CITY NOTICES. ------ 14111.ATMLNITA0 ever noted for her charitable acts, is responding nobly to the spivs! in behalf of the Idscridde institute. Nyco, e nder - rider of one dollar not Only aide good caw, but scritrea a beautiful steel plate cumin. mg. and a r esent besides, which may be the first . in the list, worth $40, 000 . Mows' 'AsaMILLINT:IIV—LATEST Lta is dhoonnker Co., 1024 Chestnut street. VIE success of Garibaldi in Italy does not • make it occet=sary for Us this side of the water to dress • in red ilanvel shirts to show our patriotism. True • ostriots. dem continue to wear the beautiful etTles of cl o thing sold at Charles Stokes & Co.'s tirit-elsse ono-made Clothing House, under the Continental. Cnn.onves CLorntNG—A splendid assortment. M. Shoemaker & 1024 Chestnut at. o.tizronns have now open A large s Finef Furs. Onkcords, Continental Hotel. THE ASTON/SUING 1311:CE,5S'of the new Combi nation Button-hole and E.ewing Machine is not enrpri king when we remember that it is the most complete and perfect machine ever constructed. It should be seenandexamined by every admirer of genius and mechanical skill. On exhibition southwest corner of Eleventh and Chestnut Ptrecte. . _ BUY THE "MORNING (.41.01:V" STOVF., ANT) NO OTHEM—NpII will never regret it, For sale by C'has. Jones, 809 and 811 North Second street. °WORMS have now open A large assortment Of Fine Furs. Oakfords, Continental Hotel. OAKronns have now open A large assor Of tment rine Furs. Oak fords, teontinental HoteL JONES' Holm., 235 Dock Street, below Third, revived by W. P. Larkin on the European plan. 'ldeals from 6 A. M. to 12 P. M. Good lodgings for est& House open all night. Rooms 60 ets. per night. DEAlarms, ISLINDNICBS AND CATARDH...-• J. Isaacs, hi. D., Professor of the Eye and Bar, treats all diseases appertaining to the above members with the utmost success. Testimonials from the moat reliable sources in the city can be seen at his office, No. 1305 Arch street. Thomedical faculty are invited to ac company their patients, as he has no secrets in his puttee. Artificial eyes inserted. No chargé made for examination. JOBBERS AND IBPORTERS. E. S. JA.FFRAY & CO. 608 CHESTNUT STREET, Are receiving and now opening for Fall Trade, full hues Linens, Table Cloths, Napkins, Huckabacks, • Diapers, Towelings, Damasks, Sheetings, Pillow Linens. L. C. Hdkfs, Hosiery, Gloves, Crapes, • Ladies', Gents' and Children's Undez Wear, Embroideries, Nets, Ribbons, dro. The above will be eold et the lowest New York prices. and on the mast advantageous terms. Represented by H. Story. eol-e to th 3m rp 'MINDS A.ND WINDOW SHADES. B. I. WILLIAMS & SONS, NO. 16 North SIXTH Street, blonufaeturen of VENETIAN BLINDS AN_D WINDOW SHADES. Largest and finest assortment in the cite, at the lowest Prices. Store Bhadce muds and lettered . ieEs.tfrP§ CHARLES L. HALE, (late Salesman and Superintendent for B. J. Wiliam) NO. 831 ARCH STREET, MAN 11" FACT CR EFL OF VENETIAN BLINDS and WLNDOW SHADES. LAMEST AND FINEST. ASSORTMENT LN TUE CITY AT THE LOWEST PRICES. UPHOLSTERING ES ALL ITS BP.ANCITES. nol7- tf rp CLOTHING. EDWARD P. KELLY, TAILOR, HAS REMOVED TO S. E. cor, of Seventh and Chestnut S HOOP ISKIJEIVPS. IDif 00 P SKIRTS AND CORSETS.—MRS. E. 11 BAYLEY. No, 81li Vine etroot, is now manufactnr• ing all the varieties of Hoop Skirts, Comte, die. She has also the Real French Corsets of now styles. Hoop Skirts altered and repaired. miDe-tf rp FITLER, WEAVER it CO. NEW CORDAGE FACTORY NOW IN FULL OPERATION. No. TS N. WATER and 83 N. DEI. avenue RIO TAPIOCA, BEST QUA.LITV, wrni FULL DI rectionli for making e xr,Tilent th: , ,,,,,:rt5; BERMUDA ARROWROOT; FRESH BETHLEHEM OATNIF.M.; ROBINSON'S I'ATENT BASLE : PEARL SAGO, with directiQmi; CARACCAS COCOA. a pole choulato for Invalids; CRACKED - WHEAT for. DYSPEPTICS; LIQUID RENNET: CONDENSED MILO, EXTRACT OF BEEF, and other For solo by JAMES TrodlN Apothecary, oelMf rp and SPruce Ptroeth. 0, 11 MONEY TO ANY AMOUNT LOANED UPON I DIAMONDS, WATCHES, JEELEY, rLsTE, CLOTHING, &c.. at JONES & CO.'S OLD ESTABLISHED LOAN OFFICE, Corner of Third Lomand Gaski d. ll tact., 'Belovr bar N. 8.--DIAMONDS, WATCHES, JEWELRY, GUNS &c., ron BALI' AT REMARKABLY LOW PRICES. ee24-Im M i o r t k r k n r v E i t 1 3 t INDELIBLE TINDI24 RUBBER MACHINE 13ELTING, STEAM 1: packing He se, d:c. • Engineers and dealers will find a full ne.ortment of Goodyear's Patent Vulcanized !tubber Belting, Packing Hose, tte., at the Munulueturer'e headquarters. GOODY EA Wei, It CliestnUt street. Seuth'eide. N• B.—We have a ?Cew and 411 ' 11 1‘ Article of Carden and Payement Saes 'very chesp, to which the attention of the 021)11c is eaUed. it Es , LIQUORS, FOREIGN A.N.D DONIEZTIC TV Ale% Wenn Stout and Cider , . J. JORDAN, WA Year street, below Third and Wel. nut streets. begs to call attention V his large and varied stock of goods now on Land, embracing Wines of all gratlee, amongst which are some eery choice sherries and eiturdc Brandies, all: qualities and different vintages; Whiskies, some very old and superior ; Scotch und English "ilea and. Brown Stout, togotoor with Jordan's Celebrated To* Ale now so extensively used by families, physi. evens. Rivattds and others. Cider. Crab Apple Champagne, and Sweet Cider, of qualities uneurpamed. These goodl are furnished in puck• agog of all oil,* and will 0.01if:':01 fro, c in on Pa* tko city. • GENTILEDIEN 9 B IFVUNISHING 11?001DIP• GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS. JOHN . C. ARRISON, Nos, 1 and 3 N. Sixth St, ,Philada. f Would invite the attention of gentlemen to hie exteneivo mitortment of , Consisting of SILK SHIRTS-AND DRAWERS. Cartwright & Warner's Morino Shirts and Drawers. Lambs' WOol do. do. do. Buckskin do, do. do. Cotton do. do. do. English Swan's Down Canton Flannel made to J. C A.'s express order for Shirts and Drawers. ALSO, GENTLEMEN'S WRAPPERS. HOSIERY, REAL ESTATE SALES. rMcIiORPHANS' COURT SALE.—ESTATE OF JOHN " engue, deed.— Thomas & Sone, Auctioneers.— Pursunnt to au Order of the Orphans' Court f,,r the city and county of Philadelphia? , will be sold at public sale, on Tueedav, November 5, 1867, at 12 o'clock. noon, - at the Philadelphia Exchange, t he following described pro perty, NiZ.•. No. I.—Threeatery brick Tavern and Dwell. mg I \o . 2519 Callowhill street 39 feet front, extending through to Biddle etreet. All t' heit lot of ground, with the e l improvements thereon eV tted, situate on the north site of Callowl,ill street ; be fling at the di s tance of 64 feet east of a street collect!' cart street, but now vacated, and the property of the city of Philadelphia; extending thence S. h. slonriCallowhill street 38 feet; thence extending N. E. at right angles with Callowhill etreet 61 feet 113',i inches ; thence N. at right angles with Biddle street, 65 feet 2374; inches to the south side of Biddle street; thence W. along the S. side of Biddle street 28 feet to a corner of ground now or late of Henry.). 'Williams ; thence S. nt right an gles RIO Biddle etreet 58 feet 77,; inches to n point; thence S. W. at right angles with Callowhill street 72 feet 8h inches to the place of beginning. Bounded north by Bid die street, south by Callowhlll street. east and west by oilier ground of lieury,l. Williams aforesaid, now or late. t Being the ounce premises which Bernard Bradley and wife. Icy indenture bearing date -January 16, A. D., 1831, recorded at Philadelphia in deed book T. II , No. 141, page 28, &c., granted and conveyed unto the said John Me• Keague in fee. Subject to a yearly ground rent of $lO3. The improvement, consist of three-story brick tavern and dwelling fronting on Callow hill street, No. 2519; and a sta ble and two-story brick building in the rear fronting ou Biddle street. Terms—Half the purchase money may remain on mortgage. No; 2.--Two - story Brick Dwelling, No. 236 Madison street, between Eleventh and Twelfth and Race and •Vinec streets. All that two-steely brick inessesge and lot of ground, situate en the went side of .Madison street, 31st feet south of Vine street; containing in trout on Madison street 15 feet, and extending in depth 70 feet to a 20 feet wWe etreet, 1 tinning northward from Steak's alley, par. ellel with '1 wend' street, :end at the distance of 93 feet therefrom, antlictiininunienting with another 20 feet wide street Flinn/11'Z (rout Madieon street tee Twelfth street, at the distance of 100 feet therefrom. Bounded northward by let marked in tier partition of real estate of CIL istictn Lybrand. deceased, No. 63; southward Icy lot marked en said plan No. 65; westward by the said 20 feet wide street, aced eastward by 71adison street aforesaid. Dieing the come premise() w Well Patrick Mel legit and wife,by buten. time besrine dote )Lee- 19 1 1 i, A. 11. 1854, recorded in Phila. delphia, in Deed Book T. 11., No: 146, page 2.79, &c., granted 'and conveyed unto the said John MvKeagete in fee.) The house bee gas introduced. it is Clear of all imumbrance. Isy Cite ‘,..t.0 I, E. A. MERRICK, Clerk Orphans' Court. [AMES HENDERSON. Administrator c.T.A.D.B.s. M. THOMAS k SONS, Auctioneers, 139 and 141 South Fourth street. acl7 2il nov2 Jll I. EsTA'l E.-11 a SALE.— itet On Tuesday, Oct..29th, at 12 o'clock, noon, will be sold at public sale, at the Philadelphia Exchange, the following described property, viz.: No. 1. Three-story Brick Dwelling, N. 252 North Twenty-second 'street, below Vine street. All that three.stsry brick mos suage, with two-story back buildings and lot of ground, situate on the west side of Twenty-second Are,' below Vine street, No. 252; contain ing in trout on Twenty-seeond street 16 feet, and extend ing in depth 76 feet to a :1 feet with. a 11e..y, with the free me and privilege thereof; by the gad introduced, bath, hotmid cold water, cooking 'lingo, C. OW" Clear of all ineumbran J . ftgr Immediate possessiong No. 2—Thtee-atery Brick Dwelling,No.2s4 North Twenty second street, adjoining the above. All that thrcc.ttory brick mesenage, with two-story back buildings and lot of ground sitalite on the west aide of Twenty-second street, No. 254, adjoining the above; containing front 16 feet, and extending In depth 78 tact to a thrue n -teet wide alley; with the free use and privilege thereof ; has the gas, bath, lot end cold water, cooking range, marble mantles in parlor, &re. Clear encumbrance. Possession, March, laga. M. THOMAS th SONS, Auctioneers, list' and 141 booths Fourth street. 0c17,19,5, SALE ()MIME PREMISES.--THOMAS & SONS, Auctioneers.--Modern thret , story brick Residence and Furniture, N 0.2012 Mt. Vernon street, west of Twentieth street. On Friday morning, October 25, 1807. at 10 o'clock, will be sold at public sale, on the premises, 01l that modern three-story brick inessunge, with titre.. story back building and lot of ground, situate on the south ride of Mount Vernon street, west of Twentieth street, 'o. t 2012; containing in front on Mount Vernon street 24 feet 3 inciter, and extending in depth 80 feet 5 inches to feet wide alley, with the common H. e and privilege thereof. It is in excellent repair, and has the modern conveniences: parlor, dining-room and kitchen on the first floor; 2 chambers and large sitting-room on the second floor, and 4 el,, -1 on the third floor: gas 4livolothottt, bath, hot and cold water, furnace, cooking range, &e. 11 , tr'Clear of all incumbranee. Terms—A mortgage of &LOW, at 5 per cent, now on, may remain. immediate possession. May be examined front 10 to 4 o'clock oily day previous to sale. . HANDSOME HOUsEHOLD FERNITURE.—Immedi. ately after the nth, of the Residence,w ill be sold the hand. ,eine rosewood, walnut and mahogany furniture, elegant k civet, Hussey, and tapestry carpets (nearly new) china, cut class and silver-plated ware, bandkime lace and damask window curtains, oil paintings and engrav &e. 0(.17.19.24 11A la PEREMPTORY BALE.— Charle,+ Anderott, decea.4ed.—Thomas • . 'Sou :\w tioncer,.- worptory Brick Dwelling, Cal lon hill tieet, ea,t of St. John circlet, Eleventh Ward. un-m.nt to an onlyr of the Orohamo Court for the City and County of Philudilphin, will be sold at public Fide, t 'nerve. on Ttiordity, November sth, 1867, at id o'clock. noon, at the Philadelphia Exchange, the follow ing da U ptoperty, late of Chalice Andereon, de ceivt 4viz.: All that lot of ground, With the two- Oory Btick na,.o age thereon erected, situate on the'south of Callowhill r erect, 17 feet 17 eclat of St. John at. Ann) etreet, LICVII.Ith Ward; containing in crouton 21 feet 1, niches, :tad extending Ilf rptli :.rd of that breadth33feet-1 WOWS. 11011I111.'d by iriesuage and l o t eold to jo e j a h and by ground formerly of Frederiek Kohl, L i, eastward b ground Jot :tinily of Chri4t hill dree:ou d. (Being the rank premise- which in , lluwouo life C011ipall , ", of the i and Librrtiea f Philadelphia," by tudentuie dat;d the 23d day of recorded in lb cd Book A. D. B. No. 123, page c.. d Mid 11/01/ , An. oNun in ft'.'.) tho raid ;11,00c do.cribed—Riolliir rr tIO , ICIA to 2 certain mortgages of .57001,o•h. By thi' Cow , . E. A. (Th rk O. C. NARY ANN ANDEIIsON. Arlniin4 , tratri%, Tll‘ SON , I. A oetion,a,. 139 and 141 South Fourth street. ocl7 19191 tl BEAL ESTATE -THOMAS ez. SONS' SALE.--ON Tuesday, October tgdh, Irni, at 12 o'clock, noon, will be sold at public sale, at the Philadelphia Exchange, the following (tenanted property, viz.: No. I.—Three• story irk Dm Bing, No. 1626 Helmuth street, between Pine and Lombard Htret ts, With a titre...story Dwelling in the rear 011 Richards street, No. 1623.—A1l that lot of ground, w ith the improvements thereon erected, :its ate ,n the south ride of Helmuth etro,:t, No. in^2l;, (between Pine and Lombard street..,) ltr2 feet east of Seventeenth rNett: containing in front on Helmuth street 16 feet, and extending in &Mil feet to Richard+ atreet, having two „fronts. 111.• Its provena nts coneh4 of it three.,tory !trick dwelllnc, fronting on Helmuth street, No. 1626, and three-Flory brick dwelling 011 Richard, street, No. 1624. Subject to a ye: tly ground rgnt of 18, No. 2.--Lot, Bedford edrent, between Fifteenth and Six teenth Areets. All that lot of ground, with the buildings thereon erected, vitnato on tint north aide of Bedford st., foot west ..t Fifteenth ,trees; containing in front 16 feet (including one-halt - 4 an alloy :la Indira wide, left open on the westaide of tint hereby granted lot and ex. tending in depth uu feet, with the free use and privllega of said no inch wide alley. Subject to a yearly ground rent of SO. M. THOMAS k SONS', Auctioneers, 1:;:1 and 141 tioutn Fourth street. ocl7 12 26 E".REAL ESTATE.- -THOMAS & SONS' 8' liandeomc Modern Itoidence, N. \V. corner of Fit tedith 'and Lombard istreetP. On Tuesday, October :A141E437. nt 1:1 o'clock, noon, will be Pohl at public Bale, at the Philadelphia Exchange, all that four , qory brick Illet!. Silage, with three-Story hack buildinee and lot of ground, mituate at the N. \V. coiner of Fifteenth and Lombard etreetalcontaining in front on Fifteenth etreet f.. , 0 feet, and extending in depth along Lombard dreet loa feet. The home ie huirhed in modern Style—parlor. diniug.rooni and kitc h en on filet floor; ga:i introduced; furnace, cooking. range, &c. IVY - Clear of all it/cumbrance. :4+4,1100 may remain nu mortgage. IgirPoeeegAou will be gird/on flu/ execution of the title If e 7a et the eouth cot corner of Fifteenth and Lombard Etreete. OE 17.19,26 REAL, ESTATE.-THOMAS & SONS' SALE.— Modern Three-story Brick Store and Dwelling, northeast corner of Twentieth and Wilcox street., w it It a brick stable In the rear.—On Tuesday, October 29, 1967, at 12 o'clock, noon, will be sold at public sale, at the. Philadelphia Exchange, all that modern three-story brick message :tad lot of ground, situate on the cast dile. of. Twentieth street, No. 533, corner of Wilcox street; con taining hi front on Twentieth street 18 feet, and extend. tug in depth 77 test. It is occupied as a hake; cud dwelling: has gas bath, hot and cold water, furnace,cook. ing range, &e. Also, a brick stable and lot of ground ad joining, fronting on Wilcox street; 16 feet front, 30 feet deciL M" - Clear of all 11161mbranca. • Tenne-44,500 may remain on mortgage. 31. THOMAS & SONS. Auctioneers, 1311 and 141 South Fourth street. M. A. TOtt I ft'. 160() Filbort street. ocl7 19426 PUBLIC SALE.—JAMES A. FREEMAN, AUC tloncer.—Store and Dwelling, No. 9310 Spring Garden street._ On Wednesday, October 23, 1867 , at 19 o'clock, noon, will be sold at public sale, at the Philadelphia Ex change, the following described real estate. viz.:—All that certain three-story brick store and dwelling, situate on the south side of Spring harden street (No. 2310) 138 ft. west of Twenty-third street, It feet front and extending in depth parallel with Twenty.fourth street 94 feet 7 inches to a 21:11'eet wide street called Owens street. I Clear of incumbrance. ' irre" May ho examined at tiny time. Qom" One third of the purchase money may remain. • Pr $lOO to be paid at the time of sale. RV" The store is now used as a drug store, and is leased for two years at $lBO per annum. Possession of the 'dwel ling will be given immediately. The property is in good order. JAMES A. FREEMAN, Auctioneer, It i3tvrc, etl Wolutit ettUt. THE DAILY „EVENING BULLETIN.-PHILADELPAIA, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 17, 1867. Furnishing Goods. GLOYEq, STOCK , - 4, M. THOMAS & SONS. Auctioneer , 139 and 141 South Fourth strea N. TIIONIAS & SONS, Anctioncen+, 139 and 141 South Fourth at mut HEAL ESTATE SALES. BNECI7TBIX' ABSOLUTE SALE—ESTATE OF lit Richard Smethurst, deceased. —James A. Freeman, Auctioneer. Under authority contained lu the will of the late Pichard Smethurst, deceased, on Wedue!"Y'' November 6th 1667, at 12 o'clock, noon, will be sold at puo lie sale, without reserve, at the Philadelphia Exchange,. the, following described real estate, viz.: No. I—Lot et Land, southwest coiner Belmont avenue and Montgomery avenue, Twenty-fourth Ward, all that lot of ground situ ate on the southwest corner of Belmont avenue and Mont emery avenue, in the Twenty-fourth Ward of the city; 648 feet 91., inches along Montgomery avenue to Forty seventh street; 54 feet 't ^, 3 ,i inches . along Forty .eovcnth street; thence EBllfee /136 inches to Belmont ave nue, and 866 feet 41.. i inches along Belmont avenue to Montgomery avenue. Provided that no improvement of an offensive character can be ever erected thereon. Ed. 2.-7 Lots, "Lanedown," Twenty-fourth Ward. All those a lots of ground, Sec. T. Nos. 16 17, 16, 19 and 20, on the Plan of the "Lar sdown Land Co." on the W. olds of Forty-eighth street 1130 feet N. or Lowdown avenue— togs the ron Forty-eighth street, 110 feat, (each 22 feet> end ex'tuding of that tsidth westward to Monument road. .aIEO. lot See. P.. No. B. of the same plan on the E. side of Forty-eighth street, 247% feet N. of Raddiugton avenue, 20 feet front and Ito feet deep. Also, lot of ground. Sec. U.. No. 13, in the same plan, on the W. side of Forty-eighth street, avenue, ide of Monu ment road, ICC. Pet S. of Jefferson 26 feet wide, and extending from Forty-eighth street to Monument road. CM" Alt tho above being restricted that no im p rovernent of au. offsnsive cuaraeter be erected theme. No. o.—Five Building Lots, 24th Ward.—All those five lots of ground, No. 140 to 144 inclusive in a plan of lot laid cut by `Yin. Morrison,pituate on the N. E. corner of Cedar avenue and Fifty-fourth street; together,loo feet on Cedar avenue, and 112 feet on Fifty-fourth street. No. 4.—Lot of Ground Somerset and Memphis streets. A lot of ground on the N.E. side of Somerset street and N. W. side of Lemon, now alleiphis, street, 66 feet front 90 feet deep. No. s.—Lot of Ground, William street.—A lot on the S. W. side of William street, S. E. ride of Tultp and N. W. side of Lemon now Memphis, street, 241 feet trout on Wit liam street and 122 feet 2 inches deep. sir Subject to 61180 75 ground rent per annum. re - $5O to be paid on each at the time of ante. By order of Executrix. JAMES A. FR Sto EEMANctioneer, re, 422 Walnut street. 4.C.,,,t.y.,&C 0c11,24,31 rPEREMPTORY SALE—BY ORDER OF HEIRS. Estate of Janice McGill, deceased.-.JAMES A. FREEMAN, Auctioneeer.—On Wednesday, Nov. 6, 1867, at 12 o'clock, noon, be sold at public sala with out reserve, at the Philadelphia Exchange, the, follow ing described Real Estate, late the property o James McGill, deceased. No. 1. Residence No. 319 I'ino street. All that certain three-story brick dwelling house, with back building and lot of ground thereto belonging, on the N. side of - Pine st, No. 319, - in the Fifth Ward: con taining iu front 20 feet and in depth Se feet. Bath room, water closet,.kitchen range, heater, gas with fittings, and in good order. Rents for $6OO. Occupancy next July if deslred. Clear of incumbrance. No. 2. -Stores, 128 and IEO South street. All that lot of ground with tnothqeerA cud two two -stogy torj frame houses ereon.atte. E. cornerosotiruc Vernon (now Annapolis street, former district of South wark), 25 feet on South street and 66 feet 9 inches on An napolis atreet. Rents for $758 a year. Subject to a ground rent of 5 English Guineas ($23 SS) per annum. No. 3.—Dwelling, No. 619 Annapolis street. All that lot of ground, with the two and a half story brick MCSHUIIIie thereon eructed. situate on the east side of Annapolis street, 19 feet above Shippers street, 18 feet front, 65 feet deep. Rents for $lBO a year. Clear of inctuubrance. No. 4.—Tavern No. 25 Soutlt Street. All that certain three-story brick messuage and lot of ground No. 25 South atreet, 16 teet ei" lit inches front and 43 feet 5 inehes deep, then narrowing 4.!•4 feet ou the W. aide along the middle of the kitchen wall the further depth of 9 feet pinches, alto. 'tiler 53 feet 2 inches deep on the E. side. Rents for $4OO a ear. Clear of ineximbrance. . s.—c oiTer Shop, 49 South Front street. All that four i tory brick home, No. 49 South Front street;and the lot of ground thereto belonging, ou the E. aide of Front street, 15 feet front and 27 feet deep. Clear of incum brance. Rents for $4OO n year. lit - S , ,One-third of the purchase money being the dower of the widow, will remain seemed upon each protirtY in the usual way.- IrPY bah of the whole estate absolute. ll - $lOO to be paid on each at the time of sale. By order of Heirs. JAMES A. FREEMAN, Auctioneer. No. 422 Walnut ettect. Art ".,. .11 ORDER OF HEIRS—ESTATE OF William and James Rittenhouse, deceased. ,1-ainge A. Freeman, Auctioneer. Stone ilonao and Lot, Allen's Lane. near Green Wee*. Germantown. Ott Wednefday, Nov. 6, 1E67, at 12 o'clock, noon, will at public Fab', at the Philadelphia Exchange. the follow ing described real estate, late the property of' William and Jacob kittothouse. deceased. a clone messuage or tor molt and piece of land thereto belonging, beginning at stone set for a corner, situate on the southeasterly ride f Allerghttbane.• thence by inchesf Jarob B. Smith, N. 410, deg. 15 min. W. 220 feet 6 to a stone, and N. 40 deg. 15 min. E. 87 feet flinches to a stone set for a corner If-taps and a.enittel Jones' lot ;'thence by the same S. min. E. MO feet 6 inches to a etonePet for a corner on the ride of the aforesaid lane; thence ; along the game S. 40 deg. 15 min. W. 87 feet 2 inches to the place of beginning. tittiprty is on Allen's Lane, near Green street, which lies WA been opened. The houee is a two-and-R -h:11f story stone, with email kitchen attached; a barn is also built on the lot. far Clear of All ineumbrance. Itlfrlminediate rOPPCMOI). crw - sieo to be paid at the time of sale. JAMES A. FREEMAN, Auctioneer. Store, 4::r2 Walnut etreet. ocl7 24 31 ORPHANS' COURT SALE ESTATE OF :0; William Walker and Christiana C. Walker, dec'd. James A. Freemen,Auctloneer.--2Three.story Brick Du tiling. N0:641 Cnthanne street. —Under authority of the. Orphans' Court for the City and County of Philadel phia, on Wednesday, November 6th, 1867, at 1: o'clock, noon, will be sold at public sale, at tie Philadelphia Ex change. the.following described real estate, late the pro perty of William Walker and Christiana C.Walker, dec'd All that certain three-story brick dwelling, with two-story hack building and bath-room, situate on the north • side of Catharine street ( No: 61 ), ati the distance of 119 feet 10 inehes west,,of the parsonagehouse of St. Paul's Methodist Episcopal t thence westwardly along Catharine Are( t 17 feet, and in depth on the West line 79 feet; thence cartwardly 14 feet 6 Metter ; thence f urther north wardly 16 feet IU inches to a 2 fret.-inch wide alley: thence east wavily along said alley .9 feet 6 inches; thence south arilly 95 feet 10 inches to Catharine street, the place of begllllllllg. With 'the free nre of the Itect 2dudY wide alley - leading into Seventh strmit. Subject to $5O ground rent per annum. LW — iflea to lie paid at the time of sale. By the Court, E. A. MERRICK. Clerk O. C. T. ALEX AN liElt SIM I'SON. Trustee. JAMES A. FREEMAN, Anctionecr, Styr,. 422 Walnut etreet. SAI.E.—ESTATE ited3E(JuA i p. l deceased.--James A. Freeman, Atm - tioncer.--DeArable Small Farm, 3o Acres. UP Per miles from !thirket Street lindge.--Under Dimity rout:tined in the flu late Rebecca 11. Powell. deceaged, on Wednesday, N Igd , 7. at 12 o'clock. noon, will be gold, at public sale, at the Philadelphia Exchange. the folk Ni big deret Hied real eat ate :—All that desirable twnll farm of laineri s. with the improvements, situate nn the Garretford turupikke road in Upper Derby, Delaware count'', Cc , mileg from the Market Street Bridge. and ti a mile from the Weet Cheater turnpike. Bounded by lands of Abraham L. Pennock and David Sellers, and within a short tlitetare of the Third Asylum. The location ig vory line for improvement, being Just beyond the rite - lino. The situation is high and commanding. The building. , m frame house, eeniodion3 Num it and sprclionge. Well watered and fenced. It it leased till Aril Pt. 1 5 ...17. , . It mar be examined at anv time. Terms ensk 42611 to be paid wilen.die property ie struck on'. B. order;of JAMES' A. FREEMAN. Auctioneer. Store. 422 Walnut etre:4. 0c.17.21.:11 BALE , BY ORDEII 11E11:.—ESTATE OF Perry Tillman. deverived.—James A. Fr.eman, Auctioneer.—ltousep. Bohemia place, below Fourth and "iniumn, Third Ward. Ou Wednevday, November 0, Pia, it 12 o'clock, noon, will be Hold at public sale, without reverve. at the Philadelphia E:...cha age, the fol lowing deberlbed real estate, late the property of Perry deceased: A lot of ground with the 2 two story frame and 1 two.Ptory brick houses thereon erected. en north vide of 11111111011 V street, Iti feet front. including a feet wide :dim - , 111111 in Ikrth110011:11Killt of 11,0 inched: bounded on the youth by Bohemia place, eastward be the Poldie Sehor.l lot, weht‘yard by erotind now or lalo et. John 11. Minton at d northward. by ground now or into ot I:tclutid 131'1 , (114.10.1, #ubject to +2l 40 ground rent per annum 0 ' Sale peremptory. ' $lOO to be paid at the time of nle. JAM ES A. FICIAOi.k S. Anctionorn, 0(17,24,31 Store, 422, Walnut Areet ORI•IIANS' COURT SALE.—ESTATE OF ALICE r, Gm don, deceased.—J sines A. neeman, Auctioneer. Frame nooses, No , . 15( 1 3 and 1505 Molten street. Twenty-fifth Ward. Under authority' of the Orphans' Court tor the City and County of Philadelphia, on Welt neydav, 'November 6, 1567, at 12 o'clock, noon. will ho sold :I,t public sale, at the Philadelphia Exchange, the follow ing described. real estate, late the property of Alice Gordon, deceased. A.• lot of ground with the 2 two-and-ii• half story frame houses thereon erected, situate on the southeasterly ride of a 30 feet wide street called Mullen street, at the di:dance of 47 feet northeast madly from tionferset street, laing -37 feet front, and extending in depth southeiodwardly 37 feet. LIAN - Clear of ineumbrouce. It:ie - *WC to i.e paid at the time of sale. Ey the Court,, E. A. MERRICK. Clerk 0. 0. PATRICK (1111tDON, Administrator. JAMES A. FREEMAN, Auctioneer, oel7 21 31 Store, 422 Walnut street. • itORPHANS' COURT SALE. ESTATE OF Joseph Murray. deceased. James A. Freeman, Auctioneer. Valuable property, No. 113 Third street. Under authority of the Orphans' Court for the city and county of Philadelphia, on 'Wednesday, November .1),1b07, at 12 o'clock, noon, will be sold at pub lic pale, at the Philadelphia Exchange, the following Ale scribed renitmtate, late the property of Joseph Murray, deco veva : A three-story brick immune tt ith back build ings, on the east ride of Thir4 street, between Cheatnut and Walnut greets, 16 feet .1 inches front and 50 feet deep. Pr — The above id a valuable property for brokers and banking purposes. - of ineatuhrunee. • trif - tti2ou to be I , :ad at the tune of sale. • fly the Court E. A. MERRICK, Clerk O. C. ISAAC .MURItAY, Administrators. .101111 MI 'RRAY, JAMES A. FREEMAN, Auctioneer. ocl7 24&55 Store, No. 422 Walnut street. - - 4,11. E BY ORDER OF TIM co uRT OF COM MON Pleas.--EAate of John Williams, deceased.— James 1 A. Freeman, Auetioneer.—Propertv. Nos. 4123 and 9125 Ludlow street, 'l'wenty-seveuth :it'd.— Under authority of the Court of Common Pleas for the City and County oll'hiladelphia, on Wednesday, Novem ber 6,1067, in 19 o'clock, noon, will be mold at public sale, at the Philadelphia Exchange, the following described Real Estate. late the property of John Williams. dec'd: All that lot of ground with the two two-story frammhousea and one-story frame kitchen thereon erected, situate on the north olds of Ludlow street (Nos. 4123 and 4125) above Forty-first street containing in front on Ludlow street 80 feet depth 100 feet. Clear of all luciunbrance. Rents for 1119 per annum. $lOO to be paid at the time of sale. My the Court. F. G. WOLBENT, ProthouoLry. CI IRI STOPIIER ETI ERI LL, Ad ministtator. JAMES A. FREEMAN, Auctioneer,' Store, 973 Walunt street. nen 2 31 rREAL ESTATE —JAMES A. FREEMAN, Aim. tioneer —Genteel Iteeldence and Lot, Hamilton at . " (24th Ward.) On Wedneeday, Nov. 6, 1267, at 12 o'clock, noon, will bo aold at public Hale, at the Philadct phia Exellauge, the following described Real Watt', : All that genteel three•story brick dwelling_ with back buildings. and lot of ground on the S. aide of Hamilton et, 20 teet weativard of MULDI4OII st.,.in the 24th Ward. 22 feet front and 104 feet deep. rr":1'1,100 way remain if deeired. Rents for $260 a year. Occupancy with decd. Drfr4loo to be paid at time of sale. JAMES A. FREEMAN, Auctioneer, Store. 422 \ Valnut etreot. orl7 24 21 riItUGGIBTS' SUNDRIES.—GRATWATES—MORTAH , 1111Ti1eo, Combo, Brushop, Mirrors, Tweezer 4, Puff lloxeo, Horn Scoopo, burglcal Instruments,Truons, Hard and Soft" Rubber Goode, lid Cam p er,(m and Metal .Byringo,l,:o., all at "Mot Honda" n•ees. BlsitAMEN et! BRUME - it arbtf•rp South Eighth etreet. IBLVERIAL FRENCII I'ituNtB.-60 CASES IS TIN eannisters and fang boxes. imported and for sale by (,)§. U , IL' d GO„ kiPtItIA IklawarQ aveuutt, PAINTINGS, • , NEW PAINTINGS. JAMES S. EARLE & SONS, 816 CHESTNUT STREET, OPEN TO-DAT; Their latest luiporttition3 of PAINTING'S, all of n very high dar . and which they Will dhpone of at MODERATE PRICES. Their eelection rontnhis ivorla by MEYER OF BREMEN, PREYER, LEC MICHAEL, - • HERZOG, I\l ILLNER EI% ELI IA RDT. STADEMANN, SCHOBUSON,LTZ, JACO UNTRUTH, TAYLOR BROWN, ,?) 914 ,s"S> Chestnut St. ' Attention is called to the new Carbon Mezzotints just introduced by WENOEROT El, TAYLOR & Into WN, At , Lists, 914 Chestnut street and 603 Broadway, New York. This new style of portraiture, which is makingsuch a stir in the art abroad, is produced by no other establish• went in Philadelphia Tne merits of these pictures are: Absolute Being printed with the same material Permanence. as that used in Steel Engravings, they are free from chemical changes. ' TheY present no much hard lights and intense shadows as are common in the ordinary chemical photographs, but the lights are soft and the shades transpa rent, as in nature. .From the nature of the materials used in these pictures, they have an artistic finish which is unattainable by the for mer method of printing. The public are invited to examine.specimens at the only Gallery where these pictures arc furnished. SoftneEe OCRNV 8 hi 6trp4 NEW OIL PAINTINGS. NEW ROMAN PHOTOGRAPHS. NEW CHROMOS, From Milan and Florence. NEW ROGERS' GROUP, "THE SCHOOL EXAMINATION." Looking Glasses in every variety. JAMES S. EARLE & SONS, 818 USESTNUT STREET, WM. E. HARPUR, Chronometer and Waten-maker, Respectfully informs kb friends and customers that he has removed from over Menu. Bailey & 80.% 819 Chest nut street. to Where he intends to keep on hand a supply of first quality Watches,Chronometers,Clocks , Ladles' and Gents' Gold Chains, Seals, Keys, ac. Chronometers rated by Solar and Siderial Transits. Especial attention even to repairing Watches. - jy23-Ean CUTLERY. 1 3 F. A. in I V 0 - IRV . 3 RUBBER HANDLE KNIVES. Steel and Plated Blades. Sets of Cutlery in Rosewood Cases, 'AT MODERATE PRICES. A LARGE STOCK TO SELECT PROM. AT CLARK -& BIDDLE'S, 712 Chestnut Street. sel7atu th gam rp§ By order of Heir. Sterling Silverware Manufactory, 414 LOCUST STREET. GEORGE SHARP, Patentee of tho Ball and Cube patterns, manufactures every deicription of fine STERLING SILVERWARE. and offers for oak , . wholeeale and retail, a choice wort. went of rich, and beautiful geode of uew etylee at low prices. J. M. SHARP. A. ROBERTS. .017-3 m rp§ (211AKElt SWEET EORN—Sii BARRELS JUST RE. ceived and for ettle by BUtiSLEB, & CO.l lcespttth Vclaware tiYeutlq, VAN STARKENBORGIL CARL ROKER, .T. ARNOLD, BRAITIL VOLTZ IIOGU'L . ROTA, VON 5F.111 , ,N. FRIEpRIcIISSON, ' orlb-Gtrp§ WENDEROTH, TAYLOR & BROWN, 914 CI I ESTNUT Street SW ATIUIIEtt, JEWELII X eitc. REMOVAL. 407 Chestnut Street, HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS. Old Aye Whiskies. lAL.RGEST AND BEST STOOK OP THE OLD FINE IN THE LAND IS NOW POSSESSED BY HENRY S. HANNIS & CO., 21S and 220 SOUTH FELONT STELICIErri Who offer the 'lame TO THE TRADE, in Lets, on very advantageous Tema. Their Stock of Bye Whiskies, IN BOND, consprises all the favorite brands erf tent, and runs through the various months el 10016006, and of Ude year, tap ta present date. Liberal contracts made for lots to arrive at Penneylvania S.R. Depot, Errleal sonlLine Wharf, or at Bonded Wa.rehonees. as parties may elect; mn• to Asti CARIPETINGS, &c. 1867 OARPETINGS.' 1867 JAS. H. ORNE, SON & CO. Chestnut Street, below Seventh, IMPOBTERB AND DEALERS FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC CARPETINGS. English Brussels Carpetings. By late arrivals we have received a full msortinerit of the BEST ENGLISH MAKES. JAS. 11. OItNE, SON & CO., Chestnut Street, below Seventh. English and French AXMINSTERS, ROYAL WILTON, AND VELVET C_AJEUPE44 TINGS. ALL THE NEW --EXHIBITION DESIGNS. Nowin atore and for rale by - JAS, H. ORNE, SON & CO., Chestnut Street, below Seventh. THREE-PLY AND INGRAIN CARPETINGS In great variety of design. OIL CLOTHS, In eheete from 1 yard to 8 yards nide. Henderson & Co;'s all Worsted Volition& JAS. 11, ORNE, SON & CO., Chestnut Street, below Seventh. tam _ _ . PHILADA.,IOth M0. 1 ,15th, '67. Messrs. Editors, Please say through the medium of our old friend, "The Evening Bulle tin," that in anticipation of our re moval in January next, to the new store, now building, N 0.1222 Chest nut at., we are offering at low prices our entire stock of choice selections of CARPETINGS, OIL CLOTHS. DRUGGETS, i RUGS, MATS, MAT TIN OS , &c.. including many latest and bt st designs:of Velvets, Brussels and Tapestry brussels, both Nag lish and American. j English Brßsselet. L All ss idths, or . stair's and halls, with extra bordrrs to match; ingrains, Three-Plies and Ve nitians. Also, a small invoice new and choice designs French Axminster Carpets.! 1. KNIGHT & &ON. 8 . 01 Chestnut Street. oel2. to 'Z:rn RICH AND ELEGANT CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, &c., tcewet dcf,igns and 10v,•e, , :t prices. THREE SHOW ROOMS. S. C. NO. 25 SOUTH SECOND ST., eel - e to Below Market. NOTICE. 'LEEDOM & SHAW, 910 ARCH STREET, • Between Ninth and Tenth Btreeti, Will continue to eel their etock of CAR PETINGS At prices corresponding with low rent and experutes, And will open daily new goods, as they do not expect to move. au 24-.93n rpb UPHOLSTERY, ace. 141E131)INCT FEATHER WAREHOUSE, TENTH STREET. BELOW ARCH. Feathers, Feather Beds. Bolsters and Pillows, Straw, Dusk, Hair and Spring Mattresses, Spring Beds and Spring Cots. /eon Bedsteads of all sizes WINDOW SHADES of every quality, and a great variety of lin a ttertio. Comfortabies, mite and Counterpanes, of aU BLANE kinds, especially arsen K ics Quilts. TS. A very large assortment of Blankets, so cheap US to defy competition. bpopN, r. 44 oornizali 8 met, Wow Arch. seituth s to 26t rp§ ISAAC B. EYANS. MANDFAOTIIIMB AND DEALER. IN OILS, PAINTS, VAtt,NISHES, AND Nava! Stores and Soaps, N 0.16 North Pelaware\avenue, Philada. 0c243m Bps ' • - --NEV7TAND-13-ECOND. PLINOS • Organs for sale and tot, at C. W. TRUMPLEWS, 11,1404t,41P VW V tiva taut a trot. RYE WHISKIES FURNITURE. &c. SPECIAL NOTICE. We are prepared to meet; Purchasers of Fine Furniture. STYLE AND PRICE. GEO.J.HENKELS,LACY & CO., CABINET MAKERS, 18th end Chestnut Streets. A.VIRC). MITEI3LES FINO EX lUDICION, in Bene de Uunrtol, COLOCADO C 4 .110 iinlae de rvcibimiento CUARTHEI DE CAMARA. • GEO. J. ILENKEIA. LACE 4: co., SBANISTAS, ise2s-Imrp: THIRTEENTH' AND CHESTNUT Special Card. FINE FFIISITI - RE ON EXHIBITION IN SUITES OF ROOMS, CARPETED AND FURNISHED AS CHAMBERS AND PARLORS. GEO. J. lIENICELS4 LACY & CA LI N ET JLAIC 1;1W, THIRTEENTI I AND ciinsTsur, PIS ILADELPLI t422:,1 n rp: fir'Diefelnoiten Metabel tarrangirt lu der giinzen Etnge tering senr Annicht, Tcpptch mid Gardlnen einbegritreiti. GEO. J. HENKELS, LACY & CO., Menbel Fabrilcant, Thirteenth and Chestnut, Philadelphia. iieTA m AVIS IMPORTANT. BEAUX M EtTB.LES, pour Salop* et Chtimlyree A Voucher. Arrangd pour Expo:atm drum Appartorneuts Garnis et Couverts do Tapia. GEO. J. HENKELS, LACY & CO., ERENISTES, ae2s-ImrPS CHESTNUT STREET, an Coln de Mae. & H.. LESTAMBRE Have removed their Furniture and tpfleisterlnt Wareroms N 0.1103 Chestnut Street, (ut, g take.) . tR3 METROPOLITAN INSURANCE CO. Cash Assets, JAMES LORIMER GRAHAM, MAI:TIN BATES, DUDLEY B. ruurn. FEANELIN 11. DELANO, IV3I. T. BLODGEIT, GILI3EItT L. BEEKMAN, JOPEPII B, VARNUM, FLEE:sIAN, EDWARD A. STANDURY, JOHN C, I DENDEP.SON, J. DOORMAN JDUNSTON. JAMES L. GP.AILAM,Jr.. 92011:EL D. BRADFORD, CLINTON,D. 11.5 S W. R. WADSWORTH, Seciatary. Continues to insure all descriptions of Moreharidise. Manufactories and Dwelling Ilouse Property. at current rates. SABINE & ALLEN, NO. 419 WALNUT STREET. oci2-.1 • • THE] SAFE DEPOSIT COMPANY. The Fidelity Insuramee, .Tmet And Safe Deposit Company; FOR THE SAFE KEEPING OF BONDS, STOCKS atiS OTHER VALUABLES. D 1 EiFti P 0...................11bW RS. N. B. BROWNE, CHARLES MAI/AERATES./ CLARENCE IL CLARK. EDWARD W. CLAR JOHN WELK-4_ ALEXANDER HENR Y . J. GILLINGH AMFELL. S. A. CALDWELL. HENR . GIBSON. • sir O ffi ce In the fireproof building of the Philadelphia National Bank. 421 Chestnut street. This Company_receives on deposit, and GUARANTEES THE SAM KM PING OF VALUABLES upon the folloW ins rates apart viz: $1 per 51,G0e1 tered Bonds and ...... 50 ets. per t 0o d otd Coln or 25 per LW Sliver Coin or 8u11i0n........ ...... ....... $2 pa WO. Gold or Silver „ ...$1 pg CASH BOXES or ema il ti n . bows earike- Brokers Capitalists, Re., contents unknown to the OoraPartY, and Thelimited, $25 a year. The Company offers for RENT SAFES INSIDE ITO VAULTS at $2O, $BO. MO. $5O and $76 & year. accord/al to Sze and location. upons and Interest collected for 1 per Gent. tenet allowed on Money Deposits. of every kind soceptmL . H BROWNE. Preside/at;, EOM= PATTEN:ION, ____ Secretary and Tres3ur.._ BALTIBIORE IMPROVED BATE BURNING FIRE-PLACE HEATER wiT4 IN T MAGAZINE &lI.LUM A INGDOOP.S. The moot Cheerful ned Perfect Retail ia U. To be had W boteriate and Retail of nol J. S. CLMIX v 0c17.1 leellYte.rl:ct etnzet„ riaLae. BOTH IN INSURANCE. OF NEW YORK. - $600,000, PrvAdent. R. M. C. GRAHAM, lire Prtsident. Direotors F. H. wouorr P. W. ITP.NEP. CHAS. KII;XLAVD. 11' 1T&0\ E. CASE. JOHN A. GRAIIAISI, 'AGENTS,
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