• BY ROGER STAI4BUCK, Earlygne morning while i we, were th’eeoast of-Peni for sperm whales ; I was. dozing on' the maintop gauant.pross-trees.Suddenly something seemed to go right throUghmy brain. wpke_tO;discover that it was the wild °f the Captain's harpoouer, ? tall, swarthy, straight-haiied youth, half . Kanaka,; half English. He was VCTy tender-hearted, but an exceliens whaleman, whose'power of vision ?wai. .Hestoodon the other s *he : . < >f hie, shrieking will all the force of his lungs: ‘‘There blows! —there b!ow-ow-s ! there—4here— there —blows! ”•: ~ ‘‘"Where away?” thundered old Capt. Boom, glancing aloft. , : ,; U .“On the weather-bow, four miles on, heading to leeward!” : ?■. • .. This answer sent an electric thrill through every vein,-the old ship lurched as if she felt it too. Up came old Boom, with spy-glass slung over his shoulder, mounting two ratlines at a time. Wfien on the. cross- : trees.he just gave one, squint with His telescope; then his, voice rung through the shiprhkesa great saw going through ,Jihe T main-yard—Clear away thedwats! -It would have done you good to Bee the meh jump to falls and braces. M T he slhip eame upslowly.and Boom went down like hghtnihg bv meanaof a back-stay.-, ‘ y following him, • > sprung like » deer into-the starhoard boat. ® a “Lower away! ” growled the Captain. . B™-*? ! buz J buz z-z-z! 'sounded; the' falls, and swash! went the four boats, a lmost simultaneously, into the water. The merry dogs bundled into them s?W’» pare, ye griffins! Make the fire fly, my bull-dogs! Long and strong’s the word! Break, your backs oi Jd^ oth ft Baon ut f ye! ” gutted the old fellow through his teeth. In a, similar manner the other officers encouraged their crews, until they had proceeded -about four miles, when orders were given to stop pulling. . ‘ ‘Noneof your dare-devil pranks, Tom lfyon get alongside a whale!” said the skipper to his son—a lad of fifteen, who SteTboS after-thwart in the first ship’s favorite— smiled ahd shook fiis cnriv head. At the same mm ment the water broke into a whirlpool a few fathoms astern. ■ was a hurried whispering; then the boats were forced round as averv small whale, a calf, rose to the surface We perceived at once that the creatore Jiff been struck by some other crew, for the shank of an iron protruded from its Beem ed very weak and in much pam, moying slowly aad now and then reeling sideways with a sudden plunge. It swam in a circle as if ho wildered, and the noise of itsspoutimr a°chfid? W reminded me °f the wailing of “Paddle ahead!” was the order for every man believed that the mOthVof the calf-the cow whale-was not ffir i n S? S Sce mat 6 WaSSOOn Within dart “ Give it to him!” he whiz whiz! went theharpooner-siroM the into the lnS ® [ ew moments .the little whale, as if half stupefied, remained nearly motionless; then, breeching It came down, writhing and whirling its about fifty yards BOOll 1030 . ,? a n* dne!” ordered the mate now m the boat’s bow, lance in hand. ~ be,spoke the water bn one side of ft c 4 suddenly parted wHh froar a vabaraet, and an enormous levia than-theeow whale-boomed up from Jn ® surfa .ee, beating the sea wi?h her flukes and spouting thunder, i Kound and round her oflWiuo' she swam, but soon paused, as if half “para lyzed with astonishment and grief at .hi af ®^ eeb . le Plages toward its parent -and then 1 began to writhe and wheel in great ago ny. Perceiving that it was now in itt , flurry, the S mate stopped hauling line, and remained watching?he «nmal until its blood-red spout ho dead 61 lose * anu * ll! olle d over quite the behavio.r of its 1 mother was pitifor to -witness. She seemed uu? j b^ieve tha t her young one was really dead. Eoumi it she slowly jw£ D ’ a P° uti ng wi t b a hioise something between a shriek and a ?asp. Then S Cf m r°Zfj head a 3 bef o«, aud like one Hhtls ?’ ® eet “ed not yet to have lYZl°Xp'sZt p ° of be '° s Captain, who was foremost, was neat' enough to dart. , wa3 neai J .ber have it!” he growled Z&dik raised bis b&rDoon* of +[%« _ * moment tbe cow gentivnihhAd «f 0 Bani ® head „al„ t tbeTS ** S»>‘ fS a i?,. ll,e '«“>» Zadik lowered the point of his w™. Po ,^u hl f wi L d softened wear r th h ,?as' n , ,-i“ , .ii ,t t e “.sn b “7n D fbf.neart to strike it!” B.SWfTff/e"!! n » r&^Jgzurs&ss? ing sawthe boat. Wrathftil and wild Sfae breeched, the whole ■ength of her enormous bodv nut of a a r iIn«dn 1 n«d n falling baek with y the di ? n wide open, her broad flukes beatifgt^ evefy Ul ma liS I i St of n h5 H gritted old Boomana turned pale. f ciew except Zadik of'fifhf Withtlie ti*sssS3:@®§ .- f boat, which ah^^^ .had not the captain w ft *£l e % /ement, whirled the iighf vm- sel baffled, the mon - ‘&i shedi^appeated. I it!™? Yh Dt h lo ' sw *ffl a> a'wiiirb; hummingaround the a F® the ore# cheering like' a^J 16 ?^ 1131 ? answer to thecbeersof those y ere Pulling after them, . . « . a ?A 9 a Pl£hiohangedplaces. “I 1 ? 6 , o 1? ias 325? h “ d his lance ready.,.The whak ad hour later,'mid f SWI 'a°*J the order.;:! When within dartingdistance theskipper sent xus. long weapon; quivering into the Sinn 8 H^ r D l 1?0dy ’ Enraged beyond all she came 1 boomifig towards us her busj 1 g Spray 10336(1 by ftomthe “oldlion;” H me b ® spoke he was 1 either la mF! \? tolhe whale orpuilr mgit back. Thicker and faster flew 1 : the the animal from lb 3 great head,' burst t£fn™^ lh6 y lllteioam cloud, we saw thesS 8 JaW >i ' hiQ Bis inches of ! fh?^ 6 * 6 ™* of Zadik failed him: in® o!d man , must have perished the hr^ I ro IIU v\.^u fcthevoiceof the half af witK e ; th6 c i ans of a hammer, OBl he whirled the boat s broadside toward thendonster, and then gave the order to“stern.” i 0 !~nap! went ; the' monster’s closing tll e boat’s bow? and • z V we ? 6 %e old lion’s knee mt ° her b , od y alongside, the i Kow, asshe dashed furiously toward cSmbat* B : a ; triyea to P art « lpn ll^ oll ®'^ l36 ? 6181 mate . who had left the calf to be towed by an extra the ship, attacked the monster on one flank, while the Captain and his Becond and third mates battled desperately upon the other. The fleers of, the men, the crashing of the s fluke’s, mingling with, siiph wild cries as ‘Xay ine onl” “Keen off 8 1 , i 1 t f tle! ’L/^ T °wthen-steady^ P y of are. ' Starn! starn! starn!” “Pull AiHoo, ho°! take that, - old ~ Mind yourself at that oar!” Now then, Mr. Spooner—there’s a ‘good sight!”’ “Whang’ whang! three lances intohe/thauS” “Hooray! booray!” etc., etc., were ? ldes . while so thick was the spray that no man could see his neighbor distinctly. : 1118 , Vigorously pressed—with lance after lance piercing her body-her jaws and er^she V wWii by the vl g ilaat nafpodn ers the whale soon acknowledged the power of her assailants by sending into lb 6 , cloud alight red fountai n blood. With exultant screams the lancers, still attacking, buried their 3£ ap oos in her writhing body, from rve^mSmenh^ 086 darker andl(Wer W i. tb one lre mendons whirl flohes, she struck the first mateh mn^ ShlV^ nng ll J to at °ms! Then slowly and round she swam, the dark inch^! P ° Ut n ° W ascendill g scarcely six The Captain and his third and second offlcersnhnrned her with their fanc^ D} turniDg over, fi n o tft, and S lifting her flakes and head in one hLt Sr wi m °i a g° D y. she expired! me first mate’s crew hein<v swimmers, had not yet te’efipicfef Un m fact,the Captain had been too biisv in notice which vessel was stoven? b Now hni? e i, p( i )r l e H°. wa Were helped into his b <Th’i I <foi 00 ? ed 1D vain for Sis son! lfie sad story was soon told: poor hm« i was far down the sea l h , er his frame, crushed by the sharbsf flUlieS ’ had been dragged by The Captain groaned and bowed his . H}e did not lift it until™ were alongside the ship. While ffewer«Tnf to whalf w. .tafiJLTSffi “He is down in the cabin,” said Hm weeping and sobbing lifce » - . .^yi” said Zadik, gloomily “T Jpm. S . Md to killed to (LpteM,' liitailiiuiii Aain mauttlih A Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. G OtJLD & 00,, : ■ • ■=. Skn“^ , ' 87 * liaSBKortb glLxjma, ajotsßaS^ B. J. WILLIiJiS, Ho. 16 HOBTH SIXTH BTBBHI K4HOTAOTDBIIB OJ V ENETIAN BLINDI StoraK'Meß nuule anaietteraa, #eMJ ~ atones, jewjbtW^= JUST RECEIVE FBOM GENOA' SILVER filigree jewelry, I ALSO, Now Opening An Invoice of JET GOODS, Set s,;Buchlee, etc. kitchen & co„ ' jewelers, Cieslnut streets & WATCHES, JEWELRY, &c. L. O. VOUTE, No- 214 Market Street, Has on hand a general assortment of GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES, ___ ■' «welby in grbayvarirtv I ' lsl ' OLOCE B Snitable ferHollda^P^^t^SL^X? 11 WAKE 01 0n 23Ql fasoDafiieteraS'*' wUI6O disposed MAI,E TO OBDER. ’'••• G-SW.I ! ®Ark & BiDDi s, 112 CHESTNUT STREET; Jewelers, Silversmiths and impobtbrs op FINE - WATCHES, Invite attention to their large.assortment of useful and ’ ornamental articlee for holiday gifts. reWEUtT, nu»i>in>s, PJBECIOUS STOKES, i TABLE CCXfcEBY, English and America Plated Ware Will open on WEDNESDAY, Dec. lath, an invoice of PINK CORAL. p“* they A!so, per a fine assortment of EXGUSH PLATED GOODS, f fle»|?} eS * ,eC ’ ally foronr HOLIDAY SAT.nw, GEORGE H. BECHTEL, W«. 716 ARCH BTREET, PHILADELPHIA, manufacturer of Solid Silver and Plated Wares. tend? 1 ’ “sortment of these superior goods always on SOLID SILVER TEA SEES, * r * DOW Offered at very Just been opened, conahling of* nBW Une of Kootl3 n»s GOBHAIFB SZLVEB PLATED WABE3, durable THXHTY-DAY FRENCH CLOCKS, wltb the iSSt’SuaS Gr'eapUig“ oVeraenl *' “onnted IS KARAT GOLD HUNTING-CASE WATCHES, For Ladles and Gentlemen. GOLD CHAINS. WEDDING BINGS, At et ■aUlbbrancbee. CHRISTMAS. HOLIDAY I AND I - Bridal Presents. WM. WILSON & SON. 8. XV, cor. Fifth and Cherry Street*, SILVERSMITHS j . IKS ; manufacturers and importers of BUPEBIOB PLATED WABE, Have oil hand a large and general assortment of Silver and Plated Ware. S,‘£*££%S ,Jmm * «» b. U Presentation Beta on hand or furnished at short no- j : dellmi GOLD EYE GLASSES. GOLD SPECTACLES. | SILTED SPECTACLES. BLEED STEEL SPECTACLE®. OPERA GLASSES [ , Of BARDOU'B TtfATrL . , THERMOMETERS, BAROMETERS, Ac. j Suitable for Holiday Presents, j AT .' 1, ~“ j E. BORHEK & SON, OPTICIANS, j Chestnut Street. j jpv CHRISTMAS! £5. W. W OABBIDYjI NO. 12 SOOTH SECOND STBEET, • iters an entirely nsoat carefnliy AMEBIOAN AND GENEVA WATCHES, JBWKLBY, bbidal and holiday presents. ' Bt6ok *° bB “*"• Particular attention pamio repairing, - fiINE GOODS FOR THE HOLIDAYS. SMITH & DBEEK, I 8, B. corner AHCH and TBNaB m ta Have now on hand a well-selected stock of WATCHES, IEWELBT, SUTER. sieteb-piated “ Suitable for (he tHBISIMisHOUBAJs f call is respectfully solicited. ‘ deXB.sV IBEOPOBB SMITH. EEBDIMAND J. »BEEB, JB. WATCHES, JEWELBY, BILVIE AND PLATED WABE. i- J. taylor. dealer m Dia^?^l s * e T Watol l eV..TeT 7 el Silver and Plated Wa*»T ” Musioßozofl. No * 10Q8 Chestnut St. WATCHES, CLOCKS, bronzes, SSSsasSSSKS aetodiau “ SOrtlacM «>®P««ea such choiS : “Home Bweet Home.” “The Last Rose or Summer." "Auld Lang Syne." "Coming Through the Rye." j “Rock Me to Bleep, Mother," & 0 i Together with beautimi selections tom the various FARR & BROTHER, IMPORTERS, I SS4 OHEBTNUT STREET, I Below Fourth. de6-lhß,tnBt I J^grade! T U r” dh. CanistSsThfia j& yoa *• btos&e J)AILEY & fo. 819 Chestnut Street PHILADELPHIA, JEW!££R;Sv '; ; IMPORTERS or English Plated -Wares, Fine Watches, Clocks, London Pearl Setts, English Cutlery, Bronzes, Porcelain; Coral Jewelry, Precious Stones, Gilt Goods, Always on hand a large assortment of jTeweLRY * NEW DESIGNS FURNISHED AND GOODS MADE ; TO ORDER,-AT SHORT NOTICE. SILVER ’WARE FOR BRIDAL PRESENTS, IN GREAT VARIETY. HOLIDAY PRESENTS I J. TAYLOR, Jeweler, loss CHESTNUT. TOUaMeto 113 107116(1 ‘° o!>r elEgant Btock of SOOds Christ mas Presents, COMPBIBINa Fine Watches, Elegant Jewelry, Diamonds, Fancy Silver Ware, AT lOW CASH PRICES. loss CHESTNUT. VtWiS LADOBUSSCo WATCHES, SEWKLHr * SXLTIB WARE. WATCHES and JEWELRY RKPATRTm jO2 Chestnut St., Phila. PBSSEXT3. Waives Jewels 01 Eouaaj inSßrieLuplgSa* “ altabl6 ttrduriw !«Jte assortment renUemen's tvStr. Sh„£ ( S s for todies’ and Pnrehaaei* Invited to call. stta:ss:a*' old GO TO STELLWAGEN & BRO’S. To purchase your Watches, Jeweliy and Silver Ware FOB THE HOLIDAYS. Ton will find their Goods m represented, andprlces .DON’T FORGET THEIR ADDRE33, btbllwagbn a bho.. One door belowBe^th?s, 3 n 5^ KIETS a Seventeenth and Callowhill Streets. 1866.;-^®^^ •! €1A1,.6-4. 2,2 X, 3 «nfl 4-lnniv J ° *” lon * 1 iB66.iraggv building i building i ; W OABOUNi PJMBINa: delawabe ploobino H DELAWARE PTnnpng/i 1 WHITE pise FLtjnanm B, i ASHFLOOBISgT* B, .walnut flooring. BPBU CE FLOORING? STEP BOAJK. .fc. BAIL PLA*R. , , BLASTEBIBG lATH. BHOBT CEDAB BHINnSS TOSH LOW No. 1 CEDAB LOGSANB PO3TO W * Wo. 1 ChDAB LOGS ASB POSIBI “"iSISiM. WALHUr AND Pflyjj, ____ - Seasoned walnut DB AHH. OAK 12 BOARdJt~ BOBEwOOD and waxnpt venekes. SPANISH CIGAR BOX-BOARDS. 1866. SPBUCTJOIS ° ISr ' fiPBTJOE JOIB ' S feet Spruce JoistUnd L B o rf!^o7eL LRESH ADAMS COUNTY PEACHES GIMS. 100do z .«3^c OI^ b |^*“,2“yTom«toe3ln JAMEBK. WEBB: WALSUT ana EIGHTH Stnt Fancy Goods, : — bana ana aESSeta buJ.lSa^bbH^ 11 ' 1 alw * yß “ AXiSSICB, ■» KIiSES * GABY. lSt 3) and 22 XietiOa street. KicJ oilve Agflnni. n&6«&nif SSSfllllllpKr ■aaggttSffi. jBS® £ a fc*“s”» for sale by M. P. if store aac W. corner Arch andjHEhtti™ Dealer Grocer, .« figgfllsgiiieß- ipss^ilssi So. U 8 Booth SETOMDItTmi 8 East Kn<l Grocery, Gtosib, always on hand at OOUS^Y>f?Rtu«i?w e 3* tyxy.Ko.HB SoQth B£COKDitrSl Y 8 Bm * Ead Gr °- & K 4L I SE? ENUT H USE CAPS WHEKIi * PATENT QLAB3 OABTOB *■!»«•. Besteads, At and melotyof tbPinmr^m^ llllB m tb B harmonj more distinct to thAS? U al?i» , iif5 <lerln * every nou ssfs&w?SSS®" ? g«sK»BHaeg£ pISS^&wS-' SSntte Glasa'caator^W^SS.,pf n _P o ??! b \y proceed »ii:%itcssss, Welti gained wWle teteS <£k&“lBStl^£k hQ thinks ef the Glass Castor wheel* all diseases, with the exception of : chronk are not caused from the want of electricity We have a man In our place whom the doctors n 2! r Qonnced past curing, with the mattam. Jrhe wheels cured him In iSi than fiS, He is to-day a Btout hetfthymu??Th£e aX Westville, New whore we toff 01 '* 1 tot^e mumSctaS) rtUieaELaS : Ijw will be paid to any one who wrn sar thov l o c^fpl^ n -?, ben^OT 5F- pa j- b. *• myidemb yoTiowt. "i lwfSjgnJS? a S? I * openet 0Q a&fss&t&^saa ~=s— —— — Treararer. - OT the BUTLER SS€eS€H«l"li”iS '■ SAMBBI DUTTON, Treasurer, l)®,*, 1®. N0 ‘ Ul ‘??®^J*SBfe HJifg^^s^ESgs :^«SsS&£nSF&£ffi; on the Capital Stock of S SSssSSSst^ a3rAble on demand, dear of Nation*l SOLOhION SHEPHERD. ' “* Treasurer. " CS-H' JM c lIj'VA.I IV MQI MaPkeiilreeU A foil assortment ef/ : ■' '■* Building 1 Lumber. A eoporior lot of thoroughly seasoned y CHESUniT BOARDS. ; OAB OM«A yX.OO&PreKOABOUMA BTZP- Si; 7 " 4 * B 4 and 3 Inch MiuHIGAITPI, amr ' ' °* c Q 1 f B Btason6<l HWKOKT, CHARLES ESTJB 5 lumber, oc3i-am Philadelphia. _„„.SPBCC!E JOIST FSOMl4Toilf|?£BgS- . SOTEEIOB 3TOBWAY SCLUmiNQ. MAXJIB, BBOTHKB <6 00 . Ko. 2500 South Street. SBOOBBnus, CASTOR ffUF.PMn ; sioM/jarL^K^^toch^S. lBl^** L^p®£fi®sgi:si 52<^sp^ass^^™«»s On MONDAY. Jannary 14,1867, a f « At 1 o'clock P. M., ac WDiCn time and placo an election will halidm/ JOSEPH HOBDBx,t Secretsry. deis-tjais? 33e<SMabaj is, isee. 1 DEiPHIA, December 4,1866. ■ K-PoiiA ' ■ Eoai3 > Pan*? C w itiS'stcck cfwn „ h ? ,<ler3 °ftha Fhi d^ eeCODd *ootamSm of'Fl VE DoVir a p°i yet WEDBEsiiAyft S h a e2dday I Sr a jana?rv C<! on< ° r *s&ro 51418 JACOB^HSDKR^-,, and ,?• E- Elereath am axon at; GEOj!ham!Tt™ £ r “ ldeDE ' 1(m Shack boroDghat; CfLASr*DN-Treabnrer; 1010Marl* Beachsbe*t!“““ *■ BUKa S. Secretary, las - - de)B,6i« iiiiispp^ Board of Directors of- rtsoln tlon of too sfssssS^Si^Si^ssß.- payable at this office. oe ~ caue “ ; 1* doa ana I eestf W-LLT/Mflf j. malcqlm^, jG?* CBR -* £ -*»- a 4.1L80 a^lil^sil^ 1 e D nr P^' :D f EC ',. l7 °° c?rcrir stockholders or the office oFhe PhilSdSphii ra“§^toi U |te, Jwll, !, 4 K th ® Pany. No. 227 SouthyoDßT& *tt^;f.^ i i I ' oad Com iUOKDAT, January 14ihnor“^ t; ,£ 1> J 1 ! Ll,elphu * o “ when an election wui I be hefe»wSfiS 10 *?' A -. 4£ - aeXTe for the “tuning y*a r ? W ‘ ond sU i aei.-.jai4 ffM. H. Wttun s, rr Ifp-SSThS^MPigf, ientt>v™ D B^ J r^d e^^nywm 0 be l, hS er3 e 0 the 4J aiONDkYrjarni?™ election will beheldtor Praidsmt andliix^iVS^ n V 1 serve lor the ensotro yea- na 3Lr ulr ectots,to deiv-ijaie t wit, H . W gBB , gec,^. 31. IMS. at 12 o’clock, iTfkt which nm^J' o f e^ mbet ’ Offima ,o serve for 1 Uri - wSSbg lgsSsJ delo,t3iJ C* IJOLUB, Secretary, '^SESlSSegffim at half-past tleven o’p!nH-“*Xr • Dec <= i at>e-- 31. 18SS, elfctirn fcr Officers to serve at wilicll Hate an ""“"Tag;* Swfre 1 b P hf?-'h^ ec^ mberu ’ th - :1 “®- W " UjO BT -~ and an Election ofOffieua?£? ■ 13 Company, be held at this office on 5 year » of January a?m ’ 016 **7 deJl tn.th B,tJa7J W, Jg. TXLQHM A S', 5 _ -___ I 6#fiW B P S KEaS ' ISsUKAMCE COST BSs ®ecemb e r 17ta, ISM. Company win be of thfg pt 7, between tbe hon?sef fknd^ovwb.^ l^ 7 I th * the iSg^ bß SS3 fcr 4 T“ d Dli«ora; to serve fljr r^^' IS l* rr M, B. KEILY. Secrete WSAOWG ailLl “‘sOTICEghSSf “?• Jr ° UKra: fcrPrtaWent7slx 6 l** *loll wm take place on the gW*b vj> a x?n£ January next at 12 hi. wS N w A 2nJ^L a > dei7,Ljanl4 WM * fi* Wltßß, L Secretajy. Election wUI be held S Seypn ?*♦» w &en an ike ensuing year. ° r aeven Doctors to serve for PBTi^D A .,j) e o. T< KJXLE ’ December 6tb. isss. Pktla- P»n/ wSjbfSITS 8 tte t o^c t | < ?Ah» e^ softlle °° m * ft LIBRARY street, on Sdat No. IS6S. at eleven o’dret a M »™l , ., DeCfl!lber 31st, — —i= City Treasurer. b^k . be heW B »t a th^ lS ßant'° r “if 6010 ™ or »Ma Bant wffl de4 ' ■ ■“ cggier IPSplSllllll ‘•imtaafi., at one o’clock ■ «jsl2lt # ALtiBSP t *' *' : - Secretary and Treasurer. Be M^o D n n Wi£DNESDiY ?^ C 9 \ ank W ® ffi SU,"»Ti -.-__^WlfoAND >J ß., Ca3Wer . SHHSIeSSF-ks.’JS - SAMIt J.iiAC 41Uli,Kfr, Caahle’-' ween the hoiob of 10 a. M. and 2 o’cioSc pw' '** HOBTON McMIOHAKL, ‘Js.. Cashier. between tbenoursofxoA. MTandE^pi j^ nn^y 8 » 18ff 7* WIXiLIAM-a'cCONNBI.Ti, Cashier. ' deio tiad MECaSSS'KATIONIt o'clock A. M„ MdSo’ckSk’rt iF 010 hoaraof “ dell-139 W. -BDBHTOIT. Js.. Cashier- SSSSSiv®!!"™® Q’clorl- »l Tht c^y^ lNQ ’„ I,eCflmbel ' 20.1863, at VJ4 ISSv'" , 0 Soap House, 247 ALLUtJ street near eiT&» ,0 eleol ‘ °.?.9 ers an<J managers for tba dels#? ‘ CHABUJBS M. BuKBNS, aera a. , ■ Secretary. ITS*pf*™' FAIR! FAIR.-Sale of nffhl IsX?^ 811 d TTsefhl Artleles, In tneLecture.Eooni p rf»*>yterien Church, N. H, Buttonwood t. A? ,^, elo , W SIit h.JEVERy DAY, Horn 3to lOtfcln?* P. M, closing on Friday evening, 21st Inst \delB-4t* BOABDWS. becoi'd stohy feont, ana csw JECOMS vacant, SOI South BIG HTH Street,cotnS table If desired. de!4 im»?
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers