ME=B rOttITIOAIJ. rOItMATION OF A GRANT CLUB or Tar. -Primo wealth—The Republicans of the Fifth Wird heid an adjourned meeting last , night, at the Ilan of the Good Intent Rose Co., to peitect arrange- rants for the formation of a Grad, Club. Colonel 1 Phillip $. White, was called to the chair. After the organizsdon was elibcted, Col. White Made a pertinent and able speech. In the course of his remarks be staid: I took , occasion at our first meeting to refer to the alleged reasonie that lead to our late defeat in Pennsylvania. My Views were slightly misinterpreted by some of the rft s p o rton then present. I wish now to define my .posiden in a manner that will admit of no ques tion concerning it. The candidate of my choice must stand fairly and unmistakubly• on the has of the Republican rty: I would have p\ inxrw Lim endorse to the fullest measure of its meaning the reconstruct _p olicy of Con gress without ',ifs ~ "ands" or igbo ~, My po litical opinions coincide with the published views of that clear-headed jurist, warm-hearted philanthropist and magnificent statesman, Sal mon P. Chlo From the most valuable sources of authority, i t is clear to my mind that General Grant also coincides with them. Under our pre sent political surroundings, therefore, I am will ing to accept that unrivaled soldier as our can didate for the next presidency. I have unbounded respect for his prudence, admiration for his cour age, love for his patriotism, and gratitude for the daring, endurance and skill with which he led our brave troops to final victory. If., however, in the further developments of the reasons which call us together to-night, it may be found that this illustrious officer does not meet our expectations by any refusal to face the innate, I will be as ready to condemn him as I am now willing to endorse him. With respect, gentlemen, to the suffrage question I see no rea mon s h o u ld bel, having sought to destroy the 'Union be entitled to the elective franchise, while the loyal man, whether black or white, should be denied such a privilege. To enfran chise the one in the South and to disfanchise the other is the establishment of an oligarchy con demned alike of justice and humanity." Mr. Hennessy was then called upon and ad dressed the meeting with excellent effect. The Committee on Permanent Organization reported the following permanent officers: Pres ident, John W. Donnelly. Vice Presidents, J. Mark - land. George White, Theodore Chandler, Edwin S. Yard, A. A. Hurley and Richard Done.: gun. Treasurer, Alexander Thackara. Corre sponding Secretary, Benjamin }Male. Record in, Secretary, IL H. Deitz. MUSICAL. 'Tits CONSrEVATORY KATI - NEM—The American Con servatory of MuSic give their first Classical Matinee, tinder the direction of Mr. Carl , Gaertner, to-morrow (Saturday) afternoon, at 33:s o'clock, at the New Horti cultural Hall, Bread street, below Locust. The open ing piece upon the programme, we are pleased to see, is the great Piano and Violin Duo, op. 47, of Bee thoven,the performance of which diflicult work, attain able to few, Mr. Gaertner as a violinist is so justly celebrated. Also, there will be given the favorite Mo zart Trio for Clarionet, Violin and Piano, and, other great worts equally attractive. It seems to be the object of these matinees to display, as in a picture gal lery, the finest chamber music of the great masters for • the advantagosof the students of the Conservatory, who attend free of charge. The subscriptions of the public will aid in supporting the entertainments and assisting the directors of the Conservatory in their noble and praiseworthy efforts to do good. It is well known that sixty free scholarships for three years tuition have been thrown open to pupils of our public schools, and as carrying out these and other liberal views demands both time and money, we hold it for the duty of all desirous of advancing musical culture' to encourage such an enterprise to the utmost in their power. Tux GETMAN' k OscaisrstA will give their usual public rehearsal at the Musical Fund Hall to-morrow, et 11 A. M., with the following programme: 1. Uverture—La GAZZa Ladra....... ....... ....Rossini 2. Sopg of the Ninth Regiment Lortzing 3. Wataderlieder—Waltz .. • . .Gung 3 l 4. Larghetto front Symphony No. 2 Beethoven 15. Overture-4-Euryanthe........ • • • •............Weber 6. Thema with Variation Ilsensel Solo for Violin, Violoncello, Basso, Flute, Oboe, Clarionets, Bassoon and Rom. .7. Finale from Loreley • .......Mendelssolm Paountos' Orsaa Tnoves.—The opera of Maritane was performed last night at the Academy of-'Music to one of the largest hot ses of the season. This even-. Ing 'Miss Richings will have a benefit in The Daughter of the Degintent, an opera which the has gained considerable celebrity. ANIUSEItIENTI9. Tint TnzaMrs.—At the Chestnut this evening Mr& D. P. Bowers will take a benefit in the play of The Hunchback. At the Arch hiss Kate Reignoids has a farewell benefit this evening in Nobody's Daughter. Mrs. Gomersal takes a farewell benefit to-night at the Walnut. The Grand Duchess of Gerolstein will be performed. At the American a miscellaneous enter- Minment is offered, with, the Parisian ballet troupe. Cincb&—A performance will be given to-night at this popular establishment, corner of Tenth and Caliowhill streets. A troupe of accom plished acrobats and equestrians perform nightly. Minima Smarr °rag/. Houses—The attractions offered at this place of amusement this evening are mansually great. They include the Trip Aro. d the World, the Jape and Arabs, the Richmond, zi t ere, with songs, da pun suarsuts nces, burlesques, &c. Orris. Ronsr.:—A large number of n i ovelties are announced for every bight this week at this temple of the dusky Mums, if there arc any such Bph Rom, Prank Moran and a number of other stars in the firmament of Ethiopian minstrelsy will appear in songs, dances, burlesques and general eccentricities. A pleasant evening is assured to"those who drop in to this establishment. Btrrz..--Signor Blitz gives a performance this even ing and to-morrow afternoon at Assembly Buildings. The Weather for October. B. J. L. Bends us dm—following table of the weather at Germantown for the mouth just passed OCTOBER, IBGT • i ~ .4 I • .14 '-' f?. 111'6' .Ii 6 „ , . 1.1 ...,..: 1, 4:. i , Wind and IVtather. o Q =:.; t '.' 1 .> o ••.' i' ri' i•-• ...-1 e g 1 a. IA lal t•-• la , _----i---------------- _. 1 45 52 59 60.1 62 N. W. Clear. Frost. 2 44 56 70 29.9 70 S. W. Clear. Frost. 3576466 30 67 - S. W. Cloudy. -'• 4 49 52 53 30.2 54 N. E. Rain. . 5 48 63 65 29.9 66 1 G-10 N. E. Hain. 644 52 57 30.2 56 • N. W. Clear. 737 49 57 30.6 56 N. \V. Clear. Frost. 8 36 50 57 30 5 58 W. Clear. Frost. 9 42 50 63 30.2 64 N. W. Clear. Frost. 1 1 0 1 !. 8 6 ( 51 1 1 6 6 8 6 F2 9 9 . . 7 7 1 .) 1 1 7 i f is 3 l ..l )C l). er l ' ear. \ 12 47155 58 30.1 55 i i..i, , I S V . . C C le lo a u r. dy i . 13 44 1 53 5S 30.1 59 '' N. W. Clear. 14 42 1 51 63 30.1 64 N. Clear. ...15 41 1 56 67 \30.1 66 N. Clear: , 16 45 a. G 3 30.4 65 W. Clear. 17 4G 51 65130.'2 66 W. Clear. 18 49 58 751,311.1 76 S. W. Clear. Hazy. '19155 63,75;30.2 781 8. W. Clear. Hazy. 20164 6S \7t'10.4 Ti 030.4 77 21 la , 53(65139.4166 N. E. Cloudy. 22 64 01i65130 165 2-10 S. W. Cloudy. Rain. 23 49155167' 30 . 2 , 661 N. Clear 24 35 42i52 30.6 53l - N. W. Clear. \ 25 34 49 50 30.4 57 N. Clear. 26 37 45 57 r,a.r, 55, S. W. Clear. 27' 39 45 58 30.5,541 i - S. Clear. 21, 43 49 57 29.9156' 1,14. E. Cloudy. Rail.). 29 4-S 52 65 29.8 , 691 3-101'.N. E. Cloudy. Rain: 30 46 54 58 '29.91b7 IW. Cloudy. 31145 53 58 '29.9 , 561 N. W. Cloudy. Eight o'clock.. Twelve o'clock Three o'clock, Depth of Rain. CITY NOTICES. AN INTERESTING ITEM.--MCKETY• H. Roll & Co. have opened their new and elegant Cigar Store, No. d North Seventh street, and offer an exteradve and varied assortment of the Choicest Brands of Havana Cigars, Smoking and Chewing Tobacco, Meerschaum riPeg. Fancy Articles, &e,, al Wholesale and Retail, on all secular days. Pricer reasonable.' TICKETS YOIL TUE NEW PHIL4DELPLIIIL OPERA HOWIE YOU SALE •ETEU 3 o'cLui»; P. M. UPROLSTERY.—For promptness, good work Istansbip, and low prices, apply at Potten'a,l4OS Chestnut street. Gomm - Ws Plantation Tobacco is acknow ledged by all lovers of the weed to be the best article yet oftered to the trade. Sold everywhere.. To ear..ICTLEMEN. — chaB. Oakford & Sons, Continental ll* . tel, have al the latent styles of Silk and Soft Sate. The duce ever extdblted,in the City. T HE murmur. "Moartnia GLORY" STOVER sold by Mr. Charles Jonce , 909 and 311 - North Second , street, are the tuba desirable store in the world for cleanliness, beauty and economy. . To Gicarn.nbfm.— theOakford & Sons. Continental lintel, have al the latest istrlea of Silk and Soft liat4. The tine* ever exhibited In the City. )z::==MM „ flikacm o o 86414. --Elder ow, OMs Glperioe,,Letlxco, Bunftows ?dusk. ; 1300.00_ , ,:,: , Ssvws4loo:lBVolthileggraii"AC NJILY ANERAA} EN ``IF WO ALL THAT IS et.krarito TOR IT, er 15 01131TAIT41.1t A WONIIIIIIIIIIS litAmmotl"--Thin tO• mark is often made by those who have beard of but have not seen the great Combination Sewing and Button-hole Machine. Let all sued skeptics call at the Salesrooms, corner of Eleventh and Chestnut, and see for themselves that it will do with great ease "all that is claimed for it." CHINA BOUQUETS. — The. only stock In the United States is at Gay's China Palace, 1022 'Chestnut street. LACE CUETAINS.—NOW Is the time to rains. Great t at bargains , a , ton's,l4oB Chestnut street. THE rain dampens everything but the spirits,of those who dress iu clothing sold at Charles Stokes & Co.'s first-class Clothing House, under the Continental. Nothing can dampen a man's mpuits when in perfeet bodily comfort, which can. be often attained by wear ing wOll-fitting and comfortable clothing. See the goods. To GENT Chas. Oakford & Sons, eontinentr.: Hotel, have all the latst styles of Silk and Soft, Ha«... The *Lest ever exhibited in the City. GAY'S CIMA PALAOE, 1922 Chestnut street, is, open till vine o'clock every night, Naw Faurrs of all kinds. ldnouaLL & FLETMIXT4 1204 Chestnut street. LACE CURTAINS.-1,000 Pairs elegant real lace Curtains, at greatly reduced prices ; selling . low, be cause they were purchased at auction to. selling, Great variety and bargains in Curtains, at Patten's, 1408 Chestnut street. EXTRA FRAGRANV OOLONG TRA.— MITCHELL. & FLETORRn, 1204 Cheatnut street. M. SHOEstAKEr. tt Co., 1024 Chestnut street, are new opening an 'elegant assortment of Misses' and Children's )Millinery, in the latest Paris styles. Also, a full. line of Children's Multi:lg for Boys, Girls, Infante and Misses. - To THE LADIES.- Cal at Gay'a China rune, um Chestnut street, and inspect the immense ..aatiMt meat of Fancy and Plain China, Bohemian and French Glassware, Bronze and Parian Statuary, Silver Plated Ware, Table Cutlery, &c., before making your purchases. _ . DROVER it BAKER'S Highest Premium Sewing Machines, 431:1 Chestnut street. .. VERY CHOICE CLOVER HONEY.— ' Mumma. & Eirousr., 1'204 Chestnut street BEDDMG and Furniture Re-upholstered, Car pets laid, and Upholstery of any description done im mediately. Workmen always ready, at • • , Patten's, 1408 Chestnut street. ' JoNES' HOTEL, 235 Dock Street, below Third, revived by W. P. Larkin on the Baropean plan. Meals from to 12 P. M. good lodgings for guests. House open all night. Rooms 50 eta. per night. NEW BET - }I . I. ' EIiEM - BCCIC.WHEAT.. --- MITCIIELL S FLLICAIICAt. ' 1204 Chew Oat ,00, Thairltr. as, 331..cTrslms ANT) CATARRH.— J. Isaacs, M. D., Professor of the Bye and Sex. Main an diseases appertaining to the above members with the utmost success. Testimonials from the most reliable sources in the city can be gem at his office, No. 505 Arch street. The medical faculty are invited to ac company their patients. as he has no secrets in his practice. Artificial eyes inserted. No charge made tor-examination. FINANCIAL and COMMERCIAL sales at the Philadelphia block Exchange. BOAED. ZOO US 5.20 s '65 j 9 c 107'; I 2eh CanutAm 5000 do c 1073; scrip c 93 15U00 City de new 101 41)0 eh Ocean Oil lts 33; 4300 do ' old RR 96 300 eh, do b6O 3.51 1000 do kso 96 07 eh Lehigh Val b 5 5134 50 eh Del Div bswn WM 60 sh do bswn 51 3 46 sh Norristown R 64 1 4 200 shßig Mountain 2'5; Pnraanictratta, Friday, November 1. They was but little business at the Stock Board this morning, and not much change from yesterday's ligurea Government Loaits moved ,- slowly .• at our quotations. City Loans were a shade better, and closed at 101 for the new and 96 for. the old issues. State Loans were not offered to any extent. Reading Railroad was very dormant, closing at about 43% b. 5. Pennsylvania Railroad closed at 52; Camden and Amboy Railroad at 123 ; Little Schuylkill Railroad at 23 ;Norristown Railroad at 64%; Catavrissa Railroad Preferred at23%g23%; Philadelphia andltrie Railroad at 2534 bid, and North Pennsylvania Railroad at 30%. Canal stocks were heavy. 90 was bid for Morris Pre ferred; W% for Schuylkill Navigation Preferred; 10 for the Common stock; 11 for Srusquehanna ; 5234 for Delaware - Division, and 42 for Wyoming. There was not a transaction in Bank - shares. Passenger Railway shares, without exception, were heavy and weak. Smith, Randolph it Co., Bankers, 15 South Thir street, quote at 11 o'clock, ;as follows: Gold, 141; United States DM Bonds, 112%(4112%; United States 5-20'e, 1662, 108%44108%; 5-20's. 1864, 105%44105%; 5-20% 1665, 106%04106%; 5-20's, July, 1E65, 107%g 107%; 5-20's, July, 1367. 107,'44107%; United States 10-40'e, 100%, @IOO3L United States 7-30's, Ist siertes, Par; 7-30's ; 2d dries, 105%0105%; 3d series, 105%g105%; Compounds.Decenilwr,lB64,llB3£4ll9. Jay Cooke & Co. quote Government aft-midge, •Itc., to-day,as follows: United States 6's, 61881, nionsm; Old 5-26 Bonds, 168%0106%; New 5-90 Bonds, 1864, 105%44105X ; 5-20 Bonds, 1365, 106%(410636; 5,20 Bonds July, 1665,107%44107% ~.2CI BondalB67, 117%g 107%; 10-40 Bonds, 100%1410034 :7 7-10 Angust, par; 7 8-10, Jane, 1053(14105%; 7 3-10, July, 10534 105%; Gold,(at 12 o'clock), 140%4416%. Messrs. De Haven It Brother, Na. 40 South Third street, make the following quotations of the rates of exchange to-day, at IP. ; American Gold, 140%0 140%; Silver—Quarters and halves. 135(4136%; Com pound Interest Notes—June, 1864, 19.40; July, 166 4 , F 19.40 ; August, 1864, 19.46; October, 1364, 19.40; Dec., I 1664, 18%; May, 1865, 1731; August, 1866,16%; Sept.. 1865, 15%; October, 15%. The inspections of Flour and Meal In Philadelphia, for the week ending Oct. 31, 1867, are as followd: Barrels of supertine......... • • • • • • • ....12,1a4 Flue.. ..... ......... ......... ... to;.. 11 Rye .. .... „ ..... ...... .. ........... 181 Corn Meal. .. Condemned ............. .. ... . .... . . Total .... •.• •• ...... ..... The following in au offichirstatement of the business of the office of the Assistant' Treasurer of the United States, in liew, York, for the month ending Oct. 31, 1861 11EUNIPTB AND DISDMISENENT 2 3. Oct. 31, 1867, by balance._ .1 - $111,700,859 40 Receipts during the month: On account of Cuatoms... $2,082,986 27 On account of Gold Notes.. 5,054, 0 60 00 On account of lnt'l Rev.... 413,590 31 On account of 3 per cent. Certificates . ..... .....11,560,000 00 On account of P. 0. !Wt. 555,494 16 On account of Transfers... 1,590,300 00 On account Patent Tees... .4,132 26 On account 'Miscellaneous .40,786,092 63 On account Disbursing ace .14,566,q40 43 Assay (Mice 557,434 72 On account Interest acet.. 507,916 00 Total • 'Payments— Treasury Drafts $71,475,203 32 post-0111ce Drafts.' 808 , 240 87 'Disbursing Accounts..... 18,195,099-bc Assay Office— ...... 211,284 14 Interest Accounts, viz • - In Coin. • • . ' In Currency Balance. • By balance tO:Cr.'Treaeu rer UnitedStaWo• • By balance to Cr., ..Loa burping Accounts.:.... 10,08,883 64 By Fun& in hand, Ae ray °nice. . 4.... •.. 2,517,245 77 - By balance 1,850,585 80 Philladelplalta 111Larketa. FRIDAY, I.—Thete• is more Cloverseed coming forward and prices: have fallen 60 cents V busheL Sales of 200 bushels at s7lo(age7 75. Timothy Is lower and cannot be quoted, over. IMO 25. There is some reaction in Flaxseed anditales are reported at $2 68—an advance. r Quercitron Bark is held Smelly aud p rther sales are reported at $54 # ton for lio. , The Flour market continues very, mock depressed and prices are drooplng. There is 410014iPping demand and only a few hundred barrels were"disposed of for the supply of the home trade at $7 OW 50 V barrel for superfine, extras at $8 60059 60,- loW:grade and choice Northwest extra Family . at $lOOll .40,F0r and Ohio extra family at $1113(012 50 , and tat slB®l4. Rye Flour is selling pn , ,lots at ' $8 . Prices of Corn Meal are nominal. • The offerings of Wheat, although small, me'fally up to the demand,there being no inquiry except teenpply the wants of the local millers. Oates of faliand . ptime Red at $2 40V2 GO .V busneh • Rye has materially declined. Sales of Venus. at $1 00 and Southern at ando Corn is alio lower sales of ellow at $1 a 10,000 bushels Weston:t ; on secret te y rm. Oats are dull at a decline and range from 60 to ,70 ceata l -the latter figure fur choice. • • it 1, 4 THE DAILY 'EVENING, tutontr.-PIitLADELPIIIA, FRIDAir, NOVEMDER 1, 1867, ..m.mwepeenrirmwerammEsimmi , , _ ABBI,VRDous DA.Y. Steamer H L Slaw, Iler, 13 hours from. Baltimore, with indite to A Groves, Jr. Steamer .S C Walker, Sherin, 1 day from New York, With Mdse to W M Baird it Co. . • Sehr Blwood Damn Jarria_j*iviiience. CLKthLBD TRIO DAL Steamer Decatur, Young. Baltimore, J 1) Ruoff. Brig A B Patterson, Wilkie, Leguriyra, John Dallett & Co. Behr L A May. Baker. Bangor, Watuaimmeher & Co. Behr Ehvood IDoroa, Jatyle,,Boatoti, Weotmd Coat Co buy CT.- • - lIKKORANDA. Ship Susan Rinks. Phintey,''cleared at Boston 30th ult. for Rio Janeiro. Ship Aureola, Hughes, Cleared at New York yester day-fur San Francisco., , Ship Western Chief Gilmore, front Callao 26th July; With guano, at New York yesterday. Ship Gardiner Colby, from New York, at San Fran cisco yesterday. , Steanitngs Thos A 'Morgan, and .A.chilles, hence for New Orleans, at Key West 2.lth ult.—put in for coal. Bark John Mathues, Loughlin. hence at, Kingston, Ja. 15th nit. Bark•lnna, Cummings, for this port via Remedios, was chartered at Havana 26th ult. Bark W El Jenkins (Br),Lewand,ltence at New York yesterday. Brig W B Jones (Br), Conley, sailed from Manza nilla 17th ult. for this port. • Brig W H Parks,Simmons,for this port. was loading at Manzanilla 26th ult. Brig John Welsh, Jr, Scull, hence at Sagua previous to 21st ult. Brig Alice Lee, Herring, cleared at Boston yesterday for Havana. Brig Romaine, Card, sailed from Kingston, Ja. 10th ult. for Old Harbor and this port. Brig Angelis., Brown, from St John, NB. for this port, at Holmes' Hole 29th tilt. Schr Nellie Star. Poland, sailed from Havana 24th ult. for this port via Sagas. • Schr E Gildersleeve, Carroll, hence at New York yesterday. Schrs El W Benedict, Case, hence for Newport, and J Loeser, Franklin, from Zanesville for this port, at New York yesterday. Schr Fred Fish, Davis, clewed' at Boston yesterday fo Ir this port. Schr C B Paige. Doughty, hence at Boston 30th ult. Schrs Champion, Clark, from Callas, and Tanta mount, Davis, from Salem, both for this port, re mained at Newport 30th ult. Sears Joe Wilson. Somers, hence forßoston, and C \V May, Ronny,from Portland for tide port, at Holmes' Hole 29th nit. Schra Albert Pharo,Shourds, •fOr this port ;J B Clay ton, Clayton, for do. and Manta, Smith, for do or Bangor, sailed from Providence 30th tilt schrs_Elvira, Kelley, from Fall River for this port, and Jai Neilson Racket, from Taunton for, do, at Newport 29tit Scbr American Eagle, Shaw, sailed from Newport 29th ult. for this port. Behr En ma D Finney, Townsend,ls days from Gal veston, et New York yesterday..,.: Bahr Argus Eye, Townsend, iune. remained at Key West 228 nit. • . BARGAINS! BARGAINS! 1,PD7,036 93 $198,457,990 33 18T,8.56 75 106,851 00 86,536,0245 64 $109,671,864 69 95,935,699 9S - 109,871,864 69 MARINE Tine Bulletin pn Mr& Page vint4kt:liivirAl SELLING OFF SELLING OFF FINE CLOTHING, AT SW CHESTNUT STREET. SU9 CHESTNUT STREET, To meet the public' wants, WE ARE PREPAREDI NOW OFFER OUR LARGE STOCK OF FALL AND WINTER CLOTHING AT Ali IMMENSE SACRIFICE. DIMENSE.SACRIFICE! CALL ANT) SEE:...: • CALL AND SEE. A HEAVY STOCK ON PIECEGOODS FOR MEASURE WORK.' C. SOMES 8c SON, SO CHESTNUT STREET, ocLUlt•tu EDWARD P. KELLY, TAILOR, • , . S. E. car. orSeven• and Chestnut Ste, Complete issicarnent of Fine and Extra Fine Black and Colored Cloths. Caster Moths, Winter Clothe and Mellows. Silk Velvet and Velveteens. beet& Cheviot Wilmot. Far, Astracati, Chinchilla and Smooth Beaver& Black Deak ins, Plain Colored. Banded. Striped and Plaid Cassimerea. Silk. Cashmere, Plain and Fancy Velvet and Cassimete Vesting:a, Clothes equal or superior to Mom of any other estah• lishment, at moderate prices. son f:3 G:110 ik.jlcriirjlW: El D.L.4.11 CHARLES L. HALE, Onto Sateen= and Superintendent fors. J. Willitund NO. 831 ARCH STREET, avumescirviska OF VENETIAN BLINDS and WINDOW SHADES. 'l4. It OWl' AND YINEST ASSORTMENT IN TUB _CITY AT THE LOWEST PRICES. . OLSTERING IN ALL Tra BRANCS. STORE SHADES MADE AND LETTE RED. mien- tf rp B. J. WILLIADIS & SONS, NO. 16 North SIXTH Street, Manufacturers VENETIAN BLINDS ANp , . :• ...WINDOW SHADES. in n:U.4 aiort x ne u n . t f ..due pie oplet eataMlsh. DEPADUNGatROMPEV ATTENDED TO. Prwe.B. 'STOKE SUADES MADE. TO ORDER. seS5-tfry4 13ALTIMO lEt,-7-,,.;.,--, IMPROVED BABE BCENING. 1,7 ( ' FIRE-PLACE HEATER t rtr waslt ,l ri MAGAZINE & ILLUDUNATING DOORS. L . - i - . 4.- - - -- The most Cheerful end Perfect Hester in 644 1 .--• 7, !--A . Vim To be had Wholesale and Retail of 18. 411 1iMe. MB M tricot street. 0014.1mc ISAAC 13. EIrANS MADDYAOTIIRD II AND DELL= ft OILS, _PAINTS, VARNISHES, , AND Naval S!oros and Soaps, No. 16 North Delaware avenue, Philada. ocitan Frnan% WEAVER CO. NEW CORDAGE FACTOFiIf NOW IN FULL OPERATION 1 I No. 28 N. WATER avA IN N. DEI4. arida. ) lab R im ItUBBER eo MACHINE BFJUITNO::: liTlya WV Il i karlS Mli Si 4 s fu n ttia ii . i t ses,Patest uloallized KU I Mg • ' coo. . M the Wa il WWI. i l NI Cbailaut .: ii i ia. Ri il.—Wa have is Near d Ches. , "WO.' at i rriapasit Liapeovar asa cop, to wig* gilVedtisa 0 isuktto hi GaW. . IWAILTIDaIItes Fl it • .7 PARIS, FLOWER STANDS . ilLkirk or, POrCelain and Ormolu Combined. CALPWF.LL & CO., MERCHANT JEWELERS, 822 CHESTNUT STREET. ()VERA. GLASSES, Fans, Elegant Paris Jewelry. fei-f,m,w-ttn4 Nov. 1 Sterling Silverware Manufactory, ' 4114 LOCUST STREET. GEORGE SHARP, Patentee of the Ball and Cube patterns, manufactures every description of fine STERLING SILVERWARE. and offers for sale, wholesale and retail, a choice assort. merit of rich and beautiful goods of new stiles at IoW Prices. J. M. SHARP.• . A. ItosErrs. ' sellart rpft • *7 , # CARVED la it WOOD 'ARKS OF ART, AT CALDWELL & CO.'S, lii&BCIlt11T MILERS, 822 CHESTNUT STREET. fel-f m warp§ h *Ai n Div nsliz. I ICIPWatIUiI 1 GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS. JOHN C. ARRISON, Nos. 1 and 3 N. Sixth St.,Philada., Would invite the attention of gentlethen to his extensive assortment of Furnishing Goods. Consisting of SILK SHIRTS AND DRAWERS. Cartwright & Warner's Merino Shirts and Drawee. Lambs' Wool do. do. do, Buckskin do. do. do. Cotton do. do. do. English Swan's Down Canton Flannel made to J. C. A.'s express order for Shirts and Drawers. ALSO. GENTLEMEN'S WRAPPERS. HOSIERY. .CLOVES, STOCKS, TIES, jriM tf, dco,dzajr.c. J. C. BARNES & CO. GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS. MANUFACTURERS OF Fine Shirts, Collars, Wrappers, &o. NO. 245 N. NINTH ST., PHILADELPHIA. Girard Fire Insurance Company 639 N. E. cor. Chestnut and Seventh sta. CAPITAL &ND ISM/WM *0.3 5 0,0 0 O. All of which Is safely Invested In RAM Estate, Bonds and Mortgages, Government Loans and other good Securities. This Company have successfully insured $/00,000,000 Of property in the last 14 years, and paid MORE THAN 800 losses by Are. It has nearly doubled its capital in this period. It has never belonged to any combination of underwriters in this city or out of it. Our Agents in Pennsylvania, and elsewhere. have not been instruarea tojoin any organization for establishing arbitrary rates and rules. We have our own tariff of Premiums and are not under the necessity of borrowing from the experience of others. rs Broke and Agenti in Ph and professing to repro. sent us in any particular, should be able to show four written authority for doing so. Parties wishinifinsunums win consult their own interest by calling in pence at tliis °Dice. numerous: - 'THOMAS CRAVEN, ALFRED S. GILLETT. FURMAN SHEPPARD. N. S. LA WRENCE_,_ THOMAS macKELL kit, CHARLES L DUPONT. JOHN BUPPLEE. HENRY F. KENNEY, • JOHN W. L'LAGHORN. JOSEPH KLAPP. M. D .. SILAS Y 8, JA. THOMAS CRAVEN, . PRESIDENT ALFRED S. GILLETT, ME =WENT AND TNEABUREI4 eI_A.LIES B. ALVIORD,2 in 4 Slaral Sh.Cur.;• HOOP SKIRTS FALL STYLES. Plain and Trail Hoop Skirta, 8, of "OE OWN 2X, IV. 2,4: and 8 yards round. of every length and shape or ladies, and a corm. plete assortment of .Misses' and Clhildrerea Skirt/ t froirti to 45 springs, from 10 to 33 inches long, all MAKE." superior in style, finish and durabil ty and really the cheapest and most aatisfaotory Hoop SWAB in the A merican market. Warranted in every respect. Skirts made to order, altered and repaired. EAUTION.—Owing to the' unprecedented reputation which "Ohr Own Make" of Skirts have attained, some dealers are endeavoring to put a very inforior akirt upon their customers by representing them"to be "Hopkimes Own Make." Be not deceived. "Our Make" are damped on each tab t "W. F. Hopkins, Manufacturer. No. 823 Arch rarest, Philadelphia," and , also have the letter if woven in the tapes between each spring. Also, dealer In New York made Skirts, at very low prices t wholesale and retail. Send for catalogue of atyles and prices, at No. fBlB Arch street, Philada, mhtl.f,rn,w,lyrP WM. T. HOPKINS. EW FALL sicutT. N mBIJRANUE. NEW OFFICE, HOOP SKIRTS. TUE PATENT CLASP 1100 P SKIRT. Manufactured and for sale by SHAW & BONHAM. 916 ARCH and 2¢3 North NlNTH.treets. The Patent Clasp NEW STILE SICIRTS, mandato. twed by us, are acknowledged by the. Ladies to be the neatest, moat Comfortable and durable Hoop Skirt made. They are superior to all others, being made of one pibee of the beet patent glazed English Steel, Without any fasten. in6a; the tapes are imeurely held by neat, patent elaaPs. Skirts altered into the new fashionable shapes Skirts and Corsets made to order, Werley'a ant other makea of Fr .uch Horses for sale. • Beiriza,w,f,llimPl• Hallo 0 P K 1 rh i l3l . lD 002.8ET13.—KIXO: 'E. AYLEY. 'NO • vine etrea is now taannfaetur. thirvarieusa o °op Skirng. uoreete, &leo the Beat propel! °orate of new atilea. 8 altered and ropaueu. ' ' TO BJENT. diik 01.11hiTNUT . _ POlt RENT—TELE /ME lEndutOnttaito Rear og biontdomPri ouninto, and on the west nide Mph lanp; fl , ht tat with or. WV without tupdturo la is' ono oL he taoelAttlative urrop Chotitill vibe , Live Of -1 ItiNkuti" inttubted. 00d0. , , -- 40* i r Must ow*, 60., Oa iii tiOr t w tair. tirii i v not4to 116 obitut Snot. • Olderye nisties. THE LARGEST AND BEST STOOK OF FINE OLD. RYE WHISKIES IN TAB' LAND , IS NOW POSSESSED BY HENRY S. HANNIS, & 101.8 and g2O SOUTH FRONT STREET Who offer the same TO THE TRADE, in Lots, on very advantsgoOns Terms. __ nrbelr Stock of Bye Whiskies, IN BOND, comprises all mae favorite brands *EA taut, and runs through the various mouths of 111614 9 041, and of this year. UP t present date. .Liberal contracts made for lots to arrive at Pennsylvania Bats Depot, Bradall rongLine Wharf, or at Bonded Warehouses, as parties may Wool. • ' ' don FURNITURE. &c. SPECIAL NOTICE. We are prepared tozaeo Purchasers of Fine Fuirtiture, BOTH LN STYLE AND PRICE. GEO.J.RENKELS,LACY & CO., CABINET MAKERS, 18th and Chestnut Streets. sea3m rP AVISO. MITEBLES FINO EXIDBICION, in COLOCBone de Cuartoe. ADO 007d0 Batas do recibliniento CUARTOS DE CAMARA. GEO. J. .111.ENKEI.S. LACE & CO.. EIIANISTAS, oe2s.tfrp; 4 , TIIIRTEENTIi AND . CLIESTNUT Special Card. FINE FURNITURE ON EXHIBITION IN SUITES OF ROOlll3, CARPETED AND FURNISHED 103 CHAMBERS AND PARLORS• CEO. J. ItENKELS, LACY & CO., CABINET MAKERS. THIRTEENTH AND CHESTNUT. rimAnEm i nie. . tr Die refasten Pleubel arrangart in der ganzen Entire fortig zur Ansicht, Teppich and Gardinen elnbegrilten. GEO. J. BEENKELS, LACY dr CO., Meubel Fabrik ant, Thirteenth and Chestnut, Philadelphia. .was-try 13 AVIS iMPORTANT ° . BEAUX MEUBLES, pour Salons et Cliambres is Coneber. Arranges pour Expwition dans Appartements Omni' et Converts de Tapia. GEO. J. HENKELS, LACY & CO., EHENIBTES, men-5-tfrp: CHESTNUT STREET. au Coln de tame. A. & H. LEJAMB, E Have removed their Furniture and Upholstering Warerooms No. 1103 Chestnut Street, (up stairs.) se7.3m rp.) PAINTINGS, dce. NEW OIL PAINTINGS. NEW ROMAN PHOTOGRAPHS. NEW CHROMOS, From Milan and Florence. NEW ROGERS' GROUP, "THE SCHOOL EXAMINEITIOti." Looking Glasses in every variety. JAMES S. EARLE &. SONS, 818 CHESTNUT STREET. CURTAIN MATERIALS. 33.A.11G1 - A.INS IN LACE CURTAINS. CURTAIN MATERIALS, FURNITURE COVERINGS. WINDOW WADES, AND" UPILOLSTERY GO() Of the Newest Fabrics. Designs, and Qualities. PIANO AND TABLE COVERS, And a full Rue of UOUSZFURNISHLNQ LINENS, QUILTS, dui.. At the Lowest Prices. C. M. STOUT & CO., 1100 Chestnut Street. mvl•wfm los NO. 629. - ' IS. • ' / • ; GENERAL VIEW OF THE CASES IN WHICH 11014 4 3 MALT EXTRACT BEVERAGE OF HEALT is applica H. ble: I. IN OASES OF WEAKNESS OF DIGESTION.— Proofs of its efficacy— Mrs. Amanda Fordoff. of No. 146 Wooster et , cot writes: "By advice of my physician, Dr. Chauveau, I have taken uca , a melt Ex tract, Od anal can now partake of any kind of fo" 2. FOE DYSPEPSIA IN GENERAL. Mr. William Moller, of No. 0 West Twenti rd ee street, _Writes: "I recommend cheerf y HOFF'S Hoff's built Extract to , dyspeptics; I have never found such a splendid beverage.'.' 8. FOR A FOHLBTATE OF STOMACH. ' Mrs. Dafferner, of No. 080 itivingt on street, MALT writes : "My husband has been entirely cared of his disorder of the stomach." 4. FOR EXHAUSTED PERSONS . My physioian is in favor of it, and did not EXTRACT think that it could disagree w his medi. cinos." P. A. ith BEERS. (Ivry DATMENIT. 6. FOR BODILY WEARNEOS. _ I am, I fear, a contirmaneud innovarailadihohinaveesetteemeds ale andnorter, _ to benefit mo; but gdoirA blaitg n ictract to just the thing I °ecl air E . O. 6. IN CATARRHS, ESPECIALLY OBSTINATE, Mr. deli Edwards, of, the New York Thee, tre, writes to Mr. bar s ore wife has boon entirely wood of bar sore throat by the use tc. Bold at drug e gists' and grocers'. Persona wisiihs.g agencies mild apply to lioLPs Malt Extractpopot, 541t oc ksro w ad f mw6aty, ErN- pitzsEnven cinion,_minstßvgo wo f the odoorated IghYlOong brand; ,q , ohm* in b2zes. tinPortoo and for sktes7 os vßaElt & Ou„ 106 South DololivarO aroma' . • MEDICINAL. , CALIMPETINOBi &ce 519 Chestnut Street. FINE C.A.RPETINGS REDUCED PRICES, WE WILL BELL OUR AXIIIINSTEEtS, ItOYAL WILTONS, VELVETS. ENGLISH BRUSSELS, TAPESTRY inmussELs, THREE.PLYS, SUPEIL-INGRAIIVh BRUSSELS AND DABASILL HALL AND STAIR CARPETS, WITII EXTRA BORDERS ENGLISH OIL CLOTHSI IN SHORT, EVERT DESCRIPTION OF DESOUBLI CARPETINGS, GREATLY REDUCED PRICES, With a view to SELLG RE TA ILFF OUR ENTIP.E STMT. AT OUR WAIIEROOktti. No. 519 Chestnut St., Prior to removal on first of January next MeCALLUM, CREASE & SLOAN, 519 CHESTNUT STREET. 1867 CARPETINGS. 1867 JAS. H. ORNE, SON & CO. Chestnut Street, below Seventh, MMMTV" n M FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC CARPETINGS. English Brussels Carpetings. By Lee arrivals we have received a full assortment of Uri BEST ENGLLSII MAKES. JAS. H. ORNE, SON & CO., Chestnut Street, below Seventh. English and French AXMINSTERS, ROYAL WILTON, AND VELVET CARPETING 'S• ALL TIM NEW EXHIBITION IMBION3. Now Irt store and for sae by JAS. H. ORNE, SON & CO., Chestnut Street, below Seventh. THREE-PLY AND INGRAIN CARPETINGS In great variety of design. OIL CLOTHS, In eheota froml yard to 8 yards wide. Henderson & Co.'s all Worsted Venitians. JAS, H. ORNE, SON & CO., ~,pt l ipb s pvi a t Street, below Seventh. NOTICE. LEEDOM &SHAW, 910 ARCH STREET, BOWOOII Ninth and Tenth Streeta. Will continue to Bell their stock of CARPETINGS .Alieric.:AirzgicaiNgTolooarseantthlittddgiroanmametur4ecrotto fog SALX. Ith uc Stock of the apacioca FOR aoo t WILL, FIXTURES gitel4eNaaote.'B7s"Arigh svetre;t. Mock, tho %r o cas*. allot 11 °Woo; .A.JR ISAAC NATHAN% AUCTIONEER, N. E. CORNER Third and Spruce streets, only ono square below the Ricohinge. otooo to .n large or small amount 4, On dlojinondstailvire Sot? Watßoo.o , jOivelry, and potato of °tufa ours rota A. M. to 7r. Estab naked for th e t forty Years. Advanced m in largo amounts at WO rowed market 'earn VZNIETtANIS I ,
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