Congreots.--AilJourr. , cti 17 rSE or 1-..k.1 ri“ OCECDtN ,S. Spt ATE. —At L.:O n message was received froin the President,ino the. Senate went into'eN eturive session, on motion df NU, A n thony... • • At 1.T,0 the doors were opened, and the Senate _ took a recess for half :in hour. - On reassembling, a message was received from the }louse announehur the action of that body on the eonfereacc repor(on the Reconstruction bill. On moron of Mr. Trmnbull, the Senate pro , teeded to the Consideration of the conference re port. . The report having been - read, Mr. Trumbull said he was ready to answer any' Itwstion in re card to the action of the Conference Committee. lie might explain all the amendments, but he did not deem that necessary. Mr. Sumner could nut help saying that Con gress had not beim sufficiently radical in this work of reconstruction. Three bills hail been passed, where one would have been suflickut. Thgcivil government of the South ought to have been swept away at once.. He fared that Con gress had not lieen sufficiently explicit in the ex clusion of rebel intluenee. When reconstruction Was accomplished, then the time would come to open the gates to rebels, and not till then. Trumbull said the-Committee of Confer ence had' no 1011 over the subjects named by Mr: Sumner. It had to take the bills of both Houses and compare them without introducing any new subject. The bill as it came from the •committee was substantially what the Senate had agreed to. It hail no new features incorporated in it materially affecting its character. • Mr. linclialew said the report was more favora ble than he expected, but when he came to record his vote he could not vote in the affirmative, be cause he was opposed to the whole principle of Mr. Cameron said if the executive officer of the government had let well - enough alone there Would have been no necessity for this,legislalion. Ac voted for this bill with a desire thrt it should • an end of suchmatte's, but if the rebels were determined not to take it, Congress would come back and give them something else. If this did not satisfy them, then he for one should be willing to emu° back and legislate them into Congresti. Mr. Davis spoke against of the Con-. Terence Committee as but an aggravation of the original bill and the, supplemental bill, to both, of which he Was Opposed. On agreeing to the conference report, the vote was as follows: YEAS.—Messrs. Anthony, Cameron. Chandler, Cole, Conkling, Cragin, Edmands, Fessenden, Fowler; Frelinghu3sen,Griilies. Harlan, lielider-• son, Howard. Howe. Johnson, Morgan, Morrill (Maine), , Nye, Patterstm (New Ilatupshire), Pomeroy, Ramsey, Sumner. \ nayer. Tipton, Trumbitll, Van SVinkle, -Wade, ilson and NAYS. Messrs. Bayard, Buckalew, Davis, Hendricks, Norton and Patterson (Tenn.)—ti. AusF;N'r. :Messrs. Cation. Com:less, Corbin, Di4on, Doolittle. Drake, Ferry. a!tide, Morrill (Vermont). Morton, ltoss, Saulsbuly, Shertn;ui, Sprague, Stev, art. and So the-report was agreed to. Mr. Sumner moved to susi,end the rules of Fri day, the sth instant. to allow him to call up his Universal Suffrage bill. Mr. Grimes- wished to know what was in that: lie hadn't heard- of it bef0r,..... iLaughter..; ' Mr. Sumner'; motion was declared out of order.- It could only be made after a day's notice. Mr. Suniner said. , --Then I give notice tharl shall call it up On _Monday. Mr. 'Wilson wished to call up the bill maltim2; appropriations to carry out the recoustructiou measures, and it was taken up. It appropriates $1,648,777 for the purposee A letter from the War De - eirtnieut. giving the details of the requirements t r each:district, was . read. As , Mr. Johnson said this letter as from the Pay - master General, and tho it it inexpedient to make so large an appropriation on the estimate of that °nicer, without representation from the Secretary of War. Mr. Pessenden did not like to appropriate money upon the stateim-nt of a .bureau officer: The request ought to come through the Secretary of Warsorsthe President. Mr. Conklin;; had just beeltin rmed that the House had received a communica n from the Steretary of War, giving is details .tate =tit connected With this appropriation; tha it bad been referred to the Committee on Rent 'true-- tion, and a till would soon' be reported. Mr. Wilson said if this was the case he would ask that his bill lie upon the table for the present. After further dise&sion by Messrs. Buckalew, Davis and WiLson,the bilLwas ordered to He upon the table. Mr. Thayer introduced a hill for the permanent location of an the Indian tribes in a territory to be set apart for that purpose between the Mis souri river. irt.l the Rocky Mountains. Urdered to be printed. The Senate' then adjourued. llocss.—The resolution instructing the select committee to inquire also into the treatment of rebel prisoners of war confined in the camps and prisons of the United States during the war; also, us to the facts connected with the cartel, for the exchange of prisoners, and why such speedy ex eharwe had not been effected, was not leer:feed. . Mr. Washburn (Wis.) asked leave to offer the following preamble and resolution: Whcrois. Irresponsible statements have; been made by persons in sympathy with the late re bellion, implying that the Government of the United States has inhumanly treated :its prison ers during the late rebellion: and When:iv. No evidence has been produced to show that such allegations have any fouudation in fact; and IV Itireet.q, The loyal people of the United States are well satisfied that in no instance v, ore its pri soners treated otherwise than with kindness and humanity: therefore. s ' Rreulve d, That this Ilotse will entertain no re solution which implies other than the mostkind, tender and humane treatment of its prisoners. unless such resolution is accompanied by a re sponsible charge that they were treated other wise. Mr. Eldridge objected. Mr. Washburn moved to suspend the rules. Mr. Wood suggested that the preamble was inaccurate; the New York 7',-di' n- has distinctly charged that cruelties had been perpetrated on rebel prisoners, and that there should be an investigation. The relies were suspended, and the resolUtion and preamble agreed to—yeas lOS, nays 16. Mr. Stevens (Pus,), at 2 P. M.. presented the report of the Conference Committee on the Re construction bill. Mr. Stevens; in explaining the conference re port, said that most of the runendmeuts of 'the house had been agreed to, with some slight Modifications, one of which be thought quite an improvement; that was in characterizing the au thority of Con,- . re,,s as paramount over the whole b suject. The House had made one concession in abandoning the penal section, adopted on'motion of Mr. Wil,on (Iowa). The Senate could not. agree to that on account of :ionic peculiar rea sons, the conferees or' the part of the House did nee think it worth while to split ;Mout that. provision which he had most at heart was that a hich said that district commanders should out be n:moyed withoutthe consent of the Senate. The conferees were about to split on that, having agreed upon raer, thing else. After concedinet the power of Congress over the whole matter to be paramount,he editid not very well see the logic of that reasoning which held that Congress had not the constitutional power to" say that those officers should not be removed without the con sent of the SenaW". But he begged the House to consider that the Senate was several furlongs be hind the house in the march of reform—perhaps he ought to. , say radicalism. Senators were coming up , sidelong,. but Lad not yet got quite square up. What he had just mehtioncdwas an illustration of that. Some fragments of the old shattered Con stitution had stuck, perhaps, in Wm kidneys of some Senators [laughter and troubled them at night. W lieu they tried to progress, the ghost of the pm t Constitution was found in their waymnd obstructer' theni. Perhaps that was natural enough. lie did Ma find any fault with it. Mr. Holman said that while opposed to the bill he had agiLed 1.0 report as the best adjustment that coktio I,e. man, ia.ttween the two Dowses. - The report of the ( imanittee of Conference Was agreed to. The isancs ing rots- the vote on agreeing to the conference report,: as- s - klsssrs. Alli s on, Ames, Anderson, Ash ley (Ohio), Baker, tamlwin, Banks, Bemna , f, ujamln, Benton, Bingham, Blau, Bout'vell •• Bromw.ll, Broomall, Buclatnd, litukr,(,:hurchin Clarke It , h 10), („obb, Coburn Cook, ormll, vodc. Vouncliy. Fla, Vann-4,ruko , ..,ri s fie .hinney,, iswO.d. -i wa, rt- AtibliGiet yvv,:,L Virginia), Jcifekts, Judd, Julian, Kelley, Ketcham, Koontz, Lawrence- (Pa.), Lawrenee(Ohio), Loan, Logan, Loughridge, Lynch, Marvin, 'McClurg, Mercur, 'Miller, Moore, Moorhead, Myers, Newcomb, O'Neill, Orth, Paine, Perham, Peters, Pike, Pile, Plants, PolOrd,'Polsley, Price, Ram, Robertson, Sawyer, Schenck, Scofield, Selye, Shanks, Smith, Spalding, Starkwerither, Stevens - (New Hamp shire), Stevens (Pa.), Taffe, Taylor, -Thomas, 'Trowbridge, Twitehell, Upson. Von Aerman, Van Horn (N. Y.), Van Horn (Missouri), Ward, Washlffirn (Wisconsin ,) Washburn • (Indiana), Washburn (Mass.), Welker,• (Pao, Williams (Indiana), Wilson (Iowa), Wilson (Pa.). Windom, Woodbridge—]ln, Adams..Areh&r, Barnes, Boyer, Burr, Chanter. Eldridge, Fox, Getz, Ilaight, Hol man, Hubbard (Conn.), Marshirl Mungen; Nib lack, Noel!, Randall, Robinson, Ro • Taber. Van Anken; Van Trump and Wood-2:t. Mr. Paine introduced a joint res ffintion au thorizing the Secretary of the Treasury to certain ,muster-out rolls to be photographed, to facilitate the payment of the additional bounty. After explanation and discussion, the joint reso lntion was read three times and passea, Mr. Wilson (I6wa), from the Committee On the Judiciary, reported back a substitute for'the join tf resolution referred to it in reference to depart mental printing. It provides that the concluding proviso of file tenth section of the .kiNV of March 2, 1f467, shall not he held to prevent the neees airy printing as heretofore done in connection with the isrsue ; transfer, or assignmi it of govern ment bonds or notes or official en • lopes or con fidential circulate used`in the e -cutive depart ments by their own employes. assed. Mr. Banks presented a communication from the Secretary of State transmitting a rePort from the resident minister of the United States at Quito, Eenador, relating to persons claiming to be naturalized citizens of the United States re siding hi that country. Referred to the Com-' mit tee on Foreign Allure. The statement is that wealthy native-born Ecuadorians have, by some means, become naturalized in the United' StateS for the 'impose merelyy brevading tneti9IIILICS-5.-s— -citizens of Ecumlor,••' A message from the Senate, at twer4y minutes to lcur, announced that that body had agreed to the report of the Conference Committee on the Reconstruction hill. On motion of Mr. Schenck, the Secretary of the NaNr wu7; instructed to report whether any officer o . f . the tinvy .- has boot retaLed on the ae iive list after having been fifty-five years or longer in the service, or after he should have heed retired by law, and NVIHV=O, :I , llllority ConlllliUtc on Enrolled Bills . presented the Recoustriittion hill, - when the Speaker signed it. 3lr: Bingham moved to suspend the rubes for the purpoFe of introMieing and having coukidcrod in the JlotuFe a hill :11)1.71)Ni:1(01g - :rt,t.,,,titto tor the purpose of carrying into effect the lieConStrllU (lon The- rules were suspended aml the bill Intro duet, 3lr—Eldrid , g - e spoke about the eNtravaiL•ance of district conunauders, alluding to Sickles as a greater harlequin than the er,minander at New Oilcans. ;mil sent to the Clint' - i: desk and latd read An extract. trout the New York 04 , 171?er , firer/ is< r. sp.:11:111u: of the display wade by G.T.. Sickles in riding around Charleston in a coach and four. , . . 31r. Bingham replied that it seemed tb him fit ting that a man who had lost his It 12: in the defenee of LIS govcramunt should- he allowtl to-ride coat:l-and-four. ApplaM“:. j The bill was passed. Adjourned. The Sarraci David Barry sworn, and examined by.lfr. Brad ley—Beside in Prince George county: ;On now au oli'ieer of the Maryland Core , titationd Con vention: during the late war I lit cd, in Virginia for two 'years: returned to Prince George's in 186-.1: - was never in the army myself; had two sons in the Confederate army; I live a mile and a half from Surrattsville: was at Surrattsville on • March :15, 180; saw John Surratt there then; When I first saw him he was alone, and I after wards saw hint with a lady he called Mrs. Brown: I think I saw M: s. Surratt there - that day: I ac companied Surratt from Surrattsville to - Port To bacco; „there was a man .at Port Tobad;o who was in the signal corps of the Confederate army., and I was anxious to see the man and .4•et infor mation front my two sons; Surratt said he might! not return, and that I could bring back the car riage. 1 Letter to Ikooke. stabler, heretofore published, exhibited.T\Surratt wrote this letter, and I broughr back the horses and delivered them itt Howard's stables; I want immediately to the stables, and went to Mrs. Sturiitt's after tea: I Was ushered in by Miss Fitz.' Ariel:: I found among others there Mr. Booth, Mr. Weidman, and a man called Port Tobacco; winless staved' but a sh.prt time; went there at Surratt's request to deliVer a message to his mother. Bennett F. Gwynn, sworn—Witness lives in Prince George county, Md.. about a mile from Surrattsville; knew Mrs. Surratt; saw her at Sur rattsville on the 14th of April, 1 . 7:65; she was at witm ss's house on the preceding Tuesday. with Weichmau; it was on business; she held a note of a Mr. Nothev in relation to the pnrehase of some land, and she came to see about it; witness was a "arty to -the transaction; the debt had been due sQveral years. ' In thcs connection Mr. Bradley offered in evi dence a letter written by Mr. Calvert to Mrs.Pur ratt. at Surrattsille, requeJ.7ting her to settle cer tain indebtedness, 10 show her business. Mr. Pierrepont objected that it had nothing to do with the ease. The Ccurt thought it was not nccesF.fary to bother the case with such a letter, and it was ruled out. Witnessycsuming, said he saw Mrs. Surratt at Surrattsv ille on the llth of April, 15 , ;.1, at about P. M.; was passing, and learned she was then., and went in the house; she said she had started to COTIll! In "Witness's hom-e, ;is she desired - to sec witness; Mr. Weichnian was there; she went out to get in tier buggy, and witness went out -to help her in; saw her buggy was broken, and called Ler attention to it, and caused liC;r to get out while it could be temporarily repaired; wit ness had a slight acquaintance with Weichinam Le had been once or witness's house.- Question—Did he say atrything about furnish ing information to the confederates about the movements of the. Federal army'? Objected to, and ruled out. J. Z Jenkins, sworn—Witness his the brother of Mrs. Surratt; saw Mrs. Surratt at Surratts ville on the day of the assassination; was there when she and Welehman Caine; she showed wit ness a letter which she said she had received from Mr. Calvert; her business was with Mr. Nothey, and she got -Weichman to write a letter for Mr. Gwynn to see Mr. Nothey; witness was not in in the habit of coming to town frequently. By Mr. Pierrepont—Welehman wrote the note for Mr. Nothey; he lived about five miles away, in the direction of Piscataway. Bernard J. Early, sworn-- - -Witness knew Mi chael O'Laughlin; witness saw him the morning of {.;sod Friday, the day the President was mur dered: at seven o'clock . witness saw him at the Metropolitan Hotel. possibly a little after seven; witness went to O'Laughlin's room and awoke him; went to the barber shop there and got shaved; after that went up to %Wicker's and or dered breakfast; after breakfast went down to the National, and O'Laughlin went up stairs to see a friend, and :Intuit half an hour afterwards sent up stairs for O'Laughlin, and he wtwt not there; went then down to Leehan's and found O'Laughlin at the bar-room there; he had on striscd pants and vest Mid slouched hat. Not cross-examined. Edward A. Murphy, sworn—Witness lives in Washington; is a plumber by trade; knew. O'Laughlin; saw hits the morning the President WAS murdered; witness was one of the party that slept the night heftily at the Ml tropolitm Hotel; Mr. Murphy proceeded to testify corroborating the testimony of the previous witness arlo the whereabouts of O'Laughlin bn the morning of the day of the assassination: WilliatifFailing, sworn—Witness is a little deaf; witness lives in Canandaigua, New Yoik; keeps the \Vei,ster House; the book before witness is tffe register of that hotel. ,Mr. Bradley here offered the hotel register lu e'Videnee. 1 witnei.s—This was the hotel book In 18.135; on the pace. ander date of Apiil 15, the name of John lialri,on Is recorded. IVitness was handed' another book by Mr. PierrtTont, tier exatnining,he stated was he Dight-hook or clieek- book of the hotel; in it they WY in the habit of chat:ging tip the accounts (,1 je ,-ohs tinting at ant hotel; tt (10'28 not ap . r that ahy Ihi lig ..vas charged up to that name nn to it (101; wiles rs this book up and - cart !ed tt }mine t.ching out, and piviked it a al) w 11.1: woLd-phed 01:1111ber; no one ever it to recollection; oidt.'t =au Llit! MUIR) Of Harrison Writtcn in the hook. 11, rdab,d Ohat 1m objected u boob builg j.ta •tvid , nc. It 14 nut THE DAILY EVENINGTULLETIN. -- PIIILADELPHIA, MONDAY, MY 15,1867. proved when the name was put, there, or that the Man claiming it ever was at that, house. Frank O'Cliamberlaim 'was sworn Witness lives in Canandaigua; keeps the Webster house; witness purchased the hotel from Failing; per-- 'hased the register book also'i, witness hat; his at tention called to the Millie of Harrison at Canan daigua by Mr. Bradley; Jr.; the entry was then as it is now; witness sees no alteration in it; wit ness don't know whether lie delivered it to Fail h g to bring here; it was iu witness's possession from the time of purchasing. the hotel nntil it was brought on here. ' Joseph Bradley, Jr., , sworw--Witness went to Canandaigua, arriving there on the lab day 01 March, mo 7; went to the Webster House, and af ter registering his name looked around the office and found the register alluded to, and found the name of John Harrisoli registered there; without stating the object of his visit he went away, and came back again on the 2.lid, and looked at the book again; it was then as it is nowi witness then made known the object of his visit there, and summoned Mr. Chamberlain 'l's a witness in this case. Joseph Bradley, Sr., 'sworn—Mr, Failing de livered, this book to witness two or three weeks 'agp, and it has not been -out of his possession since, till to-day, and has not been altered in any manner. . Mr. Bradley asked if the Court-had any doubt, about admitting the book in evidence. Judge Fisher said that the entry might have been inade subsequently. to the rith of April, 18d5, by the prisoner himself, before the 17th of ',September. Mr. Bradley said that the prisoner was con cealed in Canada at this period, according to the testimony of Dr.McMillen. Reoffered it as tending to show that the entry was made - by the prisoner in Canandaigua, on" the date mentioned in the book. The Court here examined the book, and Mr. Bradley called - attention to the fact that several entries had been torn - out from the check or night b ok, and that it had been iacked' awa . untirit was placed in time hands 'a the Govern ment. : Merrick argued that the prisoner could not have 'written the entry after the 18th of .Ip,ril; 3urratt was out of the country, and al , o re v:mated that it could not have heeti doile 6111Cll hie 81 : riVill on board shiP, in Felirnary la'st. for' the prisoner had been confined lit jail. and pro : hillitcd irOln interc.' , urse With the out-iide world. 1 - la was debarred he the warden front the use of pen and ink. and the Court had ord!•ed that no one should visit hint. Juuwe t i,her—l never issued an order of tilt! Mutt, yor 1 urver thought ft 11,. , eus,iary - bi ift k) . , - • 1 thought a pti , oner's friends had a right to hint while ill confinement. . . .V.r..Nt.urriok stated that thy pri:unyr's eotinz.::l hod the ek an I to tr.iVt. ,rder, to I.lziCthe prittuicr._h_ecatte there t , re . iciernhir. of Cungre, , , pro .v 1; tv tie Jul de,irou.i to , ce tile prisoner tur ha,l pur -I,w-A the C.,112151 . 1 did ,1101 Wi:Al Own' nr per.-on who (ie-ired to :see hint for but pur po:,:e.i. to go there. 3rf. Merrick wcnk. on ue that. on prim!i pks of - com.ikkcal :st•mi.... the shou:d ire ad •mitteci. It N% ae 8, (Altitled to sdinis,:ion as was the pocket handherellief offered by the im.)s eculun with tiurratt's name on it. Mr. Pierrci ont replied toe tho pro F c.cution. stating that'Surratt remained in the c..untry six mon ths_afterAhe murder—mid o. of : thu trial of his mother and the consparators. iand beiti disguised and lying - around on the borders of the country, could easily have run doWn chore and made anv entry lie i:',ose to Make in the book. The books: lay there open to access by any one, and of cc urse he would take such steps looking Ul his defence, as he saw the fruits of his own condition as a party to the assassination would seem to hint to demand. He had ample oppor tunity to do it. if he was not an idiot he would be fixing up such testimony as Would help him in his defence when lig should be tried, which he anticipated wouldlly come. Judge Fisher said that it was paSt the usual time for the adjournment. and he would hold the point over till the next sitting. He ordered that the Court ndw take a recess until this morning. at 10 o'clock. -- The - Reconstruction Hill. WAsnixtrros, July 13.—The following is the h onstruction bill as finally passed and sent to the esident : Situ' L That it is hereby declared to have been the true intent and meaning of the act of the ~ccond day at March, 1867, entitled " act to provide for the more efficient government 01 the rebel States," and'the act supplementary thereto, passed the twenty-third of March, 1867.• that the 0 - oVernments then existing in the rebel States of Virginia, North C:,ra)iina,gorith Carolina,Georgia,' Mississippi, Alabairm,.Louisiana,- Florida, Texas and : , ,kansas, we re not legal State governments, and tin,: thereafter said goyernmcnts, if con tinued, were to be continued subject in all respects to the military commanders of the respective dis tricts, and to the paramount authdity of Con gress. SPte. 2. That the commander of any district named in said net shall have power, simject to the disapproval of the General of the army of the United States, and to have effect till disapproved, whenever. in the opinion of such commander,the proper administrahon of said act shall require it, to : -. 11:1 end or remove from office, or from the perform:ll)s , e of official duties and the exercise of powers, any officer or person holding or xcrcising.or pot( ssiug to hold or c>, re ke, an y civil or military office or duty in such district, under any powdr,election,appointment or autho rity derived from, or granted by, or claimed un der, any so-called. State, or the government there of, or any municipal or other division ttn•reof: and upon siteli suspension or removdd inch com mander. subject to the approval of iii. General es aforesaid, shall have power to provide, front time to time. for the performance of the said duties of such °nicer or person so suspended , Ir removal, by the detail of sonic competent tfficer or soldier of the army, or by the appointment of (ionic other per.qn to perform the same, and to fill vacancies occasioned by death, resignation or otherwise. Sean it.. it. That the General of tine, ;luny of the United States shall be invested with all the powers of suspension ; removal, appointmeht, and detail granted in the preceding section to district com manders. Ste. 1. That the acts of the officers of the truly already done in reme ing in said districts persons exercising the funedons of civil officers, and appointing others in their stead, arc hereby confirmed; Provided, that any person heretofore or hereafter appointed by any district commtm der to exercise the functions of any civil-office may be removed either by the military officer in command of the district, or by the General of the army, and it shall be the duty of such comman der to remove front office as aforesaid all person who are disloyal to the government of the United States, or-who use their official influence in any 111111111 Cr to hinder, delay, prevent Or obstruct the due :and proper administration of this act and the acts to Which it is supplementary. Sr c. 5. That the boards of registration pro vided for in the act entitled "An act supplemen tary to an act entitled an act to provide for the more efficient government of the rebel States," passed March 2, 1867, "and to facilitate restora tion," passed Match 23, 1 . 317, shall have power, and it shell be their duty, before allowing the registration of any person, to ascertain, upon such fact or information as they can obtain, whether such person is entitled to be registered under said act, and the 0 nth required by said act shall not be conclusive on such ques tion; and no person shall be registered unless such board shall decide that he is entitled thereto; and shell board shall - also have power to examine under oath, to be administered by any member of such board, any one touching the qualification of any persbn claiming registra tion; but in every case el refusal by the board to register an applicant, and in every ease of striking 'his name front the list as hereinafter,provlded, the board shall make a note or memorandum, which shall be returned with the registration list to the commanding general of the dat riet, setting . forth the ground of sta-h refusal or stri: from the list. Prorided, That no person shah be7fisqualified 'as member of any board of registr, don by reason of race or color. SEr. 0. That the Into intent and meaning of the oath presented •in'said that act is (among' other things) that no person who has been a meinbcr of the Legislature of any State, Or who has held' any txecative or juditial 0t1i63 in any Bb,te, whether he has taken an oath to snpport the Constituth of the United State* or not, : , ed whether he wa, holdinv, such otliee at the coultnenuiment of the or had held it befote, and who was afn rwards engaged iu in sttrreetion or rebellion ag tin4t, the United States, or giver: aidihr eonifort to Ow, 'enemies thereof, d to Le registered or to ;IOW; and cite 11 1 .'_;:572.!.:111 . 151_O:Ljudlyiti1Lollico-in holy -State r 11 I , ocl ()t,th niet,tiunc l 61;all lir.{.ol,;trutql Ur ill- Ctlaie :111 U ~ !1 otil , .!ers ezciited by law, for the ad- ''n,inistration of any general law of a State, or for tbe'lidministration of justice. . Sice. 7, .A.nd Le fuither enacted, That the time for Completing the origintil registration' provided for in any act may, in the:discretion of the cont siu of any district, be extended to the: first day of October, 1867; and the board of registriiS tion shall have power, and it 6hall be their duty,: commencing fourteen days, prior to nny elec tion under said act, and upon reasonable .public notice of the time and place thereof, to revise, for a period of five days, the registry. lion lists:• and upon being satisfied that any person not entitled thereto has been regis tered, to strike the name of such person from the list, and such person shall not be allowed to vote. And such bOnial shall. also, during the same pe t iod, add to each registry the names of all per sons who at that time possess the qualifications required by said act, who have not been already registered; and no person shall at any, time be entitled to be registered 'or to vote by reason of any e xecutive pardon or amnesty, for any aat or thing which, without such pardon or ann 'testy, winild disqualify him from registration or voting. Si:'.: 8. That all members of. said boards of registration, and all persons hereafter elected or appointed to office in said military districts un der any so-called State or municipal Amthority, or by detail or appointment of the district com mander, shall he required to take and subscribe, to the oath of office prescribed by jaw for the officers of the United States. Sc.•. ti. That no district commander, or mem ber of the board of registration, or any oilier or appointee acting under them. shall be bound in his action by any opinion of any civil °Meer of. the United States. Skc. 10. That section four of said last-named act shall be construed to authorize the command ing general Qnamed therein, owhenever he shall deem it needful, to remove any member of a board of registration, and to appoint another in _his stead, and to till any vacancy in such board. St:i 11: Tlmtnll the pmvisinns of this ti-and - of the acts to which this is supplementary. shalt be construed liberally, to the end that all the intents thereof may be fully and perfectly car ried out. • The Seizure oK Santa Anna. The State Department - has publi,hed a state ment. of the circumstances connected with the ac tion of commander Roe, of the lfnited abate; hteztnter Tacony, in relation to Santa Anna, And also the capture of the latter from the steamer Virginia, at Sisal. It gives a .ry of :;seta expcdWon and hhi ;Lgaintit the, Republican (4os - eminent of Mexi,r, th . e only or re« , gnizud tit.des • and inrtihc, tlp• aCtif,ll Of Commander Roe. he report ,ays tln:t it was ;thou!. the Zillll, or ('Npuet , '.l ~ , u rplalt, r of I Cm.: that the ; Virginia arrived, briiigiu c , :senor "San 'the Imperial lionthri:sa.ry informict -- e, cOm-uls that .:•. , Lta Min•a declared he hrougid letter from 1 • It John-on ;Ind the ritit-d States Gov(rmucto, ,oithorizing the cliffrzc - or atlairs in Mc7.,icn: that -datul that a :•cithifiron of ship-, xv:: , oi'dered in Stain him. and troops wcic :.ISO till d it tray to Vera Cruz. .1 letter , w,,s r:ceived Coumndater front the chum; Pith ,tated that a revolutionary criu flint was on the eve of bre:Lt.:Mg out in favor of and against S.enor S:inta s'iditor , a b insilL is thy . United states (loverutnent, - and appointed super:ede .Juarez find all others. ::oti Lilo• charge as the" 'chief in behalf of the Ullited 5ta10.5.. It Was under these circumstances and opal the flii plicatioll of the cnited States Con-th that Cool 'minder ]toe required Senor Santa Anna. with' hi, interpreter and body servant, to go on boaf'd the Tatotly night, and . , he was the next ~ lay put on board 11.:!:. Vir inl t, and required to leave VUT,i Cruz. The report goes On ni say : In the opinion of the President, Coudnander Roe ha, truly stated the character of the traiNal lion which occurred in Vera Cruz in these words : "The attitude. then, of Santa Anna, was this He was on board of an American ship. 'under the flag of the United States, In a•dty besieged by the Government of. Mexico, declaring - and ton:et:tin.- the civil war att - oinSt that government, With whichthe United States are in friendly relations. under au assmhed authority from the United States, and, while he claimed to be under the I protection and shield of their flag, he prevented the act of the surrender of Vera Cruz, after the terms of that surrender had been agreed to :nut accepted by both parties: and this under the de- I claratbr.o that he was acting under the authority of the. United States." In this view of the subject, this departini!nt not only does not disallow nor cen,urc, hut it apf,rove , the proceeding of the United St..ttes Consul and of Commander Roe, at Ver.,. Cruz. The report shows that when the Virginia wa. left free from the convoy of the Taeony, by Senor Santa Anna's choice,: nd under his own direction, she made her way, not to New York. but to tin. port of Sisal. Arriving there, Santa Anna Opened communication with the GKernor of Yucatan, inviting him to publish a revolutionary pnwla thatiou "hostile to and subversive of the Republi can government of Mexico." The report COO dudes by stating, neon information received by the State Department,that Santa Anna, accepting an invitation of the Governor, Voluntarily went ashore,aed was.then arreste%,"and he k detained in custody, with a view to the safety of the Re public of Mexico." l non this renew of the factl, say , Secretary Seward, it seems proper that the i;ovcrtuntait should wait for further and more definite infor mation ho•f on! entering upon communicatioin; in regattl to ihe complaint of Mr. Naphrgyi with the Government of Mexico: The nation seems at last to have triumphed over ail its internal and foreign 1 . 111.111i!'5, :111(i ,to have reached a crisis w hen, if left alone, it may he expected to restore tranytillity.mui to . reorganize itself upon pernta uent foundations Of union, freedom, and repub lican governmi 01. Only soint: great national in jury, wrong or offence would justify this Govern -110111 in suddenly assuming a hostile eveo :in lintriemily attitude towards ,the' Republic of Mexico. Operations oi the Asiatic Sgilactrou. ltrar Admiral commanding the Asiatic squadron, reports to the Navy Department from on board the flagship Hartford, at Yokahama, Japan, under date of April 30th, the employ merit, and distribution of the vessels under his command, as follows: • the Shenandoah and Wyoming bad sailed for Osaka with the Cuited States Minister and suite. Captain Goldsborough, of the former vessel, had instruezions to laud the Minister under a salute, and with an escort of the full marine guard of the Shenandoah and Wyoming, appropriate to the occasion. Upon Rear Admiral Bell's arrival at Amoy,- on the 44th of April, he was informed by Commander Broad, R..N., commanding i 11. B. M. ship Cormo rant, that when at Takao, island of Formosa, on March 22d, he heard that the American barque RoNer, Captain hunt, had been wrecked on the Nilerite rocks, that her officers and crew had taken to the boats, and that Captain Hunt, his wife, his second mate and three Chinamen, landing in the bay at the south end of Formosa,. werei all mur dered, except one sailor, by the wild men who in habit a part of the island. The barbarians are said to be of the most piratical habits, wearing no clOthing and occupying no habitations, but living in the mountains and thickets. Couuniineer Broad i.eut out a messenger to - the Aborigines. proposing to ransom the survivors of the cm ew' mit the hover. should any be found, i,nd t.tio days 411 . min/cards, accompanied4py Mr. Adams, herlin'taulde Majesty's Consul at Takao, pro comuled in his vessel to the place of the 111111,tur. When attempting to land, howeVenjw was tired upon from the bushes with muskets and bows, amid hi,d one moan wounqed, whereupon lie re turned to his veswl, and alter shelling the bushes; adorned to Amoy. Upon receiving this Information, Hear Admui nd Bell immediately despatched orders by the mail steamer, then passing up to Commander Febiger, of the Ashuelot, then lying at Feu Chow, to visit the scene of the outrage, and to endeavor to resent: any survivor, if by chance there should -LW any. He had not, up to the date of his despatch, ed it report ctc Cow in:alder Febiger's movement in pursuance of this order. The Waebusati is still engaged in guarding American ecinnteree against the Natal or rolitn.r hands on the Yani.:; - ..ze river. The Monocacy was about to •, , isit Canton and Macao, and to cruiso to the westward of hang KOng, to guard American intei2ita, and to suppress piracies and the coolie traffic by citizens. _ The health of the squadron continues excellent. The only death reported during the month is that atiorp_emE_lrfs; Imlinary Fenn:lll, of the Bheitn dmili' alio was, drowned at Yukio on 'April 24Ur,• by the cap: Zing of a boat. 'I he Expense cattle ReconstreactionAci. The Secretary of War, in reply to a resolution of inquiry, says the probable amount necessary to carry out the ReConstraction Act 1551,G18,27.i. The general appropriation for that 'object hOrc tame 14:1113 but Aooo 000 which was distributed as followsi First Military Dii§trict,s69,l44; Sec9nd Military District, $69,444; Third Military District, $97,222; Fourth .Military,DlAriet, $97,222; Fifth Military 1) strict, $166,666, • The Secretary•says It appears by estimates, that a further large amount is requisite, as follows: For the First District, $8,000; ,9econd District, 1 f? 461 ,H 15 ; TWA District, $27.77x; Fourth District, estimate in addition to $97.22, alt 4uppliodi. 5:111; Fifth District, estimate fur one month, dated April 17, fqr $2.0,420, of which $ 11 ; 13 1" 6 has already been supplied, leaving a remainder called fOr of $76,75:1. If General ()rd's registers, stiniated 'to Ist only, .stiodld he continued on duty cml pay to the I , r 1 I of July, there should be fidded to the. above expenses for that mouth, Id the Egto, of compensation stated in his esti mate, the sum of $1 ..'and if continued to the end of August; double that slim, $319,,r4i2. The same, likewise, of General Sheridan's dis trict, estimated for one month only. If the monthly eNpelliiet3 continue for a period of two mouths at the rated stated, they will amount to the lurther sum 0f5218,420; if for three months to i'.436,810. •-•• CON 4 I'INIJED I'Eltll..-4 A lady writes to the London Norainy Pod: "I had a narrow escape from tieing burned on my return from Paddington to Windsor on Wednesday, June 12. The axletree of the carriage took lire, ml the heat was so great that 1 could not have borne it many minutes longer without suffocation. The train was a quick one, and 1 Wa.: 70011 C in the carriage. 1 couldn't close both windows to di mhsh.the draught, or I should ha we I.'l'l'll FllllO - I tried to diminish the smoke by stetting the cushions over the burning part. On noticing the smell - of burning wood I put my hand under the--scatrand-the-heat blisteredAny-Itand instantly. I shrieked "Fire!" from the windows till J was quite boaTFc, 1111(1 my neighbor's in the next ear nage shook their newspapers out of the windows to attract attention, but we could not succeed in stopping the train. One gentleman got Out of a carriage near and made his way for sonic distance along the outside of the carriages . . but_was obliged at last to hivelip, nothing was dune Mid) the : , 'Eopp,Al at tilougli. The cushions were thin burned quite through, and I was bi ginnine, to fi that 1 could not endure :Inv louzrr the intense heat :old the- rAnuku. A N 1 , itilitlYour , of Ow 1,;(.11 n 1,14.y(.(1 at tho I. , (to , tru,..tiolt or ,1 it 1,(',1 of ,;;I:;(1. wtr-. digging, throe fcct 1,, tit atil the c. iitiu (,;,1( 11,h. 'lt about tiff, t. told (iiiit(--livply Ltt:__nut, nt,;.,(itin-naliiiinig, tilt. gr, ,tto-t ~:tttontion, it Ism (I ;,titi di, ti iu the couFrc of ..11 11,,L11 . CXhilllll (I from it, ~mty 1 . 1c:1!1!I 1V:: , 101111 in :t hued 1011 L; it 113 , 1. , on entomi , o(l 1,, n!•;(1.11 tic 7((r -t;(,.0.:.ctl how it got thi 1 , 1o1,! , ft,- til , ' :0111- tn.], of 1,%t; gill 'cart.. to our A Nt.w l) i ,,NriN rt , n-idrration of di-tin;znishrtl put Air srrvirt.-. Arist.,rrhi P.r%, t•;•Cov, mor t4anws, nor: a no'n.h.l - of (rand Council. has rrolvril tt,c title of This nest. an7.l - a,; yet offly of its hind in the Tut ki-h hkrerehy, into tli 11”litelltAltilire of Which 211 , 11c1V titk k•Ln !.1 - ,‘ daily d for t;ie oeca:;.on. A 1..rc1;1 rind prize in tSe Paris Totten' of one hundred and title thound francs. 311,tit 0, was won by a poor I...rin laf orer at itures Morainvilliers. in the Canton of I , ”in,y. lie lied requefAcd a friend to get him icket, and bed taken unto hinisklf a wife shortly k-for k for drawing took phee. Foni uNe: or A Para' Pin soms.---The suet, ;•-• -ion of the lute Dr. .lobert de Lunballe I N L, just ~n settled in Paris. The portion falling to of his five heirs is 54;0.010 francs, 2,0,t00 trines, in all. The Illustridus surgeon went to Paris a poor lad. —Dm-eAmM-CLLtNm:r.:--One f—the acts_of umzary, on the recovery of 'herty of aetioit, has hen to adopt the decimal sys coite. 4 , . The Money will be, in fUture, disti et front mat of Austria, and very much more enmenieut for the trader:a:id traveler. CITY ORDINANCES. 0.1.:110N TO AU I] lORIZE TILE TRAM 1L waving of Volimn, Steadman. Atiiona. Leiper, Clay and Belrotei Areets and !they. k i ,,,lred, By the Select and Comnion- ottricils of the City of Philadelphia. That the Department of II ighw ays he :11111.i4 hereby autitor;zed and di rected to tramway Vollum, Stcadmah and Arizona ,feel f , ire the Eighth Ward, I..dper In the Ninth Ward and Clay street and Sakti' alley in the Seem nth Ward. and Bdrose street in the Ward, and if the cartway *H wider th..n is nece.Fsary for a !-ingle track to reduce it to the protier width by taking an I , lllfil f1"0111 .10.SEPII F. :NIAECEI2. of Common Council 01 IN EcK;;TEN , lerk .4)1 Collation Courvil. S.PERING. Pr0 , .1(1 , .ta of Scl-et Council Approvod 111 k thirtecn:h day of 'July, Anna Domini One thouar.d eight hundred and sixty rPVell (A. D. IS O j7). MORTON INT , MICHAEL. It .11i'yor of Phil:.dtdidd2: N 01WINANCE I‘l,‘KE AN APPIto /-1 tit up the two front 1;,0m; iu 1)1111011 , g occupir , l I,y the 1 Solicitor. Sri rios I. Tln Select and Coninjon toe twits of the city of Philadelphia do ordain, Tint the sum of 11,1 Tc hundred and fifty dollars be and the Jaime is hereby appropriated to pay the expenses of the CoMittissioner of City Property in titling up two front. rooms in building occupied by the City Solicitor, the work to lie done under the su-' ervision of the Committee on City Property. And . lhe Warrants shag be drawn by the Com mistoner of City Property in conformity with ex isting. ordinances. , .JOSEPH F. MARCH'', President of Common Council. ATTEST—,JOAN ECKSTEIN,. Clerk of Common Council. JOSHUA SPIKING, President of Select Council. Approved this thirtitenth day of July, Anno Dondni one thoueand eight hundred and sixty e..ven (A. D. .1N;7). - MORTON MeMICIIA EL ' t Mayor of Philadelphia. TO AUTHORIZE THE 1,1. c -welling of Thirtieth street and Chustutit Hill avenue. _ . j, , ,,0fr,d, By the Selcdt and 'Common Councils of the City of Philadelphia That the Department of lilt:lily:Qs he and is Philadelphia, authorized snit directed to , notify the owners of property over and Lin otnih which Thirtieth street, front Spring field avenue to Chestnut 11111 avenue: and Chest . - avenue front Perkiomen Pike to Thir tieth littoet, in the Twenty-second Ward, will p: e. that at the expiration of three montlit from the date of said notice those streets will be re qpitcd for ptildie JOSEBIT.F.,m.kacER, Presideimof Common Council. TI.:›T--ABRA EA M I,4TEWA R'l', Assi -dart Clerk of Contnion Conneil.• JOSII CA SP ERT of Seleet Connell. Approved. this thirteenth day of July, AIIIIO thanini one thousand eight hundred and sixty ,,ev,ll (A. 1). 1867.) IIORTON McMICHAEI., 11 'Mayor of Philadelphia. A kn:DINANCII 'lO PROVIDE FOR THE itnmediate collection of all Talcs due and unpaid for morc than fire years. " . Sur T lON 1 . Thee Skied, and Common. Councils of the City of Philadelphia do ordain, That the Receiver of 'faxes shall place in the hands of the City- Solicitor- a list el nil registered taxes due January I, I; hl, and prior thereto, and Temaildng unpaid, and the City Solicitor shall enforce pay utr t thereof by sale of Real Estate upon which said taxes are a lien. - • JOSEPH F. MARCER, President of Common Council. ATTF sT—JOI IN ECKSTEIN; Clerk of Common Council. JOSHUA SPERING, President•of Select Council. Apptoved this thirteenth ,day of July, /limo one thousand, eight hundred and sixty seven (A. D. M 37). !. OR TON7MTM-Iff HA 1 t . . Mayor of Philadelphia: CITY °Rol NAINCEN. AU PPLEMENI"I:O AN ORDINANCE,' en titled'"An Ordinance to Prohibit,' the Erec tion of Wooden Builditigli,"• approved. April 11th, 4.1). (ape thousand eight, hundred and sixty-three. Sneutos L The Select and Common. COuncile 'of the City of Philadelpida - thy Ordain, That all the,restrictions, powers rind provisions of the or ditilinc4, of the Select and Comnion Councils of the city of Philadelphia, entitled "An Ordinance to Prohibit the Erection of Wooden Buildings," approved APil 11 th, A IMO Dotnini one thousand eight hundred and sixty-three, be and they are Moby enacted and extended, so that hereafter 'they Ehtill apply to and extend over thoseparte Of the Tr , venty-fourth add '1 of Wards of the said city, bounded LIB fliiiiMs; viz.: Begin ning at the intersection of the Gray's Ferry road with the River Schuylkill, thence along the (;ray's Ferry road to Darby road, thence along Darby road to Forty-ninth street, thence along Forty-ninth street to Haverford avenue, thence along llaverford avenue to Forty-eighth street, thence along Forty-eighth street to Lancaster avenue, thence along Lancaster avenue to Girard avenue, thence along Girard . aVentie to the River Siehuylkill, thence along the River Schuylkill Kr the place of beginning. And the said restrictions, poker's and provisions are also hereby enacted and extended so that they shall hereafter apply to and extend over the first and T enty-sixth Wards. . . . JOSEPH F.. MAR ER, - President of Conenott Council. , AuTll'- , I*—ABEAIIAM STEWART, • ' .Issistant Clerk of Commo C n ouncil. JOSH UA SPERING, President of Select Council. 'Approved this thirteenth Ilay of July, Anne Domini One thousand eight, hundred and sixty. H•ATI.I,„(A. 1567.) MORTON WM1(11 \ EL, Nlayor fd - Philadelphia ()ESOL[TIGI.s GRANTING CHARLES MA garge t.\; Co. leave to erect a telegrapLa WIT LA k ii evltain sititets and tele_g_raplcvol • Ro , dr,d, By the Select and Common Councils of the. City of Philadelphia, That pernilsoion be and is granted to Charlce Magarge Co. ' to plave the Wire On the poles of the Police aria Fire Alarm Telegraph. froni thelr . store nuns :a! thirty-two South Sixth street along and on the; following Fitrtets: Fifth street to Cherry street, Cherry ori Fourth stri*t; 7 oiittti strict to Girard avenue, and wod. on Girard avenue to Thirteenth street fl , Nis from Girard avenue on Thirteenth : um the old plank road. and by tI Trl , o-q, din i!Litoite to their piper mills,on. the Wir,a hichon ('reek. • .1 'llat the vtorli. clittil Le done toiler the t•ttpt rvi.-it.n of the : , 1 11.erintentlent of the firr nt.ti I ire Ahirrit I't o,•;flo I , 'lle N11(1 (.11:1111. 'O. 7,Ly for .t;I ro now retittir. , l of the route. . city h tvin t 4 . 411:11! dlf :ir.d tin 1-1Tr1.0 , ,,4 •th.! t.r.t 41441 hy the pt Mt , ff . :r:tetkt. whTrr 0 . 01 f',.41 1 , , WWII:11;1ir ill if , of the City I hil.deli.l,la. J rd ,0 That 11. e.: ( not t.t. evp.; , .! thy (.1 thAt the I'Ly into th. Trey'-•try the ,ttni ul tu , i-Ay-fro , rio:htts tor the a=e of :1.0 rite te, 3. , ,y for ill , I/6j , " Of 11;11 , 1-1!,():,:!; • tlivy al-o ray t tax to cliy of tiity d ui.,ts p rann'nnt. JO:A:All F. 31.:11:C1:11., rr,,Fid,.louu(rnucountAl \ :I JOSHUA 5i1....12:` , ;(;. ,:t• \.• r- thiry. , nth 'day lg . .; tfly. . _ .1)( lint:tiro.' aut.! (A. D. 1ri.;7.) 311)11MN NVMIC.II.NEI,. May,,r 1) I( J.N 71'0 At tiV1:111/4 :11;11 P , , , e1c, , ./. By the Select and Common Coun•ilet of ow Cite That the Department 01 111411 v, uv be and Li Icarehy :otthorix.ii to ;•r i t e r into is contract witliit cot:Wen:pi ,Vr.r or rav ,, - whorshalL hei selected 1.,,Y ii!!Ii6CPY ”t " the-owhe-rar of peorerty•fronting on C a o; ongt.ia venue, frApa' Second to Howard street, and on Endin from Cedar to Gal,l strq et, tor the iftLvin,„,-, ther , -*l. And ill- cotrclitiens of said contract -half ty2 that ;he contractor shall collect the co 4 of pqvi ft (111 the owner of pri ., ,a7riy.. and shall :aso enter into an obligation to the city to keep the stre,A, in good order for three years after the -paring is comph. ted 3(16E1'11 F. 3IAR(.:EII, -„ Art L• , l--T01i!...; Cou.frimi JoSII Prv,id,lit ilf St,l, Approved tlik thin, enth day of •Inly, Ahriq l)( noni one Ition, , and rirl t LuLdri d and ty t It (A. I). 1).67). MIETt (N M. MICHAEL, It AL,vor . ~f 11)!Lolell t N I:ELATIVE Ti' T 111: FIRE: 21.0 Li, sated in the S,..ventli Fife tie: , toN 1. Tht: -. Se! , et and Common C'otin , ilg of. the I ity - of Phiht,l , l l ,llla . do ordain, That trent and utter the • fthis oiffin a iwe, t h e tire co:1,1 , 31111', of the Sevotth Fire District he !Ley I,re - herehy 1 , 1 mitt, att , nd at e.::(l.t. lire a , may oectr; in Ow cow! 80 , 1 Di,tliet,. north of ti.,uth street and of lit ( , ad :au( ,iich tiles . may oe'ur the we-t. Twent v-th:rd str , :et: Th •:tt the Fir. Ei, ff i ne s 01 alit - th , Mart,et St: - ect ! , -e kith fire in th e ' hr e -t,,.x of, their rt.....i.xtive JUSEI'If F. Pret-iiknt if Cf) moll Council 'cri --ABRAHAM ~ !..,itstant. Clerk of Colunion Council. JoSTIITA SPERING, PreAdunt o2Selret Council Approved this thirteenth day of July, Anne Ile mitii one thousand eight hundred and sixty :t en (A. D. *AlOliTrt:s; McNITCHAF.I., It Mayor of Philadelphia. "IL S i 1 1: 1 ) ; L , L c *TI A( t . t ‘ U E k T 1 1 171 w :Ni streets, and MOlll:zmnery By the Selret :tint COMITIOTI C0111161E3 Of 111 , City 01 11111:1(11 . 11.1117, That the Department of highways he aml is hereby authorized and di rected to notify the owners of property over and through trhich Antoinette street, from Poweltort to :Market .streett Sharpnack street, froth Germantown avenue to Chew street; Rosewood street, from Fitzwater to Catharine street, and .Nlontgontery avenue, front Broad to Eighteenth sir( et, and 'from Twentv-seeond street to Ridge atcWU', Will pa Fe, that at the expiration of three months froth the (late of said notice, those stkeete, trill be required for jut Mk use. JOSEPII F. MARCER, ri : esldent ef Common Council. AvrEsT—,lollN Ec . ,sTEIN, • Clerk of Cumnom Council, JOSHUA SPEMIG, Fresh:mit of select council. Approved this thirte(uth (1 y of July, Armco Inanini one thousand eight hundred and,siXty— seven (A. D. 1867). MORTON MeMICHAEL, it 11(ayor Philndelulua. A N ORDINANCE TO AUTHORIZE THE 11. Centenary M. E. Church to .erect a tempo rat y framc S.EuTtoN 1. The Select and Coinmon Councils or the City of Philadelphia do ordain, That the Cen tenary M. E. Church be and they are hereby authorized to erect a temporary frame church vilitice on the north side of Haverford avenue s wet or Forty-second street, in the Twenty fourth Ward. Provided. that the said church. shall remove the sold frame building at any time la - mailer upon three months notice from the Chief Commissioner of Highways; provided, that they shall first pay to the City Treasurer the sum of twenty-live dollus to p fl y for the cation of this ot•dlnance. ' • • JOSEPH F. 31 ARCER, Presif tor Common Council: ArrEs - r—JOIIN ECKSTEIN, Clerk of Common Council. JOSH UA SP ERIN G, President of Select Connell; Approved this thirteenth day of July, Anna Domini, one thousand eight hundred and sixty-. severs (A. D. 1867). MORTON MeNIICHAEL, . 1 t • Mayor of Plaice, Iphia. H. 111;S3IERA Co. ILB 6. I),lnt,tre SUMMER RESORTS. UNITED STATES ''HOTEL, - ATLANTIC CITY, N, Will . Open for the 'Season on Wednesday, June 26111,1367. FOR'PATAICULARS ADDRESS BROWN *t VIVOELPPER, lelo.°rn4 Or f.:27 P.ICIILIOND St., Philmdelphia. MOUNTAIN HOUSE CRESSON SPRINGS. On the Nummit of tho A I.IA,GIi EN Y 3101.7NTA INS, Is now open for tiw reception of gtick.e. Since lasi eeitson many additional iniprovementa have Teen made. A Baud has been engaged for the season. Elite Ilveyy.b In attendance. Ilxcurslon ticket, urv, P,stled by the Pentisy'cards Itall. Tri 1, Rood for thr. if.'looll. All thmugh trains etop. For tortlier information ad. dreea GEC). W. MULLIN, • Creehon Springs, Pennhylvanla. rn3, 4 12 2rr F,, MAI" Since the close of 18ti6 much enterprise has been die. played at fhb , celebrated sea-chore resort. New and .magniticent cottages have been erected; the Hotels have been remodered; a tine park, with a well made one-mile drive, has lu en inaugurated; end in all the essentials of a popular nutumer re tort. a spirit of improvement in largely neinifentt d. • llie-goographleal—position_olLeape_lnland_in_in iMott a popular feature, when properly understood: Situated— at the extreme southern p.,rtion of the State, and Occu lt I, l .:lstt i lr ' llit.. A ktTa d di t c ti l l J e cea " :l l ,V . l l ).7c . :m o iL th eVtlr ' . l li v il h u r r e . rounded by salt water, hence favored by coat nual brevet« Illgn the sea. he bluff tarnishes a beautiful view of the Ocean, Dela. SAllre Day, and picturesque back country, Liking iu Owe Itenlopen di.tiartly at a distance of sixteen miles. The -beach to acknonledged to surpass any other point upon the Attautle-coall, being of a sinnoth,.cumpact rand which de• clines so gently to the surf that even a child cue bathe with security. Added to there attractions is the fact that the effect of the Gulf htreato upon ibis point renders the water com paratively WArIII— a point not to be overlooked byTeraoris seeking health (ruin of bathing. The di , tarll:l! from Philadelphia to Cape Island Li Efl miler by rail, and about the same distance by ',Wainer n the Ilay, and by either route the facilities for travel prorni-e to be of the most Eatblactory character. The Island Lee if ate). and Iloarding-houre accomModations for about ten thousand persons. lemiing.liotag Ate Gin. Rat , e 11x11, •I. (2 , 0“! as PraPriet9r: 0)1111111/ia ilOllOO. it it George. Pedton as proprietor: and United States, ith \.",t k Mill -r ar proprit tore, all tauter the in all Age. 1.1,11 t of Plltlvuivu who have welPertablished reputations tmtrt- L'IIERMA CAPE ISLAND. NOW OPEN 1.1) for rt. , , ;•. i••11 of tro,t, It o tird from 714 to Iper er nc,..,:thu,. to ~ • jell•tib TIIOS..CLIFFORD, Proprietor. 1,1:OAD 'PA' MOUNTA E IN 1101:S, I)lllintingd c, LOW u 1 'u for the r o•pti , a 1 )2,51m. Mop, ktAir. Ctill'AGE, ATLANTIC C!TY, IS -1-4 co•.. 'I ne4rt,t hult,c to t: ; , ! No AI LTIV)PtILITAN HOTEL ViNG ItRANCII. N. J. COUPE': lAJMISEIS. "United States Builder's No. 24, 26 and 28 S. Fifteenth St., 111 lA. ESLER • & BROTHER, - WOOD 1011.1irtGS, MUCK HS, STAIR BALUSTIRS, NEIEtE posis, 11101% AND Rua WORK, &e. The Inrrk s,, , lrtnlent of Wood Mouldings in this city .ce j m.tantiy i.G 1867. —6k. ' LI iV(TA 44, 6-4, 6.4. J. 2v, 3 and 4. net!. CHOICE PANEL AND I" IWI I COMMON, le feet long 44., 6-1, 6-4. 3 hod 4-inch. SIALLE,_ 111:011.11:14 & CO.. No. fr..:*.o SUL - I'l.l 4treet. 18,67. - 1.'1. 1 . l ill. l 44 C.'. F'IAS • kitoLlN,k FD4•4()I:INC, - 44 !:EL.A.M.".11:4: ELDDItING, DEL.% WA EE Ul4lNG ri.uoia Nu, A:- LD, dANG, 5i.1.J . 41; EL, o4EING,, Sl El' I , hk1:116, I:AIL )'LANK. Pl.A.,i'l 4..1111. MA L LE. 111491 TIER 4 CO., No. 33. S , ET I Street. ._ N . loon_ --(I A DA!: D CI - PRES:3 SID NOLI-7•3, 00 i . (LL) .It AN 11 c y PIIF.?. 3IIINGLE6. 4,4 .+WEII :,tIINGLES, `N - -). 1 Cfll i.: It 1.. , m..,:i ...ND PoST4, No. 1 CEDAR 1..011S AND Doz ,- 9 . 9. • 31 AUX, 111101'11 V.!: .t. CO. 1867. - Ft MEN: (11,A±:, E, MA IDA.,AN WALNET."MAIIoI lAN V. MAI:LE, lIROTH & CO - • SEASu.NED WALNUT. SLA:. 4 f)N ED WALNUT. PLY , I•LAIZ. CIICIOCi AND ASIL AK PLANK AND BljAjais. ILICK(*Y. ROSEWOOO . AND WALNcr'vE;(r.ERS. MA LTLE, DROT I EL'. It CO 1867. -1'1`,i1•1S1 ANTSII... No. 501.1111 Street 1q67 --FPP.VCEJoI3T—SPRCCEJOIST---SPItt;CE • doisl. F1:I 04 14 TO 32 FEET LONC. 1'1: 1 01 14 To.)?;.: FEET LUNG. • SUPEIIIOIt No )ItWAY SCANTLING. MAL LE, inioniEn s co.. No. •2,..)0 SOUTH Street. my 13 tfil T INIttER CHEAP FUR CASH. 1.1 HEM 1/ iCK .list, She thin g and Lath, ke. :AROLINA. Delaware and White Pine Flooring I )RESSE.I) SHELVING and Lumber for tilting storee, 'CHEAPEST oil INGLES iu the city. )(.:=an NIf;:.IOI.,SoN'S, Seventh and Carpenter etreete. T UMBER—TIII. UNDERSIGNED ARE PREPARED 11 to furni-b 1-,ny description of Pitch Pine Lumber, from Maryt. 11 ili, tmorgia, all favorable Mrms. Also, spruce lout. &c.. from Maine. 'EDMUND A. SOUDER•tt Dock Su mt Wharf. _ my29-tra . _ Jmuck: LUMBER AFLOAT.- - SCANTLING AN - 6 Join of length from 14 to Met long,_fizeorted 6x4 to 3z14, about 160 M. foot. For tale by WORKMAN Cf Nn t Walnut otrect. W I NES, LIQUORS, &C. HER MAJESTY; CHAMPAGNE ) J. IF' - ID DD N N, sotiTti FRONT Or., BOLZ AMT. WINE:-.--The attention of the trade is solicited to the .followiug very choice Wilke, Brandies.. &c. For sale by .DUNTON k Lt'SSON, No. ::15 South Front street. & Co., "Single," "Double," and "Triple Grope," "Rudolph," Amontilledo,_Topae, V. V. P., Anchor and liar, Spanish and F. Valletta's.. PORTS- -Rebell°, Valente & Co. Oporto. "Vinho Velho Real," P. Martin, and F. Valletta's pure juke, &c. BRANDIES-Iteualdt Co.--In glass and wood; Hen. neecey Otard,Dupuy & Co., Old Biequit-vintage. 1836 and GINS-"Mader Sw MI" and "Grape Leaf." CLARETS-Crueo, File, Freres At Co., high grade ivines Chateau Margaux, ouporior St. Julien-in pinta and Roes, Chateau Luniiny, 41c. BIUSCAT -De Froutignan-in wood and gloseisVer, mouth, A tintlie, Maraschino, and Cordials.--ingl CI lAIM , Xt iNE-A gotta for Chas. Farr, Iler Majesty's Royal liose. Burgundy, and other favorite brands. SWEET 01L-.L'Esninaesa Cancel-Bordeaux. r 77- - 3*. 2' - Successor to Geo. W. Gray, 7 Yi R n, 24, 26, 28 and 30 South Sixth St, Philad'a Fine Old Steck & Nut-Brown Ales, _Vy. for Family and Median 11 RIM). WNTI: CHOICE SEATS To all places of amosement may be had up to 634 o'clock and evening. Intag-ti FENNED(ISANIA.ACADEMY OF 'FINE ARTS P_ CIIESTNIIT;IabViie TEMIK7 Open from 9 A. M. to g P. DI. Benjamin Weet'e great Picture of CHRIST REJECTED on oxhibitiom Jo44f ATLANTIC CITY; CAPE ISLAND, N. J - USIEDIENTS. ENTAL NEWS EXCIIANGE. a PLCILA.L ftdrJUEM. BATCIIELOR'S HAIR DICE.—THIS SPLENDID 'lair Diehl the best In the world. 'Phe:,anly - Crue and Poiret bye--I,;fulnlesa, P.ellable, Instantaneous..No ch.srpoiiihnsilt. hp rirlicultais tints. Natural Black pf 'Br)' , : n. Penledies the ill efficts of 1 Jail Dileit. Invigorates the hatr, , leo; lug it self and beau riful. The genuine Ic ILLIAbf A. BATCIIELOIi. All ethers are imi• twdens, aid sheuld he avoided. Srid by ;tit Druggists and PeII:WWI, Factory tl Ihaeldy qr . ( t, N a ee Ye- Its "lIEWARE OF NCOUNTEIit'EIT. de7f m wly _ _ • Ose... TUE INDUSTRIAL HOME, CORNER OF Broad street and Columbia a venue, is open for the admission of Girls from twelve to eighteen years of agei, who al o neglected or deginted by their parents, and who need the shelter and instruction of a Christian home, If the public will sustain this Institution, many girls may be kept from evil, and made respectable and useful women• Contributions may ho sent to JAMES T. /MINN, Treas. urer, Broad and Spruce streets. • noU.rptf A 1 1. 1 a ': 1 ( % ;.1 „ A •n i Ce f I l L I S ri li : o ( n aVti Oil ('om any will be held at their °ince, No. 2 Forrest Place, on MOMMY, 10v 1h67. at 12 11d..t0 consider tho props 1(.0' of reducing Capital Stock, and each other midterm 05 may corn , bei'Oie the meeting. I:. J. SPANGI S;:!rr..fitry. of.ste• r.1.11,AN IN.-51 LAMA. AND. TP.I Company Philadelphia, July 11th, 1P47.1i Jli Trartei.o hare thIH (o" , 4l iliVltlell , l of riVl3 Per I 't - nt, pay able to the Stockholderrc elea; , ti tom—, On demalal. .I‘,l IS; S. %%ALSO:c o Jvl2::t; Se,r , tc . 3.. DIVIDEND NOTICES. see - r 1 I ILADELPHIA AND HEADING ItAIMMAD COMPANY, I , llllmki,hia, Jn , ui .:16th, DIVIDEND) NOTICE. The Wrangel:Books of this Company - will ho Owed. on- SAT I' It DA Y. the at b of .1 al,y next, and be re-opened-on TI :MIMI", July lath, ist - ,7, A Dividend of Hve Per Cent. has been declared on the Preferred and Common Stock, dear of National and State taxer, payable In cash, on and after the 15th of July next, to the holders thereof at they stand registered on the hooka of the Company on the Bth of July next. All pays• ble at this other. All orders for dividends must be witnessed and stamped. je274ann S. BRADFORD. Treasurer. DI VIDEND.—TIIE DIRECTORS OF THE Dalzell Petroleum Company have this day de clared a Dividend cf Two Per Cent. on the Reduced Capital Stock, clear of State Tax, payable on and after tbaahth Instant, at the (Alice of the Company, 218 Walnut street. —The-Trantifer.Bookam 11 hi:Awed until after the DO inetant. • • • TIM+ Sale, on WEDN LbDA , all 2 o'clock - nnom - itt - the Sto khollcre are reqmeted to leave their certificated at . thim (Ace, to be, exchanged for the new Cl!rtitienteli. Exchange, will include among other propartien the fol. • ED ry. WARD P. HALL, Secreta. lowing- PHI t.A.1,1:13.1(1A. July 1-1, 1e57. jylOet: PROPERTIES NOS. 113. 115. 11l AND 119 NORTH _ FOUltni ST-Storee and Dwellinga, mod mide of Fourth --- - - • . THE LEHIGH. VALLEY RAILROAD t 'OM. etreet, 1W feet mouth of Arch etreet.'afeet 11 Welter] front, MANY lime declared a quarterly dividend of Two j and in depth eaetward N feet. . and a half per cent. payable at their ()nice, ' • " Ire - 'I here are erected on the enid prembied four dwell- No. 412 WALNUT 'Street, I Inge, three of them having etrired fronting on Fourth at., on and alter MONDAY, July 15th. lerm j and a two-and-a half-etory brick workqwp on the rear. jylin.w.f.7t-.. . L. utiAmliErrnms. Tren.stiirer. , Crif ,, Sate by order nr the German Imthetan emigre:la ___ Um), vender nurnorifg nf the Corr, t of Common Pim,. le. OFFICE OF 't HE INSURANCE COMPANY OF Terme lit rale. Edoo to be paid when the ' , royalty/A North America, No, 232 Walnut etreet-Philadel- - etruck off. OM, July 0 1067. : • - '' ' 'ReeciN'er'e Sale". rilontrOde etrect, hobo Eighteenth. qhe Directord have tide day declared a Semiannual , LEASE, FIN TURES AND STILLS OF A DISTILLERY. Dividend ..f Six Per Cent., par able on &tumu ,free of tax. ON WEDNESDAY :MORNING. jp: P.A; , CIIARLES PLATI. Secret.-y. , At 10 o'clock, will be mold by order of Receiver, at the Distillery. in Montrome etreet, below Eighteenth, the Leare and Fixturet- of a Stillhome, including two'new copper Stille, complete--one of 400 and the other of 'MO gallons- Pump?, llogeheade. Rackets, Hoee, dc. Immediate pooneedon given the purchaser. FOR SALE. —., - or_ BURLI TON, N. 4.--FOR SAL}; A\ELE , ,IANT L a 1 i1;011 the ' at, centaining &h acre, of e . :,cellent 1-iiitl n e 1 ~-,--t tote of cultivation, s i tuate within the city limit: f Burlington,,, .4 a mil- 1, om the r.til: 1,,, , d drpot. I. /go, dr,Ooor tlle ern Man ion, larg , nose l'..ra., rid r; ; .plete 0t of tmtlnillding:•; hati&oinelawti r t It) ~r,•.; t wo ;,pile - , ;erliax - rl4, two. -pr-aelt-• um-Iv:rd.:, 4 tie,k of rt./ fto.h.ll - il -`, and fruit of "•:1.1 - V kind In .ilnin: ;Imp, _ .1. ,Nl. G C.NEM El. ';ic SONS, :All Vtriltmt ,-tr::•1. j r .: 1 - 01; SAL F - -1 FE IN STI il:1: AND IiNVE LLIN " r,; no ~1 I'mlith and 61.rute 1. etr,;•!...; !, rowo,. V.l-10 , . 111 / i12. , .fi)4. Air', a thr; :•:: , tosy 'met ',i.e.:Hinz. on .PATENT SHOULDER SEAM SHIRT St•rh<e (,ard ii :tree, ; lot 2.:, , .."... Man, lihtte 1, ~ , , e -ion. Sev , ri• 1 el all 11:,•: , • in the -. lei Mtv of Ninth A nd \Vino,- -..-- tt:ect. for -ale x er'' /11,,1 , . IMilditig Lot,: 0.11.1:0 inoet de:ii: ,TIIE PRINCIPAL MONEY ESTABLISIINIENT, S. E. 1 rah!, 10, ation- 1. - :r ,il: . .l corner of 61 .X`rll and RACE ..y.tieet...:. MAN ISFAC T OILY. li.f - 1 Elt, KJ:IC:KRA UM 4: 'PI' ROY, ' 1I try advanced .on Nerchaucti. , e. gem-rally—Watch :e, 1 . .;,:: :.(nt.h Fifth attach .1, , ,,,ir5. Imittiond,., Gold and Silver Plate, and ou all ' Ordera for tbece celebrated Shirts supplied promptly article, of ', alue. for 011,y length of time agreed on. brief notice. • • •re. 1 . 41 . 1: SALE 111:611:ARLE SUMMER RESIDENI ' l'• - , WATCHES AND ,ILIVELIt).' AT PRI VA'I'E SALE. h;;.. ,t 0: litre liru.; e, It: n,il., I; ,;,:: the , ity. 11 , •11•Itiful Fine Gole Hunting Cri,:e, Dmihlo Bottom and Open Face 11.z.t. ,I, ur , 1,,,,, iliee. 13 1,,,,:,,, int-bling' b.,. is 50.,,1 Enelb-b. American and Swiss Patent Lever Watelit;,. ; Gentlemen's Furnishinc , Goods I ~-;.,,,.. v. ; hoi; - variety of fr : lit. and .1 acre. of Litid more k im, , :old 11, sting Coot- and Open Fare Lepine \ - Vittola4i" , - if 0; , :f..d : pl; my ~f ,1::, , l , -. ,ti,d e , cell: nt ts e11...1 wat..: At FM, Gold I mplex /illd ~flier M , at,:liei ; Fine Silver Hunt- I ' . Of late etylca in full variety. n , ....., and t ~11., .1'05. ,, --b , O /1110,dit0IV. 0.0 Ca,, :cud E,pen Face Englf , b, American and SWIFS i ' ' '.. - LE - KEN:6 & MONTOOMERY, ' Pat: nt I,e, r•r and Lepine NVateliet;poul . ) . lri Caee . Englinh ; ' WIN CI-TESTER & CO., y.,,„, f 0,::1 -, lei.,, Beaeli ..t met, oliartier :thd other SVatelle.!; Litdit,' •l• miry V; atchea; ; ... Diamond Itrem.tpins; linger Iting2; Ear Poop. SrudA. , 706 C.,' HESTNUT". nr.iy. ,A LK. A!vALI•ABI.E . wan, PI:oPERry t:,. kilo. Gnid Chain,: Ml•dalliona; Itracmt...• s car f ; and,.„nu ,1 ~.,1 A er,. ;,1 nnt-mialitv I.aud, ~itnated - Pill-: lire,thine ; Finger ItingA ; PencilCaaed and jetrelry ie3-m,vr, , n .1...;,e I-Impl. ...r mile, fret Itrook - 1 fl, I Itlil , .- from , t ,,, ,n,,... - • = . ~ a tail:, .‘,1,-tatimi.. and ”1 - .. inue , trom :t 4 ,, , , ..10b.Jat litild— }vii 7. 7 31.. V.— A large and, valuable I fireproof Cleat, i r.F. 'I 11,- llot,l i. -,,,, Il•rstal.Ha•d, and doir•t a 0 ,- ,,/ I ,i t a hh. f,, ;, J,,,,,:,. r , pr i,..:*,;50 . 1, ,• ,-. "Ille iler ray eniebta are ney. and a' ll,, Einti.i• Al :m t-xser,..lLote in South Camden, Fit' i and Chestnut : 1 , I -, ; 6; t:.rtio t partirular. , , apply tO j. M. iiI:M_SILY 4: SONS, „ t „, t , , 10- ;••:- NV• snit - ptmet. - T lp.OlA6 HIRCH .. SON, AUCTIONEERS AND CERMANTOIVN PROPERTY Folt SALE. _..1 (...03131ISSION 11-10EIANTS, I EA :ted St ,, ne ReA ne, wmo id all th, dern . NO. 1110 4./lIES T:\ 1. - T etreet . , '' Pin ctaistnience., Stone St:Mix-and C. If .matt,and - Ii oar entrance 1107 Sanfoln etreet. / la: ge Lot of Grer.nd, at the corner of Pularki avettu, , , ,, firet HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE -OF EVERY DESCRIP- hour, ~,, , ,th of Calval y church, and cvnvenient to ‘Naytto . TloN ItECEIVED ON CONSIGNMENT. Stein. - ! 'AEF,S EVERY FRIDAY MORNING. Al 1 ly on tho rremiies. dab .., of Furniture at Dwelhugs attended to on the most A.N1.... , MI: nelo , olooole Levine. '`,/,,,t,,,, teen SALES OF REAL% ESTATE, STOGKS,,dx., AT THE do - ,rte - s -, '' • f;F:itNiAvrowN -roi: :SALE- t, , t,,i,, 1 ),.., Hine o IT n!, r , 1.,11 ,. . 1i“1(11 .t 4.- 0 - , , G - 11. ID ;al - 74 • .TiFrii , ll , l - . — VVllitie - lith - 41 i \ e ..-rte ~ ..1 till: 1 1 . -: - C1i.t...!:". - . 21 , ,..,...; Walnut rtre,t. v., s*:, it: SALL -1 - :i:ElvrY POI id St , i, 441 i lam!, live f:. 01 , Ficr, at a hord , vts L: 4 ALP. ;;;- Fan ‘t . if./I.lii: 1.1.0 Nl - ‘l. Walnut err. • , ••• T 7 IiANII.4. /qr. 7,cr • se., on Cl"." Ptreet. c S.11.I: Ili; T111:1:1:-STOii1 . 131:ICK RES!. done, with tlir. e. , tory bitek building , and every . in le riod order. on the te a..t 1 , 411, r Thirb enth and Cuthbert i.treet , , Ar i l, .1. ,".1. & SONS. 50 , NValn'n Foy. S 1/LSIII.IIII.E T111:1:1:- ApplY to I. C. P1:11.1:, I^.l.Drll.N . .;;; k v. dr., hi- bark baddinz, and t Li, n , Nth I'.',,v,uth A v. , ry ight,rin.aai. J. .1.1.....123131E1: rtrf•tt, A on' 1:4142K IrxELLING in. -t-ry I,ll)l , linge. I \II thr to‘t•ilitont,.. MMiSMIE=MiI L . Fl; s'n 111:1(!,K, IliVI:1.1, : , 42-2 South Fift , •.•uth i„T •• t. Torn,ut.y. Ap 1•i. o , t NV,tithlt BALL--ELF.tiANT NO. '.2tY:2. r , ritt:ll: :•• )1111:1: Nn. r suE—Two NEW Itifi - SES. \VALNI.;T fitth hon-,,!, writ of Adran? ,t feet, A 1 1 ,1 3 ," • tt) A. \V. ILAND, IN North SlNtli rtr . r;;;i FOP. SAI.E.—A MODERN ,1101:SE, NO. 49 PINE k•treet. front by 141 feet d, ep. Apply to C. It. No. South Sixth -treet. TO RENT. ( )1 N'l ri: I:EN - r--- svc(r..l 5rr......t , t. ell t-1)..1:11...r, :tleittd rut 1 trait fro', Whitt th..• :Ili. 1: ••Ntr.ti Item, ;t27.,11. .1. 11. GUM I>. 151.0. 1 lValwit street. I 01'S EBNT. I.:IIESTN [7' sTitrET, ILmud p.,ll , ;tre for •=1 , 1,., a blrylill. 0331 . eniug L lien 1% = O RET N—THE TINED, FOURTH .AND FIFTH T ilnore of Building, No. Arch E , trver.. Apply to 81.9110 P, SON Lt CU., No Inc Arch street. m 5341; DRUGS. I)Eitmun.4 AND GEORGLA ARIIOW ROOT.--Tll2, 1..; New Crop—eteret, pure, and of dazzling whitenezd; directly front the Puw , ! l "-'• Fold at standard weight, and guaranteed in frePhnees and 3 urity. 1.11.71311 ELL, Apothecary, - 1410 Cheetuut Ftreet. TWIN. C. BAKERS CO.'S CELEBRATED C. L. OIL P., 417:',. of I, -3 and 3 doz. each. Ipecac root and powder in balk and. bottlee. Agente for licfPs :Malt Extract Beverage of Health. JOHN C. BAKER jeZ, 719 Market street. Philadelphia. POISIN6oN'S PATENT BARLEY AND GROATS, Ileth!them Oat Meal, Bermuda. Arrow Root Cot's Sp.,: Oclatin, Taylor's Ilon WOrßth lc Cbcoa,Coover'N Gelatin. tupplied to Retail Druggi6te at lowest prices. ROBERT SHOEMAKER 4!c CO., Wholesale Druggists, no. thra that cor. Vtuirtif and Race streets. DREGGISTS, CONFECTIONERS-AND PERFUMERS are ,theited to examimi oor crock of •, , uperior Er . .3em tial te S:.ndereouti. Oil. Lemon and Bergamot, Al. Len's Oil Almond:, Winter'r 11 of Citronella, llotchklem. Oil of Peppermint, k)U of Lavender ' Origami/11. Orange, etc., etc. ROBERT SI - 10EMAREll Ot CO, deV-tbl. N. E. cor. Fourth and Race etc., Philada. - - LIRENCII ROSE WATER.—JIJST RECEIVED, AN invoice the Celebrated "Chide trip le Roes, Orange, Flower and Cherry Laurel Water.- For late in cam and bottler.. ROBERT SHOEMAKER k, CO., Whole , . sale Druggists, northenet cor. Fourth and Race etreets. SADDLES* HARNESS * &c. 'Lk' 4/e , ‘0 , 7 'lVEatitifaCitil " ers: 't Y . YYkOLESAIE A.NI ID 'RETA 1.t 7 ",i, • m i s itlif.r 7'3,P,H - 15 ,1 '!c.: A S S to NIA AGEE &c 9 -- A iiifi,ollBDeekittiv,St TIIE DAILY EVENING BIMLETIN.-PHILADELPHIA, MONDAY, JULY IJ, 1861. N THOMAS & BONS, AIX PIONEERS, - Now, 1:0,11nd 141 South FOURTII ,itroat. SA I.F.S OI STOI;KS AND REAL f.. 6 PATE. i'llbilelittlVA lit tiro PllillifjClollll EiCIN.INte every TITESDAY. At 12 O'CiOrk. , ` • • • • /•Neh . rnp.luty iammol FeintrAtely, in addition to vr, 11101 ort• ON the liIttIITAIIY PreVlollo to eneh anic, and thOUNAIA m.talcp:.c.4 , in pamphlet form, Fidel, full deAm fp:ion), of all the proport:, to b^ oold on the IwT.I.OWING TUESLIA - 1, and a Lirt of Real Rotate at Private bale. tip Our Salea aro alao advertised 'in the following nettapapm e: AMEItIOAN, Litnattc, I tiTYI.II,I4. I.N(11:1t, InQT:In):P., A (in ES - I:NINA BULLETIN, Er T11.1:(i nA hmt A II DEll(1014.1T. Furniture lieleti at tho Auction Store EVERY TIL eßkii: AY MORNING. ' , • Bale No. Arch etrwt. VERY ELEGANT WALNUT FURNITURE. RICH mANTI.J., AND PIER MIRRORS, HANDSOM E ROSEWOOD PIANO FORTE,,ELEGANT VELVET AND ENGLILII mirSt,ELS CA ItrETl3, &c. • ON TUESDAY M . O.I.I.NINCL July IG, nt 10 o'clock.. at No. !loin Arch Ptreet. by cafe., logne, the entire Furniture, incloding—tbiegant walnut owl Omen pimp Drlwine room Fushore, three elegant molt, tt ainnt Chninher Fornitnre. l'uidied in oil; haufd noux I dun; g„roein and Library Furniture, very fine Mn - It I nnd Pie! Mirror , . In Inlo+ive gilt hornet; olegrint race vv cod 1 i:!no Pert , . rich Velvet and Engliolter.rampar 4.:er petr. fiat.hiding tied Hair Idetre? , se3, Kitchen Flutiiture. re tit Ipf , are in elegant order and nes rlv new. Tile mirror, been in nee but three monthe. May be eurn 'otly nn the 1116111iLla of Kilt:. 'SMe No. 455 North Fourth Pt rect. NEAT 410128E11OLD FURNITUI:B, FINE BItI;i3SELS CA twrrs. mir.Eok. ON WEDNESDAIC^MORNING. .fitly 17. at - 10 o'clock, nt o. 455 North Fourth Ptreet, neat 'Parlor and Chamber Furniture, ruperior Walnut Ex TODHOTI Table, FTCLICII Platt Mirror. fine Ltru.!ziol.l Car -I.OF, Mirror,, May be Heim on the morning of sale ut 8 o'clock. TO RENT.-Bevoral Offices. Harmony Cent j ADZES A. FREEMAN, AUCTIONEER, Jr . • N 0.422 WALNCT street. ON WEDNESDAY, JULY 31. At 12 o'clock noon, will be P,,01d nt public sale— - 11.C14) shares of the Drake Petroleum Company. unless the IVEl,Pirnent of two cents per share (called May 14) shall be sooner paid. By order of : • W. D. COMEOYS, Secretary and Treasurer. REAL ESTATE SALE JULY dl, AT TILE AT PRIVATE SALE.--€O.l shares Stock Locust Lap provernent Co. Thiz is a well-known coal estate of about '..,0111 cree-1,(X10 acret , of very valuable coal land and 1,000 . at very euperior .wood land--in_Northumberland county. with two titet-class Collieries, of the capacity of 200,000 tone of coal. Full. particultra of the Company can be korned at the Office, 417 Walnut street. The attention of capitalists to invited to this stork as the pro!pectivo value it. very greaL A guarantee satisfactory to the purchaser will he given that it will yield at least eight per cent. pea annum (clear of State tax) dividend, tf: THOMAS BIRCH t: SON rerpeetfully in friefim and the public that they are prepared to the sale of Real Letate by, auction and at private SILVER PLATED W.l RE AND TABLE Cr run 11 CARD—We have 1101 , On hand andoifer at privat, - - sale dni in- this week, a general aFl.ortment of tiret.eltL-, Sher- Id l'lhttd , Ware and euperior Ivory Handle Table L utlery. • WM. 11. BACON, str,et Y BA""'"W1 . B CO.(Y, HOUSE. • . No. 21.1 etreot, corner of BANK 'treet. Caeh adv„iu,d ,u c•ineignmente without victra charge. ON WEDNESDAY MORNING. ,role 17,commencing. at lu o'clock. Peremptury Sale livit lute A,eorted Dry Ooudc, compridng a general aeeort• A he, 50 ea,,e Boot'. Share, Gingham Cm• brcllaa Straw Grad, Felt and Wr;ol Hate. 151 dozen Skirt, . Aldo. a large hoc of Notion, Hu Aery, Sue• polder, etc At 11 o'e Vek, 350 lob+ firt:4:1,, , 9 Itrady-made Clothinz, (Yv,r , hirt , 01 all kinds, Oven,lle, NSTliite Docch , . Shirt- got BY J. M. t UMMEY SONS, ACCI lONEERS. • No. 508 WALNUT street 11ole1 .I;‘.-glllar Sales of „ REAL ESTA'I E. :..STOCKS AND SECURITIES AT THE PIIILADELPILIA EXCHANGE. . MIME 'rr - Handbill, of ench prof . Fi..paratd.r. re" 01. w IL ourand catalogued publiehed and circulated, containing Lill of property to be e Id, a also P. 1.111ti1t112.-t of prn , p•Tty contained in our Kral Estate and ,fte Ld at private Salc , adverti,ed "DAILY in all the d,ily newe ; pert,. I.IACIS 1L AUCTioNEERs, J.' :Late Thou:ae k Sono. Stare No. 421 WALNUT Ftroot EUENITt rtE SALES at the Sten. EVERY TUESDAY. SALES Al I:ESII.)E.NeES kill receive particular att. uti,m._ • Salo No. 4'21 WAlrmt krect. SUPERIOR FURNITURE. &c. ON TCESDAY :.10RNING, At 11.) o'cif::ck., at the store, an ftimortment of -,,,•;k1 Turnitur,..'•l:irble 'lop Tablo , , large Ate 61,-, Show Ca:e. Se. • C, FORD & SONS, Al CIONEERS, No. 127 South FOURTH Ore& - „ Sales of Peal F....tatt.!,Stock,z. Lora:. Sc., at Philadelphia I:*.thang, , cry FRIDAY, at 12 02clock noon. o:tr .t.dt t are ltdyirti.kl in all the daily and eev , mil of thi• vrcrkis neweparem' by eeparate handbills of each Pro) .srtv, MA I , Y pamphlet ea oue thou,tandof which ill be ieeued ph WEDNESDAY preceding each ah•• ' :i! , " LEAL ESTATE, STOCKS, LOANS, ,tc., AT 1 hIVKIE SALE. 1 - 01iN B. MYERS ez u 1).; AucTioNEERs, fn and 22.4 MARK ET ftr t, curlier of RANG AT PRIVATE SALE. .2f,' civet , fIue'PALM LEAF FANS, round bundlee. Auetiono.r. Co.. SUCCESSORS TO PHILIP FORD 6: CO., Auctioneers, 506 MARKET street rp L. AthILBIZIDGE St CO., AUCTIONEERS, 1.. No. htk", MARKET titreet, above Fifth CASSIMERES AND VESTINGS.—JAMES di LEE invitc the attention of their Mends and others to their tart:, and well•aeeorted Spring Steck of Gonda, coin prising in pal t COATING GOODS. Super Black French Cloths. Sopn.i Colored French Cloths. Mack and Colored Coatings. Pique, Tricot Coatings ' all colors. Black and Colored Caehmaretts. - Soper Silk-mixed Coatings. Tweeds, all shades and qualities. PANTALOON STUFFS. Black French Doeskins, all grades. Single Milled Fancy Cassimeren. New 'styles Striped Cassimeres. All shades Mixed Doeskins. dio. LADIES' CLOAKENGS. 6-4 Diagonal Ribbed Clothe. 6-4 Mottled and Striped Clothe. 6-4 Mixtures, all grades and colors. Also, a large aesortment of Goode adapted expressly foe Boys' wear, wholesale or retail. JAMES di LEE, No. II North Second it. Sign of the Golden Lamb. JM. ROMMEL, COAL DEALER, IIAS REMOVED . from Phi Delaware avenue, and eneceeds Meeere. J. Walton it. Co., at N. W. corner Eighth and Willow streets, Office 11:1 S. Second etreet. The best qualitiee of Lehigh and Schuylkill coal dedv Bred in the beet order and at the ehortest pollee. mhslim - a R. . S. E. CORNER IaIIARD AVENUE AND NINTH STREET, Keeps constantly on. hand, at the lancet market rates, all the beet qualities of LEHIGH EASI:E .VEIN GREENWoOD, to., COAL. Orders by Mail promptly attended to. jel-ly* a. MASON BLNIES.. ' JOHN P. WIWI. quiz UNDERSIGNED INVITE ATTENTION TO .L their stock of Spring Mountain, Lehigh and Locust Mountain cosi, which, with the preparation given by Am, we think cannot be excelled by Rey other Coal. Office, Institute Building, No. 15 South Seventh greet. BINES d SHEAFF Arch street wharf. SchaylkilL JULY 1867—T0 THE PUBLIC.—JUST RECEIVED, _4 hanome asiortment andall Papers, IoW aa 12,36. 16 and al cents; Glazed, 81 8736 cents; Gilt, 70 cents, - 181 - and -- $l - 15. — NeatIr lumg. — Linen - Window-Shadeure new color, Just manufactured,, in endless variety,at JOHNSTON'S DEPOT, ' f014.1y N 0.1033 Spring Garden etreoNbeltriv Eleventh. AUCTIOISI SALES CLOTHS, CASSIIUEILES, &C. COAL. AND WOOD. PAPER HANGINGS• RETAIL DRY ,GOODS. I_,A2COLIBS Lavin.; fir the Country or Watering Meek will find SPLENDID ASSORTMENTS OF S Materials for White Bodies. Embr 9 d Breakfast Sets. ,-, Linen Cellars and Cuffs. H Linen I"ndersleeves. Ca Printed Linen Cambria. ".1 1I Plain and Printed piques. 0 AT E. IT. NEEDLES & CO.'S, N.W.Cor, 11th and Chestnut Sts. ,LfItsLISHHO "Cott • Q A CANVASS MESIi BLACK IRON BAREGE, THE beet .quality imported. At=e, ill, ordinary wialitles. 8-4 White and Black Barege. 8.4 White and Black Crape Maretz. : . . Rich Figured Grenadines and Organdle4. Grenadine and Organdie Robes, reduced. Summer Silks and Poplins. Figured Linens, for Dresses. Materials for Traveling Suits. Summer Dreaa Goods very much reduced in price. EDWIN lIALL .37. CO.. 98 South second et. 1. rrowELs. TOWELING, LINENS. —LINEN GOODS reduced. WO doz. Linen ToweL., 107. i" and 25 cents each. sea.side Towehi. 12.;; yards long, at 70 and 8734 e. Double Dartui,k Towel. , , very time. heavy Linen for Bntchera. &elm. Linen Diaper, all prices and widths. . Cotton Diaper, wide and scarce. - Nursery Toweling In variety. - STOKES A: WOOD, 70ft Arch street. BL.M a A , ?CD Winn . . LACE PUINTES AND DO. Sea-side and Llama Shawls, Shetland and Darege Shawls. Spring, Cloaks, reduced. Gay Plaid Cloths, for Circulars. . Scarlet and White Cloths. Brodie Shawls. open centres. Plaid and Stripe Woolen Shawk EDWIN HALL & C0.,15 South Second et. GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS. J. W. SCOTT at.' CO., • HURT MANUFACTURERS, AND DEALERS IN Men's Furnishing Goods, 51.4 Chestnut • Street, • Four doors below the "Continental," PHILADELPHIA. ' mhl-f,m,w,tt GENTS'--PATENT-SPRING AND DL IT . toned over flatten., Cloth, Leather, white and brown Linen, Duck; aleo made to order = Is — GENTS' ItiILNISUING GOODS, - of every decription, very low, 9e3 Cheetnet ... .. xtreet, corner of Ninth. The beet Kid Gloves for ladies and gents, at RIC!! ELDERFER'S SAZAAR. tnyB6moll OPEN IN THE; EVENING. WATCHES, JEW , ELICV, &C.. EN 0 - .&- CO 9 vr t MANUFACTURERS OF Sterling 9 Standard & Silver-plated Wares. '.An elegant and extensive stock always on hand. Mann. facturere of and dealers in Geo. Eno's celebrated Patent ICE PITCHER, which retains the solidity of the ice one. third longer than any other, and is by far the most econe Laical ICE PITCHER ever invented. S. E. Corner Eighth and Chestnut Sts., Philadelphia. • f m 57t LEWIS LADOMUS CO., Diamond Dealers and Jewelers, No. 802 Chestnut Street, Philada., Would invite the attention of purchasers to their large and ha.ndecoue aegortmeut of • • DIAMONDS, JEWELRY, SILVERVARE &e. ICE PITCHERS, in great variety. •.. A large assortment of email STUDS for Eyelet.holea. jtii , t received. • Watches repaired in the best mannerand guaranteed. STATIOtiERY. To Persons Going Out of Town: CALL AT SMITH'S, 328 Chestnut street, And supply younielvcd with FATIONEIX. PORTFOLIOS, TO Ur STS' WRITING DESKS, DRESSING CASES, • CHESSMEN. CHECKER BOARDS, -ETC., ETC., ETC All kinds of Blank Booka Printing, Stationery, Pocket- Backe, PoCket Cutlery, cte., &c., at, very greatly reduced prices. Jyd.lm PICTIJILES, FILAMLS, &C. A.. S. ROBINSON ! 910 'CHESTNUT STREET, • HAS OPENED THIS HORNING A splendid assortment of FINE ENGRAVINGS, CHROMOS, &c., Anionklyhich will be found some perfect Remo of art, in. r:luding,"hast Doss of Binunter " 'Cromwell and Family," Trace and War," by Gudtavtor, "Star of Bethlehem." sundry others, to which c invited thel attention of the public. HARDWARE., 1321 k , 0 ° qai tt " TircAUZZ.)?% 4 ( I STREET. STANDBRIDGE, BARR & CO., IMPORTERS OF AND DEALERS IN Foreign and Domestic Hardware, BALDWIN'S BUTTS SCREWS, PULLEYS, BOLTS SPEAR ,tc JACKSON'S HAND AND PANEL SAWS BUTCHER'S PLANE IRONS AND UUMELS,BUUTTEE AND REVEAL HINGEJ3 r 4IO 3 1,000 Kegs Neils, Ali Sizes, AT REDUCED NUM mhfflf m w sm 4DA.IIIHIAGE,SO FOR BALE—A7VIOTORIA CARRIAGE,. int..natty-nearoadth atholpair_oflandlyikrtiee and Harneavat a low price. the owner going abroad. Apply to Mr. QTAGLY, corner Seventeenth and Sanwa, or 1807 Chestnut street. 15-12-6 t• L I VOW% ace. THE ' • "EXCELSIOR" HAMS,' SUE'I ED FROM THE BEST CORNED HOGS, ARE OF STANDARD REPUTATION. A.ND \ 7. • THE BEST IN THE WOP.LD.. J. IL MICHENER & CO., GENERAL PROVISION DEALERS . . • - And curers of the celebrated "EXCELSIOR"' SUGAR-CURED HAMS, TONGUES AND BEEF, Nos. 142 and 144 North Front street, Nobe genuine unless branded "J. H. M. dt Co., EXCEL. SIOR." The justly celebratia "EXCELSIOR" HAMS are cured by J. H. M. & Co. (in a style peculiar to themselves), ex. pressly for FAMILY USE; are of delicious flavor; free from the unpleasant taste of salt, and are pronounced by epicUres superior to any now offered for sale. • my2l-w,f,m,Bm3 • NEW SMOKED AND SPICED SALMON FIRST OF THE SEASON. ALBERT C. ROBERTS, Dealer in Fine Groceries, Corner Eleventh and Vine Streets. JAPANESE POWCHONG TEA, The finest quality imported. Emperor and other fine chops; Oolongs, New Crop Young Hyson and Gunpowder, genuine Chulun Tea, for sale, by the package or retail, at JAMES R. WEBB'S, •Jam ' WALNUT and EIGHT - 4 STREET& XTEW GRAHAM AND RYE FLOUR, WHEATEN £' Grito, Farina, Com Starch and Maizena, Rice Flour, lt,)binson'e patent Barley and Groan!, in etoro end for sale at COUSTPB East End Grocery, No.llB South Second etreet. NEW CROP PRESERVED GINGER, DRY AND IN ayrup; assorted preaervea, jellies and jams always in store and for Bak at cousnos East End Grocery,' No. 110 South Second street. CHOICE TABLE CLARETS, PINTS ANDt,LIARTS— pure old medicinal brandy, wines, gins, dlr., for sato e.t COUSTY'S East End , Grocery, No. , 118 South Second street. ENUINE BENEDICTINOREM, CHARTREUSE, 1,3 Aniieed, Curacoa and :Maraschino Cordials, Just re. ceived and for sale at COLSTV'S East End Grocery, No. 118 South Second street. "LIIIENCIi WINE "VINEWXR. VERY SUPERIOR I French White Wine Vinegar. in atoro and jor_ ado bY M. F. SPILLIN. r9tENOBLE WALNUTS. BALES OF GRENOBLE lT Paper • Shinl Walnuts, and Princeee Paper Shell A. minds for sale by M. F. 3PILLIN, N. W. Oor. Arch and Eighth streets. choice'Le g horn 13 „NcrEc a IrtAliCaFlA—lVeult.ojlt, late importation, in store and for sale by M. F. SrILLIN N. W. f.;or.Areh and Eighth streets. RoortniG, &c. JR,OO.7OING-. PATENT METAL ROOFING. This. Metal, as a Roofing, is NONCORROSIVE not re quiringpiiint. 'lt is selfquildetiub, and in large tent..., re. yairing less than half the time of flu in rooting, uildingg or railroad car?, in, lining tanks, bittli•ttibis, cisterns, c., &e,, or. Avy article requiring to ho air or watertight. squore feet of roof takes about 1.?,.2 feet of tined tin to cover it, and only FJ feet of patent metal. OITIt2 108 South Fourth Street, Philadelphia. f t NEW PUBLICAT SUMMER READI.* i!! SUN 'WOKS F.II: TIIF. i:INNTRY! 1 BuOKs Poi: um: 81. - .A.siloitE!!' BooKs DAL THE TRAvELr.R!:! W, M. itr:VNOLDS' WORKS Court if P.., 1 7 o:der.. , ..1 00 Vcnct y, 00 1 ..... 1 (51 loil 0, 1 1:o-a 00, Th e (ipvra 1.l 1 i r....... 75' Child of NV:Lti•tl,) , . 7r2i 741 Thf , Gip.,(!y Mary Stewart. Queen of St"te., 113ce lier.SoAland.l .le:dal Yinc, Vivian livrtr;;;11 I %11111tt.e4 4 of Laci Yoko of :11:trol000nt 611171MEMISEI ff M =I EMMUME Send for our Mlimmoth Des Address all riteli orders, ref T. B. ITT 206 e Books Font, postage paid. o ALL .N EA\ BOOKS ARE Mail Orders promptly often TUST READY—BINGIIMPS LATIN GRAMMA/L— -e, Now Edition—A Grammar of the Latin Language. For the use of Schools.. With exercises and vocabularies. By William Bingham, A. M., Superintendent of the Bing. ham School. The Publishers take pleasure in announcing to Teachers and friends of Education generally, that the new edition of the above work is now ready, and they invite a careful examination of the same, and a comparison with other works on the same subject. Copies will be furnished to Teachers and Superintendents of Schools for this purpose at low rates. . Price Publizhed by E. FL BUTLER & CO., 137 South Fourth mtreet, Philathaphia. And for male by booksellers generally. lOIMER REAM:W.—ALL THE NEW BOOKS, AS ti soon as publnhed; for sal .b y JAMES S. CLAXTON, Suceeelor to 'IV. S. .A. :%lartion, 1311 Cla.,tnut arrest. • HENRY THE EIGHTH AND 1115 COURT. By L. ahlharh. C STEPHEN DANE. BV the author of "In Trust." ON THE 1101:DElt, fly Edmund Kirke. RURAL STUDIES. By Ike Marvel. N E 10 II D WIVES. J. T. Trowbridge. A largo mieortnamt of books in every department of literature conetantly on band. irlo INACJIAINEIitY. IRON, &C. PENNSYLVANIA WORKS, ON THE DELAWARE River, below PHILADELPHIA, CHESTER, Delaware county, Pa. REANEY, SON & CO., Engineers and Iron Boat Builders, Manufacturers of all kinds of CONDENSING AND NON-CONDENSING ENGINES. Iron Vessels of all descriptions, Boilers, Vats, Tanks, Prop,Here, &c., &c. T. VAUGHAN MERRICK, WM. 11. IIERRICH JOHN E. COPE. QOUMNE FOUNDRY, KITH AND WASHING. 1.7 TON STITS, PHILADELPHIA. MERRICK & SONS, ENGINEERS AND MACIIFNISTS, Manufacture High and Low Pressure Steam Engines, for Land, River and Marine Service. Boilers, Gasometers, Tanks, Iron Boats, &o. Castings of all kinds, cithe-riron or braes. Iron Frame Roofs for Gas Works, Workshops and Rig. road Stations, &c. Retorts and Gas Machinery, of the latest and most im• proved construction. Every descriptiou of - Plantation Machinery; and Sugar, Saw and Grist Vacuum Pans, Open Steam Trains, Defactators, Filters, Pumping Engines, &c. Sole Agents for N. Billeux's Patent Sugar Boiling Appa. rates, Nesinyth'a Patent Steam Hammer and Aspinwall & Woolsey's Patent Centrifugal Sugar Draining Machine, cIAS FIXTURES.MISKEY,MERRILL&TILACIKARA. IX No. 718 Chestnut street, nuinufactureri of Gm Fix. tures, Lampe, &c.„ &c.. would call the attention of the pub. lic to their large and elegant assortment of Gas Chande. Hem Pendtuits, Brackets, dtc. They also introduce gag pipes into dwellings .and public buildings, and attend to extending, altering and repairing gas pipes. All work warranted. eI — OPFER AND YELLOW METAL BHEATHLNG. VBrazier's Copper, Nails, Bolts and Ingot Copper, con. etantly on hand and for sale by HENRY lAMsISOIR C 0..& No. South Wharves. NUMBER ONE SCOTCH PIG IRON—G4ENGAR nock brandonstore and for sale in lota to cult, by PETER WRIGIIT & SONS, 113 Walnut street. JO-Lt.( LADIES' ,TRI11I1IIINGS• RAND OPENING THIS DAY OF THE VERY choicest and recherche Park Fash ionne,, in TRThilmrl) PAPER PATI'MNO. Just received, _WV. M. A. BENDEL" • , N 0.1031 unnel'NUT Street, P Importer of LADIES' DRESS AND CLOAK TRIMMINGS. , Amber, Pea*, Crrstat:Jet and Silk Drop and Flat Trim. ming% Studs and Beads in all colors, Ornaments, Buttons. Guipure and Cluny Laces, Cords, Tassels, Fringes, '‘lyst, and Mantua Ribbons, French Corsets, Bs, tinge, and Trim. mhliis - nafteridlyz --- • PARISIAN DRESErAND CLOAK HAZING, In all its varieties: ,•••' seIS4Y - - 31aryPriee 1 00 Enstaro ..... 1 00 ...... .1 01 Muikcee Daughter 1 0) lionn,th ..1 0(1 fly: liye.llvuee Plot 1 00 'l'lle,Nurrowtheet' 1 00 Joarml, or the 0. Cowl of Napke.... 75 I,ot of thllurctu.. .. 75 l' , :rer .Icnee. I 'ic;cwiek Abroad Lit.• in .......... 54.) and tho Yngr .. 50 I:thti• ii-eartl,l llncrn M'. ME=CEI2= =BEM seriptive Catalogue. ail or wholc,talo, to 'EHSON li DHOTI - MRS, estuut ettreot., Philada., Pa. n reeeipt of retail price. AT PE IEItSOISS'. dud to. 03•13.2 t AIIRDICALL. PURIFYING MEDICINE. This valuable preparation combines all the medicinal virtues of those Herne which long experience has proved the safest and most efficient alteratlve_propertlea for the cure of Scrofula, - King's Evil, White Swellingli e = Scrofulous, Cancerous and. Indolent 'ruiners, Ent and Ulcerations of the Glenda, Joints, Bono, an Lige .ments., all the various Disensee of the skin,such as Totter. Salt Rheum, Ringworms, Roils, Pimples, Carbuncles, Sore Eyes, &A.; Epileptic Fits, St. Vitus Dance, And disown, originating from an impure state of the blood or' other fluids of the body. E. LYE'S DYSESTERY synrr. Thin celebrated Syrup is a certain specific for all 'stages of D.yetintery, Chronic or Acute Diarrluca, and titimnaor Complaint. During thirty year& experience in thin city,. this medicine ban never been known to fall, ne MOM of the most respectable familion can [ratify, at whose request and in compliance with the wishes of several medle,t and clerical gentlemen, they are presented to the public. This valuable medicine laa vegetable compound.and pet: teeny onto in all stages of fife. Anti.Bllious and Anti-Dympeptle Pills. These Pills are exceedingly efficacious In curing Dyspcp. ala and Liter complaint, h. ervops Affectionsi - and - all dt. senses resulting from nn unhealthy state of the Liver. E. LYE'S Medicines Prepared and Sold at No. 202 North Ninth Street, PHILADELPHIA. myl6-3m PURIFIER. It cures where all other ranked faiL - Ills ecommended_by. eminent public Mbll, clergymorr and business men of high standing. If is Invaltrable-in-all cases of Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint, Inflammation,Brone chills, Coughs, Colds, Croup, Fever Sores, White Swot. Ungs, Dropsy, Chills and Fever, Kidney afflictions, Con. gumption in its first stages, and all nervous and general debiilly Thousands of Bottles of Macamoose / have been sold, and all who have taken it agree that it has no equal. C Sold by Druggists and atIVIACAMOOSE DEPOT,rII ' No. 813 Race Street, ap.Wm P4lladelphia.. XiPAL DENTALLINA.—A SUPERIOR ARTICLE FOR cleaning the Teeth, destroying animalcule which lir feat them, giving tone to the gums, and leaving a feeling of fragrance and• perfect cleanliness in the mouth. R may be used daily, and will be found to strengthen weak and bleeding gums, while the aroma and detersivenese will recommend it to every ono. Being composed with the assistance of the Dentist, Physicians and blicroscophn„ it is confidently offered as a reliable substitute for the on certain washes formerly in vogue. Eminent Dentists, acquainted with the constituent/ the Dentallina, advocate its me; it contains nothing prevent its unrestrained emplo yment Made only by JAM Eli .I'. SHINN, Apothecary. -- Broad and. Spruce give* ally and 1 D. L. Stankhotule, Robert C. Davis, Gee. C: Bower, Charles Shivers, S. M. McCollin, S. C. Bunting, Charles 11. Eberle, James N. Marks, G. Ilringliurst di CO.. Dyott & Co., • H. C. Blaire Sons, Wyeth At Bro. For sato by Druggists genor Fred. Brown,l Mess rd & Co., • C. R. Keeny, Isaac H. Kay, C. H. Needles T. J. Hu: Mand l; Ambroee limit , Edward l'nrrieh, William B. Webb, Jamee L. Biepham, Hughes & Combe, Henry. A. Bower, LINTIItELY RELIABLE—MODOSON'S BRONCHIAL Tablets, for the cure of coughs, colds, hoarseness, brbn. chitin and catarrh of the head and breast. Public new era, singers and amateurs will bo greatly benefitted using these Tablets. Prepared only by LANCASTER & WILLS, Pharmaceutists, N. E. comer Arch avid Tenth streets, Philadelphia. For sale by Johnson, Holloway & Cowden. and Druggists generally. ee2Mf FINANCIAL. ,v ) CTI,4 4,* t #l.l. SPECIALTY. SMITH, RANDOLPH & CO. BANKERS AND BROKERS 16 Sok.h Third St, 3 Nam Street, Now York, STOCKS AND GOLD BOUGHT AND SOLD ON COMMISSION. INTEREST ALLOWED ON DEPOSITS. 7 3-10'S EXCHANGED FOR 5-20'S ON MOST FAVORABLE TERMS. - DE HAVEN & BRO. 40 SOUTH THIRD STREET. vIRIGHT 41- 4.4,4 P >. p• • BANKERS & BROKERS, • N 0.17 NEW STREET, NEW YORK. Particular attention given to the purchase and ludo olt all GOVERNMENT SECURITIES, • RAILROAD STOCKS, BONDS AND GOLD. Manua exclusively on COMMbliioll. • All orders will receive our pereonal attention at Uri Stock Exchange and Gold Board. ()0 O. INnt s g U ii - ii - e. of these PRICE, IA North Seventh Li treet. alfor 1y&Im• 13 750 - A WELL SEUe!tED GROUIs:RENT . of st , 2fi per annum. tor sale by L (PIE,R iY-9.11n* No. 54 North Seventh street. LEGAL NOTICES. ITN TILE COURTOF COMMON PLEAS FOR THE CITY . and County of Philadelphia.—EMMA PINTO Vet. JOHN PINTO. June Term, 1867. No. 31. In Divorce to JOHN' PINTO, respontlent. Take notice that JOSEPIIC PARRISHOq., examiner appointed in the above case will addrenB interrogatories to tvitnees on WEDNESDAY: July 31st, at 4 o'clock P. AL, at the °thee of Libellant'et counsel. • J. DlillOSS O'BRYAN, Attorney for Libellant, Iylo-15t* :113 South Sixth ntrueit. I N TILE ORPHANS' COURT FOR TILE CITY AND County of Philadelphla.—Eatate of It. B, WUUDIIURN. deceased.— he Auditor appointed by the Court to itudlit,, settle and adjust the account of JOSEPH M. PILE. Ad minietrator of the, Estate of ROBERT B. WOODBURN, deceased, and to report distribution of the balance in the 'Janda of the accountants,will meet the parties. inter.... etited for the'purposes of hie appointment, on _Monday. the 15th day at July, Poi, at 4 o'clock, I'. M. at lily (Mice. No. ain Walnut street, in the city of Philadelphia. • , • - . ;MACKE Auditor. i1Y5111111 ; 5t . LOST. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT CERTIFICATES of stock of the Susquetuunut Canal Cowpony. No. ZS for 10 alarm No. 9,142 for Ishares, No. 2111 for 1 ahare, .150...„607 for lahare, • . • . Btanding in name of JAINIEE3IneGNICILY. have been lost or stolen, and that applicattol'lons buffn mode to mild Company to issue new certificate of stadic in plumy of tiro same, and in cancellation thorraif._.. ' • ' JOHN Q;',.41: AfeCONKEY, Executor. IM4.lo, PrAtm Ervii(Cm. Pa., June 19. 1857 IITILLINEUI4_ MRS. It DLONMI AND SSI z DU= STREET, has a handsome asoortmunt of: .Millinery. Chip and ;Yanty Ilats - otthe latcstatyles•,—Crapes, bqna. Flowere, Frames, ttc., utreductd prim. apl,-444
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers