OLT V Ftr.T 1, INA:7lTfi,\ rues Tot. limsn.--The thirty 111th annual report cf the institution for the Blind, of this Btatc.. has been published. ft speaks well for anoiher of Peansylvania's noble' cintri 7 ties. The number of inmates is .at this time 1.8:;;: 32 of these. ibeluding 19 in "The llome,," . support themseiveS wholly, or in part. as assistant teach & rs. or in the work department. Tee school department includes all of thy; branches taught hi our common sehoolS, to which is added music, which, beside affording pleasure to all, affords a source of livelihood to many as organists, teachers, piano tuners, kr The Principal, in illS report, speaks of the ne cessity of some fixed : plan for affording . aid to those blind who have been taught trades, but mav not be sufficiently expert to earn their own living unassisted, and suggests a manufactory where they might be employed, 'or from which they might obtain, work to do at theirown homes. The manuffictures for the year just passed are reported at $.16,86b,0f which $2,150 were made by females. 11Jay their ellbrts 'for the good of the blind be crowned with full success. The Board of ;Managers, in concluding . their report, thus refer to the death of one of their number: "The Board have to deplore the loss of one of their own members, Mr. Pierce Butler, who; tor many Years, had served as a Manager, and regn larly participated in its Meetings andproceedings, whenever circumstances would admit of his so doing. lle was a firm friend of the blind, and ever desirous to extend to them and to the whole cause his efficient aid and support." IMPORTANT LEGAL. DtSCISION.—In the Court of Nisi Prins, before Judge Strong, yesterday and to-day, a suit was tried, brought by Robert Thompson against the Philadelphia, Germantown and Norristown Railroad Company. The plaintiff alleged that he left, the city for Germantown on the Bth of May last in the 12 o'clock train, and that the train did not stop a sufficient time at Germantown to allow him to alight; that he jumped while the train was in motion, having a bundle in his arms, but was struck by the car 'and thrown and seriously injured. The Company proved by a number of witnesses that the train stopped longer at Germantown than usual, on account of the pumps of the engine being ob structed, and it was shown that the plaintiff was engaged in conversation, and did not notice the stoppage at the depot. The ease was argued by Thomas K. Elcock, Esq., for plaintiff, and by Henry M. Phillips and Edward H. Well, Esqs., for defendant. Judge Strong charged the jury that if a person jumps from a railroad cur whilst the train is in motion, he is guilty of negligence; and if he contributes to the accident he cannot recover; and that under the uncontradicted evidence in the case it was their duty to find for defendant. The jury fonnd, • accordingly, for defi-ndant. Run., 4:c.—Wm. Martin, Edward Flanigan and John Cunningham were arrested last night, at Nineteenth and• Market streets, for riot and assault and battery. Michael McAleer and some friendS were coming in from West Philadelphia. and when they reached Nineteenth and Market streets they were attacked by the defendants and three others. The noise caused by the assault attracted the attention of the police, and the ac• cased wore captured.' The 'three others escaped. The prisoners had a hearinw ' this morning before Ald.rman Jones, and were held,in $BOO bail for RELIEF 01' THE SUFFERING POOR.--,The follow ing communication explains itself : "Gnt/einca : Will you permit me to say to your generous readers that there is a good deal of suffering anion' the industrious poor who cannot obtain work? I have assisted two hundred and ten persons since Ist of January, besides giving recommendations for soup to that noble , charity, the Pine Street Soup louse, MS Griscom street. Donations In money, coal, clothes, woman's shoes, coffee, ten, sugar and rice are solicited, and will be thankfully received. My address is 621. South street, or 619 Bedford street. "JOHN D. Loxo, Missionary." THE SOUTHWARK Sour SociFIT distributed In ,even weeks last season 68,000 pints of soup and 15,207 loaves of wheat bread, supplying 481 fam ilies or 2,000 persons daily. The Society Is in full operation, 'and the demand is rapidly iW ereasmg.. Contributions in money, also, bread, beef, beam, potatoes, barley, cte., will be, thank fully received at the Soup house. Sutherland be low Queen street, or by the President, Philip Powell, 218 South Front, and 1219 South Fourth street. Also, the Treasurer ' Alexander Greaves, 206 North Filth and 816 South Fourth street. REcrivnif: Srom:s Gooos.—Robert and Annie Smith' were before Alderman Patehell, charged with re6eiving, goods alleged to have been stolen by John Holland from Monteith's store, at Twen tieth and Pine Etreets, and by Luke Sullivan, from O'llara's store, on Pine street above Sixteenth. Holland and Sullivan have also been arrested. All the parties were committed for trial. linrAiitNr; Loons.—Two colored men, named Henry Williams and John Thomas, were arrested yesterday while attempting to break into a store on South street. They had a small spike, with which they were endeavoring to break the lock. This snikj also fitted the marks made upon seve ral other doors on which the ,locks had been broken. Williams and Thomas were committed by Alderman Tittertuary. -RONAwAY.—A pair or spirited horses, attached to a carriage, ran away on Tenth street, below Spruce, yesterday afternoon. At Spruce street, a lady and child, the occupants of the vehicle, wore thrown out. The Child was thrown over the dasher of a passenger railway car, which had been stopped at the cot net, and landed upon the plat - lona. Neither the lady nor child was badly in jured. THE Pnovisiox LINE.—A man named Jacob Gabel was arrested at half-past six o'clock., this morning, at Dock - street wharf, fo r larceny. Ile had loaded on a wagon two firkins of lard. one nrkin of butter and a half barrel of fish, and was about to drive oil when he was captured. The provisions were directed to P. Sherman, Norris town. The aceused was committed by Alderman Morrow. HOUNE Rollatml.—John Kennedy was arrested yeiiterday upon the charge of having broken into a house on Wilder street,above Fifth, and carried off towels, pants, jewelry and other articles, which he packed no in a pillow•ease. He was taken before Alderman Mink and was com mitted in default of $l,OOO - ball "to itnsiter • tit FREEI*II,N'S COMMI , tiI A public meeting of the Pennsylvania Branch of the Freedmen's Commission of the Protestant Episcopal Church will be held at Bt. Luke's Church, on Sunday evening next,at half•past seven o'clock. Addresses will be made by the Bev. Charles Gillette, Secre tary and General Agent of the Commission, and Rev. Dr. Haight, of New York. THE Sia t; Eive us D.—The annual bal maaque, of the Siingerbund will be given at Horticultural Hall on Monday evening next. The Committer of Arrangements have adopted every measure' to make the ball one of enjoyment, to the partici pants. The • entertainment will begin with ah operatic deleellon, to be given by members of the :Society. Am.tcm• SwxNortc.—Wm. H. Jones was before Alderman Beitler last evening upon the charge of false pretences. it is alleged that through mis representation ho induced Edward MeEtve, farmer of New Jersey, to send to him potatoes valued at 5i . ?37, and was then unable to or did not pay for them. He was committed to await a re quisition from the authorities of New Jersey. _.._..___ -- 'l3l - misr; morning, aboitt two o'clock, as the buterierii were uuloadingmeat on Shilinen street wharf, Elizabeth Mullen selied several pieces and ran off. She was puisued and captured, After a hearing before Alderman Tit termary, ehe was sent to prison. Snow Citsr Rouen,.—The show ease of Wm. Barber, optician, No. `2Azi North Eighth street, was broken , ppen this morning before it had been put out front the entry on to the street,' and was robbed of opera glosses, spectacles, &e., valued at about $2OO. LAROPCN Jriekt/011, colored, w as toetore Alderman Lungren, this morning, for stealing a handsome whip from a place on Baring street. When arrested,a pair of ladles' skates were found on Meyerson. lie was committed. BLIND%r kb . (tool. tisnox.—We 1-arn with.p:casure that through the instrumen tality of the American Sunday School Union, over r(q,000 Sunday Schools have been organized, &Om which more than 1,000 churches have grown to adorn, and bless the land. In these i•chords two million five hundred Thousand children • have received instruction. There yet remains in our extended country four millions of children with out the privileges of the Sunday School, and the Society is making efforts to bring those ne glected ones within its influence; but to accom plish this work they need immediate help. It is feared the Society will be obliged to discharge one-third of its missionaries, for the want of means to sustain them. We hope the friends of the Sunday School Union will aid this important and useful work. FATAL 1111.. , LTLT.—Mary Jane 21111 MT, who was badly burned at No. lon South street, on Thum ' day night. died yesterday afternoon at the Penn sylvania hospital. NEU JERSEY !MATTERS PETTY TITIEVIEG.—This business is carried on to a great extent in Camden, the light-lingered members of the fraternity operating in porno in stances in a very held and daring manner. They take all kinds of articles, from valuable over coats to horse blankets and buffalo robes. An evening or two since Dr. bchenek had his buffalo robe stolen from his horse while it was standing in front of his own house, and a short time pre viously Dr. Marcy had his carried away. Several of these operators have been made to till. the just penalty of their crimes. TEE COURTS.—In the Camden County Courts now in session, the civil business has been dim posed of; and the following named persont pleaded_ guilty to the several charges agains; them Edward Eike, selling liquor on Sunday, Littleton Williams, do., and without license; Jeremiah Julius, two indictments,for assault and battery; Peter Hook, two indictments for petty larceny, John Taylor, assn It and battery; Her mann Shultz, selling liquor on Sunday; Ellen Crawford, assault and battery; Andrew Collings, grand larceny; Thomas Needham, assault and battery; Lydia F. Gifford . ; three indictments of grand larceny; Charles heonkle, malicious mis chief; Robert Forman, Daniel Forman and James Jackson, larceny of corn. DDIINICENNESS.—During the past week there has been an unusual number of drunken persons arrested in Camden, Indicating that the quality of the liquor is degenerating ; or else the persons drinking It are less careful of the quantity they swallow. Barnes Horn was twice arrested for drunkenness, Daniel Doyle was found "dead drunk;" Philip Calaway was found in a similar way, a night or two since. These and several others paid the penalties which the law In such cases pieVides. Dr.orc.vrto:c.--The Second Baptist Church of Camden have erected a largo anti handsome edifice for the purposes of Divine worship, at the corner of Fourth and Mount Vernon sireets, South Ward, and will dedicate the basement portion of it on Sunday, the "_6th 'nat. The Pastor is the Rev. C. M. DeitZ. The dedicatory sermon will be preached by Rev. Dr. Boardman, of Phila delphia, at o'clock in the afternoon. Sermon in the everting by Rev. Levi Beck, of Pennsyl vania. Services in the morning at 10, 1 o'clock. A Gra:AT Dis.s.pvorrAtiE.—A few weeks ago the night mail to Atlantic City was discontinued, thereby causing much disadvantage to the citi zens, as they now have but ono mail per day. The reason assigned in Atlantic City for this dis continuance is that no one has been sworn in to deliver it from the cars to the post-office. Mr. Keats, the baggage-master, has taken such an oath, and the arrangement for delivering the mail in the evening ought to be made at once. • Tin= LADS DROWNED.—on Friday afternoon, while a numbor'of lads were skating on Evans's Mill Piaid, near Haddonfield, five of them broke through the ice. Two wore rescued, but three of them, named Took, Oafferty and Shinn, were drowned. Their ages range from eight to twelve years. Toole was quite a prising boy, and Was taken in Church last Sabbath. He was about ten years of age. • LIFE-SAVVNG STATIONS.—An effort has been made by some of the Democrats of 'Monmouth and Atlantic counties to induce Congress to di vide the life-saving stations on the Jersey coast into three districts. This is designed to give posi tions to two Democrats, whereas it is now held by a Union man, Mr. Ivins. CITY NOTICES. KERB'S CIIINA Hni t. SEI.LING OFF. SE.I.I,INe; (FI The entire stock of China and Glass must be reduced before removing to new Store, 1218 Chestnut street. This is the greatest opportunity ever offered for bar gains in China, Class and Stoneware. A large assort ment of goods laid out and marked down at lees than old gold prices. WHITE FREISCII CHINA. Dinner Plates, 9 y, inches, per dozen, $2. Neat Dishes, oval shape, 22 inches, each $3 00. Meat Dishes, oval shape, 20 inches, each 2 75. Meat Ditties, oval shape r 16 inches, each 1 W. Meat Dishes, oval shape, 16 inches, each 1 00. Meat Dishes, oval shape, 15 inches, each 85. Meat Dishes, oval shape, 14 inches, each 75. Meat Dishes, oval shape, 13 inches, each sc.r. The public are Invited to examine these goods for themselves, and compare them with any in the city, for double the prices. A large variety of White French China Cups and Saucers, marked down lees than cont. moo earthenware. WHITE FEENOII CHINA. Tea Sets, 46 pieces (cups with handles) per set, $5 13. Cut Glass: Goblets.... „. ..............per dozen, $2 50, Table 'ramblers per dozen, T le. Together Ivith a large assortment of odd pieces of China and Glass metal for families, hotel and board ing house beepers, marked down at one half the old gold value. JAMES K. Krim •t BIRO., China Hall. 529 Chestnut street GENTS' MITVELERS. GENTS' MUFFLEI:S. The largest stock in the city, At the very lowest prices. Oakfords', 834 and 836 Chefitnnt street. . NrOIiTANT TO SICATHRS,—NCVCI . 14'0 Out •tO the parks without first procuring a good supply of the "Century. ". If you are doing well it ghee elasticity And suppleness to your muscles t and if you fall it ena bles you to bear the bumps and thumps of life with fortitude and resignation. A &nom. MISTIZESS, while taking down the names and ages of her pupils, and the names of their parents, asked one little fellow, "What's your father's name P" "Oh, you needn't take down his name; he's too old to go to school to a woman," was the reply. But nobody is too old to buy that magnificent coal sold by Mr. W. W. Alter, Ninth street, below Girard• avenue, and at the corner of Sixth and Spring Garden streets. "Bow En's Gum Arabic Secrets" soothe and heal Coughs, relieve Hoarseness, tough morning 'phlegm, and afford great comfort in Bronchial irrita tions. Try them. Made by Bower, Sixth and Vine. Sold by druggists. tin cents. NO LADY or FASHION thinks of going to a Party, or making a morning call, without tiret sprink ling her 'broldered handkerchief with the extract of the -Night Blooming Comas," a Perfume stolen from the moonlit vales of South America, to add a ne that m to the atmosphere of the gay world. FLORENCE SEWING MACHINE. Florence Sewing Machiee. Florence Sewing Machine. °Dice, 1123 Chestnut street. Philadelphia BOWER'S INFANT Coruna., than which nothing can be more pleasant anti soothing for infants and young children. • Commvrrokmm.—We could no more get along without confoctionezy than we could be happy with drab roses, dun-colored grass, and brown foliage. Ad mitting the naked fact of confectionery, and the need thereof, the quality of the article naturally follows. E. G. Whitman & Co., of No. 318 Chestnut street, be low Fourth, are constantly engaged in the production of the most delicious dainties in their line that can be conceived. Bon-bone, cream fruits, chocolate preen. rations, caramels, and roasted Jordan almonds, are amiaig the favotite confections that have given the mane of L. G. Whitman & Co. a world-wide reputa tion, and put the fame of Philadelphia alongside of l'arie for the proillietion 'of delicious confectionery:, E. W l Co. are as scrupulous in respect to the purity and wholesomeness of their manufactures as they arc careful to make them palatable. GI VITS' MuFF•t.xtty. GENTS' MUFFLE The largest stock in the city, At the very lowest prices. Oakfords', 834 and 836 Chestnut street. "Boars AT THU .11 . 01.1,1" TREE IN."—MT. Dick ens, in lAA tcadiuglof f ihts story, paid a glowing tribute to the old-fashioned, hnine•like llnglish Incur, where the most attractive thing, next to the beer, was the landlord himself, with his face and bands full of smiles and sixpences. In a few rural towns of England to-day may counterparts of the Roily Tree Inn ho found. Of the "Inns" of our land and time. among the attractions are a steam elevator, as at the Continental, and a first class Ready-made Clothing Honed, as of Charles , litektas at Co., under the Continental Inn. We hope thVe ftetna Will. receive notice at Mr, DiekeWl . remilu4. THE DAILY EVENING BULLETIN. F.V , 11/01si 1/iT.I; ANI , • DELP:IOIIR Cosi Erl- T0....s —AP the choicest novelties, in areaten, porfitc tim and Horny ; fine Mil:tures, dPlicions Cnocolaq-, Almeria Grapes, arid other choice [nits, at A. L. Viin• stint's, Ninth and ehciabut streets. • SURGICAL INST1:1 1 / 1 1ENTS and druggists . stindrita. SNOWI , EN & 13144/TIIE6 o 28 South Eighth'street. To OnT.tir; A RENEWAL OF linatan, when your whole nervous system has eneenmbed to Nan ani.oza. Dierve•mehe, or some other distressing nervous affeeiion, administer Dn. Tualisn's Tto-Donotrages, Or RriIY,ERBAt NkITI ALOIA PILL, VW, by Its agency. you tone and stimn -fl lafe the Nerve to fresh vigor of fiction and completely remove this class of diseases. Apolbeemics have this medicine. • JOUNSI ON, Rot.- J,OWAY,J6 Cosvims, Agents. Philadelphia. llawszatss. BLINDNESS AND J. Isaacs, M. D., Professor of the Eye and Ear, treats all diseases appertaining, to the above members with the utmost success. Testimonials from the most re liablesources in the city can be seen at his (Mice, No. 805 Arch street. The medical faculty are invited to ac company their patients, as he has no secrets in his fr.ictice. Artificial eyes inserted. No charge made or eramination. A FAIRY SCENE NIGHTLY Hr Special Police in Attendance CENTRAL SKATING PARK, Satterlee Band in attendance all day. Season Tickets greatly seduced. Single Admission, 60 cents. Cuildren half price, or three tickets for $l, and seven for $3. MONDAY. January 27th, • SECOND AND LAST tenhive preparatione are in progress for this the event of the helicon. Nuke by the Satterlee and the eelebr its d Zouave Band of Col. Baxtern Regiment. Extraordinary Pyrotechnic Dieplay by Professor Jackson. Decoratime, Extra illumination and several hunlred• Chinche Lan toms by the Committee. Tickets, 04 conic. For sale at the Park. at the Natatorium, 219 South Broad street, and at J. J. Kremer's, 403 Chestnut 'street. It NV EST PiIIEADELPtitA roux, Extra Display of Fli W OltKr3, by Prof. Jackson Sob-, I ••,,-! frog , A dmi,inn. 50 coritg RIU.s.OLU THIN APPROVING THt4.l 8 LlRE ties of Jonathan 11. Pugh. Commissioner of Markets and City Property elect. Ri:so/red, By the Select and Common Councils . of the City of Philadelphia, That IL Clay Pugh and Thomas 'W. Price are hereby approved a the sureties of Jonathan 11. Pugh, Commissioner of. Markets and City Property elect; and the City Solicitor is hereby directed to have a bond with warrant of attorney prepared for said parties to execute, and to cause a judgment to he entered thereon : and further, to file an agree ment- of " record that the lien of the judgment entered In pursuance of said warrant of attorney shall._ only operate on and against the respective properties submitted to the Committee on Finance by the said sureties: that is to say; the lien of the judgmentagainst H. Clay Pugh shall only operate ou and against a certain lot of ground whereon is erected premises num bered 1114 Poplarstreet, in the Fourteenth Ward; the lien of the judgment against Thos. W. Price shall only operate on and against a certain lot or piece of ground whereon is erected premises numbered 1809 Mount Vernon street, in the Fif teenth Ward. JOSEPH F. MARCER, President of Common CounciL ArrEsT—JOHN ECKSTEIN, Clerk of Common Council. WILLIAM S. STOKLEY, President of Select Council. Approved this twenty-fourth day of Janu- - ary, Anno Domini one thousand eight hundred and sixty-eight (A. D. 18138). MORTON McMICITAEL, Mayor of Philapelphia. RESOLUTION TO ENTER SATISFACTION on the official bond of Jonathan H. Pugh, late Commissioner of Markets, Wharves and Landitigs. Rego/veil, By the Select and Common Councils of the City of Philadelphia, That tho City So licitor be and he is hereby directed to enter satis faction on the official bond of Jonathan H. Pugh, lab() Commissioner of Markets, Wharves and Landings, (D. C. D. S. 8., March term, 1865, No. 200). PeoriC/411, the Controller shall certify that his accounts are settled and that there is no default. JOSEPH F. MARCER, President of Common Council AT3 EST-JOLLN ECKSTEIN, Clerk of Common COuncil. WILLIAM S. BTOKLEY, President of. Select Council Approved this twenty-fourth day of January, Anno Dotnini ono thousand eight hundred and sixty-eight (A. D. 1868). MORTON MeMICITAEL, It Mayor of Philadelphia. TROLLOPE'S NEW BUOK. GEMIATGEMMA NEW BOOKS PUBLISHED, AND FOR SALE THIS DAY. BY T. B. PETERSON d BROTHERS, NO. 206 CHESTNUT STREET, I.II ILA DELPIIIA, UFINIMA. A Novel. 137 T. A. Trollope. Complete in one large duodecimo volume, cloth. Price, 62; or in paper cover, tor rill W. "Mr, Trollope again gives no one of his novels of Italian private rile of the present day. The descriptions of the city of biena—of the country around—.of Savona, the de solate town of the Mareinnia—are wonderfully graphic, and bear witness to their having been done from the life by cno who has lived in the places and loved them. The ecene in the .great church of Savona Is brought vividly before the reader, who n ill not easily shake oft the im pression it produces. We would recommend the reader to -leans for himself the unraveling of the plot and the anal result. The story will repay perusal, and the inter est increases as it proceeds. H. ---iltheamunt. . . LITTLE DORRIT. Large type, leaded. Price, HU O. By Charles Dickens, being the twelfth volume of "Peter sons' People's Edition, illustrated, of Charle s Dickens's Works," with Twelve 'illustrations by Phis. and Critik shank,is published this day, in uniform style with "Bleak llouse," " Twist," "christmas stories " "Nicholas Nickleby„" Oliv er "Our >tutus! Filend" "'The Old Curiosity Shop," "Barnaby 'nudge," "David Coppertield." isle of Two Cities, '"Dondoey and Son," and "The Pickwick Papers," already issued. Price, *1 50 each. Printed irbtli large type, leaded, and one volume will be issue& a week, until this edition is eniplete. DAVID COPPERVIELD. Price, twertpflve contd. Befog the tloventh Volume of "Petereme'd Cheap Ed. tion for the Million of libellee Diekenh's Wo,ke,.. at Twenty•flye cents each. All Bootie published are for sale by us the moment they are issued from the press, at Publishers , prices. Call fn person, or send for a haterer books you want, to T. D. Pk:TEM:ION & BROTHERS, jaWe2t 006 Glusstnut strect. Pa. CENTS--EVERY SATURDAY, EfliltUAßYlsr —5 CENTS. I arper and Atlantic, 25 cents. Peterson and Ladies , Friend. 15 cents. Dickens's Readings and Dickens's VU110;18 editions, at __ 20 CENTS A 'VOLUME, aud upwards. Also, a new lot of 642 00 ROUES SELLING AT 50 CENTS. G. W. PJTC E IZ'S Cheap Hook 1 mso, 606 Chestnut street. Triune W - Ot , evory 'description-made to order, au& pictures. or eh r,mos framed in the best manner.. asis2ttc EIVANTED.--A FURNISHED HOUSE NEAR trankford, miring July and Auguat aaxt. Addrons. ..S. Box 2aB,Ellitadtlptda S. at, 10. L. Peritot, FLOUR AND GRAIN FACTORS, No, 2'26 North DELAWARE Avenue, anti No. :r.JII North WA'lEtt Street, • Nr to Agents for the following choice brands of rAMILY and IiARERS' FLOCK: "IMPEItATRIZ," "VERY Uiltilt..X," "1 X I." "YOLN(4 AMERICA," "COLUMBIA MILLS." , An I,,ortai ent of doqizable brands of Fleur always of hand. tu•Striol (41;;STS' MUFFLERS'. • GENT R' MI1111 7 1.10;.4 The largest stock in the city, At the very lowest 'prices. Oaktords% 834 and 836 Chestnut street. SKATING PARKS. HARRISON SKATING .PARK. Tan ICE IS LIKE A MIRROR Ut:GO AFTERNOON AND EVENING NO LIQUOR SOLD ON THE PEENIISES FIFTEENTH AND WALLACE STREETS ICE IN FINE CONDITION BEAUTIFUL SKATING TODAY GRAND COT ERIE FANTASTIQUE THIRTY-FIRST AND WALNUT STREETS NPLLIE DEAN'S LAST DAY: I'USI'IIV I.AST DAY NELLIE'd GRAND FANCY DRESS CARNIVAL AND PRILLTANT DISPu A Y OF FIREWORKS TONIGHT. NELLIE'S L'AItNIN:AL. to Soll , Eertbota and otlwro, EMMDI2 CITY OIt.►IAAVCI.S NEW -PUBLICA.TiONS. vvrowil a,:#l -PHILADELPHIA, SATI:IIDAY, JAN (ARY , , 1868. LOOKING GLASSES At 140 W Price6h. Novelties in Clutomo Lithograp4 Fine Engravings, New Galleries of Paintings, NOW OPEN, With tato arrivala of CHOICE PICTURES. JAMES S. EARLE & SONS, 816 Chestnut Street. IiIENTLEXIEPIPB WIURNISUIXO .00.0JUla GENTLEMEN'S FINE FURNISHING GOODS. JOHN C. ARRISON, Nos. 1 and 3 North Sixth Street, Invites attention to hie ' . IMPROVED, PATTERN SHIRT," wider has given such general satisfaction for neatness of fit on the breast, comfort in the neck, and ease on the shoulders. It is made in the best manner, BY RAND, midis confidently recommended as THE BEST IN. THE CITY. ALIO— A well-selected stock of Goode, consisting of . GENTLEMEN'S WRAPPERS (which ho makes a specialty). COLLARS OF ALL KINDS AND LATEST STYLES. SILK SHIRTS AND DRAWERS, MERINO SHIRTS AND DRAWERS. FLANNEL SHIRTS AND DRAWERS, BUCKSKIN SHIRTS AND DRAWERS. • TRAVELING SHIRTS. STOCKS. TIPS, GLOVES, HANDKERCHIEFS, SUS TENDERS, HOSIERY, And other goode appertaining to a Gentleman's Wardrobe. lAA tie 1868. 1868 MeCALLUAti I CREASE SLOAN, FROM Their Late Retail. Whreroonts, 519 Chestnut Street, TO NO. 509 CHESTNUT STREET, Where, with increneed ineilitiee, they will in future conduit their Wholesale and Retail CARPET BUSINESS, $lO. . SS. $7. MY ENTIRE STOCK OF CUSTOM-MADE CALF BOOTS FOR WIN TER WEAR Will be closed out at GREATLY REDUCED PRICES, To make room for Spriug Stock. BARTLETT, 33 South Sixth Street, above Chestnut. Bet 6 lv WATCHES, JEWELUY, &C. r ( _____ LEWIS LADOM US & CO, DIAMOND DEALERS & JEWELERS. WATCHES, JEW EIJCV k !S ILV ER IVA wk. WATCHES and JEWELRY REPAIRED, Would invite the attention of purchaaera to their large stock of GENTS' AND LADIES' WA.TCTTES, Just receivod.of the finest European makervandependmt Quarter Second, and Self winding • in Gold and Silver Cases. Atho, American Watches of all sires. Diamond Seth, Plna„Studa, Itinga,ke. Coral,llfrilachite, .Garnet aniLEtrivaean Sett, in great_variety.,...! Solid Silverware of nil Kinds, including a largd assort. ment suitable for Bridal Presents. GROCERIES, LIQUORS, &u. FRENOR DRESSING FOR LADIES' & CHILDREN'S BOOTS 'AND 'SHOES. The FUENCII DRESSING is the most elegant article of the kind over produced. Ladiefi' Shoe, which have become red and rough by wearing are restored to their original color and lustre. For Traveling Bags, Trunks, 44c., it is unequalled FOR SALE BY Thompson Black's Bon & Coo p Broad and Chestnut Streets, th PLAIN AND FANCY JOB. BOOK BINDING. JOB BINDING, In all its varied styles, neatly executed. MAGAZINES and ILLUSTRATED PAPERS of every description bound up to patterns, or to suit our customers. MUSlC—Particular attention given to the binding. We aro also prepared to do all kinds of work requiring the most elaborate finish. Possessing a tf ado extending throughout the United States, together with the practical experience of m any years, we fool fully prepared to give satisfaction to all that wilt taverns with their patronage..., Liberal discounts made to Libraries and Public Ifistitti: Sons, All work sent by express carefully attended to. &lan UEL ItIOQRE At SON, 46 and 48 N. SEVENTH Street, Second Store. jall.lonro A. & H. LEJAMBRE HAVE REMOVED THEIR Furniture and Upholstery Wareroome No. 1435 INIESTNIUT Street. oientneri PAINTINGS*, &O. IENI OVA.L. BOOT AND SHOES. 802 Chestnut St., Phila Pit I NIVING runteNrriunz..fte, FII4ANCIAI.. MO MILES OF TUE UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD, Running Weet from Omaha ACROSS TILE CONTINENT, ARE NOW COMPLETED, `DIE TUACK RUNG LAID AND TRAINS RUNNING Within Ten Miles of the Summit OF THE ROCKY MOUNTAJNS. The remaining ten miles will be tinishod.na soontne the weather permits the rend-bed to be suflikiently packed to receive the rails. The work contlimee to be pushed for. ward In the rock cuttings on the western slope with nu. abated energy. and a much larger force will be employed during the current year than ever before. The prospect that the whole GRAND LINE TO THE PACIFIC Will be Completed In 1870, war , never better. Tho means so far provided for eon. struction have proved ample, end there is no lack of funds for the most vigorous prosecution of the enterprise. These means are divided into four classes: 1.-UNITED STATES BONDS, Having thirty years to run, and hearing six per erg. cur. reney interest, at the rate of 1916,000 per mile for fin miles on the Plains; then at the rate of (048.000 per mile for DO miles through the Becky Mountains; then at the rate of $33.1 . 00 per mile for the remaining distance. for which 111 Q United Statue talle,, a second lien as security. The in terest on_theee Bond to paid by the United Steles govern. meat, ti !itch iliet) pays the Company ene-half the amount of its hills in money for tramtiorting its freight, troops. inallaot e. The remaining half of three blUm is placed to till t. ompany , s credit. and forms a sinking fund which may finally dileltarge the whole amount of this lien. 2.-FIRST MORTGAGB t BONDS. By its eharter the CUmpany 1. , permitted to L'FIICI its own Firet Mortgage Bonds to the same amount as the bonds h,sued by the Government, and no 9, , 0rr, and only no Mr road prnoreniq , ,. The Trustees for the Bondholders are the Hon. B. Morgan, U. S. Senator frotu ,New York.and the non Oakes Antes, Member of the U. S. 1 lo.nie of Itepreeentatives, who are ren,onwlblo for the delivery of tt 4se itond6 to the Company in accordance with the terms of the low. 3.-TEE LAND GRANT. The 'Union lioa Railroad Company a land grant 4 ab, , olute donation from the Government of 12,8011 acreA lo the mile on the lino of the road.whieh will not he worth than $1 i3O per acre, at the lowm:t valuation. 4.-THE CAPITAL STOCK. The authorized capital of the Union _Pacific Railroad Company ie *lOO,Ol - 0.000, of which Vi,500,0V.) have bocu paid on tho work already done. The Means Sufficient to Build the Road. Contracts for the entire work of building 911 mllea of first elms( railroad west from Omaha, comprising much of the most difficult mountain work, end embracing every exp,mse except surveying. hare been made with responsible parties (who have already finiahed over 540 milesf.,, T the average rate of sixty-eight thoetand and fifty•eight dollars oi:doe:Alper mile. This price includes nll neees,ary shove tor emptruction and repaint of cars, depots, stations, and all Ater incidentil bulfdings, and also loceinoti‘ es, passenger, baggage and freight camel:id other requisite rolling stock, to an amount that Omit not be less than /14,014) per mile. Allowing the cost of the re maining one hundred and righty•six of the eleven bun. dred miler assumed to be built by the Union Pacific Com pany to he tiu4o,ooo per mile, The Total Cost of Eleven Hundred Miles will be as follows: fil4 mike, at iSria,osti tßril X.S,CI2 milt-. cup . Add dimco.intB bond:'. 111 : 1 ; i:) . '''''''''' I 4 6 .54 7 4)VtI:CCZ Amount As the United States Bollfill are equal to money, and tin Company's own 'lnit. Mortgage Bands have a ready market, we have as the , Available Cash Resources for Build ing Eleven Hundred Miles. U. B. Bond. ................ ....... Firet urtga aid?! ......... . . . ........ eV.; P 4.000 Capital St6eli paid in On the work now done.... 5,:r0v.060 Land Grant. 14,0t10,(W scree, at $1 60 per acre.. 2132%00(1 • Total . : ... ....... ............ ...... $ed.276,0t0 The Company have ample facilities for supplying any deficiency that may arise in means for ' construction. This may be done wholly or in part by additional suir actiption to capital stock. EARNINGS OF THE COMPANY. At prevent, the profits of the Company are derived only from its local traffic, but this is already much more than sufficient to pay the interest on all the Bonds the Company can issue. if not another mile were built. It ie not doubted that when the road is completed the through traffic of the only lino connecting the Atlantic and Pacl , fie States will ho large beyond precedent,and as there MU be no competition, it can always be done at profitable rates. 'twill be noHced that the Union Pacific Railroad is, in fact, a Government Work. built under the flu pc rvislon of Govetnment officers, and to a large extent with Go vemment money, and that its bonds are issued andel Government direction. It is believed that no similar security is so carefully guarded, and certainly no other is based upon a larger or more valuable Ooperty. 'AA the Company's FIRST MORTGAGE BONDS are offered for the preeent at PO CENTS ON THE DOL. LAB, they are the choapeet eocarity in the market. being more than 15 per cent. lower than United Stated Stocke. They pay SIX PER CENT. IN GOLD, or over NINE PER CENT, µnon the investment, and have thirty years to run befeke mattuity. Subscription, will ho received in Philadelphia by DE HAVEN & BItOTDER: No. 40 S. Third street WM. PAINTER & CO.. No. SO S. Third street. J. S. LEWARS & CO . 29 S. Third street. SMITH, RANDOLPH & Co., 16 South Third street. In Wilmington. Dol., by R. R. ROBINSON & CO. • JOHN hieIEAR & SON. And In Now York at the ComPanY's °Moe. No. 30 Musa Street, and by CONTINENTAL NATIONAL BANK, No. 7 Nieman at. -CLAN:LIN/DOE & Ca, Bankers, No; -= JOHN J. CISCO &SON. Bankoni. No. 33 Wallet. And by the Conmany's advertised Agents throughout the United States. Remittances should be Midair' drafts or other funds par in New York. and the bonds:will be sent tree cif charge by return express. Parties subscribing through local agents, will look to them for their eafo-de livery. A NEW PAMPHLET AND MAP. showing the Pro gress of the Work, Resources for Construction and Value of Bondo, may be obtained at the Companrs Offices or of its advertised Agents. or will be sent free on application. JOHN J. CISCO, Trawling, ;Iltmutry Kb * rit-A. NEW WORM jtilfrth r ttVlig lINSERANCE,ST&TEIIIENTS. FIRE ASSOCIATIoN, ll[ COMP49AtATED MARCIA el, Oklesi. NORTH FIFTH STREET INSURE BUILDINGS,, HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, And Merchandise Generally from Loss by fire, (IN TOE CITY OF PTITLADMPIIIA ONLY,) '.Btatement of the Ateehi of the Maociatfott Jenuari. 1866. publiehed in conformity with the KOVitiOtle of au ant of Aleembly, nplirxrul Ansi' L,1842. Bonds and Mortgattee on Property in the City of Philadelphia only 1§1,076, too 18,914,9 S 50,744 51 4,490 i(n. 45,000 00 31,813,11 Ground Rents Real E5tate........ ............. Furniture and Fixtures of (Mice U. S. ts-20 Registered Bonds Cash on hand............ . . .... WM. if. HAMILTON, SAMUEL * SPARE( &WK. PETER A. KEYSER. CHARLES P. ROWER, JODY CARROW. JErSE LIGHTFOOP. O*ORGE YOUNG, ROBERT SHOEMAKER. JOSEPH R. EN MALL, PETER ARMBRUSTER, LEVI P. COATS, M. H. DICKINSON. • PETER WILLIAMSON., WIC H. 11111ILTON, President* &BUIL SPARISWK, Fite President. • WILLLIR T. BUTLER, Setretarv. JaV..th a tii•tt PROPOSALS FoR STATE 'PRINTING, Agreeably to the pmvhions of an Act of the General Assembly of this Commonwealth. entitled "An Act in Relation to Public Printing." approved the ninth day al April, A. L. leZtt, and the supplement thereto, approved 25th l'ebruary, lit, notice is hereby given. that the Speakers of the Senate and Iloune of Representatives of said Commonwealth will receive seated roporals tint* tis vire o'clock. at noon. of the fourth II:RIP/AY of January. ISta, for doing the Public Printing and Wading for the te:m of three yens: from the first day of July EU:rt. at a certain rate ta:r centiun below the rates epeeifitid In eaul net relating to Public Printing and Bieding,approved the ninth clly tit -April. A. B. 1556, and according , to the mode and rummer and conditions specified to said act an the several eupplemente thereto. Said I.ropoeals to etatify the rate per ceatum on the whole of the rates of the said act taken together. and not a opeeilleation of the rate per centum below the rates on each item. 7lot following ix the form of propoeate (or the State Printing and Binding: I propo2o to do ail the State Printing and Bind ing in the manner and in all respects subject to the pre• visions of the act of the ninth of Atoll. A. D, l and the several supplements thereto. for the period of threoyears Dom the tirst day of July next. at the rate of -- Per centum below the rate. specified in said set :and ehould the State Printing and Binding as aforesaid be allotted to me. "I will be ready forthwith with bond and approved sureties, se required by the act approved With February, lter4 for the faithful pet formance of the work en spotted," which said proposals ehall bests:fled, and together with the bond required, shall be scaled tID and endomed "Pro- Posale for Public Pr bating and Binding," and shall be di. meted to tho said Speakers. and be directed to. ono or both of them as aforesaid, to be °Perm& announced and allotment made on the :Ift.th day of January, 1N.33, agree. ably to the provisions of the said act of ninth of Awn Dz.:, and the several supplements thereto. I•. JORDAN, Secretary of the Commonwealth_ I.l64ivaNeno JA.NVAIVI HOUSE G OODS. t83,415,01J HIGHEST PREMIUM AWARDED FOR BLANK BOOKS. By the Paris Exposition. WM, F. MURPHY'S SONS, 339 Chestnut Street, Practical Blank Book Disnufactorem Steam•Powa Printers and Bt. Bonen% Marion, Gold Pons, Outlaw. A frill assortment of Blank Bookn and Ootninan-Eloess Stationery.° OnßtantlY on hand. noksm W am rI4 ONE. PRICE ONLY. Cold Established ONE PRICE CLOTHING HOUSE, 804 MARKET STREET, For style, durability , . and excellence of wor our goods cannot bo excelled. Particular attention p to customer work. awl a perfect fit guaranteed in cameo. ociPth a twee* EDWARD. P. KELLY, . 5..-.E.Vor. : Chestnut and,lieventh-Sts._ Completo amotiMent of CHOICE GOODS, which will be made in best, manner at MODERATE PRICES. CLOiINCk OUT PATTERN COATS AND CLOTH NOT CALLED FOR AT LOW PRICES. aptil fr reir T e tAßJ . ; i t t c i rgi , -T il. V p tt o !Llf .: l x ),r bo No. re r ted a l ß ow AN t4 ol! angulood Tenant. Immediate posse:Won can be had. For, partiralarg,•applyat a RACE street., ult atabl. .1457? 4)FFICE: No. .3 4 THUNWEES PROPOSALS. STATIONERY. CLOTHING* JONES' ABOVE 81,ITH. TO KENT.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers