FROM NEW 1(011K. Ni.w Youh, Oct. prim nc , of Spanious sh revolutionary fame, whose prcsee at var points on the European continent has made him seem almost übiquitous, is now announced, on pretty good authority, to have arrived in this city last Monday . hy the French steamer Perare from Havre. no is reported to be incognito to have arrived under an assumed .name,and various rumors are nfloatas to his inten tions. A gentleman was yesterday pointed out on Broad street as the veritable Mtn, but turns out to be no such personage. Parties in this city who are intimately acquainted with him state that Jibe is here, it is with the intention of using prop;fforta to protect the hiterests of his wife's rty in Illexico. It will be recollected that this Madame Prim is a Mexican lady of one of the wealthiest families in the neigh boring republic, and as General Prim has wasted no small fortune in his Spanish e scapades, it is but natural that he should try to save what remains. As to his having any political designs in Mexico, it is simply pre posterous'and as regards Cuba or the Spanish West Indian possessietts, his friends say that re ports of this kind can be circulated only by parties who are desirous of injuring his reputa tion at home.. The trial of Vincent Cody, who is charged with having murdered 'Prof. John R. Livingston, in an alehouse in Jefferson street, at about midnight • of the lith of April last, was commenced yester day morning before Judge Ingraham at- the Court of Over and Terminer. Five witnesses were examined for the .prose adieu. Marcus 31. Tallman, proprietor of the saloon in which the tragedy occurred, swore that after a quarrel and a struggle between the deceased on the one hand, and the prisoner and a man named Allen on the other, Cody raised the pistol deliberately and discharged one of the bullets into Livingston's head, causing al most instantaneous death. Charles S. Denike and James C. Hanson testified as to • the quarrel between the parties, at the com mencement of which they left the house, and returning shortly afterward, found Livingston dead upon the floor of the bar-room. ib Babcock and Roundsman E. P. Whitcomb, of the Seventh Precinct, testified to the finding of All empty pistol-case in the outside pocket of Liv ingston's overcoat, which he wore; the pistol found upon Cody fitted the case, and the pris oner explained that the shooting was .accidental. A strange case is now pending in the Essex -Market Pollee Court, in which a woman_ named Catharine Petersen. claims the defendant, Chris topher Petersen. as her husband. Her two chil dren look very Much like him; her sister positively identifies him; his name is confessed to be the same as hers, and the woman herself swears positively that he was married to her eleven •:..ars ago in Montreal, and is the father of her eMidren. On the other hand, the defendant sto iiiilv protests that he does not know the woman or the children; that he never was in Montreal, br:ng.s 'witnesses to prove that he was in Norway at the time the marriage is llcgel to have taken place in Montreal. The Judge havinc• heard all the evidence reserved his decision untn next Saturday. At the monthly meeting of the Union League Club. last evening. resolutions were offered by Dr:Francis Lieber in honor of the late Dr. Chas. King, ands bronze group by M. Falconnier, a French artist, in memory of President Lincoln, was exhibited. Resolution:, of respect for the :ate Charles G. Loring, of Boston, were also adopted. Crispin° Cardena, the alleged wife murderer, and Philip Monahan, indictee for manskinghter. were yesterday arraigned at Oyer and Terminer. wher. each pleaded not guilty, and was remaruleff, for trial at the November term of the Court of Special Sessions. The examination 'el James Arnold, - formerly iceond teller of the Tradesmen's Bank. charged with emikezzling funds of that institution,. was commenced begirt; Commissioner Osborne yester day. The chief witness examined was Mr. Richard Berry, President of the bank. 7 THE COVRTS. 11)ISTIIICT Coll:T—Judge Strottd.—Geo. Schum -scr and Herman Fran. trading ore., vs. Major Whiteside and Stephen 4'hitseside. An action to recoverdama'gcs for the loss of two tattle placed at pasture with defendant. The cattle were stolen from the inclomre. where they had been paced. The defence set up that there was no I.7m:rantee for the safe -keep ing. of the cattle; that the contrary, there was a - private notice at defendant's place that no respouilhilitv was sumed for the safe-keeping of cattle. On trial. Dx,vnicv COVllT—dud;e Sharswood.—Conner v: 4 . The American Life Insurance and Trust Com pany. Befordoreported. C 0111156 are engaged in the ansitnent of. the ease. QI:.VitTER SE,;steN.—Judge Lualow.—prison :_arcs are before the Court. The "Grand Duchess” hi Paris. The Paris correspondent of the London TinicB writes that there are now no crowned heads in that city except the (;h6.s,-; (tf Gcrolstein, who is now, also, h o i,ii ng crowded levees in the city. The Times cor respondent writes : "Of course you are acquainted with her Serene Highness, if not pec.,Jruly, at by fame. She is the ino it popular of SDV%±- reigns . , enjoying the love of all her and of many, it is said, who are not her Foit jects except in the figurative sense. She takes her afternoon drive in the Bois de Boulogne in perfect safety; nobody would think of firing at her, except with hour l uets and ton bons, and an attempt to depose her would rouse the whole boulevard in revolt. She is affable and accessible, and certainly cannot be complained of, as some sovereigns have been, for not holding drawing rooms. Six nights a week she receives all corners, and she is proportionately popu lar with her lieges. If you have not seen her, you will not fail to do so. There is still time, for no probability as yet appears of her leaving Paris, where,, the spring and summer through, she has held her state. As to the crowned heads who have swarmed here this yeir, they could not do less than,wait upon their sister potentate, and not one of them, it is believed, failed in that pleasant duty. From our old. friend Prince Schwarzwurst Schinkenhausen, whose standing army num bers one hundred and fifty men, up to the emperor of all the Russias, not one *was wanting. Nay, the Czar was in such haste that„ after greeting his brother Empno'r, he did not even wait to change his boots be fore hurrying to the Theatre des Varikes. In short, so great has been the run, so nume rous have-been royal visits to the pleasant little theatre on the Boulevard Montmartre, and so many the kings and princes who have attended the court and the Grand Duchess, that the piece has received the by name of Lc Passage des Princes. A.DIUSEIVIEiVTB. Tut: CIIEBTNCT.-Mr. Jarnee E. :Murdoch will take a benefit this evening, appearing in hie powerful imper sonation of "The Stranger," in the play of that moue. Tnere will be a =link: to-morrow afternoon. T/11! Ai ou.—For the benedt of 'Mr. Falconer, Innis fallen will be repeated this evening. Tux Wit Orr.—bliss Charlotte Thoinpson will ap pear this evening, on the occasion of her benefit, in the newplay of Etch and l'uur and the farce of The toqh Pialnone ACAincNY OP Mrsto.—The Black Crook is Still draw ing crowded. houses at the Academy. This is the last week but one of its performance. A. matinee will be given to-morrow afternoon. CAUL SP.NTZ'S SECOND MATINEE in 110111CUltINEll Hall, yesterday, was well attended. The beautiful Symphony No. 5, by Mozart, was played again in the beat style. The: William nll, overture was also played better than it has been heard here for years. The other orchestral pieces were equally well done. Mr. Jean Louis sang a charming air by .Lachuer, with an exquisite accompaniment of piano. clarionet and horn. Mr. Louie has a fine barytone voice and his style Is ex cellent. The song and its accompaniment made a de cidedly good impression. Mr. Sentz'e enterprise may be considered tairly established, and his Thursday 7natin6es will be rare to ran;;;lt gvinl audiences to Hor ticultural Hall throughout the season. Tun GEaMAaIA OILCU Will begin their regular public reheareals to-morrow in the Maeleaf Fund Hall, at eleven o'clock in the morning. The following is the programme: . 1. concert Overture 2. Bong—P du mein ...... ' Cornet Solo performed by C. Du nn . vorstaetitler—Waltz. •••••• • • • • • ..Lanner 9. Adagio from Scottish Symphony, . ..m endebs. , iohn S. Oversure-`,..TeSsonda . ............. Spohr 6. Duet Trom Slixlr of . ........... Ilonizetti 7. First Finatelfuguenots )tcyerbeer Tnx AuraucArs.—A miscellaneous entertainment Will be given this evening. Flux.svas.rstre Csacus.—This establishment svill open for the season on Thursday evening next, October 17th. ELEVENTLI STREET OPEEA.IIorsE.—A very attractive entertainment ie offered to the patrons of this estab lishment this evening. ' I'IIII.APELPHIA OPP.Itk I.IOITAIt.—A plendid bill of negro minstrelsy and comicallties will be given this evening. ASSItAIIILY Ringwalt's illustrated lecture of "The Plains and Rocky Mountains" will, be given this evening. Risioni.—Madsme Ristori will appear at the Aca demy of Music on Monday, .2lat inst., in her great character of "Elizabeth," in the play of that name. lIAIiItI.3IANN'fi,CISATUME CONOERTBI.—Mr. Theodore Habelmann will give two concerts at horticultural Hall on the With and 16th lasts. Ile will be assisted by a number of popular artists. , • • n?.ITZ.—The Signor will give an entertainment this evening. FINANCIAL and COMMERCIAL Bales at the Philadelphia Stock Exchange. lIMPOIRE BOAV.1)8., 00sh Rend 11 1)80 $20600 U S 10-40 s cp " 100%1 2000 Puna It 1 mtge OS 8.000 Pa 6s Ist series 103 X cash 99% 100 City 6s new 101%1 2000 Simi Bde 60 . 1000 do 101%1 11 eh Lehigh Nal' otk 39 7300 do old gas Is 98 1128 eh Penna 11 152,X 1000 N Penna 11 Os 87 1 38 eh Clics'&Waln 46 rIITLLDILLRISIA; Friday, October 11. The Stock market was again dull to-day, and as the pressure for money still continues there was more ills pthiltion to realize on Government Loans, and prices were weak. State Loans were steady, with sales of the first series at 103 y, ; the War Loan was offered at 102. City. Loans sold to a limited extent at 1013 ® 1013,1 for the new and6B for the old certificates. There. was a limited business in Railroad and Canal bonds at former figures. Reading Railroad closed very quiet at 50%@:50.3i. Pennsylvania Railroad sold at 523(—n0 change. 126 was bid for Camden and Amboy Rail road; 63 for Norristown Railroad; 54 for Lehigh Valley Railroad; 27 for Little Schuylkill Railroad; 27% for Catawissa Railroad Preferred; 27% for Philadelphia and Erie Railroad; 43 for Northern Central Railroad, and 56X, for Mine Hill Railroad. In Canal stocks the only sale was of Lehigh Navigation at 39. Schuylkill Navigation Preferred closed at 2731; the Common stock at 14, and Susquehanna at 15. Bank shares were without change. Passenger Railway shares were steady. Chestnut and Walnut Streets sold at 46. 76 was bid for Second. and Third Streets; 63 for Tenth and Eleventh Streets; 31 for Green and Coates Streets; 26 for Girard College, and 12% for Ilestonville. Jay CookeA Co. quote Government. securities, &cc., to-day,as follows: United States 6's, 1881,111%'®111 , i ; Old 5-20 Bonds, 11174®1123‘ ; New 5-20 Bonds, 1864, 108;¢@10S%; 5-20 Bonds, 1865, 109®109M; 5-20 Bonds Ju1y,"1.865,106%®10734 ;5-20 Bonds, 1867,107® 1073; ; 10-40 Bonds, 1003;®160%; 7 7-10 August, par; 7 3-10, June, 105°31;e105%; 7 3-10, July, 1053:0 105%; Gold (it 12 o'clock), 142,is 143% 3lessre. Dc Haven & Brother, No. 90 South Third street, make the following quotations of the rates of exchange to-day, at 1 P. M.: American Gold, 1435fai 144; Silver—Quarters and halves, 137®135X; Com pound Interest , Notes—june, 19.40; July, 1561 19.40; .Atigni., 1664, 19-40, October, ise.4. igx; Dec. 1564, IS3V; May, 1665, 17; August, 1665, 16; Sept., 1665, 15M; October, 15. • Smith, Randolph eb., Bankers, 15 South Third street, qUote at 11 o'clock, as followa: Gold, 143%; United States 1801 Bonds, 111107.111,717 Ufilted States 5-20's, 1.562, 112@1123:1; 5-20's. 1864, 108 q iori" ; " . .j.-20''S, 1565, 10901091 ; 5-20's, Jrily; 1505, 105r40. 107;1 s=2o' , S, July, 1567, 107 Q 107;e ; United} States 100%C.r 100,4'; United States 7-30's,lst series, par; 7-30's; 2d series, 105X(;- . ..105; ;3d series, ; Compounds,Deeember,ls64,llS., 3 ;4ll3n . 31. Schultz S.; Co., No. 16 South Third street, mak , the following quotations of the rates - . of Exchange, in Gold : London, 60 days sight, 109(11109X; do. 3 days, 1023,08110; Paris,6o days sight,' sf. ISh'o?!.if. 16w; do. 3 days, sf. 16Va sf. 13% . " ; Antwerp, GO days, 5f.flSV3 Ai. 16 : 1 4:; Bremen,6o days, 7S(§ 7SX. ; Hamburg, 60days, 35,Yq 36 ;Cologne, 60 days, 71-. 1 . 4 ;(“134' ;Leipsic,6o days. 71,1 4 C ; Berlin, GO days, 71 2 4:@1 - 1;-‘ ; Amsterdam. 60 days, 40%c841 ; Frankfort, 60 days, 40; , f.Q.41.. Gold at noon 143y4. 31arkeipteldy-. The insix2ctions of Flour and Meal in Philadelphia, for the week ending Oct.lo, 1.567, are as follows: liarrf , le. ............... .10,221 " Bye 25%.5 " Condemned ..... ..... ..... 30 Philadelphia sUtzlielia, Far. tact . TI.---There Li a lood - ilemicd. fc.,r further of 60 bc., , 11..e.1z No. 1 •wer., rna,l,- at i 5 :on. Prires of Tanner Bark Lominal. • Corzon is quiet,with..smali sales of Middling? at 19:- , 42.0 for Upland for New Orleans. ~ale of 1.C450 -he's Flaxseed at 9S ct Cloverseed comes in rtninf, and invoiced -29 , 3 9 23. Timothy is dull at 12 The Flour market la firm, but ther main?, the inquiry beinz eict2aicely for small for the of the home trade at $ Z. 345.250 El barrel f,tsultreme, extras at tS r focc cranes and :Northwe=t•T extra family 10 r;r (412 ;1•11 , t , ' 12 75 for Pa. and Ohio, do. do. and 1;13315 for fancy brand-. .1 •••=l, .need, and is a: a Tr.,( 6 , ?. Ia :.• te Small Falc . ...f of e (I at ••tfe,,.3 ft) per bu,hel. . : - ' , l at . t 3 41:16-t of our re ;4'l, of C•o•r1 a(?•,..aty:ed A Ze. ...•4,v.0 Ln=n ,••••lcl at 5.1 Cl." for yellow f•f• IVor: , :o T. Lre stead:, and _ Plain a mt.:Trill lioro; alrirto. 2, 21, 2 , and round e , enr Atiape. for la i.. dieo,„ and a - ,.flr.C. plete aoscrtmer.t. of Mi.oea , and Children'A alcirtg. to4.rFpring. ,, , from to :33 inches lona. all of "OUR. O'A r• MAKE.” enpentor in style, finish and (kral - A:ity. Lad really the cheap-at and meat n,atiBf actory Hr.° Sk.i:zo to the merican market. Warrantor' in .*:er-,r Shinto made to order. altered and repaired. CAUTION.—Owing to the nnprecedented repe.tatinw. which "Our Own Make" of Skirto have attained, dealere are endeavoring to put a very innerkr ,tint their cuatomer. , by repre-enting them to Own Make." Bo ro ''lou^ Malne" an.; on each tab, "%V. F. licpkin, M . annfa-t,:ren. :21f1 Arch street, Philadelphia,' and aLei have, ti:e letter fi I woven in the tapte between each awing. Abe, deeler in New 1 n,rk made Skirt.', at v - rrylire wholeAale and retail.. Send for catalogue of otylea and prier_'. at No. ae Arch etre T. e' ll(Jf'KlN FORT OF PHILADELPHIA—Om. 11. St LW FALL SKIRT, IMPOI - tTATIONS. Reporied foz.the Philadelphia Evening Bulletin. 2.I.IIINGTON, NC.—Schr Wrn B Mann, Stanford 21:025 2-feet bench cyprc Ehingle I , .iorcrose & NC.--Schr Clara Davith!or., Jeffries— feet No 1 yellow pine flooring 11,752 feet No 1 . •rntteo. to,iuo 2-test cedar Ehingles NorcroFs & MARINE BULLETIN. Q , % Sec Marine ARRIVED THIS DAY Behr Clara Davidson, Jeffries, 5 days from Newbern, NC. with yellOw pine lumber and shingles to Norcross & Sheets. Schr W B Mann, Stanford, 6 days from Washington, NU, with shingles to Norcross & Sheets. Schr Clara Jane, Parker, 7 days from Eastport, with mdse to E A Souder & Co. Schr 33 B McCauley, Cain, 5 days from Boston. CLEARED THIS DAY. Brig Minna (Br), Holden, Gibraltar for orders, L Wes tergaard & Co. - Seta H B McCaulley, Cain, Washington, Caldwell, Gordon &i cp., Schr JonatlitinSfay, Neal, Boston, L Audenried & Co. Correspondence of the Philadelphia Exchange. LEWES, Dar.., Oct. 9-9 PM. The brig Rifleman prom Cette, France, passed in to. flay, in company with a bark and two brigs unknown. The brig John Welsh from Philadelphia for Sagna, and U b steainer Mimic, from do for Washington, DC. went to sea yesterday. Yours, JOSEPH LAFRTRA. Correspondence of the Phila. Event= Bulletin. • READING, Oct. 9, 1867. The following boats from the Union Canal passed into the Schuylkill Canal, bound to Philadelphia, laden and consigned as follows • Susie, with oak plank to captain; Exemplar, lumber to Goldoy & Cohn; Opothoholo, do to E Lawrence; Sandusky, do to Dodge & Co; Carrie, do to Patterson & Lippincott ; J M Rine, bark. to Keene & Coates. MEMORANDA. Steamer Hendrick Hudson, Howes, hence at Havana previous to Bth inst. Bark Linda, Howard, hence at Pictou, NS. 27th ult. Bark Oaklands (Br), McCulloch. 108' days from Con ception Bay, Chile, with copper ore, &c. at New York yesterday. Brig Nazarine, Atkins, hence at Kingston, Ja. 21st ult. Brig Ada (Br), Griffiths, cleared at New York yes terday for Montevideo. Brig E A Barnard. Lippincot, at Havana sth inst. for Delaware Breakwater. - . - Brig Leonore (Prue), Friedrichs, 62 days from Rio Janeiro, at New York yisterday, with coffee. Brig Emma, Sweet, cleared at Portland 9th Inst. for Buenos Ayres. Schr Ella Fish, Wiley, from Bangor for this port, at Portland 9th inst. Behr Olive, hence at savannah yesterday. ' Schr Abby, cleared at Portland yesterday for this port. Behr M P Smith, Green, hence at Boston yeaterdair. Schr Breeze, Bartlett, at Paw :deuce 9th inst. from Trenton, NJ. Behr Hunan Pox, Case, from Providence for this port, at Newport Bth inst. Fears are entertained for the safety of echr Cunning ham, - of New Loudon, Capt Gilbert Roath, which left Philadelphia about the 2iith ult. with a load of coal for Providence. Verhulet .Seiferth WWALNUTS AND ALMONDS.—NEW CROP. GHE TS noble Walnuts and Paper Shell &monde, for oalo by J. B. Bussirat & CO., 109 South Delaware avenue SALT. -2.600 SACKS LIVERPOOL OROUND SALT; :deo, Seo tacks Fine Salt, afloat end for sale by WORK MAN A; CO.. 128 Walnut. FOR SALE—PER SCHOONER RAMIRO, FROM CU racoa, 100 tons Braaitetto wood, 20 tons Footle, 400 bar reta putt mad 87 barrels sugar. Apply to WORKMAN •gt CO.. 128 Walnut street. my2atf Dom)Ews TEA.—HALF AN OUNCE OF THIS extract will rifalic a pint Of excellent Beef Tea in a B. rulnutes. IWfirli s outh and for sale by JOIMPIi B. 1.51.13131.E1t & A CO.. LOS Delaware avenue. THE DAILY EVENING BULLETIN.-PHILADELPHIA, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 11.1867. Fumy BOAST. ~19,529 LW: much tie- ulletin on Third Pave 1111,11Pinli AILD WINDOW SHADES? B. L WILLIAMS & SONS, N0.'16 North SIXTH Street, Manufacturers of VENETIAN, BLINDS / AND d WINDOW SHADES. Largest and finest assortment in tho tits , , at the lowest pricee. IlargilL,7 l 4,2'.l.l7o"tiLVS: • scaptirpt CHARLES L. HALE, Gate Salesman and Superintendent forß. J. Williams) NO. 831 ARCH STREET , , . 1109NIFEACTUSER OF VENETIAN BLINDS and WINDOW SHADES. LARGEST AND FINEST ASSORTMENT IN THE CITY AT THE LOW&ST PRICES. UPHOLSTERING IN ALL ITS BRANCHES. rel - tf rp TRE FINE SHIRT EMPORIUM JOHN C. ARRISON, Nos. 1 and 3 N. Sixth Street, `importer, Manufacturer and Dealer in every description of Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods, In great variety and at Moderate Price. Particular attention given to the man ufacture of Fine Shirts, Collars, warranted to give satisfaction. PICTURES, FRAMES, &C. LOOKING GLASSES OF THE 'VERY BEST Q U L I 'T Y . EVERY NOVELTY IN STYLE AT THE LOWEST POSSIBL3 PRICES. JAMES 8. EARLE & SONS, 818 CHESTEITT STREET, CLOTELLIG. EDWARD P. KELLY, TAILOR, HAS REMOVED TO S. E. CO?. of Seventh and Chestnut 5'2, acia:Airn ptury.&:J=ll:4,ol (O(jP 3KIRT:". FALL zit 1 LEB mi:F !,m.%c,l}zp THE PATENT CLASP HOOP SKIRT Manufactured and for pale by SHAW BON HAM, 916 ARCH and '2.7...^.N0rtt. NlNTll .. Ptrr•t4.. • - . The Patent Chap NEW STYLE tIEIRTS, mannfac tired by t., are acknowledged by the Ladtea to be the Dement, most comfortabh and durable Iloop . Skirt made. The , : are superior to all others , being made o. one piece of the best patent glazed English withont , any fasten. Inge; the tapee are Fecund:: held by neat patent clasps. Skirts altered into the new faehlonable shapes Also, Skirts and Correto made to order. Werloy's and othcr wakes of French Cornets for pale. • me11.3-m,w,f,lyrp: HOO P SKIRTS AND CORSETS.—MRS. BAYLEY. No, BM Vine street, is now manufactur• ing all the varieties .of Hoop Skirts. Corsets, Eta She has also the Real French Comte of new styles. Hoop Skirts altered and repaired. tnh.satfro n ittf*.Al FiSTATE OF JACOB RTILES,DECEASETt—LETTERS of administration upon the estate of mad decedent having been granted to the undereigned, all persons ln dehted thereto are requested to make payment without delay,and those having claims thereon to present them to ELIZABETH ANN STILES, CHARLES M. LUKENS °MUM* 1035 Beach Street, above Laurel. US. MARSHAL'S OFFICE, E. D. OF PENNSYL. • VANIA. - PUILADP.I,PLLIA t Oct. 10, 1867. This is to give notice: That on the 9th day of October, A. D. 1867, a Warrant in Bankruptcy was issued against the estate of EDWARD J. RECORDS, of Philadelphia, in the county of Philadelphia, and State of Pennsylvania, who has been adjudged a bankrupt, on his own petition: that the payment of any debts and delivery of any prop erty belonging to such bankrupt, to him, .or for his rule, and the transfer of any property by him are forbidden by law; that a meeting of the creditors of the,said bankrupt, to prove their debts, and to choose one or more assignees of hie estate, will be held at a Court hi' -Bankruptcy, to be holden at Mb Walnut 'Arcot, in _thquity of Philadelphia, before J. Ilubley Ash ton, Esq., Register, on the 29th day of October, A. D. 1867, at 11 o'clock, A. hl. P. C. ELLMAKER, oc10,17,89: ' U. S. Marshal, as Messenger. FOR SALE. RARE CHANCE TO MAKE MONEY.—,CFRUIT Farm, in Vineland, N. J.; will double in value in tiVo yearn Priceoo7.soo. For full particulars inquire of 11. N. al oKINNEY, 13134 Chestnut street, ocll flam.2t* Philadelphia.' EON. BALE—NEW VICTORLA BARD BE LIE, pair nottnd, young bay horses, act of doable harness, blankets, dtc,coutpluee; price, $1,260. Na top buggy, pole and shafts, and eat of new ((Ingle liar nees ; price. AIM. Elegant new wide-saddle, geutluman'e se ddle.bridlcs,&c., price. $lOO. Buffalo robe (never used). cost MK for Off& Address this office. (mll5O ISAAC B. EVANS MANIJYAOTWINIL etn) DEALLIL IN OILS, PAINTS, VARNISHES, AND Naval Stores and Soaps, No. 10 North Delaware avenue, Philada. oc3 Sm ANTON PRESERVED GINGER. PRESERVVD C Gingo. In syrup, of the celebrated Chyloimg brand; also, Dry Preserved Ginger, in boxes, imported and for gale by JOSEPH B. DUSSIER 4 CO.; l% South Delaware avenue. CBUWN LAYER RAISINS. —WHOLES halved and quarterNe of this oplendld frelt, , land ing and for Bale by J BUBBLER & (JO., 108 oath Delaware avenue. WATCHES, JEWELWAr, &o. 9 BY STEAMSHIP "PERSIA." -e ' NOW OPENING, BitTSICAL BOXES MUSICAL TABLES, plied from Gemeva, Made exprendy for and imported by JAMES E. CALDVOLL & C 0.,, 822 CHESTNUT STREET. ref-f.m.aqf rs 4 IRAEMOVAI_A. WM. E. HARPITit, Chronometer and Watch-maker, Reepectfully informs hie friends and customers that he has removed from over Mesas Bailey & Co.'s, 819 Chest nut street. to 407 Chestnut Street, Where he intends to keep on hand a supply of Oat quality Watches,Chronometers.Clocks. Ladies , and Gents' Gold Chains. Beals, goys, &c. Chronometers rated by Solar and Siderial Transits. Especial attention id veto repairing Watches. attenti on Italian Jewelry, AZ BYZANTINE MOSAICS, oil From Rome. ic An in mense stock of CORAL JEWELRY DIRECT FROM NAMES. Selected and imported IT JAMES E. CALDWELL & CO., 822 CHESTNUT STREET. fel-f m w-tfrpl Sterling Silverware Manufactory, 414 LOCUST STREET. GEORGE SHARP, Patentee of the Ball and Cube patterna, manufactures era dereription of ice STERLING SILVERWARE, and offer._ f tale, whak,ale and retail, a chollie &wort, Inezt of rich and beautiful gouda of new Sty rs at low rrieta. • .7. If- 5.11.AP.P. A. ROBERTS. sell-3m rpi INSURANCE. Girard Fire Insurance Company, NEW OFFICE, 639 N. L car. Chestnut and Seventh ate. CAPITAL ADD SITRPLIIS, 5350,000. MI of which Is safely Invested In Real Estate, Bonds and Mortgages, Government Leans and other good Securities. MI4 C' ;in? have fr-'eceexfully iraated 8100,000 ; 000 cE ~r3vm-7 fa the Ise 14yeszy, ar.alald MORE THAN ke,fee by ti:e. has WS :17 doubted its es list in this period. It has never beinnand t July cn iaa don of underwriters in this city or ant of it. Our Agenc. in Penneyfranio, and ebesvhere. Mac not from outriurant to join any crganiration for establishing arbitr - .ary raan tad rr-ie!.!. We have our own torte. of .rerailunat and axe not under the zeceseit , bnerowinz from the experience of others. Brcitera aid . 1 ...,,Tnrt2 in Philadelphia professing -to repra. sent as in any pantie r. should be able to show j our written. anincrity f". 17 do Erg za. Parties wishing Insurance sill C4111.4"-at then own interest by rOling in person at this office. BEEEM2 THOMAS CRAVEN,. r) - - I ALFRED S. Grr...urrr. FT.' .-.24A.".; zifiEl-'l'. N. S. LAWRENCE., TE.(1M14.3. MACKE/LAE, CiIAKLE:3 L DUPONT, JOHN Eit - ??1,E E. 111ENRY F. KENNEY, .1Q 171. N W. CLAG.II ,- )KN, LIOSEeII KLAPP, M. b.. SILA, YERKES, JE. THOMAS CRAVEN, PRESIDENT ALFRED S. GILLETT, VICE PRESIDENT AND TREASURER. JAMES B. ALVORp. 176-1& - miz-rrA SECRETARY. ir' INANCIIAI. CENTRAL PACIFIC IL R. --FIRST MORTGAGE BONDS, Principal and Interest Payable in Gold. This road receives all the Government bounties. The Bonds are issued under the special contract lawn of Cali fornia and Nevada, and the agreement to pay Gold and ing in law. We offer them for sale et 95, and accrued interest from July let, in currency. Governments taken in Exchange at from 1.2 to 19 p cent. difference, according to the issue. BQWEN & FOX, 13 MERCHANTS EXCHANGE, SPECIAL AGENTS FORT HEIA. LOAN IN PHILA DELPH mel4.len • COMPOUND INTEREST NOTES, Due October 15th, CASHED AT FULL VALUE. , November Coupons Wanted. W. PAINTER & CO. oc&8t rTBS BANKING HOUSE OF JAYCOOXF,iSCI 112 and 114 So. THIRD ST. PHILAD'A. Dealers in all Government Securities. 1726-arunn SPORTING. ' I'OINT BREEZE PARK-'DOUBLE TEAII I-Mem—October 14114 nit and 29th, 1861: Purse and etako, $11,500. October 14th and 21st, mile heats, beet three in five; horses to start at 11 o'clock. Oct. ilBth, two-mile heats. Good day and BLIFER name! g..h: FRANK and g. h. PRINCE. W. DOBLE names g. h. WE RNER bn. h. OVERHOLT. Thu privilege of a .member introducing a male friend without paysi suspended. Omnibuses will start for the Park at 2 o'clock P. 111., from i ibrsry street. ocB-11tap1 II RESERVED TAMARINDS.-2o KEGS MARTINIQUE Tamarinds In ingar, landing and for ante by J. D. DUSSIER & CO., 108 South Delaware avenue. Ave niskes. LARGEST AND BEST STOOK OF THE FINE IN THE LAND IS NOW POSSESSED BY HINRY S. HANNIS & CO., 218 and 220 SOUTH FRONT S ' = MEET* Who offer the same TO THE TRADE, in Lots, on very .vantsgeovn Terms. Their Stock of Rye Whiskies, IN BOND, comprises all the faVori rinds efts tont, and runs through the various mouths of 186/060, and of this year, up SO present date. Liberal contracts made for lots to arrive at Pennsylvania IL Bs Depot, Entail son; Eine Wharf, or at Bonded Warehouses. as parties may elect. tort to MSS CARPETINGN, 519 Chestnut Street. 519. FINE CARPETINGS REDUCED PRICES. WE WILL BELL OLT: AxraiNsTEns, 11.0YAL WILTONS, VELVETS, ENGLISH Bit ITSSELs, TAPESTRY BUSSELS, THREE-PLYS, SUPER-INGRAINS, VENETIANS. BILESSELS AND DAMASI . - HALL AND STAIR CARPETS, NVITII EXTRA 'BORDERS ENGLISH OIL CLOTHS IN SHORT. EVERY DESCRIPTION OF DESIRABLE CARPETINGS, GREATLY REDUCED PRICES, With a view to SELLING OFF • OUR ENTIRE STOCK. AT 0121: RETAIL WAREHUOMS. Nt._). 4510 Chestnut St., Prior to removal on fir,t of January next. McCALLUM, CREASE & SLOAN, - 519 CHESTNUT STREET. rl,l 1867 CARPETINGS. '1867 JAS, H; OR NE, SON it CO, • Chestnut Street, below Seventh, 9 IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC CARPETINGS. English Brussels Carpeting& • By late arrivals we have received a full a ,, c,:tment < I the BEST ENGLISH MAKES. JAS, H. MINE, SON Al. CO.,' Chestnut Street, below Seventh. English and French AXMINSTERS, ROYAL WILTON, ANIS VELVET CATIPETINGS. ALL TIIE NEW EXHIBITION DESIGNS. Now in Moro and for sale by JAS. IL ORNE, SON & CO„ Chestnut Street, below Seventh. THREE-PLY AND INGRAIN CARPETINGS In great variety of design. •O'IL CLOTHS, In sheets froml yard to 8 yards wide. Henderson & Co.'s all Worsted Venitians. JAS. H. ORNE, SON & CO., pe3l-t Chestnut Street, below Seventh. h th I Om LEEDOM & SHAW, 910 ARCH STREET , Between Ninth and Tenth Street', Will continue to sell their stock of, CAR PETINGS At prices corresponding with low rent and expenses, And will open daily new goods, no they do not expect to move. au24.9m rob DZILLINEILY. v ., MRS. will. COX, SUCCUSSOR TO MRS. M. A. 4‘‘ il KlNG,_have her opening of FALL AND WINTER FASHIONABLE MILLINERY, On THURSDAY, October 10tb, 0r8.4t N 0.1406 CHESTNUT Street. MAI',KIIrG WITII INDELIBLE INK. EMBROIDER inN, Bruiding, Stionript4-4:19% A. TORRY, 1800 Filbert etreet. RYE WHISKJES IFUR.NITURE. &c. SPECIAL NOTICE. We are pmpared to meet Purchasers of Fine Furniture. 130T11 IN STYLE AND PRICE. GEOIHENKELS,LACY & CO., CABINET MAKERS, 13th and Chestnut Streets. Re3l.3m rte MUEBLES FINO cumrros Dr: C AMARA. f :TM • J. LIEN K /E 1414, IlAditl V & CO., El/AMSTAR. THIRTEENTH AND eIIESTNUT, r ::5 1M T Special Card. FINE FI'I;NITITE oN-ExiiiiirrioN IN surrEs cAnri:TED AND. FURNISHED AS U1.1)110::1:8 AND *. GEO. J. ITEN KEW'S, CACI' idt CABINET MAKERS: THIETEENTH AND CHESTNUT, PHILADELPHIA. re - Die fellision Menbel arranairt In der gmtzett Eta Age tertig ztir Anutcht, Teppich and Gurdinen eimbegricren. GEO. J. HENKELS, LACY dr .00., Nlenbel Fabrilcant, TtOrtecnth and Chestnut, Philadelphia, AVIS IMPORTANT. BEAT: X NI EUBLES, I • ~:ar,t:a rt Ch&tra.qteq! Coacher,E tp4 , danq Apigtrtemento Gun!" et l'ouv.:ts do Tn GEO. J. HENKELS, LACY & CO., EBENISTES, feS5-Ircrld CIIESTSLT **MEET. tie Coin de rime. A. & H. LEJANIBRE Iftwe reinued their o Furniture and Upholstering Warerootus TO No. 1103 Chestnut Street, (up etairr.) . se7-3ra rtri FOUR LETTERS TO HOFF'S MALT EXTRACT DEPOT, 512 BROADWAY, N. Y. IT D01:8 Nra DISAGREE NVITII I mn I:xtmet .I.leveragt , In CONNEE 'III,N aaith otht.t. I'llYtilEtAN wax IN FAVOR ..f it. and did not think IT 1111:11) IM3AGitEE with hi, cilif, In en}' way. and might HELP me. I ibdrerEmpe it W.LL It EN EFIT inn for the DIFEI -1•1.1.1 E• IT 111 BE, 4 01:4 ENDED for, ax MY AUN'r ItE.S I:11T I y it, P. IL DEERS. ( FRE OF' J ISORDER OF THE STOMACH. A C, , •1 , t, try hm.f.t.nd Hoferrd from 14. nrs. 1 , 1:14:..: the sTi 3 , 1A(711. BEEN ENTIRELY t:L RFD iiy 14E1(301 Malt Extract Ikveraika,. Mio. E. DAFFEEt4Ekt. ,treet. N. Y. EFFII APY I:PON TIIv INCIPIENT STAGE OF '11:ril:1:41•1,A cONSUNIPTION. lif:vt.ll.-01 veral nof 11,,tn , Malt Er-tract Beve r:lre .1 Health. And .1 ICU ni,et happy ti, ray that It PO 1.1 .Y TXCITFbtJ AUTI VII' OF Tut: LUNGS. and ENORNIOUSLY; the ItE6Ol-. 0 %'ll , N le en. !'.lf* now expands UN -ItAI:I:AA•ED, the 4:01'011 11IJ11NItlIIEB, and I 1101 . t• it -AM E.A. , E ENTIRELY 11x r April le, 1F67, IT STRENGTH ENs 7 IIIE WHOLE SYSTEM. I ~n 1 c,',1:,N,! to eey that thy wife h. I; I:EATLY HENE - I'M I) lo; tot; urn or I loll'n Malt Eltract. It in not only a I!LEA SANT ta•vvragt., hat al , o a von' Er , tunclous 01. e. and ST REM ;THENS THE NtItVES, and the NV HOLE SYSTEM, C. I. W R AGNE, No. =Ninth avenue. NEW Y. Feb: 14:67. s o ld evc.ywhrre. Pcreorm wishing agencies might ap. ply to liotUrn Malt Extract Depot, 54 BroadivaY, N. Y. JOHN O. BAKER t' CO._ ? or2-vv,f,in.a SOLE AGENTS FOR VENNA.. GROCERIES, LIQUOILS. &C. SCOTCH ALE. Forty Casks McEwan & Younger's Fine Scotch Ale, Just Received aotk Sale by the Cask or Dom, at LOW PRICES. SIMON COLTON & CLARKE, S. W. Corner Broad and Walnut. mhl.f.m.w4frp LACE CURTAINS. • 13A.R,GrA-INS IN LACE CURTAINS. CURTAIN MATERIALS, • FURNITURE COVERINGS, WINDOW SHADES, AND urnox.sTqw GOODS. Of the Newest Fabrics, Designs, and Qualities. PIANO AND TABLE COVERS, And a full line of UOUSE•FURNISHING LINENS. QUILTS. &o. At the Lowest Prices. C. M. STOUT & CO 1106 Chestnut Street. invi-wfm lyre PRUNECI.--10 CASES 71h. CANISTERS, JL high grade, French Imperial Prunes, lauding aud for Rule by JOBEVII B. LitißST.Eft, & CC., Lai South Delaware , avenue. ex EX 111 HICION. illS.fru• de Cuartoe. COI,OCADo (1411.1) Slalie de recibliniento "lEDICINALL. PH. BENDER.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers