Brspingss NOTICES. • ' CHEVY CHASE IMPROVED. , `.',./. „. "To hint. the deer with hound and horse ' ~,' Earl Percy tool. his way." ,111 But }snows always looked forlorn, ~ t , 1 In ths4 old time *Stay. • ' • ',- b And long before high noon they had r .fi hundred fat bucks slain." 4 , 4 ' 2Tot human " bucks" genteely clad, ,I: ':, ~ - But such as grace I heplain ; q g . "Earl Douglas, on a milk-white steed, - 11 # . Bode like a baron bold," ' * But no such garb had he indeed , As at our Tower is sold! Dims .Dustere. ' ' i light Cassiotere and Cloth , Alpaca, Drop d'Etc, Duck )1 Mad Dine» hack Coats. '' .- 7 47 ht Cassimere, White and Colored Dusk Sheldon .. Ma - '. , Dig* Cassimere, Whiti and Colored Duck and ad din& of Linen Rants. 5 ~.dd kinds of Seasonable Clothing for Nags, Youth's ' ' b., srfid -doge wear, in large ruPPist, at the lowest prices RETRIEVING. 1 - ..• .- Mop bays friends in time of need, : • .--.; • Previded they're of the right breed— I 11' ' Neel are net immolated straight, ;A, lint the dogcatchers shrewdly wait,' A, .I,43tVing the owners time to come And rescue the prised creatures dumb— , Mgd there are those, it's somewhat funny, • 4 ~.,.vno dem the dog that's worth irtost)money I dna "friends in need" will never fail, t ri !(6ldie' the dog won't wag his tail), )74 • Matrzush to Idm, with well-teignedjoy, , 41 "X.:litany their "lost old boy," , e ,-Iliscbarge the fine with wild delight, . 0 Timm quickly vanish out of sight, And in retirement closely.keep • Tte anboalobtained "dog cheap," i ,„. .. And other things are cheaply Bold, t I. 314 11 te of upward rates of gold: i. 4 PEEBT & CO., WhO bought goods sound ,„ ' , 1 ,Beftvre the talk of war all round, 'I teeritinue to sell cheap to all These customers who wisely call 1 'To purchase cool and light array •); Before they droop and melt away. i, So let them riot themselves debar 1 - From the allurements of the "STAB;” w But so attire, that fervent heat • ~ Shall not prostrate them in the street. - . 'WE SEVERTB3E BEST ON TER BACKS OP OUR CBS •! V VOICERS, NVEBY GARMENT WE SELL is a tither. V ELISE HECOILICENDATION. Therein lies the secret of i lam long centinued and still increasing rush to the n - ~, witedue; , 002 stock of BEADY MADE CLOTHING IS TE. "Alcalnsic, and from it all can be accurately fitted. Piece , s Scads of every variety ; Cutters of well-known ability, ' n,,a1l ad who leave their measure are sure to be pleased. i i Blurts v rue LOWEST EN PBTLABELEBIA., Call and be l ' imatbiled. r ? • STAR CLOTHING EMPORIUM, LOW PRICES AND FASHIONABLE GOODS; 609 CHESI.I4 LIT ST., SIGN OF STAR. PERRY & CO. :wly , r_6ol Ladies afflicted with Di scolorations on the Face lalledmoth patches, or freckles, should nee PERRY'S Celebrated 310111 and FRECKLE LOTION. It is in• fallible. Prepared by Dr. B. C. PERRY, Dermatologist II Bond street, N. Y. Sold by all druggists in Philadelphia and elsewhere. . inYl.7-th,s,ta3an/f STBIEN'WAY & SONS' PIANOS i WWI Are now acknowledged the best in .ngtru in Europe as well as America. They are • -_.. In public and prlvate, by the greatest artists , ' • ' Ting in Europe, by VON BULOVir, BREYSCROCR, !SW, -TAWT.T. and others;in this country by HELLS, . = 1 N, WOLFSORN, etc. For sale only by . 1. , BLASIUS BROS., t. 1 hit-t[ 1016 Chestnut street. EVENING BULLETIN. THURSDAY, JUNE 28, 1866, -41111" Persons leaving the city for the sum , and wishing to have the EVENING • sent •to them, will please send -ir address to the office. Price, by mail, • enty-five cents per month. C. THE WAR IR EUROPE. .:Battles have probably been fought in . any before this date. The state of ►•• teal hostility, so long anticipated be tween Austria and Prussia came on at = t rather piecipitately. In the Frank irt Diet a proposition was made by ustria, subsequently modified by Han ' ver, for the mobilization of the Federal rmy. This was opposed_ by Prussia, t ut it was carried by eight votes against ve. The Prussian representative then t‘ eclei ed the Federal pact dissolved and ithdrew from the assembly. Thus the rupture was complete, and the very next day Prussian troops were marched into Hanover and Saxony. Austrian troops, at the same moment, entered Saxony from the opposite side. There would probably be little resistance to Prussia in Hanover, which would be speedily email, and it is likely . that the first - lions collision has taken place in Sax The votes in the Diet in favor of the ustrian proposal, not including Austria iterself, represent a population of 13,859,- 1,0, and contingents of 173,798 men, `while the votes, excluding Prussia, ~nst the proposal represent a popula 4on of 2,954,580, and contingents of 33,- h 0 men. This would, at first glance, ok unfavorable for Prussia; but the i i} dnor States need not all act in accord • ixce with their votes in the Diet; and . ~ rveral of them have declared a determi anon to remain - neutral. Besides, lrussia has so promptly marched into anover and Saxony, that she gains an advantage in transferring the seat of tar away from her own territory. Then Italy is also to be considered, and sim iltaneously with the Prussian advance, 'IX" advance of Italian troops onthe /Ma io is announced. The apparant advant ye gained by Austria in the Diet is fully &au ced by the promptitude of the • , ' russian and Italian governments, hich may be considered as allies, sough no forma alliance is yet an ,. i',,, unced. The great theatres of conflict, i 4 i. the• early part of the war at least, ~'elikely to be. Holstein, Saxony,Silesia, , .. !It and Venetia. Mil is a strange feature, of this war that ill is begun against the wishes of all the ,6oples of Germany. It is a war of , . Inge and Emperors, or rather of one 4: ing and one Emperor, the minor ones in dragged into it. Public meetings , i i „ Prussia have remonstrated against it i r,the most energetic manner; butwith utavail, for the King and Bismarck bad' ' determined to make war rather than Ore up the Elbe duchies. The only people that are enthusiastic in the jo twu le are the Italians. But there n German wars before, in which le were reluctant to engage at ~/ d yet warmed up for the conflict - anted; and this will be the case nectiott withthis subject, the \ he Emperor of the Preach to . 1 , I, \ • ter of Foreign Affairs will BENNETT & TOWER HAIL, 518 MARKET STREET. attract attention. It is written with his usual cleverness. He makes a great show of a desire for peace. Bat under it there is an expectation that the war is going to make territorial changes, and that France may avail herself of them, and extend her own frontiers when she can do it conveniently. The curtain has just risen on the drama. It is folly to speculate so soon on what will be the denouement. THE NATIONAL TINTON CONVENTION There are a few of our public men who seem to have been strong enough for the emergencies of war, who prove themselves quite unequal to the emer gencies of peace. So long as they had merely to ride along upon the crest of the wave that rolled itself against the bulwarks of armed rcbellion,they needed only cleverness, tact and eloquence to make it appear that they were the repre sentative men of their respective sec tions, the very embodiment of the great ideas which the Union party maintained and for which the Union party fought. But when peace came, and the situation became less showy, and the opportunity for winning personal celebrity began to personalAmbitkin and politi cal considerations again asserted their old dominion,which for a time had, been suspended by the stress of war, and this class of public men, fortunately not a large one, were found faltering and doubting,then dallying with the enemy, then absolutely going over to the hostile camp, in open surrender. f the position and principles which they have pro-' fessed, some of them for many years, to advocate and maintain. Conscious of their own dereliction, most of these men still clamorously pro fess to belong to the party which they have deserted and now seek to destroy. The despicable policy of "Rule or ruin" never had a more palpable illustration than in the case of these individuals, who,having failed to control their party in Congress, now most impudently pro claim theinselves as the only true exem plars of Republican principles. They denounce the whole solid Union side of Congress as radicals and revolutionists, and raise the old stale cry of "Stop thief!" to make good their own deser tion of their formerplatform and avowed principles. The prominent men of this class are Senators Doolittle and Dixon, Mr. Sew ard, President Johnson and a few others. 'Revolving around them is a ring of common politicians, many of them the lowest and most degraded of their class, who, failing to enjoy power or profit And incapable of attaining respectability in the Republican ranks, hope to gain somewhat in the shuffling of the cards for a new political deal. The trans parent folly of men who thus array themselves against their own party, after the Union men of Congress have proclaimed their fidelity to their principles by sueh unprecedented votes, is Amazing. There is a sublime self-conceit in claiming consistency in the face of such overwhelming evidence, and the attempt to blind and mislead the people by any professions of fealty to the party that has given them their posts of honor and influence, is an insult alike to the intelligence and patriotism of the people of the North at large. The last movement of this disaffected clique is announced in the shape of a "National Union Convention," to be organized indirect violation of the prin ciples maintained by. Congress, and designed deliberately to divide the Union party of the country. Such action is more radical and reVolutionary than anything thathas yet been charged upon Congress, and will so appear to every heartily loyal man who reads the platform of this proposed Convention. There are two or three plain, practical principles that lie stubbornly athwart Any such projects as this last move of Mr. Doolittle and his little band of Mal contents. The people will ' not be tricked into any surrender to the South, of the benefits won by the war. The people will , not agree to the pre sumptuous declaration that their repre sentatives in Congiess are conspirators and revolutionists. The people will not be deluded into the belief that Messrs. Doolittle & Co:have stood solitary and alone in the maintenance of ;Republi can principles, while all the _ great masses, the rank and file of the Repub lican army, have deserted their faith. The political suicide of these men istheir own affair. Most of them benefit the Union party by deserting it, and for the few who have really done :good service in time past, no matter what their se- , met motives may have been,. the* old friends and upholders will feel regret, but will let them go,with the conviction that their political professions were, after all, founded upon the hand. NOT A GOOD NAME. A morning paper objects to the name of "Five Points," which the ladies have applied to a benevolent institution about to be established here as an imitation of a similar one in New York, where it has reference to a local peculiarity, but which has no application of that kind here, and, besides conveying an un pleasant association, shows a want of originality, and had better be changed.• We think so too, and besides fhat, the name is decidedly objectionable as being often played upon in association with the "Five Points" of Calvin,so often al luded to, and seems almost a profanity that ought not to be encouraged, and especially by benevolent and religious people. Large Sale Real Estaie, CoMater:ft, Pro. Xmas, Thomas the 10th Tuty will 11 nelude a large Het of valuable property. See auction Moron. • Messrs, Thoreau . dc Fiona have a great variety of real state atprlvate sale. , THE DAILY EVENING BULLETIN : PHILADELPHIA. THURSDAY, JUNE 28,1866. JON . WANLESErEE a BROWN, NirW.oremuora. Baciwzr, SirWassm.A.xxs. at BROWN. ifirWANAMAXICB & BROWN, HearDsoxe Clieramsro.lll* HANDSOME accerszam.llEllll, HARnsoino Ournase.ffEill Haarreozps Curzenze.-ge Lowasr PENES. iIarLOWEST Psurmslj XfirLOWIIST PREESS.. EIrLOWEST PRICES. BEST ASSORTMENT. R BEST ASSORTMENT.aII BEST ASSOBTILIENWiiII _ Asscarnotarr.lia 13 - 171zrzacErnomumai Nrrs. Bartlimrcirrnoweiciar. FITS. - AB'IINEXCEPTTONABLE FITS; SarlDsuxcernoNearan FITS. THE PEOPLE Plaze9aco.llES TEE PEOPLE PLR/mm.lM TEE PEOPLE PratasitolEill THE PEOPLE Praceszn.-§3l SirOAN HALL: aiz HALL. OAK HALL, Oax HALL.- S. R. mums SIXTH AND MARKET S. B. CORNER SIXTH AND MAEEET EL B. CORNER SLIME AND DUBE= ems.lai S. B. cORNKR, Six= MID _____ %4 3 t t / \ li, NO. ( 00 720 • 0 ,, ,V CHESTNUT ST. FAMILY SEWING-MACHINESA, I JOHIECEBEEP. EIIELDEE. clEumnin , STREET and 2,18 LODGE BTEEET. Mechanics of even , branch required for honsebnild lug and fitting promptly furnished. ja.„34la* STACK & CO.'S PIANOS! HAINES BROTHERS' PIANOS!! M I NI Thousands of these popular basiztn-Ini ments In use in Ph.lladelphia 'and vicinity._ For sale only by T. E. GOD LD, apIS-th,s.tu,tt Seventh and Chestnut. HAMLIN% IRO CABINET ORGANS. WWI Unlike and superior to any and all reed instruments. Recommended by the leading or ganibts and artists in America and Europe. J. E. GOULD, aplt-th,•tr Seventh and Chestnut streets. QTATIONEBY—LETTERS, AND NO CE 0 PAPER 6. ENVELOREI3, BLANK B and every requisite in the Stationery line, selling at the lowan figures at J. B. DOWNING'S Stationery Store, man. ern/ Eighth street. two doors above Walnut itSIMMER STYLE HATS.—WaRBURTON, 4 tiEniaTNITT Street, next door to the Poet Office. N. B. boweere else can the purchaserobtain greater value for his money. 44, NEW STYLES OF STRAW HATS 4 4 also the Mackinaw and Panama Hata, THEO. H. Moue LLA, At Ids old established HAT AND cza , EMPORIUM, SO4 Chestnut street, je.13.1m1 4 STRAW HATS AND SUMMER H 4Th.-5.000 of the newest style Hata, at pprices 2.5 par cent, less than elsewhere, at Al A.'S New Hat Store, 613 CH FSTEIIT street, third door above new Borzirrni Office. AicCALLA'S NEW HAT STORE, No. 613 CR ESTN trr Street.—Every hat has the lowest price marked on it in plain figures. *ill and AtSTRAW BATS RETAILED AT WHOLE sale prices. Biggest assortment In tats town. at McCALLA'S New Bar, store, 613 CHa !ITN UT street. Every erre bait price marked on in plain figures. STRAW AND SUMMER R&M—Biggest stock. biggest variety. and lowest DrlCl36 i n Uita city. at. McCALLA'S New Hat store. 619 tREST. NUT street, third doer above New Bllntavenc Office. Yon can save From 60 cents to on a Single article. UU EDEChD PRICES.—Just step in at CI Air& street, L 1 and ait for a Pbotograph wben you wish a Picture that will be entirely aathifnefory. REIMER'S are of that claim " i tH ! ROTHRR UPON TIM rugs V. would ma lJ bably not be exclaimed if you used Wire Dish Covers for protecting your Toed from them. We have vaT tons sizes or oolong, oval and round shapes for este. TRUMAN &. SHAW. No. MS (Elva Thirty-five) Market Street, below Ninth. nNLY $1 for pleasing styles huge-size Photographs. V. suitable for framing. done in the most anis', c manner, at BEllinKS, Gallery, Second street. above Green. Now is the time, DOTI ruMEDiATFir,T fv I OLTwG a Own of PM* r Water, Lemonade, or other drinks, the Patent Ice Plane will be found meat usaftd, as the Ice is in such fine pieces as almost inatantaneonso melt. For sate by TRUMAN SHAW, No. 835 (9ght Thirty-five) Market street, below Ninth. CARTES DE VISITE, 6 for $l, every variety, nata ral and pleasing styles, tastefully flnisoed. at B F. REIMER E 5 fishery, e 24 Arch street. Call there and obtain superior Pictures. EVEIrTY MGERS all working at once upon the tO Lanus of seven persons engaged in shelling out Peaa or Beans, could not in the same time do more than one of the Patent Shelling Machines. They can from 13 to It To dealers at factory prices, by the Agew ) s t s et, be & low /SECA N th. W o. 885 (Eight Thirty five MarketreinN LOST.—A steel frame Pi °ROCCO SPECTACLE CARR. with steel frame Spectacles In. A liberal reward will be paid for their return to TEM! oeN W. No. 635 (Eight -thirty•five) Market Street, be low Ninth. cur, 'I HAT BATH EARS TO HEAR, LET HIM 11 BEAR."—lnetrumenta **sestet the hearing at MADEUSA'a,IIS booth Tenth street, below Coe:st mt. eza-sti D _ DUBBING has removed hb: g C a e ct j fr o m .. R. 1. ti .1 6 t 4 186 ,1„ 6..... a, s treet, to to Gc7 11.22)31 70 08 etreer:r. e 282 dyed. mi) Shaving on Sunday . . No. 325 Exchange Place. G. G. KOPP. ROIIREKEEPERS,_ for ejeaMtag . silver and 1. diver-plated ware, &NEW POLDAHUVG POWDER, the beet ever made. FARR & BROTHER, felt. 1,. • , .• "GlOlt BALE.—To Mappers, Grocers, Hotel-Beepers Jr and others—A very superior lot 0/ Olzanzpagas Cider, by the barrel or dozen. P. J. JORD AN, - nos-rptf 220 Pear street. below Third and Walnut. BE HARRISON BOILER, A SAFE STEAM T BOILER-712e attention of Manufacturers and others using Steam Is conildcntly called to this new Steam Generator, as combining essential advantages in absolute sadist, from explosion, in cheapness at drat Coat and coat ofrepairs in economy Of mei, facility of cleaning and transportation, &c. not possessed by any other boiler now in use. This boiler Is formed of a combination of cast iron hollow sphews, eacti sphere 8 Inches external diameter, and 5; an Inch These are held together by wrought-Iron bolts, with caps at the ends. About two hundred. of these boilers are now In operation. some of them in the beat establishments In this city. For descriptive carcelars or price, apply to JOSEPH HARBISON, Js. Harrison Boiler Works. Gray's Ferry Road, adjoining the H. S. Arsenal, Philadel phia. 1437-2mrpi .FITLITH, WEAVER dz CO., Manufacturers of Co • MANMA. AND Tw o ! CORDAGE,- rds, T, 0., No. 23 North Water street, and No. 22 North Delaware avenue, Philadelphia, Rnwnst H. PreLEn. Micauxt, WEAvisa. CONRAD P. Curiance. TBAAC NATHAI4B Auctioneer and Money Broker, ..11. N. B. corner or Third and Vraci• streets, only elm l il i all u r, o bils t llZ El for theforty year s . BB Mogy ip tt loan In l arge or small amounts, at the lowest rates on Diamonds,Bilver Plate, Matches, :Jewelry, Clothing, and goods of every description. Cake hot= from A. M. till 7 P. M. , den-tfrp NODIRAP " POEIMIENT I PP NEVER Ru ER"ms. "ITCH "TE "ITCH" .Dr. agwaynees Ointment. "T.EPPYR" "ITCH." Dr, 9wayne's Ointment. "TEPPER" "ITCH" • , . 'VETTER" "ITOH" NEVER KNOWN "TETTICR" "rrCEL" "TEPPER" "ITCH" TO FAIL ..."PETPE R." " ITCH "ITCH" " IN CUBING THIS " T TEPPER ER " "TETTKR" "ITCH" TORMENTING VTETPAR" "ITCH" "PETTER." "ITCH". COMPLAINT. "TETT.ER" "ITCH" "TEPPER" Cares Itching Pilee, Salt Rheum, Scald Head, Ruth, all Skin Diseases. "mtvania's" Cures, "A 1143 ealing" ditays "Ointment." "Swayn e's" - "All-Ho aline " Ointment." "Swaynes" Itch in. "1.11 Healing" att ."Ointment." "Swap:lel." Istill-Healing" , • "Ointment" "Swayne'a" front .".41141eaLtpg"../Ichings"Olntment." "Swan e r it" "AU-Healing" "Ointment" t 'Swayne's"l2 to 48 "Ail-Healing" at •, -'Ointment " "Svrayne'a" , • "All-Healing" "Ointment" . "Swm no's" Hours. once. "Ointment." A meat variety of cases yield to the wonderful heal ing properties ofthis Ointment. even the most obstinate and protracted in character, eruptions covering the whole surface of the body, th at put at de lace every other mode of treatment which the kid of man could Invent, have been nermaten CI Y • ' • P. ice to cents a box. By ma . 60 nta. ever thirty ;years have '2lr., vnti's liftidfeines" been in constant use in all ports of e world, and their increasing popularity Is certainly f of teir great pcnierto heal. • Prepared only by Dr. SWATHE SON, No. 880 N. SIXTH street, above Vine, Philad phis. Sold by the /0241 . 10 g Druggists. ..utaz-ta,thAtt • AUCTION NOTICE. IMPORTERS' SALE,' Cargo Cargo 'Brig Cecilia, 5,384 Boxes Otanges and Lemons. SAMUEL C. COOK WILL SELL . ON SECOND WHARF ABOVE AUBE= STREET ON TO-MORROW, FRIDAY MORNING JUNE 29th, at 12 o'clock, LOCO boxes ORANGES, 8,284 boxes LEIdONB, Landing ax-Brig Cecilia , from Palermo, It FOURTH OF JULY EXOURSION TICKETS Will be sold between all Points on-the Phila. and Reading Railroad and Brinohes AT REDUCED RATES, FROM, JULY 2d to 7th INCLUSIVE. • je2S-Oti G. A..NIOOLLS, Gen. Supt. tab •. A (Ain) QED . era lVial notice to our old friends wad the Veen° sun. be . .lONES' OnePrioe Clothing Hones, establLshed sixteen years ago, is still in successtal operation sit the old location, MS MARKET Street, one door above Sixth, and has not changed Is place or manner of do. lug business, which is exactly the same good old plan In operation fur many years, namely—" One Price and no deviation." The Clothing we make is of the most sobstantial character, both as to materials and work. manahip. so that our customers never Can complain of either. - • Our stock Is large and plain or Ihshionable people Can be well suited. Our customers should be careful to get to the right place, as there is no other estalilish ment in the city In era Rue .of business strictly "one. prim." JONES' ONE-PRICB CLOTHING, 4304 MARKET ST., zny29ain Sp ONE DOOR ABOVE SIXTH. Large and Bes;rable Residence, IN. WEST GREEN STRE ET, n A SHORT DISTANCE BROAD fa FOR SALE WITH IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. PRICE $12,200. ADDRESS, S. M. R., 4p* AT THIS OFFICE. WALNUT CHAMBER, SUITS, IN OIL 08, POLISHED. Geo. J. Ileitkels, r 1) Thirteenth and Chestnut Street& PATENT WIRE WORK POE ILAILINGE, mom: FRONTS, GUARDS, PARTITIONS, 60 IRON REDEITEADS ARID WIRE WO= In varieW, nuinufactared by M. WALKER it SONB, WILE= tPi NO. 11 NORTH ezurra toms. WANTED f2OO PER MONTH paid to Agents, to Introduce oat new jib. SIS and V 7 Sewing Mani: /nes, Retcham'a Paz enc. -Andress, with stamp, MIN a. titiOCE SEWING it &CB MIL CO., Whichendon, Kam, or Phßtitielnhia, Pa. les-am IT' SUITS OF ROSEWOOD PARLOR FURNITURE. Geo. a. rienizels, je ri;lNgenth and Chestnut Streets. t v - 1 1 , J. T. GALLAGHER, Late of BAILEY & CO.. zuvites attent r n M ts: ![. , EELY BAILEY & RITCCEECR, NEW JEWELRY ESTAI3LISRMKIAT, S, W. cor. Thirteenth and Chestnut Stit t HIS STOOK OP WATCHES, DIAMONDS, . AND OTHER FINE at W tILELY Sterling Silverware and Silver Plated arr" will be !Mind very complete. Thole Whaling to per. claire or examine will find it much to their advantage to favor him with a 11. All goods WARRANTED Of FIRST QUALI TY __,_a_nd_pricea 11.1d9hICUB in FAII CIELIMIL&THI VAtlwaw.tis and OONST WATCH. of all alms. for Ladies and Gentlemen. attention given Le DIAMONDS. Wtches and Clocks earaltdly Repaired and War tent a ed. _ Jel2-tathaaim-ipi TO FA.wor..LIES RESIDING IN THE RURAL DISTRICTS. We are prepared, as heretofore, to supply Fasolltea at their Cann E rg i l l trttr o wish us cor FIER 08.00 BRIES, TEAS, au., &O. ALBERT C. ROBERTS, Oar. Eleventh and Vine etreeta, EDINBURGH STRONG ALE AND BROWN STOUT. A fresh Importation of William Younger's Strong Ale and Brown Stout Porter.. • "4°.AIB Vr E LIT s b k y i tit in 117 r SIMON COLTON & CLARKE, O. W. 00R. BROAD AND WALNUT. ANA.I3MENG WITS INPELLBLE MK, Embroider /IL Ing, Braiding. tßataping, Az. M. A. TORREY. 1800 Filbert street. ranlEt t OOP -SKIRT - ILANUFACITORY.—Hoop Skirts ' and Oorseta ready made and made to order war ed or the beat materials . A b3O, tikirts repaired. • MBE. E. BAYLXV, 812 Vine street: above Eighth. jelS-3mrp • TORDAWE CELEBRATED TONIC ALE.—The el truly healthful and nutrittotus beverage, now in use by thousands—invalids and others—has established a character for quality of material and purity of manu facture, which stands unrivaled. It is recommended by physicians of this and other places, as a superior tonic, and requires but a.trial to convince the most skeptical of its' great merit. To be had, wholesale and retail. of P. 3. .TORDA.N. 220 Pear itreet. _ Vet : -4 , • • 2. mamg uNDEB,m&Hza, No.ieNortb N TR Street. above !darker. imael-lroxpe FINE WATOBIES, JEWELRY, eta. • com a , pieta sacortment at recently reduced prime. , • • BARR & B Try - Importers of Watches, e ,tc. eld Chestnut street. below worth. eIIMONEY TO ANY AMOUNT LOANED - , 17FONDIAHONDS._ _WATCHES, JEWEL - ' HT, PL ATE . E CLOTHING, &e., IA . •-• ' JONES A, 00.'13 __' LE-EST.ABLISHED LOAN OFFICE', • . , COrner of THIRD and GASKILL StreelA, _, Below, Tambov!. N. B.— ..DIABIONDS, WATCHBB, 'JEWELRY, froth SALE Ar Y LOW Zitarai s ie2B•lstai IMPOELPANP PO WEN BUYERS, THE NEW TARIFF. The NEW TARIFF will greatly increase the cost of all kinds of Linen Goods. Linen Boyars will act wisely hase by embracing the present opportunity to pur• Linen Goods at Old Prices, , BEST IRISH SHIRT I NO LINENS. BEST STITCHED SHIRT BOSOMS. BEST LINEN SHERTINGS. ALL WIDTHS. PILLOW AND BOLSTeIt CASINGS, TABLE LINENie BY. THE YARD. TABLE CLOTHS. Al L NAPKINS AND DOYLIES. BORDERED T+ RINDe. BORDERED iWELS, GREAT VARIETY. EIRD RYE DIAPPR9. NURSERY DIAPERS. • LINEN LAWNS AND GANBRICES. LiNoN DRILLS AND DUCRA. BLOUSE LINENS AND COATINGS. ' • BROWN LINEN HOLLANDS. LINEN FURNITURE HULLANDS. STAIR CBASH.k.S. CRUMB (ILA r$ DAMASKS. 'LINEN OAMBESsES. TRAVELING DRESSLINEN. LADIES LINEN HA N OF ERCHTEES. GENTS LINEN HANDKERCHIEFS. BOYS AND MISSES RA.NDHERCKrEFS. larßotels and etelunboata supplied wilt Llnenint IftkOßTEEttr PAERAGE PRIGAR. MILLIKEN'S 'LINEN STORE 828 A.rch Street. jezithstaua rpi CHEAP FRENCH LitiENS. 8,300 YARDS FRENOH SHIRTING LINENS, Of a tuperlor ottallty. Can be sold less than the pre sent coat of Importation. Sheppard, Van Harlingen & Arr!son, Importers of Llner.s and Houseftma!sldng Goods, jeastuth tfrpl ICOB Chestnut Street. EDWIN HALL &. CO., No. 28 S. Second Street, • Are:now oferlng their dnestock of Grenadines, Organdies, Benaani Lawns. • clack Iron Enrages, Baronies, Materials . for Salts, And other DRESS GOODS At a great reduction from ibriner rates. jeisbea to th taut rpf LEI EN LAWNS. 100 Pieces Linen Lawns at 35c. 100 Pieces Organdy Lawns at 25c. 50 Pieces Fine White Pique at 65c. 300 Pieces Plain and Plaid Muslin. J. C. STRAWBRIDGE & CO., N. W. Corner Eighth Market. ipletoisup SEA SIDE SHAWLS. EDWIN HALL . & CO., 28 South Second street, • Would invite the ATTENTION OF LADIES Who are preperir g , for Watering ani other riseesgor an Jamer heaorte, to their large variety of SIMMER SHAWLS; p] OF FRTIRELY NEW EiTyzas. SHETLAND SHAWLS. Shetland Shawl's Sp 50. Shetland Shawls $4. ShetlEnd Shawls $5. Sea Bids Shawls s6.te $lO. J. C. STRAWBRIDGE & CO., N. W. Corner Eighth and Market. Jentoutirp • _ MERINO GAUZE 'UNDERGARMENTS, OF OARTWRriaR j• s & w&RNER I3 SOPE,II_OII HAKE. We have a ver , la r, e assortment of these VKRY SDP ',IGOR GOODS ' ' FOB 1411,11 Z, REN'S AND< GENTLE. • - MEN'S WEAR. • We Lave also a large assortment of - HOSIERY, Of English and German manufactures, In medium end superlor Tian , lea. ODE BUIOII IS HOSIERY GOODS Exor,usivzr.y. . J. W. HOFMANN. je.27.4trp* No:9 North Eighth meet. XI:naFRICIq(NI MANTEL OLOCKSI.—A fresh Im. tation of beautiful styles, warranted correct RIMPERS. • • - FARR BROTHRRS, Important: • 881 clhestrat street. beiOW Fourth. CLOSING SALE OF TILE SKI- . FON. • ON MONDAY MORNING, JULY (X/IMENCiNGI AT 10 o'cLocar, PHILIP FORD ffz Ooi, Auctioneers, WILL SELL AT METE STORE, No. 506 MARKET STREET, _. 1,500 ea ses ,Prime Boots and Roes to close covslgruneDis for the present sewn, when buyers will find It t their interest in Attend. je2o4u th ea rja lit 1.0 4.l) Jsrt ,106'214 morrelerh, ARE YOU GOING TO NEWPORT? Are Sou going to Sharon? Are you going to - , aratoga? Are you going to Long branch? Are yon going co Cape May? Are you going to Atlantic City? Are you going to Europe? Are you going to Isle or tqloals? Are you going to Niagara? . Do you travel South? - Do you travel Eionttrielet , ' Do you travel Weet? Supply yourself before leaving with "Needles' Compound - Camphor Trochts." No tourist or traveler should -be without them, foil they area reliable, safe and agreeable remedy, for all_ affections of the. Bowels incident to summer: prompt- - ly correct - disturbance caused by change of water and climate. They are positively indispensable it rough a Choleraic season, controliug with surprhs•-• lug certainty, the Diarrhoea condition :preceding_ Cholera. For sale by Druggiata. 1500. per Box. Riche:dye maker (covered by law): a N. raniEDIGEIA Jegil•Strp Twelfth and Race streein, PbJ PURE LeA.l : tr.39 _ Warranted Free from Water. ALSO, Batter, Cheese, Pork, Smoked Beef,. ilhouldere, FINE 13A-1118, &ca. FOB SALE BY WILLIAM MOLAND & SON, 1e 6- CHFSI•d ul STREW WHERE. FIRST OF THE SEASON!' New Smoked and Spiced SALMON. DAVIS & RICHARDS Arch and Tenth Streets.: ie27-An rPi FIRE WORKS IN GREAT VARIETY.; FOR BALE AT ICANTIFACTIMICREF A. R. FRANCINI% & CO., 513 MARKET STREEZ. AIW 4510 COWIE= STIMEr. GOODS OBDEBED DIRECT F 13031 PAM:M Flo orders accepted after July lat. FLAGS ! FLAGS t Plass of all Descriptions 11. CI re, s rirm ANN'S MILITARY Dk-etn, FIFTH A B CHERRY STRUT. Jemmy Flags! Flap!! Flags!! ! Lantert s- Lanterns. Lanterns.. The best 2nd cheapest place In the city LO Yet= FLAGS of every discription Is at 49 South Third Street, e2:7-6t rp Second Story. Fourth ofOruly s 1804t4 THE GREAT FLAG DEPOT No. 418 ARCH STREET. PHILADELPHIA, WILSON 45 HUTCHINSON' °Successors to Evans, Hawaii & CO). je+lrargp EARLE'S GALLERIEW 816 Chestnut street. Phi delphia. James S. Earle 8e Sons, Importers, Manufae- Curers and Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Looking Glzw,ses, Oil Paintings, Fine Engravings; Photographs; Picture Frames, Rogers' Groups. A large Free Gal lery of Oil Paintings, 81.6. Chestnut Street. ' FRENCH CALF BENS. Wparelmportingby every Steamer the itattrarinv Brands: LEMOINE, JIIIJEtS JODOT, LEVEN, BRAIIMEV.ILLE, CARRIER. DUPONT, CONELIAN OTILLOT, bOIIOIN °ORBIT, To which we invite the attention of the Trade. CHAMBERS ez nA.TrZGL, rransikrivam/ 82 N. TRIED Ere*
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