CITY BITLLETiItir ROW' AT A fl tat uigut a room over a lager beer saloon on Vino street, below Fonda. was rented to a party for the purpose of having a-danee—•Everything went on smoothly unti about twelve o'clock, when a row coalmonet: l The disturbance, it is said, originad about th, Atli of two rival tire coni3anies te. The Dr • prietor of the house, with his assistants, went up stairs to quiet MO 11111111 ft. rthi otitv matters worse, however. Tho second party were looked upon as iutruders,and they were MI mediately attacked in a furious manner. Tw, of the 's suad wero very rou re Vy handled. Onelandlord had his q face greatly disfigud il by blows, and the other was badly cut in the he t.i with a black-jack. Otte of these mon detected an attempt to rob him. ills pocketbook wt taken from his pocket. He got hold of it. how ever, and a severe strueele ensued. ' One-half of the 'wallet, with $l5 in money finally got into the power ola fellow, not the owner. The polio , made--their appearance, when the partici pants in the anti" scattered and many made their escape by a back window. John W. Wire, WM. hfead, Beery Wilson, Wm. Watts, John O'Neill, Chas. Simons and Fannie Hart, were ai mettd and taken before Aid. Godbou. Tue men were held in 'e9,000 ball for riot and the woman was held the keen the mace. RAILROAD TRAVr.h. rue eitilrent 'railroad; running to and from the city aro now preparing for the spring and summer travel, , ind will publish in a few days their time-tables. It is intimated that an increased number of trains will be placed on the Camden and Amboy Railroad, and that there will be some abatement from the rates of fare that prevailed during the - war times. The way travel between Philadelphia and Borden. town during the past three years has increased at an unprecedented rate, and warrants the belief that the day is not far distant when hourly trains will be run over this route. A large number of houses are in coarse of erection along the New Jersey banks of the Delaware, and the travel over this route during the coming season will exceed that of any former period. The number of pas sengers carried over the Mount` lolly and West Jersey roads exceeds the most sangnine expecta tions of the projctors of these roads. TITUNDBA STORM.—Thin morning, between two snd three o'clock, a severe thunder storm passed over the city. The rain came down in torrents for some time, and much of the snow on the streets was carried off. The thunder was not in short and sharp claps,'but was ioue and heavy, and resembled very much a railroad train passing over a wooden bridee at a pretty good speed. BRUME") STREIST Atissina.—The _fifteenth an nual meeting of the contributors to the Bedford Street Mission will be held on Thursday evening next, 26th inst., at 7 . ;.;; o'clock, at the Methodist Book Rooms, 1018 Arch• street. The annual reports will be read, and an election held for Managers for the ermilinc, FAST DRlVlNG.—Zauiltel A. Henderson was arrt stcd ycaterday, at Broad and Jefferson streets, on the charge of fast driving. He was held to bail by Alderman Kemble. John Derr, wrested at Sixteenth street and Girard avenue, on the same charge, was also held to hail. AL,SAULT WITH A BEM: V LASS. —Fred. Erbe was beforo Alderman Massey yesterday, upon the charge of assault and battery on Charles Berg. It is alleged that he struck Berg over the head with a beer glass, causing a severe wound. He was held in $BOO bsil for trill. LARCENY.—Before aiuerwan Pancoast yester day, Lewis Long was charged with the larceny of -rigging-and-furniture from-a-vessel-on---vvhich-he was engaged as a hand. • It is also alleged that he threw overboard some articles belonging to the vessel. lie was held in $BOO bail for trial. STREET-WALRERS.-111 tee neighborhood of Ninth and Locust streets ; last night, the Fifth District Police captured ten young women for disorderly conduct. This morning the prisoners were, held to bail to keep the peace. FAIN T ALLE.—Persous wishing, to contri bute to a sale of paintings, to take place at Scott's Art Gallery, 1020 Chestnut street, on Fri day evening next, 27th that., must have them in the gallery immediately. B. Scow, Jr.. SUPPOSED LARCENY.—Archibald Carr was Br mated yesterday and taken before Alderman Morrow, on suspicion of having stolen a watch from a tavern on South street. He was com mitted for a further hearing. RESCUED FROM Dnowicmo.—Last night a man walked into the Schuylkill at Locust street wharf. He was rescued from drowning. by the Fifth District Police. AEU JERSEY MATTERS. TUE LATE SToltM.—The severest snow storm of the season set in along the Jersey coast on Fri day afternoon, and was accompanied with a strong north wind, which blew almost a hurri cane. In Atlantic City the snow drifted in places a depth of some four feet. Trees were pressed down by the heavy weight,and considerable dam age was sustained by property. The Saturday morning train of cars could not leave, and no communication was had with the shore. About eight eclock on Saturday night the Phila delphia train arrived with two locomotives at tached, and iu some places encountered snow drifts Six sad eight feet deep. Fortunately the winds blew the tides out, thus causing vessels to keep at sea, and although it is thought much sullering from cold has been experienced on shipboard, no wrecks have thus far been reported in Atlantic City. A large force or workoko wa nt once sent along the road to clear the track, and the trains are now running again regularly. Nrw JERSE e ARNUAL CONEERENCE.—The an nual Conference of the Methodist Church of New Jet sty, now in session in Lambertville, is one of the most important assemblages to the interests of the church ever held in the State. The re ports generally presented indicate the growth and prosperity of the charges in the various dm- Picts composing the Conference. The Superin temiunts of the Sunday School Union report that during the past year the Union. contained 15,292 schools, 171,695 (acmeschools, and eachers, 1,083,525 scholars, and there are 2,737,734 hooks in the li braries. The number of conversions during the year was 31.270. The expenditures for the RAMC period were $21,898, while the income from all sources amounted to $23,197. The printing for the department amounted to 574,227,000 pages. The Tract Society alone printed and circulated 6,239,- 000 tracts, while the whole number of pages issued front .that department reachde 21,132,000. Grants were made to 1,253 applicants in 59 con ferences, besides-its liberal contributions to the work in foreign countries. $1,200 in gold had been sent to China for the purpose of printing and circulating reading matter there. During the past year the Union had received $13,102, a sum $1,172 leas than that received lust year. The present Conference will be signalized by some important measures in the church in reference to educational matters throughout the State. REF usuo.—The proposition to repeal the school law which was passed by the Republicans last' winter, and which has just fairly got Into working order, has been lost in the Lower House by a vote of 26 to 18. The law, as a generid thing, appears to give satisfaction, although some slight changes might be matte for the better. Heavy Robbery in New V0rit...540 5 000 Stolen. (From to•doy'. Now York LI era IEI.I Periodically can r eimlar to the following arc reported : At th i elt ea. of business on Saturday afternoon, the binltipg-hou6e of A. C. Klugsland 4; SOW:, No. 55 B - nad street, was secured,loekei, and extrything :left in order. When the office was opened by the porter s, sterday morning, the place was found in Confti. n and the floor cov ered with pain rs. An examination was made, when it was fothici that during Saturday night or Sunday an en trance had been gained in front fly the use of false keys. and the thieves having cone to the .NaultE under the sidewalk,— had—ramoyed—the brichs between the cafes and carried away bonds to the aggregate value of sio,eoo. About V , O in currency was also Olken. The Thieves then returned to the main floor and made an unsuccessful attempt to break into the large hr drilling, but the metal _proved too hard for them, and They desisted. Brokers arc cau tion( it amdtist negotiating any of the stolen 14.nds. No clue to.the thieves has been obtained as I et, but detectives are investigating the case. - CITY NO'nWS. MOTU PNPOIIEB, FIIROKLEB AND TAN.—VIC only re)]. No remedy for those brown discoloration% on the ,ori is "Perry's Moth and Freckle Lotion." Preptved only by Dr. B. 0. PRitla, 49 Bond street, Nov/ York. 111 Y -Sold everywhere. . ____Trix.AsToxraniucteured.)LAol9_oll3..distlafth3,lo - g NRIMALOIA, nerve-Ache, and those of an ..qual painful character that accrue from the use of Da. TIMMER'S TIO-DOOLOCOMME or UM ' vase.. t, NEURALGIA. PILL is the cause of ita success. it omea and stimulates the nerve-fluid and po4ititrely eradicates any nervous complaint. Apothecaries have this medicine. JOIMSTON, HOLLOWAY & COW Inca, Agents, Phllada. AS EVIDENCE that "Westward the star of em pire lace its way," we have a bit of news across the Plains that at Omaha, in Nebraska, Is to be erected a, at a cost of $850,000 ! Tho nest thing following, no d. nbt, will be a large, drat-class clothing house under it, in imitation of the celebrated Clothing llouae of Charles Stokes & Co., under the Continental Soul, in this city. The natives of that Territory will then no nn re go about in their bear-skins. CHILDREN CUTTING THEIR TEETH, or of wilh cramps, cholle, griping and other infantile com olnints, obtain instant relief from the use of Bower's Infant Cordial, MLUYLAND HAms., , Mary land Hams. These deliciously flavored tiaras Constantly on band, by • MITCHELL & FLITCH/It WILBOWS COMPOUND OF COD LIVE 2 Ott. AND LIMK,—The groat popularity of this vale and effica cious preparation is alone attributable to its intrinsic worth. In the cure of Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Bron chitis, Whooping Cough, and all Consumptive Symp toms, It has no superior, if equal. Let no one tie plea the early symptoms of disease when an agent is thus at hand which will alleviate all complaints of the Chest, Lungs or Throat. Sold by AA. B. Wilbor, Chemist, No. 166 Court street, . Boston; in Philadel. phial)) , Johnston, Holloway Jr, Cowden, and French, hichards Co. SHARER CORN. Shaker Corn. Dried, awed Shaker Corn, For mai() by Irrcusur. 86 FLETOIIEIt, 1204 Chestnut street Senrno HATS. Spring Hats. The newest and most beantifal styles. The very lowest prices. Oakfords', Continental Hotel. FLORENCE SEWING MACHINE. Florence Sewing Machies. ' Florence Sewing Machine. Of 1123 Chestnut'street, Philadelphia. Srranury.—All thosegents desiring elegant fitting pantaloons will rind thorn at C. C. Dittnch Co., Continental Hotel, Ninth street. as this branch of Tailoring is made a specialty, and really warrants an invitation. AlWays a dne stock of goode.on band. DRIED BEEF, ToNGUEs, &c., For sale by MITOH ELL PIATIMIEII, 1201 Chestnut street GAY'S CHINA PALACE 1022 Chestnut street. A ont), Geo. Gay would respectfully inform the citizens of Philadelphia and the trade throughout the country that he will continue the business at WV Chestnut (S. 11. Richardson & Co. having failed to c , ruply with their contract to take the lease), and has associated iu part nership Mr. Morris Briggs. a gentlemsn of large capital and long business experience. The present stock must be ...timed out, regardless of rust, to mike room for fresh Importations; (lei. (lay will visit linglond, France and Germany, during the spring and summer to purchase goods, and will execute any orders entrusted to him promptly, and for a small commission. TEA. Tea. Tea. Tea. Black, Green, Japan, And every description of Fine quality Tea, For eale by MITCHELL ,SL FLETCHER, 1204 Chestnut street Ho' Cnoss Buss.—Freak every day . through Lent, at Morse's, 908 and 904 Arch street. 114 Ts Spina g_Lia The newest and most beautiful Styles. The very lowest prices. Oakfords', Continental Hotel. `Townes Gum ARABIC BEICEETB."—Try them for your Cough, Sore Throat, Hoarseness or Bronchial Affections. Bower's Depot is Sixth and Vine. Sold by druggists, 35 cents. SURGICAL I.ISBTICUMINTB and druggists ' BATDirieß SNOWDEN it SOTUEB., 23 South Eighth street... DEAFNESS, BLINDNESS AND CATARRH. J. leases, M D., Professor of the Eye and Ear, treats all diseases appertaining to the above members with the utmost success. Testimonials from the most re liable sources in the city can be eeon at his office, No. 8015 Arch street. The medical faculty are invited to accompany their patients, as he has no secrets in his practice. Artificial eyes inserted. No charge made for examination. SPRING HATS. Spring Hats. The newest and most beautiful styles. The very lowest prices. Oakfords', Continental Hotel. ) NEW PUBLICATIONS' C OMSTOCK'S COLORED CHART. COMSTOCK'S COLORED CHART COMSTOCK'S COLORED CHART. Being a perfect alphabet of the English Language. Graphic and Typic, with Exercises In Articulation. Pitch, Force and Gee. tore. It comprises...first. the Elementary Sounds of the English Language— second, Forty-four Colored Kngrav iu3gs, tbowhig the beat and only correct positions of the mouth. in the energctic utterance of words—third, a Pei feet Alphabet, graphic and tytic—fourth, Exercises in Pitch, Lome Red Melody—jiith, EXCITI4OI4 in “esturc —sixth, bixtydght Colored Fig tree, representing the vat kills postures and different attitudes to • he used in declamation. The whole comprised on a large colored chart, loca.urintfsixty-two by fifty one inches, and mounted on muslin and on rollers. Vries Five Dollars Cc:' - Every School and College in the Coiled States should have a copy or "Cuinstock's Colored Ch itt," hang• inc on its walls for the ins' ruction of its , pupils. Send for our Mammoth Deverlp!ivo Catalogue. Adcircae all eueli ordora, retail or wholesale, to T. B. PETERSON & II lto'l REPS, l'ublirliere mid Pooksellere, Phila., Po. Book 4 Flout, po6ttiqo toad, on receipt of retail [nice ALL NEN\ 130u1,8 Alt' AT PETERSON'S. rinll2l.2t TO RENT. RENT.—PItESIISES NORTHEAST Ell El of SIXTH and ON 1501 W stroot2, recently occupied " as a liovornment Laboratory, with stestrbousite and hollers iu running order. Poshersion can be given from April let. • A uly to Powers Weightman, southwest eel ner of Ninth and Parrish streets. vell2 la* VVANIrti. A MIDDLE-AGED MAN. OF BUSINESS CAPAuITY 11 and experience (in poeitico need), iitrlctly t1”11P0 ate and faithful, in denirona of a eituation in Store or Count mg•bouro, or any light oecuPation. Salary ut employer'n judgment during fair trial. The very beet of pity rtifer encen, bunineer!, moral and otherwise. Addreen WANT, I FNINO 131:1,1.tyrir; taco. rulat 3c rp • AI.OIIION SALE Pi. 1.1 scow, Js.. AUCTIONEER. 6CO'I"I'S Ala GALLERY 1020 CHESTNUT Htreet. Philadelphia. G. H. BRUDTLL'S GRAND tiPEUIAL BALE OF BEST • • IAIJITY WARE. Mr. G. If. Bechtel, of this city, bee, at the solicitation of hie ninny friends and petrone, been induced to make another grand epeeist male of hie extra quality Triple Silver Plated Warm ON THURSDAY MORNING NEXT, March. Id, at 11 o'clock, at Sentt's Art Gallery, No. 1020 Chestnut street. The wares in the catalogue were all manufactured exprooely for his retail custom trade all taken from the shelves, and guaranteed as represented or. 170 70110. FITLER, WEAVER & CO. NEW CORDAGE FACTORY NOW IN FULL OPERATION. - No. 29 N. WATER and 23 N. DEL. arenas NDLA . RUBBEItZt AMINE BELTING, STEAM PACE. ing Bose, &a. Engineers and dealers will find a tat ameortment of Goodyear's Patent Vulcanized Itubber Belting, Packing iieee,.&0.,14 the hianufacturer'a headquarters. GOODVEAWS; - • - - 808 Chestnut street, Beath aide . . N. B.—We have now on hand a largo lot of Gentlemen's Ladles' and Mimes' Gum Boota. Also, every variety and style of Gum Overcoats. TO GROCERS, IHYI'EL.KEEPERS., FAMILIES AND Others.—'l'be undersigned has just received a fresh supply Catawba.Cabfornla and Champagne Winesaoulc Ale ttor Invalids), constantly on hand. F. J JORDAN, cM3 Pear street, Below Third and Walnut streets. BA.AC NATILANS, AUCTIONEER E. CORNtEII: 1 Third und Spruee atreete, only one equare below the Exchange. $250,000 to loan in huge or email amounta on diamonds,ailver plate. watchos._Jewelry„ and all goo& of value. ()Moo hours from 8 A. M. to 7P. M. 11611, Eatab. Hailed for the lad forty years. Advancee made huge amounts at tho lowest market rates. • jaB-tfru -- cOMPOUND CHARWAT, mseum FOR DYBPEPSI A. A valuable remedy for limumumut, Amon% N•USEA., CONSTIPATION, and other forms Pt in geetion. The lima Willow Charcoal and other effectual medicines are combined in the forum of Aran Biscuit no fte to be very palatable. Prepared only by JAMES P. SHIN N% Apothecary, S. W. corner Broad and Spruce titivate. Bin by Druggists generally. tnhl2.lso I I A I. A 1:1,11.1A, CAsi'r it: A 1. ' t k rAi CI VtA (e Oloveo, Serpa * ell 'awl Superfine C tp,1,1 t.tid t ; landing ex 'Naoloon 111,, fr. re. and tot' gale byJOB: ItUßßl p litt &CO 103 Soldh Delawnre ANTIII.Ie. THE DAILY EVENING BULLETIN.-PIIII4ADELPHIA, TUESDAY, MARCH 24,1868. Seven per Cent. Mortgage Bonds OF TDB PENAMANIA AD AIVOW FORK CANAL - Gituanteedi - Principal - and — lnterest; By the Lehigh Valley Railroad. wfi ntex t ßo b ru i llaLeamtim a i n o d f 510 1 0 000 ou t ze i lzhe a Lehigt e r e q7; l3 ;"tartuaL rePtaaoMfog about 1615,4.000. A First-Class Investment; At tbey .. pay . as melt interest as Lo ll i ejalia l F at 90. 95. At 106 " " " " Norti h ro a ng 6's at at 90. Wo offer them for onto at 95 and accrued interest from Dec. 1, 1867. C. & H. RORIE, 3 Merchants' Exchange, OR BOWEN & FOX, 13 Merchants' Exchange. fe9l.6mrp9 Seven per cent. First Mtge. Bonds OF THE Danvillel Hazleton & Wilkesbarre R,R. FREE FROM ALL TAXES. This road will connect with the Northern Central Philadelphia and Erie, Lehigh Valley, Lehigh Naviga tion, and Hazleton Railroads, and opens one of the richest aectiona of the west middle Coal field. We offer for sale a limited amount of these Bonds at the very low rate of' tiS AND ACCRUED INTEREST. BOWEN Sc FOX, 13 Merchants' Exchange. mlitt.amiv CENTRAL PACIFIC R. R. FIRST MORTGAGE BONDS , Principal and Interest Payable in Gold. This road receives all the Government bounded. The Bonds are Issued under the special contract laws of Cali lanais and Nevada. and the agreement to . nay Gold bind ing in law. We offer them for sale at Par, and accrued interest Rent Jan. Ist. Mot, in currency. Governments taken in Exchange at the market rates BOWEN & FOX; 13 MERCHANT'S EXCHANGE. SPECIAL AGENTS FPHIAOR THE LOAN IN Pla27-3mr pHILADEL . Principal and Interest Payable in Gold. CENTRAL PACIFIC 11,AITAIRADA.13 First Mortgage Bonds. Office of DE HAVEN & BRO., No. 40 South Third. Bt. WE OFFER FOB SALE FIRST MORTGAGE BONDS OF CENTRAL PACIFIC R. R. CO. At Par, and Book Interest. There is a very large European demand for these Bonds. which. added to very large home demand. will soon absorb all the bonds the Company can issue. The above Bonds pay Six Per Cent. !interest in Gold, and are a First Mortgage on a road costing about three times their amount, with very large and constantly increasing not revenue. _f DE HAVEN & BRO., DEALERS IN ALL KINDS OF GOVERNMENT SECURITIES, GOLD. dso.. No. 40 S. Third St. WE HAVE FOR SALE NORTH MISSOURI R, FIRST MORTGAGE BONDS, At a rate which will give the purchaser Oyer 9 Per Cent. On his investment. B OWEN & FOX, 13 Merchants' Exchange. BParizig, 'Y Per Cent. Interest. mhS•lm4 DESIRABLE INVESTMENTS, Producing Over 7 and 8 per cent. Interest. LEIIIGM NAVIGATION AND RAILROAD FIRST MORTGAGE SIX PER CENT. BONDS. FREE - PROM -ALL — TAXES DUE 1877. - • ERIE CITY SEVEN PER CENT. BONDS, SECURED BY REVENUE FROM WATER WORKS, Interest Payable in Now York. UNION AND LOGANSPORT RAILROAD FIRST MORTGAGE BONDS. SEVEN PER CENT., Interest Payable in Now York. COLUMBUS AND INDIANA CENTRAL RAILROAD FIRST MORTGAGE SEVEN PER CENT. BONDS, interest Payable in Now York. The attention of parties about to invest money or es. change secmitiee is Invited to the above. Information and !niece given on application. Conataatly furnished us by our New York House. STOCKS Bought and Bold on Conanshrston in i'hitadolvtdir. NeW. York and Rostov. GOLD Bought and Bold In largO and small amount& GovgarimErrr SECURITIES Bought and Sold at New Torii Irelcol4 FIN*!(UW. POPULAR LOAN. DREXEL & CO., 34 South Third Street. NEW YORK STOCKS. ALL FLUCTUATIONS IN THE NEW YORK MARKET Stooks, Gold and Governments, RANDOLPR & CO., AI EU' WORK, I PIIIIKADIMPIiiths 3 Nassau ht. I IS S. Third St. ?IIALWI*L. BANKING HOUSIC - too l2 E4tffz -- US and 114 So. THIRD ST. PHI-LAVA, Dealers In all Goverment Securities. ti trihgtro THE SAFE DEPOSIT CO., For Sate Keeping of Valuables, Securi• . ties, etc., and Bunting of Sales. . DIRINITCRS. N. B. Browne, i d J. Gillingham Fell. L uoi. Hein H C. H. Clarke, C. Macalester. B. A. Caldwell John Welsh j - E. W. Clark. H . C. Gibson. OFFICE, O. 421 till ESTN S irtizmr. N. B. BROWNE. President. C. 11. CLARK. Vice President. R. PATTERSON. Ben and Treasurer.,lyrt g:000 1•2=7 011 AN!) AFIV It ]EARSqtl;S,'l7prrr nani-a• E. t.Ai.3, sWnint street. $l2 o it 7 24.4t 00 &TO LOAN ON MORTGAGE. LUKENS MME O NM NTGORY, w• No. Beach ntreet. :1:1 Ds tf:IFIS.Wik, ao ti/ Di loi WALK, LEAMING 004 No. 221 Chestnut Street, OFFER. FOR BALE GLOBE BLUE DRILLS, ' isUPERIOR Ditto. LANCASTER Ditty VEST PADDINGS. SLEEVE LININGS. CORSET JEANS. CLOG RINGS. Also, 4-4 BROWN SHEETING& 30 in. BROWN DRILLS. mb13.12t4 Red Cross Wig-axis. Reeeiving from manufacturer the above well-known make, together with our usual stock coßsia JEANS, SILESIAS. SLEEVE LININGS "OLD ELM MILLS" VEST PADDINGS, WIG ANS, dc.. to which' the allos Lion of tho trade is respectfully invited. THOMAS R. GILL, COMMISSION MERCHANT, No. 8 Strawberry . Street. feihimb COAL Extra Large Lehigh Nat Coal, $5 50. Lehigh Stove and Furnaoe, $8 50. WARRANTED PURE AND HARD ALso, a superior Rebroken Sohuylkill Coal, ALL SIZES, $6 TO $O, AT WM. W. ALTER'S COAL DEPOT, Ninth Street, below Girard Avenue, AND Office, corner_Sixtivand_Spring_Garden._ J,4t HOUSE-FURNISHING GOODS. 6 The Arctic 90 REFRIGERATOR, The beet and most conveniently constructed article to this or any other market. All the compartments are guaranteed DRY and free from MOULD. MOISTURE and IMPURE ODOR. Call and examine and see teetimonials in behalf of this superior Refrigerator. WILLIAMS & WOODWARD, 110. 922 (Nine Twenty-Two) Chestnut Street, MANUFACTURERS. mh2l r to th tf BOOTS AND SHOES. CL4 , tri 40 0 !xi E -4 Spring Styles in Fine Custom t .. 3 g l Made Boots and Shoes for Gen- 0 -,3 tlemen. The only place in the d E-4 city where all the Leading Styles 0 „... in first Class Boots and Shoes L.'_ - , r 4 may be obtained. Prices Fixed t- 4 w at Low Figures. <3:l BARTLETT. tri 14 33 South Sixth Street, above I:c.. b Chestnut. c=l 44 W <4 p m ref f 5 lv rpl coNFEtnriommv. Choice and Rare FINE CONFECTION'S FOR PRESENTS. STEPHEN F. WHITMAN, No MO Market Street. Int,2l.3frp MEAL ESTATE SALES. friREAL ESTATE —THOMAS & BONS'. SALE.— Modern four-story brick - Redidence, S. W. corner of Ninth and Fitzwater streets, with a four,tory Brick Dwelling adjoining, fronting on Htzwater street.—On Tuesday, April 7th, 18a, at 12 o'clock, noon, will be solo at public sale, at the Philadelphia Exchange, all those brick messuages and the lot of ground thereunto belonging, situate at the southwest corner of Ninth and Fitzwater streets: containing in front ou Ninth greet 18 feet, and extending in depth along Fitzwater street 90 feat, more or leer, to Morris et ea. The improvements are a modern three-story brick residence, with tbreo.etory back build ings. fronting•on tbo corner ; has verandah, and wire screen for shrubbery on the Fitzwater street front, gas introduced, bath, hot and cold water, water closet, o.c. Also, a four-story brick dwelling adjoining, fronting on Fitzwater street Ur Clear of all incumbrance. bl. THOMAS As SONS, Auctioneer* r01414,28ap4 189 and 141 south Fourth etxeet. EXECUTORS' SALE.—ESTATE OF BENJAMIN .Naglee, deem:med.-1 homes kSons, Auctioneers.— Valuable Wharf, fronting on Cohooksink creek and Brown street. Eleventh Ward. On Tuesday, April 21st, Ic6B, at 12 o'clock, noon, will be sold at publio sale, at the Philadelpbia Exchange, all that valhable wharf property. situate, on the north side of Brown street, 12 feet 3,14 inches east of Front street .• the lot containing in front on Brown str cot 41 feet 934 inches. and extending in depth on ono lice 117 feet WI inches, and on the other lino 134) foot likf inches to Coltocksink crook, on which it has a front a:i feet 4 inches. Terms--Cash. Immediate possession. 13, - Clear of all ineumbranee. EDWARD PATTERSMN H. R. NAGLEE, Executors. TIIOMAS & SONS, Auctioneers, ml 24 up 4 18 189 and 141 South Fourth street. I it , 11,111.1 u bALE.--111.051AS tt; SONS, AlleT.ioN. ;fires -story , fires-story story Brick Dwelling; r.amo " Stable and Coach lie se, &e., No. 169 Norris street, east of I lar.cook street. isinetcetttit Ward. On TlieluY. o BaeB, at-12 o'clock, ndon, will br-sold:at pn die, Mal,. at the Philadelphia Exchange, all that lot of ground. with the improvements thereon erected,' Hitt:llan on the north mkt of Norris etreef„ 51 feet east of ilaucoci. street. No: to containing In front on Norris street 54 feet; anti extending in depth Stofset., The improvements consist of a tit rectory brick du citing 14 .feet fron` ,•with &abut kiichen L y fins gas; anti is in god Order; frame stable, with new patent roof; feed oottse.' with tin roof.L 12 by 16 foot I• coach hot se: chicken coop, hog nen. 6ness hung% &c. Droop& 1 hutted with grape•vinss, frnit•trees, &c. Subject ton yearly ground rent of $72. al. 11051 AS etc SONS, Auctioneers. inll24Maia4 1121 and 141 South Fourth street. MOURNING GOODS. HOMER COLLADAY CO. MOURNING DEPARTMENT, NEWEST FA.Diaxaos Nob. 131E3 and IS2O Chef Aunt Street. LJLDLIGBP ID it lhairf Watt tOlialltilift.**, MARY B. CONWAY, LADIEts' DRESS *JR BUSHING ANI SIJOPPING 31. SOUTH $1 XTEENTII ti ' flsl ET. Vt111.•1 , 1:1.1111.1.. Ladles from nny pmt of the Colt‘d Staten can tend their orders for Dreel Dinterinle, Ifre3see,Glonluillounete, tilinee„ Under I. lothing, Mourning enit,.. Wedding Tromeenti, Tra veling Outtite, Jowehy. &c., bid° Chilth•en'e Clothing, In fant'm N nrd. °hog, Gentlemen's Linen. ite. In ordering Oannente. Ladies will plenao eend one of th, it BFAIT (I in:ra, , ,es fee measurement ; and Ladies visiting the city ehotld not fail to call, and have their measures regbtered for future convenience, Refers, by perraireion, to MR. J. M. HAFGEIGH. 'PM spa 1111 Chestnut street; MESSRS. HOMER coLLADaY 6c V.L. rp SlB mid KO Chestnut street. CAUPETINGN AND OIL CLOTHS. Z. IL OCMICALK. VIEO. E. WIEDIMITLEIW. Jut Received, New Lot of FINE CARPETINGS, Of rich dealgor. and offered at lotic figur( Oil Cloths, Matting', to. E. H.GODSHALK & CO. 723 Chestnut Street. 147.6mr0 CARPETS 011 CLOTH, MATTINGS, &C., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. pL lT e e dfe i rt:t a r ei gr i e r a hvtg d m u r c ß ti trlnf ro ilp f l o , ly. and are rmer pricer. LEEDOM & SHAW, 910 Arch Street, Between Ninth and Tenth BL - tetr. ten -33nrp! WATCHES., JEWELIIIIN J. T. GALLAGHER (Late of Bailey dr, Co.). MANUFACTURING JEWELER, 1300 Chestnut Street, IMPORTER OF FINE WATCHES STERLING SILVER WARE DESIGNED FOR. BRIDAL GIFTS EINE JEWELRY: Silver Ma me, ( 1. 1 , c t r r a u l e 'e an , Vulcanite and Jet, Malachite, Uoin Singe, GaractsCarbuncle. Engagement dn. rittinontlm, Vearlp, AnietliSst, btouellloo. 13( et American and EngWM Plated Ware, London Ilsa. Bouquet, Freuell Clocks. superior Table Lutiery, with Ivory bandlea, plain or plated blades. Watebea and Clocks carefully repaired by competent women. All Goode warranted of //eat quality, at low prices. WOOD HANGINGS• NO. 917 WALNUT STREET. WOOD HANGINGS Positively don't fall to see them before ordering any. thing elee. Wall paper is now among tho "Thhms That Were." WOOD HA.NGINGS Cost no more. and are selling by the thousand rolls per day. See them and De convinced. No speculation, but stubborn facts. Specimens are also on exhibition at the Store of JAMES C. FINN Es SONS, Southeast corner Tenth and Walnut streets. mblg.tfro AGRICULTURAL* STRAWBERRY PLANTS.—EARLY PIIILADEL phis Agriculturist, Jumada or 700, Wilson% Albany, and all the leading varieties. 11. A. DREER. 714 Chestnut street. mbiSth i tu6t • PEAS.--DREERI3 EXTRA. EARLY. DfoLEAN , B Little Rem, Garteen Firet Crop Early . Varaetacua. Uhampion of England. Eugenio , and trfonty• other choice variatleo. H. A. f)REER. mblg•fli a to6t§ 714 4lfeatnut Woof. —• DEALERS SUPPLIED WITH. GARDEN SR on liberal tonna. IL A. DREER, rnblb th a tuat§ 714 Chestnut area. CLARKE, 11,1LARELIMIA AND Ctillltibia Ritepberry. Early Wileon, Kittatinny and Lawton Blackberry. Plenta genuine, at It. A. DREIER'S deed Warehouse, 7(4 Chestuut street. mbl9 th eto 6t 2 ONION. SETS, • ASPARAGUS . AND RIIUDARB Roots. Early Good Chesnut ' street: Sprout Potatoes. 11. A. DREER, 714treet. tuntO th s tut% GAODION SELAB ARV: pouniar became reliable; plant them once and von will plant them alwayta. Call foe a copy of HIRST'S Carden Almanac for 18e8'; it oline+ found uncial and in structive. They aro dletributed without (4100 - from - Bl ;IST'S Seed- Ware roues. 9253 and 5.034 Market street, above Ninth. 2. FLOWS, unßurri;. CULTIVATORS. wan ail Miler impiewen a for tho Farm and Gardon, gold Waroboure. tho loweat niarktiO 6 tl.4t s i .T.4 . f 1 and U 4 Market atreet, abovo Ninth. • at o 141,814F:1,S PR E IM OLOVERSVIGID FOR SAL Pc at BUIS Vel Seed Warehoueo. uthl4 t2trp 922 and 924 Market street,above Ninth. Would call Special attention to their Containing as it does all the 01 TUE SEASON. YIRE•PROOY SAES. ty i ,------- - o.tri, -4 ,;,.;;. _:4 4., ~,j ‘(*.' f, '. ''..13 . - 4. -a 4 - , (...I 4 - ' f' l l . SAFES %, -ti i Q-9 L . ". ' :T" - ' i:gs, ,• . 1 i c ,, , `, k - , t t ~* '. " .. ' t . __ oo i ''.9 t —4,, 12.1 j,.. ' %. -," -....v.....; AWARDED THE PRIZE MEDAL& 30.000 Francs HERRING'S PATENT CHAMPION SAFES Awarded the Prize Medals at World's Italy London; World's Fatr, New Tort; Exposition Gidrersel*-Partt, WINNER OF THE WAGER 30,000 FRANCS!! MOW IN GOhD,) At tbo recent International Gout "Alin the Paris Exhibition 'I he public are invited to call and examine the repeat of the Jury on thr marital of the great contort, and ece tint °Metal award to the lierrinred'atent over all o them FMIREI., HERRING & CO., 829 Chentriut Street, Philadelphia. Herring, Farrel & Sherman, New York. Herring & Co., Chicago. Herring. Farrel & Sherman, N. Orleans,: eh • -...,surf nEDICINiIt» SPEER'S PORT GRAPE WINE. VINEYARDS, NEW JERSEY. SPEER'S PORT GRAPE WINE; • FOUR YEARS OLD. This Justly celebrated native Wino is made from the Juice of the Oporto Grape raised in this country. Its la. • valuable TONIC AND RENGTHE sING PROPER TIES are uneurpaai ed by any other native Wine. Being the pure juice of theape. produced under Hr. Spec"' own personal supervisi gr on. its purity and genuineness are guaranteelL The youngest child may partake of Ha generous qualities, and the weakeat invalid may use it to advantage. H tr rticularly beneficial to the amid and debilitated, and suited to the various aihnente that afillat the weaker sex. It is in every respect A WINE TO BE RELIED ON. Samples at the store of JOHN bTON, HOLLOWAY itc CO.. No. 23 N. SIXTH el s ; FR.Y NOB. 11.1011ABD8 N o rth DI OTT & t$ .. No. 233 SECOND street, Invalids we Specria Port Grape Wine. Females use Speeris Port Grape Wine. Weakly pperaone find a benefit by its use. Speeris ties in It orpitals are preferred to otherWltio‘ Sold by Druggists and Grocers: The trade supplied by JOHNSTON. HOLLOWAY CO. and FRENCH, mu:mum & CO., rniiatteipme. A. EMBER, 243 Broadway, N. Y. trlltt-th th e•3ftAn ( 4 7 14111 -1 4110 En • WWI BALE: - . MEttCHANT - 13, ST - oftEKE'aPSft, - x ilotels and dealerw-200 Cases Champagne and Crags Cider. 2EO bbls. Champagne and Crab Cider. P.J. JORDAN. • 990 Pottr etreet.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers