The Trial of the Fenian - Prisoners. TORONTO, November 10th.— The C.niri met at ten o'clock and resumed the Fenian trials. With the exception of the j uryinerl , Counsel and witnesses, there were but few present when the Court opened, but it, soon pegan gradually to fill, and by the time th sheriff , had called over the' jury panel th., gallery was crowded by Et number of Per tiona, among whom might be noticed many whose appearance 'clearly `indicatedthat they Were strangers in the city. MeFsrs. R. A. Harrison, John Patterson and J. MaNab represented the Crown, an K. McKen'sie defended - the+ prisoners. , His Lordship said Mr. Harrison, are you', preparedin any of the cases thia morning. Mr. Harrison—Yes, my lord; there is the case of the Queen vs, Hayden which I would wish to be proceeded with. An affidavit has already been put in, but the time asked for has passed. _ Mr. MeKensie We are not prepared to proceed, • A messenger has been sent to th+l other side for the purpose of obtaining wit nesees. but haa not yet returned: Mr. Harrison—Will you Take affidavit to that _effect ? • - ' Mr. McKensie—lt is my intention to do so. John Cookey was, first.placed in the dock. He is a low, thick-set man, forty years of age, with short brownhair, low forehead, blue eyes,-moustache and beard of Yankee cut, and has rather repulsive features: HA was dressed in a r "Aber seedy-looking brown coat, with.light colored vest and pants, and wore neither collar nor necktie. • Previous to pleading, Mr. MnKenn'e moved to quash the indictment, on the same grounds relied on in the case of tau quad . vs O'Neil and others. the prisoner the pleaded not guilty, and stated that he we not ready for trial. Patriek Keating was next placed at th • bar. He is a young man, about six fee five inches high, with dark hair. ani h' complexion and appearance denotes that he has moved in a respectable sphere of tit,. He was :neatly dressed in a snit of gray tweed. . On being questioned, he Stated that he was twenty-three years of age, an pleaded not guilty to the charge. Mr. McKensie made a similar motion in this trial. His Lordship said—Are you ready for _ . The prisonex—Yes, my lord. Mr. Mcliensie—Hts case, my lord, will have to stand. We are not yet ready. The prisoner was then removed. The Queen vs Win. Hayden. After it lengthy argument between counsel, Mr. Harrison persisting that the prison'er should be tried, and Mr. McKensie submitting that he was entitled to further postpme ment, the prisoner was directed to be brcught in. He is about- twenty year, of age. , - Mr. McKensie moved to quash the indict ment,and the prisoner, by direction of couneel, pleaded not guilty. The jury were then sworn. Mr. McKensie—l would ask your lord ship, as, oar defence relies on the qUestion of identification, to allow the prisoner to be placed out of the dock. The same, I believe, was done in McHenry's case. Mr. Harrison—l happened to be engaged in that case, and have no recollection of it. His Lordship—lf you can show me any precedent I am willing to allow it to be done. I must say I have never heard of such a course being pursued before. Mr. McKensie—l won't press the matter, my lord. John I%fetcalf, sworn—l am a private 'in the Queen's-Own, andwas - present at the fight at Ridgway, when the Canadian .vo lunteers were attacked at Lime Ridge; I saw several killed and wounded then; in conversation with the prisoner at the jail he told me that he was an Americati citizen, and that, he used to work on steamboats; , that he was born at Louisville, Ky., had no home, and last came from Buffalo. Joseph Newbegging, sworn—l live at Fort Erie; on the morning of the Ist of June, about daylight, I saw four canal boats toivediscreEs Niagara river by two tugs; the canal boats contained several hundred men; the prisoner was among them; he was dressed in plain clothes, and had green silk scarf around his neck; he was armed with a rifle, and had a cartridge box slung to a belt around his waist; he was riding .a roan horse, which I afterwards learned belonged to the Niagara Street Railway Company, of Buffalo; the prisoner spoke to Cramer Pricely, and told him to give him the rest of that money; Pricely pulled out his pocket book and said, "I have very little money, I gave ybu nearly all I had before;" the prisoner said—"Oh, no! you have lots of money;" Pricely then gave him some eighty-five cents in silver, and asked him if he would not keep the boys away, when he said he would do so, as he now had some thinslo treat them with; I heard he made a similar demand on other persons. Cross-exainined—Some of the men whom I supposed to be Fenians had green tunics, and others American uniforms, but most of themba.d civilian's clothes. George Graham, sworn—l live about three miles-from Fort Erie, a - little northwest of the Anderson road; I saw the prisoner on Friday, the let of June, about 5 o'clock; I saw a person near Prickly whom I supposed was a prisoner; I was going home and he rode past me furiously; I saw him after wards at a shoemaker's shop, in front of my house, on horseback; I went over to him; he was armed with a rifle and fixed bayonet, such as the Fenians had; he asked me what I was,- arid I replied I was an En glishman; he-said they had come over and taken the country,itnd that the hated Saxon rule was extinct. [Here the prisoner smiled and glanced at the jury.] 'He asked me for a quarter of a dollar; I told him that quar ters were very scarce; he spoke and acted in a commanding way; as he wanted some thing to drink I went in and gave it to him; he then gave it to a little girl; be seemed to be under the influence of drink; he was not dreg sed as he is now; he had a sort of greed veil around his neck. " Cross•examined by Dir. MoKensie—He demanded the quarter after he said that the Saxon ruleVaz extinct. Wm. Miller, sworn—l live five miles from Fort Erie; I was at Mr. Pricely's farm on the let of June last, and saw the prisoner there four times on that day; he rode up to the gate and called me out to get something to eat; he was armed with a ride and bayo net; ',got him what, he wanted and he went away; about an hour afterwards I saw him again; he was still on horseback; he got off his horse and said to Mr. Pricely, "Give me two dollars; I want to go and treat myself;" Mr; Pricely gave him some money, but not two dollars; he had some conversation with him, in which the prisoner said they had come over to take Canada and were going to free Ireland; he returned again in about an hour, and wanted the rest of the money; there were a good many Fenian stragglers about at the time; they got some breaffstid meat, which the prisoner said was satisfac- Mr. MoKensie—l have not the least doubt of [Laughter.] Cross-examined by Mr. Fleming— Although he seemed to be under the influ ence of liquor, he could sit on his horse very well; his talk was not wild or extravagant; he appeared to have all his senses. - Mr. Harrison—That is the case, : my, lord: Mr. M.olKensie read 'and put in several affidavits the prisoner's good charact.-r, and then proceeded to address the jury for the defehce.' He complained that he.'had been forced into Warily the Crown counsel before he was ready to proceedrina.smuch-as he hid no witnesses in attendance. He then bon, firmed to, argue that although the evidence was certainly of a strong character' against the ;risensr; and possibly 'night-he ,con sthied_liy-Ahe jury : ea- exceedinglyiiprejtudi oar; - Mill du* was nothing to show that he camp over here for the purpose "of levyine war at. alost her 11 1 &jesity : He certainly die come here, and acted in an exceedingly wrorg manner in plundering any British bjeet. - He-submitted-that-he did-so laboring under the influence of drink, scarcely knowing did at tne• time He concluded , his speech by stating .th it be did not .offer any palliation for the prisoner" condi:rot. He thought it very outragemis, and if acauitted on this chars the °roam would no doubt try him' for obtaining money through-intimidation, which it-wa% plain.lie had done, but-he submitted that taking into consideration his youth, and that no evidence had been shown of his in tent to levy war.on the Queen, or • that he ever entered Upper Canada, that they should not find him . guilty on the present indictment, thus - giving the Crown an op portunity of prosecuting him for the of fence, if he committed any; of which he was really guilty. His lordship then.. charged thll jury, ex plaining to them the law under which the prisoner was tried. • Mr. McKenzie—l propose to take the same exception to your lordship's charge as I did in Parry's case; with these further objec tions:,Tbat your lordship should not have told te jury that the `proof lay on the "pri toner to show his business in Canada on that occasion. Second That your lordship should not have expressed yourself, "can there be any doubt that the prisoner Wes - at Fort Erie or Lime Ridge?' Third—That your lordship should have directed the jury that the prisoner was: riding on horseback, between two and five o'clock 4in the After noon; extorting money froth the people was strong evidence-to-thejury that his object was private plunder, and not public war, and theta lay on the. Crown to show, boy_di rect evidence, that he was connected with the Fenians. At ten minutes past two the jury returned into Court with a verdict ogitilty. Mr. R. A. Harrison—l move,- my lord, the. judgment -of_ the , Cdurt supon the pri. Boner. ; McKenzie moved the Court in arrest ofjudgment, on the ground that the offence was - committed in the county of Welland, and'could not, under the statute, be tried in York, being one of two counties united. His lordship overruled the argument, and said; Prisoner, have yon anything to say why, sentence should not be passed on you? The Prisoner-I have only to say that three'witnesses; that haveenvorn against that I obtained the money from them by threats, is false, and they have perjured themselves. I simply asked the money in afx way; ' • • Ile Usual prochanation having been made previOus to sentence) being passed, Ma lord ship sentenced the prisoner to be hung on the 13th of December next. B. Myth:l,6n eminent lawyer of Montreal, retained as counsel for the Fenians being tried here, has been refused by Judge Wil son the privilege of acting in the court. on the ground that he was not a member of the Upper Canada bar. The Judge expressed regret, but there was no alternative. Mr. Devlin has been for some days watchingthe trial going on, but will return to Montrea., to defend the Fenians to be tried theie - early in December. The Ottawa field battery are sending their guns and equipage to Quebec, to be imme diately replaced by arms of heavier calibre and new equipment The Delegate from Colorado. We have t een requested to publish Lite tuliulVitlg IF I_ ter from the Governor of Colorado to e friend in this city: ' liyaysni, October 28tb,Isee.—Dear Sir ; I am quit obt,ged ter your inquiries in relatloa t 3 Me issue or the certificate of election to the Congrassionat delega— from this Territory. The Inquiry is, perhaps, eau wholly nunstural,y et I confess I am s direa , u , - prlsed that i should be necessary aMong those to whom 1. am well known. 3 itat the testern papers shotaid have given credence to the outrageous scandals whica have teen sent from here in relauon to this matter, withcon any sort of evidence upon which to base the allegations, seems to me utter'" inexelicable. Ten will. perhaps. be surprised worn I tell you that in all which has beempubli bed in regard to my acne,, there is scarcely one wet° of truth; ladeed. none at 11, except Lb. sltrple hitt that I gave the certificate. to Mr. Hutt I did gis e him the csrtheate.' It wa tais right to have it; he was fairl v eL . cted by a majoritv of the legal voter; he was entitle I t 3 it, no matter a hat his politics were, and I gave It to him bee use could not do she without doing a wrong to toe pioli will of the Territory, as well as to Di r. /loot person ally. It is the mil story of Wrong doers, woe' ezposed and foiled, becoming accusers to nide their own gull. be law t f Congress. requires -that '• the Govern', shall issue the certift _ate to the person having the highest number of votes," thus giving to the Governer the absolute control of the question, requiring him to decide it, tu.d holding him acountable but the ye *per uitcharge of his duty. There is, abut, established Dr Territorial law a Board of Canvassers, containing of the Secretary of the o erricury, the A dditor, and it,, reasnrer, who, together wArs the Governor; canvass the semi, a for Terribye jot, Dicers: With the delegate bei a east:mat officer—they have nothiug do -in this my own }augment, Is fortified by the legal advice of as able ewe te•el as. 1 t. ink , there is ,u the Territory. Two of the Board of Canvassers not on -y oissented. bet claimed to be the board, p etended to have cootrolover the whole question, and uy Cane. [toning the throwing out of a large number of legal votescast for Mr. Hunt, maimed the election of Sir Chilton, who was defeated at the polls. Not °comms lih throwing out legal votes cast for Ms. Haut, tw.. members 'Ault Board of Canvassers aiicented as legal a number 01 votes cast by a company of the sth United States volunteers. o his organization was recruited .exclusively from the rebel pr's mess In Chicago. Wits utit a shadow of right ofcitizenship in Col rrado, these rebel deserters voted for delegate, and withoutexceo• lion they all voted tor Mr. t/goat To this I refuse , ' to sobnalt. 1 loa fa the Whole story, and there is no thing Lucre of it. That party politics bad anything to do with my de cision, or that any other cousiderado, governed m-. save only the fact that Idr.Hunthad a majority of the votes, and was enticed to the certificate, Is utterly untrue, and without toe. slightest . foundation of au kind whs lever; and when the question' comes befors the Committee on hi ect 'eosin the Ho ase ofleepreseu tame a, th.• care, will be perfectly 'Clear, as I have stated it to Yen.. • • - Among the allegationa it is said that I telegraphed to Isle. Do• tittle that M. Hunt was elected. and that I gave the iertificate subsequently to sustain ray suite. ment. I never telegrapned Mr. Doolittle on the sub jeer, as he Will iescinystate to any one who thinks i c worth while to ask him. Is or do I know, to this boo,, also did send that despateh. 1 never heard elf it until I read it Intl a newspapers, I was r.ot here during the election, nor for sham time after, and in my action i the case' wet governed solely upon my iudgmeat or par ere as they were mane presentd to haveecig upon as I believe any hoc eat must done • cm will naturally ask why such a fabrlaatio chaild hive et n - made. and, why the question coo d not have been satisfactorily r • Dferred to toe Committer of Itlections in the House of a epresentatives, where. t had done a wrong,or even made a mis.ake, it WA, sure to be corrected? 'I Le atevt er is a elmple one, and I may as well mak.! It here. .sk large majority of the people of the Terri tory—at least two-thirds,- erhaj a tht et , fourths are oppoted. to the &omission of o:gored° into Union as a State. When the question was suomittr.l to them und, r a law of b °agrees, they decided, by three to on.. again. t It; bat a faction, wno desired t, h ave the Efate government In their hands deter mined to thwart the pub lc w ill and by a movement with. ut law contrived last year a /Item State goverl,- ment and presented It to Congress for au ral, eon, assuring that body that there was a lar, population, from SCOW to 0,000, In the Territory, ant that they very unanimously were in favor of the admission. 7he Legislature at its last session, ordered a census to be is ken. to show truthful y the population of Territory. Ihe returns are nearly rut to, and the re suit is a I opplation of about twenty six thousand:. This is E 0 ranch smaller than the lowest estimate made to Congress by the parties desiring the acimi slop, that the pub is ation is regarded by them as fatal io their selreme. Mr Hunt ran aa the anti-Statega - (Mate; Mr. thilcolt was represented both as tstate and anii+tste, arcot ding to tt e feeling in the different l •• cantles. Fut he is certainly friendly to the adraissiou. and it was to secure the trait ence or Mr. Chilcott Vont rem that this desperate effort was made to Ce fraud hi r, Bunt—an effo.t. which 1 refused to count. - armee, and hence these clamorous lies Eoon er I came here I was asked to write to the President, saying that the present State moveineut wee cordially acquiesced in by the people, Bat the ev leer ce to the coutrary was so overwhelming, itw.o so clearly demonstrated to me that the whole thl. g was bogus, and contrary to the wish of the vast cos.- jority, that Idi dined. to write the letter. From th.rt, ime to this I have been the object of roast unscrupu , lons attacks from the newspapers controlled by tue„, small factlen who expect the offices and patronage of the Stab if aide Wed. It is not a matter of the smallest moment to me per sonally whether the State is admitted or not; but it re of grave consequence that the people of the Unite]. States shculd not be' dere ved into the belief that theca are from 50,000 to 50,000 people here desiring a Sta government, when in fact;the population la not more than half that number, and against whose will an s‘t temr t Is being made to force a State government up ‘ .12 ; No better evidence of the baseness of •the charac' er , of this fsction and their proceedings need be cited' than is narrated la the Tribune artidie to which y.m I refer which openly states thatvlo Brea was threaten , d and my assassination contemplated, but that "bet/ r courlBds prevoiled ' Toe last statement is as Palau) any. The b7oody-mmded ma ice of the men whoi, 11 , deelgns .1 frustrated was:equal to any violence th4t ' coolc be softly comm tied. Rut it was not that' beVer counsels prevailed." They took counsel of their fea‘a. It was: the knewledge that :I and my frienda e armed, which led them to confine their anger within the bounds of menace. - • This paper is. aLready long enough, anti villas, 17 add In conclusion, that it seems strange i anottiffhaue to defend myself 'against such 'assaults In a•corninn nu), in;which / have lived all ray life, and La which I' THE DAILY EVENING BULLETIN.--PiII.LA.DELPHIA. MONDAY. NOVEMBE'Ri2,IB66. have; from the g triply g nnttl - now:as is well 'known 1 0 all who know me, wad.. war upon every form o( w -erg agabnt the elrctive franchise. Some of the most stringent and effit trot laws regulating elections upon the statute books ofPenxisrvania were originally ‘n my handwriting—were ceased by my etforts—have alwa3e received my arnert support; and no induce. merit that I could imagine would tempt me to change 7.63 , course upon this subiect. Yonrs truly ALRX,ANDEE CUMMINGS. STOCK BROKER, - GEO. HENDERSON', JR NO. 223 DOCK STREET.• Having rammed businese, I am prepared to make Ca orTime purchaaea and Balm of Stocks, Bonds'. Btogica 'carried at 6 per cent. Interest, without 'any extra charge. . Orden, executed in • New York, Bolton and Bata. more. serum, SPEO/..AITY. -RABDOLPI k CO BANKERS AND BROKERS, IS Soup* Third arts I S Naomi Wreak philadelphigh I /Ten, Yeas. STOOKS AND GOLD =win , AND" BOLD Mr WILICEIMOD nonnthorr manwno ON maroons. BANKING HOUSE (:)-V /WC° ORE4kCIA 112 and.ll4 So. THIRD ST. PHILAD'A Dealers in all Government Securities. CO 5 0 20's WANTED • IN EXCHANGE FOR NEW, A LIBERAL DIFFERENCE ALLOWEIL COmpound htereit Notes Wanted. INTEREST ALLOWED ON DEPOSIT . Collectiolus made ; • rocks Bought and 1331 d en Com. mink th Ladi sop, esnil brethren ancemmodattons reserved for Se 22 5-20 9 5, 7 3-10 9 s, 1881's, 10-40's, COMPOUND INTEREST NOTES, BOUGHT AND SOLD. DE HAVEN 455 . BRO.. 40 SOUTH THIRD STREET. NATIONAL EXCBANOE BANK, CAPITAL ssocooo, PULL PAID. Has Remov,od To Its New banking hiCouse, Nos. 633 and 635 Chestnut Street. A. BOYD. President. mp. W. GILBOIJGH, CashlEr. no7ti S15.0(10 frr°,4 8_ 1 25 of _mounCNO thvesr :p r o ' mor, ege. Apply to A. FITLER, no 9 31/ ; Conveyancer, N'o. 51 North. Sixth street. Fresh Import' d. Canton Preserved 0.1.1113E11, and In sprup, of the firmed quality. . For Bale by FOX'S FARINA CR SCREBS. Ereeh Crackers of thls unrlvaled Brand always o hand and for sale In bbls. and yF bbls., by ALDRICH, 7 RIIR ES & CARY. 18, 20 and - 22 Letttlastreet, nob-3m/ .Rxcluslve Agents. LIONT.AI IIf.ALS—Ex Sea Serpent ibr eale by 1.7 ,E. O. KNIGHT & Co., . oclP,lm S. E. nor. Water & Chestnut ste. QQUEEROLIVER.-300 gallons choice large. Queef, Oltve, , In store and for sale by gallon or barrel, .t Ur TY S East'End Grocery, No. 118 South SEGON, street. NEW BETHLEb EU BUCKWHEAT & WHIT GovPr Roney, in E-tore and for sale at GOUSTro kJ:tat End Grocery, No. 118 South SECOND street. CAROLINA' HOMINY'oRirs. NEW ta rg med Peaches, Joe t re. e3ved Yna for ease at. End Qr,cery, No. 118 Booth SECOND street • QTURRED MANGOES AND PE peßss, GEPUOINE 0 Chutney sauce. Roblnson's patent Barley and Greats, always on hand at ()DUSTY'S East End Gro• cern No 118 &nth SECOND street. LALSO I HAMS I—J. titewart's Trenton, Davis Star Rams, Briggs celebrated Mote natl., and J. Bower's OW Cured _warranted 1, give satisfaction: Vor sale try F. BPhil. , ..IMO', N. W corner Eighth and Arch. /ALIVE On...—ivo baskets Latoter and other favorite ki brands of Salad 011,foriude M. P. SMUT! N. W. caner Arch and wigb th. • TAVA OOFFEE.—Pare Old Government Java 0004 J ror sale by Pd.. F.GPILLIN. N. W. crumbs Of Arct and Eighth streets. FPNAJ3 ! TEM; It-100 packages of very oholee new A. crop Green and Black of =elate imortatlon. As Ittrnist MORO Testi have been bou Since Me decline In goia we are prepared to flunWee at grmuy red uce d i prices: For mashy the bO c or at remlL wit. WIZ , LIN. bl: W. comer Arch SW Mghtallitaliet6 - • , i fillMfk D. ROLPEE LEE has administered Nitre= ' Remy Oxide, or Laughing. Gas, to thousand with per- fect success for Dental. Sunical and Medical -per. poseffand for amusement.oMy Myr:ems (aoc.)per tooth fc r extracting..No charge for extracting when artificdal teeth are ordered Office No: 296 West Washington Squat e below Locust street. Seventh street cars pass Ithe door. • Don't be foolish enouglfte go elsewhere and 1)9.7 e 2 and 13 for the gas. N. B - -I continue to give in. OttliCtiOpl3 t o;the Denial profession. • Octlital - s' .ILtIA &AIDA/Ai °C 117"44* 4it• # ItiJMK%Ut Ca*nti* Cili ger. JAMES -R WE B B . ; WALNUT and EIGHTH Strea DENTnTiIIY. iNfrOBAIIOII. 1829 -41 IJCYI TER 1e1gt , A.N7111,14.11411 HOE INSURANCE COMPANY PHILADELPHIA® Assets on .January 1,1866: 0,2 9 6043,5C51 00. . , • • 41 " wryania . •••••••••••••••,............14122.1111 12 U1:4:37 57: Ll3llB. Losses Paid Sinee.lB29 Over 06,000.000 e Perpetrial and 'lmams:7 Policies on Moral Term , nurceroßa. OA D & V. Rummer. Edward O. Ds% Topllus Wagner, George Palen, Salami Gran& Alfred Wile& Geo. W. Richards. - Pres. W. Lewis, IL D. Du Lea, Petra Mc()alL - CHARLES R. BANCEER Prodded. EDWARD O. ReLANtoaltexasumai.___,_ . JAWS. WadoALLISpRIC, - aro tem. =MU GIRARD FIRE AND MINE INSURANCE OOMPANY. oppluE,4ls WALNUT STREET P.NILAD CAPITAL PAID IN, IN dA.BH_MOJ/09. L This company continues to write en rye sss cob Its capital, •with a good stirp_los, Is safely invested. 701 Losses by Are havebecet_ ao promptly paldiand more thas - - ,000 • Dlebruned on this account within the past few years. Forthe present the Moe of this company win ra main at ; - Ent mama a Frns , months ,will remove to iti OWN --- • - N. E. COB. BEVENTIL AND 0:13:13231Man, Then, as now, we shall be happy to insure our pas= at such rake as are consistent with sail Mr. DLIOXITO33B4 THOMAS CRAVEN. - Map= S. 'all - ,LNPP, FURMAN SHIIPPAAD, N. S. LAWRIEET. THOS. HACKELLAR, CHARLIE L DUPONT, JNO. SUPPLEIL HENRY F. KENNET, JNCL W. CLAOHORN, JOSEPH KLAPP, M. SLLAS YESKES,Ja., THOMAS C3AI7XN, President. ALFRED S. GILLETT, V. President and Treasurer JAM EI ALVOBD. Secretary. • -- tenni PROVIDENT lams AND TRUST COMPANY OF PHILADELPELLs„ Net. in Sawn FOURTH Street, mcpitPaRATED 3d MONTH, viz. CAPITAL, 1150. - 116 Y PAID IN. Insurance on Lives, by Yearly Premiums; or by 5,10 or `33.year premiums. Non.forfeiture. Ens owm ents, pavableat„ a - future age. or on prior de• cease, by Yearly Premiums, or 10. year Premiums both cases Non forfeiture. Amiunieti granted on favorable terms. / Term Policies.—Children's Endowments. This Company while giving the insured the sect:ult. of a paid-up Capital, will divide the entire Profits of the Lilo business among its Policy holders. MoneysreceiveC at interest, and paid on demand/ Authorised by charter to execute I'n:tam, and to act es Executor or Administrator, Assignee or Guardian and in other Ildnclary.ospacitlee under appointment nt agy Court of this Clmmenwealtla of any person or persons, or bodies patio orcorporate. DERECTOPS. Samnel R. Shipley, Richard Cadbury, Jeremiah Hacker, Henry Haines, Joshua 11. Alerria, T. Wialar Brown. Richard Wood, - Wm. C. Longstreih, Charles F. Collin _ _ _ SAMUEL R. Sliii.LEY, BO LAND PARRY, President. Actuary THOMAS WISTAIL M D., J. B. TOWNSEND, oc-4311 Mtdical Examiner, Ltgal Advise! ORA/WE VOILPANY OF NORTE. AMIERIL. L-MARINE. FERE .A.ISTD INLAND TRANSPOT TATION INSDRANCIE. 0i1ice.,N0.221 WALNUT wad, south aids, cud c Third btreet. ThePronertlea of this Company aro well Invests Lad Tarnish an available !and fin' the ample Inde - fm tf f all ppcC rsonm who desire to hoprotocled. try Lconizanot MAR'S taken mo Vestals, ITrulzitts 11:11M L ND TRANSPORTATION RLIEB oa Its andles per Rall.roads,e•oal• and Stennabcais. *W.SEM on Merchandise. Frunitrire and Bull' ln C ttyy and County - .73,(X/RPORATRD IF 11N-ZOAPITA4M% AN: - PAID TLIP AND SECSRELT L. TOTAL PROP P ..ERTDLS, PERP=AL IMALIPPRR. arta= O. Corea, -- -- 1 -- John Useett,', liammel W. , Georke L. Hare.rea. John A. Brown. Vrancia R. Cope, etliolee Taylor.l ' Edward R. Troaar. arobroze Whlve, E. S. Clarke, wrilllant WeLet. Witt m Crnacr: rziehard D. Woceil, T. Charlton Tieary. S. Morrie Wane. I Alfred D. Jessap. T. Dleailataa Henry. AILTHUS G. 0011101. E'resicona CIZA2X.3III 21.4.17; Eseratary. - - ' FIRE ASSOCIATION, Incorporated Hatch 27, E. Ha al N. FrFFH - errrees. fte - Im OFFIC re BIJILDMG_ HOUSEHOLD 713 R. 'N'ITTIRE and HESCHA-NDISE genet ally, from Lou by Flre, (111 the Olt Philadelphia only.) STATENEINTI . of the Assets of the Ataoclanw January I, 1566. Sonde and blortguea on ProPett7 In the City of Yhtladelphta..--..------...5328,tee Ground Hewn C.i =RS II Re a l E.ta • (offi c e No 7ind) 14.496 11 8. Government bao 45.000 a U. S. 6,640 e 4 City P Cash on ,2,4.73 4: GEORGE W. TB WM. H. HAMILTON JOHN BOUDER, PETER A. KEYSER, JOHN PHELBIN. ' - JOHN CARBOW, GEORGE I. YOUNG, WM. 11 1 3. M President. JOSEPH R. LYNDALI LEVI P. 00AT3 SAMUEL SPAEITAWS Cl 7 aur.V P. BOWER; - JE3SE LIGHTFOOT_ _ , ROBERT B.HOEILAK.M. I'. BUTLER. Secretary. O.HIEL PHI& RITLX INSITRANCLE COMPANY OS 211..u.5. L D INCORPORATED 11104—CHARTSM PECIIPETD.A.. NO. WALNUT Street, opposite the Exchange. In additiola to MARINEandUILANDINBURANC., ,his Company insure; prom loss or OLmAge b_y PLR= n letal terms, on buildings, metecandise Mraltnr tc fbr limited periods, and perrcumently on buildim .3y deposit of premium. The Com has been In active operation Air mo , .hen 4 33 : 1 2srldah all loom tom own Prompt") , and d• John L. Hodge, D U. B. Mahony John T. Lehi;. Tbenisa H. Powers . William S. Grant, A. R. McHenry, T.tobert W. teaming. Edroond Castilia, O. Clark - Wbarton, . Samuel Lawrence Lewis, Louis a N orr i s. JOHN B. Canauca, PreiMeat alum= WILCOX. Becresixr. - TESUBAECE EXCLUSIVELY. Tab £ B EENSYINANI.A. EMS INSURANCE WE PANTY—Into morated leid.--Charter Perpotnal—Sto 110 W Street, c m istaita Independonce Baum This 001:11141121, lmown to the oommuntt for over forte Year% am nee to inane against k w n. damage by Mrs. on Public or Private - BMW= tither permanently or for a limited time. Alao, o m Yornlnintrall of Good* and brerokuuldiall dendrall' liberal Their Capital, together with a large Bomb= gum Inv ested In the =et caveat =annex, which malt them to of to the bunted an undoubted socurtfit _ the cosier tom Daniel t3mltiii Tr. Alexander Bens on, Mass Haslehmst, raosoaa Robins. • D , • : wicasiG G. Geowars. n. MERRIAM MUSTrA.L INHUSAROE OOMPAX2 —Moe Farquhar Bulled= No. w n I,rit• st r eet. HAM= AND niLAND noruitAStalts.- Rieke taken on vestals, mots and &sigh* to as par of the world, and = i on inland tranepertation OB rivers, and Mune_ °caymans throughot a M:l Tithed States. • WILLIAM CRAIG President. Pima crukiarOinca President ROBERT J. KEE, Secretary. mom, Pe ' ter en, John Danett _sr., William H . merrhllt. yta .s. Rbabsata, me an Dallett,. Biagi P 412101 A CAR sum torstraduacua 00.111:PANT. Ab. ItifOORFORATHED 1 810.--CHAB.TIER Pnapia TIIA_L. 1110 WALIinIT Strew, E r maAa iove THIIID 13treet, FHIMAD !mins a large paid up CAPITAL STOCK and SIM . FLIIS Invested In sound and available Securities, one tlnne to lame on Dwellinp, Stores Furniture. Ides °handles, Vessels in port r and their ( ' larvae, and othm Personal ITcPeriZl. All Louse libandize and pub gdjuited. . Thomas B. Marls, 71 T. Lewis, . ___ John Welsh, Jame' R. Campeau, Samuel C. hlcrttoz, Edmund G. DutUb. Patrick Bud) ‘ mimeo W. Paultatud fonts. al It. ILMECOL Free= Secuelare. Waal !THOM AIXERe Oar CIPAIWPOII MN IDS amen:yr maw. WIEN AND_INLAND 1N13_117144,31Cf1t . . . - slimes N. Buck, • JIM •• a.;__Reny Lewin, l Robert B . POttQ~ Samuel Wtlgbs B. r, B. Julthoe. -. Steam s e m A, lat imni Jos. D. Ellis. N. trON Predawn. OMB. BlClNlaipthz. VlOll Snows Ei&Mianagialh esiThice DIOODLE POR 1310.000. Ran Dinrezerm Thom' Smith, Henry p a w dffiA___Jr. • tilfflaTil,Jr. Pramual Heim C. Dalton, Wm. S. Lowhons J. Johnston Brow Samuel A. Rolm. Matson Hntehtnli s Rom L. Elder. f 3. IDIAL Mom% BarrllL ftasikilit.Al44lllA vt e , teut General Life insuruce Co CAPITAL. $6130,000. E. W. PARSONS, President. T. W. EILTSS=.L, Secevtary. Statement of the condltfon of the t.,\ mnectlent Gene ral i tie Insurance tknopavy, of Hartford, Conn., as ME dr to the Auditor Ge,_erat of the cruse of Penesyb cptero ber 5, 156:, ' • Capital btock— 4500 000 00 do do I aid up .200,600 00 Stock notes (endorsed) 300,060 (0 500 000 00 Cash on ASSETS. $34 781 50 Premiums on Polio( es . = hands of Agents-- 10,763 27 United States Bones (par va)ue)--$140,417 00 Lonnecticut and Ohio gnats Ronde (par va1ue)... ..... • 14,000 CO Hartford and Chicago City Bonds (par value)... -- 11970 00 Eank Stocks (par value) 19,100 00 $1g5,467 GO $221,031 77 TALTEB Losses adjusted not due.Ll BI -„ .... PI . 41,000 " unadjusted •6 5,000 Outstanding bins Balance on band... E. W. PARSON% Prestrieut. Sworn to before ERABTIIS SMITH Comm stoner for the State of Pennsylvania In Connecticut. This Company,orgasized with a capital of halts mil lion dollars. all paid ln and invested, or safely se cured, affords many. superior advantages. Sirrao other Life Company nes ever commenced bus nem, in this country with such AMPLE SECO'. tar - The originators of It are among those of the tar gent es perlenceand moat successful Life underwriters in the Lnited States. Aar The premiums are GREATLY REDUCED from those tibUldly charged. -- /far The ACTUAL COST of Insurance having been very closely ascertained, tie tables are made accord ingly. tirßy the rates adopted, as large dividends as ot adrlence proves Ccunpanlea can pay, are discounted in vice. Jarmo awared SNOW DEFINITELY what the cost of their Insurance will be. ffil"'• The Assured incur no liability beyond the small stipulated premium,. - he business thus relieved of all complications and uncertainties. and cause of dikssa election NO ONE. ITIEBE.FoRS 4 SlifoULD F&IL TO SE CURE A POLICY IN THIS. COMPANY. Agents and Canvassers of ability wanted, who will find it areally to their Interest to present the claims and advantages of this well-establlshed and most sac cessiol Company. Office, 404 Walnut Street, Philadelphia. WALTER H. TILDE±V. GEN RA T. AGENT, 1105.1:0,WAVI MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE C33I2ANY OF pm T. nimpmA, OFFICE NO. 5 SOUTH . FIFTH STREET, ASSETS, • - • • . 8126,5= 21 CHARTER PERPETUAL. artrru..Al. SYSTEM EXCLIISIv.E,LY. DERE'CTORS FOB 1.666. Caleb Clothler,l William P. Reeder, Berjaman Ilalone, 1 Joseph Chapman, Thomas Mather, Charles Evans, T. Ellwood Chapman, I Edward M. Needles, Slzheon Matlack. 1 Wilson IL Jenkins, Aaron W. Gaakill, I Lukens Webster. CALEB CLOTHCER. President. BENJAMIN NLAI.,OI.4TE, Vice President. T - Boarlis MATHER. Treasurer. T. ELLWOOD CHAPMA 'Xi. Secretary. se22•3m :O. ••s .• • • 2:4 - • z :11 si, • 1t.'41•• OPTION NO. 10 BOOTH FOL isTzt 1111ELOW CICESIntn374 “The Sire Intsanume Clerap;riy Of the t Philadelltbla.” Incorporrand by the liceidisrazs yerinsylvanta In ISa, for Ladematty spit= Imp et* damage by gra , exol cae.RizapEruil.. mu old and reliable Insinuslan, with =Vs =gr and centbagant Timid amettely invested =mat= la it "mre balldiaga, flirnlnire, merchandise, ac., either pc mat sally or far a liaised tin oa, *walnut lass Cr dams{ - by lire, at the lomat rates mn.sident with the Islstol7 safety of its indalcaners. • Loam adlostad ar.d D with all paands Aotr—w. • IRECTns. Charlet J. Enter. Edwin L. Bean% ' Henry Ora/. John Horn, Robert V. hi' Jr., •Totiordi ItEnoro Hercry, Budd, Goons Hooka Andrew H. Miller. James N. Stoma. CELLELES T. SUTTER ; Prandon.l linecialina P. Hoionasir. Sec'? and Trauma-Er. (11.: PHERSON ETRE INSIJEANCE COMPANY OS tP PHILADRLPHIA.--OFFI No. 24 NORTF lI:ETU STREET, NEAR MARKET STREW. Iccorporated by the LeValatnre of Pennsylvania Caaarga Pssesrusg, CAPITAL AND ASSEII $150:000. Make Insurance against Lees or Loatnage b: Fire or Public orTri, vate Buildings, Furniture, Stock, Goods and Merchandise, on favorable terms. DERECTORS. George Every, Frederick Doll, August C. Miller Jacob &handler, Js F. Easterling, Samuel Miller, Henry Troomner, Edward P. Moyer, William McDaniel. Adam J. Ohms, Cbristopher H. Miller. Israel Peterson Preeerick Staake, Frederick Ladner Jonas Bowman, GEORGE EMITY, President. JOHN F. BELSTERLING, Vice President PHILIP E. COLEMAN. Secretary. BUSEIESS ()ABIOS 'WILT I n M T. HEWES & BRODIE& PLUMBERS AND GAS FITTERR, Ii O. 413 NO&TH EIGHTH bT.RKEA (ABOVE WILLOW.) PHILADELPHIA. Repairing of all kinds at abort notice. Orders throb Post Office will receive prompt attention. ARP' COUNTRY WORK, ATT NDED TO. '"at El C. LANCASTER. 1.1. GRAIN STORK, SPRUCE STREET WHARF BSTABLIBMID I 1 1825. CORN, OATS and MIL I,P P. Wr) sold Wholesale am Retail at lowest Market Rates, and delivered to al parte of the CltY. E. KNIGHT & 00., WHOr• RN , I•tS GHOIIEGL Et. E. Cor.:WATIOC and CHESTNUT streets. Phi Acerda for the sale of the Products of G .3onthwark bum Refinery and She Grocers' Snip louse. of Phlladelohia. lalgyr braNisiIsTLVANIA. WORD..S.—ON THE DELA r WARE r i ver . below pwrr. /MELDS:LA., CHESTED.. Delaware county,Pa. REAREY, SON & OC hams and Iron Bast builders, Bituantsztarers or- Ari oONDEICSING. AND NON-00.NDLWEBT of Cron Vessela of aIL deact Uinta.: Boners, Vats, Tank_ LIP.AZTEY , Late of teaney, Neale di Co., Penn Works, Phila. FAIIOHAN WIEBEF ). O I E. mxmar, • -40IITHWARS FOIThiDB,Y, FIFTH AND WARP cote :Au Psca.anzLentia. MICEtRIOR. a SOZa smins. INGINIMERS AND nuip manufacture High and Low Pressure steam mains , tbr Land, River andltarine Service. Boilers. Gasometers, Tanks, Iron 33oata, &o, ,Natino of all kinds, either iron or brass. Iron Frame Boofsfor Sea Works, Workehops an. Railroad Stations, &c. ' Retorts and Sea Matistnery, of the latest and moe uniroved constimotion, v description of Plantation Machinery; an , Sugar. Saw and Grist Mills Vacuum Pans, Om. Steam Trains, Defanators. Filters, Pumping Er Swa, oleAgents for N. Billeux's Patent. Sugar Bohn; Apparatus, Neemyta's Patent Steam Hammer art Aspinwall & WOOlsers Patent Centrifugal Bute Draining Machine. rIAI3 PIXTURE23.—XiBICEP • WIERPSILL u ITEACKARA, NO. 73.8 DT street Wsandlictmsns of Gm Fixtores, Lampe, ama. &c. would call the attention of the public to their lam sad elegant assortment of Gee Ohandellers, Pendants Brackets, drs., They also introduce . Pea pipes' Luis Dwellings and Palle Buildings, and attendtc extend 1 ng, altering and repairing pea -pipes: All work was ranted. • - • • • • me rasnts ,waresrr. rizon.wrois caossuogg 111811100 IL TILICADOILE P 71310117. PRANK L. PITALL. ,r.irrsa WRIGHT & SONS, Importers of Earthenware, O d • Shipping ma Co d mmission llerahants 00.115 WALNUT Street, Philadeltdds A •• :Hrsozw-e • only Privy • 1b • ssse • da r and Dls4 it.mA z i 7 ._..A •• EDUCATION. DROP. J. NAROTEAXT,- , • - . A. Teacher of the FRENCH Le..NCRTAIVE, _ ocl7-Im* South.TENTH street, No. 254. s a :4•o; 9sats : a :8,4: , •0, SOuth MATE street , oCa:oits I /ft, - THE PHILADELPHIA BIDING" SCHOOL, 1 POMMEL' street. above VINE. - hi now op_en fbr , I el , all • and Winter. Season.:: Lad 'mend Gentlemen i will 'find leverypravistontor comfort mil safetliaa , that, a thorough, knowledge Of thlabeantiftilaccxdfe Pi/eta:neat may . Pra - obtained by the Melt tlnildla Saddle?. horses trained in the best manner. - Saddle horses, I homes and vehicle' to Wm..: Air; .'l 3 e ic e., ftin e . 'V aez nicintta daiatuk *mak - l'• USE STARIN'SCONDrfIehI ° "*DERS . - I •9OFISES AND CATTLR... cores Worms Boca and Colle• It cures Colds. Coughs and Hiot Bound It lithe best'alterattva fcan.rses and Cattle now to d ile , having 3 reputation of L years' standing.. _ - It is a sure preventive for the rime'. f-eaded Binder. t. No Farmer or DairiUniui shou., oe withentir For sale in Philadelphia by D s OTT & co. North Second stree4 acanisTorT, BOMA/WA Y COW DEN.= No:th Sixth street, and by Druggists through out the country. Address all orders to ESTABIN,Is-FLOYD, Proprietors, se4.6zok 209 Duane Street. New York. AYER'S SABSAPA. :11,1,A Is a concentrated -.tract of the choice root, combined with other tbstances of still greater Iterative rower as to af ord an effectual antidote or diseases Sarsaparilla is mutwl to cure Such a re-., tedy is, surely we rated by Lose who suffer from Stru i,ms complaints, anu that to which will accomplish Lair cure must prove, se its haa.of immense service Acted fellow citizens: How d will do it has been proven. ,-------. - - n by experiment o many of the worst cases to be found al the following complaints: Scrofula, ScrottUous Swellings and Sores, - Skin, Piseases, Pimples, Pustules. Blotches, Rruptions, St. Anthony's ; Fire, - Belie. or Erysipelas, Tetter or Salt Rheum. i•cald Head. Ringworm, dtc. • Syphilis or VeneriSt Disease la expelled from :heaps-- tem by the prolonged use of this tiesseres.Thne, and. the patient is left In comparative health . _ -.l?ertia/s Diseases are caused by Scrofula in the blood, and are often soon cured by 'tols Ramseur OF Besse.- 8,030 00 250 CO im.4,781. 77 De not discard this invaluaLls medicine, because yon have been' imposed upon by something - pretending to be Santaparilla. whue It was not. When you kayo used Avan's--then, and not till then, will you know the virtues of Sarsaparilla, For minute particulars the diseases it cures, we refer yvu to AI er's American Almanac, which the agent below named will gratis to. all who call for It. • AYER'S CATHARTIC Puss forth° ane • iDostive nesa. JaundiceDyspepaia. ihdlitestion, Dysentery ' Foul Stomach, headache, Piles, Rheumatism, Heart burn arising from Disordered StOnlaCb., Pain, or . Morbid Inaction of the Bowels, Flatulency. Leas of. A r ppetite, liver Complaint. DrOPST, Worm; Gout, euralgia, and for a Mauer Pill. They are sugar coated, so that the most sensitive take thempi easantly, and they are the best Aperientin the world for all the purpese3 of a family physic.. Prepared by J. C AV ER , Lowell. Mass., and sold by J. H. MARIS & CO., Philadelphia, and by all Draggists. t ' OPAL DESTALLINA.—A. superior article far cleaning the Teeth, ;destroying anim.alcalsa which infest them, giving tone to the iIIMS and leav ing a feeling of fragrance and perfect cleanliness In the month. Dinky be used daily, and will be found . 7,3 strengthen weak and bleeding gums. while the - tomaand detendveness will recommend it to every- one. . ,Ileing composed with the assistance of the. Dentlst, - Physicians and - Elicreacopist. it is confidently offered as gi,13.1. LT A ELF. Babstitate liar the uncertain waihea fa , merly In vogue. Eleitnent Dentists, acquainted with the constituents_ of the DENTALLINA.. advocate its use: it con sins nothing to pre fent its unrestrained employment,- Made oly by •JA3IFB T. SHINN, Apothecary. -Broad and Spruce streeta For sale by Dr.:pasts gerierally, and Fred. Brown, D. L. Stackhonse, Bastard dr, Co;, Robert C. Davis, C. R. Beeny, Geo . - 0. Bower, Isaac H. Nay, Charles Shivers, C. B. Needles, • S. a. accolitn. T. I. husband. S. C Bunting, Ambrose Smith, en erica Eherie, Edward Parrish, James N, Marks. William B. Webb, hringhurst James L. Blepham, Dyott 41 Co., Heghes ‘k, Coorahe, i B . C. Blalr's Eons, Henry A, Bower, I Wyeth & Bro. ENTIRELY REL.T 2,BLE-110DGSON - S Bronchial TABLEI S. for the care of coughs. colds hoarse— nem bronchitis and cataiirh of the head and breast. Public speakers, singers and amateurs ev,ll be greatly benefited by using these Tablets. Preuared only by LANCASTER & WILLS, Pharmaceutists N. E. Cc r. ARCH and TENTH street. Philadelphia. For able by Johnson, Holloway - Cowden, and Drugg'fita generally. aeLui BEtSB'B SRO> CRIAL AND PIIL3IONTo DEW DROPS. for Coughs. and all D vo • qw, arta& Throat and Bronchial 'Noes.. This invaluable repa ration for every household. Public Speakers, cossases a Wes - ern celebrity, and has been known to relieve the moat obstinate and almost nopelesa cases It is agreeable, strengthening and soothing. Prepared by E. C. BRUSH, No. 258 South Ninth street, Philadelphia. je7-tf OrCtS. EU - -lONS, ;INVERTED NAILS.— Dr. C DAVID,ON, Chiraixydist Operator on Corm, Bunions. Inv , rted Nails and other dts.ases of the fee , . Office, .924 CHESTNUT street. Dr. Davidson will wait on patients at their residences. no3tff _ _ . ENGLISH 'kr wIIICAL ,17D SCIENTIFIC BOOKS TODD'S CYCLOP2EPrA:of Atitomy and Physi ology. 6 cob. Royat cclavo SALT ON TICE ALECIELKNIC.I.I. Treatment of D.?.. fortuities. - OWENS' COMPARATIVE ANATOMY and Phy— slalom, of the Vertebrates. 2 vols. IILACLACHL IN on the D ke.-ses and Infirmities et Advancec Life. WHARTON JONES On I.lleii - e. New Enlition. English Books imported to order by every steamer • ' LINDSAY RLASISTON, Pnblisherg, Pooksellers and Impartgrs, =South Sixth street, above Chestnut. lt {ARPIN HARLAND'S NEW BOOK.—SUNNY 13.1 BANE. •Bp the Author of " Hidden Path." &e....12m0. BIULAYW PaP Second Series lamo. DIELODI.II.B FOR CRiLOROOI). With b'ghly-co- Orf d 111u.trattoris 12mo. jnov3-3m0t . 3/ - - THE STATE OF THE CHURCH AND THE wt. •••ILD AT THE FTISAL OUIRREAK OF EVIL, AND REV t. I. A TION OF AN iICHRIST, his destruc - .on at the second cc ming of Christ. and the nshering in The Nillernium. By the Rev 7. G. Gregory. M. A., with an Appendix by Mrs A 4"..Toliffe. For sal& by - /AMES S. CLAXINDN, • - Successor to Vr. S. & A. Martien 12'4 Chestnut street. A LLEN'S LIPS OF PIIILLDOR.—THE LEM OS 'ri PHILMOP., Masiclan and Chess Player. by Geo. Allen, Greek Professor In the University of Perntsit cants, with a Sapplementary, Massy on Plllltdo_ L r att Chess Author 'rand Chess Player, by iThasille Von Hol. debrand end de r "SS, Envoy Extraordinary and hibt. Ister. Plenipotentiary of the Slug of Prussia, at the , Court of eaxe-Welmer. 1 vol., octavo, ea top. Prima 25. Lately published by E. H. HCI`LM.I: dk 00.. N THE COURT OF COMMON PLP,AS IN AND 1 FOR THE CITY AND COUNT -OF PHILA.- LpEi lA.—Tror,t Fst eve ot GEO .G E W. -13AST E Tbe Auditor .appointed to audit, settle and adjust the account of JOHN F. ORNE, Trustee of said, state, apd. to report distribution of the Balance in the bands of . the ac' ountant, gill meet the parties I tereste d for the purposes or bis appointment, at the 'office of THOMAS F. DWIGHT, Esc! , No. 202 South telk TB street, Philadelphia, on TUESDAY, ,South of November. 1866, at four o'clock F. M. CHARLES O'NEILL, - , noS•th,t,m,w,tst/ ' Auditor. TN THE ORPHANS' COURT POR THE CITY 1 and COUNTY OF F 1471- .ADELPHIA.—Estate of - it..FISECOA WILLING, (late a minor.) The Auditor ;appointed by the Court to audit.settle and adjust the account of THEODORE JULIUS. Guardian of RE. !BECCA, Wrr.7.l7slG, (late a minor), and to report dis tribution of the balance in the hands of the accountant, will meet, the parties interested for the purpose of his appointment, on MONDAY, the 19th day, of Novem ber. 1866, at 4 o'clock P. Itt., at his office No. 217 South. THIRD street, bathe City of Philadelphia. . S. HENRY NORRIS. no7-ve ' Auditor. nme TN ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADFLPRIA. Estate at 'ALEXANDER ,JkicCALLA, ,decessed.—The. Auditor ;account by the Court to audit, settle and adjust the ,account of IS.ALAH H. IitcCALLA and A. H. MODAL LA acting Ehtecutore of the last will and testament of ALEXANDER McCALLA, deceased, and to report. :distribution of the balance in the hands of the Ac countant. will meet the parties Interested for the par .pose of his appointment. on TUESDAY, November Rt, ;1166. at 3„;i: o'clock, P. M., at the Office of FR ED E RICK 'C. BRIGHTLY, Esq., No. 420 LIBRARY street, in the city of Philadelphia. LISTARE OF WILLIAM E. R ANNUM. deceased.— , Letters of Adnalnistr ation upon the Zstate of said decedent having been granted to the undersigned, all :persons indebted to the Ersid estate will please make Payment, and those having claims will present the came to MARY .tiANNUNI. Adralnistratrlx. 171 S Francis street; or to herAttorile.Y. THOS. BRA.OFOR,D ,DWIGHT, 202 South Fifth street Oa insr,* -I?STATE OF PETER ROVOUDT, DECE9BED.- 4.11 Letters Testamentary upon the . Estate of slid da rt-dent, having been granted to the undersigned, all persons indebted to said estate are requested to make payment, and those having claims to retake -them known without delay , to ED WWARD N. WRIGHT, No. GS Walnut street, J. ACSTIN SPENCER No. 423 Walnut street, Executors. oeS•m et. • PBILADALPII.A,_ `NOV." 9TH;1868 —DISSOLIT TlO.N.—The Co..Partuersbip herttoforil"eristing — L between tbe subscribers. under the firmer zEnzirDEß,is thlifday dissolved brmutual consent. • - THOMAS , ALIA:LAN, , • " _ :GEO. ii".'„ZEILNDEEt: The undersigned. hiving purchased the trite,restkof - THOMAS ALLMAN, in the tituilnese herAtofore row , ' ducted under , the ,firrmot ALLMAN •&?..VJEINDSIit. ,h ose , baying c r i.dtria.agalust the late firm will present them, and those indebted will tdease" make.plidment. Tbanlll3l tar they patronage Ilekteforet • attended to . the late firm. be I'MPfibtbilisr mks a continuance of , thek, same to himself." GEORGE P. ZEELLIDER - ,, ROW Ott 'l3, corm. reurtai luta : arEDIOILL. ft w PUBLICATIONIs. HOI=S' SYSTEM OF . SUB.GERY. 4 vols WATTS' DICTIONARY eirE2LISTRY. 3 cols GRAN-Es, I 'ARDICINE. A New Ed.l- ACTON on the Urinary' aid Generative Organs. 8. Bb El BOVR.I% , 'S LETTERS, Translated by Lady share •2 VOIS. ltiMO. _ LEGAL uTi.t.)E.lth; CoPA itTNERSIIIPS.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers