;row, Our Third , Edition of aaturcia, LATER. FliON wASHINGTON. TbeNeeidi.tt's MeLeqge and•thaDe .... pa tmebt RepeKti, From Wasiblgtoo. n •. W4BIIIN WON, Nov.,26.—The prepazation of the President's message, and the rePorts of the itiadsof , Departmenta, and the CMofs of Buteitus, - is in a state of greater forward nessihan heretofore, previonslo the session of C ( Onistss. Some of %them are' , partly in prin`t",'Xitidthe' others nearly ready for the I printer. The probability, is that the press will be..furnished with copies in advance of delivery., Mr. West, the popular chief clerk of the Treasury" Department, has sufficiently re covered flow his'late severe sickness to re sume the constanilinties of his office. -- The usual large crowd of visitors of both sexes wits at the Executives Mansion today, but the'President received but few of them, owirig tOpiessing public business. Workmen are engaged in . preparing the old Fair building on. Pennsylvania avenue, for the Banqitet to be given to the Repub lican members of Congress on Saturday next. The Norfolk Excursionists. Itspecial Despatch to the BoDetto.l Dovxit, Del, Nov. 26.—The excursion party on the way from Philadelphia to Nor folk hy, the way of the new route of the Philadelphia, Wilmington and Baltimore and the-Delaware Railroads have arrived at this point. Among the party are a large number of gentlemen frOm Philadelphia, Wilmington, Reading and other places. They will stay at Fortress Monroe to night. rTo-morrow they will be formally received by the authorities of Norfolk. On Tuesday night they will leave Norfolk, and reach Philadelphia Wednesday afternoon. - Telegraphic Extension. BoSTON Nov. 26The Western Union Telegraph.. — Company have laid a cable in Vineyard Sound connecting Holme's Hole with Wood's Hole. It is proposed also to Extend their telegraphic communication with Nantucket by a cable. Few York Money Market. FtEw Yonx, Nov. =h.—Money is a shade easier with a hen demand for loans. The rate is steady at seven for stock collaierals and xis on Government discounts, and -quiet at seven for choice nameS. Stocks gene, ally have advanced. Foreign - exchange quiet, There is a scarcety of New - York bila and but a moderatesupplsiof cotton bills coming from toe South. The weekly bank statement is much more favorable than was anticipated. to loans there is a clecrea.4e of nearly 60,5C0 Oa and in deposits all increase or $1.500,- 000. Legal te, ders decreased 0,350,000, a much lighter reduction than was expected. _Pi r ew York h leek Markets rim YOBX,I9OV. 26.—Sto0k8 steady. - Chicago and Bock Island /0.1 1 ,ii Erie Railroad, 72,..%: Cleveland and Toledo, 112 M; lieveland and Pittsburgh, 85; Flue burgh rort Wayne and Chicago; 105, 7 Michigan dOnth- Slya New Toth Central,Ds; Illinois Centralserip, 129; Cleveland, Columbus and Cincinnati, 112: Mis souri es, FS; v twenti es of '62, 108 N; Do. of 65, 107; Seven-thirties, 2d 'series: 1043fi: Third seriest 1.04 X. Gold, IaSS; Canton, 147; Hudson River Halroau,l2W. CIT BULLETIN. SPECIAL - MEETING OF THE BOARD OF Conmon.—A special meeting of the Board of Controllers of Public Schools was held at their rooms this afternoon. The report of the Committee on qualifications of Teachers was presented, embodying the results of their recent examination at the Zane street School. The examination was 'held on Thursday and Friday last. • There were 175 applications for the po sition of teacher. Of these there were 15 applicants for certificates of the first class, Eight of these withdrew their applications on Thursday. The Committee announced that the suc cessful applicants were as follows: First class;3; second class, 7; third class, 20. fourth class, 44.. The report was accepted and agreed to. Mr. Freeborn offered a resolution direct ing the transfer of $4,000 from the item of fuel, in the' appropriation bill, to the item for rent• of additional school houses. Also, to transfer $3,500 from the same item to the item In reference to ground rents. On motion, adjourned. Run AwfAx.—A horse attached to one of the Central Express Company's wagons, while standing at Eighteenth street and De lancey Place, ou Saturday evening, got frightened at the noise made by the running of a steam fire engine, and started down Spruce street at a fearful rate. The steam engine was going in the same direction, and the driver, supposing that there was a man In the express wagon, kept crying tb him to get off the railway track. This only excited the runaway horse and tended to increase his speed. Several persons made narrow escapes from being ran over. The fright ened animal was stopped at Broad and Spruce streets, by Lieut. Connelly, of the Fifth District Police, and the wagon was just got out of the track in time to escape destruction by being run into by the steam engine. ASSAIJLTING AN OFFICER. -- Michael Lynch was before Alderman Jones "this morning upon Ihe charge of assaulting Offi cer James Dorsey. Lynch resides in the - neighborhood of Twenty-second and Green streets, and about ten days ago was engaged in fighting with his wife. Murder was cried, and Dorsey undertook to arrest Lynch. The latter behaved ugly, and Dor sey finally struck him on the head with his rattle, causing a wound for which he has been under treatment in the hospital until yesterday. Lynch was bald in s6oo.bail for STEALING LIIMBEE.—John McCheeney was arrested on Saturday night by Sergeant _Albertson upon the charge of keeling lum ber frorn a row of new buildings on Brown street, above Twepty-third. About a cart load of stolen lumber was found in the cellar of his house in the vicinity. The ac cused was taken before Alderman Hutchin son and was held in $5OO bail to answer. CARELESSNESS.—The police. reports to Mayor McMichael this morning, showed that several stores, in the Sixth Ward, and a number ordwellings in the Seventh and Eighth Wards were found open during Saturday and last night; People should be more careful,if they desire to avoid robbery. AGED OrtrENDEns.--Arnong the prisoners in the various police stations during the past forty-eight hours, were fifteen aged be tween fifty , and sixty years, and five up wards of sixty years of age. CORNER LOUNGING. - Fourteen young xnen ' aged from 15 to 18 yearn, were ar rested yesterday afternoon,in the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Wards, for corner lounging. They were held to bail by Ald. Clouds. Males at Philatilelptsia Steels. Beard. SALE B /14PrION 'MST BOARD. 38600101 W 68 MEW' r: . /0214 12 1 10 eh Rea d d R .hB6 6,V 5000 DB Treats 7 8-10 a 12)0 an o _ Notes ;rune ' Its 300 sh do. c 5681-100 =Dab Pl3ll dr Erie" C 81041 200 ali do - ~ 86%' 2eh Ist Nat'l Bk" ' , 139,% 2.i0 all do s3Own 57 200 sh Flestonvlll6R .14 1008 h Bch Nv . 131! . 854 to eh lisunif Vat Bic' 82- 100 eh eenna B. 6133 SECOND BOARD. $3OOO City 6a new 2da 102381100 ab Reading R 66966%' 1000 Belvld Del bds - . 85 86 ah Oam &Am scrip 49 169 sh Penns Is_ ~ . 64%1 - ladelph—nk Stateent.-- The following Ph la th e w ee kly statement o m f the khEla delphia Banks, made up on Monday afternoon: spiral Block 4/0,142,109 • Loans and Discounts 51,897,959 Specie In Banks - sol,os I U. B. Demand and Legal Tender Notes ' • 21,3i0,415 Due from other Banks 5,u45,9,12 Due to other 8ank5.... .. 5,4-7,00 h Deposits 4 2,06 s Circulation ' —9, .51.fis8 The Tollowing statement shows the condition of the Banks of Philadelphia, at various times during the last few months: . 1863. Ltiana. 'Specie. Circulatlon.Deposlta. 'Jan. 5„......27;679,675 4,510,750 4;504,115 28,428,189 July 6 85.936,811 4,860,745 2,564,558 29,504,544 1884. T6n. 4 35,698,808 4,158.585 2,055,810 29,878,920 ly 4.........40,918,009 8,955,866 2,164,258 87,945,805 1865. Jan. 8--...48,059,403 1,803,583 2,793.468 89,845,963 July 3....-.,.50,059,760 ` 1,184,631 6.771,226 40,980,990 Jan. 1.........45,941,001 890.822 7,226.369 35,342,806 ' Feb. 5. ~,,,,,,,,, 1,009.689 7,668,365 34.687,135 :_Mar. 5.........46,604,752 1,041,462 - 8,161,049 1-, 82,835,094' pill 990,630 ' 8.666,2.50 32;257,653 May. 7 48,006,654 912,033 8,794,848 36,987,00 Jane 4.--. 47 164,996 ; 890,121 9,022,553. 38 189.566 'July '2 49266,9.5 , 863,454 • x .9,825,475.•:'37;412,979 Aug.' 6...:..• ....... 825,978 ' 9,516,724 37.244.934 Sept. 3 50 9.95 890 806.815 taga 574 -41 142,627 Oct. 1 51,037,567 , 783,124 9,598 497 43,693;15 51 242 282: - 769.272 9 - 63L863 43,850428 ". 15 .51816,490 '- 779,676 9,639,176 43, 52 928 22 51,974,948 • 791 013 9,681 496 43 34 ono 29,........50,973 494 • . 7 99,652 9,618.065 43.1103 737 Nov. 5 50,655,176 , C 4 -184 9,659,086 44 355,165 ". 12 51,19 a 217 817,454 9,665,04, 49.2.7 39 51,084.866 ~852,'.95 9,673,236 43,458 uPe 26 . . —.51,997,969 894 061 9,81,085t"92,622.060 The following is a detailed statement of he businesa of the Philadelphia Clearing House for the past week: Clearings.. Balances. -•...12618,21912 * '923,461'61 7.148,040 07 434,841 15 6,962.492,90 599,708 14 5,444,002 35 450,494 12 5,2 ,1 2,684 50 671,585 74 6;49,094 40. ..., 525,598 91 26. 1866 .--....44 1 84 1 3 . 612 .672 6' . 20 • " 21 se 22 e. 23 24 MP,O4S m AWION _ Re ported for the Ph elpa Rventnk Annetta. LIVERPOOL--From the wreck of snip MerrimaC, per Bar L P E allock-41 crates ethw 860 lr gots tin 9 bass nails 2 cks crockery 12 mdse 9 chains 4 ck. Ldw bbl Iron lien:anent 24 bat, tin plates 6 pigs •eatt es Machinery 18 ca - aunt and lot of snip material Peter Wright. & bona, - • BIRC,EsTON; W N Z, Acker-165 tone log , w) od I) S. Weizlar & Co. WINDSOR. NL+.—hrlg J Coffin, lavison-100 tons Nude) U Van Horn. fit W LONDON—Schr F F Randolph, Maley-10,821 galls Greenland whale 01l fiihober & t.c - • TOal, It: &arrival alma noiftlits of Ocean iSteamera ' TO -1 2:RU,e7i". _. -- . . trro vs - . IMAM ' . - - Vac ' Lira Britannia. Glasgow... Hew York ..... Nov. 2 Bosphorus - -Liverpool-Boaton&Phila .Nov. 8 A1epp0............„ Liverpool... New York ' Nov. lo Ualla. .Lonaon....N ew York LVOV. 10 City of Dubiln .LlverpooL--New York ... . . ...'....N0v. lo City of Waslangton-Liver'l.-New York ....... -...N0v ll The Queen LiverpooL-New York ............Nov. 14 Propontla -.......Liverp00L-Boston&plalla..„..Nov. 17 Fcotia LlveroooL..New YOrk ..... .......NoV. 17 Kangaroo ..... ......J..iverpool-New York.-___..Nov. 17 Arago— Havre...New York..-....-.. Nov. 21 AMerica . .... -Southampton...New York ..... .......Nov. 2t JO DAPAP:I' Eagle. .......New York... Havana .. ... ..... ....Nov. 28 Feral/1. w .-- ..... -New York-Liverpooli . .....---..N..V. 28 rEhrifft........ .... .......New York-LiverpooL Nov. 28 Etna. .Nevr'York...LlverpooL...-... ..... N0v.28 Floride-__ New York-Vera Cruz.....-. ..... Nov. 28 City ofLimerick-New York-LiverpooL Nov, 28 Scotland .. -...........New York-Liverp001.:......-.„ Dec. 1 Hendrick Budson-Philada....Havana.. _ Dec. 1 Star of the Union-PhilacPa.-New Oricana.. ......_Dee. 1 Pioneer ......--Philadelphia-Wilmington,NC.-Dec. 1 Whirlwind P hil ad elphia-Charleston...-.-,...Dec 1 Hibernia . ----New York--Glaagow........____Dec. 1 Villa;de Paris...-New York-Havre...- Dec. I Bremen _New York...Bremen.--Dec. 1 Teuton's.- ... New York-Hamburg.- Dec. 1 City of Washingt'n.. N York-Liverpool...-. ' Dec. 1 Hibernian Quebec-. Liverpool .Dec I Ocean Queen New York-Aspinwall. rec. 1 FaL Kee......---New York-St - Jag0..—............Dec. I Ooraica. -New York...Haaasaik...Hav's ....Dee, 3 int,l t.).te JAMES DOUGHERTY. JOSEPH C. 4.4.RU138. MONT HL CO • EDMOND A. EOUDEB,‘ IfliLtJ&l Sux Papas, 7 .11 king SETS, 4.361E1911 Vii.6TEB., 6 47 - s 2.81 v v sca,^rmanA Steamer Roman, Baker, 48 hours from Boston, with mdse to 'Henry Winsor & Co. Steamer Alexander. - Allen, 48 hours from Richmon d via Norfolk and City Point, with mdze and passengers, to W P Clyde & Co. Steamer liayttower, Robinson. 30 hours from Wash ington. with mdse to W P Clyde & Co. Steamer Hunter, Rogers. 36 hours from ProvidenCe, with mdse N e wthbury. Wickersham & Co. Steamer YOrk,Platt,36 hours from Washington, with mdse to W P Clyde dt Co. Steamer Bristol, Charles, 24 hoots from New York, with mdse to W P Clyde & Co. - Bark Sheffield (Br), Murray, 42 hours from N York, in ballast to C C Van Horn. Brig W N Z (Br), .Acker. 16 days from Ringaton.Ja. with mewl oo to D N etzlar & Co. Brig Mecosta, Norton, 15 days from Mobile, with cotton, iron, &c. to Merchant & Co. Brig Grace Darling (Br),lllartin, 3 days from Boston, in ballast to L Westergaard, Brig T Ctltill (Br). Davison. 10 days from Winds Or. Ne. with plaster to Arts,an Hor Behr G Morris, 7 days from Boston, with linseed to Barclay . & Barclay. Schr Jae Allrerdice. Jackaway, from Neponset, in ballast to Van Dusan, Lochman & Co. Schr IS A Barn...mud, Paine, 6 days from BOston,with mdse to Mershon & Cloud. Behr .1 %teazle, Lake, from Boston, in ballast to Van Dusen,Lochman & Co. - Behr P F Randolph. Risley, 4 days from N. London, with oil to Shober & Co. Schr Martha Strs on, Howard, 5 days from George tow n, SC. with shingles to I B Phillips. Seta L P Balleck, Stevens, 1 day trom Tom:wand's Inlet, with part of cargo of ship Merrimac, ashore, conslgneo to Peter Wright & Sons. Schr L S Levering.- Consm, 70 hours from Boston. Behr S C Tyler, Steelman, from Boston. Tug Hudson, Carr, from Blab:lmre. with 11 bargee to W - P Clyde dr, CO. BELOW. Barks Capella (Bram), from New York, and Mystic Tie, from Boston. - tatARED YassTralloa Steamer Mayflower, Roblnson, New York, W P Clyde & Co. Steamer H L Gaw. her. Baltimore, A Groves, Jr. Steamer A C Stirrers, Knox, New Yon', Wm P Clyde & Co. Steamer Beverly. Pierce, New York. W P Clyde ,t Co. Steamer New York, Platt; New York, W P Clyte&Co. Brig Emma (Brent), Warkmelster, Rio de Janeiro. B arje, Bros. Schr Jas Allderdiee, Jackaway,"Neponset, Van Boson. Lochman & Co. Schr J Klenzle Lake. Salem, do Schr R E Sampson, Blake. Portland, W Hv.ater, Jr. & Co. Tog Hudson, Carr, with 10 barges for „Baltimore, W P Cls de & Co. MEMORANDA hip Thomas Harward, Strlckland,hence at Hew Or eana 23d inst. Shin ritadacona. Cassidy. hence at Londonderry via St John. NB. and cleared loth Lnat. for New Orleans. Ship Andrew Jackson, Chatfield, sailed imm Cal cutta 9th ult. for Boston. Ship Samuel Russell,Lncas, at Amoy 12th Sent. from Hong Kong, and salted 20th tor New York. Ship S Pendleton, Penillettm, sailed from Cardiff 11th inst; fore den. Steamer Emily B Sender. Lockwood, at Charleston yesterday from New York. Steamer Aries, Boggs. hence at Boston 241hInst, Steamer City of t.ork (Br), Bridgeman. from Liver pool loth 'nat. and Queenstown 12th. with 199 passen gers at , New York ,yesterday.' Noy 11., off Salters exchanged signals with steamer Boyphorns, from Li -vei pool for Boston. Bark Blomiden (Br), Cowen. cleared at New York yesterday ibr Cork tor orders Via this port. Bark Amilla Gehring, Haynie, cleared at Baltimore 24th inst. for Montevideo and Buenos Ayres. . Brig Ida McLeod. Coos. hence for Rotterdam which put into Newport about three weeks since. wus taken to New Bedford, in tow of steamer Augusta, morning of 24th, where she will be taken on the marine railway for repairs. Brig J B Nevins (Br). Cele. hence at Norfolk 23d Inst. Schr J W Webster, McVey, cleared at Gibraltar 4th inn. for Venice. Echr John Ferris, Johns, Balled from New Bedford 24th lint for this port. Pola nt.. r Judge Runyon, from ( Trenton , at Hartford 23d insta Behr B Borden, Borden,hence at Fall Ricer 24thAnst. HOOP 19IEIRTS. HOOP SKIRTS. 21.5. LATEST STYLS, JUST OUT. 628. LE PETIT 7RAIL,for the Promenade, 2,SS. yde.round. TiE CHAMPION TRAIL, for the Drawing-Room ever y s' , These Skirts are iner rotmci way the moat desirable that we hive heretot re offered to the pub la; also, coat plete lines or Ladies', Misses' and Childrens' Plain and Trall:Froop Skirts from to 4 yards in circumfer ence,ofevery length,all of **our own make," wholesale and retail and warranted to give satisfaction. Constantly on hand low-priced 'New York made Skive Plain and Trail. 20 springs 90 cents; 25 springs 30 springs, $1 10, and 4( springs. $125. Platt% made to order, altered and repaired. Call or send for Circular of, tyles. sizes and prices. Mants r factory and ba emooms. No. 628 Arch Street. WM. T. HOPKINS. nol4.Bmi ODAL, R. MASON 141.1517. a. SOS. , .1. MUM TBiEUNMERSIeriIiat ariviTE ATlamrloyi Td helr stout of Buck Mountain Oompany's Coal. t Motutunn, Leblirh Nuvid , 4loll OornPany's Cool, and Locwi which they am prepared to sell at the 20Wiet marks rata', and to deliver In the best conditio_n . Orders left with S. MASON BEES , lrraultilp /nett tuts Building, SEVRNTII street below .Illarkel wil be promptly Molded to. IlEttira sapien • 'MU reh Street Wharf, Soh/WWII. Cod 41L.--ESUOILE LOAF, IEOL&V.K.V. bLICADOW AZIL SPAM Manntatht Laded Coal, - and beat Loom biOnntaan from flebnyliclll, prepared etrprees4 runny nae, .Mmt, N. W, water .IEIGIt. and wig, LOW streets, Office, Mall Oontit aIIOOND OM , - WALTON dr . ou, PERFVNEBT. rilE DAILY EVENING BULLETIN.--PHILADELPHIA,- TUESDAY, Isa)VEll is 1 NORTH MENYIBYLEA.IIIA MIDDLE =War an• moa direct line to Bahl& Allentown Mauch Chunk, Basietory White Haven Mahanoy OW azusnd anpoints in the Lehigh and Wyol ming Pass Cosl enger ße gpois in Phftadelph_bi i _THlßD street, above Thompson, and corner of B I and AMERI OAN streets 11014110911.1: ARRANGEMENT. _ NINE DAILY TRAINS. On and after Monday, May,Est,lies, Passenger trains leave the Depot. Third street. above .Thompeon,daily (Sundays excepted), as follows.- - AT 7.80 A. M.—Yoram Express Axe Bethlehem ens and Print Stations on Berth Pennsylvania Bail. road, oennng at Bethlehem with Lehigh Valle Railroad for Allentown, Oataassuma,Slatingtom,Manos Chunk Weitherlyk Jeariesriftle,-Maaleion, White He . Ven "W'ftkesbarre, Einctm,Plttaton. and Veit' it Leman and WlCaning Allem also,in cone n with LehigA and Maiguloy Railroad for Mahanny_eitt L and with ,wisea Ballrftd, or Rupert, Deu9ftist muter and Willhunsperk-` Arrive at Mauch Chunk at 11.43 A. E.Lat Wllkesbarre at 145 P. M.; at Mahanoy Olk, at . 21 -• Putman.= by thin train can take the Lehigh Valley BeMlatums at 11,09 M...ftir Ea sNew . ton and. Yorker JeineY ftentml. Reined to .•. - ibr Doylestown stopping at all intermediate stations. Passengers 'to, Willow Grove, Hatboro' and Wish.% grain tabs Stage it Old YorkHoad.. AT 10 A. H.—Accommodation, mr Bart WsaWns ton, stopp o ll at all intermediate Stations. r At 220 P Accommodation tor Do leabez. rti,''step *like ping at intermediate stations; stage at Doylestown for New Rope. AT 8.80 P. H.—Eves:dna Express ibr ttaA taiPM'arit principal Stations on the North Pennsylvania Rai road,_making close connection at Hethlehem with Li nigh Valley Train ibr Pnetonireaching there at MSS ng. Passengers ibr Plainfield Somerville' and othei palate on whichersey - Central take Ni .T. 'Prair at P.astonarrives in Nes , ,Yerk AVM P. M. Pas tenger° for Eiumneybown take. stage at North Waite nd tor Nazareth at Bethlehem and -tit Greenville a Ginakertowr. „ , . AT 4.1 e P. ht.—AcCommodatioM - tor DoylestoWn, sto .ing at all Ir.terniedlate - Btatto-ne. Passengers Itoz W I w Grove, Hatboro' and Hartsville-:take stage at Abington : for Ltuaberville at Doylestown. AT 5.15 P. M.—Through Accorrurtode.tlo324br iteth lehenk and all Stations on main line of North vanla Bailmad, connecting at Bethleheia with Valley Evening Train for Allentown. Manch Gtits AT d.la P. M.—..aventemodation, kianadide, nos , Ing at all Intermediate Stations. At 1. P. M. Accommodation Zs Port NY'itit TRAINS FOB .r.n.L.LeAttuartuA. • .Leave BONN:tem at 5.25 A. M., and 12.251 L; and 014' • . „ . 12.25 tram makes direct connection with Leddgb Val ley trains from Easton Wilkesbarre, Mahoney all yHazleton, and arrives In Philadelphia acts° P. M. Paizengers leaving Wiikeetrarre at 1.15 P. 2d.xonnec at Bethlehem at 6.15 P. M., and arrive In P. at 840 P. M. Leave Doyle/it/mu at 8.40 A. X LIB and LSO P. X. Leave Lansdale at 6 A.M. Lmve Port Washington at 10,.50 and LDP. X ON SUNDAYS. klttladelphla for Bethlehem at. 4 A. fd. Philadelphia for, Doylestown at 2.85 P. K. Doyleetown for PbtweiPhis at 7.20 A- X Bethlehem for Philadelphia ski 4.80 P. Pin and Stith Streets Paesen Cam am 3pa 4 k Cera tb and n Barbs g c tahitears of Second and Srtts Line cony' paasegoen to Third Street kepot. Tickets mtust be procured at theTickettiftioes,TETEL street or B, YS street, in order to seems the lowmt rates Of aim RT.T.TS cil L sux, A zert s Hill .. etl'9.Bargable Bxpreea will call fbr and alics: Baggage at the Depot. e, No. HO South THIBD street. lava FOR NEW YOWL—The O.& ilrirgDEN AND. AtIBOY and PBILA A A TRENTON RAILROAD 0035 pANY'S LINES, from Pbiladel hist° New York, ant wil way l ea places, f 01l from W frrRIKRT WHAW l ve se ows, via: lent Al 6 A. M., via Camden and Amboy, Amain., g 4.1 BA. IL, via Camden and Jersey City Etzprete, a a 3.t 2 P. M. via Camden and AnibOy Express, 3 Cg At 6.60 P. it., via . Camden and Am-1 Ist. Wass. 2 h be y. A °cora and 'Emigrant, j 24 class I st At 6 and 10 A. M., 2 and 6.00 P.M. Iror kt,pint Roils. ville,Pernberton BlnnLogluun and Vlocantown. and at 6 P. M. for Aft•unt Holly. only. Al 6 A M mut P. AL far Freehold. ' At 6 and 10 X. 12 IC 4, 6,4, arm /LSD P. M., tbr Mai Rouse, Palmyra, Riverton, Progress, co Beverly, :133gewater, Burlington Florence. Borden town, The 10 A. llf.and P.M„.llnee rune direct throngh to Trenton. _ LOVES PEON EENSINOTON DEPOT will lawn se follows • 4.t 13 A. M., 4.80, 6.45 P. hi and 12 P.M. MOO via' llenidngton and. Jersey City klzpreas: .- a u The p. 45 P.M. Line ,ran daily. All othe rs . Ban days excepted. • A 17.80 and 11.00 A.AL 8,120, 4.80,5 and 8 , 46 X M.. ant 12 Midnight, for Bristol. Ti anon. dcr. At 780 • a 10 15 A. M., 3.'4.30, band 12 P. M. fur . EA-hennas. At 1016 A. M.. 3 5 and 12 P. ILL for EddlngtOn. At 7.30 and 10.15, A. K., 5,4, 5,44 and 12 r.-21. An Oornweits,Torriedale, Itointesbnrg, Tacony, Brides bon arld Fran Word. and P.M. for Soltnecharz and intexmodtate Stations A t ion A. AL, 8,4, 5 8.8 and 12 P.; AL for Wisairtom Lug. IitILVIDIEF, DELAWARE RaTT Rn 41\ lb tell Delaware River Valla: North= -Iteras o vania, and New York State, and the Great Lakes through 'Jahn daily 03andays excepted) from Kensington De pot, as fellows: At T.BO A. M. and 8.80 P. M, fbr Magus Palls, Bin trio Dunkirk , Canandal Trey, Owego am/le:gee, Rine, raptor', thrwego, Sfracurie. Greg: Send, Montrose, Wllkesharre Scranton. Stroudsburg W9191* Gap, Belvidere, Esstos, Launbeitynle„ Plem ngton,OM. The 8.30 P. M. Line COnltecta direct win he Train leaving Eaaton for Manch Clank, Allen town. Bethlehem, etc. At 6 P. N. forLambertvilla andinterinedlateliltatioro Jar For New York, and War Lines leaving Kat dr.gton Depot, take tho can on Fifth street, *Wyk Walnut, half an hour before departure. The can rut I ete the DePot, anu on arrival of each Train, run fun the Deno:_ An auditional Ticket Office is located at No. Males. nut street. Continental Botei, where tickets to New ork and all important point. North and Zan. ma) I , e procured. Persona purchasing 'Packets at thus °thee, can, by leaving orders, have their baggage checked at their eminences, by Grahrsia'a Esagaae Itxprerei. rounds of Baggage nly L h rer. Passengers are prohib i ted fromallowed takingeac Passer anythitt as benne Put their wearing apparel. All Imam i over fifty pounds to be paid fbr extra: The Oompam limit their responsibility for baggage to One Dollar pe., pound, and will not be liable for any amount beyonc 1.100 except by special contract. LINES FIOM NEW YORE FOR PEI±LADIELREELe. Will leave from fbot of Cortland street, at le IL ant P. AL, via Jersey Cite- and Camden. At 7 and F A. M., 6 P, M. and 12 Night via Jersey city and Ent aington. From Pler No. IN. Blverait 4A. M. and 2. 4 P. Id VIA Amboy and Camden.. WEST OILESTEat AND PHILA• DELP/CLA BA TT.RnAlli t VIA WINTER ABILSEEIRIEKNTE‘ On and after MONDAY, Rot. 15th, MS, Mt trains will leave as follows: wzsT mamma menn3, Leave aid Marke t, stareest Chester. trona M. Thirty-first and Markett, 7.1.0 M., ILIA A. M. 2.80,L15 and 615 P. M. Leave West Chester for Pbtlassk *Ada. from Depot OD Market street. US. 840. 10.48'A. M.. 1.66, 440 P. prainsleaving West Chester at &Ott A.M. and leavine Philadelphia at 4.45 P. M. will not stop at Pennelton. and will stop below B. O. Junction at Media only. LeavePhiladelpla fer Pailitordion tHand UM Y. M. Leave Panivalton toy Philadelphia 1L47 A NE .. PAL These Tritlne atop et all Intevinedlate Stations. ON SUNDAYS—Leave Philadelphia at 8.80 A. k and 800 P. M. Leave West Cheater 7.43 A.. M and 4.00 P M. ON Enenska—The Wait Philade Pasamtrer care sill leave Eleventh and Market street", halfts hour before the Train leaves the depot, and will leave depot on, the &rival of each traln'to cOnvecypaaseingeue Into the City. Tm taming Phlladniplas at 7.1 D A. It. anti 4.45 P , w and leaving West Chester atsm M, and 4.50 P. Y. connect at 8.0. Jonctlon with'Trains on the P. and B. O. B. B. Mr Oxford andlutermedlate points. itarrassenora are allowed to take apparel 3aly aa Baggage, and the Company will n - any reeponkl an exceeding bun. red dollars_,_unlble for ess a special amount contract la made one for the tame. BBBTXI Y WOOD. General Saperintendemt Aiirb . • owmam : • vt Bs's* THE PAN HANDLE DOME, WEBTWAILA Owing to the great distance saved by THIS BOUTS the Government hae assigned to it the of Mt U. B. MAIL to the Trine:Mal Cities of the est lino eonthweet .. THERA - REING BUT ONE CIP.A.NGE OP CAlte SFTWEEN PHILADELPHIA AND 0/NOINNAT/ AND BUT TWO TO ST. LOUIS. PASSENGERS BY THIS ROUTE WILL ARBXVI IN CINCINNATI, DTDIANAPOLIf3. CAIRO ANT ST. LORUIS ONEE. TRAIN IN ADVANCE OF ANY OTHE Past engers by fast line can take state-roOm sleeping cars Irma Altoona to Cokhocto, allb‘ding a night a rest 11 P. IS St. to-room sleeping cars from Piste burgh.to Cincinnati, with btu one cnange. _ Be sure to purchase Mime *• Pie. MITRED' MLLE " at k'hIIiNtIYLVANIA RAILROAD OFFICE Oorner Thirtieth and Market Streets, Philadelphia, S. P. SCULL, Gang Picket Aret. Steubenville, 0 JOHN H. MILLER. Gen' Eastern Pass. Agl. Ws Broadway, New York. JOHN DURAND, Gang Sup% fem.tl Pennsylvania Railroad Office, I St Chestnut streak and Thirtieth ani Market streets. West Phlladelphia. LINEST J RAILROAD ES, fromERSEY foot of Market street upper 'es*, commencing MONDAY, September 24, 866 1 'EA vic PHILADELPHIA. AS ally!OLOWS: For Bridgeton, Salem, and termediate stations, at BA. AL, Mail. 8.30 P. X, Passenger. For Woodbury 8 A. M.. 8 lu P. X, and 6 P. M. For Capehlay_at BETURNIBG TRAIBS LEAVE Woodbury at 2.16 A. M., 840 A. M. and 4.54 P. M. Bridgeton at 7.05 A. M. and 3.20 P. X Freight GM . PL Salem at 650 A. M. and 305 P.M, Freight 5.45 P. M. Millville at 6.55 A. M. and 8.08 P. X Freight 6.20 P. hi. Cape May at 1145 A. M. Pasaenger and Freight. . Fla IGHT wlll " be received al - Second Covered Wharf below W.lnut street, from 7 A. AL until 8 e, Freight received 'before 9 A. M. will go forward the same day. ; FElt IOHT DELIVERY, No. 228 SOUTH DELA. WARE AVENUE, ' L VAN BEREAlklairfidiitimet. _frfr_ A THE WEST JERSEY EXPREqssaxiMPANY will Sac to' ell the usual bratehesa express buslneos. A Sec dal Messenger accomp Mes each through train. Office foot of Marketstreet, , hlladelphia. ne2444 21, NAIIKLEY, General Agent, 7/11AVEZINO WM. H. EUZZMIER, Agent. P&LQNEI.TON 'h All nUVMMG-611 1 / 1 1)114 ez READING.z. GREAT TRUNK LINE r tiv-v : 4 fi•TO THE INTERIORSUIS OPKI PEEN. THE ISCIENyugn4,_TIEHAN : , auulttLAND, AND WYOJIHNI RA . THE NORTH NORTHWEST and the OARAGhig. wninra. Atiutearezauom OF PAIMIngIitRR TRAINS Oet.ll - 1864 le ut iM ictu die Odul t = Depot. THIS and MOO, at the Ihllerwing WU= MORNING AOOOMODATIONS. ti ons. At 7AD A. M. for Reading and a ll Intermediate Be.- Returning, leaves Reading at GAO P. M.. alrlvlnii in Philadelphia at alo P. M. • ~[oßeani[~-.7~s~H< At sib 1. ' M., lbr Beading, Lebanon, Ilarrlabo. moot ovate Pine Grove, Tammy* Swami Waliazu , Amolra, Rochester, town, Wilkesbarre, MertoNiagara Allen. n, York. OarnsleAnuunbare. brmr, HaAnstown, &A, Ao. UM Ulan connect .at READING • with, the, Mud Pennayhard& kaorom trains for - Allentown: and wth the Lebanon:Fan Harrisburg, Ar—_,• at .POET, taaryGN. t. *inroad tram ihrielnhatnamt Moron. zunalrn, 11A.Ekk&BURG with Northern Central, Cumberland Valley, and Solrylklll and ensonahanna testae ror rTorthrusbefland,Willlionsant, York, ObamberAarrg, pinegrove, An. AETENNi • CON EXPRESS. Tha z atr PO t ville, Harrisburg, connecting with mg and Columbia R.R.trains ibr Columbia, dm BEADING AODOMMODATIOIL: Leaves Reading at s.ao A. M., storming _at Waists , Gone; arrives in Philadelphia at 9.40 A. Returning, leaves PhibidelPida at 4 . 8 0 Xi In Heading at 7.85 P.M Trains for Philadelphia leave Harrisburg at 11.10 A. M.. and Pottsville at 8.45 A. M.. arriving in - Philadel• obis at Loa P. M. Afternoon trains leaveHarrisbmg at 2.10 P. M., and Pottsville at BM P. M.: arriving at Philadelphia at e.is P. M. Harrison!' acconmiodation_leaVeli Basaing Lao A. M. and Harrisburg at 4.10 P. M. Connecting at Beading ; with Afternoon Accommodation south at. 6.80 Suiting to,Pililadelphloata Market train, with a Passenger car atiachea. leaves Philailelldrs at /245 noon ibr -- ftding and all way ataalowo eaveo Reading 11.&) A, M., and Downinatcium 12.30 P.M. fcr Philsulelpiela and a ll way Stations. All the above traluaran daily, Sundays Bandar trains leave POtta vi fle at 8.001f,V 4 .. awn Philadelphia at 2.15 P. If_.l leave Philadelphia, for Reading at 8.00 A, M., returning from Beading at 4.25 P. M CHESTER VALLEY JM):',LIK/AD. Plaiensiers for sr* intennedisuistoinU sake the 7.30 and gas A. If and 4,80 PAW. trains this Philadelphia. returning from Downingtown of 7.00 Y. sad 12 En Noon - NOM YORK ErKPII Ts.h.• : I TS PI3R, iirrrecermat WEST. AiQL Leaves New Yorker, 7, 9 A. liLand 100 P. NL.paardas, Reading at LOS, 11.58 AIL, and 1.48 PM. and connect at HarriebtSth Pennsylvania, and Northern Centre; Banned row Trainalbr Pi alkulgO, ?VI l'amation. Baltiraors. ttc. . • Returning, Express Train leaVeit` Miamisburg or arrival or Perungtvarda Express trate•Pitiebttreat 3' and 9.05A.M.,9.15 P.M. passing Reading at 4.40 and 1042 A. M. and 11.30 P.M. arriving at. New York 10A. IL, and 2.45 P. 11. Sleeping M . 3 scComPaalrlag. {hest, trains through between Jersey City and riasparghs without change. ;dell train for New York leaves Harrisburg At 2.10 P IC Mail train for Karriaburg leaves New York at '.Soon. SCRUYLBLLL VALLEY ItAILROAD. Trains leave Pottavine at 7,11.80 A. X. and 7.15 P. EL gumming from Tamaqua at 7.85 A. EL, and 1.40 a' 4.15 P. M. tleMtlYr.vm.r. AND 81113Q1JKELS.1714A RAM RoAL Trains leave Auburn at 7.58 A. M. Cur Pinegrove ant Harristurg, and at Leo P. M. for Pinegrove and Tre mont; returning from Harriabon at 3.20 P. M. And ton. Tremont at 7.15 A. M. aud s z 7a P. M. • • kvCiolN( - 31 Itirosigh first-clean tickets and emigrant ticluoi in all the principal points in the North and Weal ant Ctinaden. The fonMing tickets are obtainable oats at the °Mos of B. Bradford, Treasurer, No. W South Fourth street, Plallaphla, or of 0. A. Nicoll% General Hapertntent• out, 14.-nnlng. CCIIDICTATIO.N TBCCECIUS. - - - At_ 15 per cent.. discount ae3wEen any PoDita de3nra Dar amines and firma. / MILEAEVE TIOXILTs. Ciood for 2.000 nalleo,Detween all polnla, at IrViD each for Walla; and fire S ON TICKETS. For three, six, nine or* warn- menu, for holden only, to all poloist at redaved Y rates.' tILERGMEN Redding on the line of the Road will be layaishet with cords, entailing themselves and wives to tickets al half-tire. = sacruzaron TXCKETh, From Philadelphia to principal nations. jlood to Saturday, Sunday and Miniday,, at reduced sore, to ht hill at' streets. macaw. Goods of all descriptions forwarded to all the at^.7tt Mann from the Companre New Prelittit'Depot, Brom' and Willow streets. FREIGHT TRAIN& Leave his logy at 520 d M., ILO ZlOatians 6 P. rd., for Lebanon, Harrisburg, Pintritdis Pan Gunton, and Pointa bEzond. MATT Close at the Philadelphia Poet Once for all Nam c. the road and Its branches at "IS A. /A, and for Maple epal E3talaana was , at. 8.15 P. M. _ PL.N a II o iIT D LVANIA -CENTRAL or , R. ARRANUEMENT. The trains ea the Penaisylvama ,Central Railroad leave the Depot, at Thirty first and Market strew which is readied directly by the cars of the Marta sue et Passenger Railway Those of the Chestnut and Walnut Street } allway run within one square of it. ON SUN DAYS.—The Market Street Lars leave Front and Market streets 33 minutes before the de parture of each train. tea NN'S BAGGAGE PETRESS will call for and deliver baggage at the Depot. Orders letter the office. No. 631 011eritnut street will receive attention. 'MAINE LIAVE: DEPOT. VIZ.: .MALE, TRAIN. -. at sOO A. Xi PAOLI A eloll -. .. N — oa 1 C 2. 10. , J3 A. M.& iL2O P. M. FACT LINE dr, ICRIR EXPRESS...--at 12.90 PA RILE-BURG TR s I ze P.. 14 HAItRIS.IIIRG 23 P. M. LANCA STER 4.00 P lIL PI r 1 S BURGH fi h RI E SOO P. M. PELLA DLLI•HIAETPRJ -.„--at 11.03 P. Id klttsburgh dr Erie Stall leaves daily, except Bator day Philadelphia Express leavesdally, All other trains daliy,eacept Sunday. Passengers by AIL Than: go to Williamsport without change of cars, and arrive at Lock Haven at &le P M. Passengers by MAIL TRAIN go to Carlisle and CD anmersburg without a change of cars. Sleeping Car Tickets can be had on application at the Ticket Office, 631 Chestnut street. - TRAINS ARRIVE AT DEPOT, VIZ CiNi`INNATI at 1'.'.10 A. M PH ILADI LPHLs h.XPRESs.. . • 710 Pe Oi I ACO..its Nos. 1 .t A. AL.& 710 P. M PAREsEtr A1N.._... at 920 A. M. LAN CAsTER TRALN.--..-----.-....... " P. M FAsT --- -...-. ....... " 1.10 " DAY EXPRMasS. . " 6.50 HA IiBISI3t, BO ACXOSI" Philadelphia Expr , as arrives daily, erceptMonday. c incinnatiliapress arrives daily. all other trains daily except SundaY. Passengers leaving Lock Haven at .7.00 A. M.., and Williamsport at &40 A. hi. reach Philadelphia, with out. change of cars, from Winiamaport, by Day Ex. press', 515 50 P. M. The Pennsylvania Railroad Coil:many will not as. sume any risk for Baggage except for Wearing Appa rel. and limit their responsibOity to One Hundred Dol. tars in value. All Baggage -exceeding that amount in value, will be at the risk of tee owner, nniesS taken by special contract. -- For further it fbrraatlon, away 13 JOHN.C. ALLEN. Ticket Agent 631 ot.estnut street. SA liIIIEL H. wALL.son, ricket,Agent at the De, AN lIIIGRANT TRAIN nu= daily, except Sunday. For full particulars as to fare and accommodations. apply to PRA/Vela 3ONE, IN Dock • treat. PHILADELPHIA, GiCRM AN _TOWN AND N0.P.111.8 a OWN- Ite a. E TABLE-On and at , er THURS DAY, November 1 8868, until Author notice. PO2l. Gh.amenTows. Leave Philadelphia-6, 7. 8,9, 10. 11, 12 A. M.; 1,2, 3.15, 36. 4,5, t.R: 6.10, 7,5, 9 1001.1. 12 P. M. Leave Germantown-6, 7. 7.X. 8 &W. 9. 10, /1. 1 2,A.M.; 1'7,3, 4, Of 8,6% train 9, 10, 11 e. I,f. he B.Z) down , and the 33i and 5,1( up trains will not stop on the Germantown Branch. ON SUNDAYS. Leave Philadelphia-9.15 minutes A. M.; 2,7, and 10% P. M. Leave Germantown-815 A. 21; 1, 6 and t% P. 011.ESTN UT-BILL RAILkOAD. Leave 19 iladelphla-8, 8, 10, A. M.; 2, 33.,(, 534,7, and 11 P.M., leave Chestnut-Hlll-7.10 minutes, 8, 9,40, and BA_ A. Ili.; Ito, 3.40, 5.40,6.40, 5.40 and ..0.40 0 e SUNDA', Et - Leave Philadelphia-915 =tauten A. M.; 2 and 7 P. N. cave Chestnut 1311/-7.50 n:dxates A. IL; 12.40, 5.40, and 9.25 minutes P. N. FOR CONSBOHOCEEN AND NORBIS'POWN. Leave Philadelphia-6, &35,11.01, A. M.; 1.16, 4..5i,534, 6.15, 805 and 1114 P. M. Leave Norristown-5.40, 7.7.50, 9.11 A. IL; 136,-43fi, 6l and 8 P. M. 9 be Os P. M. train will atop at Balls, School Lane, Wissahickon, Manayunk, tipring arms and Llensho hocken only. ON SUNDAYS, Leave Philadelphia-9 A. M.; 2,N, and 845 P. M. , Leave Morristown- 7 A. 2d., 5 and .*,l P. M. , FUR MANAY UNE.. Leave Philadelphta-6, 8.35,11.05 A. BL; Ihl, 3, d}i, 6.15, &05 arta 113,i P M. leave Manyunk-8.10, 73Q, 8.20,. 113 y A. M 4 2,5, 6,14 and 81s P. 1.1. ON SUNDAYS. 'Leave Philadelphia -9 A. It.. 23 and 43.45 P. M. Leave Mane, v., a-73i' A' M., 5.h. said 9 P M. W. S. WITASf)..,N, General isuperintenttel3, poi pepot, Nigth and, (imp. -'-- VA Om FOR NEW YORK.--RARIPAN AND DELAWARE B I.Y Rai L- AtJAD.—From Perry. foot of VINE at., Philadelphia. 9A. M—hapress. for Long Branch, New York and intermediate points. 6 P. M—Freight,for New York and all points North. .1.1. A. M. Way Freight. North Wharves, delivend at Compaay's Dere it, 320 North Wharves, Philadelphia,.by 5 P. M., forwarded by this line, arrive in New York at 5 o'clock next morning. RETURNING. The Passenger Steamix •Jesse Hoyt leaves Pier 82 North River. foot of Duane s:reet, N. Y., at II A. X, for Philadelphia,Exprem Preisht received lac Pier ra North River. N. Y., by 4.50 P. M. will be ready for delivery kt Philadela.hia early the following morning. FAR.r. TO NEW YORH - t2 00. Ticket Mice Vine street Ferry, For further intormation apply to Company's, agents. - H. CHIPhi AN, Freight Office and Depot, 320 North WEIARVES, Philadelphia. J. B. BURT, Pier 12 North River, foot of DUANE Street. ew 'York. Or at General Freight and Passenger Office, Phila. delphla, NO. 411 OHEISTR UT Street. W. ,N. I'LAYTON, Superintendent, Red Bank. N. J. . B. G. HAAT V, General Freight Agent, Red Bank, N. J. • T, BRENT SWEARINGEN, General Agent, Philadelphia, `13 1 •7,.';' . i80.6. , :TxtvEuare sinutiia; "VsIiaLDEMMITA' :11,17auN8 TON AND ”BAVITAOItz RAJIe TME...TAltia.n.cargrotkuring - MoNDAY, %-to Win Metre Depot:. corner of !Mond s treet *nriW Trai ngt,bn agent* eefbllowa: • Express •Vain, at '4.16 - A,: M. SMOngagli Meg a% ‘'ss Bal tlistate' and' Wairitington.stOnpsser sit Chester, ccyns,TX.XL.lttox Notibeass,Perrlville• Revri-fie.Grace, Apefseen. werr.eataN,EdgewOod, Magnolia' Chase's Mal! Stemnsera Ran._ t Way-rnali • Train', 'lll - 1.115 ' M. ( uranseMa ea °acted), for Baltimore.stwing at all ?titular Mations. I.n. eimg -*WV Dahrer B. B. at Wilmington for k'r'6l:leld end internieelete stations. kupresa train ati.o 'AAR. (lholdaYr eXcelitea) fq ''-'sltimere and Weshlecton.: ' - • Expre,s Train at 8.00 Ilf,tirsapAsaris exerfiteahiul tsitimotet end '':WashingtOM/ eto 'lit - Cheater "Slimmest Wilmitigton4 Newark,- . at ~nrfiertlt.Bast. OtTrsrville Ifavre•delgrawst__ , Aberdem' Perneman's Moroolls.ChaselteuleiNtemnierhi -amt. - Night Emmanuel mon P.N. (deny) ler Baltimore and Wilmington. Connecta at Writulagton with Delaware it.*Lboe tbatarday'a exclimed),ol6Pilieat Miee/eloa, my roe, over B Airington. siteatord,'t SallsbarY, Plinre Doe andel:mei:ring at Crisfield with boat for Nuriolk. Yo, temootb and the South. r i.re-r..er+ by boat from Betlrinitire" for Portrem Menne, Nortblk. will take the U.* A. M. Tiata, • WIDISTINGToN Taskinoss._ idoppthe at all stations betmeell Philadelphia and Wll rah:4(ton. ' • . Thedlerielphla at 1220 4.09, teDananut (day) P. M. , 4.00 1 4 , M. train Connects with the Dein ware 31sdIroad for Milford and . intenbe; I,labe, atatiOna. The 6.0 P. N. Train rat's to New Castle.- P. 311. Leave Wilaileigton and 8 jar a OD and' , 6.3 i daiy. Prete ltaltimoA toniladelithLik—Leave Ealtlmor. A 7.25. N.',l l 7ay-Muill kW A. ~,Expreas. 1.10 P. N. Kapre.se. dta P. , M., Express. • 8..55 P. M., "Er - press; fft m Baltimore tr. Havle,de ewe and re e ,Etations et 4 CO P.M. , • Trains ter DaltAxathe leave_ 101skItcr at 4,19 and B.EI A. II and 8.88 P. M. . Tratic4.-"rok TAMinors Ipsivelnirkih*onaiill!:.z3; awe .9.40 isr., and CM Pi 3r: NBA"? 3'RAII4BIIIO.M. BELLTEROBE. Leave Baltimore at 8.25 P. 111:, stopping at Havre at 3race, Perryville and Wit ngton. Also steps at Elk ten and liewark to take passengers for Philadelphia and leave passengers from Weshington.Or Baltimore and at Cheater to leave passengers llsosn,Wsshington or "Fs If `rr r 7,. - , brongh tickets to an points West,Scitth and SOnth west may be py °carer' CHAT Hotel.' $e 843 HI STI. UT TREET,tn der Contluemal Per rone pure hateng tiebeta at this Whim can h %Ire baggage ebeck.ed at their reeldencr *l?y . Graham's litafggAlLe sat prem. H. B. EL. Ba 1866. PHILADIELPHIA ANL. WrIPMFBILI,E. RAMBOAD. , ista. great e.thaverses the Northern and North ;vest counties of Pennsylvania to the city of Itrle or Likeßcte.- It has beenleased and la operated by the Penney} vanla Railroad Company. Iran or PASSENGER IMAMS AT PHII.ADELPffiA• ABV,II7E EASTWARD. - 2_ , .-- .i.:TLA PS WIIISTSVAJELD. Earle rilrie Express ..rtao M Elmira Matt..__..... TWO A. M. • Passenger C.lrs ran through on we Arta Mail ane RE` Trains without change, both wags, botweer elphis anti Erie. NSW YOBS 00115111=5313t. I",eaVO New 'rink at 9.e0 A.M.,arrive at /Me 1 0 0 1 A.l i Leave New York at sto P ht.; arrive at Erre 7.15 P.M ~ ..ave Erie at 590 P. M., arrive at New York 4.4 P. ea Leave Erie at 9.10 Z.. M : arrive at Ne a , York 10.1.0P.M Elegtrnt clasping tiara on all Night Trains or intorno talon respeetlngpassenger business apply it# corner THLBTLETH and HAB.KETstreets. delphia. - And for Freight businees of the Company's Agents: B. B. Kingston. Jr. ' corner Thirteenth and Market streets, Philadelphia. J. w 13.eynolds, tale. Wm. Brown, Agent, N. C. B. 8.. Baltimore: H. H. HOUSTON, General Freight Agent, Philadelphia. H. . GWINNEB, General Ticket Agent, Philadelphia. A. L. TYLER. General Superintendent. Erie. . ; PHILADELPHIA. 8 BALT/ • • MORE CENTRAL. RAILROAD.— GULKILBTEL—ON AND AFTER MONDAY, Oct. 15, 1886. the Trains will leave Phila. , delphia, from the Depot of the West Cheater els Phil& lelphia Itailroad.. corner of Thirtcr-first and Markel Streets, (West Phliada T. at 7.50 A M. Ledahi. Leave Rising Ran, at 5.b0, and exi at 6.35 A. M.. and leave Oxford at. 3.25 P. M. A Market Train with iPacatempar Orr lefor-hed, wail ran on Tumdan and Fridays-leaving the Rising Sun as Lus A. M. , Eixtord at 1240 M„ and Bennett at 1.00 P. M. • connecting it West Chester Junction with a Train% for Philadelphia. On Wednesday and dater days. Groins leave Philadelphia at 2.30 P. M., ran through to Oxford. • The .Train leaving Philadelphia at 7.50 A. M. con aecta at Oxford with a daily, line of Stages for Peach Bottom, in Laneasterco Duty. Returning, leaves Pesci , Bottom to Connate at Oxford With the Afternoon Train For Philadelphia. The Train leaving Philadelphia at 4.45 rams loathing dun, Md. Pans are, allowtd to take Wearing Apparel cmly, as and the Company will not in any case be le for an amcsmt exceeding one hun. dred dollars, unless asmaial , contrast be made for tht tams colds• .imusitY wDO7I Gont'l Burn. .„ Tun FAVORETE STE tMBOAT JORN A. wAKNICP. for Burlington 500 tot, Leaves Pliiladelphia, Chestnut street wharf, at aP. M. Returning leaves Bristol at 7.10 A. M., stoppirg each way at Riverton, Torresdale, An dalusia and Beverly. Faro. 25 cents. Excursion. 40 . cents. GB 1142414.1.0.11,- USE STARIN'S CONDININ POWDERS HORSES AND CATTLk. curet Worms Bois and Colic • It cores Colds, Coughs and Hieb Bound. It Is the best alterativc!foi ElT:ses and Cattle tow It lI.Be. haylig rePdtatiov o years' atandlug. • It is a sure preventive for the zone!, (Leaded _minder• pest. No Farmer or Dairyman ahun oe For sale in PhiladelplaLs by Dr. OTT& CO. 'VC Nortl. Second street JOHNSTON Pt olatowe Y. t COW , DEN, in No:t.t. Sixth ameet. Ind by Miamians thrones. oat the country. address all orders to STAHIN &. FLOYD. proms_ Mt Duane street. New Tort. OPAL DENTALLLNA..—A superior article fbr cleaning the Teeth, :destroying animalcules which infest them, giving tone to the gums and leav tug a feeling of fragrance and perfect cleanliness In the month. Itmay be used daily, and esti). be found to strengthen weak and bleeding gums,- while the coma and detersiveness will recommend It ti every one. ,Being composed with the assistance of the Dentist, 'Physicians and Microscopist, it is confidently offered as a RELIABLE substitute for the uncertain washes formerly in vogue. Eminent Dentists. acquainted with the constituents of the DENT.% I.T risTA, advocate its use it contains nothing to prevent its unrestrained employment. Made only by JAMES T. SHINN, Apothecary. Broad and Spruce streets, For sale by Drogaists Broad and Fred. Brown, D. L. Stackhouse, Bossard dt. Co., Robert C. Davis, C. B. Reeny, Geo XI. Bowes. Isaac H, Ray, • - C. B. Needles, T. J usband, Ambrose Smith Edward rarrisli, William B. Webb, James L. Elephant, Hughes et, Coombe, Henry A. Bower, UNTIMELY RTILTa xt . r.E.--110IXISIIN'S Bronchial TABLETS, for Mecum of coughs. colds hoarse ness, bronchitis and catarrh of the head and breast Public speakers. singers and amateurs : iv/Übe great} benefited by these Tablets. Prepared only by LAN CAST:. dr. WILLS. Pharmamatists. N. E. 0 , r. ARCH and TENTH streets. Pitiladelphla. For sale by Johnson, Holloway dt Cowden„ and. :DM/WM generally. Matt IDRUSH'S CHIAL AND PIII.,MONI( IL.IO DEW DROPS. for Coughs. and all Diseases of ttte- Throat and Bronchial Tunes:--This-amaltiihre-prepi ration for every household. Public Speakers, Singers d to r e p li o v u eehe am Woest ens elandot enle alhmo b s e eo k m n e o l w e epees It is aarreeable, strengtherdug and soothing. Prepared_ by E. C. BRIIIDI, No. ma South .Ninth street, Philadelphia. Je7•& lORNS: EU , lONS, pNVERTED, NALLS.— Dr. J. DAVYDsON. Chiropodist Operator , on:Porno, BUD ions. lovrrted Nails and other diseases Of the fee'. Offiee, 929 CHESTNUT street; Dr. Davidson will. wait on patients at their residences, no3to --_,..,..„ 0 met 'JOB BA RT LETT dt SON. 1 Manufacturers of the il A RTLRTT HEATERS Work Coo ing Ranges, Gas Ovens, dt Sheet Iron W of every description. A ardendid assortment of REIHSTuRS AN 9. VENTILATORS, and Silver's. Aft tight Stoves. always on hand, at, No. 924 Arch Street, , Philadelphia.., : - nu.3o-14 .. TEL - 4U3 8. D.IXOp £ BONe. Late Andreae l4 DLzon,_ - ' '7P: No. 1824 OBB3l'ritr2 etreet Yn Lialelata Oppoette 1732.1 tel States =et. LOW-DOWN: pART A GE OPPIOX',_ - - And other GILBLTIC9, Far gishranite, Bituminous and WOOS itrati *Sao. WA-101-Ani innoreams,'' and Private Brdierl.4--, s HBO BENTI4.A TO RB ddiiThrsi - KY•espt.'' OOOKINO-BABOBEI_ , "BOLESALE and RRT.A.I7..' LAblEit' GRAND OPENENG.-111113. M. A.. BINDER, • • - r 0. 1031 Cheetant street, Philad , lehla. • imilorter of Ladles' Dress and Cloak Trimmitts d o, an elegant stock of Imported Paper Patterns, i Lad es' and , Children's Dress. , Parisian Drees 'ant" Cloak Making 111 all its oarietiee. .Ladies furntabini their rich Bud costly materials may rely on being sr• tistically fitted and their work finished in the most prompt tw entyent manner, at the lowest possible prices. in four bours - nottce. Cutting and bast ing. Patterns in sets. or by the single piece ,for mar. el:tante and dreasnWtera now ready, aels.4 111111 EBA Char ea Shivers, S. M. McCollin, S. C. Booting, Charles H. Siberia, antesN, Marks, E. Bringhurst Clo., Dyori gr. Co., H. O. Blalr's Sons, Wyeth & Bro. , ,NINIEPPNWO • . FOR,SEM YORK,-; .Apnire.and Baritanreazial• the ?fikigailhaiNnthi*dare'lar XclikPrikralit I - Steani; s =ca; leave Dilia 21541 • - • 134 10! ; 11 4N CE R ESr egg: I ran Izt vet HOVE& • 2 - Thls • e eonneeta with all Ifortnerni Ind nuaertif nutria°, aftgPaules. zi efaode axnuariled Cretan" ANA reoeXedat l o west idea.- '• • . IMP . ozarDi Cal a wa , ; Ag_eat, • ID 117 Wall atm% mew . ' ' YOB 8,4 VANNAH. GA. „. • The elphla and ;Southern ': below Sa ntee ! .00mgr eet. gany'a Regular Linea,- second : , Thari The stessoktup_TONAWAHOA. Cairt.W. Jennings., for BAVAICNAIicwIII cOmmence 'receiving on THUBsDAIt . December eth„ mad gall bn DAY, December bth. at 10 o'clock ,A. H.. and every alternate Saterdat , therealter=vlk: December H. Jan- Tate steamer .3/a8 ,dne State Booms and ether 10. commbdatlona for passenger% ' • -; ; Cabin pairlager,t's: Deck de.. 815.' Through thkets sold to the following points—Meer*, 1 Ga., $88; Columbus, p,s. so; Augusta . { 3x. &ttaatiii Ga., $.39;' Albany. $4O;, Montgomery, A a., 046 ; Janis, Ala .1114 Mobile, Ala New Orleans , Yrelgitt taken at Low rates..:• • • Thrtugh receipt+ given, at ; througn. rates to sumo% Augusta. Coltunonc 'Atlanta, - 12ba.; Knox - 01/C Chatus.-. nooga. Naabville. bienlphla 'Penn.! , Canton, Mktg. • - No freight received or bills of,lading signed on WI-. ing day., • Agents at Savannah, Htucteedr. Gaiumell. • - - For freight or paeaage,ennlv-to - WM. L...Y.a.M,Ss General /tient, • telt ;"• 314 South Wharves. . , FOR NEW. OR 1, fr A.NtS, 11 , ECt. .. TELL P.HILADELP lIIIA AND'zsOIOTRr- STEAMSHIP COMPANY'S REGITLAB LINE. The well knowia . iheciii. Btnamnhtp ST.sBIOF THE UNION, 1.202 tons register. T. N. (noloiey. Heater, Will commence receiving treight for the above port at Jecond 'wharf below bpru SATURDAY .EBDalr, No vember 211 b, and sail on Dec; let. at o'clock A. AL • • • Returning, will leaverNEW ORLEANS on BATOR. DAY - December lath, This Steamer has aut. n . 11.1 ROOMS and other accommodations for pteeei yer.. Cabin passage tr,O; Dacedo., 140. Freight talsen at low rates: No freight received or bills of lading signed °rota- Ing day. Agents at New Orleans. Daiwa, Crevy, Nickerson di Co., who will give careful attention to shlpmentlicd pgoints.oods to baiveston, Mobile , Vicksburg, and interior For height or passage. apply to WM. L. JAMES, General Agent. Et South Wharves, '7'..rTOR -BOSTON. ETNA/ROUT LINE DIRECT. stir . GI:COM .S.ACHPORTEIrfIiP FIRE DAMS. NEON PINE ST. WHARF. rRILADICE.PETA. AND LONG AVFLA Rl'. BOSTON. The steamsblp RONAN, Captain Baker, will from I bilatielphia on Saturday evening, December L *I he ettamardp AR h.e>. (Annan Rogge, sal from Schlott on friday, Nov. 30, at,3 P. M. The Line between .e.o..l.zetalrbla and Boston is now composed of the ROMAN (new), Captain Raker, /.438 tons Inutile% SAXON,ift.ptaiii 2d.ald.ebre, i.t3o tow lituthen. NORMAN, (biptain Ctrowell,l=3 tons bream. Thtee substanual and Well appointed steamship' will sail pancpually as advertsd and freight will be received every day, a steamer boar always on the berth to receive cargo. Shippers are requested to send Billa of Lading with their Por i Vat or ragtag° having superior aeCOnuneda dem, &MIT to RIINEN WINSOB & arta en Smith Delaware avarice - butt Wl.l...sci,NtilON. A. THE PHILADELPHIA AND POUT STRAMPRIPI.. , OMPANY'S REGULAR nom Second Wharf below SPRUcE street. The first-class steamship PION ESR. taptainS Ben nett, for wuaaNcrron, wtu commence receiving freight on THURSDAY November 2srh, and sail on SATURDAY. Deceembex lst. at 10 o'clock A. M.. and every alternate Saturday therer—vls: December 15th, 19th, dtc. Passengers will find supezior best attendance. cabth y sang% gin; Deck do.. 'lO. Freigst carried at low rates No freight received or bills of lading signed on satl ing day. Agents at Wilmington. WORTH et DANIEL. who will give especial attention M forwarding goods e.d. dressed to their care to and from the interior. For emaight or passage, apply to WH.L. JAhl:11:8 General Agent, sel2 314 eolith Wharves gew TEERE) lIGH Ailt=ilNE THESOUTEE AND WEST. _ PIII:IAASHIELPHLIL ItICHMOND • AND NORFOILS sTEAlasEup COMPANY.. TB:BOUG14 RECEIPTS TO NEW Mini. Also, to all points In NORTH and - sou ra CARO. LINA. via Seaboard and Roanoke Railroad, and to LYNC33BURG, VA.. TENNESSEE. and the WBoT, via NORFOLK, PRTXBISBITRG AND SOUTHSED.II 11 TrTackem • The regularity, safety and shortness of this route, to gether with the moderate rates charged, commend it to the public as the most desirable medium for carry every description of freight. No charge for commission, drayage, or any expetuth of transfer. Steamships. insure at lowrst rates, and leave rem. larly from the first wharf above Market street Freight received daily. : WM. P. CLYDE ct CO., sale ' 14 North and 14 South Wharves. ~.,---- .. .: HAVANA EtTRAKEIIia. . 1, .. r - - . SFILkaf.ONTBI.Y LINSL . e B34u —d am) - CR N...----.....05pt. Howell ST AND STRIPES.. .. ~.. .—..Capt. Holmes Th steamers will leave - this — port far Havana every other SATURDAY. at 8 A. 15:t• The steamship BIZNDRICH. HUDSON. Howes, master, will sail far Havana on SATURDAY MORN. LNG, December lat, at 8 o'clock. l'asabge Havana...so. No freig ht received after Thursday. Forfreight or pamage it apply to THO A R WATTSON do SONS, an.% 1.0 North Delaware 8513/211P; FOR GALVEIsTON. IEX S. TEXAH L•NE DIRECT. e Al Steamship EUTERPE. Eldridge, - com. mender. Is now rapidly loading at Pier ai East River r , and a ill sail with despatch. (No charge made for crsysge on goods forwarotti to the interior by rail road.)For freight or passage, having superior accom, modations, apply to • BISHOP, r.ON & - dtf No. 100 arch sheet— ci gradat tt , • NEW ..E.E.PEllleki LINE TO ALEX-. ANDEL*, _Georgetown and Waiddlateri via i al.`l lrieapealre and .ventware Canal. with conn at Alexandr* Va,, term the moat direct route tab rOtoltnnrg, Knoxville, Naaheille; Dalton Me.; the Southwest. • Steamers leave Elom Wharf above ffarket street. every W and Saturday at 11 hf.. Nor f to the /k IM II2I I. • wi . CLYDE Si OM, • le North wbarvea: J. B. 00., Agents at el Etaviftin, igehist a. :njetown; ! bf. jarirldge dr* ecrandri • FOB - NEW YOBS.—Ptdladelphla Steam imer % 2anYktcifl l v vriat , s ea4t RTr ttTt , r daily at 12 15E, and 6 P. AL connecting ,with aII the - Northern aud Eastern Llneb For ftultht,lel d eth ' taken on 181708, apply le robleur BAIRD & DO., isa South Delaware avitalla sTEABLICH FOR SALE.—The ilasba Balling coppered and copper fastened> wan. ern - frukN Emmy (Bide whtel), 408 tons 0. M. .180 wet king, 2.134 feet' beam; depth of hold _8 feet. es Imam: draws b feet tint:bee water built of live ttakt• . and red cedar. Apply to E. A. SOUDER & CO. ' spX, , tf t 'Dock Street Wharf. • NNW TOW-. 130.6. - • Reltr...dtW.A.E.ls and ia..ffi • tid.l 3 4ilJl4b • ?Kr. W-B 042' COAEftel.47l BARGES towed to and from El4mArtiseping2,". 13A111 . 1110RE. %W1881:13W: an# Intamedinte rotate. • . WN.P.CLYDESOO.y ti 0.14 South Wluirves, PhIA: unotatn JOHN IsAUGHT.AN. Snoprtntandent _ FOR ANTWERP-Petroleum.—The Brat class Flap UNCLE JOE, Captain Sewall; will - - have Immediate despatch for the above port. For f. eight or passage, apply to WORKMAN & CO., 123 WALNUT street„ _ _ _=, FOR AacTwEßP.—The bark. - ESTIIEER. Captain Prince. Is now loading for the above t. For freig ht or r.rANaPPly,to WaRYS.- slant street Be ne.24 siittWANTED TO PUB° gASE.—A. centre-board Vessel, stOtable for grafi' trade. Not over three ars old. not ov 26 fe Undies beam. Apply ye to EDMUND and A, SOUD er Elt & CO., No. 3 Dock street. t - _ SHIP J. G. RICHARDSON, - Kendall; master. is, now discharging under feral order at So.Jth street Wharf. Consignees will plea• att.nd. Co the reception of their goods. PEDI s• ZR WRIGHT , EONS. US Walnut stn 24. it - JAB B. SHlNDLERnuccessor to JOHN SHIN DLEE & BONS, Ball Makers, No. 800 North DitLAWAp...E Avenue, Philadelphia. All work done in the beat manner and on the lowest and most favorable terms, and warranted to give per fect satisfaction. Particular attention given to repairing. ~0~ Pocket Books, - Portemonnales, Cigar Oasis, Portfolios, Driiisiiig Cases, Bankers' Cases: 1r4' 41 3. r k V 33 • 'KRIM° DUMB, TOILET OA BEB, NEEDLE BOOBS. Ladles aadGente Said:tem ar 4 Travealing 4aga, In all atyles. FDDING CIAADS.—eu the most novo and most let elegant latylee. MASON 00.. 9/7 CheetnUt street, bona and, M‘,ls a O rs V. Needlework made Into • Batellels, Pocket
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