NEW PVBLICATIOPS• John E. Potter & Co., have published Mr. .Em croon Bennett's "Phantom of the }rest." . I t way be fairly doubted whether any or the Count less followers of James Fennlmora,o oper have done more than produce imitations kir his Indian. novels, of greater or less degreea At Imperfection. And this is the result not so ranch &the inability of the writers as of the extreme narrowness of the peculiar field of Indian romance. There is nothing new to be said about Indian life or savage warfare or border habits. The author who goes over:this well-gleaned field salon finds that eten the original' &Oriel ittatertal r Was enough. The same elements 'enters into all this .ciase of more recent novels. Scalps'and ttima tiaWkii superlmman sagacity and brutal creolV, .wonderful marksmen and More wonderful sap= tive maidens with whom• all the male se, tors are frantically in love, a few half 4 breeds, a friendly Indian, a torture Or two, escapes and .recaptures, 'and very ' ranch border slang. It is easy to see that out of this sort of material original novels must be soon ex hausted, and ,It is no disparagement to Mr. Emerson Bennett to say that he has not intro duced into the "Phantom of the Forest" any, thingtut the material which is so familiar to all readers of Indian novels, for there is absolutely no other, material to be used from that overworked field. Messrs. ,Ino, E. Potter Co., have gotten the book oat , handsome style. . G. W. Pitcher has received froth Lee & Shepard; Boston, another instalment dr-,Mm books. "Tommy Ilickup" another, of the rattling little series of "Rosa Abbott Stories" which take one's breath away with their "head-over-heels" style; , and delight the children with their liveliness: "Seek and Find" is another of the "Oliver Op tic books, and a sequel; to "Breaking Avsiayi" recently published. , Oliver Optic Is perliaps the best of our American writers for boys . ,. and his name is becoming as well•known throughout, the United States as the original Peter Parley self "Seek'and Find" is a story of "The .A.dven tures of a Smart Boy," and the smart boys will all want to read it. "Claudia," is a new story by Amanda M. Douglas, whose "In Trust,' Published last spring, was so favorably received. "Claudia" is - rather a stormy sort of love-story, abounding in violent emotions and startling situations. It's occasional extravagances in this direction detract somewhat from its-literacy-merits, but it,is still one of those books that people will be sure to finish, when they have once taken it up. J. B. Lippincott Co., have published a story that will be sure to have a wide circulation. It is a story of the famous London Fire Brigade, and Is called "Fightingl the'Flames." It is by R. M. Ballantyne, who has written a number of lively books, based upon the coaStlquard service,' the light-house service, and timilar topics. Few- subjects are more exciting than that, of fires, with all their, Bair-breadth , escapes, dashing achievements', and perilous - incidents, 'and " Fighting the Flames" will be a welcbme guest in a much wider circle than meritorious in stitntion for the - extinguishment of 'firefi," as Sheriff War, once called the. Philadelphia fire , men. The volume is, of course, handsomely printed, hound, and illustrated. , . " Golden Truths l ' is an exquisttely-printed volume of a religious character,' containing choice extracts, in, prose and poetry,-classified under the 'divisions of "The „Inner Life ; Trials by the Way.; Work for Christ ;•. The tinfailing Friend, and The Heavenly Home." The compiler has drawn upon the best sources forher extracts, such as~ FenelOn, Robertson, Trench, Gonlhurn, 'Guthrie, Tholuck, Huntington, Chalmers, in prose; tui'd Bonar, Faber, Ingelow, Lowell, Procter, Waring, Whittler and many othem poetry. Tie velume is filled with lofty and holy thoughts - and teachinge, and will be highly prized as an addition to the peculiar class of literature to whichit belongs. Roberts Brotberg, Boitim, have just published "Friendships of i Women" by William Rounse vile Alger, +We' have already made copious ex tracts from' this It is unique in its de sign, which Mr. Algeihas carried, out with, great taste and judgment. In the several . , relations which women bear each alter and to the other sex their- friendshipg are illustrated by numerotis examples draivn from-the wide fields of history,and arranged and classified with great skill. The book is an exceedli3gly pleasant and interesting one.: It is for iale by G. W. Pitcher. , Hurd ST, Houghton, ;slew:York, have published a humorous poima, by• Edward Hopper, called "One Wife ToO Many; or Rip Van Bighorn." It is quite art elaborate composition, Irvingescirie in its conception. and. very sprightly in its compo.: sition. Its moral IS thus told: "And let all. teen be eure of thief.— • That,for the happiest life . Enough , e enough of any Wier, .EapealaUy of wife." f . The volume is for sale by. J. B, - LippirtOtt - • • • lifrg. 1141BOn, 1314 Chestnut street, has yust put/Bellaire,' Very pretty little volume of poetry for, tho halidays,,ealled "Leaves gathered in the Dani,Wallin ' of LBW! It Is a collection of fugitive pieces seleeted.tylth a:good poUeal taste, including many that havti not hitherto appeared in any hook-form. Mrs., tromilton . also ptib lisbes a new edition .of ‘`Prifttpl , tpitiw. Flakes i 7 by the same compiler, .comprising ) another good collection of earnest and •devont poetry. - Both volumes are handsomely print.Ott atuthbitnd. • • Loring. Boston. has ,Published o , or Hester Powers' Girlhood," by Edwin Shep pard. It is an English story, based upon an old and well 7 known incident,, but Jlie plot Is well: • ontrived. and `the old.lesson of thei itriportandee' of luit' , in judgment Is strongly enforced. It is said to have been inspired by an loscriPtlo* on a monument In an English ',churchyard:. Judge Not:" Tile book is.for sale by puftleld' _ksbinead, J. P. Skelly & Co., 21 i3outl.l Soyenth.street, , have purehaFed the plates of the ".Woodcliff" books by Miss McKoever, and have juErissupd handsome newt editions of "Woodcliff "and "The Woodcliff MrKee;ier hai estab lished a wi4ioValion as an instructive andin wresting writer fovchildreo, and. in the hands of the new publishers, her works will undoubtedly gain a still mare extensive pbpularity. "Temple House' is a new novel by Mrs. F.liza. teeth Stoddard, just published by Qailetop co., New Yolk, and for sale by G. Vir:Plieher, Mrs. Stoddard is already * well known by rher two novels, "The Morge , ons." and "Two Nen." Temple, House is in a little Atlantic seaport sown on the Southern cbast, and the adventures et its inmate's; Intermixed with a' good deal of negro slang, form the substance of the story. Loring, Boston, hatijust published a new semi religious novel called `unto the Light." Its hero ine, "Naomi," is a yortnr 4 ,,Tew6ss,and the story tells her progress from indaism to Chrli.thofity. "Into the I.skht" is an.AMerlean novel, with its plot located lo New Tigk, The style Is anim goil and easy, and as a novel, even - independent of its religiou s design, it is well Worth reading. For eat by I). Ashmtad. . • . .. • • _ - 'The Clifford Household" la the panto of A new juvenile jvAt ;pulAftied 41_. Dodd,: Juw York, veritteri,l7 l J;r: Mcigrfi, Jc la a plea sant tittle dooltstic et es 7 touilinff good le tig 4)118 ; sad forming a vtryinittabla wipe:L.344i . . far girls, 'aeap9n. tor 14 id , ;411. T, Arthur k l / 4 , Son' havobits iho first, year 'of "The Childton's O handsonaely'_ 'bound in given, and gold; for 04 holidays.; 'This inagazin6 Bias beorne very popular, and in. its bound Orin will be It .great favorite witik , the little ones. 4 • Aivietatt •a, co.; tavC,' , Aotitte(l. tile 'second volume of their "Dickens for' thelffillion, l ' con taining "Nicholas Niekleby" complete for thirty-five tents, tine paper and type, with neat coTer, g9r ose,hy Messrs. T. 13. Peterson Brother have pub lished "Martin Chuzzlewit" complete for heentip•fiee centsr. also "Christmas Stories," by Dickens, in their handsome duodecimo "Peo ple's Edition." NIA" ilinVoltatlons int Cho Anstatintruatiion ponsiptruet. The 'Speaker yesterday laid befOre the 'House a message from the President of the United States, , inelosing a communication from the Secretary of State, together with the following letter from George A. Sharpe, dated Kingston, New Yoilc;JOly, 1867. , Iron. ;Valiant 11, Seward, Secretary of State : Stu: In' the month of January ' last :I left for Europe, reirsuant to instructions from the State Department, in which I was told that there might , be reason to'apprefiend that eitizetill of the United States in Europe, other than those who had here tofore been; suspected, or charged with the of fence, were, instigators of, or concerned in the as sassination of the late President Lincoln, and the . attempd assassination of the Secretary of State, , It; was deemed proper, in connection , with the antivippta trial of John IL Stara% to make an , effort to identify such persons, and it was made Any duty to examine any evidence existing abroad, so that.the government might judge whether or not thalethand the Surrender of any persons in Effr9Pe.i - : ' ', ,•::: :I: , • ,' '''''4'f.A , ' lMyottentiort was drawn t o the :clreumstance, already, Aoveloped, that the cOnspirators had '.made Tee' of considerable sums of money in barveling,le and front Canada and elsewhere in the payof 'the Confederates; in provldin,g moans of retreat and refuge;; in, the hire of horse s' and boats, an d In liberal ,expenditures throughout the lott#Treparation and execution of the plot. These moneys,which must have 'amounted in the eggregate to large sums, wore furnished to them in gold, at a time when it was very diffi cult for private: IndiViduals to,obtaiu it, and when oven official persona es demanded es omitted its employment, unless imperatively demand for the use of the ~ government. - , , • It was further hoped that, u pon the indictment of Serrate such papers and evidence might bo brought forward as would tend to direct inquiries in Europe .-• , On my arrival in England ,I thought it best to make an alert to learn If Surratt had communi cated with the leading Rebels there, or on the Continent, on his way to, the Papal States. Sur ratt reached Liverpool September 27, 1865, and on. Saturday, September 80, he left for London !nib° Wile A. M. train, arriving at the Easton Square Station at two P. M. Atter following out . the working of a municipal' regulation which controls a portion of the London cubs, it was I thought that a clue was obtained to the particu lar cab which took Surratt as a-, passenger upon the arrival of the train. •, .- • . I The owner of the cab reforthd to was found, w'• • but was an old man, prostrated with •a serious lingering disease, from which he did not recover during my stay in London. and was incapa, eitated from recalling the incidents. To pro mote the search. a patient investigation was given to all circumstances tending to throw light on Surratt's' connection with rebels known to be in London at, the time, and through letters from Mr. Adams, I was broueht into communication with our Consuls at London and Liverpool, from whom as well as Mr. Moran, Secretary. of Lega-. lion, and some American gentlemen long resident abroad, every assistance was received, so that it is believed every fact was inquired into, which had any significance under my instructions. ' This examination 'failing td disclose any state 'of facts deemed sufficiently well established, or of sufficient.importance to bring to the knowl edge Of the Department; my attention was turned to the manner in , which Barrett entered the Papal Statob. in Order to learn whether his flight there was through the procurement of any person or citizen of •the United States. An in quiry having been made ot the British Foreign Office, it was learned that on October 12th, 1865, application was there made for a passport for John Watson, of .Edinburgh, over the signature of,,the country manager of a banking institution in London, and on the following day, October •13th, 1805, the passport was issued. • There were several circumstances about this which led .me, to inquire into it. One was that after •Surratt'a arrival in London, the name he I used was the ono under which he enlisted in the Papal Zonaves, and the, directors of the bank 4 under whose auspices the application was made, included some of the most notorious rebel syin pathizerti In England. It was fair to auppose, therefore ' that Surratt had gone under another 'name, us he would have less facilities for chang ing the , one chosefffor, a passport, and that he enlisted under the name by which he 'entered the States of the Church. • , With this probability, that his passport was ob tained at the British Foreign 011ich and that the influence - which procured it could bo traced, an examination was made at Edinburg . where fi ve John Watsons were found, one of w hom proved to be the person who received the passport of Oct, 13, 1865, which was seen and verified. This incident is briefly detailed in order to show the. proper reasons for the time occupied. As in other instances, care bad to be taken that no wrong . should be done and no suspicion" raised unless justified by the result. , On the. 16th. of April I left London. and pro ceeded direct to Rome, bearing a note of intro ductiori frcm Mr. Adams to General King, with whom and: Mr: Hooker I consulted. Gen. King introdased me informally, Jo Gen. Kansler, the Papal Minister of War, with whom I had further intercourse, and during this I requested that I might be, permitted to see any papers or effects left by Surratt. • • General Kaneler eAused'a search to be made, and haforiped me that, Barrett loft, no papers, having hi all probability destroyed such as lie had the tithe of his discovery, of pen. King's letter to St Marie. Surratt left no e ff ects. Re was Obligedo by a Military regulation, to &pose of bis citizen's apparel on entering therservice, to prevent iiicility for desertion—a regulation which I in the end contributed, to his identification and arrest. , , , , , Gen. Kiinaler also caused I s,' search to be made for the original passport by which Surratt entered the Roman States, and noon its production and my request to take d e'opy, he' offered to deliver the original - to me, his office retaining a dopy. The etrer was aceepted, and!the tassport'subse quEntly for Warded to the, State Department. • • •/t may not be improper for me to add that my ,interviews with Gen. Kansler were at the War Office,and that' his instructions to his Italian suberdinateii and the repines from them were `made; in 'ray preseut:o, with: the etrou*est evi -1 deuce of the good- will and good faith 'ot himself and of his Govt.ruiner, t.; • Surintt's i ptiasport showed tl by some M uence from the I" •rnent of Ce ado, and had reei 'Pelted Ste'teseponsui-Orneral approved fbrlestry lute the SI at the oaten ofithe nuncio 111 evidince ; that ;kittrreitt , had kroni en y other, quarter in Europe, , Thel vise of the Nuncio:two: been given • gratis, ; Which was unuelte - lid/eimiries,were made re his office, to aseettaiffunder what cheuinstanees the same had been pihdrired. These steps (al thotigh taken with great care and after te. rude skin for an interview- had been asked) were Met' with rudeneseand•diseourtesy on the part of the Nuncio himself and his Secretary, but I was site sequentlyinformed through our legation In Parts that the „Nuncio'e hiss lack been obtained, riot tbroneh anyletter ,or special regorninemettion, but upon the, personal ,plosentution of the pass port by Surratt, ;whom, the official vouehes to have seen, and upond.herParmer's statement that • he was going to I.4Kaelbe the,putpolin ' of enlist ing.- There was nothing to throw doubt on this state went, other than ,the i disereditable con duct of the otlicial, +by - whom better-treatment must have been aecorded, to. Surratt , than to, my self. . ,• • , 1:' E : -: • •-• , No furtherluamirywastnado: in regardlo the passport. I subsequently saw,Mr..6andford, 'our- Minister atilressele anti the United States Conan', at Paris,and other Americans of diatingnished 10- • ally, lor,g rt sident therhiand had fulltrotiverbstE••" , tions with them, concerning ail ••snatterse•Whibh had (wile to their, knoWiedge, slid witielowerh' Within my instructione. l' , •'' ' ' • ' 1 : ' ' Theshinterviews did riot leadto any extension, of my stay, . but, believing that every'intltdry• ' I ' llol 'i 1 1 0 theenatihrectedAo , make rwas•conl4: pleted, scoara k s tore, emeatis to•dolt, L're , 4 , nulledhomhia,Jedy; rameelotel that ehrhAtnetiolEl Pa', aIE )4 013 6 1 4. ;64#itattatopi 'at identifvleg•tbst.f+ • 4041 4 1 •9 13 0 3 5;in1a aidireapfletinalgteall Aline milt:. ki OA cluitY;P.o4E le•aatpietanCel'was'E,reeentest ,ST l *4lO to "M *V irixtY *Ptniwino suAlogai THE DAILY EVENING.BULLETIN.---PIIILADELPHIA, FRIDAY, DEOEMBEIt,2Q, UV. " or renggon b e yroot exists in Europa of the par ticipation of 'any Persons there, formerly _of the ;United,' Bititte s ? as to call foi't tlui -action of the , Govertnifeilt: Very respectfully, your obedient, sercitnt, • , GF.oadi 11,,t,8u.ttnt'X'• ;FATLat, • NMI CORDAGE' : FACTORY NOW IN 2=44sFRaarioN-, • •-• • Dio wilt:4l%4ra N. D 014.4; • R l l .•.A 4. v` Itiergrartra,sllllif'i,' e • • • gni ' ' •" • Mial us a pria. 01 a4- ..7.1:141811•Cri1,00',44$01$010r. TIEIOEGKAYIimu SupAALMV• • . Tier bnllfon in the Bank of nein& has in ereased ..£271,000. \ ONE of the persons wounded 'the Clerken well eXploPion died yesterday. tiersoris kist theiniveli b 7 the late nitro glycerine explosion at Newcastle. Tarr Italian Government has called. additional military,reserves into active service...... JAanN GRAHAM. was convicted at . Mail°, yes , - terday i of forging . aceidentriusurante tickets. THE receipts from Internal Butane, yesterday, amounted to $193,048. ° ° ' CAMPBELL, the London broker, who recently failed and was arrested on the charge of fraud, was acquitted yesterday- IT 18 alleged that a paper was found atWolver hampton which disclodes a Fenian plot to plunder all the militia armories in England. A cAccus of the members of the Georgia Con vention has redolved to support Judge Chase for President. TIM house of Henry Rogers, in Brooklyn, N• was robbed of $15,000 in stocks and bonds, on Wednesday night. THE Senate Committee on Foreign Relations is nearly unanimously opposed to the purchase of the.banish West Indies. 01,088,000 in treasure was shipped from San Francisco yesterday; $980,000 of it is consigned to the Atlantic States. Tai position of Minister Resident to Ecuador has been• tendered to the ion. Thomas S.Ford, of Ohio.::. A Litwin building, occupied by _:several' manu facturers; in Augusta, Me., was burned yesterday; loss; $BO,OOO. Time Georgia Convention lths recommended R. B. Bullock for Provisional Governor. of that State. A CONSERVATIVE meeting was held in Mont gomery, Alabama, last night. The speakers corm- Belled opposition to the ratification of the new State Constitution. Tim National Manufacturers! Convention, at Cleveland, yesterday appointed a committee to ask of Congress the legislation deemed necessary to protect the manufacturing intereit. Tim report of the resumption of negotiations between Prance and Denmark is dottbtpd in Lon don; but it is asserted that the SchlesOlg muddle v 7 ill be stirred up by the diplomats of Jierlia and Copenhagen in January. - • 1s run Virginia Convention yesterday a bill annulling debts for the purchase of . slaves, con tracted since 180, was reported against. Reso lutions of itiquiry in relation to the establishment .of primary schools and houses of correction: giving the Governor power to remove political disabilities when. pardoning criminals, and re quiting; • voting- to be by _ballot, woreadopted. Resolutions looking to the abolishment of dis tinetionS on account of color wets referred. From Sian homing°. II.krANA, Dee. 19.—An arrival Itt'3lanzanillo on Tu, sday brings advises from Jamaica to December 1.2, and Hayti, December;. The ad vices confirm the previous accounts of the assas- striation of 31ontez, and give further particulars of ailitirs; After starving him for idOr days an ineffectual attempt was made to eomplete the work by poisoning-him. Salnave then ordered Delorme to smother him, but this attempt als.o failed, and he 'was finally stabbed, and his skull cut to pieces with a chisel. Ills body was delivered to his friends, bootless and shirtless, on boards, and conveyed to the cemetery, his friends insisting on burying it without placing "it in a coffin. Intoxicating liquors were freely distributed to the people, to induce them to cheer for President Salnave. The revolt in Caicos is dead. and Salnave is actively engaged in suppressing the revolt at Cape Hayden. , The brother of Montez wag captured and chained to the bloody bed of his murdered brother, Leon. Montez's parents have been crazed by his as sassination, and have tied to Dominica. The re port that the Dominican army is marching to ward the Hayden frontier iE confirmed. Baez, tho insurrectionary leader in Dominic; has, it is stated, •been shot by order of Cabral. ° The Sapdwich Islands. The Director of the Bateau of Statistics fur nishes the *following results from an analogical examination of the effect of the proposed treaty of reciprocity. .with the Sandwich Islands. The trade of 1867 and the present United States tariff are taken us a basis: Imports from the Sandwich Islands into the United States for the year ending June 30, •1867: Value, $1,065,785—0f which there is now free, $39,887; freed by action of the proposed treaty, $634,258—t0ta1, $674,145. There would rc wain subject to duties now •imposed, $391,610 total, 81,065,785. Exports from the United States to the Sand wich Islands for the year ending June 30, 1.867: Value, $866,387: freed at the Sandwich Islands by the, proposed treaty. 43639,106; remaining sub ject to duty, $1.82,616; uncertain from the nature of classification, $41,633; total, $866,::,)7. Receipts of Customer The receipts of customs at the ports below named, from December 9 to December 14 Inclu sive, were as follows : Boston . •159,088 40 New York 1,074,000 00 Philadelphia 70,265 75 Baltimore • .. 99,489 43 New Francisco, Dec. Ito 7. ..... .... 86,991 28 San .Francisco, Nov. 11:40 1t1.... ... 154.517 23 Total '''\_ $1,623 1 352 09 PAINTINGS, &C. NOW ON EXHIBITION AT EARLES' GALLERIES, 618 CHESTNUT STREW?, CONSTANT MAYER'S • ORIGINAL;. PICTURE LOVE'S MELANCHOLY, NEW GALLERY NOW OPEN With Late Arrivals of Choice Oil Paintings AT LOW PRICES. Frame Engravings for Christmas. Regers' Groups. New P.ll otogiaphs. New (ihronao Lithographs. Hour swarm 64Q , HOOT' Na eza . GO FALL. '. i CYI.Lid. Plain aturPritil Hoop Skrts, 2, 2'4, 2M, 254 and yard* round of ovary and tur fatties, and com• plete aseortment pi. Aliases! and. Children's Skirts, from I to 45 se! lugs, from le .10 SD inches long, all of "OUR OWN MAKE", stipt•riotlin; styli', finish - und durability and really the ehtaine44 111.1(1 miiiitsatislitetori'l Mop tiltirts in the .niericuti.niarket. Warranted in every reapect. ' 'Skirts Made. to. order, alted. Cuedre repaired. (JAV'IOL. IN.Owing to• -the unprecedented reputation which. Or Oven diake"..rof Skirts have ilttaillUd t some deniers are endeavoring to pats very inferior, Air, upon their CTlNtemers by representing them to bee 'llopkines Ooze Make. "• Be not ((Crafted, Our Maize" are stamped on each tub, "W:,..K Llopkins, hinnufasturer, 1125 Arch street, and ilino leave MO .letter, .0" 1.50V01111 the taped between oachsprlne. Also,"dealet in Nesd York Made , i , tkirts, at Very iow prices, wholesale Mid , Bend' for eatnlogue ecetyles and prices, at • • No. 6118 Arch Ntreet, WM. T. 110s , wiNp. • 10 0 Y kiKIRTs AND CURSDI3.,--AILLO. BAYLEY, No, 812 Vine streo le now manufnetur. lag all tilevtetied Hoop Skirts, Velvets, Art. Shebat SIN) the Rea .Frunoli ,Etlnsate of,new. styles. Hoop Skirts altered knit nairadr ' mhPiLifir FURNITURE. ite. 'SPECIAL - Norza. • • ; we a r e prep pa to mom Purchasers of Fine Furniture, DOTS IN . STYLE AND PRICE. GEO.J.IIENIIELS,LACY & CABINET MASERS, 18th and Cheatnut Street". se2B4tm rP AVit4O. MUEBLE I S FINOS Ba COLOOA MCI-MAD O UR. Eu Reno do Cuartos oomo Calm do rooltdmlento cturros ITE CAMARA. J• BENKELA. GAUT dc 004 1025:1RP6 THIRTEENTH AND CHESTNUT. Special Card. FINE FURNITURE ON EXHIBITION IN SUITES OF ROOMS, CARPETED AND FURNISHED A$ CHAMBERS AND PARLORS. ' GEO• J.IIENKELS, LACY 41 1100. $ CABINET !BAKERS, • THIRTEENTH AND CHESTNUT. PHILADELPECILA. seS5-tfrp§ IV" Die tolneton Menhel sinrallgirt 113 dor gammen Etago torthi gar Anedcht, Topplch mid Gardknen otabegrlffest. GEO. J. KENKELS, LACY & 00., A/Tenho' Pabriltant s Thirteenth and Chestnut, Philadelphia. ita2s-tfril AVIS IMPORTANT. BEAUX MEU LILES. pour Salons et Chambres d Coacher, drrengt3l pour Exposition dare Appartements Gambit Couvert. do Tapia. GEO. J. HENKELS, LACY & EBENISTEB, 02.54-frp§ Ch ESTINUT STREET, an Coin do lame A. & H. LEJAIVLBRE RIIE,HEHHI ED THEIR Furniture and Upholstery Warerooms TO No. 1435 CHESTNUT Street. d islurG's. , -Ast.ti:l,, t *if • ORIPPEN & MADDOCK / (Late W. L. Maddock & N 0.115 South Third Street,' CHOICE ALMERIA GRAPES, 40 Cents Per Pound. DOUBLE FROWN DERESA RAISINS. SINGLE CROWS DEHESA. RALSINS. LONDON LAYER RAISINS. LOOSE miuseaArEL RAISINS. SULTANA RAISINS. • SEEDLESS U AASINS. ' NEW LAYER FIGS, PRUNELLOS, PRUNES, PLUMES, VNEW PAPER-SHELL ALIioN DN, ORANGES, CITRON, CURIIANTS, And a great variety of Geed, suitable for the cbristnias Season, at the lowest price. Al ;L GOODS WARRANTED. deAf &tn.:U[4 N EW CITRON, CHOICE QUALITY, 35 CM ' NEW CURRANTS, Choice Quality, 15 cent?. NEW RAISINS, forli cents to do cents. CHOICE SULTANA' RAISINS. PURE SPICES, CIDER, COOKING WINES AND BRANDIES, at COUNTY'S EAST END GROCERY, No. 116 South SECOND Street. NEW FRUIT. Double and Single Crown, Layer, Seedless and Sultana Raisins. Currants, Citron, Oranges, Prunes, Pigs, Almonds, &c,, &c. ALBERT C. ROBERTS, Ilealex in he Gnarls, Corner Eleventh and Vine Streets, . FRESH FRUITS. FRESH RASPBEEPRIES,_' EACLIZS TOMATOES In Glama and Cana. PLUMS, For tale by • JAMBR. mrman • ~ , VT and EICHITH Iltreete. Jaw A Allniar-ls Mince Meat UAV isEEN in t o market for neatly twenty year n De oaf ly , reeom • umded. Don't bo deceived IP3 , a ebeap article. Ask tor ATMORE'S, . &LIDO • NE 'Mg r ' TRON st, ' NEW. CURRANTS, 15. ORANGE AND LEMON PEEL, 40. • PRUNELLAS,'4O., , Also, SULTANA, SEEDLESS, BASKET and LONDON CI OWN LAYER RAISINS, in quart, r, half and - whole boxes, all of the tim Ht quality, and will ho Hold at prices which cannot fall to be satisfactory to those who may favor 114 with a call. , . A. J. 110 4rIA.M P, del4 00 • ' %107 South SEVOND street. VFRY- PINE- 111Iif,•.SON' -- .-yotitiTilStkluOATilifik, Apple, Sap Salo (real Swige)Choebe at o• • A. J. DuCAMP'S, del4 - 00 ,,, 107 South Second street, .IPRENt.:II PEAS AND YES/11{00.MS, 014,..,13.;AND every other di Ferlption cf . • Canned Fruit( and lA;getahle4 at corymonding low 'pikes. ' A. J. DuCAMP. del( 00 IV,:f . RW CROP CITRON IN PRIME OILIER, 1 OPlN're, per pound. at ColitiTY'S EaaO Eud Grocery, Nu. 018 tfouth Second ntreet, A PI El(l A GRA PES.—IOO KEGS &TAME 111 A GRAPES. 1 - 1 In large dusters and of euperlor quality. In ,ntore Wad for ,alo'by M. P. SPILLIN, N. W. tornar Eighth and ----- C;110P CIIRANTS, 1N PRIME 'ORD43: . 15 centN pt r pound nt.COUSTY'S Et ult Ehd GrocorY, tioutle S.coucl strqut. . , . TEW , LIE.IIOIsI, AND f MANGE PEEL-35 'CENTS 111 per poll tid, at ColizTY tint, F 0 u44.0r0 cvry Store. 118 :Muth riecond Htifgt. LW CR( /P AVIJOLEq .HALF AND IN quarter lam.a, at ow prlces, at (MUSTY'S .Eant rd ?•rocery Stare., No. 1 1 53 eo)ith'Seepric i .lstyeet. • 1 )1:It E • SPICE $: SWEET CIVER,‘COOKINO WINES ni , d; ErandieN: at Cr:DS'l Eaat Had 06?0CrY of ore, p. t•outli 'SccOnd atteet. ' • ' ' :'•.' .b cTrq'Ttri ff iA ' pitINCP.SWA.I. . • Pei shell rrool , ind and for oak by 1 1 .1.. F: s 1.1,11,, N, NV cor. Arch tun:lA*llth 'Amer& I>A ISMS ItAININS I 1 %Xi'WWlLir., 2 lALF - AND' quarter hogee of Doarle :CrOWD Raising; the beat. fruit in the market, for Bldg bfi M.N. 8E4 , 14D,1, We, Aril. and Eighth atreeta tkkz4- -- 7 6 N 1111 , 4;ii_ at.el,M,—, 95 N v ,; wr , 4 4, 69 . 14, Tx 1 - eg.,(14/4111-NNDBvrt,Ai."',%--45110 ';'- YI: , OLD ICati u igred : gagrTet ili' i ',', '', ' W Corp, 9 Be er Loinbar'l,,,si ..Tu " w..4 GUM ' N. 13,--DJAMONDS.oriATO I: !'" - ^ ----7 s -7 1 ;;_..„. u 4444: ' ogi.rojitokies Newieft"-"'"l6l44B.Bc't'''' 1 sini , o , ni t Azdadufall'iloo2l. , , for pale brA; ''''st,tin :, lt.;. A IbUttr i°l4" A " Ml: lii.tioAnianant.,,_' Wed, II A • „ RETAIL DRY DOOM POPULAR PRICES FOR DRY GOODS. RICKEY,SHARBW 001 727 CHESTNUT STREET. sel4 tf rp •MARKET.. sto NINTH. . 4 4 4 4 ,C) • • FIVE...HUNDRED • PIECES CALICOES AND DELAINES, CHOICE SELECTIONS FOIL THE HOLIDAYS. for -pew, atjlish Delainei. :Men mock, Cocheco and other good print. ' Merrimack rich Chintzes forWrappi/ro. ' Gay .carcc i•trived Pants, yard or piece. HANDKERCHIEFS Of 'every description ror,llooday Lace Cielars-- !me auction bargain!. "Alen Collars and Cuff., large otock. Ceildron.. Scarlet. Blue and B if Gloves. Ladies' Cloth Gloves. full aroortment. L Cotton 11 celery of all grades. 38 t , lit Siik Scarfs. cnibroide.ed end.. . 50. ;6 and ofl n Silk Scarf.. • Extra rich Silk and other Ladies' &arta SHAWLS, CLOAKS. Innocnoe stock Long Shawl!, Slei to 14110 00. Desirable scarce and cxira good off lea. Ladies' Cloak. fur liolidav Presents. Lyon., Verret Omar, ready made. 1 / civet Cloaks to order ... . . - made laiwAtata 10) ()H}. STNUT STREET IL NEEDLES & 00., Eleverth and Chestnut Streets, Invite attention to th oir oplentlid stock of LACES AND LACE GOODS, atiNDRERCULEFS in every variety, for Ladles and Gentlemen. VEILS, BE Tn. NEUKTIES, EM BHuIDERIES, &e., ExPretely. adapted for . . HOLIDAY PREmENTS, Which they are offering at prices ae low ILA thaw for an interior clue of goods which have been Imported to mpply Auction kialee at this .IfllLLf4a DtOt SPECIAL REDUCTION GEO. F.11. - NTE.II, - 9 916 Chestnut Street, bas still further rednced the prices of hie rich DRESS :AWLS and SHAWLS, with a view of reducing the stock before January let. Purchasers will do well ro call, as the Goods are all superior in quality, and will be told much h'2l9 then cost. Now Is the time to buy a REAL INDIA SHAWL or SCARF for a Christmas oift. 'rho vices are lower, and they will be sold at prices that cannot fail to give eauitac tion. . GEORGE FRYER, 91.6 Chestnut Street. 1101 CHESTNUT STREE' „ti E. M. NEEDLES da 00. Will bo prepared to offer for HOLIDAY PRESENTS Splendid assortments of ACES LADE GOODS, BLAINDKERCIIIEFS, VEILS. EMBROIDERIES, &e., dre.. At- Prices to tsars Saki. Their stock of flOuse-Furnishing . Dry Goods Will be offered ist the lowest rates. . Eleventh and Chestnut streets ; GIRARD ROW. IMOVILLS: TOI GOODS MARKET) DOWN. STILL GREATER REDUCTION. . BUY , NOW FOR CHRISTMAS. • , Behan es—Low-:-1/9 , :i and sc. • Calicdes—Cheap-1254 and Itc. arked Jere tbancoist. - Gay Plaids-80k, $1 00 and-$l 55.-- Balmorals—sl 00. $1 00 and ds2 00. Jack Straws, made by and sold for an invalid. , • STOKES &, WOOD. 702 Arch at. LONG AND SQUARE BROWIE SHAWLS FOIL SALE , at less than She recent Auttion sale prices. Black Open Centres. "Scarlet , Open Centres, ' ' Black Filled Centres. ' ' Scarlet Filled Centres. • • Black 'Tldbet Shawls. YCIA AND PLAIN. STYLE BL.ANICBT SHAWLS. . • ZDWIN HALL di - - • .tO south Second street.' EEDWINHALL,dt,CO., ilk SOUTH SECOND STREET. would Invite t he attention of the Ladies to their stock of Cloths for Sacks and Circulars. • r. • Real Velvet Cloths, Orient quality. . • Beautiful Shades of Purples. . Beautiful EihrideS of Browns. • Beautiful Shades of Blacks: ' • Beautiful Shades of. Whites. • • • • Chinchilla and: Eroded Beaver Cloths. /km • , THE LATEST STYLES 0U5T0M....1‘1410330:10 BOOTS ' ANDI' 'SHOES For Gentionien and Boys. • . - CALL AND 8E El Nr2W BOX:'. TOES, ' THE SKATING: Boot , PURIM FIXED AT LOW IrIDURO. I * 1.',t1 4 . 1 k- , 30 rr,rl- I ,‘ ~ ' 83 Stiuthlixth Straet, above Chestnut. sel6ltrpo IVA 11/ 7 4 11Ar c 4 e l itqav i ot it . 4 , ~ 4 , c el 01.000 , 1 1 t Ciar pet e l pe tn i a' A we ii taa ...7 Nmeft in lOU WUITAO IDAIt GOODS. ''._.., , ::,A..';:5':.1.M)8,,1N50N,_ 910 • CHESTNUT STREET, - New Colored Photographs, NEW CIHROMOS, NEW ENGRAVINGS, PICT u E S FROM 'LONDON, PARIS AND OF ENTIRELY NEW SUBJECTS, AT THE XAC O C O MIVG- GLASS AND PICTURE FRAME WAREROOMS A. S. ROBINSON, .910 calpsirwur sruismar. CHRISTMAS PRESENTS. he but And moat !linable Preeent to s &fend or tho seedy is &barrel of our FIRST PREMIUM FLOUR, and a bag or half barrel "MOUNTAIN" BUCKWHEAT NELL. . . Constantly on hand. Ohio. st, Louis end Virginia Flour.. Also, "Mounter." and "isterllng'pet Buckwheat Meal, in. bap and ME barrel&-warranted superior to any other in the market. GEO. P. ZULENDER, Fourth rind Vine , soLE ittirr: sei7 ro tt J. C. BARNES & CO. GENTS' FURNISHING' GOODS. OV Fine Shirts, Collars, Wrappers, &o, Snit:tble L'or Chri,4trntis Pref-;entH NO. 245 N. NINTH st, PHILADELPHIA. IMEICI Christmas and New Year's Presents. I . 'E '5 LADOIYMUS & Ci) (DIAMOND DEALERS & JEWELERS.) 4kVIEIMY -L , ittAr IVAMJE. WATCHER and JEWELRY REPAIRED. 02 Chentnut St., Phila• Have }UP. t received a largo and beautiful ueortment of . _ Watches, Diattondo, Jewelry,. and Elver Ware. We would ask especial attention to oar fine amortment of WA'II.3.IEB and DIASIONIisi, and our prima win be found lees than the tame quality of goods can be pug chimed elsewhere. HOLIDAY PRESENTS. N. C. COATES, Lump and Ilettse.Fairnishing Usiode. A itupfrlor sestina. ent of Britannia and Silrer.rlated Ware, line Table and Pocket I 'nth ry. Japan..;ed. Tin and Wooden Waree. Toilet tlete. Skit e, Ac. Lamps and Chandeliers of every description.. imitable ter Churches., alla and Pintoes: afro, rikatine i.iinterne for sale. WHOLE:deLE AND 14.1A1(... I Young lloulekeepers a - ill do well to call. del 917 te 917 :Market Street;, Philada. 1101.,IDAY I'LESENT3: CHARLES P.(' fit P PORTE 7 MONNAIE, POCKET BM'S AND SATCHEL, - No. 4: NORTH - ST.. Below Arch rfiILADELPIIIA. Pork-Monnalce, Port Polio, Cigar Cue+, . Cry hi , . Money Belts, Pocket book. Satchels, \.ork Boise. liaukt- re llama, Purcell,Etulee. Zic„. WIIOLESALE AND ItLTAIL. Seloe'lln DEESENTS.- E.A.R IN . 7 RUM WITS ASSIST 1 the hearing; Crandall'e Patent Erntchee; Hod ere Wottenholm's Pocket Knives, P« ATI and Stag itaxidlee of beautiful finish; Rodgers' and Wade & Butcher's Ra zors., and the celebrated 14.mutre itazors r • Selssersi, in cases of the finest quality. at P. MADEIRA'S. No. IL6 Tenth street, belbw Vheatnut. delaXt, 11 . 0LIDAY PBESPNIS. MRS. S. D. W 11,1,11111, 127 North Ninth etre. t, will open on Timidity, Dezember 17th, a large and handsome azzortiuzut of Head Dretzez and Drera Cana. del6,it• ~LoTHI'4 . PATTERN OVERCOATS, Made in bort manner, to show tnatertale and dyke. now FOr Sale at Cost. EDWARD P. icELLY, TAILOR, Si E. ea. of Chestnut mor Seventh Sts, isLinas AND wirraow ticeuumh, B. J. WII.I4IANS & SONS, NOp North , SIXTH. Street, Manalactur or VENETIAN BLIND* iiviNoow SHADES. Finest assortment in the cif) , !Sig uldeert 'etabllab, ment,largest znatinfacturore, &up! , a 4.! r. 4 the Lowest PriCe4 REPAIRING PROMPTLY AT' V N DED TO. ' STORE SHADES MADE TO ()ED ie26lfrpf GLAssus ANd PAINTINCISo• A - ; - •:: - S. - .::: - ,.11QIL):1)1:SON.:;, 910 CHESTNUT STREET,' LOOKING GLASSESv PArr•T'iriflN - 431-S, gogrivino 4.o:l)pototpoh* rain and Ornamental Gilt Frrmez. Carved Walnut and Ebony Framo- - . Tin NAOR MA TIP Tn. ORDER'. PatentElastio Ventifatiti They • a. __ .or' or SW F, ATV 'PE - Et O - rikiliWS. • They r Bove RIIEUMATJSM'tuid , NEURALGIA: • ' Thtz . absorb and 'remove , the pixepiration.ingiav of To ko ta.iheir Efitrilt)loY, Ewell price/ $1 Do Der pair. • SOW and'Shoeiimaters generally: , • A'.lll.lLL,ProOrietog .13nattsai= • 1 iinakedeAgtankilkl Ids , otreet..liew x era r. aJ. x. Jones, 09 Coutotitto oo diblet.' Philadelphia. o i w f m. 121 . ~D reeting Cm en. 127:23=1 Inner Soles. FROM• WASHINGTON. • TTIP: Nave IHT,VADTMENT. • , The Navy Department received this nionaine the fol. , lowing Isport :of 'the, recent, disester•.at,St..Thonsie written by the late ip!ar . Admind Baler: . • . FLA93/11/. :iIISOUSHANNA, ST. THOMAS, W. A., 1 , November 19, Isra. sot I beg to inform the Department of an extra ' ordinary occurrence, prOeuelng mach siemees, edd e e took phiCe hi tiile rturber yesterday afternoon. The • weather was ell•ar, thotteh extrereery hot; barolfreter .:10; whilst wilting in toy cabin, about halt-past is p. •-my att cation wan called by a sadden tremor seizing the •••tebip, Inerearring in inieneity, accompanied by a round reneinbi Mg the groundieg of a vessel Hp.)ll a rough hasten then gradually cubsitling unti, It ceneede the whole lasting about two minutes. I recognized it Im mediately an an enrthq Flake, and looking towards the fell n , saw from the dust, and confusion' there had been destruction among its buildings. it was now over, I resumed illy Melt panel', arid had been seated parent ten minutes when the report was brought to me that the sea outside of the harbor had rine,' and was coming In huge volume, as it to engulf us all,. I went on deck, and here the extmordleary epeetacie of it heavy etveltof tea, some tweet:sleet-in height. apparently distant about three tulles, coming towards I`e harbor with terrible power.' "Vire •second author was immediately dropped; men were sent to the helm, which was all we could do, and then stood prepared to meet it. As It advanced with a skirmish of tumultuous rollers to front, eats , with some comfort that it came front abont S. S. W., and would. consequently, strike the entrance of the harbor in an oblique direction. With a feeling of awe we awaited its arrival. It came rushing on. tumbling ever the reeks that funned the -entrance, carrying everything , before it. ',A . steamer runt vessel - that Were trying to get in were at once engulfed and never again seen, and the vessels at anchor near the entrance were lifted from their moorings arid carried on to the rocks to lee ward. Receiving the check the heavy rollers swept into harbor the liesota, which,?, anchored oUtelde of. us and lying rather - broadside to, was carried from her moorings, both chales snepplug, and thrown upon the iron piles of a new wharf lately constructed; the next roller swept her -off into deep water again, and soon she made Plena' ehe was leaking. In the mean while. however, wo had risen upon the rollers which we met nearly stern on, encountering three in eucces ' Mon, the anchor andeihairee holding on bravely. • The sea was now rushing in receding with great vlslenee. The sunken.wrecks were rising. The ship ping In the harbor, swept from their mooring, were .:owing into us every few minutes. The email craft in shore were lilted up and thrown Into the street and left stranded, Alone the water front boats were cap sized, and men in the water swimming for their lives. At last the water in the bay subsided into a sort of whirlpool, and so soot, as we could with ally safety • man our boats, they weresettt to the rescue of drown ing men, several were picked tip, one already dead. Tire De boto was now adrift,. whirling about the harbor, her pumps going, and getting up her steam as rapidly as possible. I went on board of her, and found she could keep here& free and with her steam op, and two kedges dowit, she would remain in safety for the night. Constant shocks of earthquakes Oc curred every ten and fifteen minutes, and so continued, with more orletti severity, through the night, anti as I am now writing this is still going on. The damage on shore has been far more ruinous to the merchants than that occasioned by the late hurri cane. The first heavy . roller went up into the town, swamping the atoms, which were mostly on the bay point, floating out andlinally stranding their goods in unheard of directions. The panic that seized the in habitants was painful, rushing up the hillside, crying for mercy and listening to no attempt topacify then. As I went ashore in the morning - I found all the atone dwellings were abandoned, their owners either in the streets or the wooden baildingsof their frienue, the alarm being still kept up by the constant shocks still occurring. Titterer/min:lg the shocks are lees fre quent rind the bay perfectly quiet. The English mail steamer which had lately arrived, arid was coaling in the bay on the other ride of the barber, was as near being lost ae possible. Her pas sengers ' , peak of having felt the shock as we did, and looking beyond them saw a small islet in their rear was cleft in twain, flame and smoke issuing frourthe lisatire. Shortly afterward the sea around cane well nigh carrying them down. Their cables parted, but they were thrown, most fortnnate/y, under a lee,which placed them in camper:diets safety. The passengers, ail ,but 'three females, who were lost in the serf, reached the shore. Just vows vessel has arrived from Santa Cruze bringing an officer of the Monongahela, who brourlit me u verbal messeee from Commis toner Mesa saying the shtick of the earthquake had been nuist violent at that tehloch that the sea had risen, and threw his vessel high and dry on the beach, that them of his men who were , in the boats along side were drowned. I loom this evening to see what assistance I can render him., The dalnage sustained Ly this ship in net material. Very respectfully, your obedient servant, ' , • Jonaru S. PALII2II, Rear Admiral, -Cmemarldizig N. A. Squadron. Hon. Gideon Wellee, Secretary of the Navy, Wash ington, D TUN ABIATIC ecitTADllos Ilear Admiral 11. IL Bell, commanding the United States Asiatic squadron, forwards to the Nary De partment, under date of Hong Kong Harbor. Ikptem tx:r 3), the following report of the employment , and distribution of the tassels under his command for the month of September: Theflage lc ip Hartford had been in port at Hong, Kong dur the entire month, detained by, squadron businewa n the height of a severe gale Which blew there on the Bth and 9th of September, a Spanish bark capsized near -the Hartford, and, lodging on her cables, the Hartford bad to slip to avoid cUinage, and her bow chains and anchors had not been extricated from the wreck. which lies over the cables. I The Shenandoah was still in Japanese waters; her - last dispatches were dated September 16, at Yoko hama, reporting everythlog quiet in thoee waters. The Aahuelot arrived at Hong Kong from Amoy, Sep tember 1, andinfter completing Borne necessary squad ron businere, sailed again on' the flirt for Shanghai, China. and from thence to Tienkay, to communicate with the United. States Minister at Pekin. The Yonoesey sailed for Shanghai =the 7th. The fol loiving day she experieneed a heavy typhoon, and after losing her smoke stack, opniasts,and yards, crippling her rudder, and receiving other damages, returned to Bong Kong, and on the 17th of September left for Whemetia to have the damages repaired. The Wachnsett sated for 'New York on September ls, and the Wyoming, for Boston, on September 19. The Untie ilia wan at Bong Kong ever since her arrival out, under' oing repairs. She wou:d be stationed in the waters :alizteent to Hong Kong. The Aroistook sailed en september 21, to look alter.Amerlean inter ests at iwatow, Amoy and Foochow, end to res:zain the coolie raffle, so far as our countrymen may be con cerned. The 6e7115012 for that bueiness begins with the northeast monsoon. The storeship Simply had ar rived at Hong Kong from Shanghai. The liezill hOl the squadron Is reported good, and there had been no oh miss committed during the quarter ending Septem ber - The following is an extract from a dispatch of J. 4 .lokitborough, United States steamship Ottenandoah,' relative - to the celebration of the' Fourth of July at Vokahoma. forwarded to the ,l'ittry Department ,by itear Admiral Bell: • • , I deem it in duty, and it Is with pleasure flint I' make known to boa the, handsume conduct of✓ Captain William H. /lewetr. of li• IL sloop budUsk', While lying in this harbor on the Fourth of bug Jnlyp, and also of Rear Admiral Rose,in command id! H. B. M. hips in Japan. The circumstances are these, as I have been credibly informed by several persona who know and witnessed the celebration: On the morning of the 8d of July Captain Hewett called upon the French Admiral in the absence of our ships from this place, and invited turn to unite in cele brating our national independence. The French Admiral cheerfully assented, and the next day both vessels, La Gnerriere and Basilisk, dressed ship, hoisted the American ensig,n at the main, and at noon tired a national salute of twenty-one guns. Upon my arrival in the harbor I immediately called on .idintral Rose andthanked hint for observing our Independ .ence Day. Captain Hewitt I have not seen, brit intend calling on him on his arrival to express spy thanks for his noble conduct ; and I ho p% Admiral, that you will be pleased to notice Captalk.ffilewitt's conduct, for I think such demonstrations as these should not pass without being officially noticed. • Commodore Boggs has made an official report to the Navy . Department concerning the earthquake at St. 'Thorns's.; Captain Richard W. Meade, United States Navy, has been'placed on the retired list on account of phys ical disabilities. 17.11 C TAX Off BPIIUTB Charles IL Curtis, President of the Spirit Manu facturers' Convention, was again before the Commit tee of Ways and Means to-day, and upon the invite-. tiott of General Schenck, the Chairman, presented the following; named means for obviating the evils Con nected with the present tar on spirits, and the failure to collect en adequate revenue from the latter. • . ' Mr. Curtis first communicated the pamphlet with the resolutions, adopted by the Spirit Manufacturens' Convention, and then, stating that he went a little beyond the Convention in his ideas of the necessity of a stringent law, laid his plan before the committee, as follows ' . First. No distillery to be licensed: less than $l,OOO per annum. , s econ d, No iiistillery for the• distillation of.. crude spirits to be located within less than a quarter of a mile of any redistillation or rectifying est a bli s h me nt. Third. NO high wines to leave the distiller's ware house until the tax Is paid. Fourth. Lei the government keep at its °tin expense, when a distillery is ninth ci'a warehouse Agent non _ stantly stationed at the distillery, also an inspector to inspect the wines in the room In which they are re ceived from the worm and, before they pass into the warehouse.: Liberal- salaries should bo paid these officers, In order to secure first class men. Fifth. In his opinion, the difficulty in, the working of the present law lies in the distiller being ablq to phy o. liberally to the government officials. As a remedy Or this be would recommend a largo reduction in the tax: Sixth. He would make a violation of the license law a State prison offense.. `" Tux California Legislature has boon balloting for the;sat three days fora United Btatoo lioutt -494.01.1 01911 t OTACCM I XLth CONGUESS.--SECOND SESSION CONCLIIION OF tESTE 1ibA11 4 .3 rittoorrn.T.Nps Senate. 8111 :nm 4 N. of Ohio, moved to resume the consideration of unfinished business7-the cotton tux hill, , Mr. CoNtti.6in opposed the motion, on the ground that it was unlikely that there would be a quorum to_ morrow, as there ought to be when the cotton bill ,was taken up. . •Mr. MORTON .:1(18 1 , 11(1010(1 the 'cotton tax bill could not be passed before the recess, while great' anxiety prevailed for the passage of this important bill, which had been pasted by the [louse. eociallsomiox or wrijotnute,Ner. The CLERK read, at the instnnce of Mr. Sherman, al - titter from the Secretary of the Treasury, stating that it is not his intention to retire and cancel any more United States notes this month, nor will the condition of affairs justify him In making thd ununl contraction in January. {% - bile still entertaining the, opini on that au early return to plied° payments is in- Writ t usable to the .natii nal prosperity, It Was lin posalble,witticint a rip tailment of circulation and he will not centilitre to exercise his power of curtailment. un less ho has reason to suppose that he will be sustained in doing so by Congress; nor until Congress has determined the future financial .Policy.'of pate , 4 oittniment. There will; therefore , be no contraction during the present month or the next. .'' Mr. Moraox said the Secretary of the - TreastuVdtd! not nettle the financial policy of the country. end the ! business of the coming:year depended so niacin upon the set Cement of this matter that he felt obliged to' press it. Mr. Sugnitsx jsnagested •that a bill. covering tile whole financial policy of the government could not be passed In one day. Mr. 31ortros bad no reason to suppose there would be any serions opposition to the. matter in the Senate. They could not better occupy their time. Mr. ANTHONY MOM] to adjourn. .Mr. WiLsoctintrodUcedh joint 'resolution to place certain troopsin Missouri qn; the same footing with ;Alter troops in _regard to bounty.. Iteferredto, the Committee on . Mllitary'Affalrii. Mr. Mown introduced a bill to grant certain lands to the Northern Michigan Itallroad ComoanY, an exten sion of the Northern Pacific Railroad Company. Re ferred to the ComMittee on the Pacific; Railroad. Mr. Rucrunnsw offered a resolution requesting the Secretary of State to ink= the Senate the amount of money paid for publishing the laws of the United Staten in newspapers appointed for the purpose, since the 4th of March, 1861, Objection being madc, the resolution was laid over. I Mr. Monrow said he desired to take the nense et! the i Senate on taking up his bill. bat Mr. Mint-Nos moved to adjourn, Which wee declared agreed to, and the Senate ad journed. House .oil Repro/entailVes. The. 'Howie went into Committee of the Whole on the litate of the Union, Mr, Maynard, of Tenni+ece, in the chair, and proceeded to the consideration of the deficiency bill, reported yesterday. Mr. Buirram, of. Massachuacttg, took the floor, and explained at some lengthithe various items of the bill. • Mr. Rome, of Illinois, inquired whether the <Widen. dem for the qntuternuu3ter General's Department ape' , t alned to the elPenaes of reconctructiom , Mr. replied that they did not, not a dol lar. Mr. Bnool4, of New York, sorze , ted that the coats of the a , my maintained In the south mm,t have swelkti the deficiency In the geartermatter General's Depart ment. 31r. Th.:Tram had no doubt that there were expenses in the Quartermaster': Department for moving troJts. In the South, hut there would be the same ezpense no matter whets the troops were Mr. BROOK'S had only to any that an long tie four mil lions of nearthas goverited'eight miiiloll3 of White men in the South, it would take a large body of troops to keep the country quiet. 711 r. BUTLER said lie held fn his hand a paper show ing how :oboe of the money spent in reconstruct lon had been used. it was n bill of Thomas Adams. Chief of Police in Mew Orleans. one ; item of.y,tich wars .as follows: - For cash paldfor hauling forty-six loads of dead and wounded from around the 3fechanle.s . insti tute to the station house, Slit'," Another item was for cab hire fur the Chief of Police and his aids. Mr. 1t.0.m.ta1., of I'einiaylvania. said he would like to know the gentleman's own plan for he had seen it intimated that he had air an to introduce negro noting In Pennsylvania and other States. ~ Mr.iltrruat declared that he had, no such plan, as he never foroed . anyttiLug upon shy body that did not desire It, - Mr. RANDALL. of Pennsylvania, remarked thiat he knew he (Mr. - Butler) had/ not forced much on the rebels. " Mr. WOOD, of New York, made some remarks, which be wound up by saying that he had risen for the purpose of,,ealltng attertiistiwitrist,to the wrong method of apprOpriatlng mo - ty under the . pretense of deficiencies; second, to the •at_ctint of the recon struction measures; third, to ter fact that those ex penses were yet iticmbryo. and that to carry oat the system of recoils ruction, as Initiated by Congress., It would oast the government twenty times the amount already appropriated. LAR - Etravez. of Ohio. offered an amendment au thorizing the State conventions in the South to pro vide, by taxation on property, for ' repayment, Of the expenses of reconstruction. Mr. Bair ianclaimed that the amendment was not in order. and the Chairman so ruled. . The Committee 'rose and retorted • hark the bill without amendment, and tile bill was then pa -sed yeas :17, n,sys Mr. Dawns, from the Committee on Elections, re portcal. In obedience to the neoluttou adopted :this morning. in reference to the contested Peat ay dele fgate from New Illex'co. that Mr. Cleaver had sprint.% ade right to the seat. era phould be morn in without prejudice to theme:lll,ot the contest. • I Mr. Scumccn opposed the report, and argued that neither Mr. Clearer ,nor Mr. Chaves bad a prima facie right to the emit. - After considerable discussion betw&v - t Messrs. Dawes, Schenck, Myers, //eters and others, the report of the Election Committee was agreed to—yeas. I's, nays, 31—and Mr. Clearer was duly sworn in raisdele— gate. Mr. Scurmum propood that by unanimonalkoissent it should be agreed that no business would be One to Morrow. Several objection/ were made. and Er.onmme gave notice that he would to-morrow Introduce a jpint resolution of thanks to Major-genera Hancock. VETWN ILLSERVII come. • Mr. Kann offered n resolution instructing the Com mittee or Military •, Affairs to inquire into the expedi. 7 eney'of retaining In the service the Ve , eran Re, - crve Corps as now organized. and mitring the needful re duction in the army to affect other parts of the service. Adopted. eAxEn presented a message from tho Presi dent, with a report of the Secretary of State, in 'refer ence to obtaining testimony abroad as to the as va.,.-4natiott (4 Mr. Lincoln. Referred tO the Judiciar). Committee. • - • Also, communications from the Secretary of NVala./ In reference to establishing an animal at }tart David Russel, Dakota Territory, to the twent,y per cent additional pay to employes. and to • the hiimg of a building in New York . for military prooses, all of which were appropriately referred. • Mr. JOHNSON introducerd a bill granting the right of way over the public grounds, ton mtlread. in Califor nia. Referred tothe Committee on the Pacific Rail road, and then. at half-past four, - the Howie ad jonrnea. Report Vrite9hEdeAp r EPaii,Nolletin. CAA RIATON 10 VThompsoa-301, 4.11 yellow pine 'flooring Noreroee Rheeti. BOVISIIIENTS OF OVEAB STEALIIIIEFUN E. • • TO ARRIVE. ' '- • ' mars rum FOR DATE Allernania......Southampton..New York.- - .... .Pi ov. XI Atalanta. .... ......1 ....,%.London-New York .Nov. 30 Jaya ..... • • •• • • • • • .4verPool-805t0m..... .... --Dec. 7 Pa1myra............Liverp001-New York Dec. 7 Chicago-- .... '• —Liverpool-Now York Dee. 10 Hibernian.- .. . - . „Liverpool-Portland.. ... ...... .Dec. 10 Hermann Southampton.. Now York Dec.,ll Cimbria ..:Soathanipton..New York ' Dec..ll Cif' , of Antwerp..Liverpool-New York Dec. 11 Denmark. Liverpool-Now York Dec. 12 Hibernian.. ..Liverpool., Portland. - ... ...... Dec, 12 Cinibria Southampton . •New York.... . . .... Dec. 13 Scotia._ . LiverpOol..New York Dec. 14 "Bellona....London..New York Dec. 14 TO DEPART. . - Belgian ........ .... "Portland: .Liverpool -Doc. 21 Gen. Meade.. ... - .Now York.. New Orle.o? Dec. 21 'JUDiata . .. ..... Philadelphia-N. 00,ift iliwaug_lieo. 21 Mail g 1itar.........N0w 1 ork • .Aaninwall Dec. 21 Tonawanda. ...Philadelphia..slavannatt ..........Dec. 21 City of Boston.... New I. ark. adverpool.... Dec. 21 Virginia.... Now York . •Liverpool ... Dee.2l Columbia .... ...... New York. • Glaegow. ,„ . ... . Det „ 21 Mnunt Vernon.. -New York..Staal S . V o ra e - ruz..Dec. 21 Guiding Star New York.. Rio Janeiro..., .....Dee, Dee, 23 Reside. ............New 1;0rt..1. I. lverpool ~.„ D ec , 25 Tarifa New or .. verpool.... ....... Dec. 25 Coln Ma.. ... --Now York..llavana... ... ....... 1.00, w -Helvetia. ...........New York.. Liverpool Dec. 28 Umbria Now York..liamburg. ... ...... Dec. 29 Atalanta...„,.- .. Now Y0rk..L0nd0n..............Dec, 28 Stara and Strlpea....Philatra..Havanti. .....".."Dec. 29 Aftica........ ..... ~, -Beaton.. piverpoof.... ..... ...4an. I (:FO. N. VAT ,I3(4 I I4tD OF TRADE. ANDB.F.W W MONTIILIe ,CQMIIII N1(.4.,0431.0N. ICJ F;1;4 ' , kl :DJ 401 SUN BIHES, 725 I Brx Elm, 4 Ewa %YAWS, 8:49 ARRIVE') YESTERDAY. Steamer Pioneer,Bennett, to hours from Wilmington. NC.•with cotton, de. to Philadelphia and , Southern tdail b'S o , , i , ~_ , - 'CLEARED YESTERDAY. Steamer Alliance, Bally, Charleston, Lathbury, Wicker sham ,t: Co. Sehr Mail, Merrill, Richmond,.Audenried, Norton & Co. Schr A A Andrews, Kelly, Fail itiver, Rommel& Ilunter. . • ' — —. MEMORANDA. ' ' ' ' ` I ; h aw— BI iiCSQUEANNA CANAL CO3IPANY. OFFICE- Ship Wild Rover, Taylor, cleared at New York yeeter. ! Now 417 IVALNUT STREET. . (lay for San Francisco. ' . . Puti,AIMI.IIIIA. Doc. 14,1887. tit amkr Morro Castle Adams, cleared at New York - • - 1 ' Thecompone, rot interest on the Common Hondo of this yisterdaY:for it • - , colpii,apy, toilful} duOon the first of .TanuarylB6B, wilt be Steamer Ariadne, Eldridge. Cleared at New York yea- I paid on presentation at 1 , 1,S 'NA CIO' DANK.' today for 1t..e1 , West and tialveston., Dixon," i of Philadelphia, ou and after the first proximo. ~ litebnier licl ona, ixon, from Now York for Land On. ' ROBLItT I). BROWN. i posed Pray, le roint gthlust, „,, ), .. ''' - '!1 !, delg,Cal§ 1"` i P" 1 t , ' , Treaatirer. poem:asp CoqUetie, Freernan,) clearddit .NeWl . orkyed , S - '' 4 ' .' --- • ... . ___ iii'dairoi ifilYnna.. lig a n ,-... PfiILADELI'IIII Alit REAffllitf RAILROAD Steamer galedonia, McDonald, sailed from Glasgow 4th snow COM YAN Y. OFF/DE. 22% SOU 11l FOU ItT IL ST. inst. for Nor York, I 1 Stemmor Geo Cromwell, 'VA, eltared at -New Orieans : Notice is Atrebrktiv ' entAl e l lu " El ' ibill ' t ' Dec ' 16 ' (867 ' 14th - hist.'far New York. .. '• 4- ~,, 4. i, , , ~,, 4 tiny - thitt-theadituiid_iiiii-A-3--Surlioltro of t ( lis pout. iititleatuergig(lria (14ham /411g116 1 1 , . ; cle i sgd at New Oilcans dint, e ( !x . T i atisAmrs, , TIVEAUYi IkuilVoc ei rat t a l ; ° ' W r i.4. tAkt i i to btfluro , a, Qmor , ,olt ,o , 70r , 1 , 0114: ..., it54 i feA e m.:% . .3 777 1.4D , M 7 ' NY '', * - Vra.'''", : j : 4l l4r__ liii°6l :' iii, , au% • , Env .t.Ar-, ,l , v'• ,, A ri ;, ,'- -'' NO v'q•O' 4 1:/:;F€4 I , ',Ciri 11 7 41 ivi vliVi4ilcp NA,fl or" 31 ,7.;,,,e. .... ~.. ,ve 1,,, , .• 01. c , -;:it , 14 , r,, , -, -.4,...?: . i. , A ~ atiy,.,.r{~ r... • , f THE DAILY EVENING BIJLLETIN.,i'IIiLAD,ELI i BIA,',FItIDAY,Iit t tIEifBER 20, NZ'W 318SICO .New York..Livorpool, iNoprYork..Havana. fiteamerfdariposa,,gulek, cleared at, Now Orteanallth inst. for New York - • • steamer tdoutuno, Farm+ tv'Ortii, milted . freed Penama Bth inst. for San I•ranelsce. Bark Serene, Oliver, from Bloat's - who, Wits below Bal timore 18th mst. • Mg • Shepherd, Bobbins, from New Bedford for St. Helena aad ti market. Was spoken ith Oct. hit El 12 lou 20 W. ' ' • ; • Brig It Smith, ?dor/In-from :.latanzae, at Fort fd woe yesterday for tutors. ' Brigs Mary E Thompson, Tucker. and .1.. W Woodruff, in Ea tont, hence for Boston, remained at Holmes' Hole 15th ; ta. . Brig Henrietta• 4Prns), Rude, :0 days from Rio Janeiro. at 'New Yorkyesterday,' wittrcoffee. Dec 15. lat 50. lon ';'4,apoke-ihe Lightship,' broken and adrift from FiTe Eathom Bankoinder canvas ; had lust and soli , sails. The' 11 wail 4 days both of Hatteras and blown off the coast., three times ita far south de hit a 7 45; lost sails and store bulwarks. fiche lintpli Braider, frOM Windsor, NH,' at New.Crestie 18th inst. tichr'lt D.Seltll. Somers, at Havana 10th lust, from St, Johns, NF.- Schr W.P Phillips; Smilers, from Bavaria, for l'hiladol.. pbla (so reported), at Holmes' lfhle 12rli inst. and sailed' Ogaittl4th. . Behr . 'trade Wind,' Braman, hence for Boston, at ) Holmes , notelet!' inst. std remained 15th.- • bchr LA Matthelvs, ktch.lwce, hence at Ulm leston 14th , instant. • - ' Behr W W, Kam, Allen, went to sea front Charleston f; 15th Inst. fer Geotgetown. ac. ; Behr Mary Altscit, Boss, Irons Rio Janeiro, was helot , : New Orleans 14th inst. • Sobrs Clyde. ()age, and Bonny Boat, Kelley, hence at liostonlBth halt.' • • • ' • ; ,; Behr Emma 11 Fox, Care, sailed from Pall River 14th inst. for this po: t. tiehr Lizzie Batchelder, Thompson, from Savannah, at Boston yet tordny. Fehr Ohristoping Loeser, Smith, from New York for Boston, at Holmes', Bole Nth Lust. MARINE MISCELLANY., ' • . • ; Igfcambr Sapoho,' Lingo, from Now York for Wilming ton. NC, wreckey off Hatteras, registered 675 tone. was built at Fairhaven In P 165, and oaad by Murray. Perrin 4: Co. of New. York. She wse valued at 58U,0012.:-Insured in New York and Philadelphia. Dudley.Coonaba BanstOr for. New York. with lumber. went,aabore on Rocky Point, a little east of Oldfield Point Light, Long Island Sound, in the snow storm of Thursday night, 12th innt. and became a total loss. Hopes are entertained of ...sving the cargo. The E I) registered 1414.t0n5; was.built Harnpdua, Fie.. in ISPi. and owned in Bangor. Brig VaLentla. from Long Cay for Boston, which pat into Newell, in dfstrers, discharged Part of cargo, re paired, reloaded. sad sailed 27th ult. for destination. . The report that the steamer Umbria, from Hamburg for Now York. had broken her propeller and proceeded for Belfast' I, contradicted 'by a despatch from Hamburg, which Hates that the 12th was her 'reg.'. tar oay of calling, and that she had not been dam/WO. Brig Ulan. AndenlOn. before reported at/ St Thomas in distress. and Pubscauentlycondetnn4 woo bound front New York for Aspinwall. ' ' tido Beni Et Roerve,.from Newport for Philadelphia, in ballast I. ashore on Poor Bone.; Point, Newport outer harbor, having mimed stays. and went ashore in beating up the river en the lab. She will be got off without INVIE4taI6, star Bethlehem Moravian Christmas "1-)UTZ," OR MLNATIASII REI , O3MITION OF NATiAtr. t opEN ON EXHIGITION EVERY AFTERNOON AND EVENING, COMMENCING MONDAY, Dec. 2:141, At NATIONAL HALL, MARKET Btreet,shove Twelfth, For th , Benefit nt the Bethlehem Young Mn'es Christian Assoldatlon. Admission 25 cents. Children 15 cents. del9-90 • Tlfa SOCIETY FOR. SUPPLYLNG THE POOR VaTtl SOUP, GRISCOM STREET. Being dependent upon the yearly contributions of the benevolent for the means to carry on their opwations, in form the public that they hex° no paid' Collector em ployed, but that any of the members- will thankfully re ceive donations. The extreme severit• of the season already, with the short supply of work, will probably greatky increase the demands upon the , resources of the Society, andEfialdlaio an. appeal this' year for largely increased contributions. ' JOS. S. EL Wlti, President, 111: Walnut street. 2„ Mi. L. Itr.ILN. G ice Prepident. fl 9 Walnut street- WIC EVANR,.Treasiumm, • , dela 11trp:' 613 Biarket street.. THE NORTHERN'. SOUP -= SOCIETY. WILL open their house. situated at the corner of Peter's alley and Poutta street. above Brown: for the gratuitous +attribution of fano' tor the Poor on We.DNESDAY, Dec. It. Donations in tut.ney or materials will he thankfully reeelte4 atthe home,, or by eithet of the undersigned : CHAS. SINTER.: President,=Callowl:lll street. SAMI ELT. CHILD. Secretary. E 24 N. Second street. T. MORRIS PEROT, Treasurer, ,pi Market street. RICHARD W. BACON. abi N. Fifth street. SAMUEL JE.A N ES. lee Arch street. .ItyliN O. JAM Re. =I N. Third street. Or by any other Manager of the Society. del&Eitrpi air CITY OF ALLEGHENY, PA.. % nrasunita's Urrton, vecembor 9, 1857. Notice fa hereby given the Holders of the SIX - PER. CENT MUNICIPAL BONDS' CIF THE CITY OF ALLEGHENY, • . That the Con pona on Bonds, eomittgdoe January let. 1503. ,, , will be paid on said day . (less the State tax) at the BANK OF PITTSBURGH, in tho .Uitx of Pittsburgh, Po. H.' MACFERON, delo,t2l.rpl Treasurer of the City of Regheny, Pa. . - gar CITY OF ALLEGHENY. PA• f ; oce TREAStnEVSOrrior mber 9, 1867. ALLEGHENY CI ry (;OMPRONIIBE BONDNTED Pereons holdlnn Compromise Bonds of the Cityf Alle gheny. Pa., are hereby notined,that theHliiklng Ftuni for 1867 will be inverted in thede bonds at the lowest rates offrmd. Proposal@ will be received by the underAgned. until WED.NESDAY, the Ist of January. 1 1 16% D. MACFERILON. de :191411114, ...Treganrer.of tha CityiaLAßegkeAY. Pa.. PENNSYLVANIA MILITARY AC. sEMY RE. iltitir open, THURSDAY, ',Tannery 2d, UV. Application for admission should be made previous to, that time, so that new Cadets may enter with the clailsee upon the regular course of instruction. For Circulars apply to COL VISO. &WATT. President P. 31. A., Chester, Delaware county. Penn deltllmrpl Ir4r. .11 LADLES' FAIR, FAIR FOR THE BALE OF useful and fancy articles. in aid of the Alexander Presbyterian Church, will be held In the new church building. N. E. corner Nineteenth and Green tercets. com mencing on Monday, December ltith, at 5 o'clock P. M., and continuing during the week :tickets of ndadaien----season, 50 alibi; single. 25 cents. Children,locente—to be had the Boer. • del33itrti* WOMEN'S NATIONAL ART ASSOCIATION. "'"" Setond Annual Exhibition of WORKS OF ART. EXECUTED BY WOMEN, • . •,' NOW OPEN At !Y-'1 CEIESTNL'T ttreet. Single A diniFziou. 4'5 cents. Benson Ticketa. fie caul+. , 'EWE OF "I lIE RELIANCE INSURANCE Stir COMPA.N Y OF PLIILIDELPII)LA." No. :11T! T street PILITAPYLPI7 I- A. DeCerIACT l‘th, At the annual election held at thin ()Mee on the Nth inst., the following gentlemen were elected Direotors of The " Reliance Insurance Company of Philadelphia,. to rell'e for the ensuing) enrol& (UM 'Tingley, Thorny" Moore, William Unarm', • Samuel Cactner„ Samuel Blopham, ' Janice. T. Young, . • 11. L Can ou. • • • leaacP..Baker, William Stevenson. fielinnua, iiMatoin AV. Sainoelli. Thonme. . • . ," Eduard • 'And at a meeting of the Directore, held thief day, CLEM TINGLEY, EE q., waix unan iI no only ruelmted Weddell L drip tqt.- ' THOS. C. BILL, Secretary. DIVIDEND —'fklE DIRECTORS OF THE: DAL reit Petroleum Company have this daydrelared a dividend of, Tiro p~s4 eent. on the Capital Stock; clear cf State TaA payable on and after the frith 'natant, at the race of the Company !Ala WALNUT. etrvet. Trawler Books close at 9P. 91., I9th; open 90th. • _• • • ,• .• EDW ARD P. MILL, Secretary. PEILIDELPIIiA, Dee. 1,4,189;. doit,6t and txoil ° A Ll ru N c2n, ) . s . o.i r th i e jj e t tVit l n s , l l 3 d i g vfll be held at their oilicc. No. 7 ',e4orth Calve c rt etreet, Balthoore, oti bIOND- Y, 30th Wet.. at 8 o'clock Y. By order of the Board of Directors. WDi 0 NA, Secretary. BAL•rtw)Br, Dec. ' d 19-11 t• Ars Un,L MEETING OF. STOCKIIOLDERS OF I ti rLick hun and Sugar Creek.. OH Company will be Bold January biti.lllsB, BUS o'clock - 3i:, to , electoilloem, &c.,nt Room 11, Ledger Building, 114 South Sixth Arcot, df.11404 . . „ .011 AS. DAVIS, Sec's'. mom- A FAIR FOR THE SALE OF , USEFUL AND Fahey Articles Lu ill be held in the lecture•room of the VIM Pi eabyteri4n Church, Germair street, holow Third; Rev. A. Culver Praetor, commencing on TUF.SDA V', December 17, and continuing for ono week. Proceeds to be devoted to necessary . repairs . and alterations to the church building. , , dc1.7.43. NOTICE:—TIIK DELAWARE AND KA.RITAN 1112r Canal will be closed , for ' navigation on tho 2tith inst., unless sooner stopwd by tea t JOHN G. STEVENS, Mlgineer and Superintendent. Tavrzon, Dec. 12,1827. • • de1:3,70 Wir TIIE PIIILADELPIIIA NATIONAL DANK. • , 7 . 1111.AVE1111/4 DOO• LU. 1 -6 7 . The Annual Election for Directors of this dank will be held at the Banking House ou TUESDAY, the l'4th day of January next, betwceti,ll o'clock A. M. ,and 2 o'clock B B.COMEGYS del3-I,tn,w.tjalg ster. - - CONBOLI1)ATION NATIONAL BANK. Yu I I.ADIT.PI.II A, December T 4, 18417. he annual mooting of the otockttolders of this Bank wiU ho held at the Banking. Konocy en 111.1161).k V, Janu ary 14. I,VI. at 12 o'clock M . and an election for Directors lit on the rent° day, botwookthe.hunre ,It o'clock: A. M aud 2 o'clock P., M. delatnon.f.tjaB.s JOBEP,H N. BEIRBOL, (lavhier. ow. PENN NATIONAL 13, : . • l'unknEr.vqtra, Dec. la 1867. • The Annual bteeting (*Abe Stocklioldera of, this Bank will be held nt the Banker g House N. W. corner of. 131K111 at , d Vino otreota, on TUESDAY, January 14, 1863, at ton o'clock, A. bL, and an Election tar Nino Directors will be held on the Fan+ day between_ the Lowe 'of eleven o'clock; A. P. 1., and three o'clock Pd. •;, aparEs nuss'Erx, dela f frtl4ja enabler. soya: FA luitERT AND, .AlEcH4NicS' N4TIOk3AL • ! PIIIISDIMPIO, Dere mber 6,186 i.• The Annual Election for threctorP of this Ilona will be held at the Banking House. •on 'WEDNESLoe.t , tho Bth day of January next,between the hours f o'clock &M. and 5 o'clock r. W. ltUtiaTON. Jr.., . de6 t/deo . • , Caehlet'. tyll • tti'FICE CF.DITItAT. RAlLROADfrit M .W o i r i"j tgage. sl .Vo lt ruig lnrl; 4 o :ll4; m:c i :. tral PaPitie Railroad Company, due Jalauary,l,lW, tcfll be paid in full. In gold coin,'on , and after t h at date., at the Harking lipuPe of FMK& LEATutt, Iranian, and Financial AgeMta of Ike C. P. IL ft. oi).' , C. boughtN 01,10 N, Vice Prepident. Above Goripone by BOWEN 4: FOX: Special Agents, _No. n March:luta' Exchange. ,'. .delidtoja2o OFFICE ENTEII.PRIBE 1141141LCiAD CO PAIN Y. F i e Notice IU hereby given that an instalmentof Del. lan noon each Ithare of . stock of thoCompan,y not full paid' has been called. and that the same is due and nayablc at the oflico of the Company: No. 407 - Library street, on or before 'L'RUP.SDAY, the oecond day, of fly order of the Director& • • D. C. HOLLIS; del:1-RM "sitir. • 'CHESTER VALLEY RAILROAD COMPANY. ""'" The annual meeting of the Soekholders of tho Chester Valley Railroad ,Company sty ill he held in It , oin No. 16. Merchant,' Exchange, Philadelphia, au SIONI the of January, A. D.; 1868; at 12,Ko'clock P. M. On the game day and eamo place, between the hours of 1 'and2 P. AI., an election wilt he lleld for a' President and oeven Director. to serve for the mating year. - Avg. LL 110tSTEIN. " ~.Ji Secretart. , . N, ter.G il-1 JATIONAL.BANK,,rer'itTA, December 8 1 4E81. na, Ile Annual Meeting of the kiteckholde for t elet tion of Dieretore and othcrpunpoece. will be held at the jianklng . tiouec,onWElaNESDAY,ithe Bth day of Jan uary, I$W, at 12 o'clock M. The election aclllbe held be tween the hoard of 10 A. and 9P. t 9. den f,tinfil W. L. SCEIAFF.pit. Cashier. . , . ew,i,v. H OWARD HOSPITAL, NOff. 1618, AND MO 1, 77 -Lombard etreet t Thenensary DePartMent -- Medi , tall treatment and medicine* furniabed gratultouelv to the , DARTEL . H. BROW - Nig • . 'VELEBRATED OINTMENT , A Certain Core for • Scalds, Yarns Cuts Wounds,&c. Purranntrarre. Merob 16. lift Entirrrn Brown; It give, me great pleasure to say to you, that yonr Ointment is snob an article tnat there can y butt prnires bertowed upon it when ured and ft becomes limorim. For you well recollect how dreadfully I Mel scalded in both legs by bteam and hot water, so much so that the flesh came 'et/ at least one hell inch In thickneee and he the um of ,70117 Ointment, and that alone, in a few weeks I was entirely reetored, and am now as Well *a ever; note monis or leader contracted, and hardy a rear le !rift There is no telling the amount of suffering it • would relieve, if it was freely used In scalds or burns of any kind. By referring persons to me, I can qualities, them ample satisfaction of the truthfulness of its Itertectfully. your friend. • Joan P. LEVLT, OLthe firm of Reaney, Neatle CO., Steam Ftmitto Works, Keththatom Can show any number of Certificates and References." DANIEL H. /3ROWN, Proprietor_ 1453 - Hanover etreet, 18th Ward, rhilads. M. C. IVlcClularey, SOLE AGENT. „, 109 North Seventh street Phil:lda. f Wounds,iting patients, and dreerin,g Sealda, Barn& or an extra charge will be made. 'oaf ra Scrofulous poison is one of the most destructive enemies of our race. Often, this amen and unfelt tenant of the orgardern undermines the constitution, and invites the at , tacit of enfeebling or Intel diseases, without exciting suspicion of its premier!. ' Again,* emus to breed Wee , 'Wm throughout the body 'and then, on some favorable occasion, rapidly develop i nto one or other of itshideons forms, either en the surface or among the vitals. In the latter, tubercles may be suddenly deposited in the lunge or heart. or tumors , the liver, or ft. shows its presence by eruptions on the akin, or fool , ulcer ations en some part of . the body. Hence the occa eional vsenf a bottle o f this 8 - ar.s.srsuttta iB advisable. even n hen no active symptoms of disease appear. l'er sons antlered with the following complaints generally find immediate relief, and, at hourth e cure,liy the use of nib SARSAPJLEILLA Sr, XlsvuoNgts Pisa ROHE on RUSaIrELAA.7tITER, SALT COX SCALD IIEdrt'ItINO WORM. SORE Ens, Bone EAge, and other eruptions or visible forme of Ser.oyr.r.ors disease. Also in the more concealed forms, as Hi - smears, Ibiorev, BEAM ,, rurg, EF,ILEPAY, NECRALGIA, And the various ULOrAOUS affection! of the Muscular and nervous systems. SYPHILIS or V.V2ate.I.S.L and 'hlrareinuar. DIBM/U3PS are cured by it;though a long time is requited for subduing these o bs tinate maladies .yany medicine. But lon con tinued use of this medicine will cure the comp laint, LErCOREIREA. Of Wltrrig,ittbSlNlC ilt.faaftelTlONS.arldJFE NALE lhatusta, are commonly soon relieved and 'ulti mately cured by its purifying and invigorating effect Minute Directions for each cute are found in our Al , mantic. supplied gratio. Itrinuirevisu and (lour, when caused by accumniationa of extraneous matters in the blood, 'yle . id quickly to it, as also LIVEU COW PLAINT% I'OEPTDITY, " CONGtI3I7On Or ItiIILAM3fATIO3t of the Liven, and • .I,imriner, when arising AB they often do,„ _from the rankling poisons in the blood, This SARSAPARILLA is a_great rettorer for the strength and vigor of the system. who are LANourn and Lisrtvss, Drarotroursr,' SI.ErrfAX,S, and troubled with lisuvors APPRENEISTeIIONB or Frans, or any of, the affec tions symptomatic of WeaI:NESS, will fi nd im mediate re. lief and convincing evidence of its restorative power upon” dell , 4ro Prepared by Dr_ . C. AYER & Practical and Analytical Chetaista. Sold by all Drugpste everywhere. nittall,ly J. M. MARIS& CO., Philadelphia, Wholesale Agoras. - ------- IPAL DENTALLINA...—A SUPERIOR ARTICE,E FOB NJ cleaning tho Teeth, destroying animalcule which In, test them. giving tem° to the gums. and leaving.a f of fragrance and perfect cleanliness in -the ..monta may be need dairy: and will bo,found to strengthen and bleeding Btu while the aroma .and detersiveimat will recopmenel it io everY one: Being ni r ePd wi th the asstence of the ' Dentist,Physicians and croseoPhtit it Ls confidently offered, as a reliable for the on. certain washes formerly in vogue. . • Eminent Dentists. acj e tusho._ bad th e. the Dentallina , adVOth nth; contains ' prevent its ramestrain _einprent. Made ' only by . . SHINN, Apothecary. , • • road and, tipruto streets. ' For sale by Drm{gisbi general:lt and Fred. Brown., D. Btackhonse. naP.Stird & Co:. Robert C. Davis. ' • C. R. %catty, . Geo. C. Bower. bane 11 . BAY. . , Ches. ehtvens. C. Noodlei? • ./ 8. M. hiti;ollin„ T. J. Linehan, : S. C. Bunting: Ambrose Beni h. , Ohne. 11. Eberie. Edward Parrish, James N. Karim Wm. B. Webb, • E. Ihinghunt di C 0... James Btepham. Dyott &Co.:• Hughes & Combo. • - EL. C. Blairs ihme. Henry. A. Bower, • Wyeth & Bre; COD-LIVER OIL.--- FOR WEAKNESS' WASTIN ,G . AND EVERY FORM OF DEI3ILIT'Y USE JOHN C. BAKER & CO.'S _ COD-LIVER OIL! , • Its asejairly tried, will soon restore the, tono of tho di. gestiyo organs, invigorate tho blood;gll;egenerel rotunditY to the tirrare and add energy to the mind 'and nervous, aye. tern. Its value has been' remarkably evidenced by ite wonderful restorative powers, when ordinary tonics had been vainly •exhaustod. It affords nourishment to the body when no,ot her can ho borne, and furnishes the frame with fat in a truly remarkable mann*. II" - Bottled only by. us. JOIEsi C. BAKER at C.. 7le 'Market street. For sale by City Druggists. de4 ENT/RMY RELJABLE—HODGT BRONCHIAL Tablets, for the cure of co n ghs. col heareenean bran OMR and catarrh of the head and breast. Public mak ere, singers and amateurs will be greatly be:wafted b t ri bllgege Tablets. Prepared onlY by LANCASTER Pharmaoutlata. N. E. corner Arch and Ten iiret7B 7 hiladelPh . For sale by Johnson. HoHoway_i Cowden. and Dru • hi generally. • , away 13ECKI:tAUS & AfaLGA.,IYA, IterpeethailllVito Attention to Weir larte'and dock of Superior FAMILY .C A RRIAGES iinsetatee Of latest styles, with all the ---t*sint 'mere ELEO/LNT LANDAU: ' jest cessilptoll, mock_ of , tatt 00 t 0ussaes-• 'l;4 a ripmwofig!.7 ;plead NIANI7FAOTORT AND wmulatools. 3PiOLCUNO7'I46M. RLEDIVAA. OR MEWS SARSAIFYINPG ARILLA (LOOD.—The reputation this eellent medicine enjoys is ;rived from itm'cures. many ' which are truly marvellous.. weterate case 24 oiScrofelotts tho syotent 'med saturated with corrur -ton, have been purified and cured by it. Scrofulous affec. 'lons and disorders. which .we aggravated by the sern lons contamination until .ey were painfully afflicting, sve been radioally cured in every section of the country, to beinformed of its virtues ~ CWItI34AGES. alsxmoiv 'TDOISIAS flol ez: - SONS;ADOTIONEERS,. • : JAC. rt Elpp.. Ll g t /41431)fithIOgrthafrele,i JA PALMS OF STU AND NEAL ESTATE. , 11Xl — Pablle Baled at thaPhLtedephltiEXellanEOEYEEtli TLESDAY,, at 12 o'clock kl . ler andbllls'er each :p.roplittYlartled eoParatelT. 1p addition to which we pubjigh, on the Saturday previous to each mile, one lhounand catalogeett form, f descriptiona of all the ant ai rr to be aofd on the FULLOWIN TUESI)AY, and ‘, pir Aot4 Estate at Private Sale. ' I Our Sale/ aro. also advartisad infttni nemipapera : NOP.TII AMERICAN PI:F^S& LittoGEß. LVAIAL 1 / 1 77 . 0 . 16 8ra1tr: bigr4lll7.ll. AWLyETrZIINfi•Ber.L.F.IIII, Ev Estm, L E9.4,11/0.11, OE, LVA.N ..mounaT, dr.c. t trurniture Baits 'at the Auction Store EVERY T.EILIRSDAY. • • ", STOCKS' sic* , •ON TCEBDAx.,DEC. 24: - , At 12 o'clock. noon. at the Philadelphia Exchange. -Nxecutors , Bale. • .6.Pharei Nat l° iOnal rxehange Bank. 40 eharearldecbanice Natioruat'Bank. " 911 shares National Bank 'tiermantovvrt. - & shares National Bank North Atnerlca.::. • - ..5 charts " Northern,Liberties Gu,4 Co. • • 2 .hates Planters , Batik of Tennessee. • • 14 shares Mechanics' and Manufacturers': Bank, ' 'Pittsburgh , • - 7 shares Delaware hf &lino 1 insurance Co- 1. 1020 illareMeClintack‘ ille l'etrolcatin'Co. =lOOO shares Cherry, Run Petroleum Co. - • 220 shareelkingland Oil Co. l • , For other accounb...... • share Philadelphia Library Co. . , 1 share MereantileLibrarr Co. - ' • • 100 Plibren itidge Avenue and bianapink P. 10 WV ,Ca. $lO,OOO North Ist • mortgage? per cent. f B i i f t i e L t E Yai tear :f d July, at . lV()lierce iirYr 80 hares Fourth National Bank: • : EDO Union League Bond. • • -. ' ' ' ' STOCKS: ~, ON TCESDAY,',Inn. 2 1 .'186R,'• At 12 Oclock, neon, at the Philadelphia Exchange, *ll be relit at public fedejor account of Whom It may eon cern, 2,f , 00 ahares Mount Carmel peewit Nountain,Coa REAL ESTATE SALE DEC, 24, • Orphans' Coati Sale - Estate of Andreas Brodie, deed. —TWO-STOPT BRICK. DWI.LLIN 0, SeYbert west of Seventeenth . s Same Estates-GROUND RENT, 1t24 swear. • Same Fatate—THßEE STORY BRIM . DWELLING Hamilton et . west of 18thr. • • - ; . Same Estatm,THREESTORF, BRICK DIiVIII,LINP. • Franklin street, above' Orford. • - • Same Estate-7GROITND RENT, igsl. a year. • , • Same Edate-L-DWELLING, Oxford artrect, west of, Franklin.. • ;•J VALI:UMW: 115/SINTRA LOCIATIMEP--13 WILE; and OW ELL. LING. No. .914 South Tettli street between,Walnut and Locust streeta, with a Two-story Frame , welling in the rear on Rose alloy. N c. fronts. • • Executors' Person. ptory Sale—Estate of Hugh ..o , Don. nett, deed—For abeouLt of . a Former Purchaser—TWO. sroItirDwELLING, No. 9le South 81t4 at. be' IoW Christian. THREE 8 fORY BRICK DWELLING, No. TIM South Front at., below hiorris: THREE,SToRK DWELLING,•South Tenth et., second house below Taster, First Ward. ' COAL OIL LAI'IDB and •PCIVIOnaI Property of the Pe • troleam Centre Company,. N,+catingo •and Crawford ereum tleaa • • Kitrk'ull particulars In handbillla • D. APPLF,TON k CO.'S SALE OF SPLENDID HOLIDAY BOOKS. On WEDNESDAY. THURSDAY and I FRIDAY Al'. • TEHNOONS. Dec. Ital. 10th and 90th, At .4 o'clock, will be sold, hY catalogue, , the valuable • oonsigrunent of the D. APPLETO7. , , & CO., of New York Comprising the he spechmena of their publiers tions. and the most elegant and costly works of celebrated English yulhishers. In this sole will be found Dord'a famous Intuit' ated Works; The Galleriea of Munich. Dresden, Dusseldorf.: Vienna. and Berlin'; Boyden's Shakespeare. 9 vols., large quarto, full calf ; Cooper } Vig. natter by I)arley; Appleton's Encyclopa•dias and Die. honaries; Maunder's Treasury Series ; Bottn's Standard, Classical and Illustrated Libraries; Scott's Naval ,trehi tecture, vols., folio: finest editions of Waverly' Novels and shakspeare - ,• Mulilbacti's Series; drunrneson's Works on Art lintish Poets, 130 vole: Popular - Novelists, Poets and Dramatists; Histories and Biographies.; Albums; Bibles and Prayers, &c.- • - Most of ad works arc superbly bound in full morocco and calf„• and half morocco and calf, richly gilt. itlf",flie books will be ready for examination with cola. . !agues oil Tueedriv morning. • . • Anfinees' Sale on the Promisee. HORSES, C 01.1% WAGON, HA RNESd. CATTLE; LAYOATS, CORN. POTATOBB. are., 4tc. tiATURDAY, DEC. ia 1967. At ISO'cleek noon, will be sold at public sale, by order of Asoigne.m; atib., Farm House known oath*, BERPER FARM. Willow Grove road,near Bethlehem. Turnpike; Springfield Township, Montgomery - county. (about' sir squares, from Chestnut IEII Station), the person* pro perty 4 vim; Black Mare and' Colt; Brost , * . Horse, Driving Wagon, met Harness, Durham Bull, two Heifers. Mao Ploughs, Caltivatorti hlomjng Machine, iparts, Hay Wagon. Horse' Rilze,,lron . ' Roller, two sets Double liarneg 4 , an d a largo number of 'Permit's , rmplette(uta, the,. Also,,Timothy and lifeadowlitt,%••Oafs,' Corn, Fodder, Potatoes, Turnips, le., In lota to suit parchaeer/. Terms Cash, EDWARD BUTPPEN ) • Assignees. WAL , B. RABINS. Assignee's Peremptory 402i_nt the kidfen Booms. EXTENSIVE STOCK OP A FIRST cfrus CIA4'IIIE9 , • • 4.1. , ON MONDAY MOJINJONO., Dec. la at 10 o'clock. at the auction roomA L Nos , .119` and 141 South street, 6,7 order of the Assignee, tho extent, ex, tenelve, stock of a drat claim tlothing •hoftse, ctimerislng. every variety of, readyloadeiolothi,ag, fox menand bops, to be sold foiota to suitpuretessera tar The goods will be arranged for exam6natioa with . catalogues oallaturday: the 21st but Y B. scorr. '.• ') SCOTT'S ABT GALS.HIII: ,Y No. 1.010 CHEM= ' • -' Oxen. Yhdidelchta. A. D'HUYTETTER'S, , SIXTH. ' GREAT ,SALE GB • MODERN PAIN'ITNGS. B. SCOTT, Jr. te Instructed by. Mr. A: WHIIY.VBTTEII. of(Antwerp, to announce hie Sixth Great Sale of Modern Paintings, and ton one this Beason, to takelpiade at the' 'Art Gallery, 10 , 20 Chestnut street, on THURSDAY and FRIBA.), SVENINGB,I9th aild2Oth ineta, at'/t3 o'clock, Comprieing,epecimene of the leading artists of the French, Eautliet, Ilerairt, and Dumb* -" IchoeLs' Among the•Artiete roomer the collection any Louie Robbe, Hubner, F. Mueln, iC,. • H. Von Schen. W. II pet) °et:. B. A. EoNybolf. E. yerboockhoven. ' Count - A. de Bylandt.. Kew Berme. , Verechnur, ' , T. L ene. • T. Sydney Cooper. R. A. W. Venter, and Nor - open for, Exhibitioi. evening, until night! of ealc. , LARGE AND ATTRACTIVE BALD' oF ,ELEGANT GILT BRONZE CLOCKS. Catulelabrae t . Groupe . . arid Figures. Fine Magnet Figures . Figures , and Vanes. Elegant Marble nod Alabaster Vanes and Oen:tweets.dte.; all the import:Alm of. Messre. FIT/ BROS, ( late ..Vito Vitt & SOUP) to take plaice ' • • . • ON .BATURDAY MORNING. ' Dee, 21; at leg o'clock. at &etre'Aft Gallery. 1030 Chestnut street. The Vollectionwillbo ready feu ogatpi. nation en Frlde.Y. 20th inst. and will comprise thin largest and best.assertment of iine•Gilt Clocks and !Candelallr_ne, Groupe.' and Statuettes ever heretofore offered. The articles haw all boon made by the, leading manutneteries of pai ir, expreAy far the above - mentioned firm, and will bo found to be well worthy of public attention. ' • SALE • OF; EXTRA- EXTRA QUALITY , slr,vEn. PLATED WAItE, • - ' • ON MONDAY-MORNINti. • Deo, 1, at 10!.31 o'clocavat Scott; Art GzilletY. NTo• ebertent Ptrt. et, will be !told. a general imortment of tne abowegooda. comprising--Top boeli•Epergnoo, Jolty and Ftnit 19iplea, Goblet,stialvers, Ice Pitchere. ar,e. , Oka for mandrustion early on the mooning of tale. E OUMMIBREIVS SPECIAL' SALE OF' OATDOLIO !OWED •1300K*. .. • - • ON MONDAY , EVENING.' • At Scotre Art Clallery,lo/0 Chestnut street : wall/be vela. a general aßaottment of Cithollo Prayer Itooh.. of AMES A. FREEMAN, ADOTIONEERi. • A , ' • 4l.',lVALlTUTstreet.- itr..A.L'EsTATm tiA.LB.' DEO. 80; 1867. Maisie. on o'olock.nooll. at the , RE. , ;change.will !pawl° the ol[o ins- iSTQLWI.dze. By of Assignee. 100 4hares.Wlnalow Petroleum 00. , 100 shares Sterling 011 Vx. stock. 75e sheres Monitor Oil 7.0 sharesliorthwotern Oil Co. •. , „ 500 shares Tidcout and AlleghonY Co. `‘• • P,, ACRES OF, LAND, at the oorner,of the_,_oll Welsh and Slue Grass Roads, near Bustitftn, stone dwelling, barn and carriage house. Plan WWI Auction Store Orphans' Lino) Sale—isbente of Jueeoh, . Ball, deed. 2248 nod 220 N. SEVENTH EIT.-2 ,Thrce,story Brlok Stores and Dwellings, back. buildings; 10t11 bY 70 feet. iltanecticite puntoexion. • MARRIOTT ST. —8 Brick and Fr a me HoUsee,'Nds. '621. 6= and 825; 101.40 by 101 feet. Subject to 18 shillit gs ground rent Ortilia#B. Court fidle;—„Ketdte;of Thonve &Kinky. deed. • • • • . • LOT (111RISTIAN ST.—The' onechair pa rt In a lot - , wi - iiaN;i - ah - a, - aibl ,- 1 . 6 - ‘ , , ! ,11 F 1 :,:l h " lamp ground rout. Same sT'tc: lL .8141 ' 164 Noe. 929 and 9 1 B. Irltiß tSTe. rhit:'one•balf part IR two Throe•ators , Framo L10;14914 ipty,?ilarriott 4.; total bY la) foot Mine ate. BUILDING , LOT—At the B. E., Fortier of fifth and hlsrrlott cita__.;_2,l by la) foot. Rata Estate. _ _____ , . HE PRINCIPAL MODM E - ESTABW.gtHIEM r a corner of SIXTH and streets _.._ Molloy advanzoton erchansise gonsian.r-Watches. &Melly. Mamoru* Geld aid Surer Plsreiand on ail art& es of value,for anylonAth of time agT9R on. WATCHES ANu .Th . .,L,Ry AT PnivATE RAE; Flue Gold Iluntiag,Ggak Double soden% and Opan Pang English. Americiii and Swim Mast Leiter watcher, t Eine Gold HunUng pave jiedQpott Etwo LePine Wallace' Fine Gold Duplex arid other watiises i Pine Silver tint ing Case and Open Faye Englisei American and Swiss Patent and Le tijge Wat 07.03 L.Donblo Ouse English WWI 'ether , watcbos,,___• 1 40H311,* EtetTones I Biamond Breamtpinol Fingartuutsitkp*: i filinda l dia.:Pine Gold emus. !acid/Alum.; ceLuia; rrrblis I' u reai t r i nl , A nge r Ri n go ream Gases. and 4?walr! geneall i t tu i; i.. , , FOtt -A large 4 / 2 „l„ ‘ „v l 49abia FiraPro9c9 l .o salts le fora ottrelor. t'" l s . - - ,__...• Mt ftOyert4 Lotti to WU.' usoalens 4 . 1412 find %Osier! 7"--17774---- -- ' ----- F - ( F t e:: . T - rl - 7 -- 7 - . puma. OH lipilaruidlaytErTe4 . ' AI 1. &.8 u 1 L.: • J. , ". hl igg ;1 4 . --. lq, ALE or Jai, CASES ,ST ' : :: I t ANK ~/ , - 13ALMO p,, la x. . ON BIONU , ,y, gt ung... l , l r im i n b e r 23, comma site Float; vie We cell vatalociotLai ßro cglah , 1 10 1 1 4 .°49C ue b i rt t4 lll You fitonto,wbooN, gate. aim% Abe. a , eaPointor fenonnane tti It; tkflovOtt' tit* Cbilerc . .reo wrar. .. , ' • 'To iralPn tho slatelaiSinindtiflOthairade is caned; `.. i• '. , . B" .14 :* gummilleMet.:l,,. . ~.. , f , a-1 -r 1,, i ,1 , i i i , 7 -- ajpilm ' ' t , 1 k on AtiNcrrstrest.: AM, BST . 1: - ., "),...:: .,i,; .. is ill .., • ATtae, , • ski 1, -411‘• :if t at' r i eLit i's4d' Trr '.-•• , . 4 i 4481 10ratt ..... 5i ' ` 1 --, ~, . ~ , P. ' 'li l 1041116410 0 11111011W .P'.'' 'I 'N,tehy'vot 421 , I 'o t 1 / '4""fr).1111, ' 4 i , . 3 ~.. Pling 0 014414:31 ? f r, 13 I ' I 1 -...5A1 7.3.. , ....,'..:, ' 1414- .... ,II Ot/ ` Sil y( i,54A.,,1.1 V. , 9 (iitt 4 A f/ - .tltin' i '.I C "' 're , , 6 4 4, , . ' i', *t •,,r, 701:01 B. MYERS & ca.. • -% p - i f . l,, ' ' ,'"- ' 1 AUCTIWEE -,r4 41 Noe. MS and 204 MARKET street, corner dee, 1 .,,, 'WE FE 'Oita r OF F fi - A2lll """. 40,ELIAR_BU PEA DRY GOODS, _ uta ONDA MORNING, Dee 4 ' Y ,tig_i_V ckorill be sold, by catalOil POVE • m,-14 ',A^;- r Cusp/ /about 800 lots of gran d . Wm., s' ..- - k. .10E1 Dry Goods. embrachajs f 'Oita man and ' Steele artleleat ilaßllkh, WoriteibZWOOTlTas, of Fan o an' ttons. ' , ,__ ~... ,-• ~, i .-,- Linens and CP. N. S,-Goods .17,112 (4100.,F9,91(41-.., ra°4 7 l eenly o n m -- F, Ala, 45izIPRENOIV OAIONT., LAR E 19 . _ _ln\ -, giTISII. LARY GOODS,„&o. • ITAwAN ANIL' • in Ottf sold on MONDAY Dee. IM. m f rl w il lll °Ti be e fo E uh - d hl in el p u arfth,l 6 /1 0 000 n frint i r ni n - * • * Pieces Perla an.wpoi p,f,, rips and Mous Dorothea, do. Silk end Wool Polh!ntfi'fcheinerell4-814111111111. do. black and..Colored,,i4onok4 41PAfaIMIL'alls• '-' de.- Ett , t)reas Cloths, Mel:ink: 4 A add Poplin Sliaii 4 ail. do. , -Saxony Plaids. EaloglidA4 'Onnit`'"thVC "° _ SILKS AND rm., TB, _, . , . _., rieteii 'l3 i lons Black and Colored ,Tallintta,-Politt di , do. Black:. Gros Grain/. Oros do 'Ehin,' • . Dristr , do do. Lyons B tick and Colored, yell: 0 01 1 / 4 raiteO^ filiks. Ater BRAWLS, etc. _ • :-' . '''' :'. ' ' • Full lines Stocker SUMS and Pla i d Woolen Blunder: Full lines ThibetShatArrde, Oloak so noidfo. *co U- • Balmoial and , 'Goof Skirts, Drees and Cloak Trim mings, L. ,c. 80 Si , Hdkfa., Silk Ties and Starts. Ribbons, Buttons, Bra td Embroideries. NotionaVicti:. , Full assortment of Cottoh and Wooten Donaestio , for casb. 1 - - LARGE • PERZBIPTORT 0 1k; tickllt. emirs. BRQUANW M VEL BAGOr!Sto. ON DA MO ' Dec. M. ottoe Will be eold, by en FOUR, MONTHS* OREDIT,• about , y 4 I Shall% Broirsms, die..-of city and Eastern Ow: for 4 183 44 , 410 n wit"A catalogues eartgioniamegggs CLOSING SALE FOR THR SEASON OP Kliftblie GERMAN *AND DOMESTIC DRY 6. gyve will hold Marg. sale of Fsp_reign and PsfirAgAaiira Cools, by ostelovelt FOUR MiIINTIEP Lignisti JOT • • ON THUR SDAY MORNING. ;, Dec. at, at lofotlook, embracing about 700 staagantion gistayle and fano3.aridelec • • ' • pSj-44 , 1410(fnel resift+ std_geede arranged for Mum*. on the morning or aala, nation rpnalus. smolt sol i AUCTIONEERS Atte .L COMMISSION M RCIJANTS. No, 4110 CHU UT street. RearEntreusce. SILINCITEI street; " " HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE _cIF EVERY—sar- TION"REOLiv_bD ON CONSIGNMENT.' • - SALES EVERY FRID4Y MORNINQ. , Salesof Furniture at Dwellitun attended tO most reasonabe terms. SALE OF FINE FANCY GOODS. - SUITABLE FC/Ig. CHRISTMAS PRESENTS. ON MONDAY MORNING. At 10 o'clock, at , the auction storee..No. 11,10 Chestun street, will be sold— A large assortment of elegant Fancy GoOdst consisting' of Porffollos, Writing Coes, lulu tands Fancy_ Baskets. Ladies' Bags, Games, Vases, Oahu, Albums, Thennonur ten. etc, GARDE, AND ELEGANT SALE OF SittErriim Plated Ware, Bronze Figures, Bisque and Parton Fi gures Ind Vases and Toilet dots,' Diamond Cluster and -tilagle Stone Rings and Pim, Fine Cold Watches. dr.c. • ON MONDAY EVENING. At 7X. o'clock and • , ON TUESDAY MORNING. At 1034 &cloak, nt No. 1110 Chettnnt street. second story. ill be sold, a large and attractive assortment. of the above named articles, suitable for We approachhtg holida3 s. DIAMONDS. . ' Alm at l 2 o'clock on Tuesday moving, 10 Diamond. Clatter and Single Stone Rinse and Pins. MI.ISICAL BOXES Alpe, at the tame time will be told, lino large and ele— gant Mucieal - Boxer„. Li' Opal for. examination on Monday. Sale at No, 723 Cho 4 nut street. . STCCK 01' RICH LACE CITRTaI.M. REPO, ENG -1141. and Garman • Hatanaka. Mono and Table CoVars, Cornices, Hands 'Nevela, Gimps &c. 014 At 11 o'clock, at the store of Messrs. KEL,'Csiit-. ItINGEON & CO., No. 1 Chestnut street, will' eladtro the large stock of Cugtain Goods, comprising— fieti pairs Embroidered lludas Lace thartaimi.. ': ' ' V3O pain English Nottingham Lace Curtain. 'together with the .large crock of Reps., Etigibtitanif German Damask Piano and TaMo Covers, Cornices, Tee eels.. Banda. &c: • '' • Also, 10,604 Yards of Gims of all cetera.,- .. • . , „ BY BARIWTT & H M 130.. MON HODS _ . A N l l 0.220 MARKET 'treat. corner of BANE at • Cub advanced on etandatunenta without extra enanes, - •SPECIALI34ME. - - - • , : 60e LOTS SUPERIOR, FURS-13Y CATALOGUE. • ON TUESDAYMOENINII • - - Dec. 24, at 10 - n'clock. adios . Mi eno and . OW: dre IVA Hudson Bay and , tdina Sable; fliceqan ,Sgairrek. , ` }Youth Ermine. IVAter Mink, Ametican , Pitch. single and in Feta. Sleigh. Robes, Fur Gloves:mei' comprising the matt valuable and elegant maw rtinent or, Fara ever offered at Auctitun in thia oity. • t DAVIS a . 11ARMIrranortitelaw: ,;:• sto trg i te No; ~• ,• S R ASSIDMUES AllALRELittkeiTifTl= M PLEMT rewire 5 0 onn Pr. tumor 44 ' AND s laopLinsis Tutr ROM. Red Wa.; Poets and.therVisoli. Ina atiorted width Sholcbg iuid beaded Yen i 403/. pattern !ate; 4 inch, Yellow Pipe KW; 'ClVEr its Sherthins and 'Mooring; ' C hess and iihingleajow prim. NICHOLHON'EI. 84wenth and renter streets. LOBO BOARDS:-18 TO 24 FT., FIRST AND SECOND coin,. and roofing; also, 14. and feet tong,. Undertakers' Caae Boards for aisle low, NI OLSON. Seventh and Carpenter /street& - nO 1867. - q 4 Vo'mnmkTittir . - ' 44 6444. 4. ic. San inch. ~ . CHOICE PAIVELD min co owls feet Isla; , 44. 64; ith,Kand Inch. i BROTHEE ALCR ' , r — . 1 9x.9600 ileum ill* trogelAeman.". , renew. . 9gaerti, — Ackert. Leomputttst, M. Damechroeder. .1867.1MirMiltV i 6PuNrma• . ' 54 44 u ‘k fiß.l.2. 4ltOr m i E W ßl : , . , • , , ' V D ELAWARE FWB , - • = 1 11 w ABII F* 1 ; : 1 8 1 4 . : ..• • '. OPEI/CIE I I RING. 1 • • TEP : °AIME, , r ' LAB BA / T E I4 ar ia / 0 ~ i, , . IdAIILE.; 1317Wri: do ax. No, 2500 Boutb *Set taipmet, day and mea • • 'WniFi g pOARDS. WAIR4 MANX: /4I T E 641X1K-78K pal -LUMBER' FOR UNDRWIA4RB UV I • LIMBR FOR UNOERT CEDAR E ; WALIWT I FiI vAgh ICEDAR. WAIIi d U A T .. 13 cia ANY 1867. . A a Ny ia L iIrUttHBER OF'. ~r , ," a . - DRY rork4t, m Y AND AUL OAIC D , BOARDS. —_ _ • MOWRY ROSEWOOD AND WALNUT ' : , 1911NREIREL , ,MALGLE. BROTHER At IM, 'Rea :T o RUUD JOIST-4PEUCR q'o • T2*lll Al 14 El • • - • i g . To rim toitg • tai Val/14NOWATIENPANa OUP t MAUL& BROTH o. 2800 SOUTH etrest ' znyl3-tr3 VELLON PrNE,-20,000 FEET OF krrt 60,000 feet of Web bow*. -7 • Just recoiv od ; for oak by E. A. OOUDEIi* street WILK . . . cr • n . NOTICE,- • • • , ,-: S uALL AND 'METER FABIIIOI4B4Zt " Urn M. d. KDP& IO3I EHEEDIVTI4. . +, Ituportor of Ladies' Dress and twat' Trl Ma Ringo% Satin 'Trimmings, Tassels.,l,9436 ll w l iK u i=% iaiir aldi ; nbonaOutput+, and Cluny Laces, Chum , Jet (Allan and Belts. , • -i•,• , -- • • :.. ,• Pant Edge Velvets, in chorea' shades, ' . . • , . •. -;1: ') ~' Mack Vekete, all vri the, Al ittaßnoeg. Parisian Dress and Mak+ Wall UsElepatinindt Dreams wade on 29 hours' Ratko,. WOW outfits made to order in tannic* aws "owner ad en rata as cannot fall tO PAM. , • , • ulta of mourning at 'norm' riottet. - • ' ' ` legant Trimmed Paper Patterns for UAW and Cnqg . El Lt dron's Drones. r .. dv seta of Patterns fog Menttell* end Dregonekerg Pa megent ; b7 tan& or sumo to wad 01111( Won. Biro. Hutt Ind MadstrooDamoreari auto tag ond System of Etreesthitti to. t • r :PHIMAaLPIII4I; 'NOV. i 11... TIORERIBOUR. ti, g bh,. Th u mitodclpida Riding eq,booll...FOlMlthi - • k A ..." '''''' . isttee t above Vine,lir now open ? r ma , renegues cif l3nlitoltio for the Winter,fettatcot ,La 4144ALegiii__ 44. men, &airing to bottom° pronctent lir= iiSiVillll • k ft.o overy facility at Oats , eatablia ~, , 00.,, 1' Waif° rtably heated and ventilated.' vlur ammo , ceU train/AL ; fladdlo horst* rajne4 in. tb e b ee t [ , ^arriocuri and Saddle liorceo o hit% an 'Borges= 1 Ive . (Inattfl 1 - ~' Il I . •:, 0 :,., tall &SON, r f JA • • ! Oak Si*IVN TO.'. load , Modern ' - onlara aPift tO ' .' 130uu IDCL' pool: Strut Wharf •,, ,:dedlo4t WA NTAIt 1 1NT--4 11 WEWN% Phitadellnun," An )l dress re r liloa..DB rt 1 .. .. ...,.. 4 .i : 1 !..!.i . ..."....!1. 1 ' tiuweip. -I.lattßB-xUFA UFARBSI , CF,DAS BOX:IIO.ARD_&_.. . . • • No. MO SOUTH LADY: T X z issuitutrnorup! =II
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers