f,a1 . 0100N:.1)-. -- Zi - ,f) , N.. klYea Ela Et A Pki. 1 ATEST! ! , EWB - .BY 'ATLAN. CABLE, TO-DAY'S EUROPEAN MARKETS, Advance in 13readstuffs at Liverpool Interviws Beimeqn Lord Clarendon, Mr. Gladstone and the Pope. AFFAIRS IN BI OILY MARINE LEVY IN FRANQE Amnesty an Italy. D 4 aft ary Conscription in Prusia. Prussia Declines io Treat with Austria on Commercial Matters. SPAIN AND BELGIUM LATE FINANCIAL NE WS EUROPEAN NEWS BY STEAMER Arrival of the Scotia at New York, ENGLAND AND THE UNITED STATES THE WAR AGAINST PARAGUAY The Alliance Virtually Dissolved. THE NORFOLK EXCURSION PARTY. Reception at Fortress Monroe an Norfolk. Destructive Fire at Hollidaysburg A WAIL - FACTORY BURNED LATEST NZWS BY ATLANTIC CABLE. ITo the 'United States and EtroPean Associated Press 1 To-Day , s European Markets. IavERPooL, Nov. 27.—The cotton market is unchanged; sales to-day of 8,000 bales; Middling Upland, 14id. Corn hasedvanced 6d4 Mixed Western is quoted at4os 6d. Lard has declined la. Spirits of Turpentine, 6d. lower. LONDON, Nov. 27.—11. S. Five-Twenties are quoted at 10i; Illinois Central, 771; Erie, 47. PEANurawr,Nov. 27.--U.S.Five-Twenties sue quoted at 752•. LONDON, Nov. 27.-Mr. Gladstone and Lord Clarendon have had long interviews with the Pope. Everybody in Rome •believes that they relate to the Pope's future residence, which a was generally supposed will be Malta. Sicily is still much disturbed. All the prisons are full, and 2,000 arrests have been made at :Palermo within the past week or ten days. Agents are constantlyanoving among the people to keep up the ferment. The brigand parties are ;increasing to an unpreoedented extent. The former members of Gen. Klapka's Hungarian tLegion have been arrested and conrtmartialed. ' A marine levy has' been ordered in France to fill the places of the sailors on furlough and form crews of transport ships to bring back_the French troops from Metico. Victor Emanuel has gTanted an amnesty to deserters, who enlisted in the Austrian service: - The' military -conscription for Frankfort and environs would take place on the 6th and 7th of December. A Berlin-despatch says the Ptl:Miatt Go vernment- have deeided to decline, for the present, the proposals of Austria to open negotiations for a Commercial treaty. The, Spanish Govornment has - addressed xepre4sentatiorus to the Belgian Cabinet, -declaring that Spaniel' refugees are resi ding in that Capital, and engaged in the most open 'intrigues, with a view to dis turb public order in. Spain.. Nnw YOBIK, Nov. 27th.—Private des patches from London quote U. S. 5-20's at 70k. Latest Financial News. NEW YORK, Nov. 27, noon.—The following are the latest quotations.; Gold, - - 1411. Sterling Exchange, 91 per cent. prem. Nsw Yoxtx,Nov. 27.—The steamer Scotia, from Liverpool on the 17th,and Queenstown on the 18th, has arrived. The London Morning Herald advocates the consideration of . the pending questions between the United stater and flk•eat .Britain; evein'by 'arbitration, if necessiry. The London Zraes pays ger Idajesty'e Government contemplates empowering a Cot mission to inquire generally into the operation of the neutrality laws and to report upon the possibility of amending them so as to bring them into more com plete conformity with international obliga tions. This inquiry will not preblnde further steps with 'regard to the adjust runt of the Alabama claims,which are still under consideration by the Government: and must be - entertained upon their own meritu. knoll damage had been done by the floods in Lancashire and Yorkshire. • A subscription for the sufferers by the Quebec fire bad been started in Liverpool. The London subscription Bit had reached .£17,0045. At the sitting of the Saxon Chamber of Deputies, at Dresden,on the 16th, the Minis ter of State dcelared in the most positive manner-that Saxony s had concluded no alli ance with Austria, either before or during the war. The Minister added that Sszony bad faithfully observed the promise to that effect by_Baron Von Buest. Advices from Paraguay state that the de feat of the allies, at Carttpaity, had caused complete disunion among the leaders of the alliance. Gen. Floree had been in Monte video since the 29th of September. Gen, Mitre had evacuated Curnza and left, with the rest of the army, for Tugenty. He had refused to avail himself of the Brazilian transports for the conveyance of his troops. (To the 'United Stites Associated Press.] Serious floods have taken place in Lan cashire and parts of Cheshire, England, and occasioned great misery and considerable loss of property. The Mersey, irwell, Douglass and Ribble rivers have been so flooded that mills by the dozen have been Mopped, and thousands of hands thrown out of employment, and hundreds of families made homeless; besides considerable loss to live stock and agriculture. The statue of Sir John Franklin has been unveiled in London. The London Herald advocates the con sideration of the pending questions between the - United Statei and England, even by arbitration if necessary. Subscriptions for the sufferers by , the Quebec fire hive been started in Liverpool The London Times says,"lier Ma jesty's Government contempates the em powering of a commission to inquire generally into the operation of the neu trality laws, and to report upon the possibility: of amending them so as to bring them into more complete conformity with international obligations. This in quiry will not preclude future steps with re gard to the adjustment of the Alabama claims, which are still under consideration by thet3lovernment, and must be entertained upon their own merits." A. Paris letter to the London Herald says: "Thereis a stronger feeling there against Prussia, than has been against any country sincelB4o. when war with Great Britain was considered imminent." Thnletter thinks, however, "there will be no war until the coming Exhibition is over, by which time Germany may be otmsolidated,and French men reconciled to keeping peace with so powerful a neighbor." The Paris correspondent of the London News says "General Sherman has imnao tions to assume that French troopsare with drawn from Mexico, end should their presence prevent the cenclusion of.nego tiations with Juarez, the 'fault while -with France. As it is scarcely likely the Emperor will care to provoke a .quarrel with the United States, Gen. Sherman's *ask will be comparatively easy." At a sitting of the Saxon Chamber of De puties, at Dresden, on the 16th, the State Ministers declared, in a most positive-man ner, that Saxony had conchided no alliance with Austria. either before or during the war. The Ministers also believed that Saxony bad faithfully fulfilled her promise to that effect made by Baron - Von Beast. pi. _ Arrived from Phi Ship litde ng lphie, ship Pangh A. Ballagh, from Queenstown. Arrived from Baltimore, Emilie, at Bronwershe.ven. The Excursion Party to Norfolk. [Special Despatobto the Bulletin) NORFOLK, Va., Nov. 27.—The Norfolk. ex cursion party arrived at Fortress Monroe early this morning. They were received by Gen. Hays and were -escorted through thr Fortress. They arrived at Norfolk at dl M , and were received by the mayor and city authorities, with the band froinFerrtress Monroe. A large procession marched to the , Opera House, where a speech of welcome was made by John Booth i lEsq., and responded to by S. M. Harrington, Esq. , ox-Secretary of State of Delaware. The party will leavelierfolk it ten o'clock to-night, and reach Wilmington at neon to-morrow. The excursionists were ten dered the freedom of Norfolk, and hat a handsome collation. Fire at Hoilidayabarg. [Special Daspatch to the Bulletin.] HOLLTDAYBBURG, Nov.27th.—.Tobn son's fine nail factory at this place was entirely destroyed by fire last night. It has been doing a large andprosperow3 biz:miners, and the loss is heavy. Murder in Bucks ,iConnty. DOYLESTOWN, Nov. 26.—Captain James Wylie was shot and killed on a canal boar near Frenchtown on Saturday last. The alleged murderer, a man named 10071 in, escaped. He has been engaged for some time past in stealing mules along the canal: Devlin is 5 feet 10 inehes-in height, about 30 years of age, heavily built, sterop-shoul dered, wesis his hat over his right eye;hat ro whiskers, dark hair and walks at a fast gait. A reward of $5OO has been offered roc his arrest. Robbery An New dreesey. Riv l traToN, N, J., Nov. 27,—Am audacious robbery was perpetrated here this morning. Tbe dwelling of Mr. E. H. , Ogden was en tered bekeredaylight, and the whole house ransacked, even rooms occupied by sleeping persons being entered and their .nothing, jewelry, ete , carried off. This is the drat robbery of the kind that has ever occurred here, and has caused much excitement in tbe town. No trace of the robbers has yet been discovered. Closing or Woolen Mills. BANGOR, Maine, Nov. 27.=-Vit , st of, the woolen manufactories in this city have closed, because wool costs more in its orig inal state than manufactured goods sell for in open market. Cauca* Nomination. BOSTON, Nov. 17.—A canons of citizens in Chelsea, last night, nominated R. S. Frost for Mayor. Hie principal competitor was R. W. Morris, a colored man, and a lawyer viio'received 242 votes against 344 votes for Frost. Arrival of the Scotia. NEW YORK, Nov. 27.—The steamshia Scotia. from Liverpool 1704, and Q'lo9rlS- Own Nov. .18tb, arrived early this morning, iH E D ILY 1 VLNir u BILI,LETIN.--1 1 1111,ADEJ PIiJA, v EFPAN N OVEN B Eli 27, 1866. The Railroad IRobbers—Lynch Law. LOUISVILLE. Nov. 26. The Journara special despatch says that the three men concerned in the late railroad outrage and robbery were taken from the Lebanon jail on Saturday night, and hanged by a mob. Moses 8 Field, a lawyer of this city, com mitted suicide to-day. NEW YonK,Nov.27.—The steamers City of Washington and Aleppo, from Liverpool, have arrived. New York Money Market. Igaw Yonx, Nov. 47.—At noon today Gold was 141;8. Eactange sixty days redg In gold, 154% In currency. Exdbanse at eight, 1 11%- In gold, 155% In currency. I.loney 607 yes cent: likaraet tending tosase. Markets. fly the 'United States Associated Preen Now Yoga, Nov. 27—Cotton is steady. out un changed. Flour dull, b at , unchanged, sales or 3,000 bushels. Wheat ditto. Corn =is 105 e. better. sales' of 56,tf0 btehels; Mixed Western qtioted $ 1 15 @l i 24 g in mine. Oats dull, sales of 27.00 bathe's. Beer dun. Pork dull and lower, sales of 600 bbls. of Kass at ell 50 @ln Lard dull, but unchanged. In hisky gala. Freights firm. Bezertmongt, Nov. 27.--Wheat dull; red 90®95c. Corn qv let; new erop 97c.®81; Baltimore high- graded scarce. Oats steady. Seeds scares; flaxseed and Clover firm. Previsions nominal. Coffee quiet: Rio unchanged. .ffn- Lars tinter and in better demand. Writs •• - dull. Cotton dull; Middlings 33 (8133#. Hay scarce; baled Timothy t2@1551. ISee second and Lest pages for additional Locals:l TEE "Sra:Nos" Womezr S.naiousra HMIT.--The dangerous habit of throwing stones by means of "slings," which the boys have got into, has. been alluded to before, `and the arrest of a number of the juvenile offenders has also been mentioned. Last evening, several youths were playing with their "slings," on Franklin street, near Par rish. A passenger railway car came along and one of the stones, which are thrown with great force , went through the window a:md struck a lady in the eye, causing such a serious. injury that it is thought that she will lose the use of the eye. The boy who threw the stone was arrested by some citi zens and was handed over to a policeman. He will have a hearing , before Mayor Mc- Michael this afternoon. AN ESCAPED JAILBIRD CAPTURED.--SSIDI Work was arrested, at Seventh and Chestnut streets, by Officer DeHaven, and last night was taken to New York, for trial, on the charge of horse stealing. He hadbeen con victed of that offence and brokejail. After his escape he stole a horse and wagon, in New York city, and.drove to the Anchor tavern, in -Montgomery county, Pa. There , he traded off both the horse and wagon and came to the city with a new team. After his arrest he admitted the facts as above set forth. SERIOUS BURNING.--Yesterday afternoon, about 3 o'clock, a little girl named Annie McCall, aged 12 years, was playing about a bonfire at Coates street and Pennsylvania Avenue, when her clothes took fire from some of the burning shavittgs.. Sae was badly burned, and was conveyed to her home at Twenty•sixth and Spring Garden streets. Robert Brines. residing on Twenty fourth street, near Callowhill, was severely burned while attempting to extinguish the flames. STEALING TlXll.—Jamea Brown was be fore Ald. Hurley yesterday, upon the charge of the larcenrof a watch and chain belong ing to Thomas Boyd. The two men were out riding together. Boyd got drunk and alleged that while in that condition Brown took his watch and chain and pocket book. Some of thearticles were recovered, but a strap which had been around the pocket book was found on the amused. ' The de fendant was committed to answer. FIRE.—The turpentine distillery of El ward Rowley, at Otsego and Canal streets, First Ward,twas deatroyedbyfire about five o'clock yesterday afternoon. The betiding was frame. A large quantity of turpentine, rosin and alcohol was burned. The loss is estimated at 164,500, arid is "partly covered by insuranoe. The flames were caused by the blowing rout of the cock attached terone of the vats. PASSE9O A Courvisueurr.—Gustave Gold stem was arrested, yesterday, by Officer Grimes, of the Harbor Police, npon the charge .of having passed a counterfeit $lO treasury note on a store-keeper el front and Coates streets. He was taken before Alder man Wand and was committed - to answer. THE 'GREAT REXEDY OF TEE AGE for teethfng, pains, cramps, flatulency elkeplessneas, dtc., in child•en. is Bowmen 12:7AAT U04D261.. No family shotildbe widiont iG "Liio's Poop," for infants and invalids, Newer, Sixth and Vtne streets. Pries - $i 00. DRUGGISTS' SUNDRIES AND FANUIr Goons. SNOWDEN & BROWER a, Imp^rters, 23 South Eighth street. BENsow'sArs.—Elder Flower Tattle on, coyeadne,Lema t e, sunflower, %VIOL% RhSA , &e. *MO u7DION &At ROTH ftEt. haportera. ZS South Bighth street. LkDm' TRUSSES, Br4oett, and Me chanical enprorts adjusted loy competent females, at - Needles'," Twelfth street, 'Drat dote below Race. Banning's, Braces,Riastic •Bandafes,-eggs, Knee Caps,.., orsupertoeletalltr. DR. FrrLER Advises gratis, from , 10 to 1, at Ws office, 29 Son b Fourth street. 'ids only man living who ean permanently one Rheameke en, Neurelgla. Gent, hothma. Owe warranted or no charge. TEsTED By throat diseases, ooldS and onulthlt. - "Sraton't .13rostalliat Troches" Lisps proved tbelr efficacy by a test of many yea.s. The god affects resulting fromfte use Of the Troches have bromatteout many wortbleee trn'tattoos. Obtain only "Itrowe's Bronchial Troctes." SALES OF STOOKS. . ' • ico eh Bead R REBORE 573g1 200 ab do 860 57. . 190 eh do '571-161 1 FIRST BOARD. I $2OOO D 84315409 'IIO9 89 eh Penna. R 945 f =lOO City 6s new 1023 i MO eb Phil dc Erie 3251 3000 do bSC&P 1024 28 Rh Cam it am Imp 49 6000 ST6I 5-21:ft '65 co Sy 1081 i 28 eh do 51 400 Bch Nay 'ES. 84 200 oh Resting R c 573 i do 83%' 100 eh do 860 Fa 1000 llnkra Cul Edo 21 200 eh' do c , 571 16 59 eh Camdt Am R 130% 1.01 19h Cataw pt 28:14 FUMES OF eraors lIQ NEW YORE.: (By listerre Pk) as!. t knwrlcan In bidm 'Reading Railroad:- .. ... 67 bid New Wrk ..... bid rattPd Slate° Gs 'BL... ted Mates 6s, ... . ... bid 'Fria „ '784 bid Yindson bid Finance and Basinees...Nce.z2,lged. The Stock Market was steady this morning, with a very moderate business. Government thane were held very stiffly, the Coupon Sires 'el, not being of fered undrr 113. The Five-Twenties. '62 eol I at 109; the poficy bonds at 1085;; tbe '64s at 104A,'• and the Jane Reven•Thirties at 1053;. State Fives were firm at 96X. and ithe War Loan at, 103 There was a fair invest menp. demand for City Loans at 10234 5r102% for the new ,and 99.4' for the old issues. Reading Railroad closed at 57,-a decl2ne of } from the opening. Phila.- delpisla and Erie Railroad was the most active on the list, and sold freely st S23b. Camden and .4.,mbey Ball• road' sold at 130.16. and Catawisaa Railroad Preferred at 21. 1 / 4 '. rs4k was bid for Pennsylvania Maltreat 1311 GermantOWn.Rallroad; 583 s for Mine Rlll Railroad; 61 . for Lehigh Valley Railroad, and 47 for Northern Cen tral Railroad. Canal stocks were very eteady. Schuyl kill Navigation Preferred closed at 35; the Common stock at 21; Lehigh Navigation at '59.14"; Morris Canal Preferred at 124; Wyoming at 54; Solonehana at 1436 and Caton Canal Preferred at .93‘. Rank shares were without change. Parreurr Railway shares were dull. The only sale was of Germantown at 8236 b. 30. Jay (Moire & Co. quote' GOVernMeflt seenritlea, dup., to-day, as followa: `Buying. Belllnlr. U. S. 1Y5.11381....„....„ . -ItB lid 820 Bonde , 10 , 4te' New 5 2013onds, 1864 • - ... 1 e8 1 1( 107 5.7 D Bonds,lofloi - • legs • 5-20 July, 1865:-. ' 1 8% . 1 1 856 tO-40 130u115... „ ' 100 1113 i 7 ft 70 , .... lofiX 108 1 June.... ........ ......... 105 1115 SQ " July ..,..„.. 106 105%; 130111-01 12 O'C / 00.111,„„ ,.. „ ....„„„.„.141. 1 41 /4/hi Arrival of Steasners. Cl/T= 1111:11416.1EMIN. COMMERvIAL. 830 ARAB, }WO eh Reef, R c 57146 11100 eh do • en 57 FOURTH EDITION. BY TELEGRAPH. LATER NEWS FROM OANADA. THE AMEXATION QUESTION. THE, QUMBEO SUFFERERS. Indian Troubles the West, The National Treasury From Montreal. NEW YORK, Nov. 27th.-!-A. special Mon treal despatch says a meeting has been called here for Wednesday, to consider the subject of annexation of Caxta4a to the United States. The Quebec Sufferers. NEW Yowl - , Nov. ?7.-A special Ottawa despatch says that £5OO have been received from Birmingham, England, and £lOO from trrgan, for the sufferers by the Quebec fire. From St. Louts. ST. Louis, Nov. 27.—Adviees from the Upper Missend state that the Indians are again troublesome several boats having been fired into, and 'a number of passengers killed. The Treasury. WASHINGTON, Nov.27.—The Government has in the treasury about $lOO 000,000 in gold and coin certificates, about $22,000,000 being of the latter. A Temperate Request. WesnmarToN, Nov. 27. the ex-rebel General Edward Johnston,having been re cently pardoned by the President, to-day called upon Treasurer Spinner for the pay ment of acheck for $3OO or $4OO due to him in settlement as a major in the United States army in 1861, just before be joined the rebel army. The Treasurer refused the payment in a manner whiCh was anything but pleasant to the applicant. From Washington. Wasunvortotr, Nov. 27.—A. soldier named Fleming, of the 11th U. S. Infantry, garri soned near this city, was murdered by a comrade yesterday. The Virginia Horse Fair excites consider ble interest among the fraternity here. Polly Ann and the Baltimore Colt will run at the Jackson Park to morrow, for a premium of $.500. Dexter, Silas Rich and George M. Patchen, Jr. will run on Thursday for a premium of $1,500. A parse of $l,OOO is held for Friday, when the follow ing will be entered: Lady Warwick, Fly Away, of Danville, Va.. Virginia Maid and Baltimore County Maid. (By the U.S. Associated Prem.] WasantaxoN, Nov. 27.—The only person living who understand the construction of rebel torpedo rams, is now in this city to offer all infOrmation concerning them to our Government. These rams were the. most terrible engines of war ever con structed. There is no- Cabinet meeting held to-day. The beads of the Departments attend at the Executive Office singly, as they are sent for by the President. Other visitors su;b not received. New Neck Honey Market. Nov "foam, Nov. 27.—The Couunercial says The money market is working easier; balances are steadily accumulating with the banks,and loana were freely offered. Gold has taken a sharp upward tendency on the repori of the complications with France upon the Mexican question. Price at 1.30 P. M. was 1424; Foreign Exchange was less active but firm. Stocks were tend ing upward at morning board but between boards prices fell off from half to one per cent. The Barthlan and Delaware Canal: BOBRE.NTOWN,NOV. 27.—Robert F. Stock ton, Adjutant General of the N. J. Militia, has been chosen President of the Delaware and Raritan Canal Company, in place of his father, Commodore Stockton, deceased. The Canal, with the Camden and Amboy Rail road,form the joint companies known as the "Monopoly." The Coal .lelle. NEW Yous, Nov. 27.—At the regular Monthly sale of Coal, to-day, 40,000 tons of lump were sold at $3 65@f4; grate, $4 75@ $7.1 20; egg. •$4 90@$4 95; stove, $5@S5 85; chestnut, $4 'l2l@s4 374; steamer $4 50®5,5. Ship News by the Stmener Scotia. Arrived from New York, William Perin, at Deal; Miunehabs, at Belfast; Sunrise, at Barcelona; Gam of the Ocean, at Melbourne, with decks swept; Neptune at Liverpool. tarived from Philadelphia, Elgin, at Fal mouth. Arrived from Galveston Cason, at Liver pool. Arrived from Machias, G . Spencer, at. St. Michael. Arrived 'from San Fran cisco, Anna, at Melbourne. The ship Apathekane, •Car Havre from New York, is at Cowes. The Hibernia, for New York,has put back to Liverpool. Steamer Britannia. rity the.ll. S. tome nee Press.] New Yowl, Nov. 27.—Ttre steamer Bri tannia, from Glasgow, is long overdue, and fears for her safety are, entertained here. The New York Money Market. NEW Tony Nov., 2P. 61'..—The tanner market fs easter. Balances are eteadily accumulating wito l DY e. and loans are more freely ore ed. Gaol b rowan; supply wants at .6 on stock collaterals, thong') some business Is done at 7 and occasfonally at 6in Gevertrasents. Discounts move more tree y; Prim. domes 66,;@7 Gold bas taken a sharp upward ann. ribe reports of compltoationsbetwown the Doh, dStates and France In egattl to Me, too, have been freely used. Foreign exchange is Icas active: tiovernment's aro mme du demand, especially old 5 2ns. The Moro-haute' National Bank has &elated a semi. I annual dividend of five 4zer tent. • UNITED BUILDER'S MILL, Nes. 24, 8 and 28 S Fts'TEENTH BT., • PHELADIELPHIA. FSLER. dt. BR U OTEIRIL WOOD MOTYLOTSG4, ikOKETS, STA.{ SAL: rsTil Re. IrriCW.EL POSTS. G TORS , r.n , 4 p.C . BooLL WORE. vto. SEERANING PLANED TO 012.141 R. The largest asPortment of ®Food Koulding. In tble city econbtamtly on band n• - d 8 2m ro SUNDERMEIER. IIitIMFACTOBER OF Plain and FanoY Oonfeatienery, WROLESAIE AAR RETAIL. No. 829 Arch Street, BELOW NINTH ST. H/I. ADELP nos a lu I warp ATFIEFVVED TAM arti &erne arnarinde in t ngar, landing and trr ~aie by J. B. BUSBIES, & CO.. 1081dontb Bel - ware avenue, 4 00 O'Clook NATIONAL BANK OF THE REPUBLIC Joe. T Bailey, Erni. Rowland, Jr., Wm. H. Bhawn. Wm. Ervlen, Sam'. A, B/sPbam, Nathan HMS, Edw. B. Orne, ()wood Welsh, Fred. A Hoyt,' 13A.IUMEL' ORNAMENTAL HAIR MANUFACTORY. Th Wtge bl T' oftp a tes. Long nms.morm Hl Braids aid Witter-falls,-Viotorines, sates, Illusive Seams for Ladies, At pricee LOW= than elsewhere. (taltlatp 909 OHESTN u'! STRUT. J BTRAWERIIXIE VO. BILBB BILKS. GREAT RVITIICTION. CHEAP BLACK BILKS. CHRAP V•NCY SHAM. CHEAP MOIRE ANTIQUE SIT. . CHEAP CORDED BILKS. MEN'S WEAR. Fine a 3 1 n rk Carein.eres. Caster 'Beavers. Esquimaux Beavers. Harris Cirsimeres. Motley Cessimeres. 4 I . Cheap Wool Casemeres., BOYS' WEAR. Good Attieriah7 for 13°7'8.75 cents. All-wool f assimeree 51. Extra floe Wool C.assimeres, $1 15. Darkextra heavy Cassirneres; ft 25. • V s• fine neat stries. $1 50. largest s kof Cass, , merel in the city. BI.ANK ET& , BA Nig MTS LILA NEE, , S. - BLA N KETS'N BLANKETS. - BLANKETS, BLANR.HTS, BL &NE. 4 71'S. BLANKFTS. BLANKETS. BLANKETS. 8LA.... K s - .T3, PLANE ETS. BLANKET& RI A N KETS. - • BLA.NK E TA. BLANKETS. • BLANKETS. At lower prices than at any time diming the season Marseilles Counterpanes. • Hooey-comb Quilts Marseilles Counterpanes. Honey comb Quills. Marseilles Counterpanee. Honey-comb Quilts, Nat-elites Counterpanes. Honey Comb Quilts. Lancaster Quilts. . Altendale Quilts Lancaster Quilts. • -- ' Allendale Quilts. I ancaste, Quilts. . Allendale Quits' Lancaster Quilts. Allendale Quilts, By the case or single Quilt. J. C S VEAWBRIDGE 4; CO., N. W corner Eighth and Market streets. - APO HOUBFIRREFKEtB____for of silver and wase,a NEW POLIS G POWDERi the beat ever made. • PARR & BROTHER, fele et ribeatnet street. below Fourth. MEG STFRGPICSEN'S—The finest Watches ire ? Intl. tlZTVEZVlcx . fAlitegf Watches. &c:: 324 Chestnut street,below Fourth. A LATINS FOR Trig CHAMBER AND FOR lA. 'Traveler's use. Just imported by • _ BROTH - Erg, 324 Chestnut street. irc v i CIMORICIIncra saneßE 914 01111ST141JT erßEer. 006-U4 W. ,11.. DUTTON, WALRAV WASOMC 3ussi; 710 Chestnut Streets, A Fresh bnporUtion d CHOICE LACE CURTAINS, Tapestry Bordered Terry:, SATINS AND SATIN DABIASH, Ron, Crimson, Mug, Groan and Gold, 'all of the newest designs for CURTAINS FURNITOS COVERINGS. WINDOW SHADES COLORS AND STYLES. WE OFFER FOR BALE, $250,000 7 ?8r Oent. CONSOLIDATED MORTGAGE BONDS OF THE HUNTINGDON AND BROAD TOP IisIIN TAILS RAILROAD AND COAL COMPANY: Arr 79: THESE BONDS AT THE &BOVE PRICE WILL YIELD THE HOLDERS NEARLY 9 PER OE 'QT, PER AAI.PM AND AID TWFNBY-ONE PER CP NT. 1D THE PRINCIPAL AT MATURITY. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION APPLY TO SAILER & STEVENSON, Bankers, No 121 South Third Street, n 026411 by Oppoalta Girard Bank. 1865 5-20'S EXCHANGED FOR 1862'5, and market difference in price allowed. 780 s, 5.2c65, lutei t e l e 3 st Rotes Bought and Said IYELEMEL. & C O► 34 SOUTH THIRD STREET. 809 and 811 Chestnut Street, PHILSDICLPHIA. Capital $5OO OM Fail Paid: DDIECTOII9, 141.4:.,4111):4•A WILLIAM H. RHAWN. CMEIKEICE, 31:18XPli P. 311:72EFORD. oc4o 3mrp DRFSS GOODS, DRESS GOODS. Balance of stork at reduced rates. tesdeees of plain Delaines at 25 cents. 10 pieces of Figured Mobaira S 5 cents. kxtra wide Plaid licences. $l. Heavy Plaid Poplins, Fine Hack Alpacas. 62 cents. BAIMORA.Lgi aoamottetal I case. Balmoral,. a great bargain, $1 75. lease Balmorals, a great bargain, $1 4 x,„ • 1 ease Balmoral,., a great b , argain, 75. LA.DIEB' CLOTHS. Velvet Beavers. Whitney Beavers, •Cainehilla Beavers. Astrakhan cloths. . Tricot Itc , avers. Bine Clothe. White Clotho, scarlet Cloths. Opera Cloths. TI. EDITION. Trooper: Canada—Movements of BeMsti Ire the IT: 8. Amr,lated PrenJ enowa, C.W., Nov. 27.—1 t is stated that the 100th. and pprtioris of other regiments of British R,egulai troops, stationed: hers, are. to be shortly removed westward,• where, for some reason not yet developed, there in to be a strong concentration of forces. The weather here is mild and rainy.- The New York Board of Broken.: Nnw YORK, Nov." 27.—The regular Board of Brokers, by a two-thirds vote, halo this day removed the restriction compelling members of the Board to charge one-eighth per cent. brokerage. Blembers.of the Stock Exchange can now arrange their brokerage charges with their onammars. BOSTON,hiing Intelligence. November Zhu.-- Fee steamer Zodiac, from Philadelphia, has arrived here; also the ship Maxie, from Rio Janeiro, and the brigs Sam Weller, from Cyprus, :and Eby, from Mirizoane. • BosTosr, November 27th.—The steamer Bosphorus, from Liverpool, with feur bun -tired and twenty passengers has arrived here on the - way for Philadelphia. , Her passage has been retarded by the breaking of her rudder. • • Windfall to a Telegraph Operator. TonorrrTp the lI.B N Av c 2 e — d The G lobe- - Says a telegraph operator, named H. A.. Bigar dun, now in this city, has fallen heir to $2,300,000, through dejeth of a relative. Safety of the Steamer Bosphorus. [To u. s. Associated Prom] BOVION, Nov. 27th.—The steamer Ens phorns from Liverpool. has arrived. Her rudder was broken on the passage and thus' delayed her trip. 9old at New York. [To the Tr. 13, Associated] NEW Yosx, Nov. 27, 1.30 M .-Gold Is quoted st 143i@143}. Death of Hon. Cave Johnson. (To the 11. B. Assoclatvd Press.] NASIMME, Nov. 27.—Hon.- Cave John son died at Clarksville, last Friday. Price of Gold Myth's/Am. NEw Yom, Nov. ,noted to-day as foll 10.00 A, M., 140 1 10.15 140-1 10.30 141 :0.45 1411 ILOO 1411 11.15 1411 Markets. icEw Toils, Noy. EL—Cotton firm; Middling ITV lands. 35 cents. 'Flour dalk 3,000 barrels sold: State un changed. Wheat quiet and unchanged for white. Rye add Barley dull. Corn advan - ed 1 ®2 cent% 38.000 bushels sold, at $1 2560 i 263; for Western. Oats don: Z . 00s bushels sold. .13ef dull. Pork dull: Mess $3150@21 ex, Prime $5O Co@2o 50. Lard dull. Whisky dull and un changed. Nay Torts, Nov. 7.7 —Rtr cks are better; rkteavg and Rck Talarul, 10.5 l:: aunt erland Coal . 7134: Minas Central,ll9U: Michigan &Intl:tarn, 8334; New York Central. 255: Beading. 1144% Rudson River. l.nti; Canton Ccmg.any, 47%; Missouri S'a, RSV; Erie Ralirm,d, 7331; Western 'Union Telegraph 0-mnany, 4731: United Ftates CO3pona, a's. 1862. 1091 e: Ditto 1884, Ditto IgeS.los%:new issue,loB ;Treasury 7 3-10t.se2ond aerie 3. 10531; G01d,142.%f. [Tcithe tr. S. Associated Press.] Chicago and Bock Island. 1053 5 : Beading. 1141: Prle 731, - : Cleveland and Toledo, 11.41‘; Cleveland and Pittsbursh. 863 G: Pittsburgh and Chicago. 103%; Kiehl n Central. 112%; Michigan Siouthern. 83%; New York Central. 112%; Illinois Central, Cumberland Pre. ferret 171.3 i; Virginia 6's, 0: Missouri 6'a, 13335; II S. Five-twenties. Registered. 1164' bid; Ditto Coupons, 109 n: Pltto 1865 Conpons,l9o;: Ten•Forttes, registered, 120; Ditto Coupons, 102,;5; Feven.ibirties, first series, 100: Ditto second series, 113%; Ditto third series, MA% G01d.142%. [Ta the United States Associated Pram] RALTIMORE, Nov. 27.—F100r in good demand and item. without change in price.. Wheat. 62 754113 95 bushel for erime red: 62 85@3 tit , fair to prime. white Corn Re PSI 00 ler Nisbet for goal 'and prime. Shipping Oats 551.58 cents per btmbei. Rye 15@1 25 Per bushel. Coffee Ls emoted at 17350191 cents - in gild ler fair to prime; Rio, 18.34@19 mom for Lagnyra, cents. 'There is little drnnit in Provisions, In Sugar holders show no disposition to meet the views of buyers. and no sales of importance. Tao Cotton receipts are in excess of the demand; I, sw Middiings as.m emoted at 23 cente: 33X@.34 cents. Whisky—Western and City in bond 36; Country,s3 250 32 28, tax paid. Statistics of the War. The following tables have been compiled from official documents in the War Depart ment: 7O MO Missouri New Hampshire 85,012Kentucky_.--____; 75 7 t5 Vermont...... 24 054 Kansas. .......... ....—... 21,186 Mamelinsetts ..._.....158. 380 Tennessee._ 31053 Rhode Island 26,21$ Arka! 13/19 .... ... .....--.. B.M Connecticnt.—_.__ 58 157 North Car01ina........ 3.156 New York.-....—..4c8,..T21 raliCornia_...--- 15,72.5 New Jersey.— ......- 79207 Nevada ..._ ..... —... 1:89 Pennsylvania. .386 005 Oregon- ... . .... ---._.- 1,810 - Delaware ~......: ...... 12,265 Washineton...-..... .961 Maryland..... 47 am Nebraska .. . ...... -- .-.. 3,166 Wcat Virginia:.. _...,. 8,2 903•Cnioredo.-.....-:: 4.993 District of Columbia 13,093 Dakota_ „_____ _.,„ 205 0bi0..—....---- 359,265 New Mexic0.............., 6,551. Ir diens -_ 2fp 986 Alabama .................. 2..57 1111nois ......... ~.-...-..2,636. Florida ..._....- 1 No 1,/lehigan..-.-i. 88 892 LNfisiana-..._ ..... _... 5V4 Vicisconain........... 99,972 Missicsippl_._ 645, Minnesota--.-..—. 24 932 Texas. _,.- : .. ... ..-.. 1,9 a 10wa.,....- _...-- 80,609 Indian - Natfon._ . 3 530 IWben the war closed there were in the fiel d, on the 30th day of April, 1865, 1.000.510 men actually in ser-. vies, and an enrolment Of 2 245,003 men subject to draft.. This would make, the total fighting force of the fret: hta ten, between the ales of eighteen and tbrty-tive, and in good physical health, and not Mein:ling for • eigners not nab:inbreed ... to be 3.245129 men 3 ==! Deaths from 96.063 Deatba from disease-- .—.--... 184 331 Desertions ----.—.-----... 199 045. Flonorably dise.harged. 174 577 Discharged for dia. billty ..... 224 309 Dishonorably discharge ....... 5 893 ..... ..... 22,231 Missing, 7,064 Total.. . CBMMIITA7ION Ml Maine— . 1 61( 0 0 ' New Hampshire 288 SM . Vermont —.. 593 414 Va.sachnsetts. Rhode' Island.- Conneetfent New York ........ New Jersey- Pennsylvanla.-. Delaware Maryland .. 1,131,94'1 Total.. BOUNTY BY BTATEI Maine , pat. , 27 837,043 Ohio $23.557,372 New Rainphire 9,636,3t3slndfana 9183354 Vermont_____ 4,628t44 Illinois 17,296::95 3.l7lBBachusetts- 22.985 560 Michigan 9,364,855 Rhode Island.- 820 768 Wisconsin..._ 5835.556. Connooticnt........ 6,887.554 lowa .. L i m l.7l T ew. Y0rk......... 56.629,227 Minne50ta.......... 2,000464 Rie. - .Tersey.-..- 23.808,908 Missouri ...... ..-.. 1267,748 Psnneylvania... 43,156,986 Kamm .... .. ........ 57,407 Delaware.„_...... 1.138, 7 ,99 Maryland- 8,277,992 Tist. Colombia., 131,01 5 West 'Virgin 1a... 867 a ,7 .... ICentucl Y.—. iPhiladelDtuts tfarttfli:L. Ttrxsner,Nov. 27.— The inactive condition of the Breadauffs market noted for many days past &ill centimes, and for Floor prices are Ornoping. There is no demand for shipment and no disposition on the Port of the borne trad. except to moply their imm— (Hate tvantc. Small 'ales o; anp‘rdne at 48.;1455 50'"3 barrel.- extras at ss©lo. Northwest extra faintly at 2.5@5'12 50, Fenna and Ohio . 1 0 do at $l2 1'5@•11.4, and fancy at $l4 50(446 T , ere is no change to Rye , Flour or Corn Meal and not bing doing' in either. ' he Wheat, market to extremely tinier and the only, Salo reprrtf dla POO bushels fair and good Penna. +tad. at n 99@2.90 IA bushel. Southern do. ranges from Ni tots 20, and V 1 b'te from $3 2510 $3 31 The last solar of Western 7, ye wore at 55: 6eo bush e ls Penna sold at $1 In. Corn is,v, ry quiet: =al. sates or old Yellow at $ t 20. and new at 901316 cents -ncooraing to dryness. Opts are dull: Bales o f - 609 husitels Penna., a*. 'ati cents; In Barley and AUX no further sales have been re. potted. • Cloverefd comes forward s owls and commands 11 5 (d0 75. No chabas la Timothy.. 300 bushe's' Flax esti sn'd at $3 2r€r3 30. Whisky Is culL Small sates of Ohio at $2 43. and Penna. at 12 36. A sale of 1 COO bbls. Western, in hadd, al a price kept Secret. naie• at fr'itilla.delpitla SO - sulk IFlOnsni. BALER Alrirrill PTIDIT nod:Ra 11000 Union Canal 13ds 21 1 0 0 sh Plana & Pee in) 324' 2000" Mr 65 new 10251 20 Oh Penns, 64% 2000 -do 2ds 10'311 10 Sh Leh Nv 5914 95 sh 15th A-151.13 SOB, 20 500 sh Reading R blO 57- 100 oh Ches & 'Walt' 533i' 1008 h do 660wh:6681-100 75 eh RestOnvllle 11 . 144 • sIDCOND -- 15000 Susq canal bds 6641 9600 City 66 new 10:"f1 100 ab Sch luny prt SSU . OFFICE OF THE - Lb:RIGA' CIAL AND tb.,DY NAV ..GATION CURPAn t PEGLAAELFAIA, *,V. '27.1868. - - The Board of Managers' have thiS -Aav dequred a Dividend of FIVE PER CFIN'P,, or TWJD.g.,LABS AND A BALE PER Ski A the Mot al SLOCK of L.li Company, payable on (1 .man s . clear of ;qv tonal sr d slate taxes. SOLOII.O.N otLEPH RD. n027-:11 Treasurer. 2:30 O'Olooks in New York. Telegraph Co. 27.—G01d has been wa: 11.30 11 45 12 00 M. 12 15 P. M., 12.30 141 1413- 141. 742 142} N.SY Br STAT *ES. District of not.., 896 903 'Kentucky 9 7.53) 1,978437 Mtn n 316 60) ...... .—.-... 15,405 Indians, 235,505 51 6 , 4,70) Wisc 0n5L0....- 1,533 603, lowa. 52 500 .vdrus,6l6 Total 1 2 / 3 48(15 Ca Paid by U. S. 300.223,E00 Tot. boan m0nen595,0%.903 110.9.R:13. 19 sti tiara AAm sep 51 165 Vara 6 Ara 3.3D34
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers