EASIER LILIES. On Easter morn our little church was bright With sweet- spring sunlight, bad and early bloom laesb viok tta , odorous leaves and lilies white, 'A' Breathing o'er font and altarvareverfnme. Sweet emblems these to till the pig' uli tidnughl And greet the happy ResurreetiO# mot; Tweet as the spice by loving • Maryylbrought; Fair as the robe by watching an#l wOrn., Be when the light was fading*. thil we 4 And lingering footsteps Ought their homes again We plucked one fair white Illy from the rest, To phepy,t4e room and soothe a conch of pain. lipbomenptm its bread end glossy leaf • AstillidSoftlillibreirt drape t .erystal dew, A creamy, chalice with a golden sheaf. (Tor Ihrwer revived and'ehed its sweets anew. lint missing its aecnato nett atridnli nelt, Not long did its frail loveliness endure; Upon its beauty fell a fa tal blight, And gathered dtlet'defiled lie petals p u re. Three with our aaPirittions'and our praYers; . Tbnektwitlebrir Easter dutleerhigh and true; Us duel and heat of our life's common . , vales' Wither and soil their fragile sweetness too• 10W bleit the souls whdeedall i flifi?'lS untied, Wilititoly prayer, and freedVOin e' sithiY4ioElei Whose spiritual air is ptirigeor?„", coutOnt living neap the'6l.:l4l3ed ernes. Peir„them ltad,Priday!s tendur grief and pain, Is soft dispelled by Eisitersa gleaming ray; Their lilies live untouched by worldly, stain, And 0 1 V;dii grenbiTil4aYeleff eternal day , ,•,, • .___.‘ _ss fl,...'''tit! " , !N ' ^',, ' , • sr - r ); • •,., , iliaostiorfteeestrs,totss of PeStrilleyreamla, At reetate4MSnithiy meeting•oethe Historical Socieo,beld.ton - filondaysthe 18th, an' 'election was - held to_r th e ParP9Se of fYling the TwitcY(in the tiltfiiiilesaant of itiOSodety, oceadoned by r),/fiL• s i,irtut _, decease ; of • the 16 Joseph H. Ingsrsou -, : wpiob ',restated , : in tbe'•'saninitedius choke iseablea,Williate Wallace, 'lraq: r''S.Com laittee consisting of 'Efesijanan'H. Coates, 'M. D., andl•lhatissinitHAtiontgotitery - Enif:, hating nett tied Mr. Wallace of his election and escorted him to the hall, be was addressed by Vice President Horatio Getenslen Ant.r, asefellowe : • 30X s , ' - WA ''' H• ;I lif.YONMrallaasted,thY IV el sisseelatee '' . ,S" thity s -the gentlemen who liaveMetChei4 't 1it=1,45 - • express to you the gratifi‘tirm they feel in your accepthnce of the ofileitOf t• President of the Historical Society of Penneriednit s itte••which you have been near& am r , pletetede ' ' Th.. ' t; , • den; Is one which in times past has been c , • •h y spme of the ablest and most learned men rf "air city, We have had as our presiding officer lltse elder Rawle, Du Ponceau, Judge. Eter-r geant; Dr. Norris, and last, the lamented Inger soll, who has so recently died full of honors and full et 'stirs. , - I welcome you, sir, to the chair which they have in succession occupied, and I feel that it will be most worthily filled by you. Your love of lettereryour eeholarly attainments--your de votion to the cause of 'historic inquiry—your contrilsetions to the' /iterature of our country, and Your active interest in the Society—mani fested on more than one occasion, and in a way to obeli:hear' Punch you have at heart : Its pros perity, lead us all to ; believe that the selection we have made Isla wise one, and 'that you are the most fitting person tit preside over future meet higssitid.to guldens in our deliberations. Again •1 bid you a hearty welcometo the Pre ddency of this Society. • • - Hr t ,Wallace,having been inducted into the chair, repliod:" . %'!ltitti obliged, Mr. Vice - President Jones, to the Historical Society of Pennsylvania, and thanh, ,them•fer l theonor which they have done me.. to express my acknowledgments altio to the committee who have announced. to me their proceedings and escorted me hither, andito you, Sir, for the very kind and only too Battering way in which' . you greet and welcome me. I utter , a .,. genuine , seep:tient, when I„ assure you that this •s'kindness, = Wholly' unexpected, touches me deeply. t It tells me of friends whom I kneW•crA s stetst - of, ' • a rare but Moat agreeableitipecles of • discovery. ' You' have cid- vertedalet to the•names anti to the eminence of those gentlemen who have already occupied this chair, I Thosenansets and that eminence are well knonn to ino s i-They , belonged to men who are historic in our city and State, and whose repute Lion nokespart oven , of: she • nation's .fame.' I knelt not"whetlier to say that,' am oppressed by the rfebile etion,of them or rather that I am ele vated add made - proud. But I may cer tainly say , that I should not have, been'''willing that the . too , ' partial kindness of my friends shOuld place mewhere °entreat) Aro so' great, and Where comparisons might, ~ he to me so dangerous, did 1 I not Abet 'Abet' it does not always de pend''tipen the character of tho Prealdent whether aisoclety like this shall advante or slegl stand still. When a society is well demented, , strong in its' constituent parts ; when Its Vice Presidents are as capnble as any President, nedd be ; - *ben harmony and liberality and "zeal,' united with ,discretion, prevail throughout the body s ' sehmidisintereatedness and complete ab sence; of i all, personal ends are conspicuous amongthotiewho govern it, the Pistaident need' do no more than follow, even imperfectly, exam ples :me t a around him, and the society will ma o v4farArardi,and move rightly, of itself. Sir, each a State 01 t things does prevail ,in the Histo rical Society of, Pennsylvania. The proofs and fruit It ere around us. The Society is not au ancientpne, '4B yet it enjoys no large endow 'Bente; -It 'has made no vast , impression upon our community , "none at least that 'brings to it reflected, bene fi ts. Yet it is strong. In some senses it' May, be called rich. It is rich in pre cione'velitnies,rich in rare manuscripts, rich in histoileportraits and possessions. The admir able CatalOgne just made shows the great extent of all. The Society needs only a hall in which to dlaplik what it possesses. If our candle, now 'lighted, instead of being kept under a bushel, 'were set upon a candlestick— the way s I think, in which the Scriptures tell' us men commonly set a candle—it would give light to ails in the lhouse, and all that entered, who wouldihonmany, would see the light. They would see what has been done, and that it has not been - theless well done because lehas been done slowly, quietly, and without ostentation. In a society,cemposed, then, as results show tills society to , be, who but is confident of the fatdre? Mow Aria it be possible for any President greatly to retard,the course elf progress?, , • • Sir, let me add yet a word. No man of any sense or dignity, I suppose, in the interest which he totseein 'societies like this, ever - thinks of ar living at ~their poets of honor. Yet , there are sometimes:tWo or three men In such societies who. blit themselves would feel ought to ,res• ' , teeive from them every mark of external respect which thelodety hat , to offer. There , are a few inch nieti,in lids society now ' man 'who ' have; glvenlOio-Ybati their time, their 'et:meads, theit rr good - . dtenifdtheirgood things of every sort to it, w 'OnVittint; arid all so unostentatiousir,With such Slitifmtession of every .thing like self-exhi bitioifithiebalf the society knows 'net t et this time, I fancy, that they belong to it at all., They. sleek tabe tnitnown as ether men seek notoriety. klir,jwaltr'siplision there is something not right, semethistericiunjtist when such gentlenien are allowtsiseeds by their own wish and urgent re- quesfitoyeefer °therein honor who have ' been' no co4sfireiteris With them even, and in avert thing butigpito good will to the society, and admiration of what they did, have been sttangers to thssgssorte• which • have' built it up:. But so thessitnv,e *rev , acted. The assurance which your gonMilftee,hae given me that these gen-• tiemenapproWswbat boa been'just done, by the Society, isiverygritefal, to me. Upon the assur ance that they do;fm, I accept your kindness. 'I regard it as) neeinark of, ea acity or of merit whatever in me—not at tililt•th ough 'a great evi dence of catideety end merit others. . Of merit do I sa y? , ...I itheuld;ratlifir declare of , virtue; of that wit aria , splendid virtue--the; eroWn ' and *race\ of ell ' the vistriessiWititit',`tiaunteth not iteelf, ) andeeeketh "MAIM oirri.'' -' Thafollowisig letter, referring to an interesting period in rho history of Stie'llitste; was then reser, and t. 48 jtegry thanks of the Society were voted to Me, WO for hie valuable gift : •.• ••_, To €o:l 3 t4sident, Officers and AfemberS o f t h e Ilistowi 4fesisfY of Ponnsiklanicie---9,lo4TvEmEtcv I des s , ~ ' fAent to your honorable ,SOORtYr ors a Pr ' '`,":, ' ' ' ' 'l 4 ‘ x3 ' f°r t4gah', the ticOotap4o,lo.4: in s . ~m, 0131? In separate paelmges s trierjr. •: t! , , hag in the whole a watery of the dhOo • ;iN -4 1(- : AEI • Bowe • of Assembly , i of , , „10.• '''4 . and 'William. Moore. , of X , , '.., 'f.i , - Wr , Judge of Ate, dCuurt, of Common Pleas of Chester county, Pennsylvania, and the Rev. William Smith, Pro vost of the Collego and Academy of Philadelphia• which occurred in tile e04,4/457, 1758 and 1759. These. documenteha e . w areal& my hands since t ...,•; do , n 1821,0fm y . er, William Moore Smi Es9W, °silverly of Pb •, 0)04, lip was th,4,eldtli 1 SO)l4* the Re 0, Prove lamit/4 and the. graNsote 'vf — ,tiOtice, lit4e. ,* , ave t Ang thought Mcrae worh f n: of' ' ilatibn as pertaining. to Or own N I fam .hiato '; nd tatathiiin fhattelFP)Dasesa an Li 'rest 14 future his bane ' i: the Affair*" of Pen y. no tionalilitt in BeMe , reapeet* aia, , raltathle, 'Thar contain many - Important mrit-- . ''tera'addit Moat indubitably are not to be foand elsewhere. The history of the dispute teferred to may thus be stated : In 1157 the tranquillity of the Province of Pennsylvania wean frequently much disturbed by Indian depredations in frontier settlements, and by the savage cruelties inflicted on (often) whole families by their ruthless enemies. The HOMO of Assembly of Pennsylvania being composed in a considerable manner by members belonging to the Society of Friends,and of course inimical to extreme measures of war, did not, in the estimation Of a vast number of the people of the Province; takelindh`l4lilitlie steps and ac tion in such juncture - of - affairs — as. was proper, and'frbbi themttflaffifilp_ed'ind eicpected. .1. Of Stith opinion *Se Jllstiee William Moore, of übeStol,cobntY, who bY„hill; „goal and activity In stirring3wltls,n4thhers all others to a proper cooOlera.too of these fitai,„:lrs, gaVe such um braid to many of those who disagree with him, qliat they joined inaVelltiOn to the Souse Of As sembly to'•haVe him removeo by the proper an 1 aioritiesi`frOM his office of Judge, and thereby to Vieektimble eUpposetinfleence. The House of Assembly took an experts action of this petition, and , greatly censured Mr. Moore for .allegedlllegal acts under color of office (facts nomplOmod!of in the.petition), and without bear ' lig - any. defence'. on his part, adjourned their session. 'I? -.•• . . • In.he Interval , between the adjournment and the: leetien of ,'a new House of Assembly, Mr. Moore•had , a paper printed/ being an address to the Governor (Denny); in which he set forth, in strong and 'reprehensible terms, the action of the late Assembly in his case, with comments on their action, , and want of action in other public mat iters,, and calling on the Governor to appoint a diy, to hear him in hiadefence, when he might meet his , accusers face to face. The Governor did appoint such a day.. . . • In the meanwhile 4- new House of 'Assembly was elected, and a number 6f members of the late House were returned as members of the new one. One of their first acts was to declare that the ad dress of William Moore to the Governer was li Libel on the late House of Assembly, and to issue writs to bring before the House not only Wil liam Moore, but also William Smith, Pre•Vorit of the College Atid Academy of Philadelphia, who was alleged to have been instrumental , to the writing andthe publication of the said libel.* On these writs,both of the above named parties were taken and: brought before the Assetnbly. William. Moore was.first examined and there be ing no denial as to the address having been writ ten by him, he wag committed to prison by the House of Assembly, and.thereby his being heard before the Governor on the day appointed was frustrated. ; ',. • The trial of Provost Smith then commenced, a full account of which is contained in the accom panying documents, • The• Provost was found "guilty" by . the Assembly; ho was committed to prison; the writ of habeas coypus' was, in his ease l sus pended by vote of the Assembly, and on his ap plicatitin for such writ to Chief Justice Allen, it was refused by him, doubtless for the same rea son assigned by Governor Denny when applica tion for relief was made to him by Provost Smith, and declined, viz.: that hie "interference at this critical juncture might endanger the safety of the whole province." - • Provost Smith was left linprisoned without re dress,' until the 'adjournmept of the ' House of Assembly effected his release. He immediately took-passage to England to lay his case before the King and Connell, which was'done, and the opinions of the Attorney-General (Pratt), and the Solicitor-General (Yorke), in such case were obtained. Both of. these distinguished Crown law-officers afterwards became successively Lords Chancellors. Their written opinions are among the documents. In these opinions the address of William Moore is declared to bb u, libel on one House of Assem bly, which no subsequent House of Assembly could legally or constitutionally take cognizance of orprinhig; the suspension of the writ of habeas corpus is condemned (in this ease particularly) as an unwarrantable assumption of power, and a disregard'of ' legitimate authority;' it is recom mended that. the House of Assembly be repri manded, and that such action be taken by King and Council in the w premises as to prevent here after any usurpation, of authority to occur in the premises. It is also recommended, as the proper courts of justice are opened, and redress may be obtained in a legal manner by a party aggrieved, , that ; Provost Smith seek redress in such edurta and in, such manner as may to him seem advisable. . The final order in Council conveys the eprri mand to the House of Assembly, and Provost Smith,returned home to Philadelphia, where he afterwards lived until his death, in May, 1808. He never sought the redress recommended to him. His labors as a most prominent minister of the Protestant Ephicopel Church, and the able Principal of that College, • which became, in ripened years, the present University of Penn sylvania, are well known to many persons yet living, ant l er° in 'themselves worthy records, which beat to the general history of Pennsyl vania, and certainly to the particular history of Philadelphia. • rE2,--- Gentlemen, I have the honor to be,' with gnu ; respect, your co-laborer in the historic field, Wm. R. &urn. Mineral Point, Wisconsin.' An Interesting letter from William Walker, Esq., of Wyandott City, Kansas relating to an antique watch, presented by him to the Sotaety, was also read. The watch, having heavy double caeca of silver, was taken by an Indian from a British officer whom be slew at the battle of Braddock'a Field, in 1755. Purchased of the In dian by, a French soldier, it subsequently became the property of Mr. Walker's father, and has been valued as a family treasure for more than sixty years. It is a curious and bulky time piece; made by Thomas Wightman, London, and numbered 215. , The thanks of the Society were voted to Mr. Walker for th° interesting relic. An interesting communication from Him. William H. fieward,'Secretary of State, presenting the So ciety, on behalf of the General Government, with a magnificent copy of the "Tributes of the Na tions to Abraham Lineoln," was also read. A hst of a large number of books, pahaphlets and Mann scripts presented to the Society during the montli, was then announced by the librarian, and the _meeting adjottrned: Provost SBmith lied the control of a German neWspappr, published., Phtledelphia Moores which was printed and tublished,a Justice ttanslation ofMoores address to the .IFiorn'ilMiaelklngtort. In memory of Abraham Lincoln the following order was Issued 'yesterday WAR DRPARTMENT_, WAtiIIiNGTON .CITY, April 14 7 1868:—Ordeied,`Th4.44"i mirror, respect for the memory of the latd Prtieldenf,"Abtahaut Lin coln, and of sorrow for the• national loss occa sioned by bis,mufder, the War °Mee and the ee yeralbtireaus of the• War Departmt3nt be closed on We,dneeday, the 15th day of April, 1808, at 12 o'clock noon; and that the Commandant of the Washington, Arsenal' cause minute guns to be tired every hail hour during the day,commeuchn; at sunrise and ending at sunset. , lo T 4. laecretary of War. 'T. TON AND TOE zURY t A • Secretary Etanton haa written the following note, having reference to the document signed by Governor Geary and others; respecting htsap pointnient as Secretary cif, the Treasury in case Mr. Johnson is convicted': WAn DEPARI'SI Witininkropox •Crrt April 14, 1868.--//on. Ccimerol DEAR ' 81R— Perceiving in this morning's papers. that a com munication has been signed by the Glovernor, of your State, the Republican members of the Legis lature, and other persons, asking your recom ,naendation for my transfer; 40 ; a certain con ' tingeney to the head of the TreasurY Department, I hasten to request earnestly that no stick recom mendation be made. Enough of nay life bee been devoted to, public duties. No conoLderation can induce me to assume those of the Treasury De-, ' partment or tontinne in the War Pepartniout longer than may be required for the appointment initeont4ination'of successor. f Yours;"truin E. M. firarrroN. viral MET 0010.1-311,_11.4.11.RELS AVIST' 44 sad to 'arkle 11011urs Bp A, dr , 00 40 0" .010.10.4w10LAT4.9144 THE DAILY EVENING' BIILLETIN.-1111LADELITIA, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 15, 1868. G AND :,OPENING OF 0111LBREN'S • Tblirsday, Attr4iad, ;•'. to - AT V 4! 1:I E. KE, v s i ot Tl : CLOTHING EMPORIUM, 1227 Chestnut St., blitovettOrteenth. North Side. Row, Infants' 4041,11118,14€4 9 !lalti on hand and m ado to order at diortnoilce: • MRS. E-ICEYStit, • No.. 1227 thestitilf Street. .014 1 • (:" ' 1 GEOI J. HENKELSMCY . & COO mEnomvelio alaniut. Raft Now offer an entire new atock of furniture in he fated style, COMPrildng , NEO OREC. VIENOXISSANCE• rittrizoic4 — , And other able", • • ' We are prepared . to Offerduc Inereenta La • • PBIOE. • We make a Briecialtr of 6PRING2dATREB3ES • • . FINE ENAMELLED ' • I • • GEL LVOV It 4414 mhll4s , mam • THIRTEENTH and CHESTNUT. WiL7NOMI, • $11041=411114 -LOIS 11 - 1) - 1 . .DIAMOND iikAlElig te JEWELERi. I r WATCHES, JEW EL4Y ,40iLyzu WARE. , $ \ WATCHES and stwmult PAIR D. ) ."----.L___ 3o2 Chestnut St., TehAls:,,,_,,, Would invite the attention ad patetismo:av to their tarn stock or • ' • • GENTS' AND LADIES' W A, '1" 11..„17 Jaet reoeived,ot the finest Europe maltenkthdependent Quarter Second. and Belf,windlnp in Bold and silver CaaB6. Alai; American Watches of all eizeo. Diamond Seta. Pine, Stade, Itingeolcc. Coral.Malschita, Garnet and Etruscan Sete in great variety. Solid Silverware of all kinds. including a large mod. merit Imitable for Bridal Presente: • • • - MAULE, BROTHER & CO. 1868. -?jETE ;1813:fc 1868. _ SPRUCE HEMLOCK. HEMLOCK. HEMLOCK. LARGE STOCK. LARGE STOCK.. zumcax, metoratE4l, & co., 25(X) SOUTH STREET. 1868. 'FL O ORI D DA A FLOORING. FI RILOG • 1868. CAROLINA FLOORING. VIRGINIA FLOORING • DELAWARE FLOP SIN pl. ' ASH FLOORING. • • • , . WALNUT FLOORING. . . - , F . LORID AIL P N - S L TEPANK. • BOARDS. R - . • 1.868. ILIIET LNUT EatriF3I 'BOA 0 fl 01: - 1868. WAnD.' WALNUT PLANS. 18(38 MIDERTAE.FO:.I.TiMBER. 1868 . WALNUT AND PINE.- 1868. 1868. 818t11118I PaliElll 3 3: . 1868. BPANIBH CEDAR BOX BOARDS. • . FOX RA.L.E.LOW. , • 1868. `CAROLINA IF. %INN: 1868. NORWAY SCANT ING. 1868. CEDAR SI:MOLES. CEDAR SHINGLES. 1868. CYPRESS SHINGLES. PLASTERING LATH. CHESTNUT PLANE, AND BOARDS. SEASONED CLEAR pimp.. 1868' SEA BONED CLEAR PINE. • 1868. . CHOICE PATTERN PINE. SPANISH CEDAR, FORFATTERIsa • FLORIDA RED CEDAR. MAULE D BROTHEft '& CO., 2600 SOUTH STREET. PHELAN Sc BUCKNELLI Twenty-third and Chestnut Sts., LARGE STOCK OF WALNUT ASH AND POPLAR ALL THICKNESSES CLEAN AND DRY. FINE LOT WALNUT VENEERS. CEDAR. CYPRESS AND WHITE PINE SHINGLES. SEASONED LUMBER, MICIIIGAN,CANA DA 'AND PENNSYLVANIA. ALL SIZES AND qUALITI ES. FLOORING AND HEAVY CAROLINA TIMER& SPRUCE AND HEMLOCK JOIST. BUILDING LUMBER OF ALL. KINDS. mitlfSm SLATE IVIANTELS. The largest assortment and the beet Relished Enameled SLATE MANTELS. Also, WARM-A.IR eURNACES. D RANGES, HIGH and LOW OWN ORATES.. Manufactured and for sale by . W. .ARNOLD, 139 q Chu:plant Street.' ivl3mw f lv pETERSONS' LAST PUBLICATIONS. PRICE OF EACH, .431 60 IN PAPER; OR, $2 IN CLOTH. - ' MY SON'S WIFE. By the author of "Caste." GEMMA. A Novel. By T. A. Trollops. THE, WIDOWS SON. By Mrs. Bouthworth. TUE FAMILY SAV EAU,. one of the beet, if not the best Cook Book ever printed. LETTERS FROM EUROPE. By Col. J.W. Fomez HAREM LIFE IN EGYPT AND CONSTANTINOPLE. THE RECTOR'S WIFE ;The Valley of a Hundred Fires. THE OLD PATROON. James A. Maitland. - THE RICH HUSBAND. By Mrs. J. H. RlddelL WOODBURN ORANGE. William Ilowitt. TB E BRIDE OF LLEWELLYN. By Mre. SouthwOrthi COUNTRY QUARTERS. By Countess Blessington. THE SOLDIER'S ORPIIANEL By Mu. Stophene. -- - PRICE OF TACIT $1 601 N PAPER, OR IN CLOTH. Bend for our Mammoth Doscriptive Catalogue. Address all cash orders. retail or wholesale , to T. B. PETERSON & BROTHERS. Wti Chestruit Bt., Philadelphia, Pa. Books sent posts e paid; on receipt di retail price. ALL NEW MOB, AXE AT PETERSON*. apl4-2t JTEST EEADY—BINQUAN'S• LATIN. 0RA61.114.4. id New Edition.—A Grammar of the 'Lattn Langttsge For the me of Schools. With exorcises and voosbwarist BF William Superintendent, of, the Hingham School. • , • • • The Publishers take plet/intrein announcing to Teseben' and friendeof Education generally, that the new edition of the above 1/p/wit 111 now'ready, and they invite a careful examination of lbw bathe, and a comparison with othet works 011 the same enbioot. • Copier will be furnished , 14 • Teaehrrs and Superhatendents,of /Schools toy this pttripitsf., at low rates. • . ?Ace WK. t PIibIJAWA by • EL 8 .BUTLEft tt< (Xl. • • • 187 South Fourth utroet, • And for sale by Booksellent generally. angt T ecture —Anew Course of Lectured, as delivered at the '.LJ NeW Yotk Mumma of Anatomy, embracing the tar Jetta; Ho* to 11Ve and what to Ilve' for: Youth, MAW*/ and Old Age; ganbood generaily.reviewed; The culla indigestion, flatulence and Nervous' Diseased accent/ ,for. i Pocks t volumes containing these lectures will be or. ~ ,warded to partied unable to:attend on receipt ollottl !lAMB. by addresaing 0, I. DM, BS School streeXilms tomsfelt lyt ' BOORS' BOUGHT, BOLD . AND ; EXCHANWELD',AT 043 , 188 BARR' ktgo Harket pytavet, Phil* -,101141 CHILDREN'S CLOTHING. wURNITUSE. &ft LUMBER. SEASONED POPLAR. SEASONED CHERRY. ASH. WHITE 0 'AK. PLANK AND HOARDS. LLIGKORY.. LARGE ABBUBTDiENT SLATE DIANTLES. NEW P.1130L10/011,01416. 61 E,- ;,.V; HIETAIL DIZY GOODS* E M. NEEDLES & ' 4 ,' iloil i , , b , ,,e irt A 4 ~ii caliErlecidi%tt; l 4 o3 t°lthewr g e ° I It SPRING GOODS, In new and desirable desbnig which they offer at price that cannot fail tp itive satisfaction, connoting of Laces and LBOO einniS ia Y` Veils and Veil Miterial in cod" White 'Cloodsand Embroideries, Handerellielb, &e., &N s - Linens end House. furnishing Dry GOod. In Gre,at. Variepsr., paints will find it to their sidvantaaa to call and ex. amino our largo otook of Pique,. and : Material for White Waists. R M. NEEDLES & CO. ETPiEWOILE NEW I 4AMES MoMULIAN,} sit toog Impbrier and D ettlex in • ;Linens and House•tunhdilng Dry Cowin, Takes this opportunity to return his thanks to the Lilies of Philadelphia and surrounding &Meta for their liberal ratropitge. and begsj FAMIL I ESm OW FOR Tv. COMmOD/V1 lON OF RMIDINO I 0 WESTERN PART OF THE CITY, ho has opened • ' ',l4o4,4aPes.sQ/lestnut , Sti , ef;to , Two dtierg below , Twelfth street ois 1013# experience in Linen Goods, and his facilities for obtaining inmates DIRECT FROM EUROPE .I.M mANUFAVIL CRERS, enable him at all times to offer THE REST GOODS AT THE Lowswr PILLOW. The Old Store, corner SEVENTH and CrHAM. NUT. will be kept open; as ifenlL fenfLa M W.SIIu 1 . : 1 1 CILAAIBEIU3,NO. 810- ARCH STREET.—GREAT tf . BARGAINS FROM AUCTION IN • WHITE GOODS. Manatee and Piques for 25 cte. _Field Nalneook, 2f) cents. Stripe Swipe Marlin, ctr. French Muslin. -ttvOyde. wide, 60 ete. French Tucked Muslin (or WaLte. Lama Lace Pointer.. bargains. Marie Antolnett6Fichus, Lama Parma Covert.. Colored 1110 ming Lacer. Hamburg Edgings and Imertlnge, choice designs. about half the coat of importation. apB Imi 3po.urigtgßaftl, Hem.; .45 and 50. worth 75 and $1; 1.,14 and men 62.15 and 7 6 . worth $1 and $1 215:.11)4 and 3 inch Hem, $1 and sl2o, worth $1 50 and $2., Genre' Hemmed Stitched Handkerchiefs, only $L Tho above anode are the cheapest ever offered by ue. STOKES as WOOD, 703 arch street. NOW EDWIN HALL & CO.; Z 3 SOUTH SECOND STREET; have now open their new stock of White Goodie -7 Tucked and Puffed 'Muslim; French Mutts and Soft t,Ptat. brice; Jeconets and Tape Checks • Large - Plaid Naha eooks, Mune, Nab:nooks, and • Law ns breldaries 'end lioeiery. Table Linens and Shirting,LinenaDollare, (PIA Setts, Worked Edgings and banning% Bands, Hand kerchiefs, &c., White Ilene/ in great variety. mlEtf 1868 —N EW SPRING GO DAILY BEING iked.-- . -kew Clime* LOMB ; New Plaid Bilks; New Ka T r New Broth:n:lvle l 3reP7 'i t l e l CA ß A l li t its ; vl i n l , s .re Black Bilks; EDWIN NALL & CO., '2Bl3ocith Second etTeet. (I#ItIPOJEMIEN. LIQUOR:IISi ati)i.' 1868. Fresh Spiced Salmon, Fresh Mackerel in Cans, New Smoked Salmon, Mess Mackerel in Kitts. ALBERT C. ROBERTS, Dealer in Fine Groceries, Corner Eleventh and Vine Streets. MISSOURI WINES, From the Vineyards of. George Human, , Hermann..2do. The kce t Wines ever produced in this country, 'or sale by JAMES R. WEBB, Jae S. E. corner WALNUT sod EIGHTH Streets. DAVIS' CELEBRATED DIAMOND BRAND CM cinnati liam t first containment of the season. Just re. ceived and for sate &MO Utfl:X'S East End Grocery. No, Ile South Second Street. riIREBII PEACHES FOR RIEG, RM. CANE. AT 30 1' cents tier can, Green Corn,' Tomatees, - PeSs.'also' French Peas and, , 3duchrooms, in store and tor sale at COURTY'd East End Grocery. No. US Routh Recall/ street. 'MEW BONELESS MACKEREL, YARMOUTH Bloaterkfaleed Salmon, _Maw aadNO.l3laalteral for Bala at couarrs East End Grocery. No. US 4lant4 - Second Street. "CUES INDIA 'HONEY 'AND OLD FASHIONED V Sugar House Molassee by the gallon, common East. End Grooay, No. 118 South BOoond Skeet' • • NEW YORK PLUMS.r _PITTEO L CHEERIEddi .VEt a fared Peacho_& pried BiaCkll,olllolll t if MOOTS and for Dale COTISTIM Rod End Orocarii Na.llB E Second Street • . r 3 A (IHOICE OfftV%OiLs 100 doz. OF SUPtilklOß ,QUALL 17 of Sweet 11 of own impoitstlon, Pet received and forma, at C MTV'S gut End 'No. 110 South Botond street.. it LbIERIA GIRAFES.-100 KEGS ALMERIA AIIRAFF,B, a in large clusters and of ,inwerlor qualig t Astal and for sale by DV F. BPII.X.II 4 1; N. W. corner Arab streets., , , . . . ' II 4.`.•', • • IS •,kt. . • . __SOMhellAgitiOnda tustrocipived ad , for BPII . N. w. arr. drab' sna'Efshth street* .RAIBEN9 RAISINS I 1-900 WHO PL+ IL 114 30. AXI:1 *tart Vi r tnta t e i tZta b l i 4 91 Ct :r Arch and Eistmn et.. , CA-SIetENIP/Gfi1t.44e4t..,;' , , t( ) 1222 CHESTNUT PtTR.EBT.; 1221: Special 14T9tiee. Having completed our, removal to New Ettore, No. no CHESTNUT Street, ire are now ready to offer. at lowed cash pricer, a new stock of handsome' OARPETIIT,..3B, . 431.15,CL0T.11113, - DIA.TTINGS, With all other kinds of geode iy ear line of bedlam. AUVE L. INICIIrr64,3ON 1222 - Ch'estitiut Stieet. 1222. LOomotria GiLaijse*,,,,Ouri:r4imitta* : . . 3 '.4`4 , 1:A 4 0 910xCEdTNETSTPET . , , LOO KING GLA SSES. „ Zan 1.01 , ':)c.a P• 1; XlirEl l l - Ift4 emi,.: 4 4 } t 4ll r ” " 1. Engravkags * „aild,PhoVaphe, I , o‘,ol (•;,•', • Pitda 1 " ./ Cart • , , k or, 4, " 01 , 4,:ft !fp H. 1,) 1, 4 q• 1,, ' r , WINANVIAL• „: NEW YORK - STOGIES. Etwq.knotiom N/111FICORKtIVIABICIKE StO4lAtiaGOMMellti3o Gonstikatbo tokushea a 1w etio Net Volt licrcia. :?,,ctwz i twskd Bogebt and Rolf opiSo - yak vid 1.4 11410/0014 Nfll • • one 4314 LD Donald and Bold in large WI mail agnatmt& • GOVERNiKENT OFAAMMEta nougat surd poled airway York', hr SMITH RANDOM% & CO;, new new ,YOBS,'` I raimainntaniu, , 8 Nassau St. 16 S. Third 81. CENTRAL PACIFIC R. R, FIRST MORTGAGE BONDS, Principal and,lntemet dyable In gold. This road receives all the Government bawdier. The Sands are hissed ander the medal centralism of Gall Joints and Nevada. and the Tenant to pay Odd bibsel. We offer them for sale at Par. and accrued interest troM Jan. Ist. 180. in etirreneY L Governments taken in Excitante at the market ratle BOWEN & FOX, is MERCHANT'S EXCHANGL SPECIAL AGENTS FOR'III'S LOAN IN PHILADEL ihrPamnp BANKING HOUSE op jAyCooKE - 112 anal anal 114 So. THIRD ST. PHTLAD'A. Dealers In all Oiriernmeni geentitien. Seven per tent. First Mtge. Bondt OF THE Danville, Hazleton & Wileabarre LH, FREE FROM ALL TAXES. 'ibis road will connect with the Northein Central , MIA del phis anil Itkie, 'Lehigh Valley. Lebfgh Nadas. Hon, and Hazleton Railroads, and opens ono of the richest sections/if the fp mitrulddle Coalfield: We oiler for Bale a limited amount of these Honda at the very !Mr rate of t 6 AND ACCRUED INTEREST. .11.0 1 14 M N •It FOX, _ NI *web aaritae gocohange. mro . -aren) • POPULAR LOAN. PrWO] and Intermit Payable in - Gold. CENTRAL PACIFte RAIL ROAN! First Mortgage Bonds. Oftioe of OE HAVEN & 13R0., No. 40 South Third St. WE OFFER FOR WALE FIRST MORTGAGE BONDS CENTRAL PACIFIC R. IL CO. At Par, and Back .. • • . . There la a very. large . European 6o:tang for these Ponds. which, added to very large home demank . wlU teen abort) all the Panda the ttorapany can Wank Tbe abo i3oridOp4,lllllZ*iMpit: InurXinit In 1131ol•Vand are t invite 'filo *re °int rcnd costing, about • three' Meet lied'? 011oaposeith Berl large au d: canetantlyittoleaelbg net tevenuai DE bHAVENN & BRO., DEALERS IN ALL /ILND OF ,TYVONMIi*, OX411)117) GOLA &gni. No. 40 R. Third EMMET UOOKM PORTEBIOtINIEN4kiI - - , - . . .. ki .o.(l4;%itt'.* !;."1f,.:;-.,,:!....:;,,,,: FINANCIAL. DEPARTMENT" PENSMVASIA:‘,Lti:;,,t,t . NARIIIIIBUROicatikiiNIBOZi 11312 EM .... . . ~ •:'!..., , t:i.,:,, , ...'..i; i ...,!, . ,.....r.., . :,, v ;..;...1,::pi. ; ,,44,.:, -. 0,?..- ? 4-.:;.E;, . .,1, , , z ..., ,t..,;; , ., , t ; ::. , .::. , ..xk..,01., ~.f,, : 1.. 0 , . , ,.. , . fi , F4 . •4'..?,-;*• , ,Ti.i. , . , ..? , .,, ,, : ii,:;,i• ... _ . .. . Inniii,,l , ~,, .." ~. • ~, .„ ~L ,,,,,.i. - . ..,,,,, 0 ~,,,, ~... .41 , ..,;., 4,...,„,._ ~....,.-. 4 ,, ... , ........;44.4,„„._...,.„. r.„..1)„, ~, .. 74.,......t ..,...- - of ,4u` :- , , F ,/, 1 ~% ~, t n.., , k :. , 0 ~, i .t ! fr, ~:iiii..lH--'otiftigiP'll!!l4'l,ll,"' 4 ' 4l. i 1 , • ' '..1;,,,,,,;,.1. '...., i* eaFt.Mis is , ~ 4`," !I . g 1 It,, 47 iktr i'7~:5~ C-: 'r~'-_ C 67, rieS COMMONWEALT4 ,H irl*Nritz , OP„ VANIAJ,DUE JOLT Nitta .• 71410±IMOTAG` LOA.K.S . Due JulY 1814-4404,56-- ,WILL BANDWIED WA TI IMIt*ST TO; DATVFPAuIm,I I ' AT. , Tan f'A4lgAltfP;M:qoc,ll: . .. NATION` PHILAD~I~'~iZs. 6 VIZ Loan of lkiarob 27. Afl39, due Jul" , 1 1868. Loan of July 10, 1889, due Ju l 1,668. nrrznicirr, of; Tat;k3ovs LoAtill'muai` ammo); mix tiisbrriny,ritiss.,,,, PBANOLTORDAX offileite. Jpiai itualhikkiNiHle *UMW= w I fit rrVT'r:_TTl rrl - -v "F!" 1 ".. 21itittrEA ► CIZORItt 04111,i0; thus ,110411,10 fTh.r; GentlfWiffiddlin4 , 6* ~; 7 00atiii44 1 100*. W NC ? " ••• HARRIS SEAMLESS JUR GLOVES Vrikiiiintede ExcluoiviApota fi114163#0 0164,011 1 " t." '• • SCOT J. 0 • • . 11 81:4:,;cptestlant.,:...fiStodetogoti GeAtie,P4 B ;4 6 ' ,u ll l4 l , g; 0 -, - . , - , ~,, • ~,: ' . vierHARD tAYII,O„,' „,„;, , N o . 58 N. o # ixthi tPw tioeti I. babfrir ArollY %,,..' improviotSpidder Seim 'eatten.amit. „Loh fo r a its t utir4asoilt.;errapiv gives tiniv is tl f 0 littall Ri 0 t 011 * e 8REA,,,,,,) cvo,,‘, „4„..4i8(4 g41414 k1 94 ~ . 0 ; i 8 74 , 1 6 ‘ l6 4h l R . ll'botld.' with ttl?clt444ltV/il* 113 4 1 46;tch. mialti , 4, Ititi, GOVTplialtkii i .‘ a LI C TR,B tft ° f" ' , .;• ' '-‘: ' 17. 4 . 1) ,,:,, , ' , - ~., ...-.., °MTV.- PATEWL 4 43O t l al AM 43 ..44( 4 7, ~ toned / Over Gaitez i r tu th, .n; .. . i . . ... e me nd MO . • , •• . . 4 4 i velvet .. ~ . ;, .i made te. , . . ' '-.. ' ' Wr7 g - 4 -' mmlarteG , . !,,,, lit li isr Willi iplf It .41.-:O ; ,r5.,,,i, 1 „ t , q -- rt . ,. 4 ,• • ; .41! . -. ~. .; ~•‘: , ..i 1 . 4 r, . a • • % • i' . 111.014410 .4 ` l A (110144 , 441 11 1r 1"8 1 • • ''' IMMO 4 4ifii '—' ,‘TEw,reopot.moolumurzs r _LA IP4,cnstaxidistitiNtAtetkro. , fa for sale! br,A3M,M=IOII, 4 , / 0 - r ,AvestAlw . • a 1.17. ct,.q , v7 rmint , j...= / 110.11 W, s9A:Nr.i j!J ' 411 , , 0k....•4 1 3'1';' , 11e, iy tJi 014 A ill 4.0 V j •p.,j:.•P:li .1 , , Ave •"' • • ' '..J 1 • MEM= ,:, , :, r, . :~£; <; ,'..: } iii ~. MIMI ~ - , ,%.Y, L'...:,":' , 73' ,-4 -.:%;. i. REM MEM =IRE OITY BULLETIN. of4ihi V o * - troil*rs. Yeeterdav Afterneott s Irndeting.ofthe Board • 'of. School Controllers was held in the Setect Council Chamber, Mr. Shippen in OM chair. • The foliewing.communpettant "TO'received and' read: One from the Tntrd.43oo o d - reatanalialt the Board to appropriate 417,000 for ' the enlargetneut of the Nand 'Vernon videklkkanft. 'lotalCatharine, above Third street. Rtferred 10 the Committee on Prop. ty. Vtir A certfifAtevatire&dVed froiii the Calif,'om mon Plum appointing ftrldrow, Neldreter, , .lK, as a member of the *Battu fo'pltree of` George W. Nubia ger, Esq. , deceased. • „The now nembee was there Co. ceived and eworst.e. • , A communication was_repaired front, the, Eighth Section sal -.althatttiliPßeard ifrahiblt'alatieklit. dine t or indirect, in v ibools for any enaritable,er benevolent PnrPoses, and Versa Itraldrittibuttrin of .'etrentars, tickets, ite., thln the same. Referred to , the CQI3I - on illehapejo. telt re One from the Seventh Section ask: t i t t gthat the Board ritlig=gertheertectlon. of school build . g and Pine streete ut of the heeds of the present contractors ". Referred to ttteComailt tee on Property. • • , , , lotkaskihkth the ,Roird ,gyi r lowor keatre ,to" tee • - • tee, Nineteenth a bo ve Chest nu and. Referred. , . th eft.a4 trgrrl =4— -..-1 011 asking that the a the tand he. directed to draining the isafeatrolr "eittlieachoolon • Mellon street aboveOttestriut t : • One ; eat* dither tide - th e " Roo , : :r allUto schools la its sec. thin tO ne of Madlesily i d adopted by the .. • • trotters they having roved of those*" Referred to the Cem tree en"Re vi -a b . dies. „„•,, , t. ..rrultiner the. 7 • " hiftectlool n, for' this repoiri 4. . - "Whetters of the Co hocked* • eol building. Referred. Ai r eflittifa kt raftrifte 'fee erection' of a Mule at '11•• lila. Referred 11,10001rinigtablin., ,the tlkilenVefiti. *OW of the schools in hat Ilen =o so ' - 1 1, 91 1 1/S teltafte borne their books for the Of•ernay: l et n aniAllert t in i ftlerettehisigltlintia . De Wadi:wed ill the Sherman seine) One from the Therity-seveuth teams asking ou appropriation ten,a,; 'bp klieg at the er oe.Thirty-eth and 'Woodland sekteta,tvithiihr Ifeastfettortiegtith Secticml lll l r Att igt AVMeleCitn* first lail" ar poses, t e • orMo nth and Suaque • nah mune. Reterred.h: ,,, A commtmication wits eel from* number of creditor* ~Or ;Welton -and:actor Of the new grammar school it igat k iitclk Comas stolen. They say that 600 have been ex - medal ; on tha building, being $7, in axone of the amount spect.ded is the contract. Referred. hir :Amok,. then read his Anneal report.to the Board. W 044404 that according to the annual report *sr tee number of children in the public ethoole Of Ott the alit Of December, 78 4 4 ,1746 4 ; he alet of December, 1667; 80,410; in. create during the year. 3,246 Of this number of pu pils now In Utendanee in our schools there are, boys, 40.133; girls, 86.677. _ Through theagemcy of the police force it his been secenained how many children in the city do not avail themeelveited the MOMS of private and pub3c educa tion, •It In found that the total number of children in this city between the ages .of 6 and 18, , 1. 150,000, and upon this nincber du: population' of our city. Le estimated at 800,01 - SP The Ceneoltaterties ns by the, fact,that of the whole number children in'our continually. there ate 20,534 bet Ween the ages of 6 and 18 yam who are neither at public, private, or parochial schoole orb employment. There are 15.000 children between the ages of 6 and 15 years who do not avail themselves of our ,educational improvements. _ The report states 'that 'PMlsdelphia educates ita children &Caliente cost *gut any other huge city% the U tatted Stately and that it does, es also, at the sacrifice of. lustice,yo' the Pathan, , The sem total of coat of tattiehrpil per dicer, of grades end Analitles, is ii ..%-100 cads. This Is the per diem cost atelier edu cational facilities. But two Wits fall below Phtladel phie in thla seepect4llllweekee. and Dubuque. The tote animal cord of educe each scholar is ear city, embodying all thecost of taithen, &c., as compared with ether cities, is as follows: Philadelphia 614018 t. Loeb 'New etteBfllttsburgli.... Boehm. . '. ' 18.76' Lout/Mlle New ICA* Springfield... ... Ban Francisco e 0.61 Cintintiati 16.74 This compartson is decidedly is the favor of our city. rThating the past year there Were four A hundred and sttty-four'appplicaata for tbeltoettion of teacher, ofitthich Pendia but'fßO hlre&fd and one were grant atkeldet of the acconmeedaterei for our ached ars the report states that: evwyt%tig•hitsbeen done to glre them substantial and - conimodlots se.hools. Thirty-three new edifices have been contracted for during the , past year, and fifteen wilt be completed within the nezteix months. In creating the million loan latitylier. the repeat states that the provision of Councils making it impossible to order appropriations of thei i ppto than par, proved a serious delay to the iretbseirection of school buildings. if or at tme of the creation of the loan, it was held at 5 per cent., discount, end when the loan finally rose to Par, the labor, material And building etce.terss had in creased to such a degree that on this loan the city really bed h 3 per cent. The Spat occupied an hour and a half in its reed ing. It touched upon some, and fatty investigated the various branches of our,Philadelphia school system. It ocanpUl.m of the instdecismey ot the competes- Om received by the teacherrd the inadequacy of the blgisschools to &venom, s et to the number of pupils aolying fotethnhielene. 'appolutment of g an - pefttendiat, whose duty Alt shall be to supervise personally , our system, of education as adopted amiently, 'singed. Complaint is also made of the undue antral which Councils exercise over this co-ordinate branch of city government—the Board of hab l>lt cites, in proof of the justice of this complain ( the refusal of these bodies to make appropriations for tip systems of vocal and phial:ad onlitre,tboth • whieb for many years putt have been strongly urged. The report was approved by the Comin ard. itteiimAceounts reported bill! to 'the amount of 349,405.01, which were ordered to be paid. The Committee on Property made a report com plaining of the exorbitant rent of It schockl room in the basement of Nazareth Church, and rdcommend ing,approprietions for repairs to the school hews° is Carpenter Anat. above Sixth; and for the erection of a new school house onllicetown lane, in the Twenty fifth Ward. Resolutions in accordance vetth-the re port'vrere ildrnded." , A - - A The Committee on Schools reported t he primary schools, Seventh and Fourteenth Sections, aa having attendanees below the average, and a resolution.tottLa pense with one of the teachers was offered and passed. A resolutien conlireakng Miss hiclianne as Princi- Pal of thelloys' 'amairlicheol in the Third Election was, atter debate, loat by a vote of 8 yeas to 14 nays. ~' 1 SALE OP 'REAL ESTATE, STOCKS, &C.—Messrs. Thomas da Sons sold at the Bachange, yeaterdal noorwtheittikiising — ettatei; T ill Tract of land, Sugsaa'tartmangetl3binaty, enn'- eyl7lll3lC - 113;500; stun-story Stotur &Vetting - and tot, t ) n= ra= st 2 filitin e i tZ I t tbn , tit' rine street, 0. 515, $100; lot, oedar street, northeast of Ann street. POO; frammthisiltug, No. 1031 - North Third istOject V a yeArly '... .tmd f reut of $0.50, $1;500; , frame' dwelling t - Nt4'. • .: 4 Obiltloy a litteet , ' $1,10%••t4 1.4 4f19 1 7 ~ Prik . 4 4..„;,.!g , . Ala , . ,West street, Subject . to a yearly •.• •1 a 3 68 8,/, 811, $785; - tbree-story brick dwelling, 'f•Io,„ • 1 .1. • est street, sub ject to a 1 -early ground rent alf 1•' , ; street, fraldweltinitillkit 5041842.104 t street, ground rent -of SI" r r> frame dwelitug,_ xio . At 9 Coates G 0 'tif f 111444,:r , ff 1 0 1 34 0 40110 M 1 6 4, 411.1 lio. stmr, irti; IwO,lttoq,,,,„bricat , dwelling, No. 618 napes it — 51;125; three story `brick:dwelling, No. E 1133, Norris street, swipe; 3 abar#,Zs3ladeliallielibrarg.M. oo ;t l illiare Phila- • delphia Library. $26,50; 2 slasres Philadelphia 41.• the n[eum: 48.16; 1' share Academy ' , Pine Arta, $l4; 1 share Authemenm, $3; 3 shares.yoint Breeze Park . Association, $l4O, sg42o; , Box No . - 47, Point Breeze Parka wn tie $50.1 /0111 1 r, 4 re 00 1" 8'414101141 " Coal „,„.••,WS ' d . bar • ,I, IMO ,It'll - 9.. IhsArahce • tret ;lA. ~.t h. . ~ ,>,,,,i_tomx.(rOrth and Bigh „ neuter jauroaciAper.cent TM; 44.000 German ,wn (Pourth and Streets Pas 'o4.oA9Ta t o v or pAtt. , s&scig; 48_,900 Weil Name r 4 '. cent. murdad•Loan, .33 per cent., • 1 2 0 . 2 640 _ % -t i lar 9s4.littvigation S per cen t. Railroad v r nu , ' ' ceet4 v,oo4 , Aluee() Ultigh - Navigation 6 per mat. .Rallroati Loan , 138 per cent, $1.320; 35.000 'Burnside Coal and Imp.,oo3ooaMy frhiper cent, $1,000; 4 shares Franklin Fire Inatirapcg it imapany,s3Bo,s l93o ; 5 shares IrtmikuliaireY bent- co. Company, $334, 81,92 e; $5,000 Connectmg, _Railway Benda, 83 per tent., $4.150; 5 share' Acild4airiof Music, $390; 70 shares cooper Point - Pert' , ,t3alinpanypss7.so, $2,625; SO shates*fshipaisPertatimijetr.lll,oo , .2ollloo6B Central6TEwir 4:ift $60;i12410; 25 dog= eli.. t omacker's Piano omp ' $5O AO - shares 'ltalian& 111411ranCe Company. $47,0; abarea. Mineral 011 Company. s cents. $ll 75 shares Berry Parra 011, I cent, 75, cents; 50 shares'Clinft Tree Run - 011;34” cent, 25 ' cents ; 550 sharesoherry Trw.llun and W. Hicitory,X cent, 52.75, f , oBeluitti Oitizoite'oll,' • A.Oolit 50 Gents. '? ' ' ..' THE ,IT,Olirke, il "litiltit***On;HThe MMtifti' meeting and election 9t4Offtedal ' of • the ; Young liiitmerchor was held , at, *di: )141). I*tlig e ry: street list 'evening. The 'Officers' chosenl , were: President -- Julius , Hein;, Tice :. Yrosident, , Prof. Hoffmar4 l' ConosPoll,dinitikSeocetatio'ir.l ißehir Redording 4 :4eOreti,% l ")V: v vpft ~'411.03; f_ltic . tattrer, H. Groldbeahl Librarian, 4- is; - veleStfe. `,. ' Tlie' _ Society has upwards of five hundred members. ' Their net income during the past six months was $11,494. Expenditures, $3,283. Tun Hots iox f 6 6 1 4ittak;aleet .7, ing of the roil* tio;Oisiloy-1 wont, 11014)',Ye5..! y L • terday?', ititop ,)*ne , port, re a.t ~ on the occasion e t owed that the '"proinittent , aim ,of e,liditttitgers.vis to afford a! roitofortibl Om§ t'lOr'ailindted Petiod to thel dor, in or order to allow them support while look 4 g for;worik. _ The,,weikta!of.,the sick are looked; M atter, and O ore Under thelinniediate'este of a! dispensary committee. Since last report, 1,,58. ! persons have been Admitted to the libuse. There, Julys „been grtinted lodgings,, „and 1;870; •Meals.' The Sabot fdeWhite children" reachet a; class of persona who are,Aokable tc. ) ,,clothe their / offspring suitably tO.AtiOndlnblie schools. ?Dar lug tb'e yearirl,B76t tiathiand‘,l.9Bo l 4initerk, were provided Mr the eltildreni t c,`ALAifehobl,f6j.:Aelored I children is'ilso held'iri thettillding, the average attendance being 76., A-Meeting for religions'lni,- I prove,ment is held, for the inmates once a,Week. l'he expenditures dining the year for drugs and chemicals were $350 40;, books and stationery, 7 60; hoard, of Aubiliecarl; 4160, Total,' 8616. I A donation of 18125 in 'drags Was also acknowl edged. .SIETTING OF CA itrla Wt:av Lr s.-Another meeting of carpet weavers was lieldiset evening; at the puldic house corner of Front and ldaster streets, Thostuiti idnicatiYin the chair. lislegittee from several shops, reported-that the advanced wages had beim granted to theentployes—msklog about scvPnty,ahops now receiving the wages. A oflong' he' t t.,, , tigell t eerel lonitjaitens K ,refeteits* .to the O p ts'itric-Ny' weavers, when It was stated that the - - Cimventloa had added upon tke :o'l4o - for' this class of .work,, namely: 33( cents per pair. exclusive of winding-sing a reduction of - pricee liatd heretofore_ by4forne PlPYers, , wl l 4; 4,4104 . 4119 n. utliedv:wko.' Aid-ne pay tinf 'Standard prices. The Genusrli3OrPekenavere mayeried ihroplch drat their delegates at they' were *illieg..tO,lnl e tthe Net fall prices. - The delegates w l ertv' iitt to speak detialtely,,bowmier, roratdi to the nttui her of litchis is the yard. After a long discus sion on the fndoptidn of, 97*ale, epnees, the meeting authorized the committee, In connection with other members of the, convention, , to draft a scale of primates their pkotectiOn. FREEDMEN'S RELIEF Atisocualmt—The WO. men's Freedmen, Relief Association held their monthlyjineeing yeeterdey at No. 711 Sansom street. The expenditures of the forwardlog and receiving committee during•Mareh were $591 24; balance In 'treaanry April 14, $333 17. A• com munication from Mrs. 'Frances Anne Xemble, stating, that• she could not at present read for the benefit' of the society, was read; accompanying the note were $lOO for the society. A communi cation from Miss,Chaniberlain, of Washington, stating that the freednien's schools in that eity would have to be abandoned unless provisions were made for paying the teachers' salaries, was read. DA3IAGES ASSESSED.—Tho Road Jury ap pointed to asselilhe damages that will accrue by the city taking possession' of, the Fountain Green Rolling )1111, on the east aide of the SebuylkW, north of Girard avenue bridge, and east of the Reading Railroad, completed their labor by agreeing to report the damages at $48,000. The sum of $70,000 was claimed. 'Tbts property will be included within: the bounds of the new park. DIE GERMAX Tirs4Titz.—The books for sub scriptions to the capital stock of the German theatre were opened yesterday. The act of in corporation requires that 2,000 shares shall be taken and one fourth of the price per share paid in before the corporators can effect an organiza tion. Eleven. shares more than •this number were taken; and $2,777 245 were paid in. The value of the shares ia $lO each. • - No BIDDEP.S.-31arshal Elimaker offered for sale yestenlay, in lota to suit small dealers, about four hundred barrels of contraband whisky. some of which was called "a prime article." The atten tion of deniers was called to the sale both through advertbsements and circulars, yet not one of thhrts attended, nor could the Marshal get a bid for a angle barrel. ...$16.66 .. 16.48 .... 15.68 ... 15.77 ... 14.76 THE COITETEL -The iracli-ONConinir 011 ,Cafe. James O'Connor. sworn--My home is at Pittsbargh. No. 299 Perm sheet; I have a wife and eight children; have resided there Mace 1840; I know Augustus 11. Tack, Theodore B. Tack, Frank Tack: 'I had bat a ellen acquaintance with Mr. Stalk. and I don't know Mr. Orierson; Frank and.' Theodore Tack lived hi Pittslnugh at the beginningof this snit, sad Augustus lived in Philadelphia; 11r.-di elk also lived in Pitts burgh; this originated about the beginning Of June, 1367; I came here aboutothelth of ,Tune. 1567, on lime business that was in Mr. Cassidili t hands, baying been placed with him hy the Tacks; I met Augustus Tack at Mr. Caesidy's Mee, and then.went to his office; he told me there that oil was low in price, and was then felling: he said his firm yraii largely "ahort;" short means that the merchants had sold for Patera dellvery more oil than they,really had; "long" means that they have more oil on hand than „they, had sold, a. surplu 4; MY. Tack told me that, 21 cents was the market value for • 'epot," that is oil deliverable on the spot; and the peke for oil on contracts ahead some two or three cents more; he said his drm was largely short of oil, that the market, was.constantly declining because the market was glutted i with , oil; he alai/ said.that on ' account of,the friendly feeling between Theodore and laimself,he regretted his finabadnrevioasly purchased from Mr. Pinney and Myself, becanse they would make about 45.0 U) from ne, and he said the only way to cover ourselves would be to bell short, and he said Theod9re would ts.ll me all about it, in ! Pittsburgh; I , 91114' inellAGte IA rittablirgli, and; With Mr. fail:my taikeditbis matteclover With him, fully, and he r )r -roborated what Augustus had said; Theodore also said their, house was largely abort on oil, and, were going tali fulther on oll,:.and ha& made money at it. and he urged me very strongly to let him sell oil for me on short, saying that he would be very careful whom he sold to; he !aid the sooner he went into it the bet ter. sesi he Wedged him to watch my interest and bike bath bf nag, had he said that' Mr. F tines , she uld place implicit confidence also in him; I had the great est confidence in hisa e tt than k time; our relations were ;of the meat intimate Modal 'character: I thin we had been very friendly for a year or two; at that time. e !111104. endoiguire said if I would place thin anittaain hLs hatide ye wOnifittake 'entire charge of it, and protect Mr. Pinney and myself, and be went out that very day. and sold 3,000 barrels to Emilie Sheik; the next day be came Wind andtold me he had made the contract and thought it so good a thing that he bad signed it in my name, and induced me to substi tute new ; ones tea thew op the next day hb Said Sheik 3,000 bevels Were; These sales were Made through the firm of Tack Bros; Theodore Tack,Angustue Tack, and .Frank Tack are in the firm, I believe, I am positive as to the two first; tbis firm were to receive 134 per cent coolssiOtialltbellettalettas mybarkere and agents; titeV assured us that they were in tits sato boat with us;(a wallet containing papers' Was 'handed the wit-' neee;jthese contracts I,or, the 6,111 barrele,were dated the lamella* thfee wolfram& . ''new` Ones substi tuted for them, and then drawn ms,axattilashapa.(the 1 contracts were put in eaddence); the next transaction in point of fact wasa sale telyttitualkAnderson,a sale for 1,000 barrele, Mideb3iMelisre: Tack for my account; the date was June I§,ast,2ski plate; this was delivera ble at buyer's option dhardethe year of 1307, that is, the buyers upon giving fifteen deal' notice whenever they would 'call fi)ptuf, z. me 'for the oil; the next Is the same date for ' 500 barrels, to White it ittldefilloavlY /I/ii Wall hoed' bat two , Mr. Leach, btok . 1 4 , , as tp egnrowyjit4pnildetuelater, thrO4 , ~ . .. ...„,,,, ,ey ;,, Altar apes, June 14, ..1867. , , .I,i l'efT . , 7, . ~ 0 os - .:(11iyamelat,e4.,, tainf ' , - r ft i i . • Vie illi,.' i Ili'irlatelKillia 'Wit lsot Ji ce • w ..t. w - 4001,..itters,' for suu 'barrele, at , bytihsv • , t , ~ dtlfihnlontirair'OCioner; made 'by the ' Tack Brothers for me ; the next is to the same par ti a as the preceding one, for 500 barrels, deliverable in July, same date; the next is for 500 barrels to the same parties, deliverable in. August; the next is of the same date, far 50Wbarrele, to the same parties; the next is fish 1,8; 1667, at Mir cents deliv erable, in Sep b , for 1,000 barrels, td the National Oellning ad, g Company; the next is Oa the same daterratO the same parties, for 1,000 barrels, at twentyatbreeeents, deliverable in August; the, next la, of aftA 9, for 250 _barrels, deliverable in July, to Baner 3 there, New York; the next is a duplicate' of the.,:.`, eceding; these latter were sold through Brewer, urke di . Co. ; I w.a t to Mr. Tack)) ,ofilee by appoin ent; 3111:1oVtlarley , , ert/ht/./19aok said he could sell1;5 "'herr . r , enterable' '250 in July, 250 in August, 250 in Eleptenaber,..pso. in October, 250 in NovealbWhiard WON Witeitiliarl ?I - agreed to it. but he did not tehlitielvelib'*trtifittitVibritet LlBrewer, Barka ..t, Co.; he mad, il t r. gilt e f) l 4:Sti ,, . Ff t Ee i t i Burke went with me to ' fiker '. Wei pt. ' '.I itecepted the sit amine . Oat' ' SOM ` ' ' Eto ere; the next 004%th:intone liTtitio2lsl_",lith 404 Attorney read three • tollttilats.:. dd. thikidate4laikeirig been made by the Tack aratliterretaifkagwourk; ~patrick and Ames, Lyeni,i , :the Iltatteltit 500 , heartie k ulehii the ;neat iii l o/3111 0 1IF ' ' ' OA 4 .,„V New erlic-71,00tralik , ; VW , ' 4 , .. - - loft bOrreli; and .the: k ' ,ist lithits ...,, - . nie, Theodore itt,4, AuguattiV.iir, co ,' II ye piao,l,lnted,3 o- $ 8 ; 000 _1 Au".: It 'T 0 e Who adVised' me in Pittebargiv Inarelpsrd to the contract of July 22; ,In thellater• , ' O , t lyililrfrr , dere Taektold me' he had ',cache . ti . i i. ick a a tu !business ffmisOktlitlo;t4PMfal kool4l4 .. ' e 1 e tv eight ocrucoops.,l3l, xue, gia4ing of theeeteon-t tracts; h said he would briag over $2A,0(10 belong ,lng to the firm, the object of which was to pay the 'margin on abort if required, and he said he would ad via° me of what occurred; he wrote to me July 3; 4.1 . ; - • • • t , AIL' 'JO air j r2 n irm gra! non irt t".": l9 ' , ti ' a • - k . . Viilk-Ff iam iftfrrll AD— Ir LPIIIik , " 070 , 1 8bAY- AP . • - •• , • . t on the morbibk34l,,tillt ,ttt Mr . Talc's clerk, clerk, and in consequence ofwbut he old; wertta - to",ths pi ftipkri Tatkr otObt that thel 'Clerk' bad listbritatied tee ty - telling - bib that oli Wadi jumped to thirty cents; said lie etas to a vent WWI „looking for partleerbr, l efttlebt ationt •the Olt kb be delivered; Frank Teekba the clarkwas ti leplogni hasi raid a deod446l.4hit Vas WftxtWdfdif bad'advanced - a little, but that„,)vould not siteoning, ;yid lielAdadabd 'td fernie knoW When' reedired Ms dispatches', on I thO next morning . he 'tailed ' , at iny 11006'1,11116Ivnia bathing, andorith ta,d t :p l 4lp itkchtsbatt4oo4 ,thatt Was great ezhittindent Inr ebneeenence .Of tda fact that Otutttaings bad seized a faro quantity,-of rednedollibsdldni r t knotr,what• was the cause of it,tbitt veld bib brether'Atanittit louvred to 1 Washingten and bayjatbeMatter straightenediOut4 and when next onus bim he said this bad, beekdone. (nit letter of July 3 was - read, whichlret forth that taeQtlly t piteSiirrMull blot ActtcP7Ptutt' te kteerneall the snaticot,„viaa r: Loge,nond is attempt warecon iddired.tiOdiurstal.") What letteireitolted rrie on the Gib of July; oil didn't go down; I4staid fq j'Attsbuteh; Theodore returned a few days after that:" the that per eon saw after that was Frank Tech; he t met me at church, and handed me a letter in Theodore's hand• writing, which read : "Tell O'Connor'to go ahead; the , coLtracts are all right, and he will make money; that after delivery of, all, there' Would ben surplus of oil _that be said Tneodoretatd • arrived, bat was very tired, and would see me the neat day. ilere the Court ad'ourned. , , , skittleal .DEL d-Et T GLORGE N. TATLIA MONTIIyt COMMrrrEZ, ANDREW WHEELER. P - K9tMeTMIP e lt iteportei_ or ___e e _attain, ),lATANZ H I-Sebr &ISt Bird % hi,e#lll-1188 115 04a/we Mee entlierrie.l4B34oV e541.01J41,4 fr, blochaetiri-Dyer ,, '.42 tea'bbt mole/ we T Wenn% & ttone, 848611&--8ar attlyier Ineeltaiiii-428 1 bhde 284 boxes sugar BO bads pastime J Meson Ct. AlMlnsigylprzlo graIIiCUIVOTAILIILIMIN uni.B PROM . 1 Poi - - • illakii Tripoli ..,' • ..- - . . . : . Lirtirkwol'..n..York..March 31 Virginia. .... .........Liverpool.,Mc d oLk.........April 1 Europa... .;.;,.:-.'.4.091r.!... Otit r .:. .. .; .. April 2 Malan . .:„... , ..•..Urpool.`: ."...April 2 Proponthi .LiverpOol-Hoidon. dre.........April 2 Haktmonis " Southlnipton.'.New York .... .... •April II e t tlik. . J...J.Lbnildn.ifiew Y0rk..........April 4 1-New.York.... ..... . April 4 Berlin .... ... -.. . floukin=..l3altimore.... April 4 Aleppo -Liverpool-New York ....„....April 7 E CH,' of LOndon....LiverpOol..New Y0rk..........April 8 Loubdanii ' Liverpool-New York.- - ....April El lowa.' ....4........ .Glizgovo..Now York. ..... ....April 8 Austriim. :Liverpool ..Portland. ..... --April 9 leutonia......;..Soutbampton..New York ----April 10 Scotia , Liverpool..NewYork.... ...... April 11 Napoleon 111 - Brest.. New Y0rk....... -April 11 !Hermann Bouthampton..New York April U • TO DEPART. Ocean Queen.......Nesk York:.AspinwalL .... ..... /kering Jfiremen.. - ....... ..New York.. Bremen ' April 16 , Colun bia ...New York..tiavana....... April 16 St Laurent... New York..Havre AprillB City of Paris New York..Liveropool...-....April 18 Hibernia .... .... ...NewYork.,Glaregow...... ..... •April 18 Wycnoing........Philadelphla-Sayannah..........April 18 126 ari pose New York-New Orleans AprillB IPencuirlyards.. ...New York..Liyerpool AprillB ifhiba. .. - ----New% ork..Llyerprool AprillB itiammonia. ..... ...New York.. Hamburg .... ...... April 21 litunna. ...... ..... .New York..l4verpool. April 22 !Tripoli . New York ..Liverpool - --April 23 Morro Castle New York-Naserillidellavana-Aprit 23 'Merrimack.... .. . . New York..itio Janeiro, dm...April 23 Isioneer..........l i biladelphia..WilmLugton.........April23 Alliance Philadelphia..Charteston .._. _Az ril 25 Star of the tinion«Philadelra..N. 0, via klavana-Aorll 28 Stara and StriPee....Phibidla...Hayana. April Di Fal/41:4B%34:11jfIntiN1101 PORT OF.PHELADELPHIA-ArmL 15. Sup Riau, 5 851 arn 13=8. 6 .:11 Men WAxis. 8 15 1.1u:i~y:,u~•~z:y~~n ~~:a•A ; Steamer Fannie. Fenton, 24 hours from New York, with mate to W M Baird & Co. Steamer C Comstock:. Drake. 24 hone from New York, ith mdse to W kit Baird & Co. steamer Beverly, Pierce, 24 hours from New York, with mdre to W Clyde & Co. , Brig Mechanic, Dyer, .9 dap, from Sagas, with mole/meg to Thor Wattson & Sone. • Sew A M Bird, Merrill. 6 daps from Matanzas, via borfolk. with Molasses to Barrie, lictyl Co. ; Acid Sidney c Tyler. Steelman. 12 days from Sagma, eager and molasses to John Illaton do Co. , schr Florence, Bradley, 2 dave from Nanticoke, with lumber to T P Gavin & Co. , S. br J N Bitting. Henry, 5 days from Newtown, Md. with !amber to Moore. WheaffY d. Cottingbam.' , Schr John 11 Perry , 'Kelly. 3 days from New Bedford, pith box boards td order. Bcbr J J Barrel', Perry. 10 days from Norfolk, with ehixalee to T P Galvin S. CO. ' Behr Boxer. Palmer. 1 day from Leiredo, DeL with grain fu Jas L Bewley & Co. Behr Complete, Smith. 5 days from Barn Creek Springs, lumber to Moore, 'Wheatley & Cottingham. Tug Thos Jefferson, Allen, from Baltimore, with a tow of barges to W P Clyde & Co. , Tug Fain' Queen, Alexander. f romMithnore.with a tow of barges to W P Clyde & CLEARED YESTERDAY. itemper Ann Elea. Rfrharda.New W P Clyde&Co. teamer itCunditt Baltimore. A Grover. Jr. Bark Sheffield, Taylor., Callao : via New York. Workman & Co. Brig Johanna, Firnhaber Bremen. L Westergaard & Co. Brig Geo E Dale. 'larding. Trinidad, Knight & Son , . g Thor Jefferson. Mien, for Baltimore. with a tow of bargee, W P Clyde & CO. 1 Cornwall:deface of the Philadelphia Exchange. _ LEWES. DEL» April 19-6 PM. I.Mr. Jacob Marshall, pilot, reports the brig Ortolan, from Yhiltdelphia for Trinidad, went to sea yesterday. Brigi Wtoel. from Philadelphia for Crowded& and Agenora, for (kirk, went to sea to-day. l he following vessels from Philadelphia': remain at the Breakwater. viz: Barks Ark:ft a, for Suns: .Meaco, for Matanzas: sehrs Ella Matthews, for Caibarien. and F 11 Allen. for Havana. Wind E. , Yours. &c. . JOSEPII LA,FETRA. MEMORANDA. f4ihip Weetern Chief. Gilmore, from New York Jan 14 Buenos Ayres, has been totally wrecked. The W C registered ima tons. wag built at Belfast, Me. in 1854, and belied from London. ship fit Lawrence, Nichols, at Havre 30th ult. from Callao. bip Alice Vennard, Humphrey, cleared at Liverpool 31t ult. for Bombay. trainer Tonawanda, Jennings, hence at Savannah ytterday. - learner Auatralasian (80, 31cMiken„ cleated at New York yesterday for Liverpool. Steamer Virginia, Sherwood. from Galveston let inst. via Key West Bth, at New York yesterday. Eteainer Star of the Union, Cooksey, hence via Havana. ot New Orleans Bth - inst. Steamer Jai! T Brady. Patterion, from New York via Miami, arrived at Barbados 18th ult. and left on the 24th i l , f ' Buenos Ayres, after having coaled. • ark Niobe, Bower,. from Liverpool for thie port, wee , ken 25th ult. let 48 58, ion 10 al, lark Ague', Thorupeon, cleared at Baltimore 13th inst. for Pao Janeiro. Hark Mole. Reed, from Liverpool for this port, was 'poken SR; PM 11th ult. off the Middle Mouse. Trig Kennebec. Minot, hence at Portland 12th inst. rig 13 Rogers (Br), was loading at Arroyo, Pit. 23th ult. f this port. • Brig Julia E Amy, Babbidge, hence for for Portland. salted from Holmes' Hole 11th inst. Behr Dauntless, Coombs, sailed from Lisbon flad ult. for. this port. Bchrs F L Shaw. Watts, and Emma, Rose, hence at • Boston lath inst. Behr Thos Holcombe, Godfrey. from Messina 4th Feb. atlialtimore 13th inst. Behr:Wl:lab Doughton. Tatent, at 'Jacksonville Bth Inst frOm New York. Soh!' Mary - flaleY."Haley; hence at Alexandria lath inst. ehr Militia, Ross, from St John, NB. for this port, at 11.0 mos' Hole 131.11finst r ,with loss of foretepmast and part of deck load of lumber' •• ' ' Sehr Francis Edwards, Deevy,from Boston for this port, at, Holmes , Hole 13th ipaL . • '=i • 7 ` 7 7• • MARINE. bIiSO=4I.WY,," Capt Smith,ofechr ffobti Thema' , ' Dile 'port 12th Rpm Laurel, Del. rerta; tnig:oll. WedXlo3d#s , last, off Turkey Point. jibed his p - lore eon) gmocking overboard ilenj Scott, colored. - A. hea'y aealveab• funding at pie tiipe, and the unfortunate raan'eunk before hel could be rescued. Ile belonged to Seaford, Del. / ERM.HE .dc 13()N13, _ ,•. :' 1 • • , .1. StARTILWABIC FOUNDRY. , , 430 WASHI. NGTON Aveme„_Philadelpbia. MANUFACTURE S )AM ENGINES—High and Low Pressure, Horizontal, cities!, Beam , Osallialing, Blast and Cornish PumP- BeltEßS—CyliAder, Elue,lTubuier. &a . _ SEAM liAid=RD-dtsMilh and Thivit stiles, and of all tizes .. CrT/NGS,Loautr, Dreand Green Eland, Brash dm It OFS—lron Frames. tur coveting with Slate or Iron. T NEl3.—Of Caat qatWrought 7,r0n,, , f0r refineries, water, GEt CHINEHY-41neh as Iletotte, Bench Castings, olderio.tind:Frames, Purifies, Coke and Charcoal 13ar. ow., ValswiGovernsrs. gse.. 1 , ,,r :• ~ , 1 13 1 GAR .134AMINERYL-Such as, Vacuum Pane and nips, Defecators,_Bone Black Filters, Burners, Wash ' And Einvil Bag niters, St:gar and Bone Black ole Man tngere 01 fie following specialties: 7 PNladel sAsillvisinitfi of W71.11a. Wright% Patent I.P anata l " cr am 1,141 i P "le iDeadStroke - anns7,,,v a4_,, Slum et ce a a n • ewer zaammtpro• • •_, t . " 1 the United &ateo. ofVitoi3 Patent Self-centering Self.balaneing ttlentr al sugar-training Machine. ;G di 13sxtbra improvelljudl on ***Wall do Aroolnes'il entritagiL I ,- ~ ~,,, - , 13 . atent WrettglOtitHettitt Lid. S ah an' e Pill Otindwg It t. V ntractora for the IRWIN erection, and fitting up of Re. , eriesfor **Mug Sugar or Molaises. g OPER. AND YEILLOJR , ligaL , SHEATHING, . Braairta Copper Nag, Bolts and - In gotlokoper. cent a ' tir o,BlEllfli ani y lit i fyjillit h , 1p• .#RillY wßitio ' n & 16 •.* T rokL l 3 l l E a TAO.k .. ai.i gt, • d ull` P ER 'f t : #O avo "ff*. et* AND TRENTON BISCUIT.—THE 13 trade supplied with Bond's Rutter, Cream, Milk, Ova , stemand Egg BiecuiL Also, West di Thom% celebrated Trenton and Wine Biscuit. by JOS. B. DUSSIER $ CO.. Bole Agents, IS South Delaware avenue. ‘l, ;~i~iip~e~ta~.' ~ ,_r. 482 Q 492Lig, 1311tilatrBrIIATZ IV* :Wa F.I. FIRE, itistmadvote COMPANY Nos. 435,and,,487 (21,toetmd, OHL Assets on Jatituity 14/06111; ' 02 003 740' 09, - filTP u ta L iediGita - •• '''' ••••••reese% Premiums ...... ;1.181,81890 LIRIATTLED Mama, woo ime OMANI 13. IMO" tosses Paid Since 1828 Over 05, 500,000. Pelpetnai and l Temporary Policies on Liberal Teraill Ottax N,_,Baneker, DlECT( l2 . Adok e ' r Totille.Wsier. Alfred Fi . , _.' Kamm) Grant, - Fru. W. svls. M. D..; cleu. i ... Makurdi, nomint ElParks. nnee Palls Wm. B. Grant. . MUM= N. nehictrat...Ctiabur4 ,4 , asp, PALES. Vico President. ~. jAs. vr, Kallji.ll f - EA, • scorn_ 'Except st Lexintton. Kentucky. Cgs p/uss hes no . -. • des West of Pitts MILLI %WARE MUTUAL SAFETY rNstrEANcr, cox. 421/1 5. incoritorled bl_ted Lailstatome of Peanut. Mee. O. E. tenni TIMM and Nve.Tlui. • Streets. bf T r it i en h itAMES On Iremelo.Caln and Froglihr t taagt of the world irda_ND letti 91 i 0 by v• r. caaalOake sad laid carriage to all "the ee ' BMW( gaw MB Oa mercluiaillse kily. • OatStores.Dw emp, se: VrELTeeI.PANY. , 444090 Unman States Five Per Cent. Lodi. 1040's . • . . 0804101. 00 191,000 United St ates 131;i" Per Cent Loan, 60,000 upped 1881 Sila t f 14" Q° 1100,000•StatnE r ' Y enni c ra4anla Six Per Cent. 12" 9:1 100.000 City of ll ° '°l° °° Loan Mom tax). .. :. ...... 50.000 State of Mersey Six 10.000 Pennsylvania ifidrata . Wit:, 51 4 °°° 00 mow fiei llalgildßeeo 3(436. iidldort. 19"3 .ternix Per Cent. ..... . 93,379 0 00,000 We Pennsylvania Railroad Six Per Cent. Bonds (Penna. RR. arane). . • 90,000 Mete l r Tenni;;;Oe 134 u) 10 41 • • • mow 7,0c0 state oi` .......... dea: woo stio m e=;t:ei ............. 4 ' 27° °° Company, Principal and Interest gt r ig a teed by the . City of Phila. 7.500 150 share? dock Pennsylvania Ball. 1.5.000 00 • road tornm..... Pennsylvania 7,800 00 LOW 100 lames dock North Railroad Company... .. ......... 8.000 00 10,000 80 abates stock. Philadalphia and Southern Mall Steamship Co MAO 00 MAO Loans on Bond and Mortgage, first liens on City Pr0pertie5........... 101,900 CO 161.101.400 Par Market Value $1.102.802 60 Coat. 181.080.879 2e- Real Estate...-. 88.000 00 Bills• Receivable for Insurances made. ..... . 119,12.5 67 Balances :teiVB'is:-Fre: mium. on • Marine rolich*--Aa. d cru ue ed the ln wn tem pany t, and other . debts . ...... Stock and Scrip of . sundry Insu. mice and other Companies." $5,078 00. Estimated va1ue...... 8,017 00 Cashut Bank ......... ..... 10 • 103,315 OS DI:RESTORE!: Thomas C. Hand. James O. Hand. John C. Davis, - Samuel E. Btokes, Edmund A. Bonder. James TraCurds, Joseph 11. &al. Win arn C.—Ludwig. Theophilus Paulding. Jacob,r. JOnesi Bush Craig, James B. McFarland. Edward Darilmiton. JosterwT. Eyre.; • John Ti. Penrose, John I). rriyl a „.... B. Jones Brooke, ncor Mtn Henry Sloan, H enry E. Daliert,r.. George G. Leiper. bone W. -Bernadom Witham ..O. _Boulton. i . , , Johnß. Semple. rittibatrsh. Edward isdouroade. ' ' D. T. Morgan. " west e y . tinsußN ' - JO , Hti, Becre G, ti %S.V/B. Ville President. Jacob. THOMAB A. c. B 'Bra er i. resid e n t , iir.pi4y, BAJ..L . Assistant Sec retary. '..' . ....' - `7 .':'-'• p4l l . 3E lncl aM rortae l filVchl7 P IR E . .. get A No. 34 N. Fifth street. Insure Bundhi_p, Household Furniture and Merchandise _, generally. from Loss by Eire (in the City or _.- - - Pidladelphis only.)1 Statement of the Assets of the Association January lat. 1888. pnblished in comanee with the pro. visions of an Act of Assembly of April sth. 1842. Bonds and Mortgages on .Property in the City of Philadelphia only. 81,078,186 17 Ground Rents . .. . . . 18,814 98 Real Estate . . . 51,744 57 Furniture and Fixtures of Office , 4.490 03 U. S. 520 Registered Bonds... .... .......... ... 45,000 00 Cash on hand. . . .. . .. 31.873 11 $1,228.088 81 ''filkitt - t.. 4. William H. Hampton, Samuel Beerbawk. Peter A. 'Keyser. Charles P. Bewar e John Carroty', Jesse Lightfoot, George I. Young. Robert Shoemer,, Joe eph B. Lyndon. Peter Armbruster. l o evi P. Coats. M. H Diokineon. Peter W on. WM. ft. 11.AMILTEiN. President. WK. T. BUTLEP., SAMUELBe crdary 13:UltiatAWK. Vice President. HE COUNTY FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY.—OF.T fire, No.llo South Fourth street, below Cheetnut. • "The Fire Insurance Compan4 s t ia he County of delphla." Incorporated by the • tura of Pennsylia. nia in 183 9 , for Indemnity against ose or damage by fire. exclusively. CHARTER PERPETUAL. This old and reliable Institution with ample capita land contingent fund carefully invested. continues to insure buildings, fun:Wire, merchandlesokr.., either permanent/7 or for a limited time. against loss or damage by ilre.at the lowest rates consistent with the absolute safety of Its corn :omen. Losses adjuated sadwild with all possible deepatch. DIRECTORS : Chas. J. Sutter. Andrew H. Miller. • henry Budd, James N. Stone, John Born, Edwin 1., Reakirt, Joseph Moore, 1 Robert V. Massey, Jr.. George Meeke. Mark Devine. ES J. BUTTER. Preaident. BUDD. Vice-Precident nary and Treasurer. HENRY Brxiiatiar F. Houmwr- TNA LIVE STOCK INSURANCE COMPANY OP ..Z . 12.A HARTFORD. CONN.. • C. C. KIIIRALL, - President. " • ' T O. , ENDERS,' Vice President. J. B. TOWER, Secretary.r • - • •• This Companylnsures HORSES, MAZES !AND CATTLE against Death by Fire, Atc,ident. or Disease, Also, against Theft and the Hazards of TrODapOrtatlol2. PIIILAVELPITIA. ILEVNIZENOT:S. H. It. Kingston, Jr., Gen. Freight Agent Penna. R.R. J. B. Brooke,, Manager Coming Agency, Ledger Building. A. k H. LeJarahre, Cabinet-ware .Manufacturers, 1435 Chestnut street. • David I'. Moore's Sons,Endertakers, fad Vine et. C. Brush. Man'r ..,Etaa Life lus. Co., 4th bel. Chestnut. It. Deacon. Lumber dealer, 2014 Market et. Cleo. W. Reed & Co., Wholesale Clothier, 423 Market st. WILLIAM C. WARD, General Agent. • Forrest Building, Nos. 111 and 133 S. Fourth et., epl.3m . Philadelphia, Pa. TEFFERSON FIRE JERSDRANCE COMPANY OF PHI el' ladelphia.--011ise. No. I 4 North Fifth itreet, near Market elreeL Incorporated bkthe Deedelatore of Pennsylvania. Char. ter Per i pia t • pita' and Asseeu, $166,000. Make In. surance se or Damage by Fire Pin Public= ate B Furniture, Stocky, Goods and M (use, on favorable terms.lLF. • M RS. Wm. McDaniel. Edward P. Moyer. brad Pttereorie Frederick Ladner. John F. selettuting Adam J. Blass, Dewy Troemner, Icon Delany, Jacob Bobandehs John =lett, Frederick Doll. 'ChrietianD. Frick. Samuel MWer. George E. Fort. D.. Gardner. *BloDANlELs_President AEL PETERSON. Vfee-President .• ' Co il:r 4 • Secretary and Troasurer. • El CENZ; li Tkiillit,A•NOß ' 4:19241!,11.N . ELPBLi INCoRPISIIkI 4 F.D P D li ml-WELARTER • PPiRiSTILiAI4. I No. WA WA•l4l._W.ltteet. 001e9lito•p0A0* ant i co itheria term,, on bieauge.. ineiolnizolis‘,,tninittre. ezo.. fir lin 4 ted m ier lo6 ,.. , 4 Pflrm!Pr4 7 ,9oo flg ul *, &god tor pre um. ,.. - • I ,a who Company, been in,- activist; 01011 op Lamm:pre. th r r B,IxtTAIM d It ' which •00 4 1 Amite, been r „. p MPuYIIW 4 44' id. • . I. ' ..4 i I gEbiLla,g o *:, .Ti ~.. ~..gg. 1 John T. Letwlig. '- ' . ••i Thosoll.. , • , 111 . G., ~ h, ' .bletleinrv , ' • 1 ro j her W . ,* Won. D. Clark .;,•;.,,. -.i , Moe _, Lawreluse a h ry ,- ,. . , ws ~Diorrin.,•, , . 1 I lv i t t,'. Q - . TrOddent• '. ' ' IN ' 4 . • • COMPALtiIa IN 00* 4 ti* • c • ii- pin'iNt. 111•. . 4110.13)0 r I ..., . ~. g 4a. lip, 80 *TWO* • nisassaip.ma, ;divig a it saurus vested in so es, continue to sr t y o on dwe . rep ==v• - • , = aria*. I= l in rt, an = * A. '• = = '''" ' ' ' 6 IV/ 11 P 2 . ~ ' 100ged U ' i T % •. , er`,. 4 .,, ~.,‘ ,•..• • , 0 ' 4 , 1 TflotossXllllllll/ •=1,P ,, ,.1 Jamb Iterli t M,' 4 -',. Jelin Welstr ...I , =.=)-, l'st== ROME* , L 'D . • . Patrick Bra . Charles W. Poultney. John T. Le Israel m en u. John P. 'l/ ittherill. THOMAS R. MARIE. President. Aunarr C. L. Cas.vrroan, Beeretarv. • t Btj :MUTUAL Lift ''INSURANCE IsT COMPANY: • .' vv) PLINY iBEERAS, President. LOSING iANDREWS,, .) JNO. A. HARM VBERSII f r"ww - lia""rwe HENRY C. FREEDIAN, - SAttettiiii • • dash 01tGAiNIRR Di " .VVIVEv`IBO4. • ALL ••POLIOIESTIOSLPOIXPEITAI3LIK. ITEM Chid PAIIABLA IN: CAA*, •-` ' ' LbEitigfi PAID It itetelVtiNit Neter-Ind 4%14 NADA. .fly the prov/sious of cud ..thei tenting surplus betoogi to policy holders, must be paid, to them in divlderkt. or reserved, for their greeter .'seentity. donde are made on the contribution plan, and paid annu ally. commencing two years from the date of the policy, It Lifts already wade, two dividends;amounting Bret $102,000, an amount never before equaled during the And three yem of any company. .. PERMITS . TO TRAVEL GRANTED WITH OUT'EXTRA CHARGE. - NOPOLICY FEE REQUIRED. FEMALE RISKS:TAR ENA2 THE USUAL • PRINTED-. RATES NO EXTRA , PREMIUM DEMANDED: Applications for all kinds et policies,. life,; Malaise lite e ndowtnen k termer cnildrensis endowment, taken,, and all information'elmerfally A ff orded at Ma' , J' .•o. BUNCH OFfie* OF IRE COMA NO. 4.08 wAriNur.,TSTREET P01141000 1 11A% ' ELMES & GRIFFETT'Si *atiaprob Emden Departatent of the BUN , . Partimihw attentionstlie Mdflittn tb I • R AN,EI E.104' FI Which. in all insta E nces,`Wilf beeplimerd. RlB ' ilreVelette Com; p_anies of this city, as well an thosfeliketewa standing hi New York. New England arid italurnore.- ACCIDENTAIi STOOANDANBILItaNOE ON LIV'Z' ' K. carefully attended to. in leading Velsipanies ofthrit By strict personal attention to, and promptdeepatch of business entrusted to our care, wo hope to merit and To. cerve a full share of public patronay.e. • OEIAtILES E.ALMZEI, (Late of PhtlsdelF National • - • W uItIPPITTB, mhlalw to ~ I N 0.440 Walnut igreet. VIRE INSURANCE PACE' PiltrAr.—TECF4 PENN. sylvania Fire Insurance (..xtOtirtf--intorPorsled. 1 8 15 —Chatter Perpetual — No. 510 Walnut ,/greet, °Mate dependence Square` ' This Dounauv , favorably known to the community for , over forty yeam, continues to.instweM u loas or dam ,age by fire, on Public or Private Dull either neatly or for a limited time. 'Als44 o tare.= of Goods and Merchandise generally; on liberal term& Their Capital, together with a large Surplus Fund. is in. vested in a most careful manner, which enables them to offer to the insured an undoubted ' ' security in tha case of lass. L WM/Wit& Daniel S mith, Jr.„ John Deverenx, Alexander Benson, Thomas Smith, Isaac Headhunt, He Lewis. Thomas Robins . J. Glialin_gham Poll. Dad ock. Jr. DANIEL SMITH. Jr..:Preddent• t Wnsit.ux G. Citoww. Secretary. UNRE H IZAREMENI3 biBITRANCE COMPANY OF, This Company takes risks at the lowest rates condsten with safety, and confines its business exclusively to FIRE INSURANCE IN THE CITY OF I'UILADEL• : OFFICE—No. 723 Arch Street, Fourth National Bank Nuilding. , . DIRECTORS: i Thomas J. Martin, 'Albert C.:Robortsi, ' 1 John tarot, Charles R. dainty I Wm. A.. Rolls, Albertus King, I Janie! Mongan, Henry Durum i William Wenn, -Janice Wood, J ames Jennor, John ilhallcroad, Alexander T. Dickson. J. Henry Askin, Robert 13. Panels. Hugh hluWglin, ' Philip F txpatrick ' • CONRAD aiAND4 . 7,813 Prodded, ! War. A. Ror.tn, Treas. • ' Wi n es. FAsm, 8ec . .9. ' rPEIE ENTERPRISE INSURANCE COMPANY OP pGyi.ADELPIIIA. OFFICE -- S. W. CUR. FOURTH AND. WALNUT STREETS.. , FIRE INSURANCE EXCLUSIVF.LY. TERM AND :PERPETUAL. • CASH CAPITAL. .... ........ ... awoo,oco CASH ASSET., J an ... , DIRECTORS., Ratchford Starr. , L. Eriinger*,." J. • Nalbro* Frazier.. Geo. W. Fnzetock , obis m. Atwood. Janne L. Claghorn. Beni. T. Tredick. W. G.- Boulton: . George 11. Stuart. Chariots' Wheeler. . John H. Brown. T_h_oz. H. Mtortamary. F. RATCHFORD STAR.R, President. • THOS. H. MONTGOMER Vice President. oc.lo-6ml ALEX. W. WISTER. Secretary. FAME INBUBANCE COMPANY . NO. L'413740 CEBU Street. PHILADELPHIA. FIRE INSURANCE EXCLIIIHITELY. Francis N. Buck. Philip B..7nstice. • Charles Richardson. John W. Everman. • Henry Lewis, , . . Edward D..Woodme.v Robert Pearce. Jno. Reeeler. Jr.. • Geo. A. West. • • Chas. Skates. Robert B. Potter. Mordecai Husby. FRANCIS N. B OK, Prtssident... CHAS. RICHARD N. Vice Praddent, 'WILLIAMS L Bwatednuarm. Secretary. deb to odd BUNTINO. DURBOROW dr CO.. AULVONEERIt Nos. 239 and 234 MARKET street. oorner Bane street SUCCESSORS TO JOHN B. BRITRS & CO_ LARGE POSITIVE. SALE OF ISH, FRENCH • GERMAN AND MONTHS' DRY aooDa. ON FOUR MONTHS' ,• CREDIT. • • ON THURSDAY MORNING. Ap:11 16, at 10 eclock.,:erdbraetneaboutlooo Puked& and Lots of Staple and Faller Artidel. LARGE PEREMPTORY BALE OF FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS. • lteOTlCE.—lncluded fn our sale of THURSDAY. April' will be found in part the following, viz. : DOMESTICS. jales bleached and .brown Sheetinge and Sh_trtisers. do.l all wool Domct, Canton and birtlrsit nennele. ars WARTA. Rentoplq rupl Cersetleass,Denplus. do. Furniture and Apron Checks, Siloclasi, Stripes. do. Prints, Manchester and Donlath" Ginglutma do.. Cottanades, Paddings. Cambli•waliners!Pbumels. do. Hardee, Tweeds. Satinets, Cassrmeres. Co'atinge. LINEN GOODS. Cases Irish Shirting and Rheethill Hollands, Linene, rills, , ; • , • do. S D panish, Bley and Blouse Linens,Canvius,Burlapa, do, Table Damask. tnapvr, Toweling. Crash, dm MERCHANT TAILORS' GOODS._ Pieces English, hs French . and Saxony' black and'. blde Clot. do. Aix la Chapelle' Fancy Casaimeree eaut (faith"' do. Belgian Doeskins, Crolsea, Trier t 4eltons. • do. Silk and Wool Mixhires, I ;'Satin de ' DRESS GOODS, SIL S AND > BAWLS. ' Pieces Blanc, and Colored. Moltairs, ,Alpacas, Scotch Gina/area. do. Paris Delainea, Moaambiques,Roplin Alpacas" do. • Bareges, Grenadines, Empress Cloth, Percales. do. Lamm Black and Colored Mks. SharneeiCinaksil On A acco m unt of Underwritersi for Qesl34.4='; pb gross Striped Straining Web. . . , losiery, Gloves, Traveling and Under Shirts. Honey. camb and Marseilles (Milts. White Goods, Balmoral 'and Hoop Skirts, TICB. 1 allot's' Tginuninge. NotiAtte, Sowings. Sdependers, Umbrellas,' ettc.' LARGE POSITIVE SALE OE CARPETING& 200 ROLLS CANTON. MAPPING& 4tc. • f' ON F.RWAY MORNING, 'April 17, at. 11 o'olock,gcm FOUR MONTIEDWOREDIT, about :gse pieces Ingrain... Venetian. List. Hama. Cottage and Ras Carpetings.lso rolls red' check and, }vtd i trs' Mat. tinge, dtc. ' • ••. LARGE PEREMPTORIrf, ALE , FRGNOU :ANA OTHER EUROPEAN DRl'' GOODS, dia. . ON iIiqDE7,I4.IININGI , • April fkat '11) to'cl • 0 AMR IdONTW3 900 lota of French. Ind • 0 art tat Rrician Dry LARGE PREEMPTORY SALE OF 800 . E303110E% HATS b ( i iAPS,. TRAy_ LING BAGS OM. • TUESDAY E MOMING. Aprii 21, at, 10• o'clock, on ,FOUR .1549Nrms) CREDIT,' Dm packager Boots, • Shoes, Brogans : of, lirstnleat city and Eastern toanufact44 , .•• is :Is`.s. T' IRE PRIM Al. BIONEiI ANDLiilLaittft Ali corner of fi Txt and RAI, treeta. __. Money tidy ed an Morahan generally.‘4Wat i clit eceirl. Dloponds, Gold and. Byer, Plt i4l :4. "And. on icles of value foram' , le of tbina d - -brt. ' ' '' ' ' ATCHES Ah I D 4 JEWEL ,AT •VfG NTE, t0LE.,... • into Gold Itun Case, Doub le Bottom ' and() FantS MIMI,. American and . 13Willi , i Patent Joeveir;,__stfeftel h. F a Gold Hunting Cause Mid r Face Loring Watches, e_Gold Duplex and ether ato i ßine Silver aunt,. In Case and Open Facet Enit. erican and 13nilm P t Lever and Letine W atch e s;Do uble Case English' Q or and other Watches: adios' Fanqatortee i D evil eu hvastv.s; Finger Rings; Ear s ; Btus Ar i d.: Gold aim. Idedallions; Bra celets ISo ; i Finger RingS;Rencil Cases and Jew ge Ondk.-A large land Valuable Fireproc4 Chesti i table for a s j ewe ler • coal 0. • s Waallotsin , BeathW den , . Fifth An , a Un e . not . .• , , • .•' .. ' ' I Bilf B.ARRITT dc C,0.. AUOTILONEERB ' CABli AUOTION NOUSE, , t No. 930 MAREET street, corner of BANK street.. • C h advanced on consignments without extra charts •• , NOTICE) TO ALICT/uN BUYERS, .., •, ho undorelgued has no further connection with the 1 p fl of E. LELI)B at 00,005 Arch Street He !avow eni• pi ed with BABBITT d CO., Auctiquogs, .130 Market • oL where he will bu pleased to reoeiV m O a friends ril 13, 18a. . BARRY PARTOW. • Peremptory Sale i • .., • A t q 250 CASES OF STRAW 4211_00DEkr •=4T ,Eclakflia. • Bigul l otrva;;;1 1 2'. 1 t1 0 0.c.;. :, : .:, .4e. el 16; coligel t ln tr at 4 Tol (i1C44141i.4.' .; • e ffl i lAo ° Glo l 3Dii..'' • ' ... . Cases of fden's Swim twiri.:ossittslnrsdklnfte liltin ley. Colmrg and Milan Edge Bra l 4, CSSfedit o 4. and &rine Hata. FELT AND WOI),TA 191,4Tar,;4 :14 domprns 150 autos Iden'!_, BoyiV t' Oaths , Felt. 'Melton, Woo.,ank__E9l l C(9,f' lillieffe .l o:' .13 / 1 41 Nr es, til large varlorg• • •• '' • ,••• . . nAviis & • 17.• bate wan M. onias & na. Store No. 431 ALNUC Street. FURNITURE SALES at the Store every TUESDAY. SALES AT RESIDENCES will tecelve particulse attention. iNaanOLiM 4oll ' I==r=n A :?1 “ .. •I lIRT . • 1 • A ' sT. 7 .7 . 77, - . , . . , m k t,o)lL4l AP SON: ,, AIATrriI • Ell 0 S ITS ~ Illlir lon Ha ate. Plellegelphilf; ?Iles* TONIIOAvq4et ES weloek. , ~, , ~, ' ,lsiV, R atahlny of . ()soli property liffefliV ...44 , e ,, ,z,,,1ik addltionteelahletewe ipubtlebom the .:.. ", 5 r ,,, i,. .to each Belk 066 theueand etendodoenene '' . ~, ~ otiniOlerlattiOTlMA lathe' o , ~,, 71 ' ~....„ .. 4, ther/rU WIN . TUEUX4IYi and a F7' fer 7 at Privild 1ia10... *. ‘ . . ~ '• , ht 1 ,,,, „;.1 , ''' tsar Our Sales sore abb.adiettired-IN4ttet•_., P A newifshipere e NORM' AliglitC4l.lk Mum, , , VI, - irrarijaGrgorit. otorrsza,.. AGrur EVimittro , '. " " ,14-' : EVIKNING'TELItaIiAM Onitef_ift 1 4.5 6 1%*.1ie 1 104'^'' 'fi' , • - frißr - Furnituro..dofir..f4: , „ uft ,?., , ,, , 9 2 , 0 4 11, , p , u!'e THURSDAy..,-, ' ,_..,_.., .„ . .e, • INir iedfl? , tt'ef i llioltdriVlNTl7,ri .. eloi , ,ri t e446.,tr.vi.i, - 4r . IifISIGNEES A , ofivimefinA de1 :7117—..--71'.1y a: neefeek..poun, ttfl opritlt DWW: f he eold ntleubffstWee os, _. 0 10 7, 2 7 ~ Wm. ~ CorpANfgheer ..10 efu , - PO *I) shares tli the . eagitil StOar POAS, 0140611 t. Vroofee Mule The oronefty . Abe • Anti* egeullallont den, New Jemer. and the 'COfflingt/r In' - . fgAndl l / 4 01 ' c h sw, daninedundeute,lawe of Oil matodf I't _ r. ..... .... to shares Crib:olll%44 f Witn nt 418'Ker," 161 elutes Snot Co.o 1600 rh Nana Perty.ol),CoAnotWlßflign 714 sharee Racine corium - Et , WI /AA' 1000 shares Reedy Creek VeLl4 70,14174 667 shared RanewhaltiVer co' west v ' ""r•tiit ; tl.; , •7Zl "oge ~, • 'REAL RESTATE FOU It 2. M I, t ti4 l4 l - iii RRTORY.ERAM Erlid . kn Pierre House.? Ocean .4t.,,txpi iraWt Zs out, 100 feetitlist contithialig di • Mt VALT.LABLE t, UNTRI SEAT d 1 L/,', 4411 0 County Lite roe and 'wheelifekWetow,,l - =era/ of • 111 "Sa rah 4 v hard-Wh i tr, dAqi, Perempbm , Sale 01.11t4YPORIN ING;tto."27sifdtith sett at, aboyianque ••1 kuic, zz 11 t.,s • Exectitor SApetite of Elenlaina i g o el& VALUAR Itikficteithey on t T151111711 7 / I h7flAL ar litifit; .( t ton twonneata . 1 11 4 4.60,VaM i i i ecat i orpow from nikt,loll on 111 denali A 6 Rat • - LOT, 7 ACRES , antllttlntlibor partYwAttri - dele Pt .4 , 9 and FRAME 8U1L0151518. teowneet , A 1 Omit ete_4 nth ward-not tent 1.16 , toot d -fair NALUASLE ,8ARW...J77.16. ACE1016.16114_. Cheltenham townahip, montsonimprenlyPeopintlikt Limekiln turnpike. .MW mmo. Railroad fltstion. _ Adtninittrator.mifietle. , lstalenif Volta • 116494Le0't 10 LARGE and ;VALUABLE. ; INOWLEionse, Cheetnut'aui, 'of ' e fe. Pl 'nit/ABiE ,rdmarirdir andplmut.. , +Aeres of d e n n ; ination; North Penney mods Ito 71'7t - • . hkemetore , Bfi.l_ o—Rettite of John fi. Litrpteleottn? ITHRENSTORE BRIM DWELatING. No. 626 ' wood et. _fiat home east of Sixth; aide: ""•-•'"' VALUABLE•LATI, about 5 ACRES, Limokl i teM west side, second Rot' mouth of Weeldasten TWO:STORVIEIRION DWELLING. No, Sid TICOOP r X . 1 ; 11. 4 J 3° , 4 ' 0 1 1111 6 itt' the mu On ProsiOr, ono MODERN TattEE , STURY BRICK .I: 4 WELLING,,II44.It 11021. Monne 'Vernon et _ GROUND RENT, s44 , st year. L i MODERN' THRkE.STORY BRIO/CD - W . 45=N%, No. I.2pa R. ilseroth street, wort of Twelfth street. knanitato VoeeCeBIOVI. '• ' ult • , Peremottiry' tia66 , -MODERN YO.kITORY Brum DWELLINO, No. 276 month goo r ,th street , ehonN6nicie etreet. Sale abeobiter ' , • •t• ' t • Bale it fbe. 159 and 11l South Fearthitr • HANDSOME, WALNUT , • , FORNITUaIfaL , 1 + • PIANO FORT.Ed, CHANDELIkRB, Fteaqiisito /- VELVET, BRUBBEI.B,AND••t/THEZ CiAftl9l97Bp • •• ON THURBB/10( MORN WO. iv-v . ' 1 At 9 o'clock; at the aurriton •roOnss t , by- ) se` very attractive assortment, of Furint Ilandsome Parlor Furniture.' coverall' • toes hair cloth and lush ; handsome Walnut Chiltaber` au erior Pin u p .room Furniture . Boot 8 Walnut Odic° able*. Leaks, fine French.. ligte BligtOrtr./O Piano Peace. Iron Cheats, liefrigeratore„ Chandeliers handeome Velvet and, Brussels Caroeta. Chin/gams , ;1,4 Glassware Feather Beds and Bedding.,Cotinter% argil • I 's Musical instruments. Are. • • • • • •• • Also, superior Musical Boxes, 8 lire,,new. ; • • ..•• • 'ROTEL FURNITURE. • ,"•," Alpo, the entire Furniture of a hotel. including Cottage/ •?‘, brewing _ Bureaus; Bedsteads. - Matresees, Washstands. Chairs, Tables, dtc., equal to, new, eultable, forkoteie en • board's. g houses • TO BOOSBIN'IIDIW • • - abt ' Also. Bookbinders , Pre ases. Cutting Machines; dm. Also, lady's superior saddle.. • .• ; Also. Fairbank's Scams, weighs 1500•Porusda. • . • Als4h.alargaassortment of nor TIS• Ware. • MISPELLANFOUB BOORS r iFROM-LIBRIUtiki. ' • u • I Steel and-Colored Emmralegs, r ) , ON THURBRAY .a.rrEßNoo l '4 • ••, April 10, at d o!c104. • • ,7 • 7 ExtcutorPs• Bale si Illeirater Irour M Worka4Eidtattifr • Biromi _pc, deceased. • VALUAALE-MA__Qiii ItY.,I3TERINIUNE9OI:I wi risaTMl ; ds April Mt, at 10,o'clock, at the BridgegratoC.Troutp44 Fremktord roaff,s6pgeeltd Ova Werke; Franine t a t tire Machinery, Tools. ,dtq., compriadeg R2eggilf Lathes, •4 /lin" Boring min With Br= now and ripe OuttirksJdaehines. ,kleiler , and BirostormitigB4o9;.if Took, Foundry Fixedres. varaable Patterns, dm, I Also, five fiMarn,,Eagings, finished:arid putiy,fkatstiodU from 8 to 150 horse power each. • „ :gale peremp'mr3l,hy order of Esectitrer.•. 3 • „ • Fir Full particulars in catalogues ton pr:1:0g!II:91 ExecutOro`,Bale at Na 31111Bouthnitrd itrerjti t . ! , ' I Estate of Clamor Fredrricit Hagedorn, de.meed,,_ VALOABLE PAINT/NOS, OtIOICE. , MiLRBILK STAT I , INE, BRONZES.. RIO.II, OBNA.AIOI fr.ILL GOUDBotto • • • ' - - . ON DAY MORNINCI/0 , MIT 1. at 10 o , cloen, at , No. tionth Third .1 street, cotalonue H. collection of vy Va4alola jratattrlieloire Including Judith end llolefernee. by }Older* Mr t .1.411/7" ing Jerusalem. (on porn. tale) ) by Kan] bach doe Priests and other fine ea in s, tly Miner oebenb Reuel. Birkel f Btrett,:tVg , fdartion,' Verroeeracb, and other cal ated artists; Marble tuary bi. liltelnbartser,; 'Thormaid en and othenig. 1 t 1 bronze Abdo. of Apolltna, Groupe,. Figuroe. B , 4 , 1 4 once, fine Steel Baltrevinte.'taro and surto; au dew lone modela,riobly decorated ;tad Hone , t Glue. Ornament. Fancy Geode: dm Catalogues roadi futdajlo,pre . toe'. HOEIAE E . SPAPH at PIN AUSKIREE*S , 1 (,_.OM.MIISHON , •Hwx NO. 1110 ottEsTrorr,paese,. , ~ ...) • 1 • Dear Elntratee 11071aNuRYin•eft.eet. : . ,- • ' ' i HOUSEHOLD FDEINATURE sOF EVERY , DESDEM. ' I ' TION RECEIVED ON CONSIGNMENT. - -, 0 ales of Furnitnre.at EtwellAnatsattantil. pito% theptaiks ,; ',- reasonable fermi: • ~ • 8414 at No. 1110 Chestnut eirwit'4_ ! _; , , ,- ~ ~.. NEW AND BaCONUNAND lIOUSEuviLIy .. , TORE. , CARP,_ ETS , PIANO FOR CURTAINS, OHINA_SILVER PIAT,.., 40., ON FIUDAY AIORNiNGaS,.:+-41 I.:!( ' 1 '-ti A At 9 &doer, at the auction afore.. No,,•1110 "Rolsrfnpit street, will be sold—. • • , i ~. ~ 1 11),.', t ~ • 2‘ , A carpe asagrbruent of superior Parlor,eftwlmr 1=0: ;. • room: and•Llbral7 Cabinet Furniture: .-•O. Velvet and Ingrain Carpets. Alstresee I: /30 1 fdantel and Pier Mirrors,' Piano Forfeit. wan. Silver Plated Ware, /he. • . , . vAx i i.goi l irmi , AvErrE cßovicEmy wARE: . , • - k-•,. . Also, three crates of White Ware. eOnatatinje,4l4 .001,i t ir- Dishes. itc.. , • • • •.......i........4. r • I . Bale at No. • 808 ou Br o adstree ___,_,.' _ 1 - (ti _&. I.IIANDEMME 1101/nE OLD lifirtpitg,Rufal).Y , V, • 1 . CAR fl. kc. ''' TIII,M3DA. , 919 . 0110N0 1 1 / ' rhat i tlt il lii—.. - ,yrt i ti k C4e.o.ng•itireek,vall - b414E. 1 ' On IN: 'l4 sorun ont 4:d" bit Mitten rlitl i titi l l Ana b., _, and Looking , i)Limpee, In, 4$ tit ' o nsWim . , 6, sv i llnut and 5414 meaty Torjr&f,V ittt - 1 ,--:# .1-)lis fr inet4 Inantriain • '..,'''.... ' • ' ' ho Bold on acco,nntsktbuildi )1 5 nnw . gtopo.Apd p4Or : 4 , ~ , • hhi oOportureifor mropo. to cot neW pletetp,o 111.07 3 • ' ' • 14Inet 4, ~..1 ~.. qi i,,, W, tA _ r ,,,, igt. 14, 3 1, 4 ' 'he przeit theltsino - nnOrrnin leinlinitNl -, r- -, - , ' IL TllP6o244(.Xi.Ditt e a • ).1;• )) •''‘ t ' '' n 'isgen r - 0 9 Witta. . I e ; ) .. 1. . ~;,), ..,44 tce ' d 4 ~) •• - , 1 ~ . L.3 N ' I;V AFR'7.'-3-6rU"rr artd(r uli Mii tikkE e rtr a 'L l"4:44f i e:. i l4''44vl* -' .;‘ ' 1 ; ' 0 or and truoroulood itievpryrnAhatsmojety ~, ' 1 -;t4- lor male* or gurnitulwoo . u do kolppi rgwrty•Aktot loiti . ), - -"ll.4iiirkatrin•ow , ,•.'. ' ' ' ' Piall'A' - 'll. • aiittlitael'' 3P i ll ' lit 8 _ . -- or' , BY Et • - 1 CI ckp.. ,; i 7 ! ,- )•=1‘4.1 t.' #1114,0101 t..4‘ 7 0•11 CrOK fOt* articulitra noroartor, n . m illi . i• ; 7 , S' ii . j D ' ad i ath ,.. s..M 7 ' l :if 0IVt• .. - Ird 4.011.. t. 4.# it. x"' ." ' : M• ' A! I „V,•• §+ v I 4 , lVv .„ 1 , on t -, )474 )- 0. , .. - • . , i 431,4 'u, 134511003,.!. : ••' ' wit: ,timffl, '.‘ ,„. ~ .1 t ' A m ;. .3 Ili .4 3 .. .: 3 , 40d , i011 .4 4 .34,44 , liprilL'lls.6'imM• ' ".', ° ' i,. • ,y* 03#0,0111A ,13t. ovriow il att ... .24. .c. . ~. 1 ,,, ,, -.„ ti 0 ti. 0... r . • . ~,, , ~_L _ ,, , ~....,, ~ uolyrl,oo*-%eM '. . atm!, - 4 m7tkoimw" - 3 w c nyexc , . 14 ..„ ~, ~,,,,. ~I,At i m ~.‘...r ~,,, I. .' , .. L'4...:L:..4............; .. . '" Ait ' '-. . '" ' iM'Vf itry a . unk.- -Kee, Im sale by AnAPIL B. BUSUNA St CO.. on bet wait avenue.. , • . f-!, t; 0 i s ^-.1 ' 1
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