le- Disbursing Officers. •n,® fa s.^ ln S been represented to the. Trea- Tfrit J > *S a ? me^ t that the officers of the ?* at ® s charged with the disburse sta^a°£, P J? bl i C m ? ne y» ha ™ in some in stonees made deposits of saoh money, with ba “ ks or bankers or others not authorized s~? deposi » ,^ ir . iea of P u b*>c.moneys, General ‘te^ fl . lted stat f 3 Treasurer, has puo tSprovisions and requirements f I a^ for tke information of such officers deDMita e o? arti m , frorn Whioh Uis Beenthat 11 P ubh c moneys may be made P ep °sits of collection or TTnit£i 8 o f aU poblic moneys by all kinds of •United States officers with the Treasurer or •Assistant Treasurer of the United States or ■except the receipts from customs ashere «i^nt«? with a natlonal bank de a^ 8 P os itary under the provi w?thn°o f othlr 8 N - tlonal CUrr6acy act ’ aad -tnSu}, eC^?r^ 0 - t n ter na l revenue are required to deposit their collections in the particular •depository indicated to them by iustruc uons from the Commissioner of Internal -Revenue. Collectors or Deputy Collectors ■who deposit with banks, bankers or others not authorized as depositaries,render them by ttelMv Dable t 0 penalties prescribed Deposits of customs’ duties being in coin can be made only with the Treasurer an Assistant Treasurer, or such other public 61 ® 8 bas been designated as a depositary of the United States. National Banks that have been designated as depositaries of pub lic moneys are not authorized to receive de posits of coin, • Deposits of disbursing offieers maybe made with the Treasurer or an Assistant Treasurer of the United States, or with a depositary specially authorized for that particular purpose by the Secretary of the 'Jheasury, annSer the authority of Section I of the act approved June 14, 1866, and with 210 o tilers* The attention of all public officers inter ested, and of banks, bankers or others not authorized as depositaries of the public moneys, is specially called to the fact -that nil violations of .the act of August 6, 1866 and Oie acta amendatory to the same, sub’ parties transgressing to severe pains and penalties under a conviction for felony. Jbe laws are very stringent against ail officers charged with the deposit and dis bursement of money. Among other things they are prohibited irom mvesting public money in any kind of property or merchandise. They cannot for any purpose not prescribed by law transfer »L a J pl 7 a S y 4116 fnnds - All suoh acts a i elo ? y ’ a ? d ,’, U t- pOQ ccoviction thereof the offenuer shall be punished bv imprisonment for a term not less than one more than ten years, or by fine not more than the amount embezzled nor less than one thousand dollars, or by both; suoh fine and imprisonment at the discretion of tH6 vOUft* Bankers, brokers and others, knowinelv •counseling or abetting such transactions fihaU, on conviction, be similarly punished From San Francisco* Sajst Fbanoisco, Dec. 27 -It is under stood that the merchants and business men of this city will give- a grand inauguration dinner m honor of the departure of the steamer Colorado, the first of the great China line. The State and National De jiartments, the Municipal Government, the New Tort and San Francisco Chambers of Commerce, the Pacific Railroad and the Chinese merchants will be represented A battalion of troops for the Liberal'ser pee has been quietly organized in this city for the Government of Mexico within the met few weeks, and a detachment of sixtv five men, under Major Herring, left here for Mazatlan by the steamer Continental. J. Ross Browne and party, consisting of several members of the State Geological Survey, took passage by the same steamer for the purpose of making a foil and com- Uf'Pk" 68 ! geological survey of Colonel R. A. Wamwright, heretofore re ported as having died at Banecia, is said to have shot himself through the head while under the influence of spiritualism San Francisco, Dec. 27.—A special mes senger reached this city at an early hour this morning from the vicinity of Half Moon Bay, announcing that a large ship was seen .yesterday afternoon north of that place close -ashore, firing signals of distress, and appa rently in the breakers. , Captain Fletcher, representative of the un derwriters, immediately engaged a tug boat and proceeded to the scene of the disaster The place is the same where the ship Caria was wrecked a few weeks since. The British war steamer Sutlej, with Ad miral Jones Denman aboard, arrived to-dav from Victoria, V, I. J The Maryland Legislature. , ®-^F‘' i ™ o:e:e > Deo. 27.—The Legislature of this State meets on- Wednesday next It is understood that an effort will be made to declare toe last eleotion for Mayor and Citv Council illegal and void.said eleotion having under the registration lists of 1866, to the exclusion of those registered i&St i&li. It is also expected that a bill will be in troduced, looking to lhe declaration of a general amnesty, by which ail those dis francwsed under the,provisions of the State •Constitution, for sympathizing with or nar ticipation in the rebellion, will be restored to all their former political rights. There is but little doubt that the National ■Constitutional Amendment will be rejected but it is believed that many of the more ob noxious features of the code with reference to the colored people will be repealed and the opinion has been expressed that there will be fonnd a majority of the Legislature in favor of toe admission of negro testimony The engrossing subject of interest con nected with the meeting of the Legislature is the election of United States Senator, in place of Senator Creswell, whose term ex pires on the 4to of March. and the Attorney Generalship The following is the official correspon dence in connection with the Attorney-Gen eralship of Pennsylvania: New Cuhbbbland, Pa., Dec. 25,1866. -Htm. B. H. Brewster—My Dear Sir:— Having the fullest confidence in your ability -as a lawyer and your integrity as a man. I have toe honor to tender you the appoint ment of Attorney-General of the Common wealth of Pennsylvania. Earnestly solioit ong your acceptance, lam, trnly, yours, John W. Geary. 706 Walnut Street, Philadelphia.— To the Hon. Oen. Oeary, the Governor elec* •of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania— My Dear Sir: My friend, the Hon. Morrow D. -Lowry, has sent to me your letter dated the 25th of December, 1866, requesting me to accept the appointment of Attorney •General of toe Commonwealth of Pennsyl vania. I thank you for this mark of your high confidence, and accept from you the appointment you, so graciously and cour teously tender. I have the honor, sir, to be your obedient servant. Benj. Harris Brewster, December 27th, 1866. The President has directed warrants of pardon to be issued to Johnson Noble of JEfentucky, and F. W. M. Holiday, of Vir ginia, both of whom were engaged in the lon a 1a D ’ and are pardoned under the -$20,000 clause. The pardons were issued on Oib recommendations of the Governors of the respective States. ' The Commissioners of Customs have re ceived information of lhe conviction in the United Btates pistrict Court for the District ' of hirie/persbhß for smuggling. They have not yet been sentenced. BB B Hailroad is banting ten e^ h £ ay t f,,r tlje ' Sxtenaion toe Union Pacifio Baliroad beyond Fort Funeral of the late Portuguese SUalster ; Bn^. e m Y “ k of.'last w«um,' says. To-dav theoosequies of the late P , r tuguese Minister, J. 0. Flganiere e Moral T?»»i P i5 S ?r 8 - ‘u® cfmrch of St - aud Panl, Williamsburg, of whioh Rev, Sylves ter Malone is pastor. The ceremonies were announced to com mence at half-past ten o’clock, but it was Deareteven when the remains arrived at the church, and were conveyed within the sacred precincta by thepall-bearers selected, J?*" Charles Edwards, Advocate of the Bri tish Consul, John Osborne. Esa., General Sapiuel J. Hunt and Frederick F. Jones, Esq As the body was borne into the church and down the mam aisle, the catafalque prepared to receive it at the altar railing ,nk°K t h e ! ed fortb a Plaintive unison with the occasion. The pall-beirers having performed their offioe and taken the seats reserved for them, the officiating cler l?J^rv’r Re t V ' j Mr ‘ Malone oelebramf Rev. belf o Jo le,deaoon ’ aQd Rev - J - N - Camp heilß bub-deacon, approached the altar from the sacristy clad in inll vestments, preceded by some eight acolytes and Masters of teremomes. As the latter came in front of the Sacred Host they made a genuflexion faced and bowed to ene another, then roo^o^f„° nt^ ards a P d Proceeded to their respective sides previously assigned. The clergyman at once entered upon the solemn services of the requiem, the music for which Inn^Knhn^ 166 ' 7010 ?-. 51 , 898 ’ sang b ? Miss r £ n l s °P ran °; Gotleib Abele, tenore; a ? d Ulrich Amman, basso; TheodoreSchei mer presiding at the organ. Miss Kuhn D D MiUM rtOriUm ’ - Domine Jesu Christe, by clos ® ?/ IdlB Hol y Maas, the Rev. deliveied a brief but beautiful memory of the deceased, B .i n U ? l ? an then recited the office for the dead, the Libera a me by Miller being spng, and at its termination those in attend? ance retired from tie Church, leaving the remains reposing in the cireolar-top rose wood casket, which would be kept in the Church till two o’clock, when the body was removed to the railroad depot at Jersey Sty and conveyed to Philadelphia for interment? g tig.distinguished gentlemen pre sent were Pierrepont Edwards, Esq., Br Vice Consul; Mr. De Goosey, Austrian Con snl General; Baron Boileau, Consul General of France; MrTßorg.Vice Consul of France; Mr. Dollner, Consul for Denmark; Mr. J E Aimmer, Vice Consul General of the Neth- Constd ’ d Sen ° r de Roosa > Portuguese I From South Carolina. The Charleston (S. C.) Courier, of Tues day, noticing the various newspaper reports about a Bouth Carolina commissioner to Washington, says: It appears that prior to the close of the session of our Legislature, which adjourned on Friday last, a large majority of the mem bers of the Senate consulted together as to Bendi °g a member of that body to Washington to confer with the Presi oent on the probability of the State being restored to her place in the Union should she adopt the constitutional'amendment. After the consultation, it was decided that some good might come from the pursuance of such a course, and one of their number was selected for the mission. The gentle man selected was Colonel J. C. Weatherlv Senator from the Marlboro district, Who immediately proceeded to Washington and sought an interview with the President U pon his arrival he found that the Presi dent was occupied in a Cabinet meeting and being disengaged, he determined to make good use of his leisure moments bv obtaining interviews with the leading Radi cal members of both -Houses of Congress and conversing with them freely upon the subject of the constitutional amendment and the prospects of the admission of South c ™™ to her rights upon its adoption. Col. Weatherly succeeded in making the acquaintance of several of the leading Radical Senators and Representatives with whom he conversed freelv I and was assured by them that the c nstitutional amendment was the ultima- I turn of Congress to the Southern States that its adoption by them would remove all obstacles to their being admitted to repre mentation in Congress. * I Col. Weatherly had a subsequent inter- I view with President Johnson, to whom he I had been informally deputized. We learn hat the interview with the President was of some duration as well as I free and candid, during which he I expressed the ;hope that the Southern states would remain firm in their position I -is regards the constitutional amendment I and steadfastly reject Unbelieving it to be an advance step to the inauguration of a I despotism. In doing thus he hoped thev I would be guarded in their reasons assigned fonts rejection, and avoid any language 'hat might, by any possible reasons, be tortured to give offence to the opposing I The President feels confident, from a re cent decision given by the Bupreme Court ihat he will be sustained by that law abid ing Dody, and that in a short time a return ing sense of reason will pointout some mid dle ground between the constitutional amendment and the projected territorial scheme, upon which our country may be come united, when peace will again smile upon us with all its blessings. I from Nashville. Nashville Dec. 27,-The trial of the alleged murderers of the soldier, on Christ mas night, has been in progress all day be- I tore the Bench of Magistrates, and will oo cnpy all to-morrow. The testimony is far from conclusive as to who fit-ed the shot, and none of the parties on trial can be convicted t ,n the evidence as far as developed. It is definitely ascertained, In proof, that the affray originated in the soldiers cheering for theJJnion and Lincoln, while the polioemen off duty cheered for Jeff. Dayis. A feeling of intense bitterness exists between the sol diers and the policemen, whioh threatens oloody consequences on toe first substantial provocation. The commanding officers participate in the feelings of toe soldiers. William'Stuffans, a well known German oitizen, while at a ball given by the Aurea goma Lodge, at the Council House, last night, stepped from the open baloony of the second story, dislocating his neck and causing his speedy death. He will be curled this afternoon, with all the honors of lhe Lodge. ; For some time past, many. agents of houses in Western and Eastern cities have been selling goods here by sample. To night the City Councils passed an act pro- I hi biting this, unless the parties shall first pay @3OO for an annual license and shall give bonds in the sum of @5OO, with two securi ties living in Davidson county, conditioned n making an accurate monthly exhibit re cording their sales, and paying a duty I '.hereon of ten per cent, “ y I I „ ■ From Mexico.’ I .New Orleans, Dec. 27.—-The steamship Alliance, from Yera Crnz on the "21st ar rived here, and briDgs the following synoo sis of toe address of the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Marine, in the name of toe Em peror, to the people of Mexico: It recites in a lucid manaer the arrival of Maximilian in Mexico, and his enthusiastic earnest labors for the restoration of order’ ; '? < L ln T-, annmincin S tho speedy withdrawal of the French troops,apprehends the recom mencement of the civil war to add to the present dangerous condition of the country In thisemergency.it says, the Emperor has charged his,Ministry with the-duty of convening a National Congress without de lay. The Council is now engaged in pre paring the basis upon whioh this sovereign council shall be called together. The ad dress conclude with the following impor iant sentence in reference to toe relations between France and the Emperor: His Majesty, the Emperor, has received i within a jew past, more explicit 1 THE DAILY EVENING BULLETIN.—PHILADELPHIA, FRIDAY, nernip,, tjj , B(je crBEAT IMHJCEMEfS ~ YOUTHS. ANO BOYS’ CLOTHING! BEXiIANG OFF AT A GBEAT SAOaiFTrw Eras’ dneassorunent of Youths’ and s^s.^rTlowpric^ 8 beSt; , matolala “4 >»tesi Call and examine the goods at ho. 921 CHESTNUT street. A Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. GOULD & 00., UNION FURNITUBE DEPOTS. Comer NINTH *nd MAKKM Streets, and Noe. a and a North SECOND Strew, n vite all their old customers aud as many new ours theu ' elegant and Urge assortment ' rUi9 SQltable for Presents or otherwise. HOSE WATER Jurtrecelveds nlnvoice «ABGE tt VmS^B‘ a ‘ U> S 88 -i2f >le 41atUled ROSE W STER. ' PIiOV “ d CHEHBY LAUKEL For sale in cans ana bot ties. ROBKBr BHOKMAKEB&CO, de2l t!} Northeast cor. Eou^^^^i, R^gJS!£|, l eh p 4 T S^«,SSSSa Y .AJSJ c° x oSparkllDgueJaUn. TayTOra Homceopa Pic *“tS^S r pr?cla“ 1 “ , ' te " Dw EGBERT SHOEMAKER * CO.. d ‘ :i '*? Northeast cor. EoartifSid Racl?freet, c?B- 1,0 chahge fokpTuk • v. I<. Oil, new made. Invoice in«t » Y'* : ) ‘2il^? <, / or ”, al6 In I quantities suitable tothetrade tJct? 0, toot * nd P° wder - ln b nlk and battles ol omeb “ai? BTfe a oo dem ’ D _ 3 718 Market a trek iLAIR’S3PECIALTIEa FOB TRR BgAßnxr » GJyceiln Lotion. Jor handa anaaSeT^^ S^S^assifSK 0 4c henlTOM g^affi-S^SR*., w by WULUaS itreet ELLTR * Drn £ glBta > No. ™ MARKET? ROS£ WATER.—Double Distilled Bose Water cm stantly on hand and for sale bv wri f'rTt. a-fJJS <fe CO„ Jtngglsla, No. 724 MARKET street.^ TA-RTaß.—Pure Cream of Tartar anc tJ _“s er^£. a ’ c^lieaa °r for soaps for table m*C ark*. £S^S^°^, byGail Borleifromtlie^abSc •bolce beef and Is snperior inrdelicioni fl&vrrTkn' myhlffierto nown. Packets with fall dj htjbbeli" itlh^ <9UlBjHn»e«,*o., all at“Bteit “ ,_. tn SKOWBEBT * BRrtTT^R, izs-tfl g Son tli EashUutraa;, s^J^s^ss^rsass^. I SS elve ?’“ mvoloa ol Qinom toBI&*r BHOffteS aar Foarth ana Ri<£ ktraetf inro ** lrt ‘ »•*«»- 628. LATEST < STYiafjUST OUT. 628. These Skirts are in everyway the mostdeairabia tha» >v 1 ® e heretolore offered to the pnbJc; also com y?®® of-Ladles*, Misses* and’Childrens’ Plain am* rraU Hoop Skirts, from 2j? yardfm dranSS? ®Y ei y|eogtb,all of **oor own make.** waolesalt *nd retail and warranted to give satisfaction rSif? mad ,? i° ®^ 3er ' altered and repaired «« r^J OT 01r ®? 1 ar of htyles, sizes and prices Manufactory and feaiesiooms. pciWO * No. 62S Arch Street. WM. T. HOPHINB. no] 4-3 m { MHS* K. DILLBS, A’os. 323 and 331 SOUTH street, has a handsome assortment of VULLLNERY ;for the HOLIDAYS. Also, srr.Tra VELVETS, RIBBONS, FEATHERS, FLOWERS and FRAMES, Ladles who mate their own Bonnets snp- plied with all the materials. importer of Ladies’ Dress and (Soak Trtmmln^ LEd^e?^an?CT?ifdrAn»? f n mporte S I * Lmidren’a Dress. Parisian Dress anr varieties. Ladies furnlshim .belr rich ana costly materials may rely on beinpar a,n!l,thelr work finished In the mosi prompt and efficient manner, at the lowest noßnihu hour 2’ notice. Onttlns uidtauft 'XU*** PI9C6 _ . JttUOF3 ufeflTr9 i:4 STBFP, COVERED WiTJT JOffN’H afa'fxilv TOPP^K 0 Z f IKC ¥uV m''flJr an ™® “® 8 ? rhoiiw.'. whlls becomes hard and imoerrdous as IsTheNK p a i,TB re J:T r H‘‘A m n d fS F ,J, Vffi Y®a«sthis Price nnie rw.™ I/I t' Aof all other preparations WpWSirn *J° e WO Genls ner square loot : VKIj EOoF . l „* < j,?i ß .° ?, one at the Sh m-«t notice. KhCHLGIM & KVEltKri', 802 GREEN Si'KEffif. deli 3m? ( 'AN>FKPI'I-. -i (nmTftjTftj, a 1 Reaches; 500 cases fresh banned Pine A pples: 200 cases fresh Pine Apples in ulaas: 1 000 c&bm “ C*r» and Green Peas; 600 case? fiSK* PlomfS -* L ®> 2W) rases frea>* green Gages; 500 cases Cherries in syrnp; 500 canes Blackberries In syrup; 500 cases Straw >erries in syrup; goo cases fresh Pears in s?rnb* 2 nnfi a«^ BC88 « surances from bis excellency, Marshal Ba zaine, and which,, in conformity with the commands of his sovereign, the E nperor Napoleon, to cooperate with him in the in terests of order and peace,gave his Majesty’s Government assistance in carrying our their plans as long arthe French troops re gain national territory. „/-" e . Ijiber als are very active in the State of Oajaoa, the native State of Juarez, and it is said they have; two brigades of well organized troops. The Patriot, announcing the arrival of the Emperor at Puebla, denies the statement 4 °f “Death to the French nod the North Americans,” was raised when the proclamation of the Emperor declaring bis intention to remain at the head of the Government was made. Crnz 6 saeriUas ab °had on the road to Vera The retirement of the Imperialists from San Luis Potosi and Watchulha, is con eys nnmbered 2 '°°° “»d the Lib- CLOlHiSft. HALLOWELL * SOST. 534 Market Street. Hallowell ft Son, 534 Market Street Hallowell ft Bon, 534 Market Street BOYS’ CLOTHING. BOYS’ CIOTIUAG. BOYS’ CLOTHING. Splendid Assortment. Splendid Assortment. Splendid Assortment. Reduced Prices, Reduced Prices. Ball before purchasing elsewhere. pbbtobbemd liEhiH ’i;. HOOP SKIRTS. MIUHEBI. liAUlEfe’ TBOOnSGa, banking house ; OF JAY COOKE & CO, | 113 and 114 S. Thirds*., Philada. Dealers in all Government Securities. OLD 5 20’g WANTED IN EXCHANGE FOR NEW. A LIBERAL DIFFEREHCE ALLOW®, Compound Interest Notes Wauled, IHTEBEST ALLOWED OH DEPOSIT. nude: Stocks Boo*ht end Sold on Com jjigeclal business Accommodation* reserved ft» - sag BOYS’ CIOTHIJ'G, BOYS’ CLOTHING. BOYS’ CXOHIISG. 5-SO’s, | 7 S-l O’s, 1881’s, 10-40’s, COMPOUND INTEREST NOTES BOUGHT AND SOLD. DE HAVEN & BRO., 40 SOUTH THIRD STREET. NATIONAL EXCHANGE BANS CAPITAL $BOO,OOO, FULL PAID, Baa Removed To Its ew Banking House, Nos. 633 and 635 Chestnnt Street. A. BOYD, President •rao. W. GILBOTTQH, Cashier, no7tl o iaHi l oucs t^ BANKERS AND BROKERS, °b 1 4 No. 17 NEW STREET, NEW YORK. o PMUctUar attention given to the Purchase and Bale government securities, IUIIROAB STOCKS, Bnsinesa exclusively on CommisslMiA*® GOU> ' AU orders will receive our personal attention at the STOCK EXCHANGE and GOLD BOARDS, dll-lyi HER MAJESTY | CHAMPAGNE, ! A MEBINO, No. HO Booth FBONT street offers V^L'i'L 6 ’ thß following HOOK WINE 3 from the »eiebratedhonseof-‘Henkell&Co ” Mainz- ln6 Nlersteln, Bteinweln, ' f J °ohhelm, Marcobrnnn, Llebfromil-h, Steinberg. BUDKSHEIM: Sparkling Mosel Muscatel, 4l do Johannisberg, CHAMPAGNE—Moet A°Chanlon’B, Green Seal. _ PiperHeldselck. CLAREIS—From theTiouseot Washington Morton- Margaux, ‘ St^Ks»ephe, a r„n . „ Julian, on hand. Bnpply of 1116 at >ove Wines constantly above Wainnh >lJl^ No ‘ Ul Sonth MTT?RRTm&9 Id I l la ,'i a - 8 yeats Ol d. trh^Grane^rr>Si pb< 2. l is* c ?;- .single, doable anc i r *P o V ra l' e E - Crusoe*Sons, Rndolph, Topaz, Blez ' p ,?rV™ 1, C 52 w . n ond F - Valletta BBl£n2vawi?* e jJ t, & 0 VellJo Real ' Dan ton am K OLARPTT^n™ o PSi'i^ Vintages 1836 to 1856. teanLumlDy ° FUs Freres and St. Estephe Oha <iP™“G. JonrtUn, Brlye * o°, Trontlgnan, *i^ A^p 4£ NES '“‘ i '' n:ieBtl Irrony, “Golden Star.* fevorltelramfo Maiesty and s °yal Cabinet and othei delB 12tj f™PAGNE.-Boncb6, Fils & Co., star Green aI l J nstreceived,alresb Invoice of the above now in store, and for sale by E. P. MIDDLETON. No Kt.fS 11 From “ireet, sole Agents for the United states. _r de2l-Btj OLl> WHIBKXEe,.—wo cases Pare Ola 'Vheat, t. ■- Bourbon and Monongahela sue by K. P. MIDDLETON, - 6 North Front street, ITMOTOS MINCED MEAT.—The undersigned if* a™ now reeel vine into store, the above celebrated siSSSJSftff* n T p ‘ n Flr £ lnsof3Band88 tts..alsolc SawMSa 2'S? S ? arB ’ f ad a re prepared to furnish It R RTT^5 t i h ?A >w a t prices i JOB “JpSlrSrlS, • 108 South Delaware Avenue - Dyreis Prlme Cranberries landing WMflAvenßef J ’ B> BUSarEa * C 0„ 108 South Deli 0 : • K ft l ® SPECIALTY. » SMITH, RANDOLPH * CO BANKERS AND BROKERS, is South Third at„ i 8 araasaa stMosj nuiadelpbla. I HewToifc STOCKS AND GOLD SOUGHT AHD SOLD 071 nmunan. ramBXST 11L0WBD OH DXFOam, 0 &IQ»©SBte, -£x. IR- CD I Bueceasaj to Gee. W Gmy. V 9 24,88, 28 and 80 Bonth Sixth EL, Philad’a. Fins Old Stock A Snt-Brewiiila, e . far g»™n» and Medicinal F. 11. WILLIAMS, L U M B E K, Seventeenth and Spring Garden Streets, nos wto^^DBLPHIA. HUem McILYAIN, 3401 Market Street. A fall assortment of . Buildingr Lumber. A superior lot of thoronghly seasoned nAT>r>r\? B£STNJJT BOARDS. CAROLINA CAROLINA STEP. Choteitft 11' Lis^nel 1 Hlo^Wr^ o^ riage Makers. mOKORT, snltaole for Car des-ling CJKCAIiLEsjS ESTE, LUMBEE, Seventeenth and Callowhill Streets, ocsi-sm PHILADELPHIA. WHITE POTS'i?aNEL PATTERN - pt Am , LARGE AED^SUP^og^g^ggjggfc 1866.b b u^». ! BUILDING! BUILDING LUMBER! LUMBER! LUMBER I 44 CABOLINA FLOORING, fj FLOORING. a FLOORING, N 4 DELAWARE FLOORING WBITE Pli?E FL^^gP' _ ASH FLOORING. WALNUT FLOORING SPRUCE FLOORING. STEP BOAI\ A RAIL PLANK. PLASTER INO LATH. 1866,-^o^l^ll™°^ ASftURTMKLNT, FOB SALK LOW Jjo. 1 CEDAB LOGS AND POSTS 1 . 1 OinDAB LOGS AND POSTS.' 1 fifify i£ B UN • XOUU.LUWBEK FOR UNDERTAKERS! ojidab, Walnut and ptwc HEP CEDAB, WALKUT AND PINE. 1866.-i£fig? £¥%Mi SI ggg| Ba.- SON ED KII ' I)a - SEASONED WALNUT. DE n ?S P fK A A i t-£ H]EKKy ASB ASTT. Oak FLAN K f AND BOARDS. ROSEWOOD AND WALNOT VBSTnnta 1866.~c|pAK 181 MiNuficruim SPANISH r CIGAR BOX-BOARDS. 1866. "Iprcce O joisr! IST ' aPBTJCE JOIST - „ SPRUCE JOIST W TO 32 FEET LONG. FROM M TO 32 FEET LONG SUPERIOR NORWAY SOAN CLING. MAULE. BROTHER 4 00., No. 2500 SOUTH Street ob^NA a^W l a“ms^ t F ° r Sal 9 by WORKMAN <£ SuSSS^LSOun»T?A m promptly eiecate<L n^CT>. St. Wharf. OOAta. EDWIN SOHALL, 6UCCESSOB TO JOS. EVAJfS, COAL YARD, N. E. cor Broad and Filbert St*, PHILADELPHIA. Lehie hJ“i Blacksmiths’ Coal always on no2B?wAmanJ B b<Bt qtmUHea and lowest prices^ GOAL. COAL. COAL. JACKSON & TEMPLETON’S Family Coal Yard, First Tara on Ninth S*.,bel. Jefferson, Eagle Vein, Greenwood. White Ash and outer brands at the lowest market con. prepared expressly for Family^e. 2050. J. ALCORN, 2050. dealer in Lehigb, Oreenwoofl and Locust Moun v ,i - ; tain 1 COAL, Taid. 2050 Market Bt, Philadelphia. “> 8 “ 0 “ approved Mines. **■ poat f 'BE ASHLAND COAL COMPANY, BBOAD St. below Wood, are selling too nest , . , FAMILY COAL trom their own mines at prices entirely below reenlar aDd 111611 66366 wel*iit, ptmndl del4-lmj mviTß ATraustfoTr 5 Buck Mountain Company 7 * OoaL Oompanrt Coal. • £Wch they Me prepared to aell at the lowan uub toj**! ana to deliver in the best condition. . Ordera lefl with B. MABON BINES, Franklin Inat rate Building, SEVENTH street, below Market, wt be promptly attended to. BINES A BHsXwk tei ' u erch Street Wharf7schnyift» Offloa, No. 11l South SECOND street CLbD . J. WALTON A CC. ST®VES AST© M22ATESS& ® ra » Cooking Stoves, etc., wholesale and retail by tht manufacturers. UJr SHARP® A THOMSON, No. 209 North Second street. no2l-m,w.f,6mo JOB BiBTLKTT & SON Manufacturers of tbe [SaSH _ CKLKBBATKD BARTLETT HBATEB6, °° „rSS„ii a i lgt -' 9“ Ovens, & Sheet Iron Wort of A spiendld assortment of REGISTERS AN -. VENTILATORS, and Silver’s Air tight Stoves, always on hand, at No. 924 Arch Street, ■ Philadelphia. anSO-tf -ifi THOMAS e. DIXON A SONS, <g?a _ Late Andrews & Dixon, WBW No. W 24 CHESTNUT street, thllMeisasa Opposite United State* ikint ■ Maunfecturer* of LOW-DOWNI’ PARLOR, G3AMRI&SL OFFIGS, k ’ And other GRATiES* * ' £7uz Aninratrtte, Bitaminoui and 'Wcsaxl^ ALSO* w warm-aib Furnaces, WawaiM.FQtollo and Private BaliOte*,.; REGISTERS, VENTILATORS^*' ; • t - •• ABTD ? fIHIMTPH'VWIAPM. 1 5300K0T6-KANGBB, BATH-iKUUnSB, <319, « WHQT.raAT.fr ma retail^ CABRIAGEh. QMH&N- FOR SALE.—a largelassortmeatof neW’ and second-hand Carriages, top and no ton" Buggies, Rockawaya and German towns, and Erprera Wagons. GEO.SpDD A SONS, No. 48Q iBLAOB! street. Nos. 281 ana 233 CROWN strew, oai^ !eEEBm’;.GOTOi?;FjM WILL BE SOLD AT PUBLIC SALE, JANUARY'3d, 186/. rnns e threntblhefa?m Bfll,lmore c «‘«l Bairoa® ha^aryaava^mge^ 63l ta Chßster «»«/. »ud It beiongs to tbe estate of Harlan Cause. fdec>di mtoef. ewUltafeeplacea ‘ one o'cloS;Sa toe pre- In P a «! cnlar ’ “A printed description send OAUSE, Kennett Sqnare, PaT. deatjf4 ,ea; 0r ' J ' T - OADSB, Wilmington, ieh® B FOR SALE, dti-lm. sfgsiss aEBBRESsM® SI 14» vmR and ' SiaWe. No steeeu p**® l ®®- <* “t ““a zvxiiQ? paSra _ • (1601 6tS HISSi £1 %£ii£ i os%iZ%! tleman - lusaLDENca -■* de2&3l* fH A S tiifT/vr'S n ? ,le^ ar stor 7 brleisßESi- Jfe to topi'ccK & «W, P K« APP,y W COPBUCK&jbaSS!; Sit F.rtv L , E ' -T u e Val °able STOVE PSOP- ®S:„ BA T -K-THB FIRST-CLASS TTOTTO.-ie January Ist the laree storT de2s-at* . T O itod T a E d^^ s < ? ifS - ;:0b y“ feeiTsessss.' htreer Ua ° ■ Fonnil Stones, 128- North TSfRD* * ; de27-6t*' get front on christlan.by 133 feet de*n on slsSS»nth~^ ?“S ,I,etl ' J - M - gdmmotTsoss! wlftS: __ No. 1110 CH-fcJbTht t»x ScXeeit HOUSEHOLD e FD^TDRE n oT S Evsrv nsa SUMPTION RECEIVED OK CONSTOmJ^L. of Furniture at DwelUngs attended to on 64, ■„^.P' ! *ißeiUionable Terms. ™ 3AIOB OF BKAL STOCKS, *O., AT TB* sfSSSSSiS SALE, OP®6fDCK°OF 0 wfTOH^JEWELRV , , ON SATURDAY MORNING. »,r Ancaon Store. No ilia Ofcettoa- Thcslock of a Jcwtllsr cJeclloiDE busings*! r^mnn* ? i if^ lD^S a l entl f ver GoW w;&hSfStv^d“S¥’ Watch ~ . _ DIAMONDS. Also, fine Diamond Breastpins and Finger Rines. Aho, one elegant Plate Glass Counter Show Casa - sliver mounted. Also, one Cannier . “"s By r, scott, jb., : AUCTIONEER, ’ ■ ATTRACTIVE SALE OP C qS® 6 *' PAINTINGS, {tom the „„AMERICAN ART GALLERY. NEW TORV ON BBIDaY,SATURDAY AND MONDAY EVES— INGK 2Sth 2<th and 30thofDecember, Oa'toJ. U» CnSnut e a°t«e^a f bOu?'lf t M^ern^ SSEEStfS* s^^lB ’ all &e ** a "* InSITnS^S^ 6 “*'**“••*«* andeven- BPECXAL SALE OP SINE GOLD WATCHES AND. OTHER JEWELRY. . 1 .ON SATURDAY, 29th Inst., at precisely 12 M. will be sold at Scott’s Art. Gallery, ICO) chestnut siret. a. fine assortient^f’ B c d i.9 ent , s ? ne 18 karat Geld Hunting Case, Watches, full jeweled, to close ontacoEalgnment. r I I HK PRINCIPAL MONEY EMT A «i. ■K „ rjjS= A S. E. corner of STSTH and RACK streets/'”®* ““t’S advanced. on Merchandise genexaQyr Watches, Jewelry, Diamonds, Gold and Sliver Plate 1 11 of TlJne ' llol any tlms* WATCHES AND JEWELRY AT PRIVATE Ea<» English, American and Swiss Patent Lemv Watches; Pine Gold Hunting Case and Open Pace La* Fi S eGo rS DnPlexand other Watchet S Finger Rings; Pencil Cases, and Jewelry sms. *° u 1a 800411 CamdfiE ' *“> “* M XHOUAB * sons. ~ uid on the . Saturday previous to each sale so^iqub^ ■£^3££SsbJB2 ! S& JKSSoftftS mdcounby; property, £rom:tha smallest dTrelllair 2 ■•ne mrat elegant mansions, elegant counter seats arms.bnaineaaprpperties.dto, 117 aeat *' oa- yTTBNrrrmS: saxiKs at the Anctten atn*» SVKRT Ancn% * H * ol^ S&anZmSS* * nenllOn «W» » «>« 1» IWTHte 10 REKT-—Several Offices Harmony Court. D (AVIS * HARVEY, AUOTIONKKKa, ‘ (Late with H. Thomas A Sons.) Store No. 423. Walnut atrbet- SUP^OKj«ltlS alna ]^89 , OFFIOE IURNITORK. TaPESTRV (JUtpgrs At ,Q .°N MONDAY MORNING. ’ ’ ana'ofh^p?^ o^.^ 6^B - Tapestry A . • , CDRBIEBS* TOOLS. Also,ilieTools, &c , ©£ a Currier- declining business* o iVxa at the store evexj i'u. ..f*™ KKSIDKNOES will -ecelTe particular pHIU* FORD 00,. * J auctioneers 806 MARKET street, SALE OE INCASES BOOTS AN D SHOES. ON XdUNDAV MORNINU,DEC, 31 commencing at ten o’clock, we witi sell oy cataloma. for cash, 1500 casta prime Boots, Shoes, Bxogaus ftiTl -> o?a;t dc. of city and Eastern maoatacr.ure.’oom. prising » fresh aad reairabieassortment of A ttOLLANI>. AUCTIONEER; ~ “ _ , 1203 MARKET sir**** ADCtioa store ™» o^ctp CUIaJ “ l6ntlou E' vea to sales at Private Had, THE HEW CENTRAL AUCTION HOUSE J ' AAlEfl A. FRKK&I AN, AUOTIOJTEICR " - atpeivAW«™* : MOBTOAGF, OF CO. A vcell.iecnred purchase money Mortgage of H,oC(t' T>Y BABBITT A 00. ABOTIONKKBS. ' ~~ °HOUSE, ;,t - 6 . troet - corner ot Bank street, .Caahhuvanocdcn consiaimiculs wi;hont eriracharge, TL ASHBBIBGE ' No>ftoft MaBKKT street attornstfth. ■ Out-Coorea’eßßnAMerchaiidlaßOfaJtkli^aoH^- ' Y _IOHN_ BJKTEBf ' H v soiT. m ■nffaog J paßfortMntg *--}*",ri^"4- - , .i - Kfeta -jj-: >-r ijf.4- r r®WOST yrop.—» caws new crop,varioTii) grades AajBja.'jma sajlcs^
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers