the Impeachment Rules. This following are the rales of procedure and practice. In the Senate asaHlffn <Jourtof impeachment, as reported by Mr. How ard yesterday: ' First —Whensoever the Senate shall roceiva no tice from IbcHouse of Representatives that man agers are appointed on their part to conduct an impeachment against any person, and are directed “to cany articles of impeachment to the Senate, \ the Secretary of the Senate shall immediately In form the House of Representative? that the Sen ate is ready to receive the managers for the pur pose of exhibiting such articles of impoachment, agreeably to said notice. Second —When the managers of an impeach ment shall be Introduced at the bar of the Senate, and shall signify that they arc ready to exhibit articles of impeachment against any person, the presiding oflicer of the Sonate shall direct the Scrgeant-at-Aims to make proclamation, who filiall, after making proclamation, repeat the tol lowing ' words, viz -■—“All persons are com manded to keep silence, on pain of imprison ment, while the grand Inquest of the nation is exhibiting to the Senate of the United States ar ticles of impeachment againßt; ———. Alter which the articles‘shall be exhibited, .and then, the presiding officer of fhG Senate shall Inform the managers that the Senate will take proper order on the snbject of the impeachment, of which due notice shall be given to the House of Representatives. Third— Upon such articles being presented to tbe ; Benate. the Senate shall, at one o’clock on the afternoon of the day (Sunday excepted) follow ing such presentation (or sooner,|if so ordered by the Senate), resolve itself into a High Court of Impeachment for proceeding thereon. A quorum of the Senate shall constitute a quorum of the oottrUatid shall continue id session from day to day (Sundays excepted) after'the'trial shall com mence, unless otherwise ordered by the court, until .filial judgment shall be rendered, and so rifritlrtobgeras may in Its judgment be'needed, immediately-npbn the Senate : resolving itself ihto iuch'High Court of Impeachment the' Secre tary oft be. Senate shall administer to .the pre siding officer, unless he shall be the Chief Jus tiee, .the oath required by the Constitution of ; the united States in such cases, and’in the fordi hereinafter subscribed; and there upon .the ; presiding - officer shall, administer such oath to the members of the Senate then present, and to the other members of the Senate, as they shall appear,' whose duty It shall be to take the same. 1 ' .FofirtA—The presiding officer of the Benate shall be the presiding officer of the High Court of Impeachment, except when the President of the ■United States, or the Vice President of the United States, upon* whom the powers and duties of the office of President shall have devolved, shall be impeached, in whlch case the Chief Justice of of the.Sunreme Court of the United States shall preside; and in a case requiring the said Chief Justice to .prefide.notiee shall be given to him by ' the presiding officer of the Senate of the time and place fixed for the organization of the High Court of Impeachment as aforesaid,with a request to attend; and he shall preside over said court -until Its final adjournment. Fifth —The presiding officer of the court shall have power to make and Issue by himself, or by the Secretary of the Senate, all orders, mandates, writs and precepts authorized by these rules or by the court, and to make and enforce such other regulations and orders in the premises as the court may authorize or provide. , Sixth— The court shall have power to compel the attendance of witnesses, to enforce.obedierice to its orders, mandates, writs, precepts and judg ments; to preserve order and to pnnish, in a eummary way, contempts of and disobedience to its authority,’ordera, mandates, writs, precepts or judgments, and to make all lawful orders, rules and regulations which it may deem essential or conducive to the puds ofjustice; and the pre siding officermay, by the direction of the court, require the aid and assistance of any officer or ] person in the military, naval or civil service of i the United States, to enforce, execute and carry i in to effect the, lawful orders, mandates, writs,pre cepts and judgments of said court. Seventh —The presiding officer of the Senate shall direct all necessary preparations in the Se nate Chamber, and the' presiding officer of the , court shall direct all the forms of proceedings j while the Senate are sitting for the purpose of ] trying an impeachment, and all forms dnring the . trial not otherwise specially provided for; and i the presiding officer of the court may rale all f questions of evidence and incidental questions, which evidence shall stand as the judgment of i the court, unless some member of ihe court shall 1 ask that a formal vote be taken thereon, in which i case it shall be submitted lo .■the court for deci- t sion; or he may, at his option, in the first in- i stance, submit such question to a vote of the members of the court. . Eighth— Upon the presentation of articles of impeachment, and the organization of the court as hereinbefore provided, a writ bf summons shall issue to the accused, reciting said articles, and notifying him to appear before the -said court, upon a day and at a place to be fixed by said court, and named In such writ, and flic his answer to said articles of impeachment, and to stand to and abide the orders and judgments of said court thereon, which writ shall be served by such officer or person as shall be named in the precept thereof, such number of days prior to the flay fixed for such appearance as shall be named in such precept, cither by the delivery of an attested copy thereof to the person accused, or if that cannot conveniently be done by leaving such copy at the last known place of abode of such person, or at his usual place; of business in some conspicuous place therein; or it such Bervice shall be, in the judgment of sucii court impracticable, nutice to the accused to ap pear shall Jbe given in such other manner, by publication or otherwise, as shall be deemed just, and if the writ aforesaid shall fail of sorvico in the manner aforesaid, the proceedings shall not thereby abate, but further service may be made in such manner as the court shall direct If the accused shall fail to appear, either in person or by attorney, on the day fixed therefor as afore said, or appearing shall fail to file his answer to such articles of impeachment, the trial shall pro ceed, nevertheless, as upon a plea of not guilty. If a plea of guilty shall be entered, judgment may be entered thereon without further proceed ings. Einth —At twelve o’clock and thirty minutes on the afternoon of the day appointed for the return •of the summons against the person impeached, the legislative and executive business of the Sen ate shall be suspended, and the Secretary of the Senate shall administer an oath to the returning officer in the form following, viz:— I, , do solemnly swear, that the return mode by me upon the process issued on the day of , by the Senate of the United States, sitting as a High Court of Impeachment, against—is truly made, and that I have performed such ser vice as therein described. So help mo God. Which oath shall be entered at large on the bs cords. Tenth —The person impeached shall then uo •called to appear and answer the articles of im peachment against him. If he appears, or any person for him, tho appearance shall be recorded, •stating particularly If by himself, or by agent or attorney, naming the pereon appearing and the ■' •capacity In which he appears. If he do not „ appear, cither nersonally or by agent or attor ney, the same shall be recorded. Eleventh —At twelve o’clock and thirty minutes ■on the afternoon of the day appointed for the trial.of ah impeachment, the legislative and exe eutive bUslhess of the Senate shall be suspended, and the Secretary shall give notice to the House •of Representatives that the Senate is ready, to proceed upon the impeachment, of in the Benato ■Chamber, which; Chamber Is prepared with ac commodations for the reception of the House of Representatives. Tuelfth—The hour of the day at which tho Senate 6hall sit as a High Court of Impeachment •shall be, unless otherwise ordered, twelve o’clock M., and when the hour for such sitting shall ar rive the presiding .officer of the Senate 6hall so announce, and thereupon the presiding officer, of the court shall cause proclamation tQ be made, and tho business of thecourtshall proceed. The adjournment of the Senate, sitting as a High •Court oflmpeachment, shall not operate adjournment of the Senate; but on such adjourn ment of the Court the Senate shall resume the •consideration of its legislative and executive •business. Thirteenth—^ The Secretary of the Senate shall record the proceedings in cases of impeachment, ns in the case of legislative proceedings, and the same shall be reported in the same manner as the legislative proceedings of the Beuate. fourteenth— Counsel for the parties shall be admitted to appear and be heard upon an im peachment Fifteenth—hU motions made by the parties or their counsel shall be addressed to the presiding Officer, and if he shall require it they shall bo committed to writing and read at the Secretary’s Sable. Sixteenth —Witnesses shall be examined by one person on behalf of the party producing 'them, and then cross-examined by one person on ibe other side. | . . ,; Seventeenth —lf a Senator is called as a Witness, lip shall be sworn, and give his testimony stand ing in bis place. , Eighteenth— lf a Senator wishes a question to lie put to a witness, or to offers motion or order, except a motion to adjourn, it shall bo reduced 10 wilting and put by the presiding officer. A'iue'etnfh—At all times, while the Senate is s-ating upon the trial of, an impeachment, the doors of the.Bcnate shall be kept open, unless the (ourt shall direct the doors to be closed while deliberating upon Its decisions. Twentieth— AH preliminary or interlocutory questions and all motions pliall be argued by one person only on each 6ide, and for not exceeding one hour on each side, unless the court bv order shall extend the time. Twenty-first — The final argument on the merits may be made by two poisons on each side, and the argument 6bsill be opened and closed on the part of the House of Representatives. Twenty-second—l{ tho impeachment shall not be sustained by the votes of two-thirds qf the members of the said High Court of Impeachment present and voting, a judgment of acquittal shall be entered; but if the person accused in such ar ticles of impeachment shall be convicted by the votes of two-tbirds of the members of such court present, the court, by its presiding officer, shall proceed to prononrice judgment, and a certified copy of such judgment shall be deposited in the office of the Secretary of State. Twenty-third— All the orders and decisions shall be made and had by yeas and' nays, which shall be entered on the record, and without debate ex cept when the doors shall be closed for deliber ation; and in that case no member shall speak more, than once on one question, and for not more than ten minutes oil an interlocutory ques lion, and for not more than fifteen minutes bn the final questiob. unles'd by unanimous consent: but a motion to adjourn arid tho questions men tioned in rule seven may be decided by a. vim voce vote, unless the 'yoas arid nays be demanded by brie-fifth of the meriibers pres'ent. ' ' Twenty-fourtk —Witnesses shall be sworn in the following form, viz.: You do swear, or affirm, as the case may be, lhat the evidence yon “hall give in the case now pending between the Uhited Btatcs and shall be the troth, tbo whole truth, and nothing but the truth. So help you God. Which oath shall be administered by the Secre tary. Form of subpima to be issued on the application of the Managers of the Impeachment , or of the party Impeached ; or of his counsel. To —greeting:—You and each of you are hereby commanded to appear before the Benate of the United Statee, sitting as a High Court of Impeachment, on the day of , at the Senate Chamber, in the city of Washington, then arid there to testify your knowledge in the esse which is before the Senate, sitting as aforesaid,, in which the House of Representatives have im peached . Fail not. Witness , presiding officer of the Senate, sitting'as aforesaid, at the city of Washington, this— day of ,in the year of our Lord , and of the independence of the United States the---—. Form of direction for the service of said subpien/i. The Senate of the United States, sitting as a High Court of Impeachment, to , greet ing: You are hereby commanded to serve and return the within subpuma according to law. Dated at Washington, this - day of , in the yearof our. Lord , and of the Independ ence of the United States the . Secretary of the Senate. Farm of oath to he administered to the presidinq <>/'- Jicer and members of the Senate, sitting as a High Court of Impeachment. I solemnly swear (or affirm, as the case may be,') that in ull things appertaining to the trial of the impeachment of , now pending, I will do impartial justice, according to the Constitu tion and the laws. So help me God. Form of summons to he issued and served upon the person impeached. The United States of America as. The Senate of the United States, sitting as a High Court of Impeachment, to greeting. Whereas, the House of Representatives of the United Btates of America did, on the day of , exhibit to the Senate articles of impeachment against you, the said • , in the words following: | Here insert articles. | and demand that you the snid , should he put to answer the accusations as set forth in said articles, arid that such proceedings,examina tions, trials and judgments might be thereon had as are agreeable to law and justice. You,the said , are therefore hereby summoned to be and appear before the Senate of the United States of America, sitting as a High Court of Impeach ment, at their Chamber in the city of Washing ton, on the day of——.then and thero to answer ter the said articles of impeachment, and then and there to abide by, obey and perform such orders, directions and judgments as the Senate of the United States, sitting as aforesaid, shall make in the premises, according to the Con stitution and laws of the United States. Hereof you arc not to fail Witness and presiding officer of the said Senate, sitting as such High Court of Im piacbment, at the city of Washington, this day of ,in the year of our Lord ,and of the independence of the United States the . J'trnii of precept to be endorsed on said writ of snn- Tbe United States of America, ss: The Senate of the United States, sitting as a High Court of Impeachment, to , greeting: You are hereby commanded to deliver to and leave, if conveni ently to be found, or if not, to leave at his usual {•lace of abode, or at his usual place ot business, in some conspicuous place, a true and attested copy Of the within writ of summons, together with a like copy of this precept, and in whichso ever way you perform the service, let it be done at least days before the appearance day men tioned in said writ of summons. Fail not, and make return of this writ of sum mons nnd.prceept, with your proceedings thereon indorsed, on or before the appearance day men tioned in the said writ of summons. Witness , and presiding of the Senate, sitting as nioresaid at the city of Washington, this day of , In the year of our Lord, and of the independence of the United States the . All process shall be served by the Sergeant-at arms of the Senate, unless otherwise ordered by the court. lirent;/'fifth —If the Senate shall at any time fail to sit as such court on the day or hohr fixed therefor, the Senate may, by an order to be adopted without debate, fix a day and hour for titling as such court (JITY BULLETIN. Northern Centkai. Railway.— The annual meeting of the Stockholders of this road was held in Baltimore on Thursday. The annual report of J. D. Cameron, Esq., President, was read. It states that the earnings of this railway main line—for the year ending December 31, 1867, were: From Freights *1,795,312 29 “ Passengers 651,277 81 “ Express 73,144 00 “ United States Mail. 25,450 01 “ Sundry Sources 130,880 50 Total *2,676,084 61 Earnings of Wrightsvllle Branch... 31,227 92 “ Sham Division 280,452 08 " Elmira “ 395,149 48 Chemung “ ...... 127,537 35 “ Canandaigua" 180,416 72 1 ' Showing gross receipts to be *3,690,868 16 The operating expenses were 2,478,709 45 Net Revenue: !. .$1,212,168 71 Which has been applied to tho payment of , In fgresLon Funded- $443y863 4)4 Dividends to Stockholders 336,475 00 Tax on Capital Stock and Dividends, 35,239 35 Rent of Leased Roads 295,143 28 Appropriations to Sinking Fund...... 53,000 00 Total Payments.. ...$1,193,720 67 The working expenses of the main line were 68 16-100 per cent, of the recoipts, being 7 2-10 per cent, less than the preceding year; and the working expenses of the main line and branches were 67 1-10 per cent, of the receipts- r: ; Tbe usual payments have been made to the sinking fund during the year. In the fund for the redemption of the loan of $2,600,000, duo in 1885, there is now invested *375,000 in that loan, In the general sinking fund, which was established in 1866, there is now invested *207,600, a Bum more than sufficient to pay off the loans due iu 1870 and 1671. The track has been maintained in good eondi- TABS DAILY EVENING BULLETIN.—PHILADELPHIA, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 29 1868* f 'm; additions have been made to the capacity of the roadby increasing thesldlngß; there has been i< ucuu a irelght depot at Seltnsgrovc; a frcigut mid passenger station has also Been, built" at Liverpool; wo bavo expended $43,752 t*s in com pleting the Dolphin Bridge,and extensive trestles have been creeled at Suubury for the transfer of coal from cars on the Bbamokln Branch to return ears for the Elmira Division. The report continues: v Our business has grown so rapidly within a short space of time, and so much expenditure has been necessary to perfect the track, extend sidings, and furnish equipment, that we have de layed as fur as we could the building of shops for the repair of engines and ears. Additional shops have now become an urgent necessity, and we propose to erect suitable buildings for'that pur pose at Sunbury., During this year we have added to the equipment seven locomotives, two passenger cars, two baggage cars, twenty-live box cars, twenty-nine gondolas, 34 line cars and three hundred and Bcvcnty-seven coal cars, at a cost of $266,134 41, and we have alreadv contrac ted to have delivered in the early part of this year ten locomotives, one hundred stock cars, and five hundred coal cais. We have, purchased and put into the track some additional steel rails. Our experience, so far, with steel rails has been satisfactory, and wo regret that we have not the ability to use them exclusively in the renewal of tho track. As the tires on the locomotives have worn out they have been replaced by steel tires, and the change has been found to be an economi cal one. The operations of the leased roads have been much more satisfactory than during the preceding year. The increase in the coal trade for the past year over that of the preceedlng year has been large. Tho coal transported in 1867 amounted to 433,- fil!» tons, against 303,189 tons in 186 G—an increase of 150,730 tons. Of this increase 49,166 tons were carried to Baltimore and 101,5G4 tons to local stations. The remaining increase of tonnage, amounting to 147,G41 tons, has been mainly from Soints on the line of the Elmira and Canandaigua dvisions and from points on the lakes. As the receipts incident to the inflation of trade produced by the war are no longer perceptible in our business, a comparison of the business of this road for the year just closed with that of the year immediately preceding the war will be inter esting ; In the year 1860 the entire receipts of the road were $964,621 30 The expenses were. 717,265 64 And the net[revenuoWas $257,355 66 In 1867 the gross receipts were s2,fil'd,oB4 61 Expenses 1,556,538 71 to $1,119,545 90 The net earnings of 1867 are $154,924 60 in ex cess of the entire earnings in 1860, and the com parison showß an increase of 177 per cent, in the gross earnings,and of 452 per cent, in the prodts. The number ot passengers carried in 1860 was 287,630, while in 1867 we carried 655,651. An election for Directors resulted in the choice of J. D. Cameron aud William Colder, of Harris burg; Amos E. Kapp, of Northumberland; Henry Welsh, of York; John A.. Wright, of Lewiatowh; George Small, Ben). F. Newcomer and Samuel M. Shoemaker, of Baltimore; Edward C. Biddle, John M. Kennedy, Jacob P. Jones and Wistar Morris, of Philadelphia. Subsequently the newly elected Directors mot and unanimously re-elected John D. Cameron, Esq., as President, and Robert N. Hollins, Esq.', as Secretary aud Treasurer; Thomas A. Scott, Esq., of Philadelphia, was chosen ns Director, in the place of .Mr.' Cameron, elected President. Ciiaboko with FokokkY.— Yesterday after- noon, Richard L. Dickson, whose place of busi ness is upon Third street, below Chestnut, and who is a penman and designer for lithographers, was before Alderman Beitler, charged with exe cuting fraudulent cheeks and notes for a man by the nrme of Hanna, who resides in Camden. Thomas McKean, who is a resident of the above place, and who is eDgoged in the lumber business, testified that the endorsements of three notes were forgeries, amounting in all to $21,000. The signatures and endorsements of a number of otberß were pronounced by him to be forgeries. The whole number of notes thus forged amounted to 370,000. Mr. McKean said Mr. Dickson’s face was familiar to him, but he could not say where he had seen him. Officer Taggart testified that at the request of the District Attorney he took the matter in hand, and upon Wednesday afternoon he called upon Mr. Dickson, who told him be had filled up and written the endorsements upon notes at Mr. Hanna's request. That he had written Mr. Hanna's political letters and love letters, and that he received no part of the money, except his or dinary charges for writing, for any of the notes. He said he did not think he had done wrong; he had frequently seen Hanna in company with gentlemen connected with railroads, and sup posed he was employed by them as an agent. Dickson was held in $5,009 bail for a further hear ing on Thursday next. The Homoeopathic College.— The twentieth annual commencement of the llommopathic Me dical College of Pennsylvania was held last night in Horticltural Hall. A large audience was pre sent. The Liberty Cornet Band favored the au dieice w ith selections from "Maritana,” “II Tro vutore,” and other operas. The exorcises were opened with prayer by the Rev. B. F. Barrett, at the conclusion of which A. R. Morgan, M.D., delivered the valedictory address. The'president, A. R. Potter, Esq., then conferred the degree of M. D. upon the following named geitlemen: It. T. A(1 .'in.-, N. V., ,0. I*. Burden, IVima., 8. l-‘. BurdHtill N. Y ; City., It. M. llojnteu, Texa*. o. L. Bityfogle, ol'io. * C. ,J. Cooper, N.-. J.. AY. L. Birvt'eple, A-M.,01ii0,! 0/ C. Miller, N. Y„ W. A. owinn. N. V, • I>. W. MitrhelUlL, T. \Y. Paine. Me., W. E. Patch, .M-, T. 11. Peacock Pennu., I). C. Perkins Me.. \V, PutnHtn, Mich., It. S. Kicluirdu, S', ,1. 11. Lincur, Pcnna,, .J. E. Seugcr, New Haven, .1. Schmidt. Md.. AY. 11. 11. ftia-ioue. Mari*., AY. M, Snruaue. N. Y., \Vm. Were, Pennu., A. Voimicrit. Md„ C. ,1. WilhuuV, Pennu., ,1, AV. AYoodr, -Ale., la. loung, Kv. The audience was dismissed with a’betiedielion, Alleged Akson.—A colored man, giving his name as Moses Wright, was before Alderman Beitler yesterday afternoon, upon the charge of suspicion of arson. Fire Marshal Blackburn testified that about eleven o’clock last Friday night a fire took place on the; premises of Mr. Henry ICillion, in the Twenty-seventh Ward, and that his-barn and other outbuildings,together with 49 head of cattle, had been burned. He said that from informa tion he had received he had been led to believe that it was the work of design, and from the suspicious movements' of the defendant on the night of thefire ho had caused his arrest. Wrigbt hod been in the employ of Mr. Killion, but had been discharged, and being intemperate in his habits, and of a vicious character, suspi cion rested upon him. Tho accused was held in *5,000 hail for a fur ther hearing. Longacoming. —This pleasantly located village is rapidly advancing in tho way of improvements A short time since, a Lodge of Good Templars was organized thero by many of the most enter prising gentiemeu of that place, who are zeal ously engaged in tho work of advancing the cause of temperance. The membership is said already to have reached over one hundred, and is con stantly increasing. A proposition has also been made to remove the Mission School attached to the Episcopal churches of Camden, to Longacom ing, where buildings for its permanent location are contemplated. U. O. American Mechanics.— The rapid in crease in the membership of the United Order of the American Mechanics in West Jersey hns called for tho establishment of a number of'new Councils in various places. A short time since one wns established at Florence, Burlington ladies of that place, taking a deep interest in its success, a few evenings since convened a moot ing in the new M. E. Church, aud presented the Council with a beautiful copv of the BcrintmW and also a splendid flag. “VWurts, Church ArFAtns.— The pastor of the Church of the Immaculate Conception will commence to morrow morning a series of protracted meetings to last for eight days. Revival meetings are also in progress in tho Methodist churches at Black wpodtown and Chew’s Landing, which have re sulted in quite an accession to the memhershiD of the two churches. , Disorder and Fight — A proprietor of a drinking saloon, named Haines, a day or two ago was grossly atsaiilu-d by a young man named Boone, and had his nose completely broken Haines was endeavoring to quell a noisv distur bance, when the assault was perpetrated, Boone was held in $2OO to answer. oae Showing net earnings amounting NEW JERSEY MATTERS. Pav of Jtmoßs — A bill has been Introduce into the Legislature, providing that jurymen at tending the Conrts in Camden county shall re ceive $1 per diem. They are also to be allowed ten cents mileage, when they reside more than one mile from the scat of justice. Not Expeotep to Rncovritt.—The too work men, John Southwell and Engel Browlfcg, who fell from a scaffold a few days ago. were so severely injured that fears are entortdlncd that they will not recover. They are badly hurt. CITV ORDINANCES. COMMON COUNCIL OF Ci.kkk’s Office, ) PuiLAnur.i'HiA, Feb. 21, 1868. j In- pursuance of the annexed resolution the followiug bill, entitled AN ORDINANCE To authorize a loan for the construction of Culverls, is hereby published in accordance with the Act of Assembly, for public information. JOHN ECKSTEIN, Clerk of Common Council. An ordinance to authorize a loan lor the construction of culverts. Seitionl. The Select.and Common Councils of the' city of Philadelphia do ordain. That the Mayor of Philadelphia be, and he is hereby au thorized to borrow, at not less than par, on the credit oi the city, from time to time, eight hun dred thousand dollars for the construction of culverts, for which interest, not to exceed the rate of six per cent, per annum, shall be paid half-yearly,on the first days of January and July, at the office of the City Treasurer. The princi pal of said loan shall be payable and paid at the expiration of thirty years from the date of the same, and not before without the consent of the holders thereof; and the certificates therefor, in the usual form of the certificates of city loan, shall be issued in such amounts as the leaders may require, but not for any fractional part of one hundred dollars, or, if required, in amounts ot five hundred or one thousuDd dollars; and it shall be expressed in said certificates that the loan therein mentioned, and the interest thereof, are payable free from ull taxes. Sec. 2. Whenever any loan shall bo made by virtue thereof, there shall be by lorce of this ordinance annually appropriated out the income of the corporate estates, and from the sum raised by taxation, a sum sufficient to pay the interest on said certificates; and the further sum of three tenths of one per centum on the par value of such certificates so issued shall be appropriated quarterly out of said income and taxes to a sink ing fund, which fund and its accumulations are hereby especially pledged for the redemption and payment of said certificates. RESOLUTION TO PUBLISH A LOAN BILL. Jtesolved, That the Clerk of Common Council be authorized to publish in two daily newspapers of this city, daily for four weeks, the Ordinance prceeuted to Common Council on Thursday, Feb ruary 20,1868, .entitled “An Ordinance to, autho rize a loan for the construction of culverts.” Aud the said Clerk, at the stated meeting of Councils, after the expiration of four weeks from the first day of said publication,shall present to this Coun cil one .of each of said newspapers for every day in which tho same shall have been made. fc22-2it PREAMBLE AND RESOLUTIONS AI’PROY i. ini; the Impeachment of Andrew Johnson. Wlu rahi, The Councils of Philadelphia, acting in their representative capacity, deem it expe dient, when important public events interesting to the people are transpiring, to give expression to the sentiments of those they represent. And uhtrea.*, we believe that all legislative bodies, acting for the people, should condemn any attempt to override the Jaws. And tdi-rea*, An drew Johnson, acting President of the United States, has again, in defiance of law, and in op position to the will of the people, expressed through their Representatives in Congress assem bled, assumed to control the Government by usurping Judicial and legislative authority, thus endeavoring to clotho himself with unlimited power. Andwhereaf, laws passed by Congress over the veto of the President are, according to the Constitution, as bindiDg as any other, .hid t'hutas, Ibe assumption o 7 Judicial power, by declaring such laws unconstitutional, and of Legislative power, by attemping to set up his own will in opposition to the iaws, are in open violation of the,Constitution. Therefore Hesoh-ed, By the Select and Common Councils Of the city of Philadelphia, That in the crisis in which Congress, by the attempt of Andrew John son to subvert the Government, now finds itself, we hall with satisfaction the action of the House of Representatives, evidencing a determination to protect the people in the rights guaranteed them by the Constitution and the laws passed in accordance therewith. fttsoked, That the people approve most hear tily the wise and prompt action of the House of Representatives in impeaching the dangerous uDd nuscrutiuious man who so unworthily fills the Presidential chair, previously occupied by the beloved and lamented Lincoln. * Ht.ioired , That the Cleiks of Councils are hereby instructed to transmit a copy of the above to our Representatives in Coogrcsa JOSEPH F. MARGEK, President of Common Council. Attest— ABRAHAM STEWART, Assistant Clerk of Common Council. WILLIAM 8. BTOKLEY, President of Select Council. Approved this twenty-eighth day of February, Anno Domini one thousand eight hundred and sixlj-eight (A. 1). IBt>H.) ■MORTON McMICIIAEL, it Mayor of Philadelphia. AX ORDINANCE TO MAKE AN APPRO priation to the Trustees ol the City lee Boat lor the building of an ice boat. Section 1. The Select and Common Councils ol the City of Philadelphia do ordain. That the sum of one hundred and sixty thousand dollars (4:l6o,(KHijbe and the same is hereby appropriated to the Trustees of the City Ice Boat, said amount to be paid out of a loan’ hereafter to be created for the building nud equipment of an iceboat. Warrants to be drawn in accordance with exist ing ordinances. JOSEPH P. MARCER, President of Common Council. Att k st — ABE A H AM STEWART, Assistant Clerk of Common Council. WILLIAM S. STOKLEY, President of Select Council. Approved this twenty-eighth day of February, Anno Domini one thousand eight hundred and sixty-eightCA. D. 1868). V - MORTON McMICHAEL, It Mayor of Philadelphia. Resolution of instruction to the Tiustees of the City Ice Boat Resolved, By the Select and Common Councils of tlio City of Philadelphia, That the Trustees of the City Ice Boat bo and they are hereby in structed to advertise for proposals ior the imme diate building of an Ice Boat, and that they re port to these Councils, before the awarding of any contracts, all plans, specifications and esti mates received by them; prodded , that the sure ties of the successful bidder or bidders be first submitted to these Councils for approval. JOSEPH F. MARCER, . President of Common Council. Attest— ABRAHAM STEWART, Assistant Clerk of Common Council. . WM. S. BTOKLEY, President of Select Council. Approved this twenty-eighth day of February Anno Domini one thousand eight hundred and sixty-eight (A. D. 1868). MORTON McMICHAEL, It Mayor of Philadelphia. Resolution of request to the phil adclphia Members of Congress.. Rf solved, By the Select and Common Councils of the City of Philadelphia, That the members of Copgrcss from the said city be requested to se curc-such, legislation as .will exemp t -the.Citylce Boat from the- payment of all United States taxes, and that the Clerks be directed to forward a copy of this resolution to each member. JOSEPH F. MARCER, President of Common Council. Attest— ABRAHAM STEWART, Assistant Clerk of Common Council. WILLIAM S. BTOKLEY, President of Select Council. Approved this twenty-eighth day of February, Anno Domini one thousand eight hundred and sixty-eight (A. D. 1868). MORTON McMICHAEL, It Mayor of Philadelphia. , TBAAC NATHANB. AUCTIONEER, N. EJ.- CORNER A Third and Spruce streets, only one square below the Exchange. $060,000 to loan in large or smaU amounts, on diamonds, sliver plate, watchos, jewelry, and aU goods of value. Office hours from 8A.M.t07 P. M. Hr Estab llßhod for the last forty years. Advances made in Urge amounts at the fewest market rates. - ]as-tfrp RETAIL BirrGOODS. GREAT BARGAINS • 'IN ; WHITE UOGD& ETC. Tho dissolution of oar firm on tho Ist of January, ra. qulrlng for it* settlement a ho»vy reduction of our Stack* wo have decided to offer, on and after Monday Next. Feb. 3. OUR 'ENTIRE. ASSORTMENT OF White Goods, Linens. Laces, Embroideries, House-Furnishing Articles, Etc.. Esto . At a Very Heavy Reduction la Price, Iniure Speedy Sales. Ladle* will find it to their advantage to lav In that SPRING SUPPLIES in WHITE GOODS, ETO., NQW, A* they will be ablo to purchase them at about ANTI WAR PRICES. Extra Inducement, w ho offered to tho*e purchaalng by the piece E. M. NEEDLES & CO., Eleventh and Chestnut Sts. GIRARD ROW. fel ; ___ 1868. 1868. i . 8d LAfr f % Fourth and Arch.. - GOOD MUSLINS BY THE PIECE. GOOD ALL-WOOL FLANNELS. TABLE LINENS AND NAPKINS. LARGE BLANKETS AND QUILTS. BLACK SILKS AND PLAIN OOL'D POULT DE30033 BROGUE AND WOOLEN SHAWLS, CLOSING LOW. deU-mwatfJ J, CHAMBERS, NO. 810 ARCH STREET. . i BARGAINS JUST OPENED. Potato Applique Lacee. Pointed neGuzc, do, < new at)lea. Thread Veil*. Maraoillea for Drawee, Barmina. French Muslin,two yards wide. 60 eta. ; Bolt Finish Cambric, IU yards wide. 31 cte. HAMBURG EDGINGS, choice drulgmi. ffeB-lm? OARPETINUN, JiU REEYE L. KNIGHT & SON 807 Chestnut Street. ENGLISH CARPETINGS. New Good* of onAfwn Importation. ALSO. A choice (election of AMERICAN CARPETINGS, Oil* OIiOTHS, &c. OUR ENTIRE BTOCK. including New Goods, dally opening, now offered at LOW FRIGES for ctah, prior to Removal to New Store, (ABOUT 20th MARCH.) IS2S Chestnut Street. OcULB ta Lb tl EL hi WATCHES, JEWKUiIt, Star. LADOMUS & ca^s, //DIAMOND DEALERS & JEWELERS^ |» WATdtKS, JKtYELUY A MLVEIt WARE. fl and JEWELRY REPAIRED^ Would invite tlie attention of purchasers to their large stock of GENTS’AND LADIES’ WATCHES, Joist received,of the finest European makers, independent Quarter Second, and Self*winding: in Gold and Silver Cases. Ala>J American Watched orall flzoa. Diamond Sets, Pins, Studs, Rings,Ac. CorahMalachite, Garnet and Etruscan Sets, in great variety. Solid Silverware of all kinds, including a large assort* ment suitable for Bridal Presents. SADDLES, HA It IV EN 8, dec. HORSE COVERS, Buffalo, Fur and Carriage Robes, CHEAPER THAN THE CHEAPEST, AT ENEASS'S, 631 KlarketStreet, Where the large Hone stands in the door. ial-ly rvßinniaE, *c. A* & H. LEJAMBRE HIVE REMOVED THEIB Furniture and Upholstery Warerooms TO No. 1435 CHESTNUT Street. dsMmra. tußim* rurninaiHs «oo«». GENTS* PATENT-SPRING AND BUT toned Over Gaiters, Cloth, Leather, whits Ay a and brown linen; Children’s Cloth and Velvet L^s^rnadcm^D^ T -*ai of every description.jrarrlow a 908 Ghefltnnt ' street, comer of Ninth. The best Kid Gloves orto " e, “ aW,B ' rt MCHELDERFERfI BAZAAB. neli-W OPEN IN THE EVENING. . DEIUISIBY. , , dr. JOHN M.’ FINE'S DENTAL ROOMS, fltiflßNo. 219 Vine street.—'Thirty years* practice, and one of thefclcleat establishedDentlsfa In the city* .Ladles beware of cheap dentistry. \Ve are receiving calls wfekly from those;that liave boon imposod upon, flhd T are frisrag tteWsetrior them. beautiful life* like teeth, and neat and substantial work, bur prices are moro reasonable than any Dentist in. the city. Teeth plugged, teeth repaired, exchanged, or remodeled to suit. Nitrons Oxide Goa.and Ether always on hand. To save time and money, give ub a call before engaging else where. No-charge unless satisfied. Best of *erer*~ opr#*. jall*s,m,tu,onj BUSINESS GAUDS. JVEENNOT A CO., GENERAL NEWSPAPER, COR • responding and Advertising Agents, 133 Nassau streot. Now York. (Established fit 1863.) ■ , ~ Adverttscmentalnsortodat publishers'rates In leading newspapers published in the United StatM,BrlHsn Provinces, Mexico, South America, East and West Indies. Mr. H. T. Ilelmbold, Druggist. EM Broadway, N. *•. Mesßis. B. lt. Vanduzor, A Co.. 198 Greenwich at., Messrs. Hall A Ruckel, 818 Greenwich street; Messre.O. aruec. Son A Co., Type Foundere.tS Chambers st.; A Co.. Type Founders. 88 Goldst,, N. Y, IgiSSLg TDORDEN’B BEEF TEA.—HALF ANOUNCE OFTHIB X> extract wihmake a pint of excolUmt Beef lea in a few minutes. Always on hand and fdr sale Dy dUBEPU B. BUSBIER A CO™ 108 South Delaware avenue. AWfiNEWBiYra. AMERICAN AdADEMY OF MUSIC. LA GRANGE. BRinvAr r ITALIAN OFEHA. le ‘ TB 10 n,moun ™ • Con ONE «ATINEa . ; . MONDAY EVENING. March2.lBlH 1 . FI I U ,HURLS, AND POWERFUL ORCHESTRA, Muatcalpirictorend Conditcto’ SIGNOR NILOL/lo MON*/jvi EVENING, MarcJi2.atSP.M^ ..... , LA TKAVIaTa' " it.i Mndatuo ANNA OF, LA GRANGE, Stcnorl BRIG. NuLI. iiKLANDINI, COLET'iI. <»c. . , ibEbDAY-ItIAoLETTO. Adtnifßiou, ft!. Reserved Beata 60centoextra. Pr< B<^d turn Boxes, *l6. Family Circle, M cento. Box Cfttae open daily from 9 to 4 at the Academy of MnMcaudat Trumpler'a Music Store. No. ClHwtout etrcct. . ■ , tasm CONCERT HALL, Ibundsy Evtnlog, Sla-eh 2G, 1808, G RASD OttOASi CIIXCKBI, In which the principal Organist* of the city will appear. MR. JEAN I.OUIB CONDUCTOR. , Partlcutai* in future advertfaement*. “1. >. fcffltf CHESTNUT SlittE aTUfifSTRi!.- „ .1 . .Mr. JOHN BROUGHAM ?/*■ t m ', 10nn ,f announce <« tho public Of Philadelphia I! 1 v. "a* eflyct. d an arraaeianont with tlie mummer of of hi * in a Prologue and Th^cMl!^ DRAMA - It will be nrod BT °j“V^^“hILA&EL’PHIA. It will be produced,after two mouth* careful preparation. , NF.W AND LOCAL SCENERY. Lonunenclna ... » M 2 NI ? A> • MARCH 2 1808. hSti?. r a future aovertlaemccta Box Sheet n-w open, d for accurcd seat*. CHESTNUT STREET THEATRE.— THIS (SATURDAY) NIGHT. ».m„..LABT NIGHT OP BATEMAN'S FHENCU TROUPE. ... ... AGHKATBILL TO NIGHT, lirettline lathi* city, FRENCH AND TU* foar'act (; "tomI 1 * 16 twrlonn *uce wi'lt commence with the LRSIOEES DE MADAME AUBRAY. Ch* ' _ BATEMAN’S FRENCH COMPANY. To conclude with , ... THAT NOSE, Character, by the T STEEET THEATRE COMPANY. MON DAY—John Brough am'* 'DEAD BE A FRUIT. A Story of Philadelphia. MRS. JOHN DREW’S ARCH STREET THEATRE. BecbwM MAC. ■ ONLY LOTTA MATINKfcT^ THIS SATURDAY AITEHNOON, Commencln* at, o'clock. "Sharp,v > LITTLE NELL A >-D THE MARCHIONESS. TO-NIGHT. SATL HDa V.Feh 2Srtb, IKS. . O'v*?l h time of tho «rcat lilt, LITTLE NELL AM) 1 HE MARCHIONESS. With bew Scenery and Great Ca*t- THE MAItciIIONEHS.i LOTTA. nitii tongF, Duetto end i>auc<*; t*/ ALNLT »TKIKT TUEATUP.- wm Will appear In hit unowned c’ aracter of . . .. LEON Dfc HOI IthuN. In Uajle Bernal d’« Uiitorica] Romance of the iron mask. Conrtcered by the rrt rj aDd public the merit Imptuulonadt aud poweitnl dramatic iiupenronatlou of IIIF. MODERN STAGE. _ MONDAY-Mr. WALLACE a* IIESRV DUNBAR. XJ EW ELEVENTH STREET OPERA* HOUSE ELEVENTH atreet, aho re CHESTNUT. THE FAMILY rBsoRT. CARNCKOHS A hllßVg MINSTRELS. THE GREAT ST Alt TROUPE OFTtIE wimrj* FN'JIRECTIAN’IE MORE NOVELTY. Uiat week of the new BurleMue or LIFE AND LOVE In there time*, on UNDER i HE GAB LIGHT, enfitled "ANYTHING YOU LIKE." BUHJMNds. CROWDED HOUSES—SECOND WEEK OF Me. ALFRED IILKNR TT. The popular Hmnorlrt and EtocutiouUt. aafated by Mtaa HFLKN NASH. New Features. Beane* from Dick enr, Caudle Lecture, Comic Portraiture*. Wonderfully Rapid Chaexe of Charaetera. Tickeir, U> cent* Children. 3 cent*. Be (tin at 8. MATINEE < N SATURDAY, at So'clock. feM4H li’OX'S AM EUICAN VARIETY THEATRE, J? EVERY EVENING and „ SATURDAY AFTERNOON. CHEAT COMBINATION TROUPE. In Grand BaUetr, fcthloplan Bnrleaquea, Bonk*, Danaaa, Gymnaat Act*. Pantomime*. Ac. STREET’ OPERA— ~ TLN7BON A CO.’S MINBTRKLH will pwfonn in llaltltnoa* and WafUnxton for tw** w«sk* *nd will return and reappear oa MGSDAV' > V tNING. Marc b 9,1*59. GCKMANIA ORCHE3TRA.-PUBLIC KEHBABSALd at the MUSICAL FUND HALUevery SATURDAY at 3 H P. M. Tickets sold at the Door and at aUcrfocfou Music Store*. kccaacmcnU canhetnade by addrocataf O. BaSTFKT, lm Monterey street, or at B. WITTICS Muflic Store, 1021 Cheatnutstreet YIAHL BENT7/8 ORCUK.STKA MATINEES IN HOE \J TICULTURAL HALL every TIiUKSDAY at l* P. M. Package of four Tickets for One Dollar, to be had at Boner’s, 110? Chestnut street, and at tho door. Start* Ticket, GO cents. feS-9 PENNSYLVANIA ACADEMY OF FINE ARTS, JT • CHESTNUT, aboreTENm Open from 9 A. M. to 6 P, M* ___ Benjamin Wert’s great picture of CHRIST REJECTED atlß op exhibition. ibi4S. FOR iU.l* M MOUNT AIRY, GERMANTOWN.- FOR BALB or to J>et- A Largo Dwelling* with all the modern convenience*, 17 room*, and fromooe to tlx acres of land, atahling. Ac. The railroad pauses through the grounds; Station about 6 CDinu e»’ walk from the dwelling. Immediate ixitweMiion. Apply at the Mount Airy Lumber > ard. or (o IiOHEhT THOMAS, Conveyancer. No. 61US Germantown avenue. feS*,w-3t* JT. ARCH BTTtEET.-FOR BALE-A HANDSOMB HH* four-story brick Ketidenee, with thred-sto y double back building, rltuate on south, elde Arch street, woet of Tweuty-first street; has every modern convenience and imirovexnent. Lot £ofett from by HO feet deep. J. M* GUMMEY & B©NS, M Walnut street MARKET STREET.- F()U SALE -THE VALUA* Miji ble Store ITopertles, situate Non. 1204. 1 fIM and UU9 Mmt Market rtreet, with lot of ground, 4d f»et front by lift feet deep. Immediate possession given. J. M.GUM MEY df SONS, m Walnut atreeL ef? WALNUT STREET.—FOBSALR—AN ELEGANT brick Residence, 28 feet front, built and finished ■ BLJ . thioughout in a superior mtnper, wllh extra conve niei ce. and in perfect repair, eltusw on the aotitli aide of Walnut street, above Ninth. Large stable and carrtaga- I'm w, and lot 178 feet deep. J. M. GLMMEX A SONS, GOB Walnut street. MFOR SALE.—NO, 818 NORTH SEVENTH Street No. R!5 Pine street No. 8105 and 8409 Lombard afreet 1 Hamilton street. West Philadelphia. No. SU6 Pine street West Arch street above Twentieth. . First-class Mansion. West Philadelphia. A pply to COPPUCK A JORDAN, 433 Walnut Btreet FOR SALE-THE HANDSOME THKEB-STORY ■uilnlck Residence, with attics and- dot)bl&b««k -fwild KsWg, furnished with every modem.convonlence, fin i, bed throughout in the best manner, and’in perfect Or d, r,- situate No. 1114 Vine street Will bo sold low if sold within two weeks. Deep lot, running throughfo a street on the rear. J, M. GUMMEY A SONS. 608 Walnut '*-*et ■- — „ FOR SALE.—THE HANDSOME, FOURS'* OSY, ■J: Brick Residence, 83 foet-front, built in the-best manner, with every convenisnce and In perfect or. der No. 458 North Fourth street J. M. GUMMEY A fCN S. 606 Walniit street EPHMATA MOUNTAIN SPRINGS HOTEL Hu: Property, for sale.' For particulars apply to J. M. GUMMEY A SONS, 608 Walnut street ■ . - -|CH‘Q ELEGANT NEW RESIDENCE, IQCQ 1000. Elegant new residence, AOup. NO. 2028 SPRUCE STREET. , ■ FOR SALE. MALLE BROTHER-A CO« iei37Sm* 8500 SOUTH STREET. IQtQ HANDSOME NEW DWELLING, IQfiQ louo. HANDBOME NEW DWELLING. AOUO. No. 1931 WALLACE STIES Li. F. O KBALE.‘ frCDt; ‘“‘MA'uLEBROIiiBR A CO. fe27-Sm* ' STREET. FS-ffifflSSBSSSSia iMfa'sri b? ss: COPPUCK A 433 Walnut street XV* HKNV. 1 .| o ui-.T -HOUSES, STORES. AND OFFICES. fSI Annlv to THUMAB MARTIN, lloal Estate Agont, Mil n P W Cor, ol Fourth and Pine stroots. 1088,81-' ~L arm RENT—FROM DECEMBER IST, A LARGE Apply to 108 Bouth Delaware ayenne. a FOKHENT-THE HANDSOME MODERN BE3l ra deuce, situate N-W. corner louith and Buttoawood uUtreets. J. M. GUMMEY A SONS, 608; Walnut st . A DESIRABLE SUIT OF OFFICES TO LET. IN THE JX, Penn Building, 430 Walnut street second atory front rooms. Immediate possession given. Apoly at ronna SS p,■ d g 7 on the premises. fe!B tu,th,sa 6t i i AO LET—OFFIOEBOVFIRST AND SECOND FLOOB A• ol Building No. 236 Walnut street, with fire-proofs at tll‘*!' < k,. A PP I F' O JOHN W; GHIi.G. -R>G , : BSBWalunt street • •CLOTHING. Ao., at ’ " * ; JONES A CO.*S ' OLD ESTABLISHED LOAN OFFICE. Comer of Third and GaakiU streets. N. a-DIAMOND^WATCH^! I*JEWELRY, 1 *JEWELRY, GUNB g CCe* you eans av J BEMAREABLY LOW PRICES. ia2^2m TKUEOBAPHIO OUBIBAH*' Lord WEJisuiYDAi,K-iB dead. .... The royal assent bM been given to to tor the suspension of the halcaa corpus m IS H»kt, the tinder Becrttaw of fte he the British Chancellor of the Ercheque^ Dick fins closed hla third sseito gt ***ss££ Boston last night. The audiences have Deenm.* Prixce Napoi.eos has left Pails on C rKoW«u.iAM.ofPrussiawaB recently thrown from a horse and badly injured. , • Speaker Cowax’b attended by a large and V riU llf 1 Ift “‘' or . Thk New Orleans Council has adopted an or dinance toa eeven per cant, twenty-year loan of $4,W0,000 to fund the city current- _ lttee Tub North Caro Una Conservative Committee hnve nomlnated a Btate ticket, headed by 4 B. Vance for Governor. T „ ll0 at \Vtooun"nc n sr R Cor o h, wataSUed on Thursday B 'Ck? lnV B t^ Ua othe7 C Fcnlan° prisoners in WarwSjailareto be removed to London for “ vv-flov Swaxs, of Maryland, will bo chosen United States Senator, it is said, in place of Philip a P Haki>i?m» and Gen* John A. Logan sirftoemost prominent candidates for Governor Massachusetts House of Representatives ycstciday afternoon, the new liquor litense bill was refused a third reading, by a vote of 152 to 62. The counsel to defend the President before the High Court of Impeachment have not yet been tujf'aetd. ' ~ Gks. Thomas has in his potscssion, executed in form, the commission signed_by too President, appointing him Secretary of War ad wtenm. The President last evening entertained the Judges of the Supreme Court, Attorney-General fiianbery and a lew others at dinner Chief Jus tice Chase was invited, but was not present. Two Sister?, aged 16 and lS ycars.namcd Col lin e , living in South Groveland, Mass., were drowned pn Wednesday night, by the breaking of tbeleewbile attempting to cross a brook. _ Grx. Nagi k and his fellow prisoners were in dicted for treason at BBgo, yesterday. _Heron, counsel for the defence, moved for delay of the trial. The Court reserved its decision. The Louisiana Convention has. adopted a sub stitute for its former suffrage ardde. The sud ■etltule allows the franchise to all except ex rebel office-holders and editors and preachers who ad vocated Secession. The United Steles Marshal for the District of Columbia called at the War Department yester day morning, and formally banded Mr. Btenton the writ nomying him of the suit which had been entered against him. Genera t, Meatje has Issued an order that in the case of the municipal authorities of Savan nah, the Charges of mahadministration not being Kistained -before the military commission by suf- evidence, the case la dismissed. Tins officer* ot the French army now absent on furlough have been ordered to report at their beadanarters on or before .the 31st of March bmL on which day all existing furloughs will terminate. , , ~. . . • Irr the House of Commons last night. Lorn Stanley said an adjournment of Parliament until Thursday next was desirable, to afford the KSTTkMSKK *Bahos BcDBEno, the Russian Ambassador to Paris, while passing through Vcrries, Belgium, S visit to 8t Betersbnrg. was violemly assaulted by a eon of the late Baron »2rl, the well-known Russian dlploinattet. sSns gallant threw a hand grenade, which {ailed to take effect, and the Ambassador escaped '"josktu Ci-aijk, the keeper of a gambUng place In Union block, in Worcester. Mass,, was robbed and murdered last evenlng in his rooms. When found his head was apUt opan, with bis brains protruding.' A rope was tightly twisted around his neck/ Kerosene oU hadbeen pouredoverhis head and body, and his bed eeton fire. _ The deed must have been done before nine o clock last night dlis watch, money were gone. Two men are fiuspocted: SUas Green, of fiorth Greenwich, Rhode bland, who Is under arrest, and Charles T. Jambs, of the same place, who escaped. „ FoniwylFDiM CLOSE OF YEHTKRDAT’B PROCEED INGA House— Mr. Webb presented n communication from the firm of Dunglison, Forney & Kaufman, iroprietoreof the sTnU Guard, offering to print the Xkxtiy Ltijitlal ice Rc'nrd for $l2 per page. An act authorizing the layiDg of railway tracks on Thirteenth and Fifteenth street?, and on Broad street, south of Carpenter, was considered. Mr. Thorn positively denied that ho was in favor of onv railroad on any part of Broad street. Mr. Subcre said that the question simply re solved itself into this—whether the people should •walk or rido to .League Island. Mr. Herr, of Dauphin, having obtained the floor, proceeded to argue against the bill, when he was interrupted by Mr. Josephs, who insisted npon the previous question, thus checking tho debate. Mr. Hickman raised a point of order that it •was in violation of parliamentary usage to caU the previous question whilo a member was Speaker decided that it was entirely in ac cordance with the rules to call the previous question at any time. . . , , Mr. Hickman appealed from the decision ot and Mr. Hickman respectively explained iheir views. The decision of the fipeafeer was sustained by a vote of ol ayes to * Finally, Mr. Josephs (having charge of the bill), agreed that a proviso should bo added thereto ab solutely prohibiting any part of Broad street from being used, which was done, and the bill passed ana was sent to the Senate. Adjourned 'Until Monday. coal ktaUmsM. The following is the amount of coal transported ore* the Philadelphia and Heading Railroad, daring the week ending Thursday, Feb. ST: Ttons.Cwt, From §,V?( a^ r v ' 1.214 15 ■■ PortHarbour...o.... —w •• PottsvlUe...i..'...» 1B SSl? •• gobuylkill Haven •••• •• Auburn ..’SjS •• PortCVldtan. •• HarrisburgandDauphln °° 08 Total AaibradteCoal for wook 30,740 16 Bltomtaooß Coal from Harriabarg ana Dirnpbln for week y Total of all kinds for waak «,8» 1# Previously tide year.. ;•■ • • • «7,<8T03 Total.* *Fo e&zne time Iftet year... ...... ■•»»* Tlm Mlowi'nVis the amount of Coal transported over n.HnnSon and Brood Top Mountain Railroad, <4or the week Ending February SB. 1868, and Blnce January l, 1868, together with corresponding period last year: Week. Previously, Total. Tons. Tone. T.P2?; a Din 20.508 19,M3 23,bos 1568.., •w».......... Increaee... Decrease... .BOARD OF TRADE. eV A'.SOUDEiIi Monthi.v Comhittuk. e.L..80F.8Y, y - • ■nrnMniffra or ooEAn rrEMUiIUi to Aaarva. Min* >BOM , job ba™ Atalaata. • ;... London. .New York.. Feb. 8 America ..Southampton. .New York— b eb. H Hibernia. Glasgow. .Now Y0rk..... eb. IB llity of Boston. ... .Liverpool, .Now York bob' 13 Pennsylvania.,.,... .Liverpool. .New York .b eb. IB Nerionsn,,..........Liverpool. .Portland.. -Fob. 13 Napoleon 111............8re5t. .Now York Feb. IS i-.UiA .Liverpool..N Yvia Halifax....let). Ift Bremen Southampton. .Now Y0rk...........F0b. 18 Aleppo Liverpool.. New Y0rk....... .. .Feb. 18 Oily of Antwerp. .Uvwpool. .New York.... ..Feb.» France.;.. ........Wver*iool..New York Feb. 19 Belgian Liverpool. .P0rt1and........... .Feb. 30 lloinmonla Soqthamptoa* .New York. ... .Feb. 21 fh W eia Liverpool. .N0W'Y0rk;........ .Feb. 32 Jjjly of London... .Liverpool..N*,'wYork...... . ..Feb.2d, Austrian Liverpool.. Portland. .. ...; ..F0b.37 City of Cork. Liverpool. .New York.. Feb. 39 eiierja, .Liverpool,,Npw York.;Feb. 38 TO DEPART. , . '’ " M.y'ii, 1 ToE»w<L»a*... s tagfcgsas^i “V/.:V:NewYo*..u”Sp”l.. Marcbll New York. .UftTftDA. M&rch 6 &?™ • “mchi* MARINIS BBLUSm PORT OP PHn-ADULpHlA—Febbpabt 29. Im Kibm. 6 2d I Bpm Bara. B 341 Hioa Watib. 6 08 “ CLEARED YESTERDAY. „ Ship Burmah (Br), Davison Antwerp, OC Van Tlorn, Steamer Pioneer. Bennett, Wilmington, RC. Philadelphia and Southern Mail 8* Co. „ ■■• T ... Bark Hertha (Norw). Hanson, Cork for orders, LWes- ScSV'aralAhmen, Mershon, Wilmington, NO. D 8 Stet- Bcbr Koret, Brown, Nncvitas, leaac Hough & Morris. MEMORANDA. t . ... ' Ship Resolute (Br), Holt, from Bhanghac 2uth Oct. with tea, at New York yesterday. ■ „„ gldjp Lorely (iiamb), Bchenck, sailed from Whampoa I 6 Cutting, cleared at Now York Patterson, from New York for Buenos Ayres, before reported put into Nassau 11th Inst. In distress, sprung a leak in a gale shortly after pass ing Uatteras inlet. She encountered very heavy weather. She will go into dock to receiverepairs. ■ . , , Steamer Lord Lovell, Jones, from Havana 20th inst. at J’emieylvyvnia, Halt, sailed from Liverpool 11th aid Queenstown Hth inst for New Vork. . Steamer Napoleon lIL Lemalre, sailed frem Havre 13th * D BteamerTlibcrnla. Jlunroe, sailed from Greenock 13th Plnkbam, from London for N York, &from M.tanzas, remained in sailed from Matanzas Means,sailed from Matanzas tMieidon. from Dcmarara for this port, W BVrk r Telp?icore^dS: a cleared at Rotterdam 11th He? Clrap pin, sailed from Whampoa 17th Dec. Gilkey, sailed from Newport 13th inst for N i)srk Art)"tus, from Padang for New York, put into Mauritius 18tb ult with loss of topmasts, and with cargo "?Bark Horace Scudder, Gould, at Messina Ist inst from Pcndergrace. from Bbanghae 30th Oct | remained at Trinidad horroanby. Mclntosh, cleared at Portland 26tb iD ßrig°Mraenge?<Sr), McC'.iUy, at Havana 21d instant , I |B Berry, Bradley, sailed from Matanzas Hth iD ßrig°o CClKiyl Bryant sailed from Nuevitas Ith inet. Condova, Kddy, cleared at Matanzas 20th instant > ,o BrigAle?Miilik'en. Weed, at Port Spain 30th ult. from : N Bri°gWm Welsh. Strobrldge. at Trinidad Hth inst. from Ll'tyo and remained oath© 18th. Brig Nazarine, Murphy, at denfuekoa 13th inst. from Eliza McNeil, Bmall, was loading at Havana 22d lBth Inst for a port no ßrig < Btrene! e ßcnnanns, from Rotterdam for this pork which waa stranded Dear Catiaa Dec 13, haa been got off and towed In there; she will be eold. ■ . . „ Bri# .Jewess, Watson, cleared at New York yesterday ii^crdery. Grace,sailed from Slanz&nillo 14th in B^rßf««se Y MeScil, Bnow, sailed from Havana 19th it Bchr > A?frv<nieen, Robinson, sailed from Matanzas 30th A*rgus cleared at Galveston 19th Poland, sailed from Trinidad 13th Sarah Sniitb, sailed from Trinidad 16th lD B«hrßarahYßammend, Paine, from Providence for ‘$g&fi23RSS2S ‘days from Pernambuco, at | K |sw t Wm^ l *?ou y 'hten, Tatem, from Providence,at C BchrTbos , Godfrey, sailed from Messina 31st li*W^Sodfrey, Garwood, sailed from Clenfnegos Bchr J P Allen, Allen, hence at Bt Jago 9.h inst. MARINE MISCELLANY, ' Brig Chattanooga, from Baltimore, at Bt Johns, PR. 9th inst- lost deck load on the passage. • B&rk AmdU Gbcrint ltaynie, from Callao for Cork* before reported put into Valparaiso Hth ult. leaky .rorong aleak in the rudder-port above water. She would eon tinne her voyage la »»*W days . F. H. WILLIAMS. Lumber Merchant, Seventeenth and Spring Garden streets, OFFER A LARGE STOCK OF SELECT LUMBER AND HARDWOODS AT REDUCED PRICES. ja2S* tu th-im -To/.q SEASONED CLEAR PINE. IQOQ \BbB. SEASONED CLEAR SPANISH 2500 SOUTH STREET- 1868. 1 QUO. WALNUT BDS. AND PLANK. IQCQ 1000. WALNUT BPS, AND PLANK. J-OUO. WALNUT BOARDS. WALNUT PLANK. LARGE STOCK—SEASONED. T ot?6 UNDERTAKERS’ LUMBER. IQftQ lobo. UNDERTAKERS’ LUMBER. AOOO. RCiD CEDAR. WALNUT AND PINE. ■\OLfO SEASONED POPLAR. IQCQ IODO. SEASONED CHERRY. IODO. WHITE OAK PtJC. AND BDS. HICKORY. - 1868“ iIGARBSxMAKIKir 1868. BPANWH^EHAR^BOARDS. IQOQ CAROLINA SCANTLING. lQfiQ 1868. CAROLINA H. T. SILLS.' AOOO. Norway scantling. TARGE ASSORTMENT. IQCQ CEDAR BHINGLEB. lQfiQ 1868. CEDAR SHINGLES. AOOO. CYPRESS BHINGLEB. W. PINE SHINGLES. innn RED CEDAR POSTS.]Q£Q 1868. RED CEDAR POSTS. IODO. CHESTNUT POSTB. CHESTNUT PLANK AND BOARDS. , IQCQ spruce joist. Iftfiß 1868. spruce joist AOOO. PLASTERING LATH. I>ut cn nnn feet choice 4-4 and w mouldwq 50.0UU rtuff; Red <>dar Posts for tiratag; mwnrtod width Shelving nod beaded Fencing; dry Pat* tern staff; 4 Inch Yeflow Pine 9h° a JJ Sheathing and Flooring; Cypres* and White Pine Shin iuSoSj?! rices. NICHOLSON'S, Seventh and Carpenter street*. . jaßMima TONG BOARDS—IB TO 24 FEET, FIRST AND XJ aeeond com., and roofingr also, S-4 and 6-4 Sign Board*,34feet long; Undertaken’Caee B°ardß f o f *ale low. ihCHOLBO*. Seventh and Carpenter et». QalS3mi 4,810 01 POCKET BOOKS. POBTEWOWW ES.*« 519,037 39 498,297 16 3,654 3,463 OE3WJL. D. M LANB, Corns' CAKBIAOK BDIUffiB, reeoectfully invltca attention to hie large stock ef finished Carriages; alao, ordere taken for Carriages of every dcBcrip t I^NUFACT O RY AND WABEROOMS, 3434 and 8436 MARKET street. Three eauares west of Pennsylvania Railroad Depot Three squares West Philadelphia? ja2Rtu th M - M. D.; 227 NOSTU TWELFTH 1 l B £ 'tr“t I Ho”l.6tn9.?Advlce free. , )W* THE DAILfEVENING BULLETIN.-PHIIADELPHIA, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 29,1868. LIinBEIL FLORIDA FLOORING. FLORIDA FLOORING. CAROLINA FLOORING. VIRGINIA FLOORING. DELAWARE FLOORING. ASH FLOORING- „ WALNUT FLOORING. FLORIDA STEP BOAP.D3. RAIL PLANK „ AT REDUCED PRICES. OAKBIAGES. PERSONAL. < v: INSWBANCE STATEMENTS. Statement < f the C ondition OF THE CONNECTICUT MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, OF i HARTFORD, CONN., On the 31st day of December, 1867* First. 1. Capital atock •••••■*.*•*•{• none,. £, Numbtrof ehareeof utockanb- ,L. ft ncilbedfor... none. 3. Amount of ameemente or m* Etalment* <, n etock paid in cash, none. Second-The Property or Assets held by the Company. 1. The valuc,or nearly as may be, Comusny'stccJf _:. .. y .. .° $153,198 46 2. cash on band....... $9,303 66 3. Amount of cash deposited in Bank?, specifying in what Bank* the tame 10 deposited: In First National Bank 2g,159 g In fetato Bank v 2*640 23 In hands of our New York •, •fa Bankers 389,613 94 4. Amount of caph in hands of aicrts and in coureeof trans- 23Ki21l mtecion ** Jn the hands of individuals, b. 246 41 not B. Amount of loans secured by bonds and mottgagea, consti tuting. the ,fhet lien, on xeal eFtatc, on which there ih leas than one year’* interest due .. and owing wv •* & 063 * 183 14 6. Amount of loanaon which in tercet has not been paid within 10QOi . , n one year 24 7, Amount due company ou which judgment* have been . m obtained - ~w a Amount of Ptock* owned by the company. whether of any state or iheinited State*, or of any incorporated city of the ... I nittd dtatui..or of any other dercrij tion,«perifying the num ber ot rbaree and the par and market value of the 5ame...... Par Market Vaiuc, Value. OO 1,190,760 00 U MO'B°. D .f 900,010 00 968,750 00 ltftOOOlO 101,625 00 U Met” 3» 607,000 00 628,316 00 Bonds of , of Conn * e i,«XMUQ 00 1,018.000 00 Bonds of the city of Ev’nsville • 15.000, $30,100?..*. 36,000 00 C 5.000 00 SHU shares of stock in Banks of the city ford 11 ' n .' 26,000 00 35.690 00 310 shares of stock 4th Na* tron.lßk oo 100 shares of stock /£ \ Hartford * and New Ksilroad.. 10.000 00 21,000 00 50 shares of stock of RH.5000 00 6,100 00 9. Amount of stock held hy the company as collateral security I for loans, with the anaoont i loaned on each kind of stock, | I*par »sdmarket I I’aitM, I'olae. Loaned. 290 ebarce of N«? Bank* *29,000 W *46,400 00 ](I0 # baron of Cleveland, Balnsville & .5,000 00 9.000 00 ‘’l&klriUc* k! 17,100 00 17,000 00 l.OOO 00 1.000 00 #53,000 00 3M tharea of tv stock Of Na- 17.700 CO IMHOO OO 36 sbaree of clock of Mer« B“k e .. N . 8 . t : 3,500 00 3.605 00 2*oo 0* 90 share* of Rockville N. Bank L\ » Bond*, stoosuW;tiu l!k.!*5!uu0»0 72.150 00 69,433 00 Indiana&Cln. K. sM.OeUUU; Sprinrflcld 4 V 6H". Wrke I<VW 10 10,000 00 60,600 00 26 Hire Hart ioid Live stock. Itk) >Ktna Hie. i lliy . <J ! l ’°. 26,500 00 49,550 00 30.455 00 C'liHitco and N M,d Indiana )’iu*burgh & ; ii! , Bn?« d .! t . 28.100 00 26,400 OO 20.000 00 ! Id. amount cf aafeenuente onitho ‘ <»» \bc company called in, duo and uDpa’d 11 amount el premiums for ■ t-r iuu and notes not due and unpaid 2* 12. Amouutof interest on invest- • ' mtnt* made by the company* M , qt «» dm Mid unpaid nyo»n m Intel est accrued * ** 305,861 18 9,000 CO 9,300 00 7,0(« 00 *17,669,028 88 Third—The Liabilities of the Com Torn) Asset*, 1. Amount of loosen due *nd un li&Hi ••• IU,UUv w n Amount of toe claims for loeeea w bich are in suit or contested by the company 62,000 00 3. Amount of loaeca during the year which have been paid, • #&aa,&9ou a ouut of lostee during tno ' year which have not been set- , 376,380 •• 5. Amount of loss** during the jear which are contested. Bee of 1 oates during the year rt poited to the company 7 “aiuo °nt*ohuv&°ndß declared! Estimated. K Amount of dividends declared due and unpaid.....v.......... Estimated. 9. Amount of dividends feitber cash or scrip) declared and not yet due.... 130,000 00 lu. Amount of money borrowed. , : and the nature and amount of --- eVturily Rivetf .;v...••••.• ••*.• • • None. 11 Amount of all other existing . , claims against the company, contestea or otherwise. y ° ne ‘ w Fourth— lncome of the Company 1. Amount of cash premiums re- „ ciived ;■••• 3.613,945 98 2. Amount of premiums fore boms by the company; lien on _rl-_— 6,333,80195 a Amouol ofprcmlumß earned.. 4. Amount of internet money re ceived from tbe Investments of the compsnv, and accrued 5. Amount of income of thocom pany from any other source.... Total income, $7,726,516 53 Fifih—The Expenditures of the 1. Amount of losses paid during , c . t . ........... l»3bd,t« w 3. Amount of losses paid during , iheys*r % which accrued prior to ■ thoycar. Included in No. 1...* 307,950 00 .3. Amount at which the losses w ere estimated in former state* meat, which were paid during the year 308,900 00 4, Amount paid and owing for r&infruutnce premiums.... .... 6. Amount of return premiums, -whether paid or-nnnaidw,-v 6. Amount of dividends wild dur- .mas?, no ing the year. . j 6,3,065 w 7. Amount of expenses paid dur ing the year, including com missions and fece paid to the agents and oflicem of the com- , -n, 13 -pany... e 8. Amount of taxes paid by the company-..........,,;. • • 9. Amount of all other expenses and expenditures of the com - rnny, inchidiugsecured policies and n„tcs on forfeited policies, ■ *84.854 34 - ttl - ll>ll>J 1. Amount of promissory, notes originally forming the capital of the company, now retired... 65,600 00 2. Amount oj said notes held by the coinpany hs.ipwtof the, , wbciobi tho capital thereof.... None. 3,831.830 00 34 pany. 1,388,531 44 7,187 14 Company. - 55.98&838 43 Staieof Comuctteut, Comity & •Benwroenibeied that on Ihte Wirt d»r {”„*? A. 15. 18C8, beloro tbe. mibccriber. a OoxtiKfeniocor Jo to tieSlal* of Conn ectic ut, d nljr to be n#»4 uM retiordodla the toil Btata ot 4x»p?SS nation of the condition of sftd Connecticut Mfe Insurance Company on this day* hnd *nx ““RSy they hare a* seta safely. of rive Hundred Thousand Dollar* ; v that i the securities now in the habde of* thef;Cotti set fortn in the foregoing statement and -tbneame are oi the value represented in the statement. •••.- • ; ‘r* iii ..waim 1 further certify, that} am, not interested In the onaire In wiUifMwhereofa I i ave hereunto' set my hand and affixed my official seal this 21st day of February, A. D. 1868. [Signed!) GEORGE G. BILL, Commissioner for Pennsylvania, UT" Those Insured in this Company receive the greatest possible advantage to bo derived from a policy of Due in surance. It is coudncted exclusively on the mutual pien. Its profits all go to the assured in annual cividenda wWcn have averaged over 50 per cent A credit ispivenof one half the premium In anticipation of the dividend, thus securing atoncc docutxtitb AMor#r or inkceanok tor the tame cash outlay as is required in an all-cash Com- P *l?fsKß TAKEN ON A SINGLE LIFE TO THE AMOUNTuF $25,000. . „ . .. - Applicatioos and examinations for membership uom 9 A. M. to 5 P. M„ at thrf OFFICE IN PHILADELPHIA, 404 Walnut Street, WALTER H. TILDEN, Central Arent and Attorney for fbe Com’y. fe2£tu th sa 6t{ JIEDICAL. FRENCH MEDICINES PREPABED BY GRIMAULT & CO., Chemists to H .Prince Napo leon, Parjg. Tbeee different medicines reprerent the moat recent medics) diecevcriea founded ou the principles of Onemla try and therapeutics. ' Tfafey tilUftt not, m confounded with eecret or quack medirinea, ae their names Bum* ctently indicate tneir composition; a circumstance which bae cabled them to he appreciated and prescribed by the faculty in the whole world. 1 hev widely differ from those numerous medicines Advertised lathe public papers as able to enre every possible disease, aa they arc applicable ODly tobnt a few complaints. The most stnugent laws exist ID France, with regard to the sale of medical prepara tiona. and only those w hich have undergone an exarniua ' tion by the Academy of Mciimv, and have been proved eflicaooue, eitlicr in the Hospitals, or in the practico oi the first medical men, arc authorized by t ment. This fact roust be a guarantee for the excellency of Messrs. GKIMAULT ET CO. medicines. DOCTOK LERAS’ (Doctor of Medicine) LIQUID PHOSPHATE OP IRON. The newest and roost esteemed medicine In cases of #’lll ohOSiB PAINS IN THE 31'OM AOH, DIFFICULT DIBMENORKHEA, ANIiIEA GENE RAL DEBILITY AND POORNESS OF BLOOD, ltis particularly recommended ti regulate the fane tions o/hature, and to all ladies of deHcato constitntions. ae well a* to persons sulenns under every bind of debUity wbateoever. It is the preservative of health par excel tenet, in all warm and relaxing climates. NO MORE COD-LIVER OIL, flrtvaalt’a Syrup of lodized Horae-Rsdlib. This medicine has been administered with the utmost eneeess in the Hospitals of Hans, ltis a perfect substitute for Cod Uver Oil, and has been found ■nostbeneficialiil diseases of the Chest, Scrofula, Lymphatic Diaordera. Greensickness. Muscular Atony “4J x> ",°i f .AS??4 t i. It regenerates the constitution in purifying the blood, it beini the most powerful depurative known. It has also be™ applied with happy results in diwases of the skin. Further, it will be found to bcoigreatbenerittn ehildren subject to humors and obstruction of the glands. CONSUMPTION CURED GJUMACLT S SYKUP OF HYPOPHOSPHITE OF LIME. This new medicine is considered to be a sovereign re medy in cases of Consumption and other diseases of the Lnncß It promptly removes all the most serieus symp toms Thecough is relieved, night persphraUona cease, and the patient is rapidly restored to health. N. B.—Be sure to see the signature of GRIMAIJLT & CO. ie affixed to the bottle, ae this syrnp is Uable to imi tatione. No more difficult or painful digestion! DRI BURIN DU BUISSON’S (Laureate of the Paris Imperial Academy of Medicine DIGESTIVE LOZENGES. This delicious preparation ißalways P reßC _ r J° e ,“ a “J„“ I ® most reputed medical men iu France, in cases of derange* mente of the digestive functions, rach aa . GASTRITIS. GASTRALGIA, long and laborious diges tion, wind in the stomach and bowels, emaciation, jaun dice, and complaint of the liver and lolne. GRIMAULT’S GUARANA. This vegetable substance, which grows in the Brazßi, his been employed since time linmcmonal to curelnflam. motion of the bowelß. It has proved of late to bo of the gruau-st service In cases of Clmlera, as it is a preventive and a cure in cases of Dioriuea. GENERAL PITOT: IN PARIS, at GRIMAULT & CO.’S. 45rue-Riclielieo. AGENT! IN PHILADELPHIA, FRENCH, RICHARDS & CO., N. W. cor. Tenth and Market Sts. d(.‘7-e,9in ■ —.— IF YOU WISH TO BE BEAUTIFUL, Tie OitellA dt Persia, or Victoria Regia, foi Beautifying tbe Complexion and Preserving theSkln. ThU Invaluable toilet article was ffiiS'f'w.&A3Ss brated chemist in France, and it is te himthatthe Ladle* of the Courts of Europe owe their beauty. With aU to simplicity and purity there is no article that willcompara witn it os a beautifier of the complexion and preserver of °M. B ChMcClnsky purchased the receipt of him vears ago; he has since that time given it aperfect trial among hie personal friends and the aristocratic rircloeol Philadelphia, New Yorfc Baltlmore,Boeton,Newprleaiu, Bt. Louis, Savannah, Charleston," Witminton, N. O*4JO. They have used it with unqualified admiration, Aj«l would consider the toilet Imperfect without this deUghflul Sd purely harmless preparation. Victoria Regta and Osceua de Persia has given such entire satisfaction tn After using Owelia de Perrin and for « ihort timeVSe Birin will have a eoftv impart* afrefhneeN emoothnew ana softowi to thejWn that can only be produced’ by using this valuable article. ...... IT IS INVALUABLE* * . ‘ M. O. Mcdußkeyha* every hi« Victoria Regia and Oscelia de Persia to the LnalCi ms being the only perfect and reliable toilet article now is use. Genuine Prepared only by M. O. McCluskey, And hia name stamped on each label—no other la genuine. Depot, No. 109 North Seventh Street. Sold by nil Druggist sand Perfumers in theDrdted States and Canada. CAS FlXmitF.s. ttaukthit jtr MARSHALL HAVE A COMPLETE V A rtOTkof Chandeliers, Brackets, Portable Stand and Pronzeß, at No. 913 Arch gtreet. _ / IALL AND BUY YOUR GAS-FIXTUKES FRO! U the manufacturers.VANKlßK& MARSHALL, No. 912 Arch street; •irT a siinpg Jti. MAUBHAT'L NQI 913 ARCH BTREI3 l R V manufacture and keep alletylea of Goa. Fixtures ana V old fixtures. TTANKIBK ft MARSHALL, NO. 913 AROH STREET. V giveepedal attention tofittbog up Churches. Pipe run at the lowest rates. 7, oi,D GILT AND ELECTRO SILVER-PLATED at VANKIUK.&aAKBUAU.’S.No. 91 ABwork r ptaranteed to give satisfaction. None but first-class workmen employed. feS-smwfim} G Thacksr^N^^B^&ant 1 ol ■gs • - ■ SONS-688 Walnut street • £O., WB Botttti Delaware avenue. ’riNAACUIi. atp reicrve, »t < «iiF)*MfMeilriilA*lioicbanjg& the- scribed proper ty/viz: ho. 1-rAHthirt Faimof Jff7 Aue», 'iWj miles belowMorgantown, on Monong*nc*A« *“*“3 Monongabeia cotinty, Wrat Virginia. (Kcacrvlug the welh engine house. blacksmith.*hop appurtenauce«,oi a atcaUi-HiKinc, drilling took, *c * nn t 6U/«iten>nSe thereon located; together with the mining right of, five/ acteaof land laying along the run at the lower aide or ttua farm. v 1 *"'■‘‘ ’■ ■• ■ ■•'- >■■ ■ '• ■■' . - ho, 2.—A lease, 20 years to run, of about ft acres formln-, leg purpoeea, or farm of Jj&Kejtar. Green countv. Penn aylviinltt, on Cheat river—having well 520 feet deep—ex* eluding enidne, buildings, tools, <bc. .... ; No. It—lo horse power fetationary engine ana boiler,now located on No. 2, in good order. . . , , No. 4 —l2-borse engine and boiler, now located on No. 1, In goon order (ftatlonary). . v ,. 141 . N 0.6.—660 feet 2,\i inch artcpian tubing,with brass screws brazed on. with pump, barrel and rode. No. 6. -2 acta of drilling tools No. 7,-1 set blacksmiths tools, Ac. n No. B—Frame engine louac, blacksmith ana derrick house on No. U with mining privilege reserved in No. 1. No. 9.—Frame engine, blacksmith and derrick house, on No.**iu?* Charter of tho Eeyser Oil and Mining Com pany. , . , No. 11.—2cednrtonk8. A Flan at the Auciion Kooms. ...... Perpons unable to attend tho sale can have their bids attended to by the Auctioneers. autnatu uwj THOMAS* SONS, Auctioneers, 139 and 141 South Fourth st. fet3,15,29 nTTT/TNs • co.ukt ba-le,-estate of 1 Elizabeth Kivel, decensed.-Thnmaa * Sons, Aiic at tloneeiv.-Twostory I'rsme Dwelling, Southeast coroer of Sixteenth and lombard streets, Seventh [ji pursuance to an Order of the Orphans Court for the city ana county of Philadelphia, will he sold at public sale on Tuesday, March 3d, 1868. at 12 o clock, noon, at the Philadelphia Exchange, the following described pro perty. late of Elizabeth Rivel, deceased, viz : All that lot of ground with the two-story frame messuage thereon erected, situate on the southeast corner of Sixteenth and T /wntinnt iitrrotx HcVßDth Wwdl ' COinDICDCIOfS lit Jim" rounman C rorner V6 Sf, Sixteenth and Istmbard etrrctK. and extending alonp the south Bide Lombard atrect caatwardly 18 fet-t; th<enc<o jjjt! hw.»rdly on a line parallel with said Slxteenth fltrjet 62 feet, thence wcuiwnrdly Id feet to the east aide of Sl\teenth street; thence northwardly tjifeet to the place of boflin* nIDK. Hounded on the west by Sixteenth tiorth by Lombard street, on the east bj Catharine Shafer to John on the konth by ground granted by fcdlatatnrtnt Rivel ■William liobineon, being a purtof;<wMwbr,ltft of grouojb which John B. iJunnntand wife, by indenture bearing dafetho 34th day of July. A. D t&J9/*Ud the oft'ice lor recording deeds, Ac., in, the ci*y£n£ gonnty of Philadelphia, in deed book J.OlNo.a, Pftge .88, Ac., granted and conveyed unto Eliaaheth ShafPr .n fee/ By the Uonrt. /bttfffl&WlSg&r M. TIIuMAS & BONB. Auctioneers, . 139 and 141 South Fourth street. PUBLIC BALE - M. THOMAS fc SONS, Aiic- BP? tionecrs .-Country alto. large and valuable Lot. 4« Jtil acres, County Line road, MontgpmQfiy.Coonty, Pa. On Tuesday, March 3d, 1868, at 12 o’clock, noon, wtU bo Bold at public talc, at the Philadelphia Exchange, all that large and valuable lot, situate In o>e township Held, in the county of to a recent eufvey made by.Jesße Llghtfoot, aa follows. Beginning at a atone aet for a corner at the Junction of the Countv Lino road and the Edge 1111 l road; thence along the said Co inty Line road north 48 deg. 117 min., west 471 feet IQX inches ; tllcßja bv land of Chnrlets Heebner north 41 deg. 30 iiitn.. e'iat42l feet 4 inches; thence by land of Enoch Kex south 48 deg. :«) min., east 471 feet 1034 inches to tha.middle of Edge W\\ road aforesaid; und thence along th« said Edge Hill road eonth 41 dog. SO min., west 420 feet 4>s inches to the place of beginning. Containing 4M acrea, 9 Perchesand 42-100 of a perch of laDd. be the same more or le?.a, within three minute*’ walk of Hospital rttatlon. Chestnut Hill K&Uroad, having two large fronts, good roads ana fane view of < ihestnut Hill and surrounding country, making it very deeiraule for a country seat or for building lots. Persons from the city, by taking the car- to HoopitalSt. tion. Chestnut Hill, can Bee the said lot; or apian of the aamo at the Auction Koom» Xg & y ONSi A , lctioncerf fe131529 )39 and Ml South jFomth Btreot_ ESTATE. —THOMAS & SONS’JaLE.— pi Modern Brick Residence. No 2122 Spruce ■ia. gtreet. oast of Twenty-setond street, 20 feet front, 107 feet deep.—On Tuesday, March 3d. 18®, at 12 o.clock, noon, will be Bold at publicßale, at the Philadelphia Ex change. all that inodem three-atory brick with French roof, and lot of ground, situate on the aoatfißide of Spruce street, 236 feet weßt of Twcnty-hrat etroet, No.-lffl. containing in fiont on Spruce street 20 feet* and. extending ?n d"p”h W feet, to a 3 feet wide > front and brown atone dressing; rerlor. breakfaßt-roorn and kitchen on the hrrt Hoor; 2 chambers, dining-room and library on the second floor; 5 chambers and bath-room on the third floor, and 6 chambers on the fort rt Kf loqr, fio irhed in the beat manner; plate-glass 'rindows in first story; Btationary washetand, wator-closet, gas, hit aad cold water, iurnace, cooking-range, o:c. fgr Clear of all incumbrance. g*r-|57,000 may remain on mortgage. - M. THOMAS & SONS. Auctioneers, 189 and Ml South Fourth street. REAL ESTATE.—THOMAS & SONS’SALE.- tff TwMtory Brick Store and Dwelling,- No. MB ■--il bhirpen Btreet. wl'h a two story brick dwelling in fhp rear On Tuesday. M&rch Bd* 1858* ttt.l2 o’clock* HOOD* will be Bold at public sale, at the l*hiladelphia Exchange, all that twoetory brick store and dwelling and lot of ground, situate on the eouth Bide of Shlppen street, 178 feet 6 inches east of Fifteenth street. Vo. H 29; containing in front on Shippen ftreetST feet W inchce, (including on the east side a 7 icct 8 Inches wide alley, and to be kept open for tbe uee of thie and adjoining pioperty.i aod ex tending in depth 74 feet to a 5 feet wide jJL.Ti.—Vi privilege thereof. Also, a two-Btory brick dwelling in the re &'Clear ef all Incumbrance. . Termt—*l,ooo nmy remain secured as a ground rent. examined any day previous to sale. ME e"ionMAj>ril. !AB & SONS, Auctioneers. 139 and Ml South Fourth street, -- PUBLIC SALE. —TIIOMAB ds 80NS, AUC tionecraT-Modem three-story Brick Duelling, No. 538 Ek Nonh Thirteenth etreet, above Spring Garden street. On Tuesday. March 3d. 1868. at 12 o’clock, noon, will be sold at public rah*, for account of the former at the Philadelphia Exchange, all that neat th*ee.story brick messuage, with threeetory badcbuUdinga and lot of ground, situate on the west side of *e£Bthn/n»°4n above Spring Garden street! No. 63b; the lot containing in front onTh&teenth Bt fpetlB feet, including thew»rthern half of a 2 feet 10 inches wide alley, and extending in denth 97 feet with the free use and priyiUgo of the said o inclua wide al oy. The house ia in good order thi oughout, having recently been put in exceUentrepair; contains parlor, dining room and the fiwt floor; chamber and sitting-room on the second floor, and two chambers on the third floor; has the gas, bath, hot and cold water, water-closet, cooJang-range, &c. tST Clear of all incumbrance. . r ‘ aA t-*n. Ternis~Jfc3,tWo may remain on mortgage. Immediate possession. THOMAS & SONS, Auctioneers, 139 and 141 South Fourth street. -s, REAL ESTATE.—THOMAS & SONS* BALE.- flu Modern Three-Btory Brick DwuUlng.No.lsjd North Jut Twelfth Btreet, above Jefferson “*^ll** —Pft Mnreh 3d. 1868* at 12 o’clock, hood, will bo ipld at public ffiat tbePWladelphift Exchange, all that modem th»eet-trry brick. mwanaße* with bjcMurid incs and lot of ground, situate on the west sfdo of Twelfth meet, S2U feet north of Jefferson Btreet, No. 1026; con taining fn front on Twelfth Btreet 17 feet, and extending in depth 118 feet to Fawn street. It contains 9 rooms, i“as the gas introduced, bath, hot and cold water, cook *n{'drinH—4S.Mo mav remain on mortgage. 1 emit THOMAS 4s SONS, Auctioneers. 138 and 141 South Fourth etreet. ORPHANS' COURT SAJLE-—ESTATE OF ffinj Andrew Brodie, deceased.-Thomas <t Sons, Auc £llL tionccrß.—Pursuant to an Alias Ordorof theOrphana Conrt for tlie City and County of PhUadefpUUjWUI be sold at public safe, on Tuesday, Moroh 10th, lm, at la o'clock, noon, at tbo Philadelphia Excha u g at 1 10 to l - lowing described property late of Andrew Broillo, deed, via :-No!l-(No. 1 in She order of Bale, l-Two-sUry.brick dwelling. Seybert street, treat of Seventeenth street. All th»t lot of ground, with the two-ntory brick thereon erected, situate on the northside of Seybert street, 16 feet 10- inehea West of Seventeenth street, Ward: containing in ironton Seybert street 14 feet,«nd extending in depth northward 47 feetB.?« inches* to. a 4 feet wide alley leading into Seventeenth street, with the ap« Surtenancefc Bounded' N. by said alley, E. by other Soiid late of Christopher Binder. W. by ground intended (minted to Francis F« Murray, ana S. by Seybert Sfndrew JBiodie, decoasedi Subject to a mortgage of SWO. ”4 l “ t i r S t o fr 8 o h l 'tho y Orde aalß.l-TUreo.B.ory Brick Dwelling, Hamilton street, weet of Eighteenth street. All that one full undivided inoiety or hali part ot aU that lot of ground, with the three-story brick memuage thereon erected, situate on tho south Bide of Hamilton strep , 278 west otkighttCttrh*t(M6"' i Wt*bth’.yVaidl: containing In fiont on Hamilton,BtrectlSfeet3iuciea, and eatending in depth touthward 67 feet d Inches to a 3 feet wide alley, with the appurtenance*: hounded north by Hamilton irtrect, Booth by tho Bald alley, east b* other ground now or lato of William R. Paul, and ground now or Into of Franklin S. the lamepremises whichFrankhn B,Seltzinger,by indentu e dated September 1,1864, recordedjn Deed Book U It. 8., No 65, page 351, die., granted and conveyed unto Bald Andrew ifrodle’and Fraucla P.M "fa .In in common, subject to a mortgago debt of $1,600, with ‘“{fJVhi Court F. A. Mil! lIKK,Clerk 0. C. Bj the Court, wiLi.IAM BRODIE, Adm'tor.. M. THOMAS & SONS. Auctioueera, ■ fei3l6 20 mb7 139 and 141 South Fourth atreet. -p, PEREMPTORY SAU?,- THOMAS & SONS B 3 Auctioneers.—Very valuable Hotel and Largo Lot, •Boil known on the “Summit House," with oxtenaivo stabling and other improvements; 8 acres, Darby road. On Tuesday, March 24.1868, at 12 o’clock. noolu jviU bo Bold at public sale, without reserve, at the PhlladcUhla 1 xchange, all t/.at valuablo hotel property, situate> on & d'tSlflo^ o^ 1 mooes. a?dW« a g foet ■ dioua and well-arranged hotel, having on the brat door a. bar-room 40 bv 45 tout, 3 eplondid parlors, communicating with folding-doors, dining-room and kitchen, on the se cond floor, n pallor or ball-room, 6 recept on-rooms, 4 ehsmbe's; on tho third floor are ll elmmbera; on tha fourth itory an observatory: suporior cellars, ice-house, extensive stabling and 1- bee dine: a pump in the yard, and A cistern which holdß 20,000 gallon., attached to the bar. The above property is well adapted for a fashionable boaidine boiiac, aa v eil aa a homo of entertainment for - tlitfTlding'FUhlic-- Thmloeatiou iae-yofy handsome and dealrfiblo one. Itcommandßan ovtenaivo view of the risers Delaware and Schuylkill, and also for mile, around. * h Sco°plan a't the auction rooms. Part of tho property can be advantageoualy divided into building,low. galo abaOlutc. & SONS. Auctioneere, fe37.20.mh14 21 139 and 141 South Fourth Btreet. -V rCTtUo OALE.-THE EAKM, OOSTAININQ £8 rb. Acres. machinery, &<u.i!!C..of tuc_HhoeU 3. Kirin Oil Company of PhHaao'phla,'’ ou Duukard Creek. Greene county. Pa., (eubleot to a lenao of Si oorei ande3 perchra of the farm for the purpoaeof boring and drilling for oil. ore. ««lt. or other minerals), will 1)« sold •without reserve, at-the. Philadelphia Exchange. I tlUndol phia, on Tuesday, March Mtl),, 1W at U o'oJook, nMn TeraiH each. .WO to bo paid at tube of rale, and balano# 01) delivery oldHrd. TJ , OMAiJ * SO NB, Aiictionwm. 139acd 141 South Fourth itroet jfiltf jr)li£43 ffc -OKPjUAISBV COVHT .BALE.-r.ESTATB 0f... V » Thomas BfelV deceased.— Thomas & Song. Auc * tloncora. ~ Pursuant to an. Order oftoe Orphans Court foi the City and County erf Philadelphia will bo fold at public eatp. on ,Tnfsd*y v Maj?k 17, 1868. at 12 o’clock noon, at the PMladupma Exchange. the fol lowing described property, late of Thomas BelLdeceasod* tiz. t So. i. Three story frame /west of (‘ld York Hoad, Twelfth Word; all that three* / story frame mc£Bunge r and lot-ot-groaco. situate in the; Twelfth Ward: beginning on the southwardly side of Poplar street, at the distance of WAg* of the Old V ork Ifcad; thence southwardly 1$ Wf}■> southward 33 feet 4% inches: thenre westward 14 feettri inches; thence northwar<!U3-A«et4tt‘&»chea; thence situ northwardly 15 felt to southwardly side thereof ajad* thencereastwgrdly alongi the said Poplar atfrefc Ift wt (Including ltoot of the alley hereinafter mentioned), to* •he place of beginninfULogcther .wUh-tbe f ree nse * and privilege of the aforesaid alley, being 3 feet in width, ana extending In depth, 15 feet to a point; thcnceoqaf liUO rar.llelwith the old Yotk Head « feeU in-hce, thcn,nar rowinKoß each «Mo thereof toa point at theiaW#3rt< atandln* on the w<wtern/no»t part of the above dcucrfbed' lot at the distance of 24 feet 4 Inches .outhejard from Poplar street. measuring on a pat-ftllcUlne with the Old' V otkltoaii, at all times hereinafter forevor,lneomrtiom with Clark Cfoldrmi th.hia. heirs and jaeltraa,. ovraara,. tenantsand occupieft of thoOtharlotaof ero'todbmiha {or thereon. satoo •pramiseAwnich Wfllianv Itisbel and wife by ■aijrs oT. August. A.D. 1855, weordf d at Phnadcljihia in i> D \V Xn <fo pare 262. &e„ grantedand conveyed vuitothe satd Thomas Bell In foe* ■ c£*b ju of n Yearly *ronod retit or oittniof Sl&jßWnW®- nnd .Jnnunry, without deduction ' ,“*r ♦ u , tt^ ClftTk (ioldunltb, hie hcfrt ftiid j. . Hi Brick and framedwelling**rFV*nkfbra routh of Cumberland street. Nineteenth Ward. - h}l brh k and frame inesenaaea andlot of.RTOUnp* ®»f n . a }o the westerly wide of the Fnmkfordtom, m the of 69 feet inches eonth of Cinnheidand afreet, teonth Ward; containing in front op jVankford feet, nnd extending in depth of TbAtwldtJi on the nwt« line six ut 57 feet 11 % inenes. unrt oh the eoutti line 43fect Hsi,' inches more or fere* to a point; thcncejinirboroß tne north line nbontST feet U?,i inch**, toa point on wieeait*: erly Hide of Pnrktr street, and on the south ( line 43 feet}., ? 6M iuchee, more or lean to raid Parker street (Beingjthe game premfsea which .Ttmima Streeper, et ah* : tore dated 28th of . December, A. r., Philadelphia, In Deed Book R. I>. W., N(U6t, ’ &<• granted and conveyed onto the said Thomas Beiit» • fee Pubjrctfo the payment of a yearly, ground rent or. rum of m 60-m pay able first January Redac tion for taxes, &c„ unto Henry Norris, bis beta and as -Bi?hef dower’or thirds, being the .sharp of Margaretßellr the widow of decedentln tho alwvp-described premises., entitled thenar R *. MERRICKi Clerk OM.‘ i > * ANDREW J. BBLLTAdtninUttator. fe2oa , TO M4 M ~ T^mi»m A Otto, d?ec£?d^^|m»<^^H^. itianeeis. Pursuant te imi order 1 of?"tiie-OrtnWS Court for the city and county at public Sale, on Tuesday, March Wtb, noon, at the Philadelphia Exchange, .the foll6wJng.d6- srribed property late of ‘William'utto, deceased^ ground rent of enmo?Bni .i^nl, | jßW^'«M | y.i^gg* January nnd July, in every year tion for taxes, tc.i out of and for *ll that certain In tor niece of ground, situate nt the southeast eonier of toefirt Street nnd 1 venty.firat street, (lnte S<d}nyUdU;geeoß4,)< .1 in the Eithili Ward, of the city of Philadelphia,; coqtftto;-.,, tug 18 feet in front or breadth on said extending of that width southward in Or jbptfr . along the cast side of Twenty-firet atreob’Bojfeet, to aiW feet wide street on the icar, ,calle4, B.tewatt/.ftrftew Bounded north by said t-denst streevaouth by sAia_ Stewart street by ffonnd grouted Btjwart; on ground rent, and which Bald grouud rent deed is sa£d5 a £d toe 2tat dftyof Jun*. ;; A.D. 1851, ond recorded in book CL W. p ag e 29, &c„ on which is erected a threc*£tory-brick ” e o.' i a?-°Three-story Brick .OwAßlng, ‘Brtdgn steeeti Whitehall. Twenty-third Ward-Mi that lot pr piece of land, with the thrcc-story bric ’‘S 6 *?J. l * inent thereon erected, situate oo t' .s cuast side of Bndw street, in theboroughof toeclty marked No. 21 in a certain pUnof lotti o«t by . D. Pratt, to wit: : Con taining in front or breadth on said'Dridge ®k? e V?J end ex*ending in length or depth ea«twardiy,betwj«tt lines parallel atrightanglcs. or nearly so, 120 feet to Bcattergood street. Bounded-north ward by _a lot conveyed to Anram AbrAina by Scatterippj*. street, southward by other James D. Pratt, and westward by Bridge street aforesiud. Being the same premises which 'WCroi conveyedhto-saia; William Otto, deceased, by deed .dated the lOtbdwri or May, 1864, by «ie executors of Janies p. which said deed is recorded in,deed, book T.. H., No. 134*. tho CoUrt, E. A.! MERRICK. CietkiQ. C. By th^Court, -ppoMAB Hg.EVESXO/, ExecnWr. M. THOMAB It fe13,15,29ffib7 189 and 1416ontb Fourth street. legal notice** and 81M0N EZEKIEU of the city of ThuadelphlS. in the county of DhUadelpbla, and State of Within eaid District, who haw beOT adJndged Bankrap s. on their ownpetltion,by‘holJiVtrict"Coart_ot.M(l Die trlct . WMV sSto£&e«t To the Credjtore of theßantaupta. fe23i3t* _ TIARTERN DISTRICT ; OF PENNSYLVANIA* ’ IN E BAKKEUHTCV.-At Philadelphia. i>}e teen adjudged a bankrupt upon Tu* ownpetltlon.bytbe. Distritf Court of eald VOODEB. Aminoe; f2B South Sixth Street. •a of eaid Bankrupt. - fe3»-a,St # TN THE DISTRICT COURT .OF THE KNITFJV I Btatcs for the EMtera DUtrict of P^nwylvani-u-ln- JSSSkifekk-sf-Ajfflgggg county of Philadelphia and State of PenniyWajUa. wltMnJ said District, who haa a Bantoptupon. his own petition,.by the District Court of said District. To whom it “UaKSEK JACKSON. fc29.s,3t* sC4Wafaut street. IN THE COURT Ob' COMMON PLEAB FOB THE' 1 City and County of Philadelphia.- _ ' , y Notice is hereby riven to all persons lnter«!te® (T a ) that the Hon.'the Judges of our saidXeprt have-, - L-S'i appointed MONDAY-the.2d dayof MarchAP.. lfeS, at lu o'clock A.M.. 'orheario gap plications forthofollowing Charters of Incorporation,.and tmleew exceptions be fifed thereto the same ft , *Bs9js viJ! * - 1. The Public. Ledger Association of Philadelphia. 2. The First Independent Church, Broad street. 3. The Workingmen's BineficialAseociatlom 4. The Pennsylvania Beneficial Bociety. No. 2. 5. The Freehold Building Association of Philadelphia, fi. Saint Bonifncius German Roman Catholic Beneficial* 7. Anthvaritmßailding and Loan Association' of Phila a The Operative Journeymen Stone Masons’ Beneficial! P. Stfreter'sEvangellcal Lutheran Church, 10. Becond National Union Building Association. 11. Tbo Fair Hill Building and Loan Association. 13. The Shamrock, Building Asaoo'ation. . 13. TheSpringGarden Building Aasociatlon. 14. American nuilding and Loan Association of Phil A la Saint Andrew's Building and Loan Association. J 6. Ibe Franklin Saving Fund and Loan Association of 17. T ho°Scrcanriio Library Company of Philadelphia. 18. TheKwstene*Saving Fund and Loan Association of 19 McClellan Beneficial Bociety of the City ' of Philadelphia. Amendment. . So. Societa di Unions oftatelianzaltaUana in Phils. & Asse -35. Muiual Building and Loan AssoeiaUon. 26. The Co-operaUveßuildixtir anij Loan Aeaocietloit. 27. The Memorial Baptist Churct of Philada. t Association. ■JO. National BuUdihg A^Jggjj{|jsc K G . WOLBERT, : fe15,22,293t} Prothonotary_ Y. the district court of the t ntted- INSTATES FOB THE EASTER-DIBTBiOT OF PBnNBYLVANIA7-IN BANKRUPTCY.—At Phßadel- Jhia,Fe brWIMMa;, and Stato of Pennsylvania, within said dtstricUWhoha*' sat® upo tßifi!Vo v sbF! wtp sata viswioivouiu No. 128 SouthSiathstreet To tho Creditors of the Bankrupt. . - f 2S.s,3t* UBTATE OF VICTOR SEGONNE; DECfcASED.- Jtti Letters of Administration in the above Mt at*havinti beeugranted to tie undersigned, all Pereona indebted to the *ald estate will make payment* and those bavin® claims will present them tO CHARLE B IAHDOUZY, 253 South Sixth street v H.E. WALLACE, laa South Sixth street TN THE D'STBICT COURT FOR THE CITY AW 1 COUNTY OK PlilljAO A. FORSYTH. The auditor appointed by thoOourt to tionof thefund arising IroirUthe sale under d o above-, writ of the following described real estate, to wit. A threo-story brick roeesnaieandlot. ‘^MWardS; . erly side of Kagemont street 165 feet norxo" t from the northwesterly corner of ttr : Emory streets t front H feet; depth, so ieoi Newkirk street , „ A throe-atoiyiirick messuage "‘will meet the parties | upon S H. CASTLE,. o ' *■ Auditor.'" • felMOt* ■ •- - ■ j- . • *-i -«,v .“piJSse take noUco that witnesses In the ahov-o caw m'Tl ..xitniioed on part of Libollant, On 'SA l URDAY, SSlfreh I«h??MA bofoft OH AS. »Ayi\E»n. Esamfueri jit the o'ffico of the undersigned, 128 ' v Attorney pro tibulUnt. _ Or to hie Attorney, jaBs-88't rein ohocEßß. HOTEL-KEEPEBB* FAMIUEB ANO T°Ot3»2£plSa WJ?®*® 11 ? 3 VtaM K&fiTiuX (tar SmßUh eoa»t»nt£ . ‘- jy p»nr rtreott. ■ . Below Third »nd itrwta
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers