SSie ialejFianfls on the Government nt New Orleans. 1 Washington, October 7,1866.—Tbe heavy swindles on the Government perpetrated by Jacob Loewenthal, a claim agent of this city, were communicated to the Govern-, ment authorities by a gentleman in the same profession, now practising here. Mr. Loewenthal’s frauds and forgeries were de lected and traced up to an abundance of legal proof, any portion of which is suffi cient to convict him. of forgery, fraud and subornation of witnesses. . ■ • . It appears that about the beginning of Beptember ample 'evidence of the fraudu lent practices of Mr. Loe wenthal was submit ted to the Secretary of War, and by him re ferred to the Paymaster General, who, on file 2d of October, returned the paper to the Adjutant General, from whose pfdoe-it,iwas immediately.transmitteditp.Major-General Philip « sow engaged in ferreting-out thjs etupen-. dons piece of rascality, which has plundered : the United States Government of about pne million of dollars. Last spring jfltjv Loe wenthal sent two men,to New.Qrleans--Mr. J, T. Lovejoy, formerly a claimagent in - Washington, and a Mr. Q, Blair— who,,'advertised in Orleans that they were Government.agente, dulyauthor .. izeu by the Government to collect. the.dis charges of colored troops for.the, purpose of procuring and paying to them the bpunties due them. These confederates , were pro vided with a spnrionß. stamp, which. they used in their transactions with ~thp, colored troops, arid which they informed the negroes was. a lawful Government stamp. When a large : number., of these. discharges were collected they were sent on; to Washington. Mr. furnished great quantities of blanks to the New Orleans confederates, who made out applications, with the excep tion ;pf names and amounts, filled up the affidavits, and had .them .stamped .by a notary public in this incomplete condition, and sent them on to Washington'in huge bundles. Here Mr. Loewenthal filled up the blanks with the namesand amounts due the soldiers, whose discharges he had pre viously received, made , out the necessary vouchers for pay, forged the signature of the olaimantor signed it in a manner repre senting that the claimant had made his mark, having. the soldiers’ discharge as proof, and presented the claims for pay ment., Mr.Loewenthal, after becoming possessed. of a large enm of money, in this manner, started for New Orleans, first warn ing hispartners to give notice to all claimants that their presence was re quired at the office in New Orleans to receive their money. Arrived there, he was sure to find an immense concourse of colored claimants, in the midst of which, with all the noise and confusion usual on such occasions,, he called each claimant up in. .succession, and by an ingenious and rapid method of payment, which not a little mystified the recipients, who were hurried away, too quiokly for their surprise to "find expression in words, he contrived to force from this branch of this service a very grati fying remuneration, ; Unless, means are discovered to recover from Mr. Loewenthal all or a portion of the money thus fraudulently obtained, the Go vernment must be loser, inasmuch as the claims which: Loewenthal collected were real, while-for their settlement the Govern ment, has-nothing hot forged receipts to show. Most of the men whom Loewenthal professed to pay-received but a portion of whatwas due them, and therefore have still a claim against the Government, A great number, of fictitious claims which bad been presented at the departments and had been stamped as rejected on.account of the claimants’ names not appe&ring.on the rolls filed in, the Adjutant General’s office, were found in the office of the New Orleans partners;. thus plainly indicating anather t modein which fraud was attempted on the -Government. The matter is now being thoroughly investigated by the Government authorities, and it is expected that in a short time all the details willbe made public. From California. SanFkancisco, Oct. 6.—Brevet Brigadier General Richard C. Cram, Assistant Adju tant General of the United States army, has been relieved from duty here and ordered to Philadelphia, i The United States steamer Vanderbilt, which conveys Queen Emma to her home, is now ready for sea. It is understood that Admiral Hatcher will accompany tSe Queen on her. voyage. The bark Elizabeth arrived to-day from Hamburg; also the brig Crown, from Syd ney, N. 8. W. The latter vessel reported having met bn the equator, on AugustlOth, the whaling bark Mary and Susan, of New Bedford, With 1,500 barrels sperm oiL SAW Ebancisco, Oct. 6.— The bark Aus traiind, from Sydney .brings advices to July 25th, ten. days later than' the steamer’s ad vices.’ The emigrant ship Netherby was wrecked on King’s Island about July 23d. The passengers, four hundred and fifty-two in number, were all saved, ' _ It is reported that petroleum has bpen dis oovered at Adelaide, Australia. ’ It rose to the suffice from a depth of fifty feet. California,flour and wheat are! supersed ing allother kinds. The - extreme quota tion* of fiour at Sydney were £l6 10s. per ton! Wheat 6s. 6d. per busheL Theiiank at Brisbane suspended pay meht july 24th. Queen Emma Was officially visited last evening by the Governor,.Major General Haileck, Admiral Thatcher, and officers of the apoy.add navy. She also attended a grand .review of feroopß at, Presidioto-day, under an official invitation. She expects to leave on Monday. Trade languishes but jobbing, continues fair. The wheai market is firm; $1 621 is offered,for ; choioe lots, but the general price ; The Union Insurance Company has de clared for the quarter ending . Thestatemeptofexports from.this .port for the last nine months shows an iacrSase .'iff; nterbhapdise, andlJ2,- 800,000 in treasury above the corresponding period of laßt year. The increase in tonnage lh 85,000 tons. "The increase’ in domestic exports is $2,800,000. •. From South Carolina. Charleston, 8. C., October 6 th. —Maior GenerM Sickles has issued an order pro cases i>e remitted to the - IJnited States: Courts of which they have galoognlzaUce. /Second—That inasmuch as the State Courts are mow open to all persons;With equal civil rights therein, without distinction of color, all cases, civil aud criminal, in which the parties are civilians, shall be turned J over So the State tribunals, and ci'vilians now in military custody will be surrendered to the sheriff of the district' in Which the alleged offences were committed. 2%ird—Military provost conrts will be discontinued in the several districts as soon pa the district courts are organized, excepting at Hilton Head and certain Sea lalandß. . The jails will be restored to the P nD * a^in !! e fff Probi No prosecution or suit will ho in w military car thSftri^‘Xmand^S , Sr,^? Vid<) and ghan: arrMt persons charged with offerees aglinst thedaws-of States, irresjSve of color. wheff: the civil, authorities fail to do so. . - Tenth- Pistrict commanders are eDjbined to extend due facilities and protection, as heretofore, to the Freedmen’s Bureau agents. The eleventh section commends to the au thorities and people of South Carolina the patient consideration and impartial execu tion of the laws towards tbe dais of persons recently clothed witn civil rights, so that no occasion, may hereafter arise for the exercise of the military authority in matters of ordi nary civil administration concerning the freed people. * v . v V Tbe Roman Catbolie Plenary Council. Baltimore, Oot. 7.—The meeting of the Plenary Connell of: the Roman Catholic Church in the United States assembled this - morning at the Cathedral in this city. All the members of, the Council were present, and seven archbishops, twenty-eight bish ops, one; hundred and twenty-two priests, heads ofordersj doctors of divinity.seventy jfonr ecclesiastics, four mnnta nnrfihrim mi tied abbots, were present. The procession was.formed at the Archbishpjtfa, residence, and moved around the square of'the cathe dral. There was an immense gathering in the Btreets, and it is 'estimated that forty thousand people weregathered in the streets, on the housetops, and at every available, point, toyfew tbeprooession.-.. . ‘ j The Cathedral was packed t& its utmost capacity. One hundred-vocal and instru mental performers participated in. the music in the church, which was.very grand. - Mo zart’s Twelfth Mass was sung. ! Archbishop Purcellpof-Oincinnati, cele brated Pontifical High Mass, and Arch-, bishop ,McCloskey, of New I York, preached a sermon from the words, “Glorious things are spoken of thee, O City of God!’’ The services lasted from ten o’ clock until nearly three o’clock.. The. synod was then formally opened by Archbishop Spalding, Apostolic Delegate, who addressed* the , Council, in Latin.. The procession was then .reformed in the same 'orderi and proceeded through the streets to the Archbishop’s residence. ; The following are the nameeyof the officials pf the Council:... - i Promoter—Right Rev. P. N. Lynch. D. D., of Charleston, S. C. ; Assistant Promoter—Very Rev. Wm. O’Hara, D.,D., V. Philadelphia. Chancellor—Ray. Thomas Foley, D. D., Baltimore;. , , , Assistant Chancellor—Rev. James Gib bons, A. M., Baltimore. , Secretaries—Very Rev.. James A. Corco ran. D. D., G. G., Rev. James Keogh, D. D., Philadelphia; Rev. Thomas A. Beoker, D. D., Richmond, Va. : . i Notaries—Very Rev. F., Joseph Pabesch, D.D., of Cincinnati; Very Rev. F. S. Villar rassa, O. S. D., California; Very Rev. M. Heiss, D. D., Milwaukee; Rev. Michael Accotti, S. - J., California;. Rev. Wm. B. Waynch, Baltimore; Rev. Alex. Sherwood Healy, Boston; Rev, P, J. Ryan, St. Louis. . Masters of Ceremonies—Rev. Francis McNierney, New York, and Rev. S. Ferte, of Baltimore. European News by Telegraph. London, Oct. 6. —By the ■ treaty between Italy and Austria, the former acquires the territory of Venetia as it existed under the dominion of Austria, and the debt of Vene tia, amounting to 35,000,000 florins, is as sumed by the Italian Goverhment. A complete amnesty has been accorded by, Italy to all political prisoners. •* * - « : Livekpood, Oct. 6<—The steamship China, from Boston, arrived/at this port to-day. Liverpool Cotton Market.—The sales te-day amounted to 10,000 bales, at a decline of id. ( ! Middling Uplands are quoted At 14Jd. j London, Oct,, o.—Consols are quoted at 89i; ; Five-Twenties, 711; Illinois Central Railroad shares, 78i; Erie Railroad shares, 511. ' ' ■i Trieste, Oct. 7.—The - insurgent move ment amongst the Cretans is spreading rapidly. The Cabinet of the Pope talk* of ceasing relations with Greece altogether. I Berlin, Oct. 7.—A patent, taking posses sion of the recent Kingdom of Hanover, was promulgated by the Prussian Government, yesterday, the 6th of October. The loyalty of the people in all cases is demanded. A Political Affray. ; Baltimore, Oot. 7.—On Saturday night a shooting affray occurred in a public house in the eastern part of the city, resulting in the death of a man named Benjamin E. Jones, and the Wounding of George Good rich and John Betz, the latter seriously. A man named A. M. S. Richardson gave him self up as the party who had fired the pistol, claiming that he had done so in self-defence. The Coloner’s jury subsquently discharged him. The affray grew out of political ex citement. ' “EXCELSIOR PRESS” B R I C K MAHWACTITRIHG COMPANY. A’ . ! #4oo3ooo* DIRECTORS. L, .MONTGOMERY BOND, JOHN E. GRABFF. -R. W. LKAMTNG. WILLIAM L. GREGG. E. J. MATHEWS. GEO. W/hOLMES, Jb. FBESrDKMT, L. MONTGOMERY BOND. \ • SECBBTABY ANS TEXAfIOBKS,, I GEORGE D. McILVAINE. > Office, Penn (New Marble) Building, 438 WALNUT St.. How Temporarily-st 53 South Front 8t The taehas arrived when red bricks moat be made bX®Mhinejy to keep np with the steady march of 1m proveraeot.. • ■ ■ * ~ • I M PBo^? a> SSCBXSIOB BBIOK 'la lie onlyanachlne In uae which sucotwafully Uneat PRBBB BRICKS with ThlaCompany has purchased of Mr. Gregg the Pa tent? Kght for parts of Pennaylvanla, New Jersey and Delaware, ef his. wwtiinimt,/,w sa,ooo bricks per day In this city. They hare also poi> chased a clay lot of 2£ acres*, at the junction of Broad street and Germantown read, for a second machine, now nearly -ready, and a third one Is building for a lo cation near the Arsenal, on tie SchnyltUL . TWO MILLIONS of tne Bricks of the Company hive already been sold In Philadelphia, since Joly lst. and are to be seen In various buildings In different parts of the city. The aiming year the Company expect to manufao. tore One Hundred Thousand Bricks dally,and are now ready to make contracts for large quantities, The Bricks of this manuihcture are the heavies' made. They absorb the least water. They are the moat durable of any. They areas handsome as any." The public are Invited to visit the Works, on the New Germantown Pike, half a mile beyond the old Lamb Tavern. / i L; MONTGOMERY BOND, Preeidemt. ! GEORGE p.'McILVAINE, ' selS.w frmian Secretary and Treasurer. ALBRIGHT & HUTTENBRAUCK, j'V: TAILORS. ~ ; :No. 915 Chestnut Street, RtepectfullyilnvUe the.pnblic to‘a handsome assort-' | mentof Fall and Winter Goods. , ■ sest-m wfaint ■ - - ■ 1 . War Eagle Silver Mining Company . Of IDAHO. Office of the Company, 144 a POURTB Btreet. jyirtn Y EVENING BULLETIN; PHILADELPHIA, MONDAY, OOf Oft THE DAI JJlcLBT'a TeanpiaoesolamuMment may 1 bad as to Bi tfclocE any evening. ACADEMY OF MTJSIO. „ ITALIAN OPERA. SEASON OF FIFTEEN OPERA NIGHTS ■ ANDTHBEE MATINEES. MONDAY, October is. ■“ Daring the season the following eminent artists win positively appear: „ SOPRANOS AND CONTRALTO?, CD. KELLOGG, . CARMEN POOH, . ANTOINETTEBONCONI. MrA.HAUCK. ; . T. NATALIE TESTA', STELLA BONHEUR, FANNY STOCKTON. .M. BICABDI.: *' ] MAZZOLENI, TBKOIUV BABAGLT. TESTA, BEBNABDL BEICHABDT. BASSO-BUFFO, " GKJBGIO BONCONI.' ' BARITONES AND BASSOS, * BELLINI; : . ANTONT7OCT, FOSS ATI, , LOBINI, BBBBEUB, - - _ B AMFL OONDTKJrOBS,' OABIi BERGMANN, > . A.TOBRIAHI, may srARETZKK. LARGE AND EFFECTIVE CHOBIJS ' ANDGBANB ORCHESTRA. The following Operas will positively be presented during the season: CBIBPINO B BA COMABB. ■ THB STAB OP THE NORTH, THE HUGUENOTS, IFRADIAVOLO, TROVATORE," 1 KBIWBE IyAMiOBE, hSTI ANX,,. : - t THB B ARBKR OP SEVILLE. LUCREZIA BOBQIA, 1 SONNAM BULA, FAUST, I DON GIOVANNI, And others. ~ „ , ADMISSION To Parquet, Balcony, Dreea Urc1e,....., J 1 B 9 HecoreO treats, extra.....:...:..... 50 Family Circle '...V.... ~ .... 7s Amphitheatre —.i-.,:,..,.;-:-.. * - . 40 ’ „ ■ SUBSCRIPTION TICKETS, Inclnding a aecnred cholog seat for the fifteen nights, TWENTY FIVE DOLLARS BACH. ■ , BUBSGBIFTIONB “. Will be received on Monday, To eßday.Wednesday and Thurrday, October Bth, 9th. loth and lltb, at Trnmp leFa Moslc Btore, 032 Chestnut street, cor. of Seventh, i The sale of Tickets for single performances will com mence on Friday, October 12th, at the Box-office of toe Academy and at Trumpler'sM hate Store, oo&Sti NEW CHESTNUT STREET THEATRE, CHESTNUT street, above TWELFTH Soon open at 7. Certain rises at 7.48. MONDAY EVENING, October s. Engagement of the diattngulshed Comedian, ME JOHN K OWENS. IMMENSE HIT OF UNCLE SOLON SHINGLE. Nightly received by - CROWDS D HOUSES & DEI IGHTJCD AUDIENCES The performance will commence with - UNCLE SOLON SHINGLE | Solon Shingle J ...Mr. JOHN E OWENS 1 To be followed by the sparkling Sketch, A CONJUGAL LESSON. Mr. Lullaby ™_™. J.E OWENS To conclude with the thrilling Drama, THE REVOLUTION OF '35. Satnrday Afterneon. Oct. IS, Second Owens Matinee. TUTUS. JOHN DREW’S NEW ARCH STREET 1U THEATRE Begins at Mto 8 o’clock, e AN OTHER NEW PLAY— Eniagtment of theyonng Tragedian. ' ME PANfEL E BAND MANN. MONDAY AND EVERY EVENING, T. B. De Walden’s Play, entitled DESTINY, DESTINY. Corporal Antoine.™:..... ™ ....Mr. BANDMANN Oonclnding each evening with A RACE FOR A WIDOW. FRIDAY-BENEFIT OF ME BANDMANN. A GLORIOUS BILL. Box Sheet now open. THE FAST FAMILY again shortly. WALNUT STREET THEATRE N. E com® NINTH and WALNUT. ‘ ' ' •' First night of ihe'Dlstingnlahed American Comedian. , Mr. J. H. HACKETT, Who is engakaSfor . POSmVELY SIX NIGHTS ONLY, And will appear In his (hmeos personation or SIR JOHN FALBTaFF. Mr. J. B. ROBERTS as HOTSPUR THIS ( EVENING, Oct. *, IS6S, Shakspeare’s Grand Hlsto> leal Tragedy ef HENRY IV, Including Battle of Bhrewsnnry and Death of Hotspur. Sir John Falstafi .Mr. J. H. HACKBTT Taesday—THE MERRY WIVEa OF WINDSOR. TUTEW AMERICAN THEATRE li last week ofMr.JOSEfH PROCTOR _ THIB EVENING The bsantifbl Play. In five acts, of AMBITION; Or, the Tomb Throne ana the Scaffold. ocs XJXW ELEVENTH STREET OPERA HOUSE Av ELEVENTH street, above CHESTNUT. "THE FAMILY RESORT" OPEN FOB THE SEASONS CARNCROSS'dtDIXEYS MINSTRELS, The Great Star Trocpe or the World, in their GRAND ETHIOPIAN SOIREES. SONGS. DANCES. NEW BURLESQUES, PLANTATION “ : Doors open at 7 o’clock. Commencing at 8 o’clock an2B-Sm| J. L. CARNCROSS, Manager. AJOW ON EXHLBITIONat 914 CHESTNUT Street la The only piece of TINTED STATUARY in Am a rica. Also THE GREBE BLAVE, sad the choicest collection of OIL PAINTINGS asm BRONZES eyer eahlhltedln this country, all Selected from PRIVATE COLLECTIONS ‘ for the Benefit of an orphans' HOME. Admission Twenty-five Cents. jyK£ PENNSYLVANIA AUADEMYOF PINE ARTS A ■ CHESTNUT, above TENTH Open from BA.M. to 8 P.M. • -l ; Beniamin West's sreat Picture ol GBPEUBT’ Ek JECTED etui on extfibltlon. PROVIDENT LIFE AND TRUST COMPANY A OF PHILADELPHIA, V FOURTH Street. INCORPORATED 3d MONThIzM, 1565. : CAPITAL, lISO.OOO PAID/IN. I Inamance on Lives, by Yearly Premiums: or by 5.10 or 20-year premiums. Non-forfeiture. Endowments, payab‘.eat afulore age. or on prior de cease, by Yearly Premiums, or 10-year Premiums both cases Non .forfeiture Annuities granted on favorable terms. .Term Policies. Children's Endowments. .This Company, while giving the insured the security a paid-up Capital, will divide the entire Profits of tbe Eife-business among its Policy homers. Moneys received at interest, and paid on demand. 'Authorized by charter to execute Trusts, and to act, as Axecutor or Administrator, Assignee or Guardian, and in otherfiduciary capacities under appointment of any Court of this Commonwealth or of any person or persons, or bodies politic or corporate. ; DIBEdTOBS Samuel R Shipley, | Richard Cadbury, Jeremiah Hacker, Henry Haines, Joshua H. Morris, T. Wla tar Brown, Richard Wood, IWm. O. Lonettreth, r Charles P. Coffin. SAMUEL R. SHIPLEY, ROWLAND PARRY, ' _ President.' 1 Actuary. THOMAS WIHTARjM D„ J. B. TOWNSEND,|. Medical Examiner. ' j Legal Adviser. \fUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY OF «I PHILADELPHIA. OFFICE, NO. S BOUTH FIFTH STREET, • @126,1522 21 ASSETS, MUTUAL SYSTEM EXCLUSIVELY, Caleb Clothier, / Benjamin Malone, Thomas leather, T. Ellwood Chapman, Simeon Matlack, ' Aaron W. Gukill, . CALEB .CLO 1 j BENJAMIN THOMAS SCATHES, T.BLLWOOD OHAPI The attention or Shippers to Sonth American Ports and of which they arethe sole reoelverala this «i^ T | rVO&Y SHEAS, . ST. LOUIS, i LANGLEY'S CHOICE. i NEDH-MILIH; BUBAL, ■ PABCAGOULA, anti-pahioT GRANITE. This Bloor Is jpntnp In tlie very best ronnd biJm packages and wifi be sold to lota to suit. “ “°? p pßi BIDDJ!TiTi& C3Q«, Broad 1113 vino street* sdr. m. eeim, ~~~ all.other klnds-aspecialty. ' , ■ No, Its Jonefs Allay) AMUBEMBHiTB. [TINENTALNEWS EXCHANGE CHOICE SEATS iiißVßunai, CHASTER PERPETUAL. BISECTORS FOB 106. Will lain P. Reederr Joseph Chapman, Charles Evans, • Edward M. Needles, Wilson M. Jenkins, Lukens Webster. ;tER.. President. ILONB k Vice President. Secretary/ »e22-3mt FLOUR BETAILDBY GOOD. BLANKETS. ■ BLANKETS. ■ • \ eUBWEN STODDART & BROTHER, • Now have the and MOST VARIED' STOCK they ever offertd to the trade, comprising all gradesand makee,at i;. VEBY BBDUOBD PBIGBS: Blankets for tbe. WbotoialaZißde. i Blanket n for lostltatloaß. Blankets far Hotels. Bankets for Families. Nos. 450, 452, «54 N. Seoondßt., A : ■ oc6 St) Above Willow. cottongoOds IgAIN ADVANCING Notwithstanding the recent advance In prices of Do mestics, we are still selling at the same low prices we did a month ago. , GOOD QUALITY FAST COLOR CALICOES, IS, U, I SO cents. BLEACHED MUSLINS, 14 to 31 cents. UNBLEACHED MUSLIN-t, 14 to 2S cents. BEST MAKES CANTON FLANNELS. 2gto 45 cents. WOOLTEd COTTON SHAKER FLAJSNfcIfi, 31 eta. ALL-WOOL WHITE FLANNELS, S7K and (0 cents. yABDWjtDR BALLARDVALE FLANNELS, OScts. 1L STEEL & SON Nosy 713 and 715 North Tenth St, OCS-3V . - SPECIALTIES JUST OPENED BY THORNHILL & BURNS* No. 1308 Chestnut Street A new Invoice of ■ ' FRENCH HOOP SKIRTS, adapted for the POLONAISE TRAIL,'' Also.a new lot of FINE SILK WARP FLANNELS, BALHORALB, LADIES’ UNDERCLOTHING and WHITE GOODS of every description. OCS-3C4 i 1034 OBkSTNU'i a i’KKKr. E. M. NEEDLES. Strangers and others will find at 1024 CHES TNUT Street, a large and complete assortment o{ASaa LACES AND LACE GOODS, EMBROIDERIES. WHITE GOODS. HANDKERCHIEFS,-VKUR LINEN COLLARS and CUFFS. S LKKVJ&B, &C.. Ac.. In great variety and at LOW PKICEB. E. M. NEEDLES. /"TLOTHS, CABS) MERES AND VESTINGS. U JAN KB & LEE Invite the attention of their Mends and others to their targe and .well assorted stock ot Goods, adapted to men’s and boys’ wear, comprising In part /Black French Cloths, Blue French Clotijn, * ‘ Colored French Cloths OVERCOAT CLOTHS, Black French Beavers, - Colored French Beavers. \ Black Esqolm tax Beavers, Colored Esquimaux Beavers, i Bine and Black Pilots, . Bine and wiitpfc Paletots. PANTALOON BlackFrencb Cassimeres. Black French Doeskins, Fancy Cassimeres, Nixed and Striped Cassimeres. Plaid and Silk Nixed Cassimeres Satinets ail qualities, * * Cords, Beaverteens, <fca, At wholesale and retail, by JAMfilfifcLUiJ 1 ” No. 11 North Second su. Blgn of the Golden Lamb. Blankets, blankets blankets.—Fine ano heavy 10-4 Blankets for $6 sa Good heavy 11 4 Blankets for 87 eo. All grades of Blankets, np to 820. Full assortment of Cloths, for Ladles’ Saques. Frosted Beavers, for rlnaks ana Overcoats. Full line of Cloths and’Casaimeres.formenandbovTv/ Ballard vale and Domet Flannels, for ladies and children. . - r . And alarte stock of Fall and Winter Dress STOKES et a WOOD’S t 7CB Arch street, f?BWIN HALL A CO., 28 SOUTH SECOND Street, J*» are now opening their Fall and Winter ImtSrta tlona Of SILKS, DRESS GOODS, CLOTHS. Heavy Black Silks. ' /** Heavy Colored Silks. / “Pirn’s 1 ’ Beal Irish Poplins. French and German Poplins. Black Goods In great variety. : Broche Long and Square BAMK STATBIffEVrs, Quarterly Report OF THE NATIONAL BANK OF THE REPUB L I C, 809 aod 811 Chestnut Street. Philadelphia, October 1,1864. RESOURCES. A Notes Mid bms discounted.....: ,2.432 sc United States bonds deposited with the Treaaurer of the United States 67.000 00 United States bonds on hand 53,000 oo United States legal-tender notes 68,988 oo ,152 ' 432 82 National bank n0te5...... „..., 17)153 m Doe from banks ana bankers 8,739 36 Fractional currency and cash Items, 14 257 97 109,154 33 54,075 54 2.788 10 7,699 23 . /. 64862 87 5328050 02 Banking House Furniture and fixtures, ux tenses and Taxes.... T0ta1..,. liabilities. Capital stock paid 1n...... .;.... Deposits Profit and L 055....... T0ta1....... I. JOS*PH P. HTTiTFORD, Cashier of the Ha. TIONALBAPK OP THE REPUBLIC do .SSrff.),, s' y e Medih£nTbSir Ma,t j to «>.«»ss«a OC2-1M , . JOSEPH P.MHM^.^ MUIDfEBT. Hit, WEYL * BOBBNHEIM. A splendid assortment of Pelt and Silk Hats for La dies and. Children. . All the newest shapes at very low prices, . i Willow, Ostrich and Pheasant Plumes. Brown. Drab, White and'Garnet Bonnet Velvets. Royal Velvets, Uncut. Velvets, Gros d’A&iqnes Proßted Velvets. .. ■.> ■ The same goods Inovery other shade ofcolor— Velvet Ribbons, 'Trimming Ribbons' Bonnetßib. . bons, ' Paris Ornaments, sine French PlOwersT French Bind New York Hat and Bonnet PramS’ Laces Illusions—all at . the very lowest market prices; • •• ■ AT WHOLFSALE AND RETAIL. Country orders' promptly attended' to. Give ns a call. ; WEYL & ROSENHEIM, _QS-tliur ' v-S Cheatnut street. 18. BDBSIEB A GQ» ics B. Delaware AvanneT iEE 8,186& ISAAC a JONES, J&, STOCK BEOKEB, No. 140 S. Third St. Government Losm, Stncfce and other secnxrtleo Bought and Sold at the Philadelphia Board of Bro&en. ■el4-im* .... .. - ■ w © SPECIALTY, f SMITH, ‘ RAKDOLPH fc CO. M I llaosaAtNMi PIIIiRMSMRi I MmltlM. STOCKS AND GOLD BOUBHT XRD BOiD 0H BOZatimm iBVRUBBI BANKING HOUSE / OF J/OrCoOKE&C S * 112 and 114 So\ THIRD ST. PHILAD’A. Dealers in all Government Securities. OLD 5 20*8 WANTED >IH EXCHANGE FOR SEW. ALIBBBALDIFEEBENCE ALLOWED Compound Interest Rotes Wanted. INTEREST ALLOWED ON DEPOSIT. Concensus made; Stocks Bought and Bold on Com misaloß. soedal business accommodations received fin _ ' „ gefs S-)Sf0 9 s, 7 3-l O’s, t ■■ -v 1881’s, 10-40»S, / * s. COMPOUND INTEREST NOTES, BOUGHT AND SOLD. / DEHAVEN & BRO, 40 SOUTH THIRD STREET. RATIONAL EXCHANGE BANK k* WILL REMOVE TO ITS NEW BANKING HOUSE Nos. 633 and 635 Chestnut Street, ON OB ABOUT THE 15th OCTOBER NEXT. A. BOYD, President. BTOCK BROKER. GEO. HENDERSON. JR.. NO. 22S DOCKSTBEET. Havtnfreaumed bnslness, I am prebared to make Cash er lime purchases and tales or stocks. Bonds' etc. ( Jitouiseairied at 6 per cent. Interest, without any Orders executed In New York, Boston and Raltl- WATCHES and jjEW»m.»rb s lewis itADogg^ 5 DEALER * JEWELtR^A 1( WATCIIK9, iBWKLBT * SILVER WARE, Jf and JEWELBY BEPAJBEB.^r DIAMONDS, WATCHES AND JEWELRY. attending [the Convention wishing to par- Watches, Jewelry or Silver-Ware •dvanuge to otil andw *• ««• voffSfggk.REDUCED PRICES. aMSSI™^® 111 tt » TO? l “ 0n « »OUght fcreash. aaso, uiaueia&naauW' ; juntrf 1200,000 00 119,340 99 6,809 03 $328160 02 ladies’ m eLoyg^ HE4;LY & CO., 928 CHESTNUT ST.. Have Just receive! a luge aaortxasi t of ] BSAL “JOU7IN” KIB GLOVES, DOUBLfc AND SINGLiS BUTTON, -Of the most desirable colors. ' j ;; GENVB BOUBLED STITCHED " andotbamates. N. B,—Ladles’ and Gents’ Urivug Gloves made to order, m w 2m A liMjntlA GRAPHS.—iw kegs of theme splendid white gTsoesan fine order landlna and far sale hi JOB.B BUSSIER*CO,. I#Bcolb DelawarebYCMl FESANCIAIt BANKERS AND BROKERS, OH DBPOHraB. | Chestnut Bt..PkilUj LIJHBEB. tr tf* fcy .£ sa. . . ' . . • » a> y s r P ■■■ r i: 3 << s -s? 4 ri. s p ■jo tel l i- * li- vgd & - * s- - S C/3 lL | 8 ■■ §■ & seis-un CABFJEffIEBS AVDBTJILDEBI . ■; 'DANSAVE ' WB4a ffi , Se PKß CENT- BOABDa. bttr op the ~lcq. ~ w- FraraßooFUiaanasoirFOLDiNOßOAitDa FIRST ABB SECOND COMMON BOARD& THIBIJ COMMON BOARDS - • w. pins; an»sap pine flooktnh. CAROLINA FLOORING. W. FIRS ARB CYPRESS SHINGLES. JANNEY, NOBLE STREET WHARF, §OO If. Avpnna sell-lml & 1 28PlH§£55£r,. B £ IT:ED > lumber-whip-. J2_WH# * PURNjBLL. BROAD and MOBLE streets, Offers for Pattern-mat era and Carrera a. superior quality seasoned While PlnePlank, from l&to & ucbesin thickness. DrvPannel from Ist, 2nd and 3<£ Com. Boards.' ; Norway Mae am stag au23f,ra ,i6t° M? a i. & p sgr& MIRRORS AND FR limP* A. S. ROBINSON 910 CHESTNUT STREET. ROOKING GLASSES, PAINTINGS Engravings and Photographs, Plain and Ornamental Gilt Frames. Cured Walnut and Stony Frames, 05 HAND OB MADS TO OBDS& GEORGE a BETTKAUFF, v. Hanal&ctnrer of LOOKIgQ-QLASSBS. PORTRAIT, PHOTO 'S, GRAPH. PICTTUBB FRAHES. GILT .MOULDINGS and CORNICES, 5a 929 ARCH Street. Philadelphia. Chroxno-Xiihographs, Paintings, and a great va riety of Engravings on hand. Frame-makers supplied 1 WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. » • se22-6m* LOOKING GLASSES. A large assortment in Ornamented SILT and w.r- NUT FRAMES. For sale by J. COWPLAND. 53 Sooth Fourth Street, near Chestnut ; seT-tml . GENTS’ FURNISHING GOODS PATENT SHOULDER SEAM BHTRT MANUFACTORY, Orders ftir these celebrated Shirts supplied prompt at brief nodes. GENTLEMEN’S Furnishing Goods. Of,late styles In fall variety. WINCHESTER & 00, leSm.w.M?' 06 CHESTNUT, J. W. BCOTT & CO.. SHIRT MANUFACTURERS, AND DEALEBS IN ' Men’s Furnishing Goods. No. 814 Chestnut Street! Four doors below the “Continental,’’ ' l POTT. A T3ff.lYPm A , OABPEmrGS. Arch Street Carpet Warehoase., FALL IMPORTATIONS i t or CARPETING^ NOW OPENING, LATEST STYLE 3 AT LOWEST' PRICES, JOS. BLACKWOOD, 833 ARCH STREET, t.l7n.,wJSm Two doors below Ninth street. j t HUDRESTS CLOTHING. CHILDREN’S CLOTHING. GRAND OPENING OF FALL AND WINTER CLOTHIN& AT ; MRS. E. KEYSER’S. Chestx ut Street- BLIKDB AJTD SHADES. B. J, WILLIAMS, Mo. 16 NORTH SIXTH STREW?* MANUFACTURER OF YENETIAN BLINDi AND WINDOW SHADES. The largest and finest assortment In the dsy at t& lowestprlces. -v.,, ■ Store Shades made aot-tl Poiiet Bsoks, Portemoimales, ' Cigar tases, Portfolios, Dressing Cases, Bankers’Cases. •go S : ups « fc « £ d $ § L- .•»*» *l|_ writing .desks,' ' TOILET cases, needle Ladies and Gents’ Batcßeis and ' Travelling Bags, in all styles. ❖A 8 I'O-O ?\ S . | ,ft' r 1 3 '(^^SeedJewo^fc , made into g]| Batcbelfl, pi Pocket
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