BUSINES.B NOTICES. Al'cockle Porous Plaster*. Especially useful in paitie of the breaet, mac' of weal nem and inward sinking, for coughs. colds, aathmit and difficulty of breathing; oppression and fatigue about the diaphragm. They give much ease in Gout and •Rheiima bun, weakness of the back, and in affectione and pain about the kidneys. In Lumbago they act like a charm. 2n • few hours a violent couch b relieved by a plaster ap plied on the cheat. Many persons believe a cold cannot be taken while a plaster is worn upon the cheat; this we ale know, they greatly weird in the cure of a neglected told, so often the introducer of Consumption. No plaster yet made is so entirely free from objections se the PORO V 8 .11..4 82'ER8 Being a preparation from Frankincense, Rubber and Burgundy pitch, they seem to possess the quality of ACCUMULATING ELECTRICITY ,and imparting it to the body, whereby the circulation of the blood becomes equalized upon the part where applied, causing pain and morbid action to cease. The Porous Fluters are flexible, and found of great help to; those who bare weak bates, or pain in the. side. Espimially are they valuable to those who have neglected colds They are often preventives of Consumption; nay, they are be lieved to hare often loosened the ganspof this terrible affliction, and been maini.7 instrumental in effecting a cure. In variable climates they should be worn on. the breast or between the shoulders, or over the kidneys, by those who are subject to take cold easily. This simple Plan will 130013 produce a constitutional vigor that will enable it tctresiat extraordinary changes.of temperature.. Experience has proved the Porous Plaster to be a blessing to the consumptively inclined, invariably producing the most remarkable abatement of the Worst symptoms. 85,000 WORTH SOLD BY ONE DEALER. Meyers. J. Balch & Son. Druggißta, of Providence, R. 1. writo, Nov. 23,1867: "We have Fold at 'llan over our counter upward of $5400 worth of Allcock's .Porons Flinders, and in every raft , they gave satisfaction. They are favorites with physic:au% hCCItUt3O the components and .method of making them are known. IMPORTANT FROM A PIIYBI6I.AN. MaxTroup, Cu.,o N0v.11,1864. limns. Tnofi. ALLooex & Co.: o Pleaee Bend, with deepatch, twelve dozen Allcock'a Po- Tom Plastenu Our daily experience confirms their very eaperior excellence. At this moment of writing, a man appliee for one, who, by entanglement in the shaft of ma chinery, bad both his legs broken, spine severely injured, and was for nearly a year entirely helpleaa. This man found relief very noon by the application of &plaster to his spine. Ile was eoon enabled to work, and now he labor as well as ever. Ile would cheerfully pay $5 for a single plaster if they could not be had at a lower rate. Snowing the planters to be useful, I have no scruples that my een timente ehonld be known. 110 ME EVIDENCE. SING SING, March 10, 1868 TnouAs Au.ooox dr, Co.: - . 1 have suffered greatly from a weak back; at last the pain became eo severe I could not get out of my bed. Iffy doctor, 13. J. Fisher, of this village recommended me to apply an Adcock Porous Plaster. I did eo, and in two hours the pain began to abate. The snot where the pain was most severe seemed like a coal of fire, and which the plaster appeared to draw out. The day after I applied the plaster I got up, and my trouble was all gone. I worn the plaster three weeks, and mince the second day after applying it, have had as strong and well a hack as any one. If I had paid fifty dollars for a plaster I should have considered it cheap. CLINTON D. lIAkNIOND AFFECTION OF THE HEART CUEED. GLEN RIDDLE P. U., Delaware Co.,Pa.. . March 18, 1803 MIkFTIR. nIOMAS AI.I.COCI: & Haying been troubled with heart disease for a long time, and after doctoring with or r physician for months and obtaining no relief, I gave up in despair. I was troubled with sharp pains in my chest, and loud sounds about my heart, and often felt that death would be a blessing. At this time I was persuaded to apply one of Yaw Porous Plasters. Within a few hours after placing one on my chest, I felt no more pain, and all throbbing ceased about my heart, and I liars felt like a new man. send me your prices by the quantity. Yours, respectfully, • PAIN OF THE SIDE CURED. ALLENTOWN, Pane., April 4,18155 & Co. Lkar Sirs: Div daughter need one of your Porous Etas. ten. She had a very bad pain In her side, and it cured her in one week. youre, truly, JOHN V. N. HUNTER SORE CHEST AND COUGH Dr. Ar.r.cocx Inlday last IWM visiting my cousin in Corning who got me one of your Porous Plasters for my chest. was eo FOTO through me at the time that I could hardly ',peak or breathe. It was not more than three lonnvoliZt I put it on before I felt comfortable. I had suffered very math from soleness of the dtest, with cough and hoarse. Less, for months; but your Plaster has cured me, and my health is better than it has been for years. Yours, respectfully, PHEBE PATCHER. BEA VEIL DAM, Schuyler CO., N. Y,,), Sept. 14, 1865. CURE OF CRICK IN TILE BACK AND LUMBAGO LYoNe, N. Y.. duly 4. 1863. Messrs. Ata.cocx & Co.: Please send me a dollar's worthif your Plasters. They have cured me of a crick in the back, which has troubled me for some time, and now my father is going to try them for difficulty about the heart. PLASTER WORKS, BINS SING, N. Y. PRINCIPAL AGENCY, BRANDRETII DOUSE, NEW YORK. SOLD 141. - ALL DRUGGISTS. [my9,e,tu2t4 Vle are Enabled to Offer GREAT INDUCTIMPNTS to buyore of Clothing, for the following reasons: WE HAVE AN EXPERIENCE in business of more than TWENTY-FIVE years, and employ mufti dent capital to make ALL PURCHASES FOR CASH. None, therefore, can buy lower. WE SELL ONLY FOR CASH. The paying customer is not therefore taxed to help 14y the debt' of another who duet; not Pay, as in a credit bmineta. OCR LARGE BUSINESS enables ue to make all pureha. sea in large amounts in FIRST HANDS, thereby Baying the profits of Jobbers and middlemen.and also to El II at the SMALL PERCENTAGE OF PROFIT, which a business of lees magnitude would not allow. WE HAVE THE largest and most complete assortment of all kinds, styles and sizes of MEN'S, YOUTH'S, BOYS' AND CHILDREN'S CLOTH- ING in Philadelphia, which, in style, St and make,is meet/a/fed in the City, and have recent 'ly made up, on our SECOND FLOOR, a CUSTOM DEPARTMENT, with a choice and extensive assortment of Foreign and Domestic Fabrics in the piece, to be made cheap to order in unsur passed style. WE GUARANTEE all prices lower than the lowest else. where; also guarantee full satisfaction to every purchaser, or the sale cancelled and money re funded. Half wail between) BENNETT h CO.. Filth and TOWER !WA, Sixth streets,) 618 31.1.41KET ST., P/111. ADELE/OA. Ann 600 BnoAnwav, N lona. scar's Wild Cherry Bahaut.—This Baleamic compound hae become a home fixture, Let ell who stiffer, and have in vain attempted to cure their colds, coughs, bronchial or pairnonaly complaints, maao 'wear this unequalled remedy. It can be relied upon, as t Denim of testimony that has been published since its Introductien is ample proof of its efficacy. myP tilt CONRAD MEYER, INVENTOR AND Manufacturer of the celebrated Iron Frame has received the Prize Medal of the World's Great Exhibition. London, Eng. The higheat prizes awarded when and wherever exhibited. IVarotootne, 723 Arct 'neat. Establiehed 1823. Ja2B•m iv Om§ EVENING BULLETIN. „, Satturday, nay 9, 1868. ADVANCE OF DECONSTRUC Jr' ON. The House yesterday admitted Arkansas to her proper place in the Union. Having com plied with all the requirements of her con querors, Arkansas, after seven years of the bitter experiences of rebellion, comes back to the family of States, and is received with a hearty welcome. On the 7th of May, 180 r, ibis State was formally turned over by her recreant Governor to the service of the rebel lion, and just seven years afterward a Repub lican Congress,, under the leadership of the veteran 'Maddens Stevens restores to her the right.; which she had forfeited, and makes her onoe more a participant of all the blessings of a partnership in the American Union. Arkansas is tire first of the wholly rebel 'R ates t o r eturn to her lost position. Tenney- Me WM never entirely out of the Union. The Arkansas comes back at the invitation of the Republican party alone. Every Demo crat in the House stoutly opposed her re admisssion. After clamoring for three years to have these States back in the Union, they turn against them and seek to shut them out. This is not very wonderful. The Demo cratic party owed its old strength to the slavery element of the South, -and it cares nothing for those States except as they contribute to its political power. To have Arkansas and the Carolinas and the rest come back with a voting population among whom the seeds of enlightened free dom have already been thickly sown, does not suit the modern Democracy. Mr. Ehl ridge told the simple truth, yesterday, when he said that this was not the sort of represen tation that he and his friends favored. A representation which cannot be kept in igno rance and degradation does not accord with the notions and wishes of the Democratic leaders. Every school-house that is being planted in the dark prtraps ot the South is becoming a centre of illumination and hope to people who hunger and thirst after mental and social improvement with an eagerness that cannot be repressed. As slaves, these people were an important clement of political power to the Democratic party. As free men, every step which they take toward an enlightened civilization opens a wider gulf between them and those who so long made them their tools. Judge Woodward and• his friends have no desire to give these people fair play that they may show to the world, what capabilities are in them. They fear the result, and therefore would Dot have the experiment tried.. They would keep out every one of the rebel States, unless they could come in, retaining, in some shape or other, the old element of slave power. Fortunately for the country and for the world, they have no power to hinder the work of reconstruction, and their feeble oppo sition only serves to betray to the people the hypocrisy of their professions and the enmity which they bear toward all that is truly re publican in our American institutions. J. W. JOHNSON, M. D CHARLES BATTY L. U. SHERWOOD eastern part•of that State was always held' under the power of the Federal Government, and reconstruction there wab a very different thing from what it must be in the iother Southern States. Mr. , Johnson has made it a bard thing to bring them back to the Union. Ho bas fostered a rebellious spirit all over the South, and by his usurpation of power and interference with Congress, has hindered, to the extent of his ability, the work of recon struction. Congress has gone steadily forward with this great duty. From the outset of the work, it has determined to bring these States back into the Union upon such a basis as would secure the country, in all future time, from a renewal of the horrors which the re bellion brought upon it. Its legislation has all pivoted upon this central idea. Knowing that the Southern States could• not be trusted in the Union under their old forms of organization, it has exacted such conditions as will make it safe to have them again associated with the States that never lost their allegiance. This policy of restoration is the mildest, the most Merci ful that is anywhere written in' the history of the world. These returning States are re quired to secure to the Union a perpetual guarantee of the fruits of the victory over the rebellion. This guarantee is contained in the fourteenth amendment to the Constitution, which they are required to adopt. They are also required to secure to their citizens the rights of citizenship under which they are brought back to the Union, so that no class of them shall hereafter be deprived of the right to vote, except as a punishment for fe lonious crimes. THE WORKINGMEN. All over the country we hear accounts of strikes among mechanics and laborers. Men who have been idle a good part of the win ter, inaugurate the busy season by strikes and by consequent voluntary idleness. In New York city alone it is estimated that there are twelve thousand workmen engaged in strikes, and all employers and contractors know full well, by bitter experience, the embarrass ments which these strikes cause. In New England the proprietors of large manufacto ring establishments are so perplexed by the uncertainty of the rates of wages, hours of labor, &c., and by the frequency of .strikes among their operatives, that they decline to fix any exact time for the filling of large or ders, and they moreover refuse to make any contracts as regards price when the goods are ready for delivery, further than that they will be furnished at the then market price. Where there are so many evidences of this strange mania for crippling industry, which develops itself in strikes, it is, pleasant to note the proceedings of a meeting of carpenters and joiners that was held in this city last eve ning to take action on a proposed plan of forming a drawing school and reading room for members of the craft. It is proposed to secure a proper hall for the exclusive use of members of the trade. A library to be formed or books on architecture and the mechanic arts, was started at the meeting last night, and. encouraging indications were given that the enterprise will accomplish the im portant objects which the association has in view. The frequency of strikes and the demorali zation incident to them, the obstacles thrown by trades' unions in the way of taking ap prentices, and a variety of other similar causes, are conspiring to lower the standard of American mechanical skill, while they are causing the great cities to be crowded with drones and young men who are willing to work if they pos sessed the ,necessary knowledge of a trade, It is a cheering sight to see so important a class of mechanics as the carpenters and joiners moving in the best possible direction to secure certain employment and good wages for themselves, by making themselves valuable as journeymen, while they are fitting themselves for employers, when they have secured sufficient capital to enter into busi ness Upon their own account. The public squares were thrown open to the public this morning, for the first time the present reason. The fresh, green grass, the trees that .are putting on their spring suits rather late in the season, the plashing fountains and the bright sunshine made up a Beene of pleasant beauty to gladden the heart THE, DAILY EVENING BULLATTPIIIPPWRI-4, , SATUADA.AV fLIB6& after the weary, weary winter. But•the most pleasant sight of all Mat to gaze upon the troops of happy children, glad to escape from the thraldom of close homes, brick pavements and muddy paving -stones, and who trundled tl?eir hoops, skipped their ropea, arid played ball on the smooth, freshly-rolled gravelled walks. The urchins seemed as happy as the birds which hopped about among the branches over their beads, 'and trilled out their merry songs of joy. Public squares are great bless ings in crowded localities. Tbe Supreme Court of this State, sitting at Harrisburg, yesterday decided that the freight railroad on Broad street, should be removed. The Court below bad denied the right of the city to remove the rails. This was reversed by the decision of Chief Justice Thdnipson, Justices Read and Shars wood concurring, and Justices Strong and Agnew dissenting. The decision is one of the highest importance in the eyes of all who desire to see Broad street improved, as it involves the removal. of the coal-yards and other establishments that retard such improvement. Bunting, Durborour & Co.. Auction. eers.lioa. 232 and 234 Market street. will hold daring next week, by catalogue, the following important knJer, viz.: ON lilosnAy, May n, at 10 o'clock, on four months' credit, 1,000 lots of French Dry Goods, embracing full lines of rich imported Dress Goods, Mohairs, Alpacas, Ginglinms, Poplins, Delaines, &c. ; Black and Col ored Silks, Velvets; Fancy Spring Shawls, Cloaks, English Crapes; Kid Gloves; India Gauze. Shirts and Hosiery; Balmoral and Hoop Skirts; White Goods; Ribbons. Tres; Umbrellas, Parabola ; Paris Dress and Cloak Trimmings. SFeelal Sale of WO lots of Scotch, Irish and Ham burg Embroideries, Handkerchiefs, &u, By order of Mr. Robert Macdonald. Receiver's Sale of Buttons, Ornaments, Fancy Goods, c., &c. On TIIE81)AY, May 12th, at 10 o'clock. on four months' credit, about 2,000 packages Boots, Shoes, Bat morals, &c. ON Tunas',Ay ' May 14th , at 10 o'clock, on four months' credit, 1,000 packages and lots 01 Foreign and Domestic. Dry Goods, including Cloths, Cassi merest Satinets, Tricots, Mahone, Italians, Veetings, Also, Dress Goods, Shawls, Silks, Linens, Shirts and Drawers. Balmoral and Hoop Skirts, Hosiery, Gloves, Sewing Silk, &c. Also, 200 packages Cotton and Woolen Domestics. On FISH/AY. May 10th, at 11 o'clock, on 4 months' credit, 200 pieces Ingrain, Venetian, List, Hemp, Cot tage and Rag Carpetings, 500 Rolls Canton Mattings, Cot gage '- • Valuable Real Estate Mlle.—Thomas & Sone advertise for Tuesday next, the elegant mar ble front store, No. 819 Chestnut, 25 feet front, 178 feet deep to Jayne stiee ; residences 1649 North Broad, 4O Pine, N. W. corner Sixteenth and Mount Vernon, 2215 Spruce, 'and 5 Cheltou avenue and Wayne street. Country seat, 27 dues, Oxford pike; Saxony Woolen Mills, Little Fulls, New York; dwellings, lots, &c. Their sales 19th, 28th May, and June 2d and 91h will comprise elegant country seats, Oak Lane, Waverly heights, Guiph Road, Beaver Dam . Roan, Bristol; imintry seat and mansion, Limekiln turnpike, School strect,Queen street and Chelton avenue, Germantown. Car - See catalogues and advertisements on seventh and fourth pages. Valuable Property on Elsher's Lane, Twebty-second Ward, at Public S.ile.--James A. Free man, Auctioneer, advertises a very desirable tract of ;:l acres, bn Fisher's Lane, at the station on the North Penn. Railroad. Fifth street is opened to the property Illld it will be intersected by streets so as to cut up verLativantageourly. The neighborhood is improv ing and the property is worthy the attention of capi talists tlb(1 others. Auction Notice.—Wc would call the attention of dealers to the large sale of Boots and shoes, tube eold at C. D. Mculees 45 Co.'s Store, No. Min Market street, on Monday morning, May 11th, at ten o'clock precisely. STEUK & CO.'S,AND HAINES BROTHERS' Pianos,and bliteon & Damlin'a Cabinet Organ, o at J. E. GOULD'S New Store, apl63m,rp No. .9'2.3 Chestnut street. riOWNING'S AMERICAN LIQUID CEMENT, FOR JJ mending broken ornaments, and other articles of Class. China, Ivory, Wood, Marble, dm. No heating re. 'mired of the article to be mended, or the Cement. Al. ways ready for uee. For sale by_ in 'WV 'DOWNING. Stationer. tat(- 139 South Eighth street, two doors ab. Walnut. 1 OLIN CRUMP, BUILDER. 17'n CHESTNUT STREET, and ,g 3 LODGE STREE r. Mechanics of every branch req4ired for houaebuilding and fitting promptly furnished. fe27 tf JONES,TEMPLE & No. 29 SOUTH NINTH STREET, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, LIAT MANUFACTURERS. niht.LtHp NIWARBURTON'S IMPROVED,. VENTILATED and °Rey-fitting Drees liatg(patented), in all the asp proved laeltione of the eetuson. Cheetnut etreet, next door to tho Poet-othco. sel3.lyrP iffARRY B. INPUALLA, WELL-KNOWN HATTER, 11. formerly Lheetnut street, above Eighth, now N. E. corner Tenth and Uheatnut, eolicita the patronage of him numerous friends and cuctomere, to cad and examine hie stock for Spring. Every article has price marked on in r lain figures. Genie' Drees Hate for $t 00, $7 00 and *8 00, of the Philadelphia, New York, Parte and Eugltch etylea. my4.6trp 11)01 S' BAT AND CAP EMPORIUM, HARRY B. .o.lPCalla.e, N. E. corner Tenth and Cheetnat streets., (nearly opposite to IloyPe old established WWI,' Clothing Largest and moot varied ateortment of Hate and Cape for bob e, in Philadelphia. mpl.fitrp B "' lIAT AND CAP EMPORIUM, NO KT EAST corns!. Tenth and Chestnut streeta. JIMMY B. Nl'• uALLA'I3. Every new Spring Style Hat and Cap fur bo'. Every articlo has price marked on in tdutn figures. my 4 Step 'DOI'S, PERSUADE YOUR PARENTS AND GUAR. I/ dumb) call at HARRY B. Mg.:AMA'S Now Hat and Cap Emporium, and examine hie avkort 'pent of Hate, and Cape for Spring, and at aetoniethingly low pricee. my 4 dtrp YARENTS AND GUARDIANS, BRING THE BOYS to HARRY B. M'CALLA'S new Hat and Cap Empo i fnm, N. E. Corner Tenth and Chestnut. where you will find a full lino of Hate and Cape f.,r Buys. TWA branch of the business will be made a specialty he , •af ter. 4-iitrp. 1./EVlllt THAN A FOR SCARING 11 burglars away, or than mound lumi, for bringing peo. ple to help yon. re a Watchman's Rattle, when sprung from y .ur window. Every housekeeper should have one in his chamber to be ready for such emergencies. For rule by TRUMAN & SHAW, No. 6:15 (Eight Thirty-five) Market street, below Ninth, i...!IIOE43VIEES, FOR CRICKETERS' OR BASE BALL. ere' P olee, for eale by Tx! ;MAN & StIA No. 833 (Eight nth ty-tive) Market Wee: below Muth. (OILVER-PLATED SNAPS FOR BOWING 'WINDOW 0 Shutters. The Patent Shutter Bowers, which prevent the wind trout rattling or flapping the ehuttem and the Self - hewing Shutterbolte, are all very seasonable, for male by TRUDIAN & SHAW, no. 1535 (Eight Thirty.tive) Mar ket street, below Ninth, Philada. FADSTONES AT TUE EMPIRE 'MARBLE WOW& II for rule at greatly reduced pricer, for each. A large aeportrr ent of plain and ornamental Ileadlitonce. Ponta with galvanized Bare and Gates to match, of a new derlgn ; ftleo, a new design of farteninge. The public ate invited to mil and ace them, up in the Yard, at 1721 Pine street. Open after bight my9.7trpo DEMOVAL.—MRS. E. B. VANSOIVEIt INFORMS .1.11, her Lady customers and friends that she has re. moved her Ilainllremeing Establishment from 312 North ighth street to her old neighborhood, 216 South Tenth street. where she will bo thankful to see her customers, nod endeavor to please all. Ins 9 lmrp§ YOUR HAIR 1868, -G S lan, cliatr.cAuTthrPChit dien'e Hair cut. Shave and Bath, 25 cent& Razors set in order. Open Sunday morning. N 0.125 Exchange Place. G. C. KOPP. 'ISABELLA MARIANNO, M. D., 227 N. TWIIFTII .11Street. Conßultatlono free. my9.ly SWIPI"S LAWN MOWERS.—TIE MOST PER fect machines for lawn mowing ever invented; leaves no margin after cutting, and beautifies the lawn; hand and horse power machines always in store and for sale by the agent, ROBERT BUST, Jit, Feed Warehouse, EM and 921 Market et., ab. Ninth. I , ,NOLISH LAWN SCYTHES, GRASS HOOKS and Scotch Scythe Stonco. Imported and mold by ROBERT BUlS'''. lit, - Seed Warehouee, Er 22 and P 24 Market St. ab. Ninth. 1,4 WIME ONION BETS. NEW ENGLAND 8E ( gar Corn, largo Lima Beans, English Wrinkled Peas, of all varieties; Valentine and all other snap short Deans for sale at • . BUM'S SEED WAREIJOESE, • ' 9.12 elld 924 Market street, abovti Ninth. FLOWER SEEDS-25 BEAUTII?VL BUMMER hloorning varintlen in boxes. for sl,at HEIST'S SEED STORE, VI! and 4424 Market street, abovd Ninth. PLOWS, IIIIHOWS, CULTI VAT° liB. COLT!. *valor Tooth. Hay. Straw Rod Fodder Cotters, Wheelbarrowe of all kinds, Garden, Field and Lawn Hollers, Seed Bowen,•Churne, &c.; Stock large and prices low. _ . BUNT'S SEED SPOIIII. 1t.5 H 2,11 and t 2.1 Market etreet, above Ninth. 1096.1 LOOT {1 I READ 11 BEFLE(. 1 11 1 II! 00. A magnificent assortment of Wall Papers just In fee spring sales. Linen window alludes manufactured. plain and gilt. Country trade invited. JOLINoTOWS Depot, 11E3 Spring Garden ut, Del. Eleventh. Branch-307 Federal Street, Camden, N. .f seitly 4p MUSICIAL BOXES, USEFUL TO- WHILE AWAY the tedium of a sick chamber, op for a handsome bridal presort. FARRJbEROTHER, Importers, fe29.414.T. 324 ellaaWnt street, below Fourth. Bit ARKIN° WITS INDELIBLE:INK, EMBROIDER fes, &Aldine, Btamping, At. M. A. TORRY. riffled street, ILOTHII Q. Our Clothing ranks Higher in Etylo and Lower in Price than any in Philadelphia. WANAMA.KER & BROWS, The Largest Clothing House, Oak Hall. The corner of Sixth and Market Ste. EDWARD P: KELLY, TA.111.4011,, S. E. Cor.Chestnut and Seventh lib. Large stock and complete aCeortment of • CHOICE SPRING GOODS, Including all ftehionable rhadee of Carrs' Meltons and Scotch Cheviots. CLOTHING FOR' SPRING. CLOTHING FOR SPRING. CLOTHING FOR SPRING. All-Wool Cassimere Suits. All-Wool CasSimere Suits. All-Weal Cassimere Suits. Ready Made Clothing. • Fresh Made and Reduced Prix:•:; Fresh Made and Reduced Prices. Boys', Boys', Boys' Clothing. Boys', Boys', Boys' Clothing. Boys', Boys', Boys' Clothing. Always on hand a carefully selected stock of uncut goods for Men and Boys' wear. Clothing made to order. We make the Boys' trade an especial feature in our business, and parents may rely on procuring at this establishment Boys' Clothing well cut, Well made, well trimmed and durable. ROCKHILL & WILSON, ROCHHILL & WILSON, ItOCKHILL & WILSON. 603 and .605 Chestnut Street. ONE PRICE ONLY. JONES' • _ • • 01d Esta.bliished ONF PRICE CLOTHING HOUSE ; 1304 MARKET STREET, ABOVE BUM For style. durability and excellence of workinanahip, our goods cannot be excelled. Particular attention paid to customer work, and a perfect fit guaranteed in all cases. 8;4 a to th timrpp RETAIL DRY GOODS. SPRING DRESS GOODS, RICE EY, SITA.RP & CO. N 0.727 CHESTNUT STREET. • Have Just Opened and Offer at POPULAR PRICES, Several Cases of the Latest Novelties of the Season FOB WALKING SUITS. RICKEY, SHARP & CO. No. 727 Chestnut Street, PHILADELPHIA. trtwe .ti Spring Trade. EDWARD FERRIS, Importer, No. 36 South Eleventh Street, (UP STAIRS.) now opening deeirablo NOVELTIES in Piques & Welts, Plaid and Striped Painsooks t ROO burg Edgings and Inserthags, lieedie•work Edgings and Inserting& Imitation and Real Cluny Lam*, ludtation and Real Videnderuies Lam► Jaeonet loft Cambria, • Sips Mullins, Wrench Muslin., ite., A general anorbxkent of White Goods, Embroideries, Laces, &c., Which he offers to the trade at Inporteria.prksi. tbq savintlietailDeajers the Jobboes profit N. 13.—lte special attention'of giandactureri 0 Obildren's Clothing hi solicited. BlMAllif DRY , fill:KoPte WALKING SUITS, TRAVELING SUITS. EDWIN HALL ., & CO., • NO. 28 SOUTH SECOND ST., of A ß r i e llitlndlt i g d a=el d iT "P Lu di"' Suits to "der BLACK SILKS, SILK ‘POPVINS, HONEY• COMB PONGEES, TAKKO CLOTHS, POPLIN ALPACAS, ABYSSINIA CLOTHS, CHINA CLOTHS, and OTHER TEXTURES. BLAOK AND COLORED SATINS For Trimmings. ap2B in th SPRING AND SUMMER DRESS GOODS Bilks in all the new shades Btripes,Cheeks and Glace& Black Ponlt do Boles, Oroe Grains. Taffetas; also,Uschs. mere de Bole, sublime, from $1 75 to $7 50. Bilk Serve. Argentines. Plain French Silk and Irish Poplins; all colors Corded and Poplin Alpacas, Piques and Percales; French Piques. white, for dresses; also, Plain Check Naineooks Organdies, &e. J. W. t'itOUTOR & Co., 920 Chestnut Street. Laces, Fancy Goods, Hosiery and Parasol Departments. now offer, in their variety and economical charger., great inducements to buyera. J. W. PROCTOR & CO., • 920 ClAeetnut Street. MOURNING GOODS. .BLACIS. MO HAIRS, Thu celebrated Crown Brand, warranted to retain their color, cold only by J. W. PROCTOR & CO., 920 Chestnut Street. LADIES' KII) 0-LOVES. JourireP, Alexandre's, Bajou'e, "tweets. and Ch.alea's celebrated m aket. J. W. PROCTOR & CO,, 920 _Chiestnut Street, Shawls for Spring and Summer. Now o pe n all the Maalox styles. from $5 to $l5O. J. VV. PROUTOIt & co., 920 Chestnut Street. WHITE GOODS AND LINENS. .1 , 16 w open, a complete line of all the requisites hi these departments. Fernlike furnishing are invitee' to mufti° our etock. J. W. PROCTOR & CO., 920 Chestnut Street. LUPIN'S BOMBAZINE, GENUINE, Hernani Coarse and Fine Mesh, uyard, to 2 yards wide. At Popular Prices. J, W, PctOOTOR & Co,, 920 Chestnut Street. spring and Slimmer CLOAKS AND MANULLAS. ALSO. HANDSOME WALKING SUITS, Now open In great 'variety. J. W. PttouToit eft CO. 920 Chestnut Street. i . 1.4 I .I,(4t hA - fr.• W . LINEN STORE, -( P 828 Arch Street) LINEN HA,NDKERORIEFS, The Largest Assortment In the City. LADIES' TAPS AND COBB BORDERS, FROM 10 CTS. VP, LADIES' DEISTITCDED, FROM 25 CT& LADIES' TUCKED BORDERS, ALL PRICE& LADIES' MOURNING' RIM& LADIES' SOS FRENCH DKR • from us Jt M o t 2 pened, a line of LADIES' HEMMED lID/LFB.. I o 5 centa—very cheap. RENTS' TePE AND CORDED BORDER!. OMITS' PRINTED BORDERS, NEW STYLE.. GENTS' HEMSTITCHED, ALL PRICES. We have opened some new etylea in Gents' Ildkfia.verY handsome. FANOY SHIRTING LINENS. Our new styles are now in store, all the fashionable stripes and figures, in different colors and qualities, DICE( COLORED TABLE. COVERS. A care of beautiful Table Covers just received direct from I urope. GEORGE MILLIKEN , Linen Importer, Jobber and Retail Dealer. 828 Arch Street. detain w JOHN W. THOMAS 1868. los. 405 and 407 N. Second Street, lAN NOW OPEN Figured Grenadines Stripe Grenadines, 8-4 Black Canvass Bernani, Figured Grenadine BaregOt3i 'Ore)3o/1 Lawn& French Organdies. mb0413714 EzipAim IninYaoeol9. 4.* 6 ?. ,44 • 4' Fourth and Arch. KEEP A. STOCK OF DRY GOODS ADAPTED TO THEP. • DAILY WANTS OP FAMILIES. LARGE STOCK OVMM/a LACE' POINTS; WHOLESALE AND RL'TAIL, WHITE GOODS IN FULL VARIETY. SIAM GOODS OF ALT GRADED. STEEL AND GRAY GOODS. BILK DEPARTMENT WELL STOCKED. CLOTH DEPARTMENT. NEW AssoßntEN DRESS GOODS DEPARTMENT,VBIESII ISTOCK. STAPLE HOUSE:KEEPING DEPARTMENT. HOSIERY. GLOVSS, LACKS. dm. deliourarsi tf NEW SPRING GOODS. , falE OR GM .P.IFLILEII I ,. No. 916 Chestnut Street, Invites attention to hie NEW and ELEGANT STOCK of. SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, Selected with great care, and will be sold cheap to Irusuro , eaI INDIA 811*WILIS. INDIA. SCARFS, . FRENCH SIENICLO IFILEXCII JO , ____ IFELENCIII FANN Y GOODS,- With TRAVELING MATERIALS awns. variety' c Materials for State._ Chintnee. L and ale 'other WASHIONAB LE LIMBS GOODS. not to be found In map other establishment. *PM InuPti , Ell l l2B. Ligtrous, ar.o. SHERRY AND PORT WINE. Just received. another Invoice of our vreliknowu Table Sherries in small casks (20 gallons each). et $3 per gallon. Also. very choice Amontillado and rich. funtlavored Sherries, from the highest to the lowest prizes. Also, our very old and fine Port of the vintages cf 2830 and NV. To Families who 'Mph a pure Wine for medicinal par poste' we recommend it. We take every - possible care to imr ort bone but pure and good Wine. We have alto pure Brandy in the original packager. All thtre goods we offer at a entail advance on the coat of importation, by the mud:, demijohn, cage or bottle. SIMON COLTON &. CLARKS, Importers of Fano Stterrieo, Porte, Brandlt.t , and (;orditdee S, W, cor% Broad and Walnut Sta 'PHILADIELPICIA. Inyo Unrp CRIPPEN & MADDOCK, 115 S. Third Street, below Chestnut?. (Leto W. L. Maddock t 7, C 0..) nave on hand a Large and choice stock of GREEN AND BLACK TEAS, 'which they are °tiering by the pukes° et Greatly Reduced Prices. BALTIMORE FAMILY FLOUR CONSTANTLY ON IL&ND mblfo-th •to rtm • VERY' FINE CRAB APPLE CIDER, $3 oo per FOB SALE BY THOMPSON BLACK'S SON & 001 Broad and Chestnut Streets. REDVO ED. FRENCH PEAS AND MUSHROOMS.* Extra WWII? Math Peaches, 851 Freah Green Tomatoes for Plea, no' eta., at A. J. DeCA MP'S. 107 South Seeund street NEW YORK PLUMS AND SEEDLESS CHERRIES. 60 eta.; North Carolina Pared Peaches. eta,; bright net pared halves. 15 eta., at A. J. DaCAMP'S. 107 South Second street. WINSLOW'S GREEN CORN and very superior Fresh-• Tomatoes, for sale by the case or can,at A. J. DsCAM.I"I3, 107 South Second street. YARMOUTH BLOATERS, Elmoked.Spiced and Pickled. Salmon and Hoodoo, Mackerel. in kite, at A. J. Dr CAMP'S, 107 South Second street. DAVIS'S DIAMOND BRAND HAMS ahVara on ban& mhl44mrpt, 61 , 11WITIP WIUMMILS Iliilo4lllllloB JOHN C. ARRISON, AT IDA OLD STAND, Noe. 1 and 3 North Sixth StrOet,., PHILADELPIII&, Would invite the attention of his friends and customers to his largo and superior assortment of SPRING UNDERWEAR,, HOSIERY, GLOVES, And the latest novelties for GENTLEMEN'S WEAR• ALSO, lIIS IMPROVED PATTERN SHIRT, Made of the beet materials by Inuad, and warranted to fit; and give eatiefaction, or money refunded. PRICES MODERATE. my 7 the tit 2m•P ti CANE SEAT CHAIRS REPAIRED INSTITUTIOIriaIt THE BLIND, Twentieth. and Race Streets. (w o o may oleo bo left 'at Store, No.ll EIGHTH St mve aro Perfumery :and • Toilet Soups, H. P. & O.' R. TAYLOR,- No. 641 North Ninth Street. ASTDMA. DR. RHODES' Biedihled Aathma Paimr is the only specific for Asthma now before the public. Li wonderful efficacy in the immediate relief and, prompt cure of this terrible disorder 1011 be apparent upon the first trial to sufferers frbm the disease in any of lie stages. fie cents per ackage. By mail, sixty cents. . RANT:MIX & South Sixth street, Philadelphia, my 4 2(ltra DUPTURE CORRECTLY TREATED. BY C At , NEEDLES ,' , at Twelfth and Race etreete. Depart ment fig. Ladlee adjoins at No. 164 North Twelfth area fnyl lm 40 soLlita th 10 SECOND Emplow. BY TELEGItiki3II. LATER CABLE NEWS. financial' and COnnnercial QUotations, w.A.siiimwrcoN. REBEL OBSEQUIES AT MANASSES Beconamtion in South Oar°lin, A PROVISIONAL GOVERNMENT Colored Mathodid Conference. American Medical Association. By the Atlantic Telegraph. LONDON, May 9,P. M.—Weather fine and clear. Consols, 94 for money, and 923in92% for . ac count; Illinois Central, 96J(..; Eries, 46: U. B. Five-twenties, 70tX,; Atlantic and Great West ern, 82. PARIS, May 9, P. .M.--The Bourse is firmer. Bentee, 69f: 40c. Livastroor,, May 9, P. M.--Cotton quiet; sales of probably 7,000 bales; prices unchanged. Barleynorninal. Flour firm. Provisions quiet. Sugar timer. Petroleum quiet. Other articles unchanged. Dummy, May 9, Evening.—Consols 94 for money, and 92% for account. United States Five-twenties, 70%@70X. Illinois Central, Erie, 46, • Lrvunroot, May 9, Evening.—Cotton easier; sales of 6,090 bales; Uplands 12X@12%; Orleans 12 1 )0023. Shipment since last report up to the 2d, 42,000 bales. Brew:Wars quiet, prices unchanged. Pork quiet. Lard firm. Tallow declined to 41s. 6d. Turpentine declined to 31s. Other articles un changed. ANTNTEItI., May 9, Evening. —Petrol= quiet, '49; francs. A Rebel Celebration. tarecial Despatch to the Philadelphia. Evening Bulletin.] WAsiiiNoToN, May 9tb.—A large number of ex.- nixie left here this morning for Manassas Junc tion, to participate in a meeting which is to be held to-day, on the battle-field of Bull Run, to take measures towards erecting a monument to the memory of the.dcad who were killed in the various battles in that vicinity. It is tinderst6ud that the meeting is to be addressed by a brother of Hon. John Minor Botts. who was well known here as a notorious rebel during the war. Provisional Govcrnrnent for South Ctarolints. (Special Despatch to the Bbi'oda. Evening Bulletin.] Miss)uzicTos, May 9.—lt is understood that a resolution will be Introduced in the Houac at the earliest opportunity. providing tlfat the officers elect under the new Constitution of South Caro lina be installed and -constituted a provisional government of that State until its admittance by Congress. Colored Piet'moist Conference. (Special Despatch to the Philadelphia Everting Bulletin-1 WAsm,womg, May 9.—A. General Conference of the Colored Methodist Church has been in session here during the past week. Short ad dresses were made before It yesterday by Con gressman T. D. Eliot, of Mass., and Generals Burbridge and Britian, of Kentucky. The American Medical ASSOCIIItiOn. id: octal lteapateh to the Philadelphia Eventint Bulletin ) WASHINGTON, May 9.—Most of the delegates to the Convention of the American Medical Asso ciation, which adjourned yesterday until the next annual meeting to be held in New Orleans, have left for their homes, expressing themselves highly pleased with the attentions received during their visit, to this city. FROM FLEW YOBS. Nrw Yont, - ., May 9.—The British ship Hudson was yesterday seized by the Unit\tiC States Mar shal, under sworn claims of $70,000 against her owners. A daring robbery was committed at the house of M. J. Leon, No. 67 West Thirty-eighth street, Thursday evening. While the family were down stairs at dinner the thieves effected an entrance to the second story, took possession of $6,000 worth of jewelry and other valuables, and quietly made their escape. Coroner Keenan held an inquest yesterday on the body of Joseph Dubritaki, who shot t 1s wife and then committed suicide, at No. 121 Wl,liet street, where they resided. The jury rendered a verdict setting forth these facts. The Supreme Court, General Tenn, yesterday dismissed four of the appeals from the orders in the pending Erie Railroad suits to show cause why Injunctions should not bo issued with. the ordinary stay of proceedings. The Enright-Mien case was resumed in the United. States Circuit Court Eastern District, yesterday, when important evidence was elicited on behalf of the prosecution. Ex-Mayor Wood, of Brooklyn, was on the stand, and made reve lations of great interest. Several , other witness es were examined, and the farther hearing was adjourned till this morning. OPENING OF 'A NEW RAILROAD.—The Perki omen ;Railroad, which is intended to extend from the Philadelphia and Reading Railroad near Phcenixville, to Eman's in Lehigh county, a distance of 86X miles, was formally opened to Freeland, now called Collegeville, about six miles from Perkiomen Junction. A train con taining about three hundred excursionists from Philadelphia, Manayunk and Norristown passed up the road in the morning and returned in the evening. The road, as far as built, follows the west bank of the Perkiomen creek and passes through one the finest sections of country in Pennsylvania. FINANCIAL and COMMERCIAL. Al; 9e PhLladelphl Bales at the Philadelp Irian 2400 City Ifs new Its 10336 850 Lehigh 68 Int Ln 86% 8500 Lehigh 68 Coln In 89 6000 Lehigh 6s 'B4 132% 1000 do do • 82k 6000 do do 82 1000 Penn rt. l mg Ils 2000CRAGAMMtg6lie89 9614 3900 CltvBs new 10334 2800 Leties 'B4 8114 (,97 eh .30 Leh do Val Ri s 3g 19 seh Wilmingt'nß 5434 BEOPND 1500 City So new 103 X 100 do fr, 1000 0 C &Am ICts '59 10 003 1000 Union Cnl nds 15 8000 W Jersey Ii 6:1 92 PIIILADELPIITA. Saturday 'memento no new feature wo supply of 'Capital couttau moderato at 6@1636 10 cent. on call. the latter figures on mixed collaterals. The small amount:a Ilia-clam afloat among the Broken is taken at oto 9 ift centond named: not so wall and favorably known ain't° 10 dent The stock market was dull, ballovernments closed ul strong. State and City Loans were firm, at yostotgars quotations. Lehigh gold loans sold at 88, • • - Tba Muth:len in Railroad shares wan remarkably email. Reading Railroad closed at, 40,10:4463‘; p ens . oylvania Railroad at 5E4; Camden and Amboy. Railroad at 128; Mine Hill Railroad at 66; Little Sehallirill road at 37; Lehigh Valley Railros4 at 62; Catawba* Railroad Profaned at 26.% ; Philadelphia and Erie Rall• road at Dig ; and North Pennsylvania Railmad at 37, !Honey !Nark° 4. ma Stock Exchahge. 5 eh Far&Mec Bk 128 151 eh Penna 62% too eh Read R 810 663(, 200 oh Shamokin. cl 63if ' 100 oh Leh Nav Stk 20 500 eh Ocean Oil 2.1-16 BOARD& 100 sh Lh Nv stk s3O 19% 100 eh do 2ds&la 20 10 eh Cam & Audi 128 V, 100 eh Read R 453(, 100 eh do 1)30 4634 2000 Penult 6s war In coup 103 240 eh Peuna R 52% WO eh "do e6O 52 % 100 eh do 52% 20 eh Lit. Schß bswn 31% , . May 9.—The money marko thy of aPeeittleomment. The largo arrktlia Alemand very' In canal ehareothe only sales were of lohlgh No . Igo. don at le; Schuylkill Nakikation Preferred tiered at 19)1 @JOU, and Suaqueharina at 111. in Rank arid Plinuniger Railroad rhares, the cities were unimportant. . , • blessma De HAM and Worthen No. 40 South Third • street, make the following quotations of the rates of ex. Amon t. 041),, etl P, united states sixes. 188 i. 0119%t do. do. 18411.108%0108%; do. do 1864. 10 616®1 0 73,;; do., 18611.1073665)10736; d0.. , 65, new. 1 09)4010935; do.. 1867. 1093614109%; Fives. Ten - foram 1030103 M; doyen. threetenaJ mm. 1073,414101% VulY. 10 7-'5®1073.; ; Compound Interest notea, June, 1864,18.40; do. do.. July. 1864. 19.40; do. do.. August. 1864. 19.40; do, do., October,lB64. 18.40; December. 1864. 1940: do. do., May.lB66.lBlBiil do. do., August, 1866.18®1835; do. do.. September, 1866 17041736; do. do., October. 1865. 183¢®17; Gold. 140 g 140,4; Silver. 18236@13156. Randolph & h 0.. Bankers, ld South Third street ,quote at 11 'Mock. as follows: Gold, 140%; United States ¥, 1881. 1183,6011.1:4: United States Five.twentles. 1892. 10 €1 , 4010 1 11.: do. 1864.10704101!e; do. 1866. 101 1 .(4107%; do. Jniv. 1886. 109:1@lo9X • do. 1867.109%0108,1% United states Fives, Ten-forties, Un:JASIO3%; United. States Seven. thirties, second series. 107% 4 41075'1.: do.. do.. third series. 107%@107%. • Jay Cooke & Co. quote Government Securities. &c.. day. as follows: Cuffed States Ve. 1891. 111/304. lag: old Five-twenties, 1083 ,® 1U9%; new Fivotwenties of is% 107(41071$; do. do. 180. 107;;®1073,1: Five•tweaties of July. 10930®1093(.; do. do. 1807.10936@109',1; Ten.fortles. 1033i®1033,;: 7 3-10.1une. IlriValo33,l: do. July.lo7:a lo7hi; 1403‘. Philadelphia Produce Mtarket. BATITILDAY, May 9.—There fano Improvement to record in the Flour market, tho,dernand being confined to small lots for the Rupp!, of the home consumers at yesterday's figures. Bale' of 100 tiara) Superfine at $8 50 per barrel: BJO@4OO bbls. Extra Family at $lO 250511 75 for North West. rn:1311(451.2 for Pennsylvania and Ohio, and fancy lots at $t 8(4 $l5 25. Nye Flour and tkrrn Meal are scarce; small sales of the former at $9 50. beoffsrlogs of Wheat are, small and the demand limited. Prices steady. Small sales of fair and good Red at $2 80@2!88 pet bushel. We quote White at e3(43 25. Rve is quiet with email sales of Penna. at $190 (41 95. The receipts of Corn are smell, and it la in fair request. Sales of 850 bushels yellow at $1 28. and B.ooi, bushels mixed Western at $1 23 (41 25 from the cats and In store. Oats are scarce and in fair request: sales of 1.6.0 bushelslight Southern at 95 cents. and 8,500 bushels Western at 90 cents. In Harley and Malt no change. In Provisions there is tees doing, and less firmness in Prices. The New Worn Money Marker. [From the New York Herald. of To-day.l WAY W—The gold market has been strong and mode rately active and the fluctuations were from 13R% to 1111;i, with the closing transactions prior to the adjourn ment of the Hoare at 139%, following which sales were made at laVe'. The simply of coin was in excess of the borrowing demand, and loans were made at-M0.7 per cent. for carrying. The gross clearings amounted to 1it2,446.400, the gold balances to $14.W.994 and the currency balances to tit.2,M. t 44. American silver is quoted at 6:4,7 per cent. below gold and Mexican dollars at 10M1/slo3ji in gold. The Huh-Treasury disbursed about 13400.0:)0 in payment of the May interest on the public debt and sold wore than a gust - ter of a million. Although the Treasury held on the let instant, according to its last monthly statement $106,- 141:058 in coin, only e 87.654753 was the property of the government, the remainder being represented by ceriti eates of deposit iu the hands of the people. tram this must now be deducted about 817.000,00 e for the May in terest. so that the 8111(0111t actually owned by the govern. merit on that date but slightly* exec, ded sixty muttons. he money market was Very easy all day at six per cent, to bums; era en first class collaterals. and the trans. actions at seven, and es-en on miscellaneous rocks, were entirely exceptional. The drain of currency is so rapidly increasing the loanable :merces of the banks that it is more than likely the rate on government securities will eon be five per cent. The wants of the mercantile community continue light and the banks discount freely for their customers at the legal rate, while on the street the beet grade of commercial paper pliY,l:l , at 76,,73%;', per Cent, 'the psvment of the 62 , ..47.7.(01 of compound interest notes maturing on the loth iris tacit will temporarily coats Bute to the ease of the market. as the banks holding them will receive the principal, UP u ell no the interest of their note in three per cent. cettificnter, which are counted as legal tenders. Virtually. of course, whatever •arno mt of the notes is redeem- d to currency - ii.volve coo traction to that extent. but as nearly twenty-two mil lions or the three per cents remain 11111,011,!ti ft is prohsh le that the 'I !eatery will pay 1111" as many of the May notes with these as I , o,thle. The monetary ease i= favorable to the bolls on the rltcek Exchange, but speculation Is nevertheless tame, and the market is in a somewhat feverish state of t u pt , n, , e be the impeachmen• trial, urea the result of which opinions are about equally Government securities were eteady and in good in veetinent and speculative inquiry. the growing in money having Pin influence In etlmulating the up. ward tendency of the mallet. Priers advanced an eighth upon the !Usk quotations of yeeterdav and the hve.twentits' of 186: were in brLdt demand in ex. change - for reven thirties, which were held at 1073.,;:. 7he rreall denomination of the honde of Ent and PIZ me being bought intend of letter.' of credit by partite going to Europe. and the advance in them to maintained. The advance in gold and the steadiness of the London market fo- bonds !strengthened the gold bearing et 3cks and eepecially thine for which there Is a foreign demand. In the mine of 1%1 there were no in reliant traneactione, The reirchaece on domestic account are mainly of the fire-twenties of ISO, which carry accrued interest eince the let of January , . The indica. done continue to be favorable to col:wider:ol.y higher priced for all dtecripLone of United Statue stocks.. The Sale of Stocks In New 'York. Ncv. - Y.,ng. May p.—Stocks active hut heavy. Chicago and Hock leland. : Reading. ; Canton Company, 51 ; rie, 03„15;: Cleveland and oledo. log; Cleveland and littebturgh. 5.4%; Pitteburah and Fort Wayne, 103-, ; Michigan Central. 11134: Michigan Southern. SI: New York Central. 1D.1.,;: IllillOifl Ceutral, fig; Crunberland preferred. 132: Virginia Si; cc. 51; Miewurt ; edxon lacer. 138: Five-twentieP, Peed, ItW4'; ditto. 18 1 14, ; ditto. 1865, 1511;: new kale, Ift9'efallo9;',i; Ten tartlet!, Seven.thirtieg. 1.0736; gold, 140%; money, 64: per cent.; exchange, 1.10 l; Markets by Telegraph. NEW Yor.c. May 9—Cotton declining; sales at 313 , 1. Flour quiet; sales of 7 500 barrels: prices unchanged. Wheat firmer. Corn flat. and declined le'; Pales 34.0 X) bushels; 81 19(01 21. Oats dull; sales of 21,000 busbele at 17. Beef quiet. l'ork dull, 528 3736. Lard dull at 129..je1511,;c. W hiskv quiet. BALTISIORT- May 9.—Cotton 11;111,31e. Flour quiet and unchanged. Wheat dull. Ma land. $542153 lo; Penn sylvania. 82 9001 , 53. Corn dull. ,white. el 17, yellow, 51 25. Cats active, Western. 1 , 3; Pennsylvania, B .EKSW: California, SG. Provisions quiet and unchanged. UATReportarOiao rhus T d p Ev lON ening Bulletin. SAGUA—Brig John Aviles Bowden—= hhdo molaspee ten do 1 Bough d: Morris. kil.:111 :4 II:3 tot fl 'l'44 IA PORT OF PHILADELPHIA-MAY 9. Or Sea Marine BUildin 611 butide Page. ARRIVED THIS DAY. Steamer Florence Franklin, Pierson, 13 hours from BaL timore. with incise to A Groves. Jr. Steamer Diamond Btate,Webb.l3 hours from Baltimore, with rodeo to It Foster. Steamer W WhiMen, Biggins. 13 hours from Baltimore with mdso to R Foster. Brig John Aviles, Bowden, 18 days from Baguio., with molasses to I Rouge h Morrie. Behr Mendota, Biggins. 8 days from Calais, with lum ber to I) Trump. Son & Co. Behr C B Edwards Corson, 6 days from Wilmington. i NC. with lumber toTrump. Son Co & Co Behr Saratoga, Weeksz4 days from Providence. Behr Win John, Street, Georgetown. LC. Behr Nightingale. Beebe, Providence. BehrEliza & Rebecca. Price. Providence. ' Behr Greensburg Willey. Barton. Drawbridge. Schr S B Wheeler. Lloyd__, Wilmington: Del. CLEARED THIB DAY. 'Steamer Whirlwind. Geer. Providence. D S Ptetson & Co. Steamer Brunette. Howe, New York. John F Ohl. Steamer Diamond State. Webb, Baltimore. R Foster. Bark Pacific, McKenzie, Havre, L Westergaard & Co. Behr Aggie Davison (Br), Brady, St John, NB. C C Van Born. Schr Westmoreland. Rice, Newport. Westm'd Coal Co. Behr R L Tay, Baker, Cambridge, E A Bonder & Co. Behr L N Warren, Warren. Fall River, Lennox&Bargess. Bohr B Steelman, Robineoh,• Leeehville, NC. li Creamy & Co. Behr E B Wharton. BoaealL New London, Rethermel&Co Behr E b Conant, Hammond, Boston. Mershon &Cloud. Behr Greensburg Wiley, Barton. Stony Pomt, Scott, Walter dr, Co. Behr Nightingale. Beebe, Fairhaven, Blakiston, Grasp d Co. Behr Eliza di Rebecca; Price, Salem. Tyler & Co. Behr Saratoga, Weeks, Providence. L Audenried & Co. Behr EJ Moiety. Meredith. Rozbw, Bay. Huddell & Co. Behr Jae A Parson, Clark, Boston. do Behr N Skinner, Thrasher, Dighton, Into Rommel, Jr. Behr John C:rockford, Briggs, Fall River, do Behr W C Atwater, Saunders. New London, do SchrJ LI Perry, Kelly, Now Bedford, do MICHOILKICIA. Side Golden State, Delano, cleared at New York vaster day for Shanghae. yes er ea St t mer Columbia, Carnaghan cleared at Now York day for Glasgow. Steamer Louisiana Forbes, for Liverpool, cleared at New York yesterday. Steamer Gulf City, Stewart. cleared at New York yes terday for Havana. Bark Industrie (Prue). 46 days from Gibraltar for thin portwas spoken tith inst. Cape May bearing 30 miles—was hove to waiting for a Philadelphia pilot. Hark Bertha. Hansen, hence. sailed froth 'Queenstown Bark Howard (Br), for this port, at Sages 23d ult. Bark Irma, Cummings, for NOW York. in 2 days. was at Basun, 23d ult. 84th ult.' for Waterford. Bark Thomas (Br), Rogers, was loading at Cardenas geth ult , for ads pert. Schr American Eag.e. She A. hence at Providence 7th instant. Behr Goddess. Kelley, sailod from ProvidenCe 7th inst. for this port. Seas J B Marshall, hence for Salem; West • Dennis. Crowell. and Jae Martin, Baker, hence for Boston, at Newport 7th inst. Schr J B Marvel, Quillen. sailed from Richmond 7th host for James River, to load. STRANGERS, TAKE NOTICE! STEPHEN F. WHITMAN'S REMARKABLY FINE CONFECTIONS, MANUFACTURED AND BOLD AT ;„ 8 g..1210 Market Street. THE DAILY EVENING BULLETIN-PHILADELPHIA, SATURDAY, MAY 9, 1868. THIRD EDITION. BY. TELEGRAPH. FROM HARRISBURG. THE LUTHERAN GENERAL SYNOD Proceedings To-Day. Fateam SOUTHWEST PACIFIC RAILROAD A Meeting of Its Corporators. The Ltithermt National Synod. [Special Derpatch to the Philadelphia Bs7enlna Bulletin EARRISBURO, May 9, 1868.—The question of admitting A. Wieting, of the Frankean synod, protested against by the delegation of the East Pennsylvania Synod, was, after some discussion, referred to a committee of five, consisting of Rev. Doctors Brown, of Gettysburg; Neil', of New Yolk; Salim, of Pennsylvania; Diehl, of Maryland, and Mr.Martinne, for adjudi cation. The difficulty is between the two synods, the Franklin Synod having restored Mr. Wieting to the ministry, against the discipline of the East Pennsylvania Synod, which had deposed him. The matter of a new hymn book, after some discussion, was referred from the Hymn Book Committee, after revision, to a committee consist ing of the President and Secretary of the Conven tion, together with three additional members, consisting of Dr. Swartz, of Cincinnati; Titus, of Hagerstown, and Stork, of Baltimore. The report of the Committee for the publica tion of a German paper as the German organ of the General Synod, was debated at considerable length, pending which the Synod adjourned. Jubilee sermons will be preached to-morrow. All the pulpits of the city will be filled with Lutheran ministers. ST. Louis, slay 9.—The corporators of the Southwest Pacific Railroad met yesterday. After the requisite amounts of stock were subscribed a Board of Directors was elected as follows: A. C. Hingsland, C. D. Cranin, A. S. Divert, of New Yorli; Clinton B. Fish, St. Louis ; E. G. , tParrish, Mt. Vernon, Missouri; Thomas A. Bates, Free man Clarke, W. B. Coffin, Rochester, New York; F. B. /layes, and A. Pierce, Jr., of Boston. The Board adjourned to meet in New York May 18th, when the general officers will be elected. C. D. Cragin was elected Chairman. Books for stock subscription will be open for aecommoja tioo at the Bank. of tit. Louis; °filar:of Benjamin IlolPday, New Yorlt,aod Pierce & Bacon, Boston. The' persons known as the Harrison corpo rotors failed to make! any subscription, and took no part in the orgaoization. A band of Indians made an attack yesterday on the Colon Pacific Railroad, Kansas Branch. west of Coyote, burned three car loads of freight, tore down the telegraph, and then moved to wards Coyote. Two' companies of cavalry have been ordered from Fort Hays to pursue the Indians, and other posts along the line Wave been notified of the condition of affairs. PonTLAxn, May 9.—The British brig Anna In graham, from Cardenas, Is ashore on Broad Cove Rock ar.d will probably be a total loss. She has a cargo of 1,100 boxes of sugar and 30 hhds. of molasses. Weather Report. May 9. Thermo -9 A. M. . Wind. Weather. meter. Port Hood, N. W. Cloudy. 44 Halifax, 8. Clear. 50 Portland, ' N. W. Clear. - 47 New York, N. W. Clear. 60 Wilmington,Del ' N. Clear. 56 Washington, D.C. N. W. Clear. 58 Richmond. N. W. Clear. 51 Oswego, N. W. Clear. 50 Buffalo, W. Clear. 46 Pittsburgh, N. W. Clear. 60 Chicago, N. E. . Clear. 48 Louisville, S. Cloudy. 74 New Orleans, N. E. Clear. 62 Mobile ) N. Clear. 66 Key IN est, N. Cloudy. 82 Havana, N. Clear. 82 Arrival of steamers. NEW You., May 9.—The steamship Erin, from Liverpool, and the Deutschland. from Bremen, haw , arrived. TAMES A. FREEMAN, A UCTI /NEEIR.—LARGE AND el EXTENSIVE SALE OF A LIVERY ESTABLISH MENT, comprising the beet stock of Horses; very fine and valuable Carriages, Barsucher. Family Wagons. Sli :Ring Top, Fall Top and No-top High Wagons, made by the most celebrated DI liken; ; Sleighs. double and single ; Han ness; double and sing!. ;Wolf Robs, lintralo Robes. 1. ox Robes, Sleigh Belle, BHdles and Saddles for Gentlemen and Ladies, kc , dm. Will be sold peremptorily on Thursday morning next, May 14th, at 10 o'clock, at the Stables. No. 716 and 718 Mar shall street. The Stork of one of She largest and bent LIVERY ESTABLISHMENTS. ' the propert yof WILLIAM C. HEUSER, Comprising the following valuable stock: PAIR OF BLACK HORSES—One, a black horse ("Harty"), 6 years old, warranted enand and kind in single and double Lames& One black mare ("Saltine.), 6 years old.warranted sound and kind in single and denims harness; both raised in Kentucky; very free, and prompt drivers. SET OF HARNESS, by Beecher, nearly new. SUPERIOR CARRIAGE. by Beckhaus Algier ; nearly new,Flip linings. dm. PA R OF HORSES—"BiII" and "Gotloib." "Bill," a BOY Home, Byeans old, about 16 t• ands WO : has trotted a mile in three minutes. Bay Horse, "Gotleib." 9 yearn old. prompt driver. Double Set CARRIAGE lIARNESS, in good order. Mott Calash CARRIAGE, by Bee kit aus. •BAY llORSE—"Lardner," 8 years old; prompt driver ; good saddle horse. 11011SE—"Jamie," 8 yews old; good saddle home. Set of CARRIAGE 'HARNESS. by Beecher. Close, heavy panel CARRIAGE, by Beckhause !lc Airier, Cost $1,400. t.itAl leOßßE—"Gray Eagle;" has trotted close to 3 minutes ;_good,_prompt driver. BAY STALLION— Has trotted close to three minutes; kind in harness bob-tail, 10 years old. CARRIAGE HARNESS, by Gallagher. CARRIAGE, by 13t ekhause tt Allier Cost $1,650. GRAY PACING MARE—' Lester," 7 y ears old; paces inside three minutes: sound. free and prompt. Pair of heavy WORK HORSES, bay and brawn,' about ten years old. Set of Heavy Double H ARNESS. cost $10); nearly new; ve'y serviceable. Heavy TRUCK, made to order, and in good condition. shifting-too YORK WAGON, by Lane. 'top ye.PE WAGON, yellow running gear, male by Lane: very light. PHAETON WAGON, polo and shafts. by Wentzler. No.top Suring WAGON. weight Melba. Six-seat Germantown WAGON. Four-seat German. town Wagon. Sr. E to carry four persona; in good order, Large SLEIGH. 1 light one-horse SLEIGH. • 1 set of WHEELS. 1 full lined BUFFALO ROBE, now. 1 tull-lined Spot. ted ROBE. 1 fancy white WOLF ROBE. I FOX ROBE, lined. Pair of 'Kersey BLANKETS, erosabarral, Pair of Gray Kersey BLANKETS. 1 pair of Yellow Cross-Barred BLANKETS. 8 pair of LINEN SHEETI3, all new. G 1 pair of larf e auze NETS, new. Lot of White FLY NETS. Lot of Leather FLY NE CS, new, Sets of BELLS, for double teams. Sets of BELLS, for single horses. Sot of light double HARNESS, by Beecher. , Set of light double by RNESS, by Phillips. Set of light double HARNESS, by Beecher Set of light double tIARNESS, by Beecher. Several good sets of single HARNESS. Several SAUD, IS and BRIDLES, by Beecher. Several Saddles and Bridle, by other makers. Parte of HARNESS. BRIDLES, COLLARS, BLANK ETS, HALTERS, Ac. ALSO, Many articles not enumerated, to which your attention will be called at the sale. Aug. • Several otbor . llollBES. WAGONS, Sc., not belonging to !be abovo estate.. RE" Salo peremptory. _ N. 8.--Strangers will be required to leava an advance. JAMEIi A. FREIMAN, Auctioneer, myigt 432 Walnut street. 'INDIA RUBBER MACHINE STEAM PAWL, ing 'Hose, dm. • • ptee.incers and dealere find'swilt '. fell assortment of ear's. Patent Vulcanized Rubber Belting, Packing dm.. at the Manufacturers Headquirters. c ' • ffB a Amt. N. IL—We have no w on hind a lante lot of entiemen% Ladies' and Mimes' Gum Bkots. Alto. eVerle.:variety and Lyle of Own f-lveltoatol. • - ' ' • ' BENZ- - -WEST TIMADELPWA—DEOIRA. ble Cottaist, laree ypard, every eonyftleno% duo. Beat APpIY F 1451 MUM drain. rey9.431.• 2:30 O'Oloiok. From as hosouri. Marine Disasters. FOURTH EDITION. BY TELEGRAPH. FROM WASHINGTON GEORGIA AND FLORIDA ELECTIONS From Washington., WASHINGTON, May 9th.—The amount of frac ttonal currency received from the Printing Bu reau of the Treasury Department during the week ending to-day is $378,000. Remittances of fractional enrreney during the same period to National Banks, $290,237. Assistant Treasurer in New, (Weans, $50,000. Assistant Treasurer at New York, $200,000. Amount of United States notes forwarded during the week to National Banks, $43,742. The Treasurer of the United States holds in trust for national " banks at this date the fol lowing amounts as security for cirenlation,s34l,- 952,000; for deposits of public moneys, $38,- 314,950. National bank notes issued during the week, $86,230. Amount issued to date, $307,614,951. From this is to be deducted the following amounts, viz.: 'Mutilated notes returned, $7,327,- 592; notes of insolvent banks redeemed and burned by thelJnited States Treasurer, $522,204, leaving In actual circulation at this date, $299,- 765,10. Fractional currency redeemed and de stroyed during the week;s433,ooo. A letter has been received here from Com ziander George Brown, commanding the Japan ese ram Stonewall, dated at Honolulu March 15, stating that she reached there on the 13th of that month, forty days from Callao, of which twenty six days were under sail alone She would sail from Honolulu on March 24th, expecting to reach Yokahama by May Ist. The following has been received here: ATLANTA, May B.—To Gen: U. S. Grant: Col. Sprague telegraphs that the election in Florida passed off without disorder. Judging from par tial returns, the Constitution is ratified by about 3,000 majority, the Reed ticket (Republican) is elected by a small majority. The official returns ha been received in this State from all but one county, and show that the constitution is ratified by 17,923 majority. Bullock is elected by 7,229 majority. The Senate stands 23 Republicans to 16 Democrats, 1 doubt ful, and the House 95 Republicans .to 21 Demo prate and 6 doubtful. GEORGE G. MEADE, Maj or-General. ()ITN BULLETIN. STATE OF THE TIIERMOMETEP. THIS DAY AT TILE BULLETIN OFFICE. 10 A. M CS'deg. 12 M.. ..59 deg. 2 P. M..... 63 dog. Weather clear. Wind doutliiveet. umt:i SOLD LAST EvEslNG.—The attendance last night at Scott's Gallery for the Sale of Mr. Atron Shmi's collection was large, but the prices realized were moderate. The se cond half of the catalogue, to be disposed of to night, rules higher in point of excellence than the portion sold. The following prices were ob . - Wine& Francis de Leith, "Girl Cleauin,g Cage," $59.50. De Gempt, "Rabbits." $42.50. Hart, —Gathering Pumpkins," $7O. .1. Ineco Williams, "Astrono my," $lOO. Van Bonfield, "Wintry My," $52 50. flint, "The Grandmother," $100; the same, "First Lesson." $lOO. Theo. Frere, "Beyroot," $l5O. Heuriette Bonner, "Vegetable Cart," $lOO. Litschauer, "Dying Convict," $lOO. Wyant, "Little Miami," $l5O. E. Moran, "Rocky Coast," e 95. Bosch, "No Ear for Music," $lB5. Hart, "Near Bennington, Vt.," $34 - tklz-Wan Star kenburgb, "The Saanen thai," $350. W. Shayer, Sr., "Coast Scene," $4OO. Strybos, "Sheep," $52 50. The fine landscape by Boddington, "Tally-lynn, North Wales," was passed. CITY ORTALII Y.—the number of interments in the city for the week ending at noon to-day was 246 against 243 the same period last year. Of the whole number, 143 were adults and 103 children-57 being under nne year of age; 130 were males; 116 females; 56 boys and 47 girls. The greatest number (If deaths occurred in the Twentieth Ward, Msg. 19; and the smallest num ber in the Twenty-eighth Ward, where only one was reported. The principal causes of death were—Apoplexy, 5; congestion of the brain, 9; consumption, 44; convulsions, 10; disease of the heart, U.; debility, 13; drowned, 5; typhoid fever, 6; inflammation of the lungs, 14; marasmus, 9; measles, 7; old age, 18; and pf.lsy, 7. LARCENY ot• RAILROAD IR, x.—Richard Blumer was arrested this morning between twelve and one o'clock, by Policeman Jordan, of the Schuyl kill Harbor force, upon the charge of the larceny of iron belonging to the Pennsylvania R.tllroad Company. He bad in his possession a box filled with screws, bolts, .Sic. He was taken before Alderman Pancuast and was held in is4(lo bail to answer. SLIGHT Fiat:B.—This morning, about ten o'clock., a house, No. 813 Depot street, was slightly damaged by fire. An alarm of fire about 10.30 A. M. to-day, was caused by the slight burning of the root of a house, No. 1452 Walnut street. STREET WALKERS CAPTURED.—The Fifth Dis trict Police arrested fifteen disorderly women on Ninth, Tenth and Walnut streets, during last evening. The prisoners wore all committed by Alderman Swift. FIRE AT MANAYUNK.—About noon to-day a fire broke out in one of the picker rooms at the cotton and woolen mills of J. Preston, located at Manayunk. Tho flames burned stubbornly for some time, and before they were wain guisled the contents of the apartment were damaged to the extent of $7.000. FIRE.—Tho explosion of a coal oil lamp in the fq,urth story of the building at the S. W. corner of Elventh and Chestnut streets caused an alarm of lire about eleven o'clock last night. No damage was done. CUT HIS THROAT.—Daniel Noll, aged 37 years, residing at No. 710 North Twenty-second street, cut his throat about 11.30 o'clock this morning, and died in a few minutes. FINE OLD CURRANT WINE, A Very Choice Article, I JUST RECEIVED. . ALBERT C. ROBERTS, Dealer in Fine Groceries, Corner Eleventh and Vine Street& FINE NEW CROP TEAS. GOOD EI-lULAN TEA, cheap OOLONG TEAS, all gradee. YOUNG DYSON, GUNPOWDER. dm. ENGLISII BRE4BFAST TEAS. For male by JAMES EL. WEBB;' 0. E. corner WALNUT acid EIGHTH Street,: maw UNITARIAN f :oriutton;' GE RMANTOWN.— The first of a series of liumlnv es*, into lectures to morrow evening at 7.,.% o'clock, by Rite, 5 Farrington, the ouster elect. Einhject,--nhoPrinciple ot; Authority and, the PrizielPle - OrlAberlYhr lielistoo:" Beats free. 'lt• doo , asrairDT° ANY ANIOUNV_MAN_D UPON i/..mr FIATS. 6 ouDzmatictilvA.t. OLD UT hINOFCA 001711 a and Wu street.. NiSe.DIANCONDIVWA Sd, altiVELltiet GUN% R 'X LOW PRIM iritdiandi 3:15 O'Clook. ICE. ICE. ICE. ICE. ICE. ICE. ICE. ICE SUPPLIED DAILY TO LARGE OR SMALL CON. SUMERS in any part of the paved limits of the Consolidated City— WEST PHILADELPHIA.' MANTUA, TIOGA, RICHMOND. BRIDESBURG. and GERMANTOWN. Families. Offices, etc., can rely on being furnished with a PI RE ARTICLE, SERVED PROMPTLY. ard at the lowest market rates. COAL. COAL, COAL. COAL. COAL. BEST QUALITY OF LEHIGH AND SCHUYLKILL COAL, at prices as low as the lowest. for a first-rate article: BLACKSMITHS' COAL, HICKORY, OAK. AND PINE WOOD. AP. n KINDLING WOOD. SEND YOUR ORDERS FOR ICE OR COAL TO Cold Spring Ice and Coal Company, THOS. E. CAHILL. Pres't. JNO. GOODYEAR, Sec's HENRY THOMAS, Super't. OFF ICE, No. 435 Wallaut Street. BRANCH DEPOTS. TWELFTH AND WILLOW STREETS. TWELFTH STREET AND WASHINGTON AVENUE. TWENTY-PIP, H AND LOMBARD STREETS. NORTH PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD AND MASTER STREET. PINE STREET WHARF, SCHUYLKILL. apll.B m w 3m4P4 ICE, ICE, ICE, ICE, ICE, ICE, ICE, ICE. Ur' FIRST QUALITY OF ICE. Er Promptness and Regularity of Delivery. tW MODERATE UNIFORM RATES TO FAMILIES, STORES, Re. IV — LARGE TRADE SUPPLIED UP@N FAIR TERMS. CHAS. S CARPENTER & CO.; 717 Willow Street, above Franklin. 942.%1tu th KNICKERBOCKER ICE I COMPANY Furnish ICE OF THE BEST QUALITY at the LOWEST RATES t7.roughout the city. West Philadelphia, Mantua. Port Richmond and Tioga, to Families, Stores. Hotels, Confectioners, &c, in large or small quantities. A deduction of one-seventh to stores and offices taking but six times per week. Orders by mall receive prompt attention. 118 and 141 Broad street, cor. OFFICES, Ninth and Washington avenuel DEPOTS. Willow at. wharf, Volawafc ay. E. P. KERSIIOW. A. RUNT, - KERSHOW & HUNT. D. W. HUNT. ) apIS dlarp&et a to MEW STYLES OF LOOKING GLASSES, NEW ENGRAVINGS, NEW CHEOMO-LITHOGRAPHS. EARLES' GALLERIES, 816 Chestnut Street. CANNED FRUIT, VEGETABLES , &o.-1 , 000 CASES fresh Canned Peaches; 500 cases fresh Calmed Pine Apples; 200 cases fresh Pine Apples, in glass; 1.000 cases Green Corn and Green Peas; 600 cases fresh Plums in cans; 200 cases fresh Green Gages; 500 cases Cherries. in syrup; 2.0 cases Blackberries., in syrup; 500 cases Straw. berries, in syrup; 500 cases fresh Pears, in syrup; 2,000 cases Canned Tomatoes; 600 cases Oysters,-Lobsters and Clams ; 500 cases Roast Beef. Mutton, Veal. Soups . 4c. tor sale by JOSEPH B. BUBBLER 4 C0..100 South Dela. were avenue. 11 W PECANti.-10 BAERELb NEW CROP TEXAS LI Pecans landlog,_ex.stemmehip Star of the Union, and for male by J. B. BLISSIRE LO., 106 South 'Delaware avpnue. (CANTON kREBERVED GINGER. PRESERVED VI. Ginger, In cyrup, of the celebrated Chyloong brand; also. Dry_ Preserved Gington boxes. Imported and for sale by JOBEIII B. BURSIE In & CO., 108 Routh Delaware avenue: ' PREBERVED TAMARINDB.-20 REGO MARTINIQUE Tamarinds, in sugar, landbas and, fa sale' by B DIMMER & CO, IS South Delaware awn**. B°NDI BOSTON AND TRZNTON BISOTTIT.—THB trade V/ lat' W ABlBArnOreano. MUt ri ti4s. stars and Es WA est tts Thorn's tele fed Trenton and Ine Bioutti. y JOB: B, Busaligt gale Arrant& Toe aonth Deliware.avenne. •• • larEW YOaMPPPTIO) CHERRIES. VIR. .1.1 gala P Dritd Vlsokberrlak in atori and for sale at NU II Wooer", oto.llB mouth Second Street . , ', . ,•,.. ,- „•. •t, • ‘• . NITQWO POTCLAPP - 11B4OHNEBE.-10to BONES ON UOlllllOl.lllODt. Lauding laid for malt by , JOB. B. BUBBLES & CO., Aganto"oritiortora 61 Erma. 100 Boutb DelswareAvenue. lOVRTAIIIN` BIATEUPAILS. 1. E. WALRAVEN, MASONIC HALL, No. 719:0HESTII'OT STREET. Jnit opening an moment of very elegant SWISS LACE CURTAINS; NOTTINGHAM OtritTAINS, STRIPED AND COLORED TERRY, BROCATELLES AND COTELINES, PIANO AND TABLE COVERS! OF ENTIRELY NEW DESIGNS. WINDOW SHADES WITH PATENT CLAMPS, NEW AND DESIRABLE. ICE AND COAL. THE FINE ARTS. SE WINO rnt 4 CIFYINiIs, 1106. REMOVAL. 3:106. 7RE SPREE RARRIFICFERINO Cl/IMPART , Have Removed their Wareroonta to No. 1106 Chestnnt Street. SINGER'S NEW FAMILY SEWING AIACIIINE la simple, durable, quiet and light running. and capable of PerfOrming an a tonialfing range and variety of work. • It will hem. felt, stitch, braid, gather cord. tuck. quilt, embroider, Ac. in 21 r WM. E. COOPE A t REAL ESTATE SALES. inPEREMPTORY SALE. BY ORDER OF 814*k. bolders.—Thomas & Sons, Auctioneers.—Vaktable 01land Timber Lends, Property of ;fleeted River Oil Company, Wirt County; WestVlrglnia. On TrreadVe , June 2d. 1868, at 12 o'clock, noon. will be sold at nubile talemithout reserve,at the Philadelphia Exchauge.all the itle,intorest and corporate franchises of the Lingoes Elver Oil Company, of, in and to all the followiag des.. trilled piece or parcel of land lying in tho County of Wirt and State of West Virginia. Bounded as follows, to wit: beginning at two red oaks and a black oak. standing on tke S. W. side of a point near Little Island Ran; thence 'N. 7 deg., E. 27.5 poles to two white oaks in a line at . Ilartehorne's land; thence with the same 8 83 deg..E.' 880 poles to a chestnut white oak at the north end of the Devil's race ya h ; thence 8 43 deg., E 223 poles: crossing waters of Flint run ton hickory and pointers on a hilt side. near tho Sulphur run; thence 8.60 deg , W.'136 pole to Pointer's crcssing, Sul phnr Ton. at 12, pollee: thence N. 68 deg.. W. 64 poke to a hickory; thence S. 65 dog., W. la Poles to a red oak; thence S. 15 deg., W. 218 poloe, croading wets rs of Flint run ton hickory; thence N. 80 deg., W. 140 poles to a white oak, N. 18,4 deg., W. 27 talon to a. chestnut oak. corner to lands'Claimed by Wells and Neal. N. MO deg.. W. 271 poles, crossing the left 'hand fork of the three forks of Little Island run to the place of begin ning•, containing 1 ,107 acres, more or lose; end also of. In and t o the Charter of Incorporation of said Company. Thela:misers above described are situate about aix miles from Walker's Station. on the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad. and 16 miles from Parkersburgatetween Hughes river and the little Kanawha river, about 2„34'milen south, of the former, and nr 4 miles north ofs the latter, and forma part of the 'Sulphur Spring Tract." There is an oil wellcko Ti asmall house. about 6 acres of cleared : land and good mber laud. The timber to principally oak and hiry. and raid to be very valuable. The land grows grass in abundance. The oil . ts ell is bored to a depth of 110 feet. and at ono time.yielded from 8 to 10 barrels or oil per day. Sale absolute To. me—SBoo to be paid at time of eale. and the balance on delivery of the deed in 15 days. M. THOMAS SONS, Auctioneers. 129 and 141 S. Fourth street. mvq233o PUBLIC BALE.—TELOMAB & BONS,AUCTION eere.—Very elegant Country Seat and Mansion, 29 acres, known as "Maple Shade," and, two cottages, Oak lane, Montgomery county, Pa.. one square from the station on the North Pennsylvania Railroad. about a half mile from the old York road. On Tuesday, May 28, 1888. at 12 o'clock, noon, will be sold at public sale,at the Phila. delphia Exchange, all that very elegant country seat, known as " Maple Shade," situate on the southerly side of Oak lane, about one square front the !station on the North Pennsylvania Railroad: beautiful and healthy lo cation; fine elevation, commanding a beautiful view of the surrounding country. The imprOvements consist of a modern built pointed stone mansion; has large hall," two parlors, dining room and kitchen on the first floor: 5 chambers and store•room on the second floor; 4 chambers and meat-room on the third floor• 2 piazzas; is re barn. atone stable high, stabling for it horses and 4 cows carriege.house, complete, with finished room over It for eleeping apartments: stone ice house (filled), wash-house over it: spring of excellent water: an abundance of fruit and shade trees: large lawn. well and beautifully shaded. The land is divided into 7 lots, all under good cedar fence; largo vegetable garden, with a variety of email fruits. The crops are planted, such as wheat, potatoes. corn and oats; oho. 2 genteel, cottage houses, each 'containing 5 rooms. The land hen :1 Bona , . 2 on Oak lane and 1 on County line. Clear of all incumbrance. Terme-1810 rte may - remain on mortgage. ray- immediate potee.sion. Bee views at the Auction It oorne. 51. Tlf - ‘MAS Ar SONS,Anctioneora, 13a and 141 South Fourth street, E 1,., OP PITANS' COURT SALE. ESTATE OF George Moore, deceased,- Thomas A: Sons, "Auc tioneers.- Two story Brick Dwelling, No. 23 Ashland street. —1 orsuant to nn alias order of the Orphans' Court for the City and County of Philadelphia, will be sold at public sale, onTuesday June 2d, 1868, at 12 o'clock, noon, at too Philadelphia Exchange, the following 'described property, late of George Moore, deceased, viz : All that twrestory brick meseuago and the lot of ground thereunto belonging, situate on the east side of a 28.-feet wide court or strec.. called Ashland street, Na2B. lately laid out and opened, leading northward from Wharton street, parallel C 1 with and at the distance ' about 106 feet S inches east ward from Elevi nth a reef, First Ward, city of Philadel phia, beginning about 217 feet 6 inches north of Wharton street; containing in front on Aehland street 14 feet (in cluding the southernmost half jiart of an alley 1 foot 10 inches in width in the clear on the northern side. left oven between this and the inessuage adjoining on the north. thereof as far es said buildings extend in depth to the height of one story, and which alley is to remain open as it now is at all times hereafter forever, for the rise and ac commodation of both premises). and extending of the Piano a idth in depth eastward 51 feet. more or less. Bounded norther/1i d and southward by other meseuages and ground belonging now or late to Alfred B. Justice, eastward by ground of —. and westward by said Ash land street or court. (Being the same premises whiett Al fred ft Justice and SllllBli it, his wife, by indenture bear ing date June 15,1859. reoorded at Philadelphia, in deed book A. D. It. No. 72, page 187, Axe., 'ranted and conveyed. unto the said George Moore. now deceased, in fee )- By the Court, JOSEPH MEGARY, Clerk 0. C. 31, THUM Art & SONS. Auctioneers. 139 and 141 South Fourth street, m 391622 m 19.11 L'O inPUBLIC SALE —THOMAS di SONS, AEC tioneers. Very elegant Country Sent and Stanton, 1814 acres, known as '"lltrusliwood," Limekiln Turnpike. end Baines a'reet, Twenty-second Ward. miles from Dranchtown. IS; miles fr to Day's Lane Sta.- tion (mit he Germantown Railroad, tif miles of Green and Oak Lane Stations on the North Penna. Railroad. Rust- Ilene(' of Edward R. 'Pryor, Esq. On Tuesday. 18,38, at 12 o'clock, noon, will bosold at public male, at the Philadelphia Fa change, all that elegant ceuntrY seat. 134 acme of lend, situate on the mesterly aide of the Limekiln t npike,corner Hattie, strect,Twenty-second Ward. 'The mansion is built of stone, two dories high; Inns a tower. parlor, si tting and dining room and kitchen on the first floor: 4 chandlers on the second, and 8 attics above; our , ounded with 6 acres of tine old woods i atone and frame brans, ice house, (filled) fish-pond, windmill at d ram, lane garden, greenhouses, fruit and shade trees, evergreens. &c. The situation is high. and beauti fully located, oven looking the country for miles. Terms—One-third mush. M .— lmmediate poasersion. May be examined any day 7__P hi e s pi tos c alo. t sat the Auction Rooms. M. THOMAS & SONS Auctinneere. 189 and 141 8. Fourth street. ms•A.ls.23 EORPliAirti. COURT SALE.—ESTATE OF MARK F Main, deceased Thomas dr Sons, Auctioneers. " Genteel three•sterN , brick Dwelling 6. E. corner of Seventh and Evangelist streets, north of Catharine etreet. Pursuant to an Order of the Orphan Court for the City and County of Philadelphia. will be sold at public sale, on Tuesday. June 2d, 1868, at 12 o'clock. noon, at the Philadelphia Each snge, the following dsecribed properly late of Mary Mein, dec'd, viz: All that three. story brick ince:maga and lot of ground, situate on the east aide of Seventh street and south aide of Evangelist street, beginning at the distance of 136 feet north of Catharine street: thence eaatwardly along the south aide of said Evangelist street 37 feet; thence aouthwardly parallel with Sixth street 16 feet: thence westwardly parallel with said Catharine street 37 feet; thence north wardly along the east side of said Seventh street 16feet to the place of beginning. By the Cour; JO EMI MEGARY, Clerk, 0. C. M. THOMAS ti SUNS. Auctioneers. 139 and 141 South Fourth street my 9 23 30 E' PUBLlti SALE—THOMAS ,1t SONS,SONS,ACC. Ornecrs —Thrse.story Brick Dwelling, No. 1731 Bodine street, north of Columbia street. On Tiles day, Alay 26th. UM at 12 o'clock, noon. will be sold at public sale, at the Philadelphia k xchange, all that three story brick messuage and lot of ground, situate on the east side of Bodine street, (forme' ly Adams street,) 240 feet north of Columbia sheet, Nineteenth Ward, No, 1731; the lot containing in front on Bodine street 11 feet &inches, and extending in depth 49 feet to a 4 feet wide alley, which communicates with a 6 feet wide alley leading' westwal d into Bodine street. Clear o , all incumbrance. Popeeezion September 215. h. 1868. M. THOMAS & SONS. Auctioneers, 189 andl4l South Fourth street. iny9 16 28 PEREMPTORY BALE. THOMAS & SONS. Auctioneers.—Bminese Stand. —Three.e`ory. Brick " Stole and Dwelling, No. 1813 Lombard street, west of Eighteenth street. On Tuesday, ..May 2 ih, 1868 at 13 o'clock, noon.will be eold at public sale, without reserve at ibe Fbiladelphia .11 'change,. all that three - story brick, mewing°, with back buildioge and lot of ground, situate on the no, th side of Lombard street, 102 feet west or Eighteenth street. No. 1813; the lot containing la front on, L01131)41 d street 18 feet, ana extending-1n depth 60 Net:. bee the gas introduced, &c. Subject to a yearly ground rent of WO. 11211 - Sale Per.motory. Torras—cash. M. THOAIAS & SONS, Auctioneers, 189 and 141 South Fourth street. m 391623 raOlt Ab B' COURT BALE.—ESTATE OF JOIIY Grandotn, deceased.—Thomaa & Sous, Auctioneers. Well-srcured Irredeemable Ground Rent, $292 year. Pursuant to en order of the Orphans' Court for the City and County of Philadelphia. will be sold at public sale, on Tuesday. June 2d. 12+8. at 12 o'clock. noon, at the Philadelphia Fachangy, theiollowingdescribed property, lets of John Grandom, decd , viz.: All that yearly rent of $282, lawful silver money. leaning out of a brick mes sing° and lot of ground, situate on the no , th aide of Mar ket street, Nos. 113 and 115, between kront and Second streets. By the Court, JOSEPH MEG ARY, Clerk 0. C. M. TIUC: 4 4AS & SONS, Auctioneers. 139 and 141 South Fourth street. tr,v9.2 1 AO REAL ESTATE.—TBO vIAS S SONS, SALE. Threeetory Brick Tavern and Dwelling, S. W. corner of Twentieth and Bedford streets. On Tuesday, May 26th, 1g62, at 12 o'clock, noon, will be sold at public sale, at the Philadelphia Exchange. all that three.story , brick tavern and dwelling and ht of ground situate at the southwest corner of Twentieth and Bedford streets. containing ln front on Twentieth street 16 feet, and extending in depth 60feet. Subject to a yearly ground rent of sit. THOMAS & SUNS, Auctioneers. UN and 141 South Fourth etreet. Tnol 16 513 REAL ESTATE—THOMAS & SONS' 54114E.‘- leTwo.story ick Dwelling. No. 414 Daskill street , ? ? west of Fourth elreet. On Tuesday. May 2t3th, 1868 0 at 12 o'clock, noon. will be sold at public sale, at'Cher Philadelphia Exchange. all that two-story brick messp-:: and lot of ground, situate on the south side of street, west of Fourth street, No. 414: containing ta.. on Gaokill street 20 feet. and extending to depth ti 2 leitt"ll in: hes. Terms—SlX:lt/may remain on mortgage. -"., Rents for $l4 a month. Al. THOMAS & SONS, Audi. neent, 189 and 14t Pouth.Fourtkateeet, m. 9.16.23 CL~.~t ~3:'~~: GOLD ' xE Will bake and cook n'egatilly;andwiltbilattitii diaingpnd two upper roma. can and ate Mediid AO *Rem*" at . . JOHN 8 4 CUUtKV, 1008 Market street, Philadelphia, m)1 acorn
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers