Eitgl.B LE' 0 41.1 MIES i , ‘ rilYee Mon 11 sir(l4'.retll fortltFoney--- . : , ir `, .Attempt to Hill a Fourth--- A rilpm(er 4i rouil-Lt i f * %m ,, V) t ip4iet,.- , -liis '''ol litiit •i i , • , 4 , ( ` 4 1 .,:i ColitesNion. ... ' Fr;,,ff' 1 ', 1 1,,,, i .‘141.: _A AIWA. the Pittsburgh Po., ,t' Jou. 11.1 *r:4; , - k,. .-..r.i• g e gave no eel i t f the . , _.;,;, '': J a ' man named Shaeffer, at Parkersburg, 7 *.., 4inia, upon i•nspielon that he was the t . l'i• iof a German 'mined Antoine -U_liirieb, '"1 et trje,... frill nd - enticenied in a enlv•kri, * r4-s ': •", ~,gt ttpmeMontits ago, and of which ?' ~ '. hitilkiinti 'at the Lilac. ilis eras!, .was 7 Cubuta to.* au attempt to murder a citizen 1" , ' rkerithrirk, named John White, an attempt ~ WistSleirtiatately frustrated. Below will be !s.,i: :11:edtIltipind particulars in regard to the mur •••4,,,i r sadlts Ileums, flora which it appears that .I; .•• : ',,_ ;i 4 '..0,61er1s riot only guilty of the murder of % . , '',-• , b other-murders :but of two ''''‘' reaently;perpc ': Aa in'thlit vicinity, nod which up to this time I fr''' , ' 'Btrotideli in mystery. A special [despatch ' ir o t'Sgt Parkersburg, yesterday, says: nurderer; John Shaeffer, made a coffee en , Abl forenoon, under the -seal . of conies ; A r ,.; ilk* the pregence of, J. H. Ills Debar. Esq.,.as ",d,ve*Jtiterpreter, and the brosecutOr, Mr. Hutchin- T — t .: ,‘er:".oo had spoken to Father Park of cantos -411W1:.. but the worthy father refund to admit him f- 'l . ;',•' . !.I : •repotis centession until ho had made a A", 1 ••', e ,:e, et until he had been tried and con 's , ti.„ViY , ' :-- e r, iltrinornizikle seemed to have lost all the ' ' Zbornnesa and stolidity that had before char ' Derized him , as he had not, to the moat close b - . ,litrorreser,t,eexhxcibepittedonthtehesliogeheteassitonemoforritiorn. Beeler ~ Wog:questioned at his public examination. His e r tik j*mieselon to-day, was brief, but h e is writing a er', Mae. U 414 his native of Baden; and served two years 1;111111 .e P al army, only one of which was spent in''X' ork ) from this he deserted and probably i% , f ,'' '"Weitt co . . TpOgands of the mountain, as is corn aixi',,„ inoktkvah'" qtrters. He name to this country , Y,aboutßuie , years ago, and was married about a i year age. •Be was a worker in wood, but not a goy x carpenter or,cabinet-maker. ~..- 3:::" A , atvotten at Lilienthal 's saloon, and tic •ll7flua't i::,,,with,blm. He called up Lillentlud and ,„.• ianirdered him as he was found, and toes: all the 't, 7 / Auk ' • be eould find: With that hepaid off some a ,,. - 7 '4 . -' I t of";;which, singular as it may seem, he a .• kvA,, g reitt- honor, and paid some expenses. '':, Anerbaving run out, and having but little ' . .i:` g; inveigled Ulrich to Wheeling, under ' `-a..°,1,;1bf having a situation for him. 1 thet.morning after their arrival, they ,: for. the situation ostensibly. In a :ton the road, near a culvert, ho mur tcii,took his money,about seventy-five id-:;a watch; came to the Pemberton led off the watch, keeping the chain, •ar in the possession of Capt. Taggart. imp that day and went to work again. to acquainted with Tsutor, and being tey, he watched Tsutor, murdered him, ioney (about $75), went across , the Afterwards came home. Ho owed Dr. for attendance on him, and agreed to dayiday evening. He obtained $lO from Tke for Mr. Beeler, but paid 'it to and promised the balance the next .ay. 47.1 -be Parkersburg Times has The following Virconnt: len last Monday evening the good citizens of rliersburg were again thrown into a frenzy of litt- t eitement with the news of another attempt at an . ardeusijnilar to those of Lillienthal and Tauter: '1 la ime;the assassin, re, German named John ell,,was caught, while the victim, Mr. John 'p:,.mk4rstill living,' and able ; to testify against , t i , E.tait f4Sbner. -__.)i`. -White, like both the former victims, had t '' . 3 ta, wit ptivate sleeping rooln, in the rear of his Ir.tastia! ffice,t r eorner of Juliann and Littleton streets, A1jt16;,,l •lie lodged alone, and Schaefer had been / <91.1011 seen around the office forseveral days. ,A'T r s&ett o'clock on Monday evening, ',t4 t . ciped for the purpose of settling a coat . ~,Ail It '' &Ile Mr. White was; sitting in the chair 1 1 % 'ha. 't - 1 " I,yriting a receipt, the prisoner drew 11„,1 14 ,,..V'5 . II eget, 'Where he carried it concealed, a 4ife - I" r - -ter's hatchet anti struck . Ai (1 v ir blows on the head :at blow on the neck fell a would have produced death }lowed in quick succession, thoughn much less man than unarmed, Mr. White was with him, and push his way • murder. A gentleman pass id dame to the door, which I' ad in bolero Schaefer got Ir , , eltement taking hold of S ;a... to-t t, e street , leaving his hat and an yard, and ran off bare were, however, soon upon lm not far from his residence ly In our new jail. Yesterday, :Roving him guilty of the two .s above named, as well as of Wheeling, surrounded the ~,, to lynch him. It was also isoncr was so far in sympathy f, Oo's• --- ..,_ .4s 'to make some efforts to corn *nd free fun his iron cage, or prison cell. ' ~ whe a vii,if past three o'clock P. ?1., yesterday, e s ' c 3t 0, r,11., 01 I i il I :> a e d fo a rc h J e a a e r t i i n e g e . Taggart, numberiu tlonf. 41 A , ' griew i),N. 1/240.,t0 most of the facts above set kik ,;„,; sc, • ,s__X 4., the pri-oner's acknowledgment ; ,1 , - 4o l L'etittor c the blows for the purpose of se w, , Iv Eiiinare tie, He's money, but disavowing any 'ons. t v i o att snoq sdOilig more than to knock him In -.. Yt iTioilejle rifled his office. t rt , '0. 3- teltp tililion of the wounded man is still cri -1 i ,/;+ ;it is generally thought ho will en n I,s , - „ 4,12.0v,efF Ile talked well, and showed evi . , that his mind was unimpaired shortly li .',4 , occurrence, and seemed to be improvieg 16 , Iv . lie was terribly cut, g_ashed and -r „.....Dr. Davis, who - attended him, testified .s. s e 4tkreceived four wounds on the head, tivo .4j,!* al,Si;ft and two on the right side . li e ..,.,!,,..,,. ~,,,,d Cu the left temple ,- _ 7 ,_ a sharp edge, and the others ~,;.t,!, blunt end. The skull was penetrated, Istrie wound on the right side of the neck, r , .ryl,;_pliiiir on the left aide, back Of the ear; ,r, -- ,,, y.,,tad wound on the shoulder, and both L-',parently chopped. He stated farther ' eill.fOimpossible at present to make a prognosis thai case: ,• , _,__nrisoner was held to answer at the April • c,eYmhe Circuit Court, and the witnesses for eittla were recognized in $lOll each to appear telfy. I,:i .' tFroia the Benno. (Ireland) Weekly Newel What the Discontented nicht Do Nor . Ireland. ' 4 o God bless poor old Ireland"—a pious senti •.at, no doubt, but very ill-placed as the con ''. ,'don of an invitation to pray for the souls of 'l' ~ 'n, Gc,initl and Larkin, who were executed for ~, s r- ,, urg o f Sergeant Brett. But God has , 1'1 , 2',/; reliant with a healthy climate, a ' ir, , T 1 , Att natural resources, and a docile ~ • ". i: , , could only be kept front evil ad s'i, - c „, A ,could has great historical assoela- W ' to an advanced civ il ization in a 4 r id„ t t,; to early fame in science, and il the arts; to many foundations for ''' ' th ___ j a „,,,,, out educational purposes, the benefits unP mil an , felt over all Europe; and to dea lt bc--in every department °info-o'lo - 'eh ' -q. hr - tatriots. Any Irishman, It it :stain class of have brought t on both land / be enacted, loped, and the means of ad is her own trill could have been inflicted tver-recurring ids, and keep i feverish ex mgest Power,to succumb ,1 i ROBBINO His EMPLOYEE.—A man named A llen , (I°u/a Dennis Sullivan wls arrested on Saturday night of mistaken . „..ds of cruelly for larceny. lie w i s formerly employed to drive th their lives. : a wagon for Gould's furniture establishment, on .-- 2, thiai a. with / f3econd street, and is alleged to have stolen "ink t hat il the ' artielee of furn4ture at different times. The war- CA3ans employed I rant for his arrest was issued In November last. I . 4lifitisipro- , 'Sullivan will have a hearing at the Central Stet 14' '""Wia,)a Bon this afternoon. 0 ' , 4 '.. d i • --- --- tw o m ob, Abliti ii.,T p-, 1 i Ditowaarri—Albert Sehoder, the proprietor of ' f p m ** , tavern at nuntingdon and Richmond streets, v itae that **tree 9 . g -,,, _ s hits l ib' •rnit to leagne Island in a skiff, on Thuraday `modftt 1 7M?:, P`l'lr i .„, "2noon, to visit a vessel, and did not return 'bribe , .11 , P1.., !O ,-( le time be appointed to ho home: Op Sat s2 iii, op Jo* , ALrty night his wife raoelved a despatch Stating ‘ OO.l i ~.,1244. 4 .:; ~„ ,..4 , i: , , , '' ! -„, ,,, i fi1 -4 t a tlite ro s mi ltiff eti llad . capsized_ and her hushang had 0 , N. 4 4 ,I, '. 4 : 11 urd ' ' , a,..' , fill capitalists shrink front those enterprises widen would employ and ,tlnproire society. What has niatiG, England and: Scotland .great• ought to have the same effect in Ireland, if we !allowed their example. See• how Leeds has grown up while Exeter, declined, beeause thi3 woolen trade flitter from one to the other; how Sheffield has surpassed Salisbury in fame and for tune, as the result of the cutlery trade leaving the one and settling in the other: how the iron manufacture has made the North of England so important, and secured the Crown from the feu d:if families who rivalled it in wealth and power. Then, look at Dundee, and what would it be un less It had its linen manufactures employing 55,000 people, its engineering, iron ship building,. and' other trades ? And there is Burrow-in-Furness, whose inhabitants, within living memories, did not amount to snore than Fifty; now the population is at least twenty thou sand, occupying such a position of importance as to haVe a municipal charter—all owing' to its iron mines and the remunerative employment they afford. Here, too, is our own town of 13e1- last, broUght from the condition of a mere fish ing.village, in a comparatively short period, by Its great linen industry and trade g,enerally,while other towns in the north of Ireland have de clined with the decline of their linen manufac ture and linen market. What is there to hinder trade doing for all Ire land what it has done for Belfast, or Leeds, or SheMehl, or Dundee, or Barrow-id-Furness, or scores of other places which might be named ! The Irish aro apt to learn, fond of comfort, un dergo voluntary 'exile in' the hope of attaining independence, and are always disposed to earn and invest Money. This is their natural Charac ter, but it is completely destroyed by the politi cal habits in which they are trained. They will conspire for Ireland, commit murder for Ireland, and die on the scaffold for Ireland; but they will not live in peace with their neigh bors and work for Ireland, without which vir tues Ireland would return to barrennesa if, they bad it in their own management to-morrow.. Was not the country in a fair way of doing, and beginning to got into the iron and other manu factures, when the - cowardly and bloodthirsty massacre \occurred in 1611 ? Was it not gradu ally reviving from prostration when the tyranny of James and Tyrconnel forced the revolution? Were not several enterprises established and our industrial resources being . developed, even moderately, when the rebellion,m 1798 wept all away? The Volunteers of 178'4 had secured rights and privileges of trade from England, and our country's prospects were brigaitening when they were dimmed, fiestrOyed by the insurgents., And coming down from the - Union to our own time, have we not bad three separate attempts at rebellion—one ilbt yet disposed of—and uninter rupted conspiring against the Crown and Govern ment, the 'peace and progress of the country? Is it not strange that of all the plans for the im provement of Ireland, the revolutionary party has never—adopted one that &mid be reckoned practical.?.:Whether the conspirators be Young irelanders or Fenians, no matter what they call themselves, they followed the Fates in a project which could not be realized, and, if realized, would leave our country in a worse condition than ever. Any man in his senses might see that some tour millions of Roman Catho lic Irishmen (which is over-estimating the number considerably), could never wrest this island from the grasp of England, with her population of :iiventy millions, recruiting her armies from some three hundred millions of subjects and having her fleet ruling in every sea. Taking it that the whole population of Ireland were united on this subject (which will never be the case), what:would six millions be able to ef fect against such tremendous odds? The idea is only lit ter some lunatic asylum, .and sane men ought to be tamed at being told that they ever entertained it. We know well that the fault does not ' rest with the people, but with their advisers—with those who keep such' facts as.we.have named in the background, and, from motives of jealousy, envy, or dlsap-: pointment, poison " the popular mind against England, and goad the credulous into crimes which end in penal servitude or at the gibbet. "God bless poor old Ireland" will not, therefore, bear nny connection with the Manchester Fenians, because Fenianism has brought a curse on the land. The prayer can only be realized by means of truth and loyalty, Influencing our countrymen to be peaceful and industrious. CITY BULLETIIq. CATTLE 3LARRET, Jan. 13,1868. Bee cattle were in good demand this Week, and prices .were firmer. About 1,900 head arrived and sold at I.o@lle. per pound grois for. extra Penrisylvania and Western steers, 8@93 1 5e. for fair to good do., and 60, , , , 734 per pound gross for common, as to (panty. The following are the particularo of the sales: /lead. Nair e. Price. 62 oiven Smith, Western, grs— ..... 911 52 A. Christy & Bros.,WesterM gr" . ..... 8) 1 1.0 85 P. 31eFllten, Western gr 5...,... 104' 100 P. Hathaway, Chester, ...... 73¢(1410 $8 James Kirk, Chtster,grs (.110!¢TO James Mel Western, gra.... ..... ........ 8 (.03 9.3( 50 10. S. Merillen, Western, gre..........., 9 et t 0 48 Uhlman & Badman, Chester, are............ 7 84t1 140 Martin, Fuller & Co., Western. srs••••••••• •• • 7 ( 0 41014 80 Mooney & Smith, Western. gm. ...... ......., 834 103; 53 8. Mooney & bro., 'Western, ........ 6 Os 9 44 11. Chain, Penn., gra ....... 6 et, 8 tie .1. Smith, & Bro., Western, grs ........ ........ 63184 t),V, 140 L. crank, Western, gra 53¢(al. 9) 109 Frank & &hamburg, Western, gre 6 Ca, 9.4 60 Hope A: Co.. Chester co, gee ....... ........... 7 011 05 lien. Hood. Chester Co., gra 6 On) 6;1 Chandler & Uo., Chester Co., gr 5....... ...... 8 01036 60 Jas. Asti, Western, gra.,.... . 6 oS W.t" Cowd were unchanged ; : 200 head sold at Cls® for springers, and sso@s9o per head for cow and calf. Sheep were in demand at an advance: 5,000 hcadsold at 500 cents per pound gross, as to condition: //vs were dull and rather lower; 1,500 head sold at the different yards at 010 50e).11 per 700 mends net. Finn vi MANA‘ lir:K.—This morning abolt hall-past 7 o'clock a fire broke out in a three-sto ried brick building attached to the cotton' and woolen manufactory of Bevil Schofield, located on the canal bank, opposite Penn street, in Manaynnk. The first story of the structure was utied as an.engine zoom, a haler-house-and-ma ebibc4luip, and the two tipper stories as dry; ins-rooms. The fire originated over the boiler. and spread through. the entire .structure. The machinery, including two sets ;of new patent - tenter bars, valued at-$2,000 each,:„was—pretty badly damaged, and a considerable quantity of blankets which were in process of drying were destroyed. The flames extended to an adjoining building uSed.as a dye-house,and it was partly de stroyed. The total loss is estimated at $B,OOO, upon which there lane insurance. - FLACKS OV Amcomutter Lich:num—The fol lowing additional licenses for places of amuse ment have been issued by the Mayor: Masonic Hall, Manayunk. " Temperance Hall, Manayunk. Geo. L. Tallman, 608 Beach street. E. Wesner, 320 St. John street. Thos. Eyre, 213 Lodge street. Geo. Blackburn, 307 Cherry street. National Hall, Market street. Colored Masonic Hall, Eleventh beloW Pine. Engel & Wolf's Farm. C. Klein, 17 East Girard avenue. Total licenses issued, 50. Aucao wrru Font:Mtv.—A colored man, named (Ileorge Tunison, was arrested on Satur day, and was taken before Ald.,Morrove, on the charge of forgery. Ire was formCrly in the ern ploy of Mr. Ilendig, stone cutter, at Tenth and South. streets, and was frequently sent with or ders to Stewartsou's hollow-ware establishment, at Thirteenth and Callowhill streets. About a week ago be was discharged, but it is alleged he continued his visits to Stewartson's place, and got goods valued at about 411.0, upon forged or ders. lie was committed for a further hearing. AssAcur wurn n ELATcuicr.—Before Alderman Toland, Edward Simpson was charged with assault and battery. He keeps a tavern at Fif teenth and Willow streets, and on Saturday pen stable Myers, of the Eleventh Ward, wont to the house, with a warrant, to arrest the bar-keeper. 'Simpson it is alleged, interfered, and 'attacked Myers with a hatchet, but did not succeed in striking him, He was held In $l,OOO bail for trial. THE DAILY EVENING BULLETIN.-PHILADELPHIA, MONDAY, JANUARY 13, 1868. DIN APrrdinho.—The Bliow,tomprieing a double. beaded snakes, fie., which was lOcated iv . Jones's Ilotel , building, oppoSite Abe .flut.tacrix Oleo, for some time pit.st, has disappeared, greatly to the relief Of promenaders who were compelled to force their way through the crowds watch gathered on the sidewalk, and the business people in the neighborhood, who were much Annoy:ed by the grinding of a hand-organ front 'morning until night. ------- YIIIE AT A COAL OlL,EsTAnt,rsnmyNr.”—About eight o'clock this morning, a still house attached to the coal oil establishment of Joseph, Carr, at Thirty-eighth street and Girard wrenue,took tiro, and, with its contents, was destroyed.' Sortie of the adjoining bitildingli were considerably dam aged. Sri.rosEn Ltimmir.—GeorgeHronalby was ar rested at Sixth, and Bedford streets, ori suspicion of having stolen. some woolen blankets • Which were found on his person. He was tientto.,prison by Aid. Tittermary, and the blanketS await an owner at the Second District Police Station., • LAnorsy.--Chas. Anderson, a German, was arrested last night by the Harbor Pollee, at Dela ware avenue' end Market streets, upon the charge of The larceny of a horse and wagon. rie was taken before Alderman Hurley,and, was com mitted in default of $l,OOO .bail to answer. The team was recovered. PERSONAL.--Charles Dickens arrived' in this city last evening, and is stopping at the Conti nental Hotel. • lie gives his first reading at Con cert Hall this St.t(urr Finn.'—This Morning about six o'clock an alarm of lire was caused by the burning of a bed in the house of Wallace Thoroughgate,•in the rear of No. 412 Gaskill street. Cit.mannny Comr.tiv.—At the recent annual meeting of the Hammonton Cranberry Company the following officers were selected for the ensu ing year : President, Hon. G. W. N. Custis; Vie° President, A, M. Spangler; Treadurer, Hon. Win. Moore; Secretary, George F. MWer; Directors, E. Houpt, G. W. Pressey, E. Matlack, Wm. A. Ehins, E. P. Haverstick, E. T. McKean. biruovnuEyrs.—► large number of liandsoine improvements are new in progress in 'Atlantic City. A first-class hotel is to be erected at the inlet by Mr. Glenn, and is to be ready by the opening of the coming season., RAPIDLY ADVANCING.—The work of erecting the necessary buildings . for' the rolling mills at Camden, which were recently destroyed by tire, is going rapidly forward, and they will soon be ready to go into operation again. &nom HEATIT.—On Friday a prominent citi zen of Atlantic City named Hugh Logue,' began to cough, and continued to do so until hemor rhage of the lungs set in and he died in a few Minutes. So.x.Lono.—A few days ago a little son of Capt. Bailey, of Tuckahele, fell into a wash tub full of boiling water, and was Tso badly sealdedlhat he died in a few hours. • Fon TnrsrON.—A large number of pOliticians left Camden in the various trains to-day, .to be present in Trenton :it the organization of the Legislature. COMPLETED.—The new public school house in Middle Ward; Camden, is nearly com pleted. THE COVIZTS.—The Camden County Courts commence their January sessions to-morrow. Pennsylvania Statu Temperance Con. A Convention of the friends of temperance Will be held in the Court-house, in Harrisburg, be ginnim; on Tuesday, the 18th of February, 1868, at 10 O'clock in the morning, to continue, Ujung as it may find business. Each person attending the Convention, who has purchased a ticket to Harrisburg at full rates at any" station on the Pennsylvania Railroad, the Philadelphia and Eric Railroad, or the Northern Central Railway, will receive at the Convention a free return ticket. Return or excursion tickets for one fare will be granted at the time of purchasing at any ticket °Simon the Reading Railroad, the East Penn sylvania, and the Lebanon Branch, to all persona who travel over these roads to attend the Con vention. All Churches, Colleges and Academies, all Temperance Societies, Divisions of Sons of Temperance, Temples of Honor and Temperance. Lodes of Good Templars, County Societies auxiliary to the State Temperance Union, and all other friendly societies,whether herein named or not, are requested to have themselves represented by such a number of delegates as they .may choose. Unda the catkpicoA of the Pennsylvania State Temperance Union, 260 public Temperance meet ings have been held, 28 auxlllary County Soci eties have been formed, and more than .1,800 names have been added to the Temperance Pledge. By the aid of this OrganiVation, and the zeal and activity of the Sons of Temperance, Temples of Honor Good Tempters, and other Temperance Societies, more meetings have been held, more sermons and addresses delivered, more organizations formed, and names to the Pledge obtained, during the past year, than during any one year of the past ton years. • The Pennsylvania State Temperance Union will hold its Annual Session in Harrisburg during the week of the Convention, for the election of Officers and Managers. ''fhe Report of the Managers will be presented, showing the success of the enterprise during the year. Interesting resolutions and plans of action will he presented for discussion and eloquent speakers will be present to enliven the occasion. All persons at the Convention and others (male and female) will have an opportunity to become members of the State Tinton, and all Its auxiliaries arc requested to send delegates to this Annual Meeting as well as to the. Convention. LI ICE a glorious melody,' a ravishing perfume can never be forgotten. Bence _the low of_ Milan's new orloriferant-- , Extractof the "Isliett Eiloomtrig'Ce rcue—bas become a passion in refined society. All other toilet essences FeeM lame and insipid after its aroma has once been inhaled. ._ . _ -- THE SNAP-OF A -_DoG,, in-the- heated—dog,_ days,.ls not more trying to the feelings than is the present cold snap. To protect your feelings against "cold snaps," visit the celebrated ]toady-Mario Clothing Douse of Charles Stokes & Co., under the Continental, and the pile of elegant and warm Winter Clothing that will meet your eyes will alone warm your feelings, equal to the most touching of Dickens' readings. DRUGGISTS' SUNDRLIG3 and Fancy Goods. SNOWDEN of BISOTIIIEBS, importers, 23 South Eighth street. M the Gas Office they have an instrument to indicate the pressure, and it makes some queer marks. We often meet men whose movements indicate a very heavy "pressure," but no matter how zig zag their conree, they always go to tobacco stores where "Cen tury" Is sold. Funs! Furs! Furs! Now is the time to got Furs cheap. Great reduction in prices. Oaktordie, Continental Hotel. SWELST ALmuttrit Wims Gnus at 40 cents per pound. Also by the keg. A. L. VANtitafr, Ninth and Cuestnut.. CIiMPREN Cutting their Teeth or afilletqd with cradips, cholic, griplug and other InfauWe complaints, obtain instant relief from the use of Bower's Infant Cordial. GAY'S Cana PALACE, No. 1022 Chestnut street.—Selling off the entire stock at • lees than im porting cost. The assortment consists of Bohemian, French and American Cut GlaSsware, White French and Deco rated China, Silver-plated . Ware, Table Cutlery Welter's Stone China, &n. And the most complete stock of Fancy Gdods, in cluding Parton Marble and Bronze Statuary, Gtlt Mounted Ornaments and Lava Ware over. Imported to this city. White French China Cups and Saucer, per set, 12 pieces $l. 26 White French. China Dining Plates,936 in.,per ds. ,2 75 3)o. do. do Breakfast do.,SX " 260 Do, do. do. Tea d0.,71i " 225 Cut Glass Goblets, per d05en............. ..... 225 Do. do. Champagnes, per dozen... ... 1 75 Do. do. Wines. per dozen 72S Do. do. Tumblers, per dozen • 125 And all other goods at equally low prices. Fens Furs! Furs! Now is the time to get Furs cheap. Great reduction in prices. Oakfords',,Contluental UoteL Boomow's SoArs.—Elder Flower, Turtle 011, Glycerine, Lettuce, Sunflower, Musk, Rose, dm. Snownai & Dammam., Importers, 23 South Eighth street. MAMMA. BLINDNESS AIM UATARRIIe-. J. Isaacs, M.D., Professor of the Bye and Rar, treats all ( Daman Appertaining to the above members with the utmost success. Testimonials from the most re liablesouroes to the city can be seen at Ida office, No. 806 Arch gtreet. The medical faculty are invited to tic.; compaid belt. patients, as he has no oecreta. in his pracUm , IWitifteial eyes inserted. No charge made ' 110 ezmilel.ll l l. r • ' 1 • NEW JERSEY AFFAIRS. MERE= CITY, NOTICES. "13ownkt's Gum Arabic Secrets" soothe and heal Coughs, relieve [coarseness, tough morning phlegm, andafford.great. comfort. In. Bronchial trrltan. tines. Try them, , -- Made by Bower, Sixth and Vino. Sold by druggists, £5 cents. Gnovnli & Binam's tlignest Premium Bowing Machines, no Chestnut street Fens! Furs I Furs Now is tne time to get Fore cheap. Great reduction in prices. Oaltfords , , Continental Hotel. SKATING rARKS. CENTRAL SKATING PARK, Fifteenth and Wallace Streets. SIIATIti(t MAGNIFICENT MUSIC BY Tin; SATTBRBEIN, AFTERNOON AND EVENING EXTRA' AN NO UNCEM ENT. FRIBAY, the 11th of January. FIRST GRAND COTS IE ro.NTASTIQUE, AT THE. CY NTR Ats ;PARK. .11Itisic by the datterlei., and the celebrated Zouave Band oft Culotte! Da:deed regiment. Fireworks, by Framer Samuel Jaelnibn. Extra Illumination, by..... .. . ..... . .. ....Mr. tialL Decorationik.ko bY• • • •.• The Committee. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Dorranee Evans, H. B. Tilden, J. B. Brogornki. he Committee of Arrangements to be elected by all the male subscribers above the are of sixteen this evening, in the large saloon of the restaurant. , leer particulars, see programmer. Ito HARRISON SKATING PARK. s MISS CARRIE AVG[DATA MOORE, SSA7ORLAL QUEEN. ii.E.A.I'OItIAL QUEEN. SKATOMAL QUEE IA N, Sifit'L'OßL QUEEN, AFTERNOON AND EVIEVINGS; - AF TER HARRION PARK. Take the Fifth and Sixth. Union, and Second and Third Strerfst rare. . It. wEST PHILADELPHIA AND rA *ALNUT STREETS, MISS NELLIE DEAN, TiM LITTLE FAvoitril, WILL SKATE MORNING. AFTERNOON AND EWENIND. PRONOUNCED. UNEQUALI ED BY ALL WHO SEE HER. Admission,_!2.s cents. Nom (VIAND CARNIVAL TO "NELLIE DEAN." Oh THURSDAY AFTERNOON AND NIGHT, With . Extraordinary Display of Fireworks, BY Professor Jackson. ONE GRAND PIECE, mill "NELLIE" IN A BLAZE . OF FIRE! lt• usEnEvirs. Bee Sixth Page for Adddissuit Amusements DICKENS'S READINGS A Choice Set of Tickets,. (FRONT SEAT§,) • FOR SALE. Nob. 59, GO, 61, 62. 459, 460. Apply before 5 o'clock TODAY, at 427 CHESTNUT Street. CONCERT lIALT PHILADELPDIA, MR. CIIIA IMES DRIKENS WILL READ 1N THE UUNUERT LIALL, AS UNDER, TOMORROW (TUESDAY), JANUARY 14, DAVID UOVDERFIEtD, 1 AND . MR. 808 BA WY VMS PARTY, ( FROM PICKWICK ) ON THURSDAY.JANUARY `-"J. • 111 NICHOLAS NICKLEBY, (AT MR,SQUEEREP SCHOOL), AND BOOTS AT TUE HOLLY TREK INN, ON FRIDAY. JANUARY 24, STORY OE LITTLE DOMBEY AND 111 P, TPT A T, Pyt ).ST PTc•K %Mac ON THURSDAY, JAN UARY IIIH "DOCTOR AT ARIGOLIP • i AND " , MR. DOB SAWYER'S PARTY, ' (FROM PICKWICK.) FRIDAY, JANUARY • • lIIS "DAVID COPPERPIELD" AND HOOTS AT THE, OuLT,Y TREE INN. THE READINGS WILL COMMENC.: EACTT EVEN. TNG AT 8 0 CLOCK, AND BE COMPRISED WITHIN TWO HOURS. THE AUDIENCE IS EARNESTLY REQUESTED TO BE SEATED TEN MINUTES BEFORt THE COM. MENCEMENT OE THE READINGS. MR. CHARLES DICKENS'S READINGS.- TI IT: TICK ETS I OR MR. DICKENS'S READINGS ON THE 14TH, 2313, 24TH, .101'H AND 31ST - JANUARY. BEING ALL SOW, THERE %THAL .BE' NO SALE THIS DAY. ' • _WS DS 111 WILL TO-NIGHT, AT THE CONCERT HALL, AT 8 O'CLOCK. HIS CHRISTMAS CAROL, • THE TRIAL F ROM PICKWICK BUILLAING—PAREWELL SbASO?i. AtinLIIIISLY GALA WEEK. SIGNOR BLITZ. to accommodate all, will perform every Afternoon and Evening during the week, at 3 and 41 11 st week, last engagement, and only six nights more. Attend and take a bet look at the Birds. Every attrac ti.ln is offered for this the last week. Admission 25 ela te; children, 15 cents; rest rved seats, a cents. ja13.60 I NSTR VOTION. UONVENT OF THE 11.01.4 1 ; (TIED JESUS, sz.• ; ACATEMY FOR YOUNG LADIES. T. LEONARD'S DOUSE, CHESTNUT STREET, Pll LADELPIILA. Unde the Patronage of the Wl'. REV. DR. WOOD, Bishop of Philadelphia. • • The Religious of the Society' of the Holy Child Jesus intend opening on the let of February, an Academy for Young Ladies, in the newly-erected building, lately pur chased by them, at the corner of Thirty-ninth and Chest nut streets. Boarders as well as Day Scholars will be received. For particulars apply to the Superiorese, Sharon, near Darby, Delaware County, Pa.,or 111 spring Carden street, Phila. d elph in. jit13.2,0 rrita; Lis,l%'Llitil'r 8' EM, 1 Ponnsylvania, (founded by Don. Aea Packer', Tne Eecond tom id open on MONDAY, Februarit', He ular and special students received into the classes.and into the special schools of General Literature, Engineer inp MachaitiCal and Mining), and Analytical oho. nititry. Apply to !Mhos HPN:PV cnprr.p. 11 Preml4.nt, HOOP Mika HIM. ---r HOuP rittinTai, 648 FALL 8 tYLE2I. ails and Trail Hoop skirts, 2, 241. 2* frx and 0 Yards 4 of.evcry length mul shape, for iadieg and a corn. <KZ El ; tirsortment of Mims' and Children's alkirts, from 1 e rings. from 10 to 23 Inches long, all of "OUR OWN ," superior in style, finish and durabilityy, and re the cheapest and most midst actory Hoop Skirts ID the qlnericen market. Warranted In every respect, 13 tie made to order, altered and repaired. — 0 UTION. -, -Owing - to-the - unprecedented - reputation I whi h "Our Own Make" of Skirts have attained, some de re are endeavoring to put a very inferior ekirt upon the customers by representing them to be "Hopkins's 0 Make." Be not deceived. "Our Make" are stamped on h tab, "W. F, Hoplcins, Manufacturer, No. 621 ere street , Philadelphia," and also have the letter H woir in the tapeabetween each spring. . A . dealer in New York made Skirts, at very low price.!, and retail. tie for catalogue of styles and Juices, at • No. 12121 Arch sheet, Philada._ WM. 'l'. HOPKIN3.II t.m.w.131* P aKtKTS AND DOR E TS.-51R8. D. AYLEY, No. 812 Vine street, is now manufactur the varieties of Liao Skirts, Corsets, Arc. She has ReatFr in c h h Corsets of new styles. Do op Skirts 1 and r.r.ir , . mh2atfrp iii,vcif 01 'TED,—BY A SINGLE GENTLEMAN, IN A lento family or where there are few boarders,. a table fund:bed bedroom, with breakfast and din 'clock). Address "Milling," nt tale office. jai 2t. tED—A HITUATION BY A YOUNG MAN, t leaving one. The beet of reference given. Ad. ,ItOWNE, To Grew , etro t. in.!) 6tBp W. ALTER'S C OAL DEPOT (957) NTH STREET Below Clward Avenue. : RANCH 'OFFICE, r Sixth and Spring Garden Sts, BEST QUALITIES OP H. AND SCHUYLKILL COAL era by Pod will receire immediate attention. IF. PROOF FURSALE. of tits Ofliee of the EVENING BULLETIN, 17 Chestnut Street. `,, f =Cr oastaal podersigued has just received a' Ira* latawba„ Wvalidloh califoraia , and o Ob pti ampagoe Mom. cly on4_ Y. #7, JQKDAN. We Peer Below Third rai Wlar= ma y. AUCTION MACES. AUCTION :NOTICE: Cargo Bark 4 Auguatino Kobbo." 7,000 Boxes Oranges, Lemene, ISVOI SAMUEL C. COOK WILL BELL , On First Wharf above Raoe Street . On Wednesday Morning, Jon. 15, At 11 o'clock, 6,000 13oxcaORANGES. 1,000 Roue LEMONS. 25 MIA, OANARY SEED (now croN), 05 Dago HEMP SEED, 25 Bap FILBERTS. Lauding ox Dark Auguetlno lf,oblio, from Palermo. It§ _ TO-D 4.1 1,5 CO., AUCTIONEERS, No. ‘ll NKET etreet t NOTIOa 1u CLOTHING TEM. Onr Cataloam Salo of lteady.lnnde Clothing will take Place on Tit UItbDAT,, January Pi, commencing at 10 &dock: PROPOSALS FuR STATE PRINTING. Agreeably to the prcivisiorui of an Act of the General Assembly of this Commonwealth, entitled "An Act in Relation to Public Printing," approved the ninth day of April, A. I). Ina, and the supplement thereto, approved 25th February, 1882, notice is hereby given, that the Speakers of the Senate and House of Representatives of said Commonwealth will receive sealed proposals until twelve o'clock, at noon, of . the fourth TUESDAY of January, 1888, for doing the üblic Printing and Binding for the tot m of three years from the first day of July next, at a certain rate per cent= below the rates specified In said act relating to Public Printing and flinding,approoetl the ninth day of April. A. D. 18.311, and according to the mode and manner and conditions specified in said act and the several supplements thereto, Said proposals to specify the rate per' (Tatum on the whole of the rates of the said act taken together, and not ,n specification of the rate per centum below the rates on each item. The following is the form of proposals for tho State Printing and Binding: I propose to do all the State Printing and Bind. login the manner dud in all respects subject to the pro' visions of the act of the ninth of April, A. D. 1856, and the several supplements thereto, for the period of three years frem the first day of July - next, at the rate of —per centuna below the rates specified in said act; and should the State Printing and Binding as aforesaid be allotted to me, "I will be ready forthwith with bond and approved sureties, as required by the act approved 25th February, 18432, for the faithful performance of the work so allotted," which said proposals shall be signed, and, together with the bond required, shall be seek(' no and endorsed "Pro. -peseta for Public Printing and Binding," and shall be di. reefed to the said Speakers . ; and be directed to one or both of them as aforesaid, to be opened, announced and allotment made on the 28th day of January, 1888, agree. ably to the provhdomk of the said act of ninth of April, 1856, and the several supplements thereto. F. JORDAN, ' Secretary of the Commonwealth. ,j,krinAny 6th, 1868.- • jag•theidrp fir! I.YVgWuI hkk.JYNlkll:l:l ul GENTLEMEN'S FINE FURNISHING GOODS, JOHN V. ARRISON, Nos. 1 and 3 North Sixth Street, Invites attention fo his 'IMPROVED PATTERN SHIRT , " whici has given encl.general satisfaction ( or neatness of fit on the breast. comfort In the neck, and ease on the shoulders. It is made in the hest manner. BY HAND, and is confidently recommended as THE BEST IN THE CITY. Also— A well-selected stock of Goods, consisting of GFNTLE3IEN'S WRAPPERS (which he makes a specialty). COLLARS OP ALL KINDS AND LATEST STYLES, SILK SHIRTS AND DRAWERS, MERINO SHIRTS AND DRAWERS. FLANNEL SHIRTS AND DRAWERS, BUCKSKIN SHIRTS AND DRAWERS. TRAVELING SHIRTS. STOCKS, TIF S. GLOVES, HANDKERCHIEFS, BUS ?ENDERS, HOSIERY, And other goods appertaining to a Gentleman's Wardrobe. ;K2% ut GROCERIES, LIQUORS, &C. NEUFCHATEL CHEESE. JUST IN STORE. GENUINE IMPORTED E UFCHATEL CHEESE. SIMON COLTON & CLARKE, Importers, Jobbers and Retailers, S. W. corner Broad and Walnut. Jittiv f m EDWARD P. KELLY, S. E. Cor. Chestnut and Seventh Sts. Cosnplete assortment of . CHOICE GOODS, which will bo made in beat manner at MODERATE PRICES. CLOSING OUT PATTERN COATS AND CLOTHES NOT CALLED FOR AT LOW PRICES. ap27 irrri &c. & H. LEJAMBRE ME *FAMED THEIR Furniture and Upholstery Warerooma TO No. 1435 CHESTNUT Street. del-Amrp. BEAUTY, COMFORT AND DURABILITY. All the Latest Styles in CUSTOM-MADE BOOTS AND SHOES. BOX TOES AND OTHER NOVELTIES. PRICES FIXED AT LOW FIGURES. .A.IEiL Pr _LET 71C, 33 South Sixth Street, above Chestnut. st.l6lv ISAAC B. EVANS IatiITrAkITIMER AND MAXIE IN OILS, PAINTS, VARNISHES , _ AND Naval Stores and tkoPs, N 0.16 North 'Delaware avow. Made. 4 6. 10 10NEY TO ANY ANIOUNT IipANED UPON DAMONDS, WATCHES , SEVO- 441 rt PL A N E . THING. &c at JO kES Q0)11 ~, ,„,.„ OLD ESTABLISHED LO A N ktlrElvr , . Corner of Third and Goakill dreeta. Below Lombard. itN. B.—DIAMONDS , WATOLIES, JBWMLEY. GUNS. c.. , t SALT AT 4 , REMAma LT LOW PRICES. 5e2.4,1m ITALIAN VERMIOBLLI-100 BOXES LIVESIBALInt „. White. Imported mid for ealeby JOS. B. BuSBUSt * Vv..108 South Dolman Muds. PROPOSALS. (MOTU LNG. WATCHES, JEWELRY, &c. J.- E. CALDWELL .& CO. Are Now Ready ) ...L 4 111.71 wrill THEIR ENTIRE IMPORTATION OF NEW YEAR'S GOODS For the present season, to which they would suggest an early visit before the choicest articles are selected. and while yet the hurry of Holiday business does not prevent the best attentiou. Our stock this year exceeds in novelty, beauty and va. riety any previous offering of this House, and is made no ofselectelons nse from eve n pa of Europe. In addition to an PARIS, LONDON AND VIENNA NOVELTIES. We have opened this season the finest lot of INDEBSCHHEN AND AIMED, PIPES AND CIGAR HOLDERS Ever offered in this city. exquisitely carved and mounted. forming very desirable PRESENTS FOB GENTLEMEN, As our stock Is unequaled for its exten and earefal ioCtiOn, so are our prices for moderation and adaptation to the times. JAMES. E. CALDWELL & CO., NO. 822 CHESTNUT STREW. fei.f m w•tf NIEDIQIPAL. HYGEIA. The ereat eIIeCCIII of HUFF'S MALT EXTRACT. Ilealth Boverame, ham been Inimentrerfn our State, u w am all other Staten of the (Joke. - - Ile enperiority as a TOnlo has 'been stated by the report made to the hew York Academy of Medicine by the Special Committee. Ito Invaluability as a remedy for diseases of the Chest and Lunge has been proved by hundreds of cases. as well as by the tentimoniala of the most eminent physicians, HUFF B MALT EXTRACT has been used in matry.hoe pied& Among others, intho Military Hormitals of Wads. Mitten. D. C.; Perkina'n Instlt,tion, and Massachusetts. Asylum for the Bind. Boma; Girls' Lodging-house, New York; and has Ma arm anown its lament., to Invalids sod exhausted Dyspeptics, and to persons affected with diseases of the Chgaq, Lungs and Bowels. We are unable to publish all the scientinciesUroonlais whirl have been bestowed upon DOFF'S MALT EX TRACT, and we content ourselves with mentioning the name. of Rune of the Physicians prescribing this Beverage of Ilealth • Avery, M. D, Bergen. Holcomb, Prof.. New York. Baker. 31 D., Yaphank. Howe. M. D. ,_Boston. Biome, M. D. New "York. Bull, M. D., New York. Bleckeu, M D.. Redwing. Lowenthal, M. D. N. Y. Brooks. M. D., New ork. Loomis, M. D., New York. Buck, It. D., Lafayette. Mitchell, M.D., New York. t :sine, M. D, Redwing. Millard, N. U., New York. Care), M. D., New York. Pfeiffer, SlLD..l'hiladelphia. Chauveau, M. D .New York. Rode= M. D, New York. Clohs Dl. U., Newburg. Reichert, M Brooklyn. Cok. I) „ New York. Ruppree it, N. D.. N. Y. Con f,toek, 31. D., lit. Lords. .sehweek M.D , Now York. Corey, M. I) Brooklyn. Schaller M. D.. Brooklyn. Corard. M.D.. ,lervey City. S. 11, b.. New York. Crane. N.D., New York. Sheville, M. D.. Now York. Urene M. h. Elizabeth. Schuekinr. M. D. Wash. Dennold, P'rof..New York. 141117., 51. D., Preelandsville. Williamsburg. Smith, M. D., New York. Elliot, M. D., New. York. Stutzer, M. D., NVlrm. Fraser, M. D., New York. ray tor. M. D., New York. Yrrich 31. D.. Sew York. Teller, M. D., New York. Fredrieh, I) , New York. Thomson, M. D., Now York: Gardiner, 31. D., Brooklyn. Tobias. M. D.. New York. Goodwilie, M.D.. New York. Van Buren,Lockrow, Alley. Gordon, 31. A, Boston. Vaughan. M. D., New Work. (loulden. M. D.. New York Warner M. D. New York. lialbut 31. D. New York. Wcber.'M,, D.. Niew York. Hart, Ii D., N. Britain. Westcott, M. D., New York.. Mart. M. 11, New York. Weetcott D. Elizabeth. Ilelliek. D. btat . bland. White. IL N. , Y , etc.. Bold everywhere. JOIN C. ILIKER dr CO., Bole Agents for Penneylvacus. jaP w f metro B.EiIIOVAL. 1868. 1868. McCALLITM, CREASE & SLOAN, PROM Their Late Retail Warerooms, 519 Chestrxut Street, TO NO. 509 CHESTNUT STREET, Where, with inereand facllitier. they will in tutu* conduct their Wholesale and Retail CARPET „BUSINESS. aninr. PAINTINGS, &C. LOOKING GLASSES At Low Prijce4. Novelties in Chromo Lithographs, Fine Engravings, New Galleries of Paintings, NOW OPEN, With Tate arrivals or CHOICE PICTURES. JAMES S. EARLE & SONS, 816 Chestnut Street. STATIONERV. HIGHEST PREMIUM AWARDED FOR rtcocons, By the . Paris Exposition. . WM. F. MURPHY'S SONS, - . 339 Chestnut Street, Practical Blank Book Manufacturers. Bteam.Powee Printers and nistioners. Diaries; Gold Pens, Cutlery. A Nu asao r tysoni of Blank Books and Ocuuting•tirpaso Stationery.° onstantly on hand. nob a m w On spli 4t) UJEITIVIN jBAJEL(3I-A.IINTS IN pets ourrAmo. • CURTAIN BIATERL6I2. FIBINITtrRE COVERINGS. WINDOW SHADES. AND UPHOLSTERY 000 Of We Newest Fabrics, Dodgem. and Qualltkwa PIANO AND TABLE comm Ands full itno of ÜBEXIDINikUaIti . LINENS. QUIETS. ma.. , . At tho boweet Prices, C. M. STOUT & CO 1106 Chestnnt Street. mvi.wfwqm. BOSTON 11113CUIT.—BOND'13 BOSTON OUT an Milk Blom % landing fr ster ma% an ß d for ter sain d by JOEL B. BUSSIKILm ame Nor Is iambi for RNA 198 Noutabelaware avow,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers