant certain lands to Wisconsin as swamp lands. Referred to' the Committee' on Public Lands. "`Also; amendatory of the act of, June. 1656, grunting lands to Wisconsin for. Railroad ppurposes =Referred t* the committee on•Pablic Lands. - By Mr. Johnson, (Cal.), to settlefinally titles to, Mexican land grants in California Same refer , By ifr. Donnelly (Miau.) to grant lands to aid qonstruction of a railroad from the Allem- eippt finer to Yankton" II" th Missouri rivet. eau, referee. By Mr. Flanders ( W. in reference to the judicial district of Washington territory. To Committee On Territoriee. By Mr—Cavanaugh (Montana) a memorial of tke ktr.ntansi Legislature, asking an appropria tion for paying the debt created in ralaing Montana volunteere. To Committee on Indian Airairs. . , By Mr: Adian(lnd.), relative to the Cherokee and other Irodian lands. Same reference. By Mr. Ward (N. Y.), for the purchase of a full lengig 'Portrait of the late President Lincoln. To the Committed on Library. By Mr. Pile (Mo.), for the appointment of In spector of Cavalry in the United States army—to . Committee on Military Affairs. The call of States for bills having been con cluded, the Speaker proceeded' to call the States forresointions, beginning with the State of In diana: Mr. Washburn° (Ind.) offered a concurrent resolution that on the adjournment next Friday a recess be.taken until the 26th. Mr. Spaiddlng (Ohio) suggested whether the recess was not to enable the officers of the House to have the carpets taken up for summer. Mr: %Aherne assented. • Mr. Farnsworth (Ill.) inquired whether the tatting up of, the carpets; would occupy ten Mr. Robinson (N, Y.) suggested that the object' of the recess was to take up the catpet-baggers [Laughter. I • Mr. Upson (Mich.) moved to lay the resoin• Lien on the table: •(Mich.)_ Rouse divided 'and :the vote stood, yeas, 54; nays", 52. The yeas and nays were demanded, and being taken stood, yeas Q; nays; 62. The Speiket voted in the affirraative, and the resolution mite laid on the table. Mr..Cobum (find.) offered a resolution direct ing the General of the army to fnrnish a state ment of the votes cast for and against the consti tutions of North ,Carelitia, Bold( Caroliha, Georgia and Alahania. Mr. Brooks (N. Y.) suggested that the call for information be made on the Seeretary of War, as that has been the usual course heretofore. Mr. Farnsworth (I 11.) remarked that it was right enough as it was. Mr.Coburtedeclined to modify the amendment, remarking' that the General of the Army had possession of the informatinn. Mr. Brooks remarked that hitherto the course had been to call for information not on military officers, but directly on the Secretary of War. Mr. Wine (Wis.) objected to debate. The resolution was adopted. Mr. Spalding (0.) offered the following resolu tion, and moved the previous question: • Resolved That the Committee on Ways and Means be i nstructed in preparing a bill regulating the duties on imports, to have regard to an equalization of the amount imported from other countries, with the amount exported from the United States, so far as the same can be effected by a judicious tariff. The previous question was seconded and the resolution adopted. Mr. Shanks (Ind.) offered a resolution instruct ing the Committee on Public Buildings and Grounds to Inquire into the expediency of pro viding by law for organizing, under the Engineer Department, a corps of 50 persons, more or less, from maimed, wounded or disabled Union sol diers in the late war, to act as watchmen in the Capitol grounds, the grounds of the:Executive Mansion, of the Smithsonian Institute, and the other public grounds of Washington. Adopted., Mr. Garfield (Ohio) introduced a bill an thorizing the f3ecretary of War to issue such Com missary sad Quartermaster stores for the expedi tion engaged in the exploration of the Colorado River, under the direction of Professor Powell, as may be necessary to enable it to prpsecute its work. Passed. Mr. Mungon (Ohio) offered a resolution .to ex tend the powers and duties of Select Com mittee on the treatment of thelinion prisoners to an inquiry into the treatment of prisoners In the Northern camps and prisons, into the conduct of Union officers In reference to the exchange of prisoners, and into propositions of the Confede rate authorities to obtain medicines to be sent under charge of Federal surgeons to Anderson ville and other Southern camps and prisons, to be exclusively for the benefit of Union prisoners in those camps and prisons. Mr. Benjamin moved to lay the resolution on the table—yeas 75, nays 41. Mr. F.ektity introduced a concurrent resolution to take a recess from Saturday next until Mon day, May 25th. Mr. Harding moved to lay the resolution on the table., 'Rejected—yeas 44, nays 53; and the concurrent resolution was adopted—yeas 68, nays 67. The Boston Defalcation. Boerox, May 11.—The examination of Martin and Felton, defaulters in tho National Hide and Leather Bank, resulted In their being held for trial in $50,000 and etloo,ooo respectively. CIIT ORDINANCE. COMMON COUNCIL OF FILILIDELPHrk, CLERK'S OFFICE, PHILADELPHIA, May 8,1868. In accordance with a resolution adopted by the Common Council of the city of Philadelphia on Thursday, the seventh day of May, 1868, tiie annexed hill, entitled "AN ORDINANCE to create a loan for the further extension of the Philadelphia Gas Works," is hereby published for public information. JOHN ECKSTEIN, Clerk of Common Council. An Ordinance to create a Loan for the further extension of the Philadelphia Gas Works. SECTION 1. The Select and Common Councils of Philadelphia do ordain That the Mayor of the City be and be Is hereby authorised to borrow at not kss than par, on the credit of the city, such sums as the Tru stees of the Gas Works may re quire, not exceeding in'the aggregate one million dollars, at a rate of interest not above six per cent., to be applied as follows, viz: First—For enlarging and extending the works and purchasing a suitable site for the erection of any new buildings or other structures in the northeastern part of the city; the selection of the site and the character of the new buildings or structures as proposed to be erected to be first submitted to and approved by the Councils, live hundred thousand dollars. decond—For street mains, tlvo hundred and twenty-five thousand dollars. Third—For services and metres, two hundred thousand dollars. Fourth—Forcoal storehouse at Point Breeze, seventy-flve thousand dollars. The principal of said loan shall be payable at the expiration of thirty years from the date of negotiation, and shall be free from all taxes. lam. 2. Certificates for said loan shall bo Issued by the Mayor, in such amounts as the lenders may ilesire, but not for any fractional parts of one hundred dollars, nor made transferable other wise than at the City Treasurer's office, and shall be in the following form: Gas Loan. Certificate No.— Six per cent Loan of the City of Philadelphia, issued under authority of an ordinance entitled "an ordinance to create a loan for the furthea extension of the Philadelphia Gas Works," approved This certifies that there is due to by the City of Philadelphia, —dollars — , wilt interest at six per cent., payable half yearly on the Ist days of January and July, at the office of the City Treasurer in the said city, the principal to be paid at the same office in years from the date of said ordinance and not before,without the holder's consent. Free of all taxes. In wit ness whereof the City Treasurer has hereto ses his hand and affixed the seal of said city this day of ------ A. D. 18—. L. a. City Treas. Attest----City Controller. SECTION 3. That the terms and provisions of the ordinance entitled, "An Ordinance for the further extension and management of the Phila delphia Gas Works," approved Juno 17, 1811, shall not apply in any way or manner to this Loan. RESOLUTION To4runu.4u A OAS LOAN DILL. Resolved, That the Clerk of Common Council be authorized to publish In two daily newspapers of this city, daily, for four weeks, the Ordinance presented to the Common Council on Thursday, May 7, Iti6B, entitled " an Ordinance to create s loan for the frirther extension of the Thiladelphia Gas Works." And the said Clerk at tho stated meeting' of Councils, after the expiration of four weeks from the first day of said publication, 0411 pre,sont to this Council one of each of said newspapers for every day in which the same shall have 'been made. my 8,24 t 4 , 41.1111 , S - PARUIES,GA.P.Sitd, to.-01,1 v Dal r`401.11.61 1 -f (Stuffed °Wee), Nonpareil and Superfine Capers and Ofrench frah goods; landing ex Napoleon roro Havre, and for sale byJOS. HUSSIES it CO. OA So xtb Delaware Avenue, ~:,..'.,:...:,,: ~:: . Tilt DAILY-SVENINfikii.VTJLEtt.4IWIP:PERHIA,,.....'I"-MDAY;:::.:441(.12,486.8, OitirkinfiWr 11111/11116. For Boaton---Steamship Line Direot (iimM Fai RIPE ME 0 .B 0 dink Tbhi 'ls , 'etestbessei 'od thi of .dim ROMAN, eons, Captain' 0. Baker. • SAXON, 1, tote: Cap in M . Hogg& BIOILVIA.N, 1.208 ton/. Mania en:mem The SAXON,from_ Phil*. on Friday. May lb. 10 A. It The NokMAN. rrom Boston.'Wedneday. Mai 13.3. These Steamships NIB ennetually. sad Freight win be received every daiuner being always on the Freight for Mu beyond Boston sent with For Freiar de, u t znie spot, to MB Bola riajiware svitLne. : ffitteliV ßl COS l Mlrr i al l fth FROM PlERsorra The JUN/ATA will sail FOR IV& t a reotHILVIA HAVANA; Saturdeky,ilday Mat 8 o'clock A. H. he STAR OF THE UNION will sail FROM NEW OR! • ANA VIA HAVANA. • The WYOMING 'AU sail FOR-SAVANNAH. on Saturday, Mey.lBth, at 8 o'clock A. M. 1 he 'TUN A WANDA is withdrawn for the present. The PIONEER will stub Mutt W/L5iLNUTurs. N. es Thursday. May 7.At 5 o'cloc i Ur i . flirting!' o Bl. . • Bllhs of lAdhisi and Passagli wicket. whit° all points South awl WILLIAM LADIES,_ Dermal Agent. CHARLES E. DILKEII, Freight Agent. nos No . 814 South Delaware avenue. PHILADELPHIA. RAYMOND AND.NOE. " FOLEBTEANSHIP LINE. THROUGH FREIGHT AIR LINE TO THE MI AND WEST At Shron iu rsem FIRST WHARFabove_b bl ai W ri ereg i THROUGH RATES and THROUGH to Line sam moßad. conneg po North and South Carolina vie Seaboard Air. at Prom and to Lilleh• burg, Va., Tennessee , the, est. via Viresta:,.aird Tennessee Alr-Line an cbmon and Danville Railroad. Frejr,ht HANDLED BUT ONCE, and taken at LOWER RAI ES THAN ANY OTHER LINE. The relltdaritY, safety and chearnees of this route corn. mend it to the public ari the most desirable medium for carrying every description of f r eight. ' No charge tor coorambadon. drayage. or any moue Steamships Innis at lowest rates. FrMsht received DAILY. , WS. P. CLYDE. . 14 North and Southei. W. P. PORTEE,_Agent at Richmond and City Point T. P. CROWELL pi CO.. Agents at Norfolk. feL4l HAVANA BMA/MILS. ' NTILLA tei =O 1/ LINE. HENDR1CKHUD50N................... ....Capt. Howes STARS AND STRIVES . ... ..,. .. . . .... .. .Capt. Holmes There steamers will leave this * po'rt . for Havana every other Tuesday at wil l K. The 44unnablp STARS AND STRIPES, Hohnearouutter. will WI for Havana .on Tuesday morning, May I.oth. at 8 o'clock. - - PasSilavansi No fr t received after ll6o. l e t=r j For t or passat t apply to 014. AS WATTSON • SONS, as.2o . 140 North Delaware avenue. NOTIC FO E.. R NEW YORK, Via Delaware and Raritan CanaL EXPRESS STEAMBOAT VOMPANY. The Steam Propellent of the Line will commence los& ing on BA'IU/LDAY, 21st hist, leaving Daily, as usual THROUGH IN 24 DOERS, Goods-forwarded by all the Lines going out of New York—North. I. art and West--free of commission. Freight received at our usual low rates.. WM. P. CLYDE & CO, JAB, HAND, Agent.l9 South Wharves. Philadelphia. 119 Wall street, cor. South, New York. mhlll-ti9 NEW EXPRESS LINE TO ALEXANDRIA. Georgetown and Washington. D. C., via Chesapeake and Delaware Canal, with eon. nectiona at Alexandria from the moat direct route for Lynchburg. Bristol, Knoxville, Naahville. Dalton and , the Southwest. Steamers leave regularly from the first wharf ahoy Market etreet, eveUtorday at noon. Freight received y. WM. P. CLYDE dt CO., 14 North and South What yea. J. B. DAVIDSON, Meet at Georgetown. M. ELDRIDGE & CO.. Agents at Alexandria. fel-tf NOTICE—FOR NEW YORK. VIA Delaware and Raritan Canal—Bwifteure Transportation Company—Deepatch and Rwilteure L ea.- 1 1 he business by theee Linea will be re. turned on and after the 19th of March. For Freight, which will be taken on accommodating terms. apply to WM. M. BAIRD & C0.,132 South Wharves. [mhl9-tf DELAWARE AND CHESAPEAKE Steam Tow-Boat Company.—Bargea towed between Philadelphia, Baltimore, Havre-de-Gram Delaware City and intermediate points. WM. P. CLYDE & CO— Agents. Capt. JOHN LAUGH, LIN. Supt Office. 14 B. Wharves, Phila. 'I\TOTIOE.—ALL PERBONB ARE HEREBY (AU tioned against trusting any of the crew of the Nor wegian Bark Progress. Lindrup limier, from Liverpool, as no debta of their contracting will be paid by either the Captain or Consignees. PETER WRIGIIT 6a BONS, 11S Walnut street, ap3o tf NTICE. ALL PERSONS ARE HEREBY CAU tioned against trusting any of the crew of ttie British skip Ansel, Haney, Master, from Li, erpool. as no debts of their contracting will be paid by either the Captain or Consignees. PETER WRIGHT dc SONS, Ilii Walnut street. my4-tf V - OTICE.—THE BRITISH SHIP MICHIGAN. WHE. Lv len. Master. from Liverpool, is now discharging under general order at the fourth wharf above .face street. Consignees will please attend to the receotion of their goods. PETER WRIGHT SON% apallt 115 Walnut tired.- XTOTICE.—THE BRITISH SHIP "ANSEL," HANEY, .1. 1 1 Master, from Liverpool, is now diocharging under general order, at Race street wharf. Consignees will please attend to the reception of their goods. PETER WRIGHT & SoNS. 111 Walnut street. inyg-tf AEI POBLICIATIOries DICKENS'S LIFE OF GRIMALDI: And Other New Works published this day by T. 13. PETERSON & BROTHERS, No 806 CHESTNUT STREET. PHILADELPHIA. And for sale by all Booksellers and News Agents, LIFE OF .TOSEPII GRIMALDI; the 'acted English Clown Written from Grimaldi's own manuscript and notes,by Charles Dickens. Only edition in America. Price 50 cents. The following is a complete list of Peterson's cheap edit inn for the million of Dickens's Works: Pickwick Paper 5........ 2fi Barnaby Itudee ..... 25 Nicholas Nickleby...... 25 Sketches by "80r."..... 25 Dombey and 50n...:.... 25 Chriatmai Stories....... 25 David Loppenicld 25 The Haunted House-- 25 3lartiu Churchwit.* 2.slUncominercial Traveler 25 Old Curiosity hh0p...... 25l Tom Tiddlers Ground, 25 Oliver wist. 25i Our Mutual Friend..... 35 American Notes.. 25 Bleak H0u5e............ 35 Great Expectations 26 Little Dorrit... ....... 85 Hard Times. . ....... 25 Joseph 50 A Tale of Two Cities... 25 'Holiday Stem les— ... 50 Somebody's Luggage... 26 The Pic-Nlc Papers. .. 50 Message from the Sea.. 25 No Thoroughfare lu Mrs 'draper's Lodgings and Mrs. Lirriper's Legacy, 25 Mushy Junction and Dr. Marigold's Pi escription.... 25 Hunted Down; and Other Reprinted Pieces:— 25 The liolly-Tree Inn; and Other Stories.— : ........ 25 IL THE PIRATE. By Sir Walter Scott. Being the Thirteenth volume of Petensotus' new edition ors , 'Tim Waverley ovels,'' to be completed in twenty-six weekly volumes, at Twenty cents each, or Five Dol tare fora complete set, and 'sent post-paid everywhere. he folio's in g thirteen volumes are now reedy : VIE PIRATE: IVANHOE. AbOT KENILWORTH. T 11E Mts.NAIsiTERY. OLD MOR PALITY. 11 EAR!' OF MILLOTHEAN. WAVERLEY. 131siDE OF LAMM EIDIOOR. GUY MANNERING. THE ANTIQUARY. ROB ROY. BLACK DWARF; AND A LEGEND OF MONTROSE. Pt:Th.IO3OMP is admitted by all to be the Cheapest Edition of SIR WALTER BOAT'S Novels ever pub. Ihhed in the world. . • All Books published are for sale by us the moment they are issued from the prow. at Publishers' prices. Calt in person, or seed for whatever books von want, to T. B. PETERSON .b BROIHERS, niylll3t - 806 Chestnut St.. Philadelphia, Pas JLST READY—BINGIIAM'S LATIN GRAMMAR.— aJ New Edition.—A Grammar of the Latin Language for the Lao of Schools. With exercises and vocabularies by William Bingham, A. AL, Superintendent of the Bingham School. The Publishers take pleasure in announcing to Teachers and triends of Education generally, that the new edition of the above work is now ready, and they Invite a careful examination of the same, and a comparison with other orks on the same subject, Copies will be furnished to Teachers and Superintendente of Schools for this purpose at low rates. Price $1 50. Published by E. 11. BUTLER dc CO., 137 South Fourth street Philadelphia. And for sale by Booksellers generally. au2l. Lectures.—A new Course of Lectures, as delivered at the New Yet& Museum of Anaionur. embracing _the sulr Deets: How to live and what to live for; Youth. histurit3 and Old Age ; Manhood generally reviewed; Thu cause of indigeatiolik flatulence and NOIROIII3 Diseases accounted for. - rocket volumes containing these lectures will be for. warded to parties unable to attend on receipt of foul stamps. by addressing J. J. Dyer. 35 School street. 800. ton. folB 411 ROOKS BOUGHT, SOLD AND EXCHANGED AT LP JAMES BADE•s. Dim Market etzeet. telod7 DOBERT SHOEMAKER Ac CO.. WHOLESALE Ix Druggists, N. E. corner Fourth and Race streets, invite the attention of the Trade to their large stock of Fine Drugs and Chemicals, Essential Oiht SnoogO4 Corks, dm. nontr (RHUBARB ROOT, OF RECENT IMPORTATION. IS and very rierior quality ; White Gum Arablo, Eaat India Castor Wbite and Mottled Castile Soap. Olive Oil, of various rands. For sale by ROBERT ORO& MAKER at CO" Druggbda, Northeast corner of Fourth and Race atreeta. pont, YUBE PAINTS .— WE OFFER TO TIIE TRADE PURE White Lead, Zinc White and Colored Paints of our own manufacture, of undoubtedpurity; in quantities to suit purchaeers. ROBERT SNOWMAKER & Dealers in Paiute and Varnishes, N. E. corner Fourth and Race streets. • - DRUPOISTS' BUNDRIF B .— GRADUATES . MORTAR. Pill Tile& Combs, Brusher), Mirrors, Tweezers, Pun Boxes. Hoz Scoops, Surgical instrumente t Trusses, and said Soft Rubber Goode, Oases, Glass an Meta Rldugee, &c., all at "First Halide"prices. SNOWDEN & BROTHER, L 99 South Eighth etreet MOE VERITABLE EAU DE COLOGNE—JEAN - .1 ,MARIA FA RIN A..—The most &a ctuating of all toilet maters, in festivity or Sickness, a that which Mut given name and celebrity to this exqt alto and refreshing per fume. dingle bottles,7s cents, -Three for two dollare.. • ~ , LIUBJAELII, ‘ Apothecary'. •ap27-tf -- , 110 Chestnut street. ALNUTS AND ALMONNEW fiROP OREN°. v ble Walnuta and Paper Shell Ahnonda. for sale by J. B. BUSSIEA Jo GO.. 100 South Delaware avenue. /MA CRUMP 011711118. BRISTOL LINE - ~Eirmems NEW YORK AND BOSTON, VIA I3RilitTOL. , . For Plio - 171DENOE L VAUNTO. NEW BEDFORACIAPB EWA and au Points of railway conimonleAtim,Rast ad tee lieW and splendid steament BRIBTOU and P • ,DENOO leave Fier No. 40 North River, toot Of 'anal . street, adiolichig Debrasses 'street Petty, NeW York. at 6 .Y. M. dally.limidays exroted, connecting With steam boat train at Bristol at 4.80 A. M. arriving In Boston at e A. M. in tim to connect with lathe morning trains from that city, 7'he moat desirable and pMasant route td‘ the White itountaing Travelers for that point eon Make direct connections by way of Providence and Worcester or Barton. - staterooms and, Tickets mimed at office on Pier in Nsw Yonx. IL 0. BRIGGS' Gap Manager . it. . 5m4 'ORM E ffy AN . : ]t. . THE MIDDLE , ROUTE.—Shortest and- most direct line to Bethlehem. Easton,: Allentown, Mauch . Chunk. Haaletpn,White Haven, WilkesbarreMahanoy City Mt. Carmel., Milton, seranten,Carbondille and all the po ints In the Lehigh and .W.yoniing Coal regions. Fsuisenger Depot in Philadelphia, N. W. cornetef Belk! and American streets. SPRING ARRAN GEMENT—ELEVEN DAILY TRAINS —On and after MONDAY. APRIL ath, Pia aengerTrains leave the New Depot. corner of Berke and American streets, daily (Sundays excepted). _as follows: At 6.95 A. M.—Accommodation for bort Washington. At 7.45 A. N.—Morning Express for Bethlehem and Principal Stations on North Pe glvania .Railroad:eon meeting at Bethlehem with , Le Valley and Lehigh and litiaquehanna. Railroads for aston,Allentown. Costa. Huquktilatington, Mauch ChunkAWeatherly, Janesville.. azleton, White Haven, Wilkesbarre, Rinitston, Pittston,, Scranton, Carbondale. and all paints in Le. MO rad Wyoming Valleys _in connection With Le high and Mahanoy Railroad for Mahanoy City. and with Catawin a Railroad for Rupert; Danville. Milton and WAl liamsport Arrive at Mauch Chunk at 12.05 A. 51.; at Wilkesbarre at 8 P.M.; Scranton at4os 51, ;at Ma fia: no y City at 2P. M. Passengers by this train can take the Lehigh Talley 'lran, passing Bethlehem at 1.1.56 4. M. for Rastais and vointa ou New Jersey Central Railroad to New York. . , At 8.45 A. M.—Accommodation for Do ylestown, atop. ping at all intermediate Stations. Passengers for Willow Grove, Hatboro' and Hartsville, by this train. take Stage at Old York Road. At stopping 10.15A intermediate S . 15L—Accommoda One. tion for Fort Washington , at tat At 1.46 P. M.— Lehigh V Express , for • Bethlehem. Arientown.Mauch Chunk, White Haven, Wilksebarre, Mahanoy they, Centralia, Shenandoah. Mt. Carmel, Pittston and Scranton. and al/ points - in Mahanoy and Wyoming Coal Realms. At 930 P. M.---Acaimmodation for Doylestown, stopping at a ll intermediate stations. Passengers take stage at Doylestown for New Hope, and atNorth Wake for Sum neytovrn. At a 115 P. 2,l—Lehigh and thisquehanna Express for Bethlehem. Easton, Allentown. 'blanch Lhunk, Wilkes. Barre and Scranton. Passengers for Greenville take this train to Quakertown. At 4.15 P. DL—Aceommodation for Doylestown. etasping at all intermediate stations. romancers for Willow Grove, Hatborough and Hartsville take stage at Abing ton At 5.20 P. M.—Through accommodation for Bethlehem and all stations on main line of Mirth Pennsylvania Rail road, connecting at Bethlehem with Lehigh Valley Even ing Train for Easton, Allentown, Mauch Chunk. At 6 20P. M.—Accommodation for Lansdale, stopping at all intermediate statical!. At itao M.—Accommodatlon for -Fort Ws.shington. TRAINS ARRIVE 1N PIILLADELPHIA. From Bethlehem at am and 11.45 A. M., 9 and 8.40 P. M. 11 95 A. M. and 9.00 P. M. Trains makes direct connec tion with Letup Valley and Lehigh and Busquehanna trains froth Easton. Scranton. Wilkesbarre, Mahanoy City and Hazleton. Passengers leavingWilkeabarre at 130 P. M, connect at hethlehem at 6.15 P. K. and arrive in Philadelphia at &40 P. M. From Doylestown at 835 A. M., 5.12 and 7.00 P. M. From Lansdale at 7.80 A. M. From Fort Washington at S. M. and 3.10 P. M. SUNDAYS. Philadelphia for Bethlehem al 0.30 A. M. Philadelphia for Doylestown at 2.00 P. M. Doylestown for Philadelphia at 7.20 A. M. Bethlehem for Philadelhia at 4.00 P. M. Fifth and Sixth streets Passenger Care convey passen gers to and from the new Depot. White Care of Second and Third Streets Line and Union Line run within a short distance of the Depot. Tickets roust be procured at the Ticket office, in order to secure the lowest rates of fare. ELLIS CLARK. Agent. Tickets sold and Baggage checked th , ou&h to principal point., at Mann , s North Penn. Baggage Express Office. No. 105 South Fifth street. &impPLIILADELPHJA, WILMINGTON AND BALTIMORE RAILROAD— TIME TABLE.—Commencing Mon day, April 13th, 1868, Trains will leave Depot, corner of, Broad street and Washington avenue, as follows: Way-mail Train, at 8.51 A. M. (Sundays excepted), for ,Baltimore, stepping at all regular station/. Connerums with Delaware 'Railroad at Wilmington for Crisfield and intermediate stations. Express train at 12.00 M. (Sundays pxceptod) for Balti more and Washington, stopping at Wilmington. Perry - villa and Havre-de-Grace. Connects at Wilmington with train for New Castle. Express Train at 880 P. M. (Sundays excepted), for Bal timore and Washingten. steliPing_at Cheater, Thurlow, Linwood, CI aymont. Wilmington,Newport,Stanton. New ark, Elkton, 5, ortbeast,Chariestown. PerryvillaMavrede. Grace, Aberdeen Perryman's. Edgewood. Magnolia. Chase's and Stemmer's Run. Connects at Wilmtegton with Delaware Railroad Line, stopping at New Castle, Middleton. Clayton. Dover, Harrington, Seaford, Salisbury, Princess Anne. and connecting at Cris fi eld with boat for Fortress Monroe, Norfolk. Portsmouth and the South. - Night Express at ILOO P. 51. (daily) for Baltimore and Washington, stopping at Perryville and Havre dcOrace. Passengers for Fortress Monroe and Norfolk via Belli. more will take the MOO M. Train. Via Crisfield will take the 3.50 P. M. train. Wilmington Trains, stopping at all stations between Philadelphia and Wilmington: Leave Philadelphia at 11 A.M.,180.5.00,7 and 11.30 (daily) P. M. The 5.00 P. M. train connects with the Delaware Railroad for Harrington and intermediate stations. . Leave Wilmington 7.00 and 8.10 A. M. (dally) and 1.31, 4.15 and 7.00 (daily) P. M. The 8.10 A. M. Tram will stop between Chester and Philadelphia. From Baltimore to rhihtdolpoui.-I.eave Baltimore 7.25 A. M., Way Mail 9.4 Q A. M.. Express. 226 P. M., Ex... Press. 636 P. M. Express. 856 P. M. Express. SUNDAY TRAINS FROM BALTIMORE.—Leave Bal. timore at 966 P. M. stopping at Havre de Grace. Perry. vine and Wilmington. Also stops at North East, Elkton and Newark, to take passengers for Philadelphia, and leave passengers from Washington or Baltimore, and at Chester to leave passengers f rom Washington or Balti more. Through tickets Wall points West.Sonth and Southwest may be procured at ticketoffice. 8284Chestnntstreekunder Continental Hotel, where also State Rooms.and Berths in Sleeping-Cars can be secured during the 'Fay. Persons purchasing tickets at this office can have baggage checked at their residence by the Union Transfer Company. IL F. KENNEY, Superintendent. pLIILADELPHIA. GERMAN. TOWN AND NORRISTOWN RAIL. ROAD TIME TABLE.—On alter Wednesday. Kay 1, 1867. pOR GERMANTC)WN. Leave Philadelphia-6, 7,8, 9.06, 1011, 12A. L 2, &1.5, SK, 6.10. 7, 8. 9. 10, 11, 12 P. M. 4i, 6K Qermantown-8, 7,7 M 8, 8.20, 9,10.11.12 A.M.; 1, 2, 3. 4. Of, 6, 634 7, 8. 9, 10, 11 P. e k The B.V) down trim, and the 3K and 6K' UP trains, will not atop on the Germantown Branch. ON SUNDAYS. Leave Philadelphia-9.15 minutes A. M ;2,7 and 10K P.M. Leave Germantown-915 HILL 1, 6 and 9K P. M. CIIPSTNUT RAILROAD. Leave PhUadelphia-6. 8, 10, 12 A. M.; 2,3 K, 636.7.9 and 10 P. M. Leave Chestnut Hill-7.10 minutes, 8, 9.40 and .40 A. M.; 140. 3.40. 5.40. 6.40, 8.40 and 10.40 P. M. ON SUNDAYS. Leave Philadelphia-9.15 minutes A.'6L ; 2 and 7 P. M. Leave Chestnut Hill-7.60m inutes A. MI 12.40.11:10 and 9.25 minutes P. M. FOR CONSHOHOCKEN AND NORRISTOWN. Leave Philadelphia-6. 7}6. 9, 11.06. A. M.; 134.3.434, 5%, 6.16, 8.05 and 1134 p. M. Leave Norristown-6.40. 7,7.50, 9,11 A. M.; 134, 3,434, and 834 P. M. ON SUNDAYS.. Leave Philadelphia-9 A. M. ; 234 and 7.16 P. M. Leave Norrlatow FOR MJNn-7 A. M. ; S ANA ,44 and /L. 9 P. M. Leave Philadelphia-6, 734, 9.1L06 A. M. ;I#. 3, 05. 5.15. 8.05 and 11.% P. M. Leave Manayunk-43.10. 7}5. 8.90. 9# ,11% EL M.; 2, 3, 4 5, 6. 6% and 9 P. 15L ON SUNDAYS, Leave Philadetphigi- - -9Ar3CA - 5ind . 7.1115 P. M. Leave Manayunk-7,4 A. General Su p er i ntendent, W. Eh 'MU' ON Depot, Ninth and Green street& PHILADELPHIA AND ERIE RAILROAD—WINTER TIME TA. BLE c —Througli and Direct Route be tween Philadelphi Baltimore , Harrisburg, Williams. port and the Great Oil Regi on of Pennevivania.—Eiegant Bleeping Cars on all NighTi On and after MONDAY Nov. 96th 1867 , the Trains on the Philadelphia and Erie R ailroad will run as follows: WESTWARD. . MP Train l i e Zts r aVE a r d ie!. Phia v ;•; .... • : TX S I P.M. Erie Expels levee l iv 'h i i ii iii i dilp p n o i tt e • • • :::: • • '' 1 8 2. 50 00 N p. oo m m . 0 0 arrives at '' '''.... 9.45 A. M. Elmira Mall leaves .. 8.00 A. M. ° " arrived' at Lock v. liven 7.45 P. M. Msil EASTWARD. TEttin levee ...... A ............11.66 .M. Williams" arrives at Philadelp rt hia 8.65 8.55 A. N. E l! eEl ' Pre i n At v er af r P — ..... 110 5 Elmira Mail leaves Lock Haven........ - .......7.10 A. M. _ _ arr. at P. M. Mail and Ei - kriasConn7e7t — irriiiiiii'iiiiiii ori — Wiiiren and Franklin W&Y. Passongere leaving Philadelphia at 12.00 1%, arrive at Irvington at 8.40 A. M., and Oil C i ty , at 9.60 A. m, Leaving Philadelphia at 11.16 P. M. arrive at 011 City at 4.56 P m. All trains on Warren and Franklin Railway make close connections_ est Oil City with trains for r and Petroleum CftWe. Baggage checked through: ALFRFJ) L. TYLER, j General Ihmarintandent. PHILADELPHIA As BALTIMORE Ii t ineNNVENTRAL RAILROAD. Summer Arrangements. On and after Monday. April . 1a„.113036, the Trains will leave Philadelphla,from the Depot of the Weat Chester 'A Phlladelobla Railroad, con. ner of Thirty Bret and Chestnut streets (Weet Philada.). at 7.15 A. M. an 4.50 P. V. Leave ) S un, Bldn at 5 . 10 A. M. end Oxford at 6.00 A. Al end ave ii xford at. 8.25 P. M. 2.s u larket Train with Paeiseager Oar attached will run 4 on (edam and Blida...TN. leaving the Rising Bus at ILOS A. M., Orford at 11.45 B. and Kennettat LOU P. M. con. nesting at West Chester aunction with a Pain for Phila delphia. Eln, Wednesdays and flatairdaya train leaved t o Philadelphia at 50 P. /Laims through to Oxford. The Train le g Philadelet at 7.15 A.M. connects at Oxford with a aDY - 11.11e of 8 ee for , Peach Bottom. ha Lancaster corm . Re urning,. eaves Peach Bottom to connect at Oxfor d : with th e AttaDoon Train for Philadel. /to Trai t leaving ' Philadelphia at 650 P. Mi rum to , Rifling Bun, d. Passengers armed to take seeming apparel only, as Baggage, and the Company will not, in any case, be re. aporudble for an amount exceeding one hundred dollars. unless a special contrast be made for a same. rubld HENRY WOOD. General Bop% %MA VELIERaIy WADE QIIIOKEST . trims ON RECORD. THE P/U9410101,11..R0FTE. or as HOURS to ORICINNATI,yLa PENHEYL_ &RAILROAD AND PANMANDLE, 7)‘ HOURS than by COMPETING INES. EISENGERS taking the SCO P. M. TRAIN arrive in VINNATI beat EVENING Wl*. bL, M HOURS. 0 LY ONE 'NIGHT on the ROI lialr THE WOODRIWPS celebrated ?dam State klngnit SLEET:WIGWAM run through from P FRIA to CINCINNITL Passemiers taldwhe 12 4 K. and Trains ONE MULE TI and all Points WEST and SOUTH ONE TRAIN ADVANCE of all other Routes. TON.IP e" M.R IN ‘ t r4 P IVIA IX ,Ve rf RINI MAIM UINCY, ki/WACKEE.,. P IH A T i art :ll_ points WEST, NORTHWEST and PAN-SOUTH dgzz pri t hur t ask for TICKETS IW Via Sir To SECURE the advantages M Ude LINEi,bo VERY PAUTWULAR and ASK FOB TICKETS , Via. PAN-HANDLE," at TICKET OFFICES. N. W. CORNER NINTH and CHESTNUT Streets, NO., 116 MARKET STREET, bet., Second and Front SM. And TIIIII,TY-FIRST and MARKET Streets,Weit Phila. S. F. SCULL, Gang Ticket Agt, Pittsburgh. JOHN 11. • I • Gent East% Agt..626 Broislway.N.Y. MOM' READING RAILROAD.- GREAT TRUNK 'LINE from Phila. dolphin to the interior of Penzurylva nis, the Babuyan', "Suagrlehantia, Cumberland and Wyoming Valleys, the ' Mirth, Northwest and the Cana.. das.Eiumnier Arrangement of Passenger Trains, May_ 4. 1865. leaving the Company's Depot, Thirteenth and Cal. HMOI streets, Philadelphia, *fee following hours. NING .ACCOMMODATION.--At - 7.80 'A. M. fcir Readina and ail intermediate , Stations, and AllentoWn. Returning leaves at LOU P. M., arriving in - Philadelphia at 9.1,0 P. M. • - MOANING EXPRESS/L-41in A. M. for Reading; Le• batten, 'Harrisburg,' Pottsville; Pine,. Grove, Tamaqua, Sunbury, _ a, iLlLLichester,Niagara Falls, BMWS.: Wilkesbarre,` Pittston, York.' Carilde. Chinn. borsht:dz. liagerstotirmobc: • • h i 3O tr ain tOnsecta. at trailtvrith the East Penn sylvania Railroad trains lee Allentown, £c., and the 8.15 A. M. connects with G e Lebanon Valley train for Harrisburg._ Ac.; at Port Clinton with , Catawista R.R. trains for Willlamsport, Lock Haven.- Asa' &L a i:it Harrisburg with Northern Central. Cumbealand. Valley, and Schuylkill and Busquehannatraims for lititthtirn o rk,CluonbershumPinegeove; Ace. 43.ERNt.0 E PRESS.--Leavet Philadelphia at 8.80 P.M. for Read, Pottsville, Harrisburg. Ac,, hut with Reading and Columbia Railroad bide" for COL umbia, Ac. POWSTOWN .ACCOMMODATION.--Leaves: Potgai town at 6.45 AM. stopping at intermediate stational &t -rivet in PhillidelOia at 9.06 A. M. Returning leaves Phi. la i d t n at 4.30 .M. arrives in Pottstown at 6.16 P. M. ING ACCOMMODATION-Leaves Reading at ISO stoning_ M. all way stations; arrives in Phila. delp at hia 10.15 A. M. _ • Returning, leaved Philadelphia at 5.15 P. M.; arrives in Reading at 8.00 P. M. Trains for Philadelphia leave Harrisburg at 11.10 A. M. and Pottsville at 8.45 A. M. arriving in Philadelphia, at 1.00 P. M. Afternoon trains leave Harrisburg ai 2.05 P.M. and Pottsville at 2.45 P. M.; arriving at Philadelphia , 645 P. M. • Harrisburg accommodation leaves Reading at 7.15 A. 64, and Hers isburg at 4.10 P. M. Connecting at Reading with Afternoon Accommodation tenth at 6.20 P. M., arriving in Philadelphia at 9.10 P. M. Mat ket train, with a Passenger ear attached, leave* Philadeil his at 12.45 moan for Pottsville and all Way Sts, Bons; leaves Pottsville at 7 A. 111., for PhilanelPhia and Way , Stations. All the above trains run daily, Sundays excerited. Sunday trains leave Pottsville at 8.00 A. M., and Phila. delphia at 3.15 P. M.; leave Philadelphia for Reading at 1100 A. M. returning from Reading at 425 P. M. CHESTER VALLEY RAILROAD.-Passengers for Downingtown and intermediate points take the 7.30 A.M. and 4.30 P lit. trains from Philadelphia, returning from Downinstown at 6.110 A. M. and 1.00 PM. NEW 1 GRK EXPRESS. FOR PITTSBURGH AND THE WEST.-Leaves New York at: 9 A. M.. 5.00 and 8.00 P.M., pawing Reading atil A. M., 1.50 and 10.10 P. M., and connect at tratriaburg with Pennsylvania and Northern Central Railroad Express Trains for Pittsburgh, Chicago, WilliarnsPott, Elmira. Baltimore. Ac Returning, I; xprese Train leaves Harrisburg, on arrival of Pennsylvania FExpressfrom Pittsburgh, at. 3 and 5.25 A. ii.. 9.35 P. M.. passing Reading at 4.49 and 7.06 A. M. and 11.40 P. M., arriving at New York 10.10 and 1L45 and 5.00 P. M. Sleeping Cars accompanying these trains through between Jersey City and Pittsburgh, without change. M ail train for New York leaves Harrisburg at 8 10 A. M. and 2.05. P, M. Mail train for Harrhburg leaves New York at 12 Noon. VALLEY RAILROADA‘grains leave Pottsville at 6.30,11,00 A. M. and 7.15 P. Mforetarning from Tamaqua at 7. 35 AND and 1.40 and 4.115 P. SCHUYLKILL SUSQUEHANNA RAILROAD- Trains leave Auburn at 7.15 A. M. for Pinegrove and Har risburg. and at 12.95 P. M. for Pinegrove and Tremont; turning from Harriaburg_at 3.55 P. M., and from Tremont at 7.40 A. M. and 6.85 P. M. TICKETS.-Through fustelass tickets and emigrant tickets to all the principal points filth° North and West and Caned= Excursion Tickets from Philadelphia to Reading and intermediate Stations, good for day only. are sold by Morning Accommodation, Market 'rrain, Reading and Pottstown Accommodation Trains at reduced rates. Excursion Tickets to Philadelphia. good for day only, are sold at Reading and Inter eiliate Stations by Read.- lag and Pottstown Accommodation Trains at reduced The following tickets are obtainable onlynt the 011ie° of S. Bradford, Treasurer, No. 917 South Fourth street, Philadelphia. or of G. A. Nicolls, General Saverbitendent. Commutation Ticket, at 36 per cent discount, between any points desired, for families and Sims. Mileage Tieltete, good for 2 000 miles, between all points at 552 50 each, thr families and firms. Season Tickets, for three, six, nine or twelve montha for holders only, to all points at reduced rates. Clergyman residing on the line of the road will be for. ribbed with cards, entitling themselves and wives to tickets at half fare. Excursion Tickets from Philadelphia to principal eta. None. good for Saturday, Sunda y and Monday, at reduced fare, to be bad only at the Ticket Office. at Thirteenth and Calle w hill streets. FREIGHT.-Goods of all deiutriptions forwarded to all the above points from the Company's New Freight Depot, Broad and Willow streets. • .Freight Trains leave Philaditia daily at 5.80 A. M., 1143 noon, and 6P , M., for Re ading, Lebanon, Harrisburg, Pottsville, Port Clinton, and all points beyond. Mails close at the Philadelphia l'est.oMce for all places on the road and -Its branches at 6 A. M., and for the prin cipal Stations only at 1.4 P.M. BAGGAGE DUngan's E xprPse will collect Baggage for all treble leaving Philadelphia Depot. Orders can be left at No 245 South Fourth street, or at the Depot; Thirteenth and Cal. lowhill streets. ;Rompr'ENN3Y4VANIA CENTRAL Railroad.—Summer Time. Taking effect May tOth, 1868. The trains of the Pennsylvania Central Railroad leave the Depot, at Thirty-first and Market streets, which Is reached directly by the oars of the Market Street Passenger Railway. the last car connecting with each train, leaving Front and Market streets thirty minutes before its departure. Those of the Chestnut and Walnut Street Railway run within one square of the Depot. ON I:SUNDAYS—The Market Street Cars leave Front and Market streets 86 minutes before the departure of each train. Sleeping Car Tickets can be had on application at the Ticket Offsce, Northwest corner of Ninth and Chestnut streets, and at the Depot. Agents of the Union TransferCompany,will caU for and deliver Baggage at the Depot. Orders left at No. MI Chest. nut street, N 0.116 Market street, will receive attention. TRAINS LEAVE DEPOT. VIZ.: Mail Train... . .. . . ..... ...,... 8,00.1. M. Paoli,Accomnio dation No. 1 10.00 A. Fast Line .. at 1200 1),.. Erie Express,. . . ........ at 12.00 M. Paoli ACCOIXI. ... . 42 1060 P. M. Harrisburg Accommodation at 2.30 P. M. Lancaster Acc0mm0dati0n............ at 4.00 P. M. Cincinnati • ... • .... at 8.00 P.M. Erie Mail. . ..... ........... .at MU P. M. ~'hlladolpbia Express ILIS P, M. Accommodation.. . . 11.80 P: ffim Erie Mail leaves daily, ezcept Saturday. Phil mielphia Express leaves daily. All other trains daily, except BundaY. The Western Accommodation Train Tans daily, except Sunday. For this train tickets must be procuredgnd baggage delivered by 800 E"; _M., at 118 Market street. .• TRAINS ARR IV E A.T DEPOT. VIZ: • Cincinnati Expre5e...,......... 1.85 A. M. Philadelphia Express. ............. " 710 " Paoli Accom. No. 1 • ~......... 8.20 " Parkshurg Train......... ....... .... " 0.10 " Erie ..... .................... ........... : . " 7,10 " Fast Line .. ....... ............... " 9.a5 " .Kmcaater ......... ........... "12.130 P. ra, e Exress.. . " 5.00 Paoll - Accom. IjOe. 7,10 Day Express . ........... ........ ...... 5.00 " Harrisburg Accom..... ...... 9.60 " For further information, apply to JOHN C. ALLEN, Ticket Agent, 901 Chestnut street. FRANCIS FUNK. Agent, 116 Market street. SAMUEL H. WALLACE, Ticket Agent at the Depot. The Pennsylvania Railroad Company will not aaanme any risk for Baggage„ except for wearing apparel, and limit their responsibility to One Hundred Dollarsinvalue. All Baggage exceeding that amount in value will be at the iiek of the owner. mama taken by special contract. EDWARD, H. WILLIAMS General Superintendent, Altoona, Pa. CAMDEN AND ATLANTIC RAIL. "Al••;17:..--• ROAD: • CHANGE OF HOURS. On and after MONDAY, May 4th, trains will leave Vine Street Ferry as follows, viz.: Mail. ... . . .. . Freigt;t * , ca .. ....... ' l3° " I ' r. ...... .........016 A. M. Atlantic Accommodation . V'il .ll6 P. RETURNING—LEAVE M. Accommodation .. 5.50 A. M. Freight, with passenger car . :11.43 A. M. Mail... . ................ . • ... .„.. ..... 4.20 P Junction 'Accommodation to Atco and Into . rme. • L diate stations, leaves Vine street.. 5.30 P. M. Returning leaves Atco.. .. .. • . 0.10 A. Haddonfield Accommodation 'train; i;iaVO ..... J. street ....... 10.16 A. AL and 900 P. M Leave Haddonfield.. ... • . 1 and BA' P. M; ansUtl § MUNDY...4mi FAST FREIGHT_ LINE. VIA NORTH FENNBYLVAN/A. RAIL. ROAD,. to Wilkesbarre, Idaha_noy klity, Mount Cannel, Centralia, and ail points ' On Lehigh vauoy Railroad and its branches. By new arrangements, perfected thie day. Oils road is enabled to give increased despatch to merchandise cote idoed to the above named points. Goods delivered at the Thrl Freight Depot. E, cor. of FRON and NOBLE Streets. Before 6E. M. will reach W esbarre, 'Blount Came/. glahanoy City. and the other MALI in idahwy and Wgring valleva before 11 A. theAucceeaas day. Ifi MARX gent. 46540,,PP051T0,N .TO MONOPOLY 4 PEW &mundane. to Wilmington, Lela. Steamer .E1.517.4' HANCOX will leave Arch Street Wharf ealiyCounthl.Ye eX4l(7,pted) 10'A. at, and 4 P.M. Returning. leave liar/ et. Street Wharf...Wiltningt,mE 7 A. 111. and ItY. ' r are for the round trip •- • •• •• • •;••••• •••• • • 141 ( '" t ''' Single ticket A.. ..... ..... 20 Choker and 111areue Boni , For further particulars apply ou be trd. ep2Blmll L. W. IlLitvS. TINIJI.VJBLEAVP 0111314914. WEST JERSEY. RAILROAD LINES. SPRING ARRANGEMENT. oi • Commencing liVedneednyVApniii TRAINS WILL LEAVE'rROM FOOT OP MARKET' STREET WHARF (Upper Ferry) as toiio For Bridgeton. Salem, and intermediate irtations;it 21)0 A. M. and 280 P. M. For Mihville. Vineland, and way stations. at 8.00;A. M and 8.15 P. M. , For Cape May at 8.15 P. M. For Woodbury. (accommodation). at 500 It 1114 Commutation Check!, good between Philalleigbia and all statione, may be obtained on application at the Trea surer's Office, Catilden, N.J. • Freigbt Train leaves Camden daily st I.24'elOclt(noon). Freight will be received at second r,oyered wean below ainut street, Tam from 7 A M. until if Freight VstiVeryll2B South Debtwaro *Venue • p WM. J. ShWELl4,BoPerbgendent. kfiaogtaZAPNAM"Annß4f; E P)Clrg i rga AND TRENTON ROAD, M. PANY'S LINER, Iron) Philadelphia to New and way Maces, from Waltnit street wharf. - At 5 80 A. M.. via Camden mad, Amboy, Aoeom. 915 At 8 A. M. via Camden and Jersey ear Express 800 At 8.80 P M., via Camden and Jersey Cite proms. ' _BOO At 6P. M ., via Camden and Amboy. j M Accom. and Emigrant, _ - - walPh 0 - ~,,, At 5.1 k, A. 301,„ and 3 . 30 P. M., for Freehold. At 0 MidA to A. M.. 9.33 and 8.30 P. M., for'ftenton. At 15.20 8 and 10 A1t,1,180, 9.80,4.80 and 6 P.M..for Borden.. At 5.311 and 10 ALM...112110.8.30; iLSO and eP.M.,,for Florence. At 5.10, 8 and 10 A.m.. 1.280, 83 ), 4.80. 81 5 1 1 6 I.LB B BAL for Burlington. Beverly and Delano°. At 5.30 and 10 A. M. .1 and 11.19) sa. - yew, Kam.. water, Rivemidea Ri verton and Pakoyra. _.. - At 6.30 and 10 A. 55.. 1,6 and 11.8)P M. for Fian mono; lir The 1 and 11.80 P. M. Limo w ill leaVoikonsfoot , of. Market street 14,110. Per fert:Y. , . • ' _ From Kensington Depot. ' At 11 A. M. TM Kenfini lit#0 Express . and JetieY City, EmO Irow At 7.00 and 11.00 'A:14E39.86 a . iiieilticii'fi;inton and Bristol. And at 10.16 A. for Bristol. At 7.00 and 11 A. M., 9.80 and P. M. for Morrisville and. Tullytown. At 7.00 and 10.15 AL fd.. 9410 and 6 P.M. for Ramo* and . Eddington. At 7 00 and 10.15 A. M.. 190,4,6, and 6P.M., for Corerwells. Torresdalealolmeelmrg,r‘faconyiWhielnombsg, Brides. burg and Frankford, and BP. M. for llolmosburg and intermediate Stations.. BELVIDERE DELAWARE RAILROAD LINER' from Kensington Depot. At 7.00 A.M.' for Niagara Falls, Bliffalo. Elmira, Ithaca,Owego, Rothester r _Bingbampton, Oswego , Gyracuse, Great Bend Montoya, Wilketharreincranton. Stroudsburg,WaterGar. _ At 7.00 A. M. and 3.80 P. M. for seividere,:Xasion, Lam. bertville, Flemington, ,tc. the 8.80 P. M. Line connect', direct with the train leaving Eutaw for fdaneh Chunk. AUer town, Bethlehem. do. At SP. M. for Lambertville and intermediate Mallorca ' From West Philadelphia Depot, via Connecting wav At 9.80 A. M., La, 6.80 and 12 P. M. New York 7 Line, via Jaime Cit 7- •.• ••• • - • • • 9,11 The 9.99 A. M. and 6.90 P . M. Lines run daily. An o era. Sundays excepted. At 9.8 U A. M., LBO. 6.80 and 12 P. M. for Trenton. At 9.30 A. M.. 680 and 12 P.M.. for BristeL At 13 P. 11..(Night) for Morrisville, Tullytown. Schenck, * Eddiegton, (,onswells,Torriadale nolmeateirg,Tecony. Wissineming. Bridesburg and Freakier& For Lines leaving Kensington Depot, take the care on Third or Fifth streets, attatnut,at half an hour before rt depaure. The Care onMar ket Street Railway , run di rect to West Philadelphia. pot, Chestnut and l' , Valtiut within one square. On Bundaya. the Ids.rket Street Cars will mato connect with the 9 Se A. 61 and &Si P.M. lines. Fifty Pounds of Baggage only allowed each Pagranger. Passengers are prohibited from taking anything as bag. gage but their wearing apparel: All baggage _over fifty pounds to be aid for extra. The Company lim i t their re sponsibility for baggage to One Dollar per pound.and will not be liable for any amount beyond 12100. except by ape. cial contract • Tickets sold and Baggage checked direct through to Boston, Worcester, Springfield, Hartford, New Maven. Providence, Newport, Albany. Troy. Saratoga, Utica, Rome. Syracuse. Rochester. Budalo, Niagara Falls and Suspension Bridge. An additional Ticket Office Is located. at No. 829 Chestnut street, whore tioketa to New York, and all im portant points North and East, may be procured. Per sons purchasing Tickets at this Office, can have their bag gage checked from residences or hotel to destination. 01 Union Transfer Baggage Express. Lines from New York for Philadelphia will leave from foot of Cortland street at 7A. M. and 1.00 and 4.00 P. M., via &reel , City and Camden. At 6.80 P. M. via Jerwy City and Kensington. At 10.00 A. M. and 12 M.. Red 6.00 P. M., and 13 tniglat), via Jersey City and West Philadel. From Pier No. 1, N. River, at 4 I'. M. Expreei and 4P. M. Emigrant, via Amboy and Camden. May 4. 1868. WM, H. GATEMER. Agent, WEST CHESTER AND PMILA ELPHIA RAILROAD, IA ME. DIA. BUMMER AR,RANOEMENTS. On and after MOND ait y 6 tpril 1865,prelst wID leave ThirtY Trains leave - Philadelphia fol.l4eVaxamirite:', follows : t vg illi A. M. 1140_ .A 415, 4.50, 7.00 and 10.00 I'. M. Leave West Chester for Philadelphia, from Depot On B. Market street, ale, and 10.46 Ae X. L 56.4.50 /inn 50P 6. M. MB tin and after Mond ay,June 16th , an r iuldltional Tram will leave Philadelphia for Media and. Intermediate. Points at 5.30 P. M. Trains leaving West Chester at 7.30 A. M.. and leaving Philadelphia at 410 P. M., will stop at B. C. Junction and Media only. Passengers to or from stations between Weet Cheater and B. C. Junction going East, will take train leaving West Chester at 7.16 A.M. and going West will take train leaving Philadelphia at 4.50 P. M. . and transfer at B. C. Junctio • Trains n. leaving Philadelphia at 7.15 A. EL and 4.50 and leaving West Chester at 7.80 A. M. and 440 P. AL. connect at B. C. Junction with Trains on the P. and B. C. F. R. for Oxford and intermediate points. ON SUNDAYS—Leave Philadelphia at 8.00 A. ML and LOO P. M. Leave West Chester 7.45 A M. and 5 P. The Depot is reached directly_ by the Chestnut an y. nut streetcars. Those of the Market street Wrenn with in one square. The cars of both Linea conneettwith each train upon its arrival. • PrPassangers are allowed to take wearing apparel only as Baggage, and the Company will not, in any came. be responsible for an amount exceeding 11100. unless Spe cial contractH m NßY f Gen era lWOOD anperintendent. ■ C &MOE '4 - AND BURLINGTON t - 7!t., - T_t -, COUN. TY RAILROAD. !SPRING ARRANGEMENTS. On and after Monday. April 20th 1888 ," trains will leave from the foot of, Alarget street (Lipper- Perry), for Mer chantville. MoorestOwn. Hartf.rd. Masonville, Haines. port, Mount liollv._lsmithtille, Ewansville, Vincentown, Birmiagliam and Pemberton at 9 A. M. and 8.80 and 5.30 M' RETURNING: Leave Pemberton 630 and 8.25 A. If. and 2.45 P.M. Mount Holly 652 and 8 47 and 3.08 P. M. • Moorestown 7.20 and 9.15 a. IL and 3.38 P. M. The 8.30 P. M. line will run through to Idightstown, stopping at all the intermediate places. ap*tf C. BAILER. Superintendent. PEMBRitr oN AND lIIGIITSTOWM RAILROAD. SPRING ARRANGEMENT. A Frets& and Paesenger Line wilt leave Ilightatown at 6 60 A.M.,and a Pagenger Line at 7 A . M.for Philadelphia, via Pemberton and Mt. Holly: Returning. will le , ivo Philadelphia from the • foot of Market etrett (upper ferry) at IP. Freight and Pamela ger Line. and at &BO P.M. Paepetuter Line for Ilightstown,.. mh26 WA% GATZMER. Agent. SAD! ES, ItAIINESS, ate. OABSIAOM• OM 'D. M. LAME, .AIL& CARRIAGE BUILDER. SEDISPIEC..... respectfully invites attention to his large stockut Slashed Carriages; saw. orders taken for Carriages of every descriptio, V mANIIPAOTORY AND WARDROO3II3, 3432, 8484 and Penn s ylvania Three squares west of Railroad Depot, West Philadelphia. Ja2a-tu th 5.7n43 F-- WHOLBSA.LE 11),/"- AND "Tot7S RETAIL,• \ '• • 41; 00 650 00. CHARLES LYNE, Patent Folding, Spring Seat and Round Beek PERAMBULATOR, MANUFACTURER. 414 ARCH Street, Philadelphia. They can be taken apart or folded up, and packed in the smelled place possible. or hung up if not required. Their equal. has never before boon seen in this country. Second.hand Perambulators repaired or taken in ax. change. .niggns =Ea L I I TEi l iii) : 33 INIPPQV T ED EASE ItURZVIN R G E („Lin r. ( 7-- 141111 FIRE-PL A. 66 fie,ATAR v, rill lirolek“1-)6 IVIAGAZINE I IA LIIMINAT I N G D-00416. The most Cheerful and Porfeet treintnili,) tad. To be bad, Wholoaalo and Retall,:pt% . ., J. s.'"-‘44Attic 1008 31.tikti*V - tirit:aElr nwi :;Iro . -,, • ,IFIJOPOY44 ..;;.; 12,1E11 1 4.6VA L. • 1r40.4 MsnilionittreP pf (lhildren's tlst 4 ingtis, 44 , has removed his tito4 from 214 I Dock street to 49 North N 4 . rtrset, poor Fell lino n simple* - klways on bond. failalith to 1,110
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers