, GIRSON PEACOCK. Editor. VCLUME XXII.-NO. THE EVENING BU LLETIN EVERY EVENING (Sundays excepted), AT TIM NEW BMILL.EItI wrimpirca, 607 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, IIY TUE EVENING BULLETIN ASSOCIATION. • moraii•rous; GIBSON PEACOCK, ERNEST C. WALLACE F. L. NETIIERSTON.. TI10: . J. WILLIMISON. CASPER SOCCER. Jo., FRANCIS WELLS. The Beakruf is served to subscribers In the car at 18 tr week, .dyable to the carders, or *8 : r annum. INVITATIONS FOR WEDDING'S, PARTIES. ea ecuted in a superior manner. by DREK.II, lOW biU'lr STREET. fcff2o4ll 1)1E1). BARTON—On Sixth-day, 24th inst, Isaac Barton, in Isis seyenty.third year. lib relatives and -friends are particularly Invited to the funeral, from his late rtaidenee, No. 85 S. Second street. on Third-day, Mil Inst., at it o'c l ock P. M., without %further notice. Interment at South Laurel urn. • . SCRSOWS.—On th e `....5th instant, Annie M. Burrows. wife of E. J. Burrows, and dam liter of Francis Cooper. The relatives and friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend the funeral, from the residence of. her tinenand, No. 1184 Pine street. on Wednesday morning. at Is o'clock, without further notice. Funeral service at dt. .lohn's(Thirteenth Street)Churcb. Interment at Cathedral Cerneters. HALIIPCS.—In Baltimore. on the inst.. Lewis )12b. f no. Br., In the 74th year of his age. • NSALll—Departed this life, on Saturday , morning, Atoll 28. in the 84th year of her age. Miss Martha Neale. lier friends and relatives are invited to attend her funeral, from her late meittenice. near Harlington, N. J. on Tuesday afternoon, leh instant, at one o'clock, Care leave Walnut Street Wharf at ten o'clock. A. M. and leave Su:Minton for Camden at 4.52 P. al. Funera l ger res will be at St. Mary's t.hurch. Burlington, at three o'clock, BTEItLEsiG.— Suddenly, on Fedo Morning. 34th at his residence. hilt Arch street, h enry Sterling, in the year of his age. Dan relics will he given of the funeral. • SEEGhlt.—On the '?Bth inst. Mrs. Ann Seeger. relict of ' he Late David Seeger, deceased, in the 29th year of her ape. Ifer relatives and friends aro invited to attend the funeral, front her late residence, No ire North Twelfth ,treet, on huraday morning, the 30th instant, at ten lock. • eneral services at Grace Church. at 11 o'clock me - kin iv. _ ••• PEICE-.- On the 24th instant. Edward Price, son of rah L., and the labs John li. Price. in the 84th year of P. oge. The relatis es and friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend the funeral. from the residence of his ..ssother. 13h. I 's tbs.; ine street, 0111 Tuesday, the Dsth, fast., sit ht o'clock P. M. VIRE LAND VII, i; i ::NT43.i.Al".ril E LIGHT PJ elindc '4 of Spring Poplin! for the Fakhlonable 'Walking Dreeter. • Steel Colored Poplin!. Mode yolored Popline. Inmate)! Exxet Made. SM*'~l3lAL 11►!Yl ' 1~11:5. stir TtI., I I4. I ,INTStiIVAF:J 4 IritILK COMPANY an. :0 ounces to the Citizr us of Philad. iphi s that they have ,tablifhed a 'fcleigaph Office in their Depot, No. MA.tRCT tame'. in connection with all the local tele graph stations in tile city. All the opl ratora will act as asvuta, and iv ill tranemit orders fur Milk and other buni. Ilene communications with the Company without charge. The ,tatio_e of the local telegraph are arrfollows, viz.; West Philadelphia—Penctsylvanist Milk Depot, 3339 _Market street. Went PhliadelphLa—Market street, weet of Thirty e...lghth. Went Pialadelohla—New York Depot, Thirty-fast and Market streets. Went Philadelottia—West Chester Railroad Office n Thirty.ftret and Chestnut streets. - Went Philadelphia—Avenue Drove Yard, near Heston. Gray's Ferry road and U. S. Arsenal. Mantua--Vnion Drove Yard kieeL Frankford--Mahn street, near Poet Office. Gelmantown-in the Railroad Depot. • "t is nayorst -in the Ballroom!! Depot., Conshohocken-In the Railroad Dept& Gibson's. Bpfat--•Gray's Ferry-Citeenwich Point, Philadelphia. Wilmington and Baltimore Railroad Depot--Brosui and Weshhsgton avenue. Kensington Depot -Front and Garrison streets. East Renaington-N0.1003 Beach street, near Laurel. Ninth and Green streets-In Freight Depot. Scrothwark--No. Ad Washington avenue. Continental Hotel-Ninth and Chestnut streets. Girard Homse-Ninth and Chestnut streets. La. Pierre House-Broad street below Chestnut. Bingham House-Eleventh and Market street& Aierchante Hotel-Fourth street, below Arch. North Broad Street-No. MI. below Vine. Fairmount-No. 2204 Hamilton street. Market street corner of Eighteenth. North Front i*eet-fea. ft& above Arch. Walnut stree . -No 1.90. between Front and Second, Delaware Avenue Market-Foot of Dock street. • Merchants' Exchange-Third and Walnut street/. Southeast corner of Tithe Chestnut etreeta ft anufacturen.dtc.. having telegraphic connection with the Principal Office, Third and Chestnut streets: Morris. Wheeler & Co.. William Sellers & Co.. Merrick & Sons, Union League. AL Baird A. Co.. Thome Dolan, 4.d. Sander and Co., Birmingham & Co. apig4trp sagogp , DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC. HICHINVAYS.— """" Ork ICE OF CHIEF CO.MaiD.'efONEtt, STREET. WEST 131 DE., BELOW CHESTNUT. tun-% prixa tA. April IStb. 1268. NOTlCE—Citizens am hereby notified that in return a book will be kept at each Police i3tation within the paved limits of the city. for the purpose of registering complaints upon the condition of the atreets not cleansed. or where the contractor neglects to remove az Yes in accordance with the ordinance of CouMA HLncils. ON H. DICKINSON, uP 4 Zatrptk Chief tiortuniationer of Illghwaye. war HORTICULTURAL HALL SELECT ENTERTAINMENT IL V. IIoCULLY. Egg , . ; will /Rive HEADINGS AND IMPNRISONATIONS • From tibakeepoare. I. ickeno, ON TMiDAY EVSNI NU.' AYItIt. 28re. At 8 o'clock. aptl7-2trp• MANDAU MINING COMPANY.—THI: AN N S l a r muting of the Stockholders of the Mandan Mining Company win be held at the office of the Company. No. :sl4 WALNUT street. Philadelphia. on 'lllultit)A,Y, the :aath day of May. WA, for the election of Directors and traneamlon of other basinesa B. A. lIOOPES. Secretary. Ptitmihrumia. April 2/0. ttp27 hay= OFFICE OF CITY TREASURE ruts. April 24.1867. VOTICR. —holders of matured City Loan, and also Loan tannic due let day, of July. MS, are requested to present their CornSeatell at tbis office for redemption. Interest will be allowed on Loan falling due July, It A to time of payment. JOB. N. PEIroOL, 6te City Treasurer. ./ETNA MINING COMPANY.—TfIE ANNUAL " ' Meeting of the Stockholders of the JEtna Mining Company will be held at the office TUESDAY,pany, No. T 2.4 Walnut street, Philadelphia, on the 26th day of May. 1844. at DI ek, M., Per the election of Di. rectors. and transaction of other bushman. B. A, 11.00PES, Secretary. April 45410. ap2ltruy2ds eipiina. SOLDIERS' HOME IN THE CITY OF PHILA. DEI PHIA, April 18, DEB.—The Annual Meeting of the contributore, for the election of twenty.four managers to !IMO for the evening year. will be held at the on MONDAY EVENING, May 11th, 1868, from Bto 10 o'clock, P M. ap27,m,th tiny 114 E. 8. HALL, eecretary. A SPECIAL MEETING OF THE STOCK ROL iIarDERS of the BROWN' SILVER MINING COM PANY of Colorado will be held at their Office. No. 430 Walnut street, Room 20. on THURSDAY, May 7.18t8, at 11 o'clock P. M., tc take action on certain by-laws of the Company. THOd. R. SEARLE, Secretary. PnILADEI.I4IA, April 27, 1/308. IN mar A SPECIAL MEETING OE TILE STOCKHOLM era of the Mercantile Library Company. will be held on TUESDAY EVENIANG, the 28th Intent, at 8 o'clock. for the purpme of taking furtner action on the IPendlng amendinente to the charter. JOHN LARDNER, Recording Secretary. apl6-12trp§ m a r POINT BREEZE PARK ASSOCIATION, April 27th, 1808. The election for aPrePideut and Directors of tho Ameocia. Bon will be held at the Office of tho Amoclation, No. 144 ,South Fourth street, on MONDAY, May 4th next:between the hours of 10 A, M. and 2 P. M. ati2743trp/ FREE LECTURES{ ON PHRENOLOGY CO\t• mance THlti EVENING at B o'clouk, at the Phils. delobla University, Ninth street, balmy Locust, Portraits, cads, busts, skulls (hundreds). and examination of heads publicly, illustrative, by WM. It. ELLIur .'lt PENiNIDI LVAN 110SPIrfi. —T ILE , CON lartributors to the PennEsylvanift Hospital are hereby 'notified that the annual election for Managers and Trea surer will bo held at the Hospital, Eighth street, below Spruce, on the 4th proxianoat 4 o'clock r. M. m e 7trp WISTAR MORRIt), Secretary. 41rtlx.month 18th 1868 • • - PHILADELPHIA ORTHOP/EDIC HOSPITAL, No. 15 South:Ninth street. Club-foot, hip and apt. snil diseases and bodily deformities treated. Apply•dailY .• at 12 o'clook. non acnrp§ 411Wi'HOWARD 'HOSPITAL. NOS. 1618 AND O ombard street. Ding luau M Departmenti—Modical. treatment and medicines furnished gratuitoudy to the oar. EOST-A LEATHER PORTE IsHtENAIId t CONTAIN: tag a gold pencil, keys and $lO. A suitable Loarard erlll be given for 10 restoration at. No. llMAYalnut et, Iti c ove ~.. . . . , t 4 „, . . • .... .. .. .... 1 ... ~,„.. . • ~... ,4. • t , , •' , . . ' : • . ' . ~, ' , • . • ...-'..;,. . • ''',.. •.)::,,,. • . , ._ .. • ;,. ,•••., , ' -., ... . „. - 4.. l ' ' ..', ';' '' ": ' ' •:!...;, . • 7,-. .: i' , '..:•. ' . ~ ...- 2,• , ;, . - ?4 ,' : 1 0 .. „ • ~ ~ .. ;,,. ..... .... .. w. , . x .. . , •. •. - . e . . ..„ . . ~ „. . . . ~... . _.. ~ : ' 1',..!. . ''... ''' , ;',.ll. . • :5 — F , „ ' ~..""c. ‘;'•.'., -,'• .+ .7.'.' ' ' - ' ' ::' : '''' 4 , . . N ZA . , ,, . 6 , ''' ~ tr • . .., •). - '- 'YA' • *. ..., , t• , • .' '' '4':' l' l '' -. , ~ ' ' *''' 'I- ' • ~, . Nt • fi b . -.:,'.'' '.'• V.' 1 ..- ~. 1• , ' , . .. , • ,• , ' • , . ... . . i I •,. . , , ... MEM ABYSSINIA. heodorus About to Move Aglinst Napier—The gieneral Warned . —March to the Front of Magdida—A eonnoisanee. [From the New York Herald, of To-day.l QUEEN'S MOTEL, LONDON, April 26, A. M.—The special correspondent of the Herald, marching with the advance of General Napier's army to wards Magdala, reports by telegram—delayed in transit—dated the 7th inst., that news was re ceived at headquarters, from army spies to the effect that King Theodorns intended moving im mediately from his works on the British. General Napier on receipt of this intelligence Instantly crossed the Jiddah river to the plain of Tanta, which he commenced to traverse. Many of the animals employed by the army were lost in crossing a terrible ravine, which is eight miles wide. having a descent of three thousand five hun dred feet and an ascent extending four thousand five hundred teat on the other side. The Queen's army having accomplished both, marched over the '‘King's Road,' which is thirty feet wide, on ward. General Napier then halted and recon noitered the position at Magdala in person. He saw the King's camps with their intrenched de fences, and said they appeand almost impregna ble. Pi °pier Reaches the Front of the orlio—Theodorns 7 s Artillery. QUEEN'S Bomar,. LONDON, April M.— Three telegraphic despatches have been received here during' the morning from the British army expedition., under command of Major General Napier, in Abyssinia. King Theodoras has twenty--eight guns mounted in position outside his work :7 , , and mostly in front of his camp, bearing on the English advance. General Napier • has• forwarded a letter to the King officially demanding the relcase of the Bri tish captives. The English army is concentrated on the Beeshilo river. The troops have been furnished with scaling ladders, torpedoes and other engines and missiles of assault, and are held in readiness for a sudden attack on the for tress and works of Magdala. Another telegram is dated before the palatial fortress of 31agdala on the loth of April (Good Friday). The British army has arrived here in front of the, King's stronghold. The troops are distant six miles from the fortress. The King's camp Is situated on agreat height and in full view of the men. The English will assault it very soon. The third telegram is of still later date. being written at Magdala on the .18th of April, and in it he says: A truce which had been agreed on be tween General Napier and King Theodoras ter minated at an early hour this morning. Imme diately after its termination, the King not having surrendered the captives, Major-General Sir Robert Napier placed himself at the head of the First and Second brigades of his army and moved up the hill towards the fortress as far as Shillasse. Has portion of the strong works built was sur rendered to' Napier by the chiefs in command after a brisk attack, in which the African troops were detested. King Theodorms, observing the English advance and its first fruits, retreated into the centre of the Magdala works on the plateau, having first planted live of his gums at the base. When General Napier came in sight with his brigades th King's artWerymen opened. on the ..tivance with these guns in presence. of Theodo rns. The British replied Immediately with their twelve-pounder Armstrong guns and seven-inch mountain mortar rocket guns, throwing rockets into the place. After enduring this fire a short time King Tbeodorns abandoned his guns and, still retreating Inward, barricaded the sally ports and commenced a fire of musketry from behind his gates and wall defences. The Abyssinians evincing no signs of surren der, General Napier halted his advance and com menced a bombardment of theie work. The bombardment was continued during a space of three hours. When it terminated the British commander ordered An assault, which was made in fine style. The King's works were carried after a very vigorous resistance on the part of the enemy. Theodorns lost during the engagement sixty men killed and two hundred wounded. The English army had fifteen of rank and file wounded. After the works were completely taken King Theodorns was found dead by the English soldiers on entering the centre of his tronghold. He was shot through the head. Some persons say ho was killed during one of the battles; others incline to the opinion that he com mitted suicide when he had found the fortune of the day against him. The King's body was re cognized among the killdti and wounded by the British captives when released. Theodorns's two sons were taken prisoners by Napier, and all the European prisoners held by their deceased father set free. The interior of the fortress of Maodala presented an extraordinary and splendid sight, the place glowing almost with barbaric splen dor. The British troops plundered it at 011C3. The mtn found four royal crowns made of solid gold, twenty thousand dollars in silver, thousands of silver plates, several lots of very rich jewels, and numerous other articles of great value. General Napier takes by his victory the twenty-eight large guns used against him, five thousand stand of small arms, ten thousand shields, such as are used in battle in open field by the Abyssinians; ten thousand spears, and many other articles of war equipment. The liberated British captives will start for home on the 14th of April. Gomel Napier's army will reorganize, "fall iu," and return to India and England at once. TIRE LA rzsi IVEWS• Reports from Napier in Magdala.«. Thoodorns , Losses Counted oy thou. sands-.-Great Numbers of His Mon Main... The Liberated Captives on Tactic' Way for House. - • QUF.11.14 HOTEL, LONDON, April 28, P. 31.—Still later adviees from Abyssinia, dated at Zoula on the 18th of April, have been received hero. The very latest reports had at that point from the scene of action in Magdala represent that fourteen thousand native troops had laid down their arms to Napier, and that Theodorus had five hundred soldiers killed and fifteen hundred wounded in the late engagement. Advicca from Napier's headquarters, in Mngdala, without dale, are also at hand. They state that the Europeans latelrheld captive there, numbering sixty souls, including men, women and children, were already on the route to Zoula for home, and that the entire force of Theodorus' army had been either killed, wounded or captured. 811861 A. Peace or War. The Golos publishes an article which has cre ated an immense sensation. It says that the Em peror Napoleon meditates a great war against Russia and Prussia, but that he is likely to try and detach Prussia from Russia. Should ho suc ceed, the war would be carried on on the banks of the Baltic and in the Vistulian countries, Warsaw and St. Petersburg being the objectives. In that ease Austria, Turkey, and Sweden would be the allies of France. But Prussia would be attacked, if France could conciliate Russia rela tive to the East. The Gobs concludes by stating that; in any case, Prussia and Russia had to re quest France to disarm first,pledging themselves to do the same—that .forced intervention world be justified by the general interests of Europe. —A. young Indian maid, visiting a flouring mil , ' in Winong, Minnesota, surreptitiously got hold of the stencils and decorated her white blanket with "Ellswerth's choice" in bright rod letters, after which sue strut Led down street, to the eventual horror of the bachqlor Bilswortle whe owns the mill, PHILADELPHIA, MONDAY, APRIL 27, 1868, • CITY BULLETIN. BUILDINGS IN PIIILADELPHIA.—The following statement of the number and character of the buildings in Philadelphia is compiled from the books of the Board of Revision: Tokil Brick Slone Frame Wards. Buildgs, !louses.. Houses. Ifousi!s 4,094 8,527 5.271 4,557 3d 3,262 2,729 2 495 4th ..... .. t.. 5,454 2,710 11 681 sth .... ..... . 8,253 2,679 22 219 6th 3,066 2,679 23 7th . 4,909 4,719 68 Bth 3,505 3,126 97 !Jai 2,913 2,604 27 72 10th 3,788 3,309 45 254 11th 2,292 1,948 2 249 12th 2,b65 2,217 4 214 NIMBI 4,116 3,953 11 ~ 87 15th 6,848 6,012 319 215 16th 3,682 2,G78 Ei2l 18th 4,133 2,699 9 . 1,334 19th 5,961 5,111 9 516 20th 8,018 7.482 5 187 21st 2 , 257 59 1,677 270 _ _ 5;264 480 2;188 1,135 23d 4,298 861 849 1,471 :47th 3,184 1,560 607 838 25th 2,643 860 166 1,362 26th 4,939 4.655 6 105 21Ih '1,945 734 462 547 28th 1,811 706 396 468 10,182 80.304 6,885 13,819 The total number of dwelling houses is there fore 101,008. Of the whole number of brick houses 764 were one-story, 16,762 two-storied, 58,367 three storied and 4,411 four-storied. Of the stone houses 190 are one story, 4,253 two-storied, 2,336 three-storied and 106 four-storied. Of the frame houses 1,071 arc one-story. 11.510 two-storied and 1,238 three-storied. There are 654 houses. of five-stories, and upwards in the city. The other kinds of buildings in the city sum up as followb: churches, 385; public buildings, 208; ,ehools undor religious control, 41: factories, foundries, rolling mills, breweries, .1,266 r tire company houses, 86; stables., 2,770: barns, 1,234: slaugliter-houses. 154; blacksmith shops, 125. theatres and halls, 27; public institutions, 61, tud miscellaneous, 136. The following statement shows the number of churches. public school houses and fire compa nies, factories, foundries, &c., in each Ward of he city Public I'ire Com- Wartb. Churches. Schools. Factories panics. Ist R 10 20 1 2tl 16 7y .1 2 A .. 12 6 11 4 Ith 7. 7 10 2 sth 17 7 33 4 , ;t1t.,... • 12 5 39 5 19 5 22 4 14 5 9 2 13 5 19 5 10th Ui 7 15 3 11th 1 7 32 4 12th 11 8 o'er 3 14th 12 8 11 2 15th . 18 G 76 5 16th 10 4 137 , 2 18th 10 10 30 5 19th . 15 8 138 2 20th . 20 8 89 3 21st 10 7 67 ' 2 22d 38 13 73 6 23d 25 .17 186 6 21th . 7 7 29 3 25th . 11 9 23 - .. 26th . 10 8 :',O 2 27th ~... 16 10 3t 3 28th . 13 5 14 1 PILILADELTI , ILA CATTLE MARKET, April 27, 1868. —Beef cattle were in good demand this week, but prices were without ohange. About 1,200 head arrived and sold at 10X@11c. for extra Bennsylvania and Western steers, 9®loc. for fair to good and 6h2Be. per lb. gross for common as to quality. The following are the particulars of the sales: Fleas. Salve. Price. 1:1 Owen Smith, Western. kre•• 7 ®loki hi P. McFillen, Lancaster county, ..... tcle„:,ac4lo.Al lid P. Hathaway. Lancaster county, gm. •....• tOM 04 James Kirk, Chceter county. 904 441039 50 B. idcFillen," county, gre 0)4010}c, 50 E. S. .McFillen, Western, gm 9 1.610.,. 45 Unarm d: Bachman, Western, gre........... 9 (103,5 35 Martin Fuller & Co., Weetern, gre.......... .. Blc4lol 90 Mooney & Smith, Western, gre......... so T. Mooney & Bro., Western. km• • • ••• •• • ...... 1 1 10 '• 52 11. Chain, Penn., .............. (; 109 50 John Smith Bro., Lancaster co., gre 6 (e , 35 L. Frank. Lancaster co., 9 0,111 70 Nape k Co, Lancaster co., gre @10;.5 41 Chandler ea Alexander, Cheeter co., gre...... 0 01004 Cows were unchanoed; 200 head sold at $45(0 41.5 for springers, and s sso®s7s per head for cow , ind calf. Sheep were in fair demand;s,ooo head sold at 61 (epic. for clipped, and 7,1 2 .038 c. per lb. gross for wool sheep. Hogs were firmly held ; 2,800 head sold at the different yards at $l3 50(015 per 100 lbs. net. FIRES.—This morning, about five o'clock, Po licemen Thorp, of the Fifth District, discovered a fire in the basement of the book-store of Howard Challen, No. 1308 Chestnut street. The alarm was given, and firemen were soon upon the ground. It was found that some rags and waste paper were on fire. Under the direction of Chief Engineer McCusker, the flames were ex tinguished by a stream introduced by the Schuyl kill Hose Company. Through the judicious management of Mr. McCusker, the . damage done was very slight. Sleeper's brush factory, No. 424 Brown street ‘v as slightly damaged by fire about half-past seven o'clock this morning. FATAL RAILROAD ACCIDENT.-AII Anknown man, while walking on the Philadelphia, Wil mington and Baltimore Railroad, near Havre de Grace, on Saturday night, was run over by the down train and killed. The deceased was about thirty or thirty-five years of ago, five feet ten inches in height, had a slight moustache, and a heavy scar on the forehead above the right eye, which had evidently been caused by a gun-shot wound. He was dressed in a black frock-coat, blue pants and a plush cap, much worn. A pa per containing the name of Alexander McCoomb, Twelfth and Fitzwater streets, was found ou his person, but Mr. McComb declares that he knows nothing about the man. MAN BEATEN.-Wm. Harrington, Michael Glenn and Michael Brady were arrested yesterday and takeri before Alderman Pancoast on the charge of assault and battery on Wm. Adams. The latter had hired a boat at 'Fairmount, and was about returning it. The defendants at tempted to jump into the boat, bat Mr. Adams objected to that. The party then tell upon Mr. Adams and beat him severely. The accused were held in $5OO ball to answer at Court. RAID ON STREET-WALKERS.—On Saturday night Lieutenant Connelly, with a squad of policemen, made a raid upon the dis orderly women who promenade on Ninth and Tenth streets, between Chestnut and Locust streets. Twenty were captured. They were hold to keep the peace by Alderman Swift, and were admonished that if arrested again under similar circumstances, they will b . ) sent to prison. BIIONE: HIS A1t51.-A boy, named Frederick Oswald while playing on a 'wagon, at Horrock's mill, in Frankford, yesterday, fell and broke his arm. He was taken to his home, at Adams awl Sellers streets. FATAL REsuur.—John IfeWMiams died this • I morning at the Episcopal Hospital, frotit' 1434. i rice received by falling from his cart a few, clays ago. OUR, WHOLE COUNTRY. Lis- It LT I: I'ON A SE:iTON.—Pat Moran and John Powell were before Aid Bonsull yesterday, upon the charge of haying asssulted the Sexton of the Bedford. Street tviision. They were intoxicated and were refused admittance to the building by the Stxtnn, when they knocked, tibia down qpo beat him. They were held in $5OO bail for - 15 367 :; 627 AbFACT.TING I'OLICE:kII , .::.—On. Saturday night Edward Pollock was found asleep on the steps of a store at Ninth and Market streets, by a couple of policenien. He was aroused and then mined upon the officers. lie kicked one vio lently and bit the hand of the other. After a hearing before Alderman Jones, Pollock was held in $l,OOO bail. MAD DOG.—A (lug vattell was evidently suffer ing from hydrophobia created considerable ex citement in Frankford yesterday afternoon. l Twn children named Knight and Slaughter, each ilve years of age, were bitten—one in the head and the other in tho hand. The dog was killed by Mr. Knight, father of ore of the children. 3 102 1 757 AV :WILT AND BATMAY.—Dalliel Kelly has been held in $l,OOO bail by Ald. Jones to answer the charge of having assaulted James Boyd at a pub lic house on Market street above Seventeenth, on Saturday night. MODERN PAINTING:;.--A collection of modern paintings will be sold without reserve this even ing, at quarter before 8 o'clock, at Scott's Art Gallery, 1020 Chestnut street, comprising speci mens of the American and English schools. LErrER Box ROBISICLI.—The letter box at Eleventh and Walnut streets was broken open and robbed a night or two since. Policeman Slorgan found two letters lying close by and de posited them in the next box. A WORTHY TRIT:UTE.—The friends and con tributing members of. Beck's Parties have ten dered to 3. Madison Beck, Secretary of Philadel phia (Beck's) Band, No. l , a complimentary Quadrille Party, to be given at Musical Fund Hall, on Tuesday evening, April 28, 1868, as a tiligbt testimonial of esteem for services as =iduonely rendered for sixteen years past in estab lishing and elevating said parties to the required And well-known high standing. The matter having come under our observation, We can truly , ay it is in every way a deserving testimonial in deed. The gentlemen having it in charge are experienced managers, who will neglect no pre caution, relax no energy, spare no expense to render it the party of the season in.ptlint of ele gance and decorum. The style of dress adopted by the Philadelphia and Wilmington Railroad Company for their conductors, brakesmen and baggage masters, is exceedingly appropriate and attractive, and makes a vast improvement in the appearance of the men. It was made in one of the custom de partments of our popular Philadelphia house of Wanamaker .& Brown, at Sixth and Market streets. This is purely a Philadelphia house, ,and well deserves the liberal patronage it receives from citizens and corporations. 13 4 66 ' 1 Tragedy in Chicago—Fatal Encounter in a Gaming Mahlon. [Front the Chicago Journal, April 25.] We have one more horror in the shape of a bloody and fatal affray in a gambling hell on Madison street. The affair took place last night in room No. 8 of the Tobin building, northeast corner of Clark and Madison streets. The room is occupied by Theodore Cameron as a faro bank. The circumstances or the tragedy, as far as they have been developed up to the present time, are as follows: It seems that a man named Jo seph Bruce, bailing from Philadelphia, and who came to this city only a few days ago, on his ar rival here became acquainted with the Cameron crowd and made the gambling hell alluded to his headquarters: He played very frequently and drank deeply. It is stated that yesterday afternoon, at about 3 o'clock, he visited the gambling room, and en gaged in play. He appeared to feel intense in terest in the result of his betting, and deliberated long and anxiously as he staked each separate amount. He played for some moments, losing steadily until his deficit amounted to $2O. Then he ceased playing—seemed to become very much excited, and with oaths demanded back the money he had lost. The altercation continued for some time, the dealer refusing to consider Bruce's demands, and finally saying to the latter that Mr. Cameron, the proprietor, would soon come in, and would at tend to him. He even thought that gentleman would return the $2O, if he were properly asked. Bruce replied with imprecations that if he did not do so he would put an end to all connected with the establishment, and take the money him self. With this he left the room, in a high l ista.te of excitement, threatening to return again and carry out his expressed intenti ms in case his de mands were not by that time granted. About 8 o'clock in the evening Watts Cameron, Theodore Cameron, Fred. White, the dealer, Ed. Martin, printer and gambler, Peter Willis, and Henderson Vaughn, the colored waiter, were in the room. • Play was in progress. About B o'clock Theodore Cameron went to the sideboard to procure a glass of water. On ;coking round there was Bruce, revolver in hand. Hoarse with cage he advanced toward White and demanded the return of his money. White re ferred him to Cameron. When the latter was pointed out to him Bruce turned suddenly around, and presenting his weapon at him, discharged it twice, without effect. Cameron, by this time, had taken a five-shooter from the drawer of the side board, and, rushing up to Bruce, discharged the contents; the first shot striking the breast-bone and entering the vicinity of the heart, the second entering the right breast and severing the right lung, and the third entering the neck and tear ing the carotid artery. Either of the wounds would have proven fatal. Cameron continued tiring. Bruce did not utter a word after ho was struck, but, throwing up his hands, fell iu the corner of the room. The door was at once locked, and the parties, excepting Bruce, left the room. Brace was gradually bleeding to death, and lying almost in sensible in the corner. Daley wasfound by Ofticor Casey and one of the Pinkerton policemen, on the sidewalk nearly insensible. The marks of "blood were tracked to Tobin's building, and right up to the door of No. 8. Sergeant Tom Moore arrived and demanded admittance. No answer being re turned, ho smashed it in, and entering, found Bruce still alive but unable to articulate. Medical aid was summoned, but to no purpose, forßrace expired soon after. Judge Bustced arrived this morning from Montgomery, and is stopping at the Battle Douse. The Judge has not yet entirely recovered from the effect of his wounds and still walks with great difficulty. It is his intention to open the United States District Court to-morrow. —Prince Narloleon has given a collection of seventy-five • specimens of the American paper money of the period to the department of nu mismatics in the imperial library at Paris. —A Paris paper published for, the benefit of, strangers in that city, announces, to Englishmen that Dickens'kpley, of "Through Fare" has tact with success "in'tondon, And demlbes a Allard match as an' athletic race. CRIME. Condition of Judge Busteod. [From the Mobile (Ala.) Register, April a) FIFTH EDITION BY TELEGRAPH. LATER CABLE QUOTATIONS TILE °IMPEACHMENT TRIAL By UM Atlantic Cable. LoNools, April 27, Evening.—Consols quiet. Five-twenties unchanged. Illinois Central, WI- Erie, 46k. FRANKFORT, April 27.—Five-twenties firm. LIVERPOOL, April 27,Evening.—Cotton scarcely so firm; Uplands, 12%@18d, and to arrive, 1330; Orleans, 13R,®13Md. Breadstuffs steady. Lard firm at 665. 6d. Common Rosin, 7s. 3d. Lin seed cakes, .610 10s. Other articles unchanged. HAVRE, April 27.—Cotton active and higher at 134 on the spot and to arrive. The Impeachment 3 Trial. (Sneeial Deopatch to the Ehilitdelphis Evening Bulldtin.3 WAsmaGvoN, April 27.—Mr. Stevens becom ing exhausted, the latter half of his speech was read by Mr. Butler, and upon its conclusion Mr. Wiiliams•commenced reading his argument from the manuscript. He will occupy the ree, mainder of the day. • (CORRESPONDENCE OF THE ASSOCIATED MESS.] (Continued from Fourth Edition.] . _ Mr. William', then took up the answer made by the President's counsel on the charge of vio lating that law, and first discussed the proviso which it was alleged excluded Mr. Stanton from its operation. ftc had himself suggested that amendment, and explained its meaning in the Committee of Conference, and he had never dreamed that such a construction would be put upon it. 2‘.,.; read by the President's counsel, it would be contrary to the purpose of the bill. Mr. Stanton's case was certainly meant to be covered, if it was not the original cause of its introduction. He claimed that the principles of the Constitution required the proviso to be construed in the light of Vie purpose of the law, and held that the ob jection that Mr. Stanton did not come within its effect, bebause not formally appointed by Mr. Johnson, might be termed a quibble. ' At this point the Senate took a recces. From St. Louis. Sr. Loris, April 27.—A convention of the Radi cal editors of Missouri will bo held here on May let, to effect a more thorough political organiza tion for:the coming campaign. Senator Drake, in a published address, takes strong and correct ground in favor of impartial snffage. The delegate meeting of the Protestant Episco pal 31ission was held at Christ Church today. Several bishops and quite a number of delegates from abroad are present. A Cheyenne despatch says the stables of Com pany I, 2d Cavalry, were burned on Saturday, with 65 horses. The loss is $15,000. Heavy Robbery in New York. NEW YORK, April 27th.—The residence of Mr. B. Stern, formerly of Byracnse, in West Forty- Eighth street, was last night robbed of $27,000 in jewelry and bond 3. From Troy. Titoy,April 27th.—The residence of A. S. Pease, at Buskirk's bridge, was burned last night. Loss about 15,000, insured about one third. The Keating and Hollywood nrine Fight. CINt lICNATI, April 27.—The Keating and Hol lywood prize fight occurred at a point in Ken tucky, opposite the mouth of the Big Miami river, at 11 A. 31. to-day. Keating's wrist broke on the third round, and he thereby lost the fight. FALVIN AND WANCIEX• —Mlle. Josephine do Roseyit is a new star clan sense on her way to this country. —Austria asks ex-King George of Hanover to go somewhere else to live. —During the summer, twelve or fifteen large iron furnaces are to be erected in Lehigh county. --The "New England Rowing Association" is the name of a new boating society in Boston. —The nopulation of Paris stated to amount to 1,780,000 persons. —John Owens has been playing . Wellington de Boots and Solon Shingle in St LOMB. —A philosopher explains the science of getting rich in one word—grab; how to keep rich—keep what you grab.---/2... —An indiscreet student at Miami University has been expelled for the atrocious crime of kigstng his sweetheart. —A member of the British Aiironautical Society says that he can fly, and that he will fly the length of the Crystal Palace in June. —Miss Rye proposes to stock Canada with English housemaids. Then the Canadians will have their servants coming through the Rye. —The paintings for the next French exhibi tion have all been eent in and nearly the same jury elected as last year. —Sergeant Bates complains that the Southern school-girls wanted to kiss him. Southern taste evidently needs reconstruction. —Queen Victoria's oldest daughter, wifo of the Prussian Crown Prince, is now the mother at six children. —A man in Buffaloltilled himself because peo ple called him a fool. A very dangerous prece dent to establish. —A Portland gentleman found an ox-brad an inch and a quarter long in his beefsteak the other day. • • —The Czar Alexander has sent to the Emperor Napoleon a stuffed bear, and to Marshal Valliant two blue foxes. kgi l mai NI .4 =MAO THE TIIDATRES.—At the Arch, this evening, Miss Fanny B. Price, a young Philadelphian, will make her, debut in this city in the play of Leah the Forsaken; at the Wet nut, Mr. Edwin Booth will repeat his great impersonation of "Macbeth.. The Blzck Crook continues to draw irm memo audiences to the Chestnut The piece improves nightly, and now that the management have secured three or the most accomplished dancers in the protemian, it seems destined to great and prolonged success. The American announces a miscellaneous performance to night kilelllNDS OPERA Tuou pr.—This evening Benedict's Grand Opera, ''hi LUy of Killarney, will be presented at theAeademy of Music by the Melange Company. This opera when first presented in Philadelphia last season created considerable enthusiasm. The plot is identical with The Culleird Baum, and contains many striking and effective situations, affording opportunity for brilliant scenic display. The 'RUMS is peculiar and beautiful. The cast this evening will include Miss Etchings Mrs. itsguin, Mrs. Arnold, Messrs. ()&111pb(111, Wylle, Peakea and Arnold. Me. J. F. ZIMMERMAN% HENEFIT.—TO.MOITOW (Tues. day) evening Mr. J. P. Zimmerman, treasurer of the English opera Company, will have a complimentary benelit at the Academy or Musio. Cionnad's Faust will be presented with a great cast. The beneficiary .is a worthy and popular gentleman, and he deserves a crowded house. Tickets Can no procured at Trtunpler's mimic store. ELEVENTIIESTEIZET OPERA ilurare—Tho programme an. nounccd fo multitude ing by fdess Caro:wgs things.. contains a of novelties and good Too jlclihas Klan will do dark and deadly deeds,. and d is. ay the inyiterious power of their organizetton. Tho new burlesque Mold. at Last will be produced in hand some it) le, together with ringing by :Cam n ero. dancing. instrumental music, and negro comic/4110es. hir. U. W. Slocum, a popular BIM (Melina I:4ooaber of the troupe, wilthave a benefit this evening.', 115MM:re itgADINO.--OD, Salado evening, the Nth Nat., :air. li. V. Pdolhifiy, the well known eloouliontat, will give a readhar. .1111 inirereonatlons from Shakespeare Diekens,snd•others, at Horticultural, HAIL An attractive entertainment may be exptetui, 4,::Q0 • O'Olook. F. 7G. FBTIIERSTON. Publisher. PRIOE THREE CENTB THADDEUS STEVENS ANDREW JOHNSON ON TEAL Powerful and Eloquent Argument [Special to the Philadelphia Evening EuSelina To-day, Manager Stevens makes his argument before the Senate, upon the impeachment of Andrew. Johnson. We give this eplendid effort of the veteran Manager in full, and need not be speak for it the careful perusal which it will re ceive from every one who has the opportunity te► read what Mr. Stevens has to say about the'greet criminal whom he has labored so hard to bring to trial. May it please the Court: I trust to be able to be brief In my remarks, unless I should find myself less master of the subject which I propose to dis cuss than I hope, experience having taught that nothing is so prolix as ignorance. I feat I may prove thus ignorant, as I had not expepted to take part in this debate until very lately. I shall discuss but a single article—the one, that was finally adopted upon my earnest solicitation * and which, if proved, I considered then and atilt consider, as finite sufficient for the ample con viction of the distinguished respondent, and for his removal from office, which is the only legiti mate object for which this impeachment could be instituted. During the very brief period which I shall] ou cupy, I desire to discuss the charges against Ole respondent in no mean spirit of malignity or vi tuperation, but to argue them in a manner worthy of the high tribunal before which I appear, and of the exalted position of the accused. What ever may be thought of his character or condi tion he has been made respectable and his con dition has been dignified by the action of his tellow-citizens. Railing accusation, therefore, would 111 become this occasion, this tribunal, or a proper sense of the position of those who dis cuss this question on the one side or the other! To sec the chief servant of a trusting commu nity arraigned before the bar of public justice, charged with high:delinquencies, is interesting. To behold the Chief Executive Magistrate of a powerful people charged with the betrayal Of his trust, and arraigned for high crimes and misde meanors, is always a most interesting epectacle. When the charges against such public servant accuse him of an attempt to betray the high trust confided In him and usurp the power of a whole people, that he may become their ruler, it is intensely interesting to millions of men, and , should be discussed with a calm determination, which nothing can divert and nothing can reduce to mockery. Such is, the condition of this great Republic, as looked upon by an astonished and wondering world. The offices of impeachment in England and America are very different from each other, in the uses made of them for tho punishment of of fences; and he will greatly err who undertakes) to make out an analogy between them, either in the mode of trial or the final result. In England the highest crimes may be tried be fore the High Court of Impeachment, and the severest punishments, even to imprisOnment, fine and death, may be inflicted. When our constitution was framed, all those personal punishments were excluded from the judgutt.nt, and the defendant was to be dealt with just so far as the public safety required, and no further. Hence, it was made to apply simply to political offences—to persons holdnia political positions, either by appointment or election by the people. Thus it is apparent that no crime containing malignant or indictable offences, higher than misdemeanors, was necessary either to be allegedl or proved. If the respondent was shown to be abusing his official trust to the injury of the peo ple for whom be was discharging public ditties, and persevered in such abuse to the injury of his constituents, the true mode of dealing with hint was to impeach him for crimes and misdemean ors (and only the latter is necessary), and thus remove him from the office which he was abus ing. Nor does it make a' particle of difference whether such abuse arose from malignity, from unwarranted negligence or from. depravity, so repeated as to make his continuance in office in jurious to the people and dangerous to the public welfare. The punishment which the law under our con: stitution authorizes to be inflicted fully demon strates this argument: That punishment upon conviction extends only to removal from office, and if the crime or misdemeanor charged be one of a deep and wicked dye, the culprit is allowed to run at large, tmless he should be pursued by a new prosecution in the ordinary courts. What does it matter, then, what the motive of the re- , spondent might be in bis repeated acts of mal feasance in office? Mere mistake in intention, if so persevered in after proper warning as to bring mischief upon the community, is quite sufficient to warrant the removal of tho officer from the place where he is working mischief by his con tinuance in power. The only question to be coneldered is : Is the respondent violating the law? His perseverance in such a violation, although it shows a perverse ness, is not absolutely necessary to his convic tion. The great object is the removal from office and the arrest of the public injuries which he is inflicting upon those with whose Interests he is intrusted. Tho single charge, which I had the honor to suggest, lam expected to maintain. That duty is a light one, easily performed, and which, I ap prehend, it will be found impossible for the re spondent to answer or evade. When Andrew Johnson took upon himself the duties of his high office, he swore to obey the Constitution and take care that the laws bo faith fully executed. That, indeed, is and has always been the chief duty, of the President of the United. States. The duties of legislation and adjudi cating the laws of his country fall in no way to his lot. To obey the cones t de of the sovereign power of the nation, and to , t that others should obey them, was his whole do': —a duty which he could not escape, and any ,ttempt to do so would be in direct violatibn cI his official oath; in other words, a misprision viper jury. I accuse him, in the name of the House of Representatives, of having perpetrated that foul offence ! against the laws and Interests of his country. On the 2d day of March, 1967, Congress passed a law, over the veto of the President, entitled "An act to regulate the tenure of certain civil offices," the first section of which is as iollows: "Be it enacted ba the Senate and louse ofßepre- Jentatives of the United States of America mn Con gress assembled, That. every person holding any civil office to which he has been appointed by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, and every person who may hereafter be appointed to any such office and shall become duly qualified to act therein, is and shall be entitled to hold such office until a successor shall have been in like manner appointed and duly qualified, except as herein otherwise provided : Prorble,d, That the Secretaries of State, of tho Treasury, of War, of the Navy, and of the Interior, the Postmaster- General, and the Attorney-General s shall hold their offices respectively for and during the term of the President by whom they may, hays been appointed, and for one month thereafter, subject to removal by and with the advice and consent of the Senate." The second section provides that *ton the Senate is not in session, it: the President shall deem the officer guilty of acts which requite his removal or suspension, he may be suspended until the next meeting of the Senate; and that within twenty days after the meeting of the Senate the - , reasons for such stiapension shall ha reported to that body' i and, if the Senate shall deem such reasons sufficient for such suspension [Continued em Me Last page. 4
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers