CITY 1113LIAETilf: • ~,. ~ ~-PkILLADRIXIIIA CATTLE lAnitET, bee. 11, 18(ii.-z• fleet cattle were iu ialr,..demand this week, and prices were rather firmer. AboUt 2,100 had ar- Ylvod and sold at ft,i510,9,/,(64/Per pound gross, for ultra' Pennsylvania and li estorn - steers, 70lie. per pound gross,. ibr ifif fine. to good, And 4iti 0e... common as to quality. i The following fire Ptito Rarticulars of the sides. ' .... , . ... lite. .. Nan it ' 63 R. 3 4 066.. vinslnla, a re t . • ..... ........ ..... E. iic 8i i n ueei 41 Go.. Cheater, gra • a ,(44: „s . r 5 r.lo'eFfllea. IVooterli. gr. ~.8 (di lllri 190 p.,.l),,ths,is•ay,Clivater. gm... ......... ..... 0 . 1, ,574 es ...lam...Kirk, Chester gra. .... ....,. ~.,, ..... -... 7 . .... i, B . ' Itsi James lllrFlien, itetur, gr „, , ,, , ,, .... . . ~...... ~, _., gisr,..hickillon,t;licHter,.gre . . :i, 64 1 ,.; ' AI lamb ,t, Ilitclonali, 1% etch. are .. 8 , c 4 i, 95 la mp, E i mer „t.,1119.teg. gm. . ... .... ~ r i . 7 O ,L, il no Moolotytt Smith, IVeotern,grO. .... -....„,,, 7, (nii t q 0 Thomas Mooney it Bro.. Western, grli 8 . 4 ( e1, i0,„,- Au 11. Chain. IN erten), gni , , h 1 iie iouJ. & Bro., Weatern. gre........, ..t....... a (rt, 9 th .1. 11. Ersatz, Western, gra 0146 - o 7 111 Frank & chamboy, Wenternafto 7 k 4 , 0, HIAS , 70 Lippe k t;,,, Chpater, gn......, • , 7 i. 0.- 8,,i. 60 lAMB rt 4 0.. Western, gra; :., „ . 0, oe, 406 42 titan berg. W&dero, gra. • ....'• ..'.:.. .•••• • • - • • a 01 7 44 4,1, Glompon, Wiaitonkgra , - . ....... . 0 ,444645," 110 14. Braneon,Clwator Co.. gr 0.....,. .. .. .... a • 8 89 lien.-Mood. Cbester Ce., 'VA. ... . : ... .. II 0 43 I.:bandit rk.Co , CliuterC "ir . ,.... ....... 7 AO; 81d 121 J. MeArdle, Western; gr i g " '• • . SI 11. W. ilemni,3lt, im.. . gtv - . • .. .. ._ „_ _ 4 , (,i 7., . l'Ars were in .f air demand; 2ao bead mold at 44100480 for Springers. and 1117,50t03100 per head for cow. and calf . klierp were fa fair ..ieuland; 5.000 bead mold t . .l(:• . '"' ' a 0,,, , (vete per lb. grOEIS, as to condition. lions were in demand at au advance of slit par ton lbs. ' ft,ficoheadvold at rho 41fforeut yards at $9 51XS - ,1810 de - per too Ma net, . Rourisar AND Lvirs3o.oran Xicanutt.—.N. colored man, named George S. Sharp, wept into Furl goes stot,at Barron and South,streets,on Satur day, andhelped himself to their, ieces of calico. Yarrigan obs‘r—ved the arid gave Chase. After panning for some distance he gained on Sharp, - who, It . is alleged, drew a ladle and attempted to use it upon his pursuer. The latter yelled• lustily for the police, and Officer Tyler captured Sharp. The prisoner was taken before Ald. Morrow, and was c9uittcd to ; answer. - • SATING.*The differeht'skating parks about the city are now being put irvorder for the season. All have been greatly improved,and more accom modations are provided for' , both skaters and spectators. The weather, during the past two days has been.coldomd ice has formed freely in the gutters and upon small ponds, but it is not of a Sufficient thickness to boar people. Should the coldtinap continuo there will no doubt be ex , celleut 'skating at the various parks id a few -dnys. On tie meadows at the Almshottse grounds, the Ice is already naed by skaters. • Cumtolan wan Runumtv. , --aVin colored men na v a s Witham, Dutton and Sidney ' Wordreen, . wenfrOargediVith complicity in the robbery of iiirirtn '4)f a pochet book containing $4OO. A countrynian was enticed into the house of the defendants In Goss Ailey, last week, by some Ivo-. teen, ktUd while ,there was relieved of his (lo(locket"ocke nook; The defendants, It is alleged, aided in thus escape of , the woman who committed the rob bdry. • They Were committed by wift. 1)O'% prlNC.'s CKNILI;NT.—T, okcel fent articlols the:•best or its' kind in the market. for the evftydaruses of the honsehold. It can be uskd to in Cud frAcbared furniture, glass, china, orn:Anents, and . . indeed any arable that can be repaired - with glue: It is in, a liquid form, cats big instant‘pplied with a brush, attd it will not leave ape I.ll3leVark . No' .family should he withevit.s, lint Fe of . , Dater:N. - v.-410 1 m Graelf ,was,ftfcre Aldermhn 'Heins 'On:Saturday,' upOn the , •'charge of the larceny of a , coat containing, papers valuOd at *4OO, froM a houSe at F,lfth and Oxford streets, about a week, ago. - Th,fi coat Was f6und at the p lace *hero Graff was arrested, but the papers were Missing. The accused was held in $BOO “ball for trial: , • • - Lcciimo RroT.—ThOtnas 'Metcalfe was be ' forb Alderinan -Neill, and was held itt sBooba , to' answer the . charp of inciting to :riot; The affair arose out of a reduction of, wages in a mill at Second and llontgOmery streets. Metealfe is alleged to have interfered ,with. men 09.1yeto willing to go to work at ieductid ratos. • , F.NCELLE.'NT .85.PPOINTMENW.; -•- liev: ' Dr. Richard Newton, of the Churell''or , the Epiph-, any, has betii appointed editor, or tl4;'Amerlean Sunday-School' Union's periodicals, in place of Dr. Packard, deceased. The selection IS an emi nently firoper one, as' Dr. Newton, Is admirably adapted to fill the position. St.tafrr Etnifs.--The mill of John Dobson, at Manayunk, was Islightly damaged by fire last evening. slight fire occurred yestifrdav afterndqn at the residence of Col. Harmanust , leff, at No. 408 South Ninth street. The flames were extin guished by Policeman Ross. . • Aux : Can Ronumty.---Nhomas Robinson, alial Henry Valentine,was arrested yesterday, by De tective Warnock, upon - the charge of having been concerned in the robberrof Henry Me- Mummy of 64•20, at a restaurant at Sixth and Chestnut streets. Ho, as committed •by Beitler. ;fr' ,;AVoustitr.—Tstro young men wen-arrested last evening at Ridrro avenue and Master street, ou the charge of were religious eonzregation. They were taken beforo Alderman Fitch, and were held in $5OO bail to answer at Court. ALLYGED WIFE BEATY:SC.-Au individual named Thigh Mullen, residing at Germantown, was be.. fore Alderman Thomas on ..Saturday, on, the charge of beating bis wife. It Is alleged that ho has been in' the habit of abusing her. He was held in $2,000 bail for trial. RT.—The Schuylkill river is froen over above the Fairmount dam. The ice is smooth and clear, but is not very thick yet. On the western shore, where the water is shallow, a few men and boys were enjoying themselves en skates this • morning. Fkiit.--The annual sale of useful and fancy articles.. for the benefit of St... Joseph's Orphan Asylum, will commence on Tuesday, December 10, at the Asylum, corner of Seventh and Spruce streets. _ ROIMERT 01 A RESTAURANT.—The mftaurant of Robt. Adams, under the Odd FellOwellall, in Frankford, was e tcred on Saturday night, and was robbed of a I A of cigars and tobacco, and $1 :10 in pennies. Comarrni).—William Ward was committed by Tittermary, on Saturday, for the larceny ,Of shoes, flour and muslin, from three different stores on Second street. HAriosomr DomrioN.L . Henry Dißston, Esq., has cothributed tl,OOO to the National Orphans homestead (soldiers' orphans) at Gettysburg. All u Kranz Nirs. TEE TLIES'i Pr.S.-11r. Edwin Mims will maize hie lITEIt appearance, this nation, at the Arch to-night in the comedy Men the bat!. Mr. Adams enjoysgreat Popularity among the piny•goen , of this city, and hie engagement will, in all probability, lie very succes.sful. At the Walnut The Lottery f , l Lip to still on the pro gramme, and will be given every night until further notice, with Mr. John Brougham .in the leading char acter. Mlle. Zoe, at the Chestnut, will appear to niOt in the drama of ifeeuitielle. The eruption of Mo:mt VC6llVitla will he represented upon the istawe. At. the American a number of new performers will Vikar this evening in a Miscellaneous ,nterlain utett. ili.erz.--We are awry to announce that the old fa vorite, Signor Blitz, has declared his determination to withdraw from the et:ete after the holidays. This is a matter of regret, nut only became the Signor's enter tainments grow more attractive every day, but also homn , e be Ina univerrat favorite, and has a multitude of fiends who regard hie temple of WOULION as one of our imtitutions. llotiYAN TABLE Ara.—'thisScrieq of splendid paint ings will be exhibited at National fall this evening. The designs are by the most eminent artists in this country. Messrs, burley, Church, Kyle, Huntingdon, Cropst•y, and others, having contributed to make these hat lcaux in every respect a most admirable and beau tiful panorama of the events descrihed in the Pilgrim's Pregrom, ELETZNIEf Brntrr Orr,tta nottsz.—The laughable burlesque Kurt will be given at this opera house to nittt. A number of other burlesques are announced, with extravaganzas, songs, daises, and the usual vu rietlee belonging to the minstrel stage. PamanstPirta. Ovza Housa.—A most attractive programme is offereAl this evening at MI- popular establithment. Mr. , north will appear in several favorite characters, anti the members of the troupe will amstitute the customary selections of vocal and instrumental music, intersper,ed with humor, local bits, and Moleseue. Mrs. LAnnts,,__birs. Lander's splendid impersona tion of "Mary Stuart" will be given at the Aceemy of Music this sad to-morrow mulatto, and as public eurtesitY has been exeltedin regard telt, there is every rear= toAsnticipate a crowded house Open both nights. (Mile my Ilifortited triticv, UAW Oce/i tit, 1 A) Malt SMCCoI lion to the btst6iteg.littii cy of Mrs. Lander'9. Cos.„ time of white safitein the last . act of ahe pia t i a ttleertt •e • • lug that deep black would be;roore ,approp te. an more in eccordanceWith the blots; ,The troth is. how-, ever, that Schiller, the , author of , theydranui, ex- measly directer that a white costume shall 'be worn,, and , liisa.t Lander. conforrtrittg..., - With Able' direction follows the example oritachel,\ . was the' first mid greatest - Interpreter or . ,this • part. : The sod-.. tome actually worn by Mary Queen of:Scoter at .the time of hef exectitien is said to have been of purple coler, but authorities differ tfe with art extent.that tome latitude may-lie allowed to the actress,' especialty in' vie* Of the fact that - tree performance itself is truth clently good to redeem any faults of costume: JAl•mrsonnx..--On Menday next this famous actress will make her debut ,at the Cheettent Stteet heatre. Tiekefs will be for salc . bfr Are4acedo,n6xt . . tic WA g4•litusle SloKe, • , • . . CITY' ''NI(YriCIES. . . A YOUNG clsrgymatt; just married, undertak i ig to give out a notice of a iv cetlng to be held at hl+ Lomeli; which happened not` to he' a:',rectorT, Sald: ft "I'llere %gill be service at my--our—At thi hOnse of the minister." He could hph done It betterif he had no-' titledlio congregation that they could buy the best Emily coal ur. W. W. Alley, Ninth strbot.bblow Girard 71v01:16, and at the corner of Sixth and SpilnkGarden DRUGGISTS' Stri4DRIES and Fancy Goode. SNOWDEN &; BELOTIIERS, ItlitpOrters, 1 23 south Eighth otreot. BOWER'S INFANT UORDIAII is a certain, safe and Epeedy cink. for Cholla,. Pains and Spasms—yielding great relief to children Teething. laboratory Sixth 'and Green. BOWER'S GUM ARADIO SECRETS quiet Coughs, .e heaths inflamed surfaces, relieve hoarseness. pains, soreness of the breast, a tough morning phlegm, and impart much comfort in Bronchial Irritations. Made by Bower, Sixth and Vine streets. t3pld by druggists. 85 cents per bdx. BICUSOW'S SOAPB.—Elder Mower, Ttirge 011, Glycerine, Lettuce, Sunflower, 3luek, Rose, &c. ' OnownEN & BROTHERS, Import" South Eighth street. DE.ANNESS, BrmirDNIT.S9 AND CATARRII.--. J. Isaacs, M. D., Prothasor of the Eye and Ear, treats I all diseases appertaining to the above mernbers with the utmost success. Testimonials from the most re liablesonrces in the city can bo seen -at his oflico; No. 605'Arch street. The medical Dicta) , are invited to ac company their patients, as he has no secrets in his practice. Artificial eyes inserted. No charge made for examination. • Tun UKASE OF Faamos.—With , tasteful diem crimination the world IX - fashion has selected Extraet of the "Night Blooming Cereus," from all the per fumes of the day, ns the moat _delightful. 'There will not be a notable soWe, ball or supper party this win ter to which its incomparable aroma will not add zest. Onx.ronns', under the Continental, • Cannot be excelled in their Style, make, and durability of • Fine Furs. • GROVER Zt BAILER'S Righest Premium Sewing ntehthe.l4, Chestnut street. VERY LARGE CLUSTERS Almona Grapes.— MITCHELL it FLIGTORICII. 1204 Chestuatstreet. RAisixs, In Nxbolu, half:aneguarter boxes. Citron, Orange and Lemon Peel. Currants, Sweet Cider, and Pure Brandy for Mince Fies, Fruit Cakes, &c.l Mrrouittz Frarroasrt,' 1204 Chestnut street. LACE CURTAINS SELLING CHEAP.--No mistake. The finest ever received by the trade in this country, purchased at auction at , remarkably,. low pricen,"yand will he sold accordingly, by W, Henry Patten,. 1403 Chestnut street. • OAK rtntns', under the Cannot bo excelled in I t bel s r !Style, mike, and durability of Nine Fars. HOLIDAY PREStNTS; at Gay's China Palace, to s Chestnut street. An iraMense assortment of China Vallee, Card Re ceivers, Motto. and Mustache Coffees, Teto4-Tete Sets. 4oe. Bronze and Parian ItattbleStatuary.. Gold Gilt Ornaments in endless vatiety. China .Boriquets, Lava-Ware, Bohemian Glass, and a full line of Staple Goode, Just landed. Bought for cati from the largest manufacturers in Europe, and will be sold at prices defying competition. Call and examine stock before mating purchases. Showroom open till 9 o'clock at night. Erria Fors BLACK TEA By the chest of from 5 to 50 pounds. • .' MITCHELL It F TAT OHE Et, 3204 Chestnut street. CIIA3IFION WraNcEr.s, Bhteking Boxes, Cut, lery, Plated and Japanned Ware, Britannia,Ware, iron and wooden ware. lowan &Co.'s, Dock street, be /ow Walnut. - No HUMBUG.--Curtains and Shades selling at a great redaction. Rio pretence, but real bona .11de bargains a; Patten's; ISOS Chestnut street. bAKFoRns', under the Continental, Gannet be excelled in their - Style, make, and durability of • Fine Furs. SPLENDID STOCK OF BONNETS, HATS and General Millinery Goods. Many choice things spe cially adapted for the season. fiat and Bonnet Frank*, in variety; all kinds of Bonnet materials, sold in any quantity to suit purchasers; A Wonn or AIWICE.—The stock of Holiday Presents at (Jay's Citina•Paace, '1022 Cnestnat street, is complete, and we advise all in need of such articles to make their selections before the assortment is • broken.' YARMOUTH &MAU. Corv. Yarmouth Sugar Corn. Sole agents, 'Ratvis SlPanvirr, • 45 North Water street. Tity Secretary of the Treasury's. Report re -I,Vale a very satisfactory state of the national finances, and, soya the Secretary, "This is now a fitting oppor tunity to further provide for' its improvement." Speaking of "fitting opportunities,'6 they are as abun dant as fitting customers at this season of the year at "the large ready-made Clothing house of Charles Stokes St Co., ender the Continental. Boors.—The largest assortment of Men's BOota and Shoes in the city. Bartlett, 83 South Sixth street, aboVeChestnut. , - VERY FIEF. OLD GOVERNMENT JAVA COFFEE. Very Choice New Crop Teas. Zarrourds. At Prxrerree. 1204 Chestnut street. ArCTION CURTArNS.—Veiy' elegant and very tine quality, selling at very low pricee, at W. Henry l'atten's, 1,109 Chestnut street. , Jonas' Hum, 285 Dock street, below Third, revived by W. P. Larkin on the European Plan. Meals from OA.M. to 12 P. M. GOod lodgings for guests. Eons° open all night. Rooms 50 cts. per night. Vlirsmow Snnons.. The cheapest window shades can be had at Patten's, 1403 Chestnut street. Ile is always selling off. (Goods cheap, and no hum bug.) WHITE GILAPES, WHITE GRAPES, By the wholesale or single and. - MITOIUSIAL FLTOIIIIII, 1204 Chestnut etreet. • truoi.srmty.-4or promptness, gpod work manship and low prices apply at Patten's, 1408 Chest nut street. • LADY Arrmts, Oranges, Lemons, Almonds, English Walnuts, recaneff&e. Mixounia. & FLETCHER, 1204 Chestnut otreet. NEW JPEELICATIOXIS. 95 CENT EDITION OFYORKS. IrETRESONS , CHEAP EDITION FOR TUE MILLION. T. B. PETERSON RI BROTUERB, 306 Chestnut, street, Philadelphia* have in 0 , 0814 and will publish at once nu entire NLVV AND CHEAP EDPPP , N OF CHARLES DICKENS'SWORKS; each book will he .printed from large type , that 'all Oen read. and each work will be issued complete in a large oaavo volume.witb, a Nowt llustrated Cover, and sold at the low price of Twontrdive cents volume, or four dollars for a coruplets act. This edition will be called "PUTEW3ONEV CLIEAP EDITION . VOlt THE MILLION," and Will be the cheapest edition of -tae works of Charles Dicke s qvor printed. The first volume is now ready, being . OLIVER TWIST, Ills Life and Adventures. With a New BlustratedCover. Price Twenty:five cents, All the other volumes, to Complete the series will ;fol low in rapid succession. Booksellers and News Agents will bc supplied at our usual low rates. For Palo by all Booksellers. Ask for "Petersons" , Edi tion, and take no other. Copies NV i Ibe sent, free of pnit age. on receipt of Twenty.tive oents. by , T. Et. PETERSON Il r 9T to lE p ß hia'o id WAL,NIPN IVAN . ). ED —TWO ROO9lB AND A' 8191 ALL ONE, near Eh•renth and Welnutlor geotlempui lON and child. .9 ddrras Box 2406 P. O. etaiiiiE PlM..frith or W "kid go . $ • I ae9-ot,* ISAAC B. EVANS' 1111.1111110T158E1 104.43112/ IN OILS, PAINTS, VARNISHES, AND Naval Stores and Soaps, No. 16 'North Delaware :avenue, Philed& - - _ PREHERVED - T — AZiaRAL—HOKFegrB Wang - RITA Tamarinds in sugar, landing Rua for,sale by %L IN KM= 09.. ISt boath Delaware innuo, , • , • , ' , . - THE DAILTEVENING BULLETIN.-PHILADELPHIA, MONDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1867. WOOD fi./ 725 Chestnut street. rAitarririlisi two SEW tiNGAA iAN - gs.:s,- - SAR*4SONS" BYO TO CALL ATTENTION . . . TO THE OPENING OF THEIR IMMENSE FALL IMPORTATIONS ENGRAVINGS, CHROMO LITHOGRAPHS, AND OBJECTS OF ART The annexed list 'contains the Subjects and Artists' names of ,a•few of the most prominent I THE MESSENGER Or LOVE. Oomph) Calic. '11.113 LAWIFEOSE OF SUMMER. • do. SOLITUDE. Buehler. LA PEOIIEREBSE, do. JEANNE QUI BIT, , Lobrachon. JEANNE QUI PLEURE. • do. LITTLE MODEL, ' E. Friue. ROMEO AND JULIET, Ja.labert. PEACE AND WAR, • • Gustavo Dort': SCHILLER. BEFORE WEIMAR. . Enda. SHAKESPEARE BEFORE ELIZABETH, do. 1 CHRIST WALKING ON THEBEA, . Jalabert. THE SPARROW OF LERMA. Mazelcs. REMBRANDIIS ANATOMICAL • LESSON. %. Binh° . THE SLAVE SALE. ..- . Gerome. • FELLAH WOMAN, Londelle. ARMENIAN WOMAN, , do. ANDROMEDA, , Beaumont. POMPEIAN INTERIORS. Coomans. ' LESBIA (head). ' Baxtoi. ON THE ARNO. . Rowbotham. • DUNDERAWE, do. BAVARIAN MOUNTAINS, Zimmerman. LOCH 'I AY, Richatdion, LOCH RAUNACEL ado, CHANGING PASTURES, Shuldere. MISS LILY'S CARRIAGE, Hay tter. GR eiNDMOTH ER'S TREASURES, ,° ,O'Neil JOY AND ANXIETY, Carrack. THE GOOD SHEPHERD, ' Dobson. THE LOST PIECE OF MONEY. Millais. , RESCUED, AnsdelL CHANGING PASTURE, Rosa Bouheur. Tilk. OFFER AND ACCEPTED. . Thos. Food. THE BIRTHDAY, RESENT. Hannah. THE SUNSHINE 1, V' LIFE. Hicks. HOME TREAS. I or.. ' Sinn. MARKET MORN i:. ,' ' Herring. THE SMITHY; • , . 'Herring. • • AFTER WORE. • Thos. Faed. I ' CIIIIIS'I' ILEALINGr TILE SICK, . Benj. West. ISAAC WALTON, • - . Millais. TILE BOOK OF LIFE. ' ' PoPe. MY FIRST SERMON, ' MY SECOND SERMON. Millais. LOVE'S MELANCHOLY: M. Mayer. RASPBERRIES, ' ' • W. 'M. Brown, THE BAPTISM. Chromo. CastoldL" MADONNA OF THE CHAIR, do. Raphael. ECCE HOMO, ... do. Outdo Rani. MATER DOLOROSA. ' ' do.- • Carlo Dolce. THE DEAD CHRIST. . do. . Milan Gallery ..MADONNA AND CHILD. , Milan Gallery. STAR OF BETHLEHEM, Portalla. All the • Standard ENGRAVINGS and CHROMO LITHOGRAPHS constantly in etook,and the prima of al very moderate. . • JAMES S. EARLE & SONS, 816 Chestnut Street. e NEW 0114 PAINTINOB; NEW ROMAN PHOTOGRAPHS, NEW CHROMOS, From Milan and FloTenoe. NEW ROGERS' GROUI ) , -THE SCHOOL EXAMINATION.* Looking Glassen in every variety. JAMES B. EARLE & SONI CMESTNIFT 'ISTILERIT, BLINDS AND WINDOW, SHADES, B. J. WILLIAMS & SONS, NO. 16 North SIXTH Street, Manufacturers of ' , . VENETIAN BLINDS , WINDOW IJKADES. Finest assortment in the elO. the oldest establish. 1 I Wi tzl i t rt aB6llte 7r 8g Pi"Ml9tarOPYr VDtD). STORE 8/ittkDES MADE TO ORDER. se:l4ft CHARLES L. HALE, Mite SaLwow and Superintendent, fotEk J. 'WM=I NO. 831 ARCH STREET , • OLILIIIIMACPUJELEIR 'Or VENETIAN BLINDS and WINDOW SHADES. LARGEST AND FINEST ABI3OIIViENT TN TO CITY AT THE LOWEST PRICES. UPHOLSTERING IN ALL ITS BRANCHES. non SHADES MADE AND LETTERED, sel7- tf otoo . 4:1 09 General view of tho' cases in which HOFF'S MALT EXTRACT% beverage of health applicable : I. IN CABLS OF WEAKNES OF_DIGESTION. FOR DYSPEPSIA IN ,GEN RAL. E. FOR A FOUL STATE OP STOMACEL • t OR E ) HAUSTED PERSONA f. FOR BODILY WEAKNE:3S._ t. IN CATARRHS ESPECIALIAr OBSTINATE. IN (MBES OF HOA RSENESS. "I am bonnie and unable to perform_,* night, but now made haw with your della. ous Malt Extract." wroto.Bogumil Darvisoth the celebrated Gorman tragedian, to Mr. Hoff , FOR CATARRHAL DISEASES OF THE BROM , CIIIAL 'ADDEO. noire Malt Extract has been invaluable to lIOFFII my . wife, who aufferco from quinsoutore throat. No. Beekman at. R. L. LE M'S: P. FOR. OBSTINATE COUGHS. All our actruaintanece are aatordshod as toy MALT husband foole cruder, couglutr, etc. West Hoboken. • _ MRS. VIETHEIER._ 10. IN CASE OF TUBERCULAR Olt PULMONAR Y ' . CONSUMPTION: I advised ono of my paHente, who is Buffer- Ing from pulmonary conrompton. to try__ it. • Brookkyn. GARDINER, M.T). EXTRACT. Mr, Plinio Benday. of New Haven. mated: "Tho respiration :la now free; the eho.t ex- • Pones nnernbarrawed, and the cough luta dlr. unni.sned ma tartly. .11. 19'011 ALL PE( rPLE NEE' 'MG A 'rONIC: .• I wish that liofPa Malt Extract mtglit bentil into universal tus as It merit- the pof floe beverage onics of d rink. end ld apleadid nr table. NO 2:10 West Filj.Y. Hecund street, . MR. (1011144k,u11...z Sold Aveff whey°. Persona trial:Mß .agenelea -" ' iplr to MOM Malt Extract Depot, 612 oroadWay.' • n02 . 1.w f dul Joing C. BAKER CO. Sole . EW LANDOIO AND FOR I bit J. H. BUN= & US Bouth Debovati MTN& *0! PHOTOGRAPHS, 11310 LIDA 117100014. COMPLIMENTS' OF • • THE SEASON`• • • - _ HOLIDAY PRESENTS OF VERY GREAT VALUE' FOR VERY' LITTLE MONEY. EDWIN HALL & CO; No. 28.8. Second tat., Have an extensive assortnient of new and elegant Goods, Silks, Shawls, Velvets, Cloaking and Dross Goods. which will be offered at a still further 'reduction, thus affording to all an opportunity ,to 'purchase useful and elegant presents for the Holidays, at such prices as cannot fall to give satisfaction. ' ded.f&m 9t VIENNESE SKATE BAGS THE 61R EAT (PRISM" NOVELTY. These Elegant Goole have been expressly deeigned for this a CHRISTMAS SALES, are scqd exelcialvely by BAILEY & CO., , No. 819 Chestnut Street, • PIIILASDELPHIA. sell•s,m,w-3mrp CHRISTMAS PRESENTS! Nothing more appropriate for a Chriedmas Grath= one . of the GREAT - AMERICAN COMBINATION BUTTON HOLE OVEBSEAMING AND SEWING MACHINE It Jr warretAed to execute In the beet minuet envan ge t . 3e a l t li b g "'" 2! --,""*M llll Embro t t l y ugef t e a r i o a gar makes beautiful Button and IT HAS NO EQUAL, Being Absolutely the Best .FAMILY MACHINE . I THE WORLD. AND INTRINSICALLY THE CHEAPEST. 'Circulars with full , particulars and samples of work done on this Machine, can be bad by application at the • LILES ROOM OF THE CO., S. W. am Eleventh and Chestnut Ste. Instruction given on the Machine gratuitoos i r to all urcb seers • no AMERICAN AND SWISS wArrcllEs MOVEMENTS_ Nrl l s... JOHN 11. HARTER, No. 308 Chestnut Street, 2d Floor. The attention of the trade is j also called to invoices of LADY'S GOLD WATCHES closing out at reduced prices. deS•trurpd Sterling Silverware Manufactory, 414 LOVVST STREET. GEORGE SHARP, Patentee of the Bali and Cube pattern!, manufactoto ever/ description of One STERLING SILVERWARE. end offers for sale. wholesale and retail, as choice used. went of rich and beautiful rood) of new styles at loir J. fd. SHARP. A. RO= se STEREOSCOPIC VIEWS. • . A large and One assortment of Stereoscopic Views and Stereoscopes. Paris Exposition, Swiss, Italy, Groups. and American Scenery, at greatly reduced prices. POcent Views at ...... . ........ cents. ISOcent Views .. . ............. cent. WILUAM,Y. MoALLISTER. 728HE•STNUT STREET. oorib•m wf. • OPERA GLASSES. '' A large and Ono assortment of OPERA GLASSES In every style; Bardon , s and other makes. WILLIAM Y. MoALLISTER, 728 Che s tnut St. • oalm w ELEGANT AND USEFUL ARTICLES For liollay Presents. . MASON"& GO.. 007 Chestnut atroot ROSEWOOD ppeqs.s. TEID:EY AND RUSSIA WEITING CASES, in overXyaliet7.• nik.s./301 4 dc 907 Chestnut street. CARVED VEZIMOLDEIta, BOOKMARKS, e'rA3l. Boava, CARD BABK-ETB, SC4TOII GOODB. INKSTANDS. MATCH BOXES. PAPER RmvEs. rocusmoNs. A tm ON & CO., • 907 cup* OttOdi werxive n /sties Pr i THE LARGEST AND BEST STOOK op, FINE - OLD'"RIE, TirE LAND IS, NOW, ttoSSESSED BY 6' fl C HENRY HA.NNIS,S; 00 218 and' 220 iSCOIEMEI, Lo Who offer , the same TO TH,Tffi Via" t.. On *err mimosas* • Li To. , Th eir'eto eh of Bye Whiskies, Km BON r eelnprises sae I dieerite brands eV *ant, and rune through the TarioUs months 0t , 15105088, and of this year, ug present date. , Liberal eontratts made tor lota to eurrive at vonnayrrania, DAL Depot, arrion •on Line Wharf ; or at Bonded Warehouses, as nartinemay oleets • J. E. CALDWELL & Are Now Ready ' •• van" TEETH ENTIRE IMPORTATION OF , CHRISTMAS GOODS For the present ;mom to which they would suggest In early visit before the choicest articles are selected, and while yet the hurry of Holiday business dam not prevent the beat attention. Our stock this year exceeds in novelty, beauty and vs. rlety any previous offering of this House. and is made up :1 1 ' selections from ovary,: f art of Europe. In additioFi to PARIS, LONDON AND VIENNA NOVELTIES. We have opened this eCIIBO7I the finest lot of 1118281101811 AND AMBER PIPES AND CIGAR HOLDERS Ever offered in this city, exquisitely carved and mounted. forming very desirable PRESENTS FOR GENTLEMEN. As our stock is unequaled for its extent and careful se lection. so are our prices for moderatiOn and adaptation to the times.. JAMES E. CALDWELL & CO., NO. 822 01011 Err uT STREET. tell m w.tfrt4 .R. & G. A. WRIGHT, N. 621 Chestnut Street, ]lace Just r cei*d a large a...sort:matt of . new and elegant i.../ FANCY .AATICLES Selected in Enropdthia feaso - n for their r :; , : ' ~ ,z NOVELTIe AND DEVITT*, - ESPECIALLY FOR Christmas Presents. Alm. a large and beautiful eeeortmont of genuine .... lEBEROCRAUNL PIPER, Which they offer for rale at very reduced price?. _dels4h.a,m4M _____-___--___ ENGLISH POCKET KNIVES AND SCISSORS ViOSTENHOLNPS ROGERS'S Sue make/. MASON aVCO., .907 Chestnut etrent. peals. VIENNA AND LONDON IiNE POCKET BOOKS, in Emilia, Turkey and Calf. MASON & CO.. 907 Chestnut street. GOODALL'S CURISTUAS STAT/ONERIC. MASON 4 CO., del ISt 11.4 407 Chestnut Strent. WEDDING. INVITATION, AND VISITING CARDS Latest Sbales, MASON A; CO., de4 ISt rA Chestnut Street. PIANOS TO RENT. CHAS. W. •A. TRUMPLER, it Ms New Ilicude Store, 926 OKESITiumf STREET, • °Seri NEW 241. 13=1:14SD RA PIANOS TO EMS Pinnos and Organs ( 0 1 ,26.1 : rp1 y FOR SALE. EDWARD , P. KELLY, TAILOR, L E. or. of Seventh and Chestnut Sta. LARGE STOCK OP CIIOIOE OVERCOATINCI AND WINTER PANTALOONINGS. REDUCED PRICES. 4„ 628 HOOP SKIRT& FALL STYLES. NO. fel and 8 Va . & Plain and Trail Hoop Shirts, knell 2,2. V. 2.X.ri round. of every and shape , for la es, and a cam. plete assortment of Misses' and Children's Skirts,. from 4 to from le to gs inches long. all of "OUR OWN " superior in style, finish and durability, and really tho cheapest and most satisfactory Hoop Skirts in the e incricanmarket. Warranted in every respect. Skirts made to order. altered and repaired. ' CAUTION:—Owing to the unprecedented reputation which "Our Own Make" of Skirts have attained, some dealers arc endeavoring to put a very inferior skirt upon their customers by representing them to be "Hopkins's Own Make." Be not dwfved. "Our Make" are stamped on each tab ,"W. F. Hopkins, Manufacturer. No. gffl Arch street , PlilladelphM," and also have the letter id woven in the tapes between each spring. Also, dealer in Now York made Skirts. at very low Prices,. wholesale and retalL Send for catalogue of styles and prices 15e. INS Arab Beet,s Philada, 1111184,1n.W.111T WM. T. HOPKINS. NEW FALL SKIRT. THE PATENT CLASP HOOP. SKIRT. ManufacturOd and for sale by SHAW & BONHAM. 918 MICH and 253 North NINTH @trouts. The Patent Chop NEW STYLE SKIRTS, min.y. tured by no, rre acAnowledged by the Ladies to be t 0 retest, ma , :oinM and durable Hoop Skirt m e, hey ar paten : rior tO' t a ble ers, being cuadeof one piece of e boatt glazed English Steel, without any fasten. Inge ; the tapes are - surely held by neatvatent otaa_Pa. Skirts altered into ' the c new fashionable ohapee Am. Skirts and Corsets made to order. Werla's and other Mau Of French Corsets for sale. anuw,f,lYlPft .1' 8I T AND CHMET o, " 4 ft e t t g ttAx a , x No. 8151 Vine. tikreeh bi now auto tog WI %vedettes et proplillu. twets. %none= also we al Propel! wrso= o new ityles. tabsoufre lateral end lIIAAO , NATHAN& AUCTIONEER, N. E. CONNER I. Third and timnoe istreets,..only one square below the Fads 1119K000 to loan m Wp or small amounts, oil Memo edlver plate, watches, jewelry, and all.goods oi value, ce boon from BA.M. to IP% M. gm - Estab. limbed for the last forty years, Advarmes made in large tntotmts at the lowest matw ,1 ----tes. iantro.i •it LAD VOl----fljUli ALOUD TO OTVA LEI3BONBTA .n. Piano and Vocal Music. desires employment Terms reasonable and hours arranged to suit pupils. Address pr call at 14W 24farth rativeatik dad. pplitpu MASON & CO.. 907 Cheattatt stri2ot iIOLIDAY GOODS. PLANO& CLOTHING* HOOPTtf• ruustirvn,l6, SPECIAL NOTICE. We are prepared to meet, Purchasers of Fine Furniture, BOTH IN STYLE AND PRICE, G.EO.J.RENKELB I LACY I t CO.; ` CABINET 18th and Clitiestnnt Bboata. waszcs .1 1 1,V11€10.. MUEI3LES Fll4lO ExtannoN. Ia aouu e t 4 34 LOCADWr h oaa RAIN/ &redid ) mlerlo DTART_QR D I E DAMARA. CEO. Jo lIIENKELN LIMY & CO* * EBANIEVAB, ' THIRTEEN AND :EHEETIWT. Special Card. FINE rumen= ON ExEmmori IN aurna OP ROOMS. CARPETED AND FURNISHED AS CHAMBERS AND PARIPES. GEO. Jo uzsgdeLs, LACY As CO., CABINET MAKERS, THIRTEENTH AND CHESTNUT. lIIII4HIVILPHIA. 5e9541.a0 Wir Die Ireansten Aleabel arrangitt la der gamic= =age Immix' Nur Alliudeltic Triplet' land Garditten GEO. J. HENKELS, LACY & 00tg Meribel Fabrikant, Thirteenth and Chestnut, Phitridelpida• • • AVIS IMPORTANT. I3EAUX MEUBLES, pone Anangne wa ll = dare A Cbambreir- 6 Ctimtkeri osal d! Converts de Tanta, CEO.'HENKE'S, LACY & odllAtrrli CIIESTNUT STREET. so Coln di & H. LEJAMBRE tUE mot ED MEM Furniture and Upholstery Warerooms TO N0.,1435 CEILEr iTNUT Street II INSUIRABCE. ~.. Girard Fire Insurance Company, NEW OFFICE, 839 N. E. oor. Chestnut and Sevenths% CAPIT#L AND prtramus, 8935 0 1 0 0 0.. All of width Is safely Invested ,in Seal Elliiikt Roods anal lintgages, Gannon* Lama and Was good Ileauttlesi, , i' ~.. This Company have guccessfully to ;ii 100,000,000 Of .. ro p erty in the last 14 yeas. and paid MORE TSAR , MO lames by dre. It has nearly donbled Re capital in this ported. It her never belonged to any oomMnanon of mulerwrßin In this cal out shit. Oar ants Evrcemaylvanla. and elsewhere, have nes been i rusted to loin any organisation for establishing arbitrary rates and rules. We have our own tariff of Premiums and we not under the necessity of borrowing from tinl.experienee of otberi. Brokers Alla Agents in ftiladel gum profewns to rept* scut us In WY ,Particular. shouia be able to allow Meg written athoritcr for doing so. Parties wishing insarbuse will their own r eef bY Nana in Yr= at Ulifi office. IMMICTOESs THOMAS miming._ ALFRED S. 0 i SHEPPARD, N. IL LA CA... THC FIM = MACKELLAR. CHARLES uruNT. ALFRED JQIEN RIPPLEE. HENRY' P. ICENNEY, JOHN W. CLAOHORN .10SEPII KLAPP. M. Us Jrt.. THOMAS ORAV S EN ID ,_ • , PREENT ALFRED S GlLT_ T agraii i ' A vICH PRESIDENT . AND anan E go 3 13 ' AL YEARIts' . Gramm runrusiffirect GOODS. J. C. BARNES & .CO . GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, HaSUFACTIIRERS ow 1 , Fine Shirts, Collars, Wringers, &on 'NO. 245 N. NINTH. ST.; PHILADELPHIA. o,4.3rarp Gentlemen's Wrappers. Gentlemen's Wrappers. aentlemen's Wrappers. Gentlemen's Wrappers. JOHN C. ARRISON, Nos. 1 and 3 N. Sixth St.,Philada., 111 now offering an elegant and extensive assortment of Gentlemen's Wrappers, \ Scarfs, Tie s, Muffiers,Gloves, Hdkfs., etc., etc., etc., euitablv for CHRISTMAS PRESENTS. Fie usual assortment o I Merino, Silk and Wooten Undershirts and Ar4werel. PO ,Sq; ALSO.
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