WELEOliwifenC .NUMILDWAIN, Tun Galveston steamer Arianne, reported wrecked, has arrived safely in New Orleans. Tits Virginia Convention yesterday passed several set:Belie of the educational article. . " Ton Missouri Legislature adjourned sine die on Thursday. Tom bill pensioning soldiers of 1812 has been signed by the Governor. — T - TrrE cholera cases at St Thomas to March 10th_ number 981, and the deaths '297. . IN TM; Mississippi Convention •yesterthy the report of the Judiciary Committee was under consideration. ~ Ton Mississippi river, at New Orleans, is at a stand—three feet ten inches below high water mark. GIBBONS. the assassin of Estelle, was cora 'bated without the privilege of bail, at Jackson, Mies. Tits Spanish Cortes have passed a bill granting indemnity to Great Britain for the seizure and detention of a vessel of Queen Victoria. TUE report that the Five Fathom lightboat in Delaware Bay has drifted from her, moorings is contradicted. Tint President yesterday, issued i an order es t-laying General Hancock to command the new , Apartment of the Atlantic, with headquarters at ` Washington. Ton MEMPHIS Avalanche's Little Rock special to-day says incomplete returns from four-fifths of the counties iedicate tile defeat of the Consti tution by not less than 7,000. 'Tun' South Carolina Democratic clubs are forming in every district, and the Democratic State Convention is called to meet in Columbia, April 2. Aneurtst, Fsurisour has returned to Naples from Rome. Be will remain a few days for re- Puee* l2 o recruitment of health, and •then sails With hi fleet for Constantinople. - ' of Officers has been appointed to ex the ‘rivreelt of the etearrishipPeottand, in tW•harlor of New York, and report an estimate of the cost of iteremovakto the War Department. JAS. F. llownwerrEtsr, chief of the, division of Reports office in the oce of the Comptroller of the City, 'will resign shortly, to accept a Dodgem donnetted with the Treasury Depart keit' be the West. , MN; Jeerus Bricioss appeared in the United Stitesliouse• of Representatires yesterday, hav ing•recovered from his 800. Samuel J. Randall Its.absent from his seat owing to the death of ,his youngest child. i TUN Union 'Pacific Railroad Is completed to a point tWonty-seven miles west of"Cheyonne, and Within four miles of the highest summit on the entire route. The number of men now employed in that section is three thousand. Moicroouitrir BLAIR, in a speech before the Maryland Legislature on Wednesday, admitted that the President would be convicted by the Senate. Judge J. S. Black entertains and avows the same opinion. Smarm?. WILSON, of Massachusetts, positively denies the statement in a Cincinnati, paper that he bad entered into an arrangement with Vr,.. Collis to defeat the nomination of Senator Wade for Viee'President. A SET of , resolutions were received on 'Change at Chicago Yesterday, pledging the sympathy, influence and patronage of the Chicago Board of Trade to such lines of traffic as sha 1 afford the cheapest and most expeditious route to the sea board market. Tug usual Cabinet meeting was held yesterday, lasting but little over an hour. All the members were present, including Gen. Thomas as the repre sentative of the War Department. Nothing un usual oacurred, the deliberatione being confined to ordinary department basineas altogether. Dust...taunt§ have been received at the Navy Department from Volunteer Lientesiirt manderEdward Hooker, commanding the United States steamship Idaho, aneowciong we arilval of that vessel at Cape Town, Cape of Good Rope, eters passage of twenty-tour days from n) Janeiro. A MOOTING affray took place last night in front of the United States Hotel, Louisville. Youlkee Bligh, a policeman, in attempting to separate two hackmen who were scuffling was assaulted by them, when he drew hi pis i tol, firing twice at one of the assaulting party, the balls taking effect in the neck and body, producing mortal wounds. Tug steamship Santiago de Cuba has arrived at Now York, from Aspinwall, with $474,000 in gold. She sailed on the 19th inst., leaving . at Aspinwall the United States steamers Penothcot and Marblehead. The latter was about to sail for Key West and the North. The steamer Henry Chauncey, from New York on the 11th, hao arrived at Aspinwall. Tim Union Pacific Railroad Company, at the meeting of the Board of Directors, decided unanimously to locate and construct its railroad bridge across the Missouri River opposite the present terminus of their road at Omaha. The bridge is to be sufficiently high to allow the pas sage of boats, and will be constructed imme diately. Tuts report telegraphed from Vienna, a day or two ago, that the civil marriage bill had finally passed both houses of the Relchsrath, was pre mature. Some amendments were made in the upper, , House, and the bill was returned to the lower Rouse for concurrence. These amend ments were agreed to to•day by the lower branch, and the hill, as amended, now stands passed by !Tenses and only awaits the assent of the Emperor. GIGNIIRAL BUCHANAN has issued an order for ,the election in Louieinua for members of the House of Representatives of the United States, and such State, judicial, parish and municipal officers as are provided for by the Constitution to be submitted at this election, and will be iii ad respects part of the election heretofore onlered in special orders March 11th, subject only to such modifications us may be required by act or Congress, under which it is ordered that b shots for or against the Constitution shall have 0(1 them the names of the several officers voted for, and returns of election be made to the command ing general. !VEIN MEXICO. Its Plines and Their Itichness—Great Enterprises inProgress—Oneurindred and 11 nirtry-six Miles of Mining Ditch.. es to be ismalt this Ir:ear—liaillvtiy Minters, dc. terAreniunalenee of the Philadelphia Evening Bulletin.] SANTA FE, New Mexico, March Illth, 1868. My last from this point to the BULLETIN gave a description of the Placer Mountain Mining Dis trict, lying about thirty miles south of Ballet F 6. in that communication reference was made to the extreme wealth of the region, and also to the fact that except in two or three localities there was a lack of water, an article indispensable in mining. This one obstacle to the proposed development of this extensive and extremely rich mining region, is about to be removed by the construction of a ditch from the Pecos river to the mines, a dis tance of seventy miles or thereabouts. Under the General Incorporation Law of the Territory, a company of capitalists has been organized, which will push forward the work to a speedy completion. The ditch will have a capacity null:faint to carry water for the working of the great gold fields of the Placer, and a wonderful production of the precious metal may be looked for. The ditch will cost, say $200,000, and, while supplying water for gold washing, can be made of incalculable value in the irrigation of the largo extent of farming land through which it will pima. A company has. also bean organized to build a ditch, some forty-miles in length, from II flush mountain. stream to the Moreno mines, in the _northeastern part of- tha.Tewritpry, and another to construct a similar canal about twenty-five miles in length, to . the gold-diggings near Taos. The Moreno diggings are situated on the exten- EiVe grant of Mr. Lucian i. Maxwell, and moat ' of the minors having claims hold them under leases from that gentleman. Gold was only-dis ooverol in this biQrano district last year, and these persons, having a sufficient supply of water, doing so well,hundrads of others wereattracted thither, and at the close of the 60360 U about five hundred persons must havb . heen in and about the mines. During the vaotev, and up to the prehent time, the popula tion 'has been increasing, until there are ,110 V/ ennui twenty-five hundred souls, all anxiously awaiting The disappearance of the snows from Wountaln. sides, canons and oldies, so that Weir Inherit may begin. Two towns—Virginia (My 'and Ellzabetti--eaub containing a eon oidc!able population—heve sprang up in tke heart of the mining region. There 'is, of course, the u ual amount of clitimlump lug, and oc asionally a man is Jiang or shot. These little incidents are looked upon as episodes to be . expected. In a mining community, and • attract but, slight atten tion outside of the immediate vicinity of their occurrence. There will, without doubt, he a large amount of placer gold taken out darling the season. None of the gold-bearing quartz leads in the district will be worked to any -considerable extent the present year.---: The gold diggings near. Taos are not nearly so extenme as those of the MordnO, but will prove highly rensuneratiVe. About - one hundred miners arc at work in them at present, at a•great disad vantage, and thisnumber will be largely increased on'the completion of the ditch to which I have referred. Several companies have been recently formed for the purpose of working the lately discovered silver leads in the mountains west of Socorro and Fort Craig, on the Rio Grande del Norte. • One of these loads--well-defined—has been traced for a distance of about five miles. In the Films Al tos mining district, in Grant county, in the south western portion of the Territory, the stamp mills of the Bay State Plnos Altos Mining Company, Col. Wm. L. Rynerson and thePitios'Altos Mining Co., are proaucmg gold in greater quantities than ever before. The company first named own five leads of gold and silver, and ono of copper, with smelting works and refluirg ovens, in addi tion to their quartz mill. Their copper vein is tot worked at present, owing Wits isolated po sition and consequent liability to attack by In dians. The vein is extensive and ,well defined, and rich in native or virgin copper. The celebrated Santa Rita and Hanover copper, mines, of virgin copper, in this district, are not worked, the former in consequence of litigating', and the latter for want of protection from the apaches. Mr. Jacob Amberg, one of the prin cipal owners of the Hanover, had captured, by the rebels in 1861, at Port Lavaca ' Texas, 200,000 pounds of ingot copper, from Mat one lead. Copper can be taken from the Hanover and re duced to ingots at a coat not exceeding 4 cents per pound, and can, from Texas and Sonora ports, be put down in New York or England for ton cents per pound. The Firms Altos district is abundantly supplied with wood for charcoal and timber for use in the mines, and its pasturage is unsurpassed. Cattle run loose during the whole year, and, feeding upon the luxuriant gramma and other grasses, are in nearly as good condition in midwinter as in midsummer. Snow seldom falls, and even when it does, remains upon the ground for but a few hours. The mining town of Pinos Altos con tains about eight hundred inhabitants, and the new town of Central City, near Fort Bayard, tis growing rapidly. With the completion of the great mining ditch enterpriscs I have mentioned, and the railway through our borders,we - look for a career of pros perity . for New Mexico not even dreamed of hitherto by the most sanguine. The advantages the Union Pacific Railway Company, Eastern Division, will have in the extension of their road through New Mexico, are: salubrity of climate, easy grades over the mountains, a coun try considerably populated already, sub sistence on the ground for the working parties, cheap labor in abundance, large beds of bituminous and anthracite coal for fuel, timber `efficient for ties, bridges and stations, and a large local traffic from the start. The good, not alone of New Mexico, but of the country at large, demands that Congress may grant the ne cessary subsidy for the speedy extension of the road in question. In my next I will refer to the vinelanda and vineyards, the hot, warm and healing springs, and other matters of interest. W. Pennsylvania CLOSE OF YESTERDAY'S PROCEEDINGS SEIATE.—ThO following bills were read : By Mr. Connell, exempting the Chestnut Hill Cemetery from taxation. Also, incorporating the Indemnity Insurance Company. Also, bringing fruits, berries' and vegetables sold in boxes or baskets under the law governing sales'by weight or measure. Also, authorizing the Twenty-first, Twenty second and Twenty-third Wards to elect two su pervisors at the October election, with all neces-, nary powers. Mr. Nagle presented a supplement to the con solidation act, fixing the salary of certain offi cers as follows: District Attorney, $5,000; Clerk of Quarter Sessions, $3,500 ; Sheriff, $2,500 ; Coroner, $3,000, and requiring" the prothonota ries and clerks of courts to purchase their own stationery. M. Mclntire, fixing the standard weight of lime at 72 pounds per bushel. Mr. Burnett, authorizing the Governor to ap point Inspectors of steam boilers. This is a copy of a New Jersey law. Mr. Searlght called up a resolution urging Congress to protect our rights to the Island of Alta Vera in the Carribean Sea, for guano pur poses. P assed. Adjourned until 10 o'clock A. M., next Tues day. • llousz.—Mr. Witham, of Philadelphia. intro duced a supplement to an act to incorporate the Girard College Passenger Railway Company of Philadelphia—authorizing an extension of the read on Twenty-third street to Old Camp Cad walader. Mr. Hong, of Philadelphia (Rep.),an act to ex empt the Chestnut Hill ()emetery, Philadelphia, from taxation. Mr. Duncan, of Venango (Rep.), an act repeal ing. an act, approved in 1851, granting certain powers to the commissioners Of Venango county. Passed finally. „ Mr. Gallagher (Rep.), of Westmoreland, an act to incorporate the Tunneltou Bridge Company. Also, an act providing for the election of School Directors and Supervisors in Penn township. Westmoreland county. Mr. Beans (Opp.), of Bucks, an act to extend the time for the payment of the enrolment tax on an act to incorporate the New Britain and Doyles town Turnpike-road Company, approved March 6, 1867. Laid on the table. Mr. Espy (Rep.), of Crawford, a supplement to an act incorporating the city of Titusville. Mr. Beans, from the Committee on Municipal Corporations, reported with a negative recom mendation an act to abolish the curb-stone or street markets of N. Second street. Philadelphia. Mr. Webb (Rep.), of Bradford, celled up an ac authorizing the school directors of Roland town. ship, Bradford county, to erect buildings in ito• land borough for school purposes. Passed finally. Mr. Hickman (Rep.), of Chester, moved to make the railrOad liability bill the special order for nest Wednesday evening. Agreed to. Ad journed. Afternom SessiM.—The following is a copy of the joint resolution'•introduced by Mr. Kleckner: Resolecd, That a committee of three members of the Senate and House be appointed for the pur pose of conferring with the authorities of the city of Philadelphia relative to the proviilng of a suitable building in said city for the establish ment of the State capital, at that place. Speaker Davis presented two remonstrances of inhabitants of the northweetern portion of the city, "against the passage of the act removing the curtratOne markets from the streets." The following bills were considered:, Authorizing the liquor license to be revoked whenever liquor is sold to minors or persons of intemperate habits. Defeated on motion of Mr. Bull. The Senate bill allowing incorporated compa nies to fix the number of directors passed to second reading. The House bill authorizing the Governor to is sue commissions tcrennsylvania officers who served during the life war, when he thinks ad visable, passed. _ The Senate supplement to an act taxing na tional bank stocks, and allowing appeals Own valuation to the, Auditor General, passed, 'with an- amendmentmalsing the taxes-a—lien on the stock. The House bill repealing the act declaratory of the statute of limitations passed, after a speech by Mr: Themas Mullen in its favor: The Senate bill to promobs the improvement of real estate by exempting mortgages and other money securities from local taxation was vigor ously urged by Mr. Jones, of Barks, and op posed by Messrs. Davis, Thorn, Jeaks and Webb. It Was originally a general bill, but was amended to Apply only to Berks, SchuyikW, Luzern°, Clearfield, Allegheny, York and . Delaware coun ties. Adjourned until Monday evening. Judge 'Leiters Votnage DM. The Connuittee or. Coinage, Vireigiats and Mea sures is anxious that Sr. Kelley, as Chairman, shall urge the passage, at the earliest practicable period, of his new Coinage hill, which provio.es THE DAILY EVENING BULLETIN.-PHILADELPHIA, SATURDAY, MARCH 28,186 EL for uniformity in the one, three and live cant Pieces` instead of having so many varieties of those ' denominations, and it abolishes the five and ten cent fractionalcurrency. The three and five cent coin, are to remain at their present weight. The one cent piece is to be smaller than the new throe cent and the latest issues of one cent pieces. The coin will be of the same compatition as the present live-cent , piece. • Judge Kelley has made the improvement in thp coins from his knowledge acquired_in former days while employed us a jeweler. There are many advantages in the proposed hew over the present eoins,not only as to convenience and ap pearance, but in the giving the a clear metallic ring,. which m is not now the case with such de nominations. The mint has furnished specimens of the new coins, which excite general admiration. MEIN IRO Or CARPET WEAVERS.-A. large meet ing of journeymen carpet weavers was held last evening at the public house corner Front and Master streets, for the purpose of adopting plans for the scouring of an advance in the price of their labor, Thos. MeMulhay in the chair. There were 518 looms represented. A long discussion in regard to the proposed strike took place. A proposition to notify the employers that the journeymen desired the old prices was presented. An amendmeno was offered and adopted, pro viding for another meeting on Monday night, in the meantime the delegates to ask the employers for the advance, the result to be annothiced at that time. The meeting then adjourned. Fflam.—David Kirk, driver of a team, was ar rested on Market street, charged with breach of city ordinance, in not keeping his lead horse fif teen feet from the trail of the vehicle ahead of him. Alderman zones ininosed the penalty. CHARGES Or PICRJOIXT.—barah Martin had a hearing before United States Commissioner Smith yesterday, charged with perjury, in swearing ?to an application for a pension from the United States Government. The accused was identified as having made application for a pension, bat there was no proof that she made oath to the statements eontained in the paper, nor that she was married, as the Government assumes, when the oath was made. In the absence of witnesses for the United States,thn bearing was postponed. FATAL RESULT.—ratritli Deify, aged 35 years, residing in Furlough street, who was admitted to the Pennsylvantriliosnital on Thursday last, having been badly beaten, as it was alleged, by a man named Gilmore, at Seventh and Shippen streets, died yesterday at that institution from itio injuries ho received. AOClDENT.—Willitlal N. 'Sesser, an employe: at the People's Iron Works, Front street and Girard avenue, was seriously injured, on Thurs day, by an iron truck falling against him. He lives at No. 10'29 Charlotte street. STANIANG COMIITTERS.—The following are the Standing . Committees for 1868, as appointed by the President of the New Council of Camden : Finance—Thomas Merry - weather, William Stiles, James Elwell. Accounts—H. B. Wilson, John Hood, A. T. Wilson. Ordinances—H. L. Moulton, John Hood, M. E. lianlen. Lictuse—Wilson Fitzgerald, C. W. Sutterly, H. B. Wilson. Pub lic Property—A. T. Wilson, John Fine, Sr.. John Goldthorp. Fire Apparatus—Henry Pierson, George W. Watson, Wilson Fitzgerald. Sanitary— H. L. Moulton, John Fine, Sr., Thomas McDowell. W.ttering —T. Merryweather, E. Westcott, Wm. Stiles. Print ing—M. E. Harden, George W. Watson, Wm. Stiles. Police—Wm. H.Colc, E. Westcott, M. E. Harden. Relief of "Poor—Wm. Stiles, James Elwell, Henry Pierson. Vice and Immorality— A. T. Wilson, John Fine, Sr., JOlll2 Goldthorp. Streets of North Ward—H. S. Moulton; Wilson Fitzgerald, W. H. Cole. Lighting North Ward— A. T. Wilson, H. S. Moulton, W.H. Cole. Streets of Middle Ward—John Fine, Sr., John Hood, James El*ell. Lighting Middle Ward—James Elwell, John Fine, Sr., C.W. Sutterly. Streets of South Ward— H. B. Wilson, M. E. Harden, I`. McDowell. Lighting South Ward—Heary Pier son Thomas Merry weather, John Goldthorp. biENIT JRESET CONFERENCK APPOINTMENTS.— The following are the appointments for the ensuing year, just made by the New Jersey Con ference, at Lamberteville, for South Jersey:— Burlington District.-8. Vansant ) Presiding Elder; Broad Street, S. E. Post; Union Street, G. B. Wright; Columbus, A. Mathews; Mount Holly, W. Franklin; Pemberton, W. W. Christine; Vincenttown, , L. 0. Manchester; Medford, A. J. Gregory; Hartford, (Tabernacle) to be supplied ; Lumberton, to be supplied by J. W. Clark; Beverly, W. E. Bailee: Bridgeboro , J. H. Payrun, (I. V, inner, Supernumerary); ' Palmyra, A. J. Scott; Bethel, T. D. Sleeper; Merchants-111e, D. H. Schoch: Moorestown, W. E. Greenbank: Marlton, S. W. Lake; Tuckerton, A. W. North; West Creek (to be supplied), W. McGowan; Bass River. D. McCurdy; Pleasant Mills and Ellwood, C. F. Downs: Haddonfield, Robert S. Harris; Winslow and Waterford, D. Moore; Hedding, .J. Atwood; Hammonton. James White; Port Re- Public and Smithville, H. G. Williams; Absecum and Salem, C. R. Hartranfft: Atlantic City, J. E. Heileman: Bar„,a'aintown, W. S. Lane; May's Landing. Daniel Adams; Berlin, or Longacoming, S. H. Johnson. _ Camden District—J. Lewis, P. E. Third street,C. H. Whitest.; (Wm. Jeffries, Sup.) Union, R. Sny der; Stock ton,(to be supplied); Broad and Eighth streets, It. A. Chalker; Tabernacle. J. W. Hick man; Centenary, W. V. Kelley: Newton, A. Gil more; Gloucester City, J. Stiles; Woodbury, J. L. Roe; Mantua and Barnsboro, J. 'l'. Tucker; Paulsboro, Joseph G. Crate; Clarksboro and Allenbr.ro, J. H. Hutchinson; Bridgeport, J. J. Corson; Auburn, G. W. Dobbins; Peder icktown and Centre Square, J. J. Craw; Hill and Ewanv lle, 11. Belting; Glassboro, B. C. Lippincott; Swedesboro, James Vausant; Clay ton, G. Hitchins; Bethel and Turnersville, M. C. Stokes; Blackwoodtowu, J. S. ?helm: Williams port and. Chestnut Ridge, John Fori, (D. Duffel), Supt.); Pennsgrove, Joseph Ashbrook; Sharps. town, E. C. Hancock;Woodstown, Enoch Green: Unionville, N. Edwards; Gloucester, J. L. Bonder. 11rMge.toa I fidrict—A. E. Ballard, P. E. Com merce Street, F. A. Morrell; Trinity, G. C. Mad dock: Central, G. W. Morris: South Street, Salem city, P. Cline; Broadway, J. S. Heisler; Penns ville, S. M. Hudson; Hancock's Bridge and Quin ton's Bridge J . W. Gaskill; Nazareth and Alto waystown, W. Reeves; Pittsgrove, C. W. Heisley; Willowgrove, P. Y. Calder; Vineland, G. 11. Neal; Vineland Mission, to be supplied; Second Street, Millville, A. H. Street ' • Foundry Church, C. K. Fleming ; Cumberland and Port Norris Mission, to be supplied; Port Elizabeth, W. C. Stockton and E. J. Lippin cott•; Tuckahoe, Edward H. Durrell; Cape Island, E. Hewitt; Lower Cape May, Thomas Wilson; Cape May, L. C. Chattin; (S. Townsend Supt.); Petersburg, E. Waters; Maurlcetown, J. W. Mc- Dougall; Newport and Dividing Creek, C. A. Malabury; Cedarville, G. L. Dobbins: Fairton, George H. Tullis; Roadatown and Harmony to be supplied; Pleasant Grove and Deerfield, J. t3rinn. The following are the delegates selected to the General Conference : Revs. John S. Heisler, E. H. Stokes, Samuel Vansant, Isaac Winner, Francis A. Morrell. _ The nest meeting of the Conference will be held at Mint'lle, where an elegant and commo dious church edifice is soon to be commenced, and finished in time for the occasion. CHRISTIAN Assoctierrox.—The young men of Camden have organized a "Young Mon's Chris tian Association," and are doing a large amount of good. -Their organization is in a very flour ibhing condition. liAcaTEn.—The Gloucester Turnpike Company have abandoned lbeir,road en the grounds of t,be --tolhHiotpaylng .expenses,---It vflll--protrably - be taken up by the county and kept in rephlr.- LONDON, March 27.—1 n the House of Lords,this evening; tlmquestion of the Alabama claimscame up, and _gave rise to debate. Lord Russell reviewed the relations of Great Britain and the United States during the war of the rebellion, and defended the policy pursued by him in the case of the Alabama and other Confed erate cruisers. Mr. Cairns sustained the course of Lord Stanley in the controversy with the American government on the ,Alabanaa Westbwdeflued the laws of England bearing upon theflnebuoaatinite, and:denied the justice of the claims urged by Mr. Seward. In.thelloltse of Dotrititbria, Lord Stanley gave unoce that on Monday next he should offer a re f.olutiou that the consideration of reform In the IUITY BULLETIN. NEW JERSEY MATTERS. The Urn!eh Parhameht. Irleh Church Fhtublithment be left ,to the next Duran:neut. Bi Proseldle_for the_Sarvlverm of the War of ISI2 HABSLAMUIVIGI, March 27.—The following, MU has been signed by the Governor; - - - An Act to ovide or the Pamnt of Grtuitica and Annuities Pr V) thef y Soldiers of e the War n of 1812 and their Widows. klEuriox 1. Be it enacted. Arc., That the act en. titled an act to provide for the payment of gratuities and annuities to the oeldiers of, the War of 1812 and their widows, approved the 13th day of Mar..b, A. D. 1866, 'be, and the same is hereby revived, with the tollowing proviso one ameodniont: Provided, That the affidavit required in the said act shall be made before the Court of Commack Pleas of the county in which the applicant shall srealde at the same time of making his or her ap plication, which affidavit etall be attested by the Prothonotary or Clerk of the Court, with the seal of the court attached, or in the event of the applicant being too sick or infirm to make application to such court, the affidavit aforesaid may be made before an alderman or justice of the peace, which affidavit shall be supported by two respectable citizens, under oath or affirmation, stating such sickness or indrmity. And provided, That the term "necessitous circumatances" in the said section shall he construed to mean not,to be pc:ncased of real or pereonal estate of the value of live hundred dollars. And provided further, That the gratuity mentioned in the said act shall not be paid to any person who shall have received a gratuity under the said act. And pro vided, Also that said gratuity and annuity shall cease so soon as provision shall be made by Congress for said soldiers and their widows, and thereafter no pen- sions shall he paid tinder this act. And provided further, That every application for either a gratuity or annuity under the provisions of this act shall be at tested annually by an affidavit as aforesaid. And provided further. That the application of any person under the provisions of this act shall tre indorsed as meritorious by one of the judges of the court before which the affidavit re quired by this act shall be made. And.provided further, That no.peneloreaor gratuities shall be paid on any application heretofore made under the act of March 30, 1866, and persons claiming the benefit of This act ehall make their application anew. Provided further, That any person who is in receipt of a pen pion or gratuity in pursuance of any special act of Assembly obeli not be entitled to the benefit of the provisions of this act, and that no fee shall bare covered for the collection of any annuity after the first payment made by the State Treasurer as afore said. BEO. 3. That any attorney, agent, or other person prosecuting any claim under this act, who shall de. mend or receive any greater enm than five dollars as a fee for prosecuting'any claim under this act, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and on conviction thereof, in the Court ofQaarter :Sessions of the county where he may reside, shall pay a line of not more than fifty dollars, or may be imprisoned not exceeding one month. Sea. 2. That any soldier of the said war who may not have served the full term of two months, but who was in actual engagement with the enemy, or the widow of such soldier, shall be entitled to the bone• fit of this act. Sze. 4. That this act shall take effect from the first day of January, 1868. Sac. 5. That all laws or parts of laws inconsistent with this act be and the same are hereby repealed. GROVERIESI 1614.1010U8, ttli• Fresh Spiced Salmon, • Fresh Mackerel in Cans, New Smoked Salmon, Mess. Mackerel in Kitts. ALBERT C. ROBERTS, Dealer In Flue Groceries, Corner Eleventh and Vine Streets. PATE DE FOI ES GRAS, lituslinooms, TOMATOES, GREEN PEAS, GREEN CORN, FRESH FRUITS, dm JAMES R. WEBB, Ja26 S. E. corner WALNUT and EIGHTH Streets, POTATOES.---OLIOICE WESTERN PEACH BLOWS; for tale by L. G. 31YrINGER & CO.. 1n626 St' 1334 Market Street. DAVII3 , CELEBRATED DIAMOND BRAND cIN elnnatl H find eontriement of the season, just re ceived and for sale at COU3TY'S Eabt End Grotorv, No, 118 Booth Second Street. EPRESH PEACHES FOR PIES, IN 816. CANS AT 2( U cents rer can, Green Corn, Tomatoes, Peas. ales Frenchh PM and Mushrooms, in etoro and for rale at COUSTY'S East End Grocery, No. Ha South Second street. VEST INDIA HONEY AND OLD FASHIONED Sugar House Molasses by the gallon, at (:0118TY'S East End Grocery, No. 118 South Second Street. NEW YORK PLUME, PITTED CHERRIES. VTR ginia Pared Peaches, Dried Blackberries, in store and for sale at COUSTY'S East End Grocery, No. 118 South Second Street. NEW BONELESS MACKEREL, VARMOUTD Bloaters, Spiced Salmon. Mess and No. 1 Mackerel for sale at COUSTY'S East End Grocery, No. 118 South Second Street. iIIOICE OLIVE OIL, 100 doz. OF SUPERIOR QUALI vv ty of Sweet Oil of own importation, just received and for sale at COUSTY'S East End Grocery, No. 116 tioutli Second street. ALMERIA GRAPES.-100 KEGS ALMERIA GRAPES in large clusters and of superior quality, in atop ..od for sale by M. F. /WILMA, W. W. corner Eighth ant &rah streets. IRINCESS ALMONDS.—NEW CROP PRINCESS PA pet-ellen Almon& juet received and for sale by M. F SPILLIN. N. W. cor. Arch and Eighth streets. DAISIES! RAISINS I !-200 WHOLE, HALF ANL n quarter beam' of Double Crown Rabin& the ben fruit in the market, for eale by M. F. BPILLIN, N. W. cot Arel'and Eighth streets. GEN'FLEMENPS FURNISHING GOODS Gentlemen's Fine Furnishing Goods. RICI-lARD EAYRE. No, 58 N. Sixth Street, below Arch, Invitee attention to Me Improved Sheulder Seam Pattern Shirt, Which for ease and comfort cannot be inirpoased. It elves univcreal satisfaction for neatness of at on the BREAST. comfort in the NECK and eaee on the 61i0L'LD.E1s3. is is made entirely by band, with the beet workman. ship on it. Also e. superior quality of SID GLOVES, at No. 58 N. IVA II Street, Phila. mtil2.3m .„..- GENTS. PATENT-SPAIN AN ,41T r. , toned Over Gaiters, Cloth, ?Anther " , WI . and v brown Linen; Oblldren's Cloih w it 4 . 0 .7 .7. . - vela . f i egarade to order FURNISHING GOODS, iof every description,. very cc , 903 street. corner of th. The . Cheat:Elul or ladies and gents, at Kin e 14. i Kid 431°ve4 nolCift OPEN &THIN : VIE S . KdKAAIL SADDLES, HARNESS, &cm HORSE COVERS, Buffalo, Fur , :nd Carriage Robes, CHEAPER T ► THE CHEAPEST, AT RN ka ASS'S, 631 Starke* Street, Where the large Hone /tends in the door. Jal-1) WOOD 'LANDINGS. NO. 917 WALNUT STREET, WOOD HANGINGS Positively don't fail to see them before ordering any thing else, Wall paper to now among the "Things That Were." WOOD HANGINGS Cost no more. and are selling by the thousand rolls per day. See them and be convinced. No speculation, but stibbern lads. Specimens are also on exhibition at the Store of JAMES O. FINN & SONS, anthem& cornor.Tenth and Walnut streets. iriti'lSthrs r DtuziAid 6[1): t314:1 Ited Cross Wig-ans. Rio:dying_ Iran manufacturer the above well-known Inake,_roactner with our usual stock CORSET 4EANs, SIZESLEEVE LININGI3, "OLD ELM MILLS , * VEnT rApIMNGB, WIG ANS, be, to which the attes. lion of the trade is respectfully invited. THOMAS R. GILL, COMMISSION MERCHANT, • No: 8 Strawberry Street. fat ' lin• • s• I fIAAO NATHANS. AUCTIONEER., N. E. CORNER I Third and %muse streets, dray one ; swam below the Exchange.*2so,ooo to Man in law or small amounta. on diamonds,silver plate . watchos. jewelry, and ajlgoodi of value. co hours from B A. M. to 7P. M. OW' Eatab. lisheilrfor the lest forty boars, Advances des Mtge amounts at the lowest market rates. . itIVICP AMR ISERA MERICAN ACADEMY OF GERMAN DRAMA. The public in respectfully ildortned that PALLE. FANNY JANAUSCREK, On tier return from it . --BRILLIANT AND AIOSTRUCCEBBFUL TOUR ' through tbo principal attire_ of tho Went, wilt sive. Pre vikua to her departure for urope. AIX FAREIIELL PERFORNANCXII. Under her Personal Direction. Commencing Wednesday, 'April Ist. MLLE, FANNY JANADI3OHEIC Will appear for the first time hi Philadelphia in the fol lowing btandard Dramas: ,r.IA ICY STUART. ' • IPITIODNIA IN TAUItIS, • TII US NEI.DE Ors. 'IIIE OLAINAToR Or RAVENNA. 'A , PDNf SPAY FVENING, APRIL Ist. at o'clock. Will he produced Schiller , a celebrated Drama. MARY SMART, MLLE. FANNY JANAUSCIIEK 1u her unrivalled character of Mary Stuart. Fitl Y—DE RORAIL SATURDAY—IPLIIORNI A IN TAURIEL MONDAY--THUSNELDE: • 'OR, THE GLADIATOR OF RAVENNA. TUESDAY AAP WEDNESDAY ,-LAST T WO NIGHTS PRICES OF ADMISSION: ADMISSION .• DOLLAR Ik.bLI(VED bEATo.raiU — FirrY &NTS. FAMILY CIECLE. 50 L.TB.. ---„ GALLERY, M CT5...... PRUBCLLVIUM BOXES. $l5. TICKETS AND SEATS now for sate at WITTIG'S Murk awe. NM Chestnut street, and at the Box Office of the Academy. Doom open at 7.4. Commence at 8. cute.ls tft . The Barnum,Vau Ambnrgh Co.'s MAUI OD NEIMITEI 10.13 LIVING CURIOSITIES, FROM BARNUM'S MUSEUM. • . , Will exhibit at the ASSEMBLY BUILDING, CORNER TENTH AND CHESTNUT STREETS, Large Room, FOR ONE WEEK ONLY: Commencing WEDNESDAY, MARCH 25, 1841. Tbc collection comprises all the . LIVING HUMAN CURIOSITIES. .' Which so narrowly escaped with their lives at the Late Great Conflagration at Barnum's Museum. Among them will he found, THE NOVA SCOTIA GIANTESS. MISS ANNA SWANN, Eight feet and ono inch high. THE BEAUTIFUL, CIRCASSIAN GIRLS, Zulamma Agra, 'Star of tho East:" Zobcide LutL, "Lad/ of ficanty;' , THE MA fdlilo VI) INFANT, SAMUEL M. 1 41101'. Culy five years old, end schtbs2.gl pounds THE CELEBRATED D WARP, GENERAL, GRANT. Jit.. Sixteen years old, twenty seven inches high, and weighs twenty-three pounds., TB E fiCuTTIS/1 DWARF. WILLIE WALLACE, Fifteen years old, twenty.five inches high, and weighs twenty-two pounds; THE KENTUCKY FAT LADY. Mies ADk:LAI DE POWERS, Twenty - 41v° years old, and weighs four hundrel and ninety imunds; THE LIVING . Sk ELETON. ISAAC W. SPRAGUE. Hall open from 1 o'clock until S in the Afternoon, and from 7 until 10 o'clock in the Evening, Admission, 25 cents. Children under 10,18 cents. ni=-titt C. H. Jarvie's Classical Soiree AT NATATORIUM MULL. BROAD Street. below WALNUT. East Side. FIFTH SOIREE. SATURDAY EVENING, March 'lO. DO. Commencing at 11 o'clock. 'TICKETS ' ONE DOLLAR. o be had at all the, principal Islesic Stores and at the Door. ruta.3.6t• ACADEMY OF MUSIC. • Id. SATURDAY EVENING, April IP.M. • MENDELSSOHN •CIETIOS COMPLIMENTARY CONCERT TO TBED: MUSICAL DIRECTOR. MR. JEAN LOUIS, When they will perform, asshited by a number of emi uent artiste, WALPURGIS N'ICIRT, by Meadelaeobn. LUHLINE, by Hiller. CHIRAL FANTASIA, bY Beethoven. TICKETS. 81, with e. Reserved Seat. can be obtained ,t iho Society's Office (Louis Meyers Utrlite Store). har Chestnut street. and Mr J. E. uould's New Wswerooms. RR Chestnut street. Bee Programmes at the Magic Stores, CONCERT HALL. - SECOND SERIF A; OF • MORNING AND EVENING READINGS FROM SHAKSPRARE, Bp DIU& FRANCES ANNE EEIIIBILE. SATURDAY MORN IN G. March VA, DA at LET. The Morning Reading at 3 o'clock P. M. ADMISSION. . ONE DOLLAR. Hesorved Pfolatn. SI AO. TICKETS for sale at GOULD'S PIANO WARE. ROOMS No. 493 CIiESTNUT Street. SPECIAL NOTICE—To avoid interruption the audience are respectfully requested to be seat,d fifteen minutes before the commencement of the Reading's. CONCERT lIALL. MONDAY EVENING, April 13th. la 3 COMPLIMENTARY CONCERT TENDEItELT TO MR. A. IL TAYLOR, By *number of his friends., when he will have the yalna bre assistance of MISS I,t:CISE SOLLIDA Y t MISS EMILY YOUNG. MR. JACOB GRAF. MR. CARL WOLPBOIIN, MIL W SI. BTOLt Jo.. MR. DAVID WOOD, Tickets. One Dollar each. To be had at J. E. GOULD'S piano store. 923 theetuutstreet, nud W. IL BONER'S mu sic store, 1102 Chestnut street. Doors or en at 7. Concert et B. nih14,21.'29ap4,6,7,8,9.1a,11,13 CONCERT MALL. FATHER BALDWIN'S ORIGINAL TROUPE OF OLD IFOLRE3 will commence on MONDAY EVENING. March 30th, 1868, a Soden of GRAND CONCERTS in Coetnmes of ONE HUNDRED YEARS AGO. TICKETS. 10 CENTS. Grand Matinees for ,Families and Schools WEDNES DAY and SATURDAY At' URRNOONS nt o'clock. Admission, 25 cents, to all parts of the Hail. Inhal-11 RS. JOHN DREW'S ARCH STREET THEATRE,— COM PLIMENTA RIF BENEF IT TO FRANK MORDAUN T. MONDAY EVENING, MARCH 30. 'THE OUTCAST. Henry Dunbar ... ... _......Mr. F. MORDAUNT (His original ibaracter-) Margaret Wentworth Glut Ume)........5fra. F. !Jordan The Major .... ..... .. . ....... . . ........ Mr. It. Craig And all tlio Comp . any. THE AMERICAN GLEE CLUB. Mr. MORDAI NT will recite 13e.autiful Snow." Mr. enA S. HENRY, the popular Ballsdlat, has kindly volunteered. and will sing "Rutty Avournecu." To conclude with A HUSBAND TO ORDER Pierre Marcenu......... ..... .........Mr. F. MORDAUNT ,fretrhine .. ... .. .......... .Mlas Lizzie Prico Don't forget MONDAY. March W. _Box Sheet now open. It W ALNUT STREET THEATRE.— GREAT HAT URUAY NIGHT'S BILL TWO POPULAR DRAMAS. ALL THE t ;OMPANY IN THE RILL. Commencing with the cecutation drama of THE RAG PICKER OF PARIS. AND TIM ' DRESSMAKER or BT. ANTOINE To conclude NICK 'uvular Drama of OF THE WOODS. MONDAY—MR EDWIN BOOTH u SHYLOOK Supported by the brilliant young tragedienne MISS MARY MoVIURERS AS PORTIA. MRS. JOHN DREW'S ARCH STREET Bo THEATRE. othia 31( BENEFIT OF MR. S. HEMPLE. TONIGHT, SATURDAY, March 28th, 1868. WAITING FOR. THE VERDIOT. Blinkoy Brown Mr. B. HEMPLE Jonathan Roseblade.... ......... . ... Mr F. M+ok ay Joaeph Itosobla de. ... ................Mr. C. Walcot Martha Hoseblade. .. . ..... . . Miss E. Pric,) Coacluding with Nal . '47 . l . o . r;ti . for . a . mt OUR AMERICAN CU (MIN. Binary Mr. 8. numpLr; Asa Tronchard..... ...........Mr. R. Craig Mary Meredith... ei i . i H im EL Frio) Morday—gnaOrti. liiiaur. NEW ELEVENTH STREET OPERA no an & zip ELEVENTH street above THE FAMILY RESORT. CARNCROSS & DIXEY'S MINSTRII THE GREAT STAR TROUPE OF THE WORLD. HOUSES CROWDED. EVERYDOPY DELIGHTED. First week of the laughable act entitled MESMERISM. Continued success of the now Burlesque on UNDER THE GAS-LIGHT.- Characters by the Entire Company. ASSEMBLY BUILDINGS.- POSITIVELY JAST WEEK OF Mr. ALF RED BURNETT, The celebrated Huniorist. assisted by MISS HELEN NASH. Ticket!, 60 cents Children. 86 cents.; Begin at 8 0 MATINEE, SATURDAY, March MS; 8 o'clook. • - Admission to Matinee, 85 cents; Qiudren 160. BURNETT appears in GERMANTOWN on McIEHAY and TUEODAy EVENINOB. "mn" iRIENDSHLP IfALL, , CORNER OF ISKPY/VA'AND , kicrrris stre s etp. Kerir4 ; ' ITIZ, THURSDAY ISA an ItA.TURLYAY 12 1 tBNIthoo, March 86th. 27tb 88,,conomanotnitt at - an& I),kilbr'; at t 4tpopts ata. • Magl2 v: 1 0 1 0. 1104 !' a n g 7 ;74Z d wque Mb a letrol!. tpo Reserved Sesta, 'ploil...B_,Aigagc4tly n . • o , • JR , avagßx • ty r tmallooN. . • .1 (I tpoit GMT; In Grand'ealletcl. ttr, Hanoi% Gymnast iieta,Pantomtmes. ' . rIERMANIA DIUSURSTRA.—PULUALD REHMAKSAI 131 . at the MI WSKAL FUND IlAhL,erery SATURDAY 03.4 P. M. Tickets wild at Vic Deer au.ll at all prlneth Music Stares. agagemente can be Endo by oddrok. 0. B *STEW. Dal Monterey area, or at WITTI Munk Stare. IOtI Chretnut etreot. (IA ItL NTZ'I4 OE(JIIESTRA MATINEES IN 1 1(111. tfindturat Ilan, will alone on TEI,URBIIAY.,.AtaiI mak 1868, what* too :lab and Lust COneart will bo given , Tickets at Ronar'e, 1102 Chottnut *areal.. and.ra the door. r019,t.ap20,4 PMzifIVINANIA'AOAD'EMY OP Fins ART% ' ' ' ' OffESTNUT, above TEDIrL OPori from 9A. M to Pi M. Benjamin Weat' great platten of 01/EIST REJEOTIM still on extilbitloo. • • : • leokt LEGAL NOTIMS• ry Tut , : Dinkier- OOTlltr OP TUE UNITED I States for the EasternDistriet of ' Ponneyiyanii.--fa Bankruptcy. At Philadelphia, the Ifith day of March.n, fob. The undersigned hotel AM gives tonillt of Ids appointment as aosigneo of WILI , A of I Ifiladelphia, tit° county of' hiladatibla an* state of Pennsylvania. within maid Di• tact, who has been 'Whit , a( 41 a bankrupt upon hiss own initiates by the said District Court. Wbl. VOUDES. Aipignee 128 South Sixth lit. 'To the Ciedttore nt tho Bankrupt • b2Bl IN THE Hisildar COTIBT OP THE UNITED fil'Ati ES 1. Olt THE EAI3TEitN DISI Ram or PENNSYLVANIA.—In -Bankruptcy.— At Philadelphia, Mart h 17, Ins The undersigued hereby gives notice of hi. oppoinhnent as assignee of JOB Pi C. 1.0./V El, of l'hilsdelphis, in the county of Philadelphia. and State of 1. tomylyania, within said district, who him been _ad judged it bankrupt upon hie own petition, by the eabl District Court. W M. AT.IGI.tEti. Assignee, o. 128 South Sixth street To the Creditors of the ItankruPt. hi11 210 . 3 t" INTI I EDISTBICIPCOUIPF — HP Tint UNITED "State* for the Eastern District of ..I'etntyltrania.-- , id Bankroptcy—b.c. o Whom it may concern.—Tew undersigned hereby gives notice of his sPnolaltinead. its Assignee of W/4.l..JAbi t 1 MARolthe city of Phila delphia, in the county of Philadelphia and State of Penn. kylvonba t wittiin maid District. t who haa boon adjudged I. V ' turrtn. Cinl&fitti2ollllllVBl),trtierft tohNl.t.2tl Milioutb dist street. At Philadelphia. the Nth day of Mareb,•A. D. VIP TLfE" - L7l4lTEllt STATES FOR THE VASTER:: DISTRICT .opt pEtr.bleYLVANLi.—lat listatruptcy.—At phitadelpkix. Mirth the Stith. A. D. M.... • The underpinned hereby gives' notice Of his . runt as Asaigneo of Dir. WPIT C. 11100 HE Phtlatief fllla, in the County of Philadelphia at Inaba'," Palau /misstate, within said District. who haidlosen adjadged a Bankrupt upon his own petition by the said District Court. NVtd. VOGHEti, Assignee, mb2B 'South Sixth attest- To the Creditors of the Bankrupt. - 'IN THE 'DISTRICT "COURT OF TILE CRITES' .FiTit'l'ES FO} TII'S EASTERN DISTRICT , OF PENNSYLVANIA. IN U ANKRUTTCY. AT Euit.surs.- AS arch the nib, A. D, Tho undersigned hsreby Myra notice of his nopoint wont as stein ee of woworr R. HARRISON, of ThUt deiphis. in the county of Philsd,iphin cad State of Pennsylvania, within said Dictrtct , who has been a 4 . hulked bankrupt, upon his own petition. by the fait District Court. WM. VoGDEti. Assignee. 12 , 3 South Sixth stro.t. To the &editors of the Bankrupt. . Intans.str T ouisA P. DICK. BY :it NEXT .FRIAND. LLI ..I.4NESYNAM. ye. ROBERT DICK, Common Ilea% is diverce,-, March Tenn.-WA 'No Sa. _ o itoriEwr DAM, liesPondent. *We: You hill pleas take notice that interregatories, with the nawee and occupation of the witnesses to be examined to the aims* c,ue, have been flied and posted In the Pretty/erasers (Alec tk , aid witnesses will be rxamined heforejno.ttoberte. nxinner, appointed by the Court, at his office. N 0.114 S. sixth street. city of rhiladelphis, on MONDAY. April IS. et 3 coelnek, I. M.. when and where you may attersi if you thiuk proper. JOHN C. REIME.IFFIIII. n Attorney for Libellant. iii TIIE DISTRICT COURT FOR THE ern - AND A 001 STY OE kill LA DELPIIIA. JOHN CUNNINGHAM 1 ik• It - DEIN fiAbilLTo3l. who survived I . giii. - fertla. 101tNeMILEV , trading se j HAMILTONI A: SMILEY. Thee uditor aptointed to report distribution of the fund raised hr the Sheriff's .ele. und. r the above, writ, will meet the parties interned for the purpose at hie appointment, at his office. 'go. 6> Walnut street. Philadelphia. on Wednesday. the first day of April. link at 4 o'clock P. 14.. where all parties are required to make their ehdtne, or be debarred from coming in upon said fund. WA UM J. MAW, rohD4.lot• Auditor. TN TILE DISTRICT COURT FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PitILADF.LPIIIA., BENJAMIN BECKET re, EDWARD B. SULLIVAN:S FL kn.. Sept. Term 16d7. No. 671 ALLEN TUAILINSON et. sl. vs. EDWARD D. SULU 'YANA FL Fa. Dec. Term. W 7. No. 311. The Auditor appointed by the Court to report distribu tion tf the fend in VOnrt, produced by . the Stterill's side of the defet doint's pereonel property. under this above stated write, will attend to the duties of Ids appointment' on 7 uteday. the Witt day of March. Ma, at 355 Y. IL. at him office. No. 136 South Sixth street, in the city of Phlladed phia, when and where all persons Interested ehaU present their claims, or be debarred from coadng Ist upon said fund& S. N. RICU; Auditor. mbIA Mareb2Xl4 IN THE ORPHANS' cour.x. FOIL TOE CITY AND counti of Philadelphia.—Estato of lira, IRO /311 11X/It late Rt/BRIIINDII.-The Auditor appointed by the Court to audit. settle and adjust the seventh account of ANN 110)IAR. surviving 'fruiter, unit r the trill of the Rev. WILLIAM I'. HINDS. deceased, and, to report distribution of the balance in the hands Of the account. ant, will meet, the parties interezted Jar ttor. p late of hie appointment. on MONDAY, April fith, o'clock N. at his o ffi ce, No UP South - Filth - street. in • the city of Philadelphia. JAlf ES If. CASTLE. Auditor. lailD'; lb.e,tn&t• 'UNITED STATES MARSHAL'S OFFICE.EASTERN DWfld i OF PENNSYEVAN /A. Pro r. 'bruin A. March 2ist, Viet This to give notice; That on the %Lig day of Martt. A. L. II•ge. a warrant in Bankruptcy wag tatted against the estate of OWEN L. JONES, or Philadelphia. in Me county of 'Philadelphia, and State of ' Pcunsylva nits, who has been adjudged . a bAZArtlpt. OA ids own petition; that the payment a any debts and delivery of any property belonging to such bankrupt, to him, or for his use. and the trawler of any properly hY hilmare t. rhidden by ; that a snorting of the creditors of the said bankrupt, to prove their debts. and to choose one or snore ate Igueea of his estate. will behold at 4 curt. of Bankruptcy, to be holden at No. t. M Walnut street, Philadelphia, Wore WILLIAM. Mo MICHAEL. Esq.. In.. on the 31st day of April, A.D. M. at 2 o'clock P.M. I'. C. ELLMAKMII. United States Marsha!, a. Methengelt. mh^Prt LE - I'lEttii TESTAMENTARY TO T 111: EBTATII UY P.SILLIE litISSII:11. &Towed. having been granted to the taiderpigned, all persocul Inivlug chime or demands agalnat the eat ato of maid decadent, aro requested to make tuou the wile to Ideo without delay. and all persons indebted to raid estate are ryquetded to make pagatent. 'llOl3. bktil'LEY. Executor, No. Da North Seventh street. tobll af.t• _ - - T ETTERS TESTAMENTARY TO 'rue ESTATE OF LI B. Fl , AN KUN MENDENHALL. deceased, having been granted to the undersigned, all persons having claims or demands against the estate of said decedent, are to quested to make known the ante to them without delay, atd unperson,' smich'ed said estate are requeeted to make payment. JOHN R. MATLACK, THOS. $l4 IPLEY Executors, N 0.20 North Seventh street. mlett.s,o; . 1 IN TIIE ORPHANS' COURT FOR TILE CITY AND County of Philadelphia.—Pilate of PATRICK Ma- CU , RE—Notice le hereby given that JANE Mn(IIIIRE, widow of said decedent. ha* filed in *aid court her peti tion and opprafeetnent by which the elects to retain SItO out of th , 'date of eald decedent. in poignance of act of Atecntlity, At rit 1011,1551. and oupplements thereto. t3aid aprra iron t 1;43 approvud of b r the court on Bator. day, Atilt 4th, Ig6B. unleen exceptions thereto be , filed. , A.P. WILSON. Attorney' for Petitioner. 1041 e twit. GAS IFIXTVJUES. ("2. AB FIXTURES. —MiIiKEY, MERRILL & V.l THAI:EAR& No. 718 Chestnut street, manufacturers of Gee Fixtures, Lamps, &c., Ac would call the attention of the public to their large and elegant assortment of Gas Chandeliere Pendants, Brg.ckets. Ac. They also introduce gas pipes into dwellings and public buildings, and attend to extending, altering and repairing gas pipes. All wort warranted. ITANICIPX & MARSIIALL HAVE A COMPLETE; V stock of Chandellerv. Brackets, Portable Stand and Bronzes, at No. 912 Arch street. VALL AND BUY YOUR GAB•FIXTURES PROM %I the manufacturers• VANKIRK MARSHALL. No. 912 Arch greet. ITANICIRK & MARBBALL NC. Pl 2 ARCH STREET, manufacture and keep ail styles of Cia&Fixtures Chandeliers. Also, refinish old fixtures. ' VANKIRS. & MARSHALL. _ NO. AU ARCO STRE give special attention to fitting up Churches. Pipe run at the lowest rates. /BOLD. GILT. AND TLECTRQ BthVER.PIATED iT Gae.Flatureth at VANN.I.R.N. & DIARBIIALL' B ; Net.. 912 Arab street. All work guaranteed •to give satisfaction. None bat flret.claee workmen employed. • togs ruseentil imutatiiNzar, ruox, kV. C at•EK'S AR MERS' BOILER 'an be made to boll with one third le fuel than anY other. it aulatly adapted for MAN UFA°. UttErtg, FARMER& and 'MK. Bold with or without even or wheels, and frord' ll to gallong in elze. Moleeale and Retail. -- el.. S. CLARK loos Allstrket Street, Philadeliptils. mh`2l,3 DENTISTRY._ o k Dif. JOHN M. FINE'S DENTAL ItOGAIN N 0.1119 Vine street .-- Thirty elite Prnetisei Ilan . .. one of theloldeat established' tints in the ty.. 14440 1 ., aware ercheap dentistry, , are calls weekly from those that have b im pt Oa I , and rare making new sets for them. Ent beau al -0 like teeth, and neat and subs_tantlal :Mirk, our a , more reasonable than any Dentist in the city .. . 'Plugged, teeth repaired, exchanged, or remode Nitrous Oxide Gas and Ether alwitys on hand:' 1 1, 2 time and money, es give us , call before•Angsuldmilt whese.re. No charge unless satisfied. , Bialt.a est pi,. po eau ea ' , xis.lol.oea - 91041ROCERE, HOTBGICKEPBBEI. FAMILIEBI4.II2) J. ,Dtbere.,-Tbe undersl n i7 has Just recelyo mopply,Catenta,Bollto and gbampagne, ,lFeo.T Or e4l Ale (tor invalldN, con e uls. on hand. • n2O roar Wee. Below Third end Walnut streets. }Wm our latest edition Of Yesterday. By the Attarttle , lopreoN, March,27.—lleapatchca have ricett ecivcd here statirg that a 'titrike oieurred among the operatives of the coal mines at Charierol, in Belgium. The'discontented 4 wOrktnes assembled in a body and soon , became riotous, and the an thoritiestotird it necessary to call out the troops to repress the disorder. — After - the'--rioters had teen warned •to desist . and dlsperre, they were at laet fired upon by the 'soldiers and many of them killed and wounded. The lateit .teiegnards eneetmee that the riot been suppressed and that the was tranting FLOnizser, March 29.—The Goveniment is taking active measures to' repress the system of rigomiagettow prevailing in various parts of *he kingdom. A large body of troops is to be Immediately put 9 in readiness, tinder General Paths Vocialto, to operate against the outlaws In the province of Naples. Lennox, March 27.—There Is no doubt that the officers who made the arrest at Salford the other day-Were imposed upon. It now appears that She person arrested is not the Fenian Captain Deasy, as at lint supposed, although the prisoner elosely ,resembled Deasy. The authorities are now .fully satisfied that Deasy successfully es eap United States. lifitreermsnru, March 27.—The Fenians Thomp son ilia Mullady, who were tried for the murder of Police Sergeant Brett, and convicted, and after wards reproved, have been sentenced to impri sonment at hard labor for life. •. The Veto Vetoed. Derpatch to ttio Phila. Evettiog Bulletin l WASHINGTON', March 27.—At three o'clock, in the House, Mr. Wilson called the previous Ties, lion on the passage of the Ifabeas Corpus bill Dill over the President's *veto. The Democrats snece.eded in getting the yeas and nays on order. !mg the main question. It was ordered by a strictly party vote, and the bill was then passed over the veto by a vote of 112 yeas to 34 nays. The bill Is now a law, notwithstanding the Presi dent's veto. ' The Pacific Railroad. • (Special Despatch to the Phila. Evenina Bulletin.) • WANILICGTO)g, March 27.—Two persistent but ineffecual attempts were made to get up Mr. Ward's bill allowing the Central branch of the Union Pacific Railroad Id extUnd its line so as to connect with the main stem at the 104th meridian, or with the Omaha branch at any point east of said meridian, with the same subsidy allowed the Union Paeific Railroad, for a distance not to ex ceed one hundred and titly_tuiles: The Naval ApptaPriation bill obtained the pre ference, and the Senate proceeded to the consi deration of the amendment thereto reported by the Committee. The naval Appropriation Hi ll. itSceytal bee patch to the Yhtbutelphis Eveates Bulletin.] WASHINGTON, March 27 - .—The Senate has adopted an amendment , to the Naval Appropria tion 13111, offered by Mr. Wilson, that employes in navy yards, with the exception of civil engi neer and naval storekeeper, shall be appointed from civil life. The dismission of the bill still continues. TUE WEST. Tide Powder River likstantry—Abandon. fug Stilittaary Wens. From the Cheyenne Areas.] The remorW intention of the War Department do abazdon Forth Phil. Kearney and. Reno has been received with feelings of disgust and anger by the people of this portion of Dakota. The ostensible =won assigned for this course Is that the road-to Montana, through what is known as the Powder Riter country, is no longer traveled ' by emigrants, and that, therefore, there se no ne cessity for keeping garrisons at these points. This, we say, is the ostensible reason. The real cause for this backward movement lies deeper, and affects the moat vital interests of the inhabi tants 'not only of Cheyenne, but of the whole country between this city and the mountains. Indeed, it affects indirectly all the inhabitants of the Northwestern frontier, and the reaction will also make itself felt in the East. We take it, then, that the real reason for this movement is simply that the Sioux Indians have "bluffed" Uncle Samuel. They refuse to part with their hunting grounds and to go on rater vations,and after an ineffectual attempt to subdue them, the government of the United States is willing to confess itself vanquished, and retire from the disputed territory. Anything more humiliating than this virtual defeat at the hands of a crowd of painted savages is difllettit to imagine. After u large expenditure of blood and treasure, for who can forget the massacre at Fort Phil. Kearney last year, the forces of the govern ment creep , quietly bark again to their base. Talk about the impeachment of Andrew John son, if there is any one in the Republic who deserves impeachment it- is those traitors to the people who have advised the Gov ernment to take this disastrous 'step. Against these vipers who have wounded the honor of this nation the righteous indignation of thousands of hard working settlers who will suffer by the crime will be directed. That we shall suffer from it there is little room to doubt, for who can believe that the abandonment of the Powder River coun try will stop the murdering and thieving propen skies of the 81011%. Already they have cora rimmed their spnng career around Laramie, where they are waiting until the Indian agents can deal them out provisions and presents at the public expense, and when the grass has grown a little we shall have fierce bands hovering around the frontier, nod now and then sweeping in and scalp ing the defenceless. One thing is to be learned by this dismantling of forts and withdrawal of troops. It teaches us not to expect any protection from the Indians but what we can ourselves provide. Luckily there are likely to be thousands of mon used to Indian warfare in this Territory, and who aro bent on prospecting and hunting In this very eonntry that the Government would keep as a game preserve for the red men. To stop this pioneer column will be as impossible as to stay the march of civilization, and troops , or no troops, forts or no forts, the war will be carried into Africa. To meet the Sioux, some organiza tion will be necessary. and we are quite pre pared to advocate the raising of scalp money by subscription to assist the cause. A good pre mium on fresh scalps, with what plunder can be obtained in horses, furs and buftalo robes, will soon place enough of the right sort of men in the field and send the Indians to other hunting grounds. Coldness Between Grant and Hancock [Washington Correspondence of the N. V. Herald.? Some little significance is given here to the tact that during his stay in this city General Han cock did not call on General Grant, as Is said to be customary among prominent' officers visiting the seat of Government. Upon in quiry it le ascertained that General Hancock did not visit General Grant for the purpose of having a conversation with him, but that on the first day of his arrivall here he did call at General Grant's • headquarters and recorded his name as present in Washington, in coM- Vianco with an order of lou standin_g. At that time LB said that one of Genoral Grant's stall officers asked Hancock If he wished to see Gen. Grant, to which Hancock answered "No; I have no business to lay before the now— i-- — 3 ll- fifofitleg at the Metropolitan, if the General paid wish to see me." On the next day Gen. tAnt and Hancock mot in the street, ttx 4 rged greetings and shook hiaule, -but no conversation. The slg.nlii cancl/4tteehed to tue failure of Hancock tO pay the (. ornery visit to theDotterel-in-Chief hi p ointe to ::g rove that air unfriendly feelingottdsem xtR. een them. This understanding : of the mover, le not warranted bY the facts, and tile r ood reason for saying it is entirely Wend' n .erronere hero,T may not be that deem of etWeen tirant and Hancock that subsists — e s n tnclormer and other generals ot• the arm} t there has been ho selioue fulling out .14 IWO' / a — t vt t Ireineat,a* Counsel [llo . y. copula:rein' AdVorthier.l We Wnrfk t 4 ,1„b tldgtr, Slack represents two.: finite f orln "ruq , yerrlitslay claims; that one st/tAB-Prear44' Postrriaster-i4onotal; and" the other, Ail the Secretary of Sbito;. that , otb, , hftei; and cafr consideration, were' rejected; that Judge Black appe ale‘t to the President; , who ' wrote letters • to both Una:in:lents,' intimating his wish, in proper terms, that Judge Black's case might have further, and if practicable, favorable consideration; that the Postmaster-General and Secretary of State went personally and frankly to the President with all the papers In each ease; and that the President, after a careful mtamkiation, came to the conclusion that Judge Black's clients would not be wronged either by'the Post Office or State De • arta:tont. D ON' T 1 ADJb... amlush isToicto_, GEORGE N. TATIIAN Mol , rIIII,Y C 031311117.4 ANDREW WIIBELEN: &Portal on: ge9tDaTefnEvenlnBbniiet in. LOINDON—bbip Abigail. Raymond-50 tons apiegelobuill Id bates wool 80 eke m4e 100 hales rage Brown, shiPlcv & co; 3t9 empty petroleum casks 200 dads soda crystals 61 bales scene 820 pigs lead 800 lons chalk tlenry Ksu akin 16 casks blacking bi U Kelbeg; 104 bales raga 115 d ) paper waste Jeplup .1c Moore; 9 pkge rodeo 0 Lyna; 301 tads cement French Richards & Co; 2 eke citric acid lie pkgs rod e Powers Welghtman; 986 pca old railroad iron .1 e. isoziey a co; PA cke sand 8 $ White; 4 do I laetkr Hut in gm & Co; 3 pkge male 1081 bars iron 2000 pigs lead 6 bales bark order, NILOV 'FIENTAI OF OCE.IIIII ISTEAMIFIRAe TO ARRIVE. SHIPS PROM iros DAVIS Ce11a.......... ...London..New York ...March 7 Caledonia.... Glagow„New York ' March li Allemanla Bouthampton..New Y0rk.........March 13 City'of Waellngton.Llvtirpool..New - York.. —March 14 flecla ....Liverpool-DoetondiN Vork -March 17 Pa1ruyra........._. ..Llverpool..N.Y via liocton...March 17 Union. .Bouthatoptori..New lict k........ March 17 Itch/vile.. .... .......14verpooL.New York. March 18 City of Bocton., ....1 Warp:Poi-New Y0rk.........5farch 18 Peruvian..........E.Liverpool-Portland..".. ... March ifl Tripoli Liverpool. ,Boistou&N Yor k. ,March 21 Cimbria ...80114halnp4Ork. Now York March 20 A It! Ohl atian Liverpool-New Y0rk,........Marcb 21 Cubs .......... ...Liverpoel-New York........ March 21 Manhattan . - .. .Liverpool.. New York March 24 (,'ity of Antsierp..Ltverpool..New York........ March 28 TO DEPAH.T. Ware and Stripee.....Phila&a..Havans . . . . . ... ...March SI Jaya Now York.. Liverpool April 1 Arizona New York. ,Aspinwall. ...,. - —April' 1 Colorado'..,. New York..LiverPool ...... • .....APril 1 Morro Caeue New York-Ilavana. April 2 Union. .. ... ..... .... Now York-Bremen ----April 2 Dorusela .... . . .... -New York-liam burg April 4 Ce Ha. .. .New York..LondOn..-. .........April 4 Viryo ' New York.. Vera Cruz..to April 4 Ban Franctoco......New 1 ork..Ban Juan, Nk.....A put 4 Iturope. ...... ... .New York,.llavrei.... ......April 4 Denmark........... New York.. Liverpoo l ..... ...... April 4 Caledonfa... -- . New York-Glasgow - . ... April 4 City et Washington .-. N. York. „Llverplvial — larx: .April 6 China New York.. Liverpool ...... ....April 8 Aleppo• • • ..... ..... New York. -Liverpool. ..... .... April 9 MARINE BIJLLETII4. flow Rum 5 NI Bow Ora. 8 / 1 01 Mon WATER. 4 4 4atuyED YESTERDAY Ship Abigail (Br), Raymond,43 days from London.with dr e to lienry Bunten. Steam*? Beverly, Pierce, 3 4 boom from New York, with ..dbetoW Clyde& Co. Bark W U Jenkire., Lewand, 3 days from New York. in ll aant to Workman dr. Co. Brig Rabboni. Coombs, 14 days from Cardenas, with olames to Madeira & Cabada, Brig Agenora, White, 3 da3 !from New York, In ballast W amen & Gregg. BrigFavour (Nor). Refn, 8 days from New York. in bal . tto Workman & Co. . - Brig Branch (Br), Card, d days from Boston, in ballast J Y, Bazhy &CO. . _ ear E Niitteiron k Marino. 5 days from Doron., with itite to rowel' & t, o 1 Jur. Behr Vandalia, 13avin, 3 days from Lelpric, Del. with /main to Jos .E Palmer. Behr t layten k Lowber, Jarkroo, 1 day from , myrna, L with grain to Jae L Bowl y & t 'o . fiebr Mary 4: Caroline, lowitrr,i3.days from Leigsle,DeL with grain to Joe E Palmer. Bohr Nile. Collins, 3 darn from Leipsic, Del. with grain to Joe E !Omer. . . Behr Olivia. Fos, I day from Odessa, Del, with grain to Jas I Bewley & Co. Sehr ariadne. Thomas. I day from Smyrna, Del. with grain to Jam L Bewley & Co. Bchr Sarah Warren, Connell, I day from Magnolia, 1)• I with grain to J L as Bewley & Co. Behr W Kallaban, Clark. from Maurice Elver, in ballast to J Justus. I,l3ehr baresagle, Kelly. 5 days from Wood ' s Role, with mdse to rell & achr J Ford, Daniels, from Baltimore. in ballad to J T Juatua. Sr hr Elizabeth Erigllah. Sipple, 60 hours [torn New Bed ford. in balla s t to captain. Behr C 8 Caretaire, Price, Providence. Behr Eliza & Bebe ca. Price. Providence. Behr Geo Twibill, Donnelly,_Georgetown. • CLPABED YESTERDAY. Steamer R Candiff, Baltimore, A Groves, Jr. Steamer Mayflower. Robaneon, N York. W P Clyde & Co. Brig Kate Foster. Brown, Portland, J Rommel Jr. Brig Kennebec. Minot, Portland, Audenried, Norton&Co. Behr D E Wolfe, Dole, Norfolk, ' do Behr J fd Vance, Bur dge, CanibridgePort. do Behr Archer & IteordkFoater Key Writ, DB Btetoon&Co. Behr A AI Edwards, Mnson, Richmond, Latlibury. Wick. endham ate Co. Behr . Triumph, Cheater, Dirt Braintree, J Rommel, Jr. Behr Clara, Baxter, Barton. do Behr 31 A Longhery, Loughery,New Haven, do Schr N Harris. Salem. do Behr A H Learning., Brower. Boston. L Audenried & Co. Behr it RP. No IS, Conon, New Haven. Qutntard, Ward & Co. Seta Specie. Smith. Suffolk, 'Va. Jones dr, Co. Correspondence of the Philadelphia Exchange. CAPE ISLAND. NJ.. March The bark Europa, from Havana for Philadelphia, and Lehr Marietta Tilton, from Trinidad de Cuba for do, went in to-gay. Wind E. I notice the report that "the Five Fathom Light ehowed no light on the morning of the 24th !net and that it wee feared elm had again broken adrift." 1 would tap that ebe ie brill in her proper position. and all right Yount &c. THOMAS B. HUGHES. MEMORANDA. Ship Lillian. cleared at Savannah yesterday for this pot. r termer City of Baltimorc,Leitch, cleared' t New York yesterday for LiverpooL Steamer Erin, Forbes, for Liverpool, cleared't New York yesterday. Steamer Columbia (Br), Linch, cleared at New York yesterday for (ilaesuw Steamer Tarifa (Br), Murphy, cleared at New York ye te , day for Liverpool. Bark John Buulton (Br), Lindsay, hence at Laguayra 2d instant. MSI3I hark Wm Van Name, Craig, at Messina 20th inst from Palermo. ERMMUI=E MMI=M;IMM . . Brig Mina (Br), liolden„ at Gibraltar tLh inst for thte pon. Brigs W ii Bickmore. Bickinore; Abby Ellen, Orcntt; Paragon. and G. ace Webeter, Randall, at Matan zas :Mill (net for this port. echr A Ni Chadwick, Doane, at Trinidad 18th inst. from Rio .1. neirq, war leaky. echr Lydia Varivell. Mills, hence via Gibraltar, at Na. plea 6th inrt. Schr E B Wheaton, Little, hence at Richmond 25th (net. Behr Wm Paine, Phillips, cleared at Portland 15th inst. for thi. port. COAL ANI► WOOD. MARKET STREET. The undersigned of the late firm of Win. Thornton 6; Co. having purchased all the right and interest of the ssid late firm, le now prepared to serve his friends and the public generally with the beet quality of coal, at the following prices: Schuylkill. at $6 00 per ton; Lehigh. $1 50; Large Nut, $5 00; Lehigh, $5 su. Where I hope bpstriet attention to business ll to give general satisfaction to all that may give me a ca. THO3LiS THORNTON, an Old Soldier, 2006 Market street. Residence: 1421 North Seventh street Orders through Mall promptly attended to. • mhs,lm-0 FARM'S CELEBRATED CENTRALIA, HONEY BROOK LEHIGH AND OTHER FIRST-CLA S S COALS; WEIGHT AND Q UALITY GUARANTEED. bI.VTT & CARRICK, fe2041n2 1848 MARKET STREET. T Elnan, EAGLE VEIN, AND BEST LOCUST Li MOUNTAIN COAL, AT LOWEST RATES. SAMIIRL C DUBOIS & 00_ ._. CO.OPEEATIVE 'COAL YARD. Office and Yard, .333 North Broad Street above Wood. East Side. Orders by Mall. tea 2m MoOARBY 4; BON, L . DEALERS LE CE HET &0.. BAND. RAIL WEST END OF CIIESTNtr_r STREET BRIDGE. fes24ltao ALSO. COAL AND WOOD. IL MASON BOOMOUN rpHE UNDERSIGNED INVITE ATTENTION TO J. their stock of W Spring Idountail, Ifehigh and Locust Mountain Coal. be n 4 r x :k, ,o l3 3 l d th t ti y l u t. y eAta i tia s tiven by us, we think cannot °dice, Institute Building, ES No. S. Se ye street. SIN dr SHEAF ,F nth ialn•tf% • - • Arch street wharf, 8-duayikill. MEW PUBLICATIONS. - run READY—BINGTIAM , S LATIN G RAMbiAB es New Edition.—A Grammar of the Latin Language For the use of Schools. With exorcism and vocabtuaries, Bin ham By WilliaS chool. m Bingham. A. AL, Superintendeut of the _ . • The Publishers takeelantri announcing to Teachers and friends of Educa tion generally. tha t t ir l: new edition of the above wok /0 now readlo sa they vita I/ 0 4Nral examination of - the Autzo4 and eotol Wth_o_Mer work, op. the Dame issibbic,L_Ctogis&Wil./.03-ft Watch/ re and StiPerMandunts of Schools for this purpose at low rates. ' Price sl'so. Published bY E. EL BUTLE'II dc CO., 137 South Fourth otree Phaldell)l L And for Bale by Bookeellero generally; &on' 1" ectures.—A new Course of LectureN 44 delivered at the 'Li New Yolk Museum of Anatomy, eMbracing _the sulr leers; flow to live and what to live for; Youth; tdaturt4 and old Age; Manhood generally revieweWhe cause o . indigestion, flatulence and' Nervous Dime s accorin for. Pockot volumes containing those teetures will be for. worded to pittioa unable to attend on receipt of four sinuMa ; by stiflteMing J. J.' DYer, 85 School 'etreet. Boa. ' .114000 DODODT. 130141 1 P • AND DICIVIANGIED AT JA ES BAR S, 1105 Market street, Ptdra. felelT rWiWirs. MEM • rATl'lirl>, •LA ' •. : • teaeltiug the higher. hranehor, wi_rhes a ettgatlen • • Goverte te, 'go into ,tie ceuritty. (Beet eity referene • ye as, naovanDaoB,ll , BOLIATIN ofika.-mh9dr3t aIIatEeEtivED,TA3SARINDI3.-90 KEES MARTINIQUE Ak • Tatnarinde in sugar, la nding and far -sale • bY J. El Et'SSIER it C0..100 SoutDelaware avenue Mt DAILY EirtNlll6'Burawnlif FOR. SALE .OR TO RENT. 529 CHESTNUT STREET, • - Opposite Independence Hall, THE CONVENIENT 11. FIVE-S TORY BUILDING , • 110 FRET DEEP. A FIVE-STORY WAREHOUSE, WITH A COURT-YARD IN THE REAR. Also, a Stable for 4 Horses and 2 Wagons This property is one of the most valuable on Chestnut street, having conveniences suitable for any kind of pueincre. APPLY ON THE PREMISES, from nine to one o'clock. mh2t; 3t• GERMANTOWN BUILDING LOT FOR SALE OR TO LET ON GROUND RENT. ft.ftet front, 511 feet deep. GREEN Street, Derr (MELTON Avenue. R. A. & .T. WILLI VAIS. rohll7 60 BROAD and GREEN Streete. BUILDING LOTS Apply to FOR SALE. BALDERSTON. & ALBERTSON, BUILDERS, Ng r igo North Thirteenth IStreet. FOR SALE OR TO LET FOR A TERM OF YEARS, DJESIIBABLE EtWAIDIENCE, All.Cll ST., South Side, No. 1230. Oven from 9to 12 Ail M. 2to L. P.M. mh2460 FOR BALE.-ON FORTIETH STREET, BELOW gi Pine, Wert Pbil.,delphia—A very desirable Cottage " Residence, replete v.ith every convenience , Citable, Ctsch hourl, and Green.huute. Grounds handsomely laid or t MI a protuelon of fruit trees in lull bearing. Let 76 by BM SAMUOL FIELD, 142 South Front street The lot adjoining, 76 feet 6 LIICIICe, can be had if Ale. rirtd. inhiP3-tII lEL, FOR SALE PREMISES. 1:Ntl LOCUST STREET. . " . 1524 WALNUT 2. I'REET. 1505 PINE STREET. __ " Is ;.10 DELANCY PLACE. 1,11 , C. 11. & D. P. NI ulitumb, mhl4-s,tu,th,lot4 205 South nixth street LFOR SALE---TIIE LARGE AND COMMODIOUS . M lion e, No. 259 South Fourth street name easy. " POkkCe4ol2 at once, by C. IL & H. P. MUIRIIEID, ' mhl4.e,tu,th PHI No. 205 South sixth street rCOUNTRY SEAT AND FARMFOR SALE.— ' 50 or 100 acres, Bristol Pike, above 'I mile stone. rnd near Taeony. Mansion home, coach shops and dwellings to Ist Apply on the premises. or to R. WILTAXEE, No. 610 Locust street. mhl4,s,tu.th,7t" F, 01 SALE OR TO LET—A HANDSOME STONE Residence, at Mount Airy, Twenty -emu,' Ward. Apt ly to ALFRED BAKER, nib:43.lo' No. 210 ()bran:tut etreet. 'tA MAGNIFICENT COUNTRY SEAT FOR SALE, or Exchange for city priperty. Possession can be givsm immediately. Sitas ci t y the village of Had donfield, N.J., 8 miles from tbe on the Camden and Atlantic Refined ;• 'with about twenty acres of wood. The improvements consist of an elegant mansion con taining Id rooms; stable; milk, Ice, wash and chicken bouses; gra y erif s and orchards, Mc. For particulars ap ply at 104 IA idnut street. ruh23,60 JOHN C. BRADLEY. eGERMANTOWN-40U BALE.--TEITTHANG.. . some Double Stone Residence, with Tenant House, btable and Carriage House. Ice House. Green and ilotfouse.andLet 180 feet front by 3ifi feet deep,aituats No, 100 Tulpebocken street. lias parlor,' library, dining room. large pantry and twe kitchens en first floor, ten chambers. and every city convenience, and is, in excel lent repair. Large vegetable garden and abundance of chain shrubbery. J. Al. GI;hI3IEY & SONS, 600 Walnut Street. rFOR SALE—TII9I HANDSOME THREE-STORY brick Du - elling, with attics and double three story tack buildings, situate No 1.37 North Eleventh street. lit s every modern convenience and improvement Lot 19 feet 9 inc.hes in front. by 105 feet deep immediate posseedon given. J. 3i. GIIIII3IEY SONS, 50E1 Walnut street. • irFOR BALE, A TIIREESTORY BRICK [JOUST., with three-story double back buildings, No. le2 N. " Twentieth et. It.quire on the Premises. mh21.12t" eFOR SA LE—THE ELF GANT COUNTRY SEAT, e corner of Birch lane and Montgomery avenue, Chest. nut Hill. BLDLoeff, A: PASCHALL, mhl7-tf 7L5 Walnut street. GERMANTOWN'.—FOR SALE—SEVERAL DE eirable cottages. Also. a large house, containing all tho modern improvementa. W STOKES, mhll.lPt• Insurance Office, Germantown. ta.FOR SALE OR TO RENT FURNISHED —A II liandeocue Modern Residence, with 14 acres of ground attached, situate in Darby Township, Delaware county, within 10 minutes walk from the Darby Re, .d Statism on Philadelphia and Media Railroad. J. M. GL MMEY 00 ,S, 5103 Walnut street. GERMANTOWN PROPERTY FOR SALE.— e Houee and Lot at the northwest corner of Ger " mantnwn avenue and Walnut Lane. The Lot has a front of feet on the avenue, and 513 feet on Walnut lone. A pply to '1 BONUS WILLIAMSON. southwest miner of sr venth and Arch smote. or to DANIEL B. SMITH, 4717 Germantown avenue. mh9 lm• _ FOR SALE.,-NO. 818 NORTE( SE VENTS Street - No. 92 Pine street. No. 2405 and 2409 Lombard street Ilsintitun sweet. West Philadelphia. No. :1116 Pine street. West Arch • treet, above Twentieth. Firttclass Mansion, West Philadelphia. Apply to COPE UCH di JORDAN, 452 Walnut street lb 68. Liftta o'l R"ESsImDEN"CE cE• 1868 % No. =SPRUCE STREET. FOR SALE. MAULE BROTHER & CO. 1~7• 'ZOO SOUTH sumer. IS N3gBtE NE V BRIM 1868. WALLACE STRe ET. llonee 40 feet front; lot AO I eet to a street. R SALE. MAULE BROTHER As 00._ fe27-2m* 2500 SOUTH STREET. ---- DESIRABLE IN VESTMENTS- PRO PERTIESNINTH. etreet. above Race: Eleventh street above Arch,. fine lota N. Broad street. Er/WD. S. SCLUVE LV. 233 North Muth atreet, 9 to 12 A. M. rnhfil to th a 3t• VALUABLE' WHARF PROPERTY FOR BALE, ON the Delaware river, having a front of 100 feetovith Pier 71 feet wide. J. Id. GUMAIEY,St SONS. 608 Walnut street. TO RENT—A SUPERIOR STORE FOR A Wholesale 'Business, at.a low tont. For partieu. " lass apply to LEWIS LIAEHNLEN, n 103 a to th tit• 913 Race street. cFOR RENT FOR THE SUMMER SEASON. furnithed.—.l n elegant Residence, with stabling'. vegetable garden and several acres of land attached situate on Msnlivirn street. Germantown. J. M. GUM. MEY & bONS, 568 Walnut street. inTO LET.—THE STORE N. W. CORNER SIXTH and Chestnut Streets. Inquire of J. W. STuKES, WI Green street. - nth% 6t• ty TO RENT.—A RANDSOKE DWELLING, EL E. corner Broad and Oxford streeta; all modern im provements.m Immediate eoosalOn. Also a line htorP, 402 South D. laware avenue. l'oeseeelon, M_e.ylet Apply to currucx. & JORDAN, .433. Walnut street. m1125 tf ETO RENT.—PREMISES NORTHEAST CORNER of SIXTH and OXFORD streets, recently occupied as a Govertunent Laboratory, with steamensine and boilers in running order. P088013630X1 can be given from April lt t. Apply to Powers ! Weightman. southwest corner of Ninth and Parrish streets. mh24•6t. FOR RENT ON AN IMPROVING LEASE—A large buildlt g, having a front of 26 feet, by 130 feet in depth, actuate on the south aide of Walnut street, west of Tentb. J. 14i. GUMALEY & BONS, fiats Walnut street. FOR RENT, FURNISHED—A HANDSOME modem. Residence. ES feet front, situate on Arch at act west of Eighteenth street.. J.M. GUMMEY "1.401`48, balValtiut greet. • - Asa, FOR RENT—FROM. DEOEBIBM 11141 e. kgil"nßn' re. on DaawmaZ):1 1 3 4 .13naskniR a A.pp_i to ' 108 Beath Delaware avenue. noCtu - 1110 ICE COMPANIES, PACKERS, BREWERS AND having The Subscriber. h had 26 years experience In the Ice Business, is propared to give information in regard to the business in all its details. • - Persons that are, about to organize an Ice CompanY or detailthe leq.business in the beat system for the - retail trade, will thulit to their interest to obtain the services of the subscriber, whose experience and practice can be confidentially relied neon. Persons wishing to obtain the eervices of the subscriber tv ill address, " Ml,ll. P.AttE4 . • • • Newark, N. J. Cut thlit advortiiPment out and ptit it Into your memo. rands to refer to when tee services of the above era c entred. ; ; ino26,Ai 3t,) r _ DVERT,IBINCIAGENCY. GEORGE DELP dr ,130., Ageeie tor all newspapers At the lowest _rates, Office, Na. 7412 Chestnut • street, iseoond floor, 'PRESS L~IG. • • no&tn.th.g.l7 sou mum. TO REST. PESSONAJL. .' , A,1r44:T1.4 . ; . ...,.A:TyppA.7.y....:'.,.X.A.1;,.vii 28:,..'1868.. ut, ESTATE; SALLEPI;, ORPIiA.NtP COURT BALE.-ESTATE OF : 1 ;', disci kiegani deceased. Thomas &460rlei AnOtiou eere.--kursuant .to an Order oftherw,ciourt for the City and County of Philadelphia, .bo, said at public sale. on Twesday. Ma:chalet, IMRE 1 /Mork npon, at, the ililader xeettnito, the following described preperty late of lichee' Hagan, deceased, viz. No. 1.-- u Wo.story Brick Stable, Baker street. with 4 t hree-story Brick De elite en in the rear on Kain , s court —All that lot of ground and mensuages or tenemente, situate on the nor it side cf Baker street, at the distance of 46 feet west ward from the west bide of Seventhetreeti contailitflg to feeitt lilt Baker street 34 feet 9 inches , and extending in depth northward 100 feet, more ()Clem to ground' now or late of the/4state of Chattel; Dixey, deceased, forming -a court which leads eastward into Seventh stree t. Bounded E.lby ground granted or intended to have been granted to Samuel Baker; W. by other ground of the mate of the bald tharien Dizey, deceased. ;minted or intended to have been granted to John KAM on ground rent; N. by the said glove d of the same estate, forming a court'and S. by said Baker street . (Being the same premises which Thos. Dmery, surviving executor. dm., by indentnre &aced t o 3 d day of April, A. D. 1811. recorded in deed beok (1, W. C. No. 80. page 418, granted and conveyed unto the said Mi-, disci Hagan in fee. Subject to the payment of a yearly ground rent of dge 87, payable half-yearly on the Int day of March and September.) 3.—Dn eilhig, Carpenter street, west of. Paseyunk roar% All that lot of ground and meesuage or tenement thereon erected situate on the tenth side of Carpenter street, at the distance of 193 feet westward from the southwest comer of Carpenter ii.reet and Pampa& road; containing in front on Carpenter street 16 feet, and ex tending of that width in depth southward, between par. allel lines, eit feet to Ringgold street. Bounded N. by Carpenter street; E. by a lot of ground granted to John 31eGnint ere on ground rent ;13. by Itiuggold street aforesaid, and W by a lot of ground granted to John Meek,- key on ground rent. (Befog the same premises a hich Michael Kelley and wife, by indenture dated the 11th day of July. A. If. 1848, and recorded in deed bre k (f. W. C. No. 83, page 117, granted and convoyed unto the said Michael Hagan by the name of Michael Ilaghan, in fee. Subject to the payment of a yearly rent of 1 940, as therein mentioned.) Together with the common use and privilege of the paid Ringgold street, and of ingress, egress and regrew, into, out of, over and along the same, ith and n r out home, cats le, carts ant carriages, and of a water course therein ac all tunes forever. By the Court. E. A. MERRICK. Clerk O. C. MARY 11 AGAN, Adminietratrix. M. THOMAS dt SONO, Auctioneer,., 139 and 141 South Fourth street. EPEREMPTORY SALE. BY ORDER OF THE, Sherifir. Under Writ of Partition.—Thomas & Sone Anctioneers.—On Tuesday March 81. '6B, at Li o'clock, noon, will be sold at public sale, without referee, at the Philadelphia Exchange, the following described property, viz : I.—Lot Lebigh avenue, All that lot of ground, situate on the northeasterly side of Lehigh avenue, 100 feet 416 inches eontheaetwardiy from a street 60 foot wide, called Gaul street, in the Twenty-fifth. Ward; containing in front on Lehigh avenue 40 feet, and extending in depth 130 feet to a certain 40 feet wide elect, extending from Gaul street cuts: ardly to a street called Walker street, which communicated douthwestwardly to said Lehigh avenue. No. 2.—Lot Sepcivastreet—all that lot of ground, situate on the northwentwardly side of klepviva rtreet, is the Nineteenth Ward, 180 feet south westwardly from Lehigh avenue; contelning in front on said depviva street 422 feet', and extending in depth on the northernradd line 62 feet hg inches , and on the southernmont 1int3,70 feet - 634 inches. No, 3.—Three•et ory brick dwelling, No. 1243 North Tenth street, south of Thompeon street. AU that lot of ground, with the three-story brick Ineeouage thereon erected, situated on the ergot side of Tenth street, 160 feet south of Thompson street; containing in front on Tenth etrtet 16 feet, and extending in depth 144 feet to Hutch int on No. 4.--Tbree.litory brick d %Tinny. No. 618 North Third street, north of Green street. all that three•atory heiek rresensge and lot of ground situated on the west side of 1 bird street, between Green and Goatee street. in the Thr (Alai Watd: containing in front 18 feet 6 inches, and in depth 110 feet to a 20 feet wide court, openit, g into an alley 16 feet wide, which extends from Coata to Green streets. By order of the Sheriff. . . 151. TMOMAS & SONS, Auctioneers,. and 141 South Fourth street. mh7 21,28 PEREMPTORY SALE. BY ORDER OF THE f heriff.—Under Writ of Partition. Thomas k Sous, Auctieneem Four Ground hearts each ;fed a year. On Tuesday March 31st.18ra, at 19 o'clock, noon, will be soliPat public sale without reserve, at the Philadelphia xchange. the following descnbed Ground Bente, viz.: No. I.—All that yearly ground rent of $6O per annum, payable let April and October, vyithout deduction for taxes, issuing out of all that lot of ground, situate on the east aide of Warnock etreet, Lewis,) 3bl feet north of Girard avenue; containing in front en Warnock street 17 feet. and extending in depth 91 feet to Alder etreet. beeured with a Threectory Brick Dwelling. No. 2—All that yearly ground rent of $6O Der annum, payable Ist April and October, without deduction for taste, c., 'terming out of all that lot of ground, situate on the east side of Warnock street, 319 test north of Girard avenue; containing in front on Warnock street 17 feet, and C.lteo die gin depth 91 feet to Alder street. kiecured wl h a carpenter shop. No. 2.—A1l that yearly ground rent of em per annum, payable let April ana October, withont deduction for taxes, &c.. iecuing out et all that lot of grouni, situate on the ear' tide of Warnock etreet. 935 feet north of Girard avenue; containing in front on Warnock street 17 feet, and extending in depth 91 feet to Attior street. Secured with a modern threeetory brick dwelling. No. 4.—A1l that yearly ground rent of $6O per annum, payable Ist April and October, without deduction ior taxes, dtc., issuing out of all that lot of ground, situate on the east ride of Warnock'street, 353 feet north of Girard avenue; containing in front on Warnock street 17 feet. .nd extending in depth 91 feet to Alder greet. Secured • ith a carpenter shop. By order of the Sheriff. . 31. THOMAS k. SONS, Auctioneers. mll7 21 28 139 and 141 South Fourth street. L„, TRUSTEE'S PEREMPTORY SALE.—TIRDIAS „ Sone, Auctioneers.-15 hlodern Three-story Brick itesidencea. hos. 1407, 140. 1411, 1417. 1419. 1421, 1423, 14:5,1427, 1431,1433, 1435, 1437. 141 q, 1411 Sixteenth street, M north of aster atreer.—On Tuesday. March 31st. 1868. at 12 o'clock. DOOR, will be geld at public gale, without re serve, at the Philadelphia, Exchange. the following de scribed property. viz.: No. 1. All those B modern three stop' brick mess:rages, with three-story hack buildings and lot of ground thereunto belonging, situate on the easterly side of Pim eenth street, north of Master street, Noe. 1407. 1409, 1411, 1423.1427, 1431, 143.1, 1435: each con taining in trent on Sixteenths reet 21 teet 8 inches, and extending in depth 172 feet 10 inches to bydenham street. They have all the modem conveni.'nces. Each (tibial to a mortgage of $8.500. They will be sold stiparatety. No. 2—Al! those seven modern three-story brick measly ages, with three-story back buildings and lot of ground thereunto belonging, situate on the east side of Sixteenth tinier, above ?duster street. Nos 1417,1419,1424 1423, 1437, 14,9, 1441: tacit containing in front on Sixteenth street 21 feet 8 inches (except No 1441,cvbich is 21 feet 9 inches), and tending in c epth 172 feet 10 inches to Sydenham g rest. They etch have a Prete!' roof, and all the modern conve niences. Each eubject to a tnurtgage of 18,500. They will be cold ly. Irk 'Sole abeAute. LIVOOD BONSALL, Trustee. M. '1 11u7+1 As t SUNS. Auctioneers, and 141 South Fourth street. In} ""`_'l,B ORPHANS' COURT SALE—ESTATE OF PAT ::: rick Gorman, deceased —Thomas & Sons, Auction eere.— Pursuant to an order of the Orphans' Court for the City and County of Iliiiadelohho will be sold at pub lic sale, on Tuesday. March 31, It6B at 13 o'clock, noon, at the Philuddphiu Exchange the following described prop. arty. line of Patrick Gorman. dee'd.,viz.: No 1. Two two stony Brick Dwellings, Ilan:11ton et., v , te of Thirty-eighth street. Tv, enty-fourth Ward. A moiety, or one-hall part of. in and to all that lot of ground. and two two-story brick 111.1 . Ptlitgee thereon erected, situate ou the north aide of Hamilton street, at the distance of 300 feet westward from Thirty eighth street, in the Twentv-feurth Ward; containing in front on Hamilton street DO feet, and ex. tending in depth on the east line 17d feet 1130 inches. and on the wt Cl hue Pt: feet inches. No. 3 —Two.and-a half story Stone Dwelling, Wyalu. slog street, wc:t of Fifty-tomtit street,' Twenty-fourth Wind. All that lot of g onnd with the two-and a. half slot) clone house thereon erected. situated on the north side of Wyalusing street, at the di,tance of 385 feet inches westward of Fifty-foulth street, in the Twenty for nth Waro • containing in front on Wynlueing street 40 feet. and eztt nding in depth on the easterutnost Bee thereof 17J feet W,," inches, and ou the westernmost Hue lb. reef 113 feet W... Incher, to the south aide of a 13-feet wide alley laid out by Richard J.Dobloins, along the north side of his property. Subject to a yearly ground rent of :£.54. By the Court, K A. MERRICK, Clerk 0, C. M. TuomA S dt SONS, Auctioneers, 139 and 141 South Fourth street. n 1117,21,28 EBEAL ESTATE—THOMAS A: SONS' SALE._ Valuable Property.—'l wo-atory Brick Dwelling. No. 812 South }rent street, below eatharine street. 44 feet trout. On Tuesday, March filet. 1868 at 12 o'clock, noon, will be sold at public sale at the Iltilhdelphla Ex change, all those 2. contiguous lots of ground, with the improvements thereon erected, situate on the cast side of Flout street. below Catharine street, No. Bt3; one of them containing in front ou Front Street 92 feet 6 inches / and extending indepth 99 feet, more or lett, graduaily widen ing as it extends from Front strait, so as to contain on the east end thereof in breadth 28 feet., and the other of them containhig iu breadth on Front street t.O feat and extending in depth 80 feet. The improvements consist of a two story thick dwelling and attics,with two-story dou ble back buildings—‘has the gas bath, hot and cold water, watercloeet, &c ; (gas fixtures included in the sale, free of charge.) Also, a stable and earring e-houee in the rear. 01 - Clear of all incumbrance. Al. THuMAS & SOW% Auctioneers, 119 and 141 South FOurth et. mh18,21.28 REAL ESTATE. —THOMAS & SONS' SALE— Handsome Modern Three-awry Brick Residence. No. 2043 Green street, 20 feet front. On Tuesday, March Mat, 1008, atWeis ck. noon, wilt be mold at public sale, at the Philadelphia :Exchange, all that handsome modern three-story brick messuage, with three story double hack huildinss and lot of orotnd. situate en the north aide of Green Arcot, east of Twenty - -ii sr atreet, No. 2043 the lot containing trout on Green street 20 feet 2 inches, and extending in depth 103 feet to the middle of a 4 feet wide a ll e y le rrding from Twentieth to Twenty.tirst street, with the Tree use and privilege et said alley. The house has the modern conveniences; gas, bath, hot and cold water, two cooking ranges, water closet,' furnace in the cellar, dm. ; has summer and winter kitchen, aninmer kitchen enclosed with glass, bathroom in centre of the house, dm. is drained by undergroend drainage. Pr" Clear of all incumbrance. . . . . Terms—treldee may remain on mortgage. Immediate possession. limn be examined any day pre ions to .ale. Id. TLIONIAS doUNI( Atm. 'meant, mh2l. 28 . 122 and 141 south eourth street. PER kTPTogY I+ALE-.THOMAS dt SONS, Ai C• dormers —Business Stand. Three.atery Brick Bakery and Dwelling, No. 123 Lombard street. Ott Tuesday, March 3let, 1888, - at 12 o'clock, noon; loin be gold., at Piddle sale, witboutresert , e,:at ho Poiladolebia Eichtinge,- all that threoutory brick Mesenage.. with tkree•atOry baek building and lot of:ground. filtrate on the ecuith aide of Lombard street ,east of Second atri3et; No 128; cent, kining in !runt on ru I.obard Street 19 foot (Including- half of a S. ft et wide alley), and extending in dere h 63 feet to.V3-feet wide alley. It is occupied its a bakery; has an oven, gas introduced. bath, summon range, &c. • Term5...651.6L0 may roma non mortgage. ' •3t - Clear of till incumbrance. 168 Salo absolute. , M. TIIOIAS & SONS, Auctioneers, 139 and 141 South Fourth_ street. HEAL ESTATE.—THOMAS & SONS' SALF.— Mac-story, Prick Dwelling No. 802 New Market street-4M Tuesday,. March 111,,1801, at 12 o'elook.' noon, will be sold at public Sale, at the Philadelphia change, all that , thremstory brick' nieollage,,Tritil,twoa. story back building and lot of ground, situate °tithe west' aide of New Market street, above Vine 'street. No. 392; the lot containing in front on Now Market street 1736fect,and vitt tiding in depth t 9 feet tlinchee. 212" Clear of all Mourn brance. ' • Terms--d bulk) r oh. ' M. TII•iMAS & SONS, Auctioneers. mb19.21,19 139 and 141 South Fourth street. , REAL ESICAWIA ISAd,.ldB. REAL' ES THE PREMISES.— Thomas & Sons; Anctioneera. , -Superior and Elegant " Residence Stableand Coarh.nouse, 'and large Got. 76 feet front (widening to 116 feet) and 216 feet in depth. norili east come, of Eighteenth' and Sommer streets, 0P• posit° Loran Square.' On vVedneedgy morning, April I. ]Psis, at ill o"elo k, will bo mold at public sale on the pro. mites, all that large and anperfor mansion and two con tiguous lots of ground, situate on the N.'E. corner of hisbteenth and Bummer streets, opp , site hoganSquitre containing in front on Eighteenth street 76 feet and ex. tending in dePth.fronting- on -Summer- stieet,-216 - feet - widening it the dlitarice of 160 feet from. Eighteenth street to Ilefee and extending of that increased width outlet fest thro ughr street, matting ft third front, with also Autumn street into Vine street. The stable and coach house, with dwelling for coachman at, tached, fr ,, nts on Winter street. The mansion fronts on Eighteenth street. opposite the elegant public square; is fours4rieo high. 52 feet front. 45 fectin death, thatithed throu ontin superior style, and replete with the modern impro gments and conveniences: back waterdraing connecting with the public culvert are laid through tho celiar, and around the exterior' of the honee. IN" It is altogether a ?ripener, commodious and very desirable residence, being opposite one of the most ele. gent public squares in thie city. May be examined any day previous to the sale be• tweenthe hours of 10 and 8 o'clock. lien at the Auction rooms. handsome walnut furniture, large mirrors, velvet car nets. piano, &C. immediately after the sale of the resi dence, the handsome walnut drawing-room and chamber furniture, fine large minors, rosewood plant,liandsome velvet carpets, &e. TIIOSEAS & SONS, Auctioneers, I.A) and 1419. Fourth street. PEREMPTORY SALE.—FOR ACCOUNT SAINT _Mary's Benefiefal dociety. Thomas & Sous Auctioneers.—On Tuesday, hfarch alct, 1803, at 12 o'clocktmon. will be sold at public Male, without re serve, at the Philadelphia Exchange, the following de ecribed ground rents , viz.; 4 ground rents i 237 12, $36. $36. 2126 a year. ,No. 1. —All that yearly ground rent of *37 12, clear of taxes, issuing out of all that lot of ground, situate at the N. W• corner Eighth and Auburn street.; 16 feet 6 inches front on Eighth street, and in depth 64 feet, including on the west end the southernmost 16 feet flinches of a 4 feet wide alley. No. 2.—A1l that grotind rent of $3B &year, issuing out of all that lot of grnund south aide of Lukens rtreet. 81 feet 4 inches east of tintteenth street, lb feet, front, and in depth 62 feet to a four-feet wide alley. No that ground rent of s36 s year, issuirm out a all that lot of ground adjoining the above, 16 feet front. and in depth 62 feet to a four.feet wide alley. - No, 4.—A1l thatground rent of $36 a year, issuing out of all that lot of ground adjoining the above, 15 feet front, 62 feet deep to a four 4 eet wide alloy. Sale absolute. M. THOMAS & SONS, Auctioneers, rnh14,21,28 139 and 141 South Fourth street. jEEPIAL ESTATE.—THOMAS th SONS' SALE._ Modern Three story Brick. Dwelling, No. 127 Com - press street, between Front and Second street and north °Math:aim street. un Tuesday, March alat 1.58. at 12 o'clock, noon, will be sold at public sale, the Philadelphia Exchange, all that modern three-story brick dwelling, with two-story back building and lot of g onnd, situate on the north side of Congress street, east of Second street, No. 127; containing in front on Congress street 17 feet, and extending in depth on the west line to feet b inches, and - on the east him' ST feet - 2 incnes to Senate street .it has the gas, bath, hot and cold water, range, 4.c. ti/' !ear of all ineumbranee. Terms-82.(te may remain on mortgage. Immediate poesessiou. May be examined any day previous to sale. M. THOMAS te SONS. Auctioneers, inh2l 28 139 and 191 South Fourth Street.. isBEAL ESTATE—THOMAS & SON'S - SALM:- ode-n 7 Eiree-story Brick Residence, No 1727 Vino greet, east of Eighteenth street, overlooking Logan Biin are, Mby 125 feet. On Tuesday. April 7th. 1868, at 12 o'clock, Noon', will be sold at public sale, at the ehilada phia Exchange, all that modern three.story brick men. swage, with three•ktory back buildings and lot of ground. situate on the north side of Vine street, second house ewe of Eighteenth street, N0..1737; • containing in front. on Vine street 20 feet, and extending in depth 125 feet to an 18 feet wide street. '1 he home is welt built, and has the modern convebiences ; parlor, dining room And kitchen on the first floor; marble vestibule, 2 (lmbers, sitting room. bath room, store room and verandah on the second floor Intimerous eloaets, 5 chambers on the third floor; gas throughout, hot and cold water, furnace, cooking range, &e ; wneh•pave in front; flag pavement, &c. /Mr - Clear of all ineumbrance. Terms—}fa if cash. • ItlY - PotecAt-ion May next. May be examined any day previoua to mile. M. THOMAS 81 SONS, Anettoneerv. 129 and 141 South Fourth dtroet. inhl 28a p 4 REAL ESTATE.—THOM AS & SONS' BALK._ Handsome Modern Residence, No. 1014 Walnut ' street. eset of Eleventh street, ir.l feet front, 123 feet deep. Cn Tuesday, April 7th, 1803,at 1.2 o'clock, noomwill be sold at public sale, at the Philadelphia Exchange, all that large and handsome modern three story brick mee. silage, with three stery back bulldings - and lot of ground. situate on the south aide of Walnut street. west of. Tenth street, No. 1014: containing In front on Walnut street 23 feet, and extending lu depth 122 feet.,The house Is well built, and has all the modern conveniences; large saloon parlor and kitchen on the first floor; two commodious chambers, dining.room, waiters, pantry and numerous closets on the second floor; gals throughout, bath, hot and cold water. water-closet, stationary washstands. furnace. • cooking range, &c. Dr Clear of all inembrance. . . . EV' Possession 22d June. May be examined from IS to 1 o'clock. on application to the Auctioneers. M. THOMAS dr BONS, Auctioneers.mblB 139 and 141 South Fourth stmt. c. REAL ESTATE.--THOSIAB. & SONS' SALE.— = Modern four : story Back Residence, B. W. corner of - Ninth and Fitzwater streets, with a four-story Brick Dwelling adjoining, fronting on Fitzwater street —On Tuesday. April 7th, 1868, at 12 o'clock : noon , win be sole at public sale, at the Philadelphia Exchange. all those brick menusges and the lot of ground thereunto belonging,, situate at the southwest corner of Ninth and Fitzwater streets i containing in front on Ninth street 18 feet. and extending in depth along Fitzwater street 90 feet, more or lees, to Morris at eat. The Improvements are a modern three-story brick residence, with thrce.story back build ings. fronting on the corner ;. has verandah, and wire screen for shrubbery on the 1. itzwater street front, gas introduced, bath, hot and cold water, water closet. &c. Also, a four-story brick dwelling adjoining, fronting on Fitzwater street £2 Clear of all incumbrance. m11.54,aint.4 Tlivm.A.6 as SONS, Auctioneers, 189 141 South Fourth 'street. EEL ESTATE THOMAS ,l SONS' SALE._ Valuable Coal Yard. Ninth street. below Jefferson - treet, Twor loth Ward, 4,5 feet front. On Tuesday. April 7th, 1818. at 11 o'clock. noon, will be sold at public sale, at the Philadelrhia Exchange, all that valuable lot ,if ground with the improvements thereon erected,situate on the treat side of Ninth stteet. 70 toot south of Jefferson street; containing in front 4Sfeet, and extending in depth 171 feet to liutehinson street. The improvements consist of a to o•stor y brick cities and scales complets—shedding the whole length of the yard; track the entire length of the lot; stabling for three horses-and carriage, dm Sub ject to a yearly ground rent of 5180. „. _ . . gar ho above could also be used as a roofing elate de pot, as well as a coal yard, it being directly ou the tier mantown and Non istown 41. It. M. THOMAS ttc SONS, Auctioneers. 811114 28 apt 1.19 and 14t South Fourth street. BALE —M, TLIOMAS fionesra.--Large and Valuable Square of Ground, " fronting on Stiles, Tucker, Margaret and &iamb, idgo streets, Frankfort!, Twenty•third Ward; 600 feet front on Stiles street, 200 feet front on Margaret street, 600 feet front on Camta idge street. 200 feet front on '!'utter street —4 fronts. tin Tuesday. April 7th, 1868, at 12 o'clock, noon, will be sold at nubile sale, at the Pniladelphia Exchange, all that valuable lot of ground, fronting on Stiles at-eet, 'fucker street, Margaret street and Cambridge street, Frank ford, Twenty-third Ward; containing in front on Stiles street 600 feet, and extending in depth along Tucker street and Margaret street 200 feet to Cambridge street, on ,wh ieh it has a front of 600 feet. Irrf" Clear of all incumbrance. Plan may be seen at the ruction Hoorn& M. THOMAS do S iNS. Auctioneers. m121.V.ap4 139 and 141 south Fourth street E.:::; PUBLIC SALE.—THOMAS & SONS, Autfriorr earr.---Three-atory Brick Dwelling. with Fame ' Stable and Coach Deese, die., No. 469 Norris street, east of Hancock street, Ninetoentli Ward. On Tuesday, April 7th. 18t8, at 12 o'clock , noon. will be sold at public sale, at the Philadelphia Exchange, all that lot of ground, with the improvements thereon erected, situate on the noi th side of Norris street, 54 feet east of B since& street, No. 169 containing in front on Norris street 54 feet, and extending in depth 10 feet. The improvements consist of a till ee story brick dwelling , 14 feet front, with frame kitchen; has Ras. and is In gobd order; a frame stable, with new patent roof; feed house, with tin roof. 12 by 13 feet ; coach lionise. chicken coop. hog pen, goose house, &c. Grounds planted with grape.vines, Mit-trees, die. Subject to a yearly ground rent of $72. M. 'IIIOMAS & SONS. Auctioneers. mb24,28.1p4 139 and 141 South Fourth street, EPEREMPTORY PALE.—TIIOMAS dr, SONS, AUG. tioneere.---Two-atory Frame Dwelling, No. 818 Car penter street, with a Three-story Brick Dwelling in the rear, 21 feet front., On Tuesday, April 7th,' 1868, at 12 o'clock, noon, will bo cold at public sale, without reserve, at she Philadelphia, Exchange, all that lot of ground, with the improvements thereon erected, situate on the north ride os Carpenter street 119 feet west of Eighth street. No. 813; containing In front on Carpenioretneet 24 feet, and extemling in depth 90 feet. The improvements consist of a two-story frame dwelling fronting on Carpen ter street. No. 813, and a three-story brick dwelling in the rear. Terme—Cash. lar Clear or ull.incumbrance 110" bah, abaolute. _ _ M. THOMAS & SONS. Auctioneers. m1h25,28,ap4 10.1 and 141 South Fourth street. REAL ESTATE—n:IOIIAB SONS BALE—Modern Three•dtory Brick Residence, No. 07 South Eighth ;Area. below Pine street, On Tusaday, April 7th, 1868,12 o'clock, noon, will be sold at public sale, at the Philadelphia Exchange, rill that well built, modern threa story brick messusge, with three story back building and lot of ground 'innate on the east side of Eighth street.south of Pine street, No. 407; contain ing in front on Eighth street 19 feet. and extending in depth 114 feet. The douse is well built, and recently been put in prod repair, newly papered awl painted, had par lors, dining.' ()con and kitchen on lira Iloor. 2 bath rooms, ltester-, We', gas at d other modern conveniences. irlir Clear of all incline bronco. ' - . . . Teens—Half rush. Immediatepossession. M. THOMAS S. SONS, Auctioneers, mhl4 ap4 130 and 141 South Fourth street isREAL ESTATE.— SONS' , SALE Business Location —Three story Brick Store and Dwelling. No. 230 North Fourth street, between Race and Vine streets. with 8 three-story Brick Dwellings in the rear.-- On Tues4ay, April 7th. ISM, at 12 o'clock. noon. will to mold at pubic 5010... at the Philadelphia Exchange. all those brick niesznagoo and lot or ground thereto--be. loosing, eituate on the west side of Fourth street, North of Race ttreet; containing in front on Fourth street -lie feet 4 inches. ilmluding half of a 4 feet wide alhey,) 115 feet in depth. ' The improvements are a threestory brick More and dwelling fronting on Fourth street, No. 230, with 8 three•otory brick dwellings in the rear forming a court. lerzus, half cash. M. THOMAS & 80N66 Auctioneers, Nos: 139 and 14113. fourth street, h1P.28 sp4 fit• REAL EATATE.—TIIONAS Ss SONS SALE. o throng* y Wick dwellings, Nos, 1817 and 1319 in unto/1;100n street, north of Thompson street. Oa Tuesday, April 716,1868. at 12 o'clock, noon. will be notitat nubile. gale at the Philadeli Wig Exott4l3ge. all Ulm 2 threr stor y' rick meeeuogeo and the lot of ground there• unto belonging. situato on the east tilde of Hut itineoa street, 168 fret north of ThoinpeoWetreet. - Nos. iglg and 1319: conth together in frott On ,, ,4utehingon Argot Si feet 43 Ware. and extending in"depthll9 fest. . 117 - Clear of all ittoon, brow*. 111. TIIOI I .IMI & SONS A uctioneom hat,20,29, 1119 tutd 141 Soutli Fourth ntrcet. it x .13 . 14.1tA e SALE% -. . cithi - IJANti* COURT, -BA 1 .4-4118TACE ,Or rr Charles a eyser, deedased.- 2 -'rhern iv 1a.,1300 , ,i, Atte ' tioneen. -- TwoeteryStiteno DP/ening. and - Lot,N. E. corner of Qut en and b nos streets, extending through to Linden street, GermancoViv,' tneee frontii. , ---Ohnutint to an order of the Orphan?' Court for the City and Cbmty ^ of Philadelphia, wilt be sold at public male, on Tuesday. April 14th, lt,BB, at 11 o'clock. noon, at the Philadelphia kizehange, the following described ^ property:. IMO Of Charles seyser„ deceased, viz.: An that two storyetone dwelling an_d letoLgtound, situ ate'en-the nortlitrestellf - - side - bf - Bovrinan'e' lane (now Queen street). l i tt , uerma town (now 2 wentY secoudWard ). Beginning• on,the.n side Of said Queen street at * corner of this and Ispit i d k Of. John Fry. deceased ; thence &lime tho said lane sent 4 .. degrees, west 42 feet to a stake ; Ounce along the nerthe ' side of a 12 feet wideread or passage laid out for intim of tho adjoining land, eon's°, ad to Lae Williams,nottbt. 4830 degrees, west 14 15.100 porches to a atake; thence, by. laud conveyed to Luke Williams. north 41,4 nem eea, abet 38 feet to a slake, and thence by land of the saidlOhn Fry, deceased, tooth 49 % degrees, esst,l4 15.100 percheato tho place of beginning. Being the same lot of ground which John B. BMus and wife, by deed dated the 10th day of December, A. D. 1845, recorded in deed beak A. `W: 51., N intge 45, &e., granted and .conveyed unto the said Charles - Keyser in fee.'. ' By the , Court, E. A. 31ETIRICK, elerk.O. C. ' Ex OCEJ T A YLOft, Administrate's. 31. Tlioll AB di $u NB, Auctioneers.. 139 and 141 80. th Fourth ertneet. mhlB 26,1p11 iIIPEREMPTORIC SALE. —THi +2IAS As Auctioneers.-11 andsome Modern heaidenne, With Stable and Coach llonse.Shoemaker Lane, between the Railroad and Chew street. Germantown, 93 feet'freAtt 448 feet deep. and 188 feet wide on ten roar and ran Tuesday, April 14th..1868, at 12 o'clock, noon, will , be geld at public sale, at the Philadelphia Exchange, all that handsome modern three4story• stone (mastic pointed style) mehmage, with two-story back buildings and 14t of ground,sit nate on tbo north side of Shoemaker Lane,(noW called Penn Street.) between the Railroad and new street, Germantown; the lot containing on Penn street 90 feet and extending in depth of that width= feet,tbea widening to P 313 fret, and extending stil• fitrth , r in depth 211 feet— the entire depth being 448 tine a il honsele well built and handsomely finithed—bas all tbe Modena conveniences—parlor, dining room, sitting room and tw o . kitchens on the first floortive bed rooms and bathteern on the second floor, and two bed rooms on the third iloor —gas introdened— het and, cold water, water closet, furnac e , cooking range, ,te. AISO, a handsomo stone stable and carriage house, with accommodationa for fder hones and four carriages—cow stable, ice house, chicken ya gl i l tc ea h r t o n tA r l d i e n n At e brance. Tel ma—:£B,ooo may remaht on mortgagt. Ce- Immediate possession May bu examined any day preview, to sale. Sale absolute. M. THOMAS dr SONS, Auctioneera t mhl4,Vap4.ll 139 and 141 South Fourth street. PHANS' COL , SALE.--ESTA Tr. oF JCIIN MurPhY, deceased.--31. Thomas & Sons, Auctioneets. ' —N'ery valuable busineed propertY, Iron Foundry and other buildings , and huge lot. No. 1225 Noble street. west of Twelfth street. 60 feet front, 150 deep to Hamilton street with three-story brick building fronting on. Elargll• ton street. two fronts, 1 urenaa to an order of the or. plums , Court for the City and County of Phlladokr. will be sold at public sale, on ucsday. April 14, 1 at 12 o'clock, noon, at the Philadelphia Exchange. the °f - lowing described property, late bt John !glyphs , . dei -ceased via,: All that lot of ground, situate 012 thehorth ride of Noble Street (formerly called James streetl. 236 feet west of Twelfth street Fourteenth W ; cOdtaining in front on Noble street 60feet. and extending in depth 160 feet to Hamilton street. The improvements are , a brick iron foundry, with elate roof, two stories hiahon Noble street, with a turee•story back building fronting on Hamilton strcet--suitable for pattern' and machine shops —office on Noble street two stories high. with a fireproof builtin the wall—a new boiler and engine of " 10.tiorse power— cue 16 inch Alden's Patent Blower—enact in use but a few months-4 feet, cylinder brick stack. with covered arch--1 large and 1 small crane, both complete— core oven, core wrgon, •bonchee. &c. 2 rattlers or mills for cleaning castings., Gas and water throughout, the building. &e. the Court, E, A. MERRICK, Clerk 0.- C. JOHN 11. MURPHY', Administrator .• • M. THOMAS ik . SONS, Auctfoneera, mhlB,'Nepll 130 and 141 South Fourth street. Itult.A.L, ESTATE THOMAS & SONS , SAI:B.-- ; On Tuesday, April pith, 1868, at 12 o'clock, noon, will " be sold at public sale, at the Philadelphia Bletutoget. the lollowing describe(' property, via.: Very valuable Business Stands; three four-story brick stores, soutbWest corner of Lbtetnut street and Delaware avenue. 'Na I-L. All that very valuable four-story brick store, situate It the southwest corner of Chestnut street and Delaware avenue; containing in front on Chestnut street 17 feet,and on Delaware avenue ill feet 6 inches. ', No. 2.—A1l that very valuable doable fonrstory brick store south side of Chestnut street, adjoining the above on the . ..tuft; containing in front on chestnut street 40 feet 8 'lichee, and in depth 31 feet 976 inches on the .east line. and 31 feet 6 inches on the west lino. Together with the privilege for light and air of an area of about 12(feet square adjoining on the south. . No. 3.—A1l that very valuable. four-story Brick Store, situate on the south side of Chestnut street, adjoining : the above on the west; containing in front on k :hes ta it t street 22 feet 6 inches: and in depth 93 feet flinches. ,Together with the privilege of the said area for light and Sirf The - jt rar" above a ery valuable dares. and situate in a very desirable bn as location. HOMAS dt SONI6. Auctioneers. g, 189 and 11l South Fourth street. mll7.2Mapl EXECUTORS' SALE--ESTATE. OF WILLIAM Richardson,deceased.--Thowas k 801 If, Audit:meant. " On Tuesday . April 14, 1868, at 12 o'clock,, noon. will be sold at public saleeat the Philadelphia Exchange, the following describrel property, viz.; No. L--Large and Valuable Lot, northwest corner. of Seventeenth 'and Girard avenue, three fronts, 141 feet front, 168 , feet dt All that large and valuable lot of groUnd, sitnate,et 0 northwest corner of Seventeenth street and -GO avenue ; containing in front on Girard .110/011110 140' ftSerB inches on Seventeenth street 165 feetand on Walter,ttreet 1.111 feet 8 inches—three valuable fronts. tar 'Clear of all inenutbrance. No. 3.—Large and Valuable Lot, 8. W. corner of Beven teenth and stiles Weeds; 3 fronts, le feet front- All. hat large and valuable lot of ground, situate at the sou pest corner of Seventeenth and Stiles streets; containing in front on Stiles street 190 feet 8 inches, en Seventeenth street 82 ft et, on Walter street 140 feet 8 Inches.. tar - I leer of all , ncinnbranee. Or" The above are very valuabte, and situate in a very desirable neishborhood, and courd be advantageously di. Tided into building lots. Pr' See plan at the Auction Rooms. M. THOMAS '& SONS, Auctioneer% ruhlß.2Ronll 1189 and 141 South Fourth street LEXECU'I ORS SALE.—THOMAS SONF. TAu ct Ione() aluable Farm, 120 acres. Chester " county, Penns, iyanla, at Patton's Road antido e on. the old West Cheste. Railroad, about 254 miles !rent est (Hu ster. On Tuesdsy , April 14th, USK at to -o'e r. Ic„ nocn, will e &ad at public sale, at the Philadelphia Ea ch, age, all that val,ablo farm containing about 120 acres • of land, situate in West uoshan township, Chester county, Pennsvivai la, at Patton's Road, Station. on the old 'V cat (Mester Railroad, about 256 miles front. the Borough of West Chester, and immediate vicinity of a , school.bouse. blacksmith shop, &c. The improvements are a stone house, large stone barn, stone spring house and wagon shed, corn crib. chicken house. tenant house-- never tubing stream of water. sufficient for water power —timber and young woodland, ,bc. • clear of all incumbrance. . . r+ . 7 - Pnesession in ono year. Tel nth—One-half cash. M. THOMAS at SONS, Auctioneers, n ihl4 29 n$ 11 139 and 141 South Fourth street. E„. BEAL, ESTATE—THOMAS SONS' SALE._ WES t.tand— rest Brick Store and Dwell ing, No. 1813 Lott bard etrect.—On Tuesday, April 7th, 1.813 at 12 o'clock. noon, will be fold at public sale, at the Philadcli ilia Exchange. all that tbreonto.'y brick man age. wi b back building, and tot of ground, •Ituate on the north tide of Lombard street, 103 feet a eat of Eighteenth street. No. 1113; the lot containing in front on Lombard street 18 feet, and extending in depth di feet—has tho gas IntToduced re - Subject to a yearly ground rent of $9O. THOMAie de SUNS, anctioneoro.• 189 and 141 South Fourth street. rnh1m.98..r4. LUMBER. PHELAN & BITCIiNELLI Twenty-third and Chestnut Sts. LARGE STOCK OF WALNUT, ASH AND POPLAR, ALL THICKNESSES CLEAN AND DRY. FINE LOT WALNUT VENEERS. CEDAR. ciamAND WHILE PINE SHINGLES. BONED LUMBER, • MICHIGAN,HAN AOA AND PENNSYLVANIA, ALL SIZES AND queuriES______. FLOORING AND HEAVY CAROLINA TIBUBKR. SPRUCE AND- MEMO° I JOIST mhßein BUILDING LUMBER OF ALL KINDS. cla a BQNED u' • • PINE, 1: 1,20. QUO 44 SEASONED 01.EtAWPINE., • UU• CHOICE PATTERN P NE. , SPANISH GEDM I SQR P TTERNS. "BROTHER & 00. 1". 71I00 SOUTH antEer. 1868. FLO R IDA GAN AFL ORING. VIE IA FLOORING. DELAWARE FLOORING. W A L H UT L F O L R OR G N . G. FIA)BWIL P STEP ANKBOARD& 'AT UOED PRICER. 1.86 TvlB11171; EVE 1868. ‘4 , ALN VT BOARD UT PLANK. LARGE .tl'iviac4-k.ABorrED. 1868. E,2BRIES MN 1868. RED CEDAR. WALNUT AND HNE. SEASONED POPLAR. SEASONED CHERRY. 1868. ASIL WHITE OfiltaidiyAND 1868. 1868 swan . quit BOX MM OEP)AIt BOX BOAREM 1868. B NOR VARY lifigaNSG. WA CANT AN G. LARGE A9.3ORIIINT. CEDAR SHINGLES. 1868 CEDAR SiIINGL I S. CYPRESS SHINGLES. . PINE SHINGLE& . 1868. RED CEDAR POSTS. a • P4D CEDAIf POSTS. , . , 1 868 CHESTN rrr POSTS. • CHESTNUT PLANK AND BOAP.DS:' ` spRb E E „loa m , , 868 13PRU 10 JOltr , 1 .', f. I r ma PLASTERINO LLA's. , ';'" , l'- - O MA X, III4 DR 8,11,14. a ' , .1 3500 MI STREVIT:':, 1868. IrigMAWVIVION• FFMALE COLLEGE: BORD NTOwN N 3:-LVEIG Bummer Elusion will commelierrApril lath. mbla Eiw:' , 301424 li. BItAtELtY.:4I I W' ATE* TilltHEY E.G LA' onio th u AEOTIGREO AA 81/11388/ VA 41 CQ,, s.litilL ~0 eb,,,., 1868. 1868. 186$.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers