GIBSON PEACOCK. Editor. VOLUME XXI.—NO. 128. "THE EVENING BULLETIN . , PUBLISHED EVERT EVENING (Sundays excepted), ATMti NEW BVLtETIIV BUILDING, 60T Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, BY TIIJS EVENING BULLETIN ASSOCIATION. SP t K&,EE&§B£& EitNEST C. WALLACE, TIIOB. .1. WILLI AMSO&, «ABPEB BOUDER, Jb., FRANCIS WELLS. .The BuLunrnr u served to nutwcrlben In the city at 18 oena per week, payable to the carriers, or $8 per annum. SCHOMACKEK CO.’S CELEBRATED ■^^T*vPianoß,—Acknowledged superior in all reapocta fo any made in this country, and sold on most liberal MRU. NEW AND SECOND-HAND PIANOS constantly on band for rent Tuning, moving and packing promptly attended to, Warerooms.llU3Che*tnnt street JelS-3m& MARRIED. CfipS WELL—VAN RENSSELAER.—At Car.enovin.en Tuesday, Sept. 8. by the Rev. Dr. Smith, Andrew Kirkpat rick CbgsweU, of New Brunswick, N.J., to Mary, daughter ot General J. Cullen Van Kensselner. STEVENSON—HITTER,-*-On Wednesday morning, 4th Inst., at Grace Church, by the Rev. William Suddaras, L). D., Edward K. Stevenson mid Man'll., daughter of the late Abraham Ritter, Esq., nil of this city. * WHITTINGTON—AS Il.—Thla morning, by Hie Rev. Jos. H. Ash, brother ot the bride, Benjamin r. Whitting ton, Eeq., to Miss Mary E, Ash, both or this city. * DIEW. I>k YOUNG.—On tho morning of the 3d inst. at the resi dence of his son-in-law, Wm.W. Caldwell, Isaac it. De Young, seed 71 years. The relatives and mole friends of tho family are in vited to attend bis funeral, from No. 530 North Thirty, fourth street,West Philadelphia, tomorrow (Friday) mor ning. at 10 o’clock. It FLO RANCH.—On the 4th instant, Jacob L. Florance, In the 65U» year of his age. The friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend the funeral, from Ms late residence, 1520 Chestnut atreet, on to-morrow (Friday) morning, at 9)4 o’clock. (New Orleans paperspleasocopy.] * PASSMORE.—On Fourth-diy morning, tho 4th instant, Mary K. Passmore, In her 36th year. The relatives and friends of. the family arc Invited to attend the fuueral, from the residence of her father, Moorerion n. N. J., ou Seventh-day afternoon, the 7th Inst., at 2 o’clock. Carriages will meet the 10 A. M. train from Walnut street wharf, 4hf Riverton, *• WALKER.—On the 4th Inrt., after a lingering illness, Frank Walker, in the 37th year of his age. .... V The relatives and friends are respectfully Invited to attend his funeral service.-, at his late residence. No. 919 Market street, on to-morrow (Friday*! morning, the 6th inrt., nt 1(* o’clock, Remains to betaken by 8 o’clock train to Mfwnchuserts for interment, * T7YHE & LANDKLL. FOURTH AND ARCII, ARE JCj opening for the Fall Trade of 1667 Margot .Shawls, ordered goods. Poplins, new colors, and Rich Plaids. Black Silks, superior grades. Plain Silks, of all qualities, Black all-wool heps, a yard. Black Velour Retn*. nil qiialitiei', Black I’opfin Biarritz. Black Kiiiitcm Cloth*. 'Black Ottoman Poplins. BESSON A SON, Mourning Store, I*l% Chestnut gtn**, SJPECIAJL NOTICES. „ Mm?* UNI VEBBITY OFFENNBYLVANTA, DEPART MEM OF ABTB. „ The Trustee** of the University have authorized the Fa culty of Art* to make certain change* In the count# of *»tu <ll ie required for the degree of Bachelor of Art*. This will enable all. who desire such a liberal education a* will fit them, whether for professional or other pursuit*, to s<*cure It tinder a plan of r/ertfre *tu'h>g, which will offer to the student all the advantages cither of the system which formerly obtained, or of that generally regarded as the more practical. „ , While all the advantages of a thorough scientific and classical course wilt be continued, as heretofore, to thos* who desire it. the new plan provides that the student at the beginning of the junior year, may elect, in the place of advanced Greek and Latin studies and the higher branches of Mathcuiatirii and Physical Science, a more extended course In the English language and Its Litera ture, in History, Science as applied to the useful arts, and tn the French, German, Italian, and Spanish languages. The object of the Trustees in making these changes In the College connse, is to provide in the University full and com plate opportunities for acquiring an education that will either, on the one hand, satisfy those whose tastes lead them to the highest cultivation of the ancient lan guages and their literature, of physical science, and of pure mathematics; er, on the other, to meet the wishes of those who desire to be fitted, by a thorough practical education, for an earlier entrance into active business showing all the detAils of the College course-, jrxtv bo obtained after September ffth, from the Janitor, at the University Building; and additional in formation or advice in regard to the election of studies will be given by tbe Provost in his room. The tuition fees are thirty-five dollars per term, payable Tn advance, and the College year is divided Into three terms, the first beginning on MONDAY, the 16th inst. By order of the Trustees. M*«,6,?,1U,12.14.6t4 CAPWALADEK,BIDDLE, Sec-y. PAKDEE SCIENTIFIC COURSE IN LAFAYETTE COLLEGE. The next term commences THURSDAY, September fltth. Candidates for admission may be examined the day feeforo (September 11th), or on TUESDAY, July 30th, the ay before the Annual Commencement Exercises. For circulars, apply to President CATTELL, or to Prof. It B. YOL'NGMAN,. Clerk of tho Faculty. jy2o-tfs Eajttoh, Penna.. July, 1867. I ttse- FAMILIES ABOUT CHANGING TIIEIB RErfl ™ deuce or leaving the city, can receive the highest cash price for old oohke.'painphlete.'fagflretc.' 'Wrappers always on hand and for Bale by E. HUNTER, •613 Jayne atreet. Orders wtt receive prompt attention, bymail or otherwiae. ... un27 Imrpl . HOWABD HOSPITAL, NOS. 1518 AND 1530 Lombard Street .Dispensary Department—Medical treatment and medicines fnrnisned' gratuitously to the poor. ABIIiSEMENTS. The Walnut.— A Midsummer Night's Dream is still upon the stage at this theatre. It will be given this evening with the of ecencry, costumes, &c. The Arch This theatre will open on Satur ‘ 'day evening next-with TheSchoolfor Scandal. The Chestnut On Monday evening next this ”, theatre will open withwflie Florences in the . comedy of Caste. Assemui.v Building.— Burnett , will give another of his humorous entertainments at As sembly Building this evening. Mr. Burnett’s jpower as a mimic is simply wonderful. He as- Tsumes a vast number of totally -different charac- T ters in bewildering succession, and It would puzzle the most penetrating to discover any aimi; larity between them. His “Petroleum V. Nasby” ds particularly good, and is received nightly with daughter and applause. Concert Hall.— Blind Tom, the musical \ prodigy, will give anothor of his marvelous per formances at Concert Hail this evening. Blitz.— The inexplicable Blitz will bewilder the public to-night at Assembly building. Another Suicide in Cincinnati. . Cincinnati, September 4, 8 o'clock P. M Peter Baxter, a native of Denmark, aged thirty, Jbung himself last night because his inlant child, ngeasix weeks, was pronounced in a dying con dition bv a physician who was treating it for cholera infantum. The child expired this morn ;3ug_and‘ tlie father and child will be burled together. ' Vhe Freedmeu’s Bureau—(ion. How- aril Not To Bo Unmoved. [Special Despatch to the Boston Daily Advortiser.] Providence, R. 1., Sept. 8,1887. — Major-Gen. Howard, now visiting the Agricultural Fair in .this city, received a despatch from Gen. Grant this evening, Informing him that he is to retain his pdßiUon at the head of the Freedmen’s Bureau. The Montgomery, Alabama, Sentinel says: “Eight years ago, if Horace Greeley had made his appearance in this State, so notorious was he that he would have received not one, but several coats of tar and feathers in evens town in Ala bama. Since his going ball for _ Jefferson Davis 310 man, perhaps, in the loyal States is more popular timn bo with the very class of people who would have degraded him eight years ago. As an instance of Greeley’s popularity', there are pot less than half a dozen boy babies in Alabama. ,<it' secession women, nuroed .‘Horace Greeley,' » nnd in the next twelve months they probably ■•will he counted by hundreds.” Tlie View* of Senator Snrtincr and Gen ral Ilntler—''JTlicir Opinlouw Con cerning ffae Pmident and General Grants ' A correspondent of the Boston Advertiser has recently visaed Senator Sumner and General Butler, and details at considerable length the re sult of bis interviews with these public personagee. The cbici interest of his account is embodiea in the following passages ■■ ■ s The Views of Sumner. TIIK REMOVAL Of STANTON. “Stanton’s removal at this time," said Mr. Sumner, “is a national calamity. Of course the rebels everywhere arc encouraged. They see - that the President Is with them, and this makes them hard-hearted and stitT-ncckcd. You cannot mcasuie the extent of this evil influence. It Is a terrible blow at reconstruction. And yet I am confident that reconstruction on just principles will prevail in the end. But its trials are in creased. It is sad enough to think of! So great a transition ought to lie made under favoring circumstances instead of adverse. To carry it over the transition period with perma nent advantage to all the parties to it, the Presi dent and all officers, military and civil, should be friendly and congenial. But we shall succeed in spite of every Impedlmen t. Mr. Stanton has not the elements of personal popularity. He never cultivated’ the amenities, lie is often impatient, cold, and even harsh and antagonistic. But he is always a patriot. His fldelitv has been constant down to the last. Mr. Lincoln had groat faith in him, and was truly attached to him. This was because of his real useful ness. I reetd gratefully that during all this time he syn ; athized with me in ctforts to induce a proe nation c-f emancipation. He de sired it montl before it came. When we met we often spoke o: he project and regretted the de lay. The nigi.- of Mr. Lincoln’s death he showed character, us he gave his orders and watched the dyiDg President. In that room he was com mander-in-chief. and for the time the whole coun ty was there. He must have a gmat place in history. J.ouvois, Pitt and Carnot were great war ministers—the greatest, Stanton, must And a place in this group." In speaking of Grant's action in taking the place of Stanton. Mr. Sumner said: If there is any secret history to let in light upon it, Ido ndt know it. There can be no mili tary obligation on a General to assume a civil office. Grant might have refused, and thrilled the country to the confusion of the President and (be rebels. So, at least, it seerhs to me. Such a refusal would have been notice that a patriot like Stanton should not be struck through him, and would have helped to make the President powerless. It ’ would have been notice also to the rebels that they could have no hope through him. I confess this is what I most loug for. Now is the time to speak out for our country. Every Presidential order signed by Grant is an encouragement to the old rebel spirit. But, while at the War De partment, Grant is in a certain sense what Lord Derby called himself the other dav—‘a stop gag;’ be at least prevents a rebel from being thrust into the office. Stanton has hod confidence in him always; although Grant is so habitually reserved and taciturn that it is difficult to know his real position.” Mr. Sumner expressed himself as being at a loss to know whether or not Grant is a candidate for the Presidency. In this connection the Sena tor said: ‘*l have from the beginning been insisting on ‘irreversible guarantees.’ Our next President must be in himself an “irreversible guarantee; 1 Is Grant such? I wish I knew. Personally,'!, like him. In conversation he is neat and precise, with clean cut ideas and words.” Mr. Sumner then spoke of President Johnson. “With'a person,” he said, “of ordinaiy Bense and with a heart, reconstruction would be easy. The President is perverse, pig-headed and brutal. His talent, such as it Is, comes from pugnacity, or, as the phrenologists have iLcombatlveness. When aroused against Jeff. Davis in the Senate, he was on the right side, and his temper gave to his arguments additional force. We oil sympa thized with him then. Wo did not know how foolish and shallow he was, nor did we 6ce his prejudices. Little did we think of the evil he would do! I have often said that no man in history has ever done 60 much evil to his country in the same time. Of course he is a usurper and a tyrant. The wonder is Congress did not act accordingly long ago. It will read badly enough hereafter that Congress did not put him at once in a straight-jacket. His crime is shared by Congress. But lam blameless. I have protested, and’ I insisted. To me the case for proceeding was always clear as noon.’ ’ CONGRESS AND IJII'KACIDIENT. “What were the true reasons, in your opinion, for the hesitancy of Congress?” .. “Congress,” replied the Scnattjr, “has hesitated on every important point and at every important stage ot its recent history. It hesitated about emancipation; it hesitated to assume jurisdiction over the rebel States; . it hesitated to' put arms in the hands of the blacks; and it hesitated to confer the suffrage upon the same colored citizens. And so it has hesitated in its duty towards the President. Of course the conntiy loses by this. Business, commerco, manufactures, finance, everything— suffer. It is futile to expect specie payments and financial prosperity until reconstruction is established and society at the youth assumes a condition of permanent security. I have preached all this over and over. Bnt at last Congress has done its work. HErTE!tiiirii4.l9B7. ‘ ‘I have never doubted that the President would be Impeached. I do not say what judgment I should pronounce as a Senator if he were before us; but I have always felt it proper to declare what I thought of him and my sense of the duty of proceeding against him. Some good men have been befogged on the law. Only' a little study is needed to dear this up. As a general rule Im peachment is a political proceeding for political miscondaat “There are persons who think that impeach ment would convulse the country. Such talk re minds me of what Chas. James Fox said to Napo leon when Napoleon said that the EnglishMlmstry had employed assassins against him—‘Clear your head of that nonsense.’ There is but one thing the country cannot stand, and that is misrule, which is precisely what we have now. But I am not making a speech—you have led mo far enough.” “What has influenced Congress?” X asked. “I can answer,” said Mr. Sumner, “for the Sen ate rather than the House. In the Houso the most Intelligent members have been for impeach ment. In the Senate the subject has been con sidered only incidentally'. There are some there who thought it ‘indecent’ to speak plainly of the President; but most of these belonged to his. lriondß, or at least visited him and asked him for offices. Of course such persons were naturally against any proceedings, and cultivated silence. Ido notlike to speak ot any' of my associates there except most kindly. Some of the most wrong-headed arc agreeable and excellent in othor respects.” • •• . The conversation, of course, soon turned upon political subjects, and I asked him his views of the present situation. “Well,” he said, “the situation would be sufficiently alarming if it was certain that Johnson was acting from purpose and plan, and not from obstinacy and personal ill-will. If he could be calculated upon, as an other man might he, one would say ■ that these acts in removing Stanton, Sheridan and Sickles, were part of a plan to take control of the go vernment upon thp theory’ that the legislation of Congress was unconstitutional, and therefore not binding upon the Executive. His course would seem to indicate that putting General Grant into the War Department and exhibiting him as obeying and carrying out his orders, was to fa- THE POLITICAL SITUATION. IMPEACHMENT. KFFKCT OF IMPEACHMENT. IMPEACHMENT IN CONGIiESS. Tlie Views of Butler. AIIOCT PItESIDENT JOHNSON. PHILADELPHIA, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 3, 1867. mSnrize the army to obedience to Johnson's commands, and to show them that the highest officer must bo, in military affairs, subservient to his will. But the imbecility and wavering of the President heretofore, relieves the coun try from any pressing belief of danger. John son lacks courage and capacity. If he should reorganize hia Cabinet, and put at the head of- it a man like Black, who has both courage and ca pacity, then, indeed, in view of the belief that would be engendered by the probable turn of the elections in Borne of the States in the fall, that a conservative reaction had begun—then one could easily predict the probable turn of events. But now we are in the condition'of : the sportsman who refused to match his blood horse for a race with the farmer’s old white bull, because no man cdjuld tell how fast a lop-horned bull would run, OX IJLACK. I naked tlic General if lie knew Mr. Black per sonally, and what he thought of him ? “Yce,”'he said, “I know Black. I have met him at the liar. I knew him somewhat when he was in Buchanan's Cabinet. He is a man of de cided genius—erratic, bold, and of quick percep tions, and with- strong reliance upon Jds own powers. He believes thoroughly in the uneon stitutionality of the war and the consequent ille gality oi every act of legislation growing out of it. Not doubting on these points, he would have no hesitancy in following Ins plans to their logi - cal sequence; which would be, of course, that Congress was an illegal body, its acts without binding force or eifect, and that it was the duty of the President to save the government by an ex ercise of executive power, and that such action would be conservative, and not revolutionary; and if he was in the government I believe he would shape its course to that end, under the full conviction that he was acting according to the Constitution-and for the best interests of the country. This, with him, would be true conser vatism. He looks upon any other, and of course the congressional reconstruction, as revolutionary and tending to despotism. Upon his accession to the Cabinet, I should look for great peril to the country, because there is no man bo danger ous as he will be-=-nctingcourageously in support of the wrong under the conviction that he is in the right.’’ I remarked here: ’“l’ou seem to regard him as likely to be the American Strafford i” “Yes,” said Butler, in his decisive way, ox oiuxt’s Position I then asked what he thought of Gen. Grant’s position in the Cabinet? “Giant,’ - he said, “has taken upon himself a very difficult and dangerous rule. If he can carry himEclf safely through, I shall give him credit for more uliility than I have ever been inelined to do. He has not the excuse that he acted under orders. As a military officer he could not be ordered to take a purely civil office, as the office of. Secretary of War is. Such an appointment would be simply a re quest. And nobody Baw more clearly the differ ence between a request and an order than Grant, when he instructed Bheridan that Stanbery’s opinion, then published by the Commander-in- Chief for thc guidance of the district commanders, was not an order, and, therefore, as.military men, they were not bound to obey it, but could follow their own judgment. Yet his friends claim for him that he has twice, in his own person, con strued the President’s request into an order—first when invited to ‘swing round the circle,’ and again when invited to the war office ad interim. If Grant accepted the war office from the motive to interpose bis high position and personal efforts to save the country from the illegal and unpa triotic acts of the President, then every true man should honor him for his patriotism, and sustain him to the titmout extent, whatever may be their personal relations to him, or their opinions as to bis fitness for .a civil office; and, added the general with emphasis, “no man will go farther, than I; will in that direction.’’ I then asked what Ills opinion of Gen. Grant's course, thus far, was. ‘•Well, his course, has left him open to two different constructions. It is difficult to see how he thought he could do more for the country by supplanting Mr. Stanton than by co-operating wun him: and with such co-operation Johnson never could have removed Stanton. His letter to move Stanton would seem to indicate his con fidence in the administration of Stanton in the war office. His change of the persons and of the action of the office would indicate the contrary. His letter to Sheridan and his order requiring that no rebel officer removed should be rein stated, indicate a purpose to withstand the President. His withdrawal of his protest against Bhcridan’s removal, and permitting his banishment to the plains, after his ordering him to report to Washington, and the reason given for objecting to Hancock’s taking command of the Filth District, that he would be exposed to the yellow fever, 6eem to point to the fact that he lacks persistency in effort, or is under the control of the Presldcnt'and acting with him. He could not be ignorant that in opposing the removal of Sheridan he would be sustained by the country. His letter fuily shows this. Now yon ask my oxiinipn ir ’ • '^ 'shOlird' be wflucn'cedTn ’ judgmentliy'disUke to the man, for which 1 have so much cause, pre cludes me from forming one. I wait events. Time, and very short time, too, will determine the fact beyond the reach of opinion.” ON STANTON. I next asked what he thought of Mr. Stanton? “Stanton,” resumed the General, “has the con fidence of the country—deservedly—both from his private character and his official action; and I know no one patriotic man who did not feel safer, both in the present and future, because of Stanton’s position in the War Office. I cannot doubt for a moment that Congress by the action of the Senate, and by legislation, will at once reinstate him. He is the Becretary-of War, and will remain so in spite of executive usurpation." ON SEWARD, I asked his opinion of Mr. Seward. “It seems to me,” }ie said, “that there can be but one explanation of Seward’s course—the de termination to ruin the Republican party, be cause of what seems to him its ingratitude in preferring Mr. Lincoln. Seward holds that he was the lather of our party, and one could easily suppose the deep grief and mortification which being set aside might cause him. Any other theory would only lead to the conclusion that Seward’s intellect was wanting, because the au thor of the irrepressible conflict could never be so stupid. The inevitable consequences of John son’s course I can’t believe that Seward fails to seo, and if so, why does he fail to oppose the course of the Executive, or withdraw himself from the*Cabinet? There is surely nothing in our foreign relations that requires Mm to act." ' ON SENATOR WADK. I asked his opinion of Senator Wade. He said: “Among the manv able men who may have hopes oT the Presidency, Mr. Wade stands in the position of being a true representa tive of Radical Republicanlsny-honest, single hearted, courageous, firm—‘from the people aud of the peoplo,’ he has never failed to rely upon them, and never haß been found wrong.” “Don’t you think the Times' report of his Kansas speech will hurt him?” “No. It will not weigh a feather to those who know him; for, to them, if'Ben. Wade says he didn’t say a thing, hundreds will not convince them to the’ contrary.” ON SHERIDAN, SICKLES AND CANRi'. Of General Sheridan he said that “if we are to have a purely military man for President, Sheri dan perhaps is the best of any. Ho lias shown, in addition to his qualities as a brilliant soldier, that ills political instincts (because he has had no training; are true and right. Sickles has more political experience, and haß shown a comprehen sion of affairs which was to. have been, expected from one taught in the Democratic faith, and has sufl'ered wounds and mutilation to serve the coun try in the war in opposition to his political ideas. Canby, who is sent to take his place, is a gentleman and a true soldier, who wul carry out the orders of his superior officers whatever may be his own opinion of the question at issue. Butho isso truly loyal to the country that the President could expect no aid from him in any OUR WHOLE COUNTRY, Queenstown, August 23, 18G7.—Emigration ia again on the Increase. The statistical return of emigrants from this port since the Ist of July, which Is the turning point of the season, shows a great increase in the -vitality of the exodus at a period when, during there was a decided falling off, Owing to the frequency of em ployment at home. Since the 18th inst. there have been six steam ers, and in these five days perhaps 4,000 souls have left here for New York. " ' From the 3d of July up to yesterday, a period of seven weeks, thirty-three transatlantic steam ers, exclusive of the Cunard mail boats, sailed from here for America, taking thousands away, in a larger proportion, which, at a time when labor is at a premium in the island, may be re garded as unprecedented in the annals of.emigra tion from Ireland. Dissolution of the imperial Congress— Imerclmngc of national Coinntl* ments—Deuce—Tiie Prussian Kcport. A telegram from Vienna, of the 23d of August, says:—The official H'im-r Alienijpost publishes an article on the occasion of the departure of the Emperor of the French from Salzburg, which concludes thus:—‘‘The result of the interview of the two sovereigns will in no way lead to an ag gressive policy. To-day the femperor Napoleon -gave an audi ence to Herr SeLidlcr, a member of the Lower House of the Reichsrath, and conversed with him upon the position of affairs in Austria. The Emperor Francis Joseph has received the French editor, M. Arnould. In addressing him his Majesty expressed the assurance that the meeting between, the two Eihperors would greatly cement the good relations existing be tween France and Austria. Large numbers of orders have been conferred upon the members of both suites. 'The sovereigns leave Salzburg to-day. Napoleon’s SpeecH to the municipality of Salzburg. [From the Lithographic Correspondence of Salzburg, August 20.1 A deputation from the Municipal Council of this place, headed by the Burgomaster, the Che valier de Mertens, waited this morning upon the Emperor Napoleon and the Empress Eugenie, to. compliment them in the name of the town. M. de Met tens addressed the Emperor in these words: . May it please your Majesty—The Municipal Council ol the capital of this province takes the liberty of presenting its most respectful homage to your Majesty, as the august guest of our mas? ter and Emperor. It At file same time expresses a hope that the attractive and picturesque uspect , ef; our mountains map add to the pleasure of ' your Majesty’s stay in oiir town. The Emperor received the address of the Bur gomaster in the most courteous manner, and re plied to It nearly asffollows; I have come here to express to the Emperor of Austria my condolence on the afflicting loss which he and his family have sustained. lam extremely well pleased With this place, and I hope that I will be enabled to return to it. Yes terday I enjoyed much, being present again, after so long a time, at the performance of a German play, The execution of the piece afforded me the highest satisfaction. As you, without doubt, know, I have already been formerly in Ger many. But many years have since passed away, and it has become more difficult for me to express myself in the German language. £ugenle’i Remarks, The Commune had determined to present to the Empress Eugenie an album containing views of Salzburg, and also a crown of white Alpine flowers ( edeltcetis ). The Burgomaster addressed: her Majesty in French:— v \ Will your Majesty have the kindness to permit the ladies of Salzburg to lay at your feet these ’ souvenirs of the town and its environs ? The Empress approaching, with pleasure visible on her features, answered:— • Ah, this is charming! These are your moun tain flowers. What aiovely country! Oh, I hope soon to revisit it, The deputation then withdrew, greatly pleased with their reception. • • i Taking: Leave. A correspondent from Salzburg, of the 22d of August, reports: The. Frepeh and * nied by Bnnce Melternleh, tno Duke Grammont, Baron Beusl, and Counts Taaife. Andrassey and Sestalics, proceeded to the railway station at eight o’clock this morning, where their Majes ties took leave of each other in the most cordial manner. The Emperor and Empress of the French sleep to-night in the very heart of our national aspira tions. ' Prussian Opinion of a'South German Bund. [From the now Groan Gazette of Berlin, Aug. 23.] We learn from a reliable source that no under standing has been come to at Salzburg for the formation of a South German Confederation, under the participation of Austria. Any under standing between France and Austria might be accounted for, but it is more difficult to again try to dismember the fatherland, and to lead foreign Powers at Salzburg. Progress of tbe Insurrection in Ute Provinces—Government Claims of Victory—A Kebel force bald to be “Cut to Pieces”—Bapid Action of the Troops and Insurgent Retreats To wards France. When the Persia left Queenstown the reports of the rising in Spain were increasing. A severe fight has token place near Costongcs, the lnsur-' rectionists, with the iexccption of the leaders and about thirty of their followers; being cut to pieces. ]' - The Madrid official Gazette declares that in Catalonia and Arragon the rebels have been every where put to flight, i \ The ofiiciul Guzetti ol Madrid also announces that the inßurgcntsjin Catalonia and Arragon have been beaten iff several encounters. The “loyal attitude of the army has essentially, con tributed to this result, and confidence has now been re-established.”: The Gazette adds: An engagement has taken '•place near Costouges, between the Spanish troops and the insurgents under Roger Briz and GeneraPDierruud, iff which the latter were de feated and were cut tb pieces, only the leader and about thirty of the men succeeding in escaping across the frontier. On entering French territory they were arrested by the I ranch au thorities and conducted to the citadel of Per- an extract from the despatches published by the Captain General of Catalonia, relative to the insurrectionary movements in that province: The small bauds of insurgents in the country district of Tarragona are being actively pursued, and they have already sustained some defeats.' The*band uuder Escoda surprised and captured threo carbineers at Villanueva. One of them afterwards succeeded in regaining posses sion of his rifle bv main strength; be joined a ser geant and four ‘carbineers at a - guard house, whence they opened a sharp fusilade upon Es coda’e band and kept it in ejiock until the arrival of a company of the Savoy rrigimont, which had been conveyed to YiUauimv* by the steamor Leon. , .. ' revolutionary movement he may moke at Wash ington., Hence, probably his removal to'Charles ton. But, .as I said before, we may have ho Year of the President in that direction. The West is true and outvies the East in radical republican ism. And, on any attempt to overturn the gov ernment, they would bo reckoned bv hundreds of thousands on tlieir march to sustain it.” EUROPEAN AFFAIRS. THE IRISH EXODUS. (Jnusual Kusii of jEmifprants to the (/lilted state’s. THE SiLZBI RG CONFERENCE. SPANISH; REVOLUTION. road to Ecns, a company of the Toledo regiment came,upon a band of forty men from Kens. Two of these were killed and ten wounded, the remainder throwing down their' arms, which ’were of a very inferior character, and dispersing. _ A company of the Luehama regiment, in the Sorra du Can Torres de Prudalia, toll in with an other band of insurgents, two of whom were made prisoners and the others dispersed. Thoy are being very actively pursued. The insurgents cannot hold their ground before the Queen’s troops. Many stragglers are taken prisoners. An infantry detachment has beaten a band of insurgents In the wood of Vila and completely dispersed them, capturing fifteen rliles, some side arms, a banner and some munitions. A despatch from the Governor of .Figueras an nounces that the band under Prejal has been beaten and driven baek towards the French fron tier. Official Confirmation from France, tl'rom the Pari. Moniteur, Augiut 231 *? * telegram from Madrid, dated the Met inst., the insurrectionary bands of Cata *GD*a• Arragon have been everywhere dls °fferlng any serious resistance. Ihe Spanish Government docs not appear to i't C i??^ earB as issue of the movement, which it looks upon as supnreased. A telegram from Perpignan, France, of the 2,6 a ol August, says: An engagement has taken place near Costonges between the Spanish troops and the insurgents under Roger Briz and General Dierraud, in which the latter were- defeated and were cut to pieces,only the leader and about thirty of the inch succeeding in escaping across the French frontiers. On entering the French terri tory they were arrested. A Uoyal Spanish Order* The Diarioy of Barcelona, publishes- the follow ing order of the day from the Captain General of the province: ■ B'KAi>ot:AKTKR.s, ICth August.— tfolWeM of the Annyaj Catalonia: Your present attitude con firms the character for fidelity which so greatly distinguishes you. Three insignificant bands, commanded by men disreputable from their ordi nary .misdeeds, are the miserable result obtained in this principality by the proceedings of the revo lutionists at home and abroad; your cbmrndes are resolutely pursuing these bands, which they will speedily destroy.. The peaceable Inhabitants ©f our beautiful city deliver themselves up, as you see, to the daily occupation of their glorious and celebrated industrial activity, with intervals of repose and amusement which only serve to stimulate their exertions. For you it is an honor that on the accomplishment of your duties repose at the same time the public tranquillity and gen confidence, The Queen and the country thank you. Their gratitude is forever engraven on their hearts. Count ok Chestk. BELGIUM. International Copyright* The Moniteur Beige publishes a Convention concluded between Belgium and Switzerland, on the 25th of April last, for the protection of inter national copyright. ' _ The Empress Charlotte • It is with much satisfaction that we hear that the unfortunate ex-Empress of Mexico has been placed under the care of that veiy able and dis tinguished physician, Dr. Bulkens. The ac-. connts which, from time to time, have been pub lished in the newspapers, and the private reports which have reached individuals, though fragmen tary and incomplete, have conveyed enough in formation about the treatment' to whicn the Empress was submitted at Miramar to arouse the greatest uneasiness in the minds of English alienist physicians. Solitude, silence, and gloom of every kind seemed to have been her surround ings; while there was too much reason to believe that an absolute system of court etiquette was permitted to Interfere with those vigorous mea sures which must be token with the melancholic insane in order to insure their being, properly supported with the sustaining nutriment that is indispensable for the reparation of the exhausted nervous svstom. The fact that a priest was one of the guardians appointed to regulate the control of the unhappy patient was ominously suggestive of those dark days of lunacy treatment which In this country are happily now only a tradition of the past—days when it was thought much more important for the attendants of the insane to have right theological and metaphysical views about the nature of the mind, than to have any special knowledge of bodily diseases. In Dr. Bulkens we are certain that the Empress will find a medical adviser whose system is the very reverse of all this. Pure fresh air, pleasant converse with friends, and other modes of employing the mind, a generous nutrition, kindly but firmly enforced —such are the remedies which we may bo sure the illustrious patient will now receive. — Lancet. ST. iMmiNGO AND HAVTI. Cabral Proclaimed by Some Huyticn* as President of mijti-Sulimve Uc ,salted Flows. - 7 - TTvYAfc.»-;'iHig. 3?.—According to a mte corfos pondcncc received, from St. Domingo, we are assured that President Cabral' was on tlio Hav tien frontiers, ivliere various towns liad risen against the Salnave government and proclaimed Cabral as President of Hayti. “IJp to this moment,” says the writer, “Cabral has not thought fit to accept the call of the insurrection ists, whose object seems to be the union of Hayti to St. Domingo, under tbe Presidency of Gen. Cabral. It is currently reported that Salnave is a fugitive.” It the above proves true, as I have little doubt, we can only exclaim, “wonders will never cease in Hayti.” FllO H SiHW VOIIK. New Yokk, Sept, o.—A final meeting of tho Southern Famine Belief Committee was held yes terday. Tho total cash recoipts have been $250,586, all of which sum has beeh expended. The number of bushels of com purchased was 175,316. A colored Spaniard, named .Crispins Cudena, killed his wife yesterday morning, it is sold, in a lit of jealousy. The murder was done in the baso ment of Ho. 15 East Eleventh street, and it is stated was witnessed by several persons. Application was made yesterday before United States Commissioner StilweU for ball in the case of Garrius C. Baker, late paying toller of the Tradesmen’s National Bank, who is changed with embezzlement. As the accused was arrested after his discharge by Justice Hogan, upon a warrant ißsuedby Commissioner Osborne, ball was re fused for the* present, and Mr. Baker was re manded to 1011. George Hammer, charged with shooting Cath arine Lyons, and thereby inflicting severe and Serhans fatal injuries, on the 26tli uIL, was rouglit up before Justice Leonard yesterday, on a writ of habeas corpus, and held to bail in the sum of $l,OOO. Tlie prisoner claims the shoot ing to have been purely accidental! but the theory on the part of the people is that Hammer was at the timein tho act of perpetrating a crime, and lienee that if the injured woman die he will be guilty of manslaughter. • American Industry. [From tho Faria “News of tho Weck.”J VICTORY OF lIKHUINg’s SAFES. Every American will feel gratified to loam that the enterprise, energy, and perseverance of Silas G. Herring have resulted msstsatisfactorily. In the trial of his third class burglar proof safe against the best safe manufactured by his com- Eetltor, Mr. Chatwood, of Bolton, but a few ours were required to settle the question. Tho American workmen without a lull supply of tools forced their way into the English burglar Sroof against till the obstacles within a few ours, whilo up to. the present moment the American safe had not been opened. The trial decides in favor of Mr. Herring, and gives him 3.000 dollars in gold to distribute to tho. three cities of London, Paris, and Washington. —A machine at Now Haven makes 100 fish hooks a minute front a coll of wire. F. I . FETHERSTON. PaWislier. PRICE THREE CENTS, FACTS AND 1 FANCIES, --Mz*9 Menken Is writing poetry. -“The Queen has gone to Scotland. —Mrs, Brown, of Jay, Me., is sweet 100. —Verdi is at a Pyrennesc watering-place . -Morrissey won *60,000 on the last prize-fight. Europe' niatard > of Tennessee, is-going tm gopeTar/^ 169 C&U 016 Amoricaa drink the “chert w-‘ Kir »p u u» U.lS;So’*£,“4r.”’' tTU, * r -“ al ''W>' u^“taiSKSiS ,1 ' u " ,, “" “*»• H “ rrte'h-sas: B&S a ß®«£ , s sSrH*«= f«4 ~ U Vo C p U roclivilvof 8 fiSeJffiSi torcigncrs is unac-connt-a-bellc. tte9e ffil" , who is only one inch ment in the suburbs of f^on.”* 1 ““ eKclte_ - «^rs».2ffii3s.&gSs;«sss upon unsuspecting countrymen. -Napoleon m. has ruled France as long as his uncle did, or wUI have by the enS of thbl year. Some think that Is long enough. 6ult civ *l rights bill—say the Democracy. — A "ew Yorker, who was thanked by aladv to whom he gave up his seat in a street cnrft «» astonished that he writes to the paper about it. •iikli a ™’ , Indla > has a Methodist college with a large endowment, which' the English Go- Lucknow.°^ er6 *° doUble - The Co Uege toiri iwKjlgS'SSSSgfe'SS^: sSiiS3tiC s ~^ r ; D - fessenden, a brother of the Senator,and formerly a member of Congress him* Dg t0 c olc l*® B * 110 House of Bepresenta- es this year from Auburn. * —A New York paper says that Chase “nsea bis ermine as a political lever.” As longw cS is such a leaver, he had better leave-ermine I)l£ that alone. (Vermin yon know.) ™ rmlne l |ke -Twenty-five years ago there was little or no ?™/i ig ? Uon npon 010 BT eat western lakes. °The trade is now enormous and. Is expected to reanh SStoe. Ban mm ° n doUars i^ourye^W —A lender of the Fenians has been found fa the person of General Charles L. Beemanofflan Francisco, who feels certain that he Is raised up by Heaven for the purpose, and promises to IprS them onto—well, wo shall see. P “ tolea “ —Ball’s statue of Edwin Forrest as Coriolanns has been privately exhibited In Boston, wherethe original has often been publicly exhibited The muscles are represented as nearly llfc-size'as the limited resources of a Carrara quarry will allow —During the/e/e on the 16th at Marseilles. Madurncßiltcvin mode a balloon ascent, but the wind suddenly veering round, she was blown out to sea, and 'only escaped by means of a vessel whiehweht on expressly after her. The balloon , Wusjiinu jured. S&asaM&M young man,- whose press ouT °f respect to bis parents, sends ns the 1 (allowing: “What medicine will enable a grower oj cereals to escape disease by the skin of hia Horn” B^para- —Sca-slde dramatics Bland Old Bachelor— Spending the summer down here, sir?” Blnflr Old Paterfamilias—“Ho, sir, not spending the summer; spondlng greenbacks, sir, at the rate of five a minute." Bland Old Bachelor (not at all rebuffed) “Summary expenditure that, cer tainly.” n w* —The Texans do not relish the prospect of an, Indian reservation In their State. One of the- Texas papers says that “there is not a tenth part game enough on the reservation to feed theses hordes of savages, and out of pure necessity the. red-skins will be forced to dine on cattle-driver*, and sup on ranchemen.” , —A law of New York compels all cars In the city limits of Brooklyn to be horse-cam, Bat on tho Coney Island Ballroad the law Is evaded bv* having a horse fastened ahead of a veritable l«co motlvo of 60 horse-power, drawing a long train of; cars. All the frisky creature has to do is to keen ahead ef tho train. When the train reaches city limits the horse Is detached and the engina Increases Its speed. —A lotter. from London says: “ You are to have two distinguished visitors, viz.-: ViscountAm borly, Earl Bbssell’s eldest son and heir, and hia amiable Viscountess. It is stated that thevwlU abandon their title during their journey, and'that they have had all their boggago marked? ‘Mr Bussell’ and ‘Mrs. BusselL" iftn will ; find'Jfr* Bussell a clever and agreeable little follow, and ble wife a charming young woman.” —The Cincinnati Methodist Conference was. startled ono day last week by a» chair. The Bev. Mr. Dustin rose to speak. Tho president recognized him as “brothea Moody.™ T, My name Is Dustin,” said the reverend on. tha floor. “I beg your pardon,” said tho president, * “I am so accustomed to. recognise- brother Moody, that I spoke without thought” ; Wfe am not tola whether Mr. Moody joined, In, the “land laughter” which followed., —ln tearing down the old Mansion Honsci in week, tho laborers came upon tha tin box deposited in the cornea-stone Among other things the box contained the fot- ! lowing letter written by Andrew Jackson “ Colonel Andrew Hinds: Mr—l have concluded* if you have a 120 gallon still ready made; to take it, on condition it will suit ydtttorecelve the nav out of the proceeds of my > present crop of St- - ton, say In the month ot March next, fplace the payment In March, should mycotton crop fell having no rain yet, that I may he able front other sources then due, to meet inis .engagement. I suppose a still of 120 or 126 wonld colt seventy five cents per gallon. Be this as It may, I am willing to give you eustomuy prices. Please write me by my boy who will hand this, as my fruit is spoiling, and if I get a stlU thtaseasonri shall want her Immediately. I am, very rosDect. servant, Ai^^jJES;
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers