[Continued from the first page.] . , of the imuoaeiiwuui muddle uuu uic way he will act should the occasion arise. Under the constitution the President has the ,io W r to prorogue Congress only in ease of dis agreement to adjourn. But in a great public emergency, where the life'of the nntion is at stake, tlio President considers the exercise of extraor dinary powers justifiable. Moreover Congress, bv assuming unconstitutional powers und at tempting to destroy the Executive, disqualifies itself, is'no longer a lawful Congress, hut a body of usurpers and traitors. As such they have no rights Uio ExCcutive is bound to respect, and tbe Executive will deal with them accordingly- the President’s theory is that they first inaugurate revolution by attempting an net subversive oj the Government, and upon them, will rest ini. responsibility of any strife or confusion that m. j The Amnesty proclamation was not as a mere political dodge to catch the p°l , vor and enlist Southern sympathy more at K y in behalf of the Johnsonian policy, lho dcut docs not intend that It snail[be: atni , less State paper, of fine phrases but empty el ects He designs it shall work to the advantage ot the Southern whites by pardoning a large class—the most intelligent.wealthy and socially influential and f restorin'™o them their civil rights, including that "of suffrage. It is said ho has no power to " ant suffrage to the pardoned rebels excluded bv the Reconstruction nets. He claims lie lias, and I have good authority for stating, notwith standing semi-official contradictions, that the time is not far distant when he will enforce ms views by ordering the.reopening of registration, find causing new instructions to be, issued to. tlio military commanders, in accordance with these views. A JDemocruxic ortfa.ii on President Johnson* [From the World, of yesterday.] Mr. Johnson has never been, nor ever sought to be considered, a Democratic President. VVe happen to agree with him on a point on which he differs from his party; but that must not be taken ae an endorsement of bis maladroit, uE6tatcsmaulike, . unpopular administra tion. Mr. Johnson not beiug a Democrat, we are not willing that, with his great weight of un popularity, he should be classed as such, i.hc contention between him and Congress is a light within the Republican party. * * „ Iu the recent talk about Cabinet changes, the Ke publicans have been willing to'favor the impres sion that Mr. Johnson intends to form a Demo cratic administration. Even if he were willing, and representative Democrats would consent, such an arrangement would be every way undesirable. Its only effect would be to ren der the Democratic party responsible for blun ders and mismanagement, perpetrated against its judgment and in contempt of its wishes. # We should gain a few paltry ollices without influ ence. and go into the Vrcsidciitial election 'vul nerable by all the weapons which the Republi cans burl at Mr. Johnson. As ho gave U 3 no aid when 1-e might have aided us. why should we now, when he has no longer anything valuable to give, imperil our own cause by assuming the burden of his unpopu larity? As things stand, the Republican invec tives against Mr. Johnson impeach their ability to choose a good President. A man might as wisely think to improve his social standing by living with somebody’s repudiated wife, as for the Democratic party, to expect any advantage from adopting, in the Inßt days oi his unsuccess ful administration, a fettered President elected bv tbeir enemies and popular with nobody. Important Political Kuinors. I Washington Correspondence of the N. V. Tribune.) Washington, Thursday, Sept. 12, ]Sii7.— ' There is a rumor in circulation --to-night that President Johnson designs making an immediate change in the War Department. It is said that Frank P. Blair, Jr., will be put in the office until General McClellan is heard from. It is asserted hereby the friends of Mr. Stan ton, that that gentleman said, at n dinner given liim in Boston some days ago, that there never existed between liim and Gen. Grant any under standing in relation to his (Stanton's) going out of the War Department; and further, that the first intimation that Mr. Stanton had of Grant's becoming his . successor, was Grant’s letter to liim Informing, him that he had accepted the office’: In this connection, it will remembered that ‘ at the time Mr. Stanton left the department, it was given out in the news- K that there was a perfect understanding in General Grant and on the subject, long before tho latter retired. It is asserted here, by men prominent in poli tics, that the recent letter of Thaddeus Stevens, relative tolthe removal of the District Com manders, was the real great cause of Johnson's issuing his proclamation of civil supremacy, which in itself is looked upon ns only a bunglin'' preamble to bis amnesty proclamation, and would not have been issued bad not Mr. Ste vens's letter been written. amusements. Tile Walnut. —A Midsummer Night's Dream will be performed again this evening. There will aim be a matinee to-morrow afternoon. The Chestnut. —Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Florence wifi appear this evening in the comedy of Caste. The Road to. Ruin will be performed at the matinee to-morrow afternoon. The Akcii Julia Dean will have a benefit this evening in the play of The Woman in White. The Black Crook.— The Academy of Music was well filled last evening by an audience eager to witness the first successful performance of The Dluek Crook. The piece passed off smoothly and gave general satisfaction. The ballet is excellent and the costumes of the dancers rather iLiore •within the bounds of decency than is the case • with those of the New York performers. The scenery is handsome, and the music, under the able direction of Dr. Cunningtou, excellent. There will be a matinee to-morrow afternoon. Blind Tom. —The Gazette, of London, says : ‘Blind Tom is a psychological wonder, and as such will be viewed by all who take an interest in such exceptional human manifestation-,. * * * His exquisite sense and remembrance of the pitch of soundß is tested in a variety of ways—by call ing upon him to verbally analyze extempore chords, or any irregular*, combination, or by the production of any note, or series of notes, with his voice, on demand; besides the still more sin gular feat of playing a piano-forte piece of mode rate dimensions after hoaring it once performed by another 'person. This negro musician i 6 alto gether a very curious personage/’ Assemt.lv Building. —Mr. Alf. Burnett will give another of his humorous delineations to night. • Blitz.— The wierd, mysterious Signor will conjure this evening and to-morrow afternoon al Assembly Building. CITY NOTICES. It is decidedly interesting to listen to the ex pression of the ladies, in drawing comparisons between the practical value of the popular American Sewing, Overseammg and Buttonhole-making Machine, and the other sewing machines which they have laid in use in their families. Their joint opinion is decidedly in f»vi.r i.r the great American machine, manufactured as it is in onr own Philadelphia. Cull and see it in opera-ion daily (Sundays excepted) at the grand Km poiium, tS. tV. corner of Eleventh and Cliestnul iJt.i.LiNO*C)n-! Selling Off!'. KF'-.bV ( lONA 11A 1,1,, 029 OUUSTKUT BTI'.AKT. J"lW>,OW> worth of China, Glass and Stoneware to he hold off previous to removing to new store, IBIS Cheut . nut street. ' /--■■- ] Families, hotels, boarding-houses, and restaurants will now have) an opportunity o! purchasing china, glass, or stoneware at gieutiy reduced prices. Goblets... Champagne Glasses, Wire Glasses Table Tumblers Chamber Sets ~ Pinner Plates Breakfast Plates . WHITE. EI’.KNOU CHIBA. LSI) dozen Dinner Plates, full sue, per dozen $2 oo Ja.mmiK, K.U-.U& i) KUI CCT OLA I ,‘-j .per dozen $2 20 . “ “ 1 70 • “ “ 1 25 • " 170 BTOS K CHINA •ten pieces $1 00 •per dozen 1 •“ “ -110 THE DAILY EVENING BULLETIN,—PHIALDELPHIA, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 13,1867. Examine Our large 6tock Of Fall and Winter Hats and Caps. Oakfords, Continental Hotel. Monsieur A. Wolowski, the Tcry celebrated Pianist and Vocalist, is fast filling np' his class ftot-tho 11,st entree of instruction, at his rooms TOf South Washington Square. Young ladies deslringlto become accomplished In piano inatTUCtloo and voMlißm, and to rend nciv and d.filcult mimic at sight, .should not procrastinate, bnt secure the (Services of the great teacher at once. I Examine Our large stock Of Pall, and Winter Hats mid Caps, Oakfords, Continental Hotel. Mouse's Dining Saloons, 902 and 904 Arch street, for Ladies mid Gentlemen, are now the popular esort, for those in search of good dinners—visit them. Fink Glassware. KEKIt'S fUIINA 11A.T.L, 529 OHrSTNVT BTUKKT. Parties about purchasing fine glass will find at the China Hairthc.most complete stock of fine thin glass ware in the city. We also have at wofk upon the pre mises two of the best engravers oti glass in the country. Persons enn have their initials crests, monograms, oi any design they may wish engraved in a superior man ner at a few hour’s notice. . Jami'.k. Tv. Ki'.v.u & Bito., Chinn Hall, 520 Chestnut street. Examine Our largo stock Of Fall and Winter llats and Caps. Oakfords, Continental Hotel; Kerr’s China Hall, f>2l» Chestnut Street. / BEM.INO OKI*! SKI,UNO Oi l !! $lOO,OOO worth of China, Glass and Stoneware to be sold ofi previous to moving to new store, 1218 Chestnut street. All in want of any article in china, glass or stoneware will find it to their own interest to call and examine our goods and prices after looking elsewhere, and judge for themselves where the lowest prices, largest assortment and best goods arc to be found. Jam kb K. Kean & Buo., * China Hall, 529 Chestnut street. Lkadkhs ov Fashion, us well us gentlemen ol moderate taste in matters of dross, are respectfully invited to inspect Warluirton'e new etvlea of liats for nutumu wear, line regard has been given to the best American and foreign productions, with the sole view of presenting* to his patrons, in llie new" styles now offered, all that is desirable in shape, durability, easy lining and ventilation Fashionable Hatlcr, K'o; 430 Chestnut et„ next boor to the Post-office. White Pkkseiivinc. Brandy, Pure Ciilcc ami White Wine Vinegai, Whole Mustard ami Spires, Green Ginger, Ac., Ac., . For Preserving and Pickling purposes. •, For sale by . Mitoiiki.t, & Fi.f.toiikk, 1204 Chestnut street Dress-making Department. LaDIKS' Di’.KSKKB MAIIK TO MKAHIdIF. IN TWFNTV-Fol ioit.s. TttAVM.INO DIIKSSEB BEAUT MAIJK. YVai.ki.nu Suits ukai.y mahk. Bi.aok Lyons Sii.kb, nut Dbf.sskh, in-all qvaeitieb, • Fl’.OU $2 lO $lO FKll V Ann. J. W. PubllTOH & Co., 92C Cuesc-nct stf.uut. Tahi.e or Distances as Fi'rsished nv in C'itySiibvkyob:— From Byberrv, 13 mi'.- to “ •Uolim'-i"., . : 1 niiles to “ l .. ..i.v, s miles to - ■ ~u.->ileton, 11 miles to ~ •• Fox Chuse.lO miles to " Mlleßtoivn, 5 miles to “ Toiresdale, 12 miles to Charles Stokes & Co.’s tlrst-dass ready-made Clothing Store, under the 1 oi,- Hnental. Ho. 824 Chestnut street. Deafness, Blindness and Catarrh.— J. Isaacs, M. D., Professor of the Kye and Bar, treat* all difswaeeo appertaining to tlie above members with the utmost success. Testimonials from the most reliable sources In the city can bo seen at his office, No, 805 Arch street. The medical faculty are Invited to ac company their patienta, as he has no secrets In his practice. Artificial eyes Inserted. No charge made for examination. Jones’ Hotel, 235 Dock Street, below Third, revived by. YV. P. Larkin on the European plan. Meals from 6 A. M. to 12 P. M- Good lodgings tor guests. House open all night. Rooms 50 cts. per night. Rockhill & Wilson, Clothing House, 603 and 805 Chestnut street. Great reduction in Summer Goods. The balance of our stock of Summer Clothing will be dosed out at very low prices, to make room for a .urge assortment of new fall goods. Fall Styles now in store. RoeKint.i. & Wilson, ~ 603 and 605 Chestnut street. FINANCIAIi and COMMERCIAL Bales at the Philadelphia block Exchange, FIEBT BOAUD. $lOOO U S 10-40 S cp 99)4 Ish al K oi 100 US 7 3-10 s Je 107 M 400 sh Bead H boo SIM 2200 City 6s new . 100)4600 ah i!° J-'H! 1000 ScliNav Cs ’S2 73)4 000 sh do fcOJafdO 01.41 1000 PellllllK Img Of 10u 00 til UO 01 / Osh Morris Cl’l>f 3T s sh do 01,., 10 th Cam &. Am sep 08 Philadelphia, Friday, Septcm Tlie Stock market was heavy this morning and the entire list of.funcy securities was weak, wiiiie Govern ments and all the better class of Bonds were held with much confidence. Heading Hailroad closed dull at 81.44@51.60. Camden and Amboy Railroad was steady al 120; Pennsylvania Railroad at 03(l-ot'M; Geitnan town Railroad at 05; Lehigh Valley Railroad at Os, I ,'; Cutiiwiesa Railroad Preferred at 28M; Philadelphia ami Krie Railroad at 28)4, and Northern Central ltuilroad uitaji. In Canal stocks the greatest change was in Morris Preferred, which Buddenly dropped to 07-a decline of 0. ’Lehigh Navigation was firm at 47; .Sus <iuchiiiiua at 10*. and Schuylkill-Nuvigntion Preferred at 2S. Government Loana closed at 11174@112 for the Coupon 6’a, ’81;115>,'@115« for the ’62’s; 10t)lf@llu for the ’C4’a; lll«(sHlljtf f° r tho ’ 6S ’ B '> H>Stf@loB’4 foK the Policy; 99)4 for the 10-40’e, and 107)4 for the 7-30’s; Btate Loans were quiet. City Loans of the new issues sold at 100)4-uo change. Rank shares were held stiffly. 240 was biff for North America; 142 X for Fanners’ and Mechautcs’; 107 for the Seventh National; 57)4 for Commercial; 31)4 for Mechanics'; 100 for Southwark ;100 for Kensington; 59)4 for Girard; 90 for Western; 32 for Manufacturers'; 70 for Corn Ex change; 09 for City, and 00 for Commonwealth. Smith, Randolph « Co., Bankers, 15 Booth Third etreet, quote at 11 o’clock, as follows: Gold, 14014; United States 1881 Bonds, 112)4@112)4; United States 5.20'5, 1862, 110X@H0K i 6-20'e, 1864, 110@110>4; 6-20’e, 1868, lll«@lllif; 6-20’s, July, 1860, 108)4® 108 H ; 5-20 S, July, 1867, 108M@103>4 ; United States io-40's; 99J£@907i; United States 7-30’s, Ist sjries 107) ■ 7-30’s, 2d series, 107)4®10I)4; Sd series, 107M@107M jCompounds, December,lB64,llB)4@llB)4. Jay Cooke & Co. quote Government securities, Ac., to-day, as follows: United States 6’5,1881,H1)4@112)4, Old 5-20 Bonds, 115M@U51i; New 6-20 Bonds, 1864, 1C9)4®110)4; 0-20 Bonds. 1865, 111)4®111)4; 6-20, "Bonds J uiyp1860;108if@108X 7 6-20 Bondß7lB67TloBJ4@i 108) 10-40 Bonds, 99)4®9U)4; 1 3-10 August, 107)4 @lO7 M ; T 3-10, June, 107)4@107’4; 1 8-10, July, 107)4 @107)4 ;Gold (at 12 o’clock), 140)4®145)4. Messrs. De Haven Brother; No. 40 South Third street, make the following quotations of tho rates of exchange to-day, at 1 P.M.: American Gold 145)4©148)4; Silver—Quarters and halves, 135@140; Compound Interest Notes—Jane, 1864, 19.40; July, 1864, 19 40; August, 1864, 10 40; Oct, 1864, 19; Dec. 1864, 18; May, 1860, 17; August, 1868, 16; September, I 860; 10,M; October, 1860,10, The inspections of Flour and Meal in Philadelphia, for the week ending Kepi. 12, 1867, are as follows; ilalf-borrels of superfine, Barrels of huperiiue “ Fine “ Middlings.;. “ Rye Corn Moul •• Condemned Puncheons Coni Meal, Philadelphia. market*. Fi’.ibav, Sept. 13.— There is very little Quercitron Bark coming forward, and If here would command an advanefe on our-recent quotations. The demand for Cotton is extremely limited and tho sales only In a Bmall way at 20 cents for middling Up lands and 21 cents for New Orleans. There is a firm feeling in tho Flour market, and re ceipts come forward slowly, the week's inspections only reaching 10,800 barrels, but the demand is not so active, being entirely confined to the wants of the home trade. Sales of 200 barrels of superfine at $7 60@8 28 F barrel, small lots of old and new wheat extras at sB@9 50;. new wheat extra family at sll® $l2 50, and fancy at $13(3)14; 500 barrels of the latter Fold on secret terms. Bye Flour is held at $8 50. In Corn Meal there is nothing doing. There is a steady demand fur Wheat nt the late ad vance .with further sales of fair and good new l’cima. Bed at $2 25(3)2 45 7# bushel, 400 bushels Amber nt $2 50, 300 bushels fair White at $2 60 nud 3,000 bushels California nt $2 75. Bye is steady, with further sales of 1,000 bushels Puniin* at $1 60 7? bushel. Corn is scarce and stonily at $1 35 for yellow, and $1 32® $1 33 for mixed Wcstorn. Oats of prime quality are scarce and sellers demand nil advance. Sales of 3,000 bushels Pcimn. 08(371 cents. Whisky—Prices are nominal. !3f~See Marine Bulletin on Sixth Page. AEBIVED THIS DAY. Steamer Tncony, Nichols, 24 hours from New York, with mdse to W M Baird & Co. Steamer Bichard Willing, Cundiff, 13 hours from Baltimore, with mdse to A Groves, ,Tr. Sclir W W Mnrcy; Champion, from Cape Ann, with fish ro B K Neff & Co Schr Silver Magnet, Watson, Boston.-. - . Schr Alex Young, Young, Boston. Schr W Wallace, Scull, Boston. Schr A Godfrey, Godfrey, Boston. Schr L & A Babcock, Smith, Boston. Schr Aid, Smith, Boston. Schr E Magee, Barnes, Boston. Schr D £ Wolfe, Bole, Boston. Schr II G Ely, McAllister, Bichmond. Schr Geo Fates, Nickerson, Providence. Schr A Van Cleaf, Heath, Providence. Sclir Guiding Star. Blauchnrd, Providence. Schr Bend BE No 45. Anderson, New Haven. Schr Sarali Louise, Sivett, Saco. Sclir L D Small, Tice, Dauversport. Sclir J W Knight, Plum, Lyun. BELOW. Bark Venus, from London; one British brig, loaded; brig John Aviles, from Bangor, another lumber laden brig unknown, and schr Surah Bruen, from Wilming ton, NC.—Reported by Captain Kelly, of steamship Alliance. Steamer Hannah Sophia, Teat', Hudson, Street ,fc Co. Bark Thomas, Bogcrs, Cardenas. S & W Welsh. BrigC Matthews, Cox, Boston, R n Powell. Schr Silver Magnet, .Perry, Boston. Blakiston, Gracff <fc Co. Schr S II Sharp, Webb, Boston, do Schr W W Matey, champion, boston, Dovey, Bnlkley WAlllH'llTON, & Co. Schr Guiding Slar, Blanchard, Boston, do Sclir Bead KII No 45, Anderson. Boston, do Sclir A Godfrey, Godfrey. Boston, J G & G S Bepplier. Sclir John It Alien, Seaman,.Boston, L Audenried&Co. Schr II E Wolfe. Bole. Leaetivillc, NC. captain. Schr H G Ely, McAllister. Richmond,Bothermel & Co. Schr A lex Young, Young, Washington, Tyler A Co. Sclir Geo Fates, Nickerson, Providence, Waunemacher & Co. Sclir LB Small, Tice. Bingham, captain. Schr Sarali Louisa, Swett, ilidduford, Hammett&Ncil!. Schr Jessie W Knight, Plum, Lynn, Westmoreland Coal Co. Schr F St Claw Edwards, Ireland, Portland. FnlesAt'o Schr-A Vnu Cleaf, Heath, providence, Day, Huddell & Co. Schr Aid, Smith, Salem, captain. Correspondence of the Philn. Evening Bulletin. READING, Sept. 11, 1567. The following boats from the Union Canal passed into tlie Schuylkill Canal, hound to Philadelphia, laden and consigned as follows: Col Donuldeon, with lumber lo Isaac E Bliern; Dun derburg, do to Goldev & Cohn; Eleanor and Sarah Alice, do to Norcross & Sheets; Peruvian, grain to captain: Hannah Llovd, coal to Jus Roland AKon; Wm & F Taylor, bit coal to HA & S Seyfert. F. Bark Annie Ada, Cann, hence for Stockholm, put into Longiuipe (Orkney). !stb lilt. Bark Oichilln, Havener, hence at Boston yesterday. Bark Myrtle, Hastings, from Liverpool forthis port, was off Tuskar <5 PM 27th iilu ..... Bark Sissihoo (Br), Lamey, cleared at Portland 11th inst. for Buenos Ayres. • ~ .... Bark George Kingman, Eldndge, from Zanzibar Ilth June, with coffee, ai New York yesterday. July 22,1 at 35 UV S, ton 19 E, passed ship Knight of Snowdon, w aterlogged and abandoned, ... Bark Excelsior (Br), Owen, 38 days from Eio Ja neiro, at New York yesterday, with coffee. Brig Elvie Allen, Allen, hence at Falmouth 30th nit. Brig Kodiac, Downing, hence at Boston yesterday. Brig Annie, Bruno, hence for Konigsbcrg, in Elsi nore Sound 27th nit. . . _ Schr J M Morales, Newman, cleared at Bangor 10th iDst. for this port. _ Schr E Richardson, Crocker, hence at Boston yes *CSclir Mary A Hyer, Etheridge, from Portland for this port, at Gloucester 9th Inst Schrs S A Boyce, Boyce; JC Thompson, Vansant; Ephrnim & Anna, Thompson; Warren Blake, Meser vey; M D Ireland, Ireland; J T Boice, Boice; D Gif ford, Jerrold; Helen Mar, Nickerson; Henry Allen, Tat cm; Emma Bacon; Caee; Brandywine, Ireland; II S Dougliteu, Tutem; Henry May, Franklin; A Tlrrell, Atwood; D Brittain, Springer, and E J Heraty, Me redith, hence nt Boston 11th inet. Schr Julia E Pratt, Nickerson, cleared atßoston 11th in“t. for this port. Schr Sarah Clark, Griffin, at Fall Iliver Ilth instant from Delaware City. ....... r Schr J S Lockwoou, hence for Norwich, at New Lou,,- don ltlh lust. „ . T , ...... Schr Minerva, salted from New London Ilth instant for ttiis port. I .KPAIW.Me.XT cl J’CMUC XHGHWAI fe.O.riGh, 1 > un South Fifth -t.. PHli.Ajiixeni.i, Sept. H 18W. NCI ICE TO CONTRALTO US.-Sealed proposals will ]„. 1,-c, -11,1(1 at the Office of the Chief Coiniuuslollcr of Uiglmuvs until 12 o’clock 31.. Monday, 14th hist., for the eoi’-tnu'iioii of a .Sewer on tlm line 01 Eighth street, from lliice to V ine Street, 111 he built of brick, with a olear in side (linn eter of two feet six inches, and with such inlets 11, of iinlu-ludcK ns limy lie directed by the billet Engineer and Surveyin'. 'File understanding to lie that the bon t,actor shall take bibs prepared ag.mst the property IreiitiiH-'on said rewer to tie.- amount of one dollar and m< ntv'-iive eenta for each lineal font 01 front oil each side (,j the street as so limcli cash unhl; the balance, ai limited llrriiimnce, to lie paid hv tho City, and the Contractor Kill l,e n.piin d to keep the street and sewer in good or der fur three yt ars'aftei the sa.vt-f is finished. V\ hen the street is occupied by a City Passenger Knil 11,ml track, the .Sewer shall be constructed alongside of 1 aid track in sneli manner as not to obstruct or interfere with the safe passage of the cars thereon; and no claim 1.,r remuneration shall lie paid the Contractor by tlie com pany using said track, as specified in Act ol Assembly ap 'AlVhidde rs W iwc , ’in'vitcd to be present at tlm time and place el opening said proposals Each proposal will I neeiniipaiiied by a certificate that a bond lias been tiled m tl,<- Liw JtopHrtnitiUt m directed by Orduiaucc of *Mn> lwKi It th«* Lowest Wilder AinU uot execute * pontract within live dnya after the work i* awarded. he will ho (h'l'iiii d a* declining, and wlji he held liable on lot* th'-diitVreiHM! between hM bid and tho uexthlgm.Ht biri may bo had at the Department of fctirvi’Vf', which will be Htrictly udl,^,^ O g MEDIjK Y, Chief Comn3ifwk>nero£Ulghwfty£^ />OO HOOP SKIRTS. _ 1 yZo HOPKINS* “OWN MAKE." \jAO v^u PRICES REDUCED! 1 1 It affords ob much pleasure to uxmotince to oar numor* mm Dfttrona and tho public, that in consequence of a idighi decliue in Hoop Skirt material, tegethor with our inrreaHcd facilities for manufacturing, and aetrict adhe* r?Sce to BITVINO and SELLING for CASH, wo are hl?d to offer all our JUSTLY CKLEBItA'i'ED HOOP SKIRTS at REDUCED PRICES, and they wifi, a f heretofore, always be found in every respoct moro desl ruble, uni really cheaper Uian any single or double spririgilloop Skirt in the market, while our aaaortmontu “A2io?coiißtantly receiving from New York and tho East, nru States full llncß of low-priced Sairts at very low prices, among which is a lot of Plain Skirts at the following rates: 16 springs, 66 eenta; 20 springs, bo cents; 26 spring, 75 cenhi, ffli Borings, 85 cent*; 86 springs, 16 cents, and 40 springs, 81. sElrts made to ofder, altered and repaired, wholesale and retail, at the Philadelphia lloop-Skii;t Emporium, No. 638 Arch street, below Seventh. nnpvTNß mh6f,in.wlyrp WM. T. HOPKINS^ Troop BKIUTS AND CORSETS.—MRS. E. BAYLEY. H So 812 Vino street, ts now manufacturing all thoya riaties 0 1 Hoop Skirts, Corsets, he. She has also the Roal French Corsets of new styles. Hoop Skirts altered and repaired. mnamrp koi 1 iient-the euTing house, no. 1811 Delaney Place. Apply to JOHN 1). CDI-A- P»il haN, No- Walnut street. ncl3-2t "'to'TiET.-A - desirable''HOUsiFiN WEST tfi Plilladelphla; Modern impiovemeutß and large IS yard. Address J. 11- Lb, Box 1044, PUbldclpbla Post-office. jgSSEk COLGATE & CO.’S TEBIAIrS, and mar be considered the'STANDARD OF EXCELLENCE. ForealobyaU Grocer*, myai-tu&th.lyj BACS aWRPOOL 2Ooeackß Fino Salt, afloat and foe lain by WORK EAN & CO.. 123 Walnut. MARINE BULLETIN. POET OF PHILADELPHIA— Sf.pt 13 CLEARED THIS DAY. MEMORANDA. PBOFOSAbS. hoop sKiirrs. TOIIENTi la manufactured from PURE MA. RETAIL. imV COOPS. Genuine water-proof cloaking, SI 37K- , UcLuine Water-Proof Clonkinfi, $1 50. (icDUinc vVater-Pioof Cloaking, $1 75. J, C. STKAWBRIDGB & CO., K. W. comer EIGHTH and MAIIKF.T Streots. 2gl CENT CALICOES, FAST COLORS If, cent Cnlicoi a, new fall rtvle*. latent cleg..lit full atylea Uiiutzca. J. C. STICAAVBKIDGE &CO. qAA pcs. cloths and cassimeues, AlMvwl, 87 cento. W ccnfe. *l. i>ud $1 16 p-t yard. J. €. STKAWBKIPG-15 & CO. p-q (JEST BLACK ALL’ACAS, 50 cent Vicmvd Alraaif. 75 li'-iYvv Poplin?. Colored Poplin .1. C. STHAWBRIDOE & GO. fto BLACK SILKS, VERY C 2 sr> Black Silke, .cold edge. {2 <5 Black Grot Granin, n liargam J. C. STTtAWItUIDGr. & CO. Oh' .STYLES. 00- |7cXsFcANTON FLANNELS, 20 CENTS 1 cn“C<.':uitou Flanni'ln, 28 ei-nb*. I Cnntou FlanucK ».ccntH. & SSES3?w"& Xriug' nt 1 k« P 'tbun i.np'ortc."' liml imtnufiutnn'm 1 pi'mi'i*. AU giK'di- wiirnintrii an ivprcai’Utul. j. C. STRAWBRIDGE 0c CO. H. W. cor. Eighth and Market, Philada. BLANKETS. BLANKETS. 1,000 Pairs Blankets. Wc now offer for rule one thousand pairs line Hod Blan ket!-, purchased for cash during the early. Bummer, t greatly reduced prices. ■ . We will roll a pood sound Blanket for less price than t-oiled or damaged one- are sold for. All-wool Blanket* #3 l«' r Pair. Good size wool Blankets *4 per pair. Fluo all-wool HIM-ikct*. $4 fW pt*r pail* Large size Blankets. 55 to $6 50 Pel' pair. Very large Blankets *6 hoto *S 50 per pair. -no FAIRS Sl-KIHTId DAMAGED BLANKETS WILL BE SOLI lAT A BOLT lIAI.E BRICE. NWIB TIIE ORRORTFNI rY TO GET A GOGH -BLANKET FOB A SMALL SLM OF MONEV. . J. C. STRAWBRIDGE & CO., eelS-St rps N. W. Cor. EIGHTH and MARKET Sts. ’marYet *=.- 5? &. *s^ 0. . NINTH - >, $1 OO EMPRESS CLOTHS. All liew shades, good rpinlitj- I ’min and corded heavy Popuns. Itich Blaid Poplins $1 00 up. $1 25 FREXCH MERINOS. Of the extra width heavy make. Fineet French Mwiuoe* imported. 8« cent figured wool Delaine*. Wain wool Ltlainee, good assortment. 85 OO BLANKETS. tHWnalrs heavy large Blanket!*, $5 OO and 8d DO. mfiKb Blanket fo?S8 50, S 9 50 and SlO 00. Mammoth Stock Blanket!* $4 60 to finest made. 50 CENT FLANNEL. Another lot that extra good white at 50 cents Good white 1 touiet Flannels 28, 31 and .S 3 cent*. Gray extra good twilled Flannel 40 cent*. Best red twilled Flannels. LINEN GOOIXS. Bargains in Towels and Napkin*. Table Damasks, some extra good, under i*rice. Best Shirting Linens by the yard or piece. riUow and Sheeting Linens. Linen Lawns and Long Lawn. $1 50 WATER-PROOF. ftl r,7X Beal Water-Proof Cloths. *175 do do ' h'-t-t made. BO cent good all-wool Ca^imerch. SI 00 heavy all-wool do. #1 12 and 25 superior do. si 50 extra good do. jaS.w.f.m.tO 11Q1 CHESTNUT STREET, E. M. NEEDLES & CO. Invite attention to their Firnt-clu.-* Stock of Laces and Lace Goods, Embroideries, Hdkfs, Veils,&c., To which addition* will com-tantly he made of 'the lYovelties of the Scasou. They offer in their Wliite Goods 1->epartiment jHEAVY SKIIftINR CAMBRICS, At 30, and 40 cent**. A Great Sacriiice. xtiNisaHO toxt HEAVY LINEN SHEETINGS. Juat opened, nn invoice of the HEAVY SHEETINGS which gave bo much Hati*faction to our cußtomcre lft»t BeaHoiu We have 'them now in the various widtha and PERKINS, NO. 9 SOUTH NINTH STREET. ae7'3mrpj CLOTHING. EDWARD P. KELLY, TAILOR, "HO, 612 OHE3THOT STREET, Juat received, a large Itock of| J CHOICE FALL GOODS. WILL MOVE OCTOBER Ist TO S. E. earner Seventh and Chestnut Sts. ap27-lrr» THOMAS WEBB, (Successor tjWm. F. Hugliea,) FORKS OF SECOSD AND CHRISTIAN STREETS. ' BALED, FRESH, SALT AND PACKING HAY. * BALED, WHEAT, OAT AND RYE STRAW, . FOR SHIPPING AND CITY USE. myB a wfimrp New pecans.—io barrels new crop texah Poeana landing, ‘ of the Union, and for solo by J. B, BUSSIEH » CO„ 19) South DelawaW one. • \ ± FINE SIS and QSO SOUTH FRONT STBEBT« Who offer the same TO THE TRADE, in Dots, on very advantageous Their Stock of Rye IN BOND, comprise* all the faro rite brands sjc* taiat, and mm* through the various months of 1805/63, and of this year, up •• ’’VlY.'r*‘Jontract* made for lot* to arrire at PennnrlTanla K.U. Depot, Errte■< or at Bonded Warehouses, as parties may elect. CHEAP. Girard Fire Insurance Company 639 N. E. cor. Chestnut and Seventh sts. CAPITAL AH» SURPLUS, #850,000. All of which I* safely inverted In Beal * Estate, Bonds and Mortgages, fiovemment Loans and other good Securities. This Company have eucce^fullyinjured ... 8100,000,000 Of roperty in the lastl-t yuan', and paid MOUE TUAN BOOloskw by Ure. It has nearly doubled ih l capital in thl- period. It h«« nevf-r belonged to any combination of umierivriten id *'Olir'iffifiit "in o, |' l iaim«jivnni». iind cVcwliere, A'ljP®' bo*ninsfrV4it4-il to join any organization for establishing ar -\\v‘ liaVeimr own tariff of Premium! and arn not under the neresrity of borrowing from tin* experience of oUn-n*. 15,• km and Agent* in Philadelphia proving to r.-pr* sent uh in any particular, should be able to jh«w ,o»r written authority for doing so. Partes aMiim. ins ir.vm€ ’.vill consult their own interest by calling in pur-on at tin* office DIKFCTTOKR: THOMAS CRAVEN. ■ r -TT* fI’I'MAN siir»*l*AKl>, N. ft. LAW i.KM V!^:vl^ ILAIU n"NKVF. I k!’sNK^ JOHN W. vj M. 6.. JAMKS 13- ALVOK.I). jy&-fAmtiuirps BECI.h l AL » LOOKING GLASSES OF%HE VERY BEST EVERY NOVELTY IN at the lowest possibub JAMES S. EARLE & SONS, GENTLEHEN’S I CHNISHING OOUUB. JOHN C. ARRISON, Particular attention given to the man ufacture of Fine Shirts, Cellars, &o„, warranted to give satisfaction. i««Mn CARPETINGS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. LEEDOM & SHAW, 910 ARCH STREET, Between Ninth and Tenth Streets. We arc now opening a full and complete ai- Bortment, both Foreign and Domestic, for Fall Bale*. au24-3m rps C. M. STOUT & GO., LATE 1028 CHESTNUT ST., HAVE REMOVED TO 1106 CUestnxTt street. LACE CURTAINS. UPHOLSTERY GOODS, PIANO AND TABLE COVERS, MOSQUITO NETS, HOUSE-FURNISHING LINENS. QUILTS, fto. AT lowest prices. mvl-wfm lyrp- Old Rye Whiskies. LARGEST AND BEST STOCK OF / THE OLD RYE WHISKIES IN THE LAND IS NOW POSSESSED BY HENRY S. HANNIS & CO. INSURANCE. NEW OFFICE, THOMAS CRAVEN, 'PRESIDENT ALFRED S. GILLETT,. VICK PRESIDENT AND TREASURER. PICTI>KKB« FHAiniiS, &C» quality. STYLE PRICES. 810 CHESTNUT STREET, THE FINE SHIRT EMPORIUM Nos. 1 and 3 N. Sixth Street, Importer, Manufacturer Dealer in every description of Gentlemen’s Furnishing Goods, In great variety and at Moderate Price. CAIIPETINOS, Oce. LACE CCKTAINS. REM OVAL. Where they now offer bargain# in scßlmrp? Terms, WATIIBEB, JKWKI.ItY, dec BY STEAMSHIP “PERSIA.” NOW OPKNINO, MUSICAL BOXES MU S I CAL** TAB EES, Direct from Geneva, Made expressly for aud imported by JAMES E. CALDWELL & CO., 822 CHESTNUT STREET. W-LJ. TAYLOR, ' JEWELER. hm: wa'i cues, „ DIAMONDS. EI.KOAM JKWELi'V. SI J.YKK WA KF„ x i*i.A’n:i) wake, CLOCKS. , Offered at reduced j-rL<**. \VatH>*« warranted for t** yeuH. Silver ware euitaMo for bridal pre-eut*. w WATCHES UEBAIEED AND WAKKANTED, 1028 CHESTNUT ST. Italian Jewelrjv &&& BYZANTINE MOSA'ICs/ffiE From Homo. An iuiiii(‘n-»' fUck of CORAL JEWELRY, DIRECT FROM NAPLES. Selected and imported by JAMES E. CALDWELL & CO., 822 CHESTNUT STBEET. _fe!*f m w JfrpL _! REMOVAL. TO E. HARPUR, Ctaronomotcr and Watch-maker, Respectfully inform* his friend# and customer* that ha bas removed from over Maura. Bailey & Co.’i. BIS Cheat nut street, to 407 Chestnut Street, Where he intenrte to keep on hand a supply of Orat quality Watcbes,L'hronometer4,CTocks, Ladies' and Oenta 1 Gold Chains, Seals. Keys, Ac. Chronometers rated by Solar and Sideriat Tranrits. Especial attention riven to repairing Watches. JyS3An rp* itILIIICIIVALi A NEW HEALTH BEVEI'.ALE-HOl-TS MALT EX TI'ACT. • -This lien- diink has, iiioreovcr. nolle * E,: ' hi'( ii a i,! i: i't:i ts i ii.k a- beloe of .. a NIT All vvAM e. anti, in tu t. brine# from Kurop, an t.XAi.il.t> iti.i'iTi'. which ap pi tin- to justify tin* :is,umptiou of if. nanii'-Hiere ih‘ • Saute de Hoff, or Hoff's Brer of He iltli. or Hoff's <le ri.iiiilirlt ltier. Actus., tin- water. it ha- for Is years been are iiiaiiiat ing reputation, until its annual consumption tj'itli a- a iis.vi.lt au k and ui:Mi:i*v l.a-. readied tile hand some urf-nutato of from fifteen to eighteen million bottles Mr. lloff. tin- proprietor, has opened an American branch (itliee in tills city, at No. 5-k! Broadway. Another name fill' -this bier is "liotl'a Malt Extract,” fromw hi; h it■ eii r y to inter e hat tile principal matters are of whim it is eoiiipouinted: lint it differs as a li.srerafe froin.alt other Vault preparations, AS IT LS ALMOST PIIEK h ROM AL ; Collola, JUJfI thrrrfort* Jlt:itil*TictOMCiltlnK lior .l , 7[U?v JP*' a.! it I'hO.M* »i i:s DKiKSTION : u* it TIUMKNT THAN I’OIiTEK, ALK..OU i HL k.IKOMr -IST BEEIt: beside it is of so i-xreltent and pulutahh a taste that those who oner begin contjntie lb> nso,«nd tuid that IT ItJ.Ai.LY DItLriKKVLS THE HI-ALI In , I'Jf not lor us to praise it as a- remedv, tiiatl'iloiipsto t'»t ro le-,ion; Imt rvrrv one Is nbliged to think highlyof «• “ it is kuonn that there exists for thesick fil®>po*»N other stlenetllcning ri-medy; t\ OB H LNITES I -1 !AGREEABLE TASTE tlu- most nourishing i OUts. anrt w-Meli, while it pleases the palate, strengthens the Whole "'"SOLD BA' DRUGGISTS AND GROCERS.. ' JOHN O. BAKER & CO., se4.w,f,m-tit bOLK SHERRY WINE. Just in store, a new Invoice Choice Sherry, In small cnsks (20 gallons each) for Hale by the cask. SIMON COLTON & CLARKE, S. W. Corner Broad and Walnut. « ' mhi-fm.w-tfrp —— A. & H. LEJAMBRE Have removed their Furniture and Upholstering Wareimms TO TNTr. 1103 Olaestnut Street, rs O. aa (up stair*.) ac7-3m rp? —-^t:t , micELLl.—loo BOXES UJLNE- OUAL ha and for sale by JOS. B. BUBSUEB £ oS'Jx BpShWwfW-avoiiuft. myl-todgfH f m tf ip4 SI'S, LlitCOlMi i'r lift li,dec.
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