CITY BTOJUGTEff. The Day Nukskky.—One of the most useful charities in rhe oily is the list Nurserv.-an In stitution but intie known, but cub "that commends iite.fto every benevolent person wh“n its aim and ob ject It ui deratood Tar idea of It was auggeued to the mind of a Christian lady who, in visiting Paris became acquainted »uti i a Crfose. a similar Institution -The object of the Day Nursery is to offer a-home during each day of the week, to the little children of the la bor tug a omen of our community; those who in going out by the day to worn, must have been compelled to neglect these little ones were it not for the convenience that this excellent institution presents. It is located Jn Blight street. No 4io, a small street below Broad, and runulng parallel with it, and between Fine and Ltmbard. Tie managers will be very glad to sse any visitors who feel interested In this Home at any time during the day. it is unaerthe direction ot an excellent matron and other efficient women. Children of the most tender age. even little infants, are reeeived here op to ten years of age. The mothers brine übem at Bevel* o’clock in the morning and return for them at the same hour in the evening. Those children who arebfaproper age to attend the Public Schools are allowed to go, both to the morning and afternoon sessions. Whilst in the nursery they receive three good meal** each day, and are kept in habits of order and cleanliness, the expense ot this accommodation ia but six cents each day for each child. This commu* location is sent to tbe Bulletin in order to ioterat all benevolent people in the Bay Nursery, which with out further and liberal aid must be closed, inasmuch as Us fends are nearly exhausted. Any persons de sirous to aid in this laudable charity can send their contributions to the President. Mrs. Horner, No. 1709 Walnut street, or to Miss H. S. Biddle, No. 1525 Wal* nut street, .the Treasurer. Chubch Dedication.— The Nineteenth Street M. E. Church, at Nineteenth and Poplar streets, was dedicated yesterday, ■> he church was crowded at each service during the day and evening, Tne ser vices opened In the morning with singing, and prayer by*Prot Barnhart, of the Falrmoust Female College. . An appropriate dedicatory sermon was then preached by Bev. Bishop Simpson. In the afternoon the Esv. Dr. Nadal, of Trinity M. E. Church, preached, and la . the evening, the 1 ev. J. Walker Jackson, : The new Church is a beautiful edifice, fifty-saven byseveaty-six feet, with a spacious basement for lecture room, class , rooms, Ac The walls are frescoed, and the news very neatly fit ished with walnut hacks aud scrolls. T In some respects the edifice Is one of the most ele gantly fitted up churches in the city. The upholster ing is as fine as any work ever accomplished, and was done by Mr, I. E. Walraven, of No. 719 Chestnut street. It does bis establishment infinite credit. The pews have stuffed backs and cushions, of rich crimson damask, the color blending snoerbiy with the walnut facir gs of the pews. The whole effect of the decora tions ib most admirable, and called forth the heartiest praises from the crowds who attended the dedicatory services. Explosion op Gas.— At the store of Van Kirk <fc Co., No. 912 Arch street, there was an explosion of gas about four o’clock yesterday morning. Tne rfront window was ttßed for the display of gas fixtures. A new twelve*lighfc bronze chandelier had just been pnt in, and all the lights were in use on Saturday evening until seven o’clock. It is supposed that the window waa not properly veniilated. and the intense heat generated by the gas had melted the cement of the Joints of the chandelier, and the gas escaped through them; that one of the burners had not been entirely extinguished; that the gas had ascended to the top of the window, and when the volame of gas reached the slightly burning light the explosion took place. The glasß is French plate, half an inch In thickness, two lights were shattered to atoms the largest piece not being a foot square. The chandelier had twelve ground glass globes upon it. All or them were uninjured. The broken pieces of gl <ss flew In all directions, making in tbe adjoining woodwork inden tations half an inch deep. 'J he watchman who was passing the store at the time was blown into tbe middle of the street, bnt was not mnch injured. The glass destroyed was valued at about f 6OO. Napoleon anl Bismaece. Professor Alonzo Tripp, of Bouton, will deliver his lecture on “Napoleon 111 aid the Empire,” In Musical Band Hall, Thursday evening next. This being the first of a serleß of free lectures to be given under the auspices of the Tonng Men s Christian Association ol this city. Mr. Tripp was In Paris at the subversion of the Orleanlst Dynasty, in 184 s, which brought Louis Na- Jioleon to power. His writings am) lectores on the eading European statesmen have met with much public thvor. Ail the leading events in the chequered career of Louis Napoleon will be clearly sketched, to gether with an analysis of the man. and an explana tion of his wonderful Bnccess as a ruler; also a brief outline of that remarkable personage who now divides with the Emperor his position as the foremost states man of Europe, the Count Von Bismarck. Members and friends of the Association con obtain tickets gra tuitously at the Booms, 1210 Chestnut street. < City Mobtality.—The number of inter ments in the city during the past week was 471 against 256 the same period last year. Of the whole numner 307 were adults and 164 children, 85 being under one year of age; 262 were males and 209 females; 64 were boys Bnd 8u were girls. The greaten number of deaths occurred in the Eighteenth Ward, being S 6, and the smallest number in the Twenty-second Ward, where 5 were reported. The principal causes of death were— apoplexy, 9; congettlon of the brain 9; cholera 117- cholera infantum, 19; choleta morbus, 18; consumDtlon -43; convulsions, 9; diarrhoea, 15: debility, 16; typhoid' fever. 15; Inflammation of tne brain, 8; Inflammation of the lungs, 16; and old age, 20. Shot Accidentally.— Francis Swingle waa accidentally shot last evening at a house on South street, above Thirteenth. He was passing alone the street and heard the cry of a woman. He went into the house and found a man quarreling with his wife He interposed en behalfof tne woman, wherennon he was attacked by the husband, and while eneieei in the conflict with him a revolver dropped from his pocket. In striking the floor, one of the balls was dis charged, and entered the groin of air. awingle inflict inga serious wound. Tbe wounded man was taken to the Hospital, u Exhibition. The ex hibition of the Agricultural Society of New OasHo county, Delaware, held at Wilmington, has been neat- Poned until October 18tb, 19th and 29th. S 2 000 In cash premiums are offered. Extensive accommodations for Block, fancy and manufactured articles, have been provided. A game of Base Ball will be played and ten premiums from $2O to $l5O trotted for. Boy Killed.— Thomas J. B. Lauehlin aged 9 years, son of the late Henry JI. Lauehlin tZ siding at No. 39 Shippen street, was crushed to death on Saturday afternoon in Shippen street, near Front! The deceased was a cripple, and. woUe passing a pile of heave Iron posts, on the sidewalk, one or them sssisra ar 45 ' Blippeti from 143 p,a ° e & Suicide.— Henry Walters, who resided at 612 Carpenter street, committed snicide yesterday morning by hanging him.elf m the cellar of his hoSfcf Deceaied was married. His self dest. notion is attrf- Jgjjg'to depreesion of spirits caused by sickno33 in his Base Ball.—A novel and interesting game ofbtse ball will take place to morrow atap nr on the Athletic grounds, at Fifteenth and Columbia H^yclay l Club n th 6 fal " &Dd " ” nlnS oftoS Academy of Music.— The Grand Italian Opera season commences this,Monday, evening Par ties who have not as yet secured their seats can pro cure the choice of the House of Mr. Bliley at rho Book stand in the Continental Hotel. y ' at me Gone TO Jebsey City.— The Perseverance Hose Company, under the Marahalshlp of Joan Q Butler, Esq., left last evening lor Jersey city, to nfirti pface* 11 a general Faraae dfthe Fire Department of that Child Bubned.— George Sheppard, aged four years, was seriously burned last evening by his clothing taking Are, at his residence, 1635 Tatlow street The Morning Gloky,— Having exam ined this wonderful stove, we shall refer to a few of its superlative merits. Originally perfect in point of principle, the Morning Glory, by snccesaive Improve ments supplied by the best scientific and mechanical talent,has become incomparably superior to all olhers' and new stands, pot-eicswe ice, and by the common consent of all who have seen and used it, as the bat Seating Stove of the age, having established itself as the great ana exclutive favorite. ''•During winter, one ofthe most unpleasant duties Is to kindle a Are every morning, and wait in thecold room until the tempera ture becomes comfortable. This disagreeable neces sity is entirely obviated by the use ef the Morning Glory; because, when the Are Is once kindled in this wonderful Btove, it does not reqoire to be rekindled during the entire winter season. Supplying It wltn coal once a day and shaking the ashes from the grate, is ail that is requisite to make it burn perpetually. This splendid stove ls.enclrcled by twelve beautifttl S>f?nTSn!!^l’ W^ Cllp ? rmltthe Blowing rays of the Are to strike the sides ofthe room, Imparting their ge nial heat to the atmosphere, and diffusing a uniform healthful and snmmer-Ilke temperature toroughout every portion of the room. ‘ In the Morning Glory, the Are always remains at the base of the coal. From the reservoir, the fresh coal gradually descends into the Are, and the gas from the coal meeting the Are, is entirely consumed, thus gene rating an Intense degree of heat, and entirely prevent ing the escape of gas. The combustion being perfect and at ahigh tempera ture, the amount of heat generated Is Immensely greater than at a low temperature; therefore, only a small quantity of fuel at one time need to be under going combustion. The entire exterior of the Morning Glory is radia ting surface; which, together with the superior advan. tages above mentioned, combines to render this Justly celebrated stove the most convenient, scientific, eco nomical and efficient generator of heat ever invented „ “ alway ® diffuses a genial mid summer-like heat mat la remarkably pleasant and healthful. The light 4116 br! B htly Slowing Are, through the SSawS™ 1 pleasantly lUuminatesa parlor. The Md™«l,Hfrfto?.' ymmetrlcal to 143 form and outline, mm ueautlfulin its onamentation. couvtare n I^ tt one n nr 0 ( K eh examtoatl ° a cannot fail to the Morning Glory we 11 ™ 4 soperlorlty of to ball at the exteraiva *J 33 ? ec * faU y tCAcest the public Nos 309 and MlNOr th Beemfs d ? pot . of Charles Jones, at John S, Clark's o-tun i d street, above Vine, and Marketßtreet,and emmtoe V ttieMort| , i llni rS 4, No ' loo cesafhl operation. Itwiu crnitmn!!! in ? Glory ln Bao of the above establishments. 10116 40 be 3014 a *both Fifty Varietieb of oakeb -rwt. dally, at MOUSE & CO’S, 90t & 9 ateMt h Warbtjbton’sNewSttles.—Pedestrians who pas 3 the fashionable Hat Emporium of Mr. W. F Varburton, 430 Chestnut street, will have noticed the brilliant new display which It presents. For many years’ the cipibning "(pardon' the pun) glory of this establishment baa been that the hats which emanate from itare not only the'most tsstefhl and dressy, but from their also the; me st' com.' fertable to the head, the least, detrimental to the hair, and of course the moat conducive to health. Last, but not least, Mr. Warburton is a gentleman with whom cur citizens like to deal, as bis urbanity and politeness are no less'mafked than are the superior grace and ele. gance of his styles And as he Ib constantly athis post] giving personal attention to customers, In the ordered department more esprclally. the personal quali ties which we have here taken the liberty to speak of form no inconsiderable share In the merits of Mr. War burton’s establishment. That Explanation.—Tbe papers to-day publish a full explaHlon of the bogus despatch which 1 created such an excitement last week In political and financial elides, and which gave a morning journal bo ranch trouble. As the affair has how been ventilated vi e have leisure to return to . , our customary eulogy of the exqt lienee of thei cheap coal sold by.W.W. Alter, No. 957 North Ninth street, and at Sixth and Spring Garden streets. . Cloaking Cloths by tbe yard in great varitty. ■ Fancy Cloakings, White Cloakings. . Frosted Beavers. Velvet Beavers. Astracan Cloakings. Brown Fur Cloakings. Polar Cloakings, Ac., Ac., Ac., Ac., Ac. This Is a new department, and is worthy the notice of buy era. J. W. PEOCTOB A CO. 920 Chestnni street. 250,000'Witnesses.— The great advantages of the Wheeler & 'Wilson Sewing Machines over all others in use are attested by more than 250,000 {two hundred and fifty thousand) witnesses, this being the number now estimated to be in actual use. Bern ark able simplicity of structure and perfect ease of opera tion render the Wheeler & Wilson Machine a universal favorite Their practical working can be seen at Peterson & Little's, 704 Chestnut street. O ! How Beautiful. . Are OAKFOBDS’ Hats for Children, is a daily exclamation, Stores untidr the' Continental Hotel. Pubs of all Nations.— Russian Sable Furs. Hudson Bay Sables. Fine Bark Mink Sables. Boyal Ermine-Chinchilla, Bark Siberian Squirrel. Persian Lamb,—Astracan, <sc., &c,, For Ladies, Misses and Children. J. W. PBOCTOB <fc CO., 920 Chestnut street. jsg" Elegant Fall Styles. jus- unimpeach'able fits. _jesr TajsTE, DURABILITY AND COMFORT, THESE ARE THE QUALITIES THAT DISTIN GUISH THE SUITS FOR GENTLEMEN. YOUTHS, MI.ITARY MEN. AC., AC.. MADE AT THE BROWN bTONE CTOTHING HALL. ROCKHILL A WILSON, (03 AND 005 CHKBENUT street, Furs !—Fall and Winter Stock. Be early purchasers. You get the pick. Every lady should have a set. Call at CHARLES OAKFORD & SONS, Under the Continental Hotel. Now Open.— Rich Black Silks. Drapfle France. ' Gros Grains. . Lyons Taffetas. And every other desirable styles for Dresses and Mantles. This Is a new depari ment, and is worthy theattentlon ot buyers. J. W. PBOCTOB A CO., 920 Chesinnt street. Deafness, Blindness and Oatakkh. /. Isaacs, M. D., Professor oftheEye and Ear, treats .11 diseases appertaining to the above members with Uie utmost success. Testimonials from the most re liable sources In the city can be seen at his office. No. 519 Pine street. The medical faculty are Invited to ac company their patients, as he N ua had no secrets In hli practice. Artificial eyea Inset ed. No .charge *"«*« nor PTttmfrtftHnn. • “inbrieative steam engine packing.—ibr terms, see 635 arch sk, phila., and 26 dey at, new york. ‘ Coal at Retail at Port Richmond Pri cxß-at the Shipping Wharf, foot of Laurel street. Kensington. Gross ton lbs.) always delivered! unless otherwise ordered. J. K. A W. TQ-MT.TNRnw FIAAAUAIi. NATIONAL BAM OF THE REPUBLIC, 809 and 811 CHESTNUT ST., PHILADELPHIA. The late management having relinquished theli en tire control and Interest In this Bank, the business Is now being conducted under the following entirely NEW MANAGEMENT. DIRECTORS. JOSEPH T. BAILEY. Of Bailey A Co., Jewelers. -EDWard b, OBNE, Of J. F. and E. B. Orne, Dealers In Carpetlngs.:B NATHAN TTTT.r.ER, President of the Second National Bank. WILLIAM EBVTKN, Of Myers A Krvlen, Flour Factors, OSGOOD WELSH, Of S. and W. Welsh, Commlialon Merchants. BENJAMIN ROWLAND, Jr., Of B. Bewland, Jr„ ABro., Coal Merchants, SAMUEL A. BISPHAM, Of Samnel Blspham A Sons, Wholesale Grocers. WILLIAM H. BHAWN, Late Cashier of the Central National Rank. PRIBIDENT. WILLIAM H. RHAWN. CASHIER. J OSEPH P. MUMFORUi seB-tt rp Late of the Phila* National Bank,S ALE! , ALE! Wm. Younger’s Egarkling Edinburgh For Sale by the Cask or Dozen. SIMON COLTON & CLARKE, B W. COB. BROAD ASH WAIFUI AT MB. HENP.Y JIINTKN’S, No, 204 SOUTH TWELFTH street the well-known Re.tauratenr you can And all the'delicacies of the a superior quality. ChlckeuiSalad, eta! Jir, Minton In getting up Chicken or any other Salad has no superior; end as for Oysters they are truly de! ilcious. Families desirous of being supplied would do well to leave their obdkes early in the day to secure that prompt attention for which Mr. M. m noted. oc!3 gtrp* I\l AkKiMH WITH Tint «L teg, Braiding, Stamping, *o. nonormoer M. A. TOBBEY. • . 1800 Filbert street. HOOP SEIBT MANUFACTORY.—Hoop Skirts and Corsets ready made and made to order; war ranted of the beat materials, Also, Skirts repaired. MRS. E. BAYLEY, selg-smrp! 812 Vine street, above Eighth, BBOCKEDOH’S PILLS OF OOM TBESSED bicarbonate of oODA AND PO T A SSA. GBANU. LATED VICHY SALT, , HEART- N LOZEN G F 8. Remedies for Dys- Itomach <4aCbe ’ Heartbnrn ' Acidity of the SHINy ' s - w - w=3Bßa. CHJCKERING UPRIGHT PTATjnq IfTm CHESTNUT STREET/ ,l *. ' "OCS-tf 4p W. H. DUTTON. CjL JgjiyATCHEa, JK WEBBY, etc., nnom Pitt# MEOrtment recently reduced prion, gjjg j^FABBAffiaOTHmT^ «pai *34 Ches^ntKreeLbMOTM^onr^h. T7ITLKB, WEAVER * 00„ A .. . , Manufacturers of No. DelawM b ? thousands—invalids and othera-hs^t^,uih^ THE DAILY EVENING BTJLLfcTIN : PHILADELPHIA, MONDAY, OCTOBER 15,1866 HOSIERY; GLOYES • ' ; ' ■ AND ■ V UNDERWEAR. Edwin Hall & C?o. 9 28 South Second street, ; Have just received, of thelrown Importation, Ladies’, Gents-and Children’s FINE ENGLISH HOSIERY,in ail sizes MISSES’ PLAID, STRIFE AND FANCY CASH MERE HOSE. >. MERINO AND WOOLEN HOSIERY. 1 Underwear. LADIES’, GENTS’ AND CHILDREN'S Merino Undershirts and Drawers. GLOVES. JOUVIN & CO’S AND BA JOIPB KID GLOVES. CLOTH GLOVES. ocis-sEj?* ll and Faxl °r Colors, ENGLISH HOSIERY. J. M. H A F LEIGH, 902 CHESTNUT STREET, HAS NOW OPEN HIS FALL IMPORTATION OF HOSIERY. EMBRACING, Merino Vests Merino Drawers, Silk Vests, Silk Pants, Hose and Half Hose, Ladies’ Striped Hose, Children’s Tartan Hose, Children’s Merino Hsse. OCI3-B m W3Q G. D. WISHAM, No. 7 North. Eighth Street. I have now in store and for sale a most complete and elegant stock of POPLINS! POPLINS! PLAIN POPI.INB, PLAID poplins. EMPRESS OORD POPLINS, IRISH POPLINS. „ , _ CORDED SILK POPLINS. One case of SILK STRIPE POPLINS, only 75 cenS worth 11. MEBINOES! MEBINOES! I have just opened a full line of FRENCH MKRI NOES,of all desirable shades and qualities. MUSLINS! MUSLINS! The Cheapest Muslin Store In the city. JUST OPENED, ‘ , i 2 «mts. ardß 6XIIB heavy Brown Sheeting, wide, for One case of Piu ow .case Muslim, best, for 33 cents, giv-busacall. My Stock of FLANNELS is large and cheap. Be24*m,w»f-3in2 K MILLIKEN’S LINEN STORE) LINEN HANDK’FS. In addition to the extensive assortment always kep In store, we have just opened direct from Europe, a 1,070 Dozen Handkerchiefs. ladies’ Hemstitched Handkerchief. Gents’ HemstitchedoHandkerchiefs Children’s Handkerchiefs. Printed Handkerchiefs French Linen Handkerchiefs. Irish Linen Handkerchiefs. German Linen Handkerchiefs. LINEN GOODS °felmwl™? TO BE IN THE CITY. CLOAKS, SACKS, COATS, &c. 9 SOUTH NINTH ST -ocu-thsamstrp a Ql RETAIL DRY HOODS. 838 ARCH ST. FBESH IMPOBTATIONS A NEW IH VOICE OF THE LARGEST STOCK OF CLOTHS FOR ffl2^N. 45,( ? Uklo,lB> WHITNEY. BEAVER, (Frosted and Plain., oassimelbes, doeskins,*’. PERKINS, R3ETAEL DRV GOBIES j ; : ■ lIYIPRQVEM ENTSNOW €0 fdPLETED & LAHDELLr ; FpUETH & AHCH STBEE TS, ARE OFFERING A NEW STOCK OF DRY G O ODS, FOR FALL OF 1366. FINEST MERINOES. RICHEST DRESS GOODS. MAGNIFICENT FOPtISS. BLAeK AND COLORED RBPJ. BILKS OF NEW STYLES. EXPENSIVE SHAWLS. BROAD VELVETS GOOD BLACK SILKS, &c„ &c, JF. 3 BEDELL, J . No. 147 nobth Eighth frTREEr, East Bide, above Cherry street, baa now on hand afuU line of FALL and WINTER GOODS, at reduced prices. [ Ladies’s Merino vests aqd Drawers. Gents’ 'White, Clouded, Grey and Bed Merino Shirts and Drawers. I Boys’Merino Shirts and Drawers. Hosiery. Gloves. Suspenders, Ties, Scarfs, &c. White Shirts on hand and made to order. A perfect fit guaranteed. .•• • . < ocls-3m feIIiK&DRT GOODS JOBBERS 1866* FALL. 1866, BANCROFT, BACRE fc CO, 330 MARKET STREET. Our Fail Stock is Now Complete, COMPRISES FULL LINES OF NEW AHD DESIBABLE GOODS, CONSISTING OF HOSIERY AND GLOVES. SHIRTS AND DRAWERB. HOODS, NUBIAS. SCARFS, HANDKERCHIEFS. SHIRT FRONTS. tMBROIDERIES, LACES, RIBBONS White Goods. Furnishing Goods, Tsilera’ Trimmings, Combs, Brushes, Threads, Bindings, Braids. Buttons. NODONB AND VARIETY GOODS. We call particular attention to our NEW METHOD of doing business. We sell our goods at COST, and lor a profit we add 5 per cent, only to the amonnt of nUL Our only Terms are Cash in Par Funds at Time of Purchase. Wewlih It to be understood that the term"o33T wlth;ua means the ACTUAL BONA FIDE FIRST COST of an article, with all extra trade discounts de duewd, excep.ingonly the small percentage allowed oa Ibr bills. The COST PRICK is marked on every article ■hreughont the establishment In plain figures, so »»■«> buyers, by examining our stock, can easily satisfy themselves as to the advantages andmeritt of our sys tem. Our plan Is entirely new, and moat commend itself to all who wish to buy goods CHEAP FOR CASH. ocll-lmrp HOOP SKIRTS. 1866. THE NEW FALL STYLES J. W. BRADLEYS Celebrated DUPLEX ELLIPTIC (Or Doable Spring) SKI R T S NOW UNIVEBSALLY ADOPTED by oub FABHION MAGAZINES AND ALL fashion Authorities. THIS IMPROVED DUPLEX SKIRT Is now meeting: with great Sale by J. M. H A FLEIGH, 902. Chestnut Street. OClOwfmlSt YELLOW hOHITAIi RKKATHUTfI iiiSSS!S!? < S nD “' Nalls, Bolt* imd lnfo Oopperl. yifl^orUH by HKNBY TTliiaOg CAKPEMGS. ‘ CARPETINGS. J AMIS H. ORNE & 00., 6§6 CMESTNPT STREET, Between 6th and 7th street*. .... JUST BECETVED JPBB STEAMER A LABSE IN. VOICE OF French Chenille and Axminster Carpets, ■ ITEW DESIGNS. JAMES H. ORNE &CO., 626 CHESTNUT STREET, i Between Sixth and Seventh atreets. ' . MESSRS, JOHN CROSSLEY & SON’S New Styles 64 Velvet & Tapestry Carpets. JAMES H. ORNE & 00., 626 CHESTNUT BTREET, Between Sixth and Seventh sts., English Eoyal Wilton. English Brussels. English Tapestries. JAMES H. ORNE & 00., 626 CHESTNUT BTREET, Between Sixth and Seventh ats., NEW CARPETINGS Fall Importations, OPENING. GLEN ECHO MTTJ.R, GERMANTOWN. iI'CALLUMSjCKEASE & SLOAN BEE. Booksellers are solicited to order at once what thejjnay want ofthe above Book, so that their orders can be filled in advance of the day of publication, rend far Peterson’s Descriptive Catalogue Books sent postage paid on receipt of retail price. Address all cash orders, retail or wholessle to T. B. PETEESON & BROTHERS. 3C6 Chestnot street, Philadelphia. Pa. Manufacturers and Importers N £W BooKS j^£ CARPETINGS. Wholesale Department, SO9 Chestnut Street. Retail Department, \ CIO Chestnut Street, (Opposite Independence Hall.) se!2-2m u LIEDOM & SHAW, Wholesale and Eetail CARPET WABEHOUSE, 010 ARCH, Between Ninth and Tenth streets. We are now opening oar new Importations of Pot sign CABPETOSGS, embracing all the new and lead lag patterns. Also a complete assortment of the best of Americas Manufactures. We are prepared and will sell at the lowest prices. sel2-smrpl CLOTHING. EDWARD P. KELLY, TAILOR, 612 CHESTNUT STREET, Has now the FALL AND WINTER STYLES and > complete assortment of FALL AND WINTER GOODS. CLOTBLBeouaI or Bnperlor to those of any othei Tailoring Establishment, at moderate prlcee. Satisfaction guaranteed. Pattern Clothes to the new and prevalent styles for the lnipectloa oi customers and public. //\msr made/1 11 UKDER TKECONTINENTAUUHELM U ) l| PHILAOELPHJA * PA. T - • _ •hfSTRtCTKBS ' If FORBELF.SEASCIiESENT. /A t COAT. Send Site from Ito //A [. 2; from 2to St and from *to 5j er.'Jl IV \ and around the most prominent V part of the chest, and around - \_i r“ _ | the waist. State whether erect orelooplno. • . VEST. Same as for boat. ouui4c newa to hip*, « REAIe ESTATE. OR;psw, : - 7 . -. THEEE3OOMS IN - -Tie'. New ■'HsilefiiißiiMijg, i ; No. 607 Ok^staut. Str^afc mb i»eparaa to teaar-gjttoee rooms. They are THE SECOND BTQRy FBOKT ROOSL . . 6C by 24 feet. Eirst anil Third stories ofthe bach 01 Kort , J6ra BnIM ; ■■ - ing, With Entrance by a wide nil! cn Oheatnui street / Ana a Front of 26 feet on Jayne stress Suitable for a Jobbing or Contois'S V Ban* or Insurance Office, • .ran* apply at the NEW BOW •I, iNo. 607 OhagfraL-at Sfrifan* ag--PCBLIO SSIE OF A Vasta rtF ~ m farm, stock. WAED _ ElOBNlN{^2st ho^ay certain Iractoriandinownastho to6er ’ IBSS,all that KEBBHOW MODEL FARM ' situated four and a half miles from the Sir™ Ae-ban adelphia, on the “Bope Ferry S' containing 250 acres more or less iloaa ' ' ; S&- IJll particulars 1 in hand bills and future adver tisement. Sale will be positive and commenced IGOCfOCk. . _ wv «b Iroinedlatelyafter the sa’eof tho Farm, will ha sm* the valuable »tock and farming utensils, including 13- _ SIXTY FTBST-EATE MILCH COWS S One fall-bred Dnrbam 8011, six work horses. ‘ ‘ ONE HUNDRED TONS OF HAY. wagons, carta, gears; &c.. &c, Ac. HOUSEHOLD and KITCHEN FUR NITURE. x ALFRED M.HERKNESS, Auctioneer. ocl3-3t>rp Ninth & Sansom streets. gH IXTBA VALUABLE BUSINESS PBOPHRTY «3 AT PKIVAIE BALK.—Properties No32S anfljs faonth THIRD street, between Market and Caestnnt streets,4o leetfront. 133 feet 6inches in - depth widen lug to 79 feet on die rear end. Apply to « iaen . M. IHOH/S 4 SONS. 139 and 14i.Sonth gonna street. Sir. f '° 6 ■*. ee thre-story Brick Dwell- JE* I f s ?,' J^ we,tr ftet Sont, with three-story double bach bolldlngß and ail the modern conveniences • >lnat finishing. _ situated on Pins and Twenty-second ** ?}*• A PP'r oh the premises, or at J 624 VISTE BO€e r > . ; _oclsm,w l f,3t» -Va.l.llvßLtS PRQPffRrv w HS W corner THIRTY-SrXTH and BRTI&V «S‘ Westfhjladelpbia; double Stone House; lot 105 by iso feet; garden well stocked wilh fruiL Vine street paS pass the door. Inqnlre on the premises. ocis .?t« -ff'UtOilELY FURNISHED fiOU&& t No. 1821 fepruce street. Apply to • LEWim jl HjfIDNEB. No. 152 Sooth Fourth street. tQ C ~ XKW .Jr > »«U^A'3riW.!Bfe. rpBE LOST BKAXJTY: ~ JL THE LOST BEAUTY: THE LOST BEAUTY: THE LOST BEAUTY: OB, THE FATAL EH HOP. • THIS FATAL EREOR. THE FATAL ERROR. We have Jt on the authority of the Edinburgh Review that the novels of this glfta! authoress were S at the expense of the Queen." The same au thojity remarlp. "Hence It might have been foretold, tbatofthe various kinds of novels, the romantic and descriptive was the least repugnant to the old Spanish spirit, and that In order for a writer Buccessfallv to undertake inch a novel, it would be necessarv for him to have a passionate attachment to the na tional manners and characteristics, and a corre spondlng dislike to the foreign and new; snch are the qualities we And united in the author of this work! •fhe Zost Beauty it, perhaps, the flneit story or the author. Its advent isaieaillterary event, lhe'most severe critics have dissected thl3 new work, and have unhesitatingly proclaimed the authoress to be the "Spasish Waxteb Scott.’ Among the painters of manners, the best, without donbt, are the Spanish writers. We are certain to tod there truth, joined to a richness and piquancy of details; and above all a sgMtedtonc, which singularly heightens and set 3 off Complete In one largeDuodedmo Volnm” PRICE |l5O IN PAPER; OR J 2 00IN CLOTH. MATH lAS S RULES OF ORDER or Legislative Manual for con dueling business in Town and Ward Meetings, Societies, Ac., Ac. Tne eleventh edluon/a small socket volume. . * OVERMANS PRACTICAL MINERAL OGY,AB3ay- Ing and ailning with description* o! minerals ln aouciionsforassajlng, Ac.,Ac. lvol. lino. Seventh ediucn. BYAN-S PHILOSOPHY OF MARRIAGE, in its Social. Moral and Physical Relation., Ac, Ac. A new edition, lvol limo. ALCOHOL AND TOBACCO, Their Use and Abuse. By Professors MiUer and Lizars. A new edition One volume, rimo. • BARTH AND ROGER.' A MANUAL OF AUS CTLIATION AND PERCTSSIONMor the nseofsn. dents, from the slits Fr-nch edition. ivoL limo LINDSAY A BLAKISTON, Pnbllsbers, ' ___________ No. 25 Sonth Sixth street. FURNACE a AXD SIASTELS. Philadelphia warming and VENTILATING WAREHOUSE, lOlO CHESTNUT STREET.; (iHIIRON’S PATENT NEW GAS-CONSUMING CONE FUBNACLB will warm your house w Ith ONE.THXRD LESS COAX, than any other Furnace in use. ~T v h . e / Of CAST IRON, with gas tight joints, aud will not crack or burn out. s ahluidnMfaR I tonSe a the Ptrlor Heatins Apparatna . _ „ CONE FURNACE. Low-down Grates, of various styles of finish; Raised. Fire and Bastet Grates constantly on hand. Also, a large assortment of REGISTEBB AND VENTILATORS, Also, the celebrated , BBXI ON T S BALTIMORE STOVE All orders will receive prompt attention. W. A. ARNOLD The enameled slate mantel manufactory, 1010 CHESTNUT street. ESTABLISHED IN 1557. as an experiment, and on a smalt scale, has become oneofthe PERMANENT XNSrIXUTIONS OF THE AGE. Wlthall the principal Architects, Builders and lovers of the Fine Arts, these Mantels have become a great favorlte t and are .being universally adopted for drst class residences. They are MUCH BETTER THAN MARBLE ia every respeet, and are sold at about one-half the price. They will not stain or discolor by oils, acids, gas or smoke, and have all the richness and beauty of the choicest foreign variegated marbles. All lovers of a rich beautiful article should examine them. W. A. ARNOLD. 1010 Chestnut street. Bel7-m,w,,rp} OHILSON’S PATENT ELEVATED DOUBLE-OVEN COOKING RANGE. These superior ranges have been sold la this city for the last six years-and give universal satisfaction. _ . THH.Y Ha VS NO EQUAL,. No good Housekeeper should be without a Chllson Banee. Call andsee them at 1010 CHESTNUT STREET. ____ W. A ARNOLD, See Second Page Tor additional Amuum*ntt. BCILBIKEIS. eiGNOR BLITZ will commence his POPULAR ENTERTAINMENTS ON WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 17, continuing every evening and _ , - WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY AFTERNOONS. NEW lILUPIONS! MIRTH! MYSTERY! VENIRILOQUISM! CANARY BIRMS! Admission. 25 cents. Children, 15 cants. Reserved Seats. 50 cents. Evenings begin at 7>tf o’clock Afternoons at 3 o’clock. BOABDISa BOARDING —Two communicating ROOMS to let, 1357 BPRUOB street. onuuaa - a. REGULAR LINE FOR HARTFORD. THS DELAWARE The steamer NEVADA Q»pt. loading at the secondwharfabove MARKET street, will leave as above, on THURSDAY next. Oct, 18, vo Freight taken on reasonable terms. Apply to WILLIAM M. BAIRD * <X)., ocls-3t No. 182 Booth Wharves ; -. Q* PWKS, etc.—Olives yarena *wiaS oclo-lm*
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