. Th ■™ E DAILY EVE ”Wg I)UILEIIM.-PHILADEI,PHIA, THUBBDftY. fIfITI3RRB.io mpn °“® d « M 7 o T e<wa wintry dav. <(MSHSi!S&!i7uM!S| ' : gPMUrokaa .■~ " I . .. , ■ ......... 3 _ p°ct sat by his fixe silonej of which admit of three or more. Rut, I N 88 TN 1 ■ f r _ i _ AyCtkiOJ: BASKS* AUCOTtam r&xidd « ru3,tled > J^ ia hair was gray; Practically the main stream of people A to “rvANßroa’ ob TVT A HHIAAT A X - j wna.APOTiogaiißa, i.u 7*- t" 1 """ -“iirt,u . nT.; ■ • . b/the W |?e a alon Ptofstone - coming into the city in the morning find waveblv. by_«ib waltes scott. 1\ AIIUJNALi |, *«• a tt®S«Sas£3s l s -S™S. EXCHANGE BANK I NEW Bunmra hods® 3Bg»BffiP**--~Z£ MSSiS£!SgS!aS9 Pnused, alike bis best and worst, in this locality.— Once a Week. This work wHrhh». *, . • Nm- AM a»A cm'' I ,BenMea ** TBn toM1 “ ! sale at Not iihH»estnut street ' and vaultingslon*-' _, .' •*«- .gDg>a^?£MbM?^S?J?ff^ v jfffi.g!!B* pogniatifr.in WOSi boa and 635 I ••> 1 '*&■ ‘'■ - B Sfftlfi£ , -‘ggßgEEß>ia)i*lpkiSß?ujbe,- .vim spmt lts praise denied: Meteorological Phenomena.—A Y al , t f r fi cotta£s OT#apronounoed by Chi>atnn+ j. I At n 2.3, roBTiFcmWA^ s ' CIIANI>EI,I£aiB ' All he had done Be held as naught, correspondent of the Boston Advertiser Mceof , fwaverfy t ” hI Thonort P ? I f ncB J^ Streets I By o“ate? f T?fejS?iS? bl * Exchl,nEa “ : C osrran>AY morning onobaboto 10 &Hg&SKSSg g bgreater after-thought. change of climate which appears to ac- TUP IRA tumnnvn vrrrcrm •< ' I ■■“ Blia f®? Unlon induum*- *" woSS'E.? ® u ' 11 “» &SiSSi2 a boto ß iSm? t ', Lss'^fo^^sSir'Sssv.c,' r ' sfassf JB^^BSESsr*: -And cast behind, be, from state to state, f ?- mc , d •Up«noii» familiar with its TmSBSKSSffISS SSSSJ.'S HTfim UDOIZUD rSSfSSEeaut. ic „, “ " gtftg|sJtkiit§ ' OOK BEOKER * \ r^sM^^Ssss It m lB t? am H h H 6 ? Bt «“hghtonwardroli; spring—the rainy season 11 a ’o n “voiSm WelfD }^^“°‘’® r ° f«“anS^° r the k' l ®' ll ® Bl GEO. HENDERSOU JR I ts^™e^Ei’esAnt _ TOnNTB^ W aEM' Ul)e, rt orc9 Wl3 ‘ : or ai-SffiSS* «vemng to buy crackers,.herring, dried. .^W^^ 0 ® 114 !® 8 ' the whole of •« - ; ; „Qrte. .-ewcatad Torit.-Boao» a.a'Baitt.J’ • aito^jiiecunuw. S??.? Biißerah l6 ! it ^ ra ™« to ‘ - ■SSf InSwa!topemoS B eSeS P be^n^^fffiW^^ureUtreeti™^ srsF°4r?l"““ % .^~2s2SrI saB| Ssfe^iss^^ : :; araSrUbantbeSian r ee™teof“SaflJ Uj« d aoeer^ritsjtjje v^S wll ° n^lgSS!llSK?a i &' , s*i r ,SSJS!a l ® SPECIALTY ® ' I I S‘.“^r!!lssL l S‘S!££'K . ’ - ss^d“s»s a ss/» l ni.?s a mm, kaotolph a <». h^^sag.^»taaß. cot, with matress above. There P were tio s lncr and more iand is brought "W tricL, carioM “w’ SfaSiM“S l« Sontn Third at., 1 «W-. : I wa3hi nfr to n B. noS^an^'s^All^TS&efHSlSS?^*^ a-MiSss* Sfp^Mpss: *rur ; There were two woolen blankets on the fnSSIo notonl yiis» own B&dP ciotaU?w JEAI,oIIBT - ByChflllea : ; thbhe.stoby BBrcg G Ko^ ° rtme °t -Trayeitog BMrta. Tieafsnaaea mß®agfers&m a NDGOM3 : sas? The rooms were very uSyiproba: I never saw in so limited ovcl The author of - ” Darogaß - B » I wmamo. s.E.cor. .octA... bly never swept. There were nerhans a ®P aee 80 many beautiful springs of ku i2mo M cf/th’i?2S’ sßrand ”-‘‘ TileQo ‘ d “ _ ... ' BmLn^NG LOT a Di?phi westofconn I ' a».pteea 7 or^SSSf two inches of rolling lint upon the floo? water,some ofthem bursting forth from for sale by ’ James B.olaxton. BANKTN’G I There wasa beaten Dath from the earth With sufficient Water to turn ocll Successor WW.B.* A. atarMm, ; A/rXAN JAAA> \JC HU U OJtLI I siregfe. ■ een iotb aild 16111 811(1 «Pmee and Pi ae | a^yrtmentof Bnperlg? B oo<S:- -s»iassr,-rssi ss-s»»&r* ,h * ■ literary parasitic animal. What a thing hlt^hed^ 6 ’ without doubt, he »—1 msonth ll2 and 114‘ So. THIRD ST. PHILAD’A. I S isaE2?jaß , A§i I D 4 TOo^ I M U4IENTS - TDRN ’-1 wo ™^, sauk-a-sSas^ 11 »■»« «>«ammit securities. “jsafflHHssftS 8 ® 1 gsissrr di4,..,SS™ , ct£m*£ ’ wSS^p^sa: OLD 520 8 QUOTED iSS^Msjsiv~m. M EXCHAEGEFOBNEHr. “SS'" Uffl'SagfSSsffi: Have the autW sCforwarTon such hi e u gar^n b yt heroa^ide .a R d there, r 5: ' I oct..is.a? l “oSSS’gJ sssaaaa.i'sSf wscapj-*!®- .^™^, SyffissssalaaTaassE »£»<»%■Sossst %oSs : Cora p° u(i i*"*** wanted, fissaswab. fb»£i^woiis„S a , n £"“j ■muß.Aßnmuannhs [ JErwamsgS^g- 1 --.-■• o, .yatmriSZ* ,l- lotbpafepressM: o?„r“.„ a W iS r£. a^ n ,it"”',“V k of fet,S£S^‘*S»ISt«ISS I SS a£*" u ™- *“- "TSST- SJfctaSSi ““ ai'iSsstffvaiK Hit smarts c . so . s ®gs9£«i«««s». ssj;rkji£?±^S{awssassassig ®-so s , and Mrs. Hemans lackadaisified, T e garden, on MprsTfaS^nisfofthe^ i t a f®aSS d 7 3*lo’s, I At i o°?c’^tfM^'^ 7 M sp?£^GiMS’‘ a :; 4i,et by j lnfrodnnad no » | lHi»Od ».'' | l»lfl£.JU»l Q»TOm». S ’ I S fsafsasasss StsllMM'ai «««hiid »!> notes E&mß&sssPis ipH-ISaSSf CiSsar' Mswtaw* gsasraiaiSrig ri _ „ :. sissess DE HAVEN & BRO - hnHMia 4O sooth third street. few days after, who inmiimH ‘-CI7V,Y. . a I 4KU “ PaWntCaatlr on,Batoßqil_era for saleat | ocll-th,a,tn Et» CHUnB, I .}%*£*? 18lil lnat -. »t U o’clock A.M/aßdiri: P V ~ that Mr. James?’ ‘G. R. janms.the ITt w '^ d S?S? d .vSttQg P aw.&gSMt. I• e*iiqn b. rak : l>BV6a. | _ThbSoteeu.dvataabiecouecUM.of workaor VJ lnstitute. fAuSdSfwSfh,??!! 1 Pereiv * 1 ' .w'msTsrassiigtsramsw F °2,-„l° U . N ® »aa.&ns 1 ^ PAy r^ 8 - selva. rmiiyiJwpSd^YTfJ'weS \&k ,o °“^sssii."^“"''' ■j iuuiMUA 2598*4^^®^®*®*®I ) fiSSSIS®* a ?aSBt««»ii|'SB8S8fl8SSS!l: T -*« laM>M '' ' _ Governorto^seerja^the^usefuT^ine 6 worh S . rals of the State';; J of J Btaßtl r spoken 0 oe^*” rian friend Immediately demanded to he and s iil^. a ?Prf^em e m.of . ' ™*io blaib's sons 0 ’ ~ madaaee n’HEßViinvl’pr’S^ infonnedhow the clfem“ t large, £ . - : '^^ g „^ i i n l el £’> ere^6: ' be benefited. —— — PhUadelphlft ' Serf °I. t?e D ?'i^ on ieTsto 6 day of I Wnlany receive** MISS JAMES’ ACADEMY by the undertaking. Pereival hehamp *h, TEOMAB B, DIXON A SORB. thereto. ■ 1 leaa ercepUona byfiled AicOHOL.Sa percept, finest quality hi bast of pacb I ‘I?,? 10 flne & tu-»at?r 1 S°X 7°W»E ladles, in the Hall of the Phii* ainhi. msmm ~ tonsps sbbbsb« as»q«^s; ssrnm TJefh*nH St be two cents. * "gS?!! L„ mrrm T^mi?r T ? Ic . prefer handing you this to encounter Ine ,••-•• • akp -• Ward; ELWOOD WIMON MH B wJ W i e JHUn-URlsa. Bradaai«s Kortan I 7if SIXTH and RACTstt^ J Twelfth atoeet, a School for Boys and Tonne MmS • a further delay.”’ 0 countering _•_ ; o *-*- *•** SSSS|t. ; ®SI& ; SS&2SSr , •2W^S sSa S£n M^SnfiifS^ , !S3pB I ~. ~T*e ’• WHmaaAT 1 • JMKSSiSi «• ot VBlne,ar le^b ef - T ®iWA^^pfOMSiv^ep 2^ The inhabitants of the city'properar* CAJBPETIJgCS, WW I e^f!r3r ,at N °~ 253 SODUiaECoyD number had declined in ll3 387 oaepets oiIBAMBDm/ l d b rM^i° B^^a^^ l E^! b oP.?A§Ea °^m'ureniS,e. °t^’ E^™™^“^,le to°«tcSic < oi SSnS! I - BeB ' 2mt 1 f.and probably in. IS7I the population of ' oo.. jMl^BiS I B^ri J S r g t gffi^ h( M?5 m i 2? the most renowned commercial eifcv in to Whirh wownniH ir,^y*l l !f?i?^A^ H:A: P &c.,<5c.. w 6? itAiISDEN, Camden! ggrtheMtoorneryoprthaiiaßaceßtrcgk I! dies, No. 1324 B^Uoiit2^n 7 n^n^p?^o?al!?b9JS the world will nbt 1 oonnn topTO ^Wo^d^.^ .^_ E g BewSfff 1 rgoelTea, Miinvotoe M-b-bim Penca Ctoea, and Jewoirriw | Wir P P^aß«g£srr ,, - u ] j |yr BABBrin A po.; ~~ j anUWlnte? Season. 6 -nac'lMmd°Genileare i -in number bv anv Kannl£Snm ; iHMflKn«^i? tCia ’ :EOaß '*c.,at»ht ™LggLgO CmantlTatreat. 1 --«in ( wt) WEYn A BOSENHEIM, A* Cash Auction Hoase“ • I WUI find every provision lor copofort and safety, tn . ; any u ?! an tide that has nesaqusrteni “* !s= ==^==aaas—UK: CHES-hnjT Street, No, SSOMMhfit street. mm CT I thatathorpugh knowledge 'oTSiSbeaatmilaocom- - •ever moved diumallvin an V avo nn an rr ; ■ . ■ ■ ; ~ 1 ~—, this DAY, T">s^S. ,7 *B£®?_P ncn n«lyimentswlthonta^™>t, n «™. I P'tobmentroaybe ebtalued by the moat Umll.,Saddle ' ■city Of the world ' BOS Chestnut stagt, tuTTl".iju..:.V... •-- '■■•■••■■ ■ «P I l?i 1 3A^? ?tment of Sen and SllkHata for Ea-‘ LARGE PEBEMPTOKYSAnE 1250 LOTBTANnv I trained In the best manner. Saddle horses, dealing withCcfi aS iSxpfdes- C OM ‘^SMS^Sg 8 - " ’ tnan and vehicular, is'increased’ifi con- —■ ******~ Jp/S?f« h «SSt“I- onnßtVe!vetß . October 19. commeuciue at .« .-- THOMAS mAIGE A SOIT -' -StswUhln u a the Da ™wn e ss °f the T^S^^ 01 ™ 0 - ■ '• '.. ~ |2£«fe3 Bffiyfewg •...'. .&mma&mets» .T«sias;.. siz**,**- .I m ssss?\A- •; Hicles only; and, one hundred and O «apebs, fioii ',.°° 41m> ‘ ! -v : , - -wgtmigf lm CASES bootsakbbhoes. \ Jfc %1 [ n P°rtftUM, ||tl\ ' f ? ur ln lti< ? n are without tho- aia^i^hBnv^ftS. p ™ds^SS ( uSi o^ n ( abb- ftkj' no. 1 uot'walnut' .' f “on Monday mobning. 0ar.22. j Ua&%\ | s*' gV, ■, TOUghfarefl. Thus it Will be seen m.,£rom msvreTand Monnlalu from >>aat LS& fo^^pl'ii 11 ?^ 6 J, e ? el ,7 6d BAKIS KILIiINEKY by catalogne, cbmmeuclOß-atteno’Soclv 1600 cases I /A? ft'S t Tankers’ titre I 3"V®ft' upwards of two-thirds of * .WSS M& I• • R ' ~; \sre incapable of carrying any eon siiiero W wap.—loe;boiesgenuine white ■ > ®pJ 9 pattoaeent i m onthly, the latest and most select TiAvm*"ifaßui,.v A Pm-mmnmf,'' ~—— } '|/ disks, 0 .. WBashnaa«ittfJr@. Ncoaiewori'jl
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers