GIBSON PEACOCK. Editor. - - VOLUME XXI.-NO. 15G. THE EVENING BULLETIN PUBLISHED EVERY EVENING (Sundays mooed). AT THE NEW BULLETIN BUILDING, 607 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, ny TIED EN - ENING BULLETIN ASSOCIATION. PBOPRIETORS. • GIItSON PEACOCK, ERNEST C. WALLACF,_ F.L. YET GERBTON. THOS. .7, WILLIAMBONcr SOUDER, Ja.,, FRANCIS WELLS. Th o Eitru.rrin is served to subscribers In the city at la routA por week. payable to thetarriers. or $8 per annum. WEDDING INVITATIONS, ENGRAVED OR Written; new ~tyleB of French and Eugileh Papers and Envelopee MARRIED. BROWN—UTLEY.-- At Rome, N. Y.,Bent. 26th, by Rev. W. E i at the residence of lou. B. N. lmb tington„Tatnex Brown, of Pittaburgh,l'a., to •Eliza, beth, daughter of Utley, of Rollie N. Y. 11AVEMEYER M —IDIVEEYER.—in 'New York, Oct. , 2d, by the Bev. L. ft. Dickhmon, Auggetna.ll. Hagemeyer to ?Wary B. daughter of the late Diedrich Havelueyer, all of New York. STAN LEY— BENCKERT.-rOn. the Bth lnid„ by. Rev. iiandera Bee& ttectorof ,Oloriajdqd , l'herelvv.las„, Bbinley, of Chicago. and Fandie, dalightet of the late Geo. F. Ilenekert, of Oda (Ay. .'> DIED. AUSTIN.-In New York, Oct. 11, Edward Eliot Atvtin, eon of the late Hon. Charles L. Austin, of Albany, aged soar,,. DIVINE.-On Sabbath morning. Rh inst., Janice IL Divine, eon of William and Margaret Divine, in time 3.7,th year of him age. The relatives and friends. of the family are respectfully int ited to attend hie funeral, front hls late residence, torte-second street, above Spruce, West Philadelphia, on Wednesday, the ilth hist., at 2 o'clock. Interment ut Woodlands Cemetery. •• KoOP.--At Bremen. Germanr, on Friday, September 2"1. after a short illne4s, Sallie t,. Kooowito of Herman Koap, of Brooklyn, L. 1., and daugh ter of Charles IL White, Esq.. of Philadelphia. LORILLAIiD. At S4ratoga,' Oct. t;th, i'eter Lorillard, of elS' York. in the 7•2-1 vear of his age. OIT.-On the Mb iret., Joeeph Ott. eon of Mary and 6- late Jacob Ott, of .sew Orb-one, aced years. life funeral et ill take place from his lats reddence, in Ilaverford township, Delaware count' . at 9 o'clock, without further notice Services at ht. - Dennis'. Church. l,; art will leave Mr. Simon (;:trtliuld'i. (Mice, Tint - . trouth .trect. above Clic , truit, at h o'clock precl•ely. • 'PASSER-On Tue,day, tiu• 9th 18 , 4. , Maria I._ wife of lc. Tacker, and daughter' of the liae, 15'111. aged L. 9 years. Due notice will be given of the funeral. .L' 4: LAM)} LL HAVE THE FIRST QUALITY :41 Lyon,. Velvete for Cloako. Lyon• Velvetn, for Sacke. - 12 YI:E S LANI)KI.4I , OrItTII ANI Altetl, KEEP A fin.• /1-,oltment rd Carritnerem forOßo a' Clotho. Cae me; eg for 13usIneKis Bulb!. PATENTED,—PANTS SCOUP.ED AND STSETCHED from Ito 5 inches, at 31OrTET'S French Steam Dye. Ing and Scouring, 5 , 16.1 m• 31,4 South Ninth otreet nod 7:303 Race greet. POLITICAL NOKACCS. IterJUDGE ALLISON'S OPINION OF JUDGE LUDLOW. , A letter ,ha been received from Europe from .11 3, -.31, Alli. n, in Which he ea) . : '141.a% c hron the addrot to Judge Ludlow,Fo numerou ly al..d to; ectfully dated, and cacmot penult ruwelf to doubt tee roelt. You are at liberty to pay ye Ivately and pub ti , ly THAT I AM FOR 1116 RE-ELECTION. oe4-Itrp, SPECIAL NOTICES. mar JOHN B. 4:OFCif, AT lIORTICULTURAL HALL. under et.u.picep c,f the OUNG MEN'S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION." WEDNESDAY EVENING, Octeber Subject: **ELOQUENCE AND ORATORS." THURSDAY EVENING, Oct.her 10. Subject : "FACT AND FICTION." A dud. Fifty . Criatr, No extra charge for reamed Ticket. f ,, r F:11, ASHMEAIrd. 724 CHESTNUT t7.—t, and at th.• door of the Ilan on the evening of the o;u: at 7 (%cluck. Lecture begLaa at quarter beton oc9-2tr% . _ per- oFFICE OP THE FRANKLIN FIRE INSI:E. ANCE COMPANY. LA/17-3.l'U t, October 7th, 1 1 167. At a u:o.-thig of tI. Board of Director,' held this day a qvidend of Six per Ccut.,-and an I . :` tra Uni d,•nd of Ten per Cent., declared on the Capital Stork, ablo to the titoeltholdere or their legal repreeentativeA u aud after tho 17th instant. clear of taxt,‘.. mot: .1, W. McALLISTEE, Secretary pro fem. tive. NQ STD PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD AND "^"' GREEN LANE STATIOI.,. We are delivering from this place the celebrated liARLEIGtI SPRINti MOUNTAIN LEHIGH. COAL, the hardest and pureet mined, at S7 e r ton. HINES & SIIEAFF, Ofsce, No. 15 South Seventh reef. r!,e-Itnrp: war HOWARD HOSPITAL, NOS. 1518 AND 1520 Lombard street, Dispensary Deportment.—Meli cnl treatment and medicines famished gratuitmailv to the 'or. USEIIIErcrS. See :Neon(' Paue for Athittional Arnuaenwnts CONCERT HALL, CHESTNUT etreet, above TWELFTH. For a short time only. commencing on TUESDAY EVENING. October 15th, and every night after until further notice, and on WED= NF.SDAY and SATURDAY AFTERNOONS, at .93.1 o'clock. The wonder and marvel of the age. Magnidcenc and Divine. 'rho APOCALYPSE. -- The Book of ftevelation umealed. - THE VISIONS OF' SR JOHN PRESENTED TO VIEW , From designs by the celebrated French artist, Gustavo Dore, and the most -eminent.'artists in this country and Europe. Fifty splendid designs, re'preienting what St. John saw when a door in !Leaven was opened, as de scribed by him in the Book of Revelation, commencing with the Vision of the Seven Golden Candleeticks, and .ending with the visions of the DAY OF JUDGMENT, . THE RIGHTEOUS ASCENDING TO HEAVEN, Tno wicked descending into TtiE BOTTOMLESS PIT. Views of the New Jerusalem, the Future Horne of the Christian—A Street in the New Jerusalem—The RIVER OF LIFE AND TREE OF LIFE, Golden Pavements—diagnificent Palaces, with Jeweled Columns and Gilded Dome s the whole forming a scene of UNPARALLELED BEAUTY. It seeming to the beholder one perfect blaze of glory. 1V NOTICE.—These representations. which have filled the largest halls in all the cities of this country with the most refined and intelligent in the commineity._were placed before the public ny the request of the moat emi nent divines'of ALL DENOMINATIONS. They have been produced upon a scale of Magnificence and Splendor never before attempted, at a cost of over FORTY THOUSAND DOLLARS, by that most eminent Artist, Hammett Billings, Eaq., whose brilinnt concep. Sons of the Visions of St. John have fully borne out the etatement made by the Rev. Albert Barnes, of this city. author of "Barnes's rioter, on the Book of Revelation," that these "NllllOl/9 would make the finest drawings in the world." And in order that the entire community may be enabled to view these beautiful and instructive repro sentations, the piles of ADMISSION TO ALL PARTS OF THE HALL IS _ . macEp AT TWENTY-FIVE (25) CFNTS. No Rerier!e4-Seats EXHIBITION WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY AFTERNOONS, at 2)5 o'clock, when children will be ad. miffed for 15 cents each. Doors open, Evening, at 7 o'clock; commence at 8. Afternoons, doors open at 2 o'clock; commence at 235. • Ticket of open during the day. re'Religious papers circulating over 300 copies in the 'city will please publish advertisemeng, call attention to to the same, and send bill to Concert all October lath. ocB.6t§ , A. GUMMY; Proprietor. Murder in Covington, lir. CINCINNATI, Oct. 7, 1867.—A. young man, named Ben Brookshaw, of Covington, was mur dered to-day by a barkeeper of the city, who shot him through the head in the course of a quarrel. —There is one church in Virginia to every 414 Eif the population; in Mississippi, one to every 380; in Pennsylvania, one to every 544; in New York, one to every 734; in California, one to every 1,297; in Massachusetts, one to every 752 people. —A man in Tennessee thought to gratify his spite against a deceased enemy, by abusing him over his open grave, when a son of the latter quieted his father's maligner forever, by a blow from a stone. W. G. PERRY; Stationer, 728 Arch street EUROPEAN AFFAIRS. COUNT BISMARCK'S LATE CI4CULIR THE ROMAN REVOLUTION Particulars of Garibaldi's Arrest, The French Press on the Situation. LIMITER FROIV PARIS. Morrempondenec of the Philadelphia Evening Bulletin. PAnts, Tuesday, Sept. 2.lth, 1867.—1 have not yet had an opportunity since my return here of reverting to the visit of the Emperor Napoleon to Salzburg, and 'the consequences which have flowed from that . ill-advised manifestation of, . . Aiptria.l„,l;itaVe„lndeed r rather• .Waited until' the denouement of that last little Na poleonic drama was complete, and until one could appreciate fully the situation in which it has left the several parties at its close. I apprehend there are few persons now who can entertain much doubt as to whose advantage that ill-judg.ed step has most tended to promote. If any man were inclined before to hesi tate in forming a judgment on the subject, the recent circular of Count Bismarck must have materially assisted him, I think, in making up his mind. The last act, indeed, of that subtle, daring and audacious statesman may be said to close the series of rebuffs and misadVentures which Napoleon has once more brought upon himself and the French nation, and to permit Europe also to feel some degree of confidence_ that, for the present at least, public tranquillity will not be interrupted. But let us just for a moment trace the results of Napoleon's in terviews .with his friend Francis Joseph, and see what advantage he has reaped from hia Austrian poliey and where it leaves him. The matter can baldly be otherwise than interesting to American readers, because it is only a corollary to that ill fatcd Mexican expedition from which so many evils have sprung and which has been so severely punished. For had. that never taken place, Maxi milian would never have 'been the protege of France, would never have fallen a victim to bit own ambition and that of his patron; nor the latter have ever been led, in order to show his sympathy and regret, to take a step which has redounded once more to his own mor tificatn and unpopnlarity,and the advantage of his adversaries. Napoleon had scarcely quitted Salzburg before he was made aware of the mis take he had committed and the tempest of emo tion he had raised,' And first, in France the aiarm was so great, especially among financial and commercial classes, that • Napoleon has been ever since employed in controverting his own. act by his own words. He has been obliged to make peace-speeches at Arras and Lille, to dic tate peace-cireulars to his foreign Minister, M. de . Moustier, to send .down his Min ister of State, M. Rouher, post haste to Nantes, to protest that the Emperor meant nothing but "peace, and durable peace," however much hia action might seem to militate against such a conclusion. But _was it' worth while, people ask, to throw all the great interests of the country into confusion, and be thus com pelled to make apologies and explanations on all tides, in order to indulge feellugs of sym pathy, and to take a step which was certain to be misinterpreted, to be imputed to political motives, and to give rise to every kind of con jecture? People here shrug their shoulders im patiently, and say if the visit to Salsburg was really one of mere "sympathy," as asserted, it was an act of egregious weakness and short-sightedness ; but if it really contemplated a coalition with broken-down Austria against all Germany: then it was an act of downright mad ness. So much for the feeling in France. In Ger many matters are still worse. It is only necessary to thke up a German paper, or to read the Grand Duke of Baden's opening speech to his Parlia ment, or, still more, the debates of the Parliament itself, to estimate the lull effect on the German mind of Napoleon's unwise proceedings. What ever lingering reluctance might yet remain to throw in their fortunes wholly and unres..rvedly t. ith Prussia has vanished at once before the threat, or even the sem blance of a threat, of foreign in tervention. Americans will well understand, from their own recent experience, the force of such a feeling. Nothing can be stronger than the language of the Baden deputies: "The Prussian flag," says M. Kirsner, "is viewed with jealousy and disfavor across the Rhine, and that is a proof that it is our duty to serve, under it if we are true friends of German greatness." "Duty and honor," says M. Beck. "demand the union of North and South; it is puerile to dream of a Southern Con federation, and only traitors would dare to pfo pose an alliance with foreigners." One could almost fancy one was listening to the debates of Congress—so exactly do German ideas 'and very words correspond with American. It is the same all over 'Germany, and this is ono of the most striking fruits ofthe Salzburg folly. Count Bis marck was not the man to let such a slip, or mis take, or false manreuvre of a political adversary, escape hint, or to fall to take advantage of it. Skillfully "availing himself of the feeling which has been roused in Germany, with mingled sar casm and sagacity, he comes down upon the Em peror Napoleon and upon France with the now famous circular, in which he announces that France and Austria have disavowed all intention of interfering with the Internal arrangements of Germany;" thus tearing up and throwing in the face of those powers the last shred oflthat Treaty of Prague to which they have hitherto clung so closely, and as good as announcing the union of North and South to be an accomplished fact. Such' is the real history and such the consequences of the last Napoleonic blunder, be that blunder sen timental and "sympathetic," as asserted, or po litical and manmuvering, as is still shrewdly sus pected. In either case the result has been the same; nor can it be wondered at that the pres tige of a ruler who so commits himself is rapidly on the decline, both among his own subjects' and other nations. You have heard, of course, of the great inter national safe controversy, ha which Silas C. Herring came off so triumphantly, but has since been so scurvily treated by his opponent Chat wood and his English judges. A very clear and impartial statement of the whole matter has been published on the part of Mr. Herring, showing, -first, that the terms of the wager were that that party should be 'declared the winner who succeeded first in extract ing a marked piece of wood from his .adversary's safe; and, secondly, that the said piece of wood Was f i rst extracted from Chat wobd's safe by Herring's men. No .one who read Herring's statentent •catt. doubt this, and the correctness of it is confirmed by Mn Hoyle' .4 PHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 8, 1867. the English secretary of the committee. Now this being the case, there,cannot, one would think, be the least doubt t. at the wgger has be , h. wr, I say that the "wa e has been won," be cause that point, at least, 'has been clearly de cided, for the wager was who should first take out the piece of wood. That•pcople should still dispute which is the best safe (when both proved so good) is just possible, and even think. that the trial may not have decided the absolute superiority of one over the other. But that the "wager" has been fairly won and ought to be paid, seems to admit of no doubt. And yet we are told that the two English members of the Committee of Four have resigned, and refuse to give a decision. This certainly seems a most unfair proceeding. In an caiellent and temperate letter published yesterday, Mr. Herring protests against this mode of shirking the question at Issue and demands au oliieiel report and, verdict..-.IY 4et4er. will 91), .titin•Wor , „not, i know fief; but of thisj •airti sure,: that if he does not obtain it from the Committee, he will receive It at the hands of every fair-think ing person in both countries. The Imperial Commission of the Exhibition keeps up its character for blundering and vreediness to the last. A short time ago it was advertising its season tickets at the "re duced" price of 40f., when weekly tickets taken to the end of the season would only cost :lilf. ! It has now reduced its tickets to 20f., which no one, I feel sure, will pay. Again, the exhibition building now closes at when it is dark; but the Commission generously offers to let people Into the Park "after G o'clock," when it isatill darker and colder, "for 50 centimes." Of course uo one goes, nor would they were it open gratis. The razzia upon the chairs has done immense jury. One ghat German lestablishment tells me that its receipts, which were often eBOO per clay before the chairs were taken.away, arc now not a bove, tic(' or "ileo. Yet the Commission had deliberately conceded to . this establishment thi; same right of chairs which they afterwards sold a ascend time to M. Bernard! The receipts of the Exhibition arc said to amount to mil lions, leaving 1 . ;(, millions to be received in order to cover the estimated expenditure. THE ROMAN REVOLUTION. Manifesto of the Roman Junto. ROME, Sept. 7, Ib67.—The establishment of concord between the various factions of the Ro man liberal party was generally desired, in order that they might unitedly carry out the enterprise of freeing Rome from the yoke of the priests and accomplishing the unity of Italy. This wish was, after great effort, fulfilled, and we, suc ceeding the National Roman. Committee and the Centre. of Insurrection, were accredited by both those bodied to our fellow-citizens by a manifesto addressed to the Romans on the 13th of July list. We undertook our difficult chate, trusting that Romans and Italians, without vio lating, the September convention kid without de priving Rome of the initiative of the insurrection, would assist us by every means in their power. In fact, what have our enemies been doing for several years past? Legitimists tine Sanfedlsts in Europe' ' and throughout i the world emulously strive to send here, their last rock of refuge, fugTe,heeivregbr'llc sod or a tof Money, _mind and associations, the meetings improvised time and there, the pirrish churches transit:reined into re cruiting offices, and the efforts of private persons have joined all countries in a vast conspiracy against civilization and against Italy, choosing Rome as their battle-field. Can Rome alone, in .I.le, miserable political and economical condition to she has been reduced, struggle against dl rite forces thus brought to bear upon 4er by he religious and political fanaticism Iff the world? Must she alone, after having from IglB to this day prodigally contributed inn:beet, money and men in all liberal movements and great wars of the nation, must• she alone struggle against the united strength of the cosmopolitan reaction here assembled in conspiracy? The Italian Government is bound, it is true, by the September convention. in order to secure the removal of the French flag from Pontifical territory it has had to renounce all for cible means of planting the Italian flag on that territory. But will the Itallam; be less clear-sighted respecting their true interests than their enemies from every country who now make head at Rome? Has 4tot Italy national , associations, constituted with the sagacious ob ject of assisting the great efforts of the nation, outside the sphere of diplomatic responsibility ? Has she not institutions and generous citizens. who can and will extend the • necessary support to those who labor for the fulfillment of the na tional aspirations? To those associations, to those institutions, to those citizens we now ad dress ourselves. Inte'licling to carry out as soon as possible a Roman insurrection, without embarrassing the Italian Government, without rashness and with out previous fracas, we have in readiness 6. vast organization. But, as every one knows, this or uanization cannot be maintain without great ex penditure, and the preparations 'for the day of action are very costly, Our treasury, that furnishes lall has received for several. months past no other contri butions than the offerings of this patriotic popula tion, impoverished by long tyranny and a series of noble sacrifices. We are in the breach await ing your help. Ikeihis unexpectedly fall us, the liberal party, now strongly organized, cannot but remain in the power of the intriguers. May such misfortune, such shame never fall upon Rome and Italy! THE NATIONAL ROMAN JUNTA. REPLY OF GARILIALM. - - . GLNESTILELLE, Sept. 16.—1 b tncAut upialltoman Junta: Your appeal tothe Italians will not be in vain. In Italy there are many follows rs of Vincent de Paul, many Jesuits—many who have sacrificed on the altar of the belly—but it is also consolatory to say there are many brave men of ban Martino—many heroic bersaglien of the Be el./leaks—many soldiers of the first ar tillery in the world—many descendants of the three hundred Fabians and a remnant of the thou sand of Monate, who,lf I am not mistaken, make up hundred thousand young men who now fear to be too manyterdhide the small glory of driving foreign iner t:emu tea and priests out of Italy. Woth regard to the means, Italy always had the misfortune to be rich enough to niaintain foreign armies, and among her rich citizens putt lots are not wanting who will, I am sure, assist 3 oil with splendid offerings. Forward, then, Romans; break yourchains upon the cowls of your oppressors, and the Italians will share your glory. Yours, " G. GARIBALDL Worreepondence of the N. Y. Tribanel. The Arrest of FLORENCE Sept 23, 8 P. M.—l posted letters just now written at Sim Lungs, where, at 5.40, the General was arrested by 60010 twenty caribi nirri and two companies of the Twenty-seventh regiment of the line. They surrounded the house at 4A. M., arrested the master, all the guests, shut horses and coachman in stables. Then the lieutenant went to the General say ing, "A letter for youy'and he read it in bed. It Yr+. s the order of arrest. "I understand," he said, "I suppose I can take my bath." Certainly; bat the officer of thir 27th refused, and carried him off just as he was, without a second shirt. A special train awaited him at Sina Lunga; they popped him in and carried him by way of liana, near to Florence; there, finding that the tidings had spread, orders were seat to convey him to Ales sandria where he now is. I write on the point of starting, so excuse haste. Florence in fury ! The people have snatched arms from the National Guard; several ribirri wounded; all the troops in the streets. My next from Alessandria. FORTRESS OF ALESSANDRIA, September 25, 11 A. M.—Again a hasty line, to tell you that I have seen Garibaldi in his filthy den; that I am Sup posed not to have seen him; that I am awaiting pernlission to see him. Ho is, on the whole, very anzry: first, that as a Deputy he, the invincible, has been arrested not in delicto flagrante, seeing that he was merely on a visit to a -friend with two secretaries;,)sec ondly, that he has been plunged hag a bostly. OUR WHOLE COUNTRY. 1 • hole, and has not slept a wink, owing to .. leas, I bugs, and lice. He reclaims his American citizenship, and if iget out of this and see your Minister I guess he will get it. Henceforward he remains Italian, but refuses to be a "mtilc , t" of Victor Em manuel. When I left Florence the city was in a state of seine, Ratazzi hidden or escaped, the people frenzied. As Preached Voghcra,Marquis and Marchioness Palavicini—he of the Spielberg, afterward Prefect of Palermo—rushed into the carriage. "What can we do for the General?" "Send him et blankets, eight sheets 411 twelve towels fords vapor bath;" and await they sped. At one station off Alessandria I was advised that another "special train" of prisoners was tele graphed. I much fear Menotti is of the number. If so, adieu Rome. If he remains free, the aim of Gari baldi will yet be realized. The In Ili terry Preparations at Florence. The Italie of Monday announces that the Min ister of War has sent.ordere to the commanders of milippy . , divisions to . despatch troop,s to the Aapal‘ropier. r . Several chests; containing 300 rifles, and directed to Perusa, were seized at the Florence railway station on the 230, and some arrests were made in Florerice the night before. The Cost of Following a French.B.o. The Florence f.;f:ette believes it can state that the extraordinary movement of troops required by the menaces of an expedition against Rome have so modified the figures of the War Budget, that at the re-opening of the Chambers the Go vernment will have to ask for additional credit. The Antibes Legion. , A letter from Bonn; asserts that all the officers of the Antibes Lesion sent in their resignations on the 21st. A telegram of the 24th contradietS the report. At Aspromonte, Garibaldi was vanquished; at Asinalunga he was arrested without a combat. For the second time the prudence of the Italian government has avoided the gravest complica tions in deciding to strike the soldier who gave Sicily and Naples to the Kingdom of Italy and Victor Emmanuel. The day after Aspro monte it was asked fwith uneasiness what effect would be prodneett throughout the realm by that act of vigor; and the indifference of the majority of the 'ltalian nation on learning the defeat of its popular hero may be remem bered. At present, the bold act of Asinalunga scems as if it would create some difficulties for M. Ratazzi, .as a despatch informs us that public order has been disturbed at Florence. Let us hope that the movement has been without gravity, and that the Ministry will remain master of the ground. After having for the second time shown that he dared to act in case of necessity, M. Rittazzi explains what he has done in a fresh note. The tone of it Is very suitable, and appears to us calculated to produce an excellent eifect•upon all Italians who can neither forget the former services of Gari baldi, nor yet carry their recognition so far as to permit him to launch their country into the most perilous adventures. [Front L'Cnion, September 2til What are they going to do with the leader of action, and with its other members =- officers or simple volunteers—who have been arrested? Logic and justice would demand that they shofild be tried and condemned as disturbers of the public peace: This, however, is not the line of conduct which the Government in -Florence seems inclined to follow. In that city it is said that Garibaldi_ Will have his choice •of remain ing confined at Alessandria, or of returning to ..!anrera..- -The resneet tine to . o encYfilg and a deputy;" says the Opinicme, "forbids the use of rigerons treatment." We may just obt(hrve that Persano was au admiral and senator, and that he was nevertheless deprived of his rank and prosecuted, not for revolt or any fault or commission whatever but simply for incapacity. Notwithstanding the arrest of Garibaldi, we do not think that the Pied mon tete soldiers will retire for some days Caitlin", who is stated to have recently made very urgent representations to his government. on the necessity of putting an end to the at tempts of the party of action, is Said to be ap pointed to the command of the army of obser vation in, place of General Nunziante. We can not forget that the first-named officer was at the head of the troops who in the earliest instance invaded the Homan territory. The (;/,:be states that on the 24th, .t.:2,000 were forwarded from London to Italy for the aid of Garibaldi's expedition to Rome; that a few days previously one gentleman forwarded a donation of .t:&00, and that very large sums have been sent from England since the Ist of September. renianisna in Manchester and. Ireland. Arrests continue to be made of persons impli cated in the rescue of Deasy and Kelly, but the principals have evidently got clean off. A rumor prevailed that they had sailed on the Hibernian for Quebec, but the probabilities are greater that they took passage in a steamer bound for a United States port. Two {persons, man and wife, have been com mitted for trial for threatening the life of one of the informers, the magistrate refusing to bind them over in the usual way. Theauthoritles in Manchester profess to be lieve that the two "head centres" are still hidden in -Manchester. The number of persons arrested for complicity in the rescue, since the last ac comatseamounts to 24. On the 24th about 30 noted Feniane, convicted at the last assizes and who were confined in the Mountjoy prison, were shipped on board Her Majesty's ship Helicon for England, their destination being Pentonville - Prison, ngland. This removal has been in con sequence of the Government receiving notice of a plot which was being forined for an attack on the prison. The real name of the Fenian prisoner who es caped from Clonmel jail, turns out to be Captain O'Brien. He was the Lieutenant of Burke, of the Tipperary rising, and originally belonged to the Irish police. 'After leaving that body he came to America, and during the war joined the Onion Army, rising to the rank of C'aptain. He ap pears to be well known to Feniana on both sides. The bars of his cell window, at a height:of nearly forty feet from the [ground, were cut with a file; several were dislodged, along with one of the stones in the masonry adjoining. The escape was further accomplished by a small rope doubled, and by the tying together of the sheets of the convict's bed. The rope and file are supposed to have been supplied from the outside, and a bar with which ho worked from within was wrenched from a stove in the jail, from which he must have contrived to remove it by repeated efforts while pass'ng from the pier : p*4-round to his cell. A Government invettigation•has been held, and the local board of superintendence have had a meet ing under the presidency of Viscount Lismore., The point of escape was within not more than fifty yards of the police barrack. The Globe announces that it is the intention of the Government to send.a special commission to Manchester, upon an early day, to try the prison ers charged with being engaged in the late Fenian outrage there. Important Proposition••.A Strong At. tempt to be Made by' Congress to *gar. ntonize Matters with the President on the Southern Question. [Warldnaton Correapondeace N. Y. Harald.] An important proposition has just been started by influential Republicans which seems to meet with considerable favor, and may have a con trolling influence upon the action of Congress at the appkpachb3g session and upon the nest Presldentilti election. It is that a Congressional Committee shall be appointed, by the consent of all llenstOrs and Representatives who' concur in the proposition, to wait upon President Johnson and request him t state definitely what plan he has to submit far stile speedy reconstruction and admission of the southern lltates as he has hith . maul Policy. • Views of the French Press. Mom the Journal den Delgtt, Sept:26.l GREAT BRITAIN. Aid. for Garibaldi. VIVASINNIVOTON Ct'OSSIPe erto opposed every policy that has lieen initiated by Congress. They presnine• that he has a dell site practiCal plan of reconstruction in his own mind, which he believes would' be effective and which would meet his approvalt They wouldtheti ascertain to a certainty whether there is any pos sibility of the legislative and excentive branches of the government harmonizing on a policy that would restore the ex-rebel States to representa tion before the next Presidential election, or whether the country must remain in its present condition until those two branches shall be brought into accord by the decision of the ballot box in 1868. Attempts have before been made to patch up a compromise between the President and Congress, but they have been only Mffividual volunteer efforts. The proposed movement con templates the concurrence of a sufficient number of Republicans to secure a majority of each House should any agreement he possible, and the application to the President will be formal and authoritative. It originates with those who fear that impeachment may bring a destructive finan cial crisis upon the country, and said to meet the approval of, Senator Morgan,*ofiliew York, and other ropresentativee of Constituencies, par tletilarly concerned in the financial prosperity of the country. It would, moreover, form the nu cleus of a new constitutional party all over the Union. General Shernitrn—New Cabinet. ICorrenoondence of the BoAnn Pon, Oct. 6.1 General Sherman arrived here this morning, In obedience to a telegram from President Johnson, and speculation is rife as to the purpose of the summons. General Grant declared to a member of his staff to-day that he had no knowledge whatever on the subject. Rumor says he will be called to an official position in or near Washing ton, as he is knoWn to be a firm friend of the President. He is son-in-law of Mr. Thomas Ewlug,of Ohio. who may be called to a seat in the new Cabinet. Mr. Johnson is evidently strengthening himself in view of the revolution ary policy of the Radicals. General Sherthan called on General Grant during the day, and is spending the evening with President Johnson. Among other speculations on the new Cabinet it is reported on the street that Mr. Henry Hil ton. of New York, will be appointed Secretary of State; Thomas Ewing,Sccretary of the Treasury; General Steedman, Secretary of War, Governor English, of Connecticut, Secretary of the Navy; General Frank P. Blair, Postmaster-General, and Judge Black, Attorney-General. I am disposed to believe that the larger portion of this rumor will prove to be true. “The Radical Plot for llevolution.” [From tlic Wathington Intelligenccr, Oct. 7.1 The subject of the Maryland militia having now been pretty well ventilated and discussed, we should like to have some information about the "splendid military organizations" to which. our opponents from time to time refer. One of these, termed the "Grand Army of the Republic," is a secret and oath-bound military organization, and numbers, as we hear, some two hundred thousand members. We should be glad to have some account of this force; how many are its actual numbers, what are its designs, and why, if its purposes be not revolutionary and unlawful, it is deemed essential to preserve secrecy. These queries answered satisfactorily, we might be willing to wait before ascertaining the truth of the report now extensively current, that a large portion of this torte is to be brought here at the meeting of the Congress in Novem ber next, in order to be ready to overthrow the Executive branch of the Government at the word of command from the revolutionary leaders. That this conspiracy only waits UDOD the chance of a radical triumph in the grtai States to be hatched into full life is sulliciently probable to alarm every man in those States who owns a Go vernment bond or has a dollar to loco by tho hazards of revolution. M.F.XICO. The Celebration of Mexican Indo. pendence. We arc in receipt of papers, from the City of Mexico to Sept. 19. On the loth of September the anniversary of the National Independence and of tile Restora tion of the Republic was celebrated in the City of Mexico, where thegreatest enthusiasm prevailed among the people. The ceremonies commenced by meetings in all the theatres; the President,-ac companled by Mr. Lerdo, and others of his Min isters, presiding at the National. The building was brilliantly illuminated, and decorated with the national 'flags And colors. The house was densely crowded. The greatest enthusiasm pre vailed, when at two and a half o'clock the Presi dent made his appearance on the stage, which had been beautifully fitted up for the reception of the Chief Magistrate, the Cabinet, and other high dignitaries of the republic. Ignacio Rami rez, after having read the Declaration of Inde pendence, delivered a very eloquent address, and was repeatedly interrupted by general applause. The singing and music which followed were marked by the able per formance of the artists. Beside Ignacio Romero slveral others delivered speeches be coming the occasion, and Colonel Garay, showed in his address the imperative necessity which im posed upon the Republic the painful duty of - taking the life of Maximilian. Urging the ne cessity of the civil power bein placed over the military for the safely of the Republic,he eulo gized with a few words the merits of the Presi dent, to which the citizens enthusiastically re sponded. At 11 o'clock the President addressed the audience, and declared himself devoted to the welfare of the country and the defence of its liberties and independence. He then returned to the National Palace, followed by the cheers and acclamations of the people. Just before the departure of the President a voice was heard from the highest gallery .in the theatre, addressing Juarez, and thanking him in the name of the workingmen of the capital for his devotion to the cause of the people. The - President was followed by thotoiands to his private residence, who kept up a continuous cheering until the dawn of day. About midnight Juarez started for a walk in the plaza, hoping to maintain his incognito; be was, however recog nized, and it was with the greatest difficulty that he succeeded_ in escaping into his own house again. During his absence from home the crowd In front of his house called for his , family, and nothing but the appearance of his daughters on the balcony would satisfy them. On his return the calls for the President were so continuous that he at last had. to present himself. He de livered the following address: "Citizens: The Government will comply with all your demands, will meet all your wants, if you will only give us time to do so. The reor ,ganization of the country is now the chief aim 'of •the Governmetit, and peace once established firmly, our Whole attention will be devoted to the prosperity of the workingmen and the welfare of the people generally.' The next morning was celebrated by a proces • Simi composed of all the scholar of the various charity schools and other institutions,the veteran soldiers of the republic, the municipal cut orifice, the President and his ministers, foll wed by a long row of citizens, the corps of in allds, and the garrison of the city. Firing or alit tea and theatrical performances In the evening terms acted the festivals on this memorable °melon. POLITICAL NIESSE MLATT E ERS IN TEN. ovcrnor Brounlow l s Message —Pro. susinty of His Election as Vat ted States Senator. . _ NASHVILLE, Oct. 7, 1807.—Governor Brown low's message, which will be delivered to the Legislature tomorrow, recommends the repeal of the law disqualifying* negroes from holding - office and sitting on Juries.. He does not advise that suffrage be extended to disfranchised whites, but indulges in a groat deal of bitterness against rebels and political cpponents. There Is a strong probability that Brownlow will be elected United States Senator. In that case Senator &titer, who • was elected Speaker of the Senate to•day, would be Acting Governor. • —There is a dog is London twenty-alx years old, of the Newfoundland breed. His black coat has been turning gray for the past two years, and is now pearly white, What, a regular old wag his tail must be. F. I. PITIMSTON. PubWm PRI ► ' THREE UNTO. FACTS AND FANCIES. TO PCMIINVIVOMION. RY JOHN Si. WRITTSER Oh, State, prayer-founded! neverhaug Such choice upon a people's tongue, Such power to bless or ban, As that which makes thy whisper Pate', l'or which on thee the centuries wait, And destinies of man. Ac:oss thy Alleghaniarchain; With groaning's , from a land of 'pain;. The West windiflnds Ittrwayl , Wild waillnz from Missouri's 'flood,. The crying of thy children's blood' Is , in thy ears lo=day., And unto thee, in Freedom's hour Of sorest need, God gives the power To ruin or to save, To wound or heal, to blight or bless . With fruitful or wilderness, A free home or a grave. ' .Nay, more; transcending tittle altetplace e a The question of the human race • Is thine to solve anew; And, trembling doubtful on thy breath, A thrill of life or pang of death Shall reach the wide earth thrOugh;. Then let thy Virtue match the Crime; Rise to the level of the time,• And, if a son of thine Betray or tempt thee. Brutus like For Fatherland and Frcedomstrike, As Justice gives the sign. Wake, sleeper, from thy dream of ease, The great Occasion's forelock seize; And let the North wind strong And golden leavesvf Auturim be Thy corona' of victory - And thy triumphal song. --New harra'cks,to cost 610,000, arc to be Walt at Atlanta. • —Only one whale has-been caught this season by the entire Hudson's Bay whaler fleet. _ —A bronze statue of Charlemagne is to be erected in Liege. —The Duke of - Richmond possesses 340,000 acres. —Sixty million pounds tea .haveleen shipped from China this season. --A colony of English farmers is expected in Tennessee. —The storms In Killarney have damaged the rustic and other hedges about that charming lake. .Tourists will remember them. —The Emperor of the French paid the funeral expenses-5,097 franca—of the late M. Forward; the dramatic acton —A penny subscription has been set on foot at Lyons, France, to give a gold medal to the widow of John Brown. —Garlbaldi's red shirt , still flames In Italy. He says he will fight 1t out on thae clothee•llhe, if it: takes all summer. —A Chicago criminal lawyer • cleared a thief by his eloquence,and the fellow robbed him next day of two hundred dollars. --Fernando Wood says he Can take the steamer for Europe, and come back the Mayor. of New York. —The tanners in Japan are proscribed in So- - eiety ; no other classes will associate or inter marry with them. —V.ngland Is , enlisting volunteers In Arabia for the Abyssinian expedition, by the Sultan's per mission. —Negro laborers, while digging a well in Pea omid a vault containinn 4RR40.02,'50jr1 coin. —Thirty-dime people—travelers- and •gtildex— have been killed in climbing the Alps during, the past eight years. —Spiritualists in the United States number sir thousand. Shakers five thousand. Democrats after to-day can't be found to be counted. —Sterling Price's life was insured for $10,004. The hearse that was used at his funeral was the same employed to convey the remains of the la mented Lincoln to Springfield. —A student, or doctor's aSsistant, in St. Tho mas's Hospital, London, actually dined off a corpse recently. Tho case was investigated and and the cannibal dismissed in disgrace. --Tennyson z the English laureate, has a street' named after him In Bostem. Flolmes, the Massa chusetts laureate, has a hole named after him— lt is called Holmes's Hole. —An eight-foot alligator inmntly made Ito debut at West Baton Rouge. A crowd with axes, revolvers andguns surrounded him, and, after a hard fight, killed him.. —A young man in Dayton,Ohlo c is going through the bankrupteourt wll only one credi tor—a young lady with, a five thousand dollars breach-of-promise verdict. —A brother of Robert Burns's "Diary. Mor rison" is an ordnance sergeant in tne United States army. He is stationed at Newport, and is over eighty years old. —"Encumbrance sore long time I bore Derision was in vain; But when short skirts became the mode, They eased me of my train." -In Ambrose Thomas's now•opora "Hamlet' in rehearsal in Paris, Ophella is•to be represented floating down the stream wree.thed with flowers, us in Millais's celebrated picture., —The leading Baptist paper of , dares that the ministers it most delights to honor are the men of great physical bulk—the fat men, in other wbrds. Where then would poor little St. Paul have been among the English Baptista ? --:Boine cottages are advertised for sale at Taunton, England, and in the advertisement it :la stated that "each of these houses will give am' franchise to the occupier, under, the' new reform bill." —An organ-grinder at Norvlch, Conn.,.dier plays on the sides of his instrument, neatly framed, a divorce from Ma wife, , a letter of dis missal from a church, and a recommendation, of character. 4 , • Tile Heiakl tiainks•that. Enddbitun and*, r: Train are much alike,"hotb beingg, so fax above ordinary understandig aa jp,-Wiipeorehensi ble alike in silence and.tterance." Usin hags got beyond budding anthtaltext to•blowitiro —ln the year 1700, Prussia had. a population of seventeen hundred thousand, and two..thou sand square miles. She has now six thousand three hundred square miles, and twenty-four millions of people. —The latest hymn of extraordinary popularity in England is entitled "Paradise." It. has quite equalled in general acceptation the wit-known. "Jerusalem the Golden' and will soon. be 'atm-- duced in some of the leading churches In this. country. —A couple eloping from hard-hooted, parents were recently married on a Grand Trunk road train. Of course, they indulged iu carnemel t and made one more tender to that train,' Of course the bride couldn't travel without -it Gond . Trunk. —There appears to be no Mr. Babbing,tou t ?e, White in the literary circles of London, and, alleged plagiarism from FenUlet , it la*thtia was the work of the lady novelist and. edi r t (Miss Braddon), who was so "shocked" atits,exi poeure. —The Pall Mall Gazelle describes the ran-An , glican synod as "the absurdity of misplaced, modesty, decorum and timidity. :The Church of England was long ,eince , said to, he dying of decency. It, or rather I% bishops,are nos &boot to call in all the world to witness a crisislit this disease." At the recent agricultural fair at Ssicirowater. Chan enterprising undertaker , exhibited in the hall a hearse, coffins, gravestones, &c., one own. ple coffin being placed in the hearse. - ButWe funeral spectacle was outdone • by aOW igk's stationery stand outside, containing a wax ettrpse,, and ingeniously arranged with a mirror" vendor the lid, so that the remains could be Viewesilinta upright position, without the I:4o=w Wig put to the trouble of looking Inside. Contbittly an extraordinary undertnlag.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers