CITY lII3MLETIN. Pennsylvania Anti-Slavery Saelei/. [YESTERDAY AFTERNOON'S SESSION.] The meeting was called to order shortly after three o'clock by Robert .Purvis, vice jiresident. Mr. .Kitteridge, assisted by Joshua Hutchinson, sang a beautiful song, called "The Slaves Refrain; or Down in the lowlands," and were loudly applauded. Mr. Purvis said that - he desired to make an expla nation relative to remarks made by him during the morning session' about the colored race ; that be wished it under derstood that he quarreled with no marts prejudice,nor did he ask for the colored men social intercourse; that was a mrtter that regulated itself. .11e had heard Fred.: Doug lass say that he represented half-and-half of two races, and so far as he was concerned lie believed that he represented six races. Miss Mary Grew, from the Business Com mittee, offered the following : Resolved, That the legally emancipated slave needs the right of suffrage to complete and secure his personal freedom; that with out it the constitutional declaration of free dom and carefully-framed laws for his pro tection will be powerless to defend him, and, therefore, as his representatives and advocates before the nation, we claim for him that• badge and shield of our American freemen—,The Ballot. Resolved, That the adoption of any plan of 'reconstruction which , leaves the regula tion of suffrage in the hands of the South em States will prove fatal to the colored mm's freedom and the nation's safety, and that we therefore demand that the negro's right - to the ballot shall be protected by con stitutional` provisions. Resolved. That the work of the Alsolish ionists will not be done until the'spirit of slavery is so far exorcised from the nation that the coloredman of the South can assert and maintain his - Actual freedom in the presence of that dominant class who, de feated on the battlefield, are now striving to win their cause by, diplomacy, and to put the - negro under their feet. I Resolved, That the citizens of Philadel plaits, in the Church and out of it, furnish the lamentable evidence that they are not repentant for the national sin of oppression in the disgraceful fact that forbids our col ored citizens to ride in our street cars, and allow them to be ejected therefrom with in sult and violence. Resolved, That we hold the churches of this city especially responsible for this meanness 'and wickedness,inasmuch as they set;the example of such exclusion by estab lishing negro pews in their houses of wor ship, and inasmuch as their moral power is amply sufficient to open our cars to the col ored man whenever they shall choose to ex ercise it in that direction. Resolved, That as the Anti-Slavery So cieties are the only organizations, in this country which uncompromisingly demand suffrage for the negro, we earnestly recom mend to all the friends and advocates of this claim to extend to these societies and their organ, the National Anti-Slavery ,Yeandard, theirliberal support. Resolved, That we hail with joy every triumph of freedom over slavery, of right eousness over injustice, and give hearty thanks for the moral growth of public sen timent touching the rights of the colored man. Encouraged and strengthened thereby, we will persevere in our labors until our work shall be accomplished and the slave fully transformed into a man. Resolved, That in the name of our mil lions of betrayed and outraged black men, whose liberty we have sold; in the name of a betrayed and insulted nation, whose laws he has violated, *whose will he has defamed, whose fundamental principles he has as saulted, we demand the impeachment of Andrew Johnson, President of the ljnited States. Adopted. After reading the resolutions, Giles B. Stebbins, of Rochester, New York, Wendell Phillips and Henry Peterson made speeches. Adjourned until this morning. Visitors to Jeff. Davis. FORTRESS Mormon, Nov. 2L—Robert Cad, formerly the rebel Commissioner of Exchange, accompanied by a niece of Jeff. Davis, arrived here this morning, from Richmond, by way of Norfolk. They en tered the fort shortly after arriving here, and were received by Mr. and Mrs. Davis in their handsomely fitted-up apartments in Carroll Hall. Judge Onld had a lengthy interview with Davis, and left here this afternoon, on the steamer Eolns, for Nor folk. Three Methodist ministers, Rev. Drs. Duncan, Edwards and Burroughs,the latter formerly of Philadelphia, but now located in Richmond, arrived from there this morn ing, on a visit to Davis. They also entered the fortress, and had an interview and breakfasted with Davis. In the course of conversation dropped by these gentlemen, after leaving the fort, it was. learned that since the recent changes and additions made to the former quarters of Davis •in Carroll Ball , and the removal of Mrs. Davis and her sister into the rooms arranged for the reception of his family, he has become re markably cheerful, his health has very much improved, and that he , speaks very confidently of being released. Relatives and friends from all parts of the South are constantly arriving, entering the Fort at pleasure and departing without being scarcely observed, and now that his rooms in Carroll Hall have been fitted up, and the accommodations for his visitors improved, it is presumed their numbers will be greatly increased. 'The Adams Express Company are in the Gaily receipt of numerous packages, pres ents to Davis from sympat hizing friends, of every description that will conduce to his comfort or minister-to his pleasure or appe tite. (Coal and wood for the use of his fam ily are furnished ad libitum to his servants, and should his confinement be lengthened into spring it is not likely he will suffer from any of the discomforts or deprivations or any of the usual concomitants of a prison life. The funeral ceremonies of Sylvanus Hartshorne,an aged and respected citizen of Norfolk, and his wife, who died within an hour after her husband's decease, took place to-day, in the Presbyterian church, in Church street. The sermon was preached byithe'Rev. George Armstrong, and their remains were followed to the grave by three generations and members of the Masonic fraternity and Mechanic Association. A Triple Murder in' Missouri. LEAVENWORTH, Nov. 21.—A quarrel has longexisted between a man named Elgin, keeper of an inn at - Missouri City, and the Titus brothers, five in number, residing near Platte City.. The Titus, brothers were in Missouri City on Sunday last, when a violent altercation took place between them and Elgin, in which the latter shot and killed two of the brothers; and succeeded in making his escape, and in reaching the house of his father-in-law, a few miles from Platte City. During the following night he was traced , to his hiding place and the house was surrounded.' Elgin attempted to evade his puisuers, but they were too many. He was killed by a ball in the back while flee ing, about 200 yards from the house. , • NEW HAvate HISTORICAL SOCIETY.—The New Haven Palladium says that "Professor Silliman bas presented to , our Historical Soolety,a bronzed bust of his father, the litp%a.istin g uisbed Prof Stillman, of Yale. It *ill be placed by the side of the busts of Judge Daggett, Prof. Jonathan Knight and Adukindc4regory. The society is taking measures to enclose the grave of Adjutant Campbell, the British officer who fell at the lime of the invasion of New Haven, July Stb, 1776, with a solid iron fence with stone NM, and intend to erect a granite shaft over his grave, and to cut a road to the grave. Ain ErnVn is oil the Allingtowa Heights." From .Enrope by the cable. Lownow, Nov. 2L--Lord Stanley, in reply to a letter in regard to the ships seized by the United States Government, points out that no arrangements can be made to con eider such claims. A grand Reform banquet took place at 'Manchester last night. Mr. Bright made a powerful speech. The Times says that al bough the Federal Secretary of the Treasury believes that bonds of the United States will be paid in gold, it would be better if Congress would secure such payment by law. LONDON, Nov. 2L—Advices from Crete state that the Cretan Assembly deny the report that they have -submitted to the i'.l.6ma, 'Nov. 21.—The Hungarian Diet met to-day. The Imperial rescript was re ceived and read. It declares if the Diet will Iremcive the diflio 'lties in the way of unity, 'a. Hungarian Ministry will be appointed, and the autonomy of Hungary be re-estab lished. Lomfox, Nov. 21.—Consols for money are Quoted to-ilay at 901. United States 5-20's, - - -70 i Illinois. Central shares, - - - 78 1 Erie Railroad shares, - - 591 LivxurooL, Nov. 21.—CottonT unchangeo. Middling Uplands 14d. The sales to-daY will piobably. reach 10,000 bales. Bread stuffs firm at 38s. 9d. The Provision market is easier: Pork declining. ANTWERP, Nov. 21st.—The schooner Island Rothe, from Richmond for the Rio Grande, was capsized on the 3d of October. , Tbe crew were taken 'off and brought to this port. YAMS, Nov. 21.—1 t is said the Freneb Government has received news that the rule or Nlaximilian is virtually at an end and itis further reported that the G wern ment has ordered the shipment of.stores to Mexico to be stopped. BERLIN, Nov. 21.—There is a report that the Ring of Prussia has written a letter to Pope Pius, offering him the protection of Prussia. , LONDON, Nov. 21.—The Admiralty Court in the case of the Rappahannock, has or dered the representatives of the United States to give security in the suit where it is the plaintiff. LIVERPOOL, Nov. 21— Evening. The bree.dstuffii market closed firmer. Provisions declining. Lard inactive: LONlio.w. Nov. 21, Evening.—Omsols closed at 991. United finites 5 20's - - - - - 7 0 1 Illinois Central Railroad, - - -78 i Erie, - - - - - - - -50 QUEENSTOWN, Nov. 21, Evening.—Tiar steamship City of Manchester, from New York, November 7th, _touched here to-day and proceeded to LiverpooL SOUTHA.PTON, Nov. 2L—The steamship Deutschland, from New York, November 10th, has arrived here. Congressional Appropriations. The following items of appropriations have, just been officially compiled from the acts passed at the last session of Congress: Pensions, - - - $17,940,000. 00 Deficiencies for sundry civil expense. - - - - 4,904,515 46 Naval service, for the year ending June 30,1867, - - 18,904,667 50 Post Office Department,for the year ending June 30, - 1867 - 19,679,500 00 Military Academy, for the year ending June 30, 1867, - 301,457 00 Fortifications and other works of defence, - - - 1,510,000 00 Completion of Public Works, 3,698,047 91 Army, for the year ending June 30, 1867, - - - 88,004,211 83 legislative. Executive and Judicial Expenses, - - 25,430,459 89 Connie'. and Diplomatic Ex penses, - - - 1,405,494 00 Indian :bepartment, - - 8,778,535 45 Sundries, Civil Expenses for the year ending June 30, 1867 7,074,126 76 Deficiencies, for the year end ing June 30,1867, - - 515,100 76 Miscellaneous, - - - 12,705,635 6A Total, - - - - $155,851,781 16 From Georg's. ArousTA, Nov. 22.—George Meyer, As sistant United States Internal Revenue Agent, was shot and killed at Blaekville, South Carolina, by two men, named San ders, who surrendered themselves to the Sheriff. To-day, being a hlliday, nothing has been done in cotton, either nen or at Sa vannah. A locomotive exploded on the Georgia Railroad to-day, killing a fireman and wounding the engineer, named Berry. From Texas. NEW ORLEANS, Nov. 21—Flake's Calves. ton Bulletin, which supported Governors Hamilton, Bell and Pease, and whichis still the organ of the Union party in Texas, comes out to-day in distinct opposition to univer sal or analified suffrage. The Texas Stay law, approved by the Go vernor, requires payments on all judgments rendered before the Ist of January, 1867, to be made in four annual installments of one quarter each. `From Arkansas. MEMPHIS, Nov. 22.—A special Little Rock, Ark., despatch to the Avalanche, says that a resolution was introduced in the Ar kansas Legislature, railing on the Govern ment for information of the attempt to overthrow the present State Government The resolution was called forth by a call signed by a few obscure individuals of Fort Smith, for the purpose of inaugurating a new State Government. The Legislature is still unable to elect a United States Senator. From Canada. TORONTO, Nov. 22.—A. large annexation meeting was held last night, at which reso lutions were adopted urging the Canadian people to accept the terms of annexation offered by the, last. United States Congress. A large force of troops and a number of detectives have been ordered to Fort Erie. Mr. McKenzie applied to-day for a new trial for the Fenian prisoners now under sentence of death. From LoiMisrUle. LOITIENTIALB. Nov. 22.—A posse of citizens of Franklin, Ky., discovered, on Tuesday night, on thb premises of W. King, a largo amount of booty taken from the passengers on the Nashville. Railroad on the night of the Bth inst. The pork-packing season commenced bare to-flay, and seven hundred hogs were slaughtered. SHOWELL SWEET OIDER. Our usual supply of this celehrated CIDER, made !tom Harrison Apples, just received. Albert C. Roberts, Dealer in Fine diootiries, ElitVEig r til 4 ' ad VINE STREETS PRESTON, STEAM, LAUNDRY. IiASHING, STARCHING, SCOURING 'AND 4EANSIN IN ALL ITS BRANCHES • T G iFST WOW 4t_lqVite_S_C_priCeS. Office, 1309 Chestnut St NITA' MIN LIAXDS.—AII the most novel sun most V T elegant styles. MASON (lc CO., non lot 901 Cnestnnt street, 10O01"ET 'KNIVES AND BOIL-ORS.—Rogera',Was• tenhebnes', Idappin's, and Wade & Butcher's best Iff.ABo Q & CO., 5U Olnetnut atretnt Tilt DAILY EVENING BIILLETIN.---1 3 11ILLDELFHIk. FRIDAY, - NOVEMBER 23, 1866. II A.& J.J.WILLIAMS N. W, cor. Broad and Green Sts,, OPERA .: 50,000 Feet 4-4 and 5-4 Ash Flooring SUPERIOR QIJALITY, WELL SEASONED. 'W slant, Butternut and Chestnut, ASH, OAR and POPLAR, noalm F. WIL - LIAMS 'L M B E R Seventeenth and Spring Garden Streets PHILADELPHIA. 0c25.1m ex-AI I 4 Eitsz.J6, LUMBER, Seventeenth and Callowhill Streets. PHILADELPHIA. oczi•am 1866. —SELECT WHITE PINE BOARDS AND PLANE, 441, lA, 6 4,2, 234', 3 and 44neh, CHOICE PANEL AND PIELSTCOMMON,I6 feet long. 4 4, S 4, 6.4, 2, 234, 8 and 44neb, WHITE PINE . PANEL PATTERN PLANK. LARGE AND SDPE:RIOR STOCK ON HAND, 1866 B —BUILDIU ILDLNG!NG ! - BUILDING! BUILDING! LUMBER! 'LUMBER !FLOORIN LUMGBER! 4 CAROLINA . 5.4 CAROLINA FLOORING. 4.4 DELAWARE FLOORING, 5-I DELAWARE FLOURING. WHITE ProE FLOORING. ASH FLOORING. WALNUT FILIORING. SPRUCE FLOORING. STEP BOARDS. RAIL PLANE. PLASTERING LATH. 1866, r offletTEM S SHINGLES. SHORT CEDAR SHINGLES, COOPER SHINGLES, FIVE ASSORTMENT, FOR SALE LOW, No. 1 CEDAR LOGS AND POSTS, No. 1 CEDAR LOGS AND POSTS., 1866 . -LUMBER FOR lINnERTAKERS ! • LUMBEts FOR UNDERTAKER:3! RED CEDAR; WALNUT AND PINS. BED CEDAR, WALNUT AND PINE. 1866. -A LBA NY LUMBER OF ALL HINDS. LUMBER OE ALL KINDS. SONED WALNUT. SEASONED WALNUT. DRY POPLAR. t I HERRY AND ASH. OAX. PLANK AND BOARDS. MAHOGANY. ROSEWOOD AND WALNUT VESEERS. 1866 -CIGAR BOX MABWRACT`GRBIRS. . CIGAR BOX AtAtiIIVACrIIREK.S. BPANISH. CIGAR BOX BOARDS. lEe6 S —B PRU PRUCE is JOIST—SPRUCE CE Jo r. SPRUCE JOIST FROM 14 TO = FEET LONG. FROM. 14 TO X': FEET LONG. SUPERIOR NORWAY SCAN MING. 21ADLE. BROTEP R CO., noO cm co. moo SuUTR Street. I U andeolved are prepar&l toter, Li orders for ESL Marrs el =sta. Lumber, of any d scriptlon, which INDI t;e promptly execute& .S.C. MOND 1. SOTIDEZR & CO. Dock Si Wharf. =lSt LIIMISER WAT4DIEIEN AND JILIN riS LkDOMUS & CO. DIAMOND DEALERS L. JEWELERS. arozinv L SILT= ITAL.Th.. • WATCHES and JEWELRY REPAIRED. 802 Chestnut St.. Phila. Have on bane and are constantly receiving ala and splendid assortment of GOLD AND 6.11. WAR WNICHRIS of all styles, varieties, makes and prices. All Watches warranted to keep good time. DIAMONDS IN GREAT VARTMIR at Inas than nsnal pricea.A large stock to Select from. SILVERWARE and JEWELRY of all kinds. In• eluding FANO'? EiLLVERWARE SUITABLE. FOB BRIDAL GIFTS. WATCHES IMPAIRED in the beet =saner and warranted. DIAMONDS Bought for Cash. Also, Old Gold and rarer. ome MAbONIC IIARR . MARTIN LEANS, NO. ON taitannii..7 "STREET_ _ et % # FinstYrendoin awarded by Franklin last tote to MARTIN LlCANA tt lefanuinciurer MASONIC TEAR PINS. NM/MIMS, &0., &a New and original dealpa of Masonic MOM Tor. • plane Medal", Army Medals and Corps Badges c , .vars , description. ELWELL'S Ladies' and Gentlemen's REFECTORY, 727 and 729 ARCM STREET, These spacious Saloons have been elegantly fitted pp end re opened by EVAN ELWELL, a Caterer of Thirty Years' .Experience. BREABFASTS. DINNERS and SUPPERS flirnished WEDDIN 0. DINNER and SUPPER PARTIES sup plied at the shortest notice. French Confections of every variety. Four spacious Supper Rooms added for the aCCOM modation of Societies. note-lm/ F LO ITR. The attention of B . l i ra to Booth American Porta, and the Trade gen 32 1 lapelled to the tollow_log oe lebrated Brenda of PLO made from NEW WHEAT and of which they are the sole receivers In this citTOA IVORY SHEAF, BT. LOUIS • LADALES cams. NED'S HILLS, lIMIAI AGAP GO tria A.NTL-FAlk/10, GRANITE. Thb, Thu= In vont no In the very ban round hoop paokages and will be eold In lots to snit. R. J. RIDEOELLed Oa" S. W. Goner Broad and Tine streets. 'GEORGE PLOWMAN, - . CARPENTER AND BUILDER. ass, culatirrat wrEusET, int 1U DOCK STAMM Wankkw Work and athlwriting pruorptay Menlo. AILLIOEINLiMM. RIEMIT% 0111STIZMITALL NEWS KIIICCHAJKLIP CHOICTE MAW To All places of anatusemoni ma] luta U_ $0 o'clock any evening. • AMERICAN ACADEMY OF MUSIC. BATEMAN CONCERT. FBIDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER 23D. PHOEMAYME: Overture—Buy ' ' • • • $376,EaTa7 Mendelesohn . Air—" Let the Bright idhi Handel snug by M MB. P AR EP& . With Trumpet Obligato by Mr..A.BIRCIPELD. Cencerto =for Violin Met movement).....:. Llpintzky liflC CARL ItOSA. Intermission of 10 -minutes. "Stabat Mater"' • - - - 2,121 E. PAREPA. Soprano. MRS. JOSEPHINE SCHIMPF, Contralto. SIGNOR B R.IGNOLI, Tenor. SIuNoR FERRANTI, Basso, Charuser by the HANDEL AND nAYDN SDOIETY. e GRAND ORCHESTRA of 40 performers. LEADER' .. HR. CA RL ROSA ILVNDDLTOR RR. CARL BENTZ Doors open at 7;4. Concert commences at 8 NOTICE—The Btabat Mater and Bateman Concert Br OE, containing all the range and. Duero sung by Mme. Parepa and bignor Brignoli, will be for sale at the Academy. SATURDAY AFTERNOON. at 2 o'clock, November 24th. 1866, GRAND EARe.AVKLI MATINEE. A SPLENDID POPULAR PROGRAMME. MME rARN PA, SIGNOR BRIGNGLI, bIi3INOR FERRANTI, SIGNOR FORTUNA. MR. LiAlsL ROSA. MR. J. L HATTON. ADMISSION, INCLUDING RESERVED SEATS. ONE DOLLAR to any part. of the House. Tickets for sale at TRUAIPLER'S. no= QCIEN'i IFIC LECTURES (inner the auspices of the 0 YOUNG /id EN'S CHRISTI INASSOCIATION, In the Hall, Nu. 1210 CHESTNUT street, EV.E.B.Y FRIDAY EVE:NINO, At 8 o'clock; Nov. 23.—Professor E. W. VOGDES. . _ 'Anatomy of the Eye." Illustrated with Maerams and models. Nov. 30.—E. J. HOUSTON, Esq. 'Chemical Affinity Dec. 7.--11510 r A E. CALUOUN. "Subterranean Wonders." Mammoth Nave of•Kentusl.7. Dec. 14. T. BRANTLEY LANGTON, Es 9; "Astronomy—Ancient and Hodern.. • Tlckeiß free to members: also to any applying for membership and pitying their annual d cies. . _ TERMS OP MEMBERSHIP. Active (church ruemoer). $1 per annum. Arsoclate (not a c urch member), Rt per annum. t.untain big, 15 per annum. Life. $2O. lionora , y, $5O. non. 24 AMERICAN ACADEMY OF AtUsIC. RAI EMS N CONCERT. FRIDAY EVENING NOV. 23, ONLY NIGHT' OF aosstrird STARAT MATER. b MATS - TS : MICE PARE PA. Rts. JDSRPIUNE SCHIMPF, eIONOR BRIGNOLL SIGNOR FER* , ANTI, SIGNOR FORTUNA, , MR. CARL ROSA, Itlli ADOLPH BIRGFF.LD. The Choruses by the BAN DEL AND HAYDN SOCIETY. Numbering upwards of NV votces. and LomarDing the mCeltjpron Went dohs In Philadelphia. assisted ov a GRAND ORCHESTRA OF FORTY PREIFORMERS" LID BY MB. CARL ROSA. Conductor..Mit. CARL SMNITZ .PRIt ur ADM lz eiON--oNE rAiLLAR tu sty wt of the Rouse secured Ante SO cents extra. May be had at the Music Store of C. W. A. TRUMPLER. 1135 - SPECIAL NO tICE,—TICREDs OF emu's Moe:, PRICE ONE DOLLAR EACEt (whim= p. :erred seat). may be had to-day as above. The Dam ber of adtzl=4 ^n ticktia will be ar it fly Waited to the capacity of the acsactriy, Ltd all the seats in the rapper cl.m?e reserved for the use of the purchasers or these admission tickets. • HATMIDAY, Nov, 24, GRAND YAILEWELL MA. UNE& posplyely Lot appearance In Philade4phia of the BATY/lAN t.I3NCERT ADIIISSIONS—ONN DOLLAR EACH. (6tate secured without ta - tra duo ye.) hi ay be had to day atTruropler's blosteStare.. n 019.5 fiW (.IitEeTNI7T E.TREET THEATRE. Xi Doors open at 7 o'clock Cu.naln rums at 7.4. THIS EVENING, BENEFIT AND LAST NIG.ST BUT ONE Or ME. JOSEPH JEFFERSON, In which lint. JOSEPH JEFFF:RSf.ON will appear in Dl, OREST IMPERSONATION of The performance will conclude with A REGL'LAR FIX. Hugh de Bras._ . --Mr. Jefferson isATIJIWAY — A FTEGBlsloo.N7November 24, GRAND FA MI LY. !&TIN ALA., 'MONDAY. Not - M tint production of the Prise lay tQDion Boucicann, entitled TAR LONG RISE, In which Mr, J. E. .I.IcDONOUGH. will appear. MRSJOHN DBEW'B NEW Aiwa STRXEI . THEATRE. Beeps at 734 leek. TO NIGHT (Friday BENEFIT 15c6, F ANE'WE,LL And last night but one of NB. ‘ , AN BRYANT. A. GRAND DOUBLE BILL. The grand Irish Drama of saraitus o'sProc • Or, THE BUITLD BOY OF GLENGALL, And HANDY ANDY. BRYANT IN FIVE VIL.I.BACTPIRS. Wilb the sot ga of "Finnigan's Wake" and "Green above the Red." A WILD IRISH JIG. And a RUCTION REEL. WALNUT STRE.AT TREAT/33. N. E. corner VW I'UNTH and WA tavu'r Sta. Commence at 7.K. LAST NIGHT BUT ONE AND BENEFIT OF AIR EDWIN BOOTH. THIS (Friday) EVENING, ov. 23. 1866, THY MERCHANT OF VENICE. EDWIN BOOTH AS sHYLOCE. To conclude with the porular Drama of BON C..TAR DE BA Z4N. EDP IN BOOTHAS DiN CESAR. In compliance with many re:m(sls, MR. EDWIN BOOTH WILL GIVE A FAREWELL MATINEE At 2 o'clock on SATURDAY, Nov. 24, HAMLET. NEW AMERICAN THEATRE. TONIGHT AND EVERY NIGHT Until farther notlte. and SATURDAY MATINEE at 2 o'clock, THE BLACK CROOK. THE BLACK CROOK. nol9 ELEV.EIMI STREET OPERA HOUSE ELEVENTH 'street, above CHESTNUT. " THE FAMIN R.ESORT" OPEN FOR THE SEASON. CARNC.ROSS & BLEEP'S MINST The Great Star Troupe of the World , In their ETHIOPIAN SOIREES, SONGS. DA, NEW BURLESQUES, .PLANTATION SCENES. Doom open at 7 o'clock, Commencing at 8 o'clock. an: Sml 3. L. CARNCROSS, Manager. N liXEUBITION at the PENNSYLVANIA ACA. kJ WILY OB FINE ARTS, a superb collection or PAINTINGS, of the Frentli, German and Belgian Schools of Art. Admission, Z 3 cents. Will shortly close. noill St* (NWULANLIL OROBESTRA.—PatiIIe Rehearsals l3every Saturday afternoon, at the HIISICAL POND HALL commencing at halfpast three o'cloclr. Engagements made by addressing GEORGE Bela- ERT. agent. Hal MONIEREY street, between Race and Vine noS tf DEPOSBYLVAPILA. ACADEMY OF Wan ARTS l 'Opeu from 9 A.ll. toIERIENuT. shove 1932151 TE Benjamin West's Picture at MOIST Ite JEOThD still on exh ibition. IMO OLOVEB. OPERA GLOV&S, HEALY & CO., 928 CHESTNUT ST.. BaTe Just received a large assortment of LADIES' AND:GENTLEMEN'S oPERA. eLovles, SINGLE AND DOUBLE BUTTONS, co nsisting of white, lavender, violet, and other Shah lonable color& oast m w 2ra ITi Os': B. J WILLIAMS • , No. 18 NORTH SIXTH STRKIIit, mentrzumnum os V E NE.T lAN BLIN DE wriniow SHADES. The . l,%trat and finest assortment in the ow at an )2g= made and lettered. • Mkt ATIFICNA. AND SWISS CARVINGS, in ,Penholders. V Book elks:Paper Knives, - Match. Stamp and Card Boxea and Baskets, and a variety or other use f u l articles. , MASON a: 00.. non let 907 Chestnut street. RAIN IYORGE, .O,ZUREE AND COQUILLES.— VI The new styles Cane de Visite. MASON dr. CO., *7 Chestnut street, RETAIIb DRY GOOD. WINII-1A.t'.4 1 11 9 G, No. 7 North Eighth Street. I have now in store and for sale a most complete and elegant stock of POPLINS! POPLINS! PLAIN POPLINS, PLAID POPLINS. MARRIEDS k.ORD POPLMS, IRISH POPLINS. CORFD SUM LI One case of SILK STRIPE POPLINS , only P 73 cents NS, worth it.. MERINOES! MERrNOES! I have just opened a full line of FRENCH MERI . NOFS, of all desirable shades and qualities. New additions in DRE 4 I3 GOODS made daily from the Philadelphia and New York Auctions. Id.IIBLIES I ItiIISLINS 1 . The Cheapest Muslin Store In the city. JUST OPENED, 2500 yards extra heavy Brown Sheeting, wide, for 24 cent& One case of Pillow-case Mullins, best, for 83 cents. ' GIVEIISACALL. . My Stock of PLANA ELS is large and cheap. 5e24411.w,13M/ 110031..11311-1 7 CURWEN STODDART St BROTHER Have determined to offer their entire stock at snob prices as will effect a rapid reduction and give par cbssers an Opportunity of selecting a useful and Steep table. HOLIDAY GIFT. OTTEWEN STODDART & BROTEENB, Fos. 450, 452 and 454 F. SECOND sr., nobt{' ABOVE WILLOW. Opera and Promenade Cloaks, Velvet and Moth Cloaks, BASQUES AND CIRCULARS, MADE IN THE DEBT STYLE, AT THE SHORT. EbT NOTICE. CIIRWEN EITODDLTIT & BROTH:KR. Noe. 450, 452, 454 N. Second St., no2o 51 Above Willow. MFTIWMS3IIFWgInDWSWR'-' l iWgi E. N. NEEDLES Offers N'oTeltles NEEDLE WORE, cLIINY LAGER. - LINEN COLL %RS A'ND 01.1eF? PARIS I.MB. D SETS, LACE LUNDE FRPHLILFS, IsCAßird, NECK TIR, &c., &e, In GreagAssortment. E. M. NEEDLES. 3t4 "k 4 a.s ,r-aNta.salao 'MOT 446. WHITE HALL 446 DRY GOODS STORE, NO. 446. NOON SECOND STREET SEABEE 'FLANNELS, BLANKETS. COF NTSPIPA.ri ES. COBTA IN MUSLIN& LAIZIM. CLOTHS. CAS'IM Rake, RILES. EHAWLS and DRY SS GOODS. net Opened. a Werke Id line of ALL-WOOL PLAID POPLt.NS for ft CA 7. MILTON HAGY & BRO., nC6-I=L Succesaors to Joseph Hagy.. TF. IREDr.ta. . No. 147 NORTH EIGHTH STREET, East aide. above Cherry street. has now on band a ful 'line of FALL and WINTER GOODs, at reduced prices. Ladles's erino Vests and Drawers. Gents' 'W bite, Clouded, Grey and Bed Merino Shirts and Drawers. Boys' Merino Shirts and Drawere. Hosiery. Gloves. Suspenders, Tres, Scarfs, &c. , . Wbtte Shirts on hand and made to order. A perfect St guaranteed. a 0c153m NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY. Shawls. t, bawls, Shawls, Poplins. bierinoes. Cashmeres, Fluids. Detail:les, chintzes, Blankets, Countersa es, Quilts, Flannels Meath's l'oweliac. Csyslineres, Doeskins, Cloths. Prices reduced; deb , competition. STOKES dt WOOu 110. Arch street. & 00., SOUTH BKOOND fittest are now opsning their 'Fail and Winter Imports tions of SILKS, DR. GOODS, CLOTHS, &c. Heavy Black Silks. ReTim'ePred Sllka Real Irish Po pfna. French and German Poplins. Black Goods In great variety. Broche Long and Square Shawls. Ll4llolllh. 3VE.A.MTX.Z\T -Batteasial to Geo. W Gray, .7 SSE "WIE. 94,28, 98 and 30 South Sixth St., Philud's. FraeOid kt-lhvh evt . • Pardtty saldlELeacittall..4l HER. MA JESTY I CHI MPAGNEi P. rit 0 MT . sow now in., sous um • liMa—The attention of the trade , is solicited to fbllowing very choice&c._ for sale b 3 JOSEPH F DVNTON, R 0.151 South FROPT atreet. above Walnut • MADEIP•Ati—OId Island, 8 years old. SHIRRIES—Campbell & Co., single, double arid triple Grape, E. emu* & Sons, Rudolph, Topaz, Ries. bpanisb, Crown and v. Vallette. POB&S—Valleite, Vinho Velho Real. Dutton and Bebello Valente dt Co., Vintages PM to 18b8. CLAHRES--Crnse File Pruett and Bt. Fatephe Chit. teaulerainy_ .• _ HMOIO TH—G. Jourdan, Etrive & Co. MUSCAT—de Frontignan. CITAMPAGETErnest Irrony,- "Golden Star," de Venoge, Her Majesty and Royal Cabinet and other ftworite brands. OLDWHIELICIES.-600 Oases Pare.oll2 _Wheat, - EPA Boarbon suld*Maitahela Whieklm, 11:_jx_s y: trf 31 • , . P. MIDDLwo t Proat straw CA.H.RIAGEtg. BON SALE.—A large assortment of new and second-handVarriages, top and no top ogS En, aways and Garment° and Moran Wagons. GEO.' DOOD'a BONS, No. - - 4808AOEetreet, Nos. 231 and 233 °PAWN -stresir - oollam - 11)MMi WILLI.eIt T. IiEWSt3 - & BROTHER PLUMBERS AND GAS FITTERS, NO. 418 NORTH !EIGHTH STREET, (ABOVE • " 'PHILADELPHIA. [nov33mes/ Repairing of ■ll kinds at short notice. Orders through Post Office will receive prompt attention. agr COUNTRY WORK ATT toNDED TO. "gyp HCI LANCASTER. . GRAIN STORE, SPRUCE STREET WEARS', EBTABLIBIEDD IN 1828. CORN. OATS and MILL-FEED sold Wholesale and Retail at lowest Market Rates, and delivered to all Parte Sri the City. se7-17 (MOTH MG. 3EX.C.VLASICOMit CLOTHING HALL. EXCEL I(XR CLOTHING HALL. ]EX.C.IEI_,%I.OII. CLOTHING HALL. F. cor. Second and Market, PHILADELPHIA. CLOTHING FOR MEN AND BOYS. CLOTHS, CASSEIMISS, AND VE.SrINGS. Department for Custom Work. Agents for Oiled Clothing. EDyf A 11. DS & LAWRENCE ALBRIGHT & 1113TTENBRAUCK, TAIL. YELS, No. 915 Chestnut Street, Rupectrauy invite the public to a handsome assort, meat of Ball and Winter Goods. wf iul • GOoDS Fun LALDLEI. ARTIFICIAL FLOWERS. GRAND OPENING FRENCH ARTIFICIAL FLOWaS. J. S. BORGENSKI, NO. 21 N. NDITfI STREET, (EAST SIDE) , Importer and Dealer in FR.ENOH ARTIFIOI &L FLOWERS. BRIDAL WREATHS, Feathers, Ribbons, Velvets, etc. WHOLESALE LND RETAIL. This old established and well-known FRM:CIi AR. TIFILIIILL FLOW ER STORE.% has - b{en altered thronghoct and refitted in true French style, and win open on • Wednesday, October 24, With a magnificent assorts ent of Fine Frenctr Flowers, Wreathe, Leaves. Grasses, Feathers, Velvets, .bibbot s, Bonnet Frames. and Mill Good 3 of every description and variety. J. S. BORGENSKI, No. =North NINTH Street. 0c23 tu th f-tt GENiiiiCr`gANIiIELINGII9dAtItItS PATENT 81101A - DER SEAM BEIXT MANUFACTOR.Y. Orders for these celebrated Shirts supplied Pftitaltt at brief notice, GENTLEMEN'S • Furnishing Goods. Of late stales in fall variety. WINCHESTER & CO. 1031 '7 w,f4106 CHESTNUT. a, J. W. SCOTT & CO.. SHIRT MANUFACTURERS. AND MALMO IN Men's - Furnishing - Goods. No. 814 Chestnut Street; Ft= 1100731 be/ow the "ClOothilatet" PHILADNLPHLi. GENT'S FURNISHING GOODS. SHIRTS made of NEW YOB MILS Muslin,- only $4 00. usual price $5 50. ama) ra&HlN TSzies made Of WAIISUTTA Mato, only $3 re t& BOY'S • HEWS on hand and made to order. A liberal reduction =ad.+ to wholesale buyers. A ball stock of Welsh, Shaker and-Canton Fianna Undershirts and - Drawers.'Also; Scarb* Neckties,. Gloves, Suspenders, etc., in gust. variety. T. L. JACOBS, nos-2ms No; lbtB CHESTNUT Street, Philada. ;iIJ p Jt.i ' D"11 Jirl BUY FURNITURE . OP OULD Bm (1-0. UNION DEPOT, N;E.Oorner NINTH and MIZICMF tit/seat, and Noe. 87 and Se North SECOND Street. _ The largest, cheapest and beat Stock of Furniture or `very description in the. world. Furniture for Parlor, Drawing, Boom, Chamber or Bed Room.Dinlng Bum. Lib rar y, Kitchen, Servants Booms, Oftices,' Schools, onurches, Ood-, Masonic or other Societies, Ships, Instituti Colleges.; Public Banding% motels, Boardli L ambs,, emel, Hospitals, Balm Or a BlArafr Piece of Furniture. • • - Orders sent by poet will be executed With despatch and w ith l ibe rality antlaitness of d Parties - att, a ei e tsnee may remit uorough , lone - Ranter, the Fan. mere and Idechatile* Nat, Bank; - Chestnut street, or the - Union National Eant,Third street, ix by Express, Oleos or Poet °flies order; lam ediste attention -will be - given And'iliMisiactiOrl insured.. - GOWLD a CO.. N.E.• corner Ninth and Market and. Nand 89 N. Second street. ' BF'RING IiATR,ESS, BEST QUALITY AND STYLE. AND BEDDING OF EVERYDESCRIIVION. Jr. G.. FIIIILLSIR, 9 South sEVXMTIL Street. 4i; o si SIBION GARTLAND— No. .s 5 SOUTH THIRTEENTH STREET. n017.205i Above Market, east. aide. UNDERTAKER,
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