I:IIPRACIi: 1 ILN t. 'We 'reprint below the Articles of Imueachmeut for the convenience of those who wish ;to cone; pare them. with the final vote in theßenate: .Artieleetzhiaitel by the - House of Representatives ••fihe United States, in the name of thenssaves and aff the peoplt of the United States, against Andrew „Johnson, President of the United States, in main tenance and support of their impeachment against him for high cranes and misdemeanors in office. Article 1. That said Andrew Johnson, Presi dent of the United Stutea,,on the 21st day of Feb ruary, In tbeeyeae:bfbrir'Lord 1868, at Washing ton, in the District of Columbia, unmindful of the qgh duties nts of of h the Constitutff i is oath of oice and of the, re irtmeon, that be should take care that, the laws be faithfully executed, did unlawfully, in violation of the Constitution and • laws of the United States, issue an order in writing for the removal of Ed win M. Stanton from the office of Secretary of the Department of War said Edwin M. Stanton having been, there for, 'duly appointed and commissioned by and with the advice and consent of the Senate of the United States as such Secretary: and said Andrew JohntonaPresident of the United States, on the 12th day , of August, in the year of our Lord 18G7, and during the recess of said Senate, having sus pended by his order.Edtvin M. Stanton from said office, and within twenty days after the first day of the next meetivirof said Senate, on the 12th day of December, in the year last aforesaid, having repotted to said Senate such suspension,with the evidence and reasons for his action in the case, and , the name of the ,person designated to per-. forte the duties of such, Office temporarily, until the next meeting of the Senate, and said atinate thereafterlards, on- the •'•lBth day of January, in the year of our Lord 1868, having duly. con sidered the evidence and reasons reported by said Andrew JobneOn for said suspension, did refuse to .concur in said, suspension . ' whereby and by force of the provisiona of an act entitled "an act regulating the tenure of civil offices," passed March 2,1,8f,7, said Edwin M. Stanton did forth with resume ahe functions ,of his office, whereof the said Andrew "Johnson had then and there due -notice, and tbe.said Edwin M. Stanton, by reason of the premises, on said 21st day of February, was lawfully entitled, to bold said office of Secre tary for the Department of War, which said order for , the removal of? Said Edwin M, Stanton is in .substance as follows, that is to say : EXECUTIVE MANSION, WASHINGTON, D. C., Feb. 21, 1868.—Bir :- By. virtue of the power and authority Nested in me as President by the Con stitution and laws of the United States. you are hereby removed from the office of Secretary for the. Department of War, and your functions as such will terminate upon receipt of this commu nication. You will transfer to Brevet Major- General L. Thomas, Adjutant-General of the Army; 'who has this day been authorized and em powered to act as Secretary of War • ad interim. all books, papers and other public property now in your custody and charge. Respectfully yours, ANDREW JOHNSON. To the Hon. E. M. Stanton, Secretary of War. Which order was unlawfully issued, and with intent then and there to violate the act entitled "Au act regulating the tenure of certain civil of fices," passed March 2, 1867, and contrary to the provisions of said act, and in violation thereof, and contrary to the provisions of the Constitu tion of the 'United States, and without the advice and consent of the Senate of the United States,the said Senate then and there being in session, to remove said E. M. Stanton from the office of Sec retary for the. Department of War; whereby said Andrew Johnson, President of the United States, did then and there commit, and was guilty of a high misdemeanor in office. - Article 2. That on the 21st day of February, in the year of our Lord 1868, at Washington, in the District of Columbia, said Andrew Johnson, President of the United States, unmindful of the high duties of his oath of office, and in violation of the Constitution of the United States, and contrary to the provisions of an act entitled "An act regulating the tenure of certain civil offices," passed March 2, 1887; without- the advice and consent of the Senate, then and there being in session, and without authority of law, did ap point one L. Thomas to be Secretary of Waead interim,' by issuing to said:Lorenzo Thomas a letter of authority, in substance as follows, that is' to say:- - EXECUTIVE MANSION, WASHINGTON, D. C., Feb. 21, 1868.—Sir s—The Hen. Edwin M. Stanton having been this day- removed from office as Secretary of the Department of War, you are hereby authorized and empowered to act as Secretary of War ad interim, and will immedi ately enter upon the discharge of the duties per taining to that office. Mr. Stantoni has been 11101 strutted to transfer to you all the records, books, papers, and other public property now in his charge. Respectfully yours, ANDREW JOHNEiON. To Brevet Major-General Lorenzo Thomas, Ad jutant. General U. B. Army; Washington, D. C. Whereby said Andrew Johnson. President of the United States, did then and there commit, and was guilty of a high misdemeanor in office. Article 3. That said Andrew Johnson,President of the United States, on the 21st day of February, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hun dred and sixty-eight, at Washington. in the Dis trict of Columbia, did commit, and was guilty of a, nagn iniskMeaner in office, in tbie; That with taut authority of law, while the Senate of the United States was then and there in session, he did appoint one Lorenzo Thomas to be Secretary for the Department of War, ad interim, without the advice and consent of the Senate, and in vio lation of the Constitution of the United States, no vacancy having happened in said office of Secretary for the Department of War during the , recess of the Senate, and no vacancy existing in said office at the time, and which said appoint ment so made by Andrew Johnson of said Lo renzo Thomas is m substance as follows, that •is to say: EXECUTIVE MANSION, WASHINGTON,D. C., Feb. 21,1568.—5ir: The Hon. E. M. Stanton having been this day removed from office as Secretary for the Department of War, you are hereby author ized and empowered to act as Secretary of War ad interim, and will immediately enter upon the discharge of the duties pertaining to that office. Mr. Stanton has been instructed to 'transfer to you all the records, books, papers, and other public property now n his custody and charge. Respectfully yours, ANDREW JOHNSON, To Brevet Major-General L. ThoiLas, Adjutant- General United States Army, Washington, • D. C. Article 4. That said Andrew Johnson, Presi dent of the United States, unmindful of the high duties of his oath of office, in violation of the Constitution and laws of the United States, on the 21st day of February, in the year of our Lord 1868, at Washington, in the District of Columbia, did unlawfully conspire with one Lorenzo Thomas, and with other persons to the House of Representatives unknown, with intent, by intimi dation and threats, to hinder and prevent Edwin M. Stanton, then and there the Secretary for the Department of War, duly appointed under the taws of the United States, front holding said office of Secretary for the Department of War, contrary to and in violation of the Constitution of the United States, and of the provisions of an act entitled "an act to define and punish certain conspiracies," approved July 31, 1861, whereby said Andrew Johnson, President of the United States, did then and there commit and was guilty of high crime in office. • Article 5. That said Andrew Johnson, Presi dent of the United States, unmindful of the high duties of his office and of his oath of office, on the 21st of February, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-eight, and on divers other days and times in said year before the 28th day of said February, at Washington, in the District of Columbia, did unlawfully conspire with one Lorenzo Thomas, and with other per sons in the House of Representatives unknown, by force to prevent and hinder the execution of an set entitled "An act regulating the tenure of certain civil offices," passed March 2, 1867, in pursuance of said conepiracy4 did attempt to prevent Edwin M. Stanton, then and there being Secretary for the Department of War, duly appointed and com missioned under the laws of the United States, from holding said office, whereby the said Andrew Johnson, President of the United States, did then and there commit and was guilty of high miade meanor in office. Article 6. That Andrew Johnson, President of the United States, unmindful of the duties of his high office and of his oath of office, on the 21st day of February, in the year of our Lord 1868, at Washington, in the district of Columbia,, did unlawfully conspire with one Lorenzo Tho mas, by force to seize, take and possess the pro perty of • the United States at the War Depart ment, contrary to the provisions of as act en titled "An act' to define, and punish certain' con spiraeleee" approved July 31, 1861, and with in tent to violate and disregard an act entitled "An act regulating the tenure of certain civil offices,"; passed March 2. 1867; whereby said Andrew Johnson, President of the-United States, did then and there commit a high aline in office. Article 7. That said Andrew Johnson Presia dent of the United States, unmindful of theligh dutio of his office, and of his oath of office. on .the 21st of FebruaTy, in the year of our Lord 1868. and on divers other days in said year, before the 28th day of said. February, at Washington, in the District of Columbia, did unlawfully conspire with, one Lorenzo Thomas to prevent and hinder the execution of an act of the United States, entitled "An act regulating the tenure of certain civil offices," passed March 2, 1867, and in pursu ance of said conspiracy, did unlawfully attempt to prevent Edwin M. Stanton, then and there being Secretary for the Department of War, under the laws of the United States, from holding said office, to which he had been duly appointed and commissioned, whereby said Andrew John son, President of the United States, did there and then commit and was guilty of a high misde meanor in office. Article 8. That said Andrew Johnson, President of the United States, unmindful of the high du ties of his office, and of his oath of office, on the 21st day of February, in the year of our Lord 1868, at Washington, in the. District of Columbia, did unlawfully conspire with one Lorenzo Thomas. to seize, take and possess the property of the United States in the War Department, with intent to violate and disregard the act en titled "An act regulating the tenure of certain civil offices," passed March 2, 1867, whereby said Andrew Johnson, President of the United States, did then and there commit a high misdemeanor in office. Article 9. That said Andrew Johnson, Presi dent of the United States, on the 22d day of Feb ruary, in the year of our Lord 1868, at Washing ton. in the District of Columbia, in disregard of the Constitution and laws of Congress duly onac ted,as Conituander-in-Chief,did bring before him self, then and there,W. H. Emory,a Major-Gene ral by brevet, in the army of the United States, actually in command of the Department of Washington, and the military forces therefor,and diffthen and there, as Commander-in-Chief, de clare to, and instruct said Emory, that part of the law of the United States, passed March 2d, 1867, entitled "an act for making ap propriations for the stioport of the army for the year ending June 30, 1868, and for other purposes," especially the second section thereof, which provides, ' dmong other things, that all orders and Instructions' relating to military operations issued by the President and Secretary of War shall be issued through the General of the Army, and in case of his inability, through the next in mule, was unconstitutional, and in con travention of the commission Of Emory, and therefore not binding on him, as an officer in the Army of the United States, which said provisions of law had been therefore duly and legally promulgated by General Order for the government and direction of the Army of the United States, as the. said Andrew Johnson then and there well knew with intent thereby to induce said Emory. in his official ca pacity as Commander of the Department of Washington, to violate thecrovisions of said act. and to take and receive, act upon and obey such orders as be, the said Andrew Johnson, might make and give, and which should not be issued through the General of the Army of the United States, according to the provisions of said act, whereby said Andrew Johnson, President of the United States, did then and there commit, and was guilty of a high misdemeanor in office; and the House of Representatives. by pro testation, saving to themselves' the liberty of 'exhibiting . , at any time hereafter, any further articles of their accusation or impeach ment against the said Andrew Johnson, President of the 'United States, and also of replying to his an swers which he will make unto the articles herein preferred against him, and of offpring proof te, the same and every part thereof, and to all and every other article, accusation and impeachment which shall be exhibited by them as the case may be put to answer the high crimes and misde meanors in office herein charged against him and that such proceedings, examinations, trials and judgments may be thereupon had and given as may be agreeable to law and justice. Article 10. That said Andrew Johnson, Presi dent of the United States, unmindful 01 the high duties of his office and the dignity and propri eties thereof, and of the harmony and courtesies which ought to exist and be maintained between the Executive and Legislative branches of the Government of the United States, designing and intending to set aside the rightful authority and powers of Congress, did attempt to bring Into disgrace, ridicule, hatred, contempt mid reproach the Congress of the United States, and the seve ral branches thereof, to impair and destroy the regard and respect of all the good people of the United States for the Congress and legislative power thereof, which all officers of the Govern ment ought inviolably to preserve and maintain, and to excite the odium and resentment of all good people of the United States against Congress and the laws by__it duly and constitutionally enacted, and in pursuance of his said design and intent, open and publicly, and before divers assemblages of citizens of the United States, convened in divers parts thereof, to meet and receive said Andre Johnson as the Chief Magistrate a the United States, did, on th • eighteenth day of August, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-six and on divers other days and times. as well be fore as afterwards, make and declare,with a loud volee, certain intemperate, inflammatory and scandalous harangues, and did therein utter loud threats and bitter menaces, as well against Con gress as the laws of the United States duly enacted thereby,arnid the cries, leers and laughter of the multitudes then assembled in hearing, which are set forth in the several specifications hereinafter written, in substance and effect, that is to say : Specification ist. In this, that at Washington, in the District of Columbia, in the Executive Mansion, to a committee of citizens who called upon the President of the United States, speak ing of and concerning the Congress of the United States, said Andrew Johnson, President of the United States heretofore, to wit, on the 18th day of August, in the year of eur Lord 1866, in a loud voice, declared in substance and effect, among other things, that is to say : "So far as the Executive Department of the government is concerned, the effort has been made to restore the Union, to heal the breach, to pour oil into the wounds which were consequent upon thi struggle, and, to speak in a common phrase, to prepare,as the learned and wise physician would, a plaster healing in character and co-extensive with the wound. "We thought and we think that we had par tially succeeded, but as the work progresses, as reconstruction seemed to be taking place and the country was becoming reunited, we found a dis turbing and moving element opposing us. Ira alluding to that element it shall go no further than your convention and the distinguished gen tleman who has delivered the report of the pro ceedings. I shall make no reference that I do not believe, and the time and`the occasion justify. "We have witnessed in one department of the government every endeavor to prevent the resto ration, peace, harmony and union. We have Been hanging upon the verge of the government, as it were, a body called, or which assumes to be, the Congress of the United States, while, in fact, it is only a part of the States. We have seen this Con gress pretend to be for the Union, when its every step and act tended to perpetuate disunion, and make a disruption of the States inevitable. We have seen Congress gradually encroach, stop by step, upon constitutional rights, and violate, day after day and month after month fundamental principles of the government. We have seen a Congress that seemed to forget that there was a limit to the sphere and scope of legislation. We have seen a Congress in a minority as sume to exercise power which, if allowed to be CODBUMMated,would result in despotism or mon archy itself." Specification 2. In this, that at Cleveland, in the State of Ohio, heretofore, to wit: On the third day of September, in the year of our Lord 1866, before a public assemblage of citizens and others, said Andrew Johnson, Prealdent of the United States+, did, in a loud voice, declare in substance and effect, among other thingit, that is to say; "I will tell you what I did do--I called upon yourSongreas that is trying to break up the government. In conclusion, beside that Corr greets had taken much pains to poison the con stituents against him, what has Congress done? Have they done anything to restore the Union of the States? No. On the contrary, they had done everything to prevent it,; and because he stool" now where he did when the rebellion commenced, he had been denounced as a traitor. Who had run greater risks or made greater sacrifices than himself? But Congress, factions and domineer ing, had undo - 1101E1m to poison the minds of the American people." Specification 3. In this case that at St. Louis, in the State of Mi. eouri, heretofore, to wit: On THE DAILY, EVENING BULLETIN---PHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY; MArl2, 1868. the Bth day . of September, in 24110 year of our 1866, before a public assemblage`'Of, citizens and othelF, said Andrew Johnson, Prenident of the Uniten States, speaking of .acts Concerning the Congress of the United States,tdid, it eloud voice, declare in substance and, effect among other things, that is to sayr_"Gos on, perhaps if you bad a word or two on the subject of Nov Orleans, you might understeod more shear - 1r than you do, and if you will . go back and ascertain the cause of the riot at New Orleans perhaps you will not be so prompt in calling out 'New Orleans.'" If you will take up the riot of Now ,Orleans and trace it back to its source and its immediate cause, you will find out who was responsible for the blood that was shed there. If you will take up the riot at New Orleans and trace it back to the Radical Congress, you will find that the riot at New Orleans' was substantially 'planned. If 3 ou will take up the proceedings in their caucuses you will understand that they, knew that a con vention was to be called which was extinct by its powers having expired; that it was said that the intention was tilat a new government was to be orga.nizediand ffn the organization of that go vernment the intention was to enfranchise one portion of the population, called the colored population, and who had been -euraucipated, and at the same time disfranchise white Men. "When you design to talk about • New[Orleans you ought to understand what you are talking about. When you read the speeches thi were made, and take up the facts on the Friday and Saturday before that Convention sat, you will find that speeches were made incendiary in their character, exciting that portion of the popula tion—the black population—to arm themselves and prepare for the shedding of blood. You will also find that Convention did assemble, in viola tion of ' law, and the intention of that Convention was to supercede the organ ized authorities in the State of Locust man, which had been organized by the govern ment of the United States, and every man en gaged in that rebellion, in that Convention, with . the intention of superceding and upturning the civil government which had been recognized by the government of the United States—l say that be was a traitor to the Constitution of the United States, and hence you find that another rebel lion was comtnenced, having its origin in the Radical Congress. So much for the New Orleans riot_ And there was the cause and the origin of the blood that was shed, and every drop of blood that was shed is upon their skirts, and they are responsible. "I could test this thing a little closer, but will not do it here to-night. But when you talk about the causes and consequences that resulted from proceedings of that kind, perhaps eel have been introduced here and you have provoked questions of this kind, though it does not pro voke me, I will tell you a few wholesome things that have been done by this Radical Congress in connection with New Orleans and.the extension of the elective franchise. I know that I have been traduced and abused. I know that it has conic in advance of me here as elsewhere, that I have attempted to exercise an arbitrary peeler in resisting laws that were intended to be forced upon the government. That I had exercised that power. That I had abandoned the party that elected me, and that I was a traitor because I exercised the veto power in attempting and did arrest for a time that which was called a "freedmen's bureau" bill. "Yes, that I was a traitor. And I have been traduced, I have been slandered, I have been ma ligned, I have been called Judas Iscariot, and all that. Now, my countrymen, here to-night, it is very easy to indulge in epithets, it is easy to call a man a Judas, and cry out traitor, but when he is called upon to give arguments and facts he is very often found warding. Judas Iscariot—Re das! There was a Judas, and he was one of the twelve Apostles 0, yes, the twelve a Apostles had a Christ, and he never could have had a Ju das unless he had twelve Apostles. It I have played the Judas who has been my Christ that I have played the Judas with? Was it Thad. Ste vens? Was it Wendell Phillips? Was it Charles Sumner? They are the men that stop and com pare themselves with the Saviour, and everybody that differs with them in opinion,and tries to stay and arrest their diabolical and nefarious policy, is to be denounced as a Judas. "Well, let me say to you, if you will stand by me in this action, if you will stand by me in try ing to give the people a fair chance—soldiers and citizens—to participate in these offices. God be willing, I will kick them out. I will kick them out, just as fast as I can. Let me say to you, in concluding, that what I have said what I have in tended to say; I was not provoked into this,and I care not for their menaces, the taunts and the jeers. I care not for threats. Ido not intend to be bullied by enemies, nor overawed by my friends. But God willing, with your help, I will veto their measures whenever any of them come to toe." Which said utterances, declarations, threats and harangues, highly censurable in any, are pe culiarly indecent and unbecoming iu tne Chief Magistrate of the United States,by means whereof said Andrew Johnson has brought the high office of President of the United States into contempt, ridicule and disgrace, to the great scandal of all h "ood citizens, whereby said Andrew Johnson, resident of the United States, did commit and was then end there guilty of a high misdemeanor it office. Article 11. That the said Andrew Johnson, Pre sident of the United States, unmindful of the high duties of his office, and his oath of office, and in disregard of the Con stitution and laws of the United States, did, here tofore, to wit: On the 18th day of August, 1866, at the city of Washington and the District of Columbia, by public speech, declare and affirm substance, that the Thirty-ninth Congress of. United United States was not a Congress of the United States authorized by the Constitution to i exercise legislative power under the same, but on the contrary, was a Congress of only part of the States, thereby denying and intending to deny, that the legislation of said Congress was valid or obligatory upon him, the said Andrew Johnson, except in so far as he saw fit to ap prove the same, and also thereby denyhe , b the power of the said Thirty-ninth Congress topro pore amendments to the Constitution oe the . United States. And in pursuance of said de . elevation, the said Andrew Johnson, President of . the United States, afterwards, to wif-011 the 21st day of February, 1868, at the city of' Wash ington, D. C., did, unlawfully and in disregard of the requirements of the Constitution that he should take care that the laws be faithfully exe cutor, attempt to prevent the execution of an act entitled 'an act regulating the tenure of certain civil offices," passed March 2, 1867, by unlawfully devising and contriving and attempt ing to devise and contrive means by which he should prevent Edwin M. Stanton from forthwith resuming , the functions of the office of Secretary for the Department of War, notwithstanding the refusal of the Senate to concur in the suspension theretofor made by said Andrew Johnson of said Edwin M. Stanton from said office of Secretary for the Department of War, and also by further unlawfully devising and contriving and attempt ing to devise and contrive means then and there to prevent the execution of an act entitled "An act making appropriations for the support of the army for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1868, and for other purposes," approved March 20, 1867. And also to prevent the execution of an act entitled "An act to provide for the more efficient government of the Rebel States," passed March 2, 1867. Whereby the said Andrew Johnson, President of the United States, did then, to wit, on the 21st day of February, 1868, at the city of Washington commit and was guilty of a high misdemeanor in office. 1222 CHESTNUT STREET. .1222. Special Notice. Having completed our removal to New More, N0.12Z CHESTNUT Street, wo are now ready to offer, at lowest mob price., a new stock of handsome CAUPETIN OIL GS, CLOTHS, M.ATTINGS, With all other kinds of goods in our line of business. REEVE L. KNIGHT & 1222 Chestnut Street. 1222. at* DIIILADE lILA, FEBRUARY In, lees. A. Mr. J. If. Butler (brother of E. 11. Butler) II a part Der in our thin from and after thle date. zuhl4tfli E. EL BUTLER di CO. 111.11PETINGS, &C. QOPARTIV Pb• SPRINGOODPS;..... E. M. NEEDLES & CO. Aro daily opening large invoices of Now Goods imitable for the Spring Trade, to which they call the attention of the LADIES; Now and beautiful design! in Pique Welts and Figures, Plain and Colored s Material for Garibaldi% in Puffed, Tucked and Revered Muslin, Plaid, Striped and Figured Nainsooks, Sets in Linen and Lace, Dotted Nett for Veils in Fanoy Colors, Embroideries, White Goods, Handkerchiefs, Laces, Scarfs, Also, a complete assortment of ROUSE-FL RNISIENG DRY GOODS, We invite you to call and examine our stock. E. M. NEEDLES & CO., 1101 Chestnut Street. rpABLE LINENS, NAPKINS, TOWELS AlkD HAND• kerchiefs, cheaper than any other in the city. I will Open today thelargest stock of Linen goods. at lower prices then has been offered this season. Napkins, all linen, at $1 60, $1 75 and $2. Doylies at 75, 87,54,111. $1 26. and $1 60 per dozen. Towels at 12X, 15,18, 25, 31, 85 37.19, 90, 45, 50, 034 and 75; these are all linen and extra cheap. . andlt erchiefs 1234. 15, 18.90 And 25, ono lot hemstitched at 25; finer at 81. 8739, 46 and 50; tilts° are the greatest bar. sins over offered. -15 pieces Table Damask, 8.4 wide, at $1 $1123/ and $1 26; also finer at $1 50, $175 and $2. Extra heavy half bleached do. at 62.9 and 75; lighter do. at 3754, 95 and 50. Shirt Bosoms at 37N, 50,55 arid 6205 These are really cheap; also, a full line of Linen Sheeting and Pillow Linen. GRANVILLE B. IIAINES, Cheap Linen Store, 1018 Market street. above Tenth. A UCTION GOODS !—BARGAINS !! BARGAINS ! 1 Joh. 100 doz. Good Linen Hdkfs., 1I and 16c. 150 doz. Good Linen Doylies. 75c. to $1 25. 60 doz. Gents' Col'd Border Mitts 60 and 0236 c, 30 doz. Gents' Haired-stitch "'USN 81e. and $l. The above goods are Bargains. STOKES & WOOl, 702 Arch street. 71.T.LAV STYLES OF FANCY SILKS. CHENFA SILKS. BTRIPE SILKS. PLAID SILKS. PLAIN SILKS. CORDED SILKS. SUPERIOR. BLACK SILKS. EVENING SILKS. WEDDING SILKS. EDWIN HALL d; CO., 28 South Second street. HORT C ULT URAL• 2 NOW IS THE TIME . TO PLANT THE a RU LES 0 F THE SUPERB • NEW FRENCH HYBRID GLADIOLUS. My collection stands unrivalled for extent and variety. All the newest varieties from Franco have been received, which, in addition to my own large stock,form the laigest assortment ever offeted in this country. The First Premium was Awarded to my collection. These bulbs are of such easy cultivation and flower so freely,that they are equally deeiraole for city or country gardens. and no other flower can excel their, for variety and richness of tints. Aa an inducement to purchasers. the following assortments are offered: No. 1. Twelve good old varieties. with names $2 50 t. o. S. Twelve choice vedettes with names 5 (X No. 3. Twelve very choice varieties, with names.... lo o No. 4. Twelve mixed vatic ..... .. 160 FLOWER SEEDS: Twenty.five beautiful free-blooming varieties for $l. HENRY A. DREER, Seedsman and Florist, 714 Chestnut Street. The chore assortments mailed without additional charge. mvB f e truth 4t W /MURES, JL^NYLI It my. JEWELRY • JEWELRY i S. E. corner Tenth and Chestnut, NEW STORE. NEW GOODS. WEIG GINS & CO., (Formerly Wriggling & Warden, Fifth and Chestnut,) Invite attention to their Now Jewelry Store, S. E. corner TERM and CHESTNUT Smuts. e are now prepared with our Extensive Stock to offer GREAT INDUCEMENTS to Buyers. M ATCHES of the most celebrated makers. JEWELRY and SILVER WARE, hiwaysi the latent designs and beat qualities. Goods especially designed for BRIDAL PRESENTS. Particular attention given to the Repairing of WATCLIES and JEWELRY. WRIGGINSA'I 00.; S. E. corner Tenth and Ceiestrat Street.. iirst, th S :101 TkNIS LADOMUS & CO (DIAMOND DEALERS &I JEWELERS. WATCHES, JEll MIS s SILVER WIKE» \ WATORES and JEWELRY REPAIRED, Chestnut St., Phila. _digi Would invite the attention of purehagfirs to their WM stock of GENTS' AND LADIES' WATCHES, Just received,of the finest European makers Independent Quarter Second, and fieltwinding ; in Gold and Olive' Gams. Also; American Watches of all sizes. Diamond Bets. Pins, Studs, Ringsobc. COral.Birda.clite Garnet and Etruscan Bets, in great variety. went Soli d BilyerFare of all kinds, including a large assort suitable for Bridal Presents. tr • *VI) rim" II :40 F.:I r! !SCI Gentlemen's Fine Furnishing Goods. RICHARD EAYRE. No. 58 N. Sixth ttA Str ti eet, hisbelow Arch, anon to Improved Sheulder Seam Pattern Shirt Which for ease and comfort cannot be surpassed. T tirti!Areriitif satisfaction ti ge fligatnnsiid of fit on th tiEtOULDEIS. on the It is made entirely by hand, with the best workman ship on it. Also a superior quality of SID GLOVES, at No. 58 N. BIXTII Street, PW.la. mhlS-Bro -A-- (WNW PATENT-BPItENO AND BUT. t' toned Over Gotten, Ole*, Leather whit , and brown .jNevtlfiiseltorg 4 . a ohTa ruRND3HING GOODS. 7:— of every desaription k very. low, OM Chatty) o dreet, corner of Nintn. The best Kid Glove , or ladle, and semi. at BIDEIRLDERFBII43 BAZAAR • Anole.Ds OPEN IN TEIREVENING. raii:ClNVAV — cioons. Mourning Good s.• NEW SPRING AND AUGUR' STOCK NOW OPEN.• LARGEST ASSORTMENT OF MOURNING BONNEATS " IN THE CITY:. Myers's Mourning store, 1113 Chestnut Street, Girard Row. • mhltith s tu•2m6 GASESNEW — CII. - OP; VA ti.(61.18 CO..gradee, landing and avenue, by JOS. BUIRUER dl 108 South Delaware FINE OLF , CIIKANT WINE, A Very Choice Article, JUST anciavED. ALBERT C. ROBERTS, Dealer in Fine *aerie", Corner Eleventh and Vine Streets. FINE NEW CROP TEAS. GOOD CHELAN TEA cheap. OOLONG TEAS, all grades. YOUNG DYSON, GUNPOWDER. • S,c. ENGLISU BREAKFAST TEAS. For eale by JAMES R.WESES, ja26 S. E. corner WALNUT and EIGHTH Street.; RICHARD W. FAIRTHORNE Dealer fn Teaa and Coltem No. 203 NORTH NINTH STREET* . Ail 'coda guaranteed pure, of the beet quality, and cold at moderato price& • ntri.th a tn Sari Neck Ties, &o. N„G • 4\ e • - /A • v e's ~1 OTTFT'S SUPF,'RIOR SALAD OIL.—RICHARD Ii WATSON, 26 South Front street. Bole /went for the United States and Canada. myl f a to th a !a0• H/aid. DRIED BEEF AND TONGUES. —JOHN Steward's justly celebrated Qamel and Dried Beef and Reef Tongues; also the best brands of Cincinnati limns. For salt by M. F. SPILLIN. N. W. corner Arch and Eighth streets. QALAD OIL.--IaI.BABKETS OF LATOUR'S SALAD of the latest icuportation. For sale by M. F. SPILLIN, N. W.•corner Arch and Eighth etrects. !FABLE CLARET.-200 CASES OF SUTEttIOR TABLE .L Claret, warranted to glvo satienelon. For aato tr, M. 1 , , t3PILLIN, N. W. corner Arch and Eighth /Arced. CELBBRATED DIAMOND BRAND CIN JJ elm:nail:fun. find eonelemment of the eoseion. just re ceived and for sale at MUSTY'S East End Mteet7, No. 118 South Steond Street. IitRESH PEACHES FOR PIES, IN alb. CANS AT di A' cents per can, Green Corn, Tomatoes, Peas, else French Peas and Mushrooms, in store and for sale at COUSTY'S East End Grocery, No. 'llB South Second street. EW BONELESS MACKEREL, YARMOUTH Ltl Bloatere, Spiced Salmon, &lees and No. 1 Mackerel for eak at COUSTY'S Eaet End Grocery, No. UKSoutb Second Street. TEST INDIA EDNEY AND OLD FASHIONED Sugar Bougie Molasees by the gallon, at COMITY'S Fault End Grocery. No. 118 South Second Street. (111010 E OLIVE OIL, 100 doz. OF SUPERIOR QUALI V ty of Sweet Oil of own Importation. just receive* , and for sale at COUBTY'S East End Grocery, No. 113 South Second street. MAULE, BROTHER & Co. . 1.868. • SPRUCE JOIST. • SPRUCE JOIST. 1868' L M SPRUCE OCK. JOIST. HEMLOCK. HEMLOCK. LARGE STOCK. - LARGE STOCK. rizAcri..E, lonorausa isc co.. 2boo SOUTH STREET. 1868. F LORIDA FLOORING. 1868. " FLORIDA FLOORING. VIRGINIA FOOOORINGG ' DELAWARE FLOORING. ' ASH FLOURING. ' WALNUT FLoORI FLOR ID RA A IL P STE LPANK BOARDS. 1868. WA,L'NN 1868. 11 X 6,IaUUTT 1868. 141BERRIF112: LEINER: 1.868. RED CEDAR. WALNUT AND PINE. 1868. - MUM tiaRARII. 1868. ABll. Wang OAK PLANK AND BOAP.DS. HICKORY. 1.868. 2811111851 BFAIDBLI CEDAR BOX BOARDS. 1868. FOR BALE LOW. CAROLINA SCANTLING. 1868. CAROLINA 11. T. SILLS. /868 . NORWAY SCANTLING. LARGE ASSORTMENT. 1868. CEDAR S IN GLES. OFDAR SHINGLES. 1868. CYPRESS SHINGLES. PLASTERING LATH. CHESTNUT PLANK AND BOARDS. 1868. S HEAs ()N ED CL L EAR EASONEH CEAR P INE. P 1868. NE. CIJCHCE PATTERN' PINE. SPANISH CEDAR, FOR PATTERNS. FLORIDA RED CEDAR. MA CLL. ICROTIMER & ST CO ~. WM SOUTH RT. PIIELAN & BUCKNELL' Twenty-third and Chestnut Sta. LARGE STOCK OF WALNUT, ASH AND POPLIM_ ALL TiIicKNEsSEs,CLEAN AND DRY, FINE LOT WALNUT vENEERs. CEDAR, CYPRESS AND WHIPS PINE SHINGLES SEASONED LUMBER. MICHIGAN CANADA AND PENNSYLVANIA.. ALL SIZES AND QUALITIES. FLOORING AND HEAVY LAROLINEMLOCK TIMBER. SPRUCE MID „Mi A n, BUILDING LUMBER OF ALL . KINDS. mbl6m. A GENERAL ASSORTMENT OF BUILDING LUMBER HARD WOODS. F. H. WILLIAMS, Seventeenth and Spring Garden Streets, mb2Betu th 2m COLGATE & CO.'S Fragrant Toilet Reaps are prepared by Malted w orkmen trent the beet materials, and are known as the STAND. lUD by dealers and customers. Sold everywhere. LUBBER. & J. J.WI R. Broad and Green streets. SEASONED BUILDING LUMBER WALNUT, ASH, at low prices. . mynlet.s RIEDIOAL• DR. HARTMAN'S BEEF, IRON AND BRANDY, A Certain Cure for Cons or Brumptiononchial Tu and balles. Diseases of tht Lungs Laboratory No. 512 South FIFTEENTH Street. JOHNBTON. HOLLOWAY & COWDEN. 602 ARCH Street. ROBERT SHOEMAKER & CO. FOURTH and RA Ag CE areen a% General . fe2l-11m1 OPAL DENTALLINA.—A SUPERIOR ARTICLE FOI kf cleaning the Teeth. destroying animalcule which in, feet them, giving tone to the gums, and leaving a feelins of fragrance and perfect cleanliness in the mouth. It mai be used daily, and will be found to strengthen weak and bleeding gums, while the aroma and detersiveness wit recommend it to every one. Being composed with tht asab tans of the Dentiot, Physicians and . Microscopist. if is confidentl y offered as a reliable substitute' for 'the nn certain welshes formerly in vogue. Eminent nordista, acquainted with the constltnenh pf the Dentallina, advocate its um; it contains nothing el Prevent Atm unrestrainedsenployment. Me Apothecary JAMES T. SHINN Broad and Spruce .treat s. For sale by Druggists general : T. and d. Brown, . L. Stackhorthe. Hansard 4 Co., Robert C. Davie, C. R. Keens, Geo: C. Bower. Leong IL KO'. Chao. Shiver", • C. 11.-Nedle", . 13. M. ticCollln. T. J. Husband, B. C; Blurting.: Ambrose Smith, chaft 13_„ Eberle, Edward Parrish, Jameo N, Marko, Wm. B, Webb, • N. Brifighurst 41; Jans BisPhare. Wirej.t. Co.. Sono. Hughes Comb.. . . Blales Henry - A. Bower. Yetil A Bro. 7 B.#±l!El m= ) " 4417 IL. 1."16771 4 iStreet.' Consultationo frac. 11i99,1 [yL~I~3t~NA ;, A CVERTISING AGEN DECY. XL GEORGE LT , Ai CO., Agents for all newspapers at the lowest rates, Office No, 702 Chestnut street, second floor, PRESSBUILD no6.t.u.th,e,ty I.LLIA MS & SONS, /4oRTH, SlXr,rl-1 STREET, LARGEST 'MANUFACTURERS OF Venetian Blinds AND WINDOW STINIAS- SELL•AT THE LOWEST PRICES...ex Blinds scepaired, Curtain Cornice', Shade Tsimuningr . and 'Fixinres, Picture 'Mewls and Co. d, Store Shades and Lettering, Plain Shades of all kinds Bell Pnlli age a.l6th a to Nth - ' AN EXAMINATION" . OF' CANDIDATES FO. certlficatea of qualifications for principal FOß= of Gram. mar.and,tinclassified Schools. end for Asaintant Teachers of-„Grarnmar, Secondary and Primary Schools, will bet held at the Zane Street School limas°. above Seventh street, on TH. SDA 1 and FRIDAY, May 14th and 18th. at I. P. 101,,prooleoly. No applicant under 17 years of age will be examined. No person being a papa of a Public . School of this city ellen lre examined, infirm upon certifi cate ot, the Principal of his or hor school. setting forth. Durbin the Judgment of ; such Principal the applicant let qualified for examinatio, which certificate shall be de posited with the Secretary of the Board of Controllers the• day previgus to the examination. Twovets of t quections Tr 111 be prepared for applicants. ont for thocctlesiring firetcdasis certificates, and another for these .00Plying for certilleates of 'the eecoml, third. or fourth clam. Firsts:las. certificates will be awarded to these having. an 'average of 75. Applicant,* falling to receive 75 for this get, but obtaining 66 or over. will be awarded certificates for Principals Unclarelficd Schools, ' An protege of 761 a required for seconidelass tertifl e., An arerege of di. and under 70 fore third.class cer tificate. -An average <414 sad under 65.- for a fourth. chum certificate. By order of the Conqulttee on Qualifications of Veachergi , 11, W. lIALLTWEid.. ap2l 2526 mid 5812 14 '.t. ' Secretary. OFFICE OF TILE 11A7.1.1fTON RAILROAD COMPANY. N 0.803 WAL.NST STREW. Itit anErrru,aKay 4. 11368. A Special Meeting of the Stockholdoil of the Ilealeton Railroad klotupany alll be hold at their drnee. on FRO. DAY. MaY WM. lade at 12 o'clock X. for the purpose of, considerina and acting upon cc siapmratent for I:amiable: ing tbo said Company ith •be Lehigh Valley Railroad tlompany. By or der of the Board of Diroctora. my 6 LSO 011 ARIA 8 II LONOSTRETB. OFFICE OF THE RESOLUTE MINING CO5l. FANY. Puu.AnarmtitA, 4vrllBo.llS. Notice is hereby girenthrt an Installment of Fink' share CENTS per are on each and every share of the capital stock of the Resolute Mining Company. has been oiliest in. payable on or before the 15th nay, of May.lBo3, at the office of the Treasurer, No. 324 Walnut street. delphia. By order of the Directors. Treasurer.' MANDAN wyl64 B. A. HOOPES. MANDAN MINING OOMPANY,TI.IO ANNUAI. Varrnertina of the Stockholders of the df.andan Mining Company wan be held at the office of the tiomprny, No. WALNUTB74 street. Philadelphia, on TilUiliDAY. the tAti dry of Mry MG& for the election of Directors and Urination of other business: B. A. MOOPEEL BeeretarY. PHILADELPHIA, April 210, INgi. ap3l tutyrA. my2l•tu*th43ll '...ETNA MINING UOMPANY,—THE ANNUAL. Meeting of the Stockholders of the .lEtna Mining Company n be held at the alike of the Company, No. 1t.4 Walnut. area Philadelphia. on TUESDAY the 'Y+tit day of Aray, ItB.a et 12 o'cl ck. M., for the election of Di rectors. and transaction of other business. 11. A. XiOUPES, Secretary. Prtrme, April IS, 18tS. • atainnyltil VULCAN MP 11i6. COMPANY (OF MICIII gIar GAN).—The Annual blectine of the Stockholders of the Vulcan bauble Cowpany will be held at the Wilco of the I ' , lnitially, Vo. w aluut street. Philadelphia. on THUM:WAY the 14th day of May . IEI6B, at 12 o'clock M., for the election of Directorn, and transaction of other business. D. A. HOOPES, Secretary. PIIILA 13th. MI. REtOLUTE COMPANY—THE per Annual Mieting of tile Stockholders of the RESO LUI E MININU COMPANY will be held at the Oftice of the Company. No. 824 Walnut street Phil sd.dymia. on MONDAY. the first day of June. DOA at 12 o'cloca, noon, (or the election of Directors and transaction of other business. H. A. 1100Pr.idolccretarY. Pilit.airctrrua, May I. VSIS. ruyf th.l OF ' S ttr PeNNOOldlTKayitiiiia. LEND WK. LAIMLPII Itay 1833. The Stated Anneal Meeting of the thockholdere or the Metalline Land Company - will be bridal the office of the Comfany, on MONDAY. Juhtvox.. et ffi o'clock. M. tnyltrnyalq WO UN, Clerk. ter AM (MALMO MINING COMPANY OF LAKE EltiPEktiON.—The Annual Inset-tog of the stock, holders of tit+ Ainy gdatold Wog Company of Lake Su. perior will be held at the office of the Companyy. No. al Nclout street. Plitladeiphia. on WEDNESDAY . Jane 3. 18. t at 19 o'clock M.. fur the election of Directork and for any other bturiness that may legally come before the meeting. 9f il. LIOFFMAN. Swami. tnYl.t/e4 Aprll NI. ISM. fair GIRARD MINING COMPANY OF MICHIGAN. —. he Atnual Meeting' of the Btoeitholderi of the Girard at kilos Coloyany of Michigan wilt be held at the office the Co , * pony. No. 814 Walnut street. delphia. of on TUESDAY, the recood day of Jone, IVA at o'ck ci, octal, for the vieett •tt of Directors and tztuaaac - Non of other bueincea. II A IIOOPEI3, Beeretary,_ PLIII-k1 , E1.1111,14 May L IN& - mil ije3) mgr. EMPIRE COPPER (.7,OMPANY.—TELEANNrAL. "—"" eetiug of the Situ kilolitre of the' Empire Copper Company vk 11l be held lathe office of the Company, So. fe( aluut Mr' et, biladelpitta, on'FRIDAY, June bib, IbrA, at 12 o'clock. 2.1..f0r ,tbe election of Directors. and for any other hoein' that toay teitall7 come hefore the meeting. Awl) SO, ps3. M. 8.. ROFFMAN. roYl.t,Jeth, . . &croon.. see . PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD COMPANY. TREASURER'S DEPAELDIF T. 31a3 , 2. lea. NOTICE TO STOCKVOLDE , Ra: The Board of Di ryetorp !axe tbi,g day declared a ceintaunnal Dividend a Three rer Cent. on the capital stock of the payable in carh, clear Fiven and State taxer. and a - tardier ividevd a l'er Cent. payable in stock on end anti. May BL Blank Dowers of attorney. for giellecting dividends can • be obtamed at the Mike of the Company, a Sooth Third arca. TiIO.2IABT. FIRTH. Trea.arer. i. TIIE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS FOR THE City and County . of Philadelphia.—ANDßEW L. STILES vs. ELLEN JOSEPHINE STILES.—March can, lEnn, No. D. In Divorce. ELLEN JOSEPHINE: STILES. Reepandent. Hatiani:—Twice notice of a rule grants d on yen in the above epee, returnable May Igth. 184 8, at 10 o'clock. A M., to chow canoe why a divorce a cfreuto niafrrniosiii 'would not be decreed. Personal ger. vice having failed on account of our absence. CHARLES D. FREEMAN, Solicitor for tabt'll..t. znyl3-2tair4t4 TN TUE DISTRICT COT' RT OP TIM UN. ITED - I States for the Eastern District of. Pennaylvanla.—in Bankruptcy—At Philadelphia. April the 15th . 18.3 The undersigned hereby gives notice of his appointment as Assignee nt AARON BLADE. of Philadelphia, In the • county of Phila delphia and State of Pennsylvania, within said District. who has been adjudged a bankrupt, upon. his own petition, by the said (joint WM. VOGDES, Assignee, No. 128 South Sixth street. To the Creditors of said Bankrupt. apSB to St* IN IDE DISTRICT coun OF TEE UNITED Bankrupto the Eastern OBtrict Ap ri lnnsyla. In. y. At PhiladelPhis, the tenth. A. leoli.--The undersigned hereby gives notice of his ap point, ,ent ea assignee of ROBERT W. PARKS, of the city of Tidied eiphia, In the County. of Philadelphia, and , State of Pennsylvania, within said District,_ who has been adjudged a Bankrupt. upon hbi owripotitlon by the said Markt Court. WBGNOGDEtit. Amignee. VS South 81- a t tt street.. To the Creditors of said Bankrupt. ar39 to St* STATE OF E. IL BUTLER, DEORASED.—LETTERIS - Etestamentary upon the Estate of E. If. BUTLER. late of Germantown, deceased, having boon grankd by the . Register of Wins of Philadelphia county. to E.I6IZA. IIUT LER and J. S. BUTLER, all persons Indebted to the said estate are requested to make payment, and thus, ha sing claims to present them to 3,11 BUTLE , . ap2.tu,tito 137 S. Fourth street. 1 N THE COURT OF COMMONPLEAS FOR THE CITY land County of Pbiladelphis.—MAßY N. BOLLES by' her next friends% JESSE N. BOLLES, U. k,. September Term, 11367. N 0.51. In Divorce. TO JESSE N. BOLLES. Respondent—Bra—lake notice, that the Examiner appointed by the Court to take testi mony of libellant's witnetsee, meet for that_perpose on the 3h t day of May, A. D. 1858, at 4 o'clock. r. at the Oftice of the undersigned . No. 2, second floor of, the. New Ledger Building,lo4 South Sixth street:in the city of Philadelphia; when and where you may atten4 if you. think proper. GEORGE IL EARLE. my 2 150 • Attorney for Libellant. IN THE DISTRICT. COURT' FOR Tria_catirAND I. COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA...r-JOHN 'C. BUL LITT vs. JOSEPH B. HUGHES and MARYA. HUGHES. his wife. Lev. Fa. September Torm, 11367. No. 575. The• auditor aPPointod in the ahoy° case to make distribution , of the fund )30W in Court, arising from the Sale, of the lel lowingdeacribed teal estate. to wit r• , • All that full, egual,.undiyided. hen Part - ef. and in all. th 4 two certain loto,or pieces, or parcels of land attne. ly and being late fa the township of Blockey, now to the wentylourtb Ward of tho '(A of Philadelhia. a stone in Coultel'a road. Ono of them beginning : . at thence by land Bllottetta Rachel. Blankloy, , north 62 de greet. east almerchea to .tone in the line of land of Peter Wik off, deed. thence by the PAM north 6 degrees west 6' perchge to a stone. thenc,o by land allotted to Sarah Caul day. south tritg degrees west 78 porches to Coulter a road, a foresaid, thence by the raid road south S degrees west 16 parches to the place of beginning. Containing 4 acres of hind be tile same more or leas. And the outer of said - pieces or PerCels ofgland negin ning at a wine 14,r corner in the middle f tbe Weat , ( 3, e .tercoad ; thence in a line with John Fisher's land. north 8 de take; 45 mit utea east 16 porches and to of a. perch to a thence in a lino of land aint LedElle atoll' Foals, north 62 degrees east 75 perches 'and 7 le. of a porch to a slake and post,_thence in at lino of land late of th. raid Peter Wikoff, south 6 &Trees east 17. Porches and 0.10 0 1 P6rett to &stone. thence in a line of land of Ucorgo 0 Fientner„. Esq., and James Edgar. south 62 dem , a, west 76 perches and itle of a perch to a stone sot up for •a corner in the middle of the said West tUster road, thence up the middle of , that Bald r and north 45 degrees west 4 porches and. 741) of a perch to the Race of beginning Cont - diling 8 acres and itl_perches of land, • Will in set the•parties interested for the purpose of hie appolutmentot his Mike. No. 615 Walnut Area. In the cit. of Phiadelphia, on. Monday, • May iath, 1848, at I, o'clock P. 51 t% hen and where all penanis intereated aro r equepted to present- their claims or to be debarred 1 rem corningtn upon the said fund, • U. IRVINE WiIITEHEAD. Auditor, 615 Walnut Weal. 15711E1 Q BALDERSTON & SON, WALL PAPERS AND lAINDOW SHADES. ap2 2mo 9RI SPRING GARDEN &root. spun AL AI 14U/Stii Davin - AND , NOTICE& U',l6 - 0 Eft* Eft — iii - Nciiivett• seasemeessio The following, ht the weekly statement of tne PIMP delphla Banks; made up on Monday aftemoOn, Which -Rresonts the following aggrOgatea Capital Stock. ••• ~•.• • Loans and Dli4;tiiiis. • ' ,11 296 Cut..." 897 ;778, Duo from other ti ..... .... . . . ...... 4,262,761 Due to other Banks.. .. . ... ...... • ........ 6,141. 908 . Deposits . 80,017,690 Circulation. . . .... 10,629, 055 S. Legal fen'tie;iit.ta*Veiii;na. 19,166,017 Clearings .... ... ................. . 80,418,182 Balance.. . . . • 11,788 158 The foliriivin — g'elit;;el;3673h*oVe'eitie condition Dribs Banka of Philadelphia, at various gems during the last • few...months; - , 1867. % Louts . • Specie. circtsason.Dis. Jan. 1.....52,812,825 903,688 10,8E6,820 41,808,327 Feb. 4 .52,561,180 874,564 10,480,893 39,514,718 Mar. 4.....51,979,178 826,878 10,1%1,800 82,367,388 Aprll 2...omeg,smr- 808,1 0 '19.11 31 A 9 141•10.,285 May 6... "X 8,051,287 ' 888.058 10,680,ff5 87,574,050 • June 1— .52,141,808 834,893 10,631, 1 6 3 31, 889 , 144 July 1. ~.52,538,962 865,187 10,641,311 36,616,847 4211. 5....53,427,840 908,055 10,635,926 53,094,543 Sept. 2....53,734,481 807,668 10,685,81% • 88,889,854 Oct. 7.. . .63,041,100 268,803 10.627,921 84.857,405 Nov. 4....62,684,0777 273.690 10,640,820 83,604,001 Doc. 2....51,218.431 216,011 10,646,819- . 84,811,986 1868. Jan. .6, ....52,0011,004 225,919 10,689,008:86,851,274 Feb. 5....62.604, 919 069,878. 10,638,915 a . 5T,1M24.91 Mar. 2. . . .62,469,769. 21 1 ,16 6 10,030.484 85,198,314 Ape! 6....62.1109,294 1 215,8111 f 10,642.610 31,278.119 May 4....63,888._140 814,1186 10031,044 8 0 , 109 , 93 1 11....03,17 1 .794 891.718 10,829,056+.38,011,696 The followin is a detailed statement of the busi ness of the IphiAClesering House for the past week, farnielled by U. B. Arnold, Beg., Manager: • ,Clearinsts. Balances. 1.1.? ; ) , .-.. $7,863,117 59 $790,442 4 " . . I tZ, 4;a 11 i 1 23 . 1 5 31 4 :4 7 1 0,189,182 27 760,001 88 4862,700 77 616,223 71 "...... 5,968,098 00 647,821 71 X 421.189 91 91t1124;121 Briartortel ?ir irena=tintletm . OA ENAn—Brlii Maurice, Carbern—.s.s4 birds 59 tes 1 bbl molarses Battik Beyl & NA NC—fichr Jas W Brower—WOW feet .14 and 5.4 yellow pine flaming 102,000 kfect cedar shingles Norcross & Sheets. NEWBERN. 210.—fichrJ C Clemente, Garwood-20;00 feet yellow pinelng 50 MO 2-fe4 War shingles AM 2-feet cypress sh Norcross gheete, GEORCETOW . S C .— Behr Watauga, Monroe - 84.000 feet fluorine boards 04000 bunch cyprosa shinnies Lull bury, Wlcirenhana &Co; Bernd pairs headings & W Weld' 1 0. 1 0 9 feet &Wane a plank Penns a co. YIOVLfIIISNTB OF OOEAN 6TLA BS. TO ARRIVE. SOPS • MON DVS DAYS Mellon*. ..............Landoti„New Y0rk..........Aprit II • Ca1ed0n1a............121aagew..New York... ... ...April 24 Denmark..., ~.. .-. -lAverpool-New York..,„-- -April 24 -:. C... 1 1,1 of Walidligfon.Liverpool-N Y via Halif az-April 24 - Palmyra • • .. ... • ... JAverpool-New York. - ..... -April 23 Nebraska. .--. .. Javerpool. New York A pH' 23 City of Aniwerp....Llverpool-New Y0rk..... April 29 Helvetia. - - Liverpool-New York. April 2B Peruvian.- .... - -Liverpool-Quebee April 80 • Chablis ... - -.4outhampton-New York May I A urtralulan ... - ...Liverpool..New York .....May 2 lianas ..,..., ... 13outbampton..N ear Yolk May 5 City of Parit Liverpool-New York.. . ... Mav 6 To DLPAKT. Coloradck.... ~...New York..LiverpooL ...........May 13 Tonawanda. - - -Philadelnhia-Bavannah May 13 City of New York. New, York. JAverpooL . • -.......May 13 China - , i . ...MTN York-Li . verpool.. - May 13 Mono Castle •- Mew Ifork-Naeassadtliavana • -..May 14 New Y0rk..........New York..liremen May 14 Vino .11 ew York.. Vera Crur,, Ete......May 14 ' Quaker City.......N0w York.. Bremen • May 15 Juniata . - - ..Pbiladelilda..N. 0. via ELavana-May 16 Villa de Voris New ork-liavre .May 16 City of - Antwerp‘. New ' "wt. JAverpooL May 16 Erin .. New York.. Liverpool May 16 Caledonia ........ New York. Allargow .. - ... May 16 City of Washinettm..N. York..Liverti'lviillarz...May 18 Stara and Stripes..•.Phflad'a..flavane... ... May 19 Umbria... .... ...New York..liam burg. .. ...... May 13 Guiding Star New York-Smar inall ........4.M ay 23 A usmalaslan.......N ow York..LiverpooL May 20 .C. ItiatilWAPD TRA.D.V. <I PRICE NV En LIFRIL bioxrrm.y Commrrnts *AKIO GTOBI Buren L = MARINE BULLETIN. ~: 1 1 :' Om Rms. 4 86 Bus ens. 7 41 u WAVES. 6 2 ARRIVED YESTERDAY. Steamer E C Biddle McCue, 24 hours from New York. with swine to P Clyde & Steamer Chester. Jones, 24 hours from New York, with maim to W P Clyde & Co. Brig Antde (Br). Smith, 12 days from Marregnea. PR. -with sugar to John Manor & Co. riche A J Rueseil.Borlii, from Rebus& lOW storke to Stm W tkere. ' fich:4l gkrments. Garwood. 8 days -from Newborn. with and figuring to Norcross & Sheets. Behr Mantra. Monroe, from GoargetOWM 80: with • mitre To LathburY. Wickersham & Co. Behr Kate McLean. Conklin, 15 days frUm 81 Jatri.N o . with old imn_to coptain. withr W., Blair. Brower. 5 days from Newberm NO. isages and flooring to Not MG/ AS Sheets Sewsl. Bennett. 3 days from Indian River. with lumber to I B Phlliipa, Behr D II Merrito 2 days from Indian River. Del. with lumber to I l'ss,••- as. Behr Cropper & Brother. Low, 3 days from Federalsburg, with lumber to Moore, Wheatley & Cottingbam. Behr Freemason. Furman, 2 dales from Indian Myer. lumber to Collins & Co.t • CLEARED YESTERDAY. steamor Plutta r lts. Fultz. New York. C 01yde&Co. Steamer F F Pierson. Baltimore. A Groves. Jr Brig Alice Lest. B g, Butrados. John B Rue & Son. Seta Mary E Famerick , Darman. Wiltaingtm, DeL D 8 Steam &Co. ' :Rehr EaserNickerson_, Salem. Auderated. Norton & Co. Behr Mari Weaver Weaver , Barton. do Schr Lottle Beard , A' ,,, Providence, John Rommel. Jr. Seta J B Bartlett. Providence, do Behr Ruth Shaw. Shaw. Inland do Schr Watchman. Dority. Portland, do Behr Morning Light,rreland. r tles an hondon. do Behr J B Johnson. Smith. E Cambrittite,Scott. W alter&Co. ,Schr Blast, Parker. Norwich, do Correspondence of the Philadelphia Evening READING. May 11, INN. The following boats from the Caen Canal passed into the fichylkill Canal. bound to Philadelphia. laden and consigned as follows: George Schure, with staves to Norcross & Sheets; New Hope, co to Cohn. Goidey & Co; Flora. do to D J Ldscoln Fame. do to Boso & Rondenbush. F. MEMORANDA. Ship Louise. Delphy, entered out et Lendon 27th ult. for this _port. Ship J Montgomery. Moline. sailed from Liverpool Nth nit, for this port. _ • Ship Mystic Belie. Burnham, sailed from San Francisco Bth Inst. for Hong Ronk. Steamer N W Brainard,Pendleton,cleared at New York Yesterday for this port. Steamer City of Antwerp (Br). Mirehouse, at New York Yesterday from Liverpool. Steamer Saß g Antania, Mundsy. from Indianola for • Willobsgtar 1. put Into Fortress Monroe y•ttterday. short'of ccol. ,be wall struck by lightrang oa the 7 ,11 aasL carryiny away smoke stack and hurricane deck. No 0110 htut. Steamer St George, iimillyfrom Glasgow for New York, :passed Father Point yesterday. _ _ *- Stemmer Tillie, Partridge. cleared at Galveston let for New York. Steamer Caledonia. McDonald, sailed from Glasgow 28th ult. for New York. • Bark HoWsud (Br), at Segue Atli ult for this port next Aa ßark Toluca. Harriman, at Mataxichs Ist instant from Antwerp. Brig ? avarlito, Carlisle, at Sagas 28th ult. for this port or New York. Brig Mina ,(Br). Holden.- hence , for St John. NB. was spoken Bth inst. 45 OR of. Barnegat. Brigs Fidefia t for tbb port in 8 days. and Romance. for Baltimore in daYe, were at Navassa 23th ult. Behr WW 11 Mann. Stanford ' , at Jacksonville previous to 4th lam from Bar if M D Steelman. 12 days from ArroYO: PR. at New York 10th hut. Behr E Mateo* DodfroY, sailed from Clenfueeos :17th it. for New Yore._ . Behr T Tacker, Allen , was loading at. Charleston 7th inst. for this port., , Sobs Henri thirteen,' Jones, hence at Pawtucket Oth instant '• ficlmi Race Home; II Simmons, Godfrey., W Dillon, Ludlam: F St Clair Ed cares, Ireland; Jessie Wilson, Connelly; J DthicCartily,, Simpson ; jCadwalader, Steel man ; L 'Sleight. Willetts ; T Lake. Adams ; Aid, smith. H and H B AlcOmdey, Cabs. sailed from Salem Bth inst. for this port. Behr J filusman. Weaver, and B Shaw, Shaw, sailed front Portsmouth 7th inst. for this port. Behr Josephine Ii 800 wies. Scott, was loading at POnce. PR. 25th ult for this port. • • m.ciumu . MISCELLANY. Schr Walton, at Savhnnah yesterday from Portland, Me. reports the loss overboard of Captain J J off Hatteras, on the let lint; oleo two of the crew, who went in a boat to search for the captain. Thetischr caine in port with only the mate, ono sailor and the cook on board. Steamer Red Jacket, which was burnt and sank at Ellaabsthnort, NJ on the 'night of the . 23d ult. was Pumped out and rained morning of 10th. by the wrecking ateamsre Jobn Fuller and Louis. ' • • • A. S. ROBINSON, 910 CEESTNITT STREET, LOOKING GLASSES, ,PAINTIN(7kS I Eugravinga and Photograph Plain and Ornamental ON Gilt t u maa Clarved Wut and Mp pp ON HAND Olt m&DE TO DROWN SLATE i L&L TELR. Far4AICM M A.IITTELS. The laryist amortmsnt and the beet finished Enameled SLATE MANTELS. Also, WARK.AIR FURNACES. RANGES, MOM end LOW DOWN ORATES. Manufactured and for sale by W. A. ARNOLD; 1303 Chestnut Street. iYilmwfl9 • 1019001(711Ntit. Ameekskt/iClPOltelCui Pligimitera s ni pie ling Pisani in pains of , the breast, sense of weak. item and Inward sinking, for coughs, colds, asthma and , %difficulty of breathing; oppression and fatigue about the!, diaphragm, :The, five much cue in Guut and Rheims. Clem, weediness of the back, Mid in' affections and paial about the kidneys. In Lumbago they act like a charm '; In a few hours a violent eolith is relieved by a plaster ap.' piled on the chest. Many :persons believe a cold mannot beaked while a plaster is worn upon the cheat; this we CifiikrioW,'they greatly midst In the cure of a neglected cold, as often the Introduc'er of Consumption. No plaster yet made is so entirely fro from objections as the P01f0(18 PLASTER& Being a propitiation from Frankincense:Rubber and Burgundy pitch, they seem to possess the quality of ACCUMULATING ELECTRICITY and imparting it to the body, whereby the circulation of the blood becomes equalized upon the part where applied, causing Tutu and morbid action to cease. The ' Porous Plasters Ire flexible, and found of greit help to tho se'who save weak backs, or pain in the side. Especially are they valuable to those who have neglected colds They are often preventives of Consumption; nay, they are b 9. Ueved to have often loosened the grasp of this terrible affliction, and been mainly instrumental in effecting a cure. In variable climates they should be worn on the breast,or, between the shoulders, or over the kidneys, by those Who are subject to take cold easily. This eimple Plan will soon produce a constitutional vigor that will enable it to resist extraordinary changes or, temperature . Experience. has proved the Porous fluster to be a blessing to the consumptively inclined, Invariably producing the most remarkable abatement of the worst symptoms. 1115.000 WORTH SOLD BY ONE DEALER Messrs. J. Balch & Son. Druggista. of Providence. R. L mite. Nov. 21080: . "We have sold at retell over Our counter upward of ss,Cee worth of Ellcock's Porous Mestere. and In every ease they wive satisfsetton. They'are favorites with physkiens, because the components and method of making them are keicreas... • • IMPORTANT FROM A PHYSICIAN Ilsurroun, Conn., Nov.ll. 1861. Messrs. Tilos. Axwoox dr, Co.: Please send, with despatch, twelve dozen Alleockts Po. rein: Plasters. Our daily experience confirms their very superior excellence. At this in oment of writing, a man applies for one, who, by entanglement in the shaft of ma. slithery, had both his legs broken, spine severely injured, and was for nearly a year entirely helpless. This man found relief very soon by the application of air:lister to his spine. Ile was soon enabled to work, and now he labors as well as ever. Ile would cheerfully pay $5 for a single Pbzier It they could not be had at a lower rate. Snowing the Ilasters to be useful, I have no scruples that my sear Ilments should be known. 'HOME EVIDENCE Bran Sinn, Marchlo,lBfB. ' MER6RB. Tnenu Amman & Co.: • I have suffered greatly from a weak back; at last the pain became eo eevere I could not get out of my bed. My doctor. 8.3. Flaw, of this village, recommended me to apply an Allcock Porous Piaster. I did eo. and in two Yours the pain began to abate. The !not where the pain wee pipet severe seemed like a coal of fire, and which the 'plaster appeared to draw out. The day after I applied the plaster I got up. and my trouble was all gone. I wore the pluter three weeks, and since the second day after. applying it, have had u strong and well a back se any one. If I had paid fifty dollars for a plaeter I should hive coneldered It cheap. Yours, CLINTObj D. 1fi131.310N.D. AFFECTION OF THE HEART CUEED. CIrLY:v RIVOLL P. 0., Delaware Co.. Pa., • , , • March 16, 18&3. Mahe TEKOIAIi ALLOOCK AI: CO. Having been troubled with heart disease for a lone Mme. and after doctoring with or r physician for months and obtainhig no relief. I gave up in despair. I Was troubled with sharp pains In my chest, and loud sounds about my heart, and often felt that death would be a blessing. At this timer was persuaded to apply one of your Porous Plasters. Within a few hours after placing one on my chest, I felt no more pain, and all throbbing ceased about my heart, and I have felt like a new man, Bend me your prices by the quantity. Yours, respectfully, PAZ OF TIDE BIDE CURED. ALictrowx, Pain., April 4,lBx'+. Messrs. T. Au.cocc. 4 Co. Dear Sirs: My daughter used one of your Forms Was tend. She bad a very bid ,paln in her side, and it cured her in 012 e. week. Yours, truly. JOIIN V. N. HUNTER. SORE CHEST AND COEGft Dr. A LLCOCK. khr: In3lay last I wan 'slatting my cousin in Corning, who got me ism of your Porous Plasters for my chest was so sore through me at the time that I could hardly s peak or breathe. It was not more than three hours after I put it on before I felt comfortable. I had suffered very much from soreness of the chest, with cough and hoarse ness, for months ; but your Plaster has cured me, and my health is better than it has been for years. Yours, respectfully, PHEBE PATCHER. BFA I: DA3I, Schuyler Co., N. Y., Sept. 14, Itla ) CURE OF CRICK IN THE BACK AND LUMBAGO. LvoNa, N. Y., July 4, 18Q.. Messrs. Atte,och . & Co.: Please send me a dollar's worth of your Plasters. They have cured me of a crick in the back, which hae troubled me for tome ttme, and now My father is going to try them for difficulty about the heart. L. IL SlifittWOOD PLASTER WORKS, SINS SING, N. Y. PRINCIPAL AGENCY. BRANDRETH HOUSE. NEW YORK. SOLD MY ALL DRUGGISTS. Inay9,e,tu2tt AYER'S. CHERRY PECTORAL. FOR DISEASES Of THE THROAT AND LIJNOS, SUCH AS COUGHS COLDS, WHOOPING COUGH, BRONCHITI.S,ASTLIMA AND CONSUMPTION. Probably never before in the whole history of medicine. has anything won so widely and so deeply upon the confl dense of maukind, as this excellent remedy for palm nary, complaints. Through a long series of years, and among most of the recce of men sibs h risen higher and higher in their estimation, as it h me better known Its uniform character and power to cure the various af. fections of the lungs and throat, have made it known as reliable protector against them. While adapted to mildn forms of disease and to youa ti c t i n fildren, it is at the ram time the most e ff ectual rem that can be given for in cipient consumpti o n. and the geroue affections of the throat and lungs. An a provision against sudden attacks of Croup, it should be kept on hand in every family, and indeed as all are sometimes subject to colds and coughs all shquld be provided with this antidote for them. Although. settled Consumption is thought incurable. still great numbers of cases where the disease seemed settled, have been completely cured, and the patient re stored to sound health by the Cherry Pectoral. So com plete is its mastery over the disorders of the Lung e and .Throat, that the most obstinate of them yield to itWhen nothing else could reach them, under the Cherry Pectoral they subside and disappear. Atneers and Pubtio Speakers rung great protection from it Asthma is always relieved and often wholly aired by it Bronchitis is generally cured by taking the Cherry Peo fora/ in small and frequent doses. So generally are its virtues known that we need not publish the certificates of them here or do more than assure the public that its qualities are }' maintained. AYER'd AGUE CURE,FOR FEVERDUE. IN TERkIII - tig,NT FEVER, CHILL FEVER, REMIT. TENT FEVER, DUMB AGUE., H PERIODICAL 01l BILIOUS FEVER, &C., AND I N ALL TE AT. FECTIONS WHICH ARISE FROM MALARIOUS, MARSH, OR MIASMATIC POISONS. As Its name hirpilea It does Cars,and does not fail: taming neither Arsenic, Quinine, Bismuth, Zinc, nor other mineral or poisonousimbirtance whatever, it in rsi wise injures any patient. The number and importance of Its cures in the ague illertricts are literally beyond se count, and we believe without a parallel in the history of Ague medicine. Our pride is gratified by. the acknowl edgments we receive of the radical cures effected in ob. atinate casee,and where other remedies had wholly failed. Unacelimated poisons, either resident in , or , traveling through miasmatities, will be protected bY taking the AGUE CURE dales For LIVER COMPLAINTS, arising from torpidity of the Liver, it is an excellent regiedy, stimulating the Liver into healthy activity. For WHOM Disorders and Liver Complaints. it, is au ex. eellent remedy, producing many truly remarkable cures, where other medicines had failed. Prepared by Dr, J. C. AYER & CO., Practical an d Ana lyrical chemists, Lowell,. Masa, and sold all round tht. werld. PRIME $1,09 PER BOTTLE. J. M. MARIS & CO., Philadelphia, Wholesale Agents. au2S w Lv rinwarrtiaz" act. GEO. J. HENKELS, LACY & HENN AND COMET BIM Nov offer an entire novildock of furniture In ho latest style, comprieino NEO GREC. • HENOISSANCE. POMPEII. GOTHIC. • M d s o r t o h ;g 3r atti to offer inducements in • FRILL We i n i e t &SEW Eß AND F/NE ENAMELLED FURNITURE. GEO. J. BENKELO,IOIO'a co., fm Bm THIRTEENTH and CHESTNUT. VIEB 81N A ORANGES .— FINE FRUIT AND IN GOOD iv/ order. Landing and for sale by JOB. D. BUBBIEIt 4 CO.. 108 South Delaware avenue. THE DAILY EVENING BULLETIN-ViILADELPHIA, TUESDAY, MAY 12, 1868. J. W. JOIWON. M. D, CHAP,LES BATTY • __ A CLEAIt, WiltoollFl A 1 VD AD BEA.II. TIFUL COMPLEXION follows the use Of illitditHOLD'il CONOEIITKATED EXTRACT eruptions It - removes mach spots, pimples , moth patches and al of the saki. IN TIME SAN INO MONTHS TINE NTS. tern naturally undergoes a change, and HEENIBOLD'S HIGHLY CONCENTRATED EXTRA() r OF HAI:War& RILL& fe an actletent of the greatest value. , TOIING LADIES, BEW4UtE! OF ME INJURIOUS EFFECTS of Face Powders and Washes. Clench remedies ClOl3O up the pores of the Ain, and in a short time destroy the complexion. U you would RELMBOL hove a fres D' h. S BETH/L healthy OT SA.RSAPand youthful appearsnee , use NOT A FEW OF THE wousr ORPERS that afflict mankind while front corruption of the blood. HELMBOLD , IS BXTEAOT SARSAPARILLA is a remedy of the utmost value. HELIMBOLD'S EXTIKACT SAUSAPA• RILLA cleanses and renovates the bloodanetilla the vigor of health into the eyitem, and purges out the humors that make‘dieenee. QUANTITYI 7114 QUALITY. lineura. BOLD'S Ernie CT SARSAPARILLA. The do.e is rinalL 'Those who &via& a large quantity and large doses of medicine ERR. THOSE WHO DESIRE BRILLIANCY OF COMPLEXION must Pu if/ and enrich the blood,. which HELMBOLD'S CONCENTRATED EXTRACTO R :+ARPAPARILLA invariably does. Ask for Hetinboid's. Take no other. HELNHOLD 9 S CONCENTRATED EX- TkACT SARSAPARTIALA is the Great Blood Purifier. 1-1EIL11ECOI;Do'S Highly Concentrated Fluid 4xtract SARSAPARILLA ERADICATES EWER AND 111BPATIVE DEEM OF THE Throat, Nose, Eyes, Eyelids. Scalp and Skin, Which eo disfigure the appearance, PUP.DING the evil e tr:cte of mercury and removing all taints,. the remnants of DISEASE ELT hereditary or otherwise, and taken by ADULTS and eIIiLDREN with perfect SAFETY. TWO TABLE-SPOONFULS of the Extract of Smrespa rills. added to a plot of water, is equal to.the Lieben Diet Drink, and one bottle le equal to a gelloner the Syrup of Sarsaparilla, or the decoehons as tunialbr made. AN INTERESTING LETrzu U puldiehed in the Med. ir o•Chlrurgical Review on the subject of the Extract el Sarsaparilla in certain affections, by Benjamin Travers, ailsß. S., &c. Speaking of those d, ,, W•ases, and diseases ing from the excess of mereurn he states that no remedy is equal to the Extract of Sarsaparilla.; its power is extraordinary, more so than any other drug,l am. ac quainted with. It is. in the strictest sense, a tonic with this invaluable attribute, that it is applicable to a state of the system so sunken and yet so irritable asrendens ethos stibstances of the tonic class unavailable orixduriona, HELMBOLD'S Concentrated Extract Sarsaparilla Established upwards of 18 years. PREPARED BY It: T. HELMBOLD DRUGGIST AND CHEMIST. 594 BROADWAY, New York. Sold brDrusglats everywhore. Yrico St 95 tier bottle. or 6 for S 5 66 Latta, proirittms. iN THE -DISTRICT ' COUR T "OF THE UNithl) litates for Eastern Disct - of Pennsylvania --1 Bankruptf i y—in the matter- of EPIEIRAIN bankru --To whom it maYronceni: The und-Tatrued hereby g roe notice of his appolntment as Assignee of CL.ARK. of the city and county of ratillader. phis, Mate of Pennsylvaniamithin said District, ,who has teen adjudged , a Bankrupt upon big own petition by the District Couttof said distrit. " .1 . RICH' ORIER, Assirmie, • ' 420 Library etroet. Y Bt9 PnuaknatnitA, Miy 2d„ 1868. PaYa ta TN TIM DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITEDLBTATFO 1. for the Eastern District of Pendurylvard,•--in. Pt: cy.—At Philadelphia, April 101k , 1668.-rho undanugnea bereby gives notice of his appeintment as Assignee of JOHN 1, RIAN, of Philadelphia. in the county of Phila.. delphia, and State of Pennsylvania: . within said 1 ristriet who has been adjudged a .Bankrupt upon hie own Vetilion, by the District Court of said district. MuNTELIUB ABBOTT Assignee, xt Assignee, Tol3o h street. is S South ;rbom it may concern. D331412,8t* ,lIN THE DISTRICT COHhT OF THE - UNITED STATES for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania.—ln - Bank ruptcy.—At Philadelptda, April 16, 1868. The undersigned hereby eves notice of his appointment as Assignee of JAMMIII. COOL of l'hiladelphia,in the county of Phila delphia and State of Pennsylvania, wi,hin said district, who has been ad Judged a bankrupt upon hie own petition, by the said I. !strict Court. WM. VOGDES, Assignee, to y7.th,t3t. 128 South Sixth street. 'IN THE DiSTRIr COURT or THE UNITED .I. STATES FOR THE EASTERN DISTRICT OF PENNSYLVANIA.—In Bankruptcy.—At Philadelphia. Ate, 2d. A. D. 18ed. The undendgned hereby eyes notice dvdin appointment as Assiguee of NATHAA P. PA %- COAST and WILLIAM H. weamnar, individus.llY, ad es Copartners, late trading as PANCOAST dr. WAIL. NOCK, in the city of Philadelphia and county of Phila.. deipbia and State of PI nnmilvant within said, District, wbo twice ben adjudged Bankruupon their own pet!. I Hon, by the District Court of said stria. ALEXANDSR R. CUTLER, Ammo, _ No. 623 Walnut street. Tote creditor!! of said Bankrupt. ruy7,o,3t; TTNJTED STATES MARSHAL'S OFFICE, EASTERN ta ,DISTRICT OF PENNSYLVANIA.. PTITIADZI,rati, May 7. 18:38. . - This is to give notice : That on the Ott: day , of lit Lai A: D. T 1828. a Warrant in Bankruptcy was 'mimed against the E s tate of JOHN RoI3ENCEANZ. of PhilhdaMbia.in the ' nnty of Philadelphia and State of Pennlvania. who been. adjudged a Bankrupt, on lily own Petition; that e payment of an debts and delivery of any pro la perry Tonging to much ,Bankrupt, to him, or for his nee, and the transfer of any property bl o il m m are forbidden by law; that a meeting of th e ere& or the said Bank.. runt. to prove their debts and to c mum one or more ma. signeem of big estate, will be heft at a court of Bank. 1 tr i ttU r l e ni v igl i c i llnAt No. 520 Walnut 'treat Palled& Michael. Emq , liegistes, on the 2d Say 4 June. A. 0.1888, at 33 , 5 o'clock. P.M. P. C. ELLSIAKER, my 7 th 3t U. S. Marshall. as Messenger. LETTERS TESTAMENTARY ON TILE ESTATE of ISAAC B 4 RTON, deceased. (formerly . Dry-Goods M enchant) have been granted .by the Register of Wills. Philadelphia, to the undersigned. All persons indebtell to his Estate will please make immediate payment, and those having claims present them without delay . to SAM. DEL JEANES. No. I= Arch street, or to ISRAEL H. JOHNSON, NO. 119 Market street (2d story), Executors of Isaac Barton, deceased. ROO thgti, USTATE OE WILLIAM MERCER. DECEASED.— .114 Letters Testamentary upon the above Estate haying been granted to the undersigned, all persons indebted thereto are requested to make payment; and those having claims to present them to MARTHA MERCER Execu trix, No.llB Ilepburn street, or to her Attomey,WENC EL HARTMAN, JR., N 0.121, South Seventh st. apitth-6t* 1N THE DIWIRICT COURT OF THE UNITED 1 States for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania. In Bankruptcy. At Philadelphia. April 24th 1868. The um dersigued hereby gives notice of his appointment as As• shame of CHARLES CARS, of Philadelphia, in the w ou h t n s ofP D h ist a r d i e t p w hi ho ha n s d eena e udg f edP e a n n ß sy a l n v k a r n u i p a t , upon Us own petition by the said District Court. WDL VOG DES; Assignee. M South Sixth Street To the Creditors of said Bankruptcy. myd w 3t. ESTATE OF MARTHA EASBY, DECEASED.—LEE• ten Testamentary to the Estate of melt:rim BASSI - , late of the city of Philadelphia, deceased, having been granted to the undersigned, all persons-indebted to said Estate are requested to make payment, and those having claims to present them to JANE .EASBY, Executrix. No. 503 North Sixth street; or to her Attorney„ GUS rAvIJS RPM AK. No. 1D:, South Sixth street ap24,c.• DENTLSTUY. egDB. JOHN M. FINE'S DENTAL ROOMu No. 219 Vine street.—Thirty years' practice, ant one of theloldeat established Dentiste in the city Ladles beware of cheap dentistry. We are receivire calla weekly from those that have been imposed upon and are making new seta for them. For beautiful life like teeth, and neat and substantial work, our prices an more reasonable than any Dentist in the city. Teetl plugged, teeth repaired, exchanged, or remodeled to suit Nitrous Oxide Gas and Ether always on hand. To save time and money, give us a call before engaging else where. No charge unless satisfied. Best of . refer enrw. .1111UVT10111 BALES. BUNTING. DUBBOROW & CO., AUCTIONEERS Nos. 222 and EA MARKET street, corner Bank Merl SUCCESSORS TO JOHN B. MYERS & CO. LARGE POSITIVE BALE OF BRITISH. FRENCH, GERMAN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS. ON FOUR MONTHS' CREDIT. ON THURSDAY MORNING. Slay 14, at 10 o'clock,embracing about EKE Packages and Lots of Staple and Fancy Articles. LARGE PERBY PTORY SALE OF' FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS. NOTlCE.—lncluded in our eale.of THURSDAY.May 19, 8.11.1 be found in part the N Rowing. viz.: DOMESTICS. Bales bleached and brown Muslims and Drills. do. White and Scarlet all wool and Domet Flannels. Cases Kentucky and other Jeans. Miners's Flannels,. do. Blue Checks, Tiara Denime,Stripes, Osnabugga do. Silecias, Corset Jeans, Linings, Paddinge. do. Manchester and Pomestic Ginghams, Cottonades. do. Satinets. Case:Linares. Tweeds, Kersaye, Prints. LINEN GOODS. OMB Duck Coatings. Drills. Crash, Diaper, lharlaps, Hucks. do. 4 . 4 Irish Shirting Linens, Barnsley Sheetings. do, Spanish. Bley and Mantle Linens, Hollands. Canvas. do. Blea. and. W.B. Damask Table Clotbs,Towels,&c. MERCHANT TAILORS' GOODS. Pieces English, Belgian and Saxony black and blue, plain and twilled all wool and Union Cloths. • do. ElbLettf Tricots, English. Spring Mekong, Drap d'Eta do. Aix la Chapelle Fancy Cassimeres and Coating.. do. French Doeskins, I callan Cloths, Satin de Chinee. DXEtI6 GOODS, SILKS iw PleceeTiZpron Black = and Colored Mohairs, Alpacas, Poplieut, &c. do. Scotch Gingham's. Mozambique. Baregee,Piquee. do. Delaines. Percalee, Grenadines . Poplin Alpaca. do. Bleck sm.:Motored Silks Cloaks, Basquee, dm. 700 MARSEILLES TOILET QUILTS. 10.4.114 and MLA of very superior qualify. 16 CASES I,AIArA S. Of fine qualities, in plain blacks, browns, and black and whites. —ALSO-- Hosiery, Gloves. Balmoral and Hoop Skirts., Paris Tiee, Traveling and Merino Under Shirts and Drawers, No hone, Tailore' Trimmings, dewinge. Suspenders, Um: btellas, &c. LARGE POSITIVE SALE OF CARPkTINGS. ROLLS MA.TTINGS ac. ON FRIDAY MORNING. May 15 at 11 o'clock. on FOUR MONTHS' CREDI'I about Ws Pleeea Ingrain. Venetian. Lists Hemp. Cottaat and Rai Carpetinga. •--4 - LARGE PEREMPTORY SALE OF FRENCH ANT OTHER EUROPEAN DRY GOODS, dm. ON MONDAY MORNING May IN at 10 o'clock. ON FOUR MONTHS' CREDIT FlOO lore of French, India. German and. British Dry Goods w IcTTIC e lifiTON 4 CO. AUCTIONEERS. 9MiiT SALL IIgION ROOMS. 2 gESTgteet 1 street. NOTlCE.—lncluded in our WEDNESDAY'S SALE Ty , ll be a Fine Oil Painting by Wilma--a copy after ROBB Bonneur's celebrated Horse Fair. CARD.—We take pleasure in informing the public the! our FURNITURE BALES are confined strict.V to entirel3 NEW and FIRST CLASS FURNITURE. all in perfect order and guaranteed in every respect. Hegular Sale 4 of Furniture every . WEDNESDAY. Out-door ealee promptly attended to SALE OF SUPERIOR N.:EMI AND FIRST.CLASS lIOUSEIiOLD FyItNATURE,...kc. ON WEDNESDAY MORNING. May 13, It6B. at 10 o'clock. at the Concert Hall Auction Rooms, will be !old. a very deeirable assortment of Household Furniture comprising—Antique and modern Parlor Suite, in French satin brocatella, plush. hair cloth, tem - . and reps, in oil and varnished; Bedsteads, Bureaus and - Washataxide, in Elizabethan. Grecian' Antique and other styles; Cabinet, Sewing, Dining, Studio, Reclining. Reception and Hall Chairs; Piano Stools, Escretotres, Armoires, Music Racks, elegantly carved Sideboards, corn. bination Card and Work Tables, Turkish Chairs, marble top Etageres, Whatnots, Library and Secretary Book. cases, Wardrobes, Commodee, marble top Centre Tables, Exteneion Tables, pitlar, French and turned legs, Library Tables, Hanging and Standing Hat Racks, &c. Also, an invoice of pure curled hair, straw, sea grass and Hair Matraesae, Spring and Hair Paliaaare, SPECIAL SALE or BEST QUALITY SILVER FLAWED Ware French Cbina and Bohemian Ware, Vases Urns, Statuettes Fancy Ooeds, Agate, Bardiglio and amarmo Vases, Fruit... Holders, arc. ON THURSDAY MORNING. May 14. at 10 o'clock, will be sold, a complete assort ment of Triple tillver Plated Ware , comprising Tea Sets, Urns, Ice Pitchers. Cake Baskets, Castors, Gobiets,Buttsr Dishes, dm, FRILACH enrNA, Bon:BRIAN GLASSWARE AND PARIOIAN FANCY GOODd. Also. an invoice of French China Dinner. Tea and Des. pea, Sets, Chamber Toilet Sete, Rich Cut Bohemian Ohasware. Decanters, Statuettes Bronzes, gm, Also en invoice of Agate.Bal digit° and Arnarmo Vases, Fruit Holden, Groups. Statuettes, &c. THOMAS BIRCH di SON, AU(YPIONEERS AND ' COMMISSION 11 0 MRCHANTS. No 1110 CHESTNUT street. Rear kntrance 1107 Sansom etraet HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE OF EVERY DESCRIF. TION RECEIVED ON CONSIGNMENT. Sales of Furniture at Dwellings attented to on the moot reasonable terms. SALE OP JAPANESE AND CHINESE GOODS, INDIA SHAWLS, CURIOSITIES. dm • ON WEDNESDAY MORNING. • May 10, and Thursday, 14, commencing at 10 o'clock, at the auction store. No. 1110 Chestnut greet, second story, will be sold— A large assortment of Canton China, Japanese eabi nets, Tables!, Work Boxes and Card Receiymn, of mosaic work; sandal wood, Ivory and other Fos, Waiters,. Boxes. vaunted with mother of Pearl; a groat variety of Shawle. Oriental Curioaltios. Ate. The collection will be open for exhibition on Tuesday. Sale at No. mo Chestnut street. LARGE SALE Me SUPARIOR FURNITURE, PIANO FORTES, MIRRORS, CARPETS , BILLIARD TABLE, FINE,OI7INAt ON FRIDAY MORNING. At 9 o'clock, at the auction store, No. 1110 Chestnut street, will he sold— A large assortment .of superior Furniture, from a fa mily declining bousskeoplag. , _ BILLIARD TABLES. At 19 o'clock precisely will ho sold, one 'Rosewood :`,/' Table, made by Phelan & Callender. Also, 9 faU We Tables do, do. svya~lacn ~9►tißl/; RA THOMAS de SONS AUUTIONFS AI ,_ . Nosjgg and 141 South Li 'MINK. rir fy . itira STOOKI! AND RE ES ATE.• • bile sales at therPhihadaPhire ExchangeEVEln TUESDAY. at 12 o'clock. VFW - Handbills of each invert, Lamed. 60141140 fr Addition to which we publish on the gaturday pr • one to each sale, one thousand catalogues pam,AW form, penng full descriptions of all the prorty to lee sold of the cOLLOWING TUESDAY. and a lat of. Seal Eatato et Private Sale. WV - Our Sales are alio advertised in the following newspapers : Norm Annenroaxe, Please, LungEn, INTILLLIORIWEIL lIMPIRJER. .Gll, EV/Miele 131 FLIaM S ' F VEN INO TRIMIRAP% CIRRICAVDENIPPICAT TBIJ Store . Ftmdtura bales at the Auction EVERY ESDAY. 1110 — "8alea at residences receive eeDecial attention. REAL ESTATV SALE. MAY 19. Orphans' Court Sale-Estate of James Carmichael, der'd..-VALVAIILE Buenvess fdrainur-.2. PEIREE STORY BRICK SI ORES, Nos. 150 and 152 North 'third st, be• tween Race and t..her,y. upputina• Court Sale-Estate of Bervey Batcheller, deett and Harwood and Weld,Mittors-4"HREESTORY BRICK DWEI LINOS. Noe 2515, 253, 2523 and 2533 Frankford road, north of Reading Railroad. bame Estate-GROUND RENT „ 815041, year. Orphans' Court Sale-Estate of Win. trans, deed.- BRICK DWELLINti and LOT OF GROUND, No. 523 Dianw.nd et . west of Parry. 19th Ward • SarocEstate-TEACT OF LAND, 534 ACRES , Cambria et, Penn 'township. Same Estate-BuICK MESSUAGE, No. 2013 Keener at., south of Diamond. Same Estate- FRAME MES3UAGE. Susquehanna aveaue. east of Twenty-ninth et, 21st Ward. Same Estate-LOT, (No. 99'7 on plan of North Penn Village) north aide of Susquehanna, avenue, coat of `:9th street. Executors'.Peremptory Sale-Estate of , Chrietimi Cor nelius, deed.- HAND S OME MODERN THRE E-STORY MUCH BESIDE:NC& •• No. 206 Franklin. et., north of Race, opposite Franklin Square-has the. modern cone. tilences. immediate 'postiession. Sale Abootute. • Aaeleneee• Sale--VALtro.nutßustazse TANDI3-2FnUR . 131011 , 1.1111,147 h. BTOttES, Nos. 215 and Si? North Front st,exten.rtng throrlh to Water et-'2 valuable fronts. Executors' tiale.:-Estate of Jane Paterson. seed.-Arm VALITAULE "BiII3LNESS STAND—TEIREVATI OLIN BRICK STORE and DWNLLING.'No. 1306 Chestn t at. Same Estate-4THREE - STORY BRICK DWELLING% Nos 1303 and 1805 Sans= at. Same .Estate--THREPATORY BRICK DWELLING No:1806 Drury at. • • Admirthitatrix's PeremptorY.Sideßyorder of the Or. phone. Court-karats of Hamilton Cress.. deed.-VERY DE SIRABLE 834 STORE STONE ItEsIDENCE, _Stable and Cart Hous- 1 AE. Main et, Chestnut 1.121,924 Ward, n r the 'rod Gate. GENT THREE-STORY BRICK, DWELLING, No. 1110 Carpenter et. THREE-STORY BRICK. DWELLING, No. 2226 Cuth hers et To Capitalists and Manufacturers-VALUABLE MILLS MANSION and TENANT HOUSES. lii ACRES. Rockhlll road. Lower Merlon Township, Montgomery county, Pa.. half a mile from Atansynak and five miles from Philadelphia. Sale by Order of Heirs-VaLnAnt,i BostrniAB Loco.. Tior-2 1 HREESTORY BRICK DWELLINGS, Noe. 401 and 409 South Front et. al.cl 2 AVARKEIOUSES, Nos. 406 and 408 Penn at.. below Pine-40 feet front, 150 feet deep -2 fronts. immediate possession of the dwellings'. and Possession of the warehouses may be had on giving three . months' notice. THREE .STORY. STONE MANtON, with Stable 'and Coach House and Large Lot. No. 8816 • Market at.. West Philadelphia-100 feet front, 21434 feet deep-11 fronts. .VERY ELEGANT COUNTuk SEAT and MANaION. 8 ACRES, Waveriey_Heighta. Limekiln Turnpike, Chet tenhain ownahip, M ontgomery. county, Pa., nlno miles Dom Market at. half a mile from Abington, Station, North Pennsylvania Railroad. Exec , tore. Sala-Estate of Harriet 11 Marton, deed.-. DESIRABLE THREE - STORY BRICK ELBSIDENCE, No. Ell Spruce et. Immediate possession. Sane Estate-LARGE and VALUABLE FOUR. E3l ORY BRICK DWELLING, No 628 Locust at., oppo site Washington Square-. 18 feet front Same Estate-VALUABLY: BOSINESR Loos.vott-BRICK DWELLING. No. 1316 calloa hill ,t, with tour email dvvelling.a in the , ear on Carlton at, No. 1313 NEAT' STONE CI iTTAGE and about TWO ACRES of • GROUND, Darby Road, 34 of a mile below the Blue Bell Tavern. HANDSOME MODERN THREE-STORI STONE RE SIDENCE. Queen at., Germantown, 85 by 16236 feet; has all the modern conveniences. Immediate possession. BALE OF A PRIVATE LIBR tRY. ON TUESDAY AFTERNOON. May 12, at 4 o'clock. a valuable private library. inclu db. a umber of Illustrated Works in fine bindings. Also, magnetic Battery and Electric Machine. RECEIVER'S SALE. STOCK ON LI RID IQU AY MORNINuRts AND FIX G. TURES. OF May 15, at 11 o'clock. at NO. 81 South Fourth street, by order of Court will be sold, the entire stock of Liquors and Fixtures of Store. Sale No. 1132 Poplar street. SUPERIOR WALNUT F RPEIS URN ITURE&c. . FINE BR, ON WEDNESDAY MORNING, May 13. at 10 o'clock,at No. 1111 Poplar st,by catalogue, the entire Furniture. includi, g superior Walnut and Par. for Furniture. very handsome Walnut Chamber Furni. true. French China, Glassware, Fine Brussels Carpets, Kitchen Utensils, &c. May be seen early on the morning of sale. a - RARE AND VALUABLE WORKS ON EARLY AME RICAN HISTORY, THE LATE REBELLION, SCARCE TRIALS. &c. ON WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON. May 13, at 4 o'clock. Sale at Nos, 1139 and 141 South Fourth street HANDSOME WALNUT FURNITURE CHICKERING GRAND PIANO HANDSOME MANTEL, PIER AND OVAL MIRROR FIREPROOF SAFE, HANDSOSIE VELV ET ANDBRUSSELS MORNING. &e. ON THURSDAY At 9 o'clock, at the auction rooms, very . superior Fur niture, including Handsome Walnut Parlor Furniture, covered in tin. green and cameo. plush, reps and hair cloth. elegant Walnut and Silk Reps Library , Suits. sue° . nor Chamber Suits, Dicing-rem Furniture, G, and Piano Fete. by Chickering; Rosewood Square Piano, hand. some French Plate Mantel. Pier and civet, Mirrors in oiled walnut and gilt frames; superior Fireproof Safe, Iron Chests, handsome Velvet. Brussels. and other Carpets, superior. Lathe. Counters, China, Glassware. Arc. Sale, No. 3449 Walnut street. VERY ELEGANT OILED WALNUT, FURNITURE, Fine French Plate Mirrors, Handsome Brussels Car pets, &c, ON FRIDAY MORNING. May 15th. at 10 o' lock. at 3149 Walnut street, Weet Phi ladephia, by catalogue, the entire furniture, including eh- not nt walnut and green plush drawing room furniture, bullet etagere, handsome oiled walnut, chamber suits, superior walnut dining room furniture, fine French plate mantle mirror, walnut frame; very tine spring mattress, handsome English Brussels carpets, ingrain carpets, &c., &c.; the entire furniture was made to order and is nearly new. Administrator's Sale. Estate of Pierce Butler, Fsq,. decea'ed.. VERY SUrEnIOR OLD MADEIRA WINE. ON BATURDAY, May 16, at 12 o'clock noon, at the auction room, will be sold at public sale, by cellar ,of the Administrator of the late Pierce Butler, Esq.. declassed. a quantity of superior Old Madeira Wine, including Butler Madeira, imported BM: lilac khurn Madeira, 1844; Howard March du Cri.. 1636; .M. Willing, 1843; Edwars Madeira. Catalogued now reaßy. Sale N 0.1334 Pine street. VERY SUPERIOR WALNUT c URNITURE, FINE FRENCH PLATE PIER AND OVAL MIRROR,S, FINE BRUSSELS CARPETS, &c. ON MONDAY MORNING. May 18, at 10 o'clock, at No. 1334 Pine street, by cata logue, Handsome Walnut and Crimson Plush Parlor Fur. suture, Superior Chamber Furniture, tine French Plate Pier and Oval Mirrors,line Brussels Carpete,ltefrigerator, Richen &c. May be seen early on the morning of sale Executor's Sale at No. 35 South. Second street. Estate of Isaao Barton. deed. SUPERIOR ROSEWOoII FURNITURE FRENCH PLATE MIRRORS, FINE VELVET CARPETS, &c. ON TUESDAY MORNING, May 19, at 10 o'clock, at No. 35 South Second street, the entire superior mahogany Household teurniture, 9 fine French Plate Maw el Mirtors.rine,slatresses and Bedding, China and Glassware, fine Velvet Carpets, Kitchen lite.- Ms, R c. May be examined at 8 o'clock on the morning of sale.. Sale No. 1129 Chestnut street. ELEGANT FURNITURE. HANDSOME CHANDE LIERS, FINE. WILTON AND BtIUBSELS CARPETS. N HADSOME MIRRORS, &c. ON WEDNESDAY MORNING. May 20 at 10 o'clock, at No. 1129 Chestnut etreet, by ea. talogne. the entire Furniture, includin handsoore Wal nut and Plush Drawing room Furniture, handsome Walnut and Morocco Furniture, very elegant Carved Buffet, five handsomely carved Walnut and Oak Bide boards,,elegant Bookcase, large and superior Office Tablc. handsome Walnut and Oak Extension Dining Tables.. 2 fine French Plate Mantel Mirrors, handsome gilt frames; two do. in walnut frames; Hall Tarde, fine Rep Window. Curtains, Bronzes, large and handeome Ohande. Hem very fine Wilton end English Brussels Carpets China and Glsee. tine Plated Ware, Card Tables,Sitchen Utensils, &c. _ BILLIARD TABLE. Very superior Billiard Table, complete,made by Phelan & Callender. D. MoCLEES & CO. l jA s i IcoEssoßs To Mccuu t D& . CO.. .M AARKETertr eet LARGE SALE OF 1900 CASES BOOTS. SHOES. BROGANS, BALMORA „.103 &c. ON THURSDAY MORNING. May 14, commencing at 10 o'clock, we will sell by cats• logue, for cash, a fine find fresh assortment of sesiknable Boots, !hose , Brogans, Balmoral& &c. Also. Women's, 31issea' and Children'e city.made goods. L. ASUBRIDGE it CO., AUCTIONEERS, No. 806 MARKET street. above Fifth. LARGE POSITIVE SALE OF BOOTS, SIIOES AND BATS. ON WEDNESDAY MORNING. May 13! at 10 o'clock. we will seillby catalogue, about Mu cages Boots and Shoes, embracing a tine assort ment of first class city and Eastern made goods, to which the attention of the trade is called. Tita PRINCIPAL MONEY ESTABLISHMENT. S. B. corner of SI XTH and RACE streete. Money advanced on Merchandise generally — Watches Jewelrl, Diamonds. Gold and Silver Plate. and on all articles of value, _for any _length of tim e_mreed on. WATCHES AND JEWELRY' AT PRIVATE SALE. Fine Gold Hunting Case,_ Double Bottom. and Open Fact English. American and Bran Patent Lever Wittchec Fine Gold Hunting Case and _Open Face j4eoine Watches; Fine Gold Duplex and ether Watches; Fine Silver Hunt. ing Case and Open Fare English.. American and Swiss Patent Lever and Loping Watchest Double Case English Quartier and other Watches: Ladles' Fancy Watches . Diamond Breass Finger Rings; Br acel ets , . Studs, d:c. I Fine Gold halm Medallions,. J . Scarf Pins; Breastpins ; finger Rings:Pencil Cases an JeWell7 gener FOIT I VALE.—A large rand valuable Fireproof Chest. suitable for a Jeweler ; cost • • Also. several lots in It Math Camden, Fifth and Mahout treats. • DAVIS & HARVEY. AUCTIONEERS: Late with M. Thomas & Sons. Store No. 421 WALNUT Street. FURNITURE SALES at the Store ever.ITUESDAY. SALES AT RESIDENCE 43 will mealy(' matfettlig attention. BY BABBITT. & CO.. AUCTIONEERS. CASH AUCTION 110 USE, No. MO SUNSET street, comer of BANK street. Cash advanced on constenutente Irlthoct extra Menet Ali4=01111A11•111S, 1 AMES A. FREEMAN'. AUCTIONEELI, . • ' • NO. 422 WALNUT 'drag*. REAL ESTATE SALE, MAY I.H. Thle Salo. on WEDNESDAY. at IS o'cloak, noose, Exchange, will Include Sao followhlk No, 014 NOPLW twoiatory Mick ' dai'eltlnt stable, lot IS tyyl2s feet, Clear. Clirvitalle , CoetraNLlelii .Etitate of Johnethankdoolt. ~" BUILDING LOT, oil , &W. s(do 0.041, Ittler mantown. Be hyllOto filet (*phalli, Mal ,SaWiffes 0 > Ch!Y".e. B gcntiettflff'AL. CriZiregr..nriZed The OrWhitlf Peat in a two•etory stone bones, lot au by 116M:feet. ~Oritherie Court Bale--Bmie Rotate. No, 1020 RACE ST.—A desirable three-story Intake. dence, with back 'buildings, lot 29 by 170 feet Ix. Executer/0 Rote.— Rotate or iieV. P. G. Raven dee No. 911,RODMAN 2.360t0ry brick dwelling, lot 12 by p 2 feet. Mae No. 915 RODE AN 214 atm brick demi= fat 1$ by 52 reit. Clear. AUDUBON PLACE (above Brent end Marketata i Wi t. tbreeetory brick bowlotie by feet O rphans ' Sale— fate ett Mar v. Happen a minor. • HERMITAGE ST.— Frame houses and lot, `Eby 31_164 (above Third antt Green sta.) clean Orphans' Oettn Sale.— Same Estate. No. 50N DILLW YN ST —A tweeter', frame house with threstol brick on rear, lot IS. by 26 feet' . : Gear. Orphans' (hurt Sots- Raft Meets. ' . at ACRES and improvements. known fie F tell &WS LANE, 22d Ward--ititmae Dwelling, Barn. Out Building,. de. It will be haematite& by 4th. sth and 6th streets, north and eolith; Backbiter and Resen:eh streets, emit and y eat Fifth street , 69feet wide. opened to the propey, railr oadsa the orgy street entiresafe to travelers, as nd crossee it at grade; la y be examietst'a; any brae. Full particulars and plan at the auction atone. 'blear of all Mentor ranee: RIDGE AVENuIe—A two-story atonebones , on west aide of hidge avenue. near thane' of Seltutikill, lot . bs feet deep to low n ater m arkin tbe river. • RIGGE AVENUE—Six , buildi adjoining the above, each bo feet front by abou t feet deep to low water mark. Plan at the more, Cleared onlammtbrance. TAMES A. FREEMAN. AUCTIINEER.--LABGE...Ak_NO e.? EXTENSIVE ciALE' OF A LIVERY , ESTABLISH- M ENT, comprising the best stock el Hones ; very flee satil valuable Carriages,Harouchee, Family Wagaes,'Shirtiag Top, lull Top end . Notre, High :Wagons, made by the meet 'celebrated makelmSleig_hs, deuble and simit , %; nem, double and single:Wolf . Robot, Buffalo no Robes, Sleigh Belk, Bridles and Saddle*. ler Gait and Logics. &c . &e. • . ' Will be sold peremptorily en , Thinsday. tobradue ceur4 May lith, at is o'clock, at the Stables. No. 716 and 7111 Mar "ban etreet. , • Tbe Stock of one of largest and best LIVERY ESTABLISH LENTS, the property of: WILLIAM U. BEL SER. Comprising the .. folioWingyaluable - steck:" PAIR. OF BLACK HORSES—One, a black lions, ("Barry"), a years old, warranted sound end kind is single and double , harness. ...One black mare (;`81111119.)• 5 years old. warranted sound and handin single and double harness; both raised in Kentucky; very free.and prompt drivers. SET OF HARNESS, by lieecber. nearly 11110 r, SUPERIOR CARRIAGE. by Beckham. .k Algier; nearly new, dip linings, &c. PAIR OF BAY HORSES—,"BiIMazd , "Gotten)." "Bill," a Bay Horse, Byeare old. about 16 ands high: has trotted a mile in three minutes.. Bay Horse, "Gotha." 9 yearn old. prompt driver. Double Pet CA RRIAGE , HARNESS,.in good order. Mock celaeh CA R RIA GE, by Beckham. BAY HORSE—"Lardner." 8 years old; prompt driver go' dpaddle bottle. HORSE--"Jamie," 8 years old good paddle horse. Set of CARRJAGE HARNESS. by Beecher. Cloee. heavy panel CARRIAGM.Ity Beckham/a Algier. - ere Cost $1,400. GRAY, HORSEe--"Gray Eagle:" has trotted close to 3 minutes; good, prompt driver. BAY STALLION - Has trotted close to three minutes; kind in Karnes • ; bobtail, 10 years olds CARRIAGE HARNESS, by Gallagher. CARRIAGE,. by Beckhauset & dieter Cost *MA GRAY PAi 'ING MARE—' Lester." 7 years old; paces inside three minutes' pound, free and prompt. Pair of heavy WORK , 110R8E ,S bay and brawn. *boat ten years old. Set of Heavy Double BARN BSB.oust SlOe nearly new; very serviceable. Heavy TRUCK. made to order, and in good condition. _ bbiftindlop YORK WAGON, by tane. 'I op YORK WA(SON, yellow rueugug gear, made hi' Lane: very light. PBAE'I'ON WAGON, pole and shafts, by Wentzler. No-top 3 Suring WAGON. weight Holt. Six -peat Germantown WAGON. Four.seat German 'own Wagon. 81. e 1013. to carry leer personsi in good order. Large SLEtoll. light one-b owe SLEIGH. I set of WHEELS. I full Iined.BUFFALO ROBE, new. 1 fulilined Spot. • fed Rt,BE. 1 fancy_white WOLF ROBE. 2 FOX ROBE,lined. Pair of Kersey BLANKETS, erombarred. Pair of Gray Kersey. BLANKETS. 1 pair of Ye!low Cross-Barred BLANKETS. 8 pair of LINEN 1311E0113, all new I pa i r of lard e GEM ze NETS. new. Lot of White FLY' NETS. Lot of Leather FLY NETS, new; Sets of BELLS, for double teases. Sets of BELLS, for Angle horses: Set of light doublet HARNESS, by Betcher. Set of light double HARNESS, -by Phillips. Set of light double HARNESS, by Beecher Set of light double HARNESS:- by Beecher. Several , good sets of single BARN F.BB. 'Several PADDIES and BRIDLES. by Beecher. Several Saddles and Bridles hy other makers. Parte of HARNESS. BRIDLES, (=LARS, BLANK.: ETS, HALTERS. &c. ALSO; Melly articles not enumerated; to which your attention will be called at the sale. ALSO, Several other HORSES, WAGONS, &c., not belonging. to • the above estate. 'sr - Sale pmemptory. N. 8.--Strangers will be required to leave an advance. JAMES A. FREEMA, Auctioneer, • 422 Walnutetret.. • e AT PRIVATE SALE. BURLINGTON.—A Handsome Mansion. on Mail:l3U, lot 56 tut TOO feet. WoODLAAD TERRACE—Handsome Modern .Hast., dence. BY B. SCO, JR. suitirrs ART GALLERY. ' No. IMO CHESTNUT street. Philadelphia. _ _ MR. G. 0. RENEAUFFII CLOSING SALE OF Neurzr a - : AND PIER taltiRORS. ON THURSDAY MORNING._ • At 11 o'clock, and to be continued in the. EVENING.,at.. 34 before 8 &clock; at Scott's Art Gallery. No. 10110. Chest., nut street, will ha told without reserve, the bales:tea ot , tee Mantel and Pier Mirrosi, manufactured by Mr. Geo..;-• C. Renkauff expressly for his custom trade, smel to Ws, sold on account of remodslind his establish Ail. 1 ,, I :1 DESIRABLE BUMMER 130 In , the rural part of Germantown, within a fella minute* , walk .of the Depot. ROOMS L .ItGE AND AIRY. Only a few boarders taken. Apply P. No. 5 4 .1 North Fifth street. on TUESDAY' or TillapDAY nest, from two to Also, o'cleeltd. P. M. HEATH SCHOOL ;HOUSE. EY'S MOUNTAIN SPRINGS, N, J. Opeiaslstli June, with terms reduced. Far particulars, route. etc.. address . S. T. COLZENS. agith s tu . Proprletorf UNLTED STATER HOTEL, LONG REAI3CLI. open June 15, 1656. m 3 f to a tu.6t. S. LAIRD. EVolnietm MANSION .11oUSE, LONG BRANCH, N. J.. upon June 1,188& my 7 th B tu•nt* B. LAIRD. Proprietor. MEZITS' t SI7 S :3 I .7 6,3 GOTEL. LONG BRANCH. WELL my 7 th a LONG. WEANCII. The proprietor of the Mansion House has taken in connection with the above Idolise, the United: dullest betel, which has been renovated and newly furnished threnehout. Application for rooms can .he roade now bIP addressing S. LAIRD. Menden goose, Long Branca. bow Jersey. , • zny7-6t. UI‘IISIER BOARDING AT ROCKVILLE PLACE. S Germantown, second house above the Washington avenue Station, on the Chestnut. Hill Railroad. A de. lightful place, and excellent water: The conductors on the cam will direct applicants. nly7 tit* QUAKER BOARDING.—ELIGIBLE ROOMS, WITS SDI board, now vacant at 321 Locust street., West dolphin. ap92.lm* INSTRUCTION. AMERICAN CONSERVATORY OP MEMO, S. E. Corner Tenth and Walnut Streeta. _ Summer tjuarter will begin MONDAY, May 25, and enall SATURPAY, Ootober 0. VACATION OF TEN- WEEKS FROM JUNE 27 T(} SEPTEMBER 7, New pupils may commence immediately and pay fruit date of first lesson. EXAMINATIONS {ON WEDNEBDANt3. a TO There are vacancies for beginners and advar pupils in every brantei of Voqat and „Ina' mental Music, lEarmony, Elocution and • Modma Languages: - CIRCULARS AT THE MUSIC STORES, and at the Otilce of the Conservatory. • mv)..jAt HORSHMANSHIP—AT THE PHILAM PISLAHIDING SCHOOL. Fourth street. ober* , Vine, will be found, every facility for at:miring knowledge of this healthful elegant isocaciddhilb• ment. The School is plessi ventilated and wanted"' the horses wife ak v a= d welitr An Afternoon Clam tar oung Ladles. Saddle Horses trained in the best manner. Saddle Horses, Horses and vehicles to hire. Also. Carriliges to Dooto. Potties. Wodatilot, 6110 oing act. Witt THOMAS ORATOR AcS N., COAL, AND WOOD. REUBEN HAAB. A. C. prrivisis HAAS' as FETTER, COAL DEALERS_ N. W. COE. NINTH AND JEFFEUON BTS, Keep on hand a constant supply of LEBIGIe. tunt SCH oI(LXILL COALs, from thelest Imam, for lesaglx,.. Factory. and Steam Purposes. - - F REMO CELEBRATED CENTRAIJA_ HONEY BROOK LEI:ILO:WAND OTHER FIRST•CLASB CatelBl WEIGHT AND QUALITY GUARacEED. SCOTT as 11846 MA 1846 MA STREET, 34,.amis 12c.mvje & MASON anus. MILE UNDERSIGNED INVITE A A. their etook of -4"""1(tg4 •••!," lipring Mountain. Lehigh ipmd Locust b10V#04.4 Cog, which, with the preparation given by move mum cumin. be excellod by any other Coat. onlee, Frantlin butfluta Building, No, 18 1. street. DIMAS* 8 ...IP ialtqf arch strain! %tut ariklU. HABDINCIIiittie DODGERS , AND WQ8:210111r8 ' POOITAV It K ish, PEARL and lITACI II li/Faltar v best ful finish, ROWERS% andfill*lll__ ~_, _ the VELEDItATEII LEMMA CES , HAZokra Ilra IN CASE 3 of the lineal quallfisr_ t ßattony, jr4vikll re and Table Dotlery. Gfound awl Polished. EAR IN MI MEN TS of tbe moat appreveonstruettan to the !motion at P. MADEIRA'S.CutIe r sold 0 bonen. ruentMaker, 115 Tenth. Stine ow Cbeatand. 1'4,10 134:1ND'8 1308T0441500TT.—UOND'S BOSTON BUT. ter sale Milk I& lanctlvit from- demo' ~N 4 1 1 ,4 mid for by JOB. BUM= 4 Ca, 40;41144' Bugs 1113 gouth Wawa. oevenua. COOPER ds LMRD
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